[DRE-commits] [ruby-pgplot] 04/06: Refresh patches: Import Git changes

Youhei SASAKI uwabami-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 28 18:37:22 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

uwabami-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-pgplot.

commit ed70b8858ffa100a8f8d796439bd7b796bc53768
Author: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 29 02:27:40 2014 +0900

    Refresh patches: Import Git changes
    Signed-off-by: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
 debian/patches/0000-Update-NArray-PATH.patch       |  13 +
 .../patches/0001-Add-enable-autobuild-option.patch |  45 ++
 ...te-extconf-and-Add-support-for-Ruby-1.9.2.patch | 311 ------------
 .../0002-Add-disable-extra-libs-option.patch       | 146 ++++++
 debian/patches/0002-Fix-mkdoc-for-Ruby-1.9.2.patch | 528 ---------------------
 debian/patches/0003-Close-files-in-cogen.rb.patch  |  29 ++
 .../patches/0003-Update-Cogen-for-Ruby1.9.2.patch  |  44 --
 .../0004-Be-smart-about-extra-library-checks.patch | 171 +++++++
 debian/patches/0005-extconf.rb.patch               | 327 +++++++++++++
 debian/patches/0006-rm-extconf-auto.rb.patch       | 138 ++++++
 .../0007-s.add_dependency-narray-0.7.0.patch       |  25 +
 debian/patches/0008-mv-homepage.patch              |  25 +
 debian/patches/0009-fix-docs.patch                 |  86 ++++
 debian/patches/series                              |  13 +-
 14 files changed, 1015 insertions(+), 886 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/patches/0000-Update-NArray-PATH.patch b/debian/patches/0000-Update-NArray-PATH.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8787e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0000-Update-NArray-PATH.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- ruby-pgplot.orig/ext/extconf.rb
++++ ruby-pgplot/ext/extconf.rb
+@@ -56,8 +56,9 @@
+     find_dir_in_gemspec ||
+     find_dir_w_file("../"+narray_d,narray_h) ||
+     find_dir_w_file(gems_dir+narray_d,narray_h) ||
++    find_dir_w_file(CONFIG['vendorarchdir'],narray_h) ||
+     find_dir_w_file(CONFIG['sitearchdir'],narray_h) ||
+-    find_dir_w_file(CONFIG['archdir'],narray_h)
++    find_dir_w_file(CONFIG['archdir'],narray_h) 
+   $CPPFLAGS = " -I#{narray_h_dir} " + $CPPFLAGS
+ end
+ exit unless have_header("narray.h")
diff --git a/debian/patches/0001-Add-enable-autobuild-option.patch b/debian/patches/0001-Add-enable-autobuild-option.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf01bd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0001-Add-enable-autobuild-option.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+From 3728b4348e4edcf5d62be38573f7d2a94ac3d089 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David MacMahon <davidm at astro.berkeley.edu>
+Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2013 11:06:42 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH 1/9] Add --enable-autobuild option
+This enables the automatic download and build of the pgplot library only if the
+user provides the --enable-autobuild option.  This is more security conscious
+as it requires the user's explicit permission (by providing --enable-autobuild)
+to download and install this third party library.
+ ext/extconf-auto.rb | 17 +++++++++++++++++
+ 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/ext/extconf-auto.rb b/ext/extconf-auto.rb
+index 64020d1..5891862 100644
+--- a/ext/extconf-auto.rb
++++ b/ext/extconf-auto.rb
+@@ -14,7 +14,24 @@
+ load "./extconf.rb"
++# Exit if user did not specify "--enable-autobuild"
++if !enable_config('autobuild', false)
++  # Print reminder about --enable-autobuild option if pgplot was not found
++  if !$have_pgplot
++    puts
++    puts "The PGPLOT library was not found.  To auto-build it as part of"
++    puts "installing Ruby/PGLOT, pass the --enable-autobuild option."
++    puts
++    puts "Examples:"
++    puts
++    puts "   Gem install:  gem install pgplot -- --enable-autobuild"
++    puts "Manual install:  ruby extconf.rb --enable-autobuild"
++  end
++  exit
++# Exit if pgplot library was found
+ exit if $have_pgplot
++# Exit unless a fortran compiler was found
+ exit unless %w[gfortran g77].any?{|cmd| system("which #{cmd}")}
+ puts "enabling auto-build PGPLOT Library..."
diff --git a/debian/patches/0001-Update-extconf-and-Add-support-for-Ruby-1.9.2.patch b/debian/patches/0001-Update-extconf-and-Add-support-for-Ruby-1.9.2.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 3aa07e4..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0001-Update-extconf-and-Add-support-for-Ruby-1.9.2.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
-From: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
-Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2012 18:17:00 +0900
-Subject: Update extconf and Add support for Ruby 1.9.2
- cogen.rb       |    2 +-
- extconf.rb     |    4 ++--
- kwarg.c        |   23 +++++++++++++++++---
- rb_pgplot.c.in |   65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
- 4 files changed, 64 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cogen.rb b/cogen.rb
-index d5d526a..2494f5f 100644
---- a/cogen.rb
-+++ b/cogen.rb
-@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def pgfuncgen(name, inp, out)
-   ninp = inp.size
-   nout = out.size
-   # int->0, float->1
--  val2 = ["NUM2INT","NUM2DBL","STR2CSTR"]
-+  val2 = ["NUM2INT","NUM2DBL","StringValuePtr"]
-   type = ["int","float",nil]
-   conv = ["INT2NUM","rb_float_new",nil]
-   # Initialize Array
-diff --git a/extconf.rb b/extconf.rb
-index 3fabb54..39752c6 100644
---- a/extconf.rb
-+++ b/extconf.rb
-@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ dir_config("pgplot")
- exit unless have_header("cpgplot.h")
- # Check NArray
--$CPPFLAGS = " -I#{CONFIG['sitearchdir']} "+$CPPFLAGS
-+$CPPFLAGS = " -I#{CONFIG['vendorarchdir']} "+$CPPFLAGS
- exit unless have_header("narray.h")
- if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/
--  $LDFLAGS = " -L#{CONFIG['sitearchdir']} "+$LDFLAGS
-+  $LDFLAGS = " -L#{CONFIG['archdir']} "+$LDFLAGS
-   exit unless have_library("narray","na_make_object")
- end
-diff --git a/kwarg.c b/kwarg.c
-index a03630c..0620ec2 100644
---- a/kwarg.c
-+++ b/kwarg.c
-@@ -9,6 +9,23 @@
- */
- #include <ruby.h>
-+#ifndef RUBY_19
-+#ifndef RSTRING_PTR
-+#define RSTRING_PTR(a) (RSTRING(a)->ptr)
-+#ifndef RSTRING_LEN
-+#define RSTRING_LEN(a) (RSTRING(a)->len)
-+#ifndef RARRAY_PTR
-+#define RARRAY_PTR(s) (RARRAY(s)->ptr)
-+#ifndef RARRAY_LEN
-+#define RARRAY_LEN(s) (RARRAY(s)->len)
-+#ifndef StringValuePtr
-+#define StringValuePtr(s) STR2CSTR(s)
- /* void rb_scan_kw_args __((VALUE, ...)); */
-@@ -18,7 +35,7 @@ kw_hash_i(i, tmp)
- {
-   VALUE key;
--  key = RARRAY(i)->ptr[0];
-+  key = RARRAY_PTR(i)[0];
-   if (TYPE(key)==T_SYMBOL) {
-     key = rb_funcall(key, rb_intern("id2name"), 0);
-   } else
-@@ -26,7 +43,7 @@ kw_hash_i(i, tmp)
-     rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "keywords must be String or Symbol");
-   }
--  rb_hash_aset(tmp, key, RARRAY(i)->ptr[1]);
-+  rb_hash_aset(tmp, key, RARRAY_PTR(i)[1]);
-   return Qnil;
- }
-@@ -71,7 +88,7 @@ rb_scan_kw_args(hash, va_alist)
-   if (rb_funcall(tmp, rb_intern("empty?"), 0)==Qfalse) {
-     val = rb_funcall(tmp, rb_intern("keys"), 0);
-     val = rb_funcall(val, rb_intern("join"), 1, rb_str_new2(","));
--    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unknown keywords: %s",STR2CSTR(val));
-+    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unknown keywords: %s",StringValuePtr(val));
-   }
-   va_end(vargs);
-diff --git a/rb_pgplot.c.in b/rb_pgplot.c.in
-index f9a8cfe..ded737f 100644
---- a/rb_pgplot.c.in
-+++ b/rb_pgplot.c.in
-@@ -11,6 +11,23 @@
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <cpgplot.h>
- #include <ruby.h>
-+#ifndef RUBY_19
-+#ifndef RSTRING_PTR
-+#define RSTRING_PTR(a) (RSTRING(a)->ptr)
-+#ifndef RSTRING_LEN
-+#define RSTRING_LEN(a) (RSTRING(a)->len)
-+#ifndef RARRAY_PTR
-+#define RARRAY_PTR(s) (RARRAY(s)->ptr)
-+#ifndef RARRAY_LEN
-+#define RARRAY_LEN(s) (RARRAY(s)->len)
-+#ifndef StringValuePtr
-+#define StringValuePtr(s) STR2CSTR(s)
- #include "narray.h"
- #define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
-@@ -89,7 +106,7 @@ static VALUE
-   char *dev="?";
-   rb_scan_args(argc,argv, "01", &vdev);
--  if (vdev!=Qnil) dev = STR2CSTR(vdev);
-+  if (vdev!=Qnil) dev = StringValuePtr(vdev);
-   return INT2NUM(cpgopen(dev));
- }
-@@ -104,7 +121,7 @@ static VALUE
-   char  *dev="?";
-   rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "03", &vdev,&vnxs,&vnys);
--  if (vdev!=Qnil) dev  = STR2CSTR(vdev);
-+  if (vdev!=Qnil) dev  = StringValuePtr(vdev);
-   if (vnxs!=Qnil) nxsub = NUM2INT(vnxs);
-   if (vnys!=Qnil) nysub = NUM2INT(vnys);
-@@ -124,7 +141,7 @@ static VALUE
-      just: if just=1, the x and y axes is scaled equally,
-            otherwise scaled independently.
