[DRE-commits] [SCM] lolcat.git annotated tag, debian/42.0.99-1, created. debian/42.0.99-1

chrysn chrysn at fsfe.org
Fri Apr 19 17:04:50 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, debian/42.0.99-1 has been created
        at  c2eb64dabaa38bcec8d2cbe907c8a80a6a0c1756 (tag)
   tagging  15ad2ce15379b2a443351cdb98cfdc3a8148caee (commit)
  replaces  v42.0.99
 tagged by  chrysn
        on  Thu Feb 21 23:40:01 2013 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 42.0.99-1

chrysn (28):
      i want to use git-buildpackage
      first packaging, dh_make assisted
      use ruby-pkg-tools
      use cdbs for ruby
      manually added dependencies from gem
      don't use gem specific stuff, just install (like libtrollop)
      it's all, not any
      proper upstream version recognition
      watch file using github redirector
      fix mixup between license and software author
      wrote man page
      minor lintian complaints
      *roff formatting / hyphen-used-as-minus-sign
      proper README.source
      close itp
      port to gem2deb
      move binary to games
      Depend on ruby | ruby-interpreter for ruby 1.9 transition
      Updated standards version to 3.9.3 (no further changes)
      cleanup using suggestions from cedric.boutillier
      patch out rubygems
      override no-upstream-changelog
      maintained at pkg-ruby-extras
      renamed branches to a more common scheme on pkg-ruby-extras
      use canonical anonscm urls
      fixed url broken as of last commit
      use gemwatch



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