[DRE-commits] [ruby-passenger] 03/17: Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.10'
Felix Geyer
fgeyer at alioth.debian.org
Mon Aug 5 19:12:08 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
fgeyer pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-passenger.
commit df72ae8d1a53d81a9e801d530f292157e7dd8a99
Merge: 6696700 761127b
Author: Felix Geyer <fgeyer at debian.org>
Date: Mon Aug 5 20:34:31 2013 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.10'
Upstream version 4.0.10
# gpg: Signature made Mo 05 Aug 2013 20:34:31 CEST using RSA key ID 83135D45
# gpg: Good signature from "Felix Geyer <felix at fobos.de>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <debfx-pkg at fobos.de>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <debfx at kubuntu.org>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <debfx at fobos.de>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <debfx at ubuntu.com>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <felix.geyer at fobos.de>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <fgeyer at debian.org>"
._INSTALL | Bin 184 -> 0 bytes
.travis.yml | 15 +
INSTALL.md | 7 +
LICENSE | 2 +-
NEWS | 410 +
README | 45 -
README.md | 40 +
Rakefile | 43 +-
bin/passenger | 7 +-
bin/passenger-config | 95 +-
bin/passenger-install-apache2-module | 74 +-
bin/passenger-install-nginx-module | 157 +-
bin/passenger-make-enterprisey | 82 -
bin/passenger-memory-stats | 8 +-
bin/passenger-status | 263 +-
build/agents.rb | 147 +-
build/apache2.rb | 80 +-
build/basics.rb | 135 +-
build/common_library.rb | 241 +-
build/config.rb | 46 -
build/cplusplus_support.rb | 56 +-
build/cxx_tests.rb | 263 +-
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build/documentation.rb | 41 +-
build/gempackagetask.rb | 99 -
build/integration_tests.rb | 34 +-
build/misc.rb | 98 +-
build/nginx.rb | 55 +-
build/oxt_tests.rb | 3 +-
build/packagetask.rb | 186 -
build/packaging.rb | 331 +-
build/preprocessor.rb | 314 +
build/rake_extensions.rb | 2 +-
build/rpm.rb | 2 +-
build/ruby_extension.rb | 61 +-
build/ruby_tests.rb | 14 +-
build/test_basics.rb | 23 +-
debian.template/README.Debian | 15 +
debian.template/changelog | 316 +
debian.template/compat | 1 +
debian.template/control | 71 +
debian.template/copyright | 385 +
debian.template/libapache2-mod-passenger.install | 3 +
debian.template/libapache2-mod-passenger.postinst | 36 +
debian.template/libapache2-mod-passenger.prerm | 15 +
debian.template/locations.ini | 12 +
debian.template/passenger.conf | 4 +
debian.template/passenger.load | 1 +
.../favicon.ico => debian.template/patches/series | 0
debian.template/repack.sh | 42 +
debian.template/ruby-passenger-dev.install | 3 +
debian.template/ruby-passenger-doc.install | 2 +
debian.template/ruby-passenger.docs | 4 +
debian.template/ruby-passenger.install | 11 +
debian.template/ruby-passenger.manpages | 4 +
debian.template/rules.template | 35 +
debian.template/source/format | 1 +
debian.template/watch | 3 +
dev/copy_boost_headers.rb | 29 +-
dev/find_owner_pipe_leaks.rb | 2 +-
dev/render_error_pages.rb | 2 +-
dev/run_travis.sh | 90 +
doc/ApplicationPool algorithm.txt | 615 -
doc/Architectural overview.html | 137 +-
doc/DebuggingAndStressTesting.md | 60 +
doc/Packaging.html | 801 +
doc/Packaging.txt.md | 276 +
doc/Security of user switching support.html | 99 +-
doc/Users guide Apache.html | 5431 ++--
doc/Users guide Apache.idmap.txt | 352 +-
doc/Users guide Apache.txt | 1101 +-
doc/Users guide Nginx.html | 4966 +++-
doc/Users guide Nginx.idmap.txt | 272 +-
doc/Users guide Nginx.txt | 1067 +-
doc/Users guide Standalone.html | 125 +-
doc/Users guide Standalone.idmap.txt | 10 +-
doc/Users guide Standalone.txt | 4 +
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doc/images/{smart-lv2.svg => smart.svg} | 0
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doc/templates/markdown.html.erb | 117 +
.../alternative_for_flying_passenger.txt | 1 +
.../analysis_and_system_maintenance.txt | 32 +-
.../appendix_b_terminology.txt | 8 +
.../appendix_c_spawning_methods.txt | 74 +-
doc/users_guide_snippets/enterprise_only.txt | 1 +
doc/users_guide_snippets/environment_variables.txt | 268 +
doc/users_guide_snippets/installation.txt | 914 +
.../passenger_spawn_method.txt | 48 +-
doc/users_guide_snippets/rackup_specifications.txt | 4 +
doc/users_guide_snippets/rvm_helper_tool.txt | 56 +
doc/users_guide_snippets/since_version.txt | 1 +
doc/users_guide_snippets/support_information.txt | 27 +
doc/users_guide_snippets/tips.txt | 446 +-
.../under_the_hood/page_caching_support.txt | 4 +-
ext/apache2/Bucket.cpp | 35 +-
ext/apache2/Bucket.h | 25 +-
ext/apache2/Configuration.cpp | 329 +-
ext/apache2/Configuration.h | 2 +-
ext/apache2/Configuration.hpp | 140 +-
ext/apache2/DirectoryMapper.h | 304 +-
ext/apache2/HelperAgent.cpp | 364 -
ext/apache2/Hooks.cpp | 592 +-
ext/apache2/Hooks.h | 2 +-
ext/apache2/mod_passenger.c | 2 +-
ext/boost/._bind.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
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ext/boost/chrono/config.hpp | 215 +
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ext/boost/chrono/system_clocks.hpp | 233 +
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.../concept/detail/backward_compatibility.hpp | 2 +-
ext/boost/concept_check.hpp | 204 +-
ext/boost/config.hpp | 2 +-
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ext/boost/config/compiler/gcc_xml.hpp | 47 +-
ext/boost/config/compiler/hp_acc.hpp | 57 +-
ext/boost/config/compiler/intel.hpp | 84 +-
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ext/boost/config/compiler/mpw.hpp | 49 +-
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ext/boost/config/platform/symbian.hpp | 7 +-
