[DRE-commits] [librarian-puppet] 10/97: Use librarian gem

Stig Sandbeck Mathisen ssm at debian.org
Tue Mar 11 12:12:47 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ssm pushed a commit to branch master
in repository librarian-puppet.

commit 3fdb7185dcab4174b33daa2614b5c3d25076cc63
Author: Carlos Sanchez <csanchez at maestrodev.com>
Date:   Fri Apr 19 00:39:42 2013 +0200

    Use librarian gem
    Move librarian changes to monkey patches so we can use their latest gem
 Rakefile                                           |  17 +-
 bin/librarian-puppet                               |   2 -
 lib/librarian/puppet/extension.rb                  | 392 ++++++++++++++++++
 librarian-puppet.gemspec                           |   5 +-
 vendor/librarian/.rspec                            |   1 -
 vendor/librarian/.travis.yml                       |   6 -
 vendor/librarian/CHANGELOG.md                      | 185 ---------
 vendor/librarian/Gemfile                           |   6 -
 vendor/librarian/MIT-LICENSE                       |  20 -
 vendor/librarian/README.md                         | 403 ------------------
 vendor/librarian/Rakefile                          |  34 --
 vendor/librarian/bin/librarian-chef                |   7 -
 vendor/librarian/bin/librarian-mock                |   7 -
 vendor/librarian/config/cucumber.yaml              |   1 -
 vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/init.feature    |  11 -
 vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/install.feature |  64 ---
 vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/show.feature    |  77 ----
 vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/version.feature |  11 -
 vendor/librarian/features/support/env.rb           |   9 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian.rb                  |  19 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action.rb           |   5 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/base.rb      |  24 --
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/clean.rb     |  44 --
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/ensure.rb    |  24 --
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/install.rb   |  99 -----
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/resolve.rb   |  81 ----
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/update.rb    |  78 ----
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef.rb             |   1 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/cli.rb         |  48 ---
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/dsl.rb         |  15 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/environment.rb |  27 --
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/extension.rb   |   9 -
 .../lib/librarian/chef/integration/knife.rb        |  42 --
 .../lib/librarian/chef/manifest_reader.rb          |  59 ---
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source.rb      |   3 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/git.rb  |  25 --
 .../librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/local.rb   |  69 ----
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/path.rb |  12 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/site.rb | 452 ---------------------
 .../lib/librarian/chef/templates/Cheffile          |  15 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/cli.rb              | 205 ----------
 .../lib/librarian/cli/manifest_presenter.rb        |  79 ----
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config.rb           |   7 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/database.rb  | 205 ----------
 .../librarian/lib/librarian/config/file_source.rb  |  47 ---
 .../librarian/lib/librarian/config/hash_source.rb  |  33 --
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/source.rb    | 149 -------
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dependency.rb       |  91 -----
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl.rb              | 108 -----
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl/receiver.rb     |  48 ---
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl/target.rb       | 172 --------
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/environment.rb      | 134 ------
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/error.rb            |   4 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/helpers.rb          |  13 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile.rb         |  29 --
 .../librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile/compiler.rb   |  66 ---
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile/parser.rb  | 100 -----
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/logger.rb           |  46 ---
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/manifest.rb         | 234 -----------
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/manifest_set.rb     | 153 -------
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock.rb             |   1 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/cli.rb         |  19 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/dsl.rb         |  15 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/environment.rb |  24 --
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/extension.rb   |   9 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/source.rb      |   1 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/source/mock.rb | 103 -----
 .../lib/librarian/mock/source/mock/registry.rb     |  83 ----
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/resolution.rb       |  44 --
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/resolver.rb         |  78 ----
 .../lib/librarian/resolver/implementation.rb       | 118 ------
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source.rb           |   2 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/git.rb       | 156 -------
 .../lib/librarian/source/git/repository.rb         | 217 ----------
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/local.rb     |  61 ---
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/path.rb      |  80 ----
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/spec.rb             |  13 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/spec_change_set.rb  | 173 --------
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/specfile.rb         |  18 -
 .../lib/librarian/support/abstract_method.rb       |  21 -
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/ui.rb               |  64 ---
 vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/version.rb          |   3 -
 vendor/librarian/librarian.gemspec                 |  34 --
 .../spec/functional/chef/source/git_spec.rb        | 432 --------------------
 .../spec/functional/chef/source/site_spec.rb       | 215 ----------
 .../spec/functional/source/git/repository_spec.rb  | 149 -------
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/base_spec.rb     |  18 -
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/clean_spec.rb    | 102 -----
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/ensure_spec.rb   |  37 --
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/install_spec.rb  | 111 -----
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/config/database_spec.rb | 319 ---------------
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/dependency_spec.rb      |  36 --
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/dsl_spec.rb             | 194 ---------
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/environment_spec.rb     |   9 -
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/lockfile/parser_spec.rb | 162 --------
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/lockfile_spec.rb        |  65 ---
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/manifest_set_spec.rb    | 202 ---------
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/manifest_spec.rb        |  36 --
 .../librarian/spec/unit/manifest_version_spec.rb   |  94 -----
 .../librarian/spec/unit/mock/source/mock_spec.rb   |  22 -
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/resolver_spec.rb        | 192 ---------
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/source/git_spec.rb      |  29 --
 vendor/librarian/spec/unit/spec_change_set_spec.rb | 169 --------
 103 files changed, 405 insertions(+), 7857 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 7111bba..0d4e598 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
-  require 'cucumber/rake/task'
-  Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:features)
+require 'rake/clean'
+require 'cucumber/rake/task'
+require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
+require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
-  task :default => :features
-rescue LoadError
+CLEAN.include('pkg/', 'tmp/')
-require 'bundler/gem_tasks'
+task :default => [:features]
diff --git a/bin/librarian-puppet b/bin/librarian-puppet
index 2c62145..8199149 100755
--- a/bin/librarian-puppet
+++ b/bin/librarian-puppet
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env ruby
 lib = File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
-vendor = File.expand_path('../../vendor/librarian/lib', __FILE__)
 $:.unshift(lib) unless $:.include?(lib)
-$:.unshift(vendor) unless $:.include?(vendor)
 require 'librarian/puppet/cli'
diff --git a/lib/librarian/puppet/extension.rb b/lib/librarian/puppet/extension.rb
index 4e091b8..62e40ba 100644
--- a/lib/librarian/puppet/extension.rb
+++ b/lib/librarian/puppet/extension.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 require 'librarian/puppet/environment'
+require 'librarian/action/base'
 module Librarian
   module Puppet
@@ -7,3 +8,394 @@ module Librarian
+module Librarian
+  class Dependency
+    class Requirement
+      def initialize(*args)
+        args = initialize_normalize_args(args)
+        self.backing = Gem::Requirement.create(puppet_to_gem_versions(args))
+      end
+      def puppet_to_gem_versions(args)
+        args.map do |arg|
+          case arg
+          when Array
+            arg.map { |v| Librarian::Puppet::Requirement.new(v).gem_requirement }
+          when String
+            Librarian::Puppet::Requirement.new(arg).gem_requirement
+          else
+            # Gem::Requirement, convert to string (ie. =1.0) so we can concat later
+            # Gem::Requirements can not be concatenated
+            arg.requirements.map{|x,y| "#{x}#{y}"}
+          end
+        end.flatten
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # Fixes for librarian not yet released in their gem
+  module Mock
+    module Source
+      class Mock
+        alias :eql? :==
+        def hash
+          self.to_s.hash
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  module Source
+    class Git
+      alias :eql? :==
+      def hash
+        self.to_s.hash
+      end
+    end
+    class Path
+      alias :eql? :==
+      def hash
+        self.to_s.hash
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  module Action
+    class Install < Base
+    private
+      def create_install_path
+        install_path.rmtree if install_path.exist? && destructive?
+        install_path.mkpath
+      end
+      def destructive?
+        environment.config_db.local['destructive'] == 'true'
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  class ManifestSet
+    private
+    # Check if module doesn't exist and fail fast
+    def dependencies_of(names)
+      names = Array === names ? names.dup : names.to_a
+      assert_strings!(names)
+      deps = Set.new
+      until names.empty?
+        name = names.shift
+        next if deps.include?(name)
+        deps << name
+        raise(Error, "Unable to find module #{name}") if index[name].nil?
+        names.concat index[name].dependencies.map(&:name)
+      end
+      deps.to_a
+    end
+  end
+  class Manifest
+    class PreReleaseVersion
+      # Compares pre-release component ids using Semver 2.0.0 spec
+      def self.compare_components(this_id,other_id)
+        case # Strings have higher precedence than numbers
+          when (this_id.is_a?(Integer) and other_id.is_a?(String))
+            -1
+          when (this_id.is_a?(String) and other_id.is_a?(Integer))
+            1
+          else
+            this_id <=> other_id
+        end
+      end
+      # Parses pre-release components `a.b.c` into an array ``[a,b,c]`
+      # Converts numeric components into +Integer+
+      def self.parse(prerelease)
+        if prerelease.nil?
+          []
+        else
+          prerelease.split('.').collect do |id|
+            id = Integer(id) if /^[0-9]+$/ =~ id
+            id
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      include Comparable
+      attr_reader :components
+      def initialize(prerelease)
+        @prerelease = prerelease
+        @components = PreReleaseVersion.parse(prerelease)
+      end
+      def to_s
+        @prerelease
+      end
+      def <=>(other)
+        # null-fill zip array to prevent loss of components
+        z = Array.new([components.length,other.components.length])
+        # Compare each component against the other
+        comp = z.zip(components,other.components).collect do |ids|
+          case # All components being equal, the version with more of them takes precedence
+            when ids[1].nil? # Self has less elements, other wins
+              -1
+            when ids[2].nil? # Other has less elements, self wins
+              1
+            else
+              PreReleaseVersion.compare_components(ids[1],ids[2])
+          end
+        end
+        # Chose the first non-zero comparison or return 0
+        comp.delete_if {|c| c == 0}[0] || 0
+      end
+    end
+    class Version
+      @@SEMANTIC_VERSION_PATTERN = /^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)(?:-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?$/
+      def self.parse_semver(version_string)
+        parsed = @@SEMANTIC_VERSION_PATTERN.match(version_string.strip)
+        if parsed
+          {
+            :full_version => parsed[0],
+            :version => parsed[1],
+            :prerelease => (PreReleaseVersion.new(parsed[2]) if parsed[2]),
+            :build => parsed[3]
+          }
+        end
+      end
+      attr_reader :prerelease
+      def initialize(*args)
+        args = initialize_normalize_args(args)
+        semver = Version.parse_semver(*args)
+        if semver
+          self.backing  = Gem::Version.new(semver[:version])
+          @prerelease   = semver[:prerelease]
+          @full_version = semver[:full_version]
+        else
+          self.backing  = Gem::Version.new(*args)
+          @full_version = to_gem_version.to_s
+        end
+      end
+      def <=>(other)
+        cmp = to_gem_version <=> other.to_gem_version
+        # Should compare pre-release versions?
+        if cmp == 0 and not (prerelease.nil? and other.prerelease.nil?)
+          case # Versions without prerelease take precedence
+            when (prerelease.nil? and not other.prerelease.nil?)
+              1
+            when (not prerelease.nil? and other.prerelease.nil?)
+              -1
+            else
+              prerelease <=> other.prerelease
+          end
+        else
+          cmp
+        end
+      end
+      def to_s
+        @full_version
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # Fixes for librarian not yet released in their gem
+  module Mock
+    module Source
+      class Mock
+        alias :eql? :==
+        def hash
+          self.to_s.hash
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  module Source
+    class Git
+      alias :eql? :==
+      def hash
+        self.to_s.hash
+      end
+    end
+    class Path
+      alias :eql? :==
+      def hash
+        self.to_s.hash
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  module Action
+    class Install < Base
+    private
+      def create_install_path
+        install_path.rmtree if install_path.exist? && destructive?
+        install_path.mkpath
+      end
+      def destructive?
+        environment.config_db.local['destructive'] == 'true'
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  class ManifestSet
+    private
+    # Check if module doesn't exist and fail fast
+    def dependencies_of(names)
+      names = Array === names ? names.dup : names.to_a
+      assert_strings!(names)
+      deps = Set.new
+      until names.empty?
+        name = names.shift
+        next if deps.include?(name)
+        deps << name
+        raise(Error, "Unable to find module #{name}") if index[name].nil?
+        names.concat index[name].dependencies.map(&:name)
+      end
+      deps.to_a
+    end
+  end
+  class Manifest
+    class PreReleaseVersion
+      # Compares pre-release component ids using Semver 2.0.0 spec
+      def self.compare_components(this_id,other_id)
+        case # Strings have higher precedence than numbers
+          when (this_id.is_a?(Integer) and other_id.is_a?(String))
+            -1
+          when (this_id.is_a?(String) and other_id.is_a?(Integer))
+            1
+          else
+            this_id <=> other_id
+        end
+      end
+      # Parses pre-release components `a.b.c` into an array ``[a,b,c]`
+      # Converts numeric components into +Integer+
+      def self.parse(prerelease)
+        if prerelease.nil?
+          []
+        else
+          prerelease.split('.').collect do |id|
+            id = Integer(id) if /^[0-9]+$/ =~ id
+            id
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      include Comparable
+      attr_reader :components
+      def initialize(prerelease)
+        @prerelease = prerelease
+        @components = PreReleaseVersion.parse(prerelease)
+      end
+      def to_s
+        @prerelease
+      end
+      def <=>(other)
+        # null-fill zip array to prevent loss of components
+        z = Array.new([components.length,other.components.length])
+        # Compare each component against the other
+        comp = z.zip(components,other.components).collect do |ids|
+          case # All components being equal, the version with more of them takes precedence
+            when ids[1].nil? # Self has less elements, other wins
+              -1
+            when ids[2].nil? # Other has less elements, self wins
+              1
+            else
+              PreReleaseVersion.compare_components(ids[1],ids[2])
+          end
+        end
+        # Chose the first non-zero comparison or return 0
+        comp.delete_if {|c| c == 0}[0] || 0
+      end
+    end
+    class Version
+      @@SEMANTIC_VERSION_PATTERN = /^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)(?:-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?$/
+      def self.parse_semver(version_string)
+        parsed = @@SEMANTIC_VERSION_PATTERN.match(version_string.strip)
+        if parsed
+          {
+            :full_version => parsed[0],
+            :version => parsed[1],
+            :prerelease => (PreReleaseVersion.new(parsed[2]) if parsed[2]),
+            :build => parsed[3]
+          }
+        end
+      end
+      attr_reader :prerelease
+      def initialize(*args)
+        args = initialize_normalize_args(args)
+        semver = Version.parse_semver(*args)
+        if semver
+          self.backing  = Gem::Version.new(semver[:version])
+          @prerelease   = semver[:prerelease]
+          @full_version = semver[:full_version]
+        else
+          self.backing  = Gem::Version.new(*args)
+          @full_version = to_gem_version.to_s
+        end
+      end
+      def <=>(other)
+        cmp = to_gem_version <=> other.to_gem_version
+        # Should compare pre-release versions?
