[DRE-commits] [SCM] ruby-asciidoctor.git branch, master, updated. upstream/0.1.1-8-g46a976d

Per Andersson avtobiff at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 01:36:24 UTC 2013

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 879251870ff4b13c85d432f56942441aec486322
Author: Per Andersson <avtobiff at gmail.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 7 03:01:45 2013 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 0.1.3~ds1

diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index e45e65f..efb0d3c 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -1,2 +1,12 @@
-source :rubygems
+source 'https://rubygems.org'
+# enable this group to use Guard for continuous testing
+# after removing comments, run `bundle install` then `guard` 
+#group :guardtest do
+#  gem 'guard'
+#  gem 'guard-test'
+#  gem 'libnotify'
+#  gem 'listen', :github => 'guard/listen'
diff --git a/Guardfile b/Guardfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be32090
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Guardfile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# use `guard start -n f` to disable notifications
+# or set the environment variable GUARD_NOTIFY=false
+notification :libnotify,
+  :display_message => true,
+  :timeout => 5, # in seconds
+  :append => false,
+  :transient => true,
+  :urgency => :critical
+guard :test do
+  watch(%r{^lib/(.+)\.rb$}) do |m|
+    "test/#{m[1]}_test.rb"
+  end
+  watch(%r{^test.+_test\.rb$})
+  watch('test/test_helper.rb') do
+    "test"
+  end
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
index aa169d8..6c8b493 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 The MIT License
-Copyright (c) Ryan Waldron
+Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Dan Allen and Ryan Waldron
 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.adoc b/README.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6f29a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+= Asciidoctor
+:awestruct-layout: base
+:homepage: http://asciidoctor.org
+:asciidoc: http://asciidoc.org
+:sources: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor
+:issues: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/issues
+:forum: http://discuss.asciidoctor.org
+:org: https://github.com/asciidoctor
+:contributors: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/graphs/contributors
+:templates: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/blob/master/lib/asciidoctor/backends
+:gitscm-next: https://github.com/github/gitscm-next
+:seed-contribution: https://github.com/github/gitscm-next/commits/master/lib/asciidoc.rb
+:tilt: https://github.com/rtomayko/tilt
+:freesoftware: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html
+:gist: https://gist.github.com
+:fork: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo
+:branch: http://learn.github.com/p/branching.html
+:pr: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests
+:license: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/blob/master/LICENSE
+:idseparator: -
+{homepage}[Asciidoctor] is a pure Ruby processor for converting
+{asciidoc}[AsciiDoc] source files and strings into HTML 5, DocBook 4.5
+and other formats. It's http://rubygems.org/gems/asciidoctor[published
+as a RubyGem] and is available under the MIT open source license.
+image::https://travis-ci.org/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.png?branch=master[Build Status, link="https://travis-ci.org/asciidoctor/asciidoctor"]
+Asciidoctor uses a set of built-in ERB templates to render the document
+to HTML 5 or DocBook 4.5. We've matched the rendered output as close as
+possible to the default output of the native Python processor. You can
+override this behavior by providing {tilt}[Tilt]-compatible templates.
+See the <<usage>> section for more details.
+Asciidoctor currently works (read as 'tested') with Ruby 1.8.7, Ruby
+1.9.3, Ruby 2.0.0, JRuby 1.7.4 and Rubinius nightly (on Linux, Mac and
+Windows). We expect it will work with other versions of Ruby as well and
+would welcome help in testing it out.
+The initial code from which Asciidoctor emerged was written by
+http://github.com/nickh[Nick Hengeveld] to process the git man pages for
+the {gitscm-next}[Git project site]. Refer to commit history of
+{seed-contribution}[asciidoc.rb] to view the initial contributions and
+The source code can now be found in the {sources}[Asciidoctor source
+repository] on GitHub.
+== Installation
+NOTE: We're working hard to make Asciidoctor a drop-in replacement for
+AsciiDoc. We're very close, with over 700 tests that ensure
+compatibility. The march is on towards full compliance and beyond.
+To install the gem:
+ gem install asciidoctor
+Or if you prefer bundler, add the asciidoctor gem to your Gemfile,
+ source 'https://rubygems.org'
+ gem 'asciidoctor'
+then install it using bundler:
+ bundle install
+If you're running Fedora, you can install the gem using yum:
+ sudo yum install rubygem-asciidoctor
+The benefit of installing the gem via yum is that yum will also install
+Ruby if it's not already on your machine.
+== Usage
+Asciidoctor has both a command line interface (CLI) and an API. The CLI
+is a drop-in replacement for the +asciidoc.py+ command from the Python
+implementation. The API is intended for integration with other software
+projects and is suitable for server-side applications, such as Rails,
+Sinatra and GitHub.
+=== Command line interface (CLI)
+After installing the +asciidoctor+ gem, the +asciidoctor+ commandline
+interface should be available on your PATH. To invoke it, simply execute:
+ asciidoctor <asciidoc_file>
+This will use the built-in defaults for options and create a new file in
+the same directory as the input file, with the same base name, but with
+the .html extension.
+There are many other options available and full help is provided via:
+ asciidoctor --help
+or in the http://asciidoctor.org/man/asciidoctor[man page].
+There is also an +asciidoctor-safe+ command, which turns on safe mode by
+default, preventing access to files outside the parent directory of the
+source file. This mode is very similar to the safe mode of
+=== Ruby API
+To use Asciidoctor in your application, you first need to require the
+ require 'asciidoctor'
+With that in place, you can start processing AsciiDoc documents.
+.Loading a document
+To parse a file into an +Asciidoctor::Document+ object:
+ doc = Asciidoctor.load_file('your_file.asciidoc')
+You can get information about the document:
+ puts doc.doctitle
+ puts doc.attributes
+More than likely, you want to just render the document.
+.Rendering files
+To render a file containing AsciiDoc markup to HTML 5:
+ Asciidoctor.render_file('your_file.asciidoc', :in_place => true)
+The command will output to the file +your_file.html+ in the same
+directory. You can render the file to DocBook 4.5 by setting the
++backend+ attribute to 'docbook':
+ Asciidoctor.render_file('your_file.asciidoc', :in_place => true,
+   :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook'})
+The command will output to the file +your_file.xml+ in the same
+directory. (If you're on Linux, you can view the file using yelp).
+.Rendering strings
+To render an AsciiDoc-formatted string:
+ puts Asciidoctor.render('*This* is it.')
+When rendering a string, the header and footer are excluded by default
+to make Asciidoctor consistent with other lightweight markup engines
+like Markdown. If you want the header and footer, just enable it using
+the +:header_footer+ option:
+ puts Asciidoctor.render('*This* is it.', :header_footer => true)
+Now you'll get a full HTML 5 file. As before, you can also produce
+DocBook 4.5:
+ puts Asciidoctor.render('*This* is it.', :header_footer => true,
+   :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook'})
+If you don't like the output you see, you can change it. Any of it!
+.Custom templates
+Asciidoctor allows you to override the {templates}[built-in templates]
+used to render almost any individual AsciiDoc element. If you provide a
+directory of {tilt}[Tilt]-compatible templates, named in such a way that
+Asciidoctor can figure out which template goes with which element,
+Asciidoctor will use the templates in this directory instead of its
+built-in templates for any elements for which it finds a matching
+template. It will fallback to its default templates for everything else.
+ puts Asciidoctor.render('*This* is it.', :header_footer => true,
+   :template_dir => 'templates')
+The Document and Section templates should begin with +document.+ and
++section.+, respectively. The file extension is used by Tilt to
+determine which view framework it will use to use to render the
+template. For instance, if you want to write the template in ERB, you'd
+name these two templates +document.html.erb+ and +section.html.erb+. To
+use Haml, you'd name them +document.html.haml+ and +section.html.haml+.
+Templates for block elements, like a Paragraph or Sidebar, would begin
+with +block_<style>.+. For instance, to override the default Paragraph
+template with an ERB template, put a file named
++block_paragraph.html.erb+ in the template directory you pass to the
++Document+ constructor using the +:template_dir+ option.
+For more usage examples, see the (massive) test suite.
+== Differences from AsciiDoc
+While Asciidoctor aims to be compliant with the AsciiDoc syntax, there
+are some differences which are important to keep in mind. In some cases,
+it's to enforce a rule we believe is too lax or ambiguous in AsciiDoc.
+In other cases, it's a tradeoff for speed, smarter processing or a
+feature we just haven't yet implemented. (You'll also notice that
+Asciidoctor executes about 25x as fast as AsciiDoc).
+Here are the known cases where Asciidoctor differs from AsciiDoc:
+* Asciidoctor enables safe mode by default when using the API
+  (+SafeMode::SECURE+)
+* Asciidoctor safe mode is even more safe than AsciiDoc's safe mode
+* Asciidoctor enforces symmetric block delimiters (the length of start
+  and end delimiters for a block must match!)
+* Section title underlines must be within 1 character of the length of
+  the title (AsciiDoc allows an offset of 3)
+* Asciidoctor's default HTML backend matches AsciiDoc's HTML 5 backend
+  (whereas XHTML 1.1 is the default HTML backend in AsciiDoc)
+* Asciidoctor adds viewport meta tag to +<head>+ to optimize mobile viewing
+* Asciidoctor handles inline anchors more cleanly
+** AsciiDoc adds an +<a>+ tag in the line and that markup gets caught in
+   the generated id
+** Asciidoctor promotes the id of the anchor as the section id
+* Asciidoctor strips XML entities from the section title before
+  generating the id (makes for cleaner section ids)
+* Asciidoctor uses +<code>+ instead of +<span class="monospace">+ around
+  inline literal text in the HTML backend
+* Asciidoctor does not wrap email next to author name in header in
+  angle brackets
+* Asciidoctor allows email field to be a URL and renders it as such
+* Asciidoctor is much more lenient about attribute list parsing (double
+  quotes are rarely needed, though you may want to keep them for
+  compatibility)
+* Asciidoctor adds the type attribute on ordered lists to provide hint
+  for numbering style when stylesheet is absent (such as in embedded mode)
+* Asciidoctor recognizes +opts+ as an alias for the +options+ attribute.
+* Asciidoctor creates xref labels using the text from the linked section
+  title when rendering HTML to match how DocBook works
+* Asciidoctor allows commas to be used in xref labels, whereas AsciiDoc
+  cuts off the label at the location of the first comma
+* Asciidoctor removes indentation for non-literal paragraphs in a list
+  item
+NOTE: In general, Asciidoctor handles whitespace much more intelligently
+* Asciidoctor does not output an empty +<dd>+ for labeled list items
+  that don't have a definition
+* In Asciidoctor, a horizontal ruler can have attributes
+* Asciidoctor wraps +<col>+ elements in +<colgroup>+ in tables
+* Asciidoctor uses +<code>+ around content in monospaced table cells
+* Asciidoctor skips over line comments in tables, whereas AsciiDoc doesn't
+* Asciidoctor uses its own API rather than a command line invocation to
+  handle table cells that have AsciiDoc content
+* Asciidoctor supports resolving variables from parent document in table
+  cells with AsciiDoc content
+* AsciiDoc doesn't carry over the doctype attribute passed from the
+  commandline when rendering AsciiDoc table cells, whereas Asciidoctor does
+* Asciidoctor does not require commas between attributes with quoted
+  values in a block attribute list
+* Asciidoctor strips the file extension from the target image when
+  generating alt text if no alt text is provided
+* Asciidoctor reifies the toc in the header of the document instead of
+  relying on JavaScript to create it
+* Asciidoctor sets CSS class on toc element, read from the +toc-class+
+  attribute; defaults to toc attribute name (+toc+ or +toc2+).
+* Asciidoctor honors the id, title, role and levels attributes set on
+  the toc macro.
+* Asciidoctor does not output two TOCs with the same id.
+* Asciidoctor is nice about using a section title syntax inside a
+  delimited block by simply ignoring it (AsciiDoc issues warnings)
+* Asciidoctor honors the alternate style name "discrete" for a floating
+  title (i.e., +[discrete]+)
+* Asciidoctor supports the +pass+ style on open blocks and paragraphs
+* Asciidoctor supports syntax highlighting of listing, literal or open blocks
+  that have the "source" style out of the box
+** Asciidoctor honors the source-highlighter values +coderay+ and
+   +highlightjs+, using CodeRay or highlight.js, respectively
+** Asciidoctor does not currently support Pygments for source
+   highlighting
+** Asciidoctor gracefully falls back to listing block if no source language
+   is specified
+* Asciidoctor sets these additional intrinsic attributes
+  +asciidoctor+::
+    indicates Asciidoctor is being used; useful for conditional
+    processing
+  +asciidoctor-version+::
+    indicates which version of Asciidoctor is in use
+* Asciidoctor does not support deprecated tables (you don't want them
+  anyway)
+* Use can set the extension for icons using the +icontype+ attribute
+  (AsciiDoc defaults to .png)
+* Asciidoctor uses the +<blockquote>+ for the content and +<cite>+ tag for
+  attribution title in the HTML output for quote blocks, requiring some
+  additional styling to match AsciiDoc
+ blockquote.content { padding: 0; margin; 0 }
+ cite { color: navy; }
+* Asciidoctor supports markdown-style blockquotes as well as a shorthand
+  for a blockquote paragraph.
+* Asciidoctor supports markdown-style headings (section titles)
+* Asciidoctor does not support the deprecated index term syntax (`++`
+  and `+++`)
+* Asciidoctor includes a modern default stylesheet based on Foundation.
+* Asciidoctor links to, rather than embeds, the default stylesheet into
+  the document by default (e.g., +linkcss+). To include the default
+  stylesheet, you can either use the +copycss+ attribute to tell
+  Asciidoctor to copy it to the output directory, or you can embed it
+  into the document using the +linkcss!+ attribute. You can also provide
+  your own stylesheet using the +stylesheet+ attribute.
+* Asciidoctor introduces the +hardbreaks+ attribute, which inserts a
+  line break character after each line of wrapped text
+* Asciidoctor introduces the +idseparator+ attribute to customize the
+  separator used in generated section ids (AsciiDoc hardcodes +_+)
+* Asciidoctor does not support system evaluation macros
+* Asciidoctor does not support displaying comments
+* Asciidoctor properly calculates author initials if attribute reference
+  is used in name
+* Asciidoctor allows the author and revision attributes to be referenced
+  in subsequent attribute entries in header (unlike AsciiDoc)
+* Asciidoctor allows multiple authors to be defined, separated by
+  semicolon. In DocBook backend, the authors are listed in an
+  +<authorgroup>+ element.
+* Asciidoctor allows the document id to be set using [[id]] above the
+  document header (adds id attribute to +<body>+ tag)
+* Assigning value to the +listing-caption+ attribute will enable
+  automatic captions for listings (like examples, tables and figures)
+* The +ifeval::[]+ macro is constrained for the strict purpose of
+  comparing values of attributes
+* The +include::[]+ macro is converted to a link to the target document
+  when SafeMode is SECURE or greater (this makes for a friendly
+  experience on GitHub)
+* Asciidoctor supports up to 6 section levels (to cover all heading levels in
+  HTML) whereas AsciiDoc stops at 5; note the 6 section level is only available
+  using the single-line section title syntax
+* Admonition block style is added to class of outer div in html5 backend
+  in Asciidoctor
+* Admonition block caption can be overridden in Asciidoctor using the
+  +caption+ block attribute
+* Asciidoctor will parse attributes in link macros if the +linkattrs+
+  attribute is set on the document.
+If there's a difference you don't see in this list, check the {issues}[issue
+tracker] to see if it's an outstanding feature, or file an issue to report the
+== Contributing
+In the spirit of {freesoftware}[free software], 'everyone' is encouraged to
+help improve this project.
+Here are some ways *you* can contribute:
+* by using alpha, beta, and prerelease versions
+* by reporting bugs
+* by suggesting new features
+* by writing or editing documentation
+* by writing specifications
+* by writing code -- 'No patch is too small.'
+** fix typos
+** add comments
+** clean up inconsistent whitespace
+** write tests!
+* by refactoring code
+* by fixing {issues}[issues]
+* by reviewing patches
+== Submitting an Issue
+We use the {issues}[GitHub issue tracker] associated with this project
+to track bugs and features. Before submitting a bug report or feature
+request, check to make sure it hasn't already been submitted. When
+submitting a bug report, please include a {gist}[Gist] that includes any
+details that may help reproduce the bug, including your gem version,
+Ruby version, and operating system.
+Most importantly, since Asciidoctor is a text processor, reproducing
+most bugs requires that we have some snippet of text on which
+Asciidoctor exhibits the bad behavior.
+An ideal bug report would include a pull request with failing specs.
+== Submitting a Pull Request
+. {fork}[Fork the repository].
+. {branch}[Create a topic branch].
+. Add tests for your unimplemented feature or bug fix.
+. Run +bundle exec rake+.
+If your tests pass, return to step 3.
+. Implement your feature or bug fix.
+. Run +bundle exec rake+.
+If your tests fail, return to step 5.
+. Add documentation for your feature or bug fix.
+. If your changes are not 100% documented, go back to step 7.
+. Add, commit, and push your changes.
+. {pr}[Submit a pull request].
+== Supported Ruby Versions
+This library aims to support the following Ruby implementations:
+* Ruby 1.8.7
+* Ruby 1.9.3
+* Ruby 2.0.0
+* JRuby 1.7.4
+* Rubinius nightly
+If something doesn't work on one of these interpreters, it should be
+considered a bug.
+If you would like this library to support another Ruby version, you may
+volunteer to be a maintainer. Being a maintainer entails making sure all
+tests run and pass on that implementation. When something breaks on your
+implementation, you will be personally responsible for providing patches
+in a timely fashion. If critical issues for a particular implementation
+exist at the time of a major release, support for that Ruby version may
+be dropped.
+== Resources
+Project home page:: {homepage}
+Source repository:: {sources}
+Issue tracker:: {issues}
+Mailinglist / forum:: {forum}
+GitHub organization:: {org}
+== Authors
+*Asciidoctor* was written by https://github.com/mojavelinux[Dan Allen],
+https://github.com/erebor[Ryan Waldron],
+https://github.com/lightguard[Jason Porter], https://github.com/nickh[Nick
+Hengeveld] and {contributors}[other contributors].
+*AsciiDoc* was written by Stuart Rackham and has received contributions
+from many other individuals.
+== Copyright
+Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Dan Allen and Ryan Waldron. Free use of this
+software is granted under the terms of the MIT License.
+See the {license}[LICENSE] file for details.
+// vim: tw=72
diff --git a/README.asciidoc b/README.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 411e680..0000000
--- a/README.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-:asciidoctor: http://asciidoctor.org
-:asciidoctor-source: http://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor
-:asciidoc: http://asciidoc.org
-:gitscm-next: https://github.com/github/gitscm-next
-:asciidoctor-seed: https://github.com/github/gitscm-next/commits/master/lib/asciidoc.rb
-:templates: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/blob/master/lib/asciidoctor/backends
-:tilt: https://github.com/rtomayko/tilt
-:freesoftware: http://www.fsf.org/licensing/essays/free-sw.html
-:issues: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/issues
-:gist: https://gist.github.com
-:fork: http://help.github.com/fork-a-repo/
-:branch: http://learn.github.com/p/branching.html
-:pr: http://help.github.com/send-pull-requests/
-:license: https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/blob/master/LICENSE
-{asciidoctor}[Asciidoctor] is a pure Ruby processor for converting
-{asciidoc}[AsciiDoc] source files and strings into HTML 5, DocBook 4.5
-and other formats. It's
-http://rubygems.org/gems/asciidoctor[published as a RubyGem] and is
-available under the MIT open source license.
-image::https://travis-ci.org/asciidoctor/asciidoctor.png?branch=master["Build Status", link="https://travis-ci.org/asciidoctor/asciidoctor"]
-Asciidoctor uses a set of built-in ERB templates to render the document
-to HTML 5 or DocBook 4.5. We've matched the rendered output as close as
-possible to the default output of the native Python processor. You can
-override this behavior by providing {tilt}[Tilt]-compatible templates.
-See the xref:usage[Usage section] for more details.
-Asciidoctor currently works (read as 'tested') with Ruby 1.8.7, Ruby
-1.9.3 and JRuby 1.7.2 (on Linux, Mac and Windows). We expect it will
-work with other versions of Ruby as well and would welcome help in
-testing it out.
-The initial code from which Asciidoctor started emerged from the
-{gitscm-next}[Git SCM site repo]. Refer to commit history of
-{asciidoctor-seed}[asciidoc.rb] to view the initial contributions and
-individual contributors.
-The source code can now be found in the {asciidoctor-source}[Asciidoctor
-source repository] on GitHub.
-== Installation
-NOTE: We are working hard to make Asciidoctor a drop-in replacement for
-AsciiDoc. We're very close, with nearly 600 tests that ensure
-compatibility. The march is on towards full compliance and beyond.
-To install the gem:
- gem install asciidoctor
-Or if you prefer bundler:
- bundle install asciidoctor
-== Usage
-Asciidoctor has both a command line interface (CLI) and an API. The
-CLI is a drop-in replacement for the `asciidoc.py` command from the
-python implementation. The API is intended for integration with other
-software projects and is suitable for server-side applications, such
-as Rails, Sinatra and GitHub.
-=== Command line interface (CLI)
-After installing the `asciidoctor` gem, the `asciidoctor` commandline
-interface should be available on your PATH after installing the gem.
-To invoke it, simply execute:
- asciidoctor <asciidoc_file>
-This will use the built-in defaults for options and create a new file
-in the same directory as the input file, with the same base name, but
-with the .html extension.
-There are many other options available and full help is provided via:
- asciidoctor --help
-or in the http://asciidoctor.org/man/asciidoctor[man page].
-There is also an `asciidoctor-safe` command, which turns on safe mode
-by default, preventing access to files outside the parent directory of
-the source file. This mode is very similar to the safe mode of `asciidoc.py`.
-=== Ruby API
-To use Asciidoctor in your application, you first need to require the
- require 'asciidoctor'
-With that in place, you can start processing AsciiDoc documents.
-.Loading a document
-To parse a file into an `Asciidoctor::Document` object:
- doc = Asciidoctor.load_file('your_file.asciidoc')
-You can get information about the document:
- puts doc.doctitle
- puts doc.attributes
-More than likely, you want to just render the document.
-.Rendering files
-To render a file containing AsciiDoc markup to HTML 5:
- Asciidoctor.render_file('your_file.asciidoc', :in_place => true)
-The command will output to the file `your_file.html` in the same
-directory. You can render the file to DocBook 4.5 by setting the
-`backend` attribute to 'docbook':
- Asciidoctor.render_file('your_file.asciidoc', :in_place => true,
-   :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook'})
-The command will output to the file `your_file.xml` in the same
-directory. (If you're on Linux, you can view the file using yelp).
-.Rendering strings
-To render an AsciiDoc-formatted string:
- puts Asciidoctor.render('*This* is it.')
-When rendering a string, the header and footer are excluded by default
-to make Asciidoctor consistent with other lightweight markup engines
-like Markdown. If you want the header and footer, just declare it as
-an option:
- puts Asciidoctor.render('*This* is it.', :header_footer => true)
-Now you'll get a full HTML 5 file. As before, you can also produce
-DocBook 4.5:
- puts Asciidoctor.render('*This* is it.', :header_footer => true,
-   :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook'})
-If you don't like the output you see, you can change it. Any of it!
-.Custom templates
-Asciidoctor allows you to override the {templates}[built-in templates]
-used to render almost any individual AsciiDoc element. If you provide a
-directory of {tilt}[Tilt]-compatible templates, named in such a way that
-Asciidoctor can figure out which template goes with which element,
-Asciidoctor will use the templates in this directory instead of its
-built-in templates for any elements for which it finds a matching
-template. It will fallback to its default templates for everything else.
- puts Asciidoctor.render('*This* is it.', :header_footer => true,
-   :template_dir => 'templates')
-The Document and Section templates should begin with `document.` and
-`section.`, respectively. The file extension is used by Tilt to
-determine which view framework it will use to use to render the
-template. For instance, if you want to write the template in ERB, you'd
-name these two templates `document.html.erb` and `section.html.erb`. To
-use Haml, you'd name them `document.html.haml` and `section.html.haml`.
-Templates for block elements, like a Paragraph or Sidebar, would begin
-with `block_<style>.`. For instance, to override the default Paragraph
-template with an ERB template, put a file named
-`block_paragraph.html.erb` in the template directory you pass to the
-`Document` constructor using the `template_dir` option.
-For more usage examples, see the (massive) test suite.
-== Differences from AsciiDoc
-While Asciidoctor aims to be compliant with the AsciiDoc syntax, there are some differences which are important to keep in mind. In some cases, it's to enforce a rule we believe is too lax or ambiguous in AsciiDoc. In other cases, it's a tradeoff for speed, smarter processing or a feature we just haven't yet implemented. (You'll also notice that Asciidoctor is about 20x faster than AsciiDoc).
-Here are the known cases where Asciidoctor differs from AsciiDoc:
-* In Asciidoctor, safe mode is on by default when using the API (safe mode level SECURE),
-* Asciidoctor safe mode is even more safe than AsciiDoc's safe mode
-* Asciidoctor enforces symmetric block delimiters (the length of start and end delimiters for a block must match)
-* Section title underlines must be within +/- 1 of the length of the title (AsciiDoc is +/- 3)
-* Asciidoctor's default HTML backend matches AsciiDoc's HTML 5 backend (whereas XHTML 1.1 is the default HTML backend in AsciiDoc)
-* Asciidoctor handles inline anchors more cleanly
-** AsciiDoc adds an `<a>` tag in the line and that markup gets caught in the generated id
-** Asciidoctor promotes the id of the anchor as the section id
-* Asciidoctor strips XML entities from the section title before generating the id (makes for cleaner section ids)
-* Asciidoctor use `<tt>` instead of `<span class="monospace">` around inline literal text in the HTML backend
-* Asciidoctor is much more lenient about attribute list parsing (double quotes are rarely needed)
-* Asciidoctor creates xref labels using the text from the linked section title when rendering HTML to match how DocBook works
-* Asciidoctor allows commas to be used in xref labels, whereas AsciiDoc cuts off the label at the location of the first comma
-* Asciidoctor removes indentation for non-literal paragraphs in a list item
-** In general, Asciidoctor handles whitespace much more intelligently
-* In Asciidoctor, a ruler can have attributes
-* Asciidoctor skips over line comments in tables, whereas AsciiDoc does not
-* Asciidoctor uses its own API rather than a command line invocation to handle table cells that have AsciiDoc content
-* Asciidoctor supports resolving variables from parent document in table cells with AsciiDoc content
-* AsciiDoc doesn't carry over the doctype attribute passed from the commandline when rendering AsciiDoc content cells, whereas Asciidoctor does
-* Asciidoctor strips the file extension from the target image when generating alt text if no alt text is provided
-* Asciidoctor reifies the toc in the header of the document instead of relying on JavaScript to create it
-* Asciidoctor is nice about using a section title syntax inside a delimited block by simply ignoring it (AsciiDoc issues warnings)
-* Asciidoctor honors the alternate style name "discrete" for a floating title (i.e., [discrete])
-* Asciidoctor supports syntax highlighting of listing or literal blocks that have the "source" style out of the box
-** Asciidoctor honors the source-highlighter values `coderay` and `highlightjs`, using CodeRay or highlight.js, respectively
-** Asciidoctor does not currently support Pygments for source highlighting
-* Asciidoctor sets these additional intrinsic attributes
-`asciidoctor`:: indicates Asciidoctor is being used; useful for conditional processing
-`asciidoctor-version`:: indicates which version of Asciidoctor is in use
-* Asciidoctor does not support deprecated tables (you don't want them anyway)
-If there's a difference you don't see in this list, check the {issues}[issue tracker] to see if it's an outstanding feature, or file an issue to report the difference.
-== Contributing
-In the spirit of {freesoftware}[free software], 'everyone' is
-encouraged to help improve this project.
-Here are some ways *you* can contribute:
-* by using alpha, beta, and prerelease versions
-* by reporting bugs
-* by suggesting new features
-* by writing or editing documentation
-* by writing specifications
-* by writing code -- 'No patch is too small.'
-** fix typos
-** add comments
-** clean up inconsistent whitespace
-** write tests!
-* by refactoring code
-* by fixing {issues}[issues]
-* by reviewing patches
-== Submitting an Issue
-We use the {issues}[GitHub issue tracker] associated with this project
-to track bugs and features.  Before submitting a bug report or feature
-request, check to make sure it hasn't already been submitted. When
-submitting a bug report, please include a {gist}[Gist] that includes
-any details that may help reproduce the bug, including your gem
-version, Ruby version, and operating system.
-Most importantly, since Asciidoctor is a text processor, reproducing
-most bugs requires that we have some snippet of text on which
-Asciidoctor exhibits the bad behavior.
-An ideal bug report would include a pull request with failing specs.
-== Submitting a Pull Request
-. {fork}[Fork the repository].
-. {branch}[Create a topic branch].
-. Add tests for your unimplemented feature or bug fix.
-. Run `bundle exec rake`. If your tests pass, return to step 3.
-. Implement your feature or bug fix.
-. Run `bundle exec rake`. If your tests fail, return to step 5.
-. Add documentation for your feature or bug fix.
-. If your changes are not 100% documented, go back to step 7.
-. Add, commit, and push your changes.
-. {pr}[Submit a pull request].
-== Supported Ruby Versions
-This library aims to support the following Ruby implementations:
-* Ruby 1.8.7
-* Ruby 1.9.3
-* JRuby 1.7.2
-* Rubinius 1.2.4
-If something doesn't work on one of these interpreters, it should be
-considered a bug.
-If you would like this library to support another Ruby version, you
-may volunteer to be a maintainer. Being a maintainer entails making
-sure all tests run and pass on that implementation. When something
-breaks on your implementation, you will be personally responsible for
-providing patches in a timely fashion. If critical issues for a
-particular implementation exist at the time of a major release,
-support for that Ruby version may be dropped.
-== Authors
-*Asciidoctor* was written by Ryan Waldron, Dan Allen and
-*AsciiDoc* was written by Stuart Rackham and has received
-contributions from many other individuals.
-== Copyright
-Copyright (C) 2012 Ryan Waldron.
-See {license}[LICENSE] for details.
-// vim: tw=72
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 02e476d..0143290 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -47,12 +47,22 @@ task :default => :test
 require 'rake/testtask'
 Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |test|
+  puts "LANG: #{ENV['LANG']}"
   test.libs << 'lib' << 'test'
   test.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb'
   test.warning = true
   test.verbose = true
+# Run tests with Encoding::default_external set to US-ASCII
+Rake::TestTask.new(:test_us_ascii) do |test|
+  test.libs << 'lib' << 'test'
+  test.pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb'
+  test.warning = true
+  test.verbose = true
+  test.ruby_opts << '-EUS-ASCII' if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
 desc "Generate RCov test coverage and open in your browser"
 task :coverage do
   require 'rcov'
diff --git a/asciidoctor.gemspec b/asciidoctor.gemspec
index 4deec6c..daa21d8 100644
--- a/asciidoctor.gemspec
+++ b/asciidoctor.gemspec
@@ -1,77 +1,64 @@
-## This is the rakegem gemspec template. Make sure you read and understand
-## all of the comments. Some sections require modification, and others can
-## be deleted if you don't need them. Once you understand the contents of
-## this file, feel free to delete any comments that begin with two hash marks.
-## You can find comprehensive Gem::Specification documentation, at
-## http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/20
 Gem::Specification.new do |s|
   s.specification_version = 2 if s.respond_to? :specification_version=
-  s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(">= 0") if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
-  s.rubygems_version = '1.3.5'
+  s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new('>= 0') if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
+  s.rubygems_version = '1.8.5'
-  ## Leave these as is they will be modified for you by the rake gemspec task.
-  ## If your rubyforge_project name is different, then edit it and comment out
-  ## the sub! line in the Rakefile
+  ## name, version, date and rubyforge_project are updated automatically by the
+  ## Rake build (see the validate task)
   s.name              = 'asciidoctor'
-  s.version           = '0.1.1'
-  s.date              = '2013-02-26'
+  s.version           = '0.1.3'
+  s.date              = '2013-05-30'
   s.rubyforge_project = 'asciidoctor'
-  ## Make sure your summary is short. The description may be as long
-  ## as you like.
-  s.summary     = "Pure Ruby Asciidoc to HTML rendering."
-  s.description = "A pure Ruby processor to turn Asciidoc-formatted documents into HTML (and, eventually, other formats perhaps)."
+  s.summary     = 'A native Ruby AsciiDoc syntax processor and publishing toolchain'
+  s.description = <<-EOS
+An open source text processor and publishing toolchain written in Ruby for converting AsciiDoc markup into HTML 5, DocBook 4.5 and custom formats.
+  s.license     = 'MIT'
+  s.authors  = ['Dan Allen', 'Ryan Waldron', 'Jeremy McAnally', 'Jason Porter', 'Nick Hengeveld']
+  s.email    = ['dan.j.allen at gmail.com', 'rew at erebor.com']
+  s.homepage = 'http://asciidoctor.org'
-  ## List the primary authors. If there are a bunch of authors, it's probably
-  ## better to set the email to an email list or something. If you don't have
-  ## a custom homepage, consider using your GitHub URL or the like.
-  s.authors  = ["Ryan Waldron", "Dan Allen", "Jeremy McAnally"]
-  s.email    = 'rew at erebor.com'
-  s.homepage = 'http://github.com/asciidoctor'
-  ## This gets added to the $LOAD_PATH so that 'lib/NAME.rb' can be required as
-  ## require 'NAME.rb' or'/lib/NAME/file.rb' can be as require 'NAME/file.rb'
   s.require_paths = %w[lib]
+  s.executables = ['asciidoctor', 'asciidoctor-safe']
-  ## If your gem includes any executables, list them here.
-  s.executables = ["asciidoctor"]
-  ## Specify any RDoc options here. You'll want to add your README and
-  ## LICENSE files to the extra_rdoc_files list.
-  s.rdoc_options = ["--charset=UTF-8"]
+  s.has_rdoc = true
+  s.rdoc_options = ['--charset=UTF-8']
   s.extra_rdoc_files = %w[LICENSE]
   ## List your runtime dependencies here. Runtime dependencies are those
   ## that are needed for an end user to actually USE your code.
+  #s.add_dependency 'foo', '~> 1.0.0'
-  ## List your development dependencies here. Development dependencies are
-  ## those that are only needed during development
+  ## Development dependencies are libraries only needed during development or
+  ## testing
-  s.add_development_dependency('htmlentities')
-  s.add_development_dependency('mocha')
   s.add_development_dependency('rdoc', '~> 3.12')
-  ## Leave this section as-is. It will be automatically generated from the
-  ## contents of your Git repository via the gemspec task. DO NOT REMOVE
-  ## THE MANIFEST COMMENTS, they are used as delimiters by the task.
+  ## The manifest section is automatically generated by the Rake build
+  ## based on the contents of the Git repository (see the gemspec task).
   # = MANIFEST =
   s.files = %w[
+    Guardfile
-    README.asciidoc
+    README.adoc
+    compat/asciidoc.conf
+    lib/asciidoctor/backends/_stylesheets.rb
@@ -81,11 +68,11 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
-    lib/asciidoctor/errors.rb
+    lib/asciidoctor/path_resolver.rb
@@ -100,11 +87,17 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+    test/fixtures/basic-docinfo.html
+    test/fixtures/basic-docinfo.xml
+    test/fixtures/basic.asciidoc
+    test/fixtures/docinfo.html
+    test/fixtures/docinfo.xml
+    test/fixtures/stylesheets/custom.css
@@ -112,6 +105,7 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+    test/paths_test.rb
@@ -123,7 +117,6 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
   # = MANIFEST =
-  ## Test files will be grabbed from the file list. Make sure the path glob
-  ## matches what you actually use.
+  ## Test files are selected from the file list using the path glob here
   s.test_files = s.files.select { |path| path =~ /^test\/.*_test\.rb/ }
diff --git a/compat/asciidoc.conf b/compat/asciidoc.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba4d485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compat/asciidoc.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# This file is an AsciiDoc configuration file that makes
+# AsciiDoc conform with Asciidoctor's fixes and customizations.
+# Place this file in the same directory as your AsciiDoc document and the
+# AsciiDoc processor (asciidoc) will automatically use it.
+# make html5 the default html backend
+# plus introduced in AsciiDoc 8.6.9
+space=" "
+# enables markdown-style headings
+sect0=^(=|#) +(?P<title>[\S].*?)(?: +\1)?$
+sect1=^(==|##) +(?P<title>[\S].*?)(?: +\1)?$
+sect2=^(===|###) +(?P<title>[\S].*?)(?: +\1)?$
+sect3=^(====|####) +(?P<title>[\S].*?)(?: +\1)?$
+sect4=^(=====|#####) +(?P<title>[\S].*?)(?: +\1)?$
+# enables fenced code blocks
+# FIXME I haven't sorted out yet how to do syntax highlighting
+# enables blockquotes to be defined using two double quotes
+# markdown-style blockquote (paragraph only)
+# FIXME does not strip leading > on subsequent lines
+# fix regex for callout list to require number; also makes markdown-style blockquote work
+delimiter=^<?(?P<index>\d+>) +(?P<text>.+)$
+# enables literal block to be used as code block
+# btn:[Save]
+# kbd:[F11] or kbd:[Ctrl+T] or kbd:[Ctrl,T]
+# menu:Search[] or menu:File[New...] or menu:View[Page Style, No Style]
+# TODO implement menu:View[Page Style > No Style] syntax
+<b class="button">{1}</b>
+{set2:keys:{eval:re.split(r'(?<!\+ |.\+)\+', '{1}')}}
+{2%}{eval:len({keys}) == 1}<kbd>{1}</kbd>
+{2%}{eval:len({keys}) == 2}<kbd class="combo"><kbd>{eval:{keys}[0].strip()}</kbd>+<kbd>{eval:{keys}[1].strip()}</kbd></kbd>
+{2%}{eval:len({keys}) == 3}<kbd class="combo"><kbd>{eval:{keys}[0].strip()}</kbd>+<kbd>{eval:{keys}[1].strip()}</kbd>+<kbd>{eval:{keys}[2].strip()}</kbd></kbd>
+{2#}{3%}<kbd class="combo"><kbd>{1}</kbd>+<kbd>{2}</kbd></kbd>
+{3#}<kbd class="combo"><kbd>{1}</kbd>+<kbd>{2}</kbd>+<kbd>{3}</kbd></kbd>
+{1%}<span class="menu">{target}</span>
+{1#}{2%}<span class="menuseq"><span class="menu">{target}</span> ▸ <span class="menuitem">{1}</span></span>
+{2#}{3%}<span class="menuseq"><span class="menu">{target}</span> ▸ <span class="submenu">{1}</span> ▸ <span class="menuitem">{2}</span></span>
+{3#}<span class="menuseq"><span class="menu">{target}</span> ▸ <span class="submenu">{1}</span> ▸ <span class="submenu">{2}</span> ▸ <span class="menuitem">{3}</span></span>
+emphasis=<em{1? class="{1}"}>|</em>
+strong=<strong{1? class="{1}"}>|</strong>
+monospaced=<code{1? class="{1}"}>|</code>
+superscript=<sup{1? class="{1}"}>|</sup>
+subscript=<sub{1? class="{1}"}>|</sub>
+list=<div class="olist{style? {style}}{compact-option? compact}{role? {role}}"{id? id="{id}"}>{title?<div class="title">{title}</div>}<ol class="{style}"{style at loweralpha: type="a"}{style at lowerroman: type="i"}{style at upperalpha: type="A"}{style at upperroman: type="I"}{start? start="{start}"}>|</ol></div>
+paragraph=<p class="tableblock"><code>|</code></p>
+<h1{id? id="{id}"} class="sect0">{title}</h1>
+# support for document title in embedded documents
+ifeval::[not config.header_footer]
+<div id="preamble">
+<div class="sectionbody">
+<div class="sect1{style? {style}}{role? {role}}">
+<h2{id? id="{id}"}>{numbered?{sectnum} }{title}</h2>
+<div class="sectionbody">
+# override to add the admonition name to the class attribute of the outer element
+<div class="admonitionblock {name}{role? {role}}{unbreakable-option? unbreakable}"{id? id="{id}"}>
+<td class="icon">
+{data-uri%}{icons#}<img src="{icon={iconsdir}/{name}.png}" alt="{caption}">
+{data-uri#}{icons#}<img alt="{caption}" src="data:image/png;base64,
+{data-uri#}{icons#}{sys:"{python}" -u -c "import base64,sys; base64.encode(sys.stdin,sys.stdout)" < "{eval:os.path.join(r"{indir={outdir}}",r"{icon={iconsdir}/{name}.png}")}"}">
+{icons%}<div class="title">{caption}</div>
+<td class="content">
+<div class="title">{title}</div>
+# a common template for emitting the attribute for a quote or verse block
+# don't output attribution div if attribution or citetitle are both empty
+{attribution,citetitle#}<div class="attribution">
+— {attribution}
+# override to use blockquote element for content and cite element for cite title
+<div class="quoteblock{role? {role}}{unbreakable-option? unbreakable}"{id? id="{id}"}>
+<div class="title">{title}</div>
+# override to use cite element for cite title
+<div class="verseblock{role? {role}}{unbreakable-option? unbreakable}"{id? id="{id}"}>
+<div class="title">{title}</div>
+<pre class="content">
+# override tabletags to support cellbgcolor
+headdata=<th class="tableblock halign-{halign=left} valign-{valign=top}"{colspan at 1:: colspan="{colspan}"}{rowspan at 1:: rowspan="{rowspan}"}{cellbgcolor? style="background-color:{cellbgcolor};"}>|</th>
+bodydata=<td class="tableblock halign-{halign=left} valign-{valign=top}"{colspan at 1:: colspan="{colspan}"}{rowspan at 1:: rowspan="{rowspan}"}{cellbgcolor? style="background-color:{cellbgcolor};"}>|</td>
+<div id="toc">
+<div id="toctitle">{toc-title}</div>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+document.body.className += ' toc2';
+document.getElementById('toc').className = 'toc2';
+<noscript><p><b>JavaScript must be enabled in your browser to display the table of contents.</b></p></noscript>
+# Override docinfo to support subtitle
+{set2:keys:{eval:re.split(r'(?<!\+ |.\+)\+', '{1}')}}
+{2%}{eval:len({keys}) == 1}<keycap>{1}</keycap>
+{2%}{eval:len({keys}) == 2}<keycombo><keycap>{eval:{keys}[0].strip()}</keycap><keycap>{eval:{keys}[1].strip()}</keycap></keycombo>
+{2%}{eval:len({keys}) == 3}<keycombo><keycap>{eval:{keys}[0].strip()}</keycap><keycap>{eval:{keys}[1].strip()}</keycap><keycap>{eval:{keys}[2].strip()}</keycap></keycombo>
+{1#}{2%}<menuchoice><guimenu>{target}</guimenu> <guimenuitem>{1}</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
+{2#}{3%}<menuchoice><guimenu>{target}</guimenu> <guisubmenu>{1}</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>{2}</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
+{3#}<menuchoice><guimenu>{target}</guimenu> <guisubmenu>{1}</guisubmenu> <guisubmenu>{2}</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>{3}</guimenuitem></menuchoice>
+# override tabletags to support cellbgcolor
+headdata=<entry align="{halign}" valign="{valign}"{colspan at 1:: namest="col_{colstart}" nameend="col_{colend}"}{morerows at 0:: morerows="{morerows}"}>{cellbgcolor?<?dbfo bgcolor="{cellbgcolor}"?>}|</entry>
+bodydata=<entry align="{halign}" valign="{valign}"{colspan at 1:: namest="col_{colstart}" nameend="col_{colend}"}{morerows at 0:: morerows="{morerows}"}>{cellbgcolor?<?dbfo bgcolor="{cellbgcolor}"?>}|</entry>
+{set2:subtitle_offset:{eval:'{doctitle}'.rfind(': ')}}
+{eval:{subtitle_offset} != -1}<title>{eval:'{doctitle}'[0:{subtitle_offset}]}</title>
+{eval:{subtitle_offset} != -1}<subtitle>{eval:'{doctitle}'[{subtitle_offset} + 2:]}</subtitle>
+{eval:{subtitle_offset} < 0}<title>{doctitle}</title>
+# To ensure valid articleinfo/bookinfo when there is no AsciiDoc header.
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor.rb b/lib/asciidoctor.rb
index 57aedf4..55427ba 100755
--- a/lib/asciidoctor.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor.rb
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-require 'rubygems'
+if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+  require 'rubygems'
 require 'strscan'
+require 'set'
-#$:.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'vendor'))
 # Public: Methods for parsing Asciidoc input files and rendering documents
 # using eRuby templates.
@@ -87,6 +89,15 @@ module Asciidoctor
+  # The root path of the Asciidoctor gem
+  ROOT_PATH = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..'))
+  # Flag to indicate whether encoding of external strings needs to be forced to UTF-8
+  # _All_ input data must be force encoded to UTF-8 if Encoding.default_external is *not* UTF-8
+  # Address failures performing string operations that are reported as "invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII" 
+  # Ruby 1.8 doesn't seem to experience this problem (perhaps because it isn't validating the encodings)
+  FORCE_ENCODING = RUBY_VERSION > '1.9' && Encoding.default_external != Encoding::UTF_8
   # The default document type
   # Can influence markup generated by render templates
   DEFAULT_DOCTYPE = 'article'
@@ -94,6 +105,10 @@ module Asciidoctor
   # The backend determines the format of the rendered output, default to html5
   DEFAULT_BACKEND = 'html5'
+  DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_NAME = 'asciidoctor.css'
   # Pointers to the preferred version for a given backend.
     'html' => 'html5',
@@ -113,19 +128,36 @@ module Asciidoctor
     'markdown' => '.md'
+    '=' => 0,
+    '-' => 1,
+    '~' => 2,
+    '^' => 3,
+    '+' => 4
+  }
+  PARAGRAPH_STYLES = ['comment', 'example', 'literal', 'listing', 'normal', 'pass', 'quote', 'sidebar', 'source', 'verse', 'abstract', 'partintro'].to_set
+  VERBATIM_STYLES = ['literal', 'listing', 'source', 'verse'].to_set
-    '--'   => :open,
-    '----' => :listing,
-    '....' => :literal,
-    '====' => :example,
-    '****' => :sidebar,
-    '____' => :quote,
-    '++++' => :pass,
-    '|===' => :table,
-    '!===' => :table,
-    '////' => :comment,
-    '```'  => :fenced_code,
-    '~~~'  => :fenced_code
+    '--'   => [:open, ['comment', 'example', 'literal', 'listing', 'pass', 'quote', 'sidebar', 'source', 'verse', 'admonition', 'abstract', 'partintro'].to_set],
+    '----' => [:listing, ['literal', 'source'].to_set],
+    '....' => [:literal, ['listing', 'source'].to_set],
+    '====' => [:example, ['admonition'].to_set],
+    '****' => [:sidebar, Set.new],
+    '____' => [:quote, ['verse'].to_set],
+    '""'   => [:quote, ['verse'].to_set],
+    '++++' => [:pass, Set.new],
+    '|===' => [:table, Set.new],
+    ',===' => [:table, Set.new],
+    ':===' => [:table, Set.new],
+    '!===' => [:table, Set.new],
+    '////' => [:comment, Set.new],
+    '```'  => [:fenced_code, Set.new],
+    '~~~'  => [:fenced_code, Set.new]
@@ -147,15 +179,48 @@ module Asciidoctor
     :upperroman => /[IVX]+\)/
+    'loweralpha' => 'a',
+    'lowerroman' => 'i',
+    'upperalpha' => 'A',
+    'upperroman' => 'I'
+  }
   LINE_BREAK = ' +'
   # NOTE allows for empty space in line as it could be left by the template engine
+  BLANK_LINE_PATTERN = /^[[:blank:]]*\n/
' # or &#x0A;
+  # Flags to control compliance with the behavior of AsciiDoc
+    # AsciiDoc terminates paragraphs adjacent to
+    # block content (delimiter or block attribute list)
+    # Compliance value: true
+    # TODO what about literal paragraph?
+    :block_terminates_paragraph => true,
+    # AsciiDoc does not treat paragraphs labeled with a
+    # verbatim style (literal, listing, source, verse)
+    # as verbatim; override this behavior
+    # Compliance value: false
+    :strict_verbatim_paragraphs => true,
+    # AsciiDoc allows start and end delimiters around
+    # a block to be different lengths
+    # this option requires that they be the same
+    # Compliance value: false
+    :congruent_block_delimiters => true,
+    # AsciiDoc will recognize commonly-used Markdown syntax
+    # to the degree it does not interfere with existing
+    # AsciiDoc behavior.
+    :markdown_syntax => true
+  }
   # The following pattern, which appears frequently, captures the contents between square brackets,
   # ignoring escaped closing brackets (closing brackets prefixed with a backslash '\' character)
@@ -164,8 +229,11 @@ module Asciidoctor
   # Matches:
   # [enclosed text here] or [enclosed [text\] here]
   REGEXP = {
+    # NOTE: this is a inline admonition note
+    :admonition_inline => /^(#{ADMONITION_STYLES.to_a * '|'}):\s/,
     # [[Foo]]
-    :anchor           => /^\[\[([^\[\]]+)\]\]$/,
+    :anchor           => /^\[\[([^\s\[\]]+)\]\]$/,
     # Foowhatevs [[Bar]]
     :anchor_embedded  => /^(.*?)\s*\[\[([^\[\]]+)\]\]$/,
@@ -173,10 +241,19 @@ module Asciidoctor
     # [[ref]] (anywhere inline)
     :anchor_macro     => /\\?\[\[([\w":].*?)\]\]/,
-    # matches any block delimiter:
-    #   open, listing, example, literal, comment, quote, sidebar, passthrough, table
-    # NOTE position the most common blocks towards the front of the pattern
-    :any_blk          => %r{^(?:--|(?:-|\.|=|\*|_|\+|/){4,}|[\|!]={3,}|(?:`|~){3,}.*)$},
+    # matches any unbounded block delimiter:
+    #   listing, literal, example, sidebar, quote, passthrough, table, fenced code
+    # does not include open block or air quotes
+    # TIP position the most common blocks towards the front of the pattern
+    :any_blk          => %r{^(?:(?:-|\.|=|\*|_|\+|/){4,}|[\|,;!]={3,}|(?:`|~){3,}.*)$},
+    # detect a list item of any sort
+    # [[:graph:]] is a non-blank character
+    :any_list         => /^(?:
+                             <?\d+>[[:blank:]]+[[:graph:]]|
+                             [[:blank:]]*(?:(?:-|\*|\.){1,5}|\d+\.|[A-Za-z]\.|[IVXivx]+\))[[:blank:]]+[[:graph:]]|
+                             [[:blank:]]*.*?(?::{2,4}|;;)(?:[[:blank:]]+[[:graph:]]|$)
+                           )/x,
     # :foo: bar
     # :Author: Dan
@@ -204,19 +281,19 @@ module Asciidoctor
     # [NOTE, caption="Good to know"]
     # Can be defined by an attribute
     # [{lead}]
-    :blk_attr_list    => /^\[([\w\{].*)\]$/,
+    :blk_attr_list    => /^\[(|[[:blank:]]*[\w\{,.#"'].*)\]$/,
     # block attribute list or block id (bulk query)
-    :attr_line        => /^\[([\w\{].*|\[[^\[\]]+\])\]$/,
+    :attr_line        => /^\[(|[[:blank:]]*[\w\{,.#"'].*|\[[^\[\]]*\])\]$/,
     # attribute reference
     # {foo}
     # {counter:pcount:1}
-    :attr_ref         => /(\\?)\{(\w+(?:[\-:]\w+)*)(\\?)\}/,
+    :attr_ref         => /(\\)?\{((set|counter2?):.+?|\w+(?:[\-]\w+)*)(\\)?\}/,
     # The author info line the appears immediately following the document title
     # John Doe <john at anonymous.com>
-    :author_info      => /^\s*(\w[\w\-'.]*)(?: +(\w[\w\-'.]*))?(?: +(\w[\w\-'.]*))?(?: +<([^>]+)>)?$/,
+    :author_info      => /^(\w[\w\-'.]*)(?: +(\w[\w\-'.]*))?(?: +(\w[\w\-'.]*))?(?: +<([^>]+)>)?$/,
     # [[[Foo]]] (anywhere inline)
     :biblio_macro     => /\\?\[\[\[([\w:][\w:.-]*?)\]\]\]/,
@@ -229,7 +306,7 @@ module Asciidoctor
     :callout_scan     => /\\?<(\d+)>/,
     # <1> Foo
-    :colist           => /^<?(\d+)> (.*)/,
+    :colist           => /^<?(\d+)>[[:blank:]]+(.*)/,
     # ////
     # comment block
@@ -239,10 +316,18 @@ module Asciidoctor
     # // (and then whatever)
     :comment          => %r{^//(?:[^/]|$)},
-    # one,two
-    # one, two
-    # one , two
-    :csv_delimiter    => /[[:space:]]*,[[:space:]]*/,
+    # one,two;three;four
+    :ssv_or_csv_delim   => /,|;/,
+    # one two	three
+    :space_delim      => /([^\\])[[:blank:]]+/,
+    # Ctrl + Alt+T
+    # Ctrl,T
+    :kbd_delim        => /(?:\+|,)(?=[[:blank:]]*[^\1])/,
+    # one\ two\	three
+    :escaped_space    => /\\([[:blank:]])/,
     # 29
     :digits           => /^\d+$/,
@@ -255,27 +340,43 @@ module Asciidoctor
     #   That which precedes 'bar' (see also, <<bar>>)
     # The term may be an attribute reference
     # {term_foo}:: {def_foo}
-    :dlist            => /^\s*(.*?)(:{2,4}|;;)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/,
+    # REVIEW leading space has already been stripped, so may not need in regex
+    :dlist            => /^[[:blank:]]*(.*?)(:{2,4}|;;)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/,
     :dlist_siblings   => {
                            # (?:.*?[^:])? - a non-capturing group which grabs longest sequence of characters that doesn't end w/ colon
-                           '::' => /^\s*((?:.*[^:])?)(::)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/,
-                           ':::' => /^\s*((?:.*[^:])?)(:::)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/,
-                           '::::' => /^\s*((?:.*[^:])?)(::::)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/,
-                           ';;' => /^\s*(.*)(;;)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/
+                           '::' => /^[[:blank:]]*((?:.*[^:])?)(::)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/,
+                           ':::' => /^[[:blank:]]*((?:.*[^:])?)(:::)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/,
+                           '::::' => /^[[:blank:]]*((?:.*[^:])?)(::::)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/,
+                           ';;' => /^[[:blank:]]*(.*)(;;)(?:[[:blank:]]+(.*))?$/
-    # ====
-    #:example          => /^={4,}$/,
     # footnote:[text]
     # footnoteref:[id,text]
     # footnoteref:[id]
-    :footnote_macro   => /\\?(footnote|footnoteref):\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]/m,
+    :footnote_macro   => /\\?(footnote|footnoteref):\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]/,
+    # kbd:[F3]
+    # kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+T]
+    # kbd:[Ctrl+\]]
+    # kbd:[Ctrl,T]
+    # btn:[Save]
+    :kbd_btn_macro    => /\\?(?:kbd|btn):\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])+?)\]/,
+    # menu:File[New...]
+    # menu:View[Page Style > No Style]
+    # menu:View[Page Style, No Style]
+    :menu_macro       => /\\?menu:(\w|\w.*?\S)\[[[:blank:]]*(.+?)?\]/,
+    # "File > New..."
+    :menu_inline_macro  => /\\?"(\w[^"]*?[[:blank:]]*>[[:blank:]]*[^"[:blank:]][^"]*)"/,
     # image::filename.png[Caption]
-    :image_blk        => /^image::(\S+?)\[(.*?)\]$/,
+    # video::http://youtube.com/12345[Cats vs Dogs]
+    :media_blk_macro  => /^(image|video|audio)::(\S+?)\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]$/,
     # image:filename.png[Alt Text]
-    :image_macro      => /\\?image:([^\[]+)(?:\[([^\]]*)\])/,
+    # image:filename.png[More [Alt\] Text] (alt text becomes "More [Alt] Text")
+    :image_macro      => /\\?image:([^:\[]+)\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\]/,
     # indexterm:[Tigers,Big cats]
     # (((Tigers,Big cats)))
@@ -288,6 +389,9 @@ module Asciidoctor
     # whitespace at the beginning of the line
     :leading_blanks   => /^([[:blank:]]*)/,
+    # leading parent directory references in path
+    :leading_parent_dirs => /^(?:\.\.\/)*/,
     # +   From the Asciidoc User Guide: "A plus character preceded by at
     #     least one space character at the end of a non-blank line forces
     #     a line break. It generates a line break (br) tag for HTML outputs.
@@ -299,39 +403,32 @@ module Asciidoctor
     # inline link and some inline link macro
     # FIXME revisit!
-    :link_inline      => %r{(^|link:|\s|>|<|[\(\)\[\]])(\\?(?:https?|ftp)://[^\s\[<]*[^\s.\)\[<])(?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\])?},
+    :link_inline      => %r{(^|link:|\s|>|<|[\(\)\[\]])(\\?(?:https?|ftp|irc)://[^\s\[<]*[^\s.,\[<])(?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\])?},
     # inline link macro
     # link:path[label]
-    :link_macro       => /\\?link:([^\s\[]+)(?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\])/,
-    # ----
-    #:listing          => /^\-{4,}$/,
+    :link_macro       => /\\?(?:link|mailto):([^\s\[]+)(?:\[((?:\\\]|[^\]])*?)\])/,
-    # ....
