[DRE-commits] [SCM] ruby-librarian.git annotated tag, upstream/0.1.0, created. upstream/0.1.0

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Sun May 5 11:01:08 UTC 2013

The annotated tag, upstream/0.1.0 has been created
        at  4582209965b36b29f25b14a5608b9584638c7264 (tag)
   tagging  d3f319f581d9a1dca239d69bcd12b2e4e6637481 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.0.26
 tagged by  Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
        on  Mon Apr 29 13:17:27 2013 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.1.0
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Alexey Noskov (1):
      Adding github source, which just delegates to git with 'https://github.com/' prefix to uri

Andrew Vit (1):
      Executable bin/git must be a file: ignore directories.

Andy Williams (1):
      Fix for JRuby compatibilty

Anthony Goddard (3):
      cleaning up read me
      cleaning up readme
      more readme

Cliff Erson (1):
      Update README.md

Eric Perrino (1):
      Disable git colors when parsing remote branches

Fabian Ruff (3):
      Fix updating the locale cache of git sources (issue #36).
      Bugfix for git cache update.
      Add support for the NO_PROXY environment variable when downloading http resources

Fletcher Nichol (3):
      Add chef gem to runtime dependency list.
      Add highline as an explicit dependency for knife integration.
      Several small README updates.

Hedgehog (1):
      Ideal use case clarification.