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.../date_time/gregorian/formatters_limited.hpp | 2 +-
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.../date_time/gregorian/greg_duration_types.hpp | 2 +-
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ext/boost/date_time/gregorian/greg_ymd.hpp | 2 +-
ext/boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian.hpp | 2 +-
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ext/boost/date_time/gregorian_calendar.hpp | 2 +-
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.../posix_time/._date_duration_operators.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
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.../date_time/posix_time/._posix_time_config.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
.../date_time/posix_time/._posix_time_duration.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
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.../date_time/posix_time/._posix_time_system.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
.../date_time/posix_time/._posix_time_types.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
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.../date_time/posix_time/posix_time_config.hpp | 4 +-
.../date_time/posix_time/posix_time_duration.hpp | 2 +-
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.../date_time/posix_time/posix_time_system.hpp | 2 +-
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/no_ctps/shift_right.hpp | 99 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/no_ctps/vector_c.hpp | 534 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/no_ttp/apply_fwd.hpp | 52 +
.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/no_ttp/apply_wrap.hpp | 84 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/no_ttp/fold_impl.hpp | 180 +
.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/no_ttp/full_lambda.hpp | 554 +
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.../aux_/preprocessed/no_ttp/iter_fold_impl.hpp | 180 +
.../aux_/preprocessed/no_ttp/lambda_no_ctps.hpp | 229 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/no_ttp/shift_right.hpp | 110 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/no_ttp/vector_c.hpp | 309 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/plain/apply_fwd.hpp | 52 +
.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/plain/apply_wrap.hpp | 84 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/plain/full_lambda.hpp | 554 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/plain/greater_equal.hpp | 92 +
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.../aux_/preprocessed/plain/iter_fold_if_impl.hpp | 133 +
.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/plain/iter_fold_impl.hpp | 180 +
.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/plain/lambda_no_ctps.hpp | 228 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/plain/less_equal.hpp | 92 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/plain/shift_right.hpp | 97 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessed/plain/unpack_args.hpp | 94 +
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.../mpl/aux_/preprocessor/def_params_tail.hpp | 2 +-
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.../mpl/list/aux_/preprocessed/plain/list40.hpp | 209 +
.../mpl/list/aux_/preprocessed/plain/list40_c.hpp | 193 +
.../mpl/list/aux_/preprocessed/plain/list50.hpp | 229 +
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.../mpl/map/aux_/preprocessed/plain/map40.hpp | 350 +
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.../smart_ptr/detail/._atomic_count_pthreads.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
.../smart_ptr/detail/._atomic_count_solaris.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
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ext/boost/type_traits/._is_integral.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/._is_lvalue_reference.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
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ext/boost/type_traits/._is_rvalue_reference.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/._is_same.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/._is_scalar.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/._is_void.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/._make_unsigned.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/._remove_const.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/add_cv.hpp | 48 +
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ext/boost/type_traits/common_type.hpp | 158 +
ext/boost/type_traits/cv_traits.hpp | 24 +
ext/boost/type_traits/decay.hpp | 44 +
ext/boost/type_traits/detail/._false_result.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/detail/._ice_and.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/detail/._ice_eq.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/detail/._ice_not.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/detail/._ice_or.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
.../detail/._is_function_ptr_helper.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
.../detail/._is_mem_fun_pointer_impl.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
.../type_traits/detail/._size_t_trait_undef.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
.../type_traits/detail/._template_arity_spec.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
.../type_traits/detail/._type_trait_undef.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/type_traits/detail/._yes_no_type.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