+        if cmp == 0 and not (prerelease.nil? and other.prerelease.nil?)
+          case # Versions without prerelease take precedence
+            when (prerelease.nil? and not other.prerelease.nil?)
+              1
+            when (not prerelease.nil? and other.prerelease.nil?)
+              -1
+            else
+              prerelease <=> other.prerelease
+          end
+        else
+          cmp
+        end
+      end
+      def to_s
+        @full_version
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/librarian-puppet.gemspec b/librarian-puppet.gemspec
index 57e0ea4..95c9a1c 100644
--- a/librarian-puppet.gemspec
+++ b/librarian-puppet.gemspec
@@ -18,14 +18,15 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
-  ] + Dir['{bin,lib,vendor}/**/*']
+  ] + Dir['{bin,lib}/**/*']
   s.executables = ['librarian-puppet']
-  s.add_dependency "thor", "~> 0.15"
+  s.add_dependency "librarian", ">=0.1.1"
   s.add_dependency "json"
   s.add_development_dependency "rake"
+  s.add_development_dependency "rspec"
   s.add_development_dependency "cucumber"
   s.add_development_dependency "aruba"
   s.add_development_dependency "puppet"
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/.rspec b/vendor/librarian/.rspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e1e0d2..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/.rspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/.travis.yml b/vendor/librarian/.travis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5726600..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/.travis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-language: ruby
-  - 1.8.7
-  - 1.9.2
-  - 1.9.3
-  - rbx
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/CHANGELOG.md b/vendor/librarian/CHANGELOG.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a4d4a7f..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/CHANGELOG.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-# Change Log
-## 0.0.24
-* \#15. A remembered configuration system.
-* \#16. Configure, and remember configuration for, chef install paths.
-* \#38. Configure, and remember configuration for, stripping out `.git`
-  directories from git-sources chef dependencies.
-* \#76. Support git annotated tags.
-* \#80. Ignore directories in the `PATH` named `git` when looking for the `git`
-  bin.
-* \#85. Provide a helpful message when running the `show` command without a
-  lockfile present.
-## 0.0.23
-* \#41. Build gems with a built gemspec.
-* \#67. Cache remote objects at the latest possible moments, and only when they
-  are needed.
-* \#68. Fix unpacking chef site-sourced packages on Windows by pivoting from a
-  Librarian-managed scratch space, rather than pivoting from Windows' temp
-  directory. There were unexplained problems with using the Windows temp
-  directory in certain cases, possibly related to the temp directory and the
-  Librarian cache directory being on different volumes.
-* \#69. Fix invoking Librarian with git-sourced dependencies from git hooks by
-  unsetting `GIT_DIR` around shelling out to git.
-* Print general environment information when running with `--verbose`.
-## 0.0.22
-* Fix the `outdated` CLI command.
-## 0.0.21
-* \#64. Sources now raise when given unrecognized options in the specfile.
-* A new `show` CLI command.
-* Changed the `clean` CLI command no longer to delete the lockfile.
-* Simplify the architecture of `Librarian::Manifest` vis-a-vis sources. It is no
-  longer a base class for adapters to inherit. Now, sources expose a small
-  interface, which `Librarian::Manifest` can call, for delay-loading attributes.
-* The git source now resolves the `git` binary before `chdir`ing.
-* Test on Rubinius.
-## 0.0.20
-* A command to print outdated dependencies.
-## 0.0.19
-* Fix breakage on 1.8.
-## 0.0.18
-* \#57. Include existing manifests' dependencies in resolution.
-* Permit the update action even with a changed specfile.
-## 0.0.17
-* Use a pure-Ruby implementation of tar/gz. Helps with Windows support, since
-  Windows boxes are less likely than *NIX boxes to have the `tar` executable.
-* Fix an issue where the chef site source considers uncached manifests to be
-  cached, and skips caching them, causing the install action to fail.
-* Fail fast if the resolver produces an inconsistent resolution. It is a known
-  issue that the resolver will sometimes (deterministically, not randomly)
-  produce an inconsistent resolution when performing an update action (#57).
-  Start debugging this by failing fast at this point and spitting out gobs of
-  debug-level log details.
-## 0.0.16
-* Recache site-sourced dependency metadata per each run.
-* \#46. Always install.
-* \#53. Abstract versions & requirements from rubygems.
-* Own the install path. Recreate it on each install.
-    WARNING: If you have your own content in the install path, it will be deleted without mercy.
-## 0.0.15
-* Rewrite the README.
-* \#44, \#49. Better updating of cached git sources without using local merges.
-## 0.0.14
-* \#39 Fixes a regression induced by using `git reset --hard SHA`.
-## 0.0.13
-* \#36 Fixes an issue where, if a dependency has a git source (the upstream), and the upstream is updated,
-    then attempting to update that dependency in the local resolution would not update that dependency so
-    long as that git source were cached (@databus23).
-* More immediate detection of, and better error messages for, cases of blank dependency or manifest names
-    or cases of names that are otherwise insensible, such as names that are untrimmed.
-## 0.0.12
-* Fixes an issue where, if a dependency has a git source with a ref, re-resolving may fail.
-## 0.0.11
-* Fix a regression where the cli command "version" failed.
-## 0.0.10
-This release focuses on refactoring some of the internals. There are no functional changes.
-## 0.0.9
-* \#11 Fixes a problem where, if the repo is in a path where a component has a space, attempting to resolve a
-    site-sourced dependency fails.
-## 0.0.8
-* A `version` task.
-* A change log.
-* \#10 Fixes the problem with bouncing the lockfile when updating, when using a git source with the default ref.
-## 0.0.7
-* \#8 Add highline temporarily as a runtime dependency of `librarian` (@fnichol).
-  When the project is split into `librarian` and `librarian-chef`, the `chef` runtime dependency will
-    be moved to `librarian-chef`. If the project is further split into a knife plugin, the dependency
-    will be moved there.
-## 0.0.6
-* \#7 Show a better error message when a cookbook is missing the required metadata file.
-* Miscellaneous bugfixes.
-## 0.0.5
-* \#4 An `init` task for `librarian-chef`.
-  This task creates a nearly-blank `Cheffile` with just the default Opscode Community Site source.
-* Automatically create the `cookbooks` directory, if it's missing, when running the `install` task.
-* \#3 Add `chef` temporarily as a runtime dependency of `librarian` (@fnichol).
-  When the project is split into `librarian` and `librarian-chef`, the `chef` runtime dependency will
-    be moved to `librarian-chef`.
-## 0.0.4
-* A simple knife integration.
-  This integration allows you to specify a `librarian-chef`-managed tempdir as a `cookbook_path`.
-  This is useful to force knife only to upload the exact cookbooks that `librarian-chef` knows
-    about, rather than whatever happens to be found in the `cookbooks` directory.
-## 0.0.3
-* Miscellaneous bugfixes.
-## 0.0.2
-* An optional `:path` attribute for `:git` sources.
-  This allows you to specify exactly where within a git repository a given cookbook is to be found.
-* A full example of a Cheffile and its usage in the readme.
-## 0.0.1
-* Initial release.
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/Gemfile b/vendor/librarian/Gemfile
deleted file mode 100644
index 362a8de..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/Gemfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-source "http://rubygems.org"
-# Specify your gem's dependencies in librarian.gemspec
-gem "fakefs", :require => "fakefs/safe"
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/MIT-LICENSE b/vendor/librarian/MIT-LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index f6a58a8..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/MIT-LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2011 ApplicationsOnline, LLC.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
-a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
-"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
-without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
-distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
-permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
-the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/README.md b/vendor/librarian/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 0769439..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,403 +0,0 @@
-Librarian [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/applicationsonline/librarian.png)](http://travis-ci.org/applicationsonline/librarian)
-Librarian is a framework for writing bundlers, which are tools that resolve,
-fetch, install, and isolate a project's dependencies, in Ruby.
-Librarian ships with Librarian-Chef, which is a bundler for your Chef-based
-infrastructure repositories. In the future, Librarian-Chef will be a separate
-A bundler written with Librarian will expect you to provide a specfile listing
-your project's declared dependencies, including any version constraints and
-including the upstream sources for finding them. Librarian can resolve the spec,
-write a lockfile listing the full resolution, fetch the resolved dependencies,
-install them, and isolate them in your project.
-A bundler written with Librarian will be similar in kind to [Bundler](http://gembundler.com),
-the bundler for Ruby gems that many modern Rails applications use.
-Librarian-Chef is a tool that helps you manage the cookbooks that your chef-repo
-depends on. Here are some more details.
-Librarian-Chef is a bundler for infrastructure repositories using Chef. You can
-use Librarian-Chef to resolve your infrastructure's cookbook dependencies, fetch
-them, and install them into your infrastructure repository.
-Librarian-Chef can resolve and fetch third-party, publicly-released cookbooks,
-and install them into your infrastructure repository. It can also source
-cookbooks directly from their own source control repositories.
-Librarian-Chef can also deal with cookbooks you may actively be working on
-outside your infrastructure repository. For example, it can deal with cookbooks
-directly from their own private source control repositories, whether they are
-remote or local to your machine, and it can deal with cookbooks released to and
-hosted on a private cookbooks server.
-Librarian-Chef is not primarily intended for dealing with the cookbooks you are
-actively working on *within* your infrastructure repository. In such a case, you
-can still use Librarian-Chef, but it is likely unnecessary.
-Librarian-Chef *takes over* your `cookbooks/` directory and manages it for you
-based on your `Cheffile`. Your `Cheffile` becomes the authoritative source for
-the cookbooks your infrastructure repository depends on. You should not modify
-the contents of your `cookbooks/` directory when using Librarian-Chef. If you
-have cookbooks which are, rather than being separate projects, inherently part
-of your infrastructure repository, then they should go in a separate directory,
-like your `site-cookbooks/` directory, and you do not need to use Librarian-Chef
-to manage them.
-### The Cheffile
-Every infrastruture repository that uses Librarian-Chef will have a file named
-`Cheffile` in the root directory of that repository. The full specification for
-which third-party, publicly-released cookbooks your infrastructure repository
-depends will go here.
-Here's an example `Cheffile`:
-    site "http://community.opscode.com/api/v1"
-    cookbook "ntp"
-    cookbook "timezone", "0.0.1"
-    cookbook "rvm",
-      :git => "https://github.com/fnichol/chef-rvm",
-      :ref => "v0.7.1"
-    cookbook "cloudera",
-      :path => "vendor/cookbooks/cloudera-cookbook"
-Here's how it works:
-We start off by declaring the *default source* for this `Cheffile`.
-    site "http://community.opscode.com/api/v1"
-This default source in this example is the Opscode Community Site API. This is
-most likely what you will want for your default source. However, you can
-certainly set up your own API-compatible HTTP endpoint if you want more control.
-Any time we declare a cookbook dependency without also declaring a source for
-that cookbook dependency, Librarian-Chef assumes we want it to look for that
-cookbook in the default source.
-Any time we declare a cookbook dependency that has subsidiary cookbook
-dependencies of its own, Librarian-Chef assumes we want it to look for the
-subsidiary cookbook dependencies in the default source.
-    cookbook "ntp"
-Our infrastructure repository depends on the `ntp` cookbook from the default
-source. Any version of the `ntp` cookbook will fulfill our requirements.
-    cookbook "timezone", "0.0.1"
-Our infrastructure repository depends on the `timezone` cookbook from the
-default source. But only version `0.0.1` of that cookbook will do.
-    cookbook "rvm",
-      :git => "https://github.com/fnichol/chef-rvm",
-      :ref => "v0.7.1"
-Our infrastructure repository depends on the `rvm` cookbook, but not the one
-from the default source. Instead, the cookbook is to be fetched from the
-specified Git repository and from the specified Git tag only.
-When using a Git source, we do not have to use a `:ref =>`. If we do not,
-then Librarian-Chef will assume we meant the `master` branch. (In the future,
-this will be changed to whatever branch is the default branch according to
-the Git remote, which may not be `master`.)
-If we use a `:ref =>`, we can use anything that Git will recognize as a ref.
-This includes any branch name, tag name, SHA, or SHA unique prefix. If we use a
-branch, we can later ask Librarian-Chef to update the cookbook by fetching the
-most recent version of the cookbook from that same branch.
-The Git source also supports a `:path =>` option. If we use the path option,
-Librarian-Chef will navigate down into the Git repository and only use the
-specified subdirectory. Many people have the habit of having a single repository
-with many cookbooks in it. If we need a cookbook from such a repository, we can
-use the `:path =>` option here to help Librarian-Chef drill down and find the
-cookbook subdirectory.
-    cookbook "cloudera",
-      :path => "vendor/cookbooks/cloudera-cookbook"
-Our infrastructure repository depends on the `cloudera` cookbook, which we have
-downloaded and copied into our repository. In this example, `vendor/cookbooks/`
-is only for use with Librarian-Chef. This directory should not appear in the
-`.chef/knife.rb`. Librarian-Chef will, instead, copy this cookbook from where
-we vendored it in our repository into the `cookbooks/` directory for us.
-The `:path =>` source won't be confused with the `:git =>` source's `:path =>`
-### How to Use
-Install Librarian-Chef:
-    $ gem install librarian
-Prepare your infrastructure repository:
-    $ cd ~/path/to/chef-repo
-    $ git rm -r cookbooks
-    $ echo /cookbooks >> .gitignore
-    $ echo /tmp >> .gitignore
-Librarian-Chef takes over your `cookbooks/` directory, and will always reinstall
-the cookbooks listed the `Cheffile.lock` into your `cookbooks/` directory. Hence
-you do not need your `cookbooks/` directory to be tracked in Git. If you
-nevertheless want your `cookbooks/` directory to be tracked in Git, simple don't
-`.gitignore` the directory.