Jay Feldblum (660):
      Get it started.
      A source might cache dependencies one-by-one rather than all at once.
      Add an Opscode Cookbooks Site source for Chef cookbooks.
      Permit block sources and source declarations forming a stack in the specfile.
      Split out the dsl receiver and target classes into their own files.
      The dsl receiver should know how to run a path.
      Initialize all scopable instance variables all at once.
      Refactor figuring out the source from the options.
      Support receiving blocks and strings to be evaluated by the dsl.
      Start off a dsl spec with some simple specfiles.
      This feature is nearly a duplicate, and existed to test a small variation. But now there is a unit test for the small variation.
      Specs should be unwordy.
      Refactor the chef site source.
      A feature describing that dependencies of listed dependencies should also be installed.
      All particularizations of Librarian (such as the particularization for Chef) should be done by subclassing or selecting the correct root module. This way, the base library and all particularizations can be tested in the same process.
      Agnostify the bulk of the librarian-chef bin script so that it pertains to any librarian particularity and move it to the cli class.
      Don't keep running WIP features.
      Clean up some of the chef particularity files.
      Move the dsl files and classes to outside the concept of the specfile, to make the files/classes structure a little simpler/flatter.
      Move the cucumber config file into a config directory to un-clutter the project root.
      Only need to define the method once.
      Rename Dependency#requirements to Dependency#requirement.
      Refactor the Git source a little.
      Most of the path and git source code is similar. Refactor the similar code into a module.
      Declare abstract methods on Librarian.
      Remove a direct usage of Librarian#specfile_name, which is abstract.
      Missing require.
      The default output for rspec/cucumber should be colored progress, since it's the least invasive on the terminal real estate.
      Move the abstract_method helper into a support module.
      Some Rake tasks to ease testing.
      Clean up.
      Refactor: rename local.
      The specfile knows the default source. This is the source where transitive dependencies may be found. If a transitive dependency is to be found in a non-default source, then it must be specified explicitly.
      Specify that there may be non-block, non-hash-option sources in the specfile.
      Clean up spec.
      The dsl spec should specify the spec sources.
      The dsl target scopables should be public methods.
      The dsl should raise when it finds a dependency spec but there are no sources specified for it.
      Enter the manifest as a domain model class.
      Add a readme.
      Declare methods as abstract rather than defining them to throw.
      Start using the concept of a manifest being a particular version of a dependency.
      Move the basic commands to the cli base, and add an option for them to be verbose.
      Check for equality, not assign.
      Let cucumber capture all the debugging output. This will help when debugging failing features.
      Resolve dependencies by name (this does not yet resolve to a compatible set of versions).
      Librarian::Chef::Source::Site#cache! parameter list expects a single dependency, but the source #cache! methods all should take a splat of dependencies.
      Missing require.
      Manifests should know their sources.
      The Source#cache! method should take an array rather than a splat, because the list of cachable items may be long.
      Get the Chef Site source working again.
      Manifests know their own sources.
      Manifests may not know their versions or dependencies immediately (although they should know their sources and names immediately).
      Allow cleaning and installing in one task.
      Better code-sharing among manifest classes.
      Better code-sharing among manifest classes.
      Clean up. In order to tsort a graph hash using the tsort stdlib, we were fiddling with the graph hash object's singleton class. It's clearer to have a specific class representing a graph hash.
      Fix. Librarian::Chef::Source::Local::Manifest#manifest_path overrode Librarian::Chef::Manifest#manifest_path by accident.
      Debugging helpers.
      AbstractMethod should not override existing methods. It's point is to make it clear that a method's existence is part of some API, and to provide a slightly more useful message than the standard NameError.
      Manifests get some love with debugging.
      Manifests know how to install themselves (rather than sources installing manifests).
      Don't repeat helper methods - include them.
      Dependencies should be able to get their manifests through their sources.
      Simplify going from a dependency to the corresonding manifests in the resolver.
      Ruby frowns upon double-negatives.
      The resolver instance should know either both or neither of the default source and the specced dependencies. Going with neither.
      Use shared code rather than pasted code.
      Remove unused code.
      Move Librarian::Chef::Source::Local into its own file.
      Move Librarian::Chef::Source::Path and Librarian::Chef::Source::Path into their own files.