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ext/boost/type_traits/detail/size_t_trait_def.hpp | 10 +-
.../type_traits/detail/size_t_trait_undef.hpp | 2 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/detail/type_trait_def.hpp | 10 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/detail/type_trait_undef.hpp | 2 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/function_traits.hpp | 2 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/has_nothrow_assign.hpp | 44 +
ext/boost/type_traits/has_nothrow_constructor.hpp | 53 +
ext/boost/type_traits/has_nothrow_copy.hpp | 24 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/has_trivial_assign.hpp | 57 +
ext/boost/type_traits/has_trivial_constructor.hpp | 51 +
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ext/boost/type_traits/has_trivial_destructor.hpp | 17 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/intrinsics.hpp | 193 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/is_compound.hpp | 46 +
ext/boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp | 10 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp | 27 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/is_empty.hpp | 229 +
ext/boost/type_traits/is_enum.hpp | 2 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/is_floating_point.hpp | 27 +
ext/boost/type_traits/is_function.hpp | 6 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/is_fundamental.hpp | 2 +-
.../type_traits/is_member_function_pointer.hpp | 4 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/is_member_pointer.hpp | 4 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/is_object.hpp | 53 +
ext/boost/type_traits/is_pod.hpp | 14 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp | 4 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/is_signed.hpp | 11 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/is_stateless.hpp | 48 +
ext/boost/type_traits/is_union.hpp | 8 +
ext/boost/type_traits/is_unsigned.hpp | 13 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/is_volatile.hpp | 10 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/object_traits.hpp | 33 +
ext/boost/type_traits/remove_bounds.hpp | 48 +
ext/boost/type_traits/remove_cv.hpp | 7 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/remove_pointer.hpp | 53 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp | 4 +-
ext/boost/type_traits/remove_volatile.hpp | 88 +
ext/boost/type_traits/same_traits.hpp | 15 +
ext/boost/type_traits/transform_traits.hpp | 21 +
ext/boost/type_traits/type_with_alignment.hpp | 10 +-
ext/boost/typeof/message.hpp | 8 +
ext/boost/typeof/native.hpp | 60 +
ext/boost/typeof/typeof.hpp | 218 +
ext/boost/units/detail/._utility.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/utility.hpp | 20 -
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ext/boost/utility/._base_from_member.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/utility/._binary.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/utility/._compare_pointees.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/utility/._enable_if.hpp | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/boost/utility/base_from_member.hpp | 87 -
ext/boost/utility/binary.hpp | 708 -
ext/boost/utility/declval.hpp | 49 +
.../utility/detail/in_place_factory_prefix.hpp | 36 +
.../utility/detail/in_place_factory_suffix.hpp | 23 +
ext/boost/utility/detail/result_of_iterate.hpp | 208 +
ext/boost/utility/in_place_factory.hpp | 88 +
ext/boost/utility/result_of.hpp | 187 +
ext/boost/utility/swap.hpp | 55 +
ext/boost/version.hpp | 32 +
ext/common/AbstractSpawnManager.h | 110 -
ext/common/Account.h | 29 +-
ext/common/AccountsDatabase.cpp | 81 -
ext/common/AccountsDatabase.h | 18 +-
ext/common/AgentBase.cpp | 432 -
ext/common/AgentBase.h | 39 -
ext/common/AgentsStarter.cpp | 147 +-
ext/common/AgentsStarter.h | 603 +-
ext/common/AgentsStarter.hpp | 659 -
ext/common/ApplicationPool/Client.h | 788 -
ext/common/ApplicationPool/Interface.h | 295 -
ext/common/ApplicationPool/Pool.h | 1327 -
ext/common/ApplicationPool/Server.h | 479 -
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/AppTypes.cpp | 74 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/AppTypes.h | 254 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Common.h | 149 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/ComponentInfo.h | 53 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/DirectSpawner.h | 255 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/DummySpawner.h | 90 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Group.h | 1119 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Implementation.cpp | 1194 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Options.h | 606 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/PipeWatcher.h | 68 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Pool.h | 1518 ++
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Process.h | 621 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/README.md | 96 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Session.h | 171 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/SmartSpawner.h | 804 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Socket.h | 246 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Spawner.h | 1273 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/SpawnerFactory.h | 140 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/SuperGroup.h | 673 +
ext/common/BackgroundEventLoop.cpp | 123 +
ext/common/BackgroundEventLoop.h | 61 +
ext/common/Constants.h | 74 +-
ext/common/Constants.h.erb | 42 +
ext/common/EventedBufferedInput.h | 458 +
ext/common/EventedClient.h | 2 +-
ext/common/EventedMessageServer.h | 53 +-