-If you are manually tracking/vendoring outside cookbooks within the repository,
-put them in another directory such as `vendor/cookbooks/` and use the `:path =>`
-source when declaring these cookbooks in your `Cheffile`. Most people will
-typically not be manually tracking/vendoring outside cookbooks.
-Librarian-Chef uses your `tmp/` directory for tempfiles and caches. You do not
-need to track this directory in Git.
-Make a Cheffile:
-    $ librarian-chef init
-This creates an empty `Cheffile` with the Opscode Community Site API as the
-default source.
-Add dependencies and their sources to the `Cheffile`:
-    $ cat Cheffile
-        site 'http://community.opscode.com/api/v1'
-        cookbook 'ntp'
-        cookbook 'timezone', '0.0.1'
-        cookbook 'rvm',
-          :git => 'https://github.com/fnichol/chef-rvm',
-          :ref => 'v0.7.1'
-        cookbook 'cloudera',
-          :path => 'vendor/cookbooks/cloudera-cookbook'
-This is the same `Cheffile` we saw above.
-    $ librarian-chef install [--clean] [--verbose]
-This command looks at each `cookbook` declaration and fetches the cookbook from
-the source specified, or from the default source if none is provided.
-Each cookbook is inspected, its dependencies are determined, and each dependency
-is also fetched. For example, if you declare `cookbook 'nagios'`, which
-depends on other cookbooks such as `'php'`, then those other cookbooks
-including `'php'` will be fetched. This goes all the way down the chain of
-This command writes the complete resolution into `Cheffile.lock`.
-This command then copies all of the fetched cookbooks into your `cookbooks/`
-directory, overwriting whatever was there before. You can then use `knife
-cookbook upload -all` to upload the cookbooks to your chef-server, if you are
-using the client-server model.
-Check your `Cheffile` and `Cheffile.lock` into version control:
-    $ git add Cheffile
-    $ git add Cheffile.lock
-    $ git commit -m "I want these particular versions of these particular cookbooks from these particular."
-Make sure you check your `Cheffile.lock` into version control. This will ensure
-dependencies do not need to be resolved every run, greatly reducing dependency
-resolution time.
-Get an overview of your `Cheffile.lock` with:
-    $ librarian-chef show
-Inspect the details of specific resolved dependencies with:
-    $ librarian-chef show NAME1 [NAME2, ...]
-Update your `Cheffile` with new/changed/removed constraints/sources/dependencies:
-    $ cat Cheffile
-        site 'http://community.opscode.com/api/v1'
-        cookbook 'ntp'
-        cookbook 'timezone', '0.0.1'
-        cookbook 'rvm',
-          :git => 'https://github.com/fnichol/chef-rvm',
-          :ref => 'v0.7.1'
-        cookbook 'monit' # new!
-    $ git diff Cheffile
-    $ librarian-chef install [--verbose]
-    $ git diff Cheffile.lock
-    $ git add Cheffile
-    $ git add Cheffile.lock
-    $ git commit -m "I also want these additional cookbooks."
-Find out which dependencies are outdated and may be updated:
-    $ librarian-chef outdated [--verbose]
-Update the version of a dependency:
-    $ librarian-chef update ntp timezone monit [--verbose]
-    $ git diff Cheffile.lock
-    $ git add Cheffile.lock
-    $ git commit -m "I want updated versions of these cookbooks."
-Push your changes to the git repository:
-    $ git push origin master
-Upload the cookbooks to your chef-server:
-    $ knife cookbook upload --all
-### Configuration
-Configuration comes from three sources with the following highest-to-lowest
-* The local config (`./.librarian/chef/config`)
-* The environment
-* The global config (`~/.librarian/chef/config`)
-You can inspect the final configuration with:
-    $ librarian-chef config
-You can find out where a particular key is set with:
-    $ librarian-chef config KEY
-You can set a key at the global level with:
-    $ librarian-chef config KEY VALUE --global
-And remove it with:
-    $ librarian-chef config KEY --global --delete
-You can set a key at the local level with:
-    $ librarian-chef config KEY VALUE --local
-And remove it with:
-    $ librarian-chef config KEY --local --delete
-You cannot set or delete environment-level config keys with the CLI.
-Configuration set at either the global or local level will affect subsequent
-invocations of `librarian-chef`. Configurations set at the environment level are
-not saved and will not affect subsequent invocations of `librarian-chef`.
-You can pass a config at the environment level by taking the original config key
-and transforming it: replace hyphens (`-`) with underscores (`_`) and periods
-(`.`) with doubled underscores (`__`), uppercase, and finally prefix with
-`LIBRARIAN_CHEF_`. For example, to pass a config in the environment for the key
-`part-one.part-two`, set the environment variable
-Configuration affects how various commands operate.
-* The `path` config sets the cookbooks directory to install to. If a relative
-  path, it is relative to the directory containing the `Cheffile`. The
-  equivalent environment variable is `LIBRARIAN_CHEF_PATH`.
-* The `install.strip-dot-git` config causes the `.git/` directory to be stripped
-  out when installing cookbooks from a git source. This must be set to exactly
-  "1" to cause this behavior. The equivalent environment variable is
-Configuration can be set by passing specific options to other commands.
-* The `path` config can be set at the local level by passing the `--path` option
-  to the `install` command. It can be unset at the local level by passing the
-  `--no-path` option to the `install` command. Note that if this is set at the
-  environment or global level then, even if `--no-path` is given as an option,
-  the environment or global config will be used.
-* The `install.strip-dot-git` config can be set at the local level by passing
-  the `--strip-dot-git` option to the `install` command. It can be unset at the
-  local level by passing the `--no-strip-dot-git` option.
-### Knife Integration
-You can integrate your `knife.rb` with Librarian-Chef.
-Stick the following in your `knife.rb`:
-    require 'librarian/chef/integration/knife'
-    cookbook_path Librarian::Chef.install_path,
-                  "/path/to/chef-repo/site-cookbooks"
-In the above, do *not* to include the path to your `cookbooks/` directory. If
-you have additional cookbooks directories in your chef-repo that you use for
-vendored cookbooks (where you use the `:path =>` source in your `Cheffile`),
-make sure *not* to include the paths to those additional cookbooks directories
-You still need to include your `site-cookbooks/` directory in the above list.
-What this integration does is whenever you use any `knife` command, it will:
-* Enforce that your `Cheffile` and `Cheffile.lock` are in sync
-* Install the resolved cookbooks to a temporary directory
-* Configure Knife to look in the temporary directory for the installed cookbooks
-  and not in the normal `cookbooks/` directory.
-When you use this integration, any changes you make to anything in the
-`cookbooks/` directory will be ignored by Knife, because Knife won't look in
-that directory for your cookbooks.
-How to Contribute
-### Running the tests
-    # Either
-    $ rspec spec
-    $ cucumber
-    # Or
-    $ rake
-You will probably need some way to isolate gems. Librarian provides a `Gemfile`,
-so if you want to use bundler, you can prepare the directory with the usual
-`bundle install` and run each command prefixed with the usual `bundle exec`, as:
-    $ bundle install
-    $ bundle exec rspec spec
-    $ bundle exec cucumber
-    $ bundle exec rake
-### Installing locally
-    $ rake install
-You should typically not need to install locally, if you are simply trying to
-patch a bug and test the result on a test case. Instead of installing locally,
-you are probably better served by:
-    $ $PATH_TO_LIBRARIAN_CHECKOUT/bin/librarian-chef install [--verbose]
-### Reporting Issues
-Please include relevant `Cheffile` and `Cheffile.lock` files. Please run the
-`librarian-chef` commands in verbose mode by using the `--verbose` flag, and
-include the verbose output in the bug report as well.
-Written by Jay Feldblum.
-Copyright (c) 2011-2012 ApplicationsOnline, LLC.
-Released under the terms of the MIT License. For further information, please see
-the file `MIT-LICENSE`.
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/Rakefile b/vendor/librarian/Rakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fd5bc1..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/Rakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-require 'bundler'
-module Bundler
-  class GemHelper
-    def build_gem_with_built_spec
-      spec = Gem::Specification.load(spec_path)
-      spec_ruby = spec.to_ruby
-      original_spec_path = spec_path + ".original"
-      FileUtils.mv(spec_path, original_spec_path)
-      File.open(spec_path, "wb"){|f| f.write(spec_ruby)}
-      build_gem_without_built_spec
-    ensure
-      FileUtils.mv(original_spec_path, spec_path)
-    end
-    alias build_gem_without_built_spec build_gem
-    alias build_gem build_gem_with_built_spec
-  end
-  require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
-  RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:spec)
-  require 'cucumber/rake/task'
-  Cucumber::Rake::Task.new(:features)
-  task :default => [:spec, :features]
-rescue LoadError
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/bin/librarian-chef b/vendor/librarian/bin/librarian-chef
deleted file mode 100755
index 8c7084e..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/bin/librarian-chef
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-lib = File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
-$:.unshift(lib) unless $:.include?(lib)
-require 'librarian/chef/cli'
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/bin/librarian-mock b/vendor/librarian/bin/librarian-mock
deleted file mode 100755
index 1824718..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/bin/librarian-mock
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-lib = File.expand_path('../../lib', __FILE__)
-$:.unshift(lib) unless $:.include?(lib)
-require 'librarian/mock/cli'
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/config/cucumber.yaml b/vendor/librarian/config/cucumber.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e843ab..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/config/cucumber.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-default: --tags ~@wip --format progress
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/init.feature b/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/init.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 623f50c..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/init.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Feature: cli/init
-  Scenario: Initing a directory
-    When I run `librarian-chef init`
-    Then the exit status should be 0
-    Then a file named "Cheffile" should exist
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/install.feature b/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/install.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 34a236c..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/install.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-Feature: cli/install
-  Scenario: A simple Cheffile with one cookbook
-    Given a file named "cookbook-sources/apt/metadata.yaml" with:
-      """
-      name: apt
-      version: 1.0.0
-      dependencies: { }
-      """
-    Given a file named "Cheffile" with:
-      """
-      cookbook 'apt',
-        :path => 'cookbook-sources'
-      """
-    When I run `librarian-chef install --verbose`
-    Then the exit status should be 0
-    And the file "cookbooks/apt/metadata.yaml" should contain exactly:
-      """
-      name: apt
-      version: 1.0.0
-      dependencies: { }
-      """
-  Scenario: A simple Cheffile with one cookbook with one dependency
-    Given a file named "cookbook-sources/main/metadata.yaml" with:
-      """
-      name: main
-      version: 1.0.0
-      dependencies:
-        sub: 1.0.0
-      """
-    Given a file named "cookbook-sources/sub/metadata.yaml" with:
-      """
-      name: sub
-      version: 1.0.0
-      dependencies: {}
-      """
-    Given a file named "Cheffile" with:
-      """
-      path 'cookbook-sources'
-      cookbook 'main'
-      """
-    When I run `librarian-chef install --verbose`
-    Then the exit status should be 0
-    And the file "cookbooks/main/metadata.yaml" should contain exactly:
-      """
-      name: main
-      version: 1.0.0
-      dependencies:
-        sub: 1.0.0
-      """
-    And the file "cookbooks/sub/metadata.yaml" should contain exactly:
-      """
-      name: sub
-      version: 1.0.0
-      dependencies: {}
-      """
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/show.feature b/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/show.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index 67d571e..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/show.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-Feature: cli/show
-  Background: A simple Cheffile with one cookbook with one dependency
-    Given a file named "cookbook-sources/main/metadata.yaml" with:
-      """
-      name: main
-      version: 1.0.0
-      dependencies:
-        sub: 1.0.0
-      """
-    Given a file named "cookbook-sources/sub/metadata.yaml" with:
-      """
-      name: sub
-      version: 1.0.0
-      dependencies: {}
-      """
-    Given a file named "Cheffile" with:
-      """
-      path 'cookbook-sources'
-      cookbook 'main'
-      """
-    Given I run `librarian-chef install --quiet`
-  Scenario: Showing al without a lockfile
-    Given I remove the file "Cheffile.lock"
-    When  I run `librarian-chef show`
-    Then  the exit status should be 1
-    Then  the output should contain exactly:
-      """
-      Be sure to install first!
-      """
-  Scenario: Showing all
-    When I run `librarian-chef show`
-    Then the exit status should be 0
-    Then the output should contain exactly:
-      """
-      main (1.0.0)
-      sub (1.0.0)
-      """
-  Scenario: Showing one without dependencies
-    When I run `librarian-chef show sub`
-    Then the exit status should be 0
-    Then the output should contain exactly:
-      """
-      sub (1.0.0)
-        source: cookbook-sources
-      """
-  Scenario: Showing one with dependencies
-    When I run `librarian-chef show main`
-    Then the exit status should be 0
-    Then the output should contain exactly:
-      """
-      main (1.0.0)
-        source: cookbook-sources
-        dependencies:
-          sub (= 1.0.0)
-      """
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/version.feature b/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/version.feature
deleted file mode 100644
index a949595..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/features/chef/cli/version.feature
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Feature: cli/version
-  Scenario: Getting the version
-    When I run `librarian-chef version`
-    Then the exit status should be 0
-    And the output should contain "librarian-"
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/features/support/env.rb b/vendor/librarian/features/support/env.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6db1b3e..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/features/support/env.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-require 'aruba/cucumber'
-Before do
-  slow_boot = false
-  slow_boot ||= RUBY_PLATFORM == "java"
-  slow_boot ||= defined?(::Rubinius)
-  @aruba_timeout_seconds = slow_boot ? 5 : 2
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cdf2d4e..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/version'
-require 'librarian/environment'
-module Librarian
-  extend self
-  def environment_class
-    self::Environment
-  end
-  def environment
-    @environment ||= environment_class.new
-  end
-  def version
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b462de..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/action/clean"
-require "librarian/action/ensure"
-require "librarian/action/install"
-require "librarian/action/resolve"
-require "librarian/action/update"
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/base.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/base.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c8935d0..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/base.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  module Action
-    class Base
-      attr_accessor :environment
-      private :environment=
-      attr_accessor :options
-      private :options=
-      def initialize(environment, options = { })
-        self.environment = environment
-        self.options = options
-      end
-    private
-      def debug(*args, &block)
-        environment.logger.debug(*args, &block)
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/clean.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/clean.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f558409..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/clean.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/action/base"
-module Librarian
-  module Action
-    class Clean < Base
-      def run
-        clean_cache_path
-        clean_install_path
-      end
-    private
-      def clean_cache_path
-        if cache_path.exist?
