[DRE-commits] [ruby-awesome-nested-set] 01/05: Imported Upstream version 2.1.6

Ondrej Sury ondrej at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Apr 29 10:13:55 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ondrej pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-awesome-nested-set.

commit 3df803614c8a3cb89d3e71548a8d4c2521f8ec42
Author: Ondřej Surý <ondrej at sury.org>
Date:   Tue Apr 29 11:19:06 2014 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 2.1.6
 CHANGELOG                                    |  57 ++
 MIT-LICENSE                                  |  20 +
 README.rdoc                                  | 153 ++++++
 lib/awesome_nested_set.rb                    |   8 +
 lib/awesome_nested_set/awesome_nested_set.rb | 767 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/awesome_nested_set/helper.rb             |  89 ++++
 lib/awesome_nested_set/version.rb            |   3 +
 metadata.yml                                 | 123 +++++
 8 files changed, 1220 insertions(+)

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+* Fixed rebuild! when there is a default_scope with order [Adrian Serafin]
+* Testing with stable bundler, ruby 2.0, MySQL and PostgreSQL [Philip Arndt]
+* Optimized move_to for large trees [ericsmith66]
+* Worked around issues where AR#association wasn't present on Rails 3.0.x. [Philip Arndt]
+* Adds option 'order_column' which defaults to 'left_column_name'. [gudata]
+* Added moving with order functionality. [Sytse Sijbrandij]
+* Use tablename in all select queries. [Mikhail Dieterle]
+* Made sure all descendants' depths are updated when moving parent, not just immediate child. [Phil Thompson]
+* Add documentation of the callbacks. [Tobias Maier]
+* nested_set_options accept both Class & AR Relation. [Semyon Perepelitsa]
+* Reduce the number of queries triggered by the canonical usage of `i.level` in the `nested_set` helpers. [thedarkone]
+* Specifically require active_record [Bogdan Gusiev]
+* compute_level now checks for a non nil association target. [Joel Nimety]
+* Update child depth when parent node is moved. [Amanda Wagener]
+* Added move_to_child_with_index. [Ben Zhang]
+* Optimised self_and_descendants for when there's an index on lft. [Mark Torrance]
+* Added support for an unsaved record to return the right 'root'. [Philip Arndt]
+* Fixed regressions introduced. [Philip Arndt]
+* Added 'depth' which indicates how many levels deep the node is.
+  This only works when you have a column called 'depth' in your table,
+  otherwise it doesn't set itself. [Philip Arndt]
+* Rails 3.2 support added. [Gabriel Sobrinho]
+* Oracle compatibility added. [Pikender Sharma]
+* Adding row locking to deletion, locking source of pivot values, and adding retry on collisions. [Markus J. Q. Roberts]
+* Added method and helper for sorting children by column. [bluegod]
+* Fixed .all_roots_valid? to work with Postgres. [Joshua Clayton]
+* Made compatible with polymorphic belongs_to. [Graham Randall]
+* Added in the association callbacks to the children :has_many association. [Michael Deering]
+* Modified helper to allow using array of objects as argument. [Rahmat Budiharso]
+* Fixed cases where we were calling attr_protected. [Jacob Swanner]
+* Fixed nil cases involving lft and rgt. [Stuart Coyle] and [Patrick Morgan]
+* Fixed deprecation warning under Rails 3.1 [Philip Arndt]
+* Converted Test::Unit matchers to RSpec. [Uģis Ozols]
+* Added inverse_of to associations to improve performance rendering trees. [Sergio Cambra]
+* Added row locking and fixed some race conditions. [Markus J. Q. Roberts]
+* Fixed a bug with move_to not using nested_set_scope [Andreas Sekine]
+* Expect Rails 3
+* Changed how callbacks work. Returning false in a before_move action does not block save operations. Use a validation or exception in the callback if you need that.
+* Switched to RSpec
+* Remove use of Comparable
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+Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Collective Idea
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/README.rdoc b/README.rdoc
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.rdoc
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+= AwesomeNestedSet
+Awesome Nested Set is an implementation of the nested set pattern for ActiveRecord models. It is replacement for acts_as_nested_set and BetterNestedSet, but more awesome.
+Version 2 supports Rails 3. Gem versions prior to 2.0 support Rails 2.
+== What makes this so awesome?
+This is a new implementation of nested set based off of BetterNestedSet that fixes some bugs, removes tons of duplication, adds a few useful methods, and adds STI support.
+== Installation
+  Add to your Gemfile:
+  gem 'awesome_nested_set'
+== Usage
+To make use of awesome_nested_set, your model needs to have 3 fields: lft, rgt, and parent_id.
+You can also have an optional field: depth:
+  class CreateCategories < ActiveRecord::Migration
+    def self.up
+      create_table :categories do |t|
+        t.string :name
+        t.integer :parent_id
+        t.integer :lft
+        t.integer :rgt
+        t.integer :depth # this is optional.
+      end
+    end
+    def self.down
+      drop_table :categories
+    end
+  end
+Enable the nested set functionality by declaring acts_as_nested_set on your model
+  class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
+    acts_as_nested_set
+  end
+Run `rake rdoc` to generate the API docs and see CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet for more info.
