[DRE-commits] [jekyll] 01/06: Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.3'

dod at debian.org dod at debian.org
Wed Apr 9 15:48:00 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dod pushed a commit to branch master
in repository jekyll.

commit 6d32210875b81ab7b4b0b03899309be6211c5357
Merge: 0f8fe0b cfd680a
Author: Dominique Dumont <dod at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Apr 9 17:42:57 2014 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.3'
    Upstream version 1.4.3

 CONTRIBUTING.markdown                              |  91 ++
 Gemfile                                            |   2 +-
 History.markdown                                   | 871 +++++++++++++++++++
 History.txt                                        | 308 -------
 README.markdown                                    |  56 ++
 README.textile                                     |  41 -
 Rakefile                                           | 204 ++++-
 bin/jekyll                                         | 354 +++-----
 checksums.yaml.gz                                  | Bin 0 -> 270 bytes
 cucumber.yml                                       |   4 +-
 features/create_sites.feature                      |  61 +-
 features/data.feature                              |  65 ++
 features/drafts.feature                            |  25 +
 features/embed_filters.feature                     |  10 +-
 features/include_tag.feature                       |  57 ++
 features/markdown.feature                          |  49 +-
 features/pagination.feature                        |  69 +-
 features/permalinks.feature                        |  30 +-
 features/post_data.feature                         |  95 ++-
 features/post_excerpts.feature                     |  50 ++
 features/site_configuration.feature                | 128 ++-
 features/site_data.feature                         |  61 +-
 features/step_definitions/jekyll_steps.rb          | 114 ++-
 features/support/env.rb                            |  68 +-
 jekyll.gemspec                                     | 212 ++++-
 lib/jekyll.rb                                      | 114 +--
 lib/jekyll/cleaner.rb                              |  73 ++
 lib/jekyll/command.rb                              |  27 +
 lib/jekyll/commands/build.rb                       |  70 ++
 lib/jekyll/commands/doctor.rb                      |  67 ++
 lib/jekyll/commands/new.rb                         |  67 ++
 lib/jekyll/commands/serve.rb                       |  65 ++
 lib/jekyll/configuration.rb                        | 238 ++++++
 lib/jekyll/converter.rb                            |   4 +-
 lib/jekyll/converters/identity.rb                  |  27 +-
 lib/jekyll/converters/markdown.rb                  | 150 +---
 lib/jekyll/converters/markdown/kramdown_parser.rb  |  29 +
 lib/jekyll/converters/markdown/maruku_parser.rb    |  56 ++
 lib/jekyll/converters/markdown/rdiscount_parser.rb |  37 +
 lib/jekyll/converters/markdown/redcarpet_parser.rb |  70 ++
 lib/jekyll/converters/textile.rb                   |  64 +-
 lib/jekyll/convertible.rb                          | 132 ++-
 lib/jekyll/core_ext.rb                             |  40 +-
 lib/jekyll/deprecator.rb                           |  36 +
 lib/jekyll/draft.rb                                |  35 +
 lib/jekyll/entry_filter.rb                         |  35 +
 lib/jekyll/errors.rb                               |   4 +-
 lib/jekyll/excerpt.rb                              | 113 +++
 lib/jekyll/filters.rb                              |  70 +-
 lib/jekyll/generator.rb                            |   5 +-
 lib/jekyll/generators/pagination.rb                | 200 +++--
 lib/jekyll/layout.rb                               |   5 +-
 lib/jekyll/migrators/csv.rb                        |  26 -
 lib/jekyll/migrators/drupal.rb                     |  92 --
 lib/jekyll/migrators/enki.rb                       |  49 --
 lib/jekyll/migrators/marley.rb                     |  52 --
 lib/jekyll/migrators/mephisto.rb                   |  84 --
 lib/jekyll/migrators/mt.rb                         |  86 --
 lib/jekyll/migrators/posterous.rb                  |  68 --
 lib/jekyll/migrators/textpattern.rb                |  57 --
 lib/jekyll/migrators/tumblr.rb                     | 119 ---
 lib/jekyll/migrators/typo.rb                       |  51 --
 lib/jekyll/migrators/wordpress.rb                  |  62 --
 lib/jekyll/migrators/wordpressdotcom.rb            |  70 --
 lib/jekyll/mime.types                              |  85 ++
 lib/jekyll/page.rb                                 |  93 +-
 lib/jekyll/plugin.rb                               |   2 -
 lib/jekyll/post.rb                                 | 291 ++++---
 lib/jekyll/related_posts.rb                        |  59 ++