ext/common/EventedServer.h | 6 +-
ext/common/Exceptions.h | 116 +-
ext/common/FileDescriptor.h | 16 +-
ext/common/HelperAgent/BacktracesServer.h | 59 -
ext/common/IniFile.h | 496 -
ext/common/Logging.cpp | 81 +-
ext/common/Logging.h | 958 +-
ext/common/LoggingAgent/DataStoreId.h | 177 -
ext/common/LoggingAgent/FilterSupport.cpp | 66 -
ext/common/LoggingAgent/FilterSupport.h | 1611 --
ext/common/LoggingAgent/LoggingServer.h | 1285 -
ext/common/LoggingAgent/Main.cpp | 290 -
ext/common/LoggingAgent/RemoteSender.h | 507 -
ext/common/MessageChannel.h | 494 -
ext/common/MessageClient.h | 2 +-
ext/common/MessageReadersWriters.h | 21 +-
ext/common/MessageServer.h | 75 +-
ext/common/MultiLibeio.cpp | 200 +
ext/common/MultiLibeio.h | 67 +
ext/common/PoolOptions.h | 518 -
ext/common/Process.h | 253 -
ext/common/RandomGenerator.h | 2 +-
ext/common/ResourceLocator.h | 79 +-
ext/common/SafeLibev.h | 157 +-
ext/common/ServerInstanceDir.h | 146 +-
ext/common/Session.h | 436 -
ext/common/SpawnManager.h | 611 -
ext/common/StaticString.h | 28 +-
ext/common/StringListCreator.h | 83 -
ext/common/UnionStation.h | 972 +
ext/common/Utils.cpp | 305 +-
ext/common/Utils.h | 69 +-
ext/common/Utils/AnsiColorConstants.h | 36 +
ext/common/{ => Utils}/BCrypt.cpp | 0
ext/common/{ => Utils}/BCrypt.h | 0
ext/common/Utils/BlockingQueue.h | 6 +-
ext/common/{ => Utils}/Blowfish.c | 0
ext/common/{ => Utils}/Blowfish.h | 0
ext/common/Utils/CachedFileStat.cpp | 21 +-
ext/common/Utils/CachedFileStat.h | 18 +-
ext/common/Utils/CachedFileStat.hpp | 53 +-
ext/common/Utils/Curl.h | 184 +
ext/common/Utils/FileChangeChecker.h | 6 +-
ext/common/Utils/HashMap.h | 50 +
ext/common/Utils/HttpConstants.h | 170 +
ext/common/Utils/HttpHeaderBufferer.h | 4 +-
ext/common/Utils/IOUtils.cpp | 314 +-
ext/common/Utils/IOUtils.h | 179 +-
ext/common/Utils/IniFile.h | 520 +
ext/common/Utils/LargeFiles.cpp | 38 +
ext/common/Utils/LargeFiles.h | 40 +
ext/common/Utils/Lock.h | 28 +
ext/common/Utils/MD5.cpp | 35 +-
ext/common/Utils/MD5.h | 21 +-
ext/common/Utils/MemZeroGuard.h | 2 +-
ext/common/Utils/MemoryBarrier.h | 52 +
ext/common/Utils/MessageIO.h | 2 +-
ext/common/Utils/MessagePassing.h | 304 +
ext/common/Utils/PriorityQueue.h | 54 +
ext/common/Utils/ProcessMetricsCollector.h | 82 +-
ext/common/Utils/ScopeGuard.h | 76 +-
ext/common/Utils/SmallVector.h | 653 +
ext/common/Utils/StrIntUtils.cpp | 156 +-
ext/common/Utils/StrIntUtils.h | 72 +-
ext/common/Utils/StringMap.h | 149 +-
ext/common/Utils/SystemTime.cpp | 2 +-
ext/common/Utils/SystemTime.h | 2 +-
ext/common/Utils/Template.h | 212 +
ext/common/Utils/Timer.h | 10 +-
ext/common/Utils/VariantMap.h | 130 +-
ext/common/Utils/fib.c | 699 +
ext/common/Utils/fib.h | 101 +
ext/common/Utils/fibpriv.h | 67 +
ext/common/Utils/json-forwards.h | 249 +
ext/common/Utils/json.h | 1855 ++
ext/common/Utils/jsoncpp.cpp | 4230 ++++
ext/common/Watchdog.cpp | 1120 -
ext/common/agents/Base.cpp | 1580 ++
ext/common/agents/Base.h | 43 +
ext/common/agents/EnvPrinter.c | 16 +
ext/common/agents/HelperAgent/AgentOptions.h | 99 +
ext/common/agents/HelperAgent/FileBackedPipe.h | 732 +
ext/common/agents/HelperAgent/Main.cpp | 609 +
ext/common/agents/HelperAgent/RequestHandler.cpp | 283 +
ext/common/agents/HelperAgent/RequestHandler.h | 2293 ++
ext/common/agents/HelperAgent/ScgiRequestParser.h | 451 +
ext/common/agents/LoggingAgent/AdminController.h | 96 +
ext/common/agents/LoggingAgent/DataStoreId.h | 177 +
ext/common/agents/LoggingAgent/FilterSupport.cpp | 66 +
ext/common/agents/LoggingAgent/FilterSupport.h | 1611 ++
ext/common/agents/LoggingAgent/LoggingServer.h | 1191 +
ext/common/agents/LoggingAgent/Main.cpp | 359 +
ext/common/agents/LoggingAgent/RemoteSender.h | 560 +
ext/common/agents/SpawnPreparer.cpp | 192 +
ext/common/agents/Watchdog/AgentWatcher.cpp | 511 +
ext/common/agents/Watchdog/HelperAgentWatcher.cpp | 95 +
ext/common/agents/Watchdog/LoggingAgentWatcher.cpp | 72 +
ext/common/agents/Watchdog/Main.cpp | 665 +
.../agents/Watchdog/ServerInstanceDirToucher.cpp | 116 +
ext/google/COPYING | 28 -
ext/google/ChangeLog | 167 -
ext/google/dense_hash_map | 310 -
ext/google/dense_hash_set | 287 -
ext/google/sparse_hash_map | 294 -
ext/google/sparse_hash_set | 275 -
ext/google/sparsehash/densehashtable.h | 1062 -
ext/google/sparsehash/sparseconfig.h | 55 -
ext/google/sparsehash/sparsehashtable.h | 1015 -
ext/google/sparsetable | 1468 --
ext/google/type_traits.h | 250 -
ext/libeio/Changes | 76 +
ext/libeio/LICENSE | 36 +
ext/libeio/Makefile.am | 15 +
ext/libeio/Makefile.in | 694 +
ext/libeio/aclocal.m4 | 9418 +++++++
ext/libeio/autogen.sh | 3 +
ext/libeio/config.guess | 1540 ++
ext/libeio/config.h.in | 136 +
ext/libeio/config.sub | 1779 ++
ext/libeio/configure |14822 +++++++++++
ext/libeio/configure.ac | 22 +
ext/libeio/demo.c | 194 +
ext/libeio/ecb.h | 714 +
ext/libeio/eio.c | 2801 +++
ext/libeio/eio.h | 412 +
ext/libeio/install-sh | 520 +
ext/libeio/libeio.m4 | 195 +
ext/libeio/ltmain.sh | 9636 +++++++
ext/libeio/missing | 376 +
ext/libeio/xthread.h | 166 +
ext/libev/._LICENSE | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/libev/._README | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/libev/._config.guess | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/libev/._config.sub | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/libev/._install-sh | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/libev/._missing | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/libev/._mkinstalldirs | Bin 244 -> 0 bytes
ext/libev/Changes | 132 +-
ext/libev/Makefile.am | 8 +-
ext/libev/Makefile.in | 329 +-
ext/libev/aclocal.m4 |10646 ++++----
ext/libev/autogen.sh | 5 +-
ext/libev/config.guess | 594 +-
ext/libev/config.h | 122 -