-          debug { "Deleting #{project_relative_path_to(cache_path)}" }
-          cache_path.rmtree
-        end
-      end
-      def clean_install_path
-        if install_path.exist?
-          install_path.children.each do |c|
-            debug { "Deleting #{project_relative_path_to(c)}" }
-            c.rmtree unless c.file?
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      def cache_path
-        environment.cache_path
-      end
-      def install_path
-        environment.install_path
-      end
-      def project_relative_path_to(path)
-        environment.project_relative_path_to(path)
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/ensure.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/ensure.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c973df2..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/ensure.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/error"
-require "librarian/action/base"
-module Librarian
-  module Action
-    class Ensure < Base
-      def run
-        raise Error, "Cannot find #{specfile_name}!" unless project_path
-      end
-    private
-      def specfile_name
-        environment.specfile_name
-      end
-      def project_path
-        environment.project_path
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/install.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/install.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index aa25eab..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/install.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/manifest_set"
-require "librarian/spec_change_set"
-require "librarian/action/base"
-module Librarian
-  module Action
-    class Install < Base
-      def run
-        check_preconditions
-        perform_installation
-      end
-    private
-      def check_preconditions
-        check_specfile
-        check_lockfile
-        check_consistent
-      end
-      def check_specfile
-        raise Error, "#{specfile_name} missing!" unless specfile_path.exist?
-      end
-      def check_lockfile
-        raise Error, "#{lockfile_name} missing!" unless lockfile_path.exist?
-      end
-      def check_consistent
-        raise Error, "#{specfile_name} and #{lockfile_name} are out of sync!" unless spec_consistent_with_lock?
-      end
-      def perform_installation
-        manifests = sorted_manifests
-        create_install_path
-        install_manifests(manifests)
-      end
-      def create_install_path
-        install_path.rmtree if install_path.exist? && destructive?
-        install_path.mkpath
-      end
-      def install_manifests(manifests)
-        manifests.each do |manifest|
-          manifest.install!
-        end
-      end
-      def sorted_manifests
-        ManifestSet.sort(lock.manifests)
-      end
-      def destructive?
-        environment.config_db.local['destructive'] == 'true'
-      end
-      def specfile_name
-        environment.specfile_name
-      end
-      def specfile_path
-        environment.specfile_path
-      end
-      def lockfile_name
-        environment.lockfile_name
-      end
-      def lockfile_path
-        environment.lockfile_path
-      end
-      def spec
-        environment.spec
-      end
-      def lock
-        environment.lock
-      end
-      def spec_change_set(spec, lock)
-        SpecChangeSet.new(environment, spec, lock)
-      end
-      def spec_consistent_with_lock?
-        spec_change_set(spec, lock).same?
-      end
-      def install_path
-        environment.install_path
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/resolve.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/resolve.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 189ef05..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/resolve.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/error"
-require "librarian/resolver"
-require "librarian/spec_change_set"
-require "librarian/action/base"
-module Librarian
-  module Action
-    class Resolve < Base
-      def run
-        if force? || !lockfile_path.exist?
-          spec = specfile.read
-          manifests = []
-        else
-          lock = lockfile.read
-          spec = specfile.read(lock.sources)
-          changes = spec_change_set(spec, lock)
-          if changes.same?
-            debug { "The specfile is unchanged: nothing to do." }
-            return
-          end
-          manifests = changes.analyze
-        end
-        resolution = resolver.resolve(spec, manifests)
-        unless resolution.correct?
-          raise Error, "Could not resolve the dependencies."
-        else
-          lockfile_text = lockfile.save(resolution)
-          debug { "Bouncing #{lockfile_name}" }
-          bounced_lockfile_text = lockfile.save(lockfile.load(lockfile_text))
-          unless bounced_lockfile_text == lockfile_text
-            debug { "lockfile_text: \n#{lockfile_text}"}
-            debug { "bounced_lockfile_text: \n#{bounced_lockfile_text}"}
-            raise Error, "Cannot bounce #{lockfile_name}!"
-          end
-          lockfile_path.open('wb') { |f| f.write(lockfile_text) }
-        end
-      end
-    private
-      def force?
-        options[:force]
-      end
-      def specfile_name
-        environment.specfile_name
-      end
-      def lockfile_name
-        environment.lockfile_name
-      end
-      def specfile_path
-        environment.specfile_path
-      end
-      def lockfile_path
-        environment.lockfile_path
-      end
-      def specfile
-        environment.specfile
-      end
-      def lockfile
-        environment.lockfile
-      end
-      def resolver
-        Resolver.new(environment)
-      end
-      def spec_change_set(spec, lock)
-        SpecChangeSet.new(environment, spec, lock)
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/update.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/update.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3894adb..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/action/update.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/error"
-require "librarian/manifest_set"
-require "librarian/resolver"
-require "librarian/spec_change_set"
-require "librarian/action/base"
-module Librarian
-  module Action
-    class Update < Base
-      def run
-        unless lockfile_path.exist?
-          raise Error, "Lockfile missing!"
-        end
-        previous_resolution = lockfile.load(lockfile_path.read)
-        spec = specfile.read(previous_resolution.sources)
-        changes = spec_change_set(spec, previous_resolution)
-        manifests = changes.same? ? previous_resolution.manifests : changes.analyze
-        partial_manifests = ManifestSet.deep_strip(manifests, dependency_names)
-        unpinnable_sources = previous_resolution.sources - partial_manifests.map(&:source)
-        unpinnable_sources.each(&:unpin!)
-        resolution = resolver.resolve(spec, partial_manifests)
-        unless resolution.correct?
-          raise Error, "Could not resolve the dependencies."
-        else
-          lockfile_text = lockfile.save(resolution)
-          debug { "Bouncing #{lockfile_name}" }
-          bounced_lockfile_text = lockfile.save(lockfile.load(lockfile_text))
-          unless bounced_lockfile_text == lockfile_text
-            debug { "lockfile_text: \n#{lockfile_text}"}
-            debug { "bounced_lockfile_text: \n#{bounced_lockfile_text}"}
-            raise Error, "Cannot bounce #{lockfile_name}!"
-          end
-          lockfile_path.open('wb') { |f| f.write(lockfile_text) }
-        end
-      end
-    private
-      def dependency_names
-        options[:names]
-      end
-      def specfile_name
-        environment.specfile_name
-      end
-      def lockfile_name
-        environment.lockfile_name
-      end
-      def specfile_path
-        environment.specfile_path
-      end
-      def lockfile_path
-        environment.lockfile_path
-      end
-      def specfile
-        environment.specfile
-      end
-      def lockfile
-        environment.lockfile
-      end
-      def resolver
-        Resolver.new(environment)
-      end
-      def spec_change_set(spec, lock)
-        SpecChangeSet.new(environment, spec, lock)
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ec20e1a..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/chef/extension'
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/cli.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/cli.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 04a9882..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/cli.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/helpers'
-require 'librarian/cli'
-require 'librarian/chef'
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    class Cli < Librarian::Cli
-      module Particularity
-        def root_module
-          Chef
-        end
-      end
-      include Particularity
-      extend Particularity
-      source_root Pathname.new(__FILE__).dirname.join("templates")
-      def init
-        copy_file environment.specfile_name
-      end
-      desc "install", "Resolves and installs all of the dependencies you specify."
-      option "quiet", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-      option "verbose", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-      option "line-numbers", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-      option "clean", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-      option "strip-dot-git", :type => :boolean
-      option "path", :type => :string
-      def install
-        ensure!
-        clean! if options["clean"]
-        if options.include?("strip-dot-git")
-          strip_dot_git_val = options["strip-dot-git"] ? "1" : nil
-          environment.config_db.local["install.strip-dot-git"] = strip_dot_git_val
-        end
-        if options.include?("path")
-          environment.config_db.local["path"] = options["path"]
-        end
-        resolve!
-        install!
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/dsl.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/dsl.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b798dd..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/dsl.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/dsl'
-require 'librarian/chef/source'
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    class Dsl < Librarian::Dsl
-      dependency :cookbook
-      source :site => Source::Site
-      source :git => Source::Git
-      source :path => Source::Path
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/environment.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/environment.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8081612..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/environment.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/environment"
-require "librarian/chef/dsl"
-require "librarian/chef/source"
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    class Environment < Environment
-      def adapter_name
-        "chef"
-      end
-      def install_path
-        part = config_db["path"] || "cookbooks"
-        project_path.join(part)
-      end
-      def config_keys
-        super + %w[
-          install.strip-dot-git
-          path
-        ]
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/extension.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/extension.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c02e22..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/extension.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/chef/environment'
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    extend self
-    extend Librarian
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/integration/knife.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/integration/knife.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 84b54a3..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/integration/knife.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-require 'pathname'
-require 'securerandom'
-require 'highline'
-require 'librarian'
-require 'librarian/action/install'
-require 'librarian/chef'
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    class Environment
-      def install_path
-        @install_path ||= begin
-          has_home = ENV["HOME"] && File.directory?(ENV["HOME"])
-          tmp_dir = Pathname.new(has_home ? "~/.librarian/tmp" : "/tmp/librarian").expand_path
-          enclosing = tmp_dir.join("chef/integration/knife/install")
-          enclosing.mkpath unless enclosing.exist?
-          dir = enclosing.join(SecureRandom.hex(16))
-          dir.mkpath
-          at_exit { dir.rmtree }
-          dir
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    def install_path
-      environment.install_path
-    end
-    hl = HighLine.new
-    begin
-      Action::Install.new(environment).run
-    rescue Error => e
-      message = hl.color(e.message, HighLine::RED)
-      hl.say(message)
-      Process.exit!(1)
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/manifest_reader.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/manifest_reader.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bf65c4..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/manifest_reader.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-require 'json'
-require 'yaml'
-require 'librarian/manifest'
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    module ManifestReader
-      extend self
-      MANIFESTS = %w(metadata.json metadata.yml metadata.yaml metadata.rb)
-      def manifest_path(path)
-        MANIFESTS.map{|s| path.join(s)}.find{|s| s.exist?}
-      end
-      def read_manifest(name, manifest_path)
-        case manifest_path.extname
-        when ".json" then JSON.parse(binread(manifest_path))
-        when ".yml", ".yaml" then YAML.load(binread(manifest_path))
-        when ".rb" then compile_manifest(name, manifest_path.dirname)
-        end
-      end
-      def compile_manifest(name, path)
-        # Inefficient, if there are many cookbooks with uncompiled metadata.
-        require 'chef/json_compat'
-        require 'chef/cookbook/metadata'
-        md = ::Chef::Cookbook::Metadata.new
-        md.name(name)
-        md.from_file(path.join('metadata.rb').to_s)
-        {"name" => md.name, "version" => md.version, "dependencies" => md.dependencies}
-      end
-      def manifest?(name, path)
-        path = Pathname.new(path)
-        !!manifest_path(path)
-      end
-      def check_manifest(name, manifest_path)
-        manifest = read_manifest(name, manifest_path)
-        manifest["name"] == name
-      end
-    private
-      if IO.respond_to?(:binread)
-        def binread(path)
-          path.binread
-        end
-      else
-        def binread(path)
-          path.read
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e212b26..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/chef/source/path'
-require 'librarian/chef/source/git'
-require 'librarian/chef/source/site'
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/git.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/git.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eedecc..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/git.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/source/git'
-require 'librarian/chef/source/local'
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    module Source
-      class Git < Librarian::Source::Git
-        include Local
-      private
-        def install_perform_step_copy!(found_path, install_path)
-          debug { "Copying #{relative_path_to(found_path)} to #{relative_path_to(install_path)}" }
-          FileUtils.cp_r(found_path, install_path)
-          if environment.config_db["install.strip-dot-git"] == "1"
-            dot_git = install_path.join(".git")
-            dot_git.rmtree if dot_git.directory?
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/local.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/local.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 830bf1f..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/local.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/chef/manifest_reader'
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    module Source
-      module Local
-        def install!(manifest)
-          manifest.source == self or raise ArgumentError
-          info { "Installing #{manifest.name} (#{manifest.version})" }
-          debug { "Installing #{manifest}" }
-          name, version = manifest.name, manifest.version
-          found_path = found_path(name)
-          install_path = environment.install_path.join(name)
-          if install_path.exist?
-            debug { "Deleting #{relative_path_to(install_path)}" }
-            install_path.rmtree
-          end
-          install_perform_step_copy!(found_path, install_path)
-        end
-        def fetch_version(name, extra)
-          manifest_data(name)["version"]
-        end
-        def fetch_dependencies(name, version, extra)
-          manifest_data(name)["dependencies"]
-        end
-      private
-        def install_perform_step_copy!(found_path, install_path)
-          debug { "Copying #{relative_path_to(found_path)} to #{relative_path_to(install_path)}" }
-          FileUtils.cp_r(found_path, install_path)
-        end
-        def manifest_data(name)
-          @manifest_data ||= { }
-          @manifest_data[name] ||= fetch_manifest_data(name)
-        end
-        def fetch_manifest_data(name)
-          expect_manifest!(name)
-          found_path = found_path(name)
-          manifest_path = ManifestReader.manifest_path(found_path)
-          ManifestReader.read_manifest(name, manifest_path)
-        end
-        def manifest?(name, path)
-          ManifestReader.manifest?(name, path)
-        end
-        def expect_manifest!(name)
-          found_path = found_path(name)
-          return if found_path && ManifestReader.manifest_path(found_path)
-          raise Error, "No metadata file found for #{name} from #{self}! If this should be a cookbook, you might consider contributing a metadata file upstream or forking the cookbook to add your own metadata file."
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/path.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/path.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 27e00cf..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/path.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/source/path'
-require 'librarian/chef/source/local'
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    module Source
-      class Path < Librarian::Source::Path
-        include Local
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/site.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/site.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f7d017..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/source/site.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,452 +0,0 @@
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'pathname'
-require 'uri'
-require 'net/http'
-require 'json'
-require 'digest'
-require 'zlib'
-require 'securerandom'
-require 'archive/tar/minitar'
-require 'librarian/chef/manifest_reader'
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    module Source
-      class Site
-        class Line
-          attr_accessor :source, :name
-          private :source=, :name=
-          def initialize(source, name)
-            self.source = source
-            self.name = name
-          end
-          def install_version!(version, install_path)
-            cache_version_unpacked! version
-            if install_path.exist?
