[DRE-commits] [ruby-ldap] 05/08: Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.16'

Jonas Genannt jonas at brachium-system.net
Tue Dec 31 14:56:14 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

hggh-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-ldap.

commit 10027c344f3ab6583183998fda408cd1ede93c87
Merge: 0340aa0 eb748e6
Author: Jonas Genannt <jonas at brachium-system.net>
Date:   Tue Dec 31 15:41:55 2013 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.16'
    Upstream version 0.9.16
    # gpg: Signature made Tue 31 Dec 2013 03:41:49 PM CET using RSA key ID 016CFFD0
    # gpg: Good signature from "Jonas Genannt <jonas at brachium-system.net>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Jonas Genannt <jonas.genannt at capi2name.de>"
    * tag 'upstream/0.9.16':
      Imported Upstream version 0.9.16

 ChangeLog                                          |  28 +++-
 NOTES                                              |  35 +++++
 README                                             |   4 +
 TODO                                               |  10 --
 checksums.yaml.gz                                  | Bin 0 -> 424 bytes
 conn.c                                             |  70 +++++++++-
 extconf.rb                                         |   1 +
 ldap.c                                             |   3 +
 lib/ldap/ldif.rb                                   |   3 +-
 metadata.yml                                       |  87 +++++--------
 rbldap.h                                           |   9 +-
 saslconn.c                                         |  25 +++-
 test/cookbooks/apt/metadata.rb                     |  13 --
 test/cookbooks/apt/providers/repository.rb         |  73 -----------
 test/cookbooks/apt/recipes/cacher-client.rb        |  44 -------
 test/cookbooks/apt/recipes/cacher.rb               |  45 -------
 test/cookbooks/apt/recipes/default.rb              |  50 -------
 test/cookbooks/apt/resources/repository.rb         |  30 -----
 test/cookbooks/nginx/attributes/default.rb         |  35 -----
 test/cookbooks/nginx/definitions/nginx_site.rb     |  35 -----
 test/cookbooks/nginx/metadata.rb                   |  86 -------------
 test/cookbooks/nginx/recipes/default.rb            |  56 --------
 test/cookbooks/nginx/recipes/source.rb             | 143 ---------------------
 test/cookbooks/openldap/attributes/default.rb      |  61 ---------
 test/cookbooks/openldap/metadata.rb                |  99 --------------
 test/cookbooks/openldap/recipes/auth.rb            |  70 ----------
 test/cookbooks/openldap/recipes/client.rb          |  28 ----
 test/cookbooks/openldap/recipes/default.rb         |  18 ---
 test/cookbooks/openldap/recipes/server.rb          | 110 ----------------
 test/cookbooks/postgresql/attributes/default.rb    |  68 ----------
 test/cookbooks/postgresql/metadata.rb              |  15 ---
 test/cookbooks/postgresql/recipes/client.rb        |  27 ----
 test/cookbooks/postgresql/recipes/default.rb       |  20 ---
 test/cookbooks/postgresql/recipes/server.rb        |  36 ------
 test/cookbooks/postgresql/recipes/server_debian.rb |  51 --------
 test/cookbooks/postgresql/recipes/server_redhat.rb |  84 ------------
 test/cookbooks/sqlite/metadata.rb                  |  11 --
 test/cookbooks/sqlite/recipes/default.rb           |  26 ----
 test/cookbooks/vagrant_main/recipes/default.rb     |  12 --
 test/moz_cert.rb                                   |   1 -
 40 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 1428 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-ldap.git

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