[DRE-commits] [ruby-rspec-puppet] 01/04: Imported Upstream version 1.0.1

Thomas Bechtold toabctl at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Dec 27 07:10:37 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

toabctl pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-rspec-puppet.

commit 8925cacbdc9117bd78cf0f0be2b925a689eaf2db
Author: Thomas Bechtold <toabctl at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 27 07:40:31 2013 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 1.0.1
 LICENSE                                            |  20 --
 README.md                                          |  94 ++++++++--
 Rakefile                                           |   7 -
 checksums.yaml.gz                                  | Bin 0 -> 270 bytes
 lib/rspec-puppet.rb                                |  45 +++++
 lib/rspec-puppet/errors.rb                         |  83 +++++++++
 lib/rspec-puppet/example/class_example_group.rb    |  56 +-----
 lib/rspec-puppet/example/define_example_group.rb   |  58 +-----
 lib/rspec-puppet/example/function_example_group.rb |  56 +++---
 lib/rspec-puppet/example/host_example_group.rb     |  27 +--
 lib/rspec-puppet/matchers.rb                       |   4 +-
 lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/compile.rb               | 133 +++++++++++++
 lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/count_generic.rb         |  73 ++++++++
 lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_generic.rb        | 207 +++++++++++++++------
 lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_resource.rb       |  53 ------
 lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/dynamic_matchers.rb      |  17 ++
 lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/include_class.rb         |   3 +-
 lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/parameter_matcher.rb     | 117 ++++++++++++
 lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/run.rb                   |  80 +++++---
 lib/rspec-puppet/setup.rb                          |  91 +++++----
 lib/rspec-puppet/support.rb                        | 161 +++++++++++++++-
 metadata.yml                                       |  50 ++---
 rspec-puppet.gemspec                               |  47 -----
 spec/classes/boolean_regexp_spec.rb                |  10 -
 spec/classes/boolean_spec.rb                       |  11 --
 spec/classes/sysctl_common_spec.rb                 |  40 ----
 spec/defines/sysctl_before_spec.rb                 |  26 ---
 spec/defines/sysctl_spec.rb                        |  14 --
 spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp                    |   7 -
 spec/fixtures/modules/boolean/manifests/init.pp    |  12 --
 spec/fixtures/modules/sysctl/manifests/init.pp     |  39 ----
 spec/functions/split_spec.rb                       |  17 --
 spec/hosts/foo_spec.rb                             |   6 -
 spec/hosts/testhost_spec.rb                        |   5 -
 spec/spec_helper.rb                                |   6 -
 35 files changed, 1008 insertions(+), 667 deletions(-)

diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 08b22f7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2011 Tim Sharpe
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7c64d61..37ea54a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -63,16 +63,6 @@ end
 ### Matchers
-#### Checking if a class has been included
-You can test if a class has been included in the catalogue with the
-`include_class` matcher.  It takes the class name as a string as its only
-it { should include_class('foo') }
 #### Checking if a resource exists
 You can test if a resource exists in the catalogue with the generic
@@ -82,6 +72,13 @@ You can test if a resource exists in the catalogue with the generic
 it { should contain_augeas('bleh') }
+You can also test if a class has been included in the catalogue with the
+same matcher.
+it { should contain_class('foo') }
 If your resource type includes :: (e.g.
 `foo::bar` simply replace the :: with __ (two underscores).
@@ -96,6 +93,13 @@ the generic `with_<parameter>` chains.
 it { should contain_package('mysql-server').with_ensure('present') }
+If you want to specify that the given parameters should be the only ones passed
+to the resource, use the `only_with_<parameter>` chains.
+it { should contain_package('httpd').only_with_ensure('latest') }
 You can use the `with` method to verify the value of multiple parameters.
@@ -107,6 +111,16 @@ it do should contain_service('keystone').with(
 ) end
+The same holds for the `only_with` method, which in addition verifies the exact
+set of parameters and values for the resource in the catalogue.
+it do should contain_user('luke').only_with(
+  'ensure'    => 'present',
+  'uid'    => '501'
+) end
 You can also test that specific parameters have been left undefined with the
 generic `without_<parameter>` chains.
@@ -123,6 +137,41 @@ it { should contain_service('keystone').without(
+#### Checking the number of resources
+You can test the number of resources in the catalogue with the
+`have_resource_count` matcher.
+it { should have_resource_count(2) }
+The number of classes in the catalogue can be checked with the
+`have_class_count` matcher.
+it { should have_class_count(2) }
+You can also test the number of a specific resource type, by using the generic
+`have_<resource type>_resource_count` matcher.
+it { should have_exec_resource_count(1) }
+This last matcher also works for defined types. If the resource type contains
+::, you can replace it with __ (two underscores).
+it { should have_logrotate__rule_resource_count(3) }
+*NOTE*: when testing a class, the catalogue generated will always contain at
+least one class, the class under test. The same holds for defined types, the
+catalogue generated when testing a defined type will have at least one resource
+(the defined type itself).
 ### Writing tests
 #### Basic test structure
@@ -180,6 +229,19 @@ You can set them with a hash
 let(:facts) { {:operatingsystem => 'Debian', :kernel => 'Linux', ...} }
+You can also create a set of default facts provided to all specs in your spec_helper:
+``` ruby
+RSpec.configure do |c|
+  c.default_facts = {
+    :operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu'
+  }
+Any facts you provide with `let(:facts)` in a spec will automatically be merged on top
+of the default facts.
 #### Specifying the path to find your modules
 I recommend setting a default module path by adding the following code to your
@@ -206,7 +268,7 @@ Puppet functions.
 it 'should be able to do something' do
-  subject.call('foo') == 'bar'
+  subject.call(['foo']) == 'bar'
@@ -250,7 +312,7 @@ Or by using the `call` method on the subject directly
 it 'something' do
-  subject.call('foo', 'bar', ['baz'])
+  subject.call(['foo', 'bar', ['baz']])
@@ -267,8 +329,8 @@ Or by using any of the existing RSpec matchers on the subject directly
 it 'something' do
-  subject.call('foo') == 'bar'
-  subject.call('baz').should be_an Array
+  subject.call(['foo']) == 'bar'
+  subject.call(['baz']).should be_an Array
@@ -286,7 +348,7 @@ Or by using the existing `raises_error` RSpec matcher
 it 'something' do
-  expect { subject.call('a', 'b') }.should raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)
-  expect { subject.call('a') }.should_not raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)
+  expect { subject.call(['a', 'b']) }.should raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)
+  expect { subject.call(['a']) }.should_not raise_error(Puppet::ParseError)
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 19aad28..0000000
--- a/Rakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-require 'rake'
-require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
-task :default => :test
-task :spec => :test
diff --git a/checksums.yaml.gz b/checksums.yaml.gz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2858ba
Binary files /dev/null and b/checksums.yaml.gz differ
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet.rb
index b0d64c3..32709d2 100644