      All the files for a given version should go in the same directory in the chef site source.
      Use shared code rather than pasted code.
      The chef site manifest should cache the paths relevant to it.
      Use fetch_#{...}! instead of cache_#{...}! in method names when the method should return a value but is not responsible for caching the value.
      A method to check whether a set of manifests is a good resolution for a set of dependencies.
      Output whether the resolver found a good resolution.
      Only try to print debugging messages if there is actually a UI object which can handle printing them.
      Mock particularity with mock source. Uses an in-memory database of specs.
      Switch the Dsl spec from using the Chef Dsl to using the Mock Dsl.
      Mock manifests should be sorted in reverse order of version.
      There no longer are per-particularity dependency types.
      Move the mock source registry into its own file.
      Move the extensions' root-module code into an extension file within the extension's directory. Keeps everything in the same place.
      Cache and try to lookup the source instances in a specfile instead of creating a new source instance each time.
      Abstract out the concept that something can be a scope or a directive (affecting the following lines) in the specfile dsl.
      Use shared code rather than pasted code.
      The ui methods should take blocks returning strings, rather than taking strings directly, because sometimes the strings have to be computed but sometimes the ui options say not to print/log/do anything.
      Simplify the dsl metaprogramming and add a method for source shortcuts.
      Source shortcuts.
      Specify some dsl source shortcut examples.
      Implemented source shortcuts. It's not pretty.
      Git has a --quiet option.
      The dsl should return a spec object as its public api (rather than a target object, which was an implementation-particular artifact).
      Specfile now returns a spec object and the resolver now expects a spec object.
      Slightly more compact dsl for the mock source registry.
      The library exception class should inherit StandardError.
      Use eval with a binding rather than instance_eval when evaluating a string.
      Missing require.
      A slow spec that each file in lib can be required. Just a smoke test.
      Manifests can check if they satisfy dependencies and vice versa.
      A few sanity checks on the chef site source.
      UI methods should accept a string argument or a block, instead of just a block.
      The mock source manifest implementation should define its own install! method.
      A librarian-mock bin and cli.
      Dependencies should have a way to show themselves.
      Sources and manifests should be able to show themselves.
      A first pass at trying to match version constraints during resolution.
      The mock source registry manifest-sorting should call #new and pass in :version.
      Source#manifests should return nil if the dependency is not found in the repository and [] if the dependency is found but there are no versions.
      Fail the resolution if a dependency was expected in a source but was not found.
      More debugging info in the resolver.
      The installer checks for the dependencies not being resolved.
      A note about the mock adapter.
      Use the interface rather than the implementation for checking whether dependencies are satisfied by manifests.
      Remove redundant steps.
      Helper method to simplify using the mock source registry.
      Specfile should ask for the root module rather than the dsl class for consistency, even though that looks more like service location than dependency injection.
      Output debugging info consistently.
      Show the file:line: in `method' when printing debug output.
      Don't re-download versions and archives from the chef site if the files already exist locally.
      Strip the location where librarian is installed from debugging output.
      Gem::Version and Gem::Requirement are implementation details.
      Factor out sorting the manifests in the resolver into a separate method, and permit the method to take both an array and a hash of fully-resolved manifests.
      Sources should have a standard way to specify certain aspects of being serialized for locking.
      Taking a stab at lockfiles.
      Local manifests should record the specified path and find the real path, rather than having the real path handed to them. That way, the specified path can be recorded in the lockfile and the manifest can be hydrated from the lockfile with the specified path.
      Add a cli command for resolving the specs and writing a lockfile.
      Clean up.
      Clean should also remove the lockfile.
      Helper methods to remove duplication.
      Clean up.
      Remove unused code.
      Bounce (compare compile to compile-parse-compile) the lockfile when resolving.
      Clean up.
      A spec for saving and bouncing lockfiles.
      A helper method for running the dsl in specs.
      Use the hash/block form of Mock.registry to make it more dsl-like.
      The parser should ask the sources to create the manifests, because manifest implementations are source-specific.
      Use #sort_by!
      Librarian source manifest's version_uri should be lazy too.
      Librarian#install! should write a lockfile and then install from the lockfile.
      Only pull the chef site index for a given name if it isn't cached.