+== Callbacks
+There are three callbacks called when moving a node. `before_move`, `after_move` and `around_move`.
+  class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
+    acts_as_nested_set
+    after_move :rebuild_slug
+    around_move :da_fancy_things_around
+    private
+    def rebuild_slug
+      # do whatever
+    end
+    def da_fancy_things_around
+      # do something...
+      yield # actually moves
+      # do something else...
+    end
+  end
+Beside this there are also hooks to act on the newly added or removed children.
+  class Category < ActiveRecord::Base  
+    acts_as_nested_set  :before_add     => :do_before_add_stuff,
+                        :after_add      => :do_after_add_stuff,
+                        :before_remove  => :do_before_remove_stuff,
+                        :after_remove   => :do_after_remove_stuff
+    private
+    def do_before_add_stuff(child_node)
+      # do whatever with the child
+    end
+    def do_after_add_stuff(child_node)
+      # do whatever with the child
+    end
+    def do_before_remove_stuff(child_node)
+      # do whatever with the child
+    end
+    def do_after_remove_stuff(child_node)
+      # do whatever with the child
+    end
+  end
+== Protecting attributes from mass assignment
+It's generally best to "white list" the attributes that can be used in mass assignment:
+  class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
+    acts_as_nested_set
+    attr_accessible :name, :parent_id
+  end
+If for some reason that is not possible, you will probably want to protect the lft and rgt attributes:
+  class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
+    acts_as_nested_set
+    attr_protected :lft, :rgt
+  end
+== Conversion from other trees
+Coming from acts_as_tree or another system where you only have a parent_id? No problem. Simply add the lft & rgt fields as above, and then run
+  Category.rebuild!
+Your tree will be converted to a valid nested set. Awesome!
+== View Helper
+The view helper is called #nested_set_options.
+Example usage:
+  <%= f.select :parent_id, nested_set_options(Category, @category) {|i| "#{'-' * i.level} #{i.name}" } %>
+  <%= select_tag 'parent_id', options_for_select(nested_set_options(Category) {|i| "#{'-' * i.level} #{i.name}" } ) %>
+See CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::Helper for more information about the helpers.
+== References
+You can learn more about nested sets at: http://threebit.net/tutorials/nestedset/tutorial1.html
+== How to contribute
+If you find what you might think is a bug:
+1. Check the GitHub issue tracker to see if anyone else has had the same issue.
+   https://github.com/collectiveidea/awesome_nested_set/issues/
+2. If you don't see anything, create an issue with information on how to reproduce it.
+If you want to contribute an enhancement or a fix:
+1. Fork the project on GitHub.
+   https://github.com/collectiveidea/awesome_nested_set/
+2. Make your changes with tests.
+3. Commit the changes without making changes to the Rakefile, VERSION, or any other files that aren't related to your enhancement or fix
+4. Send a pull request.
+Copyright ©2008 Collective Idea, released under the MIT license
diff --git a/lib/awesome_nested_set.rb b/lib/awesome_nested_set.rb
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index 0000000..a3df9e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/awesome_nested_set.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+require 'awesome_nested_set/awesome_nested_set'
+require 'active_record'
+ActiveRecord::Base.send :extend, CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet
+if defined?(ActionView)
+  require 'awesome_nested_set/helper'
+  ActionView::Base.send :include, CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::Helper
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/awesome_nested_set/awesome_nested_set.rb b/lib/awesome_nested_set/awesome_nested_set.rb
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index 0000000..c831c48
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+++ b/lib/awesome_nested_set/awesome_nested_set.rb
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+module CollectiveIdea #:nodoc:
+  module Acts #:nodoc:
+    module NestedSet #:nodoc:
+      # This acts provides Nested Set functionality. Nested Set is a smart way to implement
+      # an _ordered_ tree, with the added feature that you can select the children and all of their
+      # descendants with a single query. The drawback is that insertion or move need some complex
+      # sql queries. But everything is done here by this module!
+      #
+      # Nested sets are appropriate each time you want either an orderd tree (menus,
+      # commercial categories) or an efficient way of querying big trees (threaded posts).
+      #
+      # == API
+      #
+      # Methods names are aligned with acts_as_tree as much as possible to make replacment from one
+      # by another easier.
+      #
+      #   item.children.create(:name => "child1")
+      #
+      # Configuration options are:
+      #
+      # * +:parent_column+ - specifies the column name to use for keeping the position integer (default: parent_id)
+      # * +:left_column+ - column name for left boundry data, default "lft"
+      # * +:right_column+ - column name for right boundry data, default "rgt"
+      # * +:depth_column+ - column name for the depth data, default "depth"
+      # * +:scope+ - restricts what is to be considered a list. Given a symbol, it'll attach "_id"
+      #   (if it hasn't been already) and use that as the foreign key restriction. You
+      #   can also pass an array to scope by multiple attributes.
+      #   Example: <tt>acts_as_nested_set :scope => [:notable_id, :notable_type]</tt>
+      # * +:dependent+ - behavior for cascading destroy. If set to :destroy, all the
+      #   child objects are destroyed alongside this object by calling their destroy
+      #   method. If set to :delete_all (default), all the child objects are deleted
+      #   without calling their destroy method.