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet.rb
@@ -2,14 +2,59 @@ require 'puppet'
 require 'rspec'
 require 'fileutils'
 require 'tmpdir'
+require 'rspec-puppet/errors'
 require 'rspec-puppet/matchers'
 require 'rspec-puppet/example'
 require 'rspec-puppet/setup'
+  require 'puppet/test/test_helper'
+rescue LoadError
 RSpec.configure do |c|
   c.add_setting :module_path, :default => '/etc/puppet/modules'
   c.add_setting :manifest_dir, :default => nil
   c.add_setting :manifest, :default => nil
   c.add_setting :template_dir, :default => nil
   c.add_setting :config, :default => nil
+  c.add_setting :confdir, :default => '/etc/puppet'
+  c.add_setting :default_facts, :default => {}
+  c.add_setting :hiera_config, :default => '/dev/null'
+  if defined?(Puppet::Test::TestHelper)
+    begin
+      Puppet::Test::TestHelper.initialize
+    rescue NoMethodError
+      Puppet::Test::TestHelper.before_each_test
+    end
+    c.before :all do
+      begin
+        Puppet::Test::TestHelper.before_all_tests
+      rescue
+      end
+    end
+    c.after :all do
+      begin
+        Puppet::Test::TestHelper.after_all_tests
+      rescue
+      end
+    end
+    c.before :each do
+      begin
+        Puppet::Test::TestHelper.before_each_test
+      rescue
+      end
+    end
+    c.after :each do
+      begin
+        Puppet::Test::TestHelper.after_each_test
+      rescue
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/errors.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/errors.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96dd0b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/errors.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+module RSpec::Puppet
+  module Errors
+    class MatchError < StandardError
+      attr_reader :param, :expected, :actual, :negative
+      def initialize(param, expected, actual, negative)
+        @param = param
+        @expected = expected.inspect
+        @actual = actual.inspect
+        @negative = negative
+      end
+      def message
+        if negative == true
+          "#{param} not set to #{expected} but it is set to #{actual}"
+        else
+          "#{param} set to #{expected} but it is set to #{actual}"
+        end
+      end
+      def to_s
+        message
+      end
+    end
+    class RegexpMatchError < MatchError
+      def message
+        if negative == true
+          "#{param} not matching #{expected} but its value of #{actual} does"
+        else
+          "#{param} matching #{expected} but its value of #{actual} does not"
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    class ProcMatchError < MatchError
+      def message
+        if negative == true
+          "#{param} passed to the block would not return `#{expected}` but it did"
+        else
+          "#{param} passed to the block would return `#{expected}` but it is `#{actual}`"
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    class RelationshipError < StandardError
+      attr_reader :from, :to
+      def initialize(from, to)
+        @from = from
+        @to = to
+      end
+      def to_s
+        message
+      end
+    end
+    class BeforeRelationshipError < RelationshipError
+      def message
+        "#{from} to come before #{to} in the graph"
+      end
+    end
+    class RequireRelationshipError < RelationshipError
+      def message
+        "#{from} to require #{to} in the graph"
+      end
+    end
+    class NotifyRelationshipError < RelationshipError
+      def message
+        "#{from} to notify #{to}"
+      end
+    end
+    class SubscribeRelationshipError < RelationshipError
+      def message
+        "#{from} to be subscribed to #{to}"
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/example/class_example_group.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/example/class_example_group.rb
index bc137b8..994bf88 100644
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet/example/class_example_group.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/example/class_example_group.rb
@@ -4,61 +4,7 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
     include RSpec::Puppet::Support
     def subject
-      @catalogue ||= catalogue
-    end
-    def catalogue
-      vardir = Dir.mktmpdir
-      Puppet[:vardir] = vardir
-      Puppet[:hiera_config] = File.join(vardir, "hiera.yaml") if Puppet[:hiera_config] == File.expand_path("/dev/null")
-      Puppet[:modulepath] = self.respond_to?(:module_path) ? module_path : RSpec.configuration.module_path
-      Puppet[:manifestdir] = self.respond_to?(:manifest_dir) ? manifest_dir : RSpec.configuration.manifest_dir
-      Puppet[:manifest] = self.respond_to?(:manifest) ? manifest : RSpec.configuration.manifest
-      Puppet[:templatedir] = self.respond_to?(:template_dir) ? template_dir : RSpec.configuration.template_dir
-      Puppet[:config] = self.respond_to?(:config) ? config : RSpec.configuration.config
-      klass_name = self.class.top_level_description.downcase
-      # If we're testing a standalone module (i.e. one that's outside of a
-      # puppet tree), the autoloader won't work, so we need to fudge it a bit.
-      if File.exists?(File.join(Puppet[:modulepath], 'manifests', 'init.pp'))
-        path_to_manifest = File.join([Puppet[:modulepath], 'manifests', klass_name.split('::')[1..-1]].flatten)
-        import_str = "import '#{Puppet[:modulepath]}/manifests/init.pp'\nimport '#{path_to_manifest}.pp'\n"
-      elsif File.exists?(Puppet[:modulepath])
-        import_str = "import '#{Puppet[:manifest]}'\n"
-      else
-        import_str = ""
-      end
-      if self.respond_to? :pre_condition
-        if pre_condition.kind_of?(Array)
-          pre_cond = pre_condition.join("\n")
-        else
-          pre_cond = pre_condition
-        end
-      else
-        pre_cond = ''
-      end
-      if !self.respond_to?(:params) || params == {}
-        code = import_str + "include #{klass_name}"
-      else
-        code = import_str + 'class' + " { \"" + klass_name + "\": " + params.keys.map { |r| "#{r.to_s} => #{params[r].inspect}"
-      }.join(',' ) + " }"
-      end
-      code = pre_cond + "\n" + code
-      nodename = self.respond_to?(:node) ? node : Puppet[:certname]
-      facts_val = {
-        'hostname' => nodename.split('.').first,
-        'fqdn' => nodename,
-        'domain' => nodename.split('.').last,
-      }
-      facts_val.merge!(munge_facts(facts)) if self.respond_to?(:facts)
-      catalogue = build_catalog(nodename, facts_val, code)
-      FileUtils.rm_rf(vardir) if File.directory?(vardir)
-      catalogue
+      @catalogue ||= catalogue(:class)
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/example/define_example_group.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/example/define_example_group.rb
index 901be1d..3da87bb 100644
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet/example/define_example_group.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/example/define_example_group.rb
@@ -4,63 +4,7 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
     include RSpec::Puppet::Support
     def subject
-      @catalogue ||= catalogue
-    end
-    def catalogue
-      define_name = self.class.top_level_description.downcase
-      vardir = Dir.mktmpdir
-      Puppet[:vardir] = vardir
-      Puppet[:hiera_config] = File.join(vardir, "hiera.yaml") if Puppet[:hiera_config] == File.expand_path("/dev/null")
-      Puppet[:modulepath] = self.respond_to?(:module_path) ? module_path : RSpec.configuration.module_path
-      Puppet[:manifestdir] = self.respond_to?(:manifest_dir) ? manifest_dir : RSpec.configuration.manifest_dir
-      Puppet[:manifest] = self.respond_to?(:manifest) ? manifest : RSpec.configuration.manifest
-      Puppet[:templatedir] = self.respond_to?(:template_dir) ? template_dir : RSpec.configuration.template_dir
-      Puppet[:config] = self.respond_to?(:config) ? config : RSpec.configuration.config
-      # If we're testing a standalone module (i.e. one that's outside of a
-      # puppet tree), the autoloader won't work, so we need to fudge it a bit.