-              debug { "Deleting #{relative_path_to(install_path)}" }
-              install_path.rmtree
-            end
-            unpacked_path = version_unpacked_cache_path(version)
-            debug { "Copying #{relative_path_to(unpacked_path)} to #{relative_path_to(install_path)}" }
-            FileUtils.cp_r(unpacked_path, install_path)
-          end
-          def manifests
-            version_uris.map do |version_uri|
-              Manifest.new(source, name, version_uri)
-            end
-          end
-          def to_version(version_uri)
-            version_uri_metadata(version_uri)["version"]
-          end
-          def version_dependencies(version)
-            version_manifest(version)["dependencies"]
-          end
-        private
-          attr_accessor :metadata_cached
-          alias metadata_cached? metadata_cached
-          def environment
-            source.environment
-          end
-          def uri
-            @uri ||= URI.parse("#{source.uri}/cookbooks/#{name}")
-          end
-          def version_uris
-            metadata["versions"]
-          end
-          def version_metadata(version)
-            version_uri = to_version_uri(version)
-            version_uri_metadata(version_uri)
-          end
-          def version_uri_metadata(version_uri)
-            @version_uri_metadata ||= { }
-            @version_uri_metadata[version_uri.to_s] ||= begin
-              cache_version_uri_metadata! version_uri
-              parse_local_json(version_uri_metadata_cache_path(version_uri))
-            end
-          end
-          def version_manifest(version)
-            version_uri = to_version_uri(version)
-            version_uri_manifest(version_uri)
-          end
-          def version_uri_manifest(version_uri)
-            @version_uri_manifest ||= { }
-            @version_uri_manifest[version_uri.to_s] ||= begin
-              cache_version_uri_unpacked! version_uri
-              unpacked_path = version_uri_unpacked_cache_path(version_uri)
-              manifest_path = ManifestReader.manifest_path(unpacked_path)
-              ManifestReader.read_manifest(name, manifest_path)
-            end
-          end
-          def metadata
-            @metadata ||= begin
-              cache_metadata!
-              parse_local_json(metadata_cache_path)
-            end
-          end
-          def to_version_uri(version)
-            @to_version_uri ||= { }
-            @to_version_uri[version.to_s] ||= begin
-              cache_version! version
-              version_cache_path(version).read
-            end
-          end
-          def metadata_cached!
-            self.metadata_cached = true
-          end
-          def cache_path
-            @cache_path ||= source.cache_path.join(name)
-          end
-          def metadata_cache_path
-            @metadata_cache_path ||= cache_path.join("metadata.json")
-          end
-          def version_cache_path(version)
-            @version_cache_path ||= { }
-            @version_cache_path[version.to_s] ||= begin
-              cache_path.join("version").join(version.to_s)
-            end
-          end
-          def version_uri_cache_path(version_uri)
-            @version_uri_cache_path ||= { }
-            @version_uri_cache_path[version_uri.to_s] ||= begin
-              cache_path.join("version-uri").join(hexdigest(version_uri))
-            end
-          end
-          def version_metadata_cache_path(version)
-            version_uri = to_version_uri(version)
-            version_uri_metadata_cache_path(version_uri)
-          end
-          def version_uri_metadata_cache_path(version_uri)
-            @version_uri_metadata_cache_path ||= { }
-            @version_uri_metadata_cache_path[version_uri.to_s] ||= begin
-              version_uri_cache_path(version_uri).join("metadata.json")
-            end
-          end
-          def version_package_cache_path(version)
-            version_uri = to_version_uri(version)
-            version_uri_package_cache_path(version_uri)
-          end
-          def version_uri_package_cache_path(version_uri)
-            @version_uri_package_cache_path ||= { }
-            @version_uri_package_cache_path[version_uri.to_s] ||= begin
-              version_uri_cache_path(version_uri).join("package.tar.gz")
-            end
-          end
-          def version_unpacked_cache_path(version)
-            version_uri = to_version_uri(version)
-            version_uri_unpacked_cache_path(version_uri)
-          end
-          def version_uri_unpacked_cache_path(version_uri)
-            @version_uri_unpacked_cache_path ||= { }
-            @version_uri_unpacked_cache_path[version_uri.to_s] ||= begin
-              version_uri_cache_path(version_uri).join("package")
-            end
-          end
-          def cache_metadata!
-            metadata_cached? and return or metadata_cached!
-            cache_remote_json! metadata_cache_path, uri
-          end
-          def cache_version_uri_metadata!(version_uri)
-            path = version_uri_metadata_cache_path(version_uri)
-            path.file? and return
-            cache_remote_json! path, version_uri
-          end
-          def cache_version!(version)
-            path = version_cache_path(version)
-            path.file? and return
-            version_uris.each do |version_uri|
-              m = version_uri_metadata(version_uri)
-              v = m["version"]
-              if version.to_s == v
-                write! path, version_uri.to_s
-                break
-              end
-            end
-          end
-          def cache_version_package!(version)
-            version_uri = to_version_uri(version)
-            cache_version_uri_package! version_uri
-          end
-          def cache_version_uri_package!(version_uri)
-            path = version_uri_package_cache_path(version_uri)
-            path.file? and return
-            file_uri = version_uri_metadata(version_uri)["file"]
-            cache_remote_object! path, file_uri
-          end
-          def cache_version_unpacked!(version)
-            version_uri = to_version_uri(version)
-            cache_version_uri_unpacked! version_uri
-          end
-          def cache_version_uri_unpacked!(version_uri)
-            cache_version_uri_package!(version_uri)
-            path = version_uri_unpacked_cache_path(version_uri)
-            path.directory? and return
-            package_path = version_uri_package_cache_path(version_uri)
-            unpacked_path = version_uri_unpacked_cache_path(version_uri)
-            unpack_package! unpacked_path, package_path
-          end
-          def cache_remote_json!(path, uri)
-            path = Pathname(path)
-            uri = to_uri(uri)
-            path.dirname.mkpath unless path.dirname.directory?
-            debug { "Caching #{uri} to #{path}" }
-            http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
-            request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.path)
-            response = http.start{|http| http.request(request)}
-            unless Net::HTTPSuccess === response
-              raise Error, "Could not get #{uri} because #{response.code} #{response.message}!"
-            end
-            json = response.body
-            JSON.parse(json) # verify that it's really JSON.
-            write! path, json
-          end
-          def cache_remote_object!(path, uri)
-            path = Pathname(path)
-            uri = to_uri(uri)
-            path.dirname.mkpath unless path.dirname.directory?
-            debug { "Caching #{uri} to #{path}" }
-            http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
-            request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.path)
-            response = http.start{|http| http.request(request)}
-            unless Net::HTTPSuccess === response
-              raise Error, "Could not get #{uri} because #{response.code} #{response.message}!"
-            end
-            write! path, response.body
-          end
-          def write!(path, bytes)
-            path.dirname.mkpath
-            path.open("wb"){|f| f.write(bytes)}
-          end
-          def unpack_package!(path, source)
-            path = Pathname(path)
-            source = Pathname(source)
-            temp = environment.scratch_path.join(SecureRandom.hex(16))
-            temp.mkpath
-            debug { "Unpacking #{relative_path_to(source)} to #{relative_path_to(temp)}" }
-            Zlib::GzipReader.open(source) do |input|
-              Archive::Tar::Minitar.unpack(input, temp.to_s)
-            end
-            # Cookbook files, as pulled from Opscode Community Site API, are
-            # embedded in a subdirectory of the tarball, and the subdirectory's
-            # name is equal to the name of the cookbook.
-            subtemp = temp.join(name)
-            debug { "Moving #{relative_path_to(subtemp)} to #{relative_path_to(path)}" }
-            FileUtils.mv(subtemp, path)
-          ensure
-            temp.rmtree if temp && temp.exist?
-          end
-          def parse_local_json(path)
-            JSON.parse(path.read)
-          end
-          def hexdigest(bytes)
-            Digest::MD5.hexdigest(bytes)
-          end
-          def to_uri(uri)
-            uri = URI(uri) unless URI === uri
-            uri
-          end
-          def debug(*args, &block)
-            environment.logger.debug(*args, &block)
-          end
-          def relative_path_to(path)
-            environment.logger.relative_path_to(path)
-          end
-        end
-        class << self
-          LOCK_NAME = 'SITE'
-          def lock_name
-            LOCK_NAME
-          end
-          def from_lock_options(environment, options)
-            new(environment, options[:remote], options.reject{|k, v| k == :remote})
-          end
-          def from_spec_args(environment, uri, options)
-            recognized_options = []
-            unrecognized_options = options.keys - recognized_options
-            unrecognized_options.empty? or raise Error, "unrecognized options: #{unrecognized_options.join(", ")}"
-            new(environment, uri, options)
-          end
-        end
-        attr_accessor :environment
-        private :environment=
-        attr_reader :uri
-        attr_accessor :_metadata_cache
-        private :_metadata_cache, :_metadata_cache=
-        def initialize(environment, uri, options = {})
-          self.environment = environment
-          @uri = uri
-          @cache_path = nil
-          self._metadata_cache = { }
-        end
-        def to_s
-          uri
-        end
-        def ==(other)
-          other &&
-          self.class  == other.class &&
-          self.uri    == other.uri
-        end
-        alias :eql? :==
-        def hash
-          self.to_s.hash
-        end
-        def to_spec_args
-          [uri, {}]
-        end
-        def to_lock_options
-          {:remote => uri}
-        end
-        def pinned?
-          false
-        end
-        def unpin!
-        end
-        def install!(manifest)
-          manifest.source == self or raise ArgumentError
-          name = manifest.name
-          version = manifest.version
-          install_path = install_path(name)
-          line = line(name)
-          info { "Installing #{manifest.name} (#{manifest.version})" }
-          debug { "Installing #{manifest}" }
-          line.install_version! version, install_path
-        end
-        # NOTE:
-        #   Assumes the Opscode Site API responds with versions in reverse sorted order
-        def manifests(name)
-          line(name).manifests
-        end
-        def manifest(name, version, dependencies)
-          manifest = Manifest.new(self, name)
-          manifest.version = version
-          manifest.dependencies = dependencies
-          manifest
-        end
-        def cache_path
-          @cache_path ||= begin
-            dir = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(uri)
-            environment.cache_path.join("source/chef/site/#{dir}")
-          end
-        end
-        def install_path(name)
-          environment.install_path.join(name)
-        end
-        def fetch_version(name, version_uri)
-          line(name).to_version(version_uri)
-        end
-        def fetch_dependencies(name, version, version_uri)
-          line(name).version_dependencies(version).map{|k, v| Dependency.new(k, v, nil)}
-        end
-      private
-        def line(name)
-          @line ||= { }
-          @line[name] ||= Line.new(self, name)
-        end
-        def info(*args, &block)
-          environment.logger.info(*args, &block)
-        end
-        def debug(*args, &block)
-          environment.logger.debug(*args, &block)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/templates/Cheffile b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/templates/Cheffile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f0852e..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/chef/templates/Cheffile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-#^syntax detection
-site 'http://community.opscode.com/api/v1'
-# cookbook 'chef-client'
-# cookbook 'apache2', '>= 1.0.0'
-# cookbook 'rvm',
-#   :git => 'https://github.com/fnichol/chef-rvm'
-# cookbook 'postgresql',
-#   :git => 'https://github.com/findsyou/cookbooks',
-#   :ref => 'postgresql-improvements'
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/cli.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/cli.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4797436..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/cli.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-require 'thor'
-require 'thor/actions'
-require 'librarian'
-require 'librarian/error'
-require 'librarian/action'
-require "librarian/ui"
-module Librarian
-  class Cli < Thor
-    autoload :ManifestPresenter, "librarian/cli/manifest_presenter"
-    include Thor::Actions
-    module Particularity
-      def root_module
-        nil
-      end
-    end
-    include Particularity
-    extend Particularity
-    class << self
-      def bin!
-        begin
-          environment = root_module.environment
-          start
-        rescue Librarian::Error => e
-          environment.ui.error e.message
-          environment.ui.debug e.backtrace.join("\n")
-          exit (e.respond_to?(:status_code) ? e.status_code : 1)
-        rescue Interrupt => e
-          environment.ui.error "\nQuitting..."
-          exit 1
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    def initialize(*)
-      super
-      the_shell = (options["no-color"] ? Thor::Shell::Basic.new : shell)
-      environment.ui = UI::Shell.new(the_shell)
-      environment.ui.be_quiet! if options["quiet"]
-      environment.ui.debug! if options["verbose"]
-      environment.ui.debug_line_numbers! if options["verbose"] && options["line-numbers"]
-      write_debug_header
-    end
-    desc "version", "Displays the version."
-    def version
-      say "librarian-#{root_module.version}"
-    end
-    desc "config", "Show or edit the config."
-    option "verbose", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    option "line-numbers", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    option "global", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    option "local", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    option "delete", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    def config(key = nil, value = nil)
-      if key
-        raise Error, "cannot set both value and delete" if value && options["delete"]
-        if options["delete"]
-          raise Error, "must set either global or local" unless options["global"] ^ options["local"]
-          scope = options["global"] ? :global : options["local"] ? :local : nil
-          environment.config_db[key, scope] = nil
-        elsif value
-          raise Error, "must set either global or local" unless options["global"] ^ options["local"]
-          scope = options["global"] ? :global : options["local"] ? :local : nil
-          environment.config_db[key, scope] = value
-        else
-          raise Error, "cannot set both global and local" if options["global"] && options["local"]
-          scope = options["global"] ? :global : options["local"] ? :local : nil
-          if value = environment.config_db[key, scope]
-            prefix = scope ? "#{key} (#{scope})" : key
-            say "#{prefix}: #{value}"
-          end
-        end
-      else
-        environment.config_db.keys.each do |key|
-          say "#{key}: #{environment.config_db[key]}"
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    desc "clean", "Cleans out the cache and install paths."
-    option "verbose", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    option "line-numbers", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    def clean
-      ensure!
-      clean!
-    end
-    desc "update", "Updates and installs the dependencies you specify."
-    option "verbose", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    option "line-numbers", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    def update(*names)
-      ensure!
-      if names.empty?
-        resolve!(:force => true)
-      else
-        update!(:names => names)
-      end
-      install!
-    end
-    desc "outdated", "Lists outdated dependencies."
-    option "verbose", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    option "line-numbers", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    def outdated
-      ensure!
-      resolution = environment.lock
-      resolution.manifests.sort_by(&:name).each do |manifest|
-        source = manifest.source
-        source_manifest = source.manifests(manifest.name).first
-        next if manifest.version == source_manifest.version
-        say "#{manifest.name} (#{manifest.version} -> #{source_manifest.version})"
-      end
-    end
-    desc "show", "Shows dependencies"
-    option "verbose", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    option "line-numbers", :type => :boolean, :default => false
-    option "detailed", :type => :boolean
-    def show(*names)
-      ensure!
