[DRE-commits] [ruby-passenger] 01/11: Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.20'
Felix Geyer
fgeyer at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 23 10:22:06 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
fgeyer pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-passenger.
commit 30884d5e2aa39025c38e202522985c4194569f8b
Merge: 46c2580 0f3d7c3
Author: Felix Geyer <fgeyer at debian.org>
Date: Thu Oct 10 23:06:50 2013 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.20'
Upstream version 4.0.20
# gpg: Signature made Do 10 Okt 2013 23:06:49 CEST using RSA key ID 83135D45
# gpg: Good signature from "Felix Geyer <felix at fobos.de>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <debfx-pkg at fobos.de>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <debfx at kubuntu.org>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <debfx at fobos.de>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <debfx at ubuntu.com>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <felix.geyer at fobos.de>"
# gpg: aka "Felix Geyer <fgeyer at debian.org>"
.gitignore | 66 +
.travis.yml | 7 +-
NEWS | 168 ++
README.md | 15 +-
bin/passenger | 3 +
bin/passenger-config | 34 +-
bin/passenger-install-apache2-module | 14 +-
bin/passenger-install-nginx-module | 27 +-
bin/passenger-memory-stats | 2 +
bin/passenger-status | 2 +
build/agents.rb | 6 +
build/apache2.rb | 27 +-
build/basics.rb | 23 +-
build/cplusplus_support.rb | 7 +-
build/cxx_tests.rb | 1 +
build/debian.rb | 131 +-
build/integration_tests.rb | 18 +-
build/misc.rb | 3 +
build/nginx.rb | 25 +
build/packaging.rb | 209 +-
build/preprocessor.rb | 39 +-
build/test_basics.rb | 6 +
debian.template/{control => control.template} | 59 +-
debian.template/locations.ini | 12 -
debian.template/locations.ini.template | 13 +
debian.template/passenger-dev.install.template | 3 +
debian.template/passenger-doc.install.template | 2 +
.../{ruby-passenger.docs => passenger.docs} | 0
debian.template/passenger.install.template | 13 +
...{ruby-passenger.manpages => passenger.manpages} | 0
debian.template/ruby-passenger-dev.install | 3 -
debian.template/ruby-passenger-doc.install | 2 -
debian.template/ruby-passenger.install | 11 -
debian.template/rules.template | 14 +-
dev/copy_boost_headers.rb | 1 +
dev/run_travis.sh | 74 +-
doc/Architectural overview.html | 59 +-
doc/Packaging.html | 54 +-
doc/Packaging.txt.md | 55 +-
doc/Security of user switching support.html | 34 +-
doc/Users guide Apache.html | 1546 ++++++-----
doc/Users guide Apache.idmap.txt | 140 +-
doc/Users guide Apache.txt | 247 +-
doc/Users guide Nginx.html | 1408 ++++++----
doc/Users guide Nginx.idmap.txt | 162 +-
doc/Users guide Nginx.txt | 139 +-
doc/Users guide Standalone.html | 27 +-
...nservative_spawning.png => direct_spawning.png} | Bin
...nservative_spawning.svg => direct_spawning.svg} | 0
doc/users_guide_snippets/installation.txt | 239 +-
.../passenger_spawn_method.txt | 2 +-
doc/users_guide_snippets/rvm_helper_tool.txt | 12 -
doc/users_guide_snippets/tips.txt | 73 +-
.../under_the_hood/page_caching_support.txt | 2 +
.../under_the_hood/relationship_with_ruby.txt | 114 +
ext/apache2/Configuration.cpp | 154 +-
ext/apache2/Configuration.hpp | 64 +-
ext/apache2/ConfigurationCommands.cpp | 101 +
ext/apache2/ConfigurationCommands.cpp.erb | 91 +
.../ConfigurationFields.hpp} | 43 +-
ext/apache2/ConfigurationFields.hpp.erb | 89 +
ext/apache2/ConfigurationSetters.cpp | 234 ++
ext/apache2/ConfigurationSetters.cpp.erb | 126 +
.../CreateDirConfig.cpp} | 33 +-
ext/apache2/CreateDirConfig.cpp.erb | 71 +
ext/apache2/Hooks.cpp | 26 +-
ext/apache2/MergeDirConfig.cpp | 110 +
ext/apache2/MergeDirConfig.cpp.erb | 81 +
ext/boost/type_traits/detail/common_type_imp.hpp | 333 +++
.../type_traits/detail/has_binary_operator.hpp | 229 ++
.../type_traits/detail/has_postfix_operator.hpp | 202 ++
.../type_traits/detail/has_prefix_operator.hpp | 210 ++
.../type_traits/detail/is_function_ptr_tester.hpp | 654 +++++
.../detail/is_mem_fun_pointer_tester.hpp | 2759 ++++++++++++++++++++
ext/boost/type_traits/detail/wrap.hpp | 18 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/AppTypes.cpp | 2 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/AppTypes.h | 2 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Common.h | 2 +-