-      if File.exists?(File.join(Puppet[:modulepath], 'manifests', 'init.pp'))
-        path_to_manifest = File.join([Puppet[:modulepath], 'manifests', define_name.split('::')[1..-1]].flatten)
-        import_str = "import '#{Puppet[:modulepath]}/manifests/init.pp'\nimport '#{path_to_manifest}.pp'\n"
-      elsif File.exists?(Puppet[:modulepath])
-        import_str = "import '#{Puppet[:manifest]}'\n"
-      else
-        import_str = ""
-      end
-      if self.respond_to? :params
-        param_str = params.keys.map { |r|
-          "#{r.to_s} => #{params[r].inspect}"
-        }.join(', ')
-      else
-        param_str = ""
-      end
-      if self.respond_to? :pre_condition
-        if pre_condition.kind_of?(Array)
-          pre_cond = pre_condition.join("\n")
-        else
-          pre_cond = pre_condition
-        end
-      else
-        pre_cond = ""
-      end
-      code = pre_cond + "\n" + import_str + define_name + " { \"" + title + "\": " + param_str + " }"
-      nodename = self.respond_to?(:node) ? node : Puppet[:certname]
-      facts_val = {
-        'hostname' => nodename.split('.').first,
-        'fqdn' => nodename,
-        'domain' => nodename.split('.', 2).last,
-      }
-      facts_val.merge!(munge_facts(facts)) if self.respond_to?(:facts)
-      catalogue = build_catalog(nodename, facts_val, code)
-      FileUtils.rm_rf(vardir) if File.directory?(vardir)
-      catalogue
+      @catalogue ||= catalogue(:define)
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/example/function_example_group.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/example/function_example_group.rb
index a3a0800..8373750 100644
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet/example/function_example_group.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/example/function_example_group.rb
@@ -1,58 +1,44 @@
-require 'puppetlabs_spec_helper/puppetlabs_spec/puppet_internals'
 module RSpec::Puppet
   module FunctionExampleGroup
     include RSpec::Puppet::FunctionMatchers
-    PuppetInternals = PuppetlabsSpec::PuppetInternals
+    include RSpec::Puppet::ManifestMatchers
+    include RSpec::Puppet::Support
     def subject
       function_name = self.class.top_level_description.downcase
-      Puppet[:modulepath] = self.respond_to?(:module_path) ? module_path : RSpec.configuration.module_path
-      Puppet[:libdir] = Dir["#{Puppet[:modulepath]}/*/lib"].entries.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+      vardir = setup_puppet
-      nodename = self.respond_to?(:node) ? node : Puppet[:certname]
-      facts_val = {
-        'hostname' => nodename.split('.').first,
-        'fqdn' => nodename,
-        'domain' => nodename.split('.').last,
-      }
-      facts_val.merge!(munge_facts(facts)) if self.respond_to?(:facts)
-      facts_val.each { |k, v| Facter.add(k) { setcode { v } } }
+      node_name = nodename(:function)
+      facts_val = facts_hash(node_name)
       # if we specify a pre_condition, we should ensure that we compile that code
       # into a catalog that is accessible from the scope where the function is called
-      if self.respond_to? :pre_condition
-        if pre_condition.kind_of?(Array)
-          Puppet[:code] = pre_condition.join("\n")
-        else
-          Puppet[:code] = pre_condition
-        end
-        # we need to get a compiler, b/c we can attach that to a scope
-        @compiler = build_compiler(nodename, facts_val)
-      else
-        @compiler = PuppetInternals.compiler
-      end
-      scope = PuppetInternals.scope(:compiler => @compiler)
+      Puppet[:code] = pre_cond
+      compiler = build_compiler(node_name, facts_val)
+      function_scope = scope(compiler, node_name)
       # Return the method instance for the function.  This can be used with
       # method.call
-      method = PuppetInternals.function_method(function_name, :scope => scope)
-    end
-    def compiler
-      @compiler
+      return nil unless Puppet::Parser::Functions.function(function_name)
+      FileUtils.rm_rf(vardir) if File.directory?(vardir)
+      function_scope.method("function_#{function_name}".intern)
     # get a compiler with an attached compiled catalog
     def build_compiler(node_name, fact_values)
       node_options = {
-        :name    => node_name,
-        :options => { :parameters => fact_values },
+        :parameters => fact_values,
-      node = PuppetInternals.node(node_options)
-      compiler = PuppetInternals.compiler(:node => node)
+      stub_facts! fact_values
+      node = build_node(node_name, node_options)
+      compiler = Puppet::Parser::Compiler.new(node)
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/example/host_example_group.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/example/host_example_group.rb
index ec0d392..9e26434 100644
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet/example/host_example_group.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/example/host_example_group.rb
@@ -4,32 +4,7 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
     include RSpec::Puppet::Support
     def subject
-      @catalogue ||= catalogue
-    end
-    def catalogue
-      vardir = Dir.mktmpdir
-      Puppet[:vardir] = vardir
-      Puppet[:hiera_config] = File.join(vardir, "hiera.yaml") if Puppet[:hiera_config] == File.expand_path("/dev/null")
-      Puppet[:modulepath] = self.respond_to?(:module_path) ? module_path : RSpec.configuration.module_path
-      Puppet[:manifestdir] = self.respond_to?(:manifest_dir) ? manifest_dir : RSpec.configuration.manifest_dir
-      Puppet[:manifest] = self.respond_to?(:manifest) ? manifest : RSpec.configuration.manifest
-      Puppet[:templatedir] = self.respond_to?(:template_dir) ? template_dir : RSpec.configuration.template_dir
-      Puppet[:config] = self.respond_to?(:config) ? config : RSpec.configuration.config
-      code = ""
-      nodename = self.class.top_level_description.downcase
-      facts_val = {
-        'hostname' => nodename.split('.').first,
-        'fqdn' => nodename,
-        'domain' => nodename.split('.').last,
-      }
-      facts_val.merge!(munge_facts(facts)) if self.respond_to?(:facts)
-      catalogue = build_catalog(nodename, facts_val, code)
-      FileUtils.rm_rf(vardir) if File.directory?(vardir)
-      catalogue
+      @catalogue ||= catalogue(:host)
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers.rb
index d92a0f7..2611504 100644
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 require 'rspec-puppet/matchers/create_generic'
-require 'rspec-puppet/matchers/create_resource'
 require 'rspec-puppet/matchers/include_class'
+require 'rspec-puppet/matchers/compile'
 require 'rspec-puppet/matchers/run'
+require 'rspec-puppet/matchers/count_generic'
+require 'rspec-puppet/matchers/dynamic_matchers'
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/compile.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/compile.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4d8ef8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/compile.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+module RSpec::Puppet
+  module ManifestMatchers
+    class Compile
+      def initialize
+        @failed_resource = ""
+        @check_deps = false
+        @cycles = []
+      end
+      def with_all_deps
+        @check_deps = true
+        self
+      end
+      def matches?(catalogue)
+        @catalogue = catalogue
+        if cycles_found?
+          false
+        elsif @check_deps == true && missing_dependencies?
+          false
+        else
+          true
+        end
+      end
+      def description
+        "compile the catalogue without cycles"
+      end
+      def failure_message_for_should
+        unless @cycles.empty?
+          "dependency cycles found: #{@cycles.join('; ')}"
+        else
+          "expected that the catalogue would include #{@failed_resource}"
+        end
+      end
+      def failure_message_for_should_not
+        "expected that the catalogue would not compile but it does"
+      end
+      private
+      def missing_dependencies?
+        retval = false
+        resource_vertices = @catalogue.vertices.select { |v| v.is_a? Puppet::Resource }
+        resource_vertices.each do |vertex|
+          vertex.each do |param,value|
+            if [:require, :subscribe, :notify, :before].include? param
+              value = Array[value] unless value.is_a? Array
+              value.each do |val|
+                if val.is_a? Puppet::Resource
+                  retval = true unless resource_exists?(val, vertex)
+                end
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        retval
+      end
+      def resource_hash
+        @resource_hash ||= Proc.new do
+          res_hash = {}
+          @catalogue.vertices.each do |vertex|
+            if vertex.is_a? Puppet::Resource
+              res_hash[vertex.ref] = 1
+              if vertex[:alias]
+                res_hash["#{vertex.type.to_s}[#{vertex[:alias]}]"] = 1
+              end
+            end
+          end
+          res_hash
+        end.call
+      end
+      def check_resource(res)
+        if resource_hash[res.ref]
+          true
+        elsif res[:alias] && resource_hash["#{res.type.to_s}[#{res[:alias]}]"]
+          true
+        else
+          false
+        end
+      end
+      def resource_exists?(res, vertex)
+        unless check_resource(res)
+          @failed_resource = "#{res.ref} used at #{vertex.file}:#{vertex.line} in #{vertex.ref}"
+          false
+        else
+          true
+        end
+      end
+      def cycles_found?
+        retval = false
+        begin
+          cat = @catalogue.to_ral.relationship_graph
+          cat.write_graph(:resources)
+          if cat.respond_to? :find_cycles_in_graph
+            find_cycles(cat)
+          else
+            find_cycles_legacy(cat)
+          end
+          retval = true unless @cycles.empty?