      Debugging output with line numbers should be an option, and not the default.
      Clean up the git source and start taking into account the actual sha in addition to the specified ref.
      A function to get the sha from a ref for the git source.
      #to_s should return a string.
      #to_lock_options should be an instance method.
      Put project-relative paths into the lockfile if the paths are relative to the project.
      The git-log --quiet command does some wonky stuff with the exit status and is not suitable for finding out what the sha of the head is.
      The chef site source should install cookbook packages to the right folder.
      "FIXME" or "TODO" is not a description
      A little bit of handling in case the chef site source can't find a dependency.
      Compile manifests to json if there only rb manifests.
      A little more information in the readme about how to run librarian-chef.
      Don't print a backtrace when quitting intentionally.
      Log that there are no known manifests if the manifests list is empty.
      Compiling manifests pulled from a Git source wasn't working because they were being compiled with the wrong name - instead of the manifest name, they were being compiled with the hash from librarian/source/git#repository_cache_path.
      Don't save the compiled metadata. Just use it.
      Fix for chef-0.10.
      Fix for 1.8.7.
      Fix for 1.8.7.
      Fix for 1.8.7.
      Fix for 1.8.7.
      Fix for 1.8.7.
      Fix for 1.8.7.
      Add a helper for strip_heredoc.
      Add a development dependency on chef.
      Fix for 1.8.7.
      A failing spec on the chef git source.
      Bugfix - when a cheffile with a single git-sourced cookbook was resolved, the temp directory deleted, and then installed, the install would fail.
      Fix for 1.8.7.
      Bugfix - installing a chef cookbook from a site source after a resolve and after deleting the temp dir failed because the packages from that source were not cached.
      Rakefile should not need rspec and cucumber installed to function.
      Fix for 1.8.7.
      Add a concept of a Resolution, which is a list of dependencies together with a resolved list of manifests.
      Split apart the piecies of the Resolution correctness check into their own methods with good names.
      Use StringIO instead of an array of strings for compiling a lockfile.
      No need to do crazy yielding here. Just pass and use the IO object directly.
      Use sort_by when warranted.
      The lockfile should be a persistent representation of a resolution.
      Use Librarian::Error.
      A manifest placeholder should be so named.
      Clean up.
      Resolver#resolve should return a Resolution.
      Clean up.
      Can pass in a list of locked manifests to the resolver.
      Ability to update one dependency at a time.
      Refactor the ManifestSet.
      ManifestSet should be able to check its own consistency.
      It is sometimes more polite to use private methods than instance variables.
      Move sorting of manifests to ManifestSet.
      Sort the manifests before installing them.
      The lockfile compiler should print an extra line after the dependencies topic.
      Dependencies and sources should know how to check their pairwise semantic equivalences: they should have semantic implementations of Object#== .
      Clean up.
      ManifestSet should have methods #shallow_keep and #deep_keep paralleling its methods #shallow_strip and #deep_strip.
      SpecChangeSet understands how a new spec differs from an old or locked resolution.
      Check whether or not there is a lockfile already, and if there is, and whether or not the specfile matches the lockfile, when resolving.
      Just attempt to resolve when installing, because now resolving checks whether the lockfile is there already and if it needs to be updated.
      Lockfile should have a handy helper method #read.
      The resolver should raise an error if there's a problem resolving the dependencies.
      The update CLI command on specific dependencies should fail when the specfile is changed. But when not given specific dependencies, it should force a re-resolution.
      Output a debug message if a resolution quits early because the specfile and the lockfile are in sync.
      Some more specs regarding a source change in the specfile.
      Clean up.
      Use the source instances from the previous lockfile when compiling a specfile.
      MIT License.
      Begin the 0.0.2 line.
      Bring the Chef Site source under test.
      A full example of a Cheffile, and usage of librarian-chef, in the readme.
      A little more helpful information in the readme.
      Fix the chef site source spec web mocking.
      Add an optional :path option to git sources. This option lets you "reach into" any arbitrary subpath within a git repository to find the dependency.
      Path#to_lock_options no longer needs to figure out whether the path is relative or absolute: because we no longer transform the input so we can just return the input.
      Some cookbook don't come with names in their metadata. Unfortunate, but we cannot check for the names.
      Dependencies know their sources (at least, the non-temporary ones do). So they can help with debugging.
      The filesystem path for a git source should include the path declared for it, if any. That removes the need to special-case the search for manifests.
      Bump the version.