-    #:literal          => /^\.{4,}$/,
+    # inline email address
+    # doc.writer at asciidoc.org
+    :email_inline     => /[\\>:]?\w[\w.%+-]*@[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:].-]*\.[[:alpha:]]{2,4}\b/, 
     # <TAB>Foo  or one-or-more-spaces-or-tabs then whatever
     :lit_par          => /^([[:blank:]]+.*)$/,
-    # --
-    #:open_blk         => /^\-\-$/,
     # . Foo (up to 5 consecutive dots)
     # 1. Foo (arabic, default)
     # a. Foo (loweralpha)
     # A. Foo (upperalpha)
     # i. Foo (lowerroman)
     # I. Foo (upperroman)
-    :olist            => /^\s*(\d+\.|[a-z]\.|[ivx]+\)|\.{1,5}) +(.*)$/i,
+    # REVIEW leading space has already been stripped, so may not need in regex
+    :olist            => /^[[:blank:]]*(\.{1,5}|\d+\.|[A-Za-z]\.|[IVXivx]+\))[[:blank:]]+(.*)$/,
     # ''' (ruler)
     # <<< (pagebreak)
     :break_line        => /^('|<){3,}$/,
-    # ++++
-    #:pass             => /^\+{4,}$/,
     # inline passthrough macros
     # +++text+++
     # $$text$$
@@ -347,22 +444,13 @@ module Asciidoctor
     :pass_lit         => /(^|[^`\w])(\\?`([^`\s]|[^`\s].*?\S)`)(?![`\w])/m,
     # placeholder for extracted passthrough text
-    :pass_placeholder => /\x0(\d+)\x0/,
-    # ____
-    #:quote            => /^_{4,}$/,
+    :pass_placeholder => /\e(\d+)\e/,
     # The document revision info line the appears immediately following the
     # document title author info line, if present
     # v1.0, 2013-01-01: Ring in the new year release
     :revision_info    => /^(?:\D*(.*?),)?(?:\s*(?!:)(.*?))(?:\s*(?!^):\s*(.*))?$/,
-    # '''
-    #:ruler            => /^'{3,}$/,
-    # ****
-    #:sidebar_blk      => /^\*{4,}$/,
     # \' within a word
     :single_quote_esc => /(\w)\\'(\w)/,
     # an alternative if our backend generated single-quoted html/xml attributes
@@ -371,16 +459,6 @@ module Asciidoctor
     # used for sanitizing attribute names
     :illegal_attr_name_chars => /[^\w\-]/,
-    # |===
-    # |table
-    # |===
-    #:table            => /^\|={3,}$/,
-    # !===
-    # !table
-    # !===
-    #:table_nested     => /^!={3,}$/,
     # 1*h,2*,^3e
     :table_colspec    => /^(?:(\d+)\*)?([<^>](?:\.[<^>]?)?|(?:[<^>]?\.)?[<^>])?(\d+)?([a-z])?$/,
@@ -394,8 +472,10 @@ module Asciidoctor
     # .Foo   but not  . Foo or ..Foo
     :blk_title        => /^\.([^\s.].*)$/,
+    # matches double quoted text, capturing quote char and text (single-line)
     :dbl_quoted       => /^("|)(.*)\1$/,
+    # matches double quoted text, capturing quote char and text (multi-line)
     :m_dbl_quoted     => /^("|)(.*)\1$/m,
     # == Foo
@@ -411,17 +491,23 @@ module Asciidoctor
     # match[1] is the delimiter, whose length determines the level
     # match[2] is the title itself
     # match[3] is an inline anchor, which becomes the section id
-    :section_title     => /^(={1,5})\s+(\S.*?)(?:\s*\[\[([^\[]+)\]\])?(?:\s+\1)?$/,
+    :section_title     => /^((?:=|#){1,6})\s+(\S.*?)(?:\s*\[\[([^\[]+)\]\])?(?:\s+\1)?$/,
     # does not begin with a dot and has at least one alphanumeric character
     :section_name      => /^((?=.*\w+.*)[^.].*?)$/,
     # ======  || ------ || ~~~~~~ || ^^^^^^ || ++++++
-    :section_underline => /^([=\-~^\+])+$/,
+    # TODO build from SECTION_LEVELS keys
+    :section_underline => /^(?:=|-|~|\^|\+)+$/,
+    # toc::[]
+    # toc::[levels=2]
+    :toc              => /^toc::\[(.*?)\]$/,
     # * Foo (up to 5 consecutive asterisks)
     # - Foo
-    :ulist            => /^ \s* (- | \*{1,5}) \s+ (.*) $/x,
+    # REVIEW leading space has already been stripped, so may not need in regex
+    :ulist            => /^[[:blank:]]*(-|\*{1,5})[[:blank:]]+(.*)$/,
     # inline xref macro
     # <<id,reftext>> (special characters have already been escaped, hence the entity references)
@@ -443,15 +529,16 @@ module Asciidoctor
     #:eval_expr        => /^(true|false|("|'|)\{\w+(?:\-\w+)*\}\2|("|')[^\3]*\3|\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)*)[[:blank:]]*(==|!=|<=|>=|<|>)[[:blank:]]*(true|false|("|'|)\{\w+(?:\-\w+)*\}\6|("|')[^\7]*\7|\-?\d+(?:\.\d+)*)$/,
     # include::chapter1.ad[]
-    :include_macro    => /^\\?include::([^\[]+)\[\]$/,
+    # include::example.txt[lines=1;2;5..10]
+    :include_macro    => /^\\?include::([^\[]+)\[(.*?)\]$/,
     # http://domain
     # https://domain
     # data:info
-    :uri_sniff        => /^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:].+-]*:/i
-  }
+    :uri_sniff        => /^[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:].+-]*:/i,
+    :uri_encode_chars => /[^\w\-.!~*';:@=+$,()\[\]]/
+  }
   INTRINSICS = Hash.new{|h,k| STDERR.puts "Missing intrinsic: #{k.inspect}"; "{#{k}}"}.merge(
@@ -493,6 +580,7 @@ module Asciidoctor
+  #SPECIAL_CHARS_PATTERN = /(?:<|>|&(?![[:alpha:]]{2,};|#[[:digit:]]{2,}+;|#x[[:alnum:]]{2,}+;))/
   # unconstrained quotes:: can appear anywhere
   # constrained quotes:: must be bordered by non-word characters
@@ -545,33 +633,29 @@ module Asciidoctor
   # order is significant
     # (C)
-    [/(^|[^\\])\(C\)/, '\1©'], 
+    [/\\?\(C\)/, '©', :none],
     # (R)
-    [/(^|[^\\])\(R\)/, '\1®'],
+    [/\\?\(R\)/, '®', :none],
     # (TM)
-    [/(^|[^\\])\(TM\)/, '\1™'],
+    [/\\?\(TM\)/, '™', :none],
     # foo -- bar
-    [/(^|\n| )--( |\n|$)/, ' — '],
+    [/(^|\n| |\\)--( |\n|$)/, ' — ', :none],
     # foo--bar
-    [/(\w)--(?=\w)/, '\1—'],
+    [/(\w)\\?--(?=\w)/, '—', :leading],
     # ellipsis
-    [/(^|[^\\])\.\.\./, '\1…'],
+    [/\\?\.\.\./, '…', :leading],
     # single quotes
-    [/(\w)'(\w)/, '\1’\2'],
-    # escaped single quotes
-    [/(\w)\\'(\w)/, '\1\'\2'],
+    [/(\w)\\?'(\w)/, '’', :bounding],
     # right arrow ->
-    [/(^|[^\\])->/, '\1→'],
+    [/\\?->/, '→', :none],
     # right double arrow =>
-    [/(^|[^\\])=>/, '\1⇒'],
+    [/\\?=>/, '⇒', :none],
     # left arrow <-
-    [/(^|[^\\])<-/, '\1←'],
+    [/\\?<-/, '←', :none],
     # right left arrow <=
-    [/(^|[^\\])<=/, '\1⇐'],
-    # and so on...
-    # restore entities; TODO needs cleanup
-    [/(^|[^\\])&(#[a-z0-9]+;)/i, '\1&\2']
+    [/\\?<=/, '⇐', :none],
+    # restore entities
+    [/\\?(&)amp;((?:[[:alpha:]]+|#[[:digit:]]+|#x[[:alnum:]]+);)/, '', :bounding]
   # Public: Parse the AsciiDoc source input into an Asciidoctor::Document
@@ -581,16 +665,42 @@ module Asciidoctor
   # Document object.
   # input   - the AsciiDoc source as a IO, String or Array.
-  # options - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
-  #           see Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details
+  # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
+  #           String and Array values are converted into a Hash.
+  #           See Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details about options.
   # block   - a callback block for handling include::[] directives
   # returns the Asciidoctor::Document
   def self.load(input, options = {}, &block)
+    if (monitor = options.fetch(:monitor, false))
+      start = Time.now
+    end
+    attrs = (options[:attributes] ||= {})
+    if attrs.is_a? Hash
+      # all good; placed here as optimization
+    elsif attrs.is_a? Array
+      attrs = options[:attributes] = attrs.inject({}) do |accum, entry|
+        k, v = entry.split '=', 2
+        accum[k] = v || ''
+        accum
+      end
+    elsif attrs.is_a? String
+      # convert non-escaped spaces into null character, so we split on the
+      # correct spaces chars, and restore escaped spaces
+      attrs = attrs.gsub(REGEXP[:space_delim], "\\1\0").gsub(REGEXP[:escaped_space], '\1')
+      attrs = options[:attributes] = attrs.split("\0").inject({}) do |accum, entry|
+        k, v = entry.split '=', 2
+        accum[k] = v || ''
+        accum
+      end
+    else
+      raise ArgumentError, 'illegal type for attributes option'
+    end
     lines = nil
-    if input.is_a?(File)
-      options[:attributes] ||= {}
-      attrs = options[:attributes]
+    if input.is_a? File
       lines = input.readlines
       input_mtime = input.mtime
       input_path = File.expand_path(input.path)
@@ -612,7 +722,19 @@ module Asciidoctor
       raise "Unsupported input type: #{input.class}"
-    Document.new(lines, options, &block) 
+    if monitor
+      read_time = Time.now - start
+      start = Time.now
+    end
+    doc = Document.new(lines, options, &block) 
+    if monitor
+      parse_time = Time.now - start
+      monitor[:read] = read_time
+      monitor[:parse] = parse_time
+      monitor[:load] = read_time + parse_time
+    end
+    doc
   # Public: Parse the contents of the AsciiDoc source file into an Asciidoctor::Document
@@ -622,8 +744,9 @@ module Asciidoctor
   # attributes on the Document.
   # input   - the String AsciiDoc source filename
-  # options - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
-  #           see Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details
+  # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
+  #           String and Array values are converted into a Hash.
+  #           See Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details about options.
   # block   - a callback block for handling include::[] directives
   # returns the Asciidoctor::Document
@@ -654,22 +777,27 @@ module Asciidoctor
   # default and the rendered output is returned.
   # input   - the String AsciiDoc source filename
-  # options - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
-  #           see Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details
+  # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
+  #           String and Array values are converted into a Hash.
+  #           See Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details about options.
   # block   - a callback block for handling include::[] directives
-  # returns nothing if the rendered output String is written to a file,
-  # otherwise the rendered output String is returned
+  # returns the Document object if the rendered result String is written to a
+  # file, otherwise the rendered result String
   def self.render(input, options = {}, &block)
     in_place = options.delete(:in_place) || false
     to_file = options.delete(:to_file)
     to_dir = options.delete(:to_dir)
     mkdirs = options.delete(:mkdirs) || false
+    monitor = options.fetch(:monitor, false)
     write_in_place = in_place && input.is_a?(File)
     write_to_target = to_file || to_dir
+    stream_output = !to_file.nil? && to_file.respond_to?(:write)
-    raise ArgumentError, ':in_place with input file must not accompany :to_dir or :to_file' if write_in_place && write_to_target
+    if write_in_place && write_to_target
+      raise ArgumentError, 'the option :in_place cannot be used with either the :to_dir or :to_file option'
+    end
     if !options.has_key?(:header_footer) && (write_in_place || write_to_target)
       options[:header_footer] = true
@@ -677,21 +805,26 @@ module Asciidoctor
     doc = Asciidoctor.load(input, options, &block)
-    if write_in_place
+    if to_file == '/dev/null'
+      return doc
+    elsif write_in_place
       to_file = File.join(File.dirname(input.path), "#{doc.attributes['docname']}#{doc.attributes['outfilesuffix']}")
-    elsif write_to_target
+    elsif !stream_output && write_to_target
+      working_dir = options.has_key?(:base_dir) ? File.expand_path(options[:base_dir]) : File.expand_path(Dir.pwd)
+      # QUESTION should the jail be the working_dir or doc.base_dir???
+      jail = doc.safe >= SafeMode::SAFE ? working_dir : nil
       if to_dir
-        to_dir = doc.normalize_asset_path(to_dir, 'to_dir', false)
+        to_dir = doc.normalize_system_path(to_dir, working_dir, jail, :target_name => 'to_dir', :recover => false)
         if to_file
-          # normalize again, to_file could have dirty bits
-          to_file = doc.normalize_asset_path(File.expand_path(to_file, to_dir), 'to_file', false)
+          to_file = doc.normalize_system_path(to_file, to_dir, nil, :target_name => 'to_dir', :recover => false)
           # reestablish to_dir as the final target directory (in the case to_file had directory segments)
           to_dir = File.dirname(to_file)
           to_file = File.join(to_dir, "#{doc.attributes['docname']}#{doc.attributes['outfilesuffix']}")
       elsif to_file
-        to_file = doc.normalize_asset_path(to_file, 'to_file', false)
+        to_file = doc.normalize_system_path(to_file, working_dir, jail, :target_name => 'to_dir', :recover => false)
+        # establish to_dir as the final target directory (in the case to_file had directory segments)
         to_dir = File.dirname(to_file)
@@ -705,11 +838,48 @@ module Asciidoctor
+    start = Time.now if monitor
+    output = doc.render
+    if monitor
+      render_time = Time.now - start
+      monitor[:render] = render_time
+      monitor[:load_render] = monitor[:load] + render_time
+    end
     if to_file
-      File.open(to_file, 'w') {|file| file.write doc.render }
-      nil
+      start = Time.now if monitor
+      if stream_output
+        to_file.write output.rstrip
+        # ensure there's a trailing endline
+        to_file.write "\n"
+      else
+        File.open(to_file, 'w') {|file| file.write output }
+        # these assignments primarily for testing, diagnostics or reporting
+        doc.attributes['outfile'] = outfile = File.expand_path(to_file)
+        doc.attributes['outdir'] = File.dirname(outfile)
+      end
+      if monitor
+        write_time = Time.now - start
+        monitor[:write] = write_time
+        monitor[:total] = monitor[:load_render] + write_time
+      end
+      # NOTE document cannot control this behavior if safe >= SafeMode::SERVER
+      if !stream_output && doc.attr?('basebackend-html') && doc.attr?('copycss') &&
+          doc.attr?('linkcss') && DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_KEYS.include?(doc.attr('stylesheet'))
+        Helpers.require_library 'fileutils'
+        outdir = doc.attr('outdir')
+        stylesdir = doc.normalize_system_path(doc.attr('stylesdir'), outdir,
+            doc.safe >= SafeMode::SAFE ? outdir : nil)
+        Helpers.mkdir_p stylesdir
+        File.open(File.join(stylesdir, DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_NAME), 'w') {|f|
+          f.write Asciidoctor::HTML5.default_asciidoctor_stylesheet
+        }
+      end
+      doc
-      doc.render
+      output
@@ -717,24 +887,17 @@ module Asciidoctor
   # and render it to the specified backend format
   # input   - the String AsciiDoc source filename
-  # options - a Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
-  #           see Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details
+  # options - a String, Array or Hash of options to control processing (default: {})
+  #           String and Array values are converted into a Hash.
+  #           See Asciidoctor::Document#initialize for details about options.
   # block   - a callback block for handling include::[] directives
-  # returns nothing if the rendered output String is written to a file,
-  # otherwise the rendered output String is returned
+  # returns the Document object if the rendered result String is written to a
+  # file, otherwise the rendered result String
   def self.render_file(filename, options = {}, &block)
     Asciidoctor.render(File.new(filename), options, &block)
-  # NOTE still contemplating this method
-  #def self.parse_document_header(input, options = {})
-  #  document = Document.new [], options
-  #  reader = Reader.new input, document, true
-  #  Lexer.parse_document_header reader, document
-  #  document
-  #end
   # modules
   require 'asciidoctor/debug'
   require 'asciidoctor/substituters'
@@ -750,10 +913,10 @@ module Asciidoctor
   require 'asciidoctor/block'
   require 'asciidoctor/callouts'
   require 'asciidoctor/document'
-  #require 'asciidoctor/errors'
   require 'asciidoctor/inline'
   require 'asciidoctor/lexer'
   require 'asciidoctor/list_item'
+  require 'asciidoctor/path_resolver'
   require 'asciidoctor/reader'
   require 'asciidoctor/renderer'
   require 'asciidoctor/section'
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/abstract_block.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/abstract_block.rb
index 73b6086..c82d4a3 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/abstract_block.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/abstract_block.rb
@@ -9,11 +9,15 @@ class AbstractBlock < AbstractNode
   # Public: Set the String block title.
   attr_writer :title
+  # Public: Get/Set the caption for this block
+  attr_accessor :caption
   def initialize(parent, context)
     super(parent, context)
     @blocks = []
     @id = nil
     @title = nil
+    @caption = nil
     if context == :document
       @level = 0
     elsif !parent.nil? && !self.is_a?(Section)
@@ -63,7 +67,7 @@ class AbstractBlock < AbstractNode
   # whether this Block *can* have block content
   # that should be the option 'sectionbody'
   def blocks?
-    !blocks.empty?
+    !@blocks.empty?
   # Public: Get the element at i in the array of blocks.
@@ -189,6 +193,47 @@ class AbstractBlock < AbstractNode
+  # Public: Generate a caption and assign it to this block if one
+  # is not already assigned.
+  #
+  # If the block has a title and a caption prefix is available
+  # for this block, then build a caption from this information,
+  # assign it a number and store it to the caption attribute on
+  # the block.
+  #
+  # If an explicit caption has been specified on this block, then
+  # do nothing.
+  #
+  # key         - The prefix of the caption and counter attribute names.
+  #               If not provided, the name of the context for this block
+  #               is used. (default: nil).
+  #
+  # returns nothing
+  def assign_caption(caption = nil, key = nil)
+    unless title? || @caption.nil?
+      return nil
+    end
+    if caption.nil?
+      if @document.attr?('caption')
+        @caption = @document.attr('caption')
+      elsif title?
+        key ||= @context.to_s
+        caption_key = "#{key}-caption"
+        if @document.attributes.has_key?(caption_key)
+          caption_title = @document.attributes["#{key}-caption"]
+          caption_num = @document.counter_increment("#{key}-number", self)
+          @caption = "#{caption_title} #{caption_num}. "
+        end
+      else
+        @caption = caption
+      end
+    else
+      @caption = caption
+    end
+    nil
+  end
   # Internal: Assign the next index (0-based) to this section
   # Assign the next index of this section within the parent
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb
index f765af9..ca66e97 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb
@@ -43,14 +43,17 @@ class AbstractNode
   # Document node and return the value of the attribute if found. Otherwise,
   # return the default value, which defaults to nil.
-  # name    - the name of the attribute to lookup as a String or Symbol
-  # default - the value to return if the attribute is not found (default: nil)
+  # name    - the String or Symbol name of the attribute to lookup
+  # default - the Object value to return if the attribute is not found (default: nil)
+  # inherit - a Boolean indicating whether to check for the attribute on the
+  #           AsciiDoctor::Document if not found on this node (default: false)
   # return the value of the attribute or the default value if the attribute
   # is not found in the attributes of this node or the document node
-  def attr(name, default = nil)
+  def attr(name, default = nil, inherit = true)
     name = name.to_s if name.is_a?(Symbol)
-    if self == @document
+    inherit = false if self == @document
+    if !inherit
       default.nil? ? @attributes[name] : @attributes.fetch(name, default)
       default.nil? ? @attributes.fetch(name, @document.attr(name)) :
@@ -59,26 +62,29 @@ class AbstractNode
   # Public: Check if the attribute is defined, optionally performing a
-  # comparison of its value
+  # comparison of its value if expected is not nil
   # Check if the attribute is defined. First look in the attributes on this
   # node. If not found, and this node is a child of the Document node, look in
   # the attributes of the Document node. If the attribute is found and a
-  # comparison value is specified, return whether the two values match.
+  # comparison value is specified (not nil), return whether the two values match.
   # Otherwise, return whether the attribute was found.
-  # name   - the name of the attribute to lookup as a String or Symbol
-  # expect - the expected value of the attribute (default: nil)
+  # name    - the String or Symbol name of the attribute to lookup
+  # expect  - the expected Object value of the attribute (default: nil)
+  # inherit - a Boolean indicating whether to check for the attribute on the
+  #           AsciiDoctor::Document if not found on this node (default: false)
   # return a Boolean indicating whether the attribute exists and, if a
   # comparison value is specified, whether the value of the attribute matches
   # the comparison value
-  def attr?(name, expect = nil)
+  def attr?(name, expect = nil, inherit = true)
     name = name.to_s if name.is_a?(Symbol)
+    inherit = false if self == @document
     if expect.nil?
       if @attributes.has_key? name
-      elsif self != @document
+      elsif inherit
         @document.attributes.has_key? name
@@ -86,7 +92,7 @@ class AbstractNode
       if @attributes.has_key? name
         @attributes[name] == expect
-      elsif self != @document && @document.attributes.has_key?(name)
+      elsif inherit && @document.attributes.has_key?(name)
         @document.attributes[name] == expect
@@ -94,6 +100,27 @@ class AbstractNode
+  # Public: Assign the value to the specified key in this
+  # block's attributes hash.
+  #
+  # key - The attribute key (or name)
+  # val - The value to assign to the key
+  #
+  # returns a flag indicating whether the assignment was performed
+  def set_attr(key, val, overwrite = nil)
+    if overwrite.nil?
+      @attributes[key] = val
+      true
+    else
+      if overwrite || @attributes.has_key?(key)
+        @attributes[key] = val
+        true
+      else
+        false
+      end
+    end
+  end
   # Public: Get the execution context of this object (via Kernel#binding).
   # This method is used to set the 'self' reference as well as local variables
@@ -156,11 +183,35 @@ class AbstractNode
     if attr? 'icon'
       image_uri(attr('icon'), nil)
-      image_uri(name + '.' + @document.attr('icontype', 'png'), 'iconsdir')
+      image_uri("#{name}.#{@document.attr('icontype', 'png')}", 'iconsdir')
+    end
+  end
+  # Public: Construct a URI reference to the target media.
+  #
+  # If the target media is a URI reference, then leave it untouched.
+  #
+  # The target media is resolved relative to the directory retrieved from the
+  # specified attribute key, if provided.
+  #
+  # The return value can be safely used in a media tag (img, audio, video).
+  #
+  # target        - A String reference to the target media
+  # asset_dir_key - The String attribute key used to lookup the directory where
+  #                 the media is located (default: 'imagesdir')
+  #
+  # Returns A String reference for the target media
+  def media_uri(target, asset_dir_key = 'imagesdir')
+    if target.include?(':') && target.match(Asciidoctor::REGEXP[:uri_sniff])
+      target
+    elsif asset_dir_key && attr?(asset_dir_key)
+      normalize_web_path(target, @document.attr(asset_dir_key))
+    else
+      normalize_web_path(target)
-  # Public: Construct a reference or data URI to the target image.
+  # Public: Construct a URI reference or data URI to the target image.
   # If the target image is a URI reference, then leave it untouched.
@@ -185,9 +236,9 @@ class AbstractNode
     elsif @document.safe < Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SECURE && @document.attr?('data-uri')
       generate_data_uri(target_image, asset_dir_key)
     elsif asset_dir_key && attr?(asset_dir_key)
-      File.join(@document.attr(asset_dir_key), target_image)
+      normalize_web_path(target_image, @document.attr(asset_dir_key))
-      target_image
+      normalize_web_path(target_image)
@@ -206,11 +257,21 @@ class AbstractNode
   def generate_data_uri(target_image, asset_dir_key = nil)
     Helpers.require_library 'base64'
-    mimetype = 'image/' + File.extname(target_image)[1..-1]
+    ext = File.extname(target_image)[1..-1]
+    mimetype = 'image/' + ext
+    mimetype = "#{mimetype}+xml" if ext == 'svg'
     if asset_dir_key
-      image_path = File.join(normalize_asset_path(@document.attr(asset_dir_key, '.'), asset_dir_key), target_image)
+      #asset_dir_path = normalize_system_path(@document.attr(asset_dir_key), nil, nil, :target_name => asset_dir_key)
+      #image_path = normalize_system_path(target_image, asset_dir_path, nil, :target_name => 'image')
+      image_path = normalize_system_path(target_image, @document.attr(asset_dir_key), nil, :target_name => 'image')
-      image_path = normalize_asset_path(target_image)
+      image_path = normalize_system_path(target_image)
+    end
+    if !File.readable? image_path
+      puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: image to embed not found or not readable: #{image_path}"
+      return "data:#{mimetype}:base64,"
+      #return ''
     bindata = nil
@@ -219,88 +280,82 @@ class AbstractNode
       bindata = File.open(image_path, 'rb') {|file| file.read }
-    'data:' + mimetype + ';base64,' + Base64.encode64(bindata).delete("\n")
+    "data:#{mimetype};base64,#{Base64.encode64(bindata).delete("\n")}"
-  # Public: Normalize the asset file or directory to a concrete and rinsed path
-  #
-  # The most important functionality in this method is to prevent the asset
-  # reference from resolving to a directory outside of the chroot directory
-  # (which defaults to the directory of the source file, stored in the base_dir
-  # instance variable on Document) if the document safe level is set to
-  # SafeMode::SAFE or greater (a condition which is true by default).
-  #
-  # asset_ref    - the String asset file or directory referenced in the document
-  #                or configuration attribute
-  # asset_name   - the String name of the file or directory being resolved (for use in
-  #                the warning message) (default: 'path')
-  #
-  # Examples
-  #
-  #  # given these fixtures
-  #  document.base_dir
-  #  # => "/path/to/chroot"
-  #  document.safe >= Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE
-  #  # => true
-  #
-  #  # then
-  #  normalize_asset_path('images')
-  #  # => "/path/to/chroot/images"
-  #  normalize_asset_path('/etc/images')
-  #  # => "/path/to/chroot/images"
-  #  normalize_asset_path('../images')
-  #  # => "/path/to/chroot/images"
-  #
-  #  # given these fixtures
-  #  document.base_dir
-  #  # => "/path/to/chroot"
-  #  document.safe >= Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE
-  #  # => false
-  #
-  #  # then
-  #  normalize_asset_path('images')
-  #  # => "/path/to/chroot/images"
-  #  normalize_asset_path('/etc/images')
-  #  # => "/etc/images"
-  #  normalize_asset_path('../images')
-  #  # => "/path/to/images"
-  #
-  # Returns The normalized asset file or directory as a String path
-  #--
-  # TODO this method is missing a coordinate; it should be able to resolve
-  # both the directory reference and the path to an asset in it; callers
-  # of this method are still doing a File.join to finish the task
-  def normalize_asset_path(asset_ref, asset_name = 'path', autocorrect = true)
-    # TODO we may use pathname enough to make it a top-level require
-    Helpers.require_library 'pathname'
-    input_path = @document.base_dir
-    asset_path = Pathname.new(asset_ref)
-    if asset_path.relative?
-      asset_path = File.expand_path(File.join(input_path, asset_ref))
+  # Public: Read the contents of the file at the specified path.
+  # This method assumes that the path is safe to read. It checks
+  # that the file is readable before attempting to read it.
+  #
+  # path            - the String path from which to read the contents
+  # warn_on_failure - a Boolean that controls whether a warning is issued if
+  #                   the file cannot be read
+  #
+  # returns the contents of the file at the specified path, or nil
+  # if the file does not exist.
+  def read_asset(path, warn_on_failure = false)
+    if File.readable? path
+      File.read(path).chomp
-      asset_path = asset_path.cleanpath.to_s
+      puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: file does not exist or cannot be read: #{path}" if warn_on_failure
+      nil
+  end
-    if @document.safe >= SafeMode::SAFE
-      relative_asset_path = Pathname.new(asset_path).relative_path_from(Pathname.new(input_path)).to_s
-      if relative_asset_path.start_with?('..')
-        if autocorrect
-          puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: #{asset_name} has illegal reference to ancestor of base directory"
-        else
-          raise SecurityError, "#{asset_name} has reference to path outside of base directory, disallowed in safe mode: #{asset_path}"
-        end
-        relative_asset_path.sub!(/^(?:\.\.\/)*/, '')
-        # just to be absolutely sure ;)
-        if relative_asset_path[0..0] == '.'
-          raise 'Substitution of parent path references failed for ' + relative_asset_path
-        end
-        asset_path = File.expand_path(File.join(input_path, relative_asset_path))
-      end
+  # Public: Normalize the web page using the PathResolver.
+  #
+  # See PathResolver::web_path(target, start) for details.
+  #
+  # target - the String target path
+  # start  - the String start (i.e, parent) path (optional, default: nil)
+  #
+  # returns the resolved String path 
+  def normalize_web_path(target, start = nil)
+    PathResolver.new.web_path(target, start)
+  end
+  # Public: Resolve and normalize a secure path from the target and start paths
+  # using the PathResolver.
+  #
+  # See PathResolver::system_path(target, start, jail, opts) for details.
+  #
+  # The most important functionality in this method is to prevent resolving a
+  # path outside of the jail (which defaults to the directory of the source
+  # file, stored in the base_dir instance variable on Document) if the document
+  # safe level is set to SafeMode::SAFE or greater (a condition which is true
+  # by default).
+  #
+  # target - the String target path
+  # start  - the String start (i.e., parent) path
+  # jail   - the String jail path to confine the resolved path
+  # opts   - an optional Hash of options to control processing (default: {}):
+  #          * :recover is used to control whether the processor should auto-recover
+  #              when an illegal path is encountered
+  #          * :target_name is used in messages to refer to the path being resolved
+  #
+  # raises a SecurityError if a jail is specified and the resolved path is
+  # outside the jail.
+  #
+  # returns a String path resolved from the start and target paths, with any
+  # parent references resolved and self references removed. If a jail is provided,
+  # this path will be guaranteed to be contained within the jail.
+  def normalize_system_path(target, start = nil, jail = nil, opts = {})
+    if start.nil?
+      start = @document.base_dir
+    if jail.nil? && @document.safe >= SafeMode::SAFE
+      jail = @document.base_dir
+    end
+    PathResolver.new.system_path(target, start, jail, opts)
+  end
-    asset_path
+  # Public: Normalize the asset file or directory to a concrete and rinsed path
+  #
+  # Delegates to normalize_system_path, with the start path set to the value of
+  # the base_dir instance variable on the Document object.
+  def normalize_asset_path(asset_ref, asset_name = 'path', autocorrect = true)
+    normalize_system_path(asset_ref, @document.base_dir, nil,
+        :target_name => asset_name, :recover => autocorrect)
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/attribute_list.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/attribute_list.rb
index 6859298..fe7c632 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/attribute_list.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/attribute_list.rb
@@ -45,9 +45,6 @@ class AttributeList
   # TODO named attributes cannot contain dash characters
   NAME_PATTERN = /[A-Za-z:_][A-Za-z:_\-\.]*/
-  # Public: A regular expression for splitting a comma-separated string
-  CSV_SPLIT_PATTERN = /[ \t]*,[ \t]*/
   def initialize(source, block = nil, quotes = ['\'', '"'], delimiter = ',', escape_char = '\\')
     @scanner = ::StringScanner.new source
     @block = block
@@ -84,6 +81,7 @@ class AttributeList
   def self.rekey(attributes, pos_attrs)
     pos_attrs.each_with_index do |key, index|
+      next if key.nil?
       pos = index + 1
       unless (val = attributes[pos]).nil?
         attributes[key] = val
@@ -166,9 +164,11 @@ class AttributeList
       resolved_value = value
       # example: options="opt1,opt2,opt3"
-      if name == 'options'
-        resolved_value.split(CSV_SPLIT_PATTERN).each do |o|
-          @attributes[o + '-option'] = nil
+      # opts is an alias for options
+      if name == 'options' || name == 'opts'
+        name = 'options'
+        resolved_value.split(',').each do |o|
+          @attributes[o.strip + '-option'] = ''
       elsif single_quoted_value && !@block.nil?
         resolved_value = @block.apply_normal_subs(value)
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/backends/_stylesheets.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/backends/_stylesheets.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25501ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/backends/_stylesheets.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+module Asciidoctor
+module HTML5
+  # Internal: Generate the default stylesheet for CodeRay
+  #
+  # returns the default CodeRay stylesheet as a String
+  def self.default_coderay_stylesheet
+    ::Asciidoctor::Helpers.require_library 'coderay'
+    ::CodeRay::Encoders[:html]::CSS.new(:default).stylesheet
+  end
+  # Internal: Generate the default stylesheet for Asciidoctor
+  #
+  # returns the default Asciidoctor stylesheet as a String
+  def self.default_asciidoctor_stylesheet
+/* Asciidoctor default stylesheet | MIT License | http://asciidoctor.org */
+article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, main, nav, section, summary { display: block; }
+audio, canvas, video { display: inline-block; }
+audio:not([controls]) { display: none; height: 0; }
+[hidden] { display: none; }
+html { font-family: sans-serif; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; }
+body { margin: 0; }
+a:focus { outline: thin dotted; }
+a:active, a:hover { outline: 0; }
+h1 { font-size: 2em; margin: 0.67em 0; }
+abbr[title] { border-bottom: 1px dotted; }
+b, strong { font-weight: bold; }
+dfn { font-style: italic; }
+hr { -moz-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; height: 0; }
+mark { background: #ff0; color: #000; }
+code, tt, kbd, pre, samp { font-family: monospace, serif; font-size: 1em; }
+pre { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+q { quotes: "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019"; }
+small { font-size: 80%; }
+sub, sup { font-size: 75%; line-height: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; }
+sup { top: -0.5em; }
+sub { bottom: -0.25em; }
+img { border: 0; }
+svg:not(:root) { overflow: hidden; }
+figure { margin: 0; }
+fieldset { border: 1px solid #c0c0c0; margin: 0 2px; padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em; }
+legend { border: 0; padding: 0; }
+button, input, select, textarea { font-family: inherit; font-size: 100%; margin: 0; }
+button, input { line-height: normal; }
+button, select { text-transform: none; }
+button, html input[type="button"], input[type="reset"], input[type="submit"] { -webkit-appearance: button; cursor: pointer; }
+button[disabled], html input[disabled] { cursor: default; }
+input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"] { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; }
+input[type="search"] { -webkit-appearance: textfield; -moz-box-sizing: content-box; -webkit-box-sizing: content-box; box-sizing: content-box; }
+input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button, input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration { -webkit-appearance: none; }
+button::-moz-focus-inner, input::-moz-focus-inner { border: 0; padding: 0; }
+textarea { overflow: auto; vertical-align: top; }
+table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }
+*, *:before, *:after { -moz-box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; }
+html, body { font-size: 100%; }
+body { background: white; color: #222222; padding: 0; margin: 0; font-family: "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; line-height: 1; position: relative; }
+a:focus { outline: none; }
+img, object, embed { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }
+object, embed { height: 100%; }
+img { -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; }
+#map_canvas img, #map_canvas embed, #map_canvas object, .map_canvas img, .map_canvas embed, .map_canvas object { max-width: none !important; }
+.left { float: left !important; }
+.right { float: right !important; }
+.text-left { text-align: left !important; }
+.text-right { text-align: right !important; }
+.text-center { text-align: center !important; }
+.text-justify { text-align: justify !important; }
+.hide { display: none; }
+.antialiased, body { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; }
+img { display: inline-block; }
+textarea { height: auto; min-height: 50px; }
+select { width: 100%; }
+p.lead, .paragraph.lead > p, #preamble > .sectionbody > .paragraph:first-of-type p { font-size: 1.21875em; line-height: 1.6; }
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+h2 { font-size: 1.6875em; }
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+h5 { font-size: 1.125em; }
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+ul, ol, dl { font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.6; margin-bottom: 1.25em; list-style-position: outside; font-family: inherit; }
+ul li ul, ul li ol { margin-left: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 0; font-size: 1em; }
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+dl dd { margin-bottom: 1.25em; }
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+abbr { text-transform: none; }
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+blockquote cite { display: block; font-size: inherit; color: #555555; }
+blockquote cite:before { content: "\2014 \0020"; }
+blockquote cite a, blockquote cite a:visited { color: #555555; }
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+kbd kbd:last-child { margin-right: 0; }
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+p a > tt:hover { color: #561309; }
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+table.tableblock #preamble > .sectionbody > .paragraph:first-of-type p { font-size: inherit; }
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+.admonitionblock > table td.icon { text-align: center; width: 80px; }
+.admonitionblock > table td.icon img { max-width: none; }
+.admonitionblock > table td.icon .title { font-weight: bold; text-transform: uppercase; }
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+ at media only screen and (min-width: 48em) { .literalblock > .content > pre, .listingblock > .content > pre { font-size: 0.9em; } }
+ at media only screen and (min-width: 80em) { .literalblock > .content > pre, .listingblock > .content > pre { font-size: 1em; } }
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+.quoteblock .attribution cite { display: block; margin-bottom: 0.625em; }
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+.admonitionblock td.icon .icon-caution:before { content: "\f06d"; color: #bf3400; }
+.admonitionblock td.icon .icon-important:before { content: "\f06a"; color: #bf0000; }
+.conum { display: inline-block; color: white !important; background-color: #222222; -webkit-border-radius: 100px; border-radius: 100px; text-align: center; width: 20px; height: 20px; font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 20px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-style: normal; position: relative; top: -2px; letter-spacing: -1px; }
+.conum * { color: white !important; }
+.conum:empty { display: none; }
+pre .comment .conum { left: -20px; }
+.literalblock > .content > pre, .listingblock > .content > pre { -webkit-border-radius: 0; border-radius: 0; }
+  end
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/backends/base_template.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/backends/base_template.rb
index ae2adec..a396ad5 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/backends/base_template.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/backends/base_template.rb
@@ -40,15 +40,17 @@ class BaseTemplate
   # locals - A Hash of additional variables. Not currently in use.
   def render(node = Object.new, locals = {})
     tmpl = template
-    if tmpl.equal? :content
+    case tmpl
+    when :invoke_result
+      return result(node)
+    when :content
       result = node.content
-    #elsif tmpl.is_a?(String)
-    #  result = tmpl
       result = tmpl.result(node.get_binding(self))
-    if (@view == 'document' || @view == 'embedded') && node.renderer.compact
+    if (@view == 'document' || @view == 'embedded') &&
+        node.renderer.compact && !node.document.nested?
       compact result
@@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ class BaseTemplate
   # returns the text with blank lines removed and HTML line feed entities
   # converted to an endline character.
   def compact(str)
-    str.gsub(BLANK_LINES_PATTERN, '').gsub(LINE_FEED_ENTITY, "\n")
+    str.gsub(BLANK_LINE_PATTERN, '').gsub(LINE_FEED_ENTITY, "\n")
   # Public: Preserve endlines by replacing them with the HTML line feed entity.
@@ -94,10 +96,15 @@ class BaseTemplate
   # create template matter to insert a style class if the variable has a value
-  def attrvalue(key, sibling = true)
+  def attrvalue(key, sibling = true, inherit = true)
     delimiter = sibling ? ' ' : ''
-    # example: <% if attr? 'foo' %><%= attr 'foo' %><% end %>
-    %(<% if attr? '#{key}' %>#{delimiter}<%= attr '#{key}' %><% end %>)
+    if inherit
+      # example: <% if attr? 'foo' %><%= attr 'foo' %><% end %>
+      %(<% if attr? '#{key}' %>#{delimiter}<%= attr '#{key}' %><% end %>)
+    else
+      # example: <% if attr? 'foo', nil, false %><%= attr 'foo', nil, false %><% end %>
+      %(<% if attr? '#{key}', nil, false %>#{delimiter}<%= attr '#{key}', nil, false %><% end %>)
+    end
   # create template matter to insert an id if one is specified for the block
@@ -105,4 +112,14 @@ class BaseTemplate
     attribute('id', '@id')
+module EmptyTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    ''
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
+  end
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/backends/docbook45.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/backends/docbook45.rb
index 91ad0a6..a3547ac 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/backends/docbook45.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/backends/docbook45.rb
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 module Asciidoctor
   class BaseTemplate
-    def tag(name, key)
+    def tag(name, key, dynamic = false)
       type = key.is_a?(Symbol) ? :attr : :var
       key = key.to_s
       if type == :attr
+        key_str = dynamic ? %("#{key}") : "'#{key}'"
         # example: <% if attr? 'foo' %><bar><%= attr 'foo' %></bar><% end %>
-        %(<% if attr? '#{key}' %><#{name}><%= attr '#{key}' %></#{name}><% end %>)
+        %(<% if attr? #{key_str} %><#{name}><%= attr #{key_str} %></#{name}><% end %>)
         # example: <% unless foo.to_s.empty? %><bar><%= foo %></bar><% end %>
         %(<% unless #{key}.to_s.empty? %><#{name}><%= #{key} %></#{name}><% end %>)
@@ -14,9 +15,9 @@ module Asciidoctor
     def title_tag(optional = true)
       if optional
-        %q{<%= title? ? "<title>#{title}</title>" : '' %>}
+        %(<%= title? ? "\n<title>\#{title}</title>" : nil %>)
-        %q{<title><%= title %></title>}
+        %(\n<title><%= title %></title>)
@@ -25,16 +26,34 @@ module Asciidoctor
     def common_attrs_erb
-      %q{<%= template.common_attrs(@id, (attr 'role'), (attr 'reftext')) %>}
+      %q(<%= template.common_attrs(@id, (attr 'role'), (attr 'reftext')) %>)
+    end
+    def content(node)
+      node.blocks? ? node.content.chomp : "<simpara>#{node.content.chomp}</simpara>"
+    end
+    def content_erb
+      %q(<%= blocks? ? content.chomp : "<simpara>#{content.chomp}</simpara>" %>)
 module DocBook45
 class DocumentTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def title_tags(str)
+    if str.include?(': ')
+      title, _, subtitle = str.rpartition(': ')
+      %(<title>#{title}</title>
+    <subtitle>#{subtitle}</subtitle>)
+    else
+      %(<title>#{str}</title>)
+    end
+  end
   def docinfo
     <% if has_header? && !notitle %>
-    #{tag 'title', '@header.title'}
+    <%= template.title_tags(@header.title) %>
     <% end %>
     <% if attr? :revdate %>
     <date><%= attr :revdate %></date>
@@ -43,6 +62,7 @@ class DocumentTemplate < BaseTemplate
     <% end %>
     <% if has_header? %>
     <% if attr? :author %>
+    <% if (attr :authorcount).to_i < 2 %>
       #{tag 'firstname', :firstname}
       #{tag 'othername', :middlename}
@@ -50,15 +70,31 @@ class DocumentTemplate < BaseTemplate
       #{tag 'email', :email}
     #{tag 'authorinitials', :authorinitials}
+    <% else %>
+    <authorgroup>
+    <% (1..((attr :authorcount).to_i)).each do |idx| %>
+      <author> 
+        #{tag 'firstname', :"firstname_\#{idx}", true}
+        #{tag 'othername', :"middlename_\#{idx}", true}
+        #{tag 'surname', :"lastname_\#{idx}", true}
+        #{tag 'email', :"email_\#{idx}", true}
+      </author> 
+    <% end %>
+    </authorgroup>
+    <% end %>
     <% end %>
     <% if (attr? :revnumber) || (attr? :revremark) %>
-      #{tag 'revision', :revnumber}
-      #{tag 'date', :revdate}
-      #{tag 'authorinitials', :authorinitials}
-      #{tag 'revremark', :revremark}
+      <revision>
+        #{tag 'revnumber', :revnumber}
+        #{tag 'date', :revdate}
+        #{tag 'authorinitials', :authorinitials}
+        #{tag 'revremark', :revremark}
+      </revision>
     <% end %>
+<%= docinfo %>
+    #{tag 'orgname', :orgname}
     <% end %>
@@ -74,14 +110,14 @@ class DocumentTemplate < BaseTemplate
-<%= content %>
+<%= content.chomp %>
 <% else %>
 <article<% unless attr? :nolang %> lang="<%= attr :lang, 'en' %>"<% end %>>
-<%= content %>
+<%= content.chomp %>
 <% end %>
@@ -94,39 +130,45 @@ class EmbeddedTemplate < BaseTemplate
+class BlockTocTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    ''
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
+  end
 class BlockPreambleTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><% if @document.doctype == 'book' %>
-  <title><%= title %></title>
-<%= content %>
-<% else %>
-<%= content %>
-<% end %>
+if @document.doctype == 'book' %><preface#{common_attrs_erb}>#{title_tag false}
+<%= content.chomp %>
+else %>
+<%= content.chomp %><%
+end %>
 class SectionTemplate < BaseTemplate
-  def section(sec)
+  def result(sec)
     if sec.special
       tag = sec.level <= 1 ? sec.sectname : 'section'
-      tag = sec.document.doctype == 'book' && sec.level <= 1 ? 'chapter' : 'section'
+      tag = sec.document.doctype == 'book' && sec.level <= 1 ? (sec.level == 0 ? 'part' : 'chapter') : 'section'
     %(<#{tag}#{common_attrs(sec.id, (sec.attr 'role'), (sec.attr 'reftext'))}>
-  #{sec.title? ? "<title>#{sec.title}</title>" : nil}
-  #{sec.content}
+#{sec.title? ? "<title>#{sec.title}</title>" : nil}
   def template
-    # hot piece of code, optimized for speed
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><%= template.section(self) %>
-    EOF
+    :invoke_result
@@ -138,38 +180,32 @@ class BlockFloatingTitleTemplate < BaseTemplate
 class BlockParagraphTemplate < BaseTemplate
-  def paragraph(id, role, reftext, title, content)
-    if title
+  def paragraph(id, style, role, reftext, title, content)
+    if !title.nil?
       %(<formalpara#{common_attrs(id, role, reftext)}>
-  <title>#{title}</title>
-  <para>#{content}</para>
-      %(<simpara#{common_attrs(id, role, reftext)}>#{content}</simpara>)
+      %(<simpara#{common_attrs(id, role, reftext)}>#{content}</simpara>\n)
+  def result(node)
+    paragraph(node.id, (node.attr 'style', nil, false), (node.attr 'role'), (node.attr 'reftext'), (node.title? ? node.title : nil), node.content)
+  end
   def template
-    # very hot piece of code, optimized for speed
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><%= template.paragraph(@id, (attr 'role'), (attr 'reftext'), title? ? title : nil, content) %>
-    EOF
+    :invoke_result
 class BlockAdmonitionTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><<%= attr :name %>#{common_attrs_erb}>
-  #{title_tag}
-  <% if blocks? %>
-<%= content %>
-  <% else %>
-  <simpara><%= content.chomp %></simpara>
-  <% end %>
+<%#encoding:UTF-8%><<%= attr :name %>#{common_attrs_erb}>#{title_tag}
 </<%= attr :name %>>
@@ -179,8 +215,7 @@ class BlockUlistTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><% if attr? :style, 'bibliography' %>
-  #{title_tag}
   <% content.each do |li| %>
       <bibliomisc><%= li.text %></bibliomisc>
@@ -191,8 +226,7 @@ class BlockUlistTemplate < BaseTemplate
   <% end %>
 <% else %>
-  #{title_tag}
   <% content.each do |li| %>
       <simpara><%= li.text %></simpara>
@@ -210,8 +244,7 @@ end
 class BlockOlistTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><orderedlist#{common_attrs_erb}#{attribute('numeration', :style)}>
-  #{title_tag}
+<%#encoding:UTF-8%><orderedlist#{common_attrs_erb}#{attribute('numeration', :style)}>#{title_tag}
   <% content.each do |li| %>
       <simpara><%= li.text %></simpara>
@@ -228,8 +261,7 @@ end
 class BlockColistTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-  #{title_tag}
   <% content.each do |li| %>
   <callout arearefs="<%= li.attr :coids %>">
     <para><%= li.text %></para>
@@ -254,7 +286,8 @@ class BlockDlistTemplate < BaseTemplate
     'qanda' => {
       :list => 'qandaset',
       :entry => 'qandaentry',
-      :term => 'question',
+      :label => 'question',
+      :term => 'simpara',
       :item => 'answer'
     'glossary' => {
@@ -266,59 +299,154 @@ class BlockDlistTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
+    # TODO may want to refactor ListItem content to hold multiple terms
+    # that change would drastically simplify this template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><% tags = (template.class::LIST_TAGS[attr :style] || template.class::LIST_TAGS['labeled']) %>
-<% if tags[:list] %><<%= tags[:list] %>#{common_attrs_erb}><% end %>
-  #{title_tag}
-  <% content.each do |dt, dd| %>
-  <<%= tags[:entry] %>>
-    <<%= tags[:term] %>>
-      <%= dt.text %>
-    </<%= tags[:term] %>>
-    <% unless dd.nil? %>
-    <<%= tags[:item] %>>
-      <% if dd.text? %>
-      <simpara><%= dd.text %></simpara>
-      <% end %>
-      <% if dd.blocks? %>
-<%= dd.content %>
-      <% end %>
-    </<%= tags[:item] %>>
-    <% end %>
-  </<%= tags[:entry] %>>
-  <% end %>
-<% if tags[:list] %></<%= tags[:list] %>><% end %>
+continuing = false;
+entries = content
+last_index = entries.length - 1
+if attr? :style, 'horizontal'
+%><<%= (tag = title? ? 'table' : 'informaltable') %>#{common_attrs_erb} tabstyle="horizontal" frame="none" colsep="0" rowsep="0">#{title_tag}
+<tgroup cols="2">
+<colspec colwidth="<%= attr :labelwidth, 15 %>*"/>
+<colspec colwidth="<%= attr :labelwidth, 85 %>*"/>
+<tbody valign="top"><%
+  entries.each_with_index do |(dt, dd), index|
+    last = (index == last_index)
+    unless continuing %>
+    end %>
+<simpara><%= dt.text %></simpara><%
+    if !last && dd.nil?
+      continuing = true
+      next
+    else
+      continuing = false
+    end %>
+    unless dd.nil?
+      if dd.text? %>
+<simpara><%= dd.text %></simpara><%
+      end
+      if dd.blocks? %>
+<%= dd.content.chomp %><%
+      end
+    end %>
+    if last || !dd.nil? %>
+    end %><%
+  end %>
+</<%= tag %>><%
+  tags = (template.class::LIST_TAGS[attr :style] || template.class::LIST_TAGS['labeled'])
+  if tags[:list]
+%><<%= tags[:list] %>#{common_attrs_erb}>#{title_tag}<%
+  end
+  entries.each_with_index do |(dt, dd), index|
+    last = (index == last_index)
+    unless continuing %>
+<<%= tags[:entry] %>><%
+    end
+    if tags.has_key?(:label)
+      unless continuing %>
+<<%= tags[:label] %>><%
+      end %>
+<<%= tags[:term] %>><%= dt.text %></<%= tags[:term] %>><%
+      if last || !dd.nil? %>
+</<%= tags[:label] %>><%
+      end
+    else %>
+<<%= tags[:term] %>><%= dt.text %></<%= tags[:term] %>><%
+    end
+    if !last && dd.nil?
+      continuing = true
+      next
+    else
+      continuing = false
+    end %>
+<<%= tags[:item] %>><%
+    unless dd.nil?
+      if dd.text? %>
+<simpara><%= dd.text %></simpara><%
+      end
+      if dd.blocks? %>
+<%= dd.content %><%
+      end
+    end %>
+</<%= tags[:item] %>>
+</<%= tags[:entry] %>><%
+  end
+  if tags[:list] %>
+</<%= tags[:list] %>><%
+  end
+end %>
 class BlockOpenTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    open_block(node, node.id, (node.attr 'style', nil, false),
+        (node.attr 'role'), (node.attr 'reftext'), node.title? ? node.title : nil)
+  end
+  def open_block(node, id, style, role, reftext, title)
+    case style
+    when 'abstract'
+      if node.parent == node.document && node.document.attr?('doctype', 'book')
+        puts 'asciidoctor: WARNING: abstract block cannot be used in a document without a title when doctype is book. Excluding block content.'
+        ''
+      else
+        %(<abstract>#{title && "\n<title>#{title}</title>"}
+#{content node}
+      end
+    when 'partintro'
+      unless node.document.attr?('doctype', 'book') && node.parent.is_a?(Asciidoctor::Section) && node.level == 0
+        puts 'asciidoctor: ERROR: partintro block can only be used when doctype is book and it\'s a child of a part section. Excluding block content.'
+        ''
+      else
+        %(<partintro#{common_attrs id, role, reftext}>#{title && "\n<title>#{title}</title>"}
+#{content node}
+      end
+    else
+      node.content
+    end
+  end
   def template
-    :content
+    :invoke_result
 class BlockListingTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><% if !title? %>
-<% if attr? :style, 'source' %>
-<programlisting#{common_attrs_erb}#{attribute('language', :language)} linenumbering="<%= (attr? :linenums) ? 'numbered' : 'unnumbered' %>"><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></programlisting>
-<% else %>
-<screen#{common_attrs_erb}><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></screen>
-<% end %>
-<% else %>
-  #{title_tag false}
-  <para>
-    <% if attr :style, 'source' %>
-    <programlisting language="<%= attr :language %>" linenumbering="<%= (attr? :linenums) ? 'numbered' : 'unnumbered' %>"><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></programlisting>
-    <% else %>
-    <screen><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></screen>
-    <% end %>
-  </para>
-<% end %>
+if !title?
+  if (attr? 'style', 'source') && (attr? 'language')
+%><programlisting#{common_attrs_erb}#{attribute('language', :language)} linenumbering="<%= (attr? :linenums) ? 'numbered' : 'unnumbered' %>"><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></programlisting><%
+  else
+%><screen#{common_attrs_erb}><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></screen><%
+  end
+%><formalpara#{common_attrs_erb}>#{title_tag false}
+  if (attr? 'style', 'source') && (attr? 'language') %>
+<programlisting language="<%= attr 'language' %>" linenumbering="<%= (attr? :linenums) ? 'numbered' : 'unnumbered' %>"><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></programlisting><%
+  else %>
+<screen><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></screen><%
+  end %>
+end %>
@@ -329,8 +457,7 @@ class BlockLiteralTemplate < BaseTemplate
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><% if !title? %>
 <literallayout#{common_attrs_erb} class="monospaced"><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></literallayout>
 <% else %>
-  #{title_tag false}
+<formalpara#{common_attrs_erb}>#{title_tag false}
     <literallayout class="monospaced"><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></literallayout>
@@ -343,10 +470,9 @@ end
 class BlockExampleTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-  #{title_tag}
-<%= content %>
+<%#encoding:UTF-8%><<%= (tag_name = title? ? 'example' : 'informalexample') %>#{common_attrs_erb}>#{title_tag}
+</<%= tag_name %>>
@@ -354,9 +480,8 @@ end
 class BlockSidebarTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-  #{title_tag}
-<%= content %>
@@ -365,21 +490,16 @@ end
 class BlockQuoteTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-  #{title_tag}
   <% if (attr? :attribution) || (attr? :citetitle) %>
     <% if attr? :attribution %>
-    <%= attr(:attribution) %>
+    <%= (attr :attribution) %>
     <% end %>
     #{tag 'citetitle', :citetitle}
   <% end %>
-<% if !@buffer.nil? %>
-<simpara><%= content %></simpara>
-<% else %>
-<%= content %>
-<% end %>
@@ -388,12 +508,11 @@ end
 class BlockVerseTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-  #{title_tag}
   <% if (attr? :attribution) || (attr? :citetitle) %>
     <% if attr? :attribution %>
-    <%= attr(:attribution) %>
+    <%= (attr :attribution) %>
     <% end %>
     #{tag 'citetitle', :citetitle}
@@ -413,9 +532,8 @@ end
 class BlockTableTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><<%= title? ? 'table' : 'informaltable'%>#{common_attrs_erb} frame="<%= attr :frame, 'all'%>"
-    rowsep="<%= ['none', 'cols'].include?(attr :grid) ? 0 : 1 %>" colsep="<%= ['none', 'rows'].include?(attr :grid) ? 0 : 1 %>">
-  #{title_tag}
+<%#encoding:UTF-8%><<%= (tag_name = title? ? 'table' : 'informaltable') %>#{common_attrs_erb} frame="<%= attr :frame, 'all'%>"
+    rowsep="<%= ['none', 'cols'].include?(attr :grid) ? 0 : 1 %>" colsep="<%= ['none', 'rows'].include?(attr :grid) ? 0 : 1 %>">#{title_tag}
   <% if attr? :width %>
   <?dbhtml table-width="<%= attr :width %>"?>
   <?dbfo table-width="<%= attr :width %>"?>
@@ -423,7 +541,7 @@ class BlockTableTemplate < BaseTemplate
   <% end %>
   <tgroup cols="<%= attr :colcount %>">
     <% @columns.each do |col| %>
-    <colspec colname="col_<%= col.attr :colnumber %>" colwidth="<%= col.attr((attr? :width) ? :colabswidth : :colpcwidth) %>*"/>
+    <colspec colname="col_<%= col.attr :colnumber %>" colwidth="<%= (col.attr (attr? :width) ? :colabswidth : :colpcwidth) %>*"/>
     <% end %>
     <% [:head, :foot, :body].select {|tblsec| !rows[tblsec].empty? }.each do |tblsec| %>
     <t<%= tblsec %>>
@@ -433,22 +551,23 @@ class BlockTableTemplate < BaseTemplate
         <entry#{attribute('align', 'cell.attr :halign')}#{attribute('valign', 'cell.attr :valign')}<%
         if cell.colspan %> namest="col_<%= cell.column.attr :colnumber %>" nameend="col_<%= (cell.column.attr :colnumber) + cell.colspan - 1 %>"<%
         end %><% if cell.rowspan %> morerows="<%= cell.rowspan - 1 %>"<% end %>><%
-        if tblsec == :head %><%= cell.text %><%
+        cell_content = ''
+        if tblsec == :head %><% cell_content = cell.text %><%
         else %><%
-        case cell.attr(:style)
-          when :asciidoc %><%= cell.content %><%
-          when :verse %><literallayout><%= template.preserve_endlines(cell.text, self) %></literallayout><%
-          when :literal %><literallayout class="monospaced"><%= template.preserve_endlines(cell.text, self) %></literallayout><%
-          when :header %><% cell.content.each do |text| %><simpara><emphasis role="strong"><%= text %></emphasis></simpara><% end %><%
-          else %><% cell.content.each do |text| %><simpara><%= text %></simpara><% end %><%
-        %><% end %><% end %></entry>
+        case (cell.attr :style)
+          when :asciidoc %><% cell_content = cell.content %><%
+          when :verse %><% cell_content = %(<literallayout>\#{template.preserve_endlines(cell.text, self)}</literallayout>) %><%
+          when :literal %><% cell_content = %(<literallayout class="monospaced">\#{template.preserve_endlines(cell.text, self)}</literallayout>) %><%
+          when :header %><% cell.content.each do |text| %><% cell_content = %(\#{cell_content\}<simpara><emphasis role="strong">\#{text}</emphasis></simpara>) %><% end %><%
+          else %><% cell.content.each do |text| %><% cell_content = %(\#{cell_content}<simpara>\#{text}</simpara>) %><% end %><%
+        %><% end %><% end %><%= (@document.attr? 'cellbgcolor') ? %(<?dbfo bgcolor="\#{@document.attr 'cellbgcolor'}"?>) : nil %><%= cell_content %></entry>
         <% end %>
       <% end %>
     </t<%= tblsec %>>
     <% end %>
-</<%= title? ? 'table' : 'informaltable'%>>
+</<%= tag_name %>>
@@ -456,8 +575,7 @@ end
 class BlockImageTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-  #{title_tag}
       <imagedata fileref="<%= image_uri(attr :target) %>"#{attribute('contentwidth', :width)}#{attribute('contentdepth', :height)}/>
@@ -469,6 +587,14 @@ class BlockImageTemplate < BaseTemplate
+class BlockAudioTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  include EmptyTemplate
+class BlockVideoTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  include EmptyTemplate
 class BlockRulerTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
@@ -494,6 +620,8 @@ class InlineBreakTemplate < BaseTemplate
 class InlineQuotedTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  NO_TAGS = ['', '']
     :emphasis => ['<emphasis>', '</emphasis>'],
     :strong => ['<emphasis role="strong">', '</emphasis>'],
@@ -502,11 +630,10 @@ class InlineQuotedTemplate < BaseTemplate
     :subscript => ['<subscript>', '</subscript>'],
     :double => ['“', '”'],
     :single => ['‘', '’']
-    #:none => ['', '']
-  def quote(text, type, role)
-    start_tag, end_tag = QUOTED_TAGS[type] || ['', '']
+  def quote_text(text, type, role)
+    start_tag, end_tag = QUOTED_TAGS[type] || NO_TAGS
     if role
       "#{start_tag}<phrase role=\"#{role}\">#{text}</phrase>#{end_tag}"
@@ -514,11 +641,59 @@ class InlineQuotedTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    quote_text(node.text, node.type, (node.attr 'role'))
+  end
   def template
-    # very hot piece of code, optimized for speed
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><%= template.quote(@text, @type, attr('role')) %>
-    EOF
+    :invoke_result
+  end
+class InlineButtonTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    %(<guibutton>#{node.text}</guibutton>)
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
+  end
+class InlineKbdTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    keys = node.attr 'keys'
+    if keys.size == 1
+      %(<keycap>#{keys.first}</keycap>)
+    else
+      key_combo = keys.map{|key| %(<keycap>#{key}</keycap>) }.join
+      %(<keycombo>#{key_combo}</keycombo>)
+    end
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
+  end
+class InlineMenuTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def menu(menu, submenus, menuitem)
+    if !submenus.empty?