+        rescue Puppet::Error
+          retval = true
+        end
+        retval
+      end
+      def find_cycles(catalogue)
+        cycles = catalogue.find_cycles_in_graph
+        if cycles.length > 0
+          cycles.each do |cycle|
+            paths = catalogue.paths_in_cycle(cycle)
+            @cycles << (paths.map{ |path| '(' + path.join(" => ") + ')'}.join("\n") + "\n")
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      def find_cycles_legacy(catalogue)
+        begin
+          catalogue.topsort
+        rescue Puppet::Error => e
+          @cycles = [e.message.rpartition(';').first.partition(':').last]
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/count_generic.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/count_generic.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd7af4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/count_generic.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+module RSpec::Puppet
+  module ManifestMatchers
+    class CountGeneric
+      def initialize(type, count, *method)
+        if type.nil?
+          @type = method[0].to_s.gsub(/^have_(.+)_resource_count$/, '\1')
+        else
+          @type = type
+        end
+        @referenced_type = referenced_type(@type)
+        @expected_number = count.to_i
+      end
+      def matches?(catalogue)
+        if @type == "resource"
+          @actual_number = catalogue.resources.count do |res|
+            !(['Class', 'Node'].include? res.type)
+          end
+          # Puppet automatically adds Stage[main]
+          @actual_number = @actual_number - 1
+        else
+          @actual_number = catalogue.resources.count do |res|
+            res.type == @referenced_type
+          end
+          # Puppet automatically adds Class[main] and Class[Settings]
+          @actual_number = @actual_number - 2 if @type == "class"
+        end
+        @actual_number == @expected_number
+      end
+      def description
+        desc = []
+        desc << "contain exactly #{@expected_number}"
+        if @type == "class"
+          desc << "#{@expected_number == 1 ? "class" : "classes" }"
+        else
+          unless @type == "resource"
+            desc << "#{@referenced_type}"
+          end
+          desc << "#{@expected_number == 1 ? "resource" : "resources" }"
+        end
+        desc.join(" ")
+      end
+      def failure_message_for_should
+        "expected that the catalogue would " + description + " but it contains #{@actual_number}"
+      end
+      def failure_message_for_should_not
+        "expected that the catalogue would not " + description + " but it does"
+      end
+    private
+      def referenced_type(type)
+        type.split('__').map { |r| r.capitalize }.join('::')
+      end
+    end
+    def have_class_count(count)
+      RSpec::Puppet::ManifestMatchers::CountGeneric.new('class', count)
+    end
+    def have_resource_count(count)
+      RSpec::Puppet::ManifestMatchers::CountGeneric.new('resource', count)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_generic.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_generic.rb
index 593c1f9..98cd116 100644
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_generic.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_generic.rb
@@ -1,34 +1,76 @@
+require 'rspec-puppet/matchers/parameter_matcher'
 module RSpec::Puppet
   module ManifestMatchers
     class CreateGeneric
+      include RSpec::Puppet::Errors
       def initialize(*args, &block)
         @exp_resource_type = args.shift.to_s.gsub(/^(create|contain)_/, '')
         @args = args
         @block = block
         @referenced_type = referenced_type(@exp_resource_type)
         @title = args[0]
+        @errors = []
+        @expected_params = []
+        @expected_undef_params = []
+        @notifies = []
+        @subscribes = []
+        @requires = []
+        @befores = []
       def with(*args, &block)
         params = args.shift
-        @expected_params = (@expected_params || []) | params.to_a
+        @expected_params = @expected_params | params.to_a
+      def only_with(*args, &block)
+        params = args.shift
+        @expected_params_count = (@expected_params_count || 0) + params.size
+        self.with(params, &block)
+      end
       def without(*args, &block)
         params = args.shift
-        @expected_undef_params = (@expected_undef_params || []) | Array(params)
+        @expected_undef_params = @expected_undef_params | Array(params)
+        self
+      end
+      def that_notifies(resource)
+        @notifies << resource
+        self
+      end
+      def that_subscribes_to(resource)
+        @subscribes << resource
+        self
+      end
+      def that_requires(resource)
+        @requires << resource
+        self
+      end
+      def that_comes_before(resource)
+        @befores << resource
       def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
         if method.to_s =~ /^with_/
           param = method.to_s.gsub(/^with_/, '')
-          (@expected_params ||= []) << [param, args[0]]
+          @expected_params << [param, args[0]]
+          self
+        elsif method.to_s =~ /^only_with_/
+          param = method.to_s.gsub(/^only_with_/, '')
+          @expected_params_count = (@expected_params_count || 0) + 1
+          @expected_params << [param, args[0]]
         elsif method.to_s =~ /^without_/
           param = method.to_s.gsub(/^without_/, '')
-          (@expected_undef_params ||= []) << param
+          @expected_undef_params << [param, args[0]]
@@ -40,41 +82,25 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
         resource = catalogue.resource(@referenced_type, @title)
         if resource.nil?
-          ret = false
+          false
           rsrc_hsh = resource.to_hash
-          if @expected_params
-            @expected_params.each do |name, value|
-              if value.kind_of?(Regexp) then
-                unless rsrc_hsh[name.to_sym].to_s =~ value
-                  ret = false
-                  (@errors ||= []) << "#{name.to_s} matching `#{value.inspect}` but its value of `#{rsrc_hsh[name.to_sym].inspect}` does not"
-                end
-              elsif value.kind_of?(Array) then
-                unless Array(rsrc_hsh[name.to_sym]).flatten.join == value.flatten.join
-                  ret = false
-                  (@errors ||= []) << "#{name.to_s} set to `#{value.inspect}` but it is set to `#{rsrc_hsh[name.to_sym].inspect}` in the catalogue"
-                end
-              else
-                unless rsrc_hsh[name.to_sym].to_s == value.to_s
-                  ret = false
-                  (@errors ||= []) << "#{name.to_s} set to `#{value.inspect}` but it is set to `#{rsrc_hsh[name.to_sym].inspect}` in the catalogue"
-                end
-              end
+          if @expected_params_count
+            unless rsrc_hsh.size == @expected_params_count
+              ret = false
+              (@errors ||= []) << "exactly #{@expected_params_count} parameters but the catalogue contains #{rsrc_hsh.size}"
-          if @expected_undef_params
-            @expected_undef_params.each do |name|
-              unless resource.send(:parameters)[name.to_sym].nil?
-                ret = false
-                (@errors ||= []) << "#{name.to_s} undefined"
-              end
-            end
-          end
-        end
+          check_params(rsrc_hsh, @expected_params, :should) if @expected_params.any?
+          check_params(rsrc_hsh, @expected_undef_params, :not) if @expected_undef_params.any?
+          check_befores(catalogue, resource) if @befores.any?
+          check_requires(catalogue, resource) if @requires.any?
+          check_notifies(catalogue, resource) if @notifies.any?
+          check_subscribes(catalogue, resource) if @subscribes.any?
-        ret
+          @errors.empty?
+        end
       def failure_message_for_should
@@ -87,20 +113,17 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
       def description
         values = []
-        if @expected_params
-          @expected_params.each do |name, value|
-            if value.kind_of?(Regexp)
-              values << "#{name.to_s} matching #{value.inspect}"
-            else
-              values << "#{name.to_s} => #{value.inspect}"
-            end
-          end
+        if @expected_params_count
+          values << "exactly #{@expected_params_count} parameters"
-        if @expected_undef_params
-          @expected_undef_params.each do |name, value|
-            values << "#{name.to_s} undefined"
-          end
+        if @expected_params.any?
+          values.concat(generate_param_list(@expected_params, :should))
+        end
+        if @expected_undef_params.any?
+          values.concat(generate_param_list(@expected_undef_params, :not))
         unless values.empty?
@@ -114,20 +137,100 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
         "contain #{@referenced_type}[#{@title}]#{value_str}"
-    private
+      private
       def referenced_type(type)
         type.split('__').map { |r| r.capitalize }.join('::')
       def errors
-        @errors.nil? ? "" : " with #{@errors.join(', and parameter ')}"
+        @errors.empty? ? "" : " with #{@errors.join(', and parameter ')}"
-    end
-    def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
-      return RSpec::Puppet::ManifestMatchers::CreateGeneric.new(method, *args, &block) if method.to_s =~ /^(create|contain)_/
-      super
+      def generate_param_list(list, type)
+        output = []
+        list.each do |param, value|
+          if value.nil?
