[DRE-commits] [SCM] ruby-shadow.git annotated tag, debian/2.1.4-1, updated. debian/2.1.4-1

Taku YASUI tach at debian.org
Tue May 8 10:19:23 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/2.1.4-1 has been updated
        to  23cc9aadec0849a674ce8f8288ff2db0b7fca2e7 (tag)
      from  4603fe3899c79ab3d3d12a02517d9211a8e40404 (which is now obsolete)
   tagging  3919b1f911f55a2f55f004d9011199e6978d6cb9 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/2.1.4
 tagged by  Taku YASUI
        on  Tue May 8 19:19:17 2012 +0900

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 2.1.4-1

Taku YASUI (4):
      Imported Debian patch 2.1.4-1
      New upstream release.
      Ruby package name transition dependency fix
      Fix distribution on debian/changelog

akira yamada (1):
      Imported Debian patch 1.4.1-8



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