+      submenu_path = submenus.map{|submenu| %(<guisubmenu>#{submenu}</guisubmenu> ) }.join.chop
+      %(<menuchoice><guimenu>#{menu}</guimenu> #{submenu_path} <guimenuitem>#{menuitem}</guimenuitem></menuchoice>)
+    elsif !menuitem.nil?
+      %(<menuchoice><guimenu>#{menu}</guimenu> <guimenuitem>#{menuitem}</guimenuitem></menuchoice>)
+    else
+      %(<guimenu>#{menu}</guimenu>)
+    end
+  end
+  def result(node)
+    menu(node.attr('menu'), node.attr('submenus'), node.attr('menuitem'))
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
@@ -536,11 +711,12 @@ class InlineAnchorTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    anchor(node.target, node.text, node.type)
+  end
   def template
-    # hot piece of code, optimized for speed
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><%= template.anchor(@target, @text, @type) %>
-    EOS
+    :invoke_result
@@ -571,10 +747,12 @@ end %>
 class InlineCalloutTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    %(<co id="#{node.id}"/>)
+  end
   def template
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOF
-    EOF
+    :invoke_result
@@ -588,10 +766,10 @@ if numterms > 2 %><indexterm>
 <% end %><%
 if numterms > 1 %><indexterm>
-  <primary><%= terms[numterms - 2] %></primary><secondary><%= terms[numterms - 1] %></secondary>
+  <primary><%= terms[-2] %></primary><secondary><%= terms[-1] %></secondary>
 <% end %><indexterm>
-  <primary><%= terms[numterms - 1] %></primary>
+  <primary><%= terms[-1] %></primary>
 </indexterm><% end %>
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/backends/html5.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/backends/html5.rb
index 05df08f..235e220 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/backends/html5.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/backends/html5.rb
@@ -1,141 +1,171 @@
+require 'asciidoctor/backends/_stylesheets'
 module Asciidoctor
 class BaseTemplate
   # create template matter to insert a style class from the role attribute if specified
   def role_class
-    attrvalue(:role)
+    attrvalue('role')
   # create template matter to insert a style class from the style attribute if specified
   def style_class(sibling = true)
-    attrvalue(:style, sibling)
+    attrvalue('style', sibling, false)
   def title_div(opts = {})
-    %(<% if title? %><div class="title">#{opts.has_key?(:caption) ? '<%= @caption %>' : ''}<%= title %></div><% end %>)
+    if opts.has_key? :caption
+      %q(<% if title? %><div class="title"><%= @caption %><%= title %></div><% end %>)
+    else
+      %q(<% if title? %><div class="title"><%= title %></div><% end %>)
+    end
 module HTML5
 class DocumentTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def self.outline(node, to_depth = 2)
     toc_level = nil
     sections = node.sections
     unless sections.empty?
-      toc_level, indent = ''
-      nested = true
-      unless node.is_a?(Document)
-        if node.document.doctype == 'book'
-          indent = '    ' * node.level unless node.level == 0
-          nested = node.level > 0
-        else
-          indent = '    ' * node.level
-        end
+      # FIXME the level for special sections should be set correctly in the model
+      # sec_level will only be 0 if we have a book doctype with parts
+      sec_level = sections.first.level
+      if sec_level == 0 && sections.first.special
+        sec_level = 1
-      toc_level << "#{indent}<ol>\n" if nested
+      toc_level = %(<ol type="none" class="sectlevel#{sec_level}">\n)
+      numbered = node.document.attr? 'numbered'
       sections.each do |section|
-        toc_level << "#{indent}  <li><a href=\"##{section.id}\">#{!section.special && section.level > 0 ? "#{section.sectnum} " : ''}#{section.attr('caption')}#{section.title}</a></li>\n"
-        if section.level < to_depth && (child_toc_level = outline(section, to_depth))
-          if section.document.doctype != 'book' || section.level > 0
-            toc_level << "#{indent}  <li>\n#{child_toc_level}\n#{indent}  </li>\n"
-          else
-            toc_level << "#{indent}#{child_toc_level}\n"
+        # need to check playback attributes for change in numbered setting
+        # FIXME encapsulate me
+        if section.attributes.has_key? :attribute_entries
+          if (numbered_override = section.attributes[:attribute_entries].find {|entry| entry.name == 'numbered'})
+            numbered = numbered_override.negate ? false : true
+        section_num = numbered && !section.special && section.level > 0 && section.level < 4 ? %(#{section.sectnum} ) : nil
+        toc_level = %(#{toc_level}<li><a href=\"##{section.id}\">#{section_num}#{section.caption}#{section.title}</a></li>\n)
+        if section.level < to_depth && (child_toc_level = outline(section, to_depth))
+          toc_level = %(#{toc_level}<li>\n#{child_toc_level}\n</li>\n)
+        end
-      toc_level << "#{indent}</ol>" if nested
+      toc_level = %(#{toc_level}</ol>)
-  # Internal: Generate the default stylesheet for CodeRay
-  #
-  # returns the default CodeRay stylesheet as a String
-  def self.default_coderay_stylesheet
-    Helpers.require_library 'coderay'
-    ::CodeRay::Encoders[:html]::CSS.new(:default).stylesheet
-  end
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="<%= attr :lang, 'en' %>">
-  <head>
-    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<%= attr :encoding %>">
-    <meta name="generator" content="Asciidoctor <%= attr 'asciidoctor-version' %>">
-    <% if attr? :description %><meta name="description" content="<%= attr :description %>"><% end %>
-    <% if attr? :keywords %><meta name="keywords" content="<%= attr :keywords %>"><% end %>
-    <title><%= doctitle %></title>
-    <% if attr? :toc %>
-    <style>
-#toc > ol { padding-left: 0; }
-#toc ol { list-style-type: none; }
-    </style>
-    <% end %>
-    <% unless attr(:stylesheet, '').empty? %>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= (attr? :stylesdir) ? File.join((attr :stylesdir), (attr :stylesheet)) : (attr :stylesheet) %>">
-    <% end %>
-    <%
-    case attr 'source-highlighter' %><%
-    when 'coderay' %>
-    <style>
-pre.highlight { border: none; background-color: #F8F8F8; }
-pre.highlight code, pre.highlight pre { color: #333; }
-pre.highlight span.line-numbers { display: inline-block; margin-right: 4px; padding: 1px 4px; }
-pre.highlight .line-numbers { background-color: #D5F6F6; color: gray; }
-pre.highlight .line-numbers pre { color: gray; }
-<% if (attr 'coderay-css', 'class') == 'class' %><%= template.class.default_coderay_stylesheet %><% end %>
-    </style><%
-    when 'highlightjs' %>
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= (attr :highlightjsdir, 'http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/7.3') %>/styles/<%= (attr 'highlightjs-theme', 'default') %>.min.css">
-    <style>
-pre code { background-color: #F8F8F8; padding: 0; }
-    </style>
-    <script src="<%= (attr :highlightjsdir, 'http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/7.3') %>/highlight.min.js"></script>
-    <script>hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad()</script>
-    <% end %>
-  </head>
-  <body#{id} class="<%= doctype %>"<% if attr? 'max-width' %> style="max-width: <%= attr 'max-width' %>;"<% end %>>
-    <% unless noheader %>
-    <div id="header">
-      <% if has_header? %>
-      <% unless notitle %>
-      <h1><%= @header.title %></h1>
-      <% end %>
-      <% if attr? :author %><span id="author"><%= attr :author %></span><br><% end %>
-      <% if attr? :email %><span id="email" class="monospaced"><<%= attr :email %>></span><br><% end %>
-      <% if attr? :revnumber %><span id="revnumber">version <%= attr :revnumber %><%= attr?(:revdate) ? ',' : '' %></span><% end %>
-      <% if attr? :revdate %><span id="revdate"><%= attr :revdate %></span><% end %>
-      <% if attr? :revremark %><br><span id="revremark"><%= attr :revremark %></span><% end %>
-      <% end %>
-      <% if attr? :toc %>
-      <div id="toc">
-        <div id="toctitle"><%= attr 'toc-title' %></div>
+<html<%= !(attr? 'nolang') ? %( lang="\#{attr 'lang', 'en'}") : nil %>>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<%= attr :encoding %>">
+<meta name="generator" content="Asciidoctor <%= attr 'asciidoctor-version' %>">
+<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><%
+if attr? :description %>
+<meta name="description" content="<%= attr :description %>"><%
+if attr? :keywords %>
+<meta name="keywords" content="<%= attr :keywords %>"><%
+end %>
+<title><%= doctitle %></title><%
+if DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_KEYS.include?(attr 'stylesheet')
+  if @safe >= SafeMode::SECURE || (attr? 'linkcss') %>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= normalize_web_path(DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_NAME, (attr :stylesdir, '')) %>"><%
+  else %>
+<%= ::Asciidoctor::HTML5.default_asciidoctor_stylesheet %>
+  end
+elsif attr? :stylesheet
+  if attr? 'linkcss' %>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= normalize_web_path((attr :stylesheet), (attr :stylesdir, '')) %>"><%
+  else %>
+<%= read_asset normalize_system_path((attr :stylesheet), (attr :stylesdir, '')), true %>
+  end
+if attr? 'icons', 'font'
+  if !(attr 'iconfont-remote', '').nil? %>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= attr 'iconfont-cdn', 'http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/3.1.0/css' %>/<%= attr 'iconfont-name', 'font-awesome' %>.min.css"><%
+  else %>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= normalize_web_path(%(\#{attr 'iconfont-name', 'font-awesome'}.css), (attr 'stylesdir', '')) %>"><%
+  end
+case attr 'source-highlighter'
+when 'coderay'
+  if (attr 'coderay-css', 'class') == 'class' %>
+<%= ::Asciidoctor::HTML5.default_coderay_stylesheet %>
+  end
+when 'highlightjs', 'highlight.js' %>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= attr :highlightjsdir, 'http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/7.3' %>/styles/<%= attr 'highlightjs-theme', 'default' %>.min.css">
+<script src="<%= attr :highlightjsdir, 'http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/7.3' %>/highlight.min.js"></script>
+when 'prettify' %>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= attr 'prettifydir', 'http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prettify/r298' %>/<%= attr 'prettify-theme', 'prettify' %>.min.css">
+<script src="<%= attr 'prettifydir', 'http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prettify/r298' %>/prettify.min.js"></script>
+<script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', prettyPrint)</script><%
+end %><%= (docinfo_content = docinfo).empty? ? nil : %(
+\#{docinfo_content}) %>
+<body#{id} class="<%= doctype %><%= (attr? 'toc-class') && (attr? 'toc') && (attr? 'toc-placement', 'auto') ? %( \#{attr 'toc-class'}) : nil %>"<%= (attr? 'max-width') ? %( style="max-width: \#{attr 'max-width'};") : nil %>><%
+unless noheader %>
+<div id="header"><%
+  if has_header?
+    unless notitle %>
+<h1><%= @header.title %></h1><%
+    end %><%
+    if attr? :author %>
+<span id="author"><%= attr :author %></span><br><%
+      if attr? :email %>
+<span id="email"><%= sub_macros(attr :email) %></span><br><%
+      end
+    end
+    if attr? :revnumber %>
+<span id="revnumber">version <%= attr :revnumber %><%= (attr? :revdate) ? ',' : '' %></span><%
+    end
+    if attr? :revdate %>
+<span id="revdate"><%= attr :revdate %></span><%
+    end
+    if attr? :revremark %>
+<br><span id="revremark"><%= attr :revremark %></span><%
+    end
+  end
+  if (attr? :toc) && (attr? 'toc-placement', 'auto') %>
+<div id="toc" class="<%= attr 'toc-class', 'toc' %>">
+<div id="toctitle"><%= attr 'toc-title' %></div>
 <%= template.class.outline(self, (attr :toclevels, 2).to_i) %>
-      </div>
-      <% end %>
-    </div>
-    <% end %>
-    <div id="content">
+  end %>
+end %>
+<div id="content">
 <%= content %>
-    </div>
-    <% if footnotes? %>
-    <div id="footnotes">
-      <hr>
-      <% footnotes.each do |fn| %>
-      <div class="footnote" id="_footnote_<%= fn.index %>">
-        <a href="#_footnoteref_<%= fn.index %>"><%= fn.index %></a>. <%= fn.text %>
-      </div>
-      <% end %>
-    </div>
-    <% end %>
-    <div id="footer">
-      <div id="footer-text">
-        <% if attr? :revnumber %>Version <%= attr :revnumber %><br><% end %>
-        Last updated <%= attr :docdatetime %>
-      </div>
-    </div>
-  </body>
+unless !footnotes? || (attr? :nofootnotes) %>
+<div id="footnotes">
+  footnotes.each do |fn| %>
+<div class="footnote" id="_footnote_<%= fn.index %>">
+<a href="#_footnoteref_<%= fn.index %>"><%= fn.index %></a>. <%= fn.text %>
+  end %>
+end %>
+<div id="footer">
+<div id="footer-text"><%
+if attr? :revnumber %>
+Version <%= attr :revnumber %><br><%
+end %>
+Last updated <%= attr :docdatetime %>
@@ -146,42 +176,122 @@ class EmbeddedTemplate < BaseTemplate
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><% unless notitle || !has_header? %><h1#{id}><%= header.title %></h1>
 <% end %><%= content %>
+<% unless !footnotes? || (attr? :nofootnotes) %><div id="footnotes">
+  <hr>
+  <% footnotes.each do |fn| %>
+  <div class="footnote" id="_footnote_<%= fn.index %>">
+    <a href="#_footnoteref_<%= fn.index %>"><%= fn.index %></a>. <%= fn.text %>
+  </div>
+  <% end %>
+</div><% end %>
+class BlockTocTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    doc = node.document
+    return '' unless (doc.attr? 'toc')
+    if node.id
+      id_attr = %( id="#{node.id}")
+      title_id_attr = ''
+    elsif doc.embedded? || !(doc.attr? 'toc-placement')
+      id_attr = ' id="toc"'
+      title_id_attr = ' id="toctitle"'
+    else
+      id_attr = ''
+      title_id_attr = ''
+    end
+    title = node.title? ? node.title : (doc.attr 'toc-title')
+    levels = (node.attr? 'levels') ? (node.attr 'levels').to_i : (doc.attr 'toclevels', 2).to_i
+    role = (node.attr? 'role') ? (node.attr 'role') : (doc.attr 'toc-class', 'toc')
+    %(<div#{id_attr} class="#{role}">
+<div#{title_id_attr} class="title">#{title}</div>
+#{DocumentTemplate.outline(doc, levels)}
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
+  end
 class BlockPreambleTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def toc(node)
+    if (node.attr? 'toc') && (node.attr? 'toc-placement', 'preamble')
+      %(\n<div id="toc" class="#{node.attr 'toc-class', 'toc'}">
+<div id="toctitle">#{node.attr 'toc-title'}</div>
+#{DocumentTemplate.outline(node.document, (node.attr 'toclevels', 2).to_i)}
+    else
+      ''
+    end
+  end
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><div id="preamble">
-  <div class="sectionbody">
+<div class="sectionbody">
 <%= content %>
-  </div>
+</div><%= template.toc(self) %>
 class SectionTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(sec)
+    slevel = sec.level
+    # QUESTION should this check be done in section?
+    if slevel == 0 && sec.special
+      slevel = 1
+    end
+    htag = "h#{slevel + 1}"
+    id = anchor = link_start = link_end = nil
+    if sec.id
+      id = %( id="#{sec.id}")
+      if sec.document.attr? 'sectanchors'
+        #if sec.document.attr? 'icons', 'font'
+        #  anchor = %(<a class="anchor" href="##{sec.id}"><i class="icon-anchor"></i></a>)
+        #else
+          anchor = %(<a class="anchor" href="##{sec.id}"></a>)
+        #end
+      elsif sec.document.attr? 'sectlinks'
+        link_start = %(<a class="link" href="##{sec.id}">)
+        link_end = '</a>'
+      end
+    end
+    if slevel == 0
+      %(<h1#{id} class="sect0">#{anchor}#{link_start}#{sec.title}#{link_end}</h1>
+    else
+      role = (sec.attr? 'role') ? " #{sec.attr 'role'}" : nil
+      if !sec.special && (sec.document.attr? 'numbered') && slevel < 4
+        sectnum = "#{sec.sectnum} "
+      else
+        sectnum = nil
+      end
+      if slevel == 1
+        content = %(<div class="sectionbody">
+      else
+        content = sec.content
+      end
+      %(<div class="sect#{slevel}#{role}">
+    end
+  end
   def template
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-if @level == 0 %>
-<h1#{id}><%= title %></h1>
-<%= content %>
-<% else %>
-<div class="sect<%= @level %>#{role_class}">
-  <h<%= @level + 1 %>#{id}><% if !@special && (attr? :numbered) && @level < 4 %><%= sectnum %> <% end %><%= attr :caption %><%= title %></h<%= @level + 1 %>>
-  <% if @level == 1 %>
-  <div class="sectionbody">
-<%= content %>
-  </div>
-  <% else %>
-<%= content %>
-  <% end %>
-<% end %>
-    EOS
+    :invoke_result
@@ -197,69 +307,103 @@ class BlockDlistTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-if attr? :style, 'qanda' %>
-<div#{id} class="qlist#{style_class}#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div}
-  <ol>
-  <% content.each do |dt, dd| %>
-    <li>
-      <p><em><%= dt.text %></em></p>
-      <% unless dd.nil? %>
-      <% if dd.text? %>
-      <p><%= dd.text %></p>
-      <% end %>
-      <% if dd.blocks? %>
-<%= dd.content %>
-      <% end %>
-      <% end %>
-    </li>
-  <% end %>
-  </ol>
-<% elsif attr? :style, 'horizontal' %>
-<div#{id} class="hdlist#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div}
-  <table>
-    <colgroup>
-      <col<% if attr? :labelwidth %> style="width: <%= attr :labelwidth %>%;"<% end %>>
-      <col<% if attr? :itemwidth %> style="width: <%= attr :itemwidth %>%;"<% end %>>
-    </colgroup>
-    <% content.each do |dt, dd| %>
-    <tr>
-      <td class="hdlist1<% if attr? 'strong-option' %> strong<% end %>">
-        <%= dt.text %>
-        <br>
-      </td>
-      <td class="hdlist2"><% unless dd.nil? %><% if dd.text? %>
-        <p style="margin-top: 0"><%= dd.text %></p><% end %><% if dd.blocks? %>
-<%= dd.content %><% end %><% end %>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <% end %>
-  </table>
-<% else %>
-<div#{id} class="dlist#{style_class}#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div}
-  <dl>
-    <% content.each do |dt, dd| %>
-    <dt<% if !(attr? :style) %> class="hdlist1"<% end %>>
-      <%= dt.text %>
-    </dt>
-    <% unless dd.nil? %>
-    <dd>
-      <% if dd.text? %>
-      <p><%= dd.text %></p>
-      <% end %>
-      <% if dd.blocks? %>
-<%= dd.content %>
-      <% end %>
-    </dd>
-    <% end %>
-    <% end %>
-  </dl>
-<% end %>
+continuing = false
+entries = content
+last_index = entries.length - 1
+if attr? 'style', 'qanda', false
+%><div#{id} class="qlist#{style_class}#{role_class}"><%
+if title? %>
+<div class="title"><%= title %></div><%
+end %>
+  entries.each_with_index do |(dt, dd), index|
+    last = (index == last_index)
+    unless continuing %>
+    end %>
+<p><em><%= dt.text %></em></p><%
+    if !last && dd.nil?
+      continuing = true
+      next
+    else
+      continuing = false
+    end
+    unless dd.nil?
+      if dd.text? %>
+<p><%= dd.text %></p><%
+      end
+      if dd.blocks? %>
+<%= dd.content %><%
+      end
+    end %>
+  end %>
+elsif attr? 'style', 'horizontal', false
+%><div#{id} class="hdlist#{role_class}"><%
+if title? %>
+<div class="title"><%= title %></div><%
+end %>
+if (attr? :labelwidth) || (attr? :itemwidth) %>
+<col<% if attr? :labelwidth %> style="width:<%= (attr :labelwidth).chomp('%') %>%;"<% end %>>
+<col<% if attr? :itemwidth %> style="width:<%= (attr :itemwidth).chomp('%') %>%;"<% end %>>
+end %><%
+  entries.each_with_index do |(dt, dd), index|
+    last = (index == last_index)
+    unless continuing %>
+<td class="hdlist1<%= (attr? 'strong-option') ? 'strong' : nil %>"><%
+    end %>
+<%= dt.text %>
+    if !last && dd.nil?
+      continuing = true
+      next
+    else
+      continuing = false
+    end %>
+<td class="hdlist2"><%
+    unless dd.nil?
+      if dd.text? %>
+<p><%= dd.text %></p><%
+      end
+      if dd.blocks? %>
+<%= dd.content %><%
+      end
+    end %>
+  end %>
+%><div#{id} class="dlist#{style_class}#{role_class}"><%
+if title? %>
+<div class="title"><%= title %></div><%
+end %>
+  entries.each_with_index do |(dt, dd), index|
+    last = (index == last_index) %>
+<dt<%= !(attr? 'style', nil, false) ? %( class="hdlist1") : nil %>><%= dt.text %></dt><%
+    unless dd.nil? %>
+      if dd.text? %>
+<p><%= dd.text %></p><%
+      end %><%
+      if dd.blocks? %>
+<%= dd.content %><%
+      end %>
+    end
+  end %>
+end %>
@@ -268,14 +412,30 @@ class BlockListingTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="listingblock#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div :caption => true}
-  <div class="content monospaced">
-    <% if attr? :style, 'source' %>
-    <pre class="highlight<% if attr? 'source-highlighter', 'coderay' %> CodeRay<% end %>"><code#{attribute('class', :language)}><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></code></pre>
-    <% else %>
-    <pre><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></pre>
-    <% end %>
-  </div>
+#{title_div :caption => true}
+<div class="content monospaced"><%
+if attr? 'style', 'source', false
+  language = (language = (attr 'language')) ? %(\#{language} language-\#{language}) : nil
+  case attr 'source-highlighter'
+  when 'coderay'
+    pre_class = ' class="CodeRay"'
+    code_class = language ? %( class="\#{language}") : nil
+  when 'highlightjs', 'highlight.js'
+    pre_class = ' class="highlight"'
+    code_class = language ? %( class="\#{language}") : nil
+  when 'prettify'
+    pre_class = %( class="prettyprint\#{(attr? 'linenums') ? ' linenums' : nil})
+    pre_class = language ? %(\#{pre_class} \#{language}") : %(\#{pre_class}")
+    code_class = nil
+  else
+    pre_class = ' class="highlight"'
+    code_class = language ? %( class="\#{language}") : nil
+  end %>
+<pre<%= pre_class %>><code<%= code_class %>><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></code></pre><%
+else %>
+<pre><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></pre><%
+end %>
@@ -285,10 +445,10 @@ class BlockLiteralTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="literalblock#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div}
-  <div class="content monospaced">
-    <pre><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></pre>
-  </div>
+<div class="content monospaced">
+<pre><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></pre>
@@ -297,22 +457,24 @@ end
 class BlockAdmonitionTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="admonitionblock#{role_class}">
-  <table>
-    <tr>
-      <td class="icon">
-        <% if attr? :icons %>
-        <img src="<%= icon_uri(attr :name) %>" alt="<%= attr :caption %>">
-        <% else %>
-        <div class="title"><%= attr :caption %></div>
-        <% end %>
-      </td>
-      <td class="content">
-        #{title_div}
-        <%= content %>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-  </table>
+<%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="admonitionblock <%= attr :name %>#{role_class}">
+<td class="icon"><%
+if attr? 'icons', 'font' %>
+<i class="icon-<%= attr :name %>" title="<%= @caption %>"></i><%
+elsif attr? 'icons' %>
+<img src="<%= icon_uri(attr :name) %>" alt="<%= @caption %>"><%
+else %>
+<div class="title"><%= @caption %></div><%
+end %>
+<td class="content">
+<%= content %>
@@ -320,17 +482,18 @@ end
 class BlockParagraphTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def paragraph(id, role, title, content)
-    %(<div#{id && " id=\"#{id}\""} class=\"paragraph#{role && " #{role}"}\">
-  #{title && "<div class=\"title\">#{title}</div>"}  
-  <p>#{content}</p>
+    %(<div#{id && " id=\"#{id}\""} class="paragraph#{role && " #{role}"}">#{title && "
+<div class=\"title\">#{title}</div>"}
+  end
+  def result(node)
+    paragraph(node.id, (node.attr 'role'), (node.title? ? node.title : nil), node.content)
   def template
-    # very hot piece of code, optimized for speed
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><%= template.paragraph(@id, (attr 'role'), title? ? title : nil, content) %>
-    EOS
+    :invoke_result
@@ -338,10 +501,10 @@ class BlockSidebarTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="sidebarblock#{role_class}">
-  <div class="content">
-    #{title_div}
+<div class="content">
 <%= content %>
-  </div>
@@ -351,25 +514,48 @@ class BlockExampleTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="exampleblock#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div :caption => true}
-  <div class="content">
+#{title_div :caption => true}
+<div class="content">
 <%= content %>
-  </div>
 class BlockOpenTemplate < BaseTemplate
-  def template
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="openblock#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div}
-  <div class="content">
-<%= content %>
-  </div>
+  def result(node)
+    open_block(node, node.id, (node.attr 'style', nil, false), (node.attr 'role'), node.title? ? node.title : nil, node.content)
+  end
+  def open_block(node, id, style, role, title, content)
+    if style == 'abstract'
+      if node.parent == node.document && node.document.attr?('doctype', 'book')
+        puts 'asciidoctor: WARNING: abstract block cannot be used in a document without a title when doctype is book. Excluding block content.'
+        ''
+      else
+        %(<div#{id && " id=\"#{id}\""} class="quoteblock abstract#{role && " #{role}"}">#{title &&
+"<div class=\"title\">#{title}</div>"}
+      end
+    elsif style == 'partintro' && (!node.document.attr?('doctype', 'book') || !node.parent.is_a?(Asciidoctor::Section) || node.level != 0)
+      puts 'asciidoctor: ERROR: partintro block can only be used when doctype is book and it\'s a child of a book part. Excluding block content.'
+      ''
+    else
+      %(<div#{id && " id=\"#{id}\""} class="openblock#{style != 'open' ? " #{style}" : ''}#{role && " #{role}"}">#{title &&
+"<div class=\"title\">#{title}</div>"}
+<div class="content">
-    EOS
+    end
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
@@ -383,21 +569,23 @@ class BlockQuoteTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="quoteblock#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div}
-  <blockquote>
 <%= content %>
-  </blockquote>
-  <div class="attribution">
-    <% if attr? :citetitle %>
-    <cite><%= attr :citetitle %></cite>
-    <% end %>
-    <% if attr? :attribution %>
-    <% if attr? :citetitle %>
-    <br>
-    <% end %>
-    <%= "— \#{attr :attribution}" %>
-    <% end %>
-  </div>
+if (attr? :attribution) || (attr? :citetitle) %>
+<div class="attribution"><%
+  if attr? :citetitle %>
+<cite><%= attr :citetitle %></cite><%
+  end
+  if attr? :attribution
+    if attr? :citetitle %>
+    end %>
+<%= "— \#{attr :attribution}" %><%
+  end %>
+end %>
@@ -407,19 +595,21 @@ class BlockVerseTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="verseblock#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div}
-  <pre class="content"><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></pre>
-  <div class="attribution">
-    <% if attr? :citetitle %>
-    <cite><%= attr :citetitle %></cite>
-    <% end %>
-    <% if attr? :attribution %>
-    <% if attr? :citetitle %>
-    <br>
-    <% end %>
-    <%= "— \#{attr :attribution}" %>
-    <% end %>
-  </div>
+<pre class="content"><%= template.preserve_endlines(content, self) %></pre><%
+if (attr? :attribution) || (attr? :citetitle) %>
+<div class="attribution"><%
+  if attr? :citetitle %>
+<cite><%= attr :citetitle %></cite><%
+  end
+  if attr? :attribution
+    if attr? :citetitle %>
+    end %>
+<%= "— \#{attr :attribution}" %><%
+  end %>
+  </div><%
+end %>
@@ -429,37 +619,38 @@ class BlockUlistTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="ulist#{style_class}#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div}
-  <ul>
-  <% content.each do |item| %>
-    <li>
-      <p><%= item.text %></p>
-      <% if item.blocks? %>
-<%= item.content %>
-      <% end %>
-    </li>
-  <% end %>
-  </ul>
+content.each do |item| %>
+<p><%= item.text %></p><%
+  if item.blocks? %>
+<%= item.content %><%
+  end %>
+end %>
 class BlockOlistTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="olist#{style_class}#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div}
-  <ol class="<%= attr :style %>"#{attribute('start', :start)}>
-  <% content.each do |item| %>
-    <li>
-      <p><%= item.text %></p>
-      <% if item.blocks? %>
-<%= item.content %>
-      <% end %>
-    </li>
-  <% end %>
-  </ol>
+<%#encoding:UTF-8%><% style = attr 'style', nil, false %><div#{id} class="olist#{style_class}#{role_class}">
+<ol class="<%= style %>"<%= (type = ::Asciidoctor::ORDERED_LIST_KEYWORDS[style]) ? %( type="\#{type}") : nil %>#{attribute('start', :start)}><%
+content.each do |item| %>
+<p><%= item.text %></p><%
+  if item.blocks? %>
+<%= item.content %><%
+  end %>
+end %>
@@ -469,25 +660,28 @@ class BlockColistTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="colist#{style_class}#{role_class}">
-  #{title_div}
-  <% if attr? :icons %>
-  <table>
-    <% content.each_with_index do |item, i| %>
-    <tr>
-      <td><img src="<%= icon_uri("callouts/\#{i + 1}") %>" alt="<%= i + 1 %>"></td>
-      <td><%= item.text %></td>
-    </tr>
-    <% end %>
-  </table>
-  <% else %>
-  <ol>
-  <% content.each do |item| %>
-    <li>
-      <p><%= item.text %></p>
-    </li>
-  <% end %>
-  </ol>
-  <% end %>
+if attr? :icons %>
+  content.each_with_index do |item, i| %>
+    if attr? :icons, 'font' %><i class="conum"><%= i + 1 %></i><%
+    else %><img src="<%= icon_uri("callouts/\#{i + 1}") %>" alt="<%= i + 1 %>"><%
+    end %></td>
+<td><%= item.text %></td>
+  end %>
+else %>
+  content.each do |item| %>
+<p><%= item.text %></p>
+  end %>
+end %>
@@ -497,43 +691,57 @@ class BlockTableTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
 <%#encoding:UTF-8%><table#{id} class="tableblock frame-<%= attr :frame, 'all' %> grid-<%= attr :grid, 'all'%>#{role_class}" style="<%
-if !(attr? 'autowidth-option') %>width: <%= attr :tablepcwidth %>%; <% end %><%
-if attr? :float %>float: <%= attr :float %>; <% end %>">
-  <% if title? %>
-  <caption class="title"><% unless @caption.nil? %><%= @caption %><% end %><%= title %></caption>
-  <% end %>
-  <% if (attr :rowcount) >= 0 %>
-  <colgroup>
-    <% if attr? 'autowidth-option' %>
-    <% @columns.each do %>
-    <col>
-    <% end %>
-    <% else %>
-    <% @columns.each do |col| %>
-    <col style="width: <%= col.attr :colpcwidth %>%;">
-    <% end %>
-    <% end %>
-  </colgroup>
-  <% [:head, :foot, :body].select {|tsec| !@rows[tsec].empty? }.each do |tsec| %>
-  <t<%= tsec %>>
-    <% @rows[tsec].each do |row| %>
-    <tr>
-      <% row.each do |cell| %>
-      <<%= tsec == :head ? 'th' : 'td' %> class="tableblock halign-<%= cell.attr :halign %> valign-<%= cell.attr :valign %>"#{attribute('colspan', 'cell.colspan')}#{attribute('rowspan', 'cell.rowspan')}><%
-      if tsec == :head %><%= cell.text %><% else %><%
-      case cell.attr(:style)
-        when :asciidoc %><div><%= cell.content %></div><%
-        when :verse %><div class="verse"><%= template.preserve_endlines(cell.text, self) %></div><%
-        when :literal %><div class="literal monospaced"><pre><%= template.preserve_endlines(cell.text, self) %></pre></div><%
-        when :header %><% cell.content.each do |text| %><p class="tableblock header"><%= text %></p><% end %><%
-        else %><% cell.content.each do |text| %><p class="tableblock"><%= text %></p><% end %><%
-      end %><% end %></<%= tsec == :head ? 'th' : 'td' %>>
-      <% end %>
-    </tr>
-    <% end %>
-  </t<%= tsec %>>
-  <% end %>
-  <% end %>
+if !(attr? 'autowidth-option') %>width:<%= attr :tablepcwidth %>%; <% end %><%
+if attr? :float %>float: <%= attr :float %>; <% end %>"><%
+if title? %>
+<caption class="title"><% unless @caption.nil? %><%= @caption %><% end %><%= title %></caption><%
+if (attr :rowcount) >= 0 %>
+  if attr? 'autowidth-option'
+    @columns.each do %>
+    end
+  else
+    @columns.each do |col| %>
+<col style="width:<%= col.attr :colpcwidth %>%;"><%
+    end
+  end %> 
+  [:head, :foot, :body].select {|tsec| !@rows[tsec].empty? }.each do |tsec| %>
+<t<%= tsec %>><%
+    @rows[tsec].each do |row| %>
+      row.each do |cell| %>
+<<%= tsec == :head ? 'th' : 'td' %> class="tableblock halign-<%= cell.attr :halign %> valign-<%= cell.attr :valign %>"#{attribute('colspan', 'cell.colspan')}#{attribute('rowspan', 'cell.rowspan')}<%
+        cell_content = ''
+        if tsec == :head
+          cell_content = cell.text
+        else
+          case (cell.attr 'style', nil, false)
+          when :asciidoc
+            cell_content = %(<div>\#{cell.content}</div>)
+          when :verse
+            cell_content = %(<div class="verse">\#{template.preserve_endlines(cell.text, self)}</div>)
+          when :literal
+            cell_content = %(<div class="literal monospaced"><pre>\#{template.preserve_endlines(cell.text, self)}</pre></div>)
+          when :header
+            cell.content.each do |text|
+              cell_content = %(\#{cell_content}<p class="tableblock header">\#{text}</p>)
+            end
+          else
+            cell.content.each do |text|
+              cell_content = %(\#{cell_content}<p class="tableblock">\#{text}</p>)
+            end
+          end
+        end %><%= (@document.attr? 'cellbgcolor') ? %( style="background-color:\#{@document.attr 'cellbgcolor'};") : nil
+        %>><%= cell_content %></<%= tsec == :head ? 'th' : 'td' %>><%
+      end %>
+    end %>
+</t<%= tsec %>><%
+  end
+end %>
@@ -542,103 +750,210 @@ end
 class BlockImageTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="imageblock#{style_class}#{role_class}"<% if (attr? :align) || (attr? :float)
-%> style="<% if attr? :align %>text-align: <%= attr :align %><% if attr? :float %>; <% end %><% end %><% if attr? :float %>float: <%= attr :float %><% end %>"<% end
-  <div class="content">
-    <% if attr? :link %>
-    <a class="image" href="<%= attr :link %>"><img src="<%= image_uri(attr :target) %>" alt="<%= attr :alt %>"#{attribute('width', :width)}#{attribute('height', :height)}></a>
-    <% else %>
-    <img src="<%= image_uri(attr :target) %>" alt="<%= attr :alt %>"#{attribute('width', :width)}#{attribute('height', :height)}>
-    <% end %>
-  </div>
-  #{title_div :caption => true}
+<%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="imageblock#{style_class}#{role_class}"<%
+if (attr? :align) || (attr? :float) %> style="<%
+  if attr? :align %>text-align: <%= attr :align %><% if attr? :float %>; <% end %><% end %><% if attr? :float %>float: <%= attr :float %><% end %>"<%
+end %>>
+<div class="content"><%
+if attr? :link %>
+<a class="image" href="<%= attr :link %>"><img src="<%= image_uri(attr :target) %>" alt="<%= attr :alt %>"#{attribute('width', :width)}#{attribute('height', :height)}></a><%
+else %>
+<img src="<%= image_uri(attr :target) %>" alt="<%= attr :alt %>"#{attribute('width', :width)}#{attribute('height', :height)}><%
+end %>
+#{title_div :caption => true}
-class BlockRulerTemplate < BaseTemplate
+class BlockAudioTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
+<%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="audioblock#{style_class}#{role_class}">
+#{title_div :caption => true}
+<div class="content">
+<audio src="<%= media_uri(attr :target) %>"<%
+if attr? 'autoplay-option' %> autoplay<% end %><%
+unless attr? 'nocontrols-option' %> controls<% end %><%
+if attr? 'loop-option' %> loop<% end %>>
+Your browser does not support the audio tag.
-class BlockPageBreakTemplate < BaseTemplate
+class BlockVideoTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><div style="page-break-after: always"></div>
+<%#encoding:UTF-8%><div#{id} class="videoblock#{style_class}#{role_class}">
+#{title_div :caption => true}
+<div class="content">
+<video src="<%= media_uri(attr :target) %>"#{attribute('width', :width)}#{attribute('height', :height)}<%
+if attr? 'poster' %> poster="<%= media_uri(attr :poster) %>"<% end %><%
+if attr? 'autoplay-option' %> autoplay<% end %><%
+unless attr? 'nocontrols-option' %> controls<% end %><%
+if attr? 'loop-option' %> loop<% end %>>
+Your browser does not support the video tag.
+class BlockRulerTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    '<hr>'
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
+  end
+class BlockPageBreakTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    %(<div style="page-break-after: always;"></div>\n)
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
+  end
 class InlineBreakTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    %(#{node.text}<br>\n)
+  end
   def template
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><%= "\#@text<br>" %>
-    EOS
+    :invoke_result
 class InlineCalloutTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    if node.attr? 'icons', 'font'
+      %(<i class="conum">#{node.text}</i>)
+    elsif node.attr? 'icons'
+      src = node.icon_uri("callouts/#{node.text}")
+      %(<img src="#{src}" alt="#{node.text}">)
+    else
+      "<b><#{node.text}></b>"
+    end
+  end
   def template
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><% if attr? :icons %><img src="<%= icon_uri("callouts/\#@text") %>" alt="<%= @text %>"><% else %><b><<%= @text %>></b><% end %>
-    EOS
+    :invoke_result
 class InlineQuotedTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  NO_TAGS = ['', '']
     :emphasis => ['<em>', '</em>'],
     :strong => ['<strong>', '</strong>'],
-    :monospaced => ['<tt>', '</tt>'],
+    :monospaced => ['<code>', '</code>'],
     :superscript => ['<sup>', '</sup>'],
     :subscript => ['<sub>', '</sub>'],
     :double => ['“', '”'],
     :single => ['‘', '’']
-    #:none => ['', '']
-  def quote(text, type, role)
-    start_tag, end_tag = QUOTED_TAGS[type] || ['', '']
+  def quote_text(text, type, role)
+    start_tag, end_tag = QUOTE_TAGS[type] || NO_TAGS
     if role
-      "#{start_tag}<span class=\"#{role}\">#{text}</span>#{end_tag}"
+      if start_tag.start_with? '<'
+        %(#{start_tag.chop} class="#{role}">#{text}#{end_tag})
+      else
+        %(#{start_tag}<span class="#{role}">#{text}</span>#{end_tag})
+      end
+  def result(node)
+    quote_text(node.text, node.type, (node.attr 'role'))
+  end
   def template
-    # very hot piece of code, optimized for speed
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><%= template.quote(@text, @type, attr('role')) %>
-    EOS
+    :invoke_result
+  end
+class InlineButtonTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    %(<b class="button">#{node.text}</b>)
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
+  end
+class InlineKbdTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    keys = node.attr 'keys'
+    if keys.size == 1
+      %(<kbd>#{keys.first}</kbd>)
+    else
+      key_combo = keys.map{|key| %(<kbd>#{key}</kbd>+) }.join.chop
+      %(<kbd class="keyseq">#{key_combo}</kbd>)
+    end
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
+  end
+class InlineMenuTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def menu(menu, submenus, menuitem)
+    if !submenus.empty?
+      submenu_path = submenus.map{|submenu| %(<span class="submenu">#{submenu}</span> ▸ ) }.join.chop
+      %(<span class="menuseq"><span class="menu">#{menu}</span> ▸ #{submenu_path} <span class="menuitem">#{menuitem}</span></span>)
+    elsif !menuitem.nil?
+      %(<span class="menuseq"><span class="menu">#{menu}</span> ▸ <span class="menuitem">#{menuitem}</span></span>)
+    else
+      %(<span class="menu">#{menu}</span>)
+    end
+  end
+  def result(node)
+    menu(node.attr('menu'), node.attr('submenus'), node.attr('menuitem'))
+  end
+  def template
+    :invoke_result
 class InlineAnchorTemplate < BaseTemplate
-  def anchor(target, text, type, document, window = nil)
+  def anchor(target, text, type, document, node)
     case type
     when :xref
       text = document.references[:ids].fetch(target, "[#{target}]") if text.nil?
       %(<a href="##{target}">#{text}</a>)
     when :ref
       %(<a id="#{target}"></a>)
+    when :link
+      %(<a href="#{target}"#{(node.attr? 'role') ? " class=\"#{node.attr 'role'}\"" : nil}#{(node.attr? 'window') ? " target=\"#{node.attr 'window'}\"" : nil}>#{text}</a>)
     when :bibref
       %(<a id="#{target}"></a>[#{target}])
-    when :link
-      %(<a href="#{target}"#{window && " target=\"#{window}\""}>#{text}</a>)
+  def result(node)
+    anchor(node.target, node.text, node.type, node.document, node)
+  end
   def template
-    # hot piece of code, optimized for speed
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><%= template.anchor(@target, @text, @type, @document, @type == :link ? attr('window') : nil) %>
-    EOS
+    :invoke_result
@@ -646,13 +961,11 @@ class InlineImageTemplate < BaseTemplate
   def template
     # care is taken here to avoid a space inside the optional <a> tag
     @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><span class="image#{role_class}">
-  <%
-  if attr? :link %><a class="image" href="<%= attr :link %>"><%
-  end %><img src="<%= image_uri(@target) %>" alt="<%= attr :alt %>"#{attribute('width', :width)}#{attribute('height', :height)}#{attribute('title', :title)}><%
-  if attr? :link%></a><% end
-  %>
+<%#encoding:UTF-8%><span class="image#{role_class}"><%
+if attr? :link %><a class="image" href="<%= attr :link %>"><%
+end %><img src="<%= image_uri(@target) %>" alt="<%= attr :alt %>"#{attribute('width', :width)}#{attribute('height', :height)}#{attribute('title', :title)}><%
+if attr? :link%></a><% end
@@ -671,10 +984,12 @@ end %>
 class InlineIndextermTemplate < BaseTemplate
+  def result(node)
+    node.type == :visible ? node.text : ''
+  end
   def template
-    @template ||= @eruby.new <<-EOS
-<%#encoding:UTF-8%><%= "\#{@type == :visible ? @text : ''}" %>
-    EOS
+    :invoke_result
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/block.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/block.rb
index 0c0f342..1072521 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/block.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/block.rb
@@ -14,9 +14,6 @@ class Block < AbstractBlock
   # Public: Get/Set the original Array content for this section block.
   attr_accessor :buffer
-  # Public: Get/Set the caption for this block
-  attr_accessor :caption
   # Public: Initialize an Asciidoctor::Block object.
   # parent  - The parent Asciidoc Object.
@@ -33,56 +30,12 @@ class Block < AbstractBlock
   # rendered and returned as content that can be included in the
   # parent block's template.
   def render
-    Debug.debug { "Now rendering #{@context} block for #{self}" }
     @document.playback_attributes @attributes
     out = renderer.render("block_#{@context}", self)
     @document.callouts.next_list if @context == :colist
-  def splain(parent_level = 0)
-    parent_level += 1
-    Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Block id: #{id}") unless self.id.nil?
-    Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Block title: #{title}") unless self.title.nil?
-    Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Block caption: #{caption}") unless self.caption.nil?
-    Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Block level: #{level}") unless self.level.nil?
-    Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Block context: #{context}") unless self.context.nil?
-    Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Blocks: #{@blocks.count}")
-    if buffer.is_a? Enumerable
-      buffer.each_with_index do |buf, i|
-        Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "v" * (60 - parent_level*2))
-        Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Buffer ##{i} is a #{buf.class}")
-        Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Name is #{buf.title rescue 'n/a'}")
-        if buf.respond_to? :splain
-          buf.splain(parent_level)
-        else
-          Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Buffer: #{buf}")
-        end
-        Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "^" * (60 - parent_level*2))
-      end
-    else
-      if buffer.respond_to? :splain
-        buffer.splain(parent_level)
-      else
-        Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Buffer: #{@buffer}")
-      end
-    end
-    @blocks.each_with_index do |block, i|
-      Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "v" * (60 - parent_level*2))
-      Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Block ##{i} is a #{block.class}")
-      Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Name is #{block.title rescue 'n/a'}")
-      block.splain(parent_level) if block.respond_to? :splain
-      Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "^" * (60 - parent_level*2))
-    end
-    nil
-  end
   # Public: Get an HTML-ified version of the source buffer, with special
   # Asciidoc characters and entities converted to their HTML equivalents.
@@ -94,9 +47,8 @@ class Block < AbstractBlock
   #   block.content
   #   => ["<em>This</em> is what happens when you <meet> a stranger in the <alps>!"]
   def content
     case @context
-    when :preamble, :open, :example, :sidebar
+    when :preamble
       @blocks.map {|b| b.render }.join
     # lists get iterated in the template (for now)
     # list items recurse into this block when their text and content methods are called
@@ -106,14 +58,14 @@ class Block < AbstractBlock
     when :pass
-    when :quote, :verse, :admonition
+    when :admonition, :example, :sidebar, :quote, :verse, :open
       if !@buffer.nil?
-        apply_normal_subs(@buffer)
+        apply_para_subs(@buffer)
         @blocks.map {|b| b.render }.join
-      apply_normal_subs(@buffer)
+      apply_para_subs(@buffer)
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/cli/invoker.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/cli/invoker.rb
index 3b1b3e3..7ef5ec7 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/cli/invoker.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/cli/invoker.rb
@@ -5,14 +5,12 @@ module Asciidoctor
       attr_reader :options
       attr_reader :document
       attr_reader :code
-      attr_reader :timings
       def initialize(*options)
         @document = nil
         @out = nil
         @err = nil
         @code = 0
-        @timings = {}
         options = options.flatten
         if !options.empty? && options.first.is_a?(Cli::Options)
           @options = options.first
@@ -32,46 +30,52 @@ module Asciidoctor
         return if @options.nil?
-          @timings = {}
-          infile = @options[:input_file]
-          outfile = @options[:output_file]
+          opts = {}
+          monitor = {}
+          infile = nil
+          outfile = nil
+          @options.map {|k, v|
+            case k
+            when :input_file
+              infile = v
+            when :output_file
+              outfile = v
+            when :destination_dir
+              #opts[:to_dir] = File.expand_path(v) unless v.nil?
+              opts[:to_dir] = v unless v.nil?
+            when :attributes
+              opts[:attributes] = v.dup
+            when :verbose
+              opts[:monitor] = monitor if v
+            when :trace
+              # currently, nothing
+            else
+              opts[k] = v unless v.nil?
+            end
+          }
           if infile == '-'
             # allow use of block to supply stdin, particularly useful for tests
             input = block_given? ? yield : STDIN
             input = File.new(infile)
-          start = Time.now
-          @document = Asciidoctor.load(input, @options)
-          timings[:parse] = Time.now - start
-          start = Time.now
-          output = @document.render
-          timings[:render] = Time.now - start
-          if @options[:verbose]
-            puts "Time to read and parse source: #{timings[:parse]}"
-            puts "Time to render document: #{timings[:render]}"
-            puts "Total time to read, parse and render: #{timings.reduce(0) {|sum, (_, v)| sum += v}}"
-          end
-          if outfile == '/dev/null'
-            # output nothing
-          elsif outfile == '-' || (infile == '-' && (outfile.nil? || outfile.empty?))
-            (@out || $stdout).puts output
+          if outfile == '-' || (infile == '-' && (outfile.to_s.empty? || outfile != '/dev/null'))
+            opts[:to_file] = (@out || $stdout)
+          elsif !outfile.nil?
+            opts[:to_file] = outfile
-            if outfile.nil? || outfile.empty?
-              if @options[:destination_dir]
-                destination_dir = File.expand_path(@options[:destination_dir])
-              else
-                destination_dir = @document.base_dir
-              end
-              outfile = File.join(destination_dir, "#{@document.attributes['docname']}#{@document.attributes['outfilesuffix']}")
-            else
-              outfile = @document.normalize_asset_path outfile
-            end
+            opts[:in_place] = true unless opts.has_key? :to_dir
+          end
-            # this assignment is primarily for testing or other post analysis
-            @document.attributes['outfile'] = outfile
-            @document.attributes['outdir'] = File.dirname(outfile)
-            File.open(outfile, 'w') {|file| file.write output }
+          @document = Asciidoctor.render(input, opts)
+          # FIXME this should be :monitor, :profile or :timings rather than :verbose
+          if @options[:verbose]
+            puts "Time to read and parse source: #{'%05.5f' % monitor[:parse]}"
+            puts "Time to render document: #{'%05.5f' % monitor[:render]}"
+            puts "Total time to read, parse and render: #{'%05.5f' % monitor[:load_render]}"
         rescue Exception => e
           raise e if @options[:trace] || SystemExit === e
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/cli/options.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/cli/options.rb
index eee4e41..2f0a2e7 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/cli/options.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/cli/options.rb
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Asciidoctor
         self[:eruby] = options[:eruby] || nil
         self[:compact] = options[:compact] || false
         self[:verbose] = options[:verbose] || false
-        self[:base_dir] = options[:base_dir] || nil
+        self[:base_dir] = options[:base_dir]
         self[:destination_dir] = options[:destination_dir] || nil
         self[:trace] = false
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ Example: asciidoctor -b html5 source.asciidoc
           opts.on('-v', '--verbose', 'enable verbose mode (default: false)') do |verbose|
             self[:verbose] = true
-          opts.on('-b', '--backend BACKEND', ['html5', 'docbook45'], 'set output format (i.e., backend): [html5, docbook45] (default: html5)') do |backend|
+          opts.on('-b', '--backend BACKEND', 'set output format backend (default: html5)') do |backend|
             self[:attributes]['backend'] = backend
-          opts.on('-d', '--doctype DOCTYPE', ['article', 'book'],
-                  'document type to use when rendering output: [article, book] (default: article)') do |doc_type|
+          opts.on('-d', '--doctype DOCTYPE', ['article', 'book', 'inline'],
+                  'document type to use when rendering output: [article, book, inline] (default: article)') do |doc_type|
             self[:attributes]['doctype'] = doc_type
           opts.on('-o', '--out-file FILE', 'output file (default: based on input file path); use - to output to STDOUT') do |output_file|
@@ -78,12 +78,13 @@ Example: asciidoctor -b html5 source.asciidoc
           opts.on('-C', '--compact', 'compact the output by removing blank lines (default: false)') do
             self[:compact] = true
-          opts.on('-a', '--attribute key1=value,key2=value2,...', Array,
-                  'a list of attributes, in the form key or key=value pair, to set on the document',
-                  'these attributes take precedence over attributes defined in the source file') do |attribs|
+          opts.on('-a', '--attribute key[=value],key2[=value2],...', Array,
+                  'a list of document attributes to set in the form of key, key! or key=value pair',
+                  'unless @ is appended to the value, these attributes take precedence over attributes',
+                  'defined in the source document') do |attribs|
             attribs.each do |attrib|
-              tokens = attrib.split('=')
-              self[:attributes][tokens[0]] = tokens[1] || ''
+              key, val = attrib.split '=', 2
+              self[:attributes][key] = val || ''
           opts.on('-T', '--template-dir DIR', 'directory containing custom render templates the override the built-in set') do |template_dir|
@@ -125,8 +126,8 @@ Example: asciidoctor -b html5 source.asciidoc
           if self[:input_file].nil? || self[:input_file].empty?
             $stderr.puts opts_parser
             return 1
-          elsif self[:input_file] != '-' && !File.exist?(self[:input_file])
-            $stderr.puts "asciidoctor: FAILED: input file #{self[:input_file]} missing"
+          elsif self[:input_file] != '-' && !File.readable?(self[:input_file])
+            $stderr.puts "asciidoctor: FAILED: input file #{self[:input_file]} missing or cannot be read"
             return 1
         rescue OptionParser::MissingArgument
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/document.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/document.rb
index a02093e..cdf923c 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/document.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/document.rb
@@ -104,13 +104,14 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
     if options[:parent]
       @parent_document = options.delete(:parent)
-      # should we dup here?
+      # should we dup attributes here?
       options[:attributes] = @parent_document.attributes
-      options[:safe] ||= @parent_document.safe
       options[:base_dir] ||= @parent_document.base_dir
+      @safe = @parent_document.safe
       @renderer = @parent_document.renderer
       @parent_document = nil
+      @safe = nil
     @header = nil
@@ -124,14 +125,27 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
     @counters = {}
     @callouts = Callouts.new
     @options = options
-    @safe = @options.fetch(:safe, SafeMode::SECURE).to_i
+    # safely resolve the safe mode from const, int or string
+    if @safe.nil? && !(safe_mode = @options[:safe])
+      @safe = SafeMode::SECURE
+    elsif safe_mode.is_a?(Fixnum)
+      # be permissive in case API user wants to define new levels
+      @safe = safe_mode
+    else
+      begin
+        @safe = SafeMode.const_get(safe_mode.to_s.upcase).to_i
+      rescue
+        @safe = SafeMode::SECURE.to_i
+      end
+    end
     @options[:header_footer] = @options.fetch(:header_footer, false)
-    @attributes['asciidoctor'] = ''
-    @attributes['asciidoctor-version'] = VERSION
-    @attributes['sectids'] = ''
     @attributes['encoding'] = 'UTF-8'
-    @attributes['notitle'] = '' if !@options[:header_footer]
+    @attributes['sectids'] = ''
+    @attributes['notitle'] = '' unless @options[:header_footer]
+    @attributes['toc-placement'] = 'auto'
+    @attributes['stylesheet'] = ''
+    @attributes['linkcss'] = ''
     # language strings
     # TODO load these based on language settings
@@ -143,11 +157,26 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
     @attributes['appendix-caption'] = 'Appendix'
     @attributes['example-caption'] = 'Example'
     @attributes['figure-caption'] = 'Figure'
+    #@attributes['listing-caption'] = 'Listing'
     @attributes['table-caption'] = 'Table'
     @attributes['toc-title'] = 'Table of Contents'
+    # attribute overrides are attributes that can only be set from the commandline
+    # a direct assignment effectively makes the attribute a constant
+    # assigning a nil value will result in the attribute being unset
     @attribute_overrides = options[:attributes] || {}
+    @attribute_overrides['asciidoctor'] = ''
+    @attribute_overrides['asciidoctor-version'] = VERSION
+    safe_mode_name = SafeMode.constants.detect {|l| SafeMode.const_get(l) == @safe}.to_s.downcase
+    @attribute_overrides['safe-mode-name'] = safe_mode_name
+    @attribute_overrides["safe-mode-#{safe_mode_name}"] = ''
+    @attribute_overrides['safe-mode-level'] = @safe
+    # sync the embedded attribute w/ the value of options...do not allow override
+    @attribute_overrides['embedded'] = @options[:header_footer] ? nil : ''
     # the only way to set the include-depth attribute is via the document options
     # 10 is the AsciiDoc default, though currently Asciidoctor only supports 1 level
     @attribute_overrides['include-depth'] ||= 10
@@ -159,8 +188,8 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
       if @attribute_overrides['docdir']
         @base_dir = @attribute_overrides['docdir'] = File.expand_path(@attribute_overrides['docdir'])
-        # perhaps issue a warning here?
-        @base_dir = @attribute_overrides['docdir'] = Dir.pwd
+        #puts 'asciidoctor: WARNING: setting base_dir is recommended when working with string documents' unless nested?
+        @base_dir = @attribute_overrides['docdir'] = File.expand_path(Dir.pwd)
       @base_dir = @attribute_overrides['docdir'] = File.expand_path(options[:base_dir])
@@ -168,15 +197,16 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
     # allow common attributes backend and doctype to be set using options hash
     unless @options[:backend].nil?
-      @attribute_overrides['backend'] = @options[:backend]
+      @attribute_overrides['backend'] = @options[:backend].to_s
     unless @options[:doctype].nil?
