[DRE-commits] [SCM] ruby-ffi.git annotated tag, debian/1.0.11debian-4, created. debian/1.0.11debian-4

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at debian.org
Sat Jun 30 13:55:06 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/1.0.11debian-4 has been created
        at  65f3ce2b91483678d86c8054936a62391ef0f075 (tag)
   tagging  234ee333151be4b0b324a7122ff624147d386375 (commit)
  replaces  debian/1.0.11debian-3
 tagged by  Antonio Terceiro
        on  Sat Jun 30 10:51:01 2012 -0300

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.0.11debian-4

Antonio Terceiro (5):
      bump gem2deb build dep and standards version
      Re-enable tests
      Disable rake-compiler
      Generate gemspec with rake before installing
      Release to unstable

Matthias Klose (1):
      Imported Debian patch 1.0.11debian-3.1



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