-      if environment.lockfile_path.file?
-        manifest_presenter.present(names, :detailed => options["detailed"])
-      else
-        raise Error, "Be sure to install first!"
-      end
-    end
-    desc "init", "Initializes the current directory."
-    def init
-      puts "Nothing to do."
-    end
-  private
-    def environment
-      root_module.environment
-    end
-    def ensure!(options = { })
-      Action::Ensure.new(environment, options).run
-    end
-    def clean!(options = { })
-      Action::Clean.new(environment, options).run
-    end
-    def install!(options = { })
-      Action::Install.new(environment, options).run
-    end
-    def resolve!(options = { })
-      Action::Resolve.new(environment, options).run
-    end
-    def update!(options = { })
-      Action::Update.new(environment, options).run
-    end
-    def manifest_presenter
-      ManifestPresenter.new(self, environment.lock.manifests)
-    end
-    def write_debug_header
-      debug { "Ruby Version: #{RUBY_VERSION}" }
-      debug { "Ruby Platform: #{RUBY_PLATFORM}" }
-      debug { "Rubinius Version: #{Rubinius::VERSION}" } if defined?(Rubinius)
-      debug { "JRuby Version: #{JRUBY_VERSION}" } if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
-      debug { "Rubygems Version: #{Gem::VERSION}" }
-      debug { "Librarian Version: #{VERSION}" }
-      debug { "Librarian Adapter: #{environment.adapter_name}"}
-      debug { "Project: #{environment.project_path}" }
-      debug { "Specfile: #{relative_path_to(environment.specfile_path)}" }
-      debug { "Lockfile: #{relative_path_to(environment.lockfile_path)}" }
-      debug { "Git: #{Source::Git::Repository.bin}" }
-      debug { "Git Version: #{Source::Git::Repository.new(environment, environment.project_path).version(:silent => true)}" }
-      debug { "Git Environment Variables:" }
-      git_env = ENV.to_a.select{|(k, v)| k =~ /\AGIT/}.sort_by{|(k, v)| k}
-      if git_env.empty?
-        debug { "  (empty)" }
-      else
-        git_env.each do |(k, v)|
-          debug { "  #{k}=#{v}"}
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    def debug(*args, &block)
-      environment.logger.debug(*args, &block)
-    end
-    def relative_path_to(path)
-      environment.logger.relative_path_to(path)
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/cli/manifest_presenter.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/cli/manifest_presenter.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 538ace0..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/cli/manifest_presenter.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  class Cli
-    class ManifestPresenter
-      attr_accessor :cli, :manifests
-      private :cli=, :manifests=
-      def initialize(cli, manifests)
-        self.cli = cli or raise ArgumentError, "cli required"
-        self.manifests = manifests or raise ArgumentError, "manifests required"
-        self.manifests_index = Hash[manifests.map{|m| [m.name, m]}]
-        self.scope_level = 0
-      end
-      def present(names = [], options = { })
-        full = options[:detailed]
-        full = !names.empty? if full.nil?
-        if names.empty?
-          names = manifests.map(&:name).sort if names.empty?
-        else
-          missing_names = names.reject{|name| manifest(name)}
-          unless missing_names.empty?
-            raise Error, "not found: #{missing_names.map(&:inspect).join(', ')}"
-          end
-        end
-        names.each do |name|
-          manifest = manifest(name)
-          present_one(manifest, :detailed => full)
-        end
-      end
-      def present_one(manifest, options = { })
-        full = options[:detailed]
-        say "#{manifest.name} (#{manifest.version})" do
-          if full
-            say "source: #{manifest.source}"
-            unless manifest.dependencies.empty?
-              say "dependencies:" do
-                manifest.dependencies.sort_by(&:name).each do |dependency|
-                  say "#{dependency.name} (#{dependency.requirement})"
-                end
-              end
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      private
-      attr_accessor :scope_level, :manifests_index
-      def manifest(name)
-        manifests_index[name]
-      end
-      def say(string)
-        cli.say "  " * scope_level << string
-        if block_given?
-          scope do
-            yield
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      def scope
-        original_scope_level = scope_level
-        self.scope_level = scope_level + 1
-        yield
-      ensure
-        self.scope_level = original_scope_level
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 963cdfd..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/config/database"
-module Librarian
-  module Config
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/database.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/database.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5456c1e..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/database.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-require "pathname"
-require "librarian/config/file_source"
-require "librarian/config/hash_source"
-module Librarian
-  module Config
-    class Database
-      class << self
-        def library
-          name.split("::").first.downcase
-        end
-      end
-      attr_accessor :adapter_name
-      private :adapter_name=
-      attr_accessor :root, :assigned_specfile_name
-      private :root=, :assigned_specfile_name=
-      attr_accessor :underlying_env, :underlying_pwd, :underlying_home
-      private :underlying_env=, :underlying_pwd=, :underlying_home=
-      def initialize(adapter_name, options = { })
-        self.adapter_name = adapter_name or raise ArgumentError, "must provide adapter_name"
-        options[:project_path] || options[:pwd] or raise ArgumentError, "must provide project_path or pwd"
-        self.root = options[:project_path] && Pathname(options[:project_path])
-        self.assigned_specfile_name = options[:specfile_name]
-        self.underlying_env = options[:env] or raise ArgumentError, "must provide env"
-        self.underlying_pwd = options[:pwd] && Pathname(options[:pwd])
-        self.underlying_home = options[:home] && Pathname(options[:home])
-      end
-      def global
-        memo(__method__) { new_file_source(global_config_path) }
-      end
-      def env
-        memo(__method__) { HashSource.new(adapter_name, :name => "environment", :raw => env_source_data) }
-      end
-      def local
-        memo(__method__) { new_file_source(local_config_path) }
-      end
-      def [](key, scope = nil)
-        case scope
-        when "local", :local then local[key]
-        when "env", :env then env[key]
-        when "global", :global then global[key]
-        when nil then local[key] || env[key] || global[key]
-        else raise Error, "bad scope"
-        end
-      end
-      def []=(key, scope, value)
-        case scope
-        when "local", :local then local[key] = value
-        when "global", :global then global[key] = value
-        else raise Error, "bad scope"
-        end
-      end
-      def keys
-        [local, env, global].inject([]){|a, e| a.concat(e.keys) ; a}.sort.uniq
-      end
-      def project_path
-        root || specfile_path.dirname
-      end
-      def specfile_path
-        if root
-          root + (assigned_specfile_name || default_specfile_name)
-        else
-          env_specfile_path || default_specfile_path
-        end
-      end
-      def specfile_name
-        specfile_path.basename.to_s
-      end
-      def lockfile_path
-        project_path + lockfile_name
-      end
-      def lockfile_name
-        "#{specfile_name}.lock"
-      end
-    private
-      def new_file_source(config_path)
-        return unless config_path
-        FileSource.new(adapter_name,
-          :config_path => config_path,
-          :forbidden_keys => [config_key, specfile_key]
-        )
-      end
-      def global_config_path
-        env_global_config_path || default_global_config_path
-      end
-      def env_global_config_path
-        memo(__method__) { env[config_key] }
-      end
-      def default_global_config_path
-        underlying_home && underlying_home + config_name
-      end
-      def local_config_path
-        root_local_config_path || env_local_config_path || default_local_config_path
-      end
-      def root_local_config_path
-        root && root + config_name
-      end
-      def env_specfile_path
-        memo(__method__) do
-          path = env[specfile_key]
-          path && Pathname(path)
-        end
-      end
-      def default_specfile_path
-        default_project_root_path + (assigned_specfile_name || default_specfile_name)
-      end
-      def env_local_config_path
-        return unless env_specfile_path
-        env_specfile_path.dirname + config_name
-      end
-      def default_local_config_path
-        default_project_root_path + config_name
-      end
-      def default_project_root_path
-        if root
-          root
-        else
-          path = underlying_pwd
-          path = path.dirname until project_root_path?(path) || path.dirname == path
-          project_root_path?(path) ? path : underlying_pwd
-        end
-      end
-      def project_root_path?(path)
-        File.file?(path + default_specfile_name)
-      end
-      def config_key
-        "config"
-      end
-      def specfile_key
-        "#{adapter_name}file"
-      end
-      def default_specfile_name
-        "#{adapter_name.capitalize}file"
-      end
-      def library
-        self.class.library
-      end
-      def config_name_prefix
-        ".#{library}"
-      end
-      def config_name
-        File.join(*[config_name_prefix, adapter_name, "config"])
-      end
-      def raw_key_prefix
-        "#{library.upcase}_#{adapter_name.upcase}_"
-      end
-      def env_source_data
-        prefix = raw_key_prefix
-        data = underlying_env.dup
-        data.reject!{|k, _| !k.start_with?(prefix) || k.size <= prefix.size}
-        data
-      end
-      def memo(key)
-        key = "@#{key}"
-        instance_variable_set(key, yield) unless instance_variable_defined?(key)
-        instance_variable_get(key)
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/file_source.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/file_source.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d64435e..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/file_source.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-require "yaml"
-require "librarian/config/source"
-module Librarian
-  module Config
-    class FileSource < Source
-      attr_accessor :config_path
-      private :config_path=
-      def initialize(adapter_name, options = { })
-        super
-        self.config_path = options.delete(:config_path) or raise ArgumentError, "must provide config_path"
-      end
-      def to_s
-        config_path
-      end
-    private
-      def load
-        return { } unless File.file?(config_path)
-        raw = YAML.load_file(config_path)
-        return { } unless Hash === raw
-        translate_raw_to_config(raw)
-      end
-      def save(config)
-        raw = translate_config_to_raw(config)
-        if config.empty?
-          File.delete(config_path) if File.file?(config_path)
-        else
-          config_dir = File.dirname(config_path)
-          FileUtils.mkpath(config_dir) unless File.directory?(config_dir)
-          File.open(config_path, "wb"){|f| YAML.dump(raw, f)}
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/hash_source.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/hash_source.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d264372..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/hash_source.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/source"
-module Librarian
-  module Config
-    class HashSource < Source
-      attr_accessor :name, :raw
-      private :name=, :raw=
-      def initialize(adapter_name, options = { })
-        super
-        self.name = options.delete(:name) or raise ArgumentError, "must provide name"
-        self.raw = options.delete(:raw) or raise ArgumentError, "must provide raw"
-      end
-      def to_s
-        name
-      end
-    private
-      def load
-        translate_raw_to_config(raw)
-      end
-      def save(config)
-        raise Error, "nonsense!"
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/source.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/source.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 97160f8..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/config/source.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/error"
-module Librarian
-  module Config
-    class Source
-        /\A[A-Z0-9_]+\z/
-        /\A[a-z][a-z0-9\-]+(?:\.[a-z0-9\-]+)*\z/
-      class << self
-        def raw_key_suffix_validity_pattern
-        end
-        def config_key_validity_pattern
-        end
-      end
-      attr_accessor :adapter_name
-      private :adapter_name=
-      def initialize(adapter_name, options = { })
-        self.adapter_name = adapter_name
-        self.forbidden_keys = options.delete(:forbidden_keys) || []
-      end
-      def [](key)
-        load!
-        data[key]
-      end
-      def []=(key, value)
-        key_permitted?(key) or raise Error, "key not permitted: #{key.inspect}"
-        value_permitted?(key, value) or raise Error, "value for key #{key.inspect} not permitted: #{value.inspect}"
-        load!
-        if value.nil?
-          data.delete(key)
-        else
-          data[key] = value
-        end
-        save(data)
-      end
-      def keys
-        load!
-        data.keys
-      end
-    private
-      attr_accessor :data, :forbidden_keys
-      def load!
-        self.data = load unless data
-      end
-      def key_permitted?(key)
-        String === key &&
-        config_key_validity_pattern === key &&
-        !forbidden_keys.any?{|k| k === key}
-      end
-      def value_permitted?(key, value)
-        return true if value.nil?
-        String === value
-      end
-      def raw_key_valid?(key)
-        return false unless key.start_with?(raw_key_prefix)
-        suffix = key[raw_key_prefix.size..-1]
-        raw_key_suffix_validity_pattern =~ suffix
-      end
-      def raw_key_suffix_validity_pattern
-        self.class.raw_key_suffix_validity_pattern
-      end
-      def config_key_valid?(key)
-        config_key_validity_pattern === key
-      end
-      def config_key_validity_pattern
-        self.class.config_key_validity_pattern
-      end
-      def raw_key_prefix
-        @key_prefix ||= "LIBRARIAN_#{adapter_name.upcase}_"
-      end
-      def assert_raw_keys_valid!(raw)
-        bad_keys = raw.keys.reject{|k| raw_key_valid?(k)}
-        unless bad_keys.empty?
-          config_path_s = config_path.to_s.inspect
-          bad_keys_s = bad_keys.map(&:inspect).join(", ")
-          raise Error, "config #{to_s} has bad keys: #{bad_keys_s}"
-        end
-      end
-      def assert_config_keys_valid!(config)
-        bad_keys = config.keys.reject{|k| config_key_valid?(k)}
-        unless bad_keys.empty?
-          bad_keys_s = bad_keys.map(&:inspect).join(", ")
-          raise Error, "config has bad keys: #{bad_keys_s}"
-        end
-      end
-      def assert_values_valid!(data)
-        bad_data = data.reject{|k, v| String === v}
-        bad_keys = bad_data.keys
-        unless bad_keys.empty?