-      @attribute_overrides['doctype'] = @options[:doctype]
+      @attribute_overrides['doctype'] = @options[:doctype].to_s
     if @safe >= SafeMode::SERVER
-      # restrict document from setting source-highlighter and backend
+      # restrict document from setting linkcss, copycss, source-highlighter and backend
+      @attribute_overrides['copycss'] ||= nil
       @attribute_overrides['source-highlighter'] ||= nil
       @attribute_overrides['backend'] ||= DEFAULT_BACKEND
       # restrict document from seeing the docdir and trim docfile to relative path
@@ -184,17 +214,24 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
         @attribute_overrides['docfile'] = @attribute_overrides['docfile'][(@attribute_overrides['docdir'].length + 1)..-1]
       @attribute_overrides['docdir'] = ''
-      # restrict document from enabling icons
       if @safe >= SafeMode::SECURE
+        # assign linkcss (preventing css embedding) unless disabled from the commandline
+        unless @attribute_overrides.fetch('linkcss', '').nil? || @attribute_overrides.has_key?('linkcss!')
+          @attribute_overrides['linkcss'] = ''
+        end
+        # restrict document from enabling icons
         @attribute_overrides['icons'] ||= nil
     @attribute_overrides.delete_if {|key, val|
       verdict = false
-      # a nil or negative key undefines the attribute 
-      if val.nil? || key[-1..-1] == '!'
-        @attributes.delete(key.chomp '!')
+      # a nil value undefines the attribute 
+      if val.nil?
+        @attributes.delete(key)
+      # a negative key undefines the attribute
+      elsif key.end_with? '!'
+        @attributes.delete(key[0..-2])
       # otherwise it's an attribute assignment
         # a value ending in @ indicates this attribute does not override
@@ -211,6 +248,12 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
     @attributes['backend'] ||= DEFAULT_BACKEND
     @attributes['doctype'] ||= DEFAULT_DOCTYPE
+    # make toc and numbered the default for the docbook backend
+    # FIXME this doesn't take into account the backend being set in the document
+    #if @attributes.has_key?('basebackend-docbook')
+    #  @attributes['toc'] = '' unless @attribute_overrides.has_key?('toc!')
+    #  @attributes['numbered'] = '' unless @attribute_overrides.has_key?('numbered!')
+    #end
     if !@parent_document.nil?
       # don't need to do the extra processing within our own document
@@ -230,22 +273,15 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
     @attributes['docdate'] ||= @attributes['localdate']
     @attributes['doctime'] ||= @attributes['localtime']
     @attributes['docdatetime'] ||= @attributes['localdatetime']
-    @attributes['iconsdir'] ||= File.join(@attributes.fetch('imagesdir', 'images'), 'icons')
+    # fallback directories
+    @attributes['stylesdir'] ||= '.'
+    @attributes['iconsdir'] ||= File.join(@attributes.fetch('imagesdir', './images'), 'icons')
     # Now parse the lines in the reader into blocks
     Lexer.parse(@reader, self, :header_only => @options.fetch(:parse_header_only, false)) 
-    Debug.debug {
-      msg = []
-      msg << "Found #{@blocks.size} blocks in this document:"
-      @blocks.each {|b|
-        msg << b
-      }
-      msg * "\n"
-    }
   # Public: Get the named counter and take the next number in the sequence.
@@ -269,6 +305,18 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
     (@attributes[name] = @counters[name])
+  # Public: Increment the specified counter and store it in the block's attributes
+  #
+  # counter_name - the String name of the counter attribute
+  # block        - the Block on which to save the counter
+  #
+  # returns the next number in the sequence for the specified counter
+  def counter_increment(counter_name, block)
+    val = counter(counter_name)
+    AttributeEntry.new(counter_name, val).save_to(block.attributes)
+    val
+  end
   # Internal: Get the next value in the sequence.
   # Handles both integer and character sequences.
@@ -318,6 +366,11 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
+  def embedded?
+    # QUESTION should this be !@options[:header_footer] ?
+    @attributes.has_key? 'embedded'
+  end
   # Make the raw source for the Document available.
   def source
     @reader.source.join if @reader
@@ -392,10 +445,20 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
   # Internal: Branch the attributes so that the original state can be restored
   # at a future time.
   def save_attributes
+    unless @attributes.has_key?('doctitle') || (val = doctitle).nil?
+      @attributes['doctitle'] = val
+    end
     # css-signature cannot be updated after header attributes are processed
     if @id.nil? && @attributes.has_key?('css-signature')
       @id = @attributes['css-signature']
+    if @attributes.has_key? 'toc2'
+      @attributes['toc'] = ''
+      @attributes['toc-class'] ||= 'toc2'
+    end
     @original_attributes = @attributes.dup
@@ -523,27 +586,6 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
     @attributes["filetype-#{file_type}"] = ''
-  def splain
-    Debug.debug {
-      msg = ''
-      if @header
-        msg = "Header is #{@header}"
-      else
-        msg = "No header"
-      end
-      msg += "I have #{@blocks.count} blocks"
-      @blocks.each_with_index do |block, i|
-        msg += "v" * 60
-        msg += "Block ##{i} is a #{block.class}"
-        msg += "Name is #{block.title rescue 'n/a'}"
-        block.splain(0) if block.respond_to? :splain
-        msg += "^" * 60
-      end
-    }
-    nil
-  end
   def renderer(opts = {})
     return @renderer if @renderer
@@ -572,15 +614,65 @@ class Document < AbstractBlock
   def render(opts = {})
     r = renderer(opts)
-    @options.merge(opts)[:header_footer] ? r.render('document', self).strip : r.render('embedded', self)
+    if doctype == 'inline'
+      # QUESTION should we warn if @blocks.size > 0 and the first block is not a paragraph?
+      if @blocks.size > 0 && (block = @blocks.first).context == :paragraph
+        block.content
+      else
+        ''
+      end
+    else
+      @options.merge(opts)[:header_footer] ? r.render('document', self).strip : r.render('embedded', self)
+    end
   def content
-    # per AsciiDoc-spec, remove the title after rendering the header
+    # per AsciiDoc-spec, remove the title before rendering the body,
+    # regardless of whether the header is rendered)
     @blocks.map {|b| b.render }.join
+  # Public: Read the docinfo file(s) for inclusion in the
+  # document template
+  #
+  # If the docinfo1 attribute is set, read the docinfo.ext file. If the docinfo
+  # attribute is set, read the doc-name.docinfo.ext file. If the docinfo2
+  # attribute is set, read both files in that order.
+  #
+  # ext - The extension of the docinfo file(s). If not set, the extension
+  #       will be determined based on the basebackend. (default: nil)
+  #
+  # returns The contents of the docinfo file(s)
+  def docinfo(ext = nil)
+    if safe >= SafeMode::SECURE
+      ''
+    else
+      ext = @attributes['outfilesuffix'] if ext.nil?
+      content = nil
+      docinfo = @attributes.has_key?('docinfo')
+      docinfo1 = @attributes.has_key?('docinfo1')
+      docinfo2 = @attributes.has_key?('docinfo2')
+      docinfo_filename = "docinfo#{ext}"
+      if docinfo1 || docinfo2
+        docinfo_path = normalize_system_path(docinfo_filename)
+        content = read_asset(docinfo_path)
+      end
+      if (docinfo || docinfo2) && @attributes.has_key?('docname')
+        docinfo_path = normalize_system_path("#{@attributes['docname']}-#{docinfo_filename}")
+        content2 = read_asset(docinfo_path)
+        unless content2.nil?
+          content = content.nil? ? content2 : "#{content}\n#{content2}"
+        end
+      end
+      content.nil? ? '' : content
+    end
+  end
   def to_s
     %[#{super.to_s} - #{doctitle}]  
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/errors.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/errors.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index acb577b..0000000
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/errors.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Base project exception
-module Asciidoctor
-class ProjectError < StandardError; end
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/helpers.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/helpers.rb
index 71c4d83..7fbc4fc 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/helpers.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/helpers.rb
@@ -21,6 +21,32 @@ module Helpers
     require name
+  # Public: Encode a string for inclusion in a URI
+  #
+  # str - the string to encode
+  #
+  # returns an encoded version of the str
+  def self.encode_uri(str)
+    str.gsub(REGEXP[:uri_encode_chars]) do
+      match = $&
+      buf = ''
+      match.each_byte do |c|
+        buf << sprintf('%%%02X', c)
+      end
+      buf
+    end
+  end
+  def self.mkdir_p(dir)
+    unless File.directory? dir
+      parent_dir = File.dirname(dir)
+      if !File.directory?(parent_dir = File.dirname(dir)) && parent_dir != '.'
+        mkdir_p(parent_dir)
+      end
+      Dir.mkdir(dir)
+    end
+  end
   # Public: A generic capture output routine to be used in templates
   #def self.capture_output(*args, &block)
   #  Proc.new { block.call(*args) }
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/lexer.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/lexer.rb
index 8f541a4..8602e9b 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/lexer.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/lexer.rb
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module Asciidoctor
 #   # => Asciidoctor::Block
 class Lexer
-  BlockMatchData = Struct.new(:name, :tip, :terminator)
+  BlockMatchData = Struct.new(:context, :masq, :tip, :terminator)
   # Public: Make sure the Lexer object doesn't get initialized.
@@ -74,10 +74,33 @@ class Lexer
     # that precede first block
     block_attributes = parse_block_metadata_lines(reader, document)
+    # special case, block title is not allowed above document title,
+    # carry attributes over to the document body
+    if block_attributes.has_key?('title')
+      document.clear_playback_attributes block_attributes
+      document.save_attributes
+      block_attributes['invalid-header'] = true
+      return block_attributes
+    end
+    # yep, document title logic in AsciiDoc is just insanity
+    # definitely an area for spec refinement
+    assigned_doctitle = nil
+    unless (val = document.attributes.fetch('doctitle', '')).empty?
+      document.title = val
+      assigned_doctitle = val
+    end
+    section_title = nil
     # check if the first line is the document title
     # if so, add a header to the document and parse the header metadata
     if is_next_line_document_title?(reader, block_attributes)
-      document.id, document.title, _, _ = parse_section_title(reader)
+      document.id, doctitle, _, _ = parse_section_title(reader, document)
+      unless assigned_doctitle
+        document.title = doctitle
+        assigned_doctitle = doctitle
+      end
+      document.attributes['doctitle'] = section_title = doctitle
       # QUESTION: should this be encapsulated in document?
       if document.id.nil? && block_attributes.has_key?('id')
         document.id = block_attributes.delete('id')
@@ -85,8 +108,15 @@ class Lexer
       parse_header_metadata(reader, document)
-    if document.attributes.has_key? 'doctitle'
-      document.title = document.attributes['doctitle']
+    if !(val = document.attributes.fetch('doctitle', '')).empty? &&
+        val != section_title
+      document.title = val
+      assigned_doctitle = val
+    end
+    # restore doctitle attribute to original assignment
+    if assigned_doctitle
+      document.attributes['doctitle'] = assigned_doctitle
     document.clear_playback_attributes block_attributes
@@ -137,11 +167,13 @@ class Lexer
   def self.next_section(reader, parent, attributes = {})
     preamble = false
+    # FIXME if attributes[1] is a verbatim style, then don't check for section
     # check if we are at the start of processing the document
     # NOTE we could drop a hint in the attributes to indicate
     # that we are at a section title (so we don't have to check)
     if parent.is_a?(Document) && parent.blocks.empty? &&
-        (parent.has_header? || !is_next_line_section?(reader, attributes))
+        (parent.has_header? || attributes.delete('invalid-header') || !is_next_line_section?(reader, attributes))
       if parent.has_header?
         preamble = Block.new(parent, :preamble)
@@ -164,7 +196,13 @@ class Lexer
       # section title to next block of content
       attributes = attributes.delete_if {|k, v| k != 'title'}
       current_level = section.level
-      expected_next_levels = [current_level + 1]
+      # subsections in preface & appendix in multipart books start at level 2
+      if current_level == 0 && section.special &&
+          section.document.doctype == 'book' && ['preface', 'appendix'].include?(section.sectname)
+        expected_next_levels = [current_level + 2]
+      else
+        expected_next_levels = [current_level + 1]
+      end
@@ -183,12 +221,12 @@ class Lexer
       next_level = is_next_line_section? reader, attributes
       if next_level
+        next_level += section.document.attr('leveloffset', 0).to_i
         doctype = parent.document.doctype
-        if next_level == 0 && doctype != 'book'
-          puts "asciidoctor: ERROR: line #{reader.lineno + 1}: only book doctypes can contain level 0 sections"
-        end
         if next_level > current_level || (section.is_a?(Document) && next_level == 0)
-          unless expected_next_levels.nil? || expected_next_levels.include?(next_level)
+          if next_level == 0 && doctype != 'book'
+            puts "asciidoctor: ERROR: line #{reader.lineno + 1}: only book doctypes can contain level 0 sections"
+          elsif !expected_next_levels.nil? && !expected_next_levels.include?(next_level)
             puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: line #{reader.lineno + 1}: section title out of sequence: " +
                 "expected #{expected_next_levels.size > 1 ? 'levels' : 'level'} #{expected_next_levels * ' or '}, " +
                 "got level #{next_level}"
@@ -197,12 +235,15 @@ class Lexer
           new_section, attributes = next_section(reader, section, attributes)
           section << new_section
+          if next_level == 0 && doctype != 'book'
+            puts "asciidoctor: ERROR: line #{reader.lineno + 1}: only book doctypes can contain level 0 sections"
+          end
           # close this section (and break out of the nesting) to begin a new one
         # just take one block or else we run the risk of overrunning section boundaries
-        new_block = next_block(reader, section, attributes, :parse_metadata => false)
+        new_block = next_block(reader, (preamble || section), attributes, :parse_metadata => false)
         if !new_block.nil?
           (preamble || section) << new_block
           attributes = {}
@@ -215,8 +256,8 @@ class Lexer
-    # prune the preamble if it has no content
-    if preamble && preamble.blocks.empty?
+    if preamble && !preamble.blocks?
+      # drop the preamble if it has no content
@@ -241,357 +282,406 @@ class Lexer
   # parent - The Document, Section or Block to which the next block belongs
   # Returns a Section or Block object holding the parsed content of the processed lines
+  #--
+  # QUESTION should next_block have an option for whether it should keep looking until
+  # a block is found? right now it bails when it encounters a line to be skipped
   def self.next_block(reader, parent, attributes = {}, options = {})
     # Skip ahead to the block content
     skipped = reader.skip_blank_lines
-    # bail if we've reached the end of the section content
+    # bail if we've reached the end of the parent block or document
     return nil unless reader.has_more_lines?
-    if options[:text] && skipped > 0
+    text_only = options[:text]
+    # check for option to find list item text only
+    # if skipped a line, assume a list continuation was
+    # used and block content is acceptable
+    if text_only && skipped > 0
+      text_only = false
-    Debug.debug {
-      msg = []
-      msg << '/' * 64
-      msg << 'next_block() - First two lines are:'
-      msg.concat reader.peek_lines(2)
-      msg << '/' * 64
-      msg * "\n"
-    }
-    parse_metadata = options[:parse_metadata] || true
-    parse_sections = options[:parse_sections] || false
+    parse_metadata = options.fetch(:parse_metadata, true)
+    #parse_sections = options.fetch(:parse_sections, false)
     document = parent.document
-    context = parent.is_a?(Block) ? parent.context : nil
+    parent_context = parent.is_a?(Block) ? parent.context : nil
     block = nil
+    style = nil
+    explicit_style = nil
     while reader.has_more_lines? && block.nil?
+      # if parsing metadata, read until there is no more to read
       if parse_metadata && parse_block_metadata_line(reader, document, attributes, options)
-      elsif parse_sections && context.nil? && is_next_line_section?(reader, attributes)
-        block, attributes = next_section(reader, parent, attributes)
-        break
+      #elsif parse_sections && parent_context.nil? && is_next_line_section?(reader, attributes)
+      #  block, attributes = next_section(reader, parent, attributes)
+      #  break
+      # QUESTION introduce parsing context object?
       this_line = reader.get_line
+      delimited_block = false
       block_context = nil
       terminator = nil
+      # QUESTION put this inside call to rekey attributes?
+      if attributes[1]
+        style, explicit_style = parse_style_attribute(attributes)
+      end
       if delimited_blk_match = is_delimited_block?(this_line, true)
-        block_context = delimited_blk_match.name
+        delimited_block = true
+        block_context = delimited_blk_match.context
         terminator = delimited_blk_match.terminator
+        if !style
+          style = attributes['style'] = block_context.to_s
+        elsif style != block_context.to_s
+          if delimited_blk_match.masq.include? style
+            block_context = style.to_sym
+          elsif delimited_blk_match.masq.include?('admonition') && ADMONITION_STYLES.include?(style)
+            block_context = :admonition
+          else
+            puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: line #{reader.lineno}: invalid style for #{block_context} block: #{style}"
+            style = block_context.to_s
+          end
+        end
-      # NOTE we're letting break lines (ruler, page_break, etc) have attributes
-      if !options[:text] && block_context.nil? && (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:break_line]))
-        block = Block.new(parent, BREAK_LINES[match[0][0..2]])
-        reader.skip_blank_lines
-      elsif !options[:text] && block_context.nil? && (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:image_blk]))
-        block = Block.new(parent, :image)
-        AttributeList.new(document.sub_attributes(match[2])).parse_into(attributes, ['alt', 'width', 'height'])
-        target = block.sub_attributes(match[1])
-        if !target.to_s.empty?
-          attributes['target'] = target
-          document.register(:images, target)
-          attributes['alt'] ||= File.basename(target, File.extname(target))
-          block.title = attributes['title']
-          if block.title? && !attributes.has_key?('caption') && !block.attr?('caption')
-            number = document.counter('figure-number')
-            attributes['caption'] = "#{document.attributes['figure-caption']} #{number}. "
-            Document::AttributeEntry.new('figure-number', number).save_to(attributes)
+      if !delimited_block
+        # this loop only executes once; used for flow control
+        # break once a block is found or at end of loop
+        # returns nil if the line must be dropped
+        # Implementation note - while(true) is twice as fast as loop
+        while true
+          # process lines verbatim
+          if !style.nil? && COMPLIANCE[:strict_verbatim_paragraphs] && VERBATIM_STYLES.include?(style)
+            block_context = style.to_sym
+            reader.unshift_line this_line
+            # advance to block parsing =>
+            break
-        else
-          # drop the line if target resolves to nothing
-          block = nil
-        end
-        reader.skip_blank_lines
-      elsif block_context == :open
-        # an open block is surrounded by '--' lines and has zero or more blocks inside
-        buffer = Reader.new reader.grab_lines_until(:terminator => terminator)
+          # process lines normally
+          if !text_only
+            # NOTE we're letting break lines (ruler, page_break, etc) have attributes
+            if (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:break_line]))
+              block = Block.new(parent, BREAK_LINES[match[0][0..2]])
+              break
+            # TODO make this a media_blk and handle image, video & audio
+            elsif (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:media_blk_macro]))
+              blk_ctx = match[1].to_sym
+              block = Block.new(parent, blk_ctx)
+              if blk_ctx == :image
+                posattrs = ['alt', 'width', 'height']
+              elsif blk_ctx == :video
+                posattrs = ['poster', 'width', 'height']
+              else
+                posattrs = []
+              end
-        # Strip lines off end of block - not implemented yet
-        # while buffer.has_more_lines? && buffer.last.strip.empty?
-        #   buffer.pop
-        # end
+              unless style.nil? || explicit_style
+                attributes['alt'] = style if blk_ctx == :image
+                attributes.delete('style')
+                style = nil
+              end
-        block = Block.new(parent, block_context)
-        while buffer.has_more_lines?
-          new_block = next_block(buffer, block)
-          block.blocks << new_block unless new_block.nil?
-        end
+              block.parse_attributes(match[3], posattrs,
+                  :unescape_input => (blk_ctx == :image),
+                  :sub_input => true,
+                  :sub_result => false,
+                  :into => attributes)
+              target = block.sub_attributes(match[2])
+              if target.empty?
+                # drop the line if target resolves to nothing
+                return nil
+              end
-      # needs to come before list detection
-      elsif block_context == :sidebar
-        # sidebar is surrounded by '****' (4 or more '*' chars) lines
-        # FIXME violates DRY because it's a duplication of quote parsing
-        block = Block.new(parent, block_context)
-        buffer = Reader.new reader.grab_lines_until(:terminator => terminator)
+              attributes['target'] = target
+              block.title = attributes.delete('title') if attributes.has_key?('title')
+              if blk_ctx == :image
+                document.register(:images, target)
+                attributes['alt'] ||= File.basename(target, File.extname(target))
+                # QUESTION should video or audio have an auto-numbered caption?
+                block.assign_caption attributes.delete('caption'), 'figure'
+              end
+              break
-        while buffer.has_more_lines?
-          new_block = next_block(buffer, block)
-          block.blocks << new_block unless new_block.nil?
-        end
+            # NOTE we're letting the toc macro have attributes
+            elsif (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:toc]))
+              block = Block.new(parent, :toc)
+              block.parse_attributes(match[1], [], :sub_result => false, :into => attributes)
+              break
-      elsif block_context.nil? && (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:colist]))
-        block = Block.new(parent, :colist)
-        attributes['style'] = 'arabic'
-        items = []
-        block.buffer = items
-        reader.unshift_line this_line
-        expected_index = 1
-        begin
-          # might want to move this check to a validate method
-          if match[1].to_i != expected_index
-            puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: line #{reader.lineno + 1}: callout list item index: expected #{expected_index} got #{match[1]}"
-          end
-          list_item = next_list_item(reader, block, match)
-          expected_index += 1
-          if !list_item.nil?
-            items << list_item
-            coids = document.callouts.callout_ids(items.size)
-            if !coids.empty?
-              list_item.attributes['coids'] = coids
-            else
-              puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: line #{reader.lineno}: no callouts refer to list item #{items.size}"
-        end while reader.has_more_lines? && match = reader.peek_line.match(REGEXP[:colist])
-        document.callouts.next_list
-      elsif block_context.nil? && (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:ulist]))
-        AttributeList.rekey(attributes, ['style'])
-        reader.unshift_line this_line
-        block = next_outline_list(reader, :ulist, parent)
-      elsif block_context.nil? && (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:olist]))
-        AttributeList.rekey(attributes, ['style'])
-        reader.unshift_line this_line
-        block = next_outline_list(reader, :olist, parent)
-        # QUESTION move this logic to next_outline_list?
-        if !(attributes.has_key? 'style') && !(block.attributes.has_key? 'style')
-          marker = block.buffer.first.marker
-          if marker.start_with? '.'
-            # first one makes more sense, but second on is AsciiDoc-compliant
-            #attributes['style'] = (ORDERED_LIST_STYLES[block.level - 1] || ORDERED_LIST_STYLES.first).to_s
-            attributes['style'] = (ORDERED_LIST_STYLES[marker.length - 1] || ORDERED_LIST_STYLES.first).to_s
-          else
-            style = ORDERED_LIST_STYLES.detect{|s| marker.match(ORDERED_LIST_MARKER_PATTERNS[s]) }
-            attributes['style'] = (style || ORDERED_LIST_STYLES.first).to_s
-          end
-        end
-      elsif block_context.nil? && (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:dlist]))
-        reader.unshift_line this_line
-        block = next_labeled_list(reader, match, parent)
-        AttributeList.rekey(attributes, ['style'])
-      elsif block_context == :table
-        # table is surrounded by lines starting with a | followed by 3 or more '=' chars
-        AttributeList.rekey(attributes, ['style'])
-        table_reader = Reader.new reader.grab_lines_until(:terminator => terminator, :skip_line_comments => true)
-        block = next_table(table_reader, parent, attributes)
-        block.title = attributes['title']
-        if block.title? && !attributes.has_key?('caption') && !block.attr?('caption')
-          number = document.counter('table-number')
-          attributes['caption'] = "#{document.attributes['table-caption']} #{number}. "
-          Document::AttributeEntry.new('table-number', number).save_to(attributes)
-        end
-      # FIXME violates DRY because it's a duplication of other block parsing
-      elsif block_context == :example
-        # example is surrounded by lines with 4 or more '=' chars
-        AttributeList.rekey(attributes, ['style'])
-        if admonition_style = ADMONITION_STYLES.detect {|s| attributes['style'] == s}
-          block = Block.new(parent, :admonition)
-          attributes['name'] = admonition_name = admonition_style.downcase
-          attributes['caption'] ||= document.attributes["#{admonition_name}-caption"]
-        else
-          block = Block.new(parent, block_context)
-          block.title = attributes['title']
-          if block.title? && !attributes.has_key?('caption') && !block.attr?('caption')
-            number = document.counter('example-number')
-            attributes['caption'] = "#{document.attributes['example-caption']} #{number}. "
-            Document::AttributeEntry.new('example-number', number).save_to(attributes)
-          end
-        end
-        buffer = Reader.new reader.grab_lines_until(:terminator => terminator)
+          # haven't found anything yet, continue
+          if (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:colist]))
+            block = Block.new(parent, :colist)
+            attributes['style'] = 'arabic'
+            items = []
+            block.buffer = items
+            reader.unshift_line this_line
+            expected_index = 1
+            begin
+              # might want to move this check to a validate method
+              if match[1].to_i != expected_index
+                puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: line #{reader.lineno + 1}: callout list item index: expected #{expected_index} got #{match[1]}"
+              end
+              list_item = next_list_item(reader, block, match)
+              expected_index += 1
+              if !list_item.nil?
+                items << list_item
+                coids = document.callouts.callout_ids(items.size)
+                if !coids.empty?
+                  list_item.attributes['coids'] = coids
+                else
+                  puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: line #{reader.lineno}: no callouts refer to list item #{items.size}"
+                end
+              end
+            end while reader.has_more_lines? && match = reader.peek_line.match(REGEXP[:colist])
-        while buffer.has_more_lines?
-          new_block = next_block(buffer, block)
-          block.blocks << new_block unless new_block.nil?
-        end
+            document.callouts.next_list
+            break
-      # FIXME violates DRY w/ non-delimited block listing
-      elsif block_context == :listing || block_context == :fenced_code
-        if block_context == :fenced_code
-          attributes['style'] = 'source'
-          lang = this_line[3..-1].strip
-          attributes['language'] = lang unless lang.empty?
-          terminator = terminator[0..2] if terminator.length > 3
-        else
-          AttributeList.rekey(attributes, ['style', 'language', 'linenums'])
-        end
-        buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(:terminator => terminator)
-        buffer.last.chomp! unless buffer.empty?
-        block = Block.new(parent, :listing, buffer)
-        block.title = attributes['title']
-        if document.attributes.has_key?('listing-caption') &&
-            block.title? && !attributes.has_key?('caption') && !block.attr?('caption')
-          number = document.counter('listing-number')
-          attributes['caption'] = "#{document.attributes['listing-caption']} #{number}. "
-          Document::AttributeEntry.new('listing-number', number).save_to(attributes)
-        end
+          elsif (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:ulist]))
+            reader.unshift_line this_line
+            block = next_outline_list(reader, :ulist, parent)
+            break
-      elsif block_context == :quote
-        # multi-line verse or quote is surrounded by a block delimiter
-        AttributeList.rekey(attributes, ['style', 'attribution', 'citetitle'])
-        quote_context = (attributes['style'] == 'verse' ? :verse : :quote)
-        block_reader = Reader.new reader.grab_lines_until(:terminator => terminator)
+          elsif (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:olist]))
+            reader.unshift_line this_line
+            block = next_outline_list(reader, :olist, parent)
+            # QUESTION move this logic to next_outline_list?
+            if !(attributes.has_key? 'style') && !(block.attributes.has_key? 'style')
+              marker = block.buffer.first.marker
+              if marker.start_with? '.'
+                # first one makes more sense, but second on is AsciiDoc-compliant
+                #attributes['style'] = (ORDERED_LIST_STYLES[block.level - 1] || ORDERED_LIST_STYLES.first).to_s
+                attributes['style'] = (ORDERED_LIST_STYLES[marker.length - 1] || ORDERED_LIST_STYLES.first).to_s
+              else
+                style = ORDERED_LIST_STYLES.detect{|s| marker.match(ORDERED_LIST_MARKER_PATTERNS[s]) }
+                attributes['style'] = (style || ORDERED_LIST_STYLES.first).to_s
+              end
+            end
+            break
-        # only quote can have other section elements (as section block)
-        section_body = (quote_context == :quote)
+          elsif (match = this_line.match(REGEXP[:dlist]))
+            reader.unshift_line this_line
+            block = next_labeled_list(reader, match, parent)
+            break
-        if section_body
-          block = Block.new(parent, quote_context)
-          while block_reader.has_more_lines?
-            new_block = next_block(block_reader, block)
-            block.blocks << new_block unless new_block.nil?
+          elsif (style == 'float' || style == 'discrete') && is_section_title?(this_line, reader.peek_line)
+            reader.unshift_line this_line
+            float_id, float_title, float_level, _ = parse_section_title(reader, document)
+            float_id ||= attributes['id'] if attributes.has_key?('id')
+            block = Block.new(parent, :floating_title)
+            if float_id.nil? || float_id.empty?
+              # FIXME remove hack of creating throwaway Section to get at the generate_id method
+              tmp_sect = Section.new(parent)
+              tmp_sect.title = float_title
+              block.id = tmp_sect.generate_id
+            else
+              block.id = float_id
+            end
+            document.register(:ids, [block.id, float_title]) if block.id
+            block.level = float_level
+            block.title = float_title
+            break
+          # FIXME create another set for "passthrough" styles
+          elsif !style.nil? && style != 'normal'
+            if PARAGRAPH_STYLES.include?(style)
+              block_context = style.to_sym
+              reader.unshift_line this_line
+              # advance to block parsing =>
+              break
+            elsif ADMONITION_STYLES.include?(style)
+              block_context = :admonition
+              reader.unshift_line this_line
+              # advance to block parsing =>
+              break
+            else
+              puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: line #{reader.lineno}: invalid style for paragraph: #{style}"
+              style = nil
+              # continue to process paragraph
+            end
-        else
-          block_reader.chomp_last!
-          block = Block.new(parent, quote_context, block_reader.lines)
-        end
-      elsif block_context == :literal || block_context == :pass
-        # literal is surrounded by '....' (4 or more '.' chars) lines
-        # pass is surrounded by '++++' (4 or more '+' chars) lines
-        buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(:terminator => terminator)
-        buffer.last.chomp! unless buffer.empty?
-        # a literal can masquerade as a listing
-        if attributes[1] == 'listing'
-          block_context = :listing
-        end
-        block = Block.new(parent, block_context, buffer)
-      elsif this_line.match(REGEXP[:lit_par])
-        # literal paragraph is contiguous lines starting with
-        # one or more space or tab characters
-        # So we need to actually include this one in the grab_lines group
-        reader.unshift_line this_line
-        buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(:preserve_last_line => true, :break_on_blank_lines => true) {|line|
-          # labeled list terms can be indented, but a preceding blank indicates
-          # we are in a list continuation and therefore literals should be strictly literal
-          (context == :dlist && skipped == 0 && line.match(REGEXP[:dlist])) ||
-          is_delimited_block?(line)
-        }
+          break_at_list = (skipped == 0 && parent_context.to_s.end_with?('list'))
-        # trim off the indentation equivalent to the size of the least indented line
-        if !buffer.empty?
-          offset = buffer.map {|line| line.match(REGEXP[:leading_blanks])[1].length }.min
-          if offset > 0
-            buffer = buffer.map {|l| l.sub(/^\s{1,#{offset}}/, '') }
-          end
-          buffer.last.chomp!
-        end
+          # a literal paragraph is contiguous lines starting at least one space
+          if style != 'normal' && this_line.match(REGEXP[:lit_par])
+            # So we need to actually include this one in the grab_lines group
+            reader.unshift_line this_line
+            buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(
+                :break_on_blank_lines => true,
+                :break_on_list_continuation => true,
+                :preserve_last_line => true) {|line|
+              # a preceding blank line (skipped > 0) indicates we are in a list continuation
+              # and therefore we should not break at a list item
+              # (this won't stop breaking on item of same level since we've already parsed them out)
+              # QUESTION can we turn this block into a lambda or function call?
+              (break_at_list && line.match(REGEXP[:any_list])) ||
+              (COMPLIANCE[:block_terminates_paragraph] && (is_delimited_block?(line) || line.match(REGEXP[:attr_line])))
+            }
-        block = Block.new(parent, :literal, buffer)
-        # a literal gets special meaning inside of a definition list
-        if LIST_CONTEXTS.include?(context)
-          attributes['options'] ||= []
-          # TODO this feels hacky, better way to distinguish from explicit literal block?
-          attributes['options'] << 'listparagraph'
-        end
+            reset_block_indent! buffer
-      ## these switches based on style need to come immediately before the else ##
+            block = Block.new(parent, :literal, buffer)
+            # a literal gets special meaning inside of a definition list
+            if LIST_CONTEXTS.include?(parent_context)
+              attributes['options'] ||= []
+              # TODO this feels hacky, better way to distinguish from explicit literal block?
+              attributes['options'] << 'listparagraph'
+            end
-      elsif attributes[1] == 'source' || attributes[1] == 'listing'
-        if attributes[1] == 'source'
-          AttributeList.rekey(attributes, ['style', 'language', 'linenums'])
-        end
-        reader.unshift_line this_line
-        buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(:break_on_blank_lines => true)
-        buffer.last.chomp! unless buffer.empty?
-        block = Block.new(parent, :listing, buffer)
-      elsif attributes[1] == 'literal'
-        reader.unshift_line this_line
-        buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(:break_on_blank_lines => true)
-        buffer.last.chomp! unless buffer.empty?
-        block = Block.new(parent, :literal, buffer)
-      elsif admonition_style = ADMONITION_STYLES.detect{|s| attributes[1] == s}
-        # an admonition preceded by [<TYPE>] and lasts until a blank line
-        reader.unshift_line this_line
-        buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(:break_on_blank_lines => true)
-        buffer.last.chomp! unless buffer.empty?
-        block = Block.new(parent, :admonition, buffer)
-        attributes['style'] = admonition_style
-        attributes['name'] = admonition_name = admonition_style.downcase
-        attributes['caption'] ||= document.attributes["#{admonition_name}-caption"]
-      elsif quote_context = [:quote, :verse].detect{|s| attributes[1] == s.to_s}
-        # single-paragraph verse or quote is preceded by [verse] or [quote], respectively, and lasts until a blank line
-        AttributeList.rekey(attributes, ['style', 'attribution', 'citetitle'])
-        reader.unshift_line this_line
-        buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(:break_on_blank_lines => true)
-        buffer.last.chomp! unless buffer.empty?
-        block = Block.new(parent, quote_context, buffer)
-      # a floating (i.e., discrete) title
-      elsif ['float', 'discrete'].include?(attributes[1]) && is_section_title?(this_line, reader.peek_line)
-        attributes['style'] = attributes[1]
-        reader.unshift_line this_line
-        float_id, float_title, float_level, _ = parse_section_title reader
-        block = Block.new(parent, :floating_title)
-        if float_id.nil? || float_id.empty?
-          # FIXME remove hack of creating throwaway Section to get at the generate_id method
-          tmp_sect = Section.new(parent)
-          tmp_sect.title = float_title
-          block.id = tmp_sect.generate_id
-        else
-          block.id = float_id
-          @document.register(:ids, [float_id, float_title])
-        end
-        block.level = float_level
-        block.title = float_title
+          # a paragraph is contiguous nonblank/noncontinuation lines
+          else
+            reader.unshift_line this_line
+            buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(
+                :break_on_blank_lines => true,
+                :break_on_list_continuation => true,
+                :preserve_last_line => true,
+                :skip_line_comments => true) {|line|
+              # a preceding blank line (skipped > 0) indicates we are in a list continuation
+              # and therefore we should not break at a list item
+              # (this won't stop breaking on item of same level since we've already parsed them out)
+              # QUESTION can we turn this block into a lambda or function call?
+              (break_at_list && line.match(REGEXP[:any_list])) ||
+              (COMPLIANCE[:block_terminates_paragraph] && (is_delimited_block?(line) || line.match(REGEXP[:attr_line])))
+            }
-      # a paragraph - contiguous nonblank/noncontinuation lines
-      else
-        reader.unshift_line this_line
-        buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(:break_on_blank_lines => true, :preserve_last_line => true, :skip_line_comments => true) {|line|
-          is_delimited_block?(line) || line.match(REGEXP[:attr_line]) ||
-          # next list item can be directly adjacent to paragraph of previous list item
-          context == :dlist && line.match(REGEXP[:dlist])
-          # not sure if there are any cases when we need this check for other list types
-          #LIST_CONTEXTS.include?(context) && line.match(REGEXP[context])
-        }
+            # NOTE we need this logic because we've asked the reader to skip
+            # line comments, which may leave us w/ an empty buffer if those
+            # were the only lines found
+            if buffer.empty?
+              # call get_line since the reader preserved the last line
+              reader.get_line
+              return nil
+            end
+            catalog_inline_anchors(buffer.join, document)
+            first_line = buffer.first
+            if !text_only && (admonition_match = first_line.match(REGEXP[:admonition_inline]))
+              buffer[0] = admonition_match.post_match.lstrip
+              block = Block.new(parent, :admonition, buffer)
+              attributes['style'] = admonition_match[1]
+              attributes['name'] = admonition_name = admonition_match[1].downcase
+              attributes['caption'] ||= document.attributes["#{admonition_name}-caption"]
+            elsif !text_only && COMPLIANCE[:markdown_syntax] && first_line.start_with?('> ')
+              buffer.map! {|line|
+                if line.start_with?('> ')
+                  line[2..-1]
+                elsif line.chomp == '>'
+                  line[1..-1]
+                else
+                  line
+                end
+              }
+              if buffer.last.start_with?('-- ')
+                attribution, citetitle = buffer.pop[3..-1].split(', ')
+                buffer.pop while buffer.last.chomp.empty?
+                buffer[-1] = buffer.last.chomp
+              else
+                attribution, citetitle = nil
+              end
+              attributes['style'] = 'quote'
+              attributes['attribution'] = attribution unless attribution.nil?
+              attributes['citetitle'] = citetitle unless citetitle.nil?
+              # NOTE will only detect headings that are floating titles (not section titles)
+              # TODO could assume a floating title when inside a block context
+              block = build_block(:quote, :complex, false, parent, Reader.new(buffer), attributes)
+            elsif !text_only && buffer.size > 1 && first_line.start_with?('"') &&
+                buffer.last.start_with?('-- ') && buffer[-2].chomp.end_with?('"')
+              buffer[0] = first_line[1..-1]
+              attribution, citetitle = buffer.pop[3..-1].split(', ')
+              buffer.pop while buffer.last.chomp.empty?
+              buffer[-1] = buffer.last.chomp.chop
+              attributes['style'] = 'quote'
+              attributes['attribution'] = attribution unless attribution.nil?
+              attributes['citetitle'] = citetitle unless citetitle.nil?
+              block = Block.new(parent, :quote, buffer)
+              #block = Block.new(parent, :quote)
+              #block << Block.new(block, :paragraph, buffer)
+            else
+              # QUESTION is this necessary?
+              #if style == 'normal' && [' ', "\t"].include?(buffer.first[0..0])
+              #  # QUESTION should we only trim leading blanks?
+              #  buffer.map! &:lstrip
+              #end
-        # NOTE we need this logic because the reader is processing line
-        # comments and that might leave us w/ an empty buffer
-        if buffer.empty?
-          reader.get_line
+              block = Block.new(parent, :paragraph, buffer)
+            end
+          end
+          # forbid loop from executing more than once
+      end
-        catalog_inline_anchors(buffer.join, document)
+      # either delimited block or styled paragraph
+      if block.nil? && !block_context.nil?
+        # abstract and partintro should be handled by open block
+        # FIXME kind of hackish...need to sort out how to generalize this
+        block_context = :open if block_context == :abstract || block_context == :partintro
-        if !options[:text] && (admonition = buffer.first.match(Regexp.new('^(' + ADMONITION_STYLES.join('|') + '):\s+')))
-          buffer[0] = admonition.post_match
-          block = Block.new(parent, :admonition, buffer)
-          attributes['style'] = admonition[1]
-          attributes['name'] = admonition_name = admonition[1].downcase
+        case block_context
+        when :admonition
+          attributes['name'] = admonition_name = style.downcase
           attributes['caption'] ||= document.attributes["#{admonition_name}-caption"]
+          block = build_block(block_context, :complex, terminator, parent, reader, attributes)
+        when :comment
+          reader.grab_lines_until(:break_on_blank_lines => true, :chomp_last_line => false)
+          return nil
+        when :example
+          block = build_block(block_context, :complex, terminator, parent, reader, attributes, {:supports_caption => true})
+        when :listing, :fenced_code, :source
+          if block_context == :fenced_code
+            style = attributes['style'] = 'source'
+            lang = this_line[3..-1].strip
+            attributes['language'] = lang unless lang.empty?
+            terminator = terminator[0..2] if terminator.length > 3
+          elsif block_context == :source
+            AttributeList.rekey(attributes, [nil, 'language', 'linenums'])
+          end
+          block = build_block(:listing, :verbatim, terminator, parent, reader, attributes, {:supports_caption => true})
+        when :literal
+          block = build_block(block_context, :verbatim, terminator, parent, reader, attributes)
+        when :pass
+          block = build_block(block_context, :simple, terminator, parent, reader, attributes)
+        when :open, :sidebar
+          block = build_block(block_context, :complex, terminator, parent, reader, attributes)
+        when :table
+          block_reader = Reader.new reader.grab_lines_until(:terminator => terminator, :skip_line_comments => true)
+          case terminator[0..0]
+            when ','
+              attributes['format'] = 'csv'
+            when ':'
+              attributes['format'] = 'dsv'
+          end
+          block = next_table(block_reader, parent, attributes)
+        when :quote, :verse
+          AttributeList.rekey(attributes, [nil, 'attribution', 'citetitle'])
+          block = build_block(block_context, (block_context == :verse ? :verbatim : :complex), terminator, parent, reader, attributes)
-          buffer.last.chomp!
-          block = Block.new(parent, :paragraph, buffer)
+          # this should only happen if there is a misconfiguration
+          raise "Unsupported block type #{block_context} at line #{reader.lineno}"
@@ -599,10 +689,12 @@ class Lexer
     # when looking for nested content, one or more line comments, comment
     # blocks or trailing attribute lists could leave us without a block,
     # so handle accordingly
+    # REVIEW we may no longer need this check
     if !block.nil?
-      block.id        = attributes['id'] if attributes.has_key?('id')
+      # REVIEW seems like there is a better way to organize this wrap-up
+      block.id      ||= attributes['id'] if attributes.has_key?('id')
       block.title     = attributes['title'] unless block.title?
-      block.caption ||= attributes['caption'] unless block.is_a?(Section)
+      block.caption ||= attributes.delete('caption')
       # AsciiDoc always use [id] as the reftext in HTML output,
       # but I'd like to do better in Asciidoctor
       if block.id && block.title? && !attributes.has_key?('reftext')
@@ -632,20 +724,34 @@ class Lexer
         tip = line[0..3]
         tl = 4
-        # special case for fenced code blocks
-        tip_alt = tip.chop
-        if tip_alt == '```' || tip_alt == '~~~'
-          tip = tip_alt
-          tl = 3
+        if COMPLIANCE[:markdown_syntax]
+          # special case for fenced code blocks
+          tip_alt = tip.chop
+          if tip_alt == '```' || tip_alt == '~~~'
+            tip = tip_alt
+            tl = 3
+          end
       if DELIMITED_BLOCKS.has_key? tip
         # if tip is the full line
         if tl == line_len - 1
-          return_match_data ? BlockMatchData.new(DELIMITED_BLOCKS[tip], tip, tip) : true
+          #return_match_data ? BlockMatchData.new(DELIMITED_BLOCKS[tip], tip, tip) : true
+          if return_match_data
+            context, masq = *DELIMITED_BLOCKS[tip]
+            BlockMatchData.new(context, masq, tip, tip)
+          else
+            true
+          end
         elsif match = line.match(REGEXP[:any_blk])
-          return_match_data ? BlockMatchData.new(DELIMITED_BLOCKS[tip], tip, match[0]) : true
+          #return_match_data ? BlockMatchData.new(DELIMITED_BLOCKS[tip], tip, match[0]) : true
+          if return_match_data
+            context, masq = *DELIMITED_BLOCKS[tip]
+            BlockMatchData.new(context, masq, tip, match[0])
+          else
+            true
+          end
@@ -657,6 +763,56 @@ class Lexer
+  # whether a block supports complex content should be a config setting
+  # if terminator is false, that means the all the lines in the reader should be parsed
+  # NOTE could invoke filter in here, before and after parsing
+  def self.build_block(block_context, content_type, terminator, parent, reader, attributes, options = {})
+    if terminator.nil?
+      if content_type == :verbatim
+        buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(:break_on_blank_lines => true, :break_on_list_continuation => true)
+      else
+        buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(
+            :break_on_blank_lines => true,
+            :break_on_list_continuation => true,
+            :preserve_last_line => true,
+            :skip_line_comments => true) {|line|
+          COMPLIANCE[:block_terminates_paragraph] && (is_delimited_block?(line) || line.match(REGEXP[:attr_line]))
+        }
+        # QUESTION check for empty buffer?
+      end
+    elsif content_type != :complex
+      buffer = reader.grab_lines_until(:terminator => terminator, :chomp_last_line => true)
+    elsif terminator == false
+      buffer = nil
+      block_reader = reader
+    else
+      buffer = nil
+      block_reader = Reader.new reader.grab_lines_until(:terminator => terminator)
+    end
+    if content_type == :verbatim && attributes.has_key?('indent')
+      reset_block_indent! buffer, attributes['indent'].to_i
+    end
+    block = Block.new(parent, block_context, buffer)
+    # should supports_caption be necessary?
+    if options.fetch(:supports_caption, false)
+      block.title = attributes.delete('title') if attributes.has_key?('title')
+      block.assign_caption attributes.delete('caption')
+    end
+    if buffer.nil?
+      # we can look for blocks until there are no more lines (and not worry
+      # about sections) since the reader is confined within the boundaries of a
+      # delimited block
+      while block_reader.has_more_lines?
+        parsed_block = next_block(block_reader, block)
+        block.blocks << parsed_block unless parsed_block.nil?
+      end
+    end
+    block
+  end
   # Internal: Parse and construct an outline list Block from the current position of the Reader
   # reader    - The Reader from which to retrieve the outline list
@@ -744,9 +900,9 @@ class Lexer
       m = $~
       next if m[0].start_with? '\\'
       id, reftext = m[1].split(',')
-      id.sub!(/^("|)(.*)\1$/, '\2')
+      id.sub!(REGEXP[:dbl_quoted], '\2')
       if !reftext.nil?
-        reftext.sub!(/^("|)(.*)\1$/m, '\2')
+        reftext.sub!(REGEXP[:m_dbl_quoted], '\2')
       document.register(:ids, [id, reftext])
@@ -834,6 +990,9 @@ class Lexer
       # only relevant for :dlist
       options = {:text => !has_text}
+      # we can look for blocks until there are no more lines (and not worry
+      # about sections) since the reader is confined within the boundaries of a
+      # list
       while list_item_reader.has_more_lines?
         new_block = next_block(list_item_reader, list_block, {}, options)
         list_item.blocks << new_block unless new_block.nil?
@@ -898,7 +1057,7 @@ class Lexer
         if continuation == :inactive
           continuation = :active
           has_text = true
-          buffer[buffer.size - 1] = "\n" unless within_nested_list
+          buffer[-1] = "\n" unless within_nested_list
         # dealing with adjacent list continuations (which is really a syntax error)
@@ -937,12 +1096,12 @@ class Lexer
           if this_line.match(REGEXP[:lit_par])
             reader.unshift_line this_line
             buffer.concat reader.grab_lines_until(
-              :preserve_last_line => true,
-              :break_on_blank_lines => true,
-              :break_on_list_continuation => true) {|line|
-                # we may be in an indented list disguised as a literal paragraph
-                # so we need to make sure we don't slurp up a legitimate sibling
-                list_type == :dlist && is_sibling_list_item?(line, list_type, sibling_trait)
+                :preserve_last_line => true,
+                :break_on_blank_lines => true,
+                :break_on_list_continuation => true) {|line|
+              # we may be in an indented list disguised as a literal paragraph
+              # so we need to make sure we don't slurp up a legitimate sibling
+              list_type == :dlist && is_sibling_list_item?(line, list_type, sibling_trait)
             continuation = :inactive
           # let block metadata play out until we find the block
@@ -980,13 +1139,13 @@ class Lexer
               if this_line.match(REGEXP[:lit_par])
                 reader.unshift_line this_line
                 buffer.concat reader.grab_lines_until(
-                  :preserve_last_line => true,
-                  :break_on_blank_lines => true,
-                  :break_on_list_continuation => true) {|line|
-                    # we may be in an indented list disguised as a literal paragraph
-                    # so we need to make sure we don't slurp up a legitimate sibling
-                    list_type == :dlist && is_sibling_list_item?(line, list_type, sibling_trait)
-                  }
+                    :preserve_last_line => true,
+                    :break_on_blank_lines => true,
+                    :break_on_list_continuation => true) {|line|
+                  # we may be in an indented list disguised as a literal paragraph
+                  # so we need to make sure we don't slurp up a legitimate sibling
+                  list_type == :dlist && is_sibling_list_item?(line, list_type, sibling_trait)
+                }
               # TODO any way to combine this with the check after skipping blank lines?
               elsif is_sibling_list_item?(this_line, list_type, sibling_trait)
@@ -1038,7 +1197,7 @@ class Lexer
     #puts "BUFFER[#{list_type},#{sibling_trait}]>#{buffer.join}<BUFFER"
-    #puts "BUFFER[#{list_type},#{sibling_trait}]>#{buffer}<BUFFER"
+    #puts "BUFFER[#{list_type},#{sibling_trait}]>#{buffer.inspect}<BUFFER"
@@ -1053,29 +1212,40 @@ class Lexer
   # attributes - a Hash of attributes to assign to this section (default: {})
   def self.initialize_section(reader, parent, attributes = {})
     section = Section.new parent
-    section.id, section.title, section.level, _ = parse_section_title(reader)
-    if section.id.nil? && attributes.has_key?('id')
-      section.id = attributes['id']
-    else
-      # generate an id if one was not *embedded* in the heading line
-      # or as an anchor above the section
-      section.id ||= section.generate_id
-    end
+    section.id, section.title, section.level, _ = parse_section_title(reader, section.document)
+    # parse style, id and role from first positional attribute
     if attributes[1]
-      section.sectname = attributes[1]
+      section.sectname, _ = parse_style_attribute(attributes)
       section.special = true
       document = parent.document
-      if section.sectname == 'appendix' &&
+      # HACK needs to be refactored so it's driven by config
+      if section.sectname == 'abstract' && document.doctype == 'book'
+        section.sectname = "sect1"
+        section.special = false
+        section.level = 1
+      # FIXME refactor to use assign_caption (also check requirements)
+      elsif section.sectname == 'appendix' &&
           !attributes.has_key?('caption') &&
         number = document.counter('appendix-number', 'A')
-        attributes['caption'] = "#{document.attributes['appendix-caption']} #{number}: "
+        section.caption = "#{document.attributes['appendix-caption']} #{number}: "
         Document::AttributeEntry.new('appendix-number', number).save_to(attributes)
       section.sectname = "sect#{section.level}"
+    if section.id.nil? && (id = attributes['id'])
+      section.id = id
+    else
+      # generate an id if one was not *embedded* in the heading line
+      # or as an anchor above the section
+      section.id ||= section.generate_id
+    end
+    if section.id
+      section.document.register(:ids, [section.id, section.title])
+    end
@@ -1087,20 +1257,13 @@ class Lexer
   # line - the String line from under the section title.
   def self.section_level(line)
-    char = line.chomp.chars.to_a.uniq
-    case char
-    when ['=']; 0
-    when ['-']; 1
-    when ['~']; 2
-    when ['^']; 3
-    when ['+']; 4
-    end
+    SECTION_LEVELS[line[0..0]]
   # = is level 0, == is level 1, etc.
-  def self.single_line_section_level(line)
-    [line.length - 1, 0].max
+  def self.single_line_section_level(marker)
+    marker.length - 1
   # Internal: Checks if the next line on the Reader is a section title
@@ -1111,7 +1274,7 @@ class Lexer
   # returns the section level if the Reader is positioned at a section title,
   # false otherwise
   def self.is_next_line_section?(reader, attributes)
-    return false if !attributes[1].nil? && ['float', 'discrete'].include?(attributes[1])
+    return false if !(val = attributes[1]).nil? && ['float', 'discrete'].include?(val)
     return false if !reader.has_more_lines?
@@ -1144,7 +1307,8 @@ class Lexer
   def self.is_single_line_section_title?(line1)
-    if !line1.nil? && (match = line1.match(REGEXP[:section_title]))
+    if !line1.nil? && (line1.start_with?('=') || (COMPLIANCE[:markdown_syntax] && line1.start_with?('#'))) &&
+        (match = line1.match(REGEXP[:section_title]))
       single_line_section_level match[1]
@@ -1152,8 +1316,8 @@ class Lexer
   def self.is_two_line_section_title?(line1, line2)
-    if !line1.nil? && !line2.nil? && line1.match(REGEXP[:section_name]) &&
-        line2.match(REGEXP[:section_underline]) &&
+    if !line1.nil? && !line2.nil? && SECTION_LEVELS.has_key?(line2[0..0]) &&
+        line2.match(REGEXP[:section_underline]) && line1.match(REGEXP[:section_name]) &&
         # chomp so that a (non-visible) endline does not impact calculation
         (line1.chomp.size - line2.chomp.size).abs <= 1
       section_level line2
@@ -1168,13 +1332,14 @@ class Lexer
   # the Reader will be positioned at the line after the section title.
   # reader  - the source reader, positioned at a section title
+  # document- the current document
   # Examples
   #   reader.lines
   #   # => ["Foo\n", "~~~\n"]
-  #   title, level, id, single = parse_section_title(reader)
+  #   title, level, id, single = parse_section_title(reader, document)
   #   title
   #   # => "Foo"
@@ -1188,7 +1353,7 @@ class Lexer
   #   line1
   #   # => "==== Foo\n"
-  #   title, level, id, single = parse_section_title(reader)
+  #   title, level, id, single = parse_section_title(reader, document)
   #   title
   #   # => "Foo"
@@ -1204,21 +1369,22 @@ class Lexer
   # NOTE for efficiency, we don't reuse methods that check for a section title
-  def self.parse_section_title(reader)
+  def self.parse_section_title(reader, document)
     line1 = reader.get_line
     sect_id = nil
     sect_title = nil
     sect_level = -1
     single_line = true
-    if match = line1.match(REGEXP[:section_title])
+    if (line1.start_with?('=') || (COMPLIANCE[:markdown_syntax] && line1.start_with?('#'))) &&
+        (match = line1.match(REGEXP[:section_title]))
       sect_id = match[3]
       sect_title = match[2]
       sect_level = single_line_section_level match[1]
       line2 = reader.peek_line
-      if !line2.nil? && (name_match = line1.match(REGEXP[:section_name])) &&
-        line2.match(REGEXP[:section_underline]) &&
+      if !line2.nil? && SECTION_LEVELS.has_key?(line2[0..0]) && line2.match(REGEXP[:section_underline]) &&
+        (name_match = line1.match(REGEXP[:section_name])) &&
         # chomp so that a (non-visible) endline does not impact calculation
         (line1.chomp.size - line2.chomp.size).abs <= 1
         if anchor_match = name_match[1].match(REGEXP[:anchor_embedded]) 
@@ -1232,7 +1398,10 @@ class Lexer
-    return [sect_id, sect_title, sect_level, single_line]
+    if sect_level >= 0
+      sect_level += document.attr('leveloffset', 0).to_i
+    end
+    [sect_id, sect_title, sect_level, single_line]
   # Public: Consume and parse the two header lines (line 1 = author info, line 2 = revision info).
@@ -1253,55 +1422,97 @@ class Lexer
     process_attribute_entries(reader, document)
     metadata = {}
+    implicit_author = nil
+    implicit_authors = nil
     if reader.has_more_lines? && !reader.peek_line.chomp.empty?
-      author_line = reader.get_line
-      if match = author_line.match(REGEXP[:author_info])
-        metadata['firstname'] = fname = match[1].tr('_', ' ')
-        metadata['author'] = fname
-        metadata['authorinitials'] = fname[0, 1]
-        if !match[2].nil? && !match[3].nil?
-          metadata['middlename'] = mname = match[2].tr('_', ' ')
-          metadata['lastname'] = lname = match[3].tr('_', ' ')
-          metadata['author'] = [fname, mname, lname].join ' '
-          metadata['authorinitials'] = [fname[0, 1], mname[0, 1], lname[0, 1]].join
-        elsif !match[2].nil?
-          metadata['lastname'] = lname = match[2].tr('_', ' ')
-          metadata['author'] = [fname, lname].join ' '
-          metadata['authorinitials'] = [fname[0, 1], lname[0, 1]].join
+      author_metadata = process_authors reader.get_line
+      unless author_metadata.empty?
+        # apply header subs and assign to document
+        if !document.nil?
+          author_metadata.map do |key, val|
+            val = val.is_a?(String) ? document.apply_header_subs(val) : val
+            document.attributes[key] = val if !document.attributes.has_key?(key)
+            val
+          end
+          implicit_author = document.attributes['author']
+          implicit_authors = document.attributes['authors']
-        metadata['email'] = match[4] unless match[4].nil?
-      else
-        metadata['author'] = metadata['firstname'] = author_line.strip.squeeze(' ')
-        metadata['authorinitials'] = metadata['firstname'][0, 1]
+        metadata = author_metadata
-      # NOTE this will discard away any comment lines, but not skip blank lines
+      # NOTE this will discard any comment lines, but not skip blank lines
       process_attribute_entries(reader, document)
+      rev_metadata = {}
       if reader.has_more_lines? && !reader.peek_line.chomp.empty?
         rev_line = reader.get_line 
         if match = rev_line.match(REGEXP[:revision_info])
-          metadata['revdate'] = match[2].strip
-          metadata['revnumber'] = match[1].rstrip unless match[1].nil?
-          metadata['revremark'] = match[3].rstrip unless match[3].nil?
+          rev_metadata['revdate'] = match[2].strip
+          rev_metadata['revnumber'] = match[1].rstrip unless match[1].nil?
+          rev_metadata['revremark'] = match[3].rstrip unless match[3].nil?
           # throw it back
           reader.unshift_line rev_line
-      # NOTE this will discard away any comment lines, but not skip blank lines
+      unless rev_metadata.empty?
+        # apply header subs and assign to document
+        if !document.nil?
