[DRE-commits] [SCM] ruby-sdl.git annotated tag, debian/, created. debian/

Youhei SASAKI uwabami at gfd-dennou.org
Fri Mar 2 23:54:28 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/ has been created
        at  e4200141b313fd322bde672caf6e72828d7651ab (tag)
   tagging  2504e3e57d2426e09ffa3948593c0c3a8c85e547 (commit)
 tagged by  Antonio Terceiro
        on  Fri Mar 2 20:51:52 2012 -0300

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release

Deepak Tripathi (5):
      New Upstream release
      give a space to .
      Change for testing
      rubysdl_const_list.tx in no more exist
      Added debian/source

Lucas Nussbaum (2):
      SVN reorganization (second part, rest of packages/)
      update Vcs-* fields

Paul van Tilburg (1):
      * New upstream release; moved to the 2.x branch (closes: #510050)!

Youhei SASAKI (3):
      Switch to gem2deb-based packaging.
      change source format: 3.0(quilt)
      Version Bump:



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