[DRE-commits] [ruby-daemons] branch master updated (60f02aa -> 9d6276d)
Jonas Genannt
jonas at brachium-system.net
Sat Nov 30 19:13:02 UTC 2013
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
hggh-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository ruby-daemons.
from 60f02aa use canonical URI in Vcs-* fields
new 06d88de Imported Upstream version 1.1.9
new aecbc82 Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.9'
new b883840 d/control: bumped standards version to 3.9.5 (no changes needed)
new b2ae6a7 d/control: removed transitional packages
new df1586e d/control: removed replaces, breaks, provides; removed extra whitespace
new 02781d6 d/control: removed version dependency of ruby1.8, changed to ruby
new 9d6276d updated changelog to 1.1.9-1
The 7 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
LICENSE | 9 +-
README | 14 +-
Rakefile | 0
Releases | 19 ++
TODO | 0
debian/changelog | 19 ++
debian/control | 27 +--
examples/call/call.rb | 1 +
examples/call/call_monitor.rb | 0
examples/daemonize/daemonize.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_crash.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_exec.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_exit.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_hanging.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_keep_pid_files.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_monitor.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_multiple.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_normal.rb | 1 -
examples/run/ctrl_ontop.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_optionparser.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_proc.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_proc_multiple.rb | 0
examples/run/ctrl_proc_rand.rb | 23 +++
examples/run/ctrl_proc_simple.rb | 0
examples/run/{ctrl_hanging.rb => ctrl_slowstop.rb} | 7 +-
examples/run/myserver_crashing.rb | 0
examples/run/myserver_exiting.rb | 0
.../{myserver_hanging.rb => myserver_slowstop.rb} | 10 +-
lib/daemons.rb | 15 +-
lib/daemons/application.rb | 11 +-
lib/daemons/application_group.rb | 0
lib/daemons/change_privilege.rb | 0
lib/daemons/cmdline.rb | 0
lib/daemons/controller.rb | 0
lib/daemons/daemonize.rb | 211 ++++++---------------
lib/daemons/etc_extension.rb | 0
lib/daemons/exceptions.rb | 0
lib/daemons/monitor.rb | 0
lib/daemons/pid.rb | 1 -
lib/daemons/pidfile.rb | 0
lib/daemons/pidmem.rb | 0
metadata.yml | 71 ++++---
setup.rb | 0
43 files changed, 178 insertions(+), 261 deletions(-)
mode change 100755 => 100644 LICENSE
mode change 100755 => 100644 README
mode change 100755 => 100644 Rakefile
mode change 100755 => 100644 Releases
mode change 100755 => 100644 TODO
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/call/call.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/call/call_monitor.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/daemonize/daemonize.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_crash.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_exec.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_exit.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_hanging.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_keep_pid_files.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_monitor.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_multiple.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_normal.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_ontop.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_optionparser.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_proc.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_proc_multiple.rb
create mode 100644 examples/run/ctrl_proc_rand.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/ctrl_proc_simple.rb
copy examples/run/{ctrl_hanging.rb => ctrl_slowstop.rb} (64%)
mode change 100755 => 100644
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/myserver_crashing.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 examples/run/myserver_exiting.rb
copy examples/run/{myserver_hanging.rb => myserver_slowstop.rb} (65%)
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/application.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/application_group.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/change_privilege.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/cmdline.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/controller.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/daemonize.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/etc_extension.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/exceptions.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/monitor.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/pid.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/pidfile.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 lib/daemons/pidmem.rb
mode change 100755 => 100644 setup.rb
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-daemons.git
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