+          rev_metadata.map do |key, val|
+            val = document.apply_header_subs(val)
+            document.attributes[key] = val if !document.attributes.has_key?(key)
+            val
+          end
+        end
+        metadata.update rev_metadata
+      end
+      # NOTE this will discard any comment lines, but not skip blank lines
       process_attribute_entries(reader, document)
+    end
+    if !document.nil?
+      # process author attribute entries that override (or stand in for) the implicit author line
+      author_metadata = nil
+      if document.attributes.has_key?('author') &&
+          (author_line = document.attributes['author']) != implicit_author
+        # do not allow multiple, process as names only
+        author_metadata = process_authors author_line, true, false
+      elsif document.attributes.has_key?('authors') &&
+          (author_line = document.attributes['authors']) != implicit_authors
+        # allow multiple, process as names only
+        author_metadata = process_authors author_line, true
+      else
+        authors = []
+        author_key = "author_#{authors.size + 1}"
+        while document.attributes.has_key? author_key
+          authors << document.attributes[author_key]
+          author_key = "author_#{authors.size + 1}"
+        end
+        if authors.size == 1
+          # do not allow multiple, process as names only
+          author_metadata = process_authors authors.first, true, false
+        elsif authors.size > 1
+          # allow multiple, process as names only
+          author_metadata = process_authors authors.join('; '), true
+        end
+      end
+      unless author_metadata.nil?
+        document.attributes.update author_metadata
-      # apply header subs and assign to document
-      if !document.nil?
-        metadata.map do |key, val|
-          val = document.apply_header_subs(val)
-          document.attributes[key] = val if !document.attributes.has_key?(key)
-          val
+        # special case
+        if !document.attributes.has_key?('email') && document.attributes.has_key?('email_1')
+          document.attributes['email'] = document.attributes['email_1']
@@ -1309,6 +1520,79 @@ class Lexer
+  # Internal: Parse the author line into a Hash of author metadata
+  #
+  # author_line  - the String author line
+  # names_only   - a Boolean flag that indicates whether to process line as
+  #                names only or names with emails (default: false)
+  # multiple     - a Boolean flag that indicates whether to process multiple
+  #                semicolon-separated entries in the author line (default: true)
+  #
+  # returns a Hash of author metadata
+  def self.process_authors(author_line, names_only = false, multiple = true)
+    author_metadata = {}
+    keys = ['author', 'authorinitials', 'firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname', 'email']
+    author_entries = multiple ? author_line.split(';').map(&:strip) : [author_line]
+    author_entries.each_with_index do |author_entry, idx|
+      author_entry.strip!
+      next if author_entry.empty?
+      key_map = {}
+      if idx.zero?
+        keys.each do |key|
+          key_map[key.to_sym] = key
+        end
+      else
+        keys.each do |key|
+          key_map[key.to_sym] = "#{key}_#{idx + 1}"
+        end
+      end
+      segments = nil
+      if names_only
+        # splitting on ' ' will collapse repeating spaces
+        segments = author_entry.split(' ', 3)
+      elsif (match = author_entry.match(REGEXP[:author_info]))
+        segments = match.to_a
+        segments.shift
+      end
+      unless segments.nil?
+        author_metadata[key_map[:firstname]] = fname = segments[0].tr('_', ' ')
+        author_metadata[key_map[:author]] = fname
+        author_metadata[key_map[:authorinitials]] = fname[0, 1]
+        if !segments[1].nil? && !segments[2].nil?
+          author_metadata[key_map[:middlename]] = mname = segments[1].tr('_', ' ')
+          author_metadata[key_map[:lastname]] = lname = segments[2].tr('_', ' ')
+          author_metadata[key_map[:author]] = [fname, mname, lname].join ' '
+          author_metadata[key_map[:authorinitials]] = [fname[0, 1], mname[0, 1], lname[0, 1]].join
+        elsif !segments[1].nil?
+          author_metadata[key_map[:lastname]] = lname = segments[1].tr('_', ' ')
+          author_metadata[key_map[:author]] = [fname, lname].join ' '
+          author_metadata[key_map[:authorinitials]] = [fname[0, 1], lname[0, 1]].join
+        end
+        author_metadata[key_map[:email]] = segments[3] unless names_only || segments[3].nil?
+      else
+        author_metadata[key_map[:author]] = author_metadata[key_map[:firstname]] = fname = author_entry.strip.squeeze(' ')
+        author_metadata[key_map[:authorinitials]] = fname[0, 1]
+      end
+      author_metadata['authorcount'] = idx + 1
+      # only assign the _1 attributes if there are multiple authors
+      if idx == 1
+        keys.each do |key|
+          author_metadata["#{key}_1"] = author_metadata[key] if author_metadata.has_key? key
+        end
+      end
+      if idx.zero?
+        author_metadata['authors'] = author_metadata[key_map[:author]]
+      else
+        author_metadata['authors'] = "#{author_metadata['authors']}, #{author_metadata[key_map[:author]]}"
+      end
+    end
+    author_metadata
+  end
   # Internal: Parse lines of metadata until a line of metadata is not found.
   # This method processes sequential lines containing block metadata, ignoring
@@ -1372,7 +1656,7 @@ class Lexer
         parent.document.register(:ids, [id, reftext])
     elsif match = next_line.match(REGEXP[:blk_attr_list])
-      AttributeList.new(parent.document.sub_attributes(match[1]), parent.document).parse_into(attributes)
+      parent.document.parse_attributes(match[1], [], :sub_input => true, :into => attributes)
     # NOTE title doesn't apply to section, but we need to stash it for the first block
     # TODO should issue an error if this is found above the document title
     elsif !options[:text] && (match = next_line.match(REGEXP[:blk_title]))
@@ -1412,29 +1696,41 @@ class Lexer
-      if name.end_with?('!')
-        # a nil value signals the attribute should be deleted (undefined)
-        value = nil
-        name = name.chop
-      end
-      name = sanitize_attribute_name(name)
-      accessible = true
-      if !parent.nil?
-        accessible = value.nil? ?
-            parent.document.delete_attribute(name) :
-            parent.document.set_attribute(name, value)
-      end
-      if !attributes.nil?
-        Document::AttributeEntry.new(name, value).save_to(attributes) if accessible
-      end
+      store_attribute(name, value, parent.nil? ? nil : parent.document, attributes)
+  # Public: Store the attribute in the document and register attribute entry if accessible
+  #
+  # name  - the String name of the attribute to store
+  # value - the String value of the attribute to store
+  # doc   - the Document being parsed
+  # attrs - the attributes for the current context
+  #
+  # returns a 2-element array containing the attribute name and value
+  def self.store_attribute(name, value, doc = nil, attrs = nil)
+    if name.end_with?('!')
+      # a nil value signals the attribute should be deleted (undefined)
+      value = nil
+      name = name.chop
+    end
+    name = sanitize_attribute_name(name)
+    accessible = true
+    unless doc.nil?
+      accessible = value.nil? ? doc.delete_attribute(name) : doc.set_attribute(name, value)
+    end
+    unless !accessible || attrs.nil?
+      Document::AttributeEntry.new(name, value).save_to(attrs)
+    end
+    [name, value]
+  end
   # Internal: Resolve the 0-index marker for this list item
   # For ordered lists, match the marker used for this list item against the
@@ -1566,6 +1862,8 @@ class Lexer
   # returns an instance of Asciidoctor::Table parsed from the provided reader
   def self.next_table(table_reader, parent, attributes)
     table = Table.new(parent, attributes)
+    table.title = attributes.delete('title') if attributes.has_key?('title')
+    table.assign_caption attributes.delete('caption')
     if attributes.has_key? 'cols'
@@ -1615,9 +1913,9 @@ class Lexer
           if parser_ctx.format == 'psv'
             next_cell_spec, cell_text = parse_cell_spec(m.pre_match, :end)
             parser_ctx.push_cell_spec next_cell_spec
-            parser_ctx.buffer << cell_text
+            parser_ctx.buffer = %(#{parser_ctx.buffer}#{cell_text})
-            parser_ctx.buffer << m.pre_match
+            parser_ctx.buffer = %(#{parser_ctx.buffer}#{m.pre_match})
           line = m.post_match
@@ -1625,10 +1923,10 @@ class Lexer
           # no other delimiters to see here
           # suck up this line into the buffer and move on
-          parser_ctx.buffer << line
+          parser_ctx.buffer = %(#{parser_ctx.buffer}#{line})
           # QUESTION make this an option? (unwrap-option?)
           if parser_ctx.format == 'csv'
-            parser_ctx.buffer.rstrip!.concat(' ')
+            parser_ctx.buffer = %(#{parser_ctx.buffer.rstrip} )
           line = ''
           if parser_ctx.format == 'psv' || (parser_ctx.format == 'csv' &&
@@ -1764,6 +2062,143 @@ class Lexer
     [spec, rest]
+  # Public: Parse the first positional attribute and assign named attributes
+  #
+  # Parse the first positional attribute to extract the style, role and id
+  # parts, assign the values to their cooresponding attribute keys and return
+  # both the original style attribute and the parsed value from the first
+  # positional attribute.
+  #
+  # attributes - The Hash of attributes to process
+  #
+  # Examples
+  #
+  #   puts attributes
+  #   => {1 => "abstract#intro.lead", "style" => "preamble"}
+  #
+  #   parse_style_attribute(attributes)
+  #   => ["abstract", "preamble"]
+  #
+  #   puts attributes
+  #   => {1 => "abstract#intro.lead", "style" => "abstract", "id" => "intro", "role" => "lead"}
+  #
+  # Returns a two-element Array of the parsed style from the
+  # first positional attribute and the original style that was
+  # replaced
+  def self.parse_style_attribute(attributes)
+    original_style = attributes['style']
+    raw_style = attributes[1]
+    if !raw_style || raw_style.include?(' ')
+      attributes['style'] = raw_style
+      [raw_style, original_style]
+    # FIXME this logic could be condensed
+    else
+      hash_index = raw_style.index('#')
+      dot_index = raw_style.index('.') 
+      if !hash_index.nil? && (dot_index.nil? || hash_index < dot_index)
+        parsed_style = attributes['style'] = (hash_index > 0 ? raw_style[0..(hash_index - 1)] : nil)
+        id = raw_style[(hash_index + 1)..-1]
+        if !dot_index.nil?
+          id, roles = id.split('.', 2)
+          attributes['id'] = id
+          attributes['role'] = roles.tr('.', ' ')
+        else
+          attributes['id'] = id
+        end
+      elsif !dot_index.nil? && (hash_index.nil? || dot_index < hash_index)
+        parsed_style = attributes['style'] = (dot_index > 0 ? raw_style[0..(dot_index - 1)] : nil)
+        roles = raw_style[(dot_index + 1)..-1]
+        if !hash_index.nil?
+          roles, id = roles.split('#', 2)
+          attributes['id'] = id
+          attributes['role'] = roles.tr('.', ' ')
+        else
+          attributes['role'] = roles.tr('.', ' ')
+        end
+      else
+        parsed_style = attributes['style'] = raw_style
+      end
+      [parsed_style, original_style]
+    end
+  end
+  # Remove the indentation (block offset) shared by all the lines, then
+  # indent the lines by the specified amount if specified
+  #
+  # Trim the leading whitespace (indentation) equivalent to the length
+  # of the indent on the least indented line. If the indent argument
+  # is specified, indent the lines by this many spaces (columns).
+  # 
+  # The purpose of this method is to shift a block of text to
+  # align to the left margin, while still preserving the relative
+  # indentation between lines
+  #
+  # lines  - the Array of String lines to process
+  # indent - the integer number of spaces to add to the beginning
+  #          of each line; if this value is nil, the existing
+  #          space is preserved (optional, default: 0)
+  #
+  # Examples
+  #
+  #   source = <<EOS
+  #       def names
+  #         @name.split ' ')
+  #       end
+  #   EOS
+  #
+  #   source.lines.entries
+  #   # => ["    def names\n", "      @names.split ' '\n", "    end\n"]
+  #
+  #   Lexer.reset_block_indent(source.lines.entries)
+  #   # => ["def names\n", "  @names.split ' '\n", "end\n"]
+  #
+  #   puts Lexer.reset_block_indent(source.lines.entries).join
+  #   # => def names
+  #   # =>   @names.split ' '
+  #   # => end
+  #
+  # returns the Array of String lines with block offset removed
+  def self.reset_block_indent!(lines, indent = 0)
+    return if indent.nil? || lines.empty?
+    tab_detected = false
+    # TODO make tab size configurable
+    tab_expansion = '    '
+    # strip leading block indent
+    offsets = lines.map do |line|
+      # break if the first char is non-whitespace
+      break [] unless line.chomp[0..0].lstrip.empty?
+      if line.include? "\t"
+        tab_detected = true
+        line = line.gsub("\t", tab_expansion)
+      end
+      if (flush_line = line.lstrip).empty?
+        nil
+      elsif (offset = line.length - flush_line.length) == 0
+        break []
+      else
+        offset
+      end
+    end
+    unless offsets.empty? || (offsets = offsets.compact).empty?
+      if (offset = offsets.min) > 0
+        lines.map! {|line|
+          line = line.gsub("\t", tab_expansion) if tab_detected
+          line[offset..-1] || "\n"
+        }
+      end
+    end
+    if indent > 0
+      padding = ' ' * indent
+      lines.map! {|line| %(#{padding}#{line}) }
+    end
+    nil
+  end
   # Public: Convert a string to a legal attribute name.
   # name  - the String name of the attribute
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/list_item.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/list_item.rb
index cc85789..fb2c574 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/list_item.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/list_item.rb
@@ -55,27 +55,6 @@ class ListItem < AbstractBlock
-  def splain(parent_level = 0)
-    parent_level += 1
-    Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "List Item anchor: #{@anchor}") unless @anchor.nil?
-    Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Text: #{@text}") unless @text.nil?
-    Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Blocks: #{@blocks.count}")
-    if @blocks.any?
-      Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Blocks content (#{@blocks.count}):")
-      @blocks.each_with_index do |block, i|
-        Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "v" * (60 - parent_level*2))
-        Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Block ##{i} is a #{block.class}")
-        Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "Name is #{block.title rescue 'n/a'}")
-        Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "=" * 40)
-        block.splain(parent_level) if block.respond_to? :splain
-        Debug.puts_indented(parent_level, "^" * (60 - parent_level*2))
-      end
-    end
-    nil
-  end
   def to_s
     "#{super.to_s} - #@context [text:#@text, blocks:#{(@blocks || []).size}]"
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/path_resolver.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/path_resolver.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f03fe63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/path_resolver.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+module Asciidoctor
+# Public: Handles all operations for resolving, cleaning and joining paths.
+# This class includes operations for handling both web paths (request URIs) and
+# system paths.
+# The main emphasis of the class is on creating clean and secure paths. Clean
+# paths are void of duplicate parent and current directory references in the
+# path name. Secure paths are paths which are restricted from accessing
+# directories outside of a jail root, if specified.
+# Since joining two paths can result in an insecure path, this class also
+# handles the task of joining a parent (start) and child (target) path.
+# This class makes no use of path utilities from the Ruby libraries. Instead,
+# it handles all aspects of path manipulation. The main benefit of
+# internalizing these operations is that the class is able to handle both posix
+# and windows paths independent of the operating system on which it runs. This
+# makes the class both deterministic and easier to test.
+# Examples
+#     resolver = PathResolver.new
+#     # Web Paths
+#     resolver.web_path('images')
+#     => 'images'
+#     resolver.web_path('./images')
+#     => './images'
+#     resolver.web_path('/images')
+#     => '/images'
+#     resolver.web_path('./images/../assets/images')
+#     => './assets/images'
+#     resolver.web_path('/../images')
+#     => '/images'
+#     resolver.web_path('images', 'assets')
+#     => 'assets/images'
+#     resolver.web_path('tiger.png', '../assets/images')
+#     => '../assets/images/tiger.png'
+#     # System Paths
+#     resolver.working_dir
+#     => '/path/to/docs'
+#     resolver.system_path('images')
+#     => '/path/to/docs/images'
+#     resolver.system_path('../images')
+#     => '/path/to/images'
+#     resolver.system_path('/etc/images')
+#     => '/etc/images'
+#     resolver.system_path('images', '/etc')
+#     => '/etc/images'
+#     resolver.system_path('', '/etc/images')
+#     => '/etc/images'
+#     resolver.system_path(nil, nil, '/path/to/docs')
+#     => '/path/to/docs'
+#     resolver.system_path('..', nil, '/path/to/docs')
+#     => '/path/to/docs'
+#     resolver.system_path('../../../css', nil, '/path/to/docs')
+#     => '/path/to/docs/css'
+#     resolver.system_path('../../../css', '../../..', '/path/to/docs')
+#     => '/path/to/docs/css'
+#     resolver.system_path('..', 'C:\\data\\docs\\assets', 'C:\\data\\docs')
+#     => 'C:/data/docs'
+#     resolver.system_path('..\\..\\css', 'C:\\data\\docs\\assets', 'C:\\data\\docs')
+#     => 'C:/data/docs/css'
+#     begin
+#       resolver.system_path('../../../css', '../../..', '/path/to/docs', :recover => false)
+#     rescue SecurityError => e
+#       puts e.message
+#     end
+#     => 'path ../../../../../../css refers to location outside jail: /path/to/docs (disallowed in safe mode)'
+#     resolver.system_path('/path/to/docs/images', nil, '/path/to/docs')
+#     => '/path/to/docs/images'
+#     begin
+#       resolver.system_path('images', '/etc', '/path/to/docs')
+#     rescue SecurityError => e
+#       puts e.message 
+#     end
+#     => Start path /etc is outside of jail: /path/to/docs'
+class PathResolver
+  DOT = '.'
+  DOT_DOT = '..'
+  SLASH = '/'
+  BACKSLASH = '\\'
+  WIN_ROOT_RE = /^[[:alpha:]]:(?:\\|\/)/
+  attr_accessor :file_separator
+  attr_accessor :working_dir
+  # Public: Construct a new instance of PathResolver, optionally specifying the
+  # file separator (to override the system default) and the working directory
+  # (to override the present working directory). The working directory will be
+  # expanded to an absolute path inside the constructor.
+  #
+  # file_separator - the String file separator to use for path operations
+  #                  (optional, default: File::FILE_SEPARATOR)
+  # working_dir    - the String working directory (optional, default: Dir.pwd)
+  #
+  def initialize(file_separator = nil, working_dir = nil)
+    @file_separator = file_separator.nil? ? (File::ALT_SEPARATOR || File::SEPARATOR) : file_separator
+    if working_dir.nil?
+      @working_dir = File.expand_path(Dir.pwd)
+    else
+      @working_dir = is_root?(working_dir) ? working_dir : File.expand_path(working_dir) 
+    end
+  end
+  # Public: Check if the specified path is an absolute root path
+  # This operation correctly handles both posix and windows paths.
+  #
+  # path - the String path to check
+  #
+  # returns a Boolean indicating whether the path is an absolute root path
+  def is_root?(path)
+    if @file_separator == BACKSLASH && path.match(WIN_ROOT_RE)
+      true
+    elsif path.start_with? SLASH
+      true
+    else
+      false
+    end
+  end
+  # Public: Determine if the path is an absolute (root) web path
+  #
+  # path - the String path to check
+  #
+  # returns a Boolean indicating whether the path is an absolute (root) web path
+  def is_web_root?(path)
+    path.start_with? SLASH
+  end
+  # Public: Normalize path by converting any backslashes to forward slashes
+  #
+  # path - the String path to normalize
+  #
+  # returns a String path with any backslashes replaced with forward slashes
+  def posixfy(path)
+    return '' if path.to_s.empty?
+    path.include?(BACKSLASH) ? path.tr(BACKSLASH, SLASH) : path
+  end
+  # Public: Expand the path by resolving any parent references (..)
+  # and cleaning self references (.).
+  #
+  # The result will be relative if the path is relative and
+  # absolute if the path is absolute. The file separator used
+  # in the expanded path is the one specified when the class
+  # was constructed.
+  #
+  # path - the String path to expand
+  #
+  # returns a String path with any parent or self references resolved.
+  def expand_path(path)
+    path_segments, path_root, _ = partition_path(path)
+    join_path path_segments, path_root
+  end
+  # Public: Partition the path into path segments and remove any empty segments
+  # or segments that are self references (.). The path is split on either posix
+  # or windows file separators.
+  #
+  # path     - the String path to partition
+  # web_path - a Boolean indicating whether the path should be handled
+  #            as a web path (optional, default: false)
+  #
+  # returns a 3-item Array containing the Array of String path segments, the
+  # path root, if the path is absolute, and the posix version of the path.
+  def partition_path(path, web_path = false)
+    posix_path = posixfy path
+    is_root = web_path ? is_web_root?(posix_path) : is_root?(posix_path)
+    path_segments = posix_path.tr_s(SLASH, SLASH).split(SLASH)
+    # capture relative root
+    root = path_segments.first == DOT ? DOT : nil
+    path_segments.delete(DOT)
+    # capture absolute root, preserving relative root if set
+    root = is_root ? path_segments.shift : root
+    [path_segments, root, posix_path]
+  end
+  # Public: Join the segments using the posix file separator (since Ruby knows
+  # how to work with paths specified this way, regardless of OS). Use the root,
+  # if specified, to construct an absolute path. Otherwise join the segments as
+  # a relative path.
+  #
+  # segments - a String Array of path segments
+  # root     - a String path root (optional, default: nil)
+  #
+  # returns a String path formed by joining the segments using the posix file
+  # separator and prepending the root, if specified
+  def join_path(segments, root = nil)
+    if root
+      "#{root}#{SLASH}#{segments * SLASH}"
+    else
+      segments * SLASH
+    end
+  end
+  # Public: Resolve a system path from the target and start paths. If a jail
+  # path is specified, enforce that the resolved directory is contained within
+  # the jail path. If a jail path is not provided, the resolved path may be
+  # any location on the system. If the resolved path is absolute, use it as is.
+  # If the resolved path is relative, resolve it relative to the working_dir
+  # specified in the constructor.
+  #
+  # target - the String target path
+  # start  - the String start (i.e., parent) path
+  # jail   - the String jail path to confine the resolved path
+  # opts   - an optional Hash of options to control processing (default: {}):
+  #          * :recover is used to control whether the processor should auto-recover
+  #              when an illegal path is encountered
+  #          * :target_name is used in messages to refer to the path being resolved
+  #
+  # returns a String path that joins the target path with the start path with
+  # any parent references resolved and self references removed and enforces
+  # that the resolved path be contained within the jail, if provided
+  def system_path(target, start, jail = nil, opts = {})
+    recover = opts.fetch(:recover, true)
+    unless jail.nil?
+      unless is_root? jail
+        raise SecurityError, "Jail is not an absolute path: #{jail}"
+      end
+      jail = posixfy jail
+    end
+    if target.to_s.empty?
+      target_segments = []
+    else
+      target_segments, target_root, _ = partition_path(target)
+    end
+    if target_segments.empty?
+      if start.to_s.empty?
+        return jail.nil? ? @working_dir : jail
+      elsif is_root? start
+        if jail.nil?
+          return expand_path start
+        end
+      else
+        return system_path(start, jail, jail)
+      end
+    end
+    if target_root && target_root != DOT
+      resolved_target = join_path target_segments, target_root
+      # if target is absolute and a sub-directory of jail, or
+      # a jail is not in place, let it slide
+      if jail.nil? || resolved_target.start_with?(jail)
+        return resolved_target
+      end
+    end
+    if start.to_s.empty?
+      start = jail.nil? ? @working_dir : jail
+    elsif is_root? start
+      start = posixfy start
+    else
+      start = system_path(start, jail, jail)
+    end
+    # both jail and start have been posixfied at this point
+    if jail == start
+      jail_segments, jail_root, _ = partition_path(jail)
+      start_segments = jail_segments.dup
+    elsif !jail.nil?
+      if !start.start_with?(jail)
+        raise SecurityError, "#{opts[:target_name] || 'Start path'} #{start} is outside of jail: #{jail} (disallowed in safe mode)"
+      end
+      start_segments, start_root, _ = partition_path(start)
+      jail_segments, jail_root, _ = partition_path(jail)
+      # Already checked for this condition
+      #if start_root != jail_root
+      #  raise SecurityError, "Jail root #{jail_root} does not match root of #{opts[:target_name] || 'start path'}: #{start_root}"
+      #end
+    else
+      start_segments, start_root, _ = partition_path(start)
+      jail_root = start_root
+    end
+    resolved_segments = start_segments.dup
+    warned = false
+    target_segments.each do |segment|
+      if segment == DOT_DOT
+        if !jail.nil?
+          if resolved_segments.length > jail_segments.length
+            resolved_segments.pop
+          elsif !recover
+            raise SecurityError, "#{opts[:target_name] || 'path'} #{target} refers to location outside jail: #{jail} (disallowed in safe mode)"
+          elsif !warned
+            puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: #{opts[:target_name] || 'path'} has illegal reference to ancestor of jail, auto-recovering"
+            warned = true
+          end
+        else
+          resolved_segments.pop
+        end
+      else
+        resolved_segments.push segment
+      end
+    end
+    join_path resolved_segments, jail_root
+  end
+  # Public: Resolve a web path from the target and start paths.
+  # The main function of this operation is to resolve any parent
+  # references and remove any self references.
+  #
+  # target - the String target path
+  # start  - the String start (i.e., parent) path
+  #
+  # returns a String path that joins the target path with the
+  # start path with any parent references resolved and self
+  # references removed
+  def web_path(target, start = nil)
+    target = posixfy(target)
+    start = posixfy(start)
+    unless is_web_root?(target) || start.empty?
+      target = "#{start}#{SLASH}#{target}"
+    end
+    target_segments, target_root, _ = partition_path(target, true)
+    resolved_segments = target_segments.inject([]) do |accum, segment|
+      if segment == DOT_DOT
+        if accum.empty?
+          accum.push segment unless target_root && target_root != DOT
+        elsif accum[-1] == DOT_DOT
+          accum.push segment
+        else
+          accum.pop
+        end
+      else
+        accum.push segment
+      end
+      accum
+    end
+    join_path resolved_segments, target_root
+  end
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/reader.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/reader.rb
index 7a5e49a..e8aa78f 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/reader.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/reader.rb
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ class Reader
   def preprocess_next_line
     # this return could be happening from a recursive call
     return nil if @eof || (next_line = @lines.first).nil?
-    if next_line.include?('if') && (match = next_line.match(REGEXP[:ifdef_macro]))
+    if next_line.include?('::') && (next_line.include?('if') || next_line.include?('endif')) && (match = next_line.match(REGEXP[:ifdef_macro]))
       if next_line.start_with? '\\'
         @next_line_preprocessed = true
         @unescape_next_line = true
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ class Reader
         @unescape_next_line = true
-        preprocess_include(match[1])
+        preprocess_include(match[1], match[2].strip)
       @next_line_preprocessed = true
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ class Reader
       return preprocess_next_line.nil? ? nil : true
-    skip = nil
+    skip = false
     if !@skipping
       case directive
       when 'ifdef'
@@ -384,17 +384,19 @@ class Reader
         skip = !lhs.send(op.to_sym, rhs)
-      @skipping = skip
     # single line conditional inclusion
     if directive != 'ifeval' && !text.nil?
-      if !@skipping
+      if !@skipping && !skip
         unshift_line "#{text.rstrip}\n"
         return true
     # conditional inclusion block
+      if !@skipping && skip
+        @skipping = true
+      end
       @conditionals_stack << {:target => target, :skip => skip, :skipping => @skipping}
     return preprocess_next_line.nil? ? nil : true
@@ -422,9 +424,16 @@ class Reader
   #          target slot of the include::[] macro
   # returns a Boolean indicating whether the line under the cursor has changed.
-  def preprocess_include(target)
+  def preprocess_include(target, raw_attributes)
+    target = @document.sub_attributes target
+    if target.empty?
+      advance
+      @next_line_preprocessed = false
+      false
     # if running in SafeMode::SECURE or greater, don't process this directive
-    if @document.safe >= SafeMode::SECURE
+    # however, be friendly and at least make it a link to the source document
+    elsif @document.safe >= SafeMode::SECURE
+      @lines[0] = "link:#{target}[#{target}]\n"
       @next_line_preprocessed = true
     # assume that if a block is given, the developer wants
@@ -433,12 +442,88 @@ class Reader
     elsif @include_block
       # FIXME this borks line numbers
-      @lines.unshift(*@include_block.call(target).map {|l| "#{l.rstrip}\n"})
+      @lines.unshift(*normalize_include_data(@include_block.call(target)))
     # FIXME currently we're not checking the upper bound of the include depth
     elsif @document.attributes.fetch('include-depth', 0).to_i > 0
       # FIXME this borks line numbers
-      @lines.unshift(*File.readlines(@document.normalize_asset_path(target, 'include file')).map {|l| "#{l.rstrip}\n"})
+      include_file = @document.normalize_system_path(target, nil, nil, :target_name => 'include file')
+      if !File.file?(include_file)
+        puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: line #{@lineno}: include file not found: #{include_file}"
+        return true
+      end
+      inc_lines = nil
+      tags = nil
+      attributes = {}
+      if !raw_attributes.empty?
+        attributes = AttributeList.new(raw_attributes).parse
+        if attributes.has_key? 'lines'
+          inc_lines = []
+          attributes['lines'].split(REGEXP[:ssv_or_csv_delim]).each do |linedef|
+            if linedef.include?('..')
+              from, to = linedef.split('..').map(&:to_i)
+              if to == -1
+                inc_lines << from
+                inc_lines << 1.0/0.0
+              else
+                inc_lines.concat Range.new(from, to).to_a
+              end
+            else
+              inc_lines << linedef.to_i
+            end
+          end
+          inc_lines = inc_lines.sort.uniq
+        elsif attributes.has_key? 'tags'
+          tags = attributes['tags'].split(REGEXP[:ssv_or_csv_delim]).uniq
+        end
+      end
+      if !inc_lines.nil?
+        if !inc_lines.empty?
+          selected = []
+          f = File.new(include_file)
+          f.each_line do |l|
+            take = inc_lines.first
+            if take.is_a?(Float) && take.infinite?
+              selected.push l
+            else
+              if f.lineno == take
+                selected.push l
+                inc_lines.shift 
+              end
+              break if inc_lines.empty?
+            end
+          end
+          @lines.unshift(*normalize_include_data(selected, attributes['indent'])) unless selected.empty?
+        end
+      elsif !tags.nil?
+        if !tags.empty?
+          selected = []
+          active_tag = nil
+          f = File.new(include_file)
+          f.each_line do |l|
+            l.force_encoding(::Encoding::UTF_8) if ::Asciidoctor::FORCE_ENCODING
+            if !active_tag.nil?
+              if l.include?("end::#{active_tag}[]")
+                active_tag = nil
+              else
+                selected.push "#{l.rstrip}\n"
+              end
+            else
+              tags.each do |tag|
+                if l.include?("tag::#{tag}[]")
+                  active_tag = tag
+                  break
+                end
+              end
+            end
+          end
+          #@lines.unshift(*selected) unless selected.empty?
+          @lines.unshift(*normalize_include_data(selected, attributes['indent'])) unless selected.empty?
+        end
+      else
+        @lines.unshift(*normalize_include_data(File.readlines(include_file), attributes['indent']))
+      end
       @next_line_preprocessed = true
@@ -514,32 +599,54 @@ class Reader
   def grab_lines_until(options = {}, &block)
     buffer = []
-    finis = false
     advance if options[:skip_first_line]
-    # save options to locals for minor optimization
-    terminator = options[:terminator]
-    terminator.chomp! if terminator
-    break_on_blank_lines = options[:break_on_blank_lines]
-    break_on_list_continuation = options[:break_on_list_continuation]
+    # very hot code
+    # save options to locals for minor optimizations
+    if options.has_key? :terminator
+      terminator = options[:terminator]
+      break_on_blank_lines = false
+      break_on_list_continuation = false
+      chomp_last_line = options[:chomp_last_line] || false
+    else
+      terminator = nil
+      break_on_blank_lines = options[:break_on_blank_lines]
+      break_on_list_continuation = options[:break_on_list_continuation]
+      chomp_last_line = break_on_blank_lines
+    end
     skip_line_comments = options[:skip_line_comments]
     preprocess = options.fetch(:preprocess, true)
+    buffer_empty = true
     while !(this_line = get_line(preprocess)).nil?
-      Debug.debug { "Reader processing line: '#{this_line}'" }
-      finis = true if terminator && this_line.chomp == terminator
-      finis = true if !finis && break_on_blank_lines && this_line.strip.empty?
-      finis = true if !finis && break_on_list_continuation && this_line.chomp == LIST_CONTINUATION
-      finis = true if !finis && block && yield(this_line)
-      if finis
-        buffer << this_line if options[:grab_last_line]
-        unshift_line(this_line) if options[:preserve_last_line]
+      # effectively a no-args lamba, but much faster
+      finish = while true
+        break true if terminator && this_line.chomp == terminator
+        break true if break_on_blank_lines && this_line.strip.empty?
+        if break_on_list_continuation && !buffer_empty && this_line.chomp == LIST_CONTINUATION
+          options[:preserve_last_line] = true
+          break true
+        end
+        break true if block && yield(this_line)
+        break false
+      end
+      if finish
+        if options[:grab_last_line]
+          buffer << this_line
+          buffer_empty = false
+        end
+        # QUESTION should we dup this_line when restoring??
+        unshift_line this_line if options[:preserve_last_line]
       unless skip_line_comments && this_line.match(REGEXP[:comment])
         buffer << this_line
+        buffer_empty = false
+    # should we dup the line before chopping?
+    buffer.last.chomp! if chomp_last_line && !buffer_empty
@@ -575,7 +682,7 @@ class Reader
     if val.include? '{'
-      val = @document.sub_attributes(val)
+      val = @document.sub_attributes val
     if type != :s
@@ -595,6 +702,39 @@ class Reader
+  # Private: Normalize raw input read from an include directive
+  #
+  # This method strips whitespace from the end of every line of
+  # the source data and appends a LF (i.e., Unix endline). This
+  # whitespace substitution is very important to how Asciidoctor
+  # works.
+  #
+  # Any leading or trailing blank lines are also removed. (DISABLED)
+  #
+  # data - A String Array of input data to be normalized
+  #
+  # returns the processed lines
+  #-
+  # FIXME this shares too much in common w/ normalize_data; combine
+  # in a shared function
+  def normalize_include_data(data, indent = nil)
+    if ::Asciidoctor::FORCE_ENCODING
+      result = data.map {|line| "#{line.rstrip.force_encoding(::Encoding::UTF_8)}\n" }
+    else
+      result = data.map {|line| "#{line.rstrip}\n" }
+    end
+    unless indent.nil?
+      Lexer.reset_block_indent! result, indent.to_i
+    end
+    result
+    #data.shift while !data.first.nil? && data.first.chomp.empty?
+    #data.pop while !data.last.nil? && data.last.chomp.empty?
+    #data
+  end
   # Private: Normalize raw input, used for the outermost Reader.
   # This method strips whitespace from the end of every line of
@@ -612,15 +752,19 @@ class Reader
   def normalize_data(data)
     # normalize line ending to LF (purging occurrences of CRLF)
     # this rstrip is *very* important to how Asciidoctor works
-    @lines = data.map {|line| "#{line.rstrip}\n" }
+    if ::Asciidoctor::FORCE_ENCODING
+      @lines = data.map {|line| "#{line.rstrip.force_encoding(::Encoding::UTF_8)}\n" }
+    else
+      @lines = data.map {|line| "#{line.rstrip}\n" }
+    end
     @lines.shift && @lineno += 1 while !@lines.first.nil? && @lines.first.chomp.empty?
     @lines.pop while !@lines.last.nil? && @lines.last.chomp.empty?
     # Process bibliography references, so they're available when text
     # before the reference is being rendered.
-    # FIXME we don't have support for bibliography lists yet, so disable for now
-    # plus, this should be done while we are walking lines above
+    # FIXME reenable whereever it belongs
     #@lines.each do |line|
     #  if biblio = line.match(REGEXP[:biblio])
     #    @document.register(:ids, biblio[1])
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/renderer.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/renderer.rb
index 65c3309..10389f5 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/renderer.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/renderer.rb
@@ -55,18 +55,11 @@ class Renderer
         :slim => { :disable_escape => true, :sort_attrs => false, :pretty => false }
-      if backend == 'html5'
+      # workaround until we have a proper way to configure
+      if {'html5' => true, 'dzslides' => true, 'deckjs' => true, 'revealjs' => true}.has_key? backend
         view_opts[:haml][:format] = view_opts[:slim][:format] = :html5
-      Debug.debug {
-        msg = []
-        msg << "Views going in are like so:"
-        msg << @views.map {|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}
-        msg << '=' * 60
-        msg * "\n"
-      }
       slim_loaded = false
       helpers = nil
@@ -91,17 +84,7 @@ class Renderer
       require helpers unless helpers.nil?
-      Debug.debug {
-        msg = []
-        msg << "Views going in are like so:"
-        msg << @views.map {|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}
-        msg << '=' * 60
-        msg * "\n"
-      }
-    @render_stack = []
   # Public: Render an Asciidoc object with a specified view template.
@@ -110,43 +93,11 @@ class Renderer
   # object - the Object to be used as an evaluation scope.
   # locals - the optional Hash of locals to be passed to Tilt (default {}) (also ignored, really)
   def render(view, object, locals = {})
-    @render_stack.push([view, object])
     if !@views.has_key? view
       raise "Couldn't find a view in @views for #{view}"
-    else
-      Debug.debug { "View for #{view} is #{@views[view]}, object is #{object}" }
-    ret = @views[view].render(object, locals)
-    if @debug
-      prefix = ''
-      STDERR.puts '=' * 80
-      STDERR.puts "Rendering:"
-      @render_stack.each do |stack_view, stack_obj|
-        obj_info = case stack_obj
-                   when Section; "SECTION #{stack_obj.title}"
-                   when Block;
-                     if stack_obj.context == :dlist
-                       dt_list = stack_obj.buffer.map{|dt,dd| dt.content.strip}.join(', ')
-                       "BLOCK :dlist (#{dt_list})"
-                     #else
-                     #  "BLOCK #{stack_obj.context.inspect}"
-                     end
-                   else stack_obj.class
-                   end
-        STDERR.puts "#{prefix}#{stack_view}: #{obj_info}"
-        prefix << '  '
-      end
-      STDERR.puts '-' * 80
-      #STDERR.puts ret.inspect
-      STDERR.puts '=' * 80
-      STDERR.puts
-    end
-    @render_stack.pop
-    ret
+    @views[view].render(object, locals)
   def views
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/section.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/section.rb
index 90bbcee..177ce73 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/section.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/section.rb
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ class Section < AbstractBlock
   def generate_id
     if @document.attr? 'sectids'
       separator = @document.attr('idseparator', '_')
+      # FIXME define constants for these regexps
       base_id = @document.attr('idprefix', '_') + title.downcase.gsub(/&#[0-9]+;/, separator).
           gsub(/\W+/, separator).tr_s(separator, separator).chomp(separator)
       gen_id = base_id
@@ -80,7 +81,6 @@ class Section < AbstractBlock
         gen_id = "#{base_id}#{separator}#{cnt}" 
         cnt += 1
-      @document.register(:ids, [gen_id, title])
@@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ class Section < AbstractBlock
   # Public: Get the rendered String content for this Section and all its child
   # Blocks.
   def render
-    Debug.debug { "Now rendering section for #{self}" }
     @document.playback_attributes @attributes
     renderer.render('section', self)
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/substituters.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/substituters.rb
index a06d0f7..a4db676 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/substituters.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/substituters.rb
@@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ module Substituters
     multiline = lines.is_a?(Array)
     text = multiline ? lines.join : lines
-    passthroughs = subs.include?(:macros)
-    text = extract_passthroughs(text) if passthroughs
+    if (has_passthroughs = subs.include?(:macros))
+      text = extract_passthroughs(text)
+    end
     subs.each {|type|
       case type
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@ module Substituters
         puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: unknown substitution type #{type}"
-    text = restore_passthroughs(text) if passthroughs
+    text = restore_passthroughs(text) if has_passthroughs
     multiline ? text.lines.entries : text
@@ -92,7 +93,9 @@ module Substituters
   # returns - A String with literal (verbatim) substitutions performed
   def apply_literal_subs(lines)
-    if @document.attributes['basebackend'] == 'html' && attr('style') == 'source' &&
+    if attr? 'subs'
+      apply_subs(lines.join, resolve_subs(attr 'subs'))
+    elsif @document.attributes['basebackend'] == 'html' && attr('style') == 'source' &&
       @document.attributes['source-highlighter'] == 'coderay' && attr?('language')
@@ -109,11 +112,24 @@ module Substituters
     apply_subs(text, [:specialcharacters, :attributes])
+  # Public: Apply explicit substitutions, if specified, otherwise normal substitutions.
+  #
+  # lines  - The lines of text to process. Can be a String or a String Array 
+  #
+  # returns - A String with substitutions applied
+  def apply_para_subs(lines)
+    if attr? 'subs'
+      apply_subs(lines.join, resolve_subs(attr 'subs'))
+    else
+      apply_subs(lines.join)
+    end
+  end
   # Public: Apply substitutions for passthrough text
   # lines  - A String Array containing the lines of text process
-  # returns - A String Array with passthrough substitutions performed
+  # returns - A String with passthrough substitutions performed
   def apply_passthrough_subs(lines)
     if attr? 'subs'
       subs = resolve_subs(attr('subs'))
@@ -150,7 +166,7 @@ module Substituters
       # TODO move unescaping closing square bracket to an operation
       @passthroughs << {:text => m[2] || m[4].gsub('\]', ']'), :subs => subs}
       index = @passthroughs.size - 1
-      "\x0#{index}\x0"
+      "\e#{index}\e"
     } unless !(result.include?('+++') || result.include?('$$') || result.include?('pass:'))
     result.gsub!(REGEXP[:pass_lit]) {
@@ -164,7 +180,7 @@ module Substituters
       @passthroughs << {:text => m[3], :subs => [:specialcharacters], :literal => true}
       index = @passthroughs.size - 1
-      "#{m[1]}\x0#{index}\x0"
+      "#{m[1]}\e#{index}\e"
     } unless !result.include?('`')
@@ -176,7 +192,7 @@ module Substituters
   # returns The String text with the passthrough text restored
   def restore_passthroughs(text)
-    return text if @passthroughs.nil? || @passthroughs.empty? || !text.include?("\x0")
+    return text if @passthroughs.nil? || @passthroughs.empty? || !text.include?("\e")
     text.gsub(REGEXP[:pass_placeholder]) {
       pass = @passthroughs[$1.to_i];
@@ -222,8 +238,24 @@ module Substituters
   def sub_replacements(text)
     result = text.dup
-    REPLACEMENTS.each {|pattern, replacement|
-      result.gsub!(pattern, replacement)
+    REPLACEMENTS.each {|pattern, replacement, restore|
+      result.gsub!(pattern) {
+        matched = $&
+        head = $1
+        tail = $2
+        if matched.include?('\\')
+          matched.tr('\\', '')
+        else
+          case restore
+          when :none
+            replacement
+          when :leading
+            "#{head}#{replacement}"
+          when :bounding
+            "#{head}#{replacement}#{tail}" 
+          end
+        end
+      }
@@ -244,41 +276,55 @@ module Substituters
   def sub_attributes(data)
     return data if data.nil? || data.empty?
+    string_data = data.is_a? String
     # normalizes data type to an array (string becomes single-element array)
-    lines = Array(data)
+    lines = string_data ? [data] : data
-    result = lines.map {|line|
+    result = []
+    lines.each {|line|
       reject = false
-      subject = line.dup
-      subject.gsub!(REGEXP[:attr_ref]) {
+      line = line.gsub(REGEXP[:attr_ref]) {
         # alias match for Ruby 1.8.7 compat
         m = $~
-        key = m[2].downcase
-        # escaped attribute
-        if !$1.empty? || !$3.empty?
-          "{#$2}"
-        elsif m[2].start_with?('counter:')
-          args = m[2].split(':')
-          @document.counter(args[1], args[2])
-        elsif m[2].start_with?('counter2:')
-          args = m[2].split(':')
-          @document.counter(args[1], args[2])
-          ''
-        elsif document.attributes.has_key? key
+        # escaped attribute, return unescaped
+        if !m[1].nil? || !m[4].nil?
+          "{#{m[2]}}"
+        elsif (directive = m[3])
+          offset = directive.length + 1
+          expr = m[2][offset..-1]
+          case directive
+          when 'set'
+            args = expr.split(':')
+            _, value = Lexer::store_attribute(args[0], args[1] || '', @document)
+            if value.nil?
+              reject = true
+              break '{undefined}'
+            end
+            ''
+          when 'counter', 'counter2'
+            args = expr.split(':')
+            val = @document.counter(args[0], args[1])
+            directive == 'counter2' ? '' : val
+          else
+            # if we get here, our attr_ref regex is too loose
+            puts "asciidoctor: WARNING: illegal attribute directive: #{m[2]}"
+            ''
+          end
+        elsif (key = m[2].downcase) && @document.attributes.has_key?(key)
         elsif INTRINSICS.has_key? key
-          Debug.debug { "Missing attribute: #{m[2]}, line marked for removal" }
+          Debug.debug { "Missing attribute: #{key}, line marked for removal" }
           reject = true
           break '{undefined}'
-      } if subject.include?('{')
+      } if line.include? '{' 
-      !reject ? subject : nil
-    }.compact
+      result << line unless reject
+    }
-    data.is_a?(String) ? result.join : result
+    string_data ? result.join : result
   # Public: Substitute inline macros (e.g., links, images, etc)
@@ -298,10 +344,94 @@ module Substituters
     found[:square_bracket] = result.include?('[')
     found[:round_bracket] = result.include?('(')
     found[:colon] = result.include?(':')
+    found[:at] = result.include?('@')
     found[:macroish] = (found[:square_bracket] && found[:colon])
     found[:macroish_short_form] = (found[:square_bracket] && found[:colon] && result.include?(':['))
     found[:uri] = (found[:colon] && result.include?('://'))
-    link_attrs = @document.attributes.has_key?('linkattrs')
+    use_link_attrs = @document.attributes.has_key?('linkattrs')
+    experimental = @document.attributes.has_key?('experimental')
+    if experimental
+      if found[:macroish_short_form] && (result.include?('kbd:') || result.include?('btn:'))
+        result.gsub!(REGEXP[:kbd_btn_macro]) {
+          # alias match for Ruby 1.8.7 compat
+          m = $~
+          # honor the escape
+          if (captured = m[0]).start_with? '\\'
+            next captured[1..-1]
+          end
+          if captured.start_with?('kbd')
+            keys = unescape_bracketed_text m[1]
+            if keys == '+'
+              keys = ['+']
+            else
+              # need to use closure to work around lack of negative lookbehind
+              keys = keys.split(REGEXP[:kbd_delim]).inject([]) {|c, key|
+                if key.end_with?('++')
+                  c << key[0..-3].strip
+                  c << '+'
+                else
+                  c << key.strip
+                end
+                c
+              }
+            end
+            Inline.new(self, :kbd, nil, :attributes => {'keys' => keys}).render 
+          elsif captured.start_with?('btn')
+            label = unescape_bracketed_text m[1]
+            Inline.new(self, :button, label).render
+          end
+        }
+      end
+      if found[:macroish] && result.include?('menu:')
+        result.gsub!(REGEXP[:menu_macro]) {
+          # alias match for Ruby 1.8.7 compat
+          m = $~
+          # honor the escape
+          if (captured = m[0]).start_with? '\\'
+            next captured[1..-1]
+          end
+          menu = m[1]
+          items = m[2]
+          if items.nil?
+            submenus = []
+            menuitem = nil
+          else
+            if (delim = items.include?('>') ? '>' : (items.include?(',') ? ',' : nil))
+              submenus = items.split(delim).map(&:strip)
+              menuitem = submenus.pop
+            else
+              submenus = []
+              menuitem = items.rstrip
+            end
+          end
+          Inline.new(self, :menu, nil, :attributes => {'menu' => menu, 'submenus' => submenus, 'menuitem' => menuitem}).render
+        }
+      end
+      if result.include?('"') && result.include?('>')
+        result.gsub!(REGEXP[:menu_inline_macro]) {
+          # alias match for Ruby 1.8.7 compat
+          m = $~
+          # honor the escape
+          if (captured = m[0]).start_with? '\\'
+            next captured[1..-1]
+          end
+          input = m[1]
+          menu, *submenus = input.split('>').map(&:strip)
+          menuitem = submenus.pop 
+          Inline.new(self, :menu, nil, :attributes => {'menu' => menu, 'submenus' => submenus, 'menuitem' => menuitem}).render
+        }
+      end
+    end
     if found[:macroish] && result.include?('image:')
       # image:filename.png[Alt Text]
@@ -314,8 +444,8 @@ module Substituters
         target = sub_attributes(m[1])
         @document.register(:images, target)
-        attrs = parse_attributes(m[2], ['alt', 'width', 'height'])
-        if !attrs.has_key?('alt') || attrs['alt'].empty?
+        attrs = parse_attributes(unescape_bracketed_text(m[2]), ['alt', 'width', 'height'])
+        if !attrs['alt']
           attrs['alt'] = File.basename(target, File.extname(target))
         Inline.new(self, :image, nil, :target => target, :attributes => attrs).render
@@ -333,7 +463,7 @@ module Substituters
           next m[0][1..-1]
-        terms = (m[1] || m[2]).strip.tr("\n", ' ').gsub('\]', ']').split(REGEXP[:csv_delimiter])
+        terms = unescape_bracketed_text(m[1] || m[2]).split(',').map(&:strip)
         document.register(:indexterms, [*terms])
         Inline.new(self, :indexterm, text, :attributes => {'terms' => terms}).render
@@ -348,7 +478,7 @@ module Substituters
           next m[0][1..-1]
-        text = (m[1] || m[2]).strip.tr("\n", ' ').gsub('\]', ']')
+        text = unescape_bracketed_text(m[1] || m[2])
         document.register(:indexterms, [text])
         Inline.new(self, :indexterm, text, :type => :visible).render
@@ -369,33 +499,44 @@ module Substituters
         prefix = (m[1] != 'link:' ? m[1] : '')
         target = m[2]
+        suffix = ''
         # strip the <> around the link
-        if prefix.end_with? '<'
-          prefix = prefix[0..-5]
-        end
-        if target.end_with? '>'
+        if prefix.start_with?('<') && target.end_with?('>')
+          prefix = prefix[4..-1]
           target = target[0..-5]
+        elsif prefix.start_with?('(') && target.end_with?(')')
+          target = target[0..-2]
+          suffix = ')'
+        elsif target.end_with?('):')
+          target = target[0..-3]
+          suffix = '):'
         @document.register(:links, target)
         attrs = nil
         #text = !m[3].nil? ? sub_attributes(m[3].gsub('\]', ']')) : ''
         if !m[3].to_s.empty?
-          if link_attrs && (m[3].start_with?('"') || m[3].include?(','))
-            attrs = parse_attributes(sub_attributes(m[3].gsub('\]', ']')))
+          if use_link_attrs && (m[3].start_with?('"') || m[3].include?(','))
+            attrs = parse_attributes(sub_attributes(m[3].gsub('\]', ']')), [])
             text = attrs[1]
             text = sub_attributes(m[3].gsub('\]', ']'))
+          if text.end_with? '^'
+            text = text.chop
+            attrs ||= {}
+            attrs['window'] = '_blank' unless attrs.has_key?('window')
+          end
           text = ''
-        "#{prefix}#{Inline.new(self, :anchor, (!text.empty? ? text : target), :type => :link, :target => target, :attributes => attrs).render}"
+        "#{prefix}#{Inline.new(self, :anchor, (!text.empty? ? text : target), :type => :link, :target => target, :attributes => attrs).render}#{suffix}"
-    if found[:macroish] && result.include?('link:')
+    if found[:macroish] && (result.include?('link:') || result.include?('mailto:'))
       # inline link macros, link:target[text]
       result.gsub!(REGEXP[:link_macro]) {
         # alias match for Ruby 1.8.7 compat
@@ -404,19 +545,58 @@ module Substituters
         if m[0].start_with? '\\'
           next m[0][1..-1]
-        target = m[1]
-        @document.register(:links, target)
+        raw_target = m[1]
+        mailto = m[0].start_with?('mailto:')
+        target = mailto ? "mailto:#{raw_target}" : raw_target
         attrs = nil
         #text = sub_attributes(m[2].gsub('\]', ']'))
-        if link_attrs && (m[2].start_with?('"') || m[2].include?(','))
-          attrs = parse_attributes(sub_attributes(m[2].gsub('\]', ']')))
+        if use_link_attrs && (m[2].start_with?('"') || m[2].include?(','))
+          attrs = parse_attributes(sub_attributes(m[2].gsub('\]', ']')), [])
           text = attrs[1]
+          if mailto
+            if attrs.has_key? 2
+              target = "#{target}?subject=#{Helpers.encode_uri(attrs[2])}"
+              if attrs.has_key? 3
+                target = "#{target}&body=#{Helpers.encode_uri(attrs[3])}"
+              end
+            end
+          end
           text = sub_attributes(m[2].gsub('\]', ']'))
-        Inline.new(self, :anchor, (!text.empty? ? text : target), :type => :link, :target => target, :attributes => attrs).render
+        if text.end_with? '^'
+          text = text.chop
+          attrs ||= {}
+          attrs['window'] = '_blank' unless attrs.has_key?('window')
+        end
+        # QUESTION should a mailto be registered as an e-mail address?
+        @document.register(:links, target)
+        Inline.new(self, :anchor, (!text.empty? ? text : raw_target), :type => :link, :target => target, :attributes => attrs).render
+      }
+    end
+    if found[:at]
+      result.gsub!(REGEXP[:email_inline]) {
+        # alias match for Ruby 1.8.7 compat
+        m = $~
+        address = m[0]
+        case address[0..0]
+        when '\\'
+          next address[1..-1]
+        when '>', ':'
+          next address
+        end
+        target = "mailto:#{address}"
+        # QUESTION should this be registered as an e-mail address?
+        @document.register(:links, target)
+        Inline.new(self, :anchor, address, :type => :link, :target => target).render
@@ -437,7 +617,7 @@ module Substituters
           type = nil
           target = nil
-          id, text = m[2].split(REGEXP[:csv_delimiter], 2)
+          id, text = m[2].split(',', 2).map(&:strip)
           if !text.nil?
             # hmmmm
             text = restore_passthroughs(text)
@@ -467,7 +647,7 @@ module Substituters
           next m[0][1..-1]
         if !m[1].nil?
-          id, reftext = m[1].split(REGEXP[:csv_delimiter], 2)
+          id, reftext = m[1].split(',', 2).map(&:strip)
           id.sub!(REGEXP[:dbl_quoted], '\2')
           reftext.sub!(REGEXP[:m_dbl_quoted], '\2') unless reftext.nil?
@@ -499,7 +679,7 @@ module Substituters
         if m[0].start_with? '\\'
           next m[0][1..-1]
-        id, reftext = m[1].split(REGEXP[:csv_delimiter])
+        id, reftext = m[1].split(',').map(&:strip)
         id.sub!(REGEXP[:dbl_quoted], '\2')
         if reftext.nil?
           reftext = "[#{id}]"
@@ -573,11 +753,29 @@ module Substituters
   # posattrs  - The keys for positional attributes
   # returns nil if attrline is nil, an empty Hash if attrline is empty, otherwise a Hash of parsed attributes
-  def parse_attributes(attrline, posattrs = ['role'])
+  def parse_attributes(attrline, posattrs = ['role'], opts = {})
     return nil if attrline.nil?
     return {} if attrline.empty?
+    attrline = @document.sub_attributes(attrline) if opts[:sub_input]
+    attrline = unescape_bracketed_text(attrline) if opts[:unescape_input]
+    block = nil
+    if opts.fetch(:sub_result, true)
+      # substitutions are only performed on attribute values if block is not nil
+      block = self
+    end
-    AttributeList.new(attrline, self).parse(posattrs)
+    if opts.has_key?(:into)
+      AttributeList.new(attrline, block).parse_into(opts[:into], posattrs)
+    else
+      AttributeList.new(attrline, block).parse(posattrs)
+    end
+  end
+  # Internal: Strip bounding whitespace, fold endlines and unescaped closing
+  # square brackets from text extracted from brackets
+  def unescape_bracketed_text(text)
+    return '' if text.empty?
+    text.strip.tr("\n", ' ').gsub('\]', ']')
   # Internal: Resolve the list of comma-delimited subs against the possible options.
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/table.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/table.rb
index a6a0aea..b2a5927 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/table.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/table.rb
@@ -44,12 +44,6 @@ class Table < AbstractBlock
-  # Public: A compiled Regexp to match a blank line
-  BLANK_LINE_PATTERN = /\n[[:blank:]]*\n/
-  # Public: Get/Set the String caption (unused, necessary for compatibility w/ next_block)
-  attr_accessor :caption
   # Public: Get/Set the columns for this table
   attr_accessor :columns
@@ -57,23 +51,24 @@ class Table < AbstractBlock
   # and body rows)
   attr_accessor :rows
+  # Public: Boolean specifies whether this table has a header row
+  attr_reader :header_option
   def initialize(parent, attributes)
     super(parent, :table)
-    # QUESTION since caption is on block, should it go to AbstractBlock?
-    @caption = nil
     @rows = Rows.new([], [], [])
     @columns = []
-    unless @attributes.has_key? 'tablepcwidth'
-      # smell like we need a utility method here
-      # to resolve an integer width from potential bogus input
-      pcwidth = attributes['width']
-      pcwidth_intval = pcwidth.to_i.abs
-      if pcwidth_intval == 0 && pcwidth != "0" || pcwidth_intval > 100
-        pcwidth_intval = 100
-      end
-      @attributes['tablepcwidth'] = pcwidth_intval
+    @has_header_option = attributes.has_key? 'header-option'
+    # smell like we need a utility method here
+    # to resolve an integer width from potential bogus input
+    pcwidth = attributes['width']
+    pcwidth_intval = pcwidth.to_i.abs
+    if pcwidth_intval == 0 && pcwidth != "0" || pcwidth_intval > 100
+      pcwidth_intval = 100
+    @attributes['tablepcwidth'] = pcwidth_intval
     if @document.attributes.has_key? 'pagewidth'
       @attributes['tableabswidth'] ||=
@@ -81,6 +76,12 @@ class Table < AbstractBlock
+  # Internal: Returns whether the current row being processed is
+  # the header row
+  def header_row?