ext/libev/config.h.in | 18 +-
ext/libev/config.sub | 275 +-
ext/libev/configure |26244 +++++++-------------
ext/libev/configure.ac | 17 +-
ext/libev/depcomp | 630 +
ext/libev/ev++.h | 80 +-
ext/libev/ev.c | 1564 +-
ext/libev/ev.h | 496 +-
ext/libev/ev_epoll.c | 81 +-
ext/libev/ev_kqueue.c | 38 +-
ext/libev/ev_poll.c | 50 +-
ext/libev/ev_port.c | 58 +-
ext/libev/ev_select.c | 40 +-
ext/libev/ev_vars.h | 33 +-
ext/libev/ev_win32.c | 12 +-
ext/libev/ev_wrap.h | 24 +-
ext/libev/event.c | 35 +-
ext/libev/event.h | 20 +-
ext/libev/libev.m4 | 16 +-
ext/libev/ltmain.sh |13164 +++++-----
ext/nginx/Configuration.c | 438 +-
ext/nginx/Configuration.h | 17 +-
ext/nginx/ContentHandler.c | 374 +-
ext/nginx/ContentHandler.h | 16 +-
ext/nginx/HelperAgent.cpp | 1355 -
ext/nginx/ScgiRequestParser.h | 375 -
ext/nginx/config | 41 +-
ext/nginx/ngx_http_passenger_module.c | 174 +-
ext/nginx/ngx_http_passenger_module.h | 23 +-
ext/oxt/backtrace.cpp | 185 -
ext/oxt/detail/backtrace_enabled.hpp | 107 +-
ext/oxt/detail/context.hpp | 90 +
ext/oxt/detail/spin_lock_darwin.hpp | 4 +
ext/oxt/detail/spin_lock_gcc_x86.hpp | 4 +
ext/oxt/detail/spin_lock_pthreads.hpp | 20 +-
ext/oxt/detail/tracable_exception_enabled.hpp | 4 +-
ext/oxt/dynamic_thread_group.hpp | 42 +-
ext/oxt/implementation.cpp | 415 +
ext/oxt/initialize.hpp | 39 +
ext/oxt/macros.hpp | 69 +-
ext/oxt/spin_lock.hpp | 19 +-
ext/oxt/system_calls.cpp | 267 +-
ext/oxt/system_calls.hpp | 130 +-
ext/oxt/thread.cpp | 32 -
ext/oxt/thread.hpp | 142 +-
ext/oxt/tracable_exception.cpp | 89 -
ext/ruby/extconf.rb | 5 +-
ext/ruby/passenger_native_support.c | 322 +-
helper-scripts/backtrace-sanitizer.rb | 116 +
helper-scripts/classic-rails-loader.rb | 137 +
helper-scripts/classic-rails-preloader.rb | 164 +
helper-scripts/node-loader.js | 314 +
helper-scripts/passenger-spawn-server | 106 -
helper-scripts/prespawn | 2 +-
helper-scripts/rack-loader.rb | 106 +
helper-scripts/rack-preloader.rb | 135 +
helper-scripts/system-memory-stats.py | 185 +
helper-scripts/wsgi-loader.py | 264 +
helper-scripts/wsgi-preloader.py | 1 +
lib/phusion_passenger.rb | 244 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_installer.rb | 297 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_request_handler.rb | 760 -
lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb | 372 -
.../abstract_server_collection.rb | 335 -
lib/phusion_passenger/admin_tools.rb | 2 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/admin_tools/memory_stats.rb | 6 +-
.../admin_tools/server_instance.rb | 147 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/analytics_logger.rb | 23 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/app_process.rb | 174 -
.../classic_rails/application_spawner.rb | 344 -
.../classic_rails/framework_spawner.rb | 311 -
.../classic_rails/request_handler.rb | 75 -
.../classic_rails/thread_handler_extension.rb | 40 +
.../analytics_logging/ac_base_extension.rb | 67 -
.../analytics_logging/ac_benchmarking_extension.rb | 48 -
.../analytics_logging/ac_rescue_extension.rb | 59 -
.../ar_abstract_adapter_extension.rb | 54 -
.../analytics_logging/as_cache_extension.rb | 130 -
.../av_benchmark_helper_extension.rb | 47 -
.../classic_rails_extensions/init.rb | 123 -
lib/phusion_passenger/common_library.rb | 451 +
lib/phusion_passenger/console_text_template.rb | 22 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/constants.rb | 62 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/debug_logging.rb | 22 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/dependencies.rb | 627 -
lib/phusion_passenger/exceptions.rb | 103 -
lib/phusion_passenger/html_template.rb | 107 -
lib/phusion_passenger/loader_shared_helpers.rb | 323 +
lib/phusion_passenger/message_channel.rb | 52 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/message_client.rb | 43 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/native_support.rb | 112 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/packaging.rb | 67 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info.rb | 254 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/apache.rb | 22 +-
.../platform_info/binary_compatibility.rb | 92 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/compiler.rb | 413 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/curl.rb | 2 +-
.../platform_info/cxx_portability.rb | 143 +
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/depcheck.rb | 371 +
.../platform_info/depcheck_specs/apache2.rb | 124 +
.../depcheck_specs/compiler_toolchain.rb | 97 +
.../platform_info/depcheck_specs/gems.rb | 39 +
.../platform_info/depcheck_specs/libs.rb | 118 +
.../platform_info/depcheck_specs/ruby.rb | 137 +
.../platform_info/depcheck_specs/utilities.rb | 15 +
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/linux.rb | 2 +-
.../platform_info/operating_system.rb | 15 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/ruby.rb | 141 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/zlib.rb | 2 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/plugin.rb | 4 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/preloader_shared_helpers.rb | 146 +
lib/phusion_passenger/public_api.rb | 15 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/rack/application_spawner.rb | 231 -
lib/phusion_passenger/rack/out_of_band_gc.rb | 63 +
lib/phusion_passenger/rack/request_handler.rb | 145 -
.../rack/thread_handler_extension.rb | 167 +
lib/phusion_passenger/rails3_extensions/init.rb | 32 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/request_handler.rb | 638 +
.../request_handler/thread_handler.rb | 403 +
lib/phusion_passenger/ruby_core_enhancements.rb | 185 +
