[DRE-commits] [ruby-rdiscount] 01/06: Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.7'

Alessandro Ghedini ghedo at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Apr 13 10:38:14 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghedo pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-rdiscount.

commit 0115b2622f4cda72bacb25d8cc473a9ee66aedf2
Merge: f4bb53f d224fce
Author: Alessandro Ghedini <alessandro at ghedini.me>
Date:   Thu Apr 10 20:16:01 2014 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.1.7'
    Upstream version 2.1.7

 BUILDING                 | 132 +++++++++-
 COPYING                  |  69 ++---
 README.markdown          |  23 +-
 Rakefile                 |  61 ++++-
 ext/Csio.c               |   2 +-
 ext/VERSION              |   1 +
 ext/amalloc.c            | 111 ++++++++
 ext/blocktags            |  33 +++
 ext/config.h             |  24 +-
 ext/css.c                |  19 +-
 ext/cstring.h            |   6 +-
 ext/docheader.c          |  20 +-
 ext/dumptree.c           |   2 +-
 ext/emmatch.c            |   2 +-
 ext/extconf.rb           |  27 ++
 ext/flags.c              |  85 ++++++
 ext/generate.c           | 470 +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 ext/github_flavoured.c   | 100 +++++++
 ext/html5.c              |   2 -
 ext/markdown.c           | 670 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 ext/markdown.h           | 117 +++++++--
 ext/mkdio.c              | 120 +++++----
 ext/mkdio.h              |  75 ++++--
 ext/{tags.c => mktags.c} |  55 ++--
 ext/pgm_options.c        | 138 ++++++++++
 ext/pgm_options.h        |   9 +
 ext/rdiscount.c          | 112 ++++----
 ext/resource.c           |   6 +-
 ext/setup.c              |  39 +++
 ext/tags.c               |  94 +++----
 ext/tags.h               |   1 +
 ext/toc.c                |  68 +++--
 ext/version.c            |  30 +++
 ext/xmlpage.c            |  48 ++++
 lib/rdiscount.rb         |  14 +-
 metadata.yml             |  81 +++---
 rdiscount.gemspec        |  24 +-
 test/markdown_test.rb    |   2 +-
 test/rdiscount_test.rb   | 142 +++++++++-
 39 files changed, 2280 insertions(+), 754 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-rdiscount.git

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