 lib/jekyll/site.rb                                 | 320 ++++---
 lib/jekyll/static_file.rb                          |   2 -
 lib/jekyll/stevenson.rb                            |  89 ++
 lib/jekyll/tags/gist.rb                            |  48 ++
 lib/jekyll/tags/highlight.rb                       | 120 +--
 lib/jekyll/tags/include.rb                         | 137 ++-
 lib/jekyll/tags/post_url.rb                        |  63 ++
 lib/jekyll/url.rb                                  |  69 ++
 lib/site_template/.gitignore                       |   1 +
 lib/site_template/_config.yml                      |   3 +
 lib/site_template/_layouts/default.html            |  44 +
 lib/site_template/_layouts/post.html               |   9 +
 .../0000-00-00-welcome-to-jekyll.markdown.erb      |  24 +
 lib/site_template/css/main.css                     | 160 ++++
 lib/site_template/css/syntax.css                   |  60 ++
 lib/site_template/index.html                       |  13 +
 metadata.yml                                       | 776 +++++++++++------
 script/bootstrap                                   |   2 +
 site/.gitignore                                    |   4 +
 site/CNAME                                         |   1 +
 site/README                                        |   1 +
 site/_config.yml                                   |   6 +
 site/_includes/analytics.html                      |  32 +
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 site/_includes/docs_contents_mobile.html           |  23 +
 site/_includes/docs_option.html                    |  11 +
 site/_includes/docs_ul.html                        |  20 +
 site/_includes/footer.html                         |  15 +
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 site/_includes/news_contents.html                  |  23 +
 site/_includes/news_contents_mobile.html           |  11 +
 site/_includes/news_item.html                      |  24 +
 site/_includes/primary-nav-items.html              |  14 +
 site/_includes/section_nav.html                    |  22 +
 site/_includes/top.html                            |  17 +
 site/_layouts/default.html                         |  12 +
 site/_layouts/docs.html                            |  23 +
 site/_layouts/news.html                            |  19 +
 site/_layouts/news_item.html                       |  27 +
 .../2013-05-06-jekyll-1-0-0-released.markdown      |  23 +
 .../2013-05-08-jekyll-1-0-1-released.markdown      |  27 +
 .../2013-05-12-jekyll-1-0-2-released.markdown      |  28 +
 .../2013-06-07-jekyll-1-0-3-released.markdown      |  25 +
 .../2013-07-14-jekyll-1-1-0-released.markdown      |  27 +
 .../2013-07-24-jekyll-1-1-1-released.markdown      |  31 +
 .../2013-07-25-jekyll-1-0-4-released.markdown      |  20 +
 .../2013-07-25-jekyll-1-1-2-released.markdown      |  20 +
 .../2013-09-06-jekyll-1-2-0-released.markdown      |  23 +
 .../2013-09-14-jekyll-1-2-1-released.markdown      |  19 +
 .../2013-10-28-jekyll-1-3-0-rc1-released.markdown  |  19 +
 .../2013-11-04-jekyll-1-3-0-released.markdown      |  43 +
 .../2013-11-26-jekyll-1-3-1-released.markdown      |  21 +
 .../2013-12-07-jekyll-1-4-0-released.markdown      |  30 +
 .../2013-12-16-jekyll-1-4-2-released.markdown      |  18 +
 .../2014-01-13-jekyll-1-4-3-released.markdown      |  27 +
 site/css/gridism.css                               | 110 +++
 site/css/normalize.css                             |   1 +
 site/css/pygments.css                              |  70 ++
 site/css/style.css                                 | 946 +++++++++++++++++++++
 site/docs/configuration.md                         | 375 ++++++++
 site/docs/contributing.md                          | 128 +++
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 site/docs/deployment-methods.md                    | 109 +++
 site/docs/drafts.md                                |  21 +
 site/docs/extras.md                                |  56 ++
 site/docs/frontmatter.md                           | 180 ++++
 site/docs/github-pages.md                          |  91 ++
 site/docs/heroku.md                                |   9 +
 site/docs/history.md                               | 866 +++++++++++++++++++
 site/docs/index.md                                 |  52 ++
 site/docs/installation.md                          |  76 ++
 site/docs/migrations.md                            |  11 +
 site/docs/pages.md                                 |  86 ++
 site/docs/pagination.md                            | 211 +++++
 site/docs/permalinks.md                            | 180 ++++
 site/docs/plugins.md                               | 534 ++++++++++++
 site/docs/posts.md                                 | 181 ++++