lib/phusion_passenger/simple_benchmarking.rb | 2 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb | 359 -
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/app_finder.rb | 2 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/command.rb | 63 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/config_file.rb | 2 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/help_command.rb | 2 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/main.rb | 33 +-
.../standalone/package_runtime_command.rb | 38 +-
.../standalone/runtime_installer.rb | 294 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/start_command.rb | 277 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/status_command.rb | 2 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/stop_command.rb | 2 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/utils.rb | 14 +-
.../standalone/version_command.rb | 2 +-
.../templates/apache2/config_snippets.txt.erb | 13 -
.../app_exited_during_initialization.html.erb | 38 -
.../templates/app_init_error.html.erb | 64 -
.../templates/database_error.html.erb | 66 -
lib/phusion_passenger/templates/error_layout.css | 97 -
.../templates/error_layout.html.erb | 39 -
.../templates/framework_init_error.html.erb | 39 -
.../templates/general_error.html.erb | 22 -
.../templates/load_error.html.erb | 46 -
.../templates/standalone/config.erb | 97 -
.../templates/version_not_found.html.erb | 34 -
lib/phusion_passenger/utils.rb | 960 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/utils/ansi_colors.rb | 59 +
lib/phusion_passenger/utils/file_system_watcher.rb | 4 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/utils/hosts_file_parser.rb | 4 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/utils/rewindable_input.rb | 125 -
lib/phusion_passenger/utils/tee_input.rb | 174 +
lib/phusion_passenger/utils/tmpdir.rb | 4 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/utils/tmpio.rb | 68 +
lib/phusion_passenger/utils/unseekable_socket.rb | 63 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/wsgi/application_spawner.rb | 108 -
lib/phusion_passenger/wsgi/request_handler.py | 199 -
man/passenger-make-enterprisey.8 | 23 -
passenger.gemspec | 26 +
resources/mime.types | 6 +-
.../standalone_default_root/index.html | 0
...he_must_be_compiled_with_compatible_mpm.txt.erb | 0
.../templates/apache2/config_snippets.txt.erb | 13 +
.../templates/apache2/deployment_example.txt.erb | 0
.../no_write_permission_to_passenger_root.txt.erb | 0
...r_compilation_and_installation_problems.txt.erb | 0
.../apache2/run_installer_as_root.txt.erb | 0
.../templates/apache2/welcome.txt.erb | 0
resources/templates/error_layout.css | 103 +
resources/templates/error_layout.html.template | 93 +
resources/templates/general_error.html.template | 1 +
.../general_error_with_html.html.template | 1 +
.../freebsd9_broken_cxx_runtime.txt.erb | 19 +
.../low_amount_of_memory_warning.txt.erb | 22 +
.../nginx/ask_for_extra_configure_flags.txt.erb | 0
.../templates/nginx/cannot_write_to_dir.txt.erb | 0
.../templates/nginx/config_snippets.txt.erb | 0
.../nginx/config_snippets_inserted.txt.erb | 0
.../nginx/confirm_extra_configure_flags.txt.erb | 0
.../templates/nginx/deployment_example.txt.erb | 0
.../pcre_checksum_could_not_be_verified.txt.erb | 11 +
.../nginx/pcre_could_not_be_downloaded.txt.erb | 0
.../nginx/pcre_could_not_be_extracted.txt.erb | 0
...r_compilation_and_installation_problems.txt.erb | 0
...ns_for_download_and_extraction_problems.txt.erb | 0
.../nginx/query_download_and_install.txt.erb | 0
.../templates/nginx/run_installer_as_root.txt.erb | 0
.../templates/nginx/welcome.txt.erb | 0
.../standalone/cannot_write_to_dir.txt.erb | 0
resources/templates/standalone/config.erb | 120 +
...ns_for_download_and_extraction_problems.txt.erb | 0
.../standalone/run_installer_as_root.txt.erb | 0
.../templates/standalone/welcome.txt.erb | 0
.../templates/undisclosed_error.html.template | 25 +
test/.rspec | 3 +
test/config.json.example | 42 +
test/config.json.travis | 15 +
test/config.yml.example | 41 -
test/cxx/ApplicationPool2/DirectSpawnerTest.cpp | 121 +
test/cxx/ApplicationPool2/OptionsTest.cpp | 44 +
test/cxx/ApplicationPool2/PoolTest.cpp | 1616 ++
test/cxx/ApplicationPool2/ProcessTest.cpp | 139 +
test/cxx/ApplicationPool2/SmartSpawnerTest.cpp | 248 +
test/cxx/ApplicationPool2/SpawnerTestCases.cpp | 785 +
test/cxx/ApplicationPool_PoolTest.cpp | 33 -
test/cxx/ApplicationPool_PoolTestCases.cpp | 1029 -
test/cxx/ApplicationPool_ServerTest.cpp | 308 -
test/cxx/ApplicationPool_Server_PoolTest.cpp | 80 -
test/cxx/BufferedIOTest.cpp | 22 +-
test/cxx/CxxTestMain.cpp | 120 +-
test/cxx/EventedBufferedInputTest.cpp | 758 +
test/cxx/EventedClientTest.cpp | 36 +-
test/cxx/FileBackedPipeTest.cpp | 626 +
test/cxx/FileChangeCheckerTest.cpp | 38 +-
test/cxx/FilterSupportTest.cpp | 12 +-
test/cxx/IOUtilsTest.cpp | 43 +-
test/cxx/LoggingTest.cpp | 777 -
test/cxx/MessageChannelTest.cpp | 557 -
test/cxx/MessageIOTest.cpp | 18 +-
test/cxx/MessagePassingTest.cpp | 81 +
test/cxx/MessageReadersWritersTest.cpp | 9 +-
test/cxx/MessageServerTest.cpp | 61 +-
test/cxx/PoolOptionsTest.cpp | 116 -
test/cxx/RequestHandlerTest.cpp | 856 +
test/cxx/ScgiRequestParserTest.cpp | 52 +-
test/cxx/ServerInstanceDirTest.cpp | 53 +-
test/cxx/SpawnManagerTest.cpp | 161 -
test/cxx/StringMapTest.cpp | 61 +
test/cxx/TemplateTest.cpp | 118 +
test/cxx/TestSupport.cpp | 96 +-
test/cxx/TestSupport.h | 128 +-
test/cxx/UnionStationTest.cpp | 745 +
test/cxx/UtilsTest.cpp | 160 +-
test/cxx/VariantMapTest.cpp | 34 +-
test/gdbinit.example | 31 +
test/integration_tests/apache2_tests.rb | 220 +-
test/integration_tests/hello_world_wsgi_spec.rb | 4 +-
test/integration_tests/mycook_spec.rb | 2 +-