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Group.h | 63 +-
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Implementation.cpp | 186 +-
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Options.h | 25 +-
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Pool.h | 9 +-
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Process.h | 51 +-
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Session.h | 1 +
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/Spawner.h | 40 +-
ext/common/ApplicationPool2/SuperGroup.h | 2 +-
ext/common/BackgroundEventLoop.cpp | 5 +
ext/common/BackgroundEventLoop.h | 1 +
ext/common/Constants.h | 40 +-
ext/common/Constants.h.erb | 2 +-
ext/common/EventedClient.h | 23 +-
ext/common/EventedMessageServer.h | 15 +
ext/common/Exceptions.h | 19 +
ext/common/ResourceLocator.h | 12 +-
ext/common/ServerInstanceDir.h | 12 +-
ext/common/UnionStation.h | 30 +-
ext/common/Utils.cpp | 34 +-
ext/common/Utils.h | 14 +
ext/common/Utils/MD5.h | 9 +-
ext/common/Utils/ProcessMetricsCollector.h | 11 +-
ext/common/Utils/StrIntUtils.cpp | 18 +-
ext/common/Utils/StrIntUtils.h | 5 +
ext/common/agents/HelperAgent/AgentOptions.h | 6 +
ext/common/agents/HelperAgent/FileBackedPipe.h | 2 +-
ext/common/agents/HelperAgent/Main.cpp | 34 +-
ext/common/agents/HelperAgent/RequestHandler.h | 236 +-
ext/common/agents/LoggingAgent/LoggingServer.h | 35 +-
ext/common/agents/LoggingAgent/Main.cpp | 40 +-
ext/common/agents/SpawnPreparer.cpp | 25 +
ext/common/agents/TempDirToucher.c | 357 +++
ext/common/agents/Watchdog/Main.cpp | 64 +-
ext/nginx/CacheLocationConfig.c | 521 ++++
ext/nginx/CacheLocationConfig.c.erb | 140 +
ext/nginx/Configuration.c | 482 +---
ext/nginx/Configuration.h | 24 +-
ext/nginx/ConfigurationCommands.c | 511 ++++
ext/nginx/ConfigurationCommands.c.erb | 136 +
.../ConfigurationFields.h} | 73 +-
ext/nginx/ConfigurationFields.h.erb | 90 +
ext/nginx/ContentHandler.c | 169 +-
ext/nginx/CreateLocationConfig.c | 150 ++
ext/nginx/CreateLocationConfig.c.erb | 70 +
ext/nginx/MergeLocationConfig.c | 172 ++
ext/nginx/MergeLocationConfig.c.erb | 72 +
ext/nginx/config | 6 +-
ext/oxt/Readme.txt | 15 +
ext/oxt/backtrace.hpp | 10 +-
ext/oxt/detail/backtrace_disabled.hpp | 1 +
ext/oxt/detail/backtrace_enabled.hpp | 14 +-
ext/oxt/detail/context.hpp | 1 +
ext/oxt/detail/tracable_exception_disabled.hpp | 22 +-
ext/oxt/detail/tracable_exception_enabled.hpp | 5 +-
ext/oxt/implementation.cpp | 36 +-
ext/oxt/macros.hpp | 16 +-
ext/ruby/extconf.rb | 1 +
ext/ruby/passenger_native_support.c | 18 +-
helper-scripts/backtrace-sanitizer.rb | 23 +
helper-scripts/classic-rails-loader.rb | 23 +
helper-scripts/classic-rails-preloader.rb | 23 +
helper-scripts/download_binaries/extconf.rb | 88 +
helper-scripts/meteor-loader.rb | 127 +
helper-scripts/node-loader.js | 10 +-
helper-scripts/rack-preloader.rb | 23 +
helper-scripts/system-memory-stats.py | 22 +
lib/phusion_passenger.rb | 158 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/abstract_installer.rb | 30 +-
.../init.rb | 41 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/analytics_logger.rb | 6 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/apache2/config_options.rb | 109 +
lib/phusion_passenger/console_text_template.rb | 2 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/constants.rb | 10 +
lib/phusion_passenger/loader_shared_helpers.rb | 71 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/native_support.rb | 183 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/nginx/config_options.rb | 332 +++
lib/phusion_passenger/packaging.rb | 29 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info.rb | 29 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/apache.rb | 287 +-
.../platform_info/apache_detector.rb | 232 ++
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/compiler.rb | 35 +-
.../depcheck_specs/compiler_toolchain.rb | 8 +-
.../platform_info/depcheck_specs/ruby.rb | 4 +
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/linux.rb | 7 +
