[DRE-commits] [asciidoctor] 01/08: Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.4'

Jérémy Bobbio lunar at alioth.debian.org
Sun Nov 3 11:41:30 UTC 2013

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lunar pushed a commit to branch master
in repository asciidoctor.

commit 5ad55435cdb80d4d583cd9d2b8367ada21326e01
Merge: 2594b6d 88e6d5b
Author: Jérémy Bobbio <lunar at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Nov 3 11:19:20 2013 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.1.4'
    Upstream version 0.1.4

 .gitignore                                         |    4 +
 .travis.yml                                        |   14 +
 CHANGELOG.adoc                                     |  387 +++++
 README.adoc                                        |  706 ++++----
 asciidoctor.gemspec                                |   39 +-
 bin/asciidoctor                                    |    3 +
 bin/asciidoctor-safe                               |    3 +
 compat/asciidoc.conf                               |   80 +-
 lib/asciidoctor.rb                                 |  253 ++-
 lib/asciidoctor/abstract_block.rb                  |  232 +--
 lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb                   |  134 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/attribute_list.rb                  |    2 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/backends/_stylesheets.rb           |  266 ++-
 lib/asciidoctor/backends/base_template.rb          |   33 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/backends/docbook45.rb              |  321 ++--
 lib/asciidoctor/backends/docbook5.rb               |  103 ++
 lib/asciidoctor/backends/html5.rb                  | 1107 ++++++++-----
 lib/asciidoctor/block.rb                           |   98 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/cli/invoker.rb                     |   61 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/cli/options.rb                     |   86 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/debug.rb                           |    2 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/document.rb                        |  365 ++--
 lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb                      |  443 +++++
 lib/asciidoctor/helpers.rb                         |   44 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/inline.rb                          |   10 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/lexer.rb                           |  782 ++++++---
 lib/asciidoctor/{list_item.rb => list.rb}          |   46 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/path_resolver.rb                   |   30 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/reader.rb                          | 1269 +++++++++-----
 lib/asciidoctor/renderer.rb                        |  170 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/section.rb                         |   96 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/substituters.rb                    |  487 ++++--
 lib/asciidoctor/table.rb                           |   70 +-
 lib/asciidoctor/version.rb                         |    2 +-
 man/asciidoctor.1                                  |  128 +-
 man/{asciidoctor.ad => asciidoctor.adoc}           |  105 +-
 test/attributes_test.rb                            |  227 ++-
 test/blocks_test.rb                                |  383 ++++-
 test/document_test.rb                              |  577 ++++++-
 test/extensions_test.rb                            |  448 +++++
 test/fixtures/basic-docinfo-footer.html            |    6 +
 test/fixtures/basic-docinfo-footer.xml             |    8 +
 test/fixtures/basic-docinfo.xml                    |    6 +-
 test/fixtures/basic.asciidoc                       |    1 +
 test/fixtures/child-include.adoc                   |    5 +
 .../haml/docbook45/block_paragraph.xml.haml        |    6 +
 .../haml/html5-tweaks/block_paragraph.html.haml    |    1 +
 .../haml/html5/block_paragraph.html.haml           |    3 +
 .../haml/html5/block_sidebar.html.haml             |    5 +
 .../slim/docbook45/block_paragraph.xml.slim        |    6 +
 .../slim/html5/block_paragraph.html.slim           |    3 +
 .../slim/html5/block_sidebar.html.slim             |    5 +
 test/fixtures/docinfo-footer.html                  |    1 +
 test/fixtures/docinfo-footer.xml                   |    9 +
 test/fixtures/docinfo.xml                          |    1 +
 test/fixtures/grandchild-include.adoc              |    3 +
 test/fixtures/parent-include-restricted.adoc       |    5 +
 test/fixtures/parent-include.adoc                  |    5 +
 test/invoker_test.rb                               |   90 +-
 test/lexer_test.rb                                 |   24 +-
 test/links_test.rb                                 |   36 +-
 test/lists_test.rb                                 |  311 +++-
 test/options_test.rb                               |   22 +-
 test/paragraphs_test.rb                            |   13 +
 test/paths_test.rb                                 |   22 +
 test/preamble_test.rb                              |   20 +
 test/reader_test.rb                                | 1740 ++++++++++++--------
 test/renderer_test.rb                              |  164 +-
 test/sections_test.rb                              |  493 +++++-
 test/substitutions_test.rb                         |  477 ++++--
 test/tables_test.rb                                |  113 +-
 test/test_helper.rb                                |   92 +-
 test/text_test.rb                                  |  122 +-
 73 files changed, 9839 insertions(+), 3595 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/asciidoctor.git

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