      Start on knife integration.
      Perhaps the install directory should be in ~ if the user has a ~. Up for debate.
      Write out a nice message instead of raising.
      Some readme notes on the knife integration.
      Bump the version.
      Merge pull request #1 from agoddard/master
      More details about knife integration.
      Merge pull request #3 from fnichol/master
      Create the install_path before installing (if it's missing). Avoids confusing backtraces.
      An init task. Closes #4.
      Revise the notes about the cookbook directory.
      Revise the name of a feature.
      Get rid of deprecation notices.
      Bump the version.
      Fix an edge case where it was sending #dependencies to nil.
      Print out an error message if there's a cookbook specified that can't be found in a local (git/path) source.
      Bump the version to 0.0.6.
      Bump the version to 0.0.7.
      A CLI command to show the gem version.
      Add a change log.
      In verbose, print out the pre- and post-cached sources as the dsl target sees them.
      The mock particularity should be namespaced in the mock namespace.
      Failing spec for #10.
      Fixes #10.
      Note the fix for #10 in the changelog.
      Bump the version to 0.0.8.
      Refactor the Lockfile spec.
      Refactor the locals in the Librarian::Chef::Source::Site spec to use rspec's let.
      Prefer double-quoted strings for consistency.
      Rename the chef source spec files to follow the standard namespacing rules.
      Rspec has an "exist" matcher.
      Let's use #inspect for interpolating strings as Ruby string literals.
      Move spec files as appropriate into unit and functional spec directories.
      Get rid of the meta/requires spec. It's not actually all that useful.
      Refactor the Librarian::Chef::Source::Git spec to use rspec's let instead of closed-over locals.
      Use double-quoted strings for consistency.
      Rspec has an #exist matcher.
      Clarify the Librarian::Lockfile spec for clarity when reading with `-f d`.
      Get rid of mention of the Resolver from the Lockfile::Parser.
      Failing spec for applicationsonline/librarian#11.
      Avoid simple interpolation to form a command line; it frequently fails.
      Note the fix for #11 in the change log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.9.
      Move all the methods directly on Librarian into a new Librarian::Environment class. Likewise for adapters.
      Get rid of root_module and Particularity. Helpers::Debug now looks for #environment.
      An extra Librarian::Lockfile spec to verify that bouncing a resolution through a lockfiles gives back the resolution.
      Remove unused code.
      Permit giving a new Environment options such as project_path to use.
      Refactor the Librarian::Chef::Source::Git functional spec to make better use of the Librarian::Environment. Set up the environment properly up front rather than stubbing methods on it.
      Refactor the Librarian::Chef::Source::Site functional spec to make better use of the Librarian::Environment. Set up the environment properly up front rather than stubbing methods on it.
      Use double-quoted string literals by convention.
      Use double-quoted string literals by convention.
      Remove unused code.
      Use fewer of the root_module methods directly in the specs. Shift to using methods on an environment.
      Remove unused code.
      Remove unused code.
      Fix incorrect requires.
      Use double-quoted string literals by convention.
      And remove the rest of the Librarian delegations, which turn out to be unused.
      Prefer private setters to instance variables. They help prevent typos.
      No more mock-registry singleton.
      Add Librarian::Environment#install_consistent_resolution!, which installs the resolution so long as the specfile and the lockfile are consistent.
      Simplify the knife integration, delegating the implementation of installing the consistent resolution to the environment.
      Add a note to the changelog about the next release focusing on refactoring the internals.
      Move the resolver implementation into its own file.
      Move Librarian::Chef::Source::Local::Manifest into its own file.
      Move Librarian::Chef::Source::Site::Manifest into its own file.
      Note rake as a development dependency.
      Remove unused code.
      Use the magic of string interpolation and #to_s to get class names right automatically.
      Actions as separate classes.
      Start off with the clean action.
      Continue with Action::Ensure.
      Continuing with Action::Install.
      Introduce a separate Action::Base class, rather than having Action serve the role of both namespace and base class.
      Action::Resolve and Action::Update. These need specs....
      Move some methods out of the top-level Environment class.
      Remove unused require.
      The CLI should use actions directly, not through Environment. Environment should be a state thing, not an action thing.
      Missing require.
      Knife integration should use an action directly, rather than going through the environment to act.
      Remove unused code.
      Missing requires.
      Remove the action methods from Environment.
      Fix Cli#install - the install command should resolve and subsequently install.
      Missing require.
      Missing require.
      Bump the version to 0.0.10.