-      axis: controls of axes.
- static VALUE
-   rb_pgplot_pgenv( int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self )
- {
-@@ -309,14 +326,14 @@ static void
- /* PGERRB -- horizontal or vertical error bar
-    pgerrb, dir, x, y, err [,tlen]
--   dir : direction to plot the error bar relative to the data point. 
-+   dir : direction to plot the error bar relative to the data point.
-          One-sided error bar:
-            DIR is 1 for +X (X to X+E);
-                   2 for +Y (Y to Y+E);
-                   3 for -X (X to X-E);
-                   4 for -Y (Y to Y-E).
-          Two-sided error bar:
--           DIR is 5 for +/-X (X-E to X+E); 
-+           DIR is 5 for +/-X (X-E to X+E);
-                   6 for +/-Y (Y-E to Y+E).
-    x   : world x-coordinates of the data.
-    y   : world y-coordinates of the data.
-@@ -500,9 +517,9 @@ static VALUE
-   return Qtrue;
- }
--/* PGCONL -- label contour map of a 2D data array 
-+/* PGCONL -- label contour map of a 2D data array
-    pgconl, map, cont, label [,intval, minint, tr]
--   map    : 2-D array of map data 
-+   map    : 2-D array of map data
-    cont   : contour level tobe labeld
-    label  : label string
-    intval : spacing along the contour between labels, in grid cells.
-@@ -531,7 +548,7 @@ static VALUE
-   /* Show Contour */
-   cpgconl( NA_PTR_FLT(na_map), NA_SHAPE0(na_map), NA_SHAPE1(na_map),
- 	   1, NA_SHAPE0(na_map), 1, NA_SHAPE1(na_map),
--	   NUM2DBL(vcnt), tr, STR2CSTR(vlab), intval, minint);
-+	   NUM2DBL(vcnt), tr, StringValuePtr(vlab), intval, minint);
-   return Qtrue;
- }
-@@ -624,7 +641,7 @@ static VALUE
-   else
-     cpggray( NA_PTR_FLT(na), NA_SHAPE0(na), NA_SHAPE1(na),
- 	     1, NA_SHAPE0(na), 1, NA_SHAPE1(na),
--	     range[0], range[1], tr );    
-+	     range[0], range[1], tr );
-   return Qtrue;
- }
-@@ -774,7 +791,7 @@ static VALUE
-   int   value_len=20;
-   char *item, *value;
--  item  = STR2CSTR(vitem);
-+  item  = StringValuePtr(vitem);
-   value = ALLOCA_N(char,value_len);
-   cpgqinf( item, value, &value_len );
-@@ -819,7 +836,7 @@ static VALUE
-   VALUE vx,vy;
-   int i;
-   float xbox[4], ybox[4];
--  char *txt = STR2CSTR(text);
-+  char *txt = StringValuePtr(text);
-   cpgqtxt( NUM2DBL(x),NUM2DBL(y),NUM2DBL(ang),NUM2DBL(fjust),txt,
- 	   xbox, ybox );
-@@ -979,7 +996,7 @@ static VALUE
-     rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Array must NArray.sfloat");
--  cpgolin( min(NA_TOTAL(x),NA_TOTAL(y)), &npt, 
-+  cpgolin( min(NA_TOTAL(x),NA_TOTAL(y)), &npt,
- 	   NA_PTR_FLT(x), NA_PTR_FLT(y), sym );
-   return INT2NUM(npt);
-@@ -1009,7 +1026,7 @@ static VALUE
-     rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Array must NArray.sfloat");
--  cpgncur( min(NA_TOTAL(x),NA_TOTAL(y)), &npt, 
-+  cpgncur( min(NA_TOTAL(x),NA_TOTAL(y)), &npt,
- 	   NA_PTR_FLT(x), NA_PTR_FLT(y), sym );
-   return INT2NUM(npt);
-@@ -1037,7 +1054,7 @@ static VALUE
-     rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Array must NArray.sfloat");
--  cpglcur( min(NA_TOTAL(x),NA_TOTAL(y)), &npt, 
-+  cpglcur( min(NA_TOTAL(x),NA_TOTAL(y)), &npt,
- 	   NA_PTR_FLT(x), NA_PTR_FLT(y) );
-   return INT2NUM(npt);
-@@ -1058,7 +1075,7 @@ void rb_scan_kw_args __((VALUE, ...));
-     baseline parallel to the axis and reading in the same direction as
-     the axis (from point 1 to point 2). Current line and text attributes
-     are used.
-     Arguments:
-      X1, Y1  : world coordinates of one endpoint of the axis.
-      X2, Y2  : world coordinates of the other endpoint of the axis.
-@@ -1095,7 +1112,7 @@ static VALUE
-   if (tickr ==Qnil)  tickr = INT2FIX(0);
-   if (disp  ==Qnil)  disp  = INT2FIX(1);
-   if (orient==Qnil)  orient= INT2FIX(0);
--  if (vstr  !=Qnil)  str   = STR2CSTR(vstr);
-+  if (vstr  !=Qnil)  str   = StringValuePtr(vstr);
-   cpgtick( NUM2DBL(x1),NUM2DBL(y1),NUM2DBL(x2),NUM2DBL(y2),
- 	   NUM2DBL(v), NUM2DBL(tickl),NUM2DBL(tickr),
-@@ -1114,25 +1131,25 @@ static VALUE
-     Draw a labelled graph axis from world-coordinate position (X1,Y1) to
-     (X2,Y2).
-     Normally, this routine draws a standard LINEAR axis with equal
-     subdivisions.   The quantity described by the axis runs from V1 to V2;
--    this may be, but need not be, the same as X or Y. 
-+    this may be, but need not be, the same as X or Y.
-     If the 'L' option is specified, the routine draws a LOGARITHMIC axis.
-     In this case, the quantity described by the axis runs from 10**V1 to
--    10**V2. A logarithmic axis always has major, labeled, tick marks 
-+    10**V2. A logarithmic axis always has major, labeled, tick marks
-     spaced by one or more decades. If the major tick marks are spaced
-     by one decade (as specified by the STEP argument), then minor
-     tick marks are placed at 2, 3, .., 9 times each power of 10;
-     otherwise minor tick marks are spaced by one decade. If the axis
-     spans less than two decades, numeric labels are placed at 1, 2, and
-     5 times each power of ten.
-     If the axis spans less than one decade, or if it spans many decades,
-     it is preferable to use a linear axis labeled with the logarithm of
-     the quantity of interest.
-     Arguments:
-      x1, y1  : world coordinates of one endpoint of the axis.
-      x2, y2  : world coordinates of the other endpoint of the axis.
-@@ -1180,7 +1197,7 @@ static VALUE
-   if (argc>0 && TYPE(argv[argc-1]) == T_HASH)
-     val = argv[--argc];
--  rb_scan_kw_args( val, 
-+  rb_scan_kw_args( val,
- 		   "opt",&vopt, "step",&step, "nsub",&nsub,
- 		   "tickl",&tickl, "tickr",&tickr,
- 		   "frac",&vfrac, "disp",&disp, "orient",&orient, 0);
-@@ -1192,7 +1209,7 @@ static VALUE
-   if (tickr ==Qnil)  tickr = INT2FIX(0);
-   if (disp  ==Qnil)  disp  = INT2FIX(1);
-   if (orient==Qnil)  orient= INT2FIX(0);
--  if (vopt  !=Qnil)  opt   = STR2CSTR(vopt);
-+  if (vopt  !=Qnil)  opt   = StringValuePtr(vopt);
-   if (vfrac !=Qnil)  frac  = NUM2DBL(vfrac);
-   cpgaxis( opt, NUM2DBL(x1),NUM2DBL(y1),NUM2DBL(x2),NUM2DBL(y2),
diff --git a/debian/patches/0002-Add-disable-extra-libs-option.patch b/debian/patches/0002-Add-disable-extra-libs-option.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f655449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0002-Add-disable-extra-libs-option.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+From c1429180ca4edf03f10486bc7edda891a6205906 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David MacMahon <davidm at astro.berkeley.edu>
+Date: Sat, 2 Mar 2013 11:31:48 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH 2/9] Add --disable-extra-libs option
+Some PGPLOT installations have incompletely linked PGPLOT libraries so linking
+against libcpgplot requires also linking against other libraries such as
+libpgplot, libX11, libpng, etc.  These extra checks are mostly benign for
+PGPLOT installations that don't need them, but they can cause problems.