-          bad_keys_s = bad_keys.map(&:inspect).join(", ")
-          raise Error, "config has bad values for keys: #{bad_keys_s}"
-        end
-      end
-      def translate_raw_to_config(raw)
-        assert_raw_keys_valid!(raw)
-        assert_values_valid!(raw)
-        Hash[raw.map do |key, value|
-          key = key[raw_key_prefix.size .. -1]
-          key = key.downcase.gsub(/__/, ".").gsub(/_/, "-")
-          [key, value]
-        end]
-      end
-      def translate_config_to_raw(config)
-        assert_config_keys_valid!(config)
-        assert_values_valid!(config)
-        Hash[config.map do |key, value|
-          key = key.gsub(/\./, "__").gsub(/\-/, "_").upcase
-          key = "#{raw_key_prefix}#{key}"
-          [key, value]
-        end]
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dependency.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dependency.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 78cc343..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dependency.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-require 'rubygems'
-module Librarian
-  class Dependency
-    class Requirement
-      def initialize(*args)
-        args = initialize_normalize_args(args)
-        self.backing = Gem::Requirement.create(*args)
-      end
-      def to_gem_requirement
-        backing
-      end
-      def satisfied_by?(version)
-        to_gem_requirement.satisfied_by?(version.to_gem_version)
-      end
-      def ==(other)
-        to_gem_requirement == other.to_gem_requirement
-      end
-      def to_s
-        to_gem_requirement.to_s
-      end
-      protected
-      attr_accessor :backing
-      private
-      def initialize_normalize_args(args)
-        args.map do |arg|
-          arg = arg.backing if self.class === arg
-          arg
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    attr_accessor :name, :requirement, :source
-    private :name=, :requirement=, :source=
-    def initialize(name, requirement, source)
-      assert_name_valid! name
-      self.name = name
-      self.requirement = Requirement.new(requirement)
-      self.source = source
-      @manifests = nil
-    end
-    def manifests
-      @manifests ||= cache_manifests!
-    end
-    def cache_manifests!
-      source.manifests(name)
-    end
-    def satisfied_by?(manifest)
-      manifest.satisfies?(self)
-    end
-    def to_s
-      "#{name} (#{requirement}) <#{source}>"
-    end
-    def ==(other)
-      !other.nil? &&
-      self.class        == other.class        &&
-      self.name         == other.name         &&
-      self.requirement  == other.requirement  &&
-      self.source       == other.source
-    end
-  private
-    def environment
-      source.environment
-    end
-    def assert_name_valid!(name)
-      raise ArgumentError, "name (#{name.inspect}) must be sensible" unless name =~ /\A\S(?:.*\S)?\z/
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b53f264..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/dependency'
-require 'librarian/dsl/receiver'
-require 'librarian/dsl/target'
-module Librarian
-  class Dsl
-    class Error < Exception
-    end
-    attr_accessor :environment
-    private :environment=
-    class << self
-      def run(environment, specfile = nil, precache_sources = [], &block)
-        new(environment).run(specfile, precache_sources, &block)
-      end
-    private
-      def dependency(name)
-        dependency_name = name
-        dependency_type = Dependency
-        singleton_class = class << self; self end
-        singleton_class.instance_eval do
-          define_method(:dependency_name) { dependency_name }
-          define_method(:dependency_type) { dependency_type }
-        end
-      end
-      define_method(:source_types) { [] }
-      def source(options)
-        name = options.keys.first
-        type = options[name]
-        types = source_types
-        types << [name, type]
-        singleton_class = class << self; self end
-        singleton_class.instance_eval do
-          define_method(:source_types) { types }
-        end
-      end
-      define_method(:source_shortcuts) { {} }
-      def shortcut(name, options)
-        instances = source_shortcuts
-        instances[name] = options
-        singleton_class = class << self; self end
-        singleton_class.instance_eval do
-          define_method(:source_shortcuts) { instances }
-        end
-      end
-      def delegate_to_class(*names)
-        names.each do |name|
-          define_method(name) { self.class.send(name) }
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    delegate_to_class :dependency_name, :dependency_type, :source_types, :source_shortcuts
-    def initialize(environment)
-      self.environment = environment
-    end
-    def run(specfile = nil, sources = [])
-      Target.new(self).tap do |target|
-        target.precache_sources(sources)
-        debug_named_source_cache("Pre-Cached Sources", target)
-        receiver = Receiver.new(target)
-        if block_given?
-          receiver.run(&Proc.new)
-        else
-          case specfile
-          when Specfile, String, Proc
-            receiver.run(specfile)
-          else
-            raise ArgumentError, "specfile must be a #{Specfile}, #{String}, or #{Proc} if no block is given (it was #{specfile.inspect})"
-          end
-        end
-        debug_named_source_cache("Post-Cached Sources", target)
-      end.to_spec
-    end
-    def debug_named_source_cache(name, target)
-      source_cache = target.source_cache
-      debug { "#{name}:" }
-      source_cache.each do |key, value|
-        type = key[0]
-        attributes = key[1...key.size]
-        debug { "  #{key.inspect}" }
-      end
-    end
-  private
-    def debug(*args, &block)
-      environment.logger.debug(*args, &block)
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl/receiver.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl/receiver.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 846b955..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl/receiver.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/specfile'
-module Librarian
-  class Dsl
-    class Receiver
-      def initialize(target)
-        singleton_class = class << self; self end
-        singleton_class.class_eval do
-          define_method(target.dependency_name) do |*args, &block|
-            target.dependency(*args, &block)
-          end
-          define_method(:source) do |*args, &block|
-            target.source(*args, &block)
-          end
-          target.source_types.each do |source_type|
-            name = source_type[0]
-            define_method(name) do |*args, &block|
-              target.source(name, *args, &block)
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      def run(specfile = nil)
-        if block_given?
-          instance_eval(&Proc.new)
-        else
-          case specfile
-          when Specfile
-            eval(specfile.path.read, instance_binding, specfile.path.to_s, 1)
-          when String
-            eval(specfile, instance_binding)
-          when Proc
-            instance_eval(&specfile)
-          else
-            raise ArgumentError, "specfile must be a #{Specfile}, #{String}, or #{Proc} if no block is given (it was #{specfile.inspect})"
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      def instance_binding
-        binding
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl/target.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl/target.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f8738e..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/dsl/target.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/spec'
-module Librarian
-  class Dsl
-    class Target
-      class SourceShortcutDefinitionReceiver
-        def initialize(target)
-          singleton_class = class << self; self end
-          singleton_class.class_eval do
-            define_method(:source) do |options|
-              target.source_from_options(options)
-            end
-            target.source_types.each do |source_type|
-              name = source_type[0]
-              define_method(name) do |*args|
-                args.push({}) unless Hash === args.last
-                target.source_from_params(name, *args)
-              end
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      SCOPABLES = [:sources]
-      attr_accessor :dsl
-      private :dsl=
-      attr_reader :dependency_name, :dependency_type
-      attr_reader :source_types, :source_types_map, :source_types_reverse_map, :source_type_names, :source_shortcuts
-      attr_reader :dependencies, :source_cache, *SCOPABLES
-      def initialize(dsl)
-        self.dsl = dsl
-        @dependency_name = dsl.dependency_name
-        @dependency_type = dsl.dependency_type
-        @source_types = dsl.source_types
-        @source_types_map = Hash[source_types]
-        @source_types_reverse_map = Hash[source_types.map{|pair| a, b = pair ; [b, a]}]
-        @source_type_names = source_types.map{|t| t[0]}
-        @source_cache = {}
-        @source_shortcuts = {}
-        @dependencies = []
-        SCOPABLES.each do |scopable|
-          instance_variable_set(:"@#{scopable}", [])
-        end
-        dsl.source_shortcuts.each do |name, param|
-          define_source_shortcut(name, param)
-        end
-      end
-      def to_spec
-        Spec.new(@sources.first, @dependencies)
-      end
-      def dependency(name, *args)
-        options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
-        source = source_from_options(options) || @sources.last
-        unless source
-          raise Error, "#{dependency_name} #{name} is specified without a source!"
-        end
-        dep = dependency_type.new(name, args, source)
-        @dependencies << dep
-      end
-      def source(name, param = nil, options = nil, &block)
-        if !(Hash === name) && [Array, Hash, Proc].any?{|c| c === param} && !options && !block
-          define_source_shortcut(name, param)
-        elsif !(Hash === name) && !param && !options
-          source = source_shortcuts[name]
-          scope_or_directive(block) do
-            @sources = @sources.dup << source
-          end
-        else
-          name, param, options = *normalize_source_options(name, param, options || {})
-          source = source_from_params(name, param, options)
-          scope_or_directive(block) do
-            @sources = @sources.dup << source
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      def precache_sources(sources)
-        sources.each do |source|
-          key = [source_types_reverse_map[source.class], *source.to_spec_args]
-          source_cache[key] = source
-        end
-      end
-      def scope
-        currents = { }
-        SCOPABLES.each do |scopable|
-          currents[scopable] = instance_variable_get(:"@#{scopable}").dup
-        end
-        yield
-      ensure
-        SCOPABLES.reverse.each do |scopable|
-          instance_variable_set(:"@#{scopable}", currents[scopable])
-        end
-      end
-      def scope_or_directive(scoped_block = nil)
-        unless scoped_block
-          yield
-        else
-          scope do
-            yield
-            scoped_block.call
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      def normalize_source_options(name, param, options)
-        if name.is_a?(Hash)
-          extract_source_parts(name)
-        else
-          [name, param, options]
-        end
-      end
-      def extract_source_parts(options)
-        if name = source_type_names.find{|name| options.key?(name)}
-          options = options.dup
-          param = options.delete(name)
-          [name, param, options]
-        else
-          nil
-        end
-      end
-      def source_from_options(options)
-        if options[:source]
-          source_shortcuts[options[:source]]
-        elsif source_parts = extract_source_parts(options)
-          source_from_params(*source_parts)
-        else
-          nil
-        end
-      end
-      def source_from_params(name, param, options)
-        source_cache[[name, param, options]] ||= begin
-          type = source_types_map[name]
-          type.from_spec_args(environment, param, options)
-        end
-      end
-      def source_from_source_shortcut_definition(definition)
-        case definition
-        when Array
-          source_from_params(*definition)
-        when Hash
-          source_from_options(definition)
-        when Proc
-          receiver = SourceShortcutDefinitionReceiver.new(self)
-          receiver.instance_eval(&definition)
-        end
-      end
-      def define_source_shortcut(name, definition)
-        source = source_from_source_shortcut_definition(definition)
-        source_shortcuts[name] = source
-      end
-      def environment
-        dsl.environment
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/environment.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/environment.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 212eacf..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/environment.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-require "pathname"
-require "librarian/support/abstract_method"
-require "librarian/error"
-require "librarian/config"
-require "librarian/lockfile"
-require "librarian/logger"
-require "librarian/specfile"
-require "librarian/resolver"
-require "librarian/dsl"
-require "librarian/source"
-module Librarian
-  class Environment
-    include Support::AbstractMethod
-    attr_accessor :ui
-    abstract_method :specfile_name, :dsl_class, :install_path
-    def initialize(options = { })
-      @pwd = options.fetch(:pwd) { Dir.pwd }
-      @env = options.fetch(:env) { ENV.to_hash }
-      @home = options.fetch(:home) { File.expand_path("~") }
-      @project_path = options[:project_path]
-      @specfile_name = options[:specfile_name]
-    end
-    def logger
-      @logger ||= Logger.new(self)
-    end
-    def config_db
-      @config_db ||= begin
-        Config::Database.new(adapter_name,
-          :pwd => @pwd,
-          :env => @env,
-          :home => @home,
-          :project_path => @project_path,
-          :specfile_name => default_specfile_name
-        )
-      end
-    end
-    def default_specfile_name
-      @default_specfile_name ||= begin
-        capped = adapter_name.capitalize
-        "#{capped}file"
-      end
-    end
-    def project_path
-      config_db.project_path
-    end
-    def specfile_name
-      config_db.specfile_name
-    end
-    def specfile_path
-      config_db.specfile_path
-    end
-    def specfile
-      Specfile.new(self, specfile_path)
-    end
-    def adapter_name
-      nil
-    end
-    def lockfile_name
-      config_db.lockfile_name
-    end
-    def lockfile_path
-      config_db.lockfile_path
-    end
-    def lockfile
-      Lockfile.new(self, lockfile_path)
-    end
-    def ephemeral_lockfile
-      Lockfile.new(self, nil)
-    end
-    def resolver
-      Resolver.new(self)
-    end
-    def cache_path
-      project_path.join("tmp/librarian/cache")
-    end
-    def scratch_path
-      project_path.join("tmp/librarian/scratch")
-    end
-    def project_relative_path_to(path)
-      Pathname.new(path).relative_path_from(project_path)
-    end
-    def spec
-      specfile.read
-    end
-    def lock
-      lockfile.read
-    end
-    def dsl(*args, &block)
-      dsl_class.run(self, *args, &block)
-    end
-    def dsl_class
-      self.class.name.split("::")[0 ... -1].inject(Object, &:const_get)::Dsl
-    end
-    def config_keys
-      %[
-      ]
-    end
-  private
-    def environment
-      self
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/error.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/error.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f32e9f4..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/error.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  class Error < StandardError
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/helpers.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/helpers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f1d4fa..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/helpers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  module Helpers
-    extend self
-    # [active_support/core_ext/string/strip]
-    def strip_heredoc(string)
-      indent = string.scan(/^[ \t]*(?=\S)/).min
-      indent = indent.respond_to?(:size) ? indent.size : 0
-      string.gsub(/^[ \t]{#{indent}}/, '')
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 70fee76..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/lockfile/compiler'
-require 'librarian/lockfile/parser'
-module Librarian
-  class Lockfile
-    attr_accessor :environment
-    private :environment=
-    attr_reader :path
-    def initialize(environment, path)
-      self.environment = environment
-      @path = path
-    end
-    def save(resolution)
-      Compiler.new(environment).compile(resolution)
-    end
-    def load(string)
-      Parser.new(environment).parse(string)
-    end
-    def read
-      load(path.read)
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile/compiler.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile/compiler.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f19fcd9..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile/compiler.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  class Lockfile
-    class Compiler
-      attr_accessor :environment
-      private :environment=
-      def initialize(environment)
-        self.environment = environment
-      end
-      def compile(resolution)
-        out = StringIO.new
-        save_sources(out, resolution.manifests)
-        save_dependencies(out, resolution.dependencies)
-        out.string
-      end
-    private
-      def save_sources(out, manifests)
-        dsl_class.source_types.map{|t| t[1]}.each do |type|
-          type_manifests = manifests.select{|m| type === m.source}
-          sources = type_manifests.map{|m| m.source}.uniq.sort_by{|s| s.to_s}
-          sources.each do |source|
-            source_manifests = type_manifests.select{|m| source == m.source}
-            save_source(out, source, source_manifests)
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      def save_source(out, source, manifests)
-        out.puts "#{source.class.lock_name}"
-        options = source.to_lock_options
-        remote = options.delete(:remote)
-        out.puts "  remote: #{remote}"
-        options.to_a.sort_by{|a| a[0].to_s}.each do |o|
-          out.puts "  #{o[0]}: #{o[1]}"
-        end
-        out.puts "  specs:"
-        manifests.sort_by{|a| a.name}.each do |manifest|
-          out.puts "    #{manifest.name} (#{manifest.version})"
-          manifest.dependencies.sort_by{|a| a.name}.each do |dependency|
-            out.puts "      #{dependency.name} (#{dependency.requirement})"
-          end
-        end
-        out.puts ""
-      end
-      def save_dependencies(out, dependencies)
-        out.puts "DEPENDENCIES"
-        dependencies.sort_by{|a| a.name}.each do |d|
-          res = "#{d.name}"
-          res << " (#{d.requirement})" if d.requirement
-          out.puts "  #{res}"
-        end
-        out.puts ""
-      end
-      def dsl_class
-        environment.dsl_class
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile/parser.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile/parser.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 10c0c7e..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/lockfile/parser.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/manifest'
-require 'librarian/dependency'
-require 'librarian/manifest_set'
-module Librarian
-  class Lockfile
-    class Parser
-      class ManifestPlaceholder
-        attr_reader :source, :name, :version, :dependencies
-        def initialize(source, name, version, dependencies)
-          @source, @name, @version, @dependencies = source, name, version, dependencies
-        end
-      end
-      attr_accessor :environment
-      private :environment=
-      def initialize(environment)
-        self.environment = environment
-      end
-      def parse(string)
-        string = string.dup
-        source_type_names_map = Hash[dsl_class.source_types.map{|t| [t[1].lock_name, t[1]]}]
-        source_type_names = dsl_class.source_types.map{|t| t[1].lock_name}
-        lines = string.split(/(\r|\n|\r\n)+/).select{|l| l =~ /\S/}
-        sources = []
-        while source_type_names.include?(lines.first)
-          source = {}
-          source_type_name = lines.shift
-          source[:type] = source_type_names_map[source_type_name]
-          options = {}
-          while lines.first =~ /^ {2}([\w-]+):\s+(.+)$/
-            lines.shift
-            options[$1.to_sym] = $2
-          end
-          source[:options] = options
-          lines.shift # specs
-          manifests = {}
-          while lines.first =~ /^ {4}([\w-]+) \((.*)\)$/
-            lines.shift
-            name = $1
-            manifests[name] = {:version => $2, :dependencies => {}}
-            while lines.first =~ /^ {6}([\w-]+) \((.*)\)$/
-              lines.shift
-              manifests[name][:dependencies][$1] = $2.split(/,\s*/)
-            end
-          end
-          source[:manifests] = manifests
-          sources << source
-        end
-        manifests = compile(sources)
-        manifests_index = Hash[manifests.map{|m| [m.name, m]}]
-        raise StandardError, "Expected DEPENDENCIES topic!" unless lines.shift == "DEPENDENCIES"
-        dependencies = []
-        while lines.first =~ /^ {2}([\w-]+)(?: \((.*)\))?$/
-          lines.shift
-          name, requirement = $1, $2.split(/,\s*/)
-          dependencies << Dependency.new(name, requirement, manifests_index[name].source)
-        end
-        Resolution.new(dependencies, manifests)
-      end
-    private
-      def compile(sources_ast)
-        manifests = {}
-        sources_ast.each do |source_ast|
-          source_type = source_ast[:type]
-          source = source_type.from_lock_options(environment, source_ast[:options])
-          source_ast[:manifests].each do |manifest_name, manifest_ast|
-            manifests[manifest_name] = ManifestPlaceholder.new(
-              source,
-              manifest_name,
-              manifest_ast[:version],
-              manifest_ast[:dependencies].map{|k, v| Dependency.new(k, v, nil)}
-            )
-          end
-        end
-        manifests = manifests.map do |name, manifest|
-          dependencies = manifest.dependencies.map do |d|
-            Dependency.new(d.name, d.requirement, manifests[d.name].source)
-          end
-          manifest.source.manifest(
-            manifest.name,
-            manifest.version,
-            dependencies
-          )
-        end
-        ManifestSet.sort(manifests)
-      end
-      def dsl_class
-        environment.dsl_class
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/logger.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/logger.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 564247a..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/logger.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  class Logger
-    librarian_path = Pathname(__FILE__)
-    librarian_path = librarian_path.dirname until librarian_path.join("lib").directory?