      Remove a now-superfluous background step.
      A failing scenario showing an issue with the version command.
      The version command should succeed.
      Note the previous fix in the change log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.11.
      Fetch the up-to-date state of the git repository, including all tags, when caching a git source.
      Note the previous fix in the change log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.12.
      Merge pull request #23 from patcon/applicationsonline-22_tmp-dir-readme
      Merge pull request #27 from hedgehog/patch-2
      Use attr_accessor rather than attr_reader and instance variables.
      Validate Librarian::Dependency#name.
      Use attr_accessor rather than attr_reader and instance variables.
      Validate Librarian::Manifest#name.
      Also check on the DSL that there cannot be deps with blank names.
      Use attr_accessor rather than attr_reader and instance variables.
      A failing functional spec for #36, #37.
      The update action should unpin discarded sources. Fixes #36.
      Note previous commits in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.13.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.14.
      Merge branch 'master', remote-tracking branch 'cerson/master'
      Some more details about the `:ref` key, as well as what `librarian-chef install` does.
      Need some clearer documentation.
      Better updating of cached git sources.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.15.
      Recache site-sourced dependency metadata per each run.
      Always install.
      Pave the way for persisted config.
      Abstract versions & requirements from rubygems.
      Recreate the install path when installing.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Docs should have titles.
      Bump the version to 0.0.16.
      Use a cross-platform library to ungzip/untar site-sourced cookbooks.
      Fix: cache multiple site-sourced dependency metadatas.
      Archive::Tar::Minitar doesn't like Pathname instances.
      Enforce the resolver's consistency.
      Use break in loops to exit early.
      Some tips for running the tests.
      Note previous changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.17.
      Complete the consistency check.
      Helper methods are great.
      Include existing manifests' dependencies in resolution.
      Permit the update action even with a changed specfile.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.18.
      A travis config.
      Fix - flat_map is not part of 1.8.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.19.
      Yearify the copyright notice.
      A command to print outdated manifests.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Some docs on the outdated command.
      Bump the version to 0.0.20.
      Merge pull request #60 from fnichol/readme-updates
      Rspec clarity.
      Shorter code everywhere!
      The wonders of Symbol#to_proc.
      Assert conditions on inputs.
      Some specs for Librarian::ManifestSet.
      Abstractions are nice.
      Show the build status.
      A note on the purpose of a class.
      A command to show manifests.
      Bump the dependency on thor to 0.15 at least, which was just released.
      Use the new method name.
      Prefer shelling out with the full path to the executable.
      Shell out strictly.
      No need to chdir ourselves.
      Fix syntax error on ruby-1.8.7.
      Fix dishonoring of :chdir on ruby-1.8.7.
      Use names directly.
      A few structural improvements to Librarian::Manifest.
      Don't need quite so much inheritance.
      No need to roundtrip through JSON.
      Move more to ManifestReader.
      Don't need to reference the module anymore.
      Reduce surface area.
      Move a piece of functionality from a manifest subclass to the source class.
      Move some per-source manifest details to the source.
      Permit local sources to log.
      Move some per-source manifest details to the source.
      Don't need per-subclass install! methods.
      Rename argument.
      Remove unused code.
      Move all the chef local code to the source.
      A generic way to define extra params in manifests.
      Move a few functions to the chef site source.
      Move a few more functions to the chef site source.
      Remove unused code.
      The extra param doesn't need to be a Hash.
      Move a few more bits to the source.
      Fix some requires.
      Clean should not delete the lockfile.
      Refactor the chef site source, moving all code from the manifest to the source.
      Refactor extract common code to a base class.
      Add a missing require.
      Don't have a need for subclasses anymore.
      No need for the subclass here either.
      Fix for ruby-1.8.7 and ruby-1.9.2.
      Fix for ruby-1.8.7.
      Test in rbx.
      Longer timeouts on platforms with slow boots.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Some breathing room.
      A missing require.
      Defaults are not actually needed here.
      Sources should raise when given unrecognized options.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.21.
      Fix the outdated command.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.22.
      Fix the tempfile business in the chef site source.
      Build the gem with a built gemspec.
      Sometimes we need a place to do scratch work.
      Unpack into the scratch directory.
