[DRE-commits] [ruby-bunny] 03/07: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.0'

Jonas Genannt jonas at brachium-system.net
Mon Jan 27 21:28:56 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

hggh-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-bunny.

commit 2d69b7d50fed7c208f2d2f4d7666a65da2c7474b
Merge: 2dd2b9f 09e885c
Author: Jonas Genannt <jonas at brachium-system.net>
Date:   Mon Jan 27 19:55:00 2014 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.0'
    Upstream version 1.1.0
    # gpg: Signature made Mon 27 Jan 2014 07:54:56 PM CET using RSA key ID 016CFFD0
    # gpg: Good signature from "Jonas Genannt <jonas at brachium-system.net>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Jonas Genannt <jonas.genannt at capi2name.de>"
    * tag 'upstream/1.1.0':
      Imported Upstream version 1.1.0

 .gitignore                                         |   12 +-
 .ruby-version                                      |    1 +
 .travis.yml                                        |   30 +-
 .yardopts                                          |    7 +-
 CHANGELOG                                          |   21 -
 ChangeLog.md                                       | 1098 ++++++++++++
 Gemfile                                            |   33 +-
 LICENSE                                            |    2 +-
 README.md                                          |  225 +++
 README.textile                                     |   76 -
 Rakefile                                           |   14 -
 benchmarks/basic_publish/with_128K_messages.rb     |   35 +
 benchmarks/basic_publish/with_1k_messages.rb       |   35 +
 benchmarks/basic_publish/with_4K_messages.rb       |   35 +
 benchmarks/basic_publish/with_64K_messages.rb      |   35 +
 benchmarks/channel_open.rb                         |   28 +
 benchmarks/mutex_and_monitor.rb                    |   42 +
 benchmarks/queue_declare.rb                        |   29 +
 benchmarks/queue_declare_and_bind.rb               |   29 +
 benchmarks/queue_declare_bind_and_delete.rb        |   29 +
 benchmarks/synchronized_sorted_set.rb              |   53 +
 benchmarks/write_vs_write_nonblock.rb              |   49 +
 bin/ci/before_build.sh                             |   31 +
 bunny.gemspec                                      |   22 +-
 checksums.yaml.gz                                  |  Bin 0 -> 270 bytes
 examples/connection/authentication_failure.rb      |   16 +
 .../automatic_recovery_with_basic_get.rb           |   40 +
 .../automatic_recovery_with_client_named_queues.rb |   36 +
 .../automatic_recovery_with_multiple_consumers.rb  |   46 +
 .../automatic_recovery_with_republishing.rb        |  109 ++
 .../automatic_recovery_with_server_named_queues.rb |   35 +
 examples/connection/channel_level_exception.rb     |   35 +
 examples/connection/disabled_automatic_recovery.rb |   34 +
 examples/connection/heartbeat.rb                   |   17 +
 .../connection/manually_reconnecting_consumer.rb   |   23 +
 .../connection/manually_reconnecting_publisher.rb  |   28 +
 examples/connection/unknown_host.rb                |   16 +
 .../guides/exchanges/direct_exchange_routing.rb    |   36 +
 .../guides/exchanges/fanout_exchange_routing.rb    |   28 +
 .../guides/exchanges/headers_exchange_routing.rb   |   31 +
 examples/guides/exchanges/mandatory_messages.rb    |   30 +
 examples/guides/extensions/alternate_exchange.rb   |   28 +
 examples/guides/extensions/basic_nack.rb           |   33 +
 examples/guides/extensions/connection_blocked.rb   |   35 +
 .../consumer_cancellation_notification.rb          |   39 +
 examples/guides/extensions/dead_letter_exchange.rb |   32 +
 .../extensions/exchange_to_exchange_bindings.rb    |   29 +
 examples/guides/extensions/per_message_ttl.rb      |   36 +
 .../guides/extensions/per_queue_message_ttl.rb     |   36 +
 examples/guides/extensions/publisher_confirms.rb   |   28 +
 examples/guides/extensions/queue_lease.rb          |   26 +
 .../extensions/sender_selected_distribution.rb     |   32 +
 examples/guides/getting_started/blabbr.rb          |   27 +
 examples/guides/getting_started/hello_world.rb     |   20 +
 examples/guides/getting_started/weathr.rb          |   47 +
 examples/guides/queues/one_off_consumer.rb         |   23 +
 examples/guides/queues/redeliveries.rb             |   79 +