+      # * +:counter_cache+ adds a counter cache for the number of children.
+      #   defaults to false.
+      #   Example: <tt>acts_as_nested_set :counter_cache => :children_count</tt>
+      # * +:order_column+ on which column to do sorting, by default it is the left_column_name
+      #   Example: <tt>acts_as_nested_set :order_column => :position</tt>
+      #
+      # See CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::Model::ClassMethods for a list of class methods and
+      # CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::Model for a list of instance methods added
+      # to acts_as_nested_set models
+      def acts_as_nested_set(options = {})
+        options = {
+          :parent_column => 'parent_id',
+          :left_column => 'lft',
+          :right_column => 'rgt',
+          :depth_column => 'depth',
+          :dependent => :delete_all, # or :destroy
+          :polymorphic => false,
+          :counter_cache => false
+        }.merge(options)
+        if options[:scope].is_a?(Symbol) && options[:scope].to_s !~ /_id$/
+          options[:scope] = "#{options[:scope]}_id".intern
+        end
+        class_attribute :acts_as_nested_set_options
+        self.acts_as_nested_set_options = options
+        include CollectiveIdea::Acts::NestedSet::Model
+        include Columns
+        extend Columns
+        belongs_to :parent, :class_name => self.base_class.to_s,
+                            :foreign_key => parent_column_name,
+                            :counter_cache => options[:counter_cache],
+                            :inverse_of => (:children unless options[:polymorphic]),
+                            :polymorphic => options[:polymorphic]
+        has_many_children_options = {
+          :class_name => self.base_class.to_s,
+          :foreign_key => parent_column_name,
+          :order => order_column,
+          :inverse_of => (:parent unless options[:polymorphic]),
+        }
+        # Add callbacks, if they were supplied.. otherwise, we don't want them.
+        [:before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, :after_remove].each do |ar_callback|
+          has_many_children_options.update(ar_callback => options[ar_callback]) if options[ar_callback]
+        end
+        has_many :children, has_many_children_options
+        attr_accessor :skip_before_destroy
+        before_create  :set_default_left_and_right
+        before_save    :store_new_parent
+        after_save     :move_to_new_parent, :set_depth!
+        before_destroy :destroy_descendants
+        # no assignment to structure fields
+        [left_column_name, right_column_name, depth_column_name].each do |column|
+          module_eval <<-"end_eval", __FILE__, __LINE__
+            def #{column}=(x)
+              raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "Unauthorized assignment to #{column}: it's an internal field handled by acts_as_nested_set code, use move_to_* methods instead."
+            end
+          end_eval
+        end
+        define_model_callbacks :move
+      end
+      module Model
+        extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+        included do
+          delegate :quoted_table_name, :to => self
+        end
+        module ClassMethods
+          # Returns the first root
+          def root
+            roots.first
+          end
+          def roots
+            where(parent_column_name => nil).order(quoted_left_column_full_name)
+          end
+          def leaves
+            where("#{quoted_right_column_full_name} - #{quoted_left_column_full_name} = 1").order(quoted_left_column_full_name)
+          end
+          def valid?
+            left_and_rights_valid? && no_duplicates_for_columns? && all_roots_valid?
+          end
+          def left_and_rights_valid?
+            ## AS clause not supported in Oracle in FROM clause for aliasing table name
+            joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN #{quoted_table_name}" +
+                (connection.adapter_name.match(/Oracle/).nil? ?  " AS " : " ") +
+                "parent ON " +
+                "#{quoted_parent_column_full_name} = parent.#{primary_key}").
+            where(
+                "#{quoted_left_column_full_name} IS NULL OR " +
+                "#{quoted_right_column_full_name} IS NULL OR " +
+                "#{quoted_left_column_full_name} >= " +
+                  "#{quoted_right_column_full_name} OR " +
+                "(#{quoted_parent_column_full_name} IS NOT NULL AND " +
+                  "(#{quoted_left_column_full_name} <= parent.#{quoted_left_column_name} OR " +
+                  "#{quoted_right_column_full_name} >= parent.#{quoted_right_column_name}))"
+            ).count == 0
+          end
+          def no_duplicates_for_columns?
+            scope_string = Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]).map do |c|
+              connection.quote_column_name(c)
+            end.push(nil).join(", ")
+            [quoted_left_column_full_name, quoted_right_column_full_name].all? do |column|
+              # No duplicates
+              select("#{scope_string}#{column}, COUNT(#{column})").
+                  group("#{scope_string}#{column}").
+                  having("COUNT(#{column}) > 1").
+                  first.nil?
+            end
+          end
+          # Wrapper for each_root_valid? that can deal with scope.
+          def all_roots_valid?
+            if acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]
+              roots.group_by {|record| scope_column_names.collect {|col| record.send(col.to_sym) } }.all? do |scope, grouped_roots|
+                each_root_valid?(grouped_roots)
+              end
+            else
+              each_root_valid?(roots)
+            end
+          end
+          def each_root_valid?(roots_to_validate)
+            left = right = 0
+            roots_to_validate.all? do |root|
+              (root.left > left && root.right > right).tap do
+                left = root.left
+                right = root.right
+              end
+            end
+          end
+          # Rebuilds the left & rights if unset or invalid.