lib/phusion_passenger/platform_info/ruby.rb | 10 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/public_api.rb | 19 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/ruby_core_enhancements.rb | 5 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/app_finder.rb | 5 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/command.rb | 39 +-
.../standalone/runtime_installer.rb | 612 +++--
.../standalone/runtime_locator.rb | 170 ++
lib/phusion_passenger/standalone/start_command.rb | 190 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/utils.rb | 5 +-
lib/phusion_passenger/utils/json.rb | 329 +++
lib/phusion_passenger/utils/tmpio.rb | 1 +
lib/phusion_passenger/utils/unseekable_socket.rb | 52 +
passenger.gemspec | 4 +
resources/mime.types | 1 +
resources/oss-binaries.phusionpassenger.com.crt | 84 +
resources/release.txt | 0
.../apache2/run_installer_as_root.txt.erb | 8 -
.../freebsd9_broken_cxx_runtime.txt.erb | 19 -
.../run_installer_as_root.txt.erb | 4 +-
.../nginx_module_sources_not_available.txt.erb | 6 +
resources/templates/standalone/config.erb | 16 +-
.../standalone/download_tool_missing.txt.erb | 18 +
rpm/README.rdoc | 117 +
rpm/config/apache-passenger.conf.in | 19 +
rpm/config/nginx-passenger.conf.in | 10 +
rpm/config/rubygem-passenger.te | 10 +
rpm/doc/README.nginx-alternatives | 5 +
rpm/doc/example_yum_repository_htaccess | 5 +
rpm/doc/footer.shtml | 12 +
rpm/doc/header.shtml | 156 ++
rpm/nginx-alternatives.spec | 97 +
rpm/passenger-release.spec | 91 +
rpm/passenger.spec | 667 +++++
rpm/patches/passenger-force-native.patch | 63 +
rpm/release/RPM-GPG-KEY-stealthymonkeys | 33 +
rpm/release/build-release.sh | 35 +
rpm/release/build.rb | 301 +++
rpm/release/create-mirrors.sh | 16 +
rpm/release/mirrors | 1 +
rpm/release/mock-repo/comps.xml | 21 +
.../rubygem-daemon_controller-0.2.5-1.noarch.rpm | Bin 0 -> 72641 bytes
.../mock-repo/rubygem-file-tail-1.0.5-1.noarch.rpm | Bin 0 -> 60450 bytes
.../mock-repo/rubygem-spruz-0.2.2-1.noarch.rpm | Bin 0 -> 115910 bytes
rpm/release/mocksetup-first.sh | 102 +
rpm/release/mocksetup.sh | 67 +
test/cxx/ApplicationPool2/PoolTest.cpp | 123 +-
test/cxx/RequestHandlerTest.cpp | 111 +-
test/cxx/UnionStationTest.cpp | 22 +-
test/integration_tests/apache2_tests.rb | 2 +-
.../integration_tests/downloaded_binaries_tests.rb | 76 +
test/integration_tests/native_packaging_spec.rb | 87 +-
test/integration_tests/nginx_tests.rb | 1 +
test/integration_tests/source_packaging_test.rb | 198 ++
test/integration_tests/standalone_tests.rb | 323 +++
test/ruby/admin_tools_spec.rb | 2 +-
test/ruby/analytics_logger_spec.rb | 2 +-
test/ruby/rails4.0/loader_spec.rb | 28 +
test/ruby/rails4.0/preloader_spec.rb | 34 +
.../analytics_logging_extensions_sharedspec.rb | 22 +
test/ruby/spec_helper.rb | 6 +-
test/ruby/standalone/runtime_installer_spec.rb | 399 +++
test/ruby/standalone/runtime_locator_spec.rb | 214 ++
test/stub/.DS_Store | Bin 0 -> 6148 bytes
test/stub/apache2/httpd.conf.erb | 19 +-
test/stub/rack/tmp/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails2.3/log/.gitignore | 1 +
test/stub/rails2.3/public/.gitignore | 1 +
test/stub/rails2.3/tmp/cache/.gitignore | 1 +
test/stub/rails2.3/tmp/pids/.gitignore | 1 +
test/stub/rails2.3/tmp/sessions/.gitignore | 1 +
test/stub/rails2.3/tmp/sockets/.gitignore | 1 +
test/stub/rails3.0/.gitignore | 4 +
test/stub/rails3.0/Gemfile | 2 +-
test/stub/rails3.0/Gemfile.lock | 2 +-
.../stub/rails3.0/config/initializers/passenger.rb | 3 +-
test/stub/rails3.0/lib/tasks/.gitkeep | 0
test/stub/rails3.0/log/.gitignore | 0
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test/stub/rails3.0/tmp/cache/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails3.0/tmp/pids/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails3.0/vendor/plugins/.gitkeep | 0
test/stub/rails3.1/.gitignore | 15 +
test/stub/rails3.1/Gemfile | 2 +-
test/stub/rails3.1/Gemfile.lock | 2 +-
test/stub/rails3.1/app/mailers/.gitkeep | 0
test/stub/rails3.1/app/models/.gitkeep | 0
.../stub/rails3.1/config/initializers/passenger.rb | 3 +-
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test/stub/rails3.1/lib/tasks/.gitkeep | 0
test/stub/rails3.1/log/.gitkeep | 0
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.../rails3.1/vendor/assets/stylesheets/.gitkeep | 0