test/integration_tests/native_packaging_spec.rb | 170 +
test/integration_tests/nginx_tests.rb | 102 +-
test/integration_tests/spec_helper.rb | 13 +-
test/oxt/oxt_test_main.cpp | 2 +
test/oxt/syscall_interruption_test.cpp | 1 +
test/ruby/abstract_request_handler_spec.rb | 406 -
test/ruby/abstract_server_collection_spec.rb | 247 -
test/ruby/abstract_server_spec.rb | 61 -
test/ruby/admin_tools_spec.rb | 30 +-
test/ruby/analytics_logger_spec.rb | 30 +-
test/ruby/app_process_spec.rb | 43 -
.../ruby/classic_rails/application_spawner_spec.rb | 89 -
test/ruby/classic_rails/framework_spawner_spec.rb | 92 -
test/ruby/classic_rails/loader_spec.rb | 47 +
test/ruby/classic_rails/preloader_spec.rb | 53 +
test/ruby/rack/application_spawner_spec.rb | 116 -
test/ruby/rack/loader_spec.rb | 42 +
test/ruby/rack/preloader_spec.rb | 48 +
test/ruby/rails3.0/loader_spec.rb | 26 +
test/ruby/rails3.0/preloader_spec.rb | 32 +
test/ruby/rails3.1/loader_spec.rb | 26 +
test/ruby/rails3.1/preloader_spec.rb | 32 +
test/ruby/rails3.2/loader_spec.rb | 26 +
test/ruby/rails3.2/preloader_spec.rb | 32 +
test/ruby/request_handler_spec.rb | 667 +
test/ruby/shared/abstract_server_spec.rb | 23 -
test/ruby/shared/loader_sharedspec.rb | 246 +
.../analytics_logging_extensions_sharedspec.rb | 333 +
.../rails/analytics_logging_extensions_spec.rb | 375 -
test/ruby/shared/ruby_loader_sharedspec.rb | 55 +
.../classic_rails/framework_spawner_spec.rb | 38 -
.../lack_of_rails_gem_version_spec.rb | 19 -
.../shared/spawners/classic_rails/spawner_spec.rb | 15 -
.../shared/spawners/non_preloading_spawner_spec.rb | 27 -
.../shared/spawners/preloading_spawner_spec.rb | 29 -
test/ruby/shared/spawners/reload_all_spec.rb | 36 -
test/ruby/shared/spawners/reload_single_spec.rb | 52 -
test/ruby/shared/spawners/spawn_server_spec.rb | 28 -
test/ruby/shared/spawners/spawner_spec.rb | 273 -
test/ruby/shared/utils/pseudo_io_spec.rb | 60 -
test/ruby/spawn_manager_spec.rb | 134 -
test/ruby/spec_helper.rb | 131 +-
test/ruby/utils/file_system_watcher_spec.rb | 10 +-
test/ruby/utils_spec.rb | 693 +-
test/ruby/wsgi/application_spawner_spec.rb | 50 -
test/stub/apache2/httpd.conf.erb | 4 +-
test/stub/message_channel.rb | 11 -
test/stub/message_channel_2.rb | 12 -
test/stub/message_channel_3.rb | 19 -
test/stub/nginx/nginx.conf.erb | 3 +
test/stub/rack/config.ru | 31 +-
test/stub/rack/start.rb | 52 +
.../{rails_apps/2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/Rakefile | 0
.../app/controllers/application_controller.rb | 10 +
.../app/controllers/bar_controller_1.rb | 0
.../app/controllers/bar_controller_2.rb | 0
.../app/controllers/foo_controller.rb | 0
.../app/helpers/application_helper.rb | 0
test/stub/rails2.3/app/helpers/bar_helper.rb | 2 +
test/stub/rails2.3/app/helpers/foo_helper.rb | 2 +
.../2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/config/boot.rb | 0
test/stub/rails2.3/config/database.yml | 19 +
test/stub/rails2.3/config/environment.rb | 62 +
.../config/environments/development.rb | 0
.../config/environments/production.rb | 0
.../config/environments/staging.rb | 0
.../config/initializers/inflections.rb | 0
.../config/initializers/mime_types.rb | 0
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.../2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/script/about | 0
.../2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/script/console | 0
.../2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/script/dbconsole | 0
.../2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/script/destroy | 0
.../2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/script/generate | 0
.../script/performance/benchmarker | 0
.../script/performance/profiler | 0
.../foobar => rails2.3}/script/performance/request | 0
.../2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/script/plugin | 0
.../foobar => rails2.3}/script/process/inspector | 0
.../2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/script/process/reaper | 0
.../2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/script/process/spawner | 0
.../2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/script/runner | 0
.../2.3/foobar => rails2.3}/script/server | 0
.../{rails_apps/3.0/empty => rails3.0}/Gemfile | 0
test/stub/rails3.0/Gemfile.lock | 80 +
.../{rails_apps/3.0/empty => rails3.0}/Rakefile | 0
.../app/controllers/application_controller.rb | 0
.../app/helpers/application_helper.rb | 0
.../app/views/layouts/application.html.erb | 0
.../{rails_apps/3.0/empty => rails3.0}/config.ru | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/config/application.rb | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/config/boot.rb | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/config/database.yml | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/config/environment.rb | 0
.../config/environments/development.rb | 0
.../rails3.0/config/environments/production.rb | 48 +
.../empty => rails3.0}/config/environments/test.rb | 0
.../config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb | 0
.../config/initializers/inflections.rb | 0
.../config/initializers/mime_types.rb | 0
.../config/initializers/passenger.rb | 0
.../config/initializers/secret_token.rb | 0
.../config/initializers/session_store.rb | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/config/locales/en.yml | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/config/routes.rb | 0
.../{rails_apps/3.0/empty => rails3.0}/db/seeds.rb | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/doc/README_FOR_APP | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/public/404.html | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/public/422.html | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/public/500.html | 0