+For example, mkmf uses "gcc" when checking for the Fortran libraries, but the
+resulting Makefile uses "cc" when linking.  If "cc" uses a different library
+path than "gcc", it is possible for the check to succeed but the link to fail.
+This might have been due to a weird combination of factors in my system
+(e.g. custom Ruby build using gcc installed via MacPorts and MacOS's cc), but
+if it happened to me it could happen to others.  Adding the --disable-extra-lib
+option provides a solution for this case.
+ ext/extconf.rb | 100 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
+--- ruby-pgplot.orig/ext/extconf.rb
++++ ruby-pgplot/ext/extconf.rb
+@@ -15,11 +15,18 @@
+ #$DEBUG = true
++# Allow user to pass --disable-extra-libs to prevent checking for some libs.
++# Some PGPLOT installations need these extra checks and the extra checks are
++# mostly benign for PGPLOT installations that don't need them so the extra
++# checks are enabled by default.  The extra checks can cause problems on some
++# installations where they are not necessary.
++check_extra_libs = enable_config('extra-libs', true)
+ # configure options:
+ #  --with-x11-dir=path
+ #  --with-x11-include=path
+ #  --with-x11-lib=path
++dir_config("x11") if check_extra_libs
+ # configure options:
+ #  --with-pgplot-dir=path
+@@ -68,56 +75,59 @@
+   exit unless have_library("narray","na_make_object")
+ end
+-# Check FORTRAN Libraries
+-# SUN WorkShop FORTRAN 77 compiler ver5.0
+-# configure options: --with-sunws
+-if with_config("sunws")
+-  $libs = "-lM77 -lsunmath "+$libs
+-  exit unless find_library("F77", "f77_init", "/opt/SUNWspro/lib")
+-  $defs.push "-DSPARC_FORTRAN"
+-elsif have_library("gfortran")
+-  $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
+-  $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
+-elsif have_library("g77")
+-  $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
+-  $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
+-  puts "failed"
+-  exit
++if check_extra_libs
++  # Check FORTRAN Libraries
++  #
++  # SUN WorkShop FORTRAN 77 compiler ver5.0
++  # configure options: --with-sunws
++  if with_config("sunws")
++    $libs = "-lM77 -lsunmath "+$libs
++    exit unless find_library("F77", "f77_init", "/opt/SUNWspro/lib")
++    $defs.push "-DSPARC_FORTRAN"
++  #
++  # GNU FORTRAN v4
++  elsif have_library("gfortran")
++    $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
++    $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
++  #
++  # GNU FORTRAN v3
++  elsif have_library("g77")
++    $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
++    $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
++  else
++    puts "failed"
++    exit
++  end
+-# Check GrWin Library (for cygwin (and mingw32?))
+-#  configure options: --with-grwin
+-if with_config("grwin")
+-  #$LDFLAGS = "-Wl,--subsystem,console "+$LDFLAGS
+-  if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/
+-    $libs += " -mwindows"
++  # Check GrWin Library (for cygwin (and mingw32?))
++  #  configure options: --with-grwin
++  if with_config("grwin")
++    #$LDFLAGS = "-Wl,--subsystem,console "+$LDFLAGS
++    if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/
++      $libs += " -mwindows"
++    end
++    exit unless have_library("GrWin", "GWinit")
+   end
+-  exit unless have_library("GrWin", "GWinit")
+-$found_lib = []
++  $found_lib = []
+-# Check X11 Library
+-if have_library("X11", "XOpenDisplay")
+-  $found_lib << 'X11'
++  # Check X11 Library
++  if have_library("X11", "XOpenDisplay")
++    $found_lib << 'X11'
++  end
+-# Check PNG Library
+-libs_save = $libs
+-$libs = append_library($libs, "z")
+-if have_library("png","png_create_write_struct")
+-  $found_lib << 'png'
+-  $libs = libs_save
++  # Check PNG Library
++  libs_save = $libs
++  $libs = append_library($libs, "z")
++  if have_library("png","png_create_write_struct")
++    $found_lib << 'png'
++  else
++    $libs = libs_save
++  end
++  $libs = append_library($libs, "pgplot")
++end # check_extra_libs
+-$libs = append_library($libs, "pgplot")
+ $have_pgplot = false
+ # Check PGPLOT Header
diff --git a/debian/patches/0002-Fix-mkdoc-for-Ruby-1.9.2.patch b/debian/patches/0002-Fix-mkdoc-for-Ruby-1.9.2.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ab151d..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0002-Fix-mkdoc-for-Ruby-1.9.2.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
-From: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
-Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2012 18:23:04 +0900
-Subject: Fix mkdoc for Ruby 1.9.2
-Signed-off-by: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
- doc/Makefile          |    6 +--
- doc/install.ja.rd     |  126 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
- doc/method.ja.rd      |  124 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
- doc/tutorial-01.ja.rd |   90 +++++++++++++++++------------------
- 4 files changed, 173 insertions(+), 173 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/doc/Makefile b/doc/Makefile
-index 14d5770..14a8ed1 100644
---- a/doc/Makefile
-+++ b/doc/Makefile
-@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- .SUFFIXES: .ja.rd .html.ja .rd .html .rb $(SUFFIXES)
- .ja.rd.html.ja:
--	rd2 -r rd2html-img-lib.rb --html-lang=ja --out-code=jis --with-css=css.css $< > $@
-+	ruby -I. /usr/bin/rd2 -r rd2html-img-lib.rb --html-lang=ja --out-code=jis --with-css=css.css $< > $@
- .rd.html:
--	rd2 -r rd2html-img-lib.rb --with-css=css.css -o $* $<
-+	ruby -I. /usr/bin/rd2 -r rd2html-img-lib.rb --with-css=css.css -o $* $<
- .rb.html:
--	rd2 -r rd2html-img-lib.rb --with-css=css.css -o $* $<
-+	ruby -I. /usr/bin/rd2 -r rd2html-img-lib.rb --with-css=css.css -o $* $<
- targets_en=index.html \
-   pgline.html pgcont.html pgimag.html pghist.html \
-diff --git a/doc/install.ja.rd b/doc/install.ja.rd
-index 0bc7480..2aa97af 100644
---- a/doc/install.ja.rd
-+++ b/doc/install.ja.rd
-@@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
- =begin
--= PGPLOT�Υ��󥹥ȡ���
-+= PGPLOTのインストール
--PGPLOT�� configure ��Ȥ�ʤ��Τǥ��󥹥ȡ��뤬�㴳���ݤǤ���
--�ʲ��� Solaris��GCC �Ȥ����Ķ���PGPLOT�򥳥�ѥ��롢
-+PGPLOTは configure を使わないのでインストールが若干面倒です。
-+以下は Solaris、GCC という環境でPGPLOTをコンパイル、
--=== PGPLOT�Υ��������Ѱ�
-+=== PGPLOTのソースを用意
-   gunzip -c pgplot5.2.tar.gz | tar xvf -
-   cd pgplot
--=== ��ȥǥ��쥯�ȥ�����
--��ȥǥ��쥯�ȥ����ޤ��������Ǥ� build �Ȥ���̾���ˤ��ޤ���
-+=== 作業ディレクトリを作成
-+作業ディレクトリを作ります。ここでは build という名前にします。
-   mkdir build
-   cd build
--=== drivers.list���Խ�
--drivers.list �Ȥ����ե�����򥳥ԡ����ƥ��ǥ����dz�����
--�Ȥ������ɥ饤�ФιԤ�Ƭ�� ! ��ʸ���������ޤ���
-+=== drivers.listを編集
-+drivers.list というファイルをコピーしてエディタで開き、
-+使いたいドライバの行の頭の ! の文字を削除します。
-   cp ../drivers.list .