test/stub/rails3.1/vendor/plugins/.gitkeep | 0
test/stub/rails3.2/.gitignore | 15 +
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test/stub/rails3.2/app/models/.gitkeep | 0
.../stub/rails3.2/config/initializers/passenger.rb | 3 +-
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.../rails3.2/vendor/assets/stylesheets/.gitkeep | 0
test/stub/rails3.2/vendor/plugins/.gitkeep | 0
test/stub/rails4.0/.gitignore | 16 +
test/stub/rails4.0/Gemfile | 45 +
test/stub/rails4.0/Gemfile.lock | 126 +
test/stub/rails4.0/README.rdoc | 28 +
test/stub/rails4.0/Rakefile | 6 +
test/stub/rails4.0/app/assets/images/.keep | 0
.../rails4.0/app/assets/javascripts/application.js | 16 +
.../app/assets/stylesheets/application.css | 13 +
.../app/controllers/application_controller.rb | 5 +
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.../rails4.0/app/helpers/application_helper.rb | 2 +
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test/stub/rails4.0/app/models/concerns/.keep | 0
.../app/views/layouts/application.html.erb | 14 +
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.../rails4.0/config/environments/development.rb | 29 +
.../rails4.0/config/environments/production.rb | 80 +
test/stub/rails4.0/config/environments/test.rb | 36 +
.../config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb | 7 +
.../initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb | 4 +
.../rails4.0/config/initializers/inflections.rb | 16 +
.../rails4.0/config/initializers/mime_types.rb | 5 +
.../stub/rails4.0/config/initializers/passenger.rb | 5 +
.../rails4.0/config/initializers/secret_token.rb | 12 +
.../rails4.0/config/initializers/session_store.rb | 3 +
.../config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb | 14 +
test/stub/rails4.0/config/locales/en.yml | 23 +
test/stub/rails4.0/config/routes.rb | 57 +
test/stub/rails4.0/db/seeds.rb | 7 +
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test/stub/rails4.0/lib/tasks/.keep | 0
test/stub/rails4.0/log/.keep | 0
test/stub/rails4.0/public/404.html | 58 +
test/stub/rails4.0/public/422.html | 58 +
test/stub/rails4.0/public/500.html | 57 +
test/stub/rails4.0/public/favicon.ico | 0
test/stub/rails4.0/public/robots.txt | 5 +
test/stub/rails4.0/test/controllers/.keep | 0
test/stub/rails4.0/test/fixtures/.keep | 0
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test/stub/rails4.0/test/integration/.keep | 0
test/stub/rails4.0/test/mailers/.keep | 0
test/stub/rails4.0/test/models/.keep | 0
test/stub/rails4.0/test/test_helper.rb | 15 +
test/stub/rails4.0/vendor/assets/javascripts/.keep | 0
test/stub/rails4.0/vendor/assets/stylesheets/.keep | 0
test/stub/rails_apps/1.2/empty/.gitignore | 3 +
.../rails_apps/1.2/empty/app/models/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails_apps/1.2/empty/db/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails_apps/1.2/empty/public/.htaccess | 40 +
.../1.2/empty/public/stylesheets/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails_apps/2.0/empty/.gitignore | 3 +
.../rails_apps/2.0/empty/app/models/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails_apps/2.0/empty/db/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails_apps/2.0/empty/public/.htaccess | 40 +
.../2.0/empty/public/stylesheets/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails_apps/2.2/empty/.gitignore | 3 +
.../rails_apps/2.2/empty/app/models/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails_apps/2.2/empty/db/.gitignore | 0
.../2.2/empty/public/stylesheets/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails_apps/2.3/empty/.gitignore | 3 +
.../rails_apps/2.3/empty/app/models/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails_apps/2.3/empty/db/.gitignore | 0
.../2.3/empty/public/stylesheets/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/rails_apps/2.3/mycook/public/.htaccess | 42 +
.../2.3/mycook/public/uploads/.gitignore | 0
test/stub/wsgi/passenger_wsgi.py | 5 +
test/stub/wsgi/tmp/.gitignore | 0
test/valgrind-osx.supp | 7 +
349 files changed, 19754 insertions(+), 3460 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-passenger.git
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