+    @has_header_option && @rows.body.size == 0
+  end
   # Internal: Creates the Column objects from the column spec
   # returns nothing
@@ -130,9 +131,6 @@ class Table < AbstractBlock
   # rendered and returned as content that can be included in the
   # parent block's template.
   def render
-    Debug.debug { "Now attempting to render for table my own bad #{self}" }
-    Debug.debug { "Parent is #{@parent}" }
-    Debug.debug { "Renderer is #{renderer}" }
     @document.playback_attributes @attributes
     renderer.render('block_table', self) 
@@ -154,6 +152,9 @@ class Table::Column < AbstractNode
+  # Public: An alias to the parent block (which is always a Table)
+  alias :table :parent
   # Internal: Calculate and assign the widths (percentage and absolute) for this column
   # This method assigns the colpcwidth and colabswidth attributes.
@@ -209,14 +210,19 @@ class Table::Cell < AbstractNode
-    if @attributes['style'] == :asciidoc
+    # only allow AsciiDoc cells in non-header rows
+    if @attributes['style'] == :asciidoc && !column.table.header_row?
+      # FIXME hide doctitle from nested document; temporary workaround to fix
+      # nested document seeing doctitle and assuming it has its own document title
+      parent_doctitle = @document.attributes.delete('doctitle')
       @inner_document = Document.new(@text, :header_footer => false, :parent => @document)
+      @document.attributes['doctitle'] = parent_doctitle unless parent_doctitle.nil?
   # Public: Get the text with normal substitutions applied for this cell. Used for cells in the head rows
   def text
-    apply_normal_subs(@text)
+    apply_normal_subs(@text).strip
   # Public: Handles the body data (tbody, tfoot), applying styles and partitioning into paragraphs
@@ -225,7 +231,7 @@ class Table::Cell < AbstractNode
     if style == :asciidoc
-      text.split(Table::BLANK_LINE_PATTERN).map {|p|
+      text.split(BLANK_LINE_PATTERN).map {|p|
         !style || style == :header ? p : Inline.new(parent, :quoted, p, :type => attr('style')).render
@@ -314,7 +320,7 @@ class Table::ParserContext
   # returns the String after the match
   def skip_matched_delimiter(match, escaped = false)
-    @buffer << (escaped ? match.pre_match.chop : match.pre_match) << @delimiter
+    @buffer = %(#@buffer#{escaped ? match.pre_match.chop : match.pre_match}#@delimiter)
diff --git a/lib/asciidoctor/version.rb b/lib/asciidoctor/version.rb
index 3a6f4b4..dbfdfef 100644
--- a/lib/asciidoctor/version.rb
+++ b/lib/asciidoctor/version.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 module Asciidoctor
-  VERSION = "0.1.1"
+  VERSION = '0.1.3'
diff --git a/man/asciidoctor.1 b/man/asciidoctor.1
index 99cb903..f1b76b1 100644
--- a/man/asciidoctor.1
+++ b/man/asciidoctor.1
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 '\" t
 .\"     Title: asciidoctor
 .\"    Author: [see the "AUTHORS" section]
-.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.76.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
-.\"      Date: 02/18/2013
+.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.78.1 <http://docbook.sf.net/>
+.\"      Date: 05/30/2013
 .\"    Manual: \ \&
 .\"    Source: \ \&
 .\"  Language: English
-.TH "ASCIIDOCTOR" "1" "02/18/2013" "\ \&" "\ \&"
+.TH "ASCIIDOCTOR" "1" "05/30/2013" "\ \&" "\ \&"
 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
 .\" * Define some portability stuff
 .\" -----------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -71,20 +71,22 @@ when Asciidoctor is invoked using this script\&.
 Define, override or delete a document attribute\&. Command\-line attributes take precedence over attributes defined in the source file\&.
-is formatted as a key\-value pair, in the form
-\fINAME=VALUE\fR\&. Values containing spaces should be enclosed in double\-quote characters\&. Alternate acceptable forms are
+is normally formatted as a key\-value pair, in the form
+\fINAME=VALUE\fR\&. Alternate acceptable forms are
+(where the
 defaults to an empty string),
-(deletes the
+(unassigns the
 attribute) and
-(does not override
+does not override value of
-attribute if already defined in the source file)\&.
+attribute if it\(cqs already defined in the source document)\&. Values containing spaces should be enclosed in quotes\&.
 This option may be specified more than once\&.
@@ -94,28 +96,32 @@ This option may be specified more than once\&.
 Backend output file format:
-\fIhtml5\fR\&. You can also use the backend alias names
+supported out of the box\&. You can also use the backend alias names
 (aliased to
 \fIhtml5\fR) or
 (aliased to
 \fIdocbook45\fR)\&. Defaults to
+\fIhtml5\fR\&. Other options can be passed, but if Asciidoctor cannot find the backend, it will fail during rendering\&.
 \fB\-d, \-\-doctype\fR=\fIDOCTYPE\fR
 .RS 4
 Document type:
-\fIbook\fR\&. Sets the root element when using the
+\fIinline\fR\&. Sets the root element when using the
 backend and the style class on the HTML body element when using the
 backend\&. The
-document type allows multiple level\-0 section titles in a single document\&. Defaults to
+document type allows multiple level\-0 section titles in a single document\&. The
+document type allows the content of a single paragraph to be formatted and returned without wrapping it in a containing element\&. Defaults to
 .SS "Rendering Control"
@@ -127,7 +133,7 @@ Compact the output by removing blank lines\&. Not enabled by default\&.
 \fB\-D, \-\-destination\-dir\fR=\fIDIR\fR
 .RS 4
-Destination output directory\&. Defaults to the directory containing the source file, or the working directory if the source is read from a stream\&.
+Destination output directory\&. Defaults to the directory containing the source file, or the working directory if the source is read from a stream\&. If specified, the directory is resolved relative to the working directory\&.
 \fB\-e, \-\-eruby\fR
@@ -154,7 +160,7 @@ extension\&. If the input is read from standard input, then the output file defa
-then the standard output is also used\&.
+then the standard output is also used\&. If specified, the file is resolved relative to the working directory\&.
 \fB\-s, \-\-no\-header\-footer\fR
@@ -164,7 +170,7 @@ Suppress the document header and footer in the output\&.
 \fB\-T, \-\-template\-dir\fR=\fIDIR\fR
 .RS 4
-Directory containing custom render templates that override one or more templates from the the built\-in set\&. If there is a folder in the directory that matches the backend, the templates from that folder will be used\&.
+Directory containing custom render templates that override one or more templates from the built\-in set\&. If there is a folder in the directory that matches the backend, the templates from that folder will be used\&.
 .SS "Processing Information"
@@ -204,7 +210,7 @@ Failure (syntax or usage error; configuration error; document processing failure
 See the \fBAsciidoctor\fR issue tracker: <\fBhttps://github\&.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor/issues?state=open\fR>
-\fBAsciidoctor\fR was written by Ryan Waldron, Dan Allen and other contributors\&.
+\fBAsciidoctor\fR was written by Dan Allen, Ryan Waldron, Jason Porter, Nick Hengeveld and other contributors\&.
 \fBAsciiDoc\fR was written by Stuart Rackham and has received contributions from many other individuals\&.
@@ -218,4 +224,4 @@ GitHub organization: <\fBhttp://github\&.com/asciidoctor\fR>
 Mailinglist / forum: <\fBhttp://discuss\&.asciidoctor\&.org\fR>
-Copyright (C) Ryan Waldron\&. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the MIT License\&.
+Copyright (C) 2012\-2013 Dan Allen and Ryan Waldron\&. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the MIT License\&.
diff --git a/man/asciidoctor.ad b/man/asciidoctor.ad
index fe6bc45..7cdb428 100644
--- a/man/asciidoctor.ad
+++ b/man/asciidoctor.ad
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 :doctype: manpage
+:awestruct-layout: base
@@ -52,24 +53,28 @@ Document Settings
     Define, override or delete a document attribute. Command-line attributes
     take precedence over attributes defined in the source file.
-'ATTRIBUTE' is formatted as a key-value pair, in the form 'NAME=VALUE'. Values
-containing spaces should be enclosed in double-quote characters.  Alternate
-acceptable forms are 'NAME' (the 'VALUE' defaults to an empty string), 'NAME!'
-(deletes the 'NAME' attribute) and 'NAME=VALUE@' (does not override 'NAME'
-attribute if already defined in the source file).
+'ATTRIBUTE' is normally formatted as a key-value pair, in the form 'NAME=VALUE'.
+Alternate acceptable forms are 'NAME' (where the 'VALUE' defaults to an empty
+string), 'NAME!' (unassigns the 'NAME' attribute) and 'NAME=VALUE@' (where
+'VALUE' does not override value of 'NAME' attribute if it's already defined in
+the source document). Values containing spaces should be enclosed in quotes.
 This option may be specified more than once. 
 *-b, --backend*='BACKEND'::
-    Backend output file format: 'docbook45' or 'html5'.  You can also use the
-    backend alias names 'html' (aliased to 'html5') or 'docbook' (aliased to
-    'docbook45'). Defaults to 'html5'.
+    Backend output file format: 'docbook45' or 'html5' supported out of the box.  
+    You can also use the backend alias names 'html' (aliased to 'html5') or 
+    'docbook' (aliased to 'docbook45'). Defaults to 'html5'. Other options can
+    be passed, but if Asciidoctor cannot find the backend, it will fail during
+    rendering.
 *-d, --doctype*='DOCTYPE'::
-    Document type: 'article' or 'book'. Sets the root element when using the
-    'docbook' backend and the style class on the HTML body element when using
-    the 'html' backend. The 'book' document type allows multiple level-0
-    section titles in a single document. Defaults to 'article'.
+    Document type: 'article', 'book' or 'inline'. Sets the root element when
+    using the 'docbook' backend and the style class on the HTML body element
+    when using the 'html' backend. The 'book' document type allows multiple
+    level-0 section titles in a single document. The 'inline' document type
+    allows the content of a single paragraph to be formatted and returned
+    without wrapping it in a containing element. Defaults to 'article'.
 Rendering Control
@@ -80,6 +85,7 @@ Rendering Control
 *-D, --destination-dir*='DIR'::
     Destination output directory. Defaults to the directory containing the
     source file, or the working directory if the source is read from a stream.
+    If specified, the directory is resolved relative to the working directory.
 *-e, --eruby*::
     Specifies the eRuby implementation to use for rendering the built-in
@@ -92,14 +98,15 @@ Rendering Control
     Write output to file 'OUT_FILE'. Defaults to the base name of the input
     file suffixed with 'backend' extension. If the input is read from standard
     input, then the output file defaults to stdout. If 'OUT_FILE' is '-' then
-    the standard output is also used.
+    the standard output is also used. If specified, the file is resolved
+    relative to the working directory.
 *-s, --no-header-footer*::
     Suppress the document header and footer in the output.
 *-T, --template-dir*='DIR'::
     Directory containing custom render templates that override one or more
-    templates from the the built-in set. If there is a folder in the directory
+    templates from the built-in set. If there is a folder in the directory
     that matches the backend, the templates from that folder will be used.
 Processing Information
@@ -139,7 +146,8 @@ See the *Asciidoctor* issue tracker: <**https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoct
-*Asciidoctor* was written by Ryan Waldron, Dan Allen and other contributors.
+*Asciidoctor* was written by Dan Allen, Ryan Waldron, Jason Porter, Nick
+Hengeveld and other contributors.
 *AsciiDoc* was written by Stuart Rackham and has received contributions from
 many other individuals.
@@ -158,5 +166,7 @@ Mailinglist / forum: <**http://discuss.asciidoctor.org**>
-Copyright \(C) Ryan Waldron. Free use of this software is granted under the
-terms of the MIT License.
+Copyright \(C) 2012-2013 Dan Allen and Ryan Waldron. Free use of this
+software is granted under the terms of the MIT License.
+// vim: tw=80
diff --git a/test/attributes_test.rb b/test/attributes_test.rb
index 5584c41..b90bd53 100644
--- a/test/attributes_test.rb
+++ b/test/attributes_test.rb
@@ -181,6 +181,69 @@ Yo, {myfrog}!
       assert_match(/_cool_title/, result.css('h2').first.attr('id'))
+    test 'interpolates attribute defined in header inside attribute entry in header' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Title
+Author Name
+:attribute-a: value
+:attribute-b: {attribute-a}
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string(input, :parse_header_only => true)
+      assert_equal 'value', doc.attributes['attribute-b']
+    end
+    test 'interpolates author attribute inside attribute entry in header' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Title
+Author Name
+:name: {author}
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string(input, :parse_header_only => true)
+      assert_equal 'Author Name', doc.attributes['name']
+    end
+    test 'interpolates revinfo attribute inside attribute entry in header' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Title
+Author Name
+:date: {revdate}
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string(input, :parse_header_only => true)
+      assert_equal '2013-01-01', doc.attributes['date']
+    end
+    test 'attribute entries can resolve previously defined attributes' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Title
+Author Name
+v1.0, 2010-01-01: First release!
+:a: value
+:a2: {a}
+:revdate2: {revdate}
+{a} == {a2}
+{revdate} == {revdate2}
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string input
+      assert_equal '2010-01-01', doc.attr('revdate')
+      assert_equal '2010-01-01', doc.attr('revdate2')
+      assert_equal 'value', doc.attr('a')
+      assert_equal 'value', doc.attr('a2')
+      output = doc.render
+      assert output.include?('value == value')
+      assert output.include?('2010-01-01 == 2010-01-01')
+    end
     test 'substitutes inside block title' do
       input = <<-EOS
 :gem_name: asciidoctor
@@ -189,7 +252,7 @@ Yo, {myfrog}!
 To use {gem_name}, the first thing to do is to import it in your Ruby source file.
       output = render_embedded_string input
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class="title"]/tt[text()="asciidoctor"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="title"]/code[text()="asciidoctor"]', output, 1
     test 'renders attribute until it is deleted' do
@@ -269,6 +332,34 @@ of the attribute named foo in your document.
       assert_xpath %(//li[1]/p[text()="docdir: #{docdir}"]), output, 1
       assert_xpath %(//li[2]/p[text()="docfile: #{docfile}"]), output, 1
+    test 'assigns attribute defined in attribute reference with set prefix and value' do
+      input = '{set:foo:bar}{foo}' 
+      output = render_embedded_string input 
+      assert_xpath '//p', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//p[text()="bar"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'assigns attribute defined in attribute reference with set prefix and no value' do
+      input = "{set:foo}\n{foo}yes"
+      output = render_embedded_string input 
+      assert_xpath '//p', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//p[normalize-space(text())="yes"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'assigns attribute defined in attribute reference with set prefix and empty value' do
+      input = "{set:foo:}\n{foo}yes"
+      output = render_embedded_string input 
+      assert_xpath '//p', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//p[normalize-space(text())="yes"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'unassigns attribute defined in attribute reference with set prefix' do
+      input = ":foo:\n\n{set:foo!}\n{foo}yes"
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath '//p', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//p/child::text()', output, 0
+    end
   context "Intrinsic attributes" do
@@ -365,10 +456,10 @@ of the attribute named foo in your document.
-  context "Block attributes" do
-    test "Position attributes assigned to block" do
+  context 'Block attributes' do
+    test 'Positional attributes assigned to block' do
       input = <<-EOS
-[quote, Name, Source]
+[quote, author, source]
 A famous quote.
@@ -377,13 +468,13 @@ ____
       qb = doc.blocks.first
       assert_equal 'quote', qb.attributes['style']
       assert_equal 'quote', qb.attr(:style)
-      assert_equal 'Name', qb.attributes['attribution']
-      assert_equal 'Source', qb.attributes['citetitle']
+      assert_equal 'author', qb.attributes['attribution']
+      assert_equal 'source', qb.attributes['citetitle']
-    test "Normal substitutions are performed on single-quoted attributes" do
+    test 'Normal substitutions are performed on single-quoted attributes' do
       input = <<-EOS
-[quote, Name, 'http://wikipedia.org[Source]']
+[quote, author, 'http://wikipedia.org[source]']
 A famous quote.
@@ -392,8 +483,68 @@ ____
       qb = doc.blocks.first
       assert_equal 'quote', qb.attributes['style']
       assert_equal 'quote', qb.attr(:style)
-      assert_equal 'Name', qb.attributes['attribution']
-      assert_equal '<a href="http://wikipedia.org">Source</a>', qb.attributes['citetitle']
+      assert_equal 'author', qb.attributes['attribution']
+      assert_equal '<a href="http://wikipedia.org">source</a>', qb.attributes['citetitle']
+    end
+    test 'attribute list may begin with space' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[ quote]
+A famous quote.
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string input
+      qb = doc.blocks.first
+      assert_equal 'quote', qb.attributes['style']
+    end
+    test 'attribute list may begin with comma' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[, author, source]
+A famous quote.
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string input
+      qb = doc.blocks.first
+      assert_equal 'quote', qb.attributes['style']
+      assert_equal 'author', qb.attributes['attribution']
+      assert_equal 'source', qb.attributes['citetitle']
+    end
+    test 'first attribute in list may be double quoted' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+["quote", "author", "source", role="famous"]
+A famous quote.
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string input
+      qb = doc.blocks.first
+      assert_equal 'quote', qb.attributes['style']
+      assert_equal 'author', qb.attributes['attribution']
+      assert_equal 'source', qb.attributes['citetitle']
+      assert_equal 'famous', qb.attributes['role']
+    end
+    test 'first attribute in list may be single quoted' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+['quote', 'author', 'source', role='famous']
+A famous quote.
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string input
+      qb = doc.blocks.first
+      assert_equal 'quote', qb.attributes['style']
+      assert_equal 'author', qb.attributes['attribution']
+      assert_equal 'source', qb.attributes['citetitle']
+      assert_equal 'famous', qb.attributes['role']
     test "Attribute substitutions are performed on attribute list before parsing attributes" do
@@ -408,6 +559,28 @@ A paragraph
       assert_equal 'lead', para.attributes['role']
+    test 'id and role attributes can be specified on block style using shorthand syntax' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+A normal paragraph.
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string(input)
+      para = doc.blocks.first
+      assert_equal 'first', para.attributes['id']
+      assert_equal 'lead', para.attributes['role']
+    end
+    test 'id and role attributes can be specified on section style using shorthand syntax' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+== Section
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath '/div[@class="sect1 small"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/div[@class="sect1 small"]/h2[@id="dedication"]', output, 1
+    end
     test "Block attributes are additive" do
       input = <<-EOS
diff --git a/test/blocks_test.rb b/test/blocks_test.rb
index b13af10..a98a9fe 100644
--- a/test/blocks_test.rb
+++ b/test/blocks_test.rb
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ context "Blocks" do
     test "page break" do
       output = render_embedded_string("page 1\n\n<<<\n\npage 2")
-      assert_xpath '/*[@style="page-break-after: always"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '/*[@style="page-break-after: always"]/preceding-sibling::div/p[text()="page 1"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '/*[@style="page-break-after: always"]/following-sibling::div/p[text()="page 2"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/*[@style="page-break-after: always;"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/*[@style="page-break-after: always;"]/preceding-sibling::div/p[text()="page 1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/*[@style="page-break-after: always;"]/following-sibling::div/p[text()="page 2"]', output, 1
@@ -117,6 +117,252 @@ block comment
+  context 'Quote and Verse Blocks' do
+    test 'quote block with no attribution' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+A famous quote.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .paragraph > p', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//p[text() = "A famous quote."]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'quote block with attribution' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[quote, Famous Person, Famous Book (1999)]
+A famous quote.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .paragraph > p', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution > cite', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution > cite + br', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]/*[@class = "attribution"]/cite[text() = "Famous Book (1999)"]', output, 1
+      attribution = xmlnodes_at_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]/*[@class = "attribution"]', output, 1
+      author = attribution.children.last
+      assert_equal "#{expand_entity 8212} Famous Person", author.text.strip
+    end
+    test 'quote block with attribute and id and role shorthand' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[quote#think.big, Donald Trump]
+As long as your going to be thinking anyway, think big.
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '#think.quoteblock.big', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'quote block with complex content' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+A famous quote.
+NOTE: _That_ was inspiring.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .paragraph', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .paragraph + .admonitionblock', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'quote block using air quotes with no attribution' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+A famous quote.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .paragraph > p', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//p[text() = "A famous quote."]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'markdown-style quote block with single paragraph and no attribution' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+> A famous quote.
+> Some more inspiring words.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .paragraph > p', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution', output, 0
+      assert_xpath %(//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//p[text() = "A famous quote.\nSome more inspiring words."]), output, 1
+    end
+    test 'lazy markdown-style quote block with single paragraph and no attribution' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+> A famous quote.
+Some more inspiring words.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .paragraph > p', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution', output, 0
+      assert_xpath %(//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//p[text() = "A famous quote.\nSome more inspiring words."]), output, 1
+    end
+    test 'markdown-style quote block with multiple paragraphs and no attribution' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+> A famous quote.
+> Some more inspiring words.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .paragraph > p', output, 2
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution', output, 0
+      assert_xpath %((//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//p)[1][text() = "A famous quote."]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %((//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//p)[2][text() = "Some more inspiring words."]), output, 1
+    end
+    test 'markdown-style quote block with multiple blocks and no attribution' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+> A famous quote.
+> NOTE: Some more inspiring words.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .paragraph > p', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .admonitionblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution', output, 0
+      assert_xpath %((//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//p)[1][text() = "A famous quote."]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %((//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//*[@class = "admonitionblock note"]//*[@class="content"])[1][normalize-space(text()) = "Some more inspiring words."]), output, 1
+    end
+    test 'markdown-style quote block with single paragraph and attribution' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+> A famous quote.
+> Some more inspiring words.
+> -- Famous Person, Famous Source (1999)
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .paragraph > p', output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//p[text() = "A famous quote.\nSome more inspiring words."]), output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution > cite', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution > cite + br', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]/*[@class = "attribution"]/cite[text() = "Famous Source (1999)"]', output, 1
+      attribution = xmlnodes_at_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]/*[@class = "attribution"]', output, 1
+      author = attribution.children.last
+      assert_equal "#{expand_entity 8212} Famous Person", author.text.strip
+    end
+    test 'quoted paragraph-style quote block with attribution' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+"A famous quote.
+Some more inspiring words."
+-- Famous Person, Famous Source (1999)
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(//*[@class = "quoteblock"]/blockquote[normalize-space(text()) = "A famous quote. Some more inspiring words."]), output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution > cite', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .attribution > cite + br', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]/*[@class = "attribution"]/cite[text() = "Famous Source (1999)"]', output, 1
+      attribution = xmlnodes_at_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]/*[@class = "attribution"]', output, 1
+      author = attribution.children.last
+      assert_equal "#{expand_entity 8212} Famous Person", author.text.strip
+    end
+    test 'single-line verse block without attribution' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+A famous verse.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.verseblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.verseblock > pre', output, 1
+      assert_css '.verseblock > .attribution', output, 0
+      assert_css '.verseblock p', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre[normalize-space(text()) = "A famous verse."]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'single-line verse block with attribution' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[verse, Famous Poet, Famous Poem]
+A famous verse.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.verseblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.verseblock p', output, 0
+      assert_css '.verseblock > pre', output, 1
+      assert_css '.verseblock > .attribution', output, 1
+      assert_css '.verseblock > .attribution > cite', output, 1
+      assert_css '.verseblock > .attribution > cite + br', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/*[@class = "attribution"]/cite[text() = "Famous Poem"]', output, 1
+      attribution = xmlnodes_at_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/*[@class = "attribution"]', output, 1
+      author = attribution.children.last
+      assert_equal "#{expand_entity 8212} Famous Poet", author.text.strip
+    end
+    test 'multi-stanza verse block' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+A famous verse.
+Stanza two.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]//p', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre[contains(text(), "A famous verse.")]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre[contains(text(), "Stanza two.")]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'verse block does not contain block elements' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+A famous verse.
+not a literal
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.verseblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.verseblock > pre', output, 1
+      assert_css '.verseblock p', output, 0
+      assert_css '.verseblock .literalblock', output, 0
+    end
+  end
   context "Example Blocks" do
     test "can render example block" do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -198,6 +444,20 @@ You just write.
       assert !doc.attributes.has_key?('example-number')
+    test 'explicit caption is set on block even if block has no title' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+Just write.
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string input
+      assert_equal 'Look!', doc.blocks.first.caption
+      output = doc.render
+      assert_no_match(/Look/, output)
+    end
     test 'automatic caption can be turned off and on and modified' do
       input = <<-EOS
 .first example
@@ -239,7 +499,7 @@ TIP: Override the caption of an admonition block using an attribute entry
        output = render_embedded_string input
-       assert_xpath '/*[@class="admonitionblock"]//*[@class="icon"]/*[@class="title"][text()="Pro Tip"]', output, 1
+       assert_xpath '/*[@class="admonitionblock tip"]//*[@class="icon"]/*[@class="title"][text()="Pro Tip"]', output, 1
     test 'can override caption of admonition block using document attribute' do
@@ -250,7 +510,7 @@ TIP: Override the caption of an admonition block using an attribute entry
        output = render_embedded_string input
-       assert_xpath '/*[@class="admonitionblock"]//*[@class="icon"]/*[@class="title"][text()="Pro Tip"]', output, 1
+       assert_xpath '/*[@class="admonitionblock tip"]//*[@class="icon"]/*[@class="title"][text()="Pro Tip"]', output, 1
     test 'blank caption document attribute should not blank admonition block caption' do
@@ -261,7 +521,7 @@ TIP: Override the caption of an admonition block using an attribute entry
        output = render_embedded_string input
-       assert_xpath '/*[@class="admonitionblock"]//*[@class="icon"]/*[@class="title"][text()="Tip"]', output, 1
+       assert_xpath '/*[@class="admonitionblock tip"]//*[@class="icon"]/*[@class="title"][text()="Tip"]', output, 1
@@ -367,6 +627,23 @@ EOS
+    test 'should not compact nested document twice' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+line one
+line two
+line three
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :compact => true
+      assert_xpath %(//pre[text() = "line one\n\nline two\n\nline three"]), output, 1
+    end
     test 'should process block with CRLF endlines' do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -382,6 +659,160 @@ source line 2\r
       assert_xpath '/*[@class="listingblock"]//pre/code', output, 1
       assert_xpath %(/*[@class="listingblock"]//pre/code[text()="source line 1\nsource line 2"]), output, 1
+    test 'should remove block indent if indent attribute is 0' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+    def names
+      @names.split ' '
+    end
+      EOS
+      expected = <<-EOS
+def names
+  @names.split ' '
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'pre', output, 1
+      assert_css '.listingblock pre', output, 1
+      result = xmlnodes_at_xpath('//pre', output, 1).text
+      assert_equal expected.chomp, result
+    end
+    test 'should set block indent to value specified by indent attribute' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+    def names
+      @names.split ' '
+    end
+      EOS
+      expected = <<-EOS
+ def names
+   @names.split ' '
+ end
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'pre', output, 1
+      assert_css '.listingblock pre', output, 1
+      result = xmlnodes_at_xpath('//pre', output, 1).text
+      assert_equal expected.chomp, result
+    end
+    test 'literal block should honor explicit subs list' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+Map<String, String> *attributes*; //<1>
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert output.include?('Map<String, String> <strong>attributes</strong>;')
+      assert output.include?('1')
+    end
+    test 'listing block should honor explicit subs list' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+$ *python functional_tests.py*
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+  File "functional_tests.py", line 4, in <module>
+    assert 'Django' in browser.title
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css '.listingblock pre', output, 1
+      assert_css '.listingblock pre strong', output, 1
+      assert_css '.listingblock pre em', output, 1
+      input2 = <<-EOS
+$ pass:quotes[*python functional_tests.py*]
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+  File "functional_tests.py", line 4, in <module>
+    assert pass:quotes['Django'] in browser.title
+      EOS
+      output2 = render_embedded_string input2
+      # FIXME JRuby is adding extra trailing endlines in the second document,
+      # so rstrip is necessary
+      assert_equal output.rstrip, output2.rstrip
+    end
+    test 'listing block without title should generate screen element in docbook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+listing block
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '/screen[text()="listing block"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'listing block with title should generate screen element inside formalpara element in docbook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+listing block
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '/formalpara', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/formalpara/title[text()="title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/formalpara/para/screen[text()="listing block"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'source block with no title or language should generate screen element in docbook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+listing block
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '/screen[text()="listing block"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'source block with title and no language should generate screen element inside formalpara element in docbook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+listing block
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '/formalpara', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/formalpara/title[text()="title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/formalpara/para/screen[text()="listing block"]', output, 1
+    end
   context "Open Blocks" do
@@ -477,15 +908,25 @@ paragraph
       assert_xpath '//*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text() = "paragraph"]', output, 1
-    test 'block title above document title gets carried over to preamble' do
+    test 'block title above document title demotes document title to a section title' do
       input = <<-EOS
 .Block title
-= Document Title
+= Section Title
+section paragraph
-      output = render_string input
-      assert_xpath '//*[@id="preamble"]//*[@class="paragraph"]/*[@class="title"][text()="Block title"]', output, 1
+      output, errors = nil
+      redirect_streams do |stdout, stderr|
+        output = render_string input
+        errors = stdout.string
+      end
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]/*', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="preamble"]/*', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="content"]/h1[text()="Section Title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="paragraph"]/*[@class="title"][text()="Block title"]', output, 1
+      assert !errors.empty?
+      assert_match(/only book doctypes can contain level 0 sections/, errors)
     test 'block title above document title gets carried over to first block in first section if no preamble' do
@@ -500,10 +941,36 @@ paragraph
       output = render_string input
       assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect1"]//*[@class="paragraph"]/*[@class="title"][text() = "Block title"]', output, 1
+    test 'empty attribute list should not appear in output' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+Block content
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert output.include?('Block content')
+      assert !output.include?('[]')
+    end
+    test 'empty block anchor should not appear in output' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+Block content
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert output.include?('Block content')
+      assert !output.include?('[[]]')
+    end
-  context "Images" do
-    test "can render block image with alt text" do
+  context 'Images' do
+    test 'can render block image with alt text defined in macro' do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -512,6 +979,36 @@ image::images/tiger.png[Tiger]
       assert_xpath '//*[@class="imageblock"]//img[@src="images/tiger.png"][@alt="Tiger"]', output, 1
+    test 'can render block image with alt text defined in macro containing escaped square bracket' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+image::images/tiger.png[A [Bengal\\] Tiger]
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      img = xmlnodes_at_xpath '//img', output, 1
+      assert_equal 'A [Bengal] Tiger', img.attr('alt').value
+    end
+    test 'can render block image with alt text defined in block attribute above macro' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="imageblock"]//img[@src="images/tiger.png"][@alt="Tiger"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'alt text in macro overrides alt text above macro' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[Alt Text]
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="imageblock"]//img[@src="images/tiger.png"][@alt="Tiger"]', output, 1
+    end
     test "can render block image with auto-generated alt text" do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -552,7 +1049,43 @@ image::images/tiger.png[Tiger]
       assert_equal 1, doc.attributes['figure-number']
-    test 'should pass through image that is a uri reference' do
+    test 'can render block image with explicit caption' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[caption="Voila! "]
+.The AsciiDoc Tiger
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string input
+      output = doc.render
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="imageblock"]//img[@src="images/tiger.png"][@alt="Tiger"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="imageblock"]/*[@class="title"][text() = "Voila! The AsciiDoc Tiger"]', output, 1
+      assert !doc.attributes.has_key?('figure-number')
+    end
+    test 'drops line if image target is missing attribute reference' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert output.strip.empty?
+    end
+    test 'dropped image does not break processing of following section' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+== Section Title
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'img', output, 0
+      assert_css 'h2', output, 1 
+      assert !output.include?('== Section Title')
+    end
+    test 'should pass through image that references uri' do
       input = <<-EOS
 :imagesdir: images
@@ -589,19 +1122,147 @@ image::dot.gif[Dot]
     # this test will cause a warning to be printed to the console (until we have a message facility)
-    test 'cleans reference to ancestor directories before reading image if safe mode level is at least SAFE' do
+    test 'cleans reference to ancestor directories in imagesdir before reading image if safe mode level is at least SAFE' do
       input = <<-EOS
-:imagesdir: ../fixtures
+:imagesdir: ../..//fixtures/./../../fixtures
       doc = document_from_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
-      assert_equal '../fixtures', doc.attributes['imagesdir']
+      assert_equal '../..//fixtures/./../../fixtures', doc.attributes['imagesdir']
       output = doc.render
+      # image target resolves to fixtures/dot.gif relative to docdir (which is explicitly set to the directory of this file)
+      # the reference cannot fall outside of the document directory in safe mode
       assert_xpath '//*[@class="imageblock"]//img[@src=""][@alt="Dot"]', output, 1
+    test 'cleans reference to ancestor directories in target before reading image if safe mode level is at least SAFE' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+:imagesdir: ./
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
+      assert_equal './', doc.attributes['imagesdir']
+      output = doc.render
+      # image target resolves to fixtures/dot.gif relative to docdir (which is explicitly set to the directory of this file)
+      # the reference cannot fall outside of the document directory in safe mode
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="imageblock"]//img[@src=""][@alt="Dot"]', output, 1
+    end
+  end
+  context 'Media' do
+    test 'should detect and render video macro' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'video', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[src="cats-vs-dogs.avi"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should detect and render video macro with positional attributes for poster and dimensions' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+video::cats-vs-dogs.avi[cats-and-dogs.png, 200, 300]
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'video', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[src="cats-vs-dogs.avi"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[poster="cats-and-dogs.png"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[width="200"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[height="300"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'video macro should honor all options' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'video', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[autoplay]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video:not([controls])', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[loop]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'video macro should use imagesdir attribute to resolve target and poster' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+:imagesdir: assets
+video::cats-vs-dogs.avi[cats-and-dogs.png, 200, 300]
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'video', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[src="assets/cats-vs-dogs.avi"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[poster="assets/cats-and-dogs.png"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[width="200"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[height="300"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'video macro should not use imagesdir attribute to resolve target if target is a URL' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+:imagesdir: assets
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'video', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[src="http://example.org/videos/cats-vs-dogs.avi"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should detect and render audio macro' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'audio', output, 1
+      assert_css 'audio[src="podcast.mp3"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'audio macro should use imagesdir attribute to resolve target' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+:imagesdir: assets
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'audio', output, 1
+      assert_css 'audio[src="assets/podcast.mp3"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'audio macro should not use imagesdir attribute to resolve target if target is a URL' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+:imagesdir: assets
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'video', output, 1
+      assert_css 'video[src="http://example.org/podcast.mp3"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'audio macro should honor all options' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'audio', output, 1
+      assert_css 'audio[autoplay]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'audio:not([controls])', output, 1
+      assert_css 'audio[loop]', output, 1
+    end
   context 'Admonition icons' do
@@ -614,7 +1275,7 @@ You can use icons for admonitions by setting the 'icons' attribute.
       output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock"]//*[@class="icon"]/img[@src="images/icons/tip.png"][@alt="Tip"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock tip"]//*[@class="icon"]/img[@src="./images/icons/tip.png"][@alt="Tip"]', output, 1
     test 'can resolve icon relative to custom iconsdir' do
@@ -627,7 +1288,7 @@ You can use icons for admonitions by setting the 'icons' attribute.
       output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock"]//*[@class="icon"]/img[@src="icons/tip.png"][@alt="Tip"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock tip"]//*[@class="icon"]/img[@src="icons/tip.png"][@alt="Tip"]', output, 1
     test 'embeds base64-encoded data uri of icon when data-uri attribute is set and safe mode level is less than SECURE' do
@@ -642,7 +1303,7 @@ You can use icons for admonitions by setting the 'icons' attribute.
       output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock"]//*[@class="icon"]/img[@src=""][@alt="Tip"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock tip"]//*[@class="icon"]/img[@src=""][@alt="Tip"]', output, 1
     test 'does not embed base64-encoded data uri of icon when safe mode level is SECURE or greater' do
@@ -657,7 +1318,7 @@ You can use icons for admonitions by setting the 'icons' attribute.
       output = render_string input, :attributes => {'icons' => ''}
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock"]//*[@class="icon"]/img[@src="fixtures/tip.gif"][@alt="Tip"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock tip"]//*[@class="icon"]/img[@src="fixtures/tip.gif"][@alt="Tip"]', output, 1
     test 'cleans reference to ancestor directories before reading icon if safe mode level is at least SAFE' do
@@ -672,7 +1333,19 @@ You can use icons for admonitions by setting the 'icons' attribute.
       output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock"]//*[@class="icon"]/img[@src=""][@alt="Tip"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock tip"]//*[@class="icon"]/img[@src=""][@alt="Tip"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'can use font-based icons' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+:icons: font
+You can use icons for admonitions by setting the 'icons' attribute.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock tip"]//*[@class="icon"]/i[@class="icon-tip"]', output, 1
@@ -765,7 +1438,7 @@ html = CodeRay.scan("puts 'Hello, world!'", :ruby).div(:line_numbers => :table)
       output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE
-      assert_xpath '//pre[@class="highlight CodeRay"]/code[@class="ruby"]//span[@class = "constant"][text() = "CodeRay"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//pre[@class="CodeRay"]/code[@class="ruby language-ruby"]//span[@class = "constant"][text() = "CodeRay"]', output, 1
       assert_match(/\.CodeRay \{/, output)
@@ -782,7 +1455,7 @@ html = CodeRay.scan("puts 'Hello, world!'", :ruby).div(:line_numbers => :table)
       output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE
-      assert_xpath '//pre[@class="highlight CodeRay"]/code[@class="ruby"]//span[@style = "color:#036;font-weight:bold"][text() = "CodeRay"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//pre[@class="CodeRay"]/code[@class="ruby language-ruby"]//span[@style = "color:#036;font-weight:bold"][text() = "CodeRay"]', output, 1
       assert_no_match(/\.CodeRay \{/, output)
@@ -812,4 +1485,267 @@ html = CodeRay.scan("puts 'Hello, world!'", :ruby).div(:line_numbers => :table)
+  context 'Abstract and Part Intro' do
+    test 'should make abstract on open block without title a quote block for article' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+This article is about stuff.
+And other stuff.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock.abstract', output, 1
+      assert_css '#preamble .quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > blockquote > .paragraph', output, 2
+    end
+    test 'should make abstract on open block with title a quote block with title for article' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+.My abstract
+This article is about stuff.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock.abstract', output, 1
+      assert_css '#preamble .quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .title', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .title + blockquote', output, 1
+      assert_css '.quoteblock > .title + blockquote > .paragraph', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should allow abstract in document with title if doctype is book' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+:doctype: book
+Abstract for book with title is valid
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.abstract', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should not allow abstract as direct child of document if doctype is book' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+:doctype: book
+Abstract for book without title is invalid.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.abstract', output, 0
+    end
+    test 'should make abstract on open block without title rendered to DocBook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+This article is about stuff.
+And other stuff.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_css 'abstract', output, 1
+      assert_css 'abstract > simpara', output, 2
+    end
+    test 'should make abstract on open block with title rendered to DocBook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+.My abstract
+This article is about stuff.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_css 'abstract', output, 1
+      assert_css 'abstract > title', output, 1
+      assert_css 'abstract > title + simpara', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should allow abstract in document with title if doctype is book rendered to DocBook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+:doctype: book
+Abstract for book with title is valid
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_css 'abstract', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should not allow abstract as direct child of document if doctype is book rendered to DocBook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+:doctype: book
+Abstract for book is invalid.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_css 'abstract', output, 0
+    end
+    # TODO partintro shouldn't be recognized if doctype is not book, should be in proper place
+    test 'should accept partintro on open block without title' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+:doctype: book
+= Part 1
+This is a part intro.
+It can have multiple paragraphs.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.openblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.openblock.partintro', output, 1
+      assert_css '.openblock .title', output, 0
+      assert_css '.openblock .content', output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(//h1[@id="_part_1"]/following-sibling::*[#{contains_class(:openblock)}]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(//*[#{contains_class(:openblock)}]/*[@class="content"]/*[@class="paragraph"]), output, 2
+    end
+    test 'should accept partintro on open block with title' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+:doctype: book
+= Part 1
+.Intro title
+This is a part intro with a title.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.openblock', output, 1
+      assert_css '.openblock.partintro', output, 1
+      assert_css '.openblock .title', output, 1
+      assert_css '.openblock .content', output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(//h1[@id="_part_1"]/following-sibling::*[#{contains_class(:openblock)}]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(//*[#{contains_class(:openblock)}]/*[@class="title"][text() = "Intro title"]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(//*[#{contains_class(:openblock)}]/*[@class="content"]/*[@class="paragraph"]), output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should exclude partintro if not a child of part' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+:doctype: book
+part intro paragraph
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.partintro', output, 0
+    end
+    test 'should not allow partintro unless doctype is book' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+part intro paragraph
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '.partintro', output, 0
+    end
+    test 'should accept partintro on open block without title rendered to DocBook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+:doctype: book
+= Part 1
+This is a part intro.
+It can have multiple paragraphs.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_css 'partintro', output, 1
+      assert_css 'part#_part_1 > partintro', output, 1
+      assert_css 'partintro > simpara', output, 2
+    end
+    test 'should accept partintro on open block with title rendered to DocBook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+:doctype: book
+= Part 1
+.Intro title
+This is a part intro with a title.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_css 'partintro', output, 1
+      assert_css 'part#_part_1 > partintro', output, 1
+      assert_css 'partintro > title', output, 1
+      assert_css 'partintro > title + simpara', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should exclude partintro if not a child of part rendered to DocBook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+:doctype: book
+part intro paragraph
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_css 'partintro', output, 0
+    end
+    test 'should not allow partintro unless doctype is book rendered to DocBook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+part intro paragraph
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_css 'partintro', output, 0
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/document_test.rb b/test/document_test.rb
index e0c8dd5..b9e1a57 100644
--- a/test/document_test.rb
+++ b/test/document_test.rb
@@ -19,6 +19,40 @@ context 'Document' do
       assert_equal Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SECURE, doc.safe
+    test 'safe mode level set using string' do
+      doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new [], :safe => 'server'
+      assert_equal Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER, doc.safe
+      doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new [], :safe => 'foo'
+      assert_equal Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SECURE, doc.safe
+    end
+    test 'safe mode level set using symbol' do
+      doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new [], :safe => :server
+      assert_equal Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER, doc.safe
+      doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new [], :safe => :foo
+      assert_equal Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SECURE, doc.safe
+    end
+    test 'safe mode level set using integer' do
+      doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new [], :safe => 10
+      assert_equal Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER, doc.safe
+      doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new [], :safe => 100
+      assert_equal 100, doc.safe
+    end
+    test 'safe mode attributes are set on document' do
+      doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new
+      assert_equal Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SECURE, doc.attr('safe-mode-level')
+      assert_equal 'secure', doc.attr('safe-mode-name')
+      assert doc.attr?('safe-mode-secure')
+      assert !doc.attr?('safe-mode-unsafe')
+      assert !doc.attr?('safe-mode-safe')
+      assert !doc.attr?('safe-mode-server')
+    end
     test 'safe mode level can be set in the constructor' do
       doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new [], :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE
       assert_equal Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, doc.safe
@@ -89,11 +123,71 @@ preamble
       assert !doc.attr?('docfile')
       assert_equal doc.base_dir, doc.attr('docdir')
+    test 'should accept attributes as array' do
+	  # NOTE there's a tab character before idseparator
+      doc = Asciidoctor.load('text', :attributes => %w(toc numbered   source-highlighter=coderay idprefix	idseparator=-))
+      assert doc.attributes.is_a?(Hash)
+      assert doc.attr?('toc')
+      assert_equal '', doc.attr('toc')
+      assert doc.attr?('numbered')
+      assert_equal '', doc.attr('numbered')
+      assert doc.attr?('source-highlighter')
+      assert_equal 'coderay', doc.attr('source-highlighter')
+      assert doc.attr?('idprefix')
+      assert_equal '', doc.attr('idprefix')
+      assert doc.attr?('idseparator')
+      assert_equal '-', doc.attr('idseparator')
+    end
+    test 'should accept attributes as empty array' do
+      doc = Asciidoctor.load('text', :attributes => [])
+      assert doc.attributes.is_a?(Hash)
+    end
+    test 'should accept attributes as string' do
+	  # NOTE there's a tab character before idseparator
+      doc = Asciidoctor.load('text', :attributes => 'toc numbered  source-highlighter=coderay idprefix	idseparator=-')
+      assert doc.attributes.is_a?(Hash)
+      assert doc.attr?('toc')
+      assert_equal '', doc.attr('toc')
+      assert doc.attr?('numbered')
+      assert_equal '', doc.attr('numbered')
+      assert doc.attr?('source-highlighter')
+      assert_equal 'coderay', doc.attr('source-highlighter')
+      assert doc.attr?('idprefix')
+      assert_equal '', doc.attr('idprefix')
+      assert doc.attr?('idseparator')
+      assert_equal '-', doc.attr('idseparator')
+    end
+    test 'should accept values containing spaces in attributes string' do
+	  # NOTE there's a tab character before self:
+      doc = Asciidoctor.load('text', :attributes => 'idprefix idseparator=-   note-caption=Note\ to\	self: toc')
+      assert doc.attributes.is_a?(Hash)
+      assert doc.attr?('idprefix')
+      assert_equal '', doc.attr('idprefix')
+      assert doc.attr?('idseparator')
+      assert_equal '-', doc.attr('idseparator')
+      assert doc.attr?('note-caption')
+      assert_equal "Note to	self:", doc.attr('note-caption')
+    end
+    test 'should accept attributes as empty string' do
+      doc = Asciidoctor.load('text', :attributes => '')
+      assert doc.attributes.is_a?(Hash)
+    end
+    test 'should accept attributes as nil' do
+      doc = Asciidoctor.load('text', :attributes => nil)
+      assert doc.attributes.is_a?(Hash)
+    end
   context 'Render APIs' do
     test 'should render document to string' do
       sample_input_path = fixture_path('sample.asciidoc')
       output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path, :header_footer => true)
       assert !output.empty?
       assert_xpath '/html', output, 1
@@ -103,6 +197,177 @@ preamble
       assert_xpath '/html/body/*[@id="header"]/h1[text() = "Document Title"]', output, 1
+    test 'should accept attributes as array' do
+      sample_input_path = fixture_path('sample.asciidoc')
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path, :attributes => %w(numbered idprefix idseparator=-))
+      assert_css '#section-a', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should accept attributes as string' do
+      sample_input_path = fixture_path('sample.asciidoc')
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path, :attributes => 'numbered idprefix idseparator=-')
+      assert_css '#section-a', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should include docinfo files for html backend' do
+      sample_input_path = fixture_path('basic.asciidoc')
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path,
+          :header_footer => true, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER, :attributes => {'docinfo' => ''})
+      assert !output.empty?
+      assert_css 'script[src="modernizr.js"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'meta[http-equiv="imagetoolbar"]', output, 0
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path,
+          :header_footer => true, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER, :attributes => {'docinfo1' => ''})
+      assert !output.empty?
+      assert_css 'script[src="modernizr.js"]', output, 0
+      assert_css 'meta[http-equiv="imagetoolbar"]', output, 1
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path,
+          :header_footer => true, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER, :attributes => {'docinfo2' => ''})
+      assert !output.empty?
+      assert_css 'script[src="modernizr.js"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'meta[http-equiv="imagetoolbar"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should include docinfo files for docbook backend' do
+      sample_input_path = fixture_path('basic.asciidoc')
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path,
+          :header_footer => true, :backend => 'docbook', :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER, :attributes => {'docinfo' => ''})
+      assert !output.empty?
+      assert_css 'productname', output, 0
+      assert_css 'copyright', output, 1
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path,
+          :header_footer => true, :backend => 'docbook', :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER, :attributes => {'docinfo1' => ''})
+      assert !output.empty?
+      assert_css 'productname', output, 1
+      assert_css 'copyright', output, 0
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path,
+          :header_footer => true, :backend => 'docbook', :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER, :attributes => {'docinfo2' => ''})
+      assert !output.empty?
+      assert_css 'productname', output, 1
+      assert_css 'copyright', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should not include docinfo files by default' do
+      sample_input_path = fixture_path('basic.asciidoc')
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path,
+          :header_footer => true, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER)
+      assert !output.empty?
+      assert_css 'script[src="modernizr.js"]', output, 0
+      assert_css 'meta[http-equiv="imagetoolbar"]', output, 0
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path,
+          :header_footer => true, :backend => 'docbook', :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SERVER)
+      assert !output.empty?
+      assert_css 'productname', output, 0
+      assert_css 'copyright', output, 0
+    end
+    test 'should not include docinfo files if safe mode is SECURE or greater' do
+      sample_input_path = fixture_path('basic.asciidoc')
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path,
+          :header_footer => true, :attributes => {'docinfo2' => ''})
+      assert !output.empty?
+      assert_css 'script[src="modernizr.js"]', output, 0
+      assert_css 'meta[http-equiv="imagetoolbar"]', output, 0
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path,
+          :header_footer => true, :backend => 'docbook', :attributes => {'docinfo2' => ''})
+      assert !output.empty?
+      assert_css 'productname', output, 0
+      assert_css 'copyright', output, 0
+    end
+    test 'should link to default stylesheet by default' do
+      sample_input_path = fixture_path('basic.asciidoc')
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path, :header_footer => true)
+      assert_css 'html:root > head > link[rel="stylesheet"][href="./asciidoctor.css"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should link to default stylesheet by default if linkcss is unset in document' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Document Title
+      EOS
+      output = Asciidoctor.render(input, :header_footer => true)
+      assert_css 'html:root > head > link[rel="stylesheet"][href="./asciidoctor.css"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should link to default stylesheet by default if linkcss is unset' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Document Title
+      EOS
+      output = Asciidoctor.render(input, :header_footer => true, :attributes => {'linkcss!' => ''})
+      assert_css 'html:root > head > link[rel="stylesheet"][href="./asciidoctor.css"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should embed default stylesheet if safe mode is less than secure and linkcss is unset' do
+      sample_input_path = fixture_path('basic.asciidoc')
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path, :header_footer => true,
+          :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :attributes => {'linkcss!' => ''})
+      assert_css 'html:root > head > style', output, 1
+      stylenode = xmlnodes_at_css 'html:root > head > style', output, 1
+      styles = stylenode.first.content
+      assert !styles.nil?
+      assert !styles.strip.empty?
+    end
+    test 'should not link to stylesheet if stylesheet is unset' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Document Title
+      EOS
+      output = Asciidoctor.render(input, :header_footer => true, :attributes => {'stylesheet!' => ''})
+      assert_css 'html:root > head > link[rel="stylesheet"]', output, 0
+    end
+    test 'should link to custom stylesheet if specified in stylesheet attribute' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Document Title
+      EOS
+      output = Asciidoctor.render(input, :header_footer => true, :attributes => {'stylesheet' => './custom.css'})
+      assert_css 'html:root > head > link[rel="stylesheet"][href="./custom.css"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should resolve custom stylesheet relative to stylesdir' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Document Title
+      EOS
+      output = Asciidoctor.render(input, :header_footer => true, :attributes => {'stylesheet' => 'custom.css', 'stylesdir' => './stylesheets'})
+      assert_css 'html:root > head > link[rel="stylesheet"][href="./stylesheets/custom.css"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should resolve custom stylesheet to embed relative to stylesdir' do
+      sample_input_path = fixture_path('basic.asciidoc')
+      output = Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path, :header_footer => true, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE,
+          :attributes => {'stylesheet' => 'custom.css', 'stylesdir' => './stylesheets', 'linkcss!' => ''})
+      stylenode = xmlnodes_at_css 'html:root > head > style', output, 1
+      styles = stylenode.first.content
+      assert !styles.nil?
+      assert !styles.strip.empty?
+    end
     test 'should render document in place' do
       sample_input_path = fixture_path('sample.asciidoc')
       sample_output_path = fixture_path('sample.html')
@@ -139,6 +404,27 @@ preamble
+    test 'should render document to file when base dir is set' do
+      sample_input_path = fixture_path('sample.asciidoc')
+      sample_output_path = fixture_path('result.html')
+      fixture_dir = fixture_path('')
+      begin
+        Asciidoctor.render_file(sample_input_path, :to_file => 'result.html', :base_dir => fixture_dir)
+        assert File.exist?(sample_output_path)
+        output = File.read(sample_output_path)
+        assert !output.empty?
+        assert_xpath '/html', output, 1
+        assert_xpath '/html/head', output, 1
+        assert_xpath '/html/body', output, 1
+        assert_xpath '/html/head/title[text() = "Document Title"]', output, 1
+        assert_xpath '/html/body/*[@id="header"]/h1[text() = "Document Title"]', output, 1
+      rescue => e
+        flunk e.message
+      ensure
+        FileUtils::rm(sample_output_path, :force => true)
+      end
+    end
     test 'in_place option must not be used with to_file option' do
       sample_input_path = fixture_path('sample.asciidoc')
       sample_output_path = fixture_path('result.html')
@@ -177,7 +463,7 @@ preamble
-    test 'missing directories should be created if specified' do
+    test 'missing directories should be created if mkdirs is enabled' do
       sample_input_path = fixture_path('sample.asciidoc')
       output_dir = File.join(File.join(File.dirname(sample_input_path), 'test_output'), 'subdir')
       sample_output_path = File.join(output_dir, 'sample.html')
@@ -219,7 +505,7 @@ preamble
       assert !renderer.nil?
       views = renderer.views
       assert !views.nil?
-      assert_equal 30, views.size
+      assert_equal 36, views.size
       assert views.has_key? 'document'
       assert views['document'].is_a?(Asciidoctor::HTML5::DocumentTemplate)
       assert_equal 'ERB', views['document'].eruby.to_s
@@ -235,7 +521,7 @@ preamble
       assert !renderer.nil?
       views = renderer.views
       assert !views.nil?
-      assert_equal 30, views.size
+      assert_equal 36, views.size
       assert views.has_key? 'document'
       assert views['document'].is_a?(Asciidoctor::DocBook45::DocumentTemplate)
       assert_equal 'ERB', views['document'].eruby.to_s
@@ -280,27 +566,67 @@ preamble
     test 'document with title attribute entry overrides doctitle' do
      input = <<-EOS
-= Title
-:title: Document Title
+= Document Title
+:title: Override
 == First Section
      doc = document_from_string input
-     assert_equal 'Document Title', doc.doctitle
-     assert_equal 'Document Title', doc.title
+     assert_equal 'Override', doc.doctitle
+     assert_equal 'Override', doc.title
      assert doc.has_header?
-     assert_equal 'Title', doc.header.title
-     assert_equal 'Title', doc.first_section.title
+     assert_equal 'Document Title', doc.header.title
+     assert_equal 'Document Title', doc.first_section.title
+     assert_xpath '//*[@id="preamble"]//p[text()="Document Title"]', doc.render, 1
+    end
+    test 'document with title attribute entry overrides doctitle attribute entry' do
+     input = <<-EOS
+= Document Title
+:snapshot: {doctitle}
+:doctitle: doctitle
+:title: Override
+{snapshot}, {doctitle}
+== First Section
+     EOS
+     doc = document_from_string input
+     assert_equal 'Override', doc.doctitle
+     assert_equal 'Override', doc.title
+     assert doc.has_header?
+     assert_equal 'doctitle', doc.header.title
+     assert_equal 'doctitle', doc.first_section.title
+     assert_xpath '//*[@id="preamble"]//p[text()="Document Title, doctitle"]', doc.render, 1
     test 'document with doctitle attribute entry overrides header title and doctitle' do
      input = <<-EOS
-= Title
+= Document Title
+:snapshot: {doctitle}
 :doctitle: Override
+{snapshot}, {doctitle}
+== First Section
+     EOS
+     doc = document_from_string input
+     assert_equal 'Override', doc.doctitle
+     assert_nil doc.title
+     assert doc.has_header?
+     assert_equal 'Override', doc.header.title
+     assert_equal 'Override', doc.first_section.title
+     assert_xpath '//*[@id="preamble"]//p[text()="Document Title, Override"]', doc.render, 1
+    end
+    test 'doctitle attribute entry above header overrides header title and doctitle' do
+     input = <<-EOS
+:doctitle: Override
+= Document Title
 == First Section
@@ -310,6 +636,7 @@ preamble
      assert doc.has_header?
      assert_equal 'Override', doc.header.title
      assert_equal 'Override', doc.first_section.title
+     assert_xpath '//*[@id="preamble"]//p[text()="Override"]', doc.render, 1
     test 'should recognize document title when preceded by blank lines' do
@@ -357,14 +684,94 @@ more info...
       output = render_string input
       assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]/span[@id="author"][text() = "Stuart Rackham"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]/span[@id="email"][contains(text(), "founder at asciidoc.org")]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]/span[@id="email"]/a[@href="mailto:founder at asciidoc.org"][text() = "founder at asciidoc.org"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]/span[@id="revnumber"][text() = "version 8.6.8,"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]/span[@id="revdate"][text() = "2012-07-12"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]/span[@id="revremark"][text() = "See changelog."]', output, 1
+    test 'with metadata to DocBook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= AsciiDoc
+Stuart Rackham <founder at asciidoc.org>
+v8.6.8, 2012-07-12: See changelog.
+== Version 8.6.8
+more info...
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo/title[text() = "AsciiDoc"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo/date[text() = "2012-07-12"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo/author/firstname[text() = "Stuart"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo/author/surname[text() = "Rackham"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo/author/email[text() = "founder at asciidoc.org"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo/revhistory', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo/revhistory/revision', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo/revhistory/revision/revnumber[text() = "8.6.8"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo/revhistory/revision/date[text() = "2012-07-12"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo/revhistory/revision/authorinitials[text() = "SR"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/articleinfo/revhistory/revision/revremark[text() = "See changelog."]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'with author defined using attribute entry to DocBook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Document Title
+:author: Doc Writer
+:email: thedoctor at asciidoc.org
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/author', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/author/firstname[text() = "Doc"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/author/surname[text() = "Writer"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/author/email[text() = "thedoctor at asciidoc.org"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/authorinitials[text() = "DW"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should create authorgroup in DocBook when multiple authors' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Document Title
+Doc Writer <thedoctor at asciidoc.org>; Junior Writer <junior at asciidoctor.org>
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/author', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/authorgroup', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/authorgroup/author', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/authorgroup/author[1]/firstname[text() = "Doc"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/authorgroup/author[2]/firstname[text() = "Junior"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'with authors defined using attribute entry to DocBook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Document Title
+:authors: Doc Writer; Junior Writer
+:email_1: thedoctor at asciidoc.org
+:email_2: junior at asciidoc.org
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/author', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/authorgroup', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//articleinfo/authorgroup/author', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//articleinfo/authorgroup/author)[1]/firstname[text() = "Doc"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//articleinfo/authorgroup/author)[1]/email[text() = "thedoctor at asciidoc.org"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//articleinfo/authorgroup/author)[2]/firstname[text() = "Junior"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//articleinfo/authorgroup/author)[2]/email[text() = "junior at asciidoc.org"]', output, 1
+    end
     test 'with header footer' do
-      result = render_string("= Title\n\npreamble")
+      doc = document_from_string "= Title\n\npreamble"
+      assert !doc.attr?('embedded')
+      result = doc.render
       assert_xpath '/html', result, 1
       assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]', result, 1
       assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]/h1', result, 1
@@ -373,7 +780,9 @@ more info...
     test 'no header footer' do
-      result = render_string("= Title\n\npreamble", :header_footer => false)
+      doc = document_from_string "= Title\n\npreamble", :header_footer => false
+      assert doc.attr?('embedded')
+      result = doc.render
       assert_xpath '/html', result, 0
       assert_xpath '/h1', result, 0
       assert_xpath '/*[@id="header"]', result, 0
@@ -381,7 +790,7 @@ more info...
       assert_xpath '/*[@id="preamble"]', result, 1
-    test 'wip enable title when no header footer' do
+    test 'enable title when no header footer' do
       result = render_string("= Title\n\npreamble", :header_footer => false, :attributes => {'notitle!' => ''})
       assert_xpath '/html', result, 0
       assert_xpath '/h1', result, 1
@@ -428,6 +837,24 @@ finally a reference to the second footnote footnoteref:[note2].
       text = xmlnodes_at_xpath '//div[@id="footnotes"]/div[@id="_footnote_2"]/text()', output, 1
       assert_equal '. Second footnote.', text.text.strip
+    test 'renders footnotes block in embedded document by default' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+Text that has supporting information{empty}footnote:[An example footnote.].