-   vi drivers.list
--PNG driver���Ȥ߹���ˤϡ�
--((<libpng|URL:http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/png.html>)) ��ɬ�פǤ���
--=== makefile ����
--���Υ��ޥ�ɤ� makefile ��������ޤ���
-+PNG driverを組み込むには、
-+((<libpng|URL:http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/png.html>)) が必要です。
-+=== makefile 作成
-+次のコマンドで makefile を作成します。
-   ../makemake .. sol2 g77_gcc
--�����Ǥϥ������ǥ��쥯�ȥ�β��ˤ���Τǡ�((%..%)) ����ꤷ�ޤ���
--((%sys_*%)) �Ȥ����ǥ��쥯�ȥ����� ((%*%)) ����ʬ����ꤷ�ޤ���
--3���ܤΰ���ϥ���ѥ���ʤɤ�����ǡ�sys_* �β��ˤ���
--((%*.conf%)) �Ȥ����ե������ ((%*%)) ����ʬ����ꤷ�ޤ���
--makefile ����������顢���äȸ������꤬�������������å����ޤ���
--�����ǡ�PGPLOT ver 5.2.2 �� PNG driver��Ȥ���硢
--�Ǥ��Ф��줿 makefile �ϡ�
-+ここではソースディレクトリの下にいるので、((%..%)) を指定します。
-+((%sys_*%)) というディレクトリの中の ((%*%)) の部分を指定します。
-+3番目の引数はコンパイラなどの設定で、sys_* の下にある
-+((%*.conf%)) というファイルの ((%*%)) の部分を指定します。
-+makefile を作成したら、ざっと見て設定が正しいかチェックします。
-+ここで、PGPLOT ver 5.2.2 で PNG driverを使う場合、
-+吐き出された makefile は、
-   pndriv.o : ./png.h ./pngconf.h ./zlib.h ./zconf.h
--=== ����ѥ���
--makefile ���Խ������顢�饤�֥��򥳥�ѥ��뤷�ޤ���
-+=== コンパイル
-+makefile を編集したら、ライブラリをコンパイルします。
-   make
-   make cpg
--=== ���󥹥ȡ���
--make install ���Ѱդ���Ƥ��ʤ��Τǡ���ư�ǥ��ԡ����ޤ���
--ɬ�פʤ� root �ˤʤäƤ���������
-+=== インストール
-+make install が用意されていないので、手動でコピーします。
-+必要なら root になってください。
-   setenv PREFIX  /usr/local
-   setenv PGPLOT_DIR  ${PREFIX}/pgplot
-   cp -p libpgplot.a libpgplot.so* libcpgplot.a ${PREFIX}/lib
-   cp -p cpgplot.h ${PREFIX}/include
-   mkdir ${PGPLOT_DIR}
-   cp -p grfont.dat rgb.txt pgxwin_server ${PGPLOT_DIR}
--=== �ǥ�μ¹�
--����ѥ��뤷���ǥ��쥯�ȥ�� pgdemo1 ���� pgdemo17 �ޤǤ� cpgdemo
-+=== デモの実行
-+コンパイルしたディレクトリに pgdemo1 から pgdemo17 までと cpgdemo
--=== �桼������
-+=== ユーザ設定
-   setenv PGPLOT_DIR  /usr/local/pgplot
-   setenv PGPLOT_DEV  /xwin
--PGPLOT_DIR �Ͼ�ǥ��󥹥ȡ��뤷���ǥ��쥯�ȥ��Ʊ����
--PGPLOT_DEV �ϥǥե���ȤΥǥХ����Ǥ���
-+PGPLOT_DIR は上でインストールしたディレクトリと同じ、
-+PGPLOT_DEV はデフォルトのデバイスです。
- <<< trailer
-diff --git a/doc/method.ja.rd b/doc/method.ja.rd
-index 161e563..46da15e 100644
---- a/doc/method.ja.rd
-+++ b/doc/method.ja.rd
-@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
- =begin
- = module Pgplot
--== �⥸�塼��᥽�å�
-+== モジュールメソッド
--=== ���
-+=== 操作
- --- pgopen([device])
- --- pgbeg([device, [nxsub, [nysub]]])
- (obsolete)
- --- pgask( [true|false] )
- --- pgenv( xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax [,just, axis] )
--=== �����ޡ���������
-+=== 線・マーカの描画
- --- pgline( xarray, yarray )
--xarray, yarray ��������������
--xarray, yarray �Ϥ��줾�� X, Y ��ɸ������
-+xarray, yarray を結ぶ線を描く。
-+xarray, yarray はそれぞれ X, Y 座標の配列。
- --- pgpt( xarray, yarray [,symbol] )
--xarray, yarray �ΰ��֤ˡ�symbol �Υޡ�����������
-+xarray, yarray の位置に、symbol のマーカを描く。
- --- pgpnts( xarray, yarray, symarray )
--xarray, yarray �ΰ��֤ˡ��б����� symarray �Υޡ����򤽤줾��������
-+xarray, yarray の位置に、対応する symarray のマーカをそれぞれ描く。
--=== �ҥ��ȥ����
-+=== ヒストグラム
- --- pgbin( xarray, yarray [,center] )
- --- pghist( data, nbin [,range, flag] )
--=== ���顼�С�
-+=== エラーバー
- --- pgerrb( dir, x, y, err [,tlen] )
--tlen ��ü���������С���Ĺ������ꡣ
--+ ��¦���顼�С�:
-+tlen に端点に描くバーの長さを指定。
-++ 片側エラーバー:
-  * dir = 1 for +X (X to X+err)
-  * dir = 2 for +Y (Y to Y+err)
-  * dir = 3 for -X (X to X-err)
-  * dir = 4 for -Y (Y to Y-err)
--+ ξ¦���顼�С�:
-++ 両側エラーバー:
-  * dir = 5 for +/-X (X-err to X+err)
-  * dir = 6 for +/-Y (Y-err to Y+err)
- --- pgerrx( x1, x2, y [,tlen] )
--x1 ���� x2 �ޤǤ��֥��顼�С���������
--tlen ��ü���������С���Ĺ������ꡣ
-+x1 から x2 までを結ぶエラーバーを描く。
-+tlen に端点に描くバーの長さを指定。
- --- pgerry( x, y1, y2 [,tlen] )
--y1 ���� y2 �ޤǤ��֥��顼�С���������
--tlen ��ü���������С���Ĺ������ꡣ
-+y1 から y2 までを結ぶエラーバーを描く。
-+tlen に端点に描くバーの長さを指定。
--=== ������
-+=== 等高線
- --- pgcont( map, cont [,tr] )
--map ��Ϳ�����������ޥåפ���������������
--cont �ˤ��������Υ�٥�ޤ��Ϥ��������Ϳ���롣
-+map で与えた2次元マップの等高線を描く。
-+cont には等高線のレベルまたはその配列を与える。
- --- pgcons( map, cont [,tr] )
- --- pgconb( map, cont [,blank, tr] )
- --- pgconf( map, cont_range [,tr] )
--cont_range �� Range���饹���֥������Ȥ�Ϳ�����ϰϤΥ�٥���ɤ��٤���
-+cont_range に Rangeクラスオブジェクトで与えた範囲のレベルを塗り潰す。
- --- pgconl( map, cont, label [,intval, minint, tr] )
--=== ����
-+=== 画像
- --- pgimag( array [,range, tr] )
--���顼��������� array (����������) �β�����������
-+カラースケールで array (2次元配列) の画像を描く。
- --- pgctab( l, r,g,b [,contra,bright] )
--pgimag �ǻ��Ѥ��륫�顼�ơ��֥�����ꤹ�롣
-+pgimag で使用するカラーテーブルを設定する。
- --- pggray( array [,range, tr] )
--���졼��������� array (����������) �β�����������
-+グレースケールで array (2次元配列) の画像を描く。
- --- pgpixl( array [,x1,x2,y1,y2] )
--array (����������) �β�����Ĺ������pixel 1��1�Ĥ�������
-+array (2次元配列) の画像を、長方形のpixel 1つ1つで描く。
- --- pgvect( x, y [,scale, pos, tr, blank] )
--=== ��ɸ��������
-+=== 座標軸の描画
- --- pgtick( x1, y1, x2, y2, v, [str], {"tickl", "tickr", "disp", "orient"} )
- --- pgaxis( x1, y1, x2, y2, v1, v2,
-          {"opt", "step", "nsub", "tickl", "tickr", "frac", "disp", "orient"} )
--=== ������������
-+=== カーソル入力
- --- pgcurs([x,y])
--x,y ����ꤹ��ȻϤ�ˤ��ΰ��֤˥���������ư���롣
--�����������(WC)��ʸ���� PgCursor���饹�Υ��󥹥��󥹤��֤���
-+x,y を指定すると始めにその位置にカーソルを移動する。
-+カーソル位置(WC)と文字を PgCursorクラスのインスタンスで返す。
- --- pgband( mode, [ xref, yref, [x, y, [posn]]])
--x,y ����ꤹ��ȻϤ�ˤ��ΰ��֤˥���������ư���롣
--xref, yref �ϥ��󥫡����ΰ���(���)�ǡ���ά����ȸ��߰��֤Ȥʤ롣
--�����������(WC)��ʸ���� PgCursor���饹�Υ��󥹥��󥹤��֤���
-- * mode=0 : ����ʤ���
-- * mode=1 : ���󥫡����ȥ��������������
-- * mode=2 : ���󥫡����ȥ���������гѤȤ���Ĺ������
-- * mode=3 : ���󥫡����ȥ���������֤��줾����̤룲�ܤο�ʿ����
-- * mode=4 : ���󥫡����ȥ���������֤��줾����̤룲�ܤο�ľ����
-- * mode=5 : ����������֤��̤��ʿ����
-- * mode=6 : ����������֤��̤��ľ����
-- * mode=7 : ����������֤��̤뽽������
-+x,y を指定すると始めにその位置にカーソルを移動する。
-+xref, yref はアンカー点の位置(後述)で、省略すると現在位置となる。
-+カーソル位置(WC)と文字を PgCursorクラスのインスタンスで返す。
-+ * mode=0 : 描画なし。
-+ * mode=1 : アンカー点とカーソルを結ぶ線。
-+ * mode=2 : アンカー点とカーソルを対角とする長方形。
-+ * mode=3 : アンカー点とカーソル位置それぞれを通る2本の水平線。
-+ * mode=4 : アンカー点とカーソル位置それぞれを通る2本の垂直線。
-+ * mode=5 : カーソル位置を通る水平線。
-+ * mode=6 : カーソル位置を通る垂直線。
-+ * mode=7 : カーソル位置を通る十字線。
- --- pgolin( x, y, [sym, [npt]] )
--x,y �ˤϤ��餫���� NArray::SFLOAT ���������Ϳ���Ƥ�����
--������������Ϥ������ϡ��ޡ��� sym �����褵��롣
