[DRE-commits] [SCM] ruby-treetop.git annotated tag, debian/1.4.10-3, created. debian/1.4.10-3

Cédric Boutillier cedric.boutillier at gmail.com
Tue May 8 12:28:10 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/1.4.10-3 has been created
        at  b942a33daecad7f5b8de239964c603cb3c27ce36 (tag)
   tagging  4eb234ca0b51a3ead76e1b749654a89fbc6726ae (commit)
  replaces  debian/1.4.10-2
 tagged by  Paul van Tilburg
        on  Tue May 8 14:28:09 2012 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.4.10-3

Cédric Boutillier (10):
      Import upstream commit to require rspec/core/shared_context (Closes: #665251)
      Modify ruby-tests.rb to use rspec/autorun and to load only *_spec.rb files
      Bump Standards-Version: to 3.9.3 (no changes needed)
      fix hyphen_as_minus_sign lintian warning in tt.1
      move installation of tt.1 to treetop.manpages
      register html documentation with doc-base
      remove gbp.conf to mimic the behavior of other repositories of the team
      add myself to Uploaders:
      update changelog
      Capitalize Ruby in package description



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