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :header_footer => false
+      assert_css '#footnotes', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'does not render footnotes block in embedded document if nofootnotes attribute is set' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+Text that has supporting information{empty}footnote:[An example footnote.].
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :header_footer => false, :attributes => {'nofootnotes' => ''}
+      assert_css '#footnotes', output, 0
+    end
   context 'Backends and Doctypes' do 
@@ -499,6 +926,19 @@ chapter body
       assert_xpath '/book/simpara[text() = "text"]', result, 1
+    test 'docbook45 backend parses out subtitle' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Document Title: Subtitle
+:doctype: book
+      EOS
+      result = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook45'
+      assert_xpath '/book', result, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/bookinfo/title[text() = "Document Title"]', result, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/bookinfo/subtitle[text() = "Subtitle"]', result, 1
+    end
     test 'should be able to set backend using :backend option key' do
       doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new([], :backend => 'html5')
       assert_equal 'html5', doc.attributes['backend']
diff --git a/test/fixtures/basic-docinfo.html b/test/fixtures/basic-docinfo.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b1cbbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/basic-docinfo.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<script src="modernizr.js"></script>
diff --git a/test/fixtures/basic-docinfo.xml b/test/fixtures/basic-docinfo.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a78b32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/basic-docinfo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+  <year>2013</year>
+  <holder>Acme, Inc.</holder>
diff --git a/test/fixtures/basic.asciidoc b/test/fixtures/basic.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc56ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/basic.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+= Document Title
+Doc Writer <doc.writer at asciidoc.org>
+Body content.
diff --git a/test/fixtures/docinfo.html b/test/fixtures/docinfo.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e35e34b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/docinfo.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="false">
diff --git a/test/fixtures/docinfo.xml b/test/fixtures/docinfo.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37b3115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/docinfo.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/test/fixtures/encoding.asciidoc b/test/fixtures/encoding.asciidoc
index cbc1005..48375b6 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/encoding.asciidoc
+++ b/test/fixtures/encoding.asciidoc
@@ -3,3 +3,11 @@ Gregory Romé has written an AsciiDoc plugin for the Redmine project management
 へと `vicmd` キーマップを足してみている試み、
+Gregory Romé has written an AsciiDoc plugin for the Redmine project management application.
+== Überschrift
+* Codierungen sind verrückt auf älteren Versionen von Ruby
diff --git a/test/fixtures/include-file.asciidoc b/test/fixtures/include-file.asciidoc
index 21ed5fb..4f1fc0e 100644
--- a/test/fixtures/include-file.asciidoc
+++ b/test/fixtures/include-file.asciidoc
@@ -1 +1,22 @@
-included content
+first line of included content
+second line of included content
+third line of included content
+fourth line of included content
+fifth line of included content
+sixth line of included content
+seventh line of included content
+eighth line of included content
+// tag::snippetA[]
+snippetA content
+// end::snippetA[]
+non-tagged content
+// tag::snippetB[]
+snippetB content
+// end::snippetB[]
+more non-tagged content
+last line of included content
diff --git a/test/fixtures/stylesheets/custom.css b/test/fixtures/stylesheets/custom.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60f1eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/stylesheets/custom.css
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+body {
+  color: red;
diff --git a/test/invoker_test.rb b/test/invoker_test.rb
index 73c94c1..b64e662 100644
--- a/test/invoker_test.rb
+++ b/test/invoker_test.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# encoding: UTF-8
 require 'test_helper'
 require 'asciidoctor/cli/options'
 require 'asciidoctor/cli/invoker'
@@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ context 'Invoker' do
       assert_xpath '/html/head/title[text() = "Document Title"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '/html/body/*[@id="header"]/h1[text() = "Document Title"]', output, 1
-      FileUtils::rm(sample_outpath)
+      FileUtils::rm_f(sample_outpath)
@@ -119,12 +120,14 @@ context 'Invoker' do
     sample_outpath = File.join(destination_path, 'sample.html')
+      # QUESTION should -D be relative to working directory or source directory?
       invoker = invoke_cli %w(-D test/test_output)
+      #invoker = invoke_cli %w(-D ../../test/test_output)
       doc = invoker.document
       assert_equal sample_outpath, doc.attr('outfile')
       assert File.exist?(sample_outpath)
-      FileUtils::rm(sample_outpath)
+      FileUtils::rm_f(sample_outpath)
@@ -137,7 +140,21 @@ context 'Invoker' do
       assert_equal sample_outpath, doc.attr('outfile')
       assert File.exist?(sample_outpath)
-      FileUtils::rm(sample_outpath)
+      FileUtils::rm_f(sample_outpath)
+    end
+  end
+  test 'should copy default css to target directory if copycss is specified' do
+    sample_outpath = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'sample-output.html'))
+    default_stylesheet = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'fixtures', 'asciidoctor.css'))
+    begin
+      invoker = invoke_cli %W(-o #{sample_outpath} -a copycss)
+      invoker.document
+      assert File.exist?(sample_outpath)
+      assert File.exist?(default_stylesheet)
+    ensure
+      FileUtils::rm_f(sample_outpath)
+      FileUtils::rm_f(default_stylesheet)
@@ -149,17 +166,33 @@ context 'Invoker' do
   test 'should not compact output by default' do
-    invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-s -o -), '-') { 'content' }
+    # NOTE we are relying on the fact that the template leaves blank lines
+    # this will always fail when using a template engine which strips blank lines by default
+    invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-o -), '-') { '* content' }
     output = invoker.read_output
     assert_match(/\n[[:blank:]]*\n/, output)
   test 'should compact output if specified' do
-    invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-C -s -o -), '-') { 'content' }
+    # NOTE we are relying on the fact that the template leaves blank lines
+    # this will always succeed when using a template engine which strips blank lines by default
+    invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer(%w(-C -s -o -), '-') { '* content' }
     output = invoker.read_output
     assert_no_match(/\n[[:blank:]]*\n/, output)
+  test 'should output a trailing endline to stdout' do
+    invoker = nil
+    output = nil
+    redirect_streams do |stdout, stderr|
+      invoker = invoke_cli %w(-o -)
+      output = stdout.string
+    end
+    assert !invoker.nil?
+    assert !output.nil?
+    assert output.end_with?("\n")
+  end
   test 'should set backend to html5 if specified' do
     invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(-b html5 -o -)
     doc = invoker.document
@@ -202,6 +235,23 @@ context 'Invoker' do
     assert_xpath '//h2[@id="idsection_a"]', output, 1
+  test 'should set attribute with value containing equal sign' do
+    invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(--trace -a toc -a toc-title=t=o=c -o -)
+    doc = invoker.document
+    assert_equal 't=o=c', doc.attr('toc-title')
+    output = invoker.read_output
+    assert_xpath '//*[@id="toctitle"][text() = "t=o=c"]', output, 1
+  end
+  test 'should set attribute with quoted value containing a space' do
+	# emulating commandline arguments: --trace -a toc -a note-caption="Note to self:" -o -
+    invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(--trace -a toc -a note-caption=Note\ to\ self: -o -)
+    doc = invoker.document
+    assert_equal 'Note to self:', doc.attr('note-caption')
+    output = invoker.read_output
+    assert_xpath %(//*[#{contains_class('admonitionblock')}]//*[@class='title'][text() = 'Note to self:']), output, 1
+  end
   test 'should not set attribute ending in @ if defined in document' do
     invoker = invoke_cli_to_buffer %w(--trace -a idprefix=id@ -s -o -)
     doc = invoker.document
@@ -215,7 +265,7 @@ context 'Invoker' do
     doc = invoker.document
     assert_equal '', doc.attr('icons')
     output = invoker.read_output
-    assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock"]//img[@alt="Note"]', output, 1
+    assert_xpath '//*[@class="admonitionblock note"]//img[@alt="Note"]', output, 1
   test 'should unset attribute ending in bang' do
@@ -259,4 +309,33 @@ context 'Invoker' do
     assert_equal 'erubis', doc.instance_variable_get('@options')[:eruby]
+  test 'should force default external encoding to UTF-8' do
+    executable = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'bin', 'asciidoctor'))
+    input_path = fixture_path 'encoding.asciidoc'
+    old_lang = ENV['LANG']
+    ENV['LANG'] = 'US-ASCII'
+    begin
+      # using open3 to work around a bug in JRuby process_manager.rb,
+      # which tries to run a gsub on stdout prematurely breaking the test
+      require 'open3'
+      #cmd = "#{executable} -o - --trace #{input_path}"
+      cmd = "#{File.join RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']} #{executable} -o - --trace #{input_path}"
+      _, stdout, stderr = Open3.popen3 cmd
+      stderr_lines = stderr.readlines
+      puts stderr_lines.join unless stderr_lines.empty?
+      assert stderr_lines.empty?, 'Command failed. Expected to receive a rendered document.'
+      stdout_lines = stdout.readlines
+      assert !stdout_lines.empty?
+      if Asciidoctor::FORCE_ENCODING
+        stdout_lines.each do |l|
+          l.force_encoding Encoding::UTF_8
+        end
+      end
+      stdout_str = stdout_lines.join
+      assert stdout_str.include?('Codierungen sind verrückt auf älteren Versionen von Ruby') 
+    ensure
+      ENV['LANG'] = old_lang
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/lexer_test.rb b/test/lexer_test.rb
index 9d568fe..df78aff 100644
--- a/test/lexer_test.rb
+++ b/test/lexer_test.rb
@@ -71,6 +71,14 @@ context "Lexer" do
     assert_equal expected, attributes
+  test "collect unnamed attribute in second position after empty attribute" do
+    attributes = {}
+    line = ', John Smith'
+    expected = {1 => nil, 2 => 'John Smith'}
+    Asciidoctor::AttributeList.new(line).parse_into(attributes)
+    assert_equal expected, attributes
+  end
   test "collect unnamed attributes" do
     attributes = {}
     line = "first, second one, third"
@@ -154,7 +162,15 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "collect options attribute" do
     attributes = {}
     line = "quote, options='opt1,opt2 , opt3'"
-    expected = {1 => 'quote', 'options' => 'opt1,opt2 , opt3', 'opt1-option' => nil, 'opt2-option' => nil, 'opt3-option' => nil}
+    expected = {1 => 'quote', 'options' => 'opt1,opt2 , opt3', 'opt1-option' => '', 'opt2-option' => '', 'opt3-option' => ''}
+    Asciidoctor::AttributeList.new(line).parse_into(attributes)
+    assert_equal expected, attributes
+  end
+  test "collect opts attribute as options" do
+    attributes = {}
+    line = "quote, opts='opt1,opt2 , opt3'"
+    expected = {1 => 'quote', 'options' => 'opt1,opt2 , opt3', 'opt1-option' => '', 'opt2-option' => '', 'opt3-option' => ''}
     assert_equal expected, attributes
@@ -174,18 +190,94 @@ context "Lexer" do
     assert_equal expected, attributes
+  test 'parse style attribute with id and role' do
+    attributes = {1 => 'style#id.role'}
+    style, original_style = Asciidoctor::Lexer.parse_style_attribute(attributes)
+    assert_equal 'style', style
+    assert_nil original_style
+    assert_equal 'style', attributes['style']
+    assert_equal 'id', attributes['id']
+    assert_equal 'role', attributes['role']
+    assert_equal 'style#id.role', attributes[1]
+  end
+  test 'parse style attribute with style, role and id' do
+    attributes = {1 => 'style.role#id'}
+    style, original_style = Asciidoctor::Lexer.parse_style_attribute(attributes)
+    assert_equal 'style', style
+    assert_nil original_style
+    assert_equal 'style', attributes['style']
+    assert_equal 'id', attributes['id']
+    assert_equal 'role', attributes['role']
+    assert_equal 'style.role#id', attributes[1]
+  end
+  test 'parse style attribute with style, id and multiple roles' do
+    attributes = {1 => 'style#id.role1.role2'}
+    style, original_style = Asciidoctor::Lexer.parse_style_attribute(attributes)
+    assert_equal 'style', style
+    assert_nil original_style
+    assert_equal 'style', attributes['style']
+    assert_equal 'id', attributes['id']
+    assert_equal 'role1 role2', attributes['role']
+    assert_equal 'style#id.role1.role2', attributes[1]
+  end
+  test 'parse style attribute with style, multiple roles and id' do
+    attributes = {1 => 'style.role1.role2#id'}
+    style, original_style = Asciidoctor::Lexer.parse_style_attribute(attributes)
+    assert_equal 'style', style
+    assert_nil original_style
+    assert_equal 'style', attributes['style']
+    assert_equal 'id', attributes['id']
+    assert_equal 'role1 role2', attributes['role']
+    assert_equal 'style.role1.role2#id', attributes[1]
+  end
+  test 'parse style attribute with positional and original style' do
+    attributes = {1 => 'new_style', 'style' => 'original_style'}
+    style, original_style = Asciidoctor::Lexer.parse_style_attribute(attributes)
+    assert_equal 'new_style', style
+    assert_equal 'original_style', original_style
+    assert_equal 'new_style', attributes['style']
+    assert_equal 'new_style', attributes[1]
+  end
+  test 'parse style attribute with id and role only' do
+    attributes = {1 => '#id.role'}
+    style, original_style = Asciidoctor::Lexer.parse_style_attribute(attributes)
+    assert_nil style
+    assert_nil original_style
+    assert_equal 'id', attributes['id']
+    assert_equal 'role', attributes['role']
+    assert_equal '#id.role', attributes[1]
+  end
+  test 'parse empty style attribute' do
+    attributes = {1 => nil}
+    style, original_style = Asciidoctor::Lexer.parse_style_attribute(attributes)
+    assert_nil style
+    assert_nil original_style
+    assert_nil attributes['id']
+    assert_nil attributes['role']
+    assert_nil attributes[1]
+  end
   test "parse author first" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata 'Stuart'
-    assert_equal 3, metadata.size
-    assert_equal 'Stuart', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal 5, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'Stuart', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'S', metadata['authorinitials']
   test "parse author first last" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata 'Yukihiro Matsumoto'
-    assert_equal 4, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 6, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Yukihiro Matsumoto', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'Yukihiro', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'Matsumoto', metadata['lastname']
     assert_equal 'YM', metadata['authorinitials']
@@ -193,8 +285,10 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "parse author first middle last" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata 'David Heinemeier Hansson'
-    assert_equal 5, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 7, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'David Heinemeier Hansson', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'David', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'Heinemeier', metadata['middlename']
     assert_equal 'Hansson', metadata['lastname']
@@ -203,8 +297,10 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "parse author first middle last email" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata 'David Heinemeier Hansson <rails at ruby-lang.org>'
-    assert_equal 6, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 8, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'David Heinemeier Hansson', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'David', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'Heinemeier', metadata['middlename']
     assert_equal 'Hansson', metadata['lastname']
@@ -214,8 +310,10 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "parse author first email" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata 'Stuart <founder at asciidoc.org>'
-    assert_equal 4, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 6, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Stuart', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'Stuart', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'founder at asciidoc.org', metadata['email']
     assert_equal 'S', metadata['authorinitials']
@@ -223,8 +321,10 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "parse author first last email" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata 'Stuart Rackham <founder at asciidoc.org>'
-    assert_equal 5, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 7, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Stuart Rackham', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'Stuart', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'Rackham', metadata['lastname']
     assert_equal 'founder at asciidoc.org', metadata['email']
@@ -233,8 +333,10 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "parse author with hyphen" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata 'Tim Berners-Lee <founder at www.org>'
-    assert_equal 5, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 7, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Tim Berners-Lee', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'Tim', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'Berners-Lee', metadata['lastname']
     assert_equal 'founder at www.org', metadata['email']
@@ -243,8 +345,10 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "parse author with single quote" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata 'Stephen O\'Grady <founder at redmonk.com>'
-    assert_equal 5, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 7, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Stephen O\'Grady', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'Stephen', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'O\'Grady', metadata['lastname']
     assert_equal 'founder at redmonk.com', metadata['email']
@@ -253,8 +357,10 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "parse author with dotted initial" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata 'Heiko W. Rupp <hwr at example.de>'
-    assert_equal 6, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 8, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Heiko W. Rupp', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'Heiko', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'W.', metadata['middlename']
     assert_equal 'Rupp', metadata['lastname']
@@ -264,8 +370,10 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "parse author with underscore" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata 'Tim_E Fella'
-    assert_equal 4, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 6, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Tim E Fella', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'Tim E', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'Fella', metadata['lastname']
     assert_equal 'TF', metadata['authorinitials']
@@ -273,8 +381,10 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "parse author condenses whitespace" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata '   Stuart       Rackham     <founder at asciidoc.org>'
-    assert_equal 5, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 7, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Stuart Rackham', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'Stuart', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'Rackham', metadata['lastname']
     assert_equal 'founder at asciidoc.org', metadata['email']
@@ -283,15 +393,26 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "parse invalid author line becomes author" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata '   Stuart       Rackham, founder of AsciiDoc   <founder at asciidoc.org>'
-    assert_equal 3, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 5, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Stuart Rackham, founder of AsciiDoc <founder at asciidoc.org>', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal metadata['author'], metadata['authors']
     assert_equal 'Stuart Rackham, founder of AsciiDoc <founder at asciidoc.org>', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'S', metadata['authorinitials']
+  test 'parse multiple authors' do
+    metadata, = parse_header_metadata 'Doc Writer <doc.writer at asciidoc.org>; John Smith <john.smith at asciidoc.org>'
+    assert_equal 2, metadata['authorcount']
+    assert_equal 'Doc Writer, John Smith', metadata['authors']
+    assert_equal 'Doc Writer', metadata['author']
+    assert_equal 'Doc Writer', metadata['author_1']
+    assert_equal 'John Smith', metadata['author_2']
+  end
   test "parse rev number date remark" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata "Ryan Waldron\nv0.0.7, 2013-12-18: The first release you can stand on"
-    assert_equal 7, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 9, metadata.size
     assert_equal '0.0.7', metadata['revnumber']
     assert_equal '2013-12-18', metadata['revdate']
     assert_equal 'The first release you can stand on', metadata['revremark']
@@ -299,20 +420,20 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "parse rev date" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata "Ryan Waldron\n2013-12-18"
-    assert_equal 5, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 7, metadata.size
     assert_equal '2013-12-18', metadata['revdate']
   # while compliant w/ AsciiDoc, this is just sloppy parsing
   test "treats arbitrary text on rev line as revdate" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata "Ryan Waldron\nfoobar\n"
-    assert_equal 5, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 7, metadata.size
     assert_equal 'foobar', metadata['revdate']
   test "parse rev date remark" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata "Ryan Waldron\n2013-12-18:  The first release you can stand on"
-    assert_equal 6, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 8, metadata.size
     assert_equal '2013-12-18', metadata['revdate']
     assert_equal 'The first release you can stand on', metadata['revremark']
@@ -331,7 +452,8 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "skip line comments before author" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata "// Asciidoctor\n// release artist\nRyan Waldron"
-    assert_equal 4, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 6, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Ryan Waldron', metadata['author']
     assert_equal 'Ryan', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'Waldron', metadata['lastname']
@@ -340,7 +462,8 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "skip block comment before author" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata "////\nAsciidoctor\nrelease artist\n////\nRyan Waldron"
-    assert_equal 4, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 6, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Ryan Waldron', metadata['author']
     assert_equal 'Ryan', metadata['firstname']
     assert_equal 'Waldron', metadata['lastname']
@@ -349,7 +472,8 @@ context "Lexer" do
   test "skip block comment before rev" do
     metadata, = parse_header_metadata "Ryan Waldron\n////\nAsciidoctor\nrelease info\n////\nv0.0.7, 2013-12-18"
-    assert_equal 6, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 8, metadata.size
+    assert_equal 1, metadata['authorcount']
     assert_equal 'Ryan Waldron', metadata['author']
     assert_equal '0.0.7', metadata['revnumber']
     assert_equal '2013-12-18', metadata['revdate']
@@ -363,4 +487,95 @@ context "Lexer" do
     assert_equal 'SJR', blankdoc.attributes['authorinitials']
+  test 'reset block indent to 0' do
+    input = <<-EOS
+    def names
+      @name.split ' '
+    end
+    EOS
+    expected = <<-EOS
+def names
+  @name.split ' '
+    EOS
+    lines = input.lines.entries
+    Asciidoctor::Lexer.reset_block_indent! lines
+    assert_equal expected, lines.join
+  end
+  test 'reset block indent mixed with tabs and spaces to 0' do
+    input = <<-EOS
+    def names
+\t  @name.split ' '
+    end
+    EOS
+    expected = <<-EOS
+def names
+  @name.split ' '
+    EOS
+    lines = input.lines.entries
+    Asciidoctor::Lexer.reset_block_indent! lines
+    assert_equal expected, lines.join
+  end
+  test 'reset block indent to non-zero' do
+    input = <<-EOS
+    def names
+      @name.split ' '
+    end
+    EOS
+    expected = <<-EOS
+  def names
+    @name.split ' '
+  end
+    EOS
+    lines = input.lines.entries
+    Asciidoctor::Lexer.reset_block_indent! lines, 2
+    assert_equal expected, lines.join
+  end
+  test 'preserve block indent' do
+    input = <<-EOS
+    def names
+      @name.split ' '
+    end
+    EOS
+    expected = input
+    lines = input.lines.entries
+    Asciidoctor::Lexer.reset_block_indent! lines, nil
+    assert_equal expected, lines.join
+  end
+  test 'reset block indent hands empty lines gracefully' do
+    input = []
+    expected = input
+    lines = input.dup
+    Asciidoctor::Lexer.reset_block_indent! lines
+    assert_equal expected, lines
+  end
diff --git a/test/links_test.rb b/test/links_test.rb
index 1dbb246..7774144 100644
--- a/test/links_test.rb
+++ b/test/links_test.rb
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ context 'Links' do
     assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoc.org"][text()="http://asciidoc.org"]', render_string('(http://asciidoc.org) is the project page for AsciiDoc.'), 1
+  test 'qualified url containing round brackets' do
+    assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://jruby.org/apidocs/org/jruby/Ruby.html#addModule(org.jruby.RubyModule)"][text()="addModule() adds a Ruby module"]', render_string('http://jruby.org/apidocs/org/jruby/Ruby.html#addModule(org.jruby.RubyModule)[addModule() adds a Ruby module]'), 1
+  end
   test 'qualified url adjacent to text in square brackets' do
     assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://asciidoc.org"][text()="AsciiDoc"]', render_string(']http://asciidoc.org[AsciiDoc] project page.'), 1
@@ -70,6 +74,26 @@ context 'Links' do
     assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://github.com/asciidoctor"]', render_string('Asciidoctor GitHub organization: <**http://github.com/asciidoctor**>'), 1
+  test 'link with quoted text should not be separated into attributes when linkattrs is set' do
+    assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://search.example.com"][text()="Google, Yahoo, Bing"]', render_embedded_string('http://search.example.com["Google, Yahoo, Bing"]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1
+  end
+  test 'role and window attributes on link are processed when linkattrs is set' do
+    assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@class="external"][@target="_blank"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google, role="external", window="_blank"]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''}), 1
+  end
+  test 'link text that ends in ^ should set link window to _blank' do
+    assert_xpath '//a[@href="http://google.com"][@target="_blank"]', render_embedded_string('http://google.com[Google^]'), 1
+  end
+  test 'inline irc link' do
+    assert_xpath '//a[@href="irc://irc.freenode.net"][text()="irc://irc.freenode.net"]', render_embedded_string('irc://irc.freenode.net'), 1
+  end
+  test 'inline irc link with text' do
+    assert_xpath '//a[@href="irc://irc.freenode.net"][text()="Freenode IRC"]', render_embedded_string('irc://irc.freenode.net[Freenode IRC]'), 1
+  end
   test 'inline ref' do
     doc = document_from_string 'Here you can read about tigers.[[tigers]]'
     output = doc.render
@@ -115,6 +139,14 @@ context 'Links' do
     assert_xpath %{//a[@href="#tigers"][text() = "about\ntigers"]}, render_string("Want to learn <<tigers,about\ntigers>>?"), 1
+  test 'xref with escaped text' do
+    # when \x0 was used as boundary character for passthrough, it was getting stripped
+    # now using \e as boundary character, which resolves issue
+    input = 'See the <<tigers , `[tigers]`>> section for data about tigers'
+    output = render_embedded_string input
+    assert_xpath %(//a[@href="#tigers"]/code[text()="[tigers]"]), output, 1
+  end
   test 'xref using macro syntax' do
     doc = document_from_string 'xref:tigers[]'
     doc.references[:ids]['tigers'] = '[tigers]'
diff --git a/test/lists_test.rb b/test/lists_test.rb
index 1f690f0..06dc323 100644
--- a/test/lists_test.rb
+++ b/test/lists_test.rb
@@ -16,6 +16,28 @@ List
       assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3
+    test 'indented dash elements using spaces' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+ - Foo
+ - Boo
+ - Blech
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3
+    end
+    test 'indented dash elements using tabs' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3
+    end
     test "dash elements separated by blank lines should merge lists" do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -150,6 +172,40 @@ wrapped content
       assert_xpath "//ul/li[1]/p[text() = 'Foo\n:foo: bar']", output, 1
+    test 'a list item with a nested marker terminates non-indented paragraph for text of list item' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+- Foo
+* Foo
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'ul ul', output, 1
+      assert !output.include?('* Foo')
+    end
+    test 'a list item for a different list terminates non-indented paragraph for text of list item' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+== Example 1
+- Foo
+. Foo
+== Example 2
+* Item
+term:: def
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'ul ol', output, 1
+      assert !output.include?('* Foo')
+      assert_css 'ul dl', output, 1
+      assert !output.include?('term:: def')
+    end
     test 'an indented wrapped line is unindented and folded into text of list item' do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -186,6 +242,40 @@ second wrapped line
       assert_equal 'second wrapped line', lines[2].chomp
+    test 'a list item with a nested marker terminates indented paragraph for text of list item' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+- Foo
+  Bar
+* Foo
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'ul ul', output, 1
+      assert !output.include?('* Foo')
+    end
+    test 'a list item for a different list terminates indented paragraph for text of list item' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+== Example 1
+- Foo
+  Bar
+. Foo
+== Example 2
+* Item
+  text
+term:: def
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'ul ol', output, 1
+      assert !output.include?('* Foo')
+      assert_css 'ul dl', output, 1
+      assert !output.include?('term:: def')
+    end
     test "a literal paragraph offset by blank lines in list content is appended as a literal block" do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -232,6 +322,23 @@ para
       assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]/*[@class="literalblock"]/following-sibling::*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1
+    test 'an admonition paragraph attached by a line continuation to a list item with wrapped text should produce admonition' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+- first-line text
+  wrapped text
+NOTE: This is a note.
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'ul', output, 1
+      assert_css 'ul > li', output, 1
+      assert_css 'ul > li > p', output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(//ul/li/p[text()="first-line text\nwrapped text"]), output, 1
+      assert_css 'ul > li > p + .admonitionblock.note', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//ul/li/*[@class="admonitionblock note"]//td[@class="content"][normalize-space(text())="This is a note."]', output, 1
+    end
     test 'appends line as paragraph if attached by continuation following line comment' do
       input = <<-EOS
 - list item 1
@@ -331,6 +438,28 @@ List
       assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3
+    test 'indented asterisk elements using spaces' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+ * Foo
+ * Boo
+ * Blech
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3
+    end
+    test 'indented asterisk elements using tabs' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//ul', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3
+    end
     test "asterisk elements separated by blank lines should merge lists" do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -455,6 +584,21 @@ item
       assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 2
       assert_xpath '//h2[@id = "sec"][text() = "Section"]', output, 1
+    test 'should not find section title immediately below last list item' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+* first
+* second
+== Not a section
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'ul', output, 1
+      assert_css 'ul > li', output, 2
+      assert_css 'h2', output, 0
+      assert output.include?('== Not a section')
+      assert_xpath %((//li)[2]/p[text() = "second\n== Not a section"]), output, 1
+    end
   context "Lists with inline markup" do
@@ -472,7 +616,7 @@ List
       assert_xpath '//ul/li', output, 3
       assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[1]//strong', output, 1
       assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[2]//em', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[3]//tt', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//ul/li)[3]//code', output, 1
     test "attribute substitutions" do
@@ -893,7 +1037,7 @@ Lists
       assert_xpath '//ul/li[1]/p', output, 1
       assert_xpath '(//ul/li[1]/p/following-sibling::*)[1][@id="beck"][@class = "listingblock"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '(//ul/li[1]/p/following-sibling::*)[1][@id="beck"]/div[@class="title"][starts-with(text(),"Read")]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '(//ul/li[1]/p/following-sibling::*)[1][@id="beck"]//code[@class="ruby"][starts-with(text(),"5.times")]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//ul/li[1]/p/following-sibling::*)[1][@id="beck"]//code[@class="ruby language-ruby"][starts-with(text(),"5.times")]', output, 1
     test 'trailing block attribute line attached by continuation should not create block' do
@@ -1287,6 +1431,28 @@ List
       assert_xpath '//ol/li', output, 3
+    test 'indented dot elements using spaces' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+ . Foo
+ . Boo
+ . Blech
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//ol/li', output, 3
+    end
+    test 'indented dot elements using tabs' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//ol', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//ol/li', output, 3
+    end
     test "dot elements separated by blank lines should merge lists" do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -1409,6 +1575,21 @@ term1:: def1
       assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1
+    test "single-line indented adjacent elements with tabs" do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//dl', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//dl/dt', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '//dl/dt/following-sibling::dd', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1][normalize-space(text()) = "term1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[1]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2][normalize-space(text()) = "term2"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1
+    end
     test "single-line elements separated by blank line should create a single list" do
       input = <<-EOS
 term1:: def1
@@ -1517,6 +1698,22 @@ def2
       assert_xpath '(//dl/dt)[2]/following-sibling::dd/p[text() = "def2"]', output, 1
+    test 'consecutive terms share same varlistentry in docbook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+alt term::
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '//varlistentry', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//varlistentry)[1]/term', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//varlistentry)[2]/term', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//varlistentry)[2]/listitem', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//varlistentry)[2]/listitem[normalize-space(text())=""]', output, 1
+    end
     test "multi-line elements with blank line before paragraph content" do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -2028,6 +2225,23 @@ term 2:: def 2
       assert_css '.dlist dt:not([class])', output, 2
+    test 'consecutive glossary terms should share same glossentry element in docbook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+alt term::
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '/glossentry', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(/glossentry)[1]/glossterm', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(/glossentry)[2]/glossterm', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(/glossentry)[2]/glossdef', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(/glossentry)[2]/glossdef[normalize-space(text())=""]', output, 1
+    end
     test 'should render horizontal list with proper markup' do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -2040,7 +2254,7 @@ second term:: definition
       output = render_embedded_string input
       assert_css '.hdlist', output, 1
       assert_css '.hdlist table', output, 1
-      assert_css '.hdlist table colgroup col', output, 2
+      assert_css '.hdlist table colgroup', output, 0
       assert_css '.hdlist table tr', output, 2
       assert_xpath '/*[@class="hdlist"]/table/tr[1]/td', output, 2
       assert_xpath '/*[@class="hdlist"]/table/tr[1]/td[@class="hdlist1"]', output, 1
@@ -2055,20 +2269,132 @@ second term:: definition
       assert_xpath '((//tr)[2]/td)[2]/p[normalize-space(text())="definition"]', output, 1
-    test 'should render qanda list with proper semantics' do
+    test 'should set col widths of item and label if specified' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[labelwidth="25", itemwidth="75"]
+term:: def
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'table', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//table/colgroup/col)[1][@style="width:25%;"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//table/colgroup/col)[2][@style="width:75%;"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'consecutive terms in horizontal list should share same cell' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+alt term::
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input 
+      assert_xpath '//tr', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//tr)[1]/td[@class="hdlist1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//tr)[1]/td[@class="hdlist1"]/br', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//tr)[2]/td[@class="hdlist2"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'consecutive terms in horizontal list should share same entry in docbook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+alt term::
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook' 
+      assert_xpath '//row', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//row)[1]/entry', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '((//row)[1]/entry)[1]/simpara', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//row)[2]/entry', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '((//row)[2]/entry)[2][normalize-space(text())=""]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should render horizontal list in docbook with proper markup' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+first term:: definition
+more detail
+second term:: definition
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '/table', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/table[@tabstyle="horizontal"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/table[@tabstyle="horizontal"]/title[text()="Terms"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/table//row', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(/table//row)[1]/entry', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(/table//row)[2]/entry', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '((/table//row)[1]/entry)[2]/simpara', output, 2
+    end
+    test 'should render qanda list in HTML with proper semantics' do
       input = <<-EOS
-Question one::
-        Answer one.
-Question two::
-        Answer two.
+Question 1::
+        Answer 1.
+Question 2::
+        Answer 2.
       output = render_embedded_string input
       assert_css '.qlist.qanda', output, 1
-      assert_css '.qlist ol', output, 1
-      assert_css '.qlist ol li', output, 2
-      assert_css '.qlist ol li:nth-child(1) p em', output, 1
-      assert_css '.qlist ol li:nth-child(1) p', output, 2
+      assert_css '.qanda > ol', output, 1
+      assert_css '.qanda > ol > li', output, 2
+      (1..2).each do |idx|
+        assert_css ".qanda > ol > li:nth-child(#{idx}) > p", output, 2
+        assert_css ".qanda > ol > li:nth-child(#{idx}) > p:first-child > em", output, 1
+        assert_xpath "/*[@class = 'qlist qanda']/ol/li[#{idx}]/p[1]/em[normalize-space(text()) = 'Question #{idx}']", output, 1
+        assert_css ".qanda > ol > li:nth-child(#{idx}) > p:last-child > *", output, 0
+        assert_xpath "/*[@class = 'qlist qanda']/ol/li[#{idx}]/p[2][normalize-space(text()) = 'Answer #{idx}.']", output, 1
+      end
+    end
+    test 'should render qanda list in DocBook with proper semantics' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+Question 1::
+        Answer 1.
+Question 2::
+        Answer 2.
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_css 'qandaset', output, 1
+      assert_css 'qandaset > qandaentry', output, 2
+      (1..2).each do |idx|
+        assert_css "qandaset > qandaentry:nth-child(#{idx}) > question", output, 1
+        assert_css "qandaset > qandaentry:nth-child(#{idx}) > question > simpara", output, 1
+        assert_xpath "/qandaset/qandaentry[#{idx}]/question/simpara[normalize-space(text()) = 'Question #{idx}']", output, 1
+        assert_css "qandaset > qandaentry:nth-child(#{idx}) > answer", output, 1
+        assert_css "qandaset > qandaentry:nth-child(#{idx}) > answer > simpara", output, 1
+        assert_xpath "/qandaset/qandaentry[#{idx}]/answer/simpara[normalize-space(text()) = 'Answer #{idx}.']", output, 1
+      end
+    end
+    test 'consecutive questions should share same question element in docbook' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+follow-up question::
+last question::
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '//qandaentry', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//qandaentry)[1]/question', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//qandaentry)[1]/question/simpara', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//qandaentry)[2]/question', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//qandaentry)[2]/answer', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//qandaentry)[2]/answer[normalize-space(text())=""]', output, 1
     test 'should render bibliography list with proper semantics' do
@@ -2640,6 +2966,55 @@ para
       assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//*[@class="dlist"]//dd/*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text()="para"]', output, 1
+    test 'attached paragraph does not break on adjacent nested labeled list term' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+term1:: def
+more definition
+not a term::: def
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css '.dlist > dl > dt', output, 1
+      assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd', output, 1
+      assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd > .paragraph', output, 1
+      assert output.include?('not a term::: def')
+    end
+    # FIXME pending
+    test 'attached paragraph does not break on adjacent sibling labeled list term' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+term1:: def
+more definition
+not a term:: def
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css '.dlist > dl > dt', output, 1
+      assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd', output, 1
+      assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd > .paragraph', output, 1
+      assert output.include?('not a term:: def')
+    end
+    test 'attached styled paragraph does not break on adjacent nested labeled list term' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+term1:: def
+more definition
+not a term::: def
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css '.dlist > dl > dt', output, 1
+      assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd', output, 1
+      assert_css '.dlist > dl > dd > .quoteblock', output, 1
+      assert output.include?('not a term::: def')
+    end
     test 'appends line as paragraph if attached by continuation following blank line and line comment when term has no inline definition' do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -3058,7 +3433,7 @@ end
 context 'Callout lists' do
   test 'listing block with sequential callouts followed by adjacent callout list' do
     input = <<-EOS
+[source, ruby]
 require 'asciidoctor' # <1>
 doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2>
@@ -3082,7 +3457,7 @@ puts doc.render # <3>
   test 'listing block with sequential callouts followed by non-adjacent callout list' do
     input = <<-EOS
+[source, ruby]
 require 'asciidoctor' # <1>
 doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2>
@@ -3110,7 +3485,7 @@ Paragraph.
   test 'listing block with a callout that refers to two different lines' do
     input = <<-EOS
+[source, ruby]
 require 'asciidoctor' # <1>
 doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2>
@@ -3132,7 +3507,7 @@ puts doc.render # <2>
   test 'listing block with non-sequential callouts followed by adjacent callout list' do
     input = <<-EOS
+[source, ruby]
 require 'asciidoctor' # <2>
 doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <3>
@@ -3157,13 +3532,13 @@ puts doc.render # <1>
   test 'two listing blocks can share the same callout list' do
     input = <<-EOS
 .Import library
+[source, ruby]
 require 'asciidoctor' # <1>
 .Use library
+[source, ruby]
 doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2>
 puts doc.render # <3>
@@ -3188,14 +3563,14 @@ puts doc.render # <3>
   test 'two listing blocks each followed by an adjacent callout list' do
     input = <<-EOS
 .Import library
+[source, ruby]
 require 'asciidoctor' # <1>
 <1> Describe the first line
 .Use library
+[source, ruby]
 doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <1>
 puts doc.render # <2>
@@ -3220,7 +3595,7 @@ puts doc.render # <2>
   test 'callout list with block content' do
     input = <<-EOS
+[source, ruby]
 require 'asciidoctor' # <1>
 doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2>
@@ -3247,7 +3622,7 @@ You can write this to file rather than printing to stdout.
   test 'escaped callout should not be interpreted as a callout' do
     input = <<-EOS
+[source, ruby]
 require 'asciidoctor' # \\<1>
@@ -3279,7 +3654,7 @@ Violets are blue <2>
   test 'callout list with icons enabled' do
     input = <<-EOS
+[source, ruby]
 require 'asciidoctor' # <1>
 doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2>
@@ -3292,11 +3667,34 @@ puts doc.render # <3>
     output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => {'icons' => ''}
     assert_css '.listingblock code > img', output, 3
     (1..3).each do |i|
-      assert_xpath %((/div[@class="listingblock"]//code/img)[#{i}][@src="images/icons/callouts/#{i}.png"][@alt="#{i}"]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %((/div[@class="listingblock"]//code/img)[#{i}][@src="./images/icons/callouts/#{i}.png"][@alt="#{i}"]), output, 1
     assert_css '.colist table td img', output, 3
     (1..3).each do |i|
-      assert_xpath %((/div[@class="colist arabic"]//td/img)[#{i}][@src="images/icons/callouts/#{i}.png"][@alt="#{i}"]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %((/div[@class="colist arabic"]//td/img)[#{i}][@src="./images/icons/callouts/#{i}.png"][@alt="#{i}"]), output, 1
+    end
+  end
+  test 'callout list with font-based icons enabled' do
+    input = <<-EOS
+require 'asciidoctor' # <1>
+doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new('Hello, World!') # <2>
+puts doc.render # <3>
+<1> Describe the first line
+<2> Describe the second line
+<3> Describe the third line
+    EOS
+    output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => {'icons' => 'font'}
+    assert_css '.listingblock code > i', output, 3
+    (1..3).each do |i|
+      assert_xpath %((/div[@class="listingblock"]//code/i)[#{i}][@class="conum"][text() = "#{i}"]), output, 1
+    end
+    assert_css '.colist table td i', output, 3
+    (1..3).each do |i|
+      assert_xpath %((/div[@class="colist arabic"]//td/i)[#{i}][@class="conum"][text() = "#{i}"]), output, 1
diff --git a/test/options_test.rb b/test/options_test.rb
index feb089a..7c51cd3 100644
--- a/test/options_test.rb
+++ b/test/options_test.rb
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ context 'Options' do
   test 'should return error code 1 when option has invalid argument' do
     redirect_streams do |stdout, stderr|
-      exitval = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%w(-b foo input.ad))
+      exitval = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%w(-d chapter input.ad)) # had to change for #320
       assert_equal 1, exitval
-      assert_equal 'asciidoctor: invalid argument: -b foo', stderr.string.chomp
+      assert_equal 'asciidoctor: invalid argument: -d chapter', stderr.string.chomp
@@ -65,4 +65,31 @@ context 'Options' do
     assert_equal '', options[:attributes]['icons']
+  test 'should only split attribute key/value pairs on first equal sign' do
+    options = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%w(-a name=value=value test/fixtures/sample.asciidoc))
+    assert_equal 'value=value', options[:attributes]['name']
+  end
+  test 'should allow any backend to be specified' do
+    options = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%w(-b my_custom_backend test/fixtures/sample.asciidoc))
+    assert_equal 'my_custom_backend', options[:attributes]['backend']
+  end
+  test 'article doctype assignment' do
+    options = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%w(-d article test/fixtures/sample.asciidoc))
+    assert_equal 'article', options[:attributes]['doctype']
+  end
+  test 'book doctype assignment' do
+    options = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%w(-d book test/fixtures/sample.asciidoc))
+    assert_equal 'book', options[:attributes]['doctype']
+  end
+  test 'inline doctype assignment' do
+    options = Asciidoctor::Cli::Options.parse!(%w(-d inline test/fixtures/sample.asciidoc))
+    assert_equal 'inline', options[:attributes]['doctype']
+  end
diff --git a/test/paragraphs_test.rb b/test/paragraphs_test.rb
index a15ebd4..8f47ed0 100644
--- a/test/paragraphs_test.rb
+++ b/test/paragraphs_test.rb
@@ -1,21 +1,53 @@
 require 'test_helper'
-context "Paragraphs" do
+context 'Paragraphs' do
   context 'Normal' do
-    test "rendered correctly" do
-      assert_xpath "//p", render_string("Plain text for the win.\n\nYes, plainly."), 2
+    test 'should treat plain text separated by blank lines as paragraphs' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+Plain text for the win!
+Yep. Text. Plain and simple.
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'p', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//p)[1][text() = "Plain text for the win!"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//p)[2][text() = "Yep. Text. Plain and simple."]', output, 1
-    test "with title" do
-      rendered = render_string(".Titled\nParagraph.\n\nWinning")
+    test 'should associate block title with paragraph' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
-      assert_xpath "//div[@class='title']", rendered
-      assert_xpath "//p", rendered, 2
+      assert_css 'p', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//p)[1]/preceding-sibling::*[@class = "title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//p)[1]/preceding-sibling::*[@class = "title"][text() = "Titled"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//p)[2]/preceding-sibling::*[@class = "title"]', output, 0
-    test "no duplicate block before next section" do
-      rendered = render_string("Title\n=====\n\nPreamble.\n\n== First Section\n\nParagraph 1\n\nParagraph 2\n\n\n== Second Section\n\nLast words")
-      assert_xpath '//p[text()="Paragraph 2"]', rendered, 1
+    test 'no duplicate block before next section' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Title
+== First Section
+Paragraph 1
+Paragraph 2
+== Second Section
+Last words
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//p[text() = "Paragraph 2"]', output, 1
     test 'does not treat wrapped line as a list item' do
@@ -40,6 +72,62 @@ paragraph
       assert_xpath %(//p[text()="paragraph\n.wrapped line"]), output, 1
+    test 'interprets normal paragraph style as normal paragraph' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+Normal paragraph.
+Nothing special.
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'p', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'normal paragraph terminates at block attribute list' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+normal text
+literal text
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css '.paragraph:root', output, 1
+      assert_css '.literalblock:root', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'normal paragraph terminates at block delimiter' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+normal text
+text in open block
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css '.paragraph:root', output, 1
+      assert_css '.openblock:root', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'normal paragraph terminates at list continuation' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+normal text
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css '.paragraph:root', output, 2
+      assert_xpath %((/*[@class="paragraph"])[1]/p[text() = "normal text"]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %((/*[@class="paragraph"])[2]/p[text() = "+"]), output, 1
+    end
+    test 'normal style turns literal paragraph into normal paragraph' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+ normal paragraph,
+ despite the leading indent
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css '.paragraph:root > p', output, 1
+    end
     test 'expands index term macros in DocBook backend' do
       input = <<-EOS
 Here is an index entry for ((tigers)).
@@ -81,14 +169,32 @@ Note that multi-entry terms generate separate index entries.
       assert_xpath '(//indexterm)[7]/*', output, 2
       assert_xpath '(//indexterm)[8]/*', output, 1
+    test 'normal paragraph should honor explicit subs list' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+*Hey Jude*
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert output.include?('*Hey Jude*')
+    end
-  context "code" do
-    test "single-line literal paragraphs" do
-      assert_xpath "//pre", render_string("    LITERALS\n\n    ARE LITERALLY\n\n    AWESOMMMME.")
+  context 'Literal' do
+    test 'single-line literal paragraphs' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath '//pre', output, 3
-    test "multi-line literal paragraph" do
+    test 'multi-line literal paragraph' do
       input = <<-EOS
 Install instructions:
@@ -97,106 +203,154 @@ Install instructions:
 You're good to go!
-      output = render_string(input)
-      assert_xpath "//pre", output, 1
-      assert_match(/^gem install asciidoctor/, output, "Indentation should be trimmed from literal block")
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath '//pre', output, 1
+      # indentation should be trimmed from literal block
+      assert_xpath %(//pre[text() = "yum install ruby rubygems\ngem install asciidoctor"]), output, 1
-    test "literal paragraph" do
-      assert_xpath "//*[@class='literalblock']//pre[text()='blah blah blah']", render_string("[literal]\nblah blah blah")
+    test 'literal paragraph' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+this text is literally literal
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="this text is literally literal"]), output, 1
-    test "listing paragraph" do
-      assert_xpath "//*[@class='listingblock']//pre[text()='blah blah blah']", render_string("[listing]\nblah blah blah")
+    test 'should read content below literal style verbatim' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text()="image::not-an-image-block[]"]), output, 1
+      assert_css 'img', output, 0
-    test "source code paragraph" do
-      assert_xpath "//pre[@class='highlight']/code", render_string("[source]\nblah blah blah")
+    test 'listing paragraph' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+this text is a listing
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="listingblock"]//pre[text()="this text is a listing"]), output, 1
-    test "source code paragraph with language" do
-      assert_xpath "//pre[@class='highlight']/code[@class='perl']", render_string("[source, perl]\ndie 'zomg perl sucks';")
+    test 'source paragraph' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+use the source, luke!
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="listingblock"]//pre[@class="highlight"]/code[text()="use the source, luke!"]), output, 1
-  end
-  context "quote" do
-    test "quote block" do
-      output = render_string("____\nFamous quote.\n____")
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//p[text() = "Famous quote."]', output, 1
+    test 'source code paragraph with language' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[source, perl]
+die 'zomg perl sucks';
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="listingblock"]//pre[@class="highlight"]/code[@class="perl language-perl"][text()="die 'zomg perl sucks';"]), output, 1
-    test "quote block with attribution" do
-      output = render_string("[quote, A famous person, A famous book (1999)]\n____\nFamous quote.\n____")
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]/*[@class = "attribution"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]/*[@class = "attribution"]/cite[text() = "A famous book (1999)"]', output, 1
-      # TODO I can't seem to match the attribution (author) w/ xpath
+    test 'literal paragraph terminates at block attribute list' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+ literal text
+normal text
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="literalblock"]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="paragraph"]), output, 1
-    test "quote block with section body" do
-      output = render_string("____\nFamous quote.\n\nNOTE: That was inspiring.\n____")
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//*[@class = "admonitionblock"]', output, 1
+    test 'literal paragraph terminates at block delimiter' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+ literal text
+normal text
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="literalblock"]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="openblock"]), output, 1
+    test 'literal paragraph terminates at list continuation' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+ literal text
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="literalblock"]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="literalblock"]//pre[text() = "literal text"]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="paragraph"]), output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text() = "+"]), output, 1
+    end
+  end
+  context 'Quote' do
     test "single-line quote paragraph" do
-      output = render_string("[quote]\nFamous quote.")
+      input = <<-EOS
+Famous quote.
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
       assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//p', output, 0
       assert_xpath '//*[@class = "quoteblock"]//*[contains(text(), "Famous quote.")]', output, 1
-    test "verse paragraph" do
-      output = render_string("[verse]\nFamous verse.")
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]//p', output, 0
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre[normalize-space(text()) = "Famous verse."]', output, 1
+    test 'quote paragraph terminates at list continuation' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+A famouse quote.
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css '.quoteblock:root', output, 1
+      assert_css '.paragraph:root', output, 1
+      assert_xpath %(/*[@class="paragraph"]/p[text() = "+"]), output, 1
-    test "single-line verse block" do
-      output = render_string("[verse]\n____\nFamous verse.\n____")
+    test "verse paragraph" do
+      output = render_string("[verse]\nFamous verse.")
       assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]//p', output, 0
       assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre[normalize-space(text()) = "Famous verse."]', output, 1
-    test "multi-line verse block" do
-      output = render_string("[verse]\n____\nFamous verse.\n\nStanza two.\n____")
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]//p', output, 0
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre[contains(text(), "Famous verse.")]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre[contains(text(), "Stanza two.")]', output, 1
-    end
+    test 'quote paragraph should honor explicit subs list' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+*Hey Jude*
+      EOS
-    test "verse block does not contain block elements" do
-      output = render_string("[verse]\n____\nFamous verse.\n\n....\nnot a literal\n....\n____")
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]/pre', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]//p', output, 0
-      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "verseblock"]//*[@class = "literalblock"]', output, 0
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert output.include?('*Hey Jude*')
   context "special" do
     test "note multiline syntax" do
       Asciidoctor::ADMONITION_STYLES.each do |style|
-        assert_xpath "//div[@class='admonitionblock']", render_string("[#{style}]\nThis is a winner.")
+        assert_xpath "//div[@class='admonitionblock #{style.downcase}']", render_string("[#{style}]\nThis is a winner.")
     test "note block syntax" do
       Asciidoctor::ADMONITION_STYLES.each do |style|
-        assert_xpath "//div[@class='admonitionblock']", render_string("[#{style}]\n====\nThis is a winner.\n====")
+        assert_xpath "//div[@class='admonitionblock #{style.downcase}']", render_string("[#{style}]\n====\nThis is a winner.\n====")
     test "note inline syntax" do
       Asciidoctor::ADMONITION_STYLES.each do |style|
-        assert_xpath "//div[@class='admonitionblock']", render_string("#{style}: This is important, fool!")
+        assert_xpath "//div[@class='admonitionblock #{style.downcase}']", render_string("#{style}: This is important, fool!")
@@ -212,5 +366,104 @@ Content goes here
       result = render_string(input)
       assert_xpath "//*[@class='sidebarblock']//p", result, 1
+    context 'Styled Paragraphs' do
+      test 'should wrap text in simpara for styled paragraphs when rendered to DocBook' do
+        input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+:doctype: book
+= About this book
+An abstract for the book.
+= Part 1
+An intro to this part.
+Just a side note.
+As you can see here.
+Wise words from a wise person.
+        EOS
+        output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+        assert_css 'abstract > simpara', output, 1
+        assert_css 'partintro > simpara', output, 1
+        assert_css 'sidebar > simpara', output, 1
+        assert_css 'informalexample > simpara', output, 1
+        assert_css 'blockquote > simpara', output, 1
+      end
+      test 'should wrap text in simpara for styled paragraphs with title when rendered to DocBook' do
+        input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+:doctype: book
+= About this book
+.Abstract title
+An abstract for the book.
+= Part 1
+.Part intro title
+An intro to this part.
+.Sidebar title
+Just a side note.
+.Example title
+As you can see here.
+.Quote title
+Wise words from a wise person.
+        EOS
+        output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+        assert_css 'abstract > title', output, 1
+        assert_xpath '//abstract/title[text() = "Abstract title"]', output, 1
+        assert_css 'abstract > title + simpara', output, 1
+        assert_css 'partintro > title', output, 1
+        assert_xpath '//partintro/title[text() = "Part intro title"]', output, 1
+        assert_css 'partintro > title + simpara', output, 1
+        assert_css 'sidebar > title', output, 1
+        assert_xpath '//sidebar/title[text() = "Sidebar title"]', output, 1
+        assert_css 'sidebar > title + simpara', output, 1
+        assert_css 'example > title', output, 1
+        assert_xpath '//example/title[text() = "Example title"]', output, 1
+        assert_css 'example > title + simpara', output, 1
+        assert_css 'blockquote > title', output, 1
+        assert_xpath '//blockquote/title[text() = "Quote title"]', output, 1
+        assert_css 'blockquote > title + simpara', output, 1
+      end
+    end
+    context 'Inline doctype' do
+      test 'should only format and output text in first paragraph when doctype is inline' do
+        input = "http://asciidoc.org[AsciiDoc] is a _lightweight_ markup language...\n\nignored"
+        output = render_string input, :doctype => 'inline'
+        assert_equal '<a href="http://asciidoc.org">AsciiDoc</a> is a <em>lightweight</em> markup language…', output
+      end
+      test 'should output empty string if first block is not a paragraph' do
+        input = '* bullet'
+        output = render_string input, :doctype => 'inline'
+        assert output.empty?
+      end
+    end
diff --git a/test/paths_test.rb b/test/paths_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3940c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/paths_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+require 'test_helper'
+context 'Path Resolver' do
+  context 'Web Paths' do
+    def setup
+      @resolver = Asciidoctor::PathResolver.new
+    end
+    test 'target with absolute path' do
+      assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images')
+      assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images', '')
+      assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images', nil)
+    end
+    test 'target with relative path' do
+      assert_equal 'images', @resolver.web_path('images')
+      assert_equal 'images', @resolver.web_path('images', '')
+      assert_equal 'images', @resolver.web_path('images', nil)
+    end
+    test 'target with path relative to current directory' do
+      assert_equal './images', @resolver.web_path('./images')
+      assert_equal './images', @resolver.web_path('./images', '')
+      assert_equal './images', @resolver.web_path('./images', nil)
+    end
+    test 'target with absolute path ignores start path' do
+      assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images', 'foo')
+      assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images', '/foo')
+      assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('/images', './foo')
+    end
+    test 'target with relative path appended to start path' do
+      assert_equal 'assets/images', @resolver.web_path('images', 'assets')
+      assert_equal '/assets/images', @resolver.web_path('images', '/assets')
+      assert_equal './assets/images', @resolver.web_path('images', './assets')
+    end
+    test 'target with path relative to current directory appended to start path' do
+      assert_equal 'assets/images', @resolver.web_path('./images', 'assets')
+      assert_equal '/assets/images', @resolver.web_path('./images', '/assets')
+      assert_equal './assets/images', @resolver.web_path('./images', './assets')
+    end
+    test 'normalize target' do
+      assert_equal '../images', @resolver.web_path('../images/../images')
+    end
+    test 'append target to start path and normalize' do
+      assert_equal '../images', @resolver.web_path('../images/../images', '../images')
+      assert_equal '../../images', @resolver.web_path('../images', '..')
+    end
+    test 'normalize parent directory that follows root' do
+      assert_equal '/tiger.png', @resolver.web_path('/../tiger.png')
+      assert_equal '/tiger.png', @resolver.web_path('/../../tiger.png')
+    end
+    test 'uses start when target is empty' do
+      assert_equal 'assets/images', @resolver.web_path('', 'assets/images')
+      assert_equal 'assets/images', @resolver.web_path(nil, 'assets/images')
+    end
+    test 'posixfies windows paths' do
+      assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('\\images')
+      assert_equal '../images', @resolver.web_path('..\\images')
+      assert_equal '/images', @resolver.web_path('\\..\\images')
+      assert_equal 'assets/images', @resolver.web_path('assets\\images')
+      assert_equal '../assets/images', @resolver.web_path('assets\\images', '..\\images\\..')