--npt ����ꤹ��ȡ����餫���� npt �Ĥ��������Ϥ���Ƥ���Ȥߤʤ���
-+x,y にはあらかじめ NArray::SFLOAT 型の配列を与えておき、
-+カーソルで入力した点は、マーカ sym で描画される。
-+npt を指定すると、あらかじめ npt 個の点が入力されているとみなす。
- --- pgncur( x, y, [sym, [npt]] )
--x,y�˵�Ͽ�������֤� x �ξ�������Ǥ��뤳�Ȥ������pgolin ��Ʊ����
-+x,yに記録される順番が x の小さい順であることを除き、pgolin と同じ。
- --- pglcur( x, y, [npt] )
--���Ϥ�������������������뤳�Ȥ�����ơ�pgolin ��Ʊ����
-+入力した点を結ぶ線が描かれることを除いて、pgolin と同じ。
--=== ���ơ��������֤�
-+=== ステータスを返す
- --- pgqinf(item)
-   value = pgqinf(item)
-diff --git a/doc/tutorial-01.ja.rd b/doc/tutorial-01.ja.rd
-index 4b0f112..7613c5e 100644
---- a/doc/tutorial-01.ja.rd
-+++ b/doc/tutorial-01.ja.rd
-@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
- =begin
--= Ruby/PGPLOT Ƴ����
-+= Ruby/PGPLOT 導入編
--== �ޤ�������դ�����
-+== 折れ線グラフを描く
-   require 'narray'
-   require 'pgplot'
-   include Pgplot
--  pgopen                           # �ǥХ����򳫤�
--  pgenv( 0, 5, 0, 5 )              # �Ȥ����������
--  pgline( [1,2,3,4], [1,4,1,4] )   # �ޤ���������
-+  pgopen                           # デバイスを開く
-+  pgenv( 0, 5, 0, 5 )              # 枠の設定と描画
-+  pgline( [1,2,3,4], [1,4,1,4] )   # 折れ線の描画
--3���ܤǤ� Pgplot�⥸�塼��򥤥󥯥롼�ɤ��Ƥ��ޤ���
--����򤷤ʤ��� Pgplot�Υ᥽�åɤ�Ƥ֤Ȥ���``Pgplot.pgopen'' �Ȥ����褦��
--Pgplot�⥸�塼��Υ᥽�å�̾��(���ΤȤ���)�� ``pg'' �ǻϤޤäƤ���Τǡ�
-+3行目では Pgplotモジュールをインクルードしています。
-+これをしないと Pgplotのメソッドを呼ぶとき、``Pgplot.pgopen'' というように
-+Pgplotモジュールのメソッド名は(今のところ)皆 ``pg'' で始まっているので、
--4���ܤ� pgopen �� PGPLOT �Υ���ե������ǥХ����򳫤��ޤ���
-+4行目の pgopen で PGPLOT のグラフィクスデバイスを開きます。
--  Graphics device/type (? to see list, default /xwin): 
-+  Graphics device/type (? to see list, default /xwin):
--�ǥե���ȤΥǥХ����ϴĶ��ѿ� PGPLOT_DEV �����ꤷ����ΤˤʤäƤ��ޤ���
--``plot1.png/png'' �Τ褦�ˡ֥ե�����̾/�ǥХ���̾�פȤ����褦�˻��ꤷ�ޤ���
-+デフォルトのデバイスは環境変数 PGPLOT_DEV で設定したものになっています。
-+``plot1.png/png'' のように「ファイル名/デバイス名」というように指定します。
-   pgenv( 0, 5, 0, 5 )
--����� x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max �ν�Ǥ���
-+引数は x-min, x-max, y-min, y-max の順です。
-   pgline( [1,2,3,4], [1,4,1,4] )
- <<< plot1.png
--�����ǺǸ�� pgend ��Ƥ�ǥǥХ������Ĥ���ɬ�פ�����ޤ���
--�������ʤ��ȡ��ǥХ����� Postscript �ʤɤΤȤ���
--������ Ruby/PGPLOT�Ǥϡ�Ruby���󥿥ץ꥿��λ����
--pgend ��ưŪ�˸Ƥ֤褦�ˤʤäƤ���Τǡ�
--ɬ������Ǹ�� pgend ��Ƥ�ɬ�פϤ���ޤ���
--Ruby�ǤǤ� pgend �᥽�åɤ��Ѱդ��Ƥ���ޤ���
-+ここで最後に pgend を呼んでデバイスを閉じる必要があります。
-+そうしないと、デバイスが Postscript などのとき、
-+しかし Ruby/PGPLOTでは、Rubyインタプリタ終了時に
-+pgend を自動的に呼ぶようになっているので、
-+必ずしも最後に pgend を呼ぶ必要はありません。
-+Ruby版でも pgend メソッドは用意してあります。
- <<< trailer
- =end
diff --git a/debian/patches/0003-Close-files-in-cogen.rb.patch b/debian/patches/0003-Close-files-in-cogen.rb.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46c1cc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0003-Close-files-in-cogen.rb.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+From 7d4f2b015b42d7feaba081693c070777e97b648d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David MacMahon <davidm at astro.berkeley.edu>
+Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 11:03:03 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH 3/9] Close files in cogen.rb
+This is important for running cogen.rb from within Rakefile.  Without
+explicitly closing the output file, a truncated version of rb_pgplot.c
+may be packaged in the gem file before the rb_pgplot.c file gets closed
+when the rake process exits.
+ ext/cogen.rb | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/ext/cogen.rb b/ext/cogen.rb
+index aabbae4..d5cebdc 100644
+--- a/ext/cogen.rb
++++ b/ext/cogen.rb
+@@ -153,6 +153,8 @@ def cogen_pgplot
+       fout.print
+     end
+   end
++  fout.close
++  fin.close
+ end
+ cogen_pgplot if $0 == __FILE__
diff --git a/debian/patches/0003-Update-Cogen-for-Ruby1.9.2.patch b/debian/patches/0003-Update-Cogen-for-Ruby1.9.2.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 70b4b0b..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/0003-Update-Cogen-for-Ruby1.9.2.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-From: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
-Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2012 18:57:48 +0900
-Subject: Update Cogen for Ruby1.9.2
-Signed-off-by: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
- cogen.rb |   10 +++++++---
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/cogen.rb b/cogen.rb
-index 2494f5f..15c4174 100644
---- a/cogen.rb
-+++ b/cogen.rb
-@@ -120,6 +120,10 @@ def pgfuncgen(name, inp, out)
-     retn = "rb_ary_new3(#{nout},"+retn.join(",")+")"
-   end
-+  unless retn.class == String
-+    retn = retn.join(" ")
-+  end
-   prot = prot.join(",")
-   pass = pass.join(",")
-@@ -127,7 +131,7 @@ def pgfuncgen(name, inp, out)
- static VALUE
-   rb_pgplot_#{name}(#{prot})
- {
--  #{vars}
-+  #{vars.join(" ")}
-   c#{name}(#{pass});
-   return #{retn};
- }
-@@ -143,8 +147,8 @@ def cogen_pgplot
-       $pgfuncs.each{|x| fout.print pgfuncgen(*x)}
-     elsif /--- auto-generated defs will be placed here ---/  =~ l
-       $pgfuncs.each{|x|
--	n = x[1].split(",").size
--	fout.print "  rb_define_module_function(mPgplot,\"#{x[0]}\",rb_pgplot_#{x[0]},#{n});\n"}
-+        n = x[1].split(",").size
-+        fout.print "  rb_define_module_function(mPgplot,\"#{x[0]}\",rb_pgplot_#{x[0]},#{n});\n"}
-     else
-       fout.print
-     end
diff --git a/debian/patches/0004-Be-smart-about-extra-library-checks.patch b/debian/patches/0004-Be-smart-about-extra-library-checks.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abe689e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0004-Be-smart-about-extra-library-checks.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+From e298079fb35e4b6ad3dd38b7745f4409816f5691 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David MacMahon <davidm at astro.berkeley.edu>
+Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 11:04:45 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH 4/9] Be smart about extra library checks
+Try to find libcpgplot before looking for extra libs like x11, gfortran,
+png, etc.  If the initial check for libcpgplot fails, then look for the
+extra libraries and re-check for libcpgplot.  This removes the need for
+the --enable-extra-libs option.