+          # Also very useful for converting from acts_as_tree.
+          def rebuild!(validate_nodes = true)
+            # default_scope with order may break database queries so we do all operation without scope
+            unscoped do
+              # Don't rebuild a valid tree.
+              return true if valid?
+              scope = lambda{|node|}
+              if acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]
+                scope = lambda{|node|
+                  scope_column_names.inject(""){|str, column_name|
+                    str << "AND #{connection.quote_column_name(column_name)} = #{connection.quote(node.send(column_name.to_sym))} "
+                  }
+                }
+              end
+              indices = {}
+              set_left_and_rights = lambda do |node|
+                # set left
+                node[left_column_name] = indices[scope.call(node)] += 1
+                # find
+                where(["#{quoted_parent_column_full_name} = ? #{scope.call(node)}", node]).order("#{quoted_left_column_full_name}, #{quoted_right_column_full_name}, id").each{|n| set_left_and_rights.call(n) }
+                # set right
+                node[right_column_name] = indices[scope.call(node)] += 1
+                node.save!(:validate => validate_nodes)
+              end
+              # Find root node(s)
+              root_nodes = where("#{quoted_parent_column_full_name} IS NULL").order("#{quoted_left_column_full_name}, #{quoted_right_column_full_name}, id").each do |root_node|
+                # setup index for this scope
+                indices[scope.call(root_node)] ||= 0
+                set_left_and_rights.call(root_node)
+              end
+            end
+          end
+          # Iterates over tree elements and determines the current level in the tree.
+          # Only accepts default ordering, odering by an other column than lft
+          # does not work. This method is much more efficent than calling level
+          # because it doesn't require any additional database queries.
+          #
+          # Example:
+          #    Category.each_with_level(Category.root.self_and_descendants) do |o, level|
+          #
+          def each_with_level(objects)
+            path = [nil]
+            objects.each do |o|
+              if o.parent_id != path.last
+                # we are on a new level, did we descend or ascend?
+                if path.include?(o.parent_id)
+                  # remove wrong wrong tailing paths elements
+                  path.pop while path.last != o.parent_id
+                else
+                  path << o.parent_id
+                end
+              end
+              yield(o, path.length - 1)
+            end
+          end
+          # Same as each_with_level - Accepts a string as a second argument to sort the list
+          # Example:
+          #    Category.each_with_level(Category.root.self_and_descendants, :sort_by_this_column) do |o, level|
+          def sorted_each_with_level(objects, order)
+            path = [nil]
+            children = []
+              objects.each do |o|
+              children << o if o.leaf?
+              if o.parent_id != path.last
+                if !children.empty? && !o.leaf?
+                  children.sort_by! &order
+                  children.each { |c| yield(c, path.length-1) }
+                  children = []
+                end
+                # we are on a new level, did we decent or ascent?
+                if path.include?(o.parent_id)
+                  # remove wrong wrong tailing paths elements
+                  path.pop while path.last != o.parent_id
+                else
+                  path << o.parent_id
+                end
+              end
+              yield(o,path.length-1) if !o.leaf?
+            end
+            if !children.empty?
+              children.sort_by! &order
+              children.each { |c| yield(c, path.length-1) }
+            end
+          end
+          def associate_parents(objects)
+            if objects.all?{|o| o.respond_to?(:association)}
+              id_indexed = objects.index_by(&:id)
+              objects.each do |object|
+                if !(association = object.association(:parent)).loaded? && (parent = id_indexed[object.parent_id])
+                  association.target = parent
+                  association.set_inverse_instance(parent)
+                end
+              end
+            else
+              objects
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        # Any instance method that returns a collection makes use of Rails 2.1's named_scope (which is bundled for Rails 2.0), so it can be treated as a finder.
+        #
+        #   category.self_and_descendants.count
+        #   category.ancestors.find(:all, :conditions => "name like '%foo%'")
+        # Value of the parent column
+        def parent_id
+          self[parent_column_name]
+        end
+        # Value of the left column
+        def left
+          self[left_column_name]
+        end
+        # Value of the right column
+        def right
+          self[right_column_name]
+        end
+        # Returns true if this is a root node.
+        def root?
+          parent_id.nil?
+        end
+        # Returns true if this is the end of a branch.
+        def leaf?
+          persisted? && right.to_i - left.to_i == 1
+        end
+        # Returns true is this is a child node
+        def child?
+          !root?
+        end
+        # Returns root
+        def root
+          if persisted?