+            output << "#{param.to_s} #{type == :not ? 'un' : ''}defined"
+          else
+            a = type == :not ? '!' : '='
+            b = value.is_a?(Regexp) ? '~' : '>'
+            output << "#{param.to_s} #{a}#{b} #{value.inspect}"
+          end
+        end
+        output
+      end
+      def check_befores(catalogue, resource)
+        @befores.each do |ref|
+          unless precedes?(resource, catalogue.resource(ref))
+            @errors << BeforeRelationshipError.new(resource.to_ref, ref)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      def check_requires(catalogue, resource)
+        @requires.each do |ref|
+          unless precedes?(catalogue.resource(ref), resource)
+            @errors << RequireRelationshipError.new(resource.to_ref, ref)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      def check_notifies(catalogue, resource)
+        @notifies.each do |ref|
+          unless notifies?(resource, catalogue.resource(ref))
+            @errors << NotifyRelationshipError.new(resource.to_ref, ref)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      def check_subscribes(catalogue, resource)
+        @subscribes.each do |ref|
+          unless notifies?(catalogue.resource(ref), resource)
+            @errors << SubscribeRelationshipError.new(resource.to_ref, ref)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      def relationship_refs(array)
+        Array[array].flatten.map do |resource|
+          resource.respond_to?(:to_ref) ? resource.to_ref : resource
+        end
+      end
+      def precedes?(first, second)
+        before_refs = relationship_refs(first[:before])
+        require_refs = relationship_refs(second[:require])
+        before_refs.include?(second.to_ref) || require_refs.include?(first.to_ref)
+      end
+      def notifies?(first, second)
+        notify_refs = relationship_refs(first[:notify])
+        subscribe_refs = relationship_refs(second[:subscribe])
+        notify_refs.include?(second.to_ref) || subscribe_refs.include?(first.to_ref)
+      end
+      # @param resource [Hash<Symbol, Object>] The resource in the catalog
+      # @param list [Array<String, Object>] The expected values of the resource
+      # @param type [:should, :not] Whether the given parameters should/not match
+      def check_params(resource, list, type)
+        list.each do |param, value|
+          param = param.to_sym
+          if value.nil? then
+            unless resource[param].nil?
+              @errors << "#{param} undefined"
+            end
+          else
+            m = ParameterMatcher.new(param, value, type)
+            unless m.matches?(resource)
+              @errors.concat m.errors
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_resource.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_resource.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5949fe2..0000000
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_resource.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-module RSpec::Puppet
-  module ManifestMatchers
-    extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL
-    matcher :create_resource do |expected_type, expected_title|
-      match do |catalogue|
-        ret = true
-        resources = catalogue.resources.select { |r|
-          r.type == referenced_type(expected_type)
-        }.select { |r|
-          r.title == expected_title if r.respond_to? :title
-        }
-        unless resources.length == 1
-          ret = false
-        end
-        if @expected_params and resources.length != 0
-          @expected_params.each do |name, value|
-            unless resources.first.send(:parameters)[name.to_sym] == value
-              ret = false
-              (@errors ||= []) << "the parameter #{name.to_s} set to `#{value}`"
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        ret
-      end
-      def errors
-        @errors.nil? ? "" : " with #{@errors.join(', ')}"
-      end
-      def referenced_type(type)
-        type.split('::').map { |r| r.capitalize }.join('::')
-      end
-      chain :with_param do |param_name,param_value|
-        (@expected_params ||= []) << [param_name, param_value]
-      end
-      description do
-        type = referenced_type(expected_type)
-        "create #{type}['#{expected_title}']"
-      end
-      failure_message_for_should do |actual|
-        type = referenced_type(expected_type)
-        "expected that the catalogue would contain #{type}['#{expected_title}']#{errors}"
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/dynamic_matchers.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/dynamic_matchers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..446d085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/dynamic_matchers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module RSpec::Puppet
+  module ManifestMatchers
+    def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
+      return RSpec::Puppet::ManifestMatchers::CreateGeneric.new(method, *args, &block) if method.to_s =~ /^(create|contain)_/
+      return RSpec::Puppet::ManifestMatchers::CountGeneric.new(nil, args[0], method) if method.to_s =~ /^have_.+_count$/
+      return RSpec::Puppet::ManifestMatchers::Compile.new if method == :compile
+      super
+    end
+  end
+  module FunctionMatchers
+    def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
+      return RSpec::Puppet::FunctionMatchers::Run.new if method == :run
+      super
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/include_class.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/include_class.rb
index 81c64e6..254d9a1 100644
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/include_class.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/include_class.rb
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
     matcher :include_class do |expected_class|
       match do |catalogue|
-        catalogue.classes.include? expected_class
+        RSpec.deprecate(:include_class, :contain_class)
+        catalogue.classes.include?(expected_class)
       description do
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/parameter_matcher.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/parameter_matcher.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ced6e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/parameter_matcher.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+module RSpec::Puppet
+  module ManifestMatchers
+    class ParameterMatcher
+      include RSpec::Puppet::Errors
+      # @param parameter [Symbol] The specific parameter to check
+      # @param value [Object] The expected data to match the parameter against
+      # @param type [:should, :not] Whether the given parameter should match
+      def initialize(parameter, value, type)
+        @parameter, @value, @type = parameter, value, type
+        @should_match = (type == :should)
+        @errors = []
+      end
+      # Ensure that the actual parameter matches the expected parameter.
+      #
+      # @param resource [Hash<Symbol, Object>] A hash representing a Puppet
+      #   resource in the catalog
+      #
+      # @return [true, false]
+      def matches?(resource)
+        @resource = resource
+        actual   = @resource[@parameter]
+        expected = @value
+        # Puppet flattens an array with a single value into just the value and
+        # this can cause confusion when testing as people expect when you put
+        # an array in, you'll get an array out.
+        if expected.is_a?(Array) && expected.length == 1
+          actual = Array[actual] unless actual.is_a?(Array)
+        end
+        retval = check(expected, actual)
+        unless retval
+          @errors << MatchError.new(@parameter, expected, actual, !@should_match)
+        end
+        retval
+      end
+      # @!attribute [r] errors
+      #   @return [Array<Object < StandardError>] All expectation errors
+      #     generated on this parameter.
+      attr_reader :errors
+      private
+      # Recursively check that the `expected` and `actual` data structures match
+      #
+      # @param expected [Object] The expected value of the given resource param
+      # @param actual [Object] The value of the resource as found in the catalogue
+      #
+      # @return [true, false] If the resource matched
+      def check(expected, actual)
+        case expected
+        when Proc
+          check_proc(expected, actual)
+        when Regexp
+          check_regexp(expected, actual)
+        when Hash
+          check_hash(expected, actual)
+        when Array
+          check_array(expected, actual)
+        else
+          check_string(expected, actual)
+        end
+      end
+      def check_proc(expected, actual)
+        expected_return = @should_match
+        actual_return   = expected.call(actual)
+        actual_return == expected_return
+      end
+      def check_regexp(expected, actual)
+        !!(actual.to_s.match expected) == @should_match
+      end
+      # Ensure that two hashes have the same number of keys, and that for each
+      # key in the expected hash, there's a stringified key in the actual hash
+      # with a matching value.
+      def check_hash(expected, actual)
+        op = @should_match ? :"==" : :"!="
+        unless expected.keys.size.send(op, actual.keys.size)
+          return false
+        end
+        expected.keys.all? do |key|
+          check(expected[key], actual[key.to_s])
+        end
+      end
+      def check_array(expected, actual)
+        op = @should_match ? :"==" : :"!="
+        unless expected.size.send(op, actual.size)
+          return false
+        end
+        (0...expected.size).all? do |index|
+          check(expected[index], actual[index])
+        end
+      end
+      def check_string(expected, actual)
+        (expected.to_s == actual.to_s) == @should_match
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/run.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/run.rb
index d56efea..2ffdc34 100644
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/run.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/run.rb
@@ -1,27 +1,35 @@
 module RSpec::Puppet
   module FunctionMatchers
-    extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL
-    matcher :run do
-      match do |func_obj|
+    class Run
+      def matches?(func_obj)
         if @params
           @func = lambda { func_obj.call(@params) }
           @func = lambda { func_obj.call }
-        if @expected_error
+        unless @expected_error.nil?