+ ext/extconf.rb | 132 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------------
+ 1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)
+--- ruby-pgplot.orig/ext/extconf.rb
++++ ruby-pgplot/ext/extconf.rb
+@@ -15,19 +15,6 @@
+ #$DEBUG = true
+-# Allow user to pass --disable-extra-libs to prevent checking for some libs.
+-# Some PGPLOT installations need these extra checks and the extra checks are
+-# mostly benign for PGPLOT installations that don't need them so the extra
+-# checks are enabled by default.  The extra checks can cause problems on some
+-# installations where they are not necessary.
+-check_extra_libs = enable_config('extra-libs', true)
+-# configure options:
+-#  --with-x11-dir=path
+-#  --with-x11-include=path
+-#  --with-x11-lib=path
+-dir_config("x11") if check_extra_libs
+ # configure options:
+ #  --with-pgplot-dir=path
+ #  --with-pgplot-include=path
+@@ -75,68 +62,81 @@
+   exit unless have_library("narray","na_make_object")
+ end
+-if check_extra_libs
+-  # Check FORTRAN Libraries
+-  #
+-  # SUN WorkShop FORTRAN 77 compiler ver5.0
+-  # configure options: --with-sunws
+-  if with_config("sunws")
+-    $libs = "-lM77 -lsunmath "+$libs
+-    exit unless find_library("F77", "f77_init", "/opt/SUNWspro/lib")
+-    $defs.push "-DSPARC_FORTRAN"
+-  #
+-  # GNU FORTRAN v4
+-  elsif have_library("gfortran")
+-    $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
+-    $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
+-  #
+-  # GNU FORTRAN v3
+-  elsif have_library("g77")
+-    $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
+-    $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
+-  else
+-    puts "failed"
+-    exit
+-  end
+-  # Check GrWin Library (for cygwin (and mingw32?))
+-  #  configure options: --with-grwin
+-  if with_config("grwin")
+-    #$LDFLAGS = "-Wl,--subsystem,console "+$LDFLAGS
+-    if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/
+-      $libs += " -mwindows"
+-    end
+-    exit unless have_library("GrWin", "GWinit")
+-  end
+-  $found_lib = []
+-  # Check X11 Library
+-  if have_library("X11", "XOpenDisplay")
+-    $found_lib << 'X11'
+-  end
+-  # Check PNG Library
+-  libs_save = $libs
+-  $libs = append_library($libs, "z")
+-  if have_library("png","png_create_write_struct")
+-    $found_lib << 'png'
+-  else
+-    $libs = libs_save
+-  end
+-  $libs = append_library($libs, "pgplot")
+-end # check_extra_libs
+ $have_pgplot = false
+ # Check PGPLOT Header
+ if have_header("cpgplot.h")
+-  # Check PGPLOT Library
++  # Check PGPLOT Library without extra libs
+   if find_library("cpgplot","cpgbeg", "/usr/lib",
+ 		  "/usr/local/lib", "/usr/local/pgplot" )
+     $have_pgplot = true
++  else
++    # Check for extra libs then re-check for PGPLOT library
++    puts "First check for PGPLOT library failed,"
++    puts "checking for auxiliary libraries and retrying."
++    # Check FORTRAN Libraries
++    #
++    # SUN WorkShop FORTRAN 77 compiler ver5.0
++    # configure options: --with-sunws
++    if with_config("sunws")
++      $libs = "-lM77 -lsunmath "+$libs
++      exit unless find_library("F77", "f77_init", "/opt/SUNWspro/lib")
++      $defs.push "-DSPARC_FORTRAN"
++    #
++    # GNU FORTRAN v4
++    elsif have_library("gfortran")
++      $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
++      $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
++    #
++    # GNU FORTRAN v3
++    elsif have_library("g77")
++      $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
++      $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
++    else
++      puts "failed"
++      exit
++    end
++    # Check GrWin Library (for cygwin (and mingw32?))
++    #  configure options: --with-grwin
++    if with_config("grwin")
++      #$LDFLAGS = "-Wl,--subsystem,console "+$LDFLAGS
++      if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/
++        $libs += " -mwindows"
++      end
++      exit unless have_library("GrWin", "GWinit")
++    end
++    $found_lib = []
++    # configure options:
++    #  --with-x11-dir=path
++    #  --with-x11-include=path
++    #  --with-x11-lib=path
++    dir_config("x11")
++    # Check X11 Library
++    if have_library("X11", "XOpenDisplay")
++      $found_lib << 'X11'
++    end
++    # Check PNG Library
++    libs_save = $libs
++    $libs = append_library($libs, "z")
++    if have_library("png","png_create_write_struct")
++      $found_lib << 'png'
++    else
++      $libs = libs_save
++    end
++    $libs = append_library($libs, "pgplot")
++    if find_library("cpgplot","cpgbeg", "/usr/lib",
++        "/usr/local/lib", "/usr/local/pgplot" )
++      $have_pgplot = true
++    end
+   end
+ end
diff --git a/debian/patches/0005-extconf.rb.patch b/debian/patches/0005-extconf.rb.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80b0f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0005-extconf.rb.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+From a60b9e464fdfb6e200d81eaa29c242f5eb619a9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Masahiro TANAKA <masa16.tanaka at gmail.com>
+Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 18:46:58 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 5/9] extconf.rb: * need to check extra-libs before auto-build.
+ * need to define $found_lib. * define methods to make program structure
+ clear. * merge extconf-auto.rb.
+ ext/extconf.rb | 278 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
+ 1 file changed, 170 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)
+--- ruby-pgplot.orig/ext/extconf.rb
++++ ruby-pgplot/ext/extconf.rb
+@@ -1,30 +1,67 @@
+-# extconf.rb : Configure script for Ruby/PGPLOT
+-#   Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Masahiro TANAKA <masa at ir.isas.ac.jp>
+-#   This program is free software.
+-#   You can distribute/modify this program
+-#   under the same terms as Ruby itself.
+-# usage: ruby extconf.rb [configure options]
+-# Narray is now Gem based, so require rubygems
+-# so that we can use Gem class to find narray.
+ require "mkmf"
+-#$DEBUG = true
++def main
++  extconf_start
++  check_narray
++  $objs = %w(rb_pgplot.o kwarg.o)
++  $enable_autobuild = enable_config('autobuild', false)
++  $found_lib = []
++  # Check PGPLOT Header
++  if have_header("cpgplot.h")
++    if have_library("cpgplot","cpgbeg")
++      create_makefile("pgplot")
++      exit
++    end
++    # Check for extra libs then re-check for PGPLOT library
++    puts "First check for PGPLOT library failed."
++    check_extra_libs
++    $libs = append_library($libs, "pgplot")
++    if have_library("cpgplot","cpgbeg")
++      create_makefile("pgplot")
++      exit
++    end
++  elsif $enable_autobuild
++    check_extra_libs
++  end
++  if $enable_autobuild
++    autobuild_pgplot
++  else
++    puts "
++The PGPLOT library was not found.  To auto-build PGPLOT library
++as part of installing Ruby/PGPLOT, pass the --enable-autobuild option.
++     Gem install:  gem install pgplot -- --enable-autobuild
++  Manual install:  ruby extconf.rb --enable-autobuild
++  end
++def extconf_start
++  # configure options:
++  #  --with-pgplot-dir=path
++  #  --with-pgplot-include=path
++  #  --with-pgplot-lib=path
++  dir_config("pgplot")
++  # configure options:
++  #  --with-x11-dir=path
++  #  --with-x11-include=path
++  #  --with-x11-lib=path
++  dir_config("x11")
++  # Otherwise you can also specify:
++  #  --with-opt-dir=path
++  #  --with-opt-include=path
++  #  --with-opt-lib=path
+-# configure options:
+-#  --with-pgplot-dir=path
+-#  --with-pgplot-include=path
+-#  --with-pgplot-lib=path
+-# Otherwise you can also specify:
+-#  --with-opt-dir=path
+-#  --with-opt-include=path
+-#  --with-opt-lib=path
+ def find_dir_w_file(d,h)
+   g = Dir.glob(RbConfig.expand(d+"/"+h))
+@@ -42,107 +79,132 @@
+   nil
+ end
+-# Check NArray
+-if narray_h_dir =
+-    find_dir_in_gemspec ||
+-    find_dir_w_file("../"+narray_d,narray_h) ||
+-    find_dir_w_file(gems_dir+narray_d,narray_h) ||
+-    find_dir_w_file(CONFIG['vendorarchdir'],narray_h) ||
+-    find_dir_w_file(CONFIG['sitearchdir'],narray_h) ||
+-    find_dir_w_file(CONFIG['archdir'],narray_h) 
+-  $CPPFLAGS = " -I#{narray_h_dir} " + $CPPFLAGS
+-exit unless have_header("narray.h")
+-if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/
+-  $LDFLAGS = " -L#{CONFIG['sitearchdir']} "+$LDFLAGS
+-  exit unless have_library("narray","na_make_object")
+-$have_pgplot = false
+-# Check PGPLOT Header
+-if have_header("cpgplot.h")
+-  # Check PGPLOT Library without extra libs
+-  if find_library("cpgplot","cpgbeg", "/usr/lib",
+-		  "/usr/local/lib", "/usr/local/pgplot" )
+-    $have_pgplot = true
+-  else
+-    # Check for extra libs then re-check for PGPLOT library
+-    puts "First check for PGPLOT library failed,"
+-    puts "checking for auxiliary libraries and retrying."
