[DRE-commits] [SCM] ruby-fastercsv.git annotated tag, debian/1.5.5-1, created. debian/1.5.5-1

Jérémy Lal kapouer at melix.org
Wed May 16 10:02:42 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/1.5.5-1 has been created
        at  deb2a85a14c9049a5cab5ae769ae180295c9353d (tag)
   tagging  d547c1d37ffae610534e4b4fad2e1981fc27773c (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.5.5
 tagged by  Paul van Tilburg
        on  Wed May 16 12:02:40 2012 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 1.5.5-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Jérémy Lal (18):
      Initial debianization
      DEP-3 patches
      Merge tag 'upstream/1.5.5'
      Remove setup.rb from debian/copyright
      Bump version in changelog
      Homepage: use github, it is where upstream maintains the software.
      Give upstream contact, different from copyright. Source is gemwatch.
      All files are under same copyright.
      Remove LGPL, unused.
      README in the docs.
      Do not include examples, they are not so useful after all.
      Use short name "Ruby" for the license.
      abort-on-upstream-changes, unapply-patches.
      dch -r
      Remove unneeded shebangs
      Revert "Do not include examples, they are not so useful after all."
      Fix shebangs in examples.
      Add some README.Debian to explain ruby 1.8 compatibility.



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