+          result = false
-          rescue @expected_error
-            #XXX check error string here
-            true
-          rescue
-            false
+          rescue Exception => e
+            @actual_error = e.class
+            if e.is_a?(@expected_error)
+              case @expected_error_message
+              when nil
+                result = true
+              when Regexp
+                result = @expected_error_message =~ e.message
+              else
+                result = @expected_error_message == e.message
+              end
+            end
+          result
-          if @expected_return
-            @func.call == @expected_return
+          unless @expected_return.nil?
+            @actual_return = @func.call
+            @actual_return == @expected_return
@@ -33,43 +41,53 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
-      chain :with_params do |*params|
+      def with_params(*params)
         @params = params
+        self
-      chain :and_return do |value|
+      def and_return(value)
         @expected_return = value
+        self
-      # XXX support error string and regexp
-      chain :and_raise_error do |value|
-        @expected_error = value
+      def and_raise_error(error_or_message, message=nil)
+        case error_or_message
+        when String, Regexp
+          @expected_error, @expected_error_message = Exception, error_or_message
+        else
+          @expected_error, @expected_error_message = error_or_message, message
+        end
+        self
-      failure_message_for_should do |func_obj|
-        func_name = func_obj.name.to_s.gsub(/^function_/, '')
-        func_params = @params.inspect[1..-2]
+      def failure_message_for_should(func_obj)
+        failure_message_generic(:should, func_obj)
+      end
-        if @expected_return
-          "expected #{func_name}(#{func_params}) to have returned #{@expected_return.inspect} instead of #{@func.call.inspect}"
-        elsif @expected_error
-          "expected #{func_name}(#{func_params}) to have raised #{@expected_error.inspect}"
-        else
-          "expected #{func_name}(#{func_params}) to have run successfully"
-        end
+      def failure_message_for_should_not(func_obj)
+        failure_message_generic(:should_not, func_obj)
-      failure_message_for_should_not do |func_obj|
+      private
+      def failure_message_generic(type, func_obj)
         func_name = func_obj.name.gsub(/^function_/, '')
         func_params = @params.inspect[1..-2]
+        message = "expected #{func_name}(#{func_params}) to "
+        message << "not " if type == :should_not
         if @expected_return
-          "expected #{func_name}(#{func_params}) to not have returned #{@expected_return.inspect}"
+          message << "have returned #{@expected_return.inspect}"
+          if type == :should
+            message << " instead of #{@actual_return.inspect}"
+          end
         elsif @expected_error
-          "expected #{func_name}(#{func_params}) to not have raised #{@expected_error.inspect}"
+          message << "have raised #{@expected_error.inspect}"
-          "expected #{func_name}(#{func_params}) to not have run successfully"
+          message << "have run successfully"
+        message
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/setup.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/setup.rb
index 217fc8c..8afbd80 100644
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet/setup.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/setup.rb
@@ -43,17 +43,25 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
     def self.get_module_name
-      p = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new
       module_name = nil
       Dir["manifests/*.pp"].entries.each do |manifest|
-        p.string = File.read(manifest)
-        tokens = p.fullscan
-        i = tokens.index { |token| [:CLASS, :DEFINE].include? token.first }
-        unless i.nil?
-          module_name = tokens[i + 1].last[:value].split('::').first
-          break
-        end
+        module_name = get_module_name_from_file(manifest)
+        break unless module_name.nil?
+      end
+      module_name
+    end
+    def self.get_module_name_from_file(file)
+      p = Puppet::Parser::Lexer.new
+      module_name = nil
+      p.string = File.read(file)
+      tokens = p.fullscan
+      i = tokens.index { |token| [:CLASS, :DEFINE].include? token.first }
+      unless i.nil?
+        module_name = tokens[i + 1].last[:value].split('::').first
@@ -83,6 +91,20 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
+    def self.safe_create_file(filename, content)
+      if File.exists? filename
+        old_content = File.read(filename)
+        if old_content != content
+          $stderr.puts "!! #{filename} already exists and differs from template"
+        end
+      else
+        File.open(filename, 'w') do |f|
+          f.puts content
+        end
+        puts " + #{filename}"
+      end
+    end
     def self.safe_create_spec_helper
       content = <<-EOF
 require 'rspec-puppet'
@@ -94,17 +116,7 @@ RSpec.configure do |c|
   c.manifest_dir = File.join(fixture_path, 'manifests')
-      if File.exists? 'spec/spec_helper.rb'
-        old_content = File.read('spec/spec_helper.rb')
-        if old_content != content
-          $stderr.puts "!! spec/spec_helper.rb already exists and differs from template"
-        end
-      else
-        File.open('spec/spec_helper.rb', 'w') do |f|
-          f.puts content
-        end
-        puts ' + spec/spec_helper.rb'
-      end
+    safe_create_file('spec/spec_helper.rb', content)
     def self.safe_make_symlink(source, target)
@@ -119,26 +131,37 @@ EOF
     def self.safe_create_rakefile
-      content = <<-EOF
+      content = <<-'EOF'
 require 'rake'
 require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
-RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec) do |t|
-  t.pattern = 'spec/*/*_spec.rb'
+desc "Run all RSpec code examples"
+RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:rspec) do |t|
+  t.rspec_opts = File.read("spec/spec.opts").chomp || ""
+SPEC_SUITES = (Dir.entries('spec') - ['.', '..','fixtures']).select {|e| File.directory? "spec/#{e}" }
+namespace :rspec do
+  SPEC_SUITES.each do |suite|
+    desc "Run #{suite} RSpec code examples"
+    RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(suite) do |t|
+      t.pattern = "spec/#{suite}/**/*_spec.rb"
+      t.rspec_opts = File.read("spec/spec.opts").chomp || ""
+    end
+  end
+task :default => :rspec
+  if Gem::Specification::find_by_name('puppet-lint')
+    require 'puppet-lint/tasks/puppet-lint'
+    PuppetLint.configuration.ignore_paths = ["spec/**/*.pp", "vendor/**/*.pp"]
+    task :default => [:rspec, :lint]
+  end
+rescue Gem::LoadError
-      if File.exists? 'Rakefile'
-        old_content = File.read('Rakefile')
-        if old_content != content
-          $stderr.puts "!! Rakefile already exists and differs from template"
-        end
-      else
-        File.open('Rakefile', 'w') do |f|
-          f.puts content
-        end
-        puts ' + Rakefile'
-      end
+    safe_create_file('Rakefile', content)
diff --git a/lib/rspec-puppet/support.rb b/lib/rspec-puppet/support.rb
index 7de1ccd..59ae67d 100644
--- a/lib/rspec-puppet/support.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec-puppet/support.rb
@@ -3,15 +3,132 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
     @@cache = {}
-    protected
-    def build_catalog_without_cache(nodename, facts_val, code)
-      if Integer(Puppet.version.split('.').first) >= 3
-        Puppet.initialize_settings
+    def catalogue(type)
+      vardir = setup_puppet
+      code = [import_str, pre_cond, test_manifest(type)].join("\n")
+      node_name = nodename(type)
+      catalogue = build_catalog(node_name, facts_hash(node_name), code)
+      FileUtils.rm_rf(vardir) if File.directory?(vardir)
+      catalogue
+    end
+    def import_str
+      klass_name = self.class.top_level_description.downcase
+      if File.exists?(File.join(Puppet[:modulepath], 'manifests', 'init.pp'))
+        path_to_manifest = File.join([
+          Puppet[:modulepath],
+          'manifests',
+          klass_name.split('::')[1..-1]
+        ].flatten)
+        import_str = [
+          "import '#{Puppet[:modulepath]}/manifests/init.pp'",
+          "import '#{path_to_manifest}.pp'",
+          '',
+        ].join("\n")
+      elsif File.exists?(Puppet[:modulepath])
+        import_str = "import '#{Puppet[:manifest]}'\n"
+      else
+        import_str = ""
+      end
+      import_str
+    end
+    def test_manifest(type)
+      klass_name = self.class.top_level_description.downcase
+      if type == :class
+        if !self.respond_to?(:params) || params == {}
+          "include #{klass_name}"
+        else
+          "class { '#{klass_name}': #{param_str} }"
+        end
+      elsif type == :define
+        if self.respond_to? :params
+          "#{klass_name} { '#{title}': #{param_str} }"
+        else
+          "#{klass_name} { '#{title}': }"
+        end
+      elsif type == :host
+        ""
+      end
+    end
+    def nodename(type)
+      if [:class, :define, :function].include? type
+        self.respond_to?(:node) ? node : Puppet[:certname]
+      else
+        self.class.top_level_description.downcase
+      end
+    end
+    def pre_cond
+      if self.respond_to?(:pre_condition) && !pre_condition.nil?