 examples/simple.rb                                 |   32 -
 examples/simple_ack.rb                             |   35 -
 examples/simple_consumer.rb                        |   55 -
 examples/simple_fanout.rb                          |   41 -
 examples/simple_headers.rb                         |   42 -
 examples/simple_publisher.rb                       |   29 -
 examples/simple_topic.rb                           |   61 -
 ext/amqp-0.9.1.json                                |  389 ----
 ext/config.yml                                     |    4 -
 ext/qparser.rb                                     |  426 -----
 lib/amq/protocol/extensions.rb                     |   16 +
 lib/bunny.rb                                       |  111 +-
 lib/bunny/authentication/credentials_encoder.rb    |   55 +
 .../authentication/external_mechanism_encoder.rb   |   27 +
 .../authentication/plain_mechanism_encoder.rb      |   19 +
 lib/bunny/channel.rb                               | 1896 +++++++++++++++++++-
 lib/bunny/channel_id_allocator.rb                  |   80 +
 lib/bunny/client.rb                                |  370 ----
 lib/bunny/compatibility.rb                         |   24 +
 lib/bunny/concurrent/atomic_fixnum.rb              |   75 +
 lib/bunny/concurrent/condition.rb                  |   66 +
 lib/bunny/concurrent/continuation_queue.rb         |   41 +
 lib/bunny/concurrent/linked_continuation_queue.rb  |   61 +
 lib/bunny/concurrent/synchronized_sorted_set.rb    |   56 +
 lib/bunny/consumer.rb                              |  144 +-
 lib/bunny/consumer_tag_generator.rb                |   23 +
 lib/bunny/consumer_work_pool.rb                    |   94 +
 lib/bunny/cruby/socket.rb                          |   83 +
 lib/bunny/cruby/ssl_socket.rb                      |   57 +
 lib/bunny/delivery_info.rb                         |   93 +
 lib/bunny/exceptions.rb                            |  248 +++
 lib/bunny/exchange.rb                              |  373 ++--
 lib/bunny/framing.rb                               |   56 +
 lib/bunny/heartbeat_sender.rb                      |   70 +
 lib/bunny/jruby/socket.rb                          |   40 +
 lib/bunny/jruby/ssl_socket.rb                      |   53 +
 lib/bunny/message_properties.rb                    |  119 ++
 lib/bunny/queue.rb                                 |  549 +++---
 lib/bunny/reader_loop.rb                           |  116 ++
 lib/bunny/return_info.rb                           |   74 +
 lib/bunny/session.rb                               | 1123 ++++++++++++
 lib/bunny/socket.rb                                |   14 +
 lib/bunny/ssl_socket.rb                            |   14 +
 lib/bunny/subscription.rb                          |   92 -
 lib/bunny/system_timer.rb                          |   24 +-
 lib/bunny/test_kit.rb                              |   27 +
 lib/bunny/timeout.rb                               |   18 +
 lib/bunny/transport.rb                             |  415 +++++
 lib/bunny/version.rb                               |    3 +-
 lib/bunny/versioned_delivery_tag.rb                |   28 +
 lib/qrack/amq-client-url.rb                        |  165 --
 lib/qrack/channel.rb                               |   20 -
 lib/qrack/client.rb                                |  247 ---
 lib/qrack/errors.rb                                |    5 -
 lib/qrack/protocol/protocol.rb                     |  135 --
 lib/qrack/protocol/spec.rb                         |  525 ------
 lib/qrack/qrack.rb                                 |   20 -
 lib/qrack/queue.rb                                 |   40 -
 lib/qrack/subscription.rb                          |  152 --
 lib/qrack/transport/buffer.rb                      |  305 ----
 lib/qrack/transport/frame.rb                       |  102 --
 metadata.yml                                       |  359 +++-
 profiling/basic_publish/with_4K_messages.rb        |   33 +
 repl                                               |    3 +
 spec/compatibility/queue_declare_spec.rb           |   44 +
 .../queue_declare_with_default_channel_spec.rb     |   33 +
 .../higher_level_api/integration/basic_ack_spec.rb |   71 +
 .../integration/basic_cancel_spec.rb               |   76 +
 .../integration/basic_consume_spec.rb              |  225 +++
 .../integration/basic_consume_with_objects_spec.rb |   54 +
 .../higher_level_api/integration/basic_get_spec.rb |   48 +