+            self_and_ancestors.where(parent_column_name => nil).first
+          else
+            if parent_id && current_parent = nested_set_scope.find(parent_id)
+              current_parent.root
+            else
+              self
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        # Returns the array of all parents and self
+        def self_and_ancestors
+          nested_set_scope.where([
+            "#{quoted_left_column_full_name} <= ? AND #{quoted_right_column_full_name} >= ?", left, right
+          ])
+        end
+        # Returns an array of all parents
+        def ancestors
+          without_self self_and_ancestors
+        end
+        # Returns the array of all children of the parent, including self
+        def self_and_siblings
+          nested_set_scope.where(parent_column_name => parent_id)
+        end
+        # Returns the array of all children of the parent, except self
+        def siblings
+          without_self self_and_siblings
+        end
+        # Returns a set of all of its nested children which do not have children
+        def leaves
+          descendants.where("#{quoted_right_column_full_name} - #{quoted_left_column_full_name} = 1")
+        end
+        # Returns the level of this object in the tree
+        # root level is 0
+        def level
+          parent_id.nil? ? 0 : compute_level
+        end
+        # Returns a set of itself and all of its nested children
+        def self_and_descendants
+          nested_set_scope.where([
+            "#{quoted_left_column_full_name} >= ? AND #{quoted_left_column_full_name} < ?", left, right
+            # using _left_ for both sides here lets us benefit from an index on that column if one exists
+          ])
+        end
+        # Returns a set of all of its children and nested children
+        def descendants
+          without_self self_and_descendants
+        end
+        def is_descendant_of?(other)
+          other.left < self.left && self.left < other.right && same_scope?(other)
+        end
+        def is_or_is_descendant_of?(other)
+          other.left <= self.left && self.left < other.right && same_scope?(other)
+        end
+        def is_ancestor_of?(other)
+          self.left < other.left && other.left < self.right && same_scope?(other)
+        end
+        def is_or_is_ancestor_of?(other)
+          self.left <= other.left && other.left < self.right && same_scope?(other)
+        end
+        # Check if other model is in the same scope
+        def same_scope?(other)
+          Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope]).all? do |attr|
+            self.send(attr) == other.send(attr)
+          end
+        end
+        # Find the first sibling to the left
+        def left_sibling
+          siblings.where(["#{quoted_left_column_full_name} < ?", left]).
+                  order("#{quoted_left_column_full_name} DESC").last
+        end
+        # Find the first sibling to the right
+        def right_sibling
+          siblings.where(["#{quoted_left_column_full_name} > ?", left]).first
+        end
+        # Shorthand method for finding the left sibling and moving to the left of it.
+        def move_left
+          move_to_left_of left_sibling
+        end
+        # Shorthand method for finding the right sibling and moving to the right of it.
+        def move_right
+          move_to_right_of right_sibling
+        end
+        # Move the node to the left of another node (you can pass id only)
+        def move_to_left_of(node)
+          move_to node, :left
+        end
+        # Move the node to the left of another node (you can pass id only)
+        def move_to_right_of(node)
+          move_to node, :right
+        end
+        # Move the node to the child of another node (you can pass id only)
+        def move_to_child_of(node)
+          move_to node, :child
+        end
+        # Move the node to the child of another node with specify index (you can pass id only)
+        def move_to_child_with_index(node, index)
+          if node.children.empty?
+            move_to_child_of(node)
+          elsif node.children.count == index
+            move_to_right_of(node.children.last)
+          else
+            move_to_left_of(node.children[index])
+          end
+        end
+        # Move the node to root nodes
+        def move_to_root
+          move_to nil, :root
+        end
+        # Order children in a nested set by an attribute
+        # Can order by any attribute class that uses the Comparable mixin, for example a string or integer
+        # Usage example when sorting categories alphabetically: @new_category.move_to_ordered_child_of(@root, "name")
+        def move_to_ordered_child_of(parent, order_attribute, ascending = true)
+          self.move_to_root and return unless parent
+          left = nil # This is needed, at least for the tests.
+          parent.children.each do |n| # Find the node immediately to the left of this node.
+            if ascending
+              left = n if n.send(order_attribute) < self.send(order_attribute)
+            else
+              left = n if n.send(order_attribute) > self.send(order_attribute)
+            end
+          end
+          self.move_to_child_of(parent)
+          return unless parent.children.count > 1 # Only need to order if there are multiple children.
+          if left # Self has a left neighbor.
+            self.move_to_right_of(left)
+          else # Self is the left most node.
+            self.move_to_left_of(parent.children[0])
+          end
+        end
+        def move_possible?(target)
+          self != target && # Can't target self
+          same_scope?(target) && # can't be in different scopes
+          # !(left..right).include?(target.left..target.right) # this needs tested more
+          # detect impossible move
+          !((left <= target.left && right >= target.left) or (left <= target.right && right >= target.right))
+        end
+        def to_text
+          self_and_descendants.map do |node|
+            "#{'*'*(node.level+1)} #{node.id} #{node.to_s} (#{node.parent_id}, #{node.left}, #{node.right})"
+          end.join("\n")
+        end
+      protected
+        def compute_level
+          node, nesting = self, 0
+          while (association = node.association(:parent)).loaded? && association.target
+            nesting += 1
+            node = node.parent
+          end if node.respond_to? :association
+          node == self ? ancestors.count : node.level + nesting
+        end
+        def without_self(scope)
+          scope.where(["#{self.class.quoted_table_name}.#{self.class.primary_key} != ?", self])
+        end
+        # All nested set queries should use this nested_set_scope, which performs finds on
+        # the base ActiveRecord class, using the :scope declared in the acts_as_nested_set
+        # declaration.