 site/docs/quickstart.md                            |  32 +
 site/docs/resources.md                             |  46 +
 site/docs/sites.md                                 |  29 +
 site/docs/structure.md                             | 190 +++++
 site/docs/templates.md                             | 339 ++++++++
 site/docs/troubleshooting.md                       | 150 ++++
 site/docs/upgrading.md                             | 146 ++++
 site/docs/usage.md                                 |  63 ++
 site/docs/variables.md                             | 322 +++++++
 site/favicon.png                                   | Bin 0 -> 1359 bytes
 site/feed.xml                                      |  36 +
 site/freenode.txt                                  |   1 +
 site/img/article-footer.png                        | Bin 0 -> 1898 bytes
 site/img/footer-arrow.png                          | Bin 0 -> 846 bytes
 site/img/footer-logo.png                           | Bin 0 -> 3906 bytes
 site/img/logo-2x.png                               | Bin 0 -> 46587 bytes
 site/img/octojekyll.png                            | Bin 0 -> 23728 bytes
 site/img/tube.png                                  | Bin 0 -> 9387 bytes
 site/img/tube1x.png                                | Bin 0 -> 4036 bytes
 site/index.html                                    |  90 ++
 site/js/modernizr-2.5.3.min.js                     |   4 +
 site/news/index.html                               |  10 +
 site/news/releases/index.html                      |  10 +
 test/fixtures/broken_front_matter1.erb             |   5 +
 test/fixtures/broken_front_matter2.erb             |   4 +
 test/fixtures/broken_front_matter3.erb             |   7 +
 test/fixtures/exploit_front_matter.erb             |   4 +
 test/fixtures/front_matter.erb                     |   4 +
 test/helper.rb                                     |  35 +-
 test/source/+/foo.md                               |   7 +
 test/source/_config.dev.toml                       |   2 +
 test/source/_data/languages.yml                    |   2 +
 test/source/_data/members.yaml                     |   7 +
 test/source/_data/products.yml                     |   4 +
 test/source/_includes/params.html                  |   7 +
 test/source/_layouts/default.html                  |   2 +-
 test/source/_layouts/post/simple.html              |   1 +
 test/source/_plugins/dummy.rb                      |   8 +
 .../source/_posts/2013-01-02-post-excerpt.markdown |  14 +
 test/source/_posts/2013-01-12-nil-layout.textile   |   6 +
 test/source/_posts/2013-01-12-no-layout.textile    |   5 +
 .../_posts/2013-03-19-not-a-post.markdown/.gitkeep |   0
 .../_posts/2013-04-11-custom-excerpt.markdown      |  10 +
 .../_posts/2013-05-10-number-category.textile      |   7 +
 .../2013-07-22-post-excerpt-with-layout.markdown   |  23 +
 test/source/_posts/2013-08-01-mkdn-extension.mkdn  |   0
 .../_posts/2014-01-06-permalink-traversal.md       |   5 +
 test/source/_posts/es/2008-11-21-nested.textile    |   8 +
 test/source/contacts/bar.html                      |   5 +
 test/source/contacts/index.html                    |   5 +
 test/source/exploit.md                             |   5 +
 test/source/products.yml                           |   4 +
 test/source/symlink-test/symlinked-file            |  22 +
 test/suite.rb                                      |   2 +-
 test/test_command.rb                               |  39 +
 test/test_configuration.rb                         | 174 +++-
 test/test_convertible.rb                           |  51 ++
 test/test_core_ext.rb                              |  22 +
 test/test_entry_filter.rb                          |  74 ++
 test/test_excerpt.rb                               |  78 ++
 test/test_filters.rb                               |  51 ++
 test/test_generated_site.rb                        |  21 +-
 test/test_kramdown.rb                              |  45 +-
 test/test_new_command.rb                           | 104 +++
 test/test_page.rb                                  | 101 ++-
 test/test_pager.rb                                 |  65 +-
 test/test_post.rb                                  | 189 +++-
 test/test_rdiscount.rb                             |  10 +-
 test/test_redcarpet.rb                             |  52 +-
 test/test_redcloth.rb                              |  86 ++
 test/test_related_posts.rb                         |  47 +
 test/test_site.rb                                  | 205 ++++-
 test/test_tags.rb                                  | 362 +++++++-
 test/test_url.rb                                   |  28 +
 220 files changed, 14089 insertions(+), 2643 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/jekyll.git

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