+-    # Check FORTRAN Libraries
+-    #
+-    # SUN WorkShop FORTRAN 77 compiler ver5.0
+-    # configure options: --with-sunws
+-    if with_config("sunws")
+-      $libs = "-lM77 -lsunmath "+$libs
+-      exit unless find_library("F77", "f77_init", "/opt/SUNWspro/lib")
+-      $defs.push "-DSPARC_FORTRAN"
+-    #
+-    # GNU FORTRAN v4
+-    elsif have_library("gfortran")
+-      $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
+-      $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
+-    #
+-    # GNU FORTRAN v3
+-    elsif have_library("g77")
+-      $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
+-      $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
+-    else
+-      puts "failed"
+-      exit
+-    end
++def check_narray
++  gems_dir="$(rubylibprefix)/gems/$(ruby_version)/gems/"
++  narray_d="narray-0.[56].*"
++  narray_h="narray.h"
++  if narray_h_dir =
++      find_dir_in_gemspec ||
++      find_dir_w_file("../"+narray_d,narray_h) ||
++      find_dir_w_file(gems_dir+narray_d,narray_h) ||
++      find_dir_w_file(CONFIG['vendorarchdir'],narray_h) ||
++      find_dir_w_file(CONFIG['sitearchdir'],narray_h) ||
++      find_dir_w_file(CONFIG['archdir'],narray_h)
++    $CPPFLAGS = " -I#{narray_h_dir} " + $CPPFLAGS
++  end
++  exit unless have_header("narray.h")
+-    # Check GrWin Library (for cygwin (and mingw32?))
+-    #  configure options: --with-grwin
+-    if with_config("grwin")
+-      #$LDFLAGS = "-Wl,--subsystem,console "+$LDFLAGS
+-      if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/
+-        $libs += " -mwindows"
+-      end
+-      exit unless have_library("GrWin", "GWinit")
+-    end
++  if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/
++    $LDFLAGS = " -L#{CONFIG['sitearchdir']} "+$LDFLAGS
++    exit unless have_library("narray","na_make_object")
++  end
+-    $found_lib = []
+-    # configure options:
+-    #  --with-x11-dir=path
+-    #  --with-x11-include=path
+-    #  --with-x11-lib=path
+-    dir_config("x11")
+-    # Check X11 Library
+-    if have_library("X11", "XOpenDisplay")
+-      $found_lib << 'X11'
+-    end
++def check_extra_libs
++  # Check FORTRAN Libraries
++  #
++  # SUN WorkShop FORTRAN 77 compiler ver5.0
++  # configure options: --with-sunws
++  if with_config("sunws")
++    $libs = "-lM77 -lsunmath "+$libs
++    exit unless find_library("F77", "f77_init", "/opt/SUNWspro/lib")
++    $defs.push "-DSPARC_FORTRAN"
++  #
++  # GNU FORTRAN v4
++  elsif have_library("gfortran")
++    $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
++    $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
++  #
++  # GNU FORTRAN v3
++  elsif have_library("g77")
++    $CFLAGS = "-Wall "+$CFLAGS
++    $defs.push "-DGNU_FORTRAN"
++  else
++    puts "failed"
++    exit
++  end
+-    # Check PNG Library
+-    libs_save = $libs
+-    $libs = append_library($libs, "z")
+-    if have_library("png","png_create_write_struct")
+-      $found_lib << 'png'
+-    else
+-      $libs = libs_save
++  # Check GrWin Library (for cygwin (and mingw32?))
++  #  configure options: --with-grwin
++  if with_config("grwin")
++    #$LDFLAGS = "-Wl,--subsystem,console "+$LDFLAGS
++    if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /cygwin|mingw/
++      $libs += " -mwindows"
+     end
++    exit unless have_library("GrWin", "GWinit")
++  end
+-    $libs = append_library($libs, "pgplot")
++  # Check X11 Library
++  if have_library("X11", "XOpenDisplay")
++    $found_lib << 'X11'
++  end
+-    if find_library("cpgplot","cpgbeg", "/usr/lib",
+-        "/usr/local/lib", "/usr/local/pgplot" )
+-      $have_pgplot = true
+-    end
++  # Check PNG Library
++  libs_save = $libs
++  $libs = append_library($libs, "z")
++  if have_library("png","png_create_write_struct")
++    $found_lib << 'png'
++  else
++    $libs = libs_save
+   end
+ end
+-$objs = %w(rb_pgplot.o kwarg.o)
+-if $have_pgplot
++def autobuild_pgplot
++  # Exit unless a fortran compiler was found
++  exit unless %w[gfortran g77].any?{|cmd| system("which #{cmd}")}
++  puts "enabling auto-build PGPLOT Library..."
++  $subdir = 'build_lib'
++  $CFLAGS = "-I#{$subdir}/build "+$CFLAGS
++  $LDFLAGS = "-L#{$subdir}/build "+$LDFLAGS
++  $libs = append_library($libs, "cpgplot")
++  $defs.push '-DPGPLOT_DIR=\\"$(PGPLOT_DIR)\\"'
+   # Generate Makefile
+   create_makefile("pgplot")
++  # Append PGPLOT install task to Makefile
++  exit unless $makefile_created
++  puts "appending extra install tasks to Makefile"
++  File.open("Makefile","a") do |w|
++    w.print "
++PGPLOT_BUILD = #{$subdir}/build
++	(cd #{$subdir}; make build/libcpgplot.a)
++$(PGPLOT_BUILD)/cpgplot.h: $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/libcpgplot.a
++rb_pgplot.o: $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/cpgplot.h
++$(DLLIB): $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/libcpgplot.a
++install: install-pgplot
++    if $found_lib.include? "X11"
++      w.print \
++"	$(INSTALL_PROG) $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/pgxwin_server $(PGPLOT_DIR)
++$(PGPLOT_BUILD)/pgxwin_server: $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/cpgplot.h
++	(cd #{$subdir}; make build/pgxwin_server)
++$(DLLIB): $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/pgxwin_server
++    end
++  end
++  puts "creating #{$subdir}/drivers.conf"
++  File.open("#{$subdir}/drivers.conf","w") do |w|
++    w.puts "PNDRIV" if $found_lib.include? "png"
++    w.puts "WDDRIV XWDRIV" if $found_lib.include? "X11"
++  end
++  puts "Ready to download and auto-build PGPLOT !!"
+ end
diff --git a/debian/patches/0006-rm-extconf-auto.rb.patch b/debian/patches/0006-rm-extconf-auto.rb.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..591746e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0006-rm-extconf-auto.rb.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+From 313ac1b4e97bb5720a888f6006e3965e711aaff3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Masahiro TANAKA <masa16.tanaka at gmail.com>
+Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 18:48:57 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 6/9] rm extconf-auto.rb
+ ext/extconf-auto.rb | 89 -----------------------------------------------------
+ pgplot.gemspec      |  4 +--
+ 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 92 deletions(-)
+ delete mode 100644 ext/extconf-auto.rb
+diff --git a/ext/extconf-auto.rb b/ext/extconf-auto.rb
+deleted file mode 100644
+index 5891862..0000000
+--- a/ext/extconf-auto.rb
++++ /dev/null
+@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
+-# extconf.rb : Configure script for Ruby/PGPLOT
+-#   Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Masahiro TANAKA <masa at ir.isas.ac.jp>
+-#   This program is free software.
+-#   You can distribute/modify this program
+-#   under the same terms as Ruby itself.
+-# usage: ruby extconf.rb [configure options]
+-# Narray is now Gem based, so require rubygems
+-# so that we can use Gem class to find narray.
+-load "./extconf.rb"
+-# Exit if user did not specify "--enable-autobuild"
+-if !enable_config('autobuild', false)
+-  # Print reminder about --enable-autobuild option if pgplot was not found
+-  if !$have_pgplot
+-    puts
+-    puts "The PGPLOT library was not found.  To auto-build it as part of"
+-    puts "installing Ruby/PGLOT, pass the --enable-autobuild option."
+-    puts
+-    puts "Examples:"
+-    puts
+-    puts "   Gem install:  gem install pgplot -- --enable-autobuild"
+-    puts "Manual install:  ruby extconf.rb --enable-autobuild"
+-  end
+-  exit
+-# Exit if pgplot library was found
+-exit if $have_pgplot
+-# Exit unless a fortran compiler was found
+-exit unless %w[gfortran g77].any?{|cmd| system("which #{cmd}")}
+-puts "enabling auto-build PGPLOT Library..."