      Print some basic env info in verbose mode.
      Slightly simpler regexp.
      Permit sequence of OSX-style newlines.
      A basic spec for the lockfile parser.
      Spec a slightly more complex lockfile.
      Show git info in verbose.
      Cleaner git logging output.
      Move git command logging to a separate method.
      Split out the git command running to a separate method.
      Print git env vars in verbose.
      Unset GIT_DIR when running git commands.
      Prefer methods.
      Just a precaution.
      Include the ref in computing a git source's cache key.
      Ensure the cached git repositories are clean.
      Make some private methods private.
      No need to precache local (path, git) sources.
      Cache later (but still early enough).
      A note about the required interface.
      Specs should have _spec.rb filenames.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.23.
      Merge pull request #75 from TrevorBramble/patch-1
      Add a config database implementation.
      Switch to using the config_db.
      Permit stripping out the .git directory when installing cookbooks in the chef adapter.
      A CLI command for showing and editing the config.
      Some autodocs for knowing recognized config keys.
      Fixes for 1.8.7.
      Remote debugging for travis.
      A functional spec for Librarian::Source::Git::Repository.
      Let's pretend that annotated tags are just like simple tags.
      Merge pull request #80 from avit/patch-1
      Fix a test failure for the CLI init command.
      Some clarifications in the readme.
      The show command should say something useful if there is no lockfile.
      Print in red and return nonzero in case of error.
      Show the whole config at once.
      Permit setting --strip-dot-git and --no-strip-dot-git when installing.
      Some CLI annotations.
      Customize the cookbooks install path.
      The --no-path option takes care of this.
      Require "1" for boolean configs.
      Use the name path instead of install.path to parallel bundler.
      Remove unused option.
      Document the config system.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.24.
      No need for AbstractMethod here.
      Remove unneeded inclusions of the debug helper.
      Switch to an explicit logger method.
      Fix some missing methods.
      Print what's installing.
      Fix failing feature.
      Read cookbook metadata files in binary.
      Permit single-character manifests and dependencies.
      Fix #91.
      Extract the http-proxy detection to the environment.
      Make the sample cookbook tarball using in-memory techniques. Faster.
      A little cleanup.
      Remove an unused return value.
      Merge coupled code into a single method.
      Enforce that ref option is given a string.
      Be more tolerant of variances in package filenames uploaded to Opscode.
      Pathname is funner than FileUtils.
      FakeFS is busted on Rubinius. Travis should run the tests, but not fail the build.
      Remove unused code.
      Prefer methods.
      Start transitioning some of the features to cli specs.
      Oops. 1.8-compatible syntax.
      Continue transitioning the cli specs to rspec.
      Finish transitioning cli features to rspec.
      Remove cucumber, which is now unused.
      Move the version method to the environment.
      Move a method to the only place it's used.
      No need for a default rake task.
      Remove old cucumber config.
      Fix args at the beginning of a method to reduce the paths through the method.
      Remove unused code.
      Permit declaring multiple sources in a specfile.
      Prefer accessors to ivars.
      1.8.7 doesn't have Array#flat_map.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.25.
      Merge pull request #106 from taqtiqa-mark/patch-3
      Clean up old temp directories.
      Clean up old temp directories.
      Move code used only in one place to the one place.
      Mark the existing chef site source integration spec as an integration spec.
      A functional spec for the chef site source.
      Mark the existing chef git source integration spec as an integration spec.
      Integration specs get their own tmp dirs.
      The beginnings of a source linter.
      Lint the chef site source.
      Fix for 1.8.7.
      Merge pull request #112 from ericpp/master
      Merge pull request #116 from taqtiqa-mark/patch-1
      Prefer accessor writers to ivars.
      Detect conflicts faster in the resolver.
      It's polite not to modify the arguments passed into a method.
      Partially linearize the resolver implementation.
      Give the resolver's multisource a basic string rep.
      We only need one copy of the multisource instance.
      Partially linearize the resolver implementation.
      Move some scope work into a helper method in the resolver impl.
      Only mark as being scheduled deps which are unresolved.
      Move some scope work into a helper method in the resolver impl.
      Move some printf-debugging into a helper method in the resolver impl.
      Rearrange marking dependencies as scheduled in the resolver impl.
      Pull part of a complex block of code up and out.
      Partially linearize the resolver implementation.
      Partially linearize the resolver implementation.
      Remove unnecessary code.
      Partially linearize the resolver implementation.
      Move all the linters into the same place.
