[DRE-commits] [SCM] redmine.git branch, master-experimental, updated. debian/1.4.4+dfsg1-1-51-g249d1d6

Ondřej Surý ondrej at sury.org
Tue Dec 11 10:05:14 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master-experimental branch:
commit c5bc3679b456c7810b9e99f8c61ade8e091da2d4
Author: Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 10 12:48:15 2012 +0100

    Update Gemfile-comment-all-gems patch

diff --git a/debian/patches/2017_Gemfile_debian.patch b/debian/patches/2017_Gemfile_debian.patch
index aa8bd60..d555664 100644
--- a/debian/patches/2017_Gemfile_debian.patch
+++ b/debian/patches/2017_Gemfile_debian.patch
@@ -41,14 +41,17 @@ Last-Update: 2012-05-14
  # Optional gem for exporting the gantt to a PNG file, not supported with jruby
 -platforms :mri, :mingw do
 -  group :rmagick do
-+#platforms :mri, :mingw do
-+#  group :rmagick do
-     # RMagick 2 supports ruby 1.9
-     # RMagick 1 would be fine for ruby 1.8 but Bundler does not support
-     # different requirements for the same gem on different platforms
+-    # RMagick 2 supports ruby 1.9
+-    # RMagick 1 would be fine for ruby 1.8 but Bundler does not support
+-    # different requirements for the same gem on different platforms
 -    gem "rmagick", ">= 2.0.0"
 -  end
++#platforms :mri, :mingw do
++#  group :rmagick do
++#    # RMagick 2 supports ruby 1.9
++#    # RMagick 1 would be fine for ruby 1.8 but Bundler does not support
++#    # different requirements for the same gem on different platforms
 +#    gem "rmagick", ">= 2.0.0"
 +#  end
@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ Last-Update: 2012-05-14
 -platforms :mri_18, :mingw_18 do
 -  group :mysql do
--    gem "mysql"
+-    gem "mysql", "~> 2.8.1"
 -  end
@@ -96,6 +99,13 @@ Last-Update: 2012-05-14
 -  gem "rdoc", ">= 2.4.2"
 -  gem "yard"
+-group :test do
+-  gem "shoulda", "~> 2.11"
+-  # Shoulda does not work nice on Ruby 1.9.3 and seems to need test-unit explicitely.
+-  gem "test-unit", :platforms => [:mri_19]
+-  gem "mocha", "0.12.3"
 +#platforms :mri, :mingw do
 +#  group :postgresql do
 +#    gem "pg", ">= 0.11.0"
@@ -108,7 +118,7 @@ Last-Update: 2012-05-14
 +#platforms :mri_18, :mingw_18 do
 +#  group :mysql do
-+#    gem "mysql"
++#    gem "mysql", "~> 2.8.1"
 +#  end
@@ -138,15 +148,10 @@ Last-Update: 2012-05-14
 +#  gem "rdoc", ">= 2.4.2"
 +#  gem "yard"
--group :test do
--  gem "shoulda", "~> 2.11"
 +#group :test do
 +#  gem "shoulda", "~> 2.11"
-   # Shoulda does not work nice on Ruby 1.9.3 and seems to need test-unit explicitely.
--  gem "test-unit", :platforms => [:mri_19]
--  gem "mocha", "0.12.3"
++#  # Shoulda does not work nice on Ruby 1.9.3 and seems to need test-unit explicitely.
 +#  gem "test-unit", :platforms => [:mri_19]
 +#  gem "mocha", "0.12.3"


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