 .../integration/basic_nack_spec.rb                 |   79 +
 .../integration/basic_publish_spec.rb              |   89 +
 .../higher_level_api/integration/basic_qos_spec.rb |   29 +
 .../integration/basic_recover_spec.rb              |   18 +
 .../integration/basic_reject_spec.rb               |   74 +
 .../integration/basic_return_spec.rb               |   33 +
 .../integration/channel_close_spec.rb              |   25 +
 .../integration/channel_flow_spec.rb               |   21 +
 .../integration/channel_open_spec.rb               |   57 +
 .../integration/confirm_select_spec.rb             |   19 +
 .../integration/connection_spec.rb                 |  415 +++++
 .../integration/connection_stop_spec.rb            |   26 +
 .../integration/consistent_hash_exchange_spec.rb   |   50 +
 .../consumer_cancellation_notification_spec.rb     |  128 ++
 .../integration/dead_lettering_spec.rb             |   52 +
 .../integration/exchange_bind_spec.rb              |   31 +
 .../integration/exchange_declare_spec.rb           |  204 +++
 .../integration/exchange_delete_spec.rb            |  105 ++
 .../integration/exchange_unbind_spec.rb            |   40 +
 .../integration/exclusive_queue_spec.rb            |   28 +
 .../higher_level_api/integration/heartbeat_spec.rb |   31 +
 .../integration/merry_go_round_spec.rb             |   85 +
 .../integration/message_properties_access_spec.rb  |   95 +
 .../integration/predeclared_exchanges_spec.rb      |   24 +
 .../integration/publisher_confirms_spec.rb         |   77 +
 .../integration/publishing_edge_cases_spec.rb      |   65 +
 .../integration/queue_bind_spec.rb                 |  109 ++
 .../integration/queue_declare_spec.rb              |  190 ++
 .../integration/queue_delete_spec.rb               |   41 +
 .../integration/queue_purge_spec.rb                |   30 +
 .../integration/queue_unbind_spec.rb               |   54 +
 .../integration/read_only_consumer_spec.rb         |   60 +
 .../sender_selected_distribution_spec.rb           |   36 +
 .../integration/tls_connection_spec.rb             |  127 ++
 .../higher_level_api/integration/tx_commit_spec.rb |   21 +
 .../integration/tx_rollback_spec.rb                |   21 +
 .../integration/with_channel_spec.rb               |   25 +
 spec/issues/issue100_spec.rb                       |   42 +
 spec/issues/issue141_spec.rb                       |   44 +
 spec/issues/issue78_spec.rb                        |   75 +
 spec/issues/issue83_spec.rb                        |   31 +
 spec/issues/issue97_attachment.json                |    1 +
 spec/issues/issue97_spec.rb                        |  176 ++
 .../integration/basic_cancel_spec.rb               |   69 +
 .../integration/basic_consume_spec.rb              |  100 ++
 spec/spec_09/amqp_url_spec.rb                      |   19 -
 spec/spec_09/bunny_spec.rb                         |   76 -
 spec/spec_09/connection_spec.rb                    |   34 -
 spec/spec_09/exchange_spec.rb                      |  173 --
 spec/spec_09/queue_spec.rb                         |  240 ---
 spec/spec_helper.rb                                |   64 +
 spec/stress/channel_open_stress_spec.rb            |   78 +
 ..._stress_with_single_threaded_connection_spec.rb |   28 +
 spec/stress/concurrent_consumers_stress_spec.rb    |   69 +
 spec/stress/concurrent_publishers_stress_spec.rb   |   57 +
 spec/stress/connection_open_close_spec.rb          |   40 +
 spec/stress/long_running_consumer_spec.rb          |   83 +
 spec/tls/cacert.pem                                |   18 +
 spec/tls/client_cert.pem                           |   18 +
 spec/tls/client_key.pem                            |   27 +
 spec/tls/server_cert.pem                           |   18 +
 spec/tls/server_key.pem                            |   27 +
 spec/unit/bunny_spec.rb                            |   15 +
 spec/unit/concurrent/atomic_fixnum_spec.rb         |   35 +
 spec/unit/concurrent/condition_spec.rb             |   82 +
 .../concurrent/linked_continuation_queue_spec.rb   |   35 +
 .../concurrent/synchronized_sorted_set_spec.rb     |   73 +
 spec/unit/system_timer_spec.rb                     |   10 +
 spec/unit/version_delivery_tag_spec.rb             |   28 +
 197 files changed, 13638 insertions(+), 4565 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-bunny.git

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