+        if pre_condition.is_a? Array
+          pre_condition.join("\n")
+        else
+          pre_condition
+        end
+      else
+        ''
+      end
+    end
+    def facts_hash(node)
+      facts_val = {
+        'hostname' => node.split('.').first,
+        'fqdn'     => node,
+        'domain'   => node.split('.', 2).last,
+      }
+      if RSpec.configuration.default_facts.any?
+        facts_val.merge!(munge_facts(RSpec.configuration.default_facts))
+      end
+      facts_val.merge!(munge_facts(facts)) if self.respond_to?(:facts)
+      facts_val
+    end
+    def param_str
+      params.keys.map do |r|
+        param_val = escape_special_chars(params[r].inspect)
+        "#{r.to_s} => #{param_val}"
+      end.join(', ')
+    end
+    def setup_puppet
+      vardir = Dir.mktmpdir
+      Puppet[:vardir] = vardir
+      [
+        [:modulepath, :module_path],
+        [:manifestdir, :manifest_dir],
+        [:manifest, :manifest],
+        [:templatedir, :template_dir],
+        [:config, :config],
+        [:confdir, :confdir],
+        [:hiera_config, :hiera_config],
+      ].each do |a, b|
+        value = self.respond_to?(b) ? self.send(b) : RSpec.configuration.send(b)
+        begin
+          Puppet[a] = value
+        rescue ArgumentError
+          Puppet.settings.setdefaults(:main, {a => {:default => value, :desc => a.to_s}})
+        end
+      Puppet[:libdir] = Dir["#{Puppet[:modulepath]}/*/lib"].entries.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
+      vardir
+    end
+    def build_catalog_without_cache(nodename, facts_val, code)
       Puppet[:code] = code
-      facts_val.each { |k, v| Facter.add(k) { setcode { v } } }
+      stub_facts! facts_val
       node_obj = Puppet::Node.new(nodename)
@@ -25,8 +142,11 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
-    public
-    def build_catalog *args
+    def stub_facts!(facts)
+      facts.each { |k, v| Facter.add(k) { setcode { v } } }
+    end
+    def build_catalog(*args)
       @@cache[args] ||= self.build_catalog_without_cache(*args)
@@ -35,5 +155,32 @@ module RSpec::Puppet
       facts.keys.each { |key| output[key.to_s] = facts[key] }
+    def escape_special_chars(string)
+      string.gsub!(/\$/, "\\$")
+      string
+    end
+    def scope(compiler, node_name)
+      if Puppet.version =~ /^2\.[67]/
+        # loadall should only be necessary prior to 3.x
+        # Please note, loadall needs to happen first when creating a scope, otherwise
+        # you might receive undefined method `function_*' errors
+        Puppet::Parser::Functions.autoloader.loadall
+        scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new(:compiler => compiler)
+      else
+        scope = Puppet::Parser::Scope.new(compiler)
+      end
+      scope.source = Puppet::Resource::Type.new(:node, node_name)
+      scope.parent = compiler.topscope
+      scope
+    end
+    def build_node(name, opts = {})
+      node_environment = Puppet::Node::Environment.new('test')
+      opts.merge!({:environment => node_environment})
+      Puppet::Node.new(name, opts)
+    end
diff --git a/metadata.yml b/metadata.yml
index 2616aa7..f436c1d 100644
--- a/metadata.yml
+++ b/metadata.yml
@@ -1,30 +1,27 @@
 --- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification
 name: rspec-puppet
 version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version
-  version: 0.1.6
-  prerelease: 
+  version: 1.0.1
 platform: ruby
 - Tim Sharpe
 bindir: bin
 cert_chain: []
-date: 2013-01-24 00:00:00.000000000 Z
+date: 2013-12-06 00:00:00.000000000 Z
 - !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency
   name: rspec
   requirement: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
-    none: false
-    - - ! '>='
+    - - '>='
       - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
         version: '0'
   type: :runtime
   prerelease: false
   version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
-    none: false
-    - - ! '>='
+    - - '>='
       - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
         version: '0'
 description: RSpec tests for your Puppet manifests
@@ -34,58 +31,47 @@ executables:
 extensions: []
 extra_rdoc_files: []
-- bin/rspec-puppet-init
+- README.md
+- lib/rspec-puppet/errors.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet/example/class_example_group.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet/example/define_example_group.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet/example/function_example_group.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet/example/host_example_group.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet/example.rb
+- lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/compile.rb
+- lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/count_generic.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_generic.rb
-- lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_resource.rb
+- lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/dynamic_matchers.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/include_class.rb
+- lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/parameter_matcher.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/run.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet/matchers.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet/setup.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet/support.rb
 - lib/rspec-puppet.rb
-- Rakefile
-- README.md
-- rspec-puppet.gemspec
-- spec/classes/boolean_regexp_spec.rb
-- spec/classes/boolean_spec.rb
-- spec/classes/sysctl_common_spec.rb
-- spec/defines/sysctl_before_spec.rb
-- spec/defines/sysctl_spec.rb
-- spec/hosts/foo_spec.rb
-- spec/hosts/testhost_spec.rb
-- spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp
-- spec/fixtures/modules/boolean/manifests/init.pp
-- spec/fixtures/modules/sysctl/manifests/init.pp
-- spec/functions/split_spec.rb
-- spec/spec_helper.rb
+- bin/rspec-puppet-init
 homepage: https://github.com/rodjek/rspec-puppet/
-licenses: []
+- MIT
+metadata: {}
 rdoc_options: []
 - lib
 required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
-  none: false
-  - - ! '>='
+  - - '>='
     - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
       version: '0'
 required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
-  none: false
-  - - ! '>='
+  - - '>='
     - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
       version: '0'
 requirements: []
-rubygems_version: 1.8.23
+rubygems_version: 2.0.3
-specification_version: 3
+specification_version: 4
 summary: RSpec tests for your Puppet manifests
 test_files: []
diff --git a/rspec-puppet.gemspec b/rspec-puppet.gemspec
deleted file mode 100644
index aae0b78..0000000
--- a/rspec-puppet.gemspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-Gem::Specification.new do |s|
-  s.name = 'rspec-puppet'
-  s.version = '0.1.6'
-  s.homepage = 'https://github.com/rodjek/rspec-puppet/'
-  s.summary = 'RSpec tests for your Puppet manifests'
-  s.description = 'RSpec tests for your Puppet manifests'
-  s.executables = ['rspec-puppet-init']
-  s.files = [
-    'bin/rspec-puppet-init',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/example/class_example_group.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/example/define_example_group.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/example/function_example_group.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/example/host_example_group.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/example.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_generic.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/create_resource.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/include_class.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/matchers/run.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/matchers.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/setup.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet/support.rb',
-    'lib/rspec-puppet.rb',
-    'LICENSE',
-    'Rakefile',
-    'README.md',
-    'rspec-puppet.gemspec',
-    'spec/classes/boolean_regexp_spec.rb',
-    'spec/classes/boolean_spec.rb',
-    'spec/classes/sysctl_common_spec.rb',
-    'spec/defines/sysctl_before_spec.rb',
-    'spec/defines/sysctl_spec.rb',
-    'spec/hosts/foo_spec.rb',
-    'spec/hosts/testhost_spec.rb',
-    'spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp',