+        def nested_set_scope(options = {})
+          options = {:order => quoted_left_column_full_name}.merge(options)
+          scopes = Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope])
+          options[:conditions] = scopes.inject({}) do |conditions,attr|
+            conditions.merge attr => self[attr]
+          end unless scopes.empty?
+          self.class.base_class.unscoped.scoped options
+        end
+        def store_new_parent
+          @move_to_new_parent_id = send("#{parent_column_name}_changed?") ? parent_id : false
+          true # force callback to return true
+        end
+        def move_to_new_parent
+          if @move_to_new_parent_id.nil?
+            move_to_root
+          elsif @move_to_new_parent_id
+            move_to_child_of(@move_to_new_parent_id)
+          end
+        end
+        def set_depth!
+          if nested_set_scope.column_names.map(&:to_s).include?(depth_column_name.to_s)
+            in_tenacious_transaction do
+              reload
+              nested_set_scope.where(:id => id).update_all(["#{quoted_depth_column_name} = ?", level])
+            end
+            self[depth_column_name.to_sym] = self.level
+          end
+        end
+        # on creation, set automatically lft and rgt to the end of the tree
+        def set_default_left_and_right
+          highest_right_row = nested_set_scope(:order => "#{quoted_right_column_full_name} desc").limit(1).lock(true).first
+          maxright = highest_right_row ? (highest_right_row[right_column_name] || 0) : 0
+          # adds the new node to the right of all existing nodes
+          self[left_column_name] = maxright + 1
+          self[right_column_name] = maxright + 2
+        end
+        def in_tenacious_transaction(&block)
+          retry_count = 0
+          begin
+            transaction(&block)
+          rescue ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid => error
+            raise unless connection.open_transactions.zero?
+            raise unless error.message =~ /Deadlock found when trying to get lock|Lock wait timeout exceeded/
+            raise unless retry_count < 10
+            retry_count += 1
+            logger.info "Deadlock detected on retry #{retry_count}, restarting transaction"
+            sleep(rand(retry_count)*0.1) # Aloha protocol
+            retry
+          end
+        end
+        # Prunes a branch off of the tree, shifting all of the elements on the right
+        # back to the left so the counts still work.
+        def destroy_descendants
+          return if right.nil? || left.nil? || skip_before_destroy
+          in_tenacious_transaction do
+            reload_nested_set
+            # select the rows in the model that extend past the deletion point and apply a lock
+            nested_set_scope.where(["#{quoted_left_column_full_name} >= ?", left]).
+                                  select(id).lock(true)
+            if acts_as_nested_set_options[:dependent] == :destroy
+              descendants.each do |model|
+                model.skip_before_destroy = true
+                model.destroy
+              end
+            else
+              nested_set_scope.where(["#{quoted_left_column_name} > ? AND #{quoted_right_column_name} < ?", left, right]).
+                               delete_all
+            end
+            # update lefts and rights for remaining nodes
+            diff = right - left + 1
+            nested_set_scope.where(["#{quoted_left_column_full_name} > ?", right]).update_all(
+              ["#{quoted_left_column_name} = (#{quoted_left_column_name} - ?)", diff]
+            )
+            nested_set_scope.where(["#{quoted_right_column_full_name} > ?", right]).update_all(
+              ["#{quoted_right_column_name} = (#{quoted_right_column_name} - ?)", diff]
+            )
+            # Don't allow multiple calls to destroy to corrupt the set
+            self.skip_before_destroy = true
+          end
+        end
+        # reload left, right, and parent
+        def reload_nested_set
+          reload(
+            :select => "#{quoted_left_column_full_name}, #{quoted_right_column_full_name}, #{quoted_parent_column_full_name}",
+            :lock => true
+          )
+        end
+        def move_to(target, position)
+          raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "You cannot move a new node" if self.new_record?
+          run_callbacks :move do
+            in_tenacious_transaction do
+              if target.is_a? self.class.base_class
+                target.reload_nested_set
+              elsif position != :root
+                # load object if node is not an object
+                target = nested_set_scope.find(target)
+              end
+              self.reload_nested_set
+              unless position == :root || move_possible?(target)
+                raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "Impossible move, target node cannot be inside moved tree."
+              end
+              bound = case position
+                when :child;  target[right_column_name]
+                when :left;   target[left_column_name]
+                when :right;  target[right_column_name] + 1
+                when :root;   1
+                else raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "Position should be :child, :left, :right or :root ('#{position}' received)."
