[DRE-commits] [ruby-stomp] 01/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.2'

Jonas Genannt jonas at brachium-system.net
Thu Jan 9 19:42:39 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

hggh-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-stomp.

commit e8b96ebc7ab20e6ffb740cbc48ec98010423f984
Merge: 44d50c9 1955cf3
Author: Jonas Genannt <jonas at brachium-system.net>
Date:   Thu Jan 9 20:37:20 2014 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.3.2'
    Upstream version 1.3.2
    # gpg: Signature made Thu 09 Jan 2014 08:37:16 PM CET using RSA key ID 016CFFD0
    # gpg: Good signature from "Jonas Genannt <jonas at brachium-system.net>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Jonas Genannt <jonas.genannt at capi2name.de>"
    * tag 'upstream/1.3.2':
      Imported Upstream version 1.3.2

 CHANGELOG.rdoc               |  15 +++
 README.rdoc                  |   4 +-
 checksums.yaml.gz            | Bin 423 -> 0 bytes
 examples/conn11_hb1.rb       |   4 +-
 examples/examplogger.rb      | 306 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 examples/logexamp.rb         |   4 +-
 examples/logexamp_ssl.rb     |   4 +-
 lib/client/utils.rb          |   4 +-
 lib/connection/heartbeats.rb |  58 +++-----
 lib/connection/netio.rb      |  47 ++++---
 lib/connection/utils.rb      |  39 +++---
 lib/stomp/client.rb          |  42 ++++--
 lib/stomp/connection.rb      |  47 +++++--
 lib/stomp/constants.rb       |  98 +++++++++++---
 lib/stomp/null_logger.rb     |   2 +
 lib/stomp/version.rb         |   2 +-
 metadata.yml                 | 101 ++++++++------
 spec/connection_spec.rb      |   7 +-
 stomp.gemspec                |  19 +--
 test/test_anonymous.rb       |   4 +-
 test/test_urlogin.rb         |   6 +-
 21 files changed, 626 insertions(+), 187 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-stomp.git

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