-    'spec/fixtures/modules/boolean/manifests/init.pp',
-    'spec/fixtures/modules/sysctl/manifests/init.pp',
-    'spec/functions/split_spec.rb',
-    'spec/spec_helper.rb',
-  ]
-  s.add_dependency 'rspec'
-  s.authors = ['Tim Sharpe']
-  s.email = 'tim at sharpe.id.au'
diff --git a/spec/classes/boolean_regexp_spec.rb b/spec/classes/boolean_regexp_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b4120a9..0000000
--- a/spec/classes/boolean_regexp_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe 'boolean' do
-  let(:title) { 'bool.testing' }
-  let(:params) { { :bool => false } }
-  let(:message_re) { /bool is false/ }
-  it { should create_notify("bool testing").with_message(message_re) }
-  it { should_not create_notify("bool testing").with_message(/true/) }
diff --git a/spec/classes/boolean_spec.rb b/spec/classes/boolean_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 62ce239..0000000
--- a/spec/classes/boolean_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-if Puppet::PUPPETVERSION !~ /0\.2/
-  describe 'boolean' do
-    let(:title) { 'bool.testing' }
-    let(:params) { { :bool => false } }
-    it { should create_notify("bool testing")\
-      .with_message("This will print when \$bool is false.") }
-  end
diff --git a/spec/classes/sysctl_common_spec.rb b/spec/classes/sysctl_common_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 88bfaf8..0000000
--- a/spec/classes/sysctl_common_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe 'sysctl::common' do
-  it { should contain_exec('sysctl/reload') \
-    .with_command('/sbin/sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf').with_returns([0, 2]) }
-  it { should_not create_augeas('foo') }
-  describe 'when using with to specify a hash of parameters' do
-    it 'should fail if the parameter is not contained in the resource' do
-      expect do
-        subject.should contain_exec('sysctl/reload').with('foo' => 'bar')
-      end.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
-    end
-    it 'should pass if the parameters are contained in the resource' do
-      subject.should contain_exec('sysctl/reload').with(
-        'refreshonly' => 'true',
-        'returns' => [0, 2]
-      )
-    end
-  end
-  describe 'when using without to specify parameter name(s)' do
-    it 'should pass if the parameter name is not contained in the resource' do
-      subject.should contain_exec('sysctl/reload').without('foo')
-    end
-    it 'should pass if the parameter names are not contained in the resource' do
-      subject.should contain_exec('sysctl/reload').without(['foo', 'bar'])
-    end
-    it 'should fail if any of the parameter names are contained in the resource' do
-      expect do
-        subject.should contain_exec('sysctl/reload').without(['foo', 'returns'])
-      end.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)
-    end
-  end
-describe 'sysctl::common' do
-  let(:params) { { :test_param => "yes" } }
-  it { should create_class("sysctl::common")\
-    .with_test_param("yes") }
diff --git a/spec/defines/sysctl_before_spec.rb b/spec/defines/sysctl_before_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e9d953..0000000
--- a/spec/defines/sysctl_before_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe 'sysctl::before' do
-  let(:title) { 'sysctl::before' }
-  let(:params) { { :value => "title" } }
-  it "Should raise an error about needing the sysctl::common class" do
-    expect { should create_notify("message-title")\
-      .with_message("This should print if the class is here first.") }\
-    .to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Could not find resource 'Class\[Sysctl::Common\]/)
-  end
-describe 'sysctl::before' do
-  let(:title) { 'test define' }
-  let(:pre_condition) {
-    [ '# we need sysctl common',
-      'class {"sysctl::common":}' ] }
-  let(:params) { { :value => "title" } }
-  it { should create_resource("sysctl::before", 'test define')\
-    .with_param(:value, "title") }
-  it { should include_class("sysctl::common") }
diff --git a/spec/defines/sysctl_spec.rb b/spec/defines/sysctl_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 47a6a4c..0000000
--- a/spec/defines/sysctl_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe 'sysctl' do
-  let(:title) { 'vm.swappiness' }
-  let(:params) { {:value => '60'} }
-  it { should include_class('sysctl::common') }
-  it { should create_augeas('sysctl/vm.swappiness') \
-    .with_context('/files/etc/sysctl.conf') \
-    .with_changes("set vm.swappiness '60'") \
-    .with_onlyif("match vm.swappiness[.='60'] size == 0") \
-    .with_notify('Exec[sysctl/reload]')\
-    .without_foo }
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp b/spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f0ec89..0000000
--- a/spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-node default {
-  notify { 'test': }
-node /testhost/ {
-  include sysctl::common
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/modules/boolean/manifests/init.pp b/spec/fixtures/modules/boolean/manifests/init.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 94bb2c7..0000000
--- a/spec/fixtures/modules/boolean/manifests/init.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-class boolean($bool) {
-  $real_bool = $bool ? {
-    true => false,
-    false => true,
-  }
-  if ($real_bool) {
-    notify {"bool testing":
-      message => "This will print when \$bool is false."
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/spec/fixtures/modules/sysctl/manifests/init.pp b/spec/fixtures/modules/sysctl/manifests/init.pp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f98404..0000000
--- a/spec/fixtures/modules/sysctl/manifests/init.pp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-class sysctl::common ($test_param = 'yes') {
-  exec { 'sysctl/reload':
-    command     => '/sbin/sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf',
-    refreshonly => true,
-    returns     => [0, 2],
-  }
-define sysctl($value) {
-  include sysctl::common
-  augeas { "sysctl/${name}":
-    context => '/files/etc/sysctl.conf',
-    changes => "set ${name} '${value}'",
-    onlyif  => "match ${name}[.='${value}'] size == 0",
-    notify  => Exec['sysctl/reload'],
-  }
-class boolean($bool) {
-  $real_bool = $bool ? {
-    true => false,
-    false => true,
-  }
-  if ($real_bool) {
-    notify {"bool testing":
-      message => "This will print when \$bool is false."
-    }
-  }
-define sysctl::before($value) {
-  Class['sysctl::common'] -> Sysctl::Before[$name]
-  notify {"message-${name}":
-    message => "This should print if the class is here first."
-  }
diff --git a/spec/functions/split_spec.rb b/spec/functions/split_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 17a3db9..0000000
--- a/spec/functions/split_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe 'split' do
-  it { should run.with_params('aoeu', 'o').and_return(['a', 'eu']) }
-  it { should run.with_params('foo').and_raise_error(Puppet::ParseError) }
-  it { should_not run.with_params('foo').and_raise_error(Puppet::DevError) }
-  it 'something' do
-    if Integer(Puppet.version.split('.').first) >= 3
-      expected_error = ArgumentError
-    else
-      expected_error = Puppet::ParseError
-    end
-    expect { subject.call('foo') }.to raise_error(expected_error)
-  end
diff --git a/spec/hosts/foo_spec.rb b/spec/hosts/foo_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c1496d..0000000
--- a/spec/hosts/foo_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe 'foo.example.com' do
-  it { should_not include_class('sysctl::common') }
-  it { should contain_notify('test') }
diff --git a/spec/hosts/testhost_spec.rb b/spec/hosts/testhost_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 42c2ca2..0000000
--- a/spec/hosts/testhost_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-describe 'testhost' do
-  it { should include_class('sysctl::common') }
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 66145c2..0000000
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-require 'rspec-puppet'
-RSpec.configure do |c|
-  c.module_path = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'fixtures', 'modules')
-  c.manifest_dir = File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'fixtures', 'manifests')

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-rspec-puppet.git

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