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.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/public/index.html | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/public/robots.txt | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/script/rails | 0
.../test/performance/browsing_test.rb | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.0}/test/test_helper.rb | 0
test/stub/rails3.1/Gemfile | 37 +
test/stub/rails3.1/Gemfile.lock | 115 +
test/stub/rails3.1/README | 261 +
test/stub/rails3.1/Rakefile | 7 +
test/stub/rails3.1/app/assets/images/rails.png | Bin 0 -> 6646 bytes
.../app/assets/stylesheets/application.css | 7 +
.../app/controllers/application_controller.rb | 3 +
.../app/helpers/application_helper.rb | 0
.../app/views/layouts/application.html.erb | 14 +
.../{rails_apps/3.0/empty => rails3.1}/config.ru | 0
test/stub/rails3.1/config/application.rb | 48 +
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.../3.0/empty => rails3.1}/config/environment.rb | 0
.../rails3.1/config/environments/development.rb | 30 +
.../rails3.1/config/environments/production.rb | 60 +
test/stub/rails3.1/config/environments/test.rb | 39 +
.../config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb | 0
.../rails3.1/config/initializers/inflections.rb | 10 +
.../config/initializers/mime_types.rb | 0
.../config/initializers/passenger.rb | 0
.../rails3.1/config/initializers/secret_token.rb | 7 +
.../rails3.1/config/initializers/session_store.rb | 8 +
.../config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb | 14 +
test/stub/rails3.1/config/locales/en.yml | 5 +
test/stub/rails3.1/config/routes.rb | 58 +
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.../3.0/empty => rails3.1}/doc/README_FOR_APP | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.1}/public/404.html | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.1}/public/422.html | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.1}/public/500.html | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.1}/public/favicon.ico | 0
test/stub/rails3.1/public/index.html | 241 +
.../3.0/empty => rails3.1}/public/robots.txt | 0
test/stub/rails3.1/script/rails | 6 +
.../rails3.1/test/performance/browsing_test.rb | 12 +
.../3.0/empty => rails3.1}/test/test_helper.rb | 0
test/stub/rails3.2/Gemfile | 39 +
test/stub/rails3.2/Gemfile.lock | 113 +
test/stub/rails3.2/Rakefile | 7 +
test/stub/rails3.2/app/assets/images/rails.png | Bin 0 -> 6646 bytes
.../app/assets/stylesheets/application.css | 13 +
.../app/controllers/application_controller.rb | 3 +
.../app/helpers/application_helper.rb | 0
.../app/views/layouts/application.html.erb | 14 +
.../{rails_apps/3.0/empty => rails3.2}/config.ru | 0
test/stub/rails3.2/config/application.rb | 62 +
test/stub/rails3.2/config/boot.rb | 6 +
test/stub/rails3.2/config/database.yml | 25 +
.../3.0/empty => rails3.2}/config/environment.rb | 0
.../rails3.2/config/environments/development.rb | 37 +
.../rails3.2/config/environments/production.rb | 67 +
test/stub/rails3.2/config/environments/test.rb | 37 +
.../config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb | 0
.../rails3.2/config/initializers/inflections.rb | 15 +
.../config/initializers/mime_types.rb | 0
.../config/initializers/passenger.rb | 0
.../rails3.2/config/initializers/secret_token.rb | 7 +
.../rails3.2/config/initializers/session_store.rb | 8 +
.../config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb | 14 +
test/stub/rails3.2/config/locales/en.yml | 5 +
test/stub/rails3.2/config/routes.rb | 58 +
test/stub/rails3.2/db/seeds.rb | 7 +
.../3.0/empty => rails3.2}/doc/README_FOR_APP | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.2}/public/404.html | 0
.../3.0/empty => rails3.2}/public/422.html | 0
test/stub/rails3.2/public/500.html | 25 +
.../3.0/empty => rails3.2}/public/favicon.ico | 0
test/stub/rails3.2/public/index.html | 241 +
.../3.0/empty => rails3.2}/public/robots.txt | 0
test/stub/rails3.2/script/rails | 6 +
.../rails3.2/test/performance/browsing_test.rb | 12 +
.../3.0/empty => rails3.2}/test/test_helper.rb | 0
.../app/controllers/application_controller.rb | 12 -
.../stub/rails_apps/2.3/foobar/config/database.yml | 19 -
.../rails_apps/2.3/foobar/config/environment.rb | 59 -
test/stub/rails_apps/2.3/foobar/config/routes.rb | 35 -
.../mycook/app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb | 2 +-
.../2.3/mycook/app/helpers/recipes_helper.rb | 2 +
.../2.3/mycook/app/helpers/test_helper.rb | 2 +
.../2.3/mycook/app/helpers/uploads_helper.rb | 2 +
.../2.3/mycook/app/helpers/welcome_helper.rb | 2 +
.../2.3/mycook/public/javascripts/builder.js | 1 -
.../2.3/mycook/public/javascripts/controls.js | 1 -
.../2.3/mycook/public/javascripts/dragdrop.js | 1 -
.../2.3/mycook/public/javascripts/effects.js | 1 -
.../2.3/mycook/public/javascripts/prototype.js | 1 -
.../2.3/mycook/public/javascripts/scriptaculous.js | 1 -
.../2.3/mycook/public/javascripts/slider.js | 1 -
.../2.3/mycook/public/javascripts/sound.js | 1 -
.../2.3/mycook/public/javascripts/unittest.js | 1 -
test/stub/rails_apps/3.0/empty/Gemfile.lock | 73 -
.../3.0/empty/config/environments/production.rb | 48 -
test/stub/spawn_server.rb | 22 -
test/stub/start_error.pl | 24 +
test/stub/wsgi/passenger_wsgi.py | 83 +-
test/stub/wsgi/passenger_wsgi.pyc | Bin 439 -> 0 bytes
test/support/apache2_controller.rb | 4 +-
test/support/nginx_controller.rb | 3 +-
test/support/placebo-preloader.rb | 88 +
test/support/test_helper.rb | 30 +-
test/support/valgrind.h | 2539 ++
test/tut/tut.h | 84 +-
2678 files changed, 337744 insertions(+), 81557 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-passenger.git
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