+-$subdir = 'build_lib'
+-$CFLAGS = "-I#{$subdir}/build "+$CFLAGS
+-$LDFLAGS = "-L#{$subdir}/build "+$LDFLAGS
+-$libs = append_library($libs, "pgplot")
+-$libs = append_library($libs, "cpgplot")
+-$defs.push '-DPGPLOT_DIR=\\"$(PGPLOT_DIR)\\"'
+-# Generate Makefile
+-# Append PGPLOT install task to Makefile
+-if $makefile_created
+-  puts "appending extra install tasks to Makefile"
+-  File.open("Makefile","a") do |w|
+-    w.print <<EOL
+-PGPLOT_BUILD = #{$subdir}/build
+-	(cd #{$subdir}; make build/libcpgplot.a)
+-$(PGPLOT_BUILD)/cpgplot.h: $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/libcpgplot.a
+-rb_pgplot.o: $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/cpgplot.h
+-$(DLLIB): $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/libcpgplot.a
+-install: install-pgplot
+-    if $found_lib.include? "X11"
+-      w.print <<EOL
+-	$(INSTALL_PROG) $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/pgxwin_server $(PGPLOT_DIR)
+-$(PGPLOT_BUILD)/pgxwin_server: $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/cpgplot.h
+-	(cd #{$subdir}; make build/pgxwin_server)
+-$(DLLIB): $(PGPLOT_BUILD)/pgxwin_server
+-    end
+-  end
+-  puts "creating #{$subdir}/drivers.conf"
+-  File.open("#{$subdir}/drivers.conf","w") do |w|
+-    w.puts "PNDRIV" if $found_lib.include? "png"
+-    w.puts "WDDRIV XWDRIV" if $found_lib.include? "X11"
+-  end
+diff --git a/pgplot.gemspec b/pgplot.gemspec
+index d7b48ad..88f23e2 100644
+--- a/pgplot.gemspec
++++ b/pgplot.gemspec
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ PGPLOT_GEMSPEC = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+   s.date = Time.now.strftime("%F")
+   s.description = "PGPLOT wrapper for Ruby"
+   s.email = "masa16.tanaka at gmail.com"
+-  s.extensions = ["ext/extconf-auto.rb"]
++  s.extensions = ["ext/extconf.rb"]
+   s.homepage = "http://pgplot.rubyforge.org/"
+   s.require_paths = ["."]
+   s.rubyforge_project = "pgplot"
+@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ PGPLOT_GEMSPEC = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+     ext/cogen.rb
+     ext/depend
+     ext/extconf.rb
+-    ext/extconf-auto.rb
+     ext/kwarg.c
+     ext/rb_pgplot.c.in
+     ext/version.h
+@@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ PGPLOT_GEMSPEC = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+     --exclude ext/cpgplot.h
+     --exclude ext/depend
+     --exclude ext/extconf.rb
+-    --exclude ext/extconf-auto.rb
+     --exclude ext/kwarg.c
+     --exclude ext/rb_pgplot.c.in
+     --exclude ext/version.h
diff --git a/debian/patches/0007-s.add_dependency-narray-0.7.0.patch b/debian/patches/0007-s.add_dependency-narray-0.7.0.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80b6999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0007-s.add_dependency-narray-0.7.0.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+From 42e98bf9d7db8bd60822a67c381233ad0c31ac83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Masahiro TANAKA <masa16.tanaka at gmail.com>
+Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 20:59:01 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 7/9] s.add_dependency('narray', '< 0.7.0')
+ pgplot.gemspec | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/pgplot.gemspec b/pgplot.gemspec
+index 88f23e2..4e41bc4 100644
+--- a/pgplot.gemspec
++++ b/pgplot.gemspec
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ PGPLOT_GEMSPEC = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+     test/pgtick.rb
+   ]
+-  s.add_dependency('narray', '>= 0.5.0')
++  s.add_dependency('narray', '< 0.7.0')
+   if s.respond_to? :specification_version then
+     s.specification_version = 2
diff --git a/debian/patches/0008-mv-homepage.patch b/debian/patches/0008-mv-homepage.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9b2159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0008-mv-homepage.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+From 8844f14b454d9d32b1b9069f96c14a7d9d0ded14 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Masahiro TANAKA <masa16.tanaka at gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 10:23:43 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 8/9] mv homepage
+ pgplot.gemspec | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/pgplot.gemspec b/pgplot.gemspec
+index 4e41bc4..05bc3ec 100644
+--- a/pgplot.gemspec
++++ b/pgplot.gemspec
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ PGPLOT_GEMSPEC = Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+   s.description = "PGPLOT wrapper for Ruby"
+   s.email = "masa16.tanaka at gmail.com"
+   s.extensions = ["ext/extconf.rb"]
+-  s.homepage = "http://pgplot.rubyforge.org/"
++  s.homepage = "http://masa16.github.io/ruby-pgplot/"
+   s.require_paths = ["."]
+   s.rubyforge_project = "pgplot"
+   s.rubygems_version = "2.0.0"
diff --git a/debian/patches/0009-fix-docs.patch b/debian/patches/0009-fix-docs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d6f949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0009-fix-docs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+From 4c6750b05d09d71fb6ed5fb610ac722fd9aed2b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Masahiro TANAKA <masa16.tanaka at gmail.com>
+Date: Fri, 16 May 2014 11:22:23 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH 9/9] fix docs
+ doc/Makefile | 4 ++--
+ doc/index.rd | 4 ++--
+ doc/mkdoc.rb | 2 +-
+ 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+--- ruby-pgplot.orig/doc/Makefile
++++ ruby-pgplot/doc/Makefile
+@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
+ .SUFFIXES: .rd .html .ja.rd .html.ja .rb $(SUFFIXES)
+-rd2=ruby myrd2html.rb
++rd2=ruby -Ku myrd2html.rb
+ .rd.html:
+ 	$(rd2) --lang=en --kw="Ruby,PGPLOT,NArray" $(opt) $< > $@
+@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
+ # Method description
+ rbpgplot.html: mkdoc.rb
+-	#ruby -Kn mkdoc.rb $(HOME)/2012/src/pgplot/src rbpgplot.html
+-	ruby mkdoc.rb rbpgplot.html
++	ruby -Kn mkdoc.rb /data/masa/2013/src/pgplot/src rbpgplot.html
++	#ruby mkdoc.rb rbpgplot.html
+ # Method index categolized
+ rbpg-ind.rd: rbpg-ind.txt mkind.rb trailer.html
+--- ruby-pgplot.orig/doc/index.rd
++++ ruby-pgplot/doc/index.rd
+@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
+ * ((<PGPLOT Library|URL:http://www.astro.caltech.edu/~tjp/pgplot/>))
+ * GNU FORTRAN compiler
+-* ((<NArray|URL:http://narray.rubyforge.org/>)) version 0.5/0.6
++* ((<NArray|URL:http://masa16.github.io/narray/>)) version 0.5 or 0.6 (no plan to support narray-devel)
+ == Download
+-* ((<version 0.1.6|URL:https://github.com/masa16/ruby-pgplot/tarball/0.1.6>))
++* ((<Releases|URL:https://github.com/masa16/ruby-pgplot/releases>))
+ == Installation
+--- ruby-pgplot.orig/doc/mkdoc.rb
++++ ruby-pgplot/doc/mkdoc.rb
+@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
++# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ class Formatter
+   def initialize(stream)
+     @stream = stream
+@@ -276,7 +278,7 @@
+   def manualfunclist
+     @manualfunc={}
+     curfunc=nil
+-    File.open("../rb_pgplot.c.in").each do |line|
++    File.open("../ext/rb_pgplot.c.in").each do |line|
+       case line
+       when %r'^/\* (PG\w+)'
+ 	curfunc = $1.downcase
+--- ruby-pgplot.orig/doc/myrd2html.rb
++++ ruby-pgplot/doc/myrd2html.rb
+@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
++# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ while /^--/ =~ ARGV[0]
+   a = ARGV.shift
+   case a
+@@ -17,9 +20,9 @@
+ case $lang
+ when 'ja'
+-  rd2 = 'rd2 -r ./rd2html-img-lib.rb --html-lang=ja --with-css=./css.css --out-code=utf8'
++  rd2 = '/usr/bin/ruby -Ku /usr/bin/rd2 -r ./rd2html-img-lib.rb --html-lang=ja --with-css=./css.css --out-code=utf8'
+ else
+-  rd2 = 'rd2 -r ./rd2html-img-lib.rb --html-lang=en --with-css=./css.css'
++  rd2 = '/usr/bin/ruby -Ku /usr/bin/rd2 -r ./rd2html-img-lib.rb --html-lang=en --with-css=./css.css'
+ end
+ rd2 << " --html-title='#{$title}'"  if $title
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index e2e94be..3179ecd 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-pgplot.git

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