+    end
+  end
+  context 'System Paths' do
+    JAIL = '/home/doctor/docs'
+    def setup
+      @resolver = Asciidoctor::PathResolver.new
+    end
+    test 'prevents access to paths outside of jail' do
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/css", @resolver.system_path('../../../../../css', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL)
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/css", @resolver.system_path('/../../../../../css', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL)
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/css", @resolver.system_path('../../../css', '../../..', JAIL)
+    end
+    test 'throws exception for illegal path access if recover is false' do
+      begin
+        @resolver.system_path('../../../../../css', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL, :recover => false)
+        flunk 'Expecting SecurityError to be raised'
+      rescue SecurityError
+      end
+    end
+    test 'resolves start path if target is empty' do
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", @resolver.system_path('', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL)
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", @resolver.system_path(nil, "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL)
+    end
+    test 'resolves start path if target is dot' do
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", @resolver.system_path('.', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL)
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", @resolver.system_path('./', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL)
+    end
+    test 'treats absolute target as relative when jail is specified' do
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", @resolver.system_path('/', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL)
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets/foo", @resolver.system_path('/foo', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL)
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/foo", @resolver.system_path('/../foo', "#{JAIL}/assets/stylesheets", JAIL)
+    end
+    test 'allows use of absolute target or start if resolved path is sub-path of jail' do
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/my/path", @resolver.system_path("#{JAIL}/my/path", '', JAIL)
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/my/path", @resolver.system_path("#{JAIL}/my/path", nil, JAIL)
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/my/path", @resolver.system_path('', "#{JAIL}/my/path", JAIL)
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/my/path", @resolver.system_path(nil, "#{JAIL}/my/path", JAIL)
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/my/path", @resolver.system_path('path', "#{JAIL}/my", JAIL)
+    end
+    test 'uses jail path if start path is empty' do
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/images/tiger.png", @resolver.system_path('images/tiger.png', '', JAIL)
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/images/tiger.png", @resolver.system_path('images/tiger.png', nil, JAIL)
+    end
+    test 'raises security error if start is not contained within jail' do
+      begin
+        @resolver.system_path('images/tiger.png', '/etc', JAIL)
+        flunk 'Expecting SecurityError to be raised'
+      rescue SecurityError
+      end
+      begin
+        @resolver.system_path('.', '/etc', JAIL)
+        flunk 'Expecting SecurityError to be raised'
+      rescue SecurityError
+      end
+    end
+    test 'resolves absolute directory if jail is not specified' do
+      assert_equal '/usr/share/stylesheet.css', @resolver.system_path('/usr/share/stylesheet.css', '/home/dallen/docs/assets/stylesheets')
+    end
+    test 'resolves ancestor directory of start if jail is not specified' do
+      assert_equal '/usr/share/stylesheet.css', @resolver.system_path('../../../../../usr/share/stylesheet.css', '/home/dallen/docs/assets/stylesheets')
+    end
+    test 'resolves absolute path if start is absolute and target is relative' do
+      assert_equal '/usr/share/assets/stylesheet.css', @resolver.system_path('assets/stylesheet.css', '/usr/share')
+    end
+    test 'resolves relative target relative to current directory if start is empty' do
+      pwd = File.expand_path(Dir.pwd)
+      assert_equal "#{pwd}/images/tiger.png", @resolver.system_path('images/tiger.png', '')
+      assert_equal "#{pwd}/images/tiger.png", @resolver.system_path('images/tiger.png', nil)
+    end
+    test 'resolves and normalizes start with target is empty' do
+      pwd = File.expand_path(Dir.pwd)
+      assert_equal '/home/doctor/docs', @resolver.system_path('', '/home/doctor/docs')
+      assert_equal '/home/doctor/docs', @resolver.system_path(nil, '/home/doctor/docs')
+      assert_equal "#{pwd}/assets/images", @resolver.system_path(nil, 'assets/images')
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/images", @resolver.system_path('', '../assets/images', JAIL)
+    end
+    test 'posixfies windows paths' do
+      assert_equal "#{JAIL}/assets/css", @resolver.system_path('..\\css', 'assets\\stylesheets', JAIL)
+    end
+    test 'resolves windows paths when file separator is backlash' do
+      @resolver.file_separator = '\\'
+      assert_equal 'C:/data/docs', @resolver.system_path('..', "C:\\data\\docs\\assets", 'C:\\data\\docs')
+      assert_equal 'C:/data/docs', @resolver.system_path('..\\..', "C:\\data\\docs\\assets", 'C:\\data\\docs')
+      assert_equal 'C:/data/docs/css', @resolver.system_path('..\\..\\css', "C:\\data\\docs\\assets", 'C:\\data\\docs')
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/reader_test.rb b/test/reader_test.rb
index 52ff8a8..4053101 100644
--- a/test/reader_test.rb
+++ b/test/reader_test.rb
@@ -153,13 +153,14 @@ This is a paragraph outside the block.
   context 'Include Macro' do
-    test 'include macro is disabled by default' do
+    test 'include macro is disabled by default and becomes a link' do
       input = <<-EOS
       para = block_from_string input, :attributes => { 'include-depth' => 0 }
       assert_equal 1, para.buffer.size
-      assert_equal 'include::include-file.asciidoc[]', para.buffer.join
+      #assert_equal 'include::include-file.asciidoc[]', para.buffer.join
+      assert_equal 'link:include-file.asciidoc[include-file.asciidoc]', para.buffer.join
     test 'include macro is enabled when safe mode is less than SECURE' do
@@ -172,6 +173,89 @@ include::fixtures/include-file.asciidoc[]
       assert_match(/included content/, output)
+    test 'missing file referenced by include macro does not crash processor' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      begin
+        doc = document_from_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
+        assert_equal 0, doc.blocks.size
+      rescue
+        flunk('include macro should not raise exception on missing file')
+      end
+    end
+    test 'include macro supports line selection' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :header_footer => false, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
+      assert_match(/first line/, output)
+      assert_no_match(/second line/, output)
+      assert_match(/third line/, output)
+      assert_match(/fourth line/, output)
+      assert_no_match(/fifth line/, output)
+      assert_match(/sixth line/, output)
+      assert_match(/seventh line/, output)
+      assert_match(/eighth line/, output)
+      assert_match(/last line of included content/, output)
+    end
+    test 'include macro supports line selection using quoted attribute value' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+include::fixtures/include-file.asciidoc[lines="1, 3..4 , 6 .. -1"]
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :header_footer => false, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
+      assert_match(/first line/, output)
+      assert_no_match(/second line/, output)
+      assert_match(/third line/, output)
+      assert_match(/fourth line/, output)
+      assert_no_match(/fifth line/, output)
+      assert_match(/sixth line/, output)
+      assert_match(/seventh line/, output)
+      assert_match(/eighth line/, output)
+      assert_match(/last line of included content/, output)
+    end
+    test 'include macro supports tagged selection' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :header_footer => false, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
+      assert_match(/snippetA content/, output)
+      assert_match(/snippetB content/, output)
+      assert_no_match(/non-tagged content/, output)
+      assert_no_match(/included content/, output)
+    end
+    test 'lines attribute takes precedence over tags attribute in include macro' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+include::fixtures/include-file.asciidoc[lines=1, tags=snippetA;snippetB]
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :header_footer => false, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
+      assert_match(/first line of included content/, output)
+      assert_no_match(/snippetA content/, output)
+      assert_no_match(/snippetB content/, output)
+    end
+    test 'indent of included file can be reset to size of indent attribute' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[source, xml]
+include::fixtures/basic-docinfo.xml[lines=2..3, indent=0]
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :header_footer => false, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
+      result = xmlnodes_at_xpath('//pre', output, 1).text
+      assert_equal "<year>2013</year>\n<holder>Acme, Inc.</holder>", result
+    end
     test "block is called to handle an include macro" do
       input = <<-EOS
 first line
@@ -191,6 +275,39 @@ last line
       assert_match(/^:includefile: include-file.asciidoc$/, lines.join)
+    test 'attributes are substituted in target of include macro' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+:fixturesdir: fixtures
+:ext: asciidoc
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
+      output = doc.render
+      assert_match(/included content/, output)
+    end
+    test 'line is dropped if target of include macro resolves to empty' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
+      assert output.strip.empty?
+    end
+    test 'line is dropped but not following line if target of include macro resolves to empty' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :attributes => {'docdir' => File.dirname(__FILE__)}
+      assert_xpath '//p', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//p[text()="yo"]', output, 1
+    end
     test 'escaped include macro is left unprocessed' do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -329,6 +446,22 @@ There was much rejoicing.
       assert_equal "On our quest we go...\nThere is a holy grail!\nThere was much rejoicing.", lines.join.strip
+    test 'ifndef with defined attribute does not include text in brackets' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+On our quest we go...
+ifndef::hardships[There is a holy grail!]
+There was no rejoicing.
+      EOS
+      doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new [], :attributes => {'hardships' => ''}
+      reader = Asciidoctor::Reader.new(input.lines.entries, doc, true)
+      lines = []
+      while reader.has_more_lines?
+        lines << reader.get_line
+      end
+      assert_equal "On our quest we go...\nThere was no rejoicing.", lines.join.strip
+    end
     test 'include with non-matching nested exclude' do
       input = <<-EOS
diff --git a/test/sections_test.rb b/test/sections_test.rb
index 414c0b5..2bddafa 100644
--- a/test/sections_test.rb
+++ b/test/sections_test.rb
@@ -208,6 +208,50 @@ text
+  context "level 5" do 
+    test "with single line syntax" do
+      assert_xpath "//h6[@id='_my_title'][text() = 'My Title']", render_string(":fragment:\n====== My Title")
+    end
+  end
+  context 'Markdown-style headings' do
+    test 'single-line document title with leading marker' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+# Document Title
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'Document Title']", output, 1
+    end
+    test 'single-line document title with symmetric markers' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+# Document Title #
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath "//h1[not(@id)][text() = 'Document Title']", output, 1
+    end
+    test 'single-line section title with leading marker' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+## Section One
+blah blah
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_section_one'][text() = 'Section One']", output, 1
+    end
+    test 'single-line section title with symmetric markers' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+## Section One ##
+blah blah
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath "//h2[@id='_section_one'][text() = 'Section One']", output, 1
+    end
+  end
   context 'Floating Title' do
     test 'should create floating title if style is float' do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -257,6 +301,23 @@ not in section
       assert floatingtitle.is_a?(Asciidoctor::Block)
       assert !floatingtitle.is_a?(Asciidoctor::Section)
       assert_equal :floating_title, floatingtitle.context
+      assert_equal '_plain_ol_heading', floatingtitle.id
+      assert doc.references[:ids].has_key?('_plain_ol_heading')
+    end
+    test 'can assign explicit id to floating title' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+=== Plain Ol' Heading
+not in section
+      EOS
+      doc = document_from_string input
+      floating_title = doc.blocks.first
+      assert_equal 'unchained', floating_title.id
+      assert doc.references[:ids].has_key?('unchained')
     test 'should not include floating title in toc' do
@@ -273,7 +334,7 @@ not in section
       output = render_string input
       assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath %(//*[@id="toc"]//a[contains(text(), " Section ")]), output, 2
+      assert_xpath %(//*[@id="toc"]//a[contains(text(), "Section ")]), output, 2
       assert_xpath %(//*[@id="toc"]//a[text()="Miss Independent"]), output, 0
@@ -321,6 +382,114 @@ not in section
+  context 'Level offset' do
+    test 'should print error if standalone document is included without level offset' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Master Document
+Doc Writer
+text in master
+// begin simulated include::[]
+= Standalone Document
+:author: Junior Writer
+text in standalone
+// end simulated include::[]
+      EOS
+      output, errors = nil
+      redirect_streams do |stdout, stderr|
+        output = render_string input
+        errors = stdout.string
+      end
+      assert !errors.empty?
+      assert_match(/only book doctypes can contain level 0 sections/, errors)
+    end
+    test 'should add level offset to section level' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Master Document
+Doc Writer
+Master document written by {author}.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// begin simulated include::[]
+= Standalone Document
+:author: Junior Writer
+Standalone document written by {author}.
+== Section in Standalone
+Standalone section text.
+// end simulated include::[]
+== Section in Master
+Master section text.
+      EOS
+      output = nil
+      errors = nil
+      redirect_streams do |stdout, stderr|
+        output = render_string input
+        errors = stdout.string
+      end
+      assert errors.empty?
+      assert_match(/Master document written by Doc Writer/, output) 
+      assert_match(/Standalone document written by Junior Writer/, output) 
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect1"]/h2[text() = "Standalone Document"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[text() = "Section in Standalone"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect1"]/h2[text() = "Section in Master"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'level offset should be added to floating title' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Master Document
+Doc Writer
+:leveloffset: 1
+= Floating Title
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//h2[@class="float"][text() = "Floating Title"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should be able to reset level offset' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Master Document
+Doc Writer
+Master preamble.
+:leveloffset: 1
+= Standalone Document
+Standalone preamble.
+== Level 1 Section
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "sect1"]/h2[text() = "Standalone Document"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class = "sect1"]/h2[text() = "Level 1 Section"]', output, 1
+    end
+  end
   context 'Section Numbering' do
     test 'should create section number with one entry for level 1' do
       sect1 = Asciidoctor::Section.new(nil)
@@ -429,6 +598,48 @@ paragraph
+  context 'Links and anchors' do
+    test 'should include anchor if sectanchors document attribute is set' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+== Installation
+Installation section.
+=== Linux
+Linux installation instructions.
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => {'sectanchors' => ''}
+      assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a[@class="anchor"][@href="#_installation"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a/following-sibling::text()="Installation"', output, true
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a[@class="anchor"][@href="#_linux"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a/following-sibling::text()="Linux"', output, true
+    end
+    test 'should link section if sectlinks document attribute is set' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+== Installation
+Installation section.
+=== Linux
+Linux installation instructions.
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :attributes => {'sectlinks' => ''}
+      assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a[@class="link"][@href="#_installation"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/*[@class="sect1"]/h2[@id="_installation"]/a[text()="Installation"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a[@class="link"][@href="#_linux"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@class="sect2"]/h3[@id="_linux"]/a[text()="Linux"]', output, 1
+    end
+  end
   context 'Special sections' do
     test 'should assign sectname and caption to appendix section' do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -440,7 +651,7 @@ Details
       output = block_from_string input
       assert_equal 'appendix', output.sectname
-      assert_equal 'Appendix A: ', output.attr('caption')
+      assert_equal 'Appendix A: ', output.caption
     test 'should render appendix title prefixed with caption' do
@@ -560,6 +771,152 @@ Terms
       assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ol//li/a[text()="Gotchas"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ol//li/a[text()="Glossary"]', output, 1
+    test 'level 0 special sections in multipart book should be rendered as level 1' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Multipart Book
+Doc Writer
+:doctype: book
+= Preface
+Preface text
+= Appendix
+Appendix text
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//h2[@id = "_preface"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//h2[@id = "_appendix"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should output docbook elements that coorespond to special sections in book doctype' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Multipart Book
+:doctype: book
+= Abstract Title
+Normal chapter (no abstract in book)
+= Dedication Title
+Dedication content
+= Preface Title
+Preface content
+=== Preface sub-section
+Preface subsection content
+= Part 1
+.Part intro title
+Part intro content
+== Chapter 1
+blah blah
+== Chapter 2
+blah blah
+= Part 2
+blah blah
+== Chapter 3
+blah blah
+== Chapter 4
+blah blah
+= Appendix Title
+Appendix content
+=== Appendix sub-section
+Appendix sub-section content
+= Bibliography Title
+Bibliography content
+= Glossary Title
+Glossary content
+= Colophon Title
+Colophon content
+= Index Title
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '/chapter[@id="abstract_title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/chapter[@id="abstract_title"]/title[text()="Abstract Title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/chapter/following-sibling::dedication[@id="dedication_title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/chapter/following-sibling::dedication[@id="dedication_title"]/title[text()="Dedication Title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/dedication/following-sibling::preface[@id="preface_title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/dedication/following-sibling::preface[@id="preface_title"]/title[text()="Preface Title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/preface/section[@id="preface_sub_section"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/preface/section[@id="preface_sub_section"]/title[text()="Preface sub-section"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/preface/following-sibling::part[@id="part_1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/preface/following-sibling::part[@id="part_1"]/title[text()="Part 1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/part[@id="part_1"]/partintro', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/part[@id="part_1"]/partintro/title[text()="Part intro title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/part[@id="part_1"]/partintro/following-sibling::chapter[@id="chapter_1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/part[@id="part_1"]/partintro/following-sibling::chapter[@id="chapter_1"]/title[text()="Chapter 1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(/part)[2]/following-sibling::appendix[@id="appendix_title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(/part)[2]/following-sibling::appendix[@id="appendix_title"]/title[text()="Appendix Title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/appendix/section[@id="appendix_sub_section"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/appendix/section[@id="appendix_sub_section"]/title[text()="Appendix sub-section"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/appendix/following-sibling::bibliography[@id="bibliography_title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/appendix/following-sibling::bibliography[@id="bibliography_title"]/title[text()="Bibliography Title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/bibliography/following-sibling::glossary[@id="glossary_title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/bibliography/following-sibling::glossary[@id="glossary_title"]/title[text()="Glossary Title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/glossary/following-sibling::colophon[@id="colophon_title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/glossary/following-sibling::colophon[@id="colophon_title"]/title[text()="Colophon Title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/colophon/following-sibling::index[@id="index_title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/colophon/following-sibling::index[@id="index_title"]/title[text()="Index Title"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'abstract section maps to abstract element in docbook for article doctype' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+== Abstract Title
+Abstract content
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '/abstract[@id="abstract_title"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/abstract[@id="abstract_title"]/title[text()="Abstract Title"]', output, 1
+    end
   context "heading patterns in blocks" do
@@ -606,7 +963,7 @@ This should be a tip, not a heading.
       output = render_string input
-      assert_xpath "//*[@class='admonitionblock']//p[text() = 'This should be a tip, not a heading.']", output, 1
+      assert_xpath "//*[@class='admonitionblock tip']//p[text() = 'This should be a tip, not a heading.']", output, 1
     test "should not match a heading in a labeled list" do
@@ -669,11 +1026,49 @@ fin.
   context 'Table of Contents' do
-    test 'should render table of contents if toc attribute is set' do
+    test 'should render unnumbered table of contents in header if toc attribute is set' do
       input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+== Section One
+It was a dark and stormy night...
+== Section Two
+They couldn't believe their eyes when...
+=== Interlude
+While they were waiting...
+== Section Three
+That's all she wrote!
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/*[@id="toctitle"][text()="Table of Contents"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol[@type="none"][@class="sectlevel1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//ol', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//ol[@type="none"]', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li', output, 4
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="Section One"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li/ol', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li/ol[@type="none"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li/ol[@class="sectlevel2"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li/ol/li', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li/ol/li/a[@href="#_interlude"][text()="Interlude"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '((//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol)[1]/li)[4]/a[@href="#_section_three"][text()="Section Three"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should render numbered table of contents in header if toc and numbered attributes are set' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
 == Section One
@@ -692,22 +1087,388 @@ While they were waiting...
 That's all she wrote!
       output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/*[@id="toctitle"][text()="Table of Contents"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol[@type="none"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//ol', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//ol[@type="none"]', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li', output, 4
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li/ol/li', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li/ol/li/a[@href="#_interlude"][text()="2.1. Interlude"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '((//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol)[1]/li)[4]/a[@href="#_section_three"][text()="3. Section Three"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should render a table of contents that honors numbered setting at position of section in document' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+== Section One
+It was a dark and stormy night...
+== Section Two
+They couldn't believe their eyes when...
+=== Interlude
+While they were waiting...
+== Section Three
+That's all she wrote!
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/*[@id="toctitle"][text()="Table of Contents"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol[@type="none"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//ol', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]//ol[@type="none"]', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li', output, 4
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '((//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol)[1]/li)[4]/a[@href="#_section_three"][text()="Section Three"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should not number parts in table of contents for book doctype when numbered attribute is set' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+:doctype: book
+= Part 1
+== First Section of Part 1
+== Second Section of Part 1
+= Part 2
+== First Section of Part 2
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
       assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/*[@id="toctitle"][text()="Table of Contents"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ol', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]//ol', output, 2
-      assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li', output, 4
-      assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li/ol/li', output, 1
-      assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li/ol/li/a[@href="#_interlude"][text()="2.1. Interlude"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ol[@type="none"][@class="sectlevel0"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/ol[@type="none"][@class="sectlevel0"]/li', output, 4
+      assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]/ol[@type="none"][@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[1]/a[text()="Part 1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]/ol[@type="none"][@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[3]/a[text()="Part 2"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]/ol[@type="none"][@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[2]/ol', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]/ol[@type="none"][@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[2]/ol[@type="none"][@class="sectlevel1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]/ol[@type="none"][@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[2]/ol/li', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '((//*[@id="toc"]/ol[@type="none"][@class="sectlevel0"]/li)[2]/ol/li)[1]/a[text()="1. First Section of Part 1"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should render table of contents in header if toc2 attribute is set' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+== Section One
+It was a dark and stormy night...
+== Section Two
+They couldn't believe their eyes when...
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//body[@class="article toc2"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"][@class="toc2"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/ol/li[1]/a[@href="#_section_one"][text()="1. Section One"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should use document attributes toc-class, toc-title and toclevels to create toc' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+:toc-title: Contents
+:toc-class: toc2
+:toclevels: 1
+== Section 1
+=== Section 1.1
+==== Section 1.1.1
+==== Section 1.1.2
+=== Section 1.2
+== Section 2
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '#header #toc', output, 1
+      assert_css '#header #toc.toc2', output, 1
+      assert_css '#header #toc li', output, 2
+      assert_css '#header #toc #toctitle', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="header"]//*[@id="toc"]/*[@id="toctitle"][text()="Contents"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should render table of contents in preamble if toc-placement attribute value is preamble' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+:toc-placement: preamble
+Once upon a time...
+== Section One
+It was a dark and stormy night...
+== Section Two
+They couldn't believe their eyes when...
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="preamble"]/*[@id="toc"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should not render table of contents if toc-placement attribute is unset' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+== Section One
+It was a dark and stormy night...
+== Section Two
+They couldn't believe their eyes when...
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]', output, 0
+    end
+    test 'should render table of contents at location of toc macro' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+Once upon a time...
+== Section One
+It was a dark and stormy night...
+== Section Two
+They couldn't believe their eyes when...
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '#preamble #toc', output, 1
+      assert_css '#preamble .paragraph + #toc', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should render table of contents at location of toc macro in embedded document' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+Once upon a time...
+== Section One
+It was a dark and stormy night...
+== Section Two
+They couldn't believe their eyes when...
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :header_footer => false
+      assert_css '#preamble:root #toc', output, 1
+      assert_css '#preamble:root .paragraph + #toc', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should not assign toc id to more than one toc' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+Once upon a time...
+== Section One
+It was a dark and stormy night...
+== Section Two
+They couldn't believe their eyes when...
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '#toc', output, 1
+      assert_css '#toctitle', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//*[@class="toc"])[2][not(@id)]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//*[@class="toc"])[2]/*[@class="title"][not(@id)]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should use global attributes for toc-title, toc-class and toclevels for toc macro' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+:toc-title: Contents
+:toc-class: contents
+:toclevels: 1
+== Section 1
+=== Section 1.1
+==== Section 1.1.1
+==== Section 1.1.2
+=== Section 1.2
+== Section 2
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '#toc', output, 1
+      assert_css '#toctitle', output, 1
+      assert_css '#preamble #toc', output, 1
+      assert_css '#preamble #toc.contents', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="toc"]/*[@class="title"][text() = "Contents"]', output, 1
+      assert_css '#toc li', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]//li)[1]/a[text() = "Section 1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//*[@id="toc"]//li)[2]/a[text() = "Section 2"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'should honor id, title, role and level attributes on toc macro' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+:toc-title: Ignored
+:toc-class: ignored
+:toclevels: 5
+:tocdepth: 1
+== Section 1
+=== Section 1.1
+==== Section 1.1.1
+==== Section 1.1.2
+=== Section 1.2
+== Section 2
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css '#toc', output, 0
+      assert_css '#toctitle', output, 0
+      assert_css '#preamble #contents', output, 1
+      assert_css '#preamble #contents.contents', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '//*[@id="contents"]/*[@class="title"][text() = "Contents"]', output, 1
+      assert_css '#contents li', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '(//*[@id="contents"]//li)[1]/a[text() = "Section 1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(//*[@id="contents"]//li)[2]/a[text() = "Section 2"]', output, 1
-  context "book doctype" do
-    test "document title with level 0 headings" do
+  context 'article doctype' do
+    test 'should create sections only in docbook backend' do
       input = <<-EOS
+= Article
+Doc Writer
+== Section 1
+The adventure.
+=== Subsection One
+It was a dark and stormy night...
+=== Subsection Two
+They couldn't believe their eyes when...
+== Section 2
+The return.
+=== Subsection Three
+While they were returning...
+=== Subsection Four
+That's all she wrote!
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '//part', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '//chapter', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '/article/section', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '/article/section[1]/title[text() = "Section 1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/section[2]/title[text() = "Section 2"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/section/section', output, 4
+      assert_xpath '/article/section[1]/section[1]/title[text() = "Subsection One"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/article/section[2]/section[1]/title[text() = "Subsection Three"]', output, 1
+    end
+  end
+  context 'book doctype' do
+    test 'document title with level 0 headings' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+Doc Writer
 :doctype: book
 = Chapter One
@@ -728,11 +1489,105 @@ That's all she wrote!
       output = render_string(input)
-      assert_xpath '//h1', output, 4
-      assert_xpath '//h2', output, 1
+      assert_css 'body.book', output, 1
+      assert_css 'h1', output, 4
+      assert_css '#header h1', output, 1
+      assert_css '#content h1', output, 3
+      assert_css '#content h1.sect0', output, 3
+      assert_css 'h2', output, 1
+      assert_css '#content h2', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//h1[@id="_chapter_one"][text() = "Chapter One"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//h1[@id="_chapter_two"][text() = "Chapter Two"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '//h1[@id="_chapter_three"][text() = "Chapter Three"]', output, 1
+    test 'should create parts and chapters in docbook backend' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Book
+Doc Writer
+:doctype: book
+= Part 1
+The adventure.
+== Chapter One
+It was a dark and stormy night...
+== Chapter Two
+They couldn't believe their eyes when...
+= Part 2
+The return.
+== Chapter Three
+While they were returning...
+== Chapter Four
+That's all she wrote!
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+      assert_xpath '//chapter/chapter', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '/book/part', output, 2
+      assert_xpath '/book/part[1]/title[text() = "Part 1"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/part[2]/title[text() = "Part 2"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/part/chapter', output, 4
+      assert_xpath '/book/part[1]/chapter[1]/title[text() = "Chapter One"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/part[2]/chapter[1]/title[text() = "Chapter Three"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'subsections in preface and appendix should start at level 2' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Multipart Book
+Doc Writer
+:doctype: book
+= Preface
+Preface content
+=== Preface subsection
+Preface subsection content
+= Part 1
+.Part intro title
+Part intro content
+= Appendix
+Appendix content
+=== Appendix subsection
+Appendix subsection content
+      EOS
+      output = nil
+      errors = nil
+      redirect_streams do |stdout, stderr|
+        output = render_string input, :backend => 'docbook'
+        errors = stdout.string
+      end
+      assert errors.empty?
+      assert_xpath '/book/preface', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/preface/section', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/part', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/part/partintro', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/part/partintro/title', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/part/partintro/simpara', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/appendix', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/book/appendix/section', output, 1
+    end
diff --git a/test/substitutions_test.rb b/test/substitutions_test.rb
index 2965acb..e062161 100644
--- a/test/substitutions_test.rb
+++ b/test/substitutions_test.rb
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
       para = block_from_string("[blue]'http://asciidoc.org[AsciiDoc]' & [red]*Ruby*\n§ Making +++<u>documentation</u>+++ together +\nsince (C) {inception_year}.")
       para.document.attributes['inception_year'] = '2012'
       result = para.apply_normal_subs(para.buffer) 
-      assert_equal %{<em><span class="blue"><a href="http://asciidoc.org">AsciiDoc</a></span></em> & <strong><span class="red">Ruby</span></strong>\n§ Making <u>documentation</u> together<br>\nsince © 2012.}, result
+      assert_equal %{<em class="blue"><a href="http://asciidoc.org">AsciiDoc</a></em> & <strong class="red">Ruby</strong>\n§ Making <u>documentation</u> together<br>\nsince © 2012.}, result
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     test 'single-line constrained monospaced string' do
       para = block_from_string(%q{`a few <\{monospaced\}> words`})
       # NOTE must use apply_normal_subs because constrained monospaced is handled as a passthrough
-      assert_equal '<tt>a few <{monospaced}> words</tt>', para.apply_normal_subs(para.buffer)
+      assert_equal '<code>a few <{monospaced}> words</code>', para.apply_normal_subs(para.buffer)
     test 'escaped single-line constrained monospaced string' do
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     test 'multi-line constrained monospaced string' do
       para = block_from_string(%Q{`a few\n<\{monospaced\}> words`})
       # NOTE must use apply_normal_subs because constrained monospaced is handled as a passthrough
-      assert_equal "<tt>a few\n<{monospaced}> words</tt>", para.apply_normal_subs(para.buffer)
+      assert_equal "<code>a few\n<{monospaced}> words</code>", para.apply_normal_subs(para.buffer)
     test 'single-line unconstrained strong chars' do
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     test 'unconstrained strong chars with role' do
       para = block_from_string(%q{Git[blue]**Hub**})
-      assert_equal %q{Git<strong><span class="blue">Hub</span></strong>}, para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
+      assert_equal %q{Git<strong class="blue">Hub</strong>}, para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
     # TODO this is not the same result as AsciiDoc, though I don't understand why AsciiDoc gets what it gets
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     test 'unconstrained emphasis chars with role' do
       para = block_from_string(%q{[gray]__Git__Hub})
-      assert_equal %q{<em><span class="gray">Git</span></em>Hub}, para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
+      assert_equal %q{<em class="gray">Git</em>Hub}, para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
     test 'escaped unconstrained emphasis chars with role' do
@@ -231,17 +231,17 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     test 'single-line unconstrained monospaced chars' do
       para = block_from_string(%q{Git++Hub++})
-      assert_equal 'Git<tt>Hub</tt>', para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
+      assert_equal 'Git<code>Hub</code>', para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
     test 'escaped single-line unconstrained monospaced chars' do
       para = block_from_string(%q{Git\++Hub++})
-      assert_equal 'Git+<tt>Hub</tt>+', para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
+      assert_equal 'Git+<code>Hub</code>+', para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
     test 'multi-line unconstrained monospaced chars' do
       para = block_from_string(%Q{Git++\nH\nu\nb++})
-      assert_equal "Git<tt>\nH\nu\nb</tt>", para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
+      assert_equal "Git<code>\nH\nu\nb</code>", para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
     test 'single-line superscript chars' do
@@ -255,8 +255,8 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     test 'multi-line superscript chars' do
-      para = block_from_string(%Q{x^(n\n+\n1)^})
-      assert_equal "x<sup>(n\n+\n1)</sup>", para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
+      para = block_from_string(%Q{x^(n\n-\n1)^})
+      assert_equal "x<sup>(n\n-\n1)</sup>", para.sub_quotes(para.buffer.join)
     test 'single-line subscript chars' do
@@ -286,6 +286,42 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
       assert_equal %q{<a href="/home.html">Home</a>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+    test 'a mailto macro should be interpreted as a mailto link' do
+      para = block_from_string('mailto:doc.writer at asciidoc.org[]')
+      assert_equal %q{<a href="mailto:doc.writer at asciidoc.org">doc.writer at asciidoc.org</a>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+    end
+    test 'a mailto macro with text should be interpreted as a mailto link' do
+      para = block_from_string('mailto:doc.writer at asciidoc.org[Doc Writer]')
+      assert_equal %q{<a href="mailto:doc.writer at asciidoc.org">Doc Writer</a>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+    end
+    test 'a mailto macro with text and subject should be interpreted as a mailto link' do
+      para = block_from_string('mailto:doc.writer at asciidoc.org[Doc Writer, Pull request]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''})
+      assert_equal %q{<a href="mailto:doc.writer at asciidoc.org?subject=Pull%20request">Doc Writer</a>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+    end
+    test 'a mailto macro with text, subject and body should be interpreted as a mailto link' do
+      para = block_from_string('mailto:doc.writer at asciidoc.org[Doc Writer, Pull request, Please accept my pull request]', :attributes => {'linkattrs' => ''})
+      assert_equal %q{<a href="mailto:doc.writer at asciidoc.org?subject=Pull%20request&body=Please%20accept%20my%20pull%20request">Doc Writer</a>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+    end
+    test 'should recognize inline email addresses' do
+      para = block_from_string('doc.writer at asciidoc.org')
+      assert_equal %q{<a href="mailto:doc.writer at asciidoc.org">doc.writer at asciidoc.org</a>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      para = block_from_string('<doc.writer at asciidoc.org>')
+      assert_equal %q{<<a href="mailto:doc.writer at asciidoc.org">doc.writer at asciidoc.org</a>>}, para.apply_normal_subs(para.buffer)
+      para = block_from_string('author+website at 4fs.no')
+      assert_equal %q{<a href="mailto:author+website at 4fs.no">author+website at 4fs.no</a>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      para = block_from_string('john at domain.uk.co')
+      assert_equal %q{<a href="mailto:john at domain.uk.co">john at domain.uk.co</a>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+    end
+    test 'should ignore escaped inline email address' do
+      para = block_from_string('\doc.writer at asciidoc.org')
+      assert_equal %q{doc.writer at asciidoc.org}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+    end
     test 'a single-line raw url should be interpreted as a link' do
       para = block_from_string('http://google.com')
       assert_equal %q{<a href="http://google.com">http://google.com</a>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
@@ -312,6 +348,11 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
       assert_equal %q{http://google.com}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+    test 'a comma separated list of links should not include commas in links' do
+      para = block_from_string('http://foo.com, http://bar.com, http://example.org')
+      assert_equal %q{<a href="http://foo.com">http://foo.com</a>, <a href="http://bar.com">http://bar.com</a>, <a href="http://example.org">http://example.org</a>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+    end
     test 'a single-line image macro should be interpreted as an image' do
       para = block_from_string('image:tiger.png[]')
       assert_equal %{<span class="image"><img src="tiger.png" alt="tiger"></span>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join).gsub(/>\s+</, '><')
@@ -322,6 +363,11 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
       assert_equal %{<span class="image"><img src="tiger.png" alt="Tiger"></span>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join).gsub(/>\s+</, '><')
+    test 'a single-line image macro with text containing escaped square bracket should be interpreted as an image with alt text' do
+      para = block_from_string('image:tiger.png[[Another\] Tiger]')
+      assert_equal %{<span class="image"><img src="tiger.png" alt="[Another] Tiger"></span>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join).gsub(/>\s+</, '><')
+    end
     test 'a single-line image macro with text and dimensions should be interpreted as an image with alt text and dimensions' do
       para = block_from_string('image:tiger.png[Tiger, 200, 100]')
       assert_equal %{<span class="image"><img src="tiger.png" alt="Tiger" width="200" height="100"></span>},
@@ -334,6 +380,19 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
           para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join).gsub(/>\s+</, '><')
+    test 'a multi-line image macro with text and dimensions should be interpreted as an image with alt text and dimensions' do
+      para = block_from_string(%(image:tiger.png[Another\nAwesome\nTiger, 200,\n100]))
+      assert_equal %{<span class="image"><img src="tiger.png" alt="Another Awesome Tiger" width="200" height="100"></span>},
+          para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join).gsub(/>\s+</, '><')
+    end
+    test 'a block image macro should not be detected within paragraph text' do
+      para = block_from_string(%(Not an inline image macro image::tiger.png[].))
+      result = para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      assert !result.include?('<img ')
+      assert result.include?('image::tiger.png[]')
+    end
     test 'a single-line footnote macro should be registered and rendered as a footnote' do
       para = block_from_string('Sentence text footnote:[An example footnote.].')
       assert_equal %(Sentence text <span class="footnote">[<a id="_footnoteref_1" class="footnote" href="#_footnote_1" title="View footnote.">1</a>]</span>.), para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
@@ -555,13 +614,129 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
       assert_equal ['Big cats', 'Tigers'], terms[0]
       assert_equal ['panthera tigris'], terms[1]
+    context 'Button macro' do
+      test 'btn macro' do
+        para = block_from_string('btn:[Save]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<b class="button">Save</b>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'btn macro for docbook backend' do
+        para = block_from_string('btn:[Save]', :backend => 'docbook', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<guibutton>Save</guibutton>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'Keyboard macro' do
+      test 'kbd macro with single key' do
+        para = block_from_string('kbd:[F3]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<kbd>F3</kbd>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'kbd macro with single key, docbook backend' do
+        para = block_from_string('kbd:[F3]', :backend => 'docbook', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<keycap>F3</keycap>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'kbd macro with key combination' do
+        para = block_from_string('kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+T]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<kbd class="keyseq"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>T</kbd></kbd>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'kbd macro with key combination with spaces' do
+        para = block_from_string('kbd:[Ctrl + Shift + T]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<kbd class="keyseq"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>T</kbd></kbd>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'kbd macro with key combination delimited by commas' do
+        para = block_from_string('kbd:[Ctrl,Shift,T]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<kbd class="keyseq"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>T</kbd></kbd>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'kbd macro with key combination containing a plus key no spaces' do
+        para = block_from_string('kbd:[Ctrl++]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<kbd class="keyseq"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>+</kbd></kbd>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'kbd macro with key combination delimited by commands containing a comma key' do
+        para = block_from_string('kbd:[Ctrl,,]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<kbd class="keyseq"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>,</kbd></kbd>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'kbd macro with key combination containing a plus key with spaces' do
+        para = block_from_string('kbd:[Ctrl + +]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<kbd class="keyseq"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>+</kbd></kbd>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'kbd macro with key combination containing escaped bracket' do
+        para = block_from_string('kbd:[Ctrl + \]]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<kbd class="keyseq"><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>]</kbd></kbd>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'kbd macro with key combination, docbook backend' do
+        para = block_from_string('kbd:[Ctrl+Shift+T]', :backend => 'docbook', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<keycombo><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>Shift</keycap><keycap>T</keycap></keycombo>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+    end
+    context 'Menu macro' do
+      test 'should process menu using macro sytnax' do
+        para = block_from_string('menu:File[]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<span class="menu">File</span>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'should process menu for docbook backend' do
+        para = block_from_string('menu:File[]', :backend => 'docbook', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<guimenu>File</guimenu>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'should process menu with menu item using macro syntax' do
+        para = block_from_string('menu:File[Save As…]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<span class="menuseq"><span class="menu">File</span> ▸ <span class="menuitem">Save As…</span></span>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'should process menu with menu item for docbook backend' do
+        para = block_from_string('menu:File[Save As…]', :backend => 'docbook', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Save As…</guimenuitem></menuchoice>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'should process menu with menu item in submenu using macro syntax' do
+        para = block_from_string('menu:Tools[Project > Build]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<span class="menuseq"><span class="menu">Tools</span> ▸ <span class="submenu">Project</span> ▸ <span class="menuitem">Build</span></span>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'should process menu with menu item in submenu for docbook backend' do
+        para = block_from_string('menu:Tools[Project > Build]', :backend => 'docbook', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<menuchoice><guimenu>Tools</guimenu> <guisubmenu>Project</guisubmenu> <guimenuitem>Build</guimenuitem></menuchoice>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'should process menu with menu item in submenu using macro syntax and comma delimiter' do
+        para = block_from_string('menu:Tools[Project, Build]', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<span class="menuseq"><span class="menu">Tools</span> ▸ <span class="submenu">Project</span> ▸ <span class="menuitem">Build</span></span>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'should process menu with menu item using inline syntax' do
+        para = block_from_string('"File > Save As…"', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<span class="menuseq"><span class="menu">File</span> ▸ <span class="menuitem">Save As…</span></span>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'should process menu with menu item in submenu using inline syntax' do
+        para = block_from_string('"Tools > Project > Build"', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<span class="menuseq"><span class="menu">Tools</span> ▸ <span class="submenu">Project</span> ▸ <span class="menuitem">Build</span></span>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+      test 'inline syntax should not closing quote of XML attribute' do
+        para = block_from_string('<span class="xmltag"><node></span><span class="classname">r</span>', :attributes => {'experimental' => ''})
+        assert_equal %q{<span class="xmltag"><node></span><span class="classname">r</span>}, para.sub_macros(para.buffer.join)
+      end
+    end
   context 'Passthroughs' do
     test 'collect inline triple plus passthroughs' do
       para = block_from_string('+++<code>inline code</code>+++')
       result = para.extract_passthroughs(para.buffer.join)
-      assert_equal "\x0" + '0' + "\x0", result
+      assert_equal "\e" + '0' + "\e", result
       assert_equal 1, para.passthroughs.size
       assert_equal '<code>inline code</code>', para.passthroughs.first[:text]
       assert para.passthroughs.first[:subs].empty?
@@ -570,7 +745,7 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     test 'collect multi-line inline triple plus passthroughs' do
       para = block_from_string("+++<code>inline\ncode</code>+++")
       result = para.extract_passthroughs(para.buffer.join)
-      assert_equal "\x0" + '0' + "\x0", result
+      assert_equal "\e" + '0' + "\e", result
       assert_equal 1, para.passthroughs.size
       assert_equal "<code>inline\ncode</code>", para.passthroughs.first[:text]
       assert para.passthroughs.first[:subs].empty?
@@ -579,7 +754,7 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     test 'collect inline double dollar passthroughs' do
       para = block_from_string('$$<code>{code}</code>$$')
       result = para.extract_passthroughs(para.buffer.join)
-      assert_equal "\x0" + '0' + "\x0", result
+      assert_equal "\e" + '0' + "\e", result
       assert_equal 1, para.passthroughs.size
       assert_equal '<code>{code}</code>', para.passthroughs.first[:text]
       assert_equal [:specialcharacters], para.passthroughs.first[:subs]
@@ -588,7 +763,7 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     test 'collect multi-line inline double dollar passthroughs' do
       para = block_from_string("$$<code>\n{code}\n</code>$$")
       result = para.extract_passthroughs(para.buffer.join)
-      assert_equal "\x0" + '0' + "\x0", result
+      assert_equal "\e" + '0' + "\e", result
       assert_equal 1, para.passthroughs.size
       assert_equal "<code>\n{code}\n</code>", para.passthroughs.first[:text]
       assert_equal [:specialcharacters], para.passthroughs.first[:subs]
@@ -597,7 +772,7 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     test 'collect passthroughs from inline pass macro' do
       para = block_from_string(%Q{pass:specialcharacters,quotes[<code>['code'\\]</code>]})
       result = para.extract_passthroughs(para.buffer.join)
-      assert_equal "\x0" + '0' + "\x0", result
+      assert_equal "\e" + '0' + "\e", result
       assert_equal 1, para.passthroughs.size
       assert_equal %q{<code>['code']</code>}, para.passthroughs.first[:text]
       assert_equal [:specialcharacters, :quotes], para.passthroughs.first[:subs]
@@ -606,7 +781,7 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     test 'collect multi-line passthroughs from inline pass macro' do
       para = block_from_string(%Q{pass:specialcharacters,quotes[<code>['more\ncode'\\]</code>]})
       result = para.extract_passthroughs(para.buffer.join)
-      assert_equal "\x0" + '0' + "\x0", result
+      assert_equal "\e" + '0' + "\e", result
       assert_equal 1, para.passthroughs.size
       assert_equal %Q{<code>['more\ncode']</code>}, para.passthroughs.first[:text]
       assert_equal [:specialcharacters, :quotes], para.passthroughs.first[:subs]
@@ -614,19 +789,71 @@ context 'Substitutions' do
     # NOTE placeholder is surrounded by text to prevent reader from stripping trailing boundary char (unique to test scenario)
     test 'restore inline passthroughs without subs' do
-      para = block_from_string("some \x0" + '0' + "\x0 to study")
+      para = block_from_string("some \e" + '0' + "\e to study")
       para.passthroughs << {:text => '<code>inline code</code>', :subs => []}
       result = para.restore_passthroughs(para.buffer.join)
       assert_equal "some <code>inline code</code> to study", result
     # NOTE placeholder is surrounded by text to prevent reader from stripping trailing boundary char (unique to test scenario)
-    # TODO add two entries to ensure index lookup is working correctly (0 indx could be ambiguous)
     test 'restore inline passthroughs with subs' do
-      para = block_from_string("some \x0" + '0' + "\x0 to study")
+      para = block_from_string("some \e" + '0' + "\e to study in the \e" + '1' + "\e programming language")
       para.passthroughs << {:text => '<code>{code}</code>', :subs => [:specialcharacters]}
+      para.passthroughs << {:text => '{language}', :subs => [:specialcharacters]}
       result = para.restore_passthroughs(para.buffer.join)
-      assert_equal 'some <code>{code}</code> to study', result
+      assert_equal 'some <code>{code}</code> to study in the {language} programming language', result
+    end
+    test 'complex inline passthrough macro' do
+      text_to_escape = %q{[(] <'basic form'> <'logical operator'> <'basic form'> [)]}
+      para = block_from_string %($$#{text_to_escape}$$) 
+      result = para.extract_passthroughs(para.buffer.join)
+      assert_equal 1, para.passthroughs.size
+      assert_equal text_to_escape, para.passthroughs[0][:text]
+      text_to_escape_escaped = %q{[(\] <'basic form'> <'logical operator'> <'basic form'> [)\]}
+      para = block_from_string %(pass:specialcharacters[#{text_to_escape_escaped}])
+      result = para.extract_passthroughs(para.buffer.join)
+      assert_equal 1, para.passthroughs.size
+      assert_equal text_to_escape, para.passthroughs[0][:text]
+    end
+  end
+  context 'Replacements' do
+    test 'unescapes XML entities' do
+      para = block_from_string '< " " &#x22; >'
+      assert_equal '< " " &#x22; >', para.apply_normal_subs(para.buffer)
+    end
+    test 'replaces arrows' do
+      para = block_from_string '<- -> <= => \<- \-> \<= \=>'
+      assert_equal '← → ⇐ ⇒ <- -> <= =>', para.apply_normal_subs(para.buffer.join)
+    end
+    test 'replaces dashes' do
+      para = block_from_string %(-- foo foo--bar foo\\--bar foo -- bar foo \\-- bar
+stuff in between
+-- foo
+stuff in between
+foo --
+stuff in between
+foo --)
+      expected = %( — foo foo—bar foo--bar foo — bar foo -- bar
+stuff in between — foo
+stuff in between
+foo — stuff in between
+foo — )
+      assert_equal expected, para.sub_replacements(para.buffer.join)
+    end
+    test 'replaces marks' do
+      para = block_from_string '(C) (R) (TM) \(C) \(R) \(TM)' 
+      assert_equal '© ® ™ (C) (R) (TM)', para.sub_replacements(para.buffer.join)
+    end
+    test 'replaces punctuation' do
+      para = block_from_string %(John's Hideout... foo\\'bar)
+      assert_equal "John’s Hideout… foo'bar", para.sub_replacements(para.buffer.join)
diff --git a/test/tables_test.rb b/test/tables_test.rb
index 5ccb92e..02eabfd 100644
--- a/test/tables_test.rb
+++ b/test/tables_test.rb
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ context 'Tables' do
       cells = [%w(A B C), %w(a b c), %w(1 2 3)]
       output = render_embedded_string input
       assert_css 'table', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table.tableblock.frame-all.grid-all[style*="width: 100%"]', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width: 33%"]', output, 3
+      assert_css 'table.tableblock.frame-all.grid-all[style*="width:100%"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width:33%"]', output, 3
       assert_css 'table tr', output, 3
       assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 3
       assert_css 'table td', output, 9
       assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td.tableblock.halign-left.valign-top > p.tableblock', output, 9
       cells.each_with_index {|row, rowi|
-        assert_css "table tr:nth-child(#{rowi + 1}) > td", output, row.size
-        assert_css "table tr:nth-child(#{rowi + 1}) > td > p", output, row.size
+        assert_css "table > tbody > tr:nth-child(#{rowi + 1}) > td", output, row.size
+        assert_css "table > tbody > tr:nth-child(#{rowi + 1}) > td > p", output, row.size
         row.each_with_index {|cell, celli|
           assert_xpath "(//tr)[#{rowi + 1}]/td[#{celli + 1}]/p[text()='#{cell}']", output, 1
@@ -43,6 +43,46 @@ context 'Tables' do
       assert_xpath '/table/caption/following-sibling::colgroup', output, 1
+    test 'only increments table counter for tables that have a title' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+.First numbered table
+|1 |2 |3
+|4 |5 |6
+.Second numbered table
+|7 |8 |9
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'table:root', output, 3
+      assert_xpath '(/table)[1]/caption', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(/table)[1]/caption[text()="Table 1. First numbered table"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(/table)[2]/caption', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '(/table)[3]/caption', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(/table)[3]/caption[text()="Table 2. Second numbered table"]', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'renders explicit caption on simple psv table' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[caption="All the Data. "]
+.Simple psv table
+|A |B |C
+|a |b |c
+|1 |2 |3
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath '/table/caption[@class="title"][text()="All the Data. Simple psv table"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '/table/caption/following-sibling::colgroup', output, 1
+    end
     test 'ignores escaped separators' do
       input = <<-EOS
@@ -233,13 +273,13 @@ I am getting in shape!
       output = render_embedded_string input
       assert_css 'table', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table[style*="width: 80%"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table[style*="width:80%"]', output, 1
       assert_xpath '/table/caption[@class="title"][text()="Table 1. Horizontal and vertical source data"]', output, 1
       assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 4
-      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(1)[@style*="width: 17%"]', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(2)[@style*="width: 11%"]', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(3)[@style*="width: 11%"]', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(4)[@style*="width: 58%"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(1)[@style*="width:17%"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(2)[@style*="width:11%"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(3)[@style*="width:11%"]', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col:nth-child(4)[@style*="width:58%"]', output, 1
       assert_css 'table > thead', output, 1
       assert_css 'table > thead > tr', output, 1
       assert_css 'table > thead > tr > th', output, 4
@@ -264,7 +304,7 @@ d|9 2+>|10
       output = render_embedded_string input
       assert_css 'table', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width: 25%"]', output, 4
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width:25%"]', output, 4
       assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 4
       assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td', output, 10
       assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 4
@@ -272,21 +312,21 @@ d|9 2+>|10
       assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td', output, 1
       assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td', output, 2
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(1).halign-left.valign-top p em', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2).halign-right.valign-top p strong', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3).halign-center.valign-top p', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3).halign-center.valign-top p *', output, 0
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(4).halign-right.valign-top p strong', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(1).halign-left.valign-top p em', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(2).halign-right.valign-top p strong', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3).halign-center.valign-top p', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3).halign-center.valign-top p *', output, 0
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(4).halign-right.valign-top p strong', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(1).halign-center.valign-top p em', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2).halign-center.valign-middle[colspan="2"][rowspan="2"] p tt', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(3).halign-left.valign-bottom[rowspan="3"] p tt', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(1).halign-center.valign-top p em', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2).halign-center.valign-middle[colspan="2"][rowspan="2"] p code', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(3).halign-left.valign-bottom[rowspan="3"] p code', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(1).halign-center.valign-top p em', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td:nth-child(1).halign-center.valign-top p em', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(1).halign-left.valign-top p', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(1).halign-left.valign-top p em', output, 0
-      assert_css 'table tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(2).halign-right.valign-top[colspan="2"] p tt', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(1).halign-left.valign-top p', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(1).halign-left.valign-top p em', output, 0
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(4) > td:nth-child(2).halign-right.valign-top[colspan="2"] p code', output, 1
     test 'supports repeating cells' do
@@ -434,6 +474,43 @@ output file name is used.
       assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) table', output, 1
       assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) table > tbody > tr > td', output, 2
+    test 'nested document in AsciiDoc cell should not see doctitle of parent' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+= Document Title
+|AsciiDoc content
+      EOS
+      output = render_string input
+      assert_css 'table', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td #preamble', output, 0
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr > td .paragraph', output, 1
+    end
+    test 'cell background color' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+[cols="1e,1", options="header"]
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_xpath '(/table/thead/tr/th)[1][@style="background-color:green;"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(/table/thead/tr/th)[2][@style="background-color:green;"]', output, 0
+      assert_xpath '(/table/tbody/tr/td)[1][@style="background-color:red;"]', output, 1
+      assert_xpath '(/table/tbody/tr/td)[2][@style="background-color:green;"]', output, 0
+    end
   context 'DSV' do
@@ -452,11 +529,26 @@ nobody:x:99:99:Nobody:/:/sbin/nologin
       output = render_embedded_string input
       assert_css 'table', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width: 14%"]', output, 7
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width:14%"]', output, 7
       assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 6
       assert_xpath '//tr[4]/td[5]/p/text()', output, 0
       assert_xpath '//tr[3]/td[5]/p[text()="MySQL:Server"]', output, 1
+    test 'dsv format shorthand' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'table', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 3
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 3
+    end
   context 'CSV' do
@@ -475,7 +567,7 @@ air, moon roof, loaded",4799.00
       output = render_embedded_string input 
       assert_css 'table', output, 1
-      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width: 20%"]', output, 5
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col[style*="width:20%"]', output, 5
       assert_css 'table > thead > tr', output, 1
       assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 4
       assert_xpath '((//tbody/tr)[1]/td)[4]/p[text()="ac, abs, moon"]', output, 1
@@ -483,6 +575,21 @@ air, moon roof, loaded",4799.00
       assert_xpath '((//tbody/tr)[4]/td)[4]/p[text()="MUST SELL! air, moon roof, loaded"]', output, 1
+    test 'csv format shorthand' do
+      input = <<-EOS
+      EOS
+      output = render_embedded_string input
+      assert_css 'table', output, 1
+      assert_css 'table > colgroup > col', output, 3
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr', output, 2
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td', output, 3
+      assert_css 'table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td', output, 3
+    end
     test 'custom separator' do
       input = <<-EOS
 [format="csv", separator=";"]
diff --git a/test/test_helper.rb b/test/test_helper.rb
index 9e5f63b..e670076 100644
--- a/test/test_helper.rb
+++ b/test/test_helper.rb
@@ -4,12 +4,6 @@ require 'test/unit'
 require "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/../lib/asciidoctor.rb"
-  require 'mocha/setup'
-rescue LoadError
-  require 'mocha'
-require 'htmlentities'
 require 'nokogiri'
 require 'pending'
@@ -67,8 +61,8 @@ class Test::Unit::TestCase
     xmlnodes_at_path(:css, css, content)
-  def xmlnodes_at_xpath(css, content, count = nil)
-    xmlnodes_at_path(:xpath, css, content)
+  def xmlnodes_at_xpath(xpath, content, count = nil)
+    xmlnodes_at_path(:xpath, xpath, content)
   def xmlnodes_at_path(type, path, content, count = nil)
@@ -82,6 +76,11 @@ class Test::Unit::TestCase
     count == 1 ? results.first : results
+  # Generate an xpath attribute matcher that matches a name in the class attribute
+  def contains_class(name)
+    %(contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), ' #{name} '))
+  end
   def assert_css(css, content, count = nil)
     assert_path(:css, css, content, count)
@@ -100,7 +99,13 @@ class Test::Unit::TestCase
     results = xmlnodes_at_path type, path, content
-    if (count && results.length != count)
+    if (count == true || count == false)
+      if (count != results)
+        flunk "#{type_name} #{path} yielded #{results} rather than #{count} for:\n#{content}"
+      else
+        assert true
+      end
+    elsif (count && results.length != count)
       flunk "#{type_name} #{path} yielded #{results.length} elements rather than #{count} for:\n#{content}"
     elsif (count.nil? && results.empty?)
       flunk "#{type_name} #{path} not found in:\n#{content}"
@@ -145,6 +150,12 @@ class Test::Unit::TestCase
     [Asciidoctor::Lexer.parse_header_metadata(reader), reader]
+  # Expand the character for an entity such as — so
+  # it can be used to match in an XPath expression
+  def expand_entity(number)
+    [number].pack('U*')
+  end
   def invoke_cli_to_buffer(argv = [], filename = 'sample.asciidoc', &block)
     invoke_cli(argv, filename, [StringIO.new, StringIO.new], &block)
diff --git a/test/text_test.rb b/test/text_test.rb
index daa87ea..a77e01b 100644
--- a/test/text_test.rb
+++ b/test/text_test.rb
@@ -1,27 +1,28 @@
+# encoding: UTF-8
 require 'test_helper'
 context "Text" do
   test "proper encoding to handle utf8 characters in document using html backend" do
     output = example_document(:encoding).render
-    assert_xpath '//p', output, 2
+    assert_xpath '//p', output, 4
     assert_xpath '//a', output, 1
   test "proper encoding to handle utf8 characters in embedded document using html backend" do
     output = example_document(:encoding, :header_footer => false).render
-    assert_xpath '//p', output, 2
+    assert_xpath '//p', output, 4
     assert_xpath '//a', output, 1
   test "proper encoding to handle utf8 characters in document using docbook backend" do
     output = example_document(:encoding, :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook'}).render
-    assert_xpath '//simpara', output, 2
+    assert_xpath '//simpara', output, 4
     assert_xpath '//ulink', output, 1
   test "proper encoding to handle utf8 characters in embedded document using docbook backend" do
     output = example_document(:encoding, :header_footer => false, :attributes => {'backend' => 'docbook'}).render
-    assert_xpath '//simpara', output, 2
+    assert_xpath '//simpara', output, 4
     assert_xpath '//ulink', output, 1
@@ -31,11 +32,22 @@ context "Text" do
     input << "[verse]\n"
     doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new
-    reader = Asciidoctor::Reader.new input
+    reader = Asciidoctor::Reader.new(input, doc, true)
     block = Asciidoctor::Lexer.next_block(reader, doc)
     assert_xpath '//pre', block.render.gsub(/^\s*\n/, ''), 1
+  test "proper encoding to handle utf8 characters from included file" do
+    input = <<-EOS
+    EOS
+    doc = Asciidoctor::Document.new [], :safe => Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SAFE, :base_dir => File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
+    reader = Asciidoctor::Reader.new(input, doc, true)
+    block = Asciidoctor::Lexer.next_block(reader, doc)
+    output = block.render
+    assert_css '.paragraph', output, 1
+  end
   test 'escaped text markup' do
     assert_match(/All your <em>inline<\/em> markup belongs to <strong>us<\/strong>!/,
         render_string('All your <em>inline</em> markup belongs to <strong>us</strong>!'))
@@ -89,7 +101,7 @@ context "Text" do
   test "backtick-escaped text followed by single-quoted text" do
-    assert_match(/<tt>foo<\/tt>/, render_string(%Q(run `foo` 'dog')))
+    assert_match(/<code>foo<\/code>/, render_string(%Q(run `foo` 'dog')))
   context "basic styling" do
@@ -106,7 +118,7 @@ context "Text" do
     test "monospaced" do
-      assert_xpath "//tt", @rendered
+      assert_xpath "//code", @rendered
     test "superscript" do
@@ -118,21 +130,21 @@ context "Text" do
     test "backticks" do
-      assert_xpath "//tt", render_string("This is `totally cool`.")
+      assert_xpath "//code", render_string("This is `totally cool`.")
     test "nested styles" do
       rendered = render_string("Winning *big _time_* in the +city *boyeeee*+.")
       assert_xpath "//strong/em", rendered
-      assert_xpath "//tt/strong", rendered
+      assert_xpath "//code/strong", rendered
     test "unconstrained quotes" do
       rendered_chars = render_string("**B**__I__++M++")
       assert_xpath "//strong", rendered_chars
       assert_xpath "//em", rendered_chars
-      assert_xpath "//tt", rendered_chars
+      assert_xpath "//code", rendered_chars


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