+              end
+              if bound > self[right_column_name]
+                bound = bound - 1
+                other_bound = self[right_column_name] + 1
+              else
+                other_bound = self[left_column_name] - 1
+              end
+              # there would be no change
+              return if bound == self[right_column_name] || bound == self[left_column_name]
+              # we have defined the boundaries of two non-overlapping intervals,
+              # so sorting puts both the intervals and their boundaries in order
+              a, b, c, d = [self[left_column_name], self[right_column_name], bound, other_bound].sort
+              # select the rows in the model between a and d, and apply a lock
+              self.class.base_class.select('id').lock(true).where(
+                ["#{quoted_left_column_full_name} >= :a and #{quoted_right_column_full_name} <= :d", {:a => a, :d => d}]
+              )
+              new_parent = case position
+                when :child;  target.id
+                when :root;   nil
+                else          target[parent_column_name]
+              end
+              where_statement = ["not (#{quoted_left_column_name} = CASE " +
+                                     "WHEN #{quoted_left_column_name} BETWEEN :a AND :b " +
+                                     "THEN #{quoted_left_column_name} + :d - :b " +
+                                     "WHEN #{quoted_left_column_name} BETWEEN :c AND :d " +
+                                     "THEN #{quoted_left_column_name} + :a - :c " +
+                                     "ELSE #{quoted_left_column_name} END AND " +
+                                     "#{quoted_right_column_name} = CASE " +
+                                     "WHEN #{quoted_right_column_name} BETWEEN :a AND :b " +
+                                     "THEN #{quoted_right_column_name} + :d - :b " +
+                                     "WHEN #{quoted_right_column_name} BETWEEN :c AND :d " +
+                                     "THEN #{quoted_right_column_name} + :a - :c " +
+                                     "ELSE #{quoted_right_column_name} END AND " +
+                                     "#{quoted_parent_column_name} = CASE " +
+                                     "WHEN #{self.class.base_class.primary_key} = :id THEN :new_parent " +
+                                     "ELSE #{quoted_parent_column_name} END)" ,
+                                 {:a => a, :b => b, :c => c, :d => d, :id => self.id, :new_parent => new_parent}    ]
+              self.nested_set_scope.where(*where_statement).update_all([
+                "#{quoted_left_column_name} = CASE " +
+                  "WHEN #{quoted_left_column_name} BETWEEN :a AND :b " +
+                    "THEN #{quoted_left_column_name} + :d - :b " +
+                  "WHEN #{quoted_left_column_name} BETWEEN :c AND :d " +
+                    "THEN #{quoted_left_column_name} + :a - :c " +
+                  "ELSE #{quoted_left_column_name} END, " +
+                "#{quoted_right_column_name} = CASE " +
+                  "WHEN #{quoted_right_column_name} BETWEEN :a AND :b " +
+                    "THEN #{quoted_right_column_name} + :d - :b " +
+                  "WHEN #{quoted_right_column_name} BETWEEN :c AND :d " +
+                    "THEN #{quoted_right_column_name} + :a - :c " +
+                  "ELSE #{quoted_right_column_name} END, " +
+                "#{quoted_parent_column_name} = CASE " +
+                  "WHEN #{self.class.base_class.primary_key} = :id THEN :new_parent " +
+                  "ELSE #{quoted_parent_column_name} END",
+                {:a => a, :b => b, :c => c, :d => d, :id => self.id, :new_parent => new_parent}
+              ])
+            end
+            target.reload_nested_set if target
+            self.set_depth!
+            self.descendants.each(&:save)
+            self.reload_nested_set
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      # Mixed into both classes and instances to provide easy access to the column names
+      module Columns
+        def left_column_name
+          acts_as_nested_set_options[:left_column]
+        end
+        def right_column_name
+          acts_as_nested_set_options[:right_column]
+        end
+        def depth_column_name
+          acts_as_nested_set_options[:depth_column]
+        end
+        def parent_column_name
+          acts_as_nested_set_options[:parent_column]
+        end
+        def order_column
+          acts_as_nested_set_options[:order_column] || left_column_name
+        end
+        def scope_column_names
+          Array(acts_as_nested_set_options[:scope])
+        end
+        def quoted_left_column_name
+          connection.quote_column_name(left_column_name)
+        end
+        def quoted_right_column_name
+          connection.quote_column_name(right_column_name)
+        end
+        def quoted_depth_column_name
+          connection.quote_column_name(depth_column_name)
+        end
+        def quoted_parent_column_name
+          connection.quote_column_name(parent_column_name)
+        end
+        def quoted_scope_column_names
+          scope_column_names.collect {|column_name| connection.quote_column_name(column_name) }
+        end
+        def quoted_left_column_full_name
+          "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_left_column_name}"
+        end
+        def quoted_right_column_full_name
+          "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_right_column_name}"
+        end
+        def quoted_parent_column_full_name
+          "#{quoted_table_name}.#{quoted_parent_column_name}"
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/awesome_nested_set/helper.rb b/lib/awesome_nested_set/helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98d2688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/awesome_nested_set/helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+module CollectiveIdea #:nodoc:
+  module Acts #:nodoc:
+    module NestedSet #:nodoc:
+      # This module provides some helpers for the model classes using acts_as_nested_set.
+      # It is included by default in all views.
+      #
+      module Helper
+        # Returns options for select.
+        # You can exclude some items from the tree.
+        # You can pass a block receiving an item and returning the string displayed in the select.