      Move some details into helper methods in the resolver impl.
      Make helper methods private in the resolver impl.
      Move some details into a helper method in the resolver impl.
      Hopefully resolve a build failure on >= 1.9.3-p286.
      Hopefully resolve a build failure on >= 1.9.3-p286.
      Let the resolver produce only full resolutions.
      No need to construct extra arrays that we don't use.
      Detect conflicts faster in the resolver.
      Detect conflicts faster in the resolver.
      Identify dependencies which conflict with each other.
      Check for inconsistencies earlier in the resolver impl.
      Move duplicate code to a single place.
      Refactor extract helper method.
      Make more private methods private.
      Move complicated code to where it belongs.
      Refactor extract helper method.
      Prefer shorter and clearer.
      Use 1.8.7-style map with symbol-to-proc.
      Refactor extract helper method.
      Retain the dependency conflicts when they are discovered.
      Log conflicts when resolving.
      Merge pull request #121 from alno/github_source
      Merge pull request #119 from databus23/no_proxy_env
      Prefer lines within the ruler.
      Prefer #any?.
      Environment#no_proxy? is not part of the interface.
      Stop http redirect cycles as soon as they are detected in the chef site source.
      Refactor extract duplicate code.
      Refactor extract common method.
      Remove redundant checks.
      Simplify some of the lockfile parser.
      Refactor divide complex method.
      Refactor divide complex method.
      Avoid massively-repeated string literals.
      Refactor divide complex method.
      Extract the outdated checks into the manifest class.
      Refactor simplify methods.
      Refactor simplify methods.
      Refactor simplify methods.
      Refactor extract common code.
      Refactor extract common code.
      Refactor deduplicate methods.
      Refactor split complex method.
      Refactor extract common code.
      Add a CodeClimate badge.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.0.26.
      Track jruby failures in CI.
      Update fakefs to a release.
      Start testing on ruby-2.0.
      Merge branch 'fix_recursive_copy' of https://github.com/tknerr/librarian
      Test on ruby-2.0.0-rc1 too.
      Test on MRI 2 RC 2.
      Merge branch 'short-digest' of https://github.com/tknerr/librarian
      A rudimentary CLI spec.
      Bring the CliMacro spec support module into the library for reuse.
      Remove the librarian-mock bin.
      Update to the new default way to mark licenses.
      Converge the copyright information to correctness.
      Simpler local test and install instructions.
      Group the dependencies in the gemspec.
      Take a framework dependency on the `json` gem, since the CliMacro uses it.
      Use the new standard block parameter for gemspecs.
      Use the new form of fixing the load path for gemspecs.
      Merge branch 'feature/tmp-config' of https://github.com/Turbo87/librarian
      Test on Ruby 2.0.
      Use the new style of listing files in the gemspec.
      Use the new style position for the gemspec homepage attribute.
      Remove the rubyforge_project attribute from the gemspec.
      Remove the platform attribute from the gemspec, as is the new style.
      Use the new style alignment in the gemspec.
      Ensure that the git-related specs run even without a preconfigured git.
      Ensure that the git-related specs run even without a preconfigured git.
      Inject a version into the Chef adapter.
      Extract the Chef adapter.
      Bump the version to 0.1.0.beta.1.
      Avoid rspec around hooks. Prefer before/after hooks.
      Abstract some of the FakeFS machinery.
      Simplify the usage of FakeFS from the config/database spec.
      Be sure Librarian::Specfile#path is a Pathname.
      Fix the arguments to Librarian::Dsl#run.
      Delegate handling the specfile all the way down the chain.
      Use #instance_exec in the DSL receiver.
      Librarian::Specfile should pass its path to the DSL.
      Move the spec support constants under the Support namespace.
      Patches to FakeFS::Pathname are only necessary for 1.9.3+.
      Ask the OS for the tmpdir in specs.
      Pathname#read is verboten.
      The patch to FakeFS::Pathname#read doesn't work in ruby < 1.9.3.
      Test on 1.8.7-p358 too, which is the default on darwin.
      Revert "Test on 1.8.7-p358 too, which is the default on darwin."
      Remove unneeded file.
      Note recent changes in the change-log.
      Bump the version to 0.1.0.

Mark Van de Vyver (2):
      Accommodate Bundler vendor everything users
      Closes issue #115

Patrick Connolly (2):
      Attempt to clarify how versions specified for site cookbooks.
      Appended tmp to gitignore in readme.

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen (1):
      Imported Upstream version 0.1.0

Tobias Bieniek (1):
      environment: Make "tmp" folder configurable via config

Torben (2):
      prevent error when recursively copying self via `:path => '..'`
      consider `environment.install_path` instead of using hardcoded install dir

Trevor Bramble (1):
      Minor spelling correction.

fleuria (1):
      bugfix for Could not get uri because 302 HttpFound

tkn (2):
      GH-92: add http proxy support
      shorten MD5 hexdigests from 32 to 16 chars



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