+        #
+        # == Params
+        #  * +class_or_item+ - Class name or top level times
+        #  * +mover+ - The item that is being move, used to exlude impossible moves
+        #  * +&block+ - a block that will be used to display: { |item| ... item.name }
+        #
+        # == Usage
+        #
+        #   <%= f.select :parent_id, nested_set_options(Category, @category) {|i|
+        #       "#{'–' * i.level} #{i.name}"
+        #     }) %>
+        #
+        def nested_set_options(class_or_item, mover = nil)
+          if class_or_item.is_a? Array
+            items = class_or_item.reject { |e| !e.root? }
+          else
+            class_or_item = class_or_item.roots if class_or_item.respond_to?(:scoped)
+            items = Array(class_or_item)
+          end
+          result = []
+          items.each do |root|
+            result += root.class.associate_parents(root.self_and_descendants).map do |i|
+              if mover.nil? || mover.new_record? || mover.move_possible?(i)
+                [yield(i), i.id]
+              end
+            end.compact
+          end
+          result
+        end
+        # Returns options for select as nested_set_options, sorted by an specific column
+        # It requires passing a string with the name of the column to sort the set with
+        # You can exclude some items from the tree.
+        # You can pass a block receiving an item and returning the string displayed in the select.
+        #
+        # == Params
+        #  * +class_or_item+ - Class name or top level times
+        #  * +:column+ - Column to sort the set (this will sort each children for all root elements)
+        #  * +mover+ - The item that is being move, used to exlude impossible moves
+        #  * +&block+ - a block that will be used to display: { |item| ... item.name }
+        #
+        # == Usage
+        #
+        #   <%= f.select :parent_id, nested_set_options(Category, :sort_by_this_column,  @category) {|i|
+        #       "#{'–' * i.level} #{i.name}"
+        #     }) %>
+        #
+        def sorted_nested_set_options(class_or_item, order, mover = nil)
+          if class_or_item.is_a? Array
+            items = class_or_item.reject { |e| !e.root? }
+          else
+            class_or_item = class_or_item.roots if class_or_item.is_a?(Class)
+            items = Array(class_or_item)
+          end
+          result = []
+          children = []
+          items.each do |root|
+            root.class.associate_parents(root.self_and_descendants).map do |i|
+              if mover.nil? || mover.new_record? || mover.move_possible?(i)
+                if !i.leaf?
+                  children.sort_by! &order
+                  children.each { |c| result << [yield(c), c.id] }
+                  children = []
+                  result << [yield(i), i.id]
+                else
+                  children << i
+                 end
+              end   
+            end.compact
+          end
+          children.sort_by! &order
+          children.each { |c| result << [yield(c), c.id] }
+          result
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/awesome_nested_set/version.rb b/lib/awesome_nested_set/version.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74cac55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/awesome_nested_set/version.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+module AwesomeNestedSet
+  VERSION = '2.1.6' unless defined?(::AwesomeNestedSet::VERSION)
diff --git a/metadata.yml b/metadata.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c6af16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+--- !ruby/object:Gem::Specification
+name: awesome_nested_set
+version: !ruby/object:Gem::Version
+  version: 2.1.6
+  prerelease: 
+platform: ruby
+- Brandon Keepers
+- Daniel Morrison
+- Philip Arndt
+bindir: bin
+cert_chain: []
+date: 2013-02-14 00:00:00.000000000 Z
+- !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency
+  name: activerecord
+  requirement: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
+    none: false
+    requirements:
+    - - ! '>='
+      - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
+        version: 3.0.0
+  type: :runtime
+  prerelease: false
+  version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
+    none: false
+    requirements:
+    - - ! '>='
+      - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
+        version: 3.0.0
+- !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency
+  name: rspec-rails
+  requirement: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
+    none: false
+    requirements:
+    - - ~>
+      - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
+        version: '2.12'
+  type: :development
+  prerelease: false
+  version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
+    none: false
+    requirements:
+    - - ~>
+      - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
+        version: '2.12'
+- !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency
+  name: rake
+  requirement: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
+    none: false
+    requirements:
+    - - ~>
+      - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
+        version: '10'
+  type: :development
+  prerelease: false
+  version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
+    none: false
+    requirements:
+    - - ~>
+      - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
+        version: '10'
+- !ruby/object:Gem::Dependency
+  name: combustion
+  requirement: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
+    none: false
+    requirements:
+    - - ! '>='
+      - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
+        version: 0.3.3
+  type: :development
+  prerelease: false
+  version_requirements: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
+    none: false
+    requirements:
+    - - ! '>='
+      - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
+        version: 0.3.3
+description: An awesome nested set implementation for Active Record
+email: info at collectiveidea.com
+executables: []
+extensions: []
+- README.rdoc
+- lib/awesome_nested_set/awesome_nested_set.rb
+- lib/awesome_nested_set/helper.rb
+- lib/awesome_nested_set/version.rb
+- lib/awesome_nested_set.rb
+- README.rdoc
+homepage: http://github.com/collectiveidea/awesome_nested_set
+- MIT
+- --main
+- README.rdoc
+- --inline-source
+- --line-numbers
+- lib
+required_ruby_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
+  none: false
+  requirements:
+  - - ! '>='
+    - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
+      version: '0'
+required_rubygems_version: !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement
+  none: false
+  requirements:
+  - - ! '>='
+    - !ruby/object:Gem::Version
+      version: '0'
+requirements: []
+rubygems_version: 1.8.25
+specification_version: 3
+summary: An awesome nested set implementation for Active Record
+test_files: []

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