-    LIBRARIAN_PATH = librarian_path
-    attr_accessor :environment
-    private :environment=
-    def initialize(environment)
-      self.environment = environment
-    end
-    def info(string = nil, &block)
-      return unless ui
-      ui.info(string || yield)
-    end
-    def debug(string = nil, &block)
-      return unless ui
-      if ui.respond_to?(:debug_line_numbers) && ui.debug_line_numbers
-        loc = caller.find{|l| !(l =~ /in `debug'$/)}
-        if loc =~ /^(.+):(\d+):in `(.+)'$/
-          loc = "#{Pathname.new($1).relative_path_from(LIBRARIAN_PATH)}:#{$2}:in `#{$3}'"
-        end
-        ui.debug { "[Librarian] #{string || yield} [#{loc}]" }
-      else
-        ui.debug { "[Librarian] #{string || yield}" }
-      end
-    end
-    def relative_path_to(path)
-      environment.project_relative_path_to(path)
-    end
-    private
-    def ui
-      environment.ui
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/manifest.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/manifest.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a6b2cf4..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/manifest.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-require 'rubygems'
-module Librarian
-  class Manifest
-    class PreReleaseVersion
-      # Compares pre-release component ids using Semver 2.0.0 spec
-      def self.compare_components(this_id,other_id)
-        case # Strings have higher precedence than numbers
-          when (this_id.is_a?(Integer) and other_id.is_a?(String))
-            -1
-          when (this_id.is_a?(String) and other_id.is_a?(Integer))
-            1
-          else
-            this_id <=> other_id
-        end
-      end
-      # Parses pre-release components `a.b.c` into an array ``[a,b,c]`
-      # Converts numeric components into +Integer+
-      def self.parse(prerelease)
-        if prerelease.nil?
-          []
-        else
-          prerelease.split('.').collect do |id|
-            id = Integer(id) if /^[0-9]+$/ =~ id
-            id
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      include Comparable
-      attr_reader :components
-      def initialize(prerelease)
-        @prerelease = prerelease
-        @components = PreReleaseVersion.parse(prerelease)
-      end
-      def to_s
-        @prerelease
-      end
-      def <=>(other)
-        # null-fill zip array to prevent loss of components
-        z = Array.new([components.length,other.components.length])
-        # Compare each component against the other
-        comp = z.zip(components,other.components).collect do |ids|
-          case # All components being equal, the version with more of them takes precedence
-            when ids[1].nil? # Self has less elements, other wins
-              -1
-            when ids[2].nil? # Other has less elements, self wins
-              1
-            else
-              PreReleaseVersion.compare_components(ids[1],ids[2])
-          end
-        end
-        # Chose the first non-zero comparison or return 0
-        comp.delete_if {|c| c == 0}[0] || 0
-      end
-    end
-    class Version
-      @@SEMANTIC_VERSION_PATTERN = /^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?)(?:-([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?(?:\+([0-9A-Za-z-]+(?:\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*))?$/
-      def self.parse_semver(version_string)
-        parsed = @@SEMANTIC_VERSION_PATTERN.match(version_string.strip)
-        if parsed
-          {
-            :full_version => parsed[0],
-            :version => parsed[1],
-            :prerelease => (PreReleaseVersion.new(parsed[2]) if parsed[2]),
-            :build => parsed[3]
-          }
-        end
-      end
-      include Comparable
-      attr_reader :prerelease
-      def initialize(*args)
-        args = initialize_normalize_args(args)
-        semver = Version.parse_semver(*args)
-        if semver
-          self.backing  = Gem::Version.new(semver[:version])
-          @prerelease   = semver[:prerelease]
-          @full_version = semver[:full_version]
-        else
-          self.backing  = Gem::Version.new(*args)
-          @full_version = to_gem_version.to_s
-        end
-      end
-      def to_gem_version
-        backing
-      end
-      def <=>(other)
-        cmp = to_gem_version <=> other.to_gem_version
-        # Should compare pre-release versions?
-        if cmp == 0 and not (prerelease.nil? and other.prerelease.nil?)
-          case # Versions without prerelease take precedence
-            when (prerelease.nil? and not other.prerelease.nil?)
-              1
-            when (not prerelease.nil? and other.prerelease.nil?)
-              -1
-            else
-              prerelease <=> other.prerelease
-          end
-        else
-          cmp
-        end
-      end
-      def to_s
-        @full_version
-      end
-      private
-      def initialize_normalize_args(args)
-        args.map do |arg|
-          arg = [arg] if self.class === arg
-          arg
-        end
-      end
-      attr_accessor :backing
-    end
-    attr_accessor :source, :name, :extra
-    private :source=, :name=, :extra=
-    def initialize(source, name, extra = nil)
-      assert_name_valid! name
-      self.source = source
-      self.name = name
-      self.extra = extra
-    end
-    def to_s
-      "#{name}/#{version} <#{source}>"
-    end
-    def version
-      defined_version || fetched_version
-    end
-    def version=(version)
-      self.defined_version = _normalize_version(version)
-    end
-    def version?
-      return unless defined_version
-      defined_version == fetched_version
-    end
-    def latest
-      @latest ||= source.manifests(name).first
-    end
-    def outdated?
-      latest.version > version
-    end
-    def dependencies
-      defined_dependencies || fetched_dependencies
-    end
-    def dependencies=(dependencies)
-      self.defined_dependencies = _normalize_dependencies(dependencies)
-    end
-    def dependencies?
-      return unless defined_dependencies
-      defined_dependencies.zip(fetched_dependencies).all? do |(a, b)|
-        a.name == b.name && a.requirement == b.requirement
-      end
-    end
-    def satisfies?(dependency)
-      dependency.requirement.satisfied_by?(version)
-    end
-    def install!
-      source.install!(self)
-    end
-  private
-    attr_accessor :defined_version, :defined_dependencies
-    def environment
-      source.environment
-    end
-    def fetched_version
-      @fetched_version ||= _normalize_version(fetch_version!)
-    end
-    def fetched_dependencies
-      @fetched_dependencies ||= _normalize_dependencies(fetch_dependencies!)
-    end
-    def fetch_version!
-      source.fetch_version(name, extra)
-    end
-    def fetch_dependencies!
-      source.fetch_dependencies(name, version, extra)
-    end
-    def _normalize_version(version)
-      Version.new(version)
-    end
-    def _normalize_dependencies(dependencies)
-      if Hash === dependencies
-        dependencies = dependencies.map{|k, v| Dependency.new(k, v, nil)}
-      end
-      dependencies.sort_by(&:name)
-    end
-    def assert_name_valid!(name)
-      raise ArgumentError, "name (#{name.inspect}) must be sensible" unless name =~ /\A\S(?:.*\S)?\z/
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/manifest_set.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/manifest_set.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 82d97de..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/manifest_set.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-require 'set'
-require 'tsort'
-module Librarian
-  class ManifestSet
-    class GraphHash < Hash
-      include TSort
-      alias tsort_each_node each_key
-      def tsort_each_child(node, &block)
-        self[node].each(&block)
-      end
-    end
-    class << self
-      def shallow_strip(manifests, names)
-        new(manifests).shallow_strip!(names).send(method_for(manifests))
-      end
-      def deep_strip(manifests, names)
-        new(manifests).deep_strip!(names).send(method_for(manifests))
-      end
-      def shallow_keep(manifests, names)
-        new(manifests).shallow_keep!(names).send(method_for(manifests))
-      end
-      def deep_keep(manifests, names)
-        new(manifests).deep_keep!(names).send(method_for(manifests))
-      end
-      def sort(manifests)
-        manifests = Hash[manifests.map{|m| [m.name, m]}] if Array === manifests
-        manifest_pairs = GraphHash[manifests.map{|k, m| [k, m.dependencies.map{|d| d.name}]}]
-        manifest_names = manifest_pairs.tsort
-        manifest_names.map{|n| manifests[n]}
-      end
-    private
-      def method_for(manifests)
-        case manifests
-        when Hash
-          :to_hash
-        when Array
-          :to_a
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    def initialize(manifests)
-      self.index = Hash === manifests ? manifests.dup : Hash[manifests.map{|m| [m.name, m]}]
-    end
-    def to_a
-      index.values
-    end
-    def to_hash
-      index.dup
-    end
-    def dup
-      self.class.new(index)
-    end
-    def shallow_strip(names)
-      dup.shallow_strip!(names)
-    end
-    def shallow_strip!(names)
-      assert_strings!(names)
-      names.each do |name|
-        index.delete(name)
-      end
-      self
-    end
-    def deep_strip(names)
-      dup.deep_strip!(names)
-    end
-    def deep_strip!(names)
-      names = Array === names ? names.dup : names.to_a
-      assert_strings!(names)
-      strippables = dependencies_of(names)
-      shallow_strip!(strippables)
-      self
-    end
-    def shallow_keep(names)
-      dup.shallow_keep!(names)
-    end
-    def shallow_keep!(names)
-      assert_strings!(names)
-      names = Set.new(names) unless Set === names
-      index.reject! { |k, v| !names.include?(k) }
-      self
-    end
-    def deep_keep(names)
-      dup.conservative_strip!(names)
-    end
-    def deep_keep!(names)
-      names = Array === names ? names.dup : names.to_a
-      assert_strings!(names)
-      keepables = dependencies_of(names)
-      shallow_keep!(keepables)
-      self
-    end
-    def consistent?
-      index.values.all? do |manifest|
-        in_compliance_with?(manifest.dependencies)
-      end
-    end
-    def in_compliance_with?(dependencies)
-      dependencies.all? do |dependency|
-        manifest = index[dependency.name]
-        manifest && manifest.satisfies?(dependency)
-      end
-    end
-  private
-    attr_accessor :index
-    def assert_strings!(names)
-      non_strings = names.reject{|name| String === name}
-      non_strings.empty? or raise TypeError, "names must all be strings"
-    end
-    # Straightforward breadth-first graph traversal algorithm.
-    def dependencies_of(names)
-      names = Array === names ? names.dup : names.to_a
-      assert_strings!(names)
-      deps = Set.new
-      until names.empty?
-        name = names.shift
-        next if deps.include?(name)
-        deps << name
-        names.concat index[name].dependencies.map(&:name)
-      end
-      deps.to_a
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 91fd5cc..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/mock/extension'
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/cli.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/cli.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a26a881..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/cli.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/cli'
-require 'librarian/mock'
-module Librarian
-  module Mock
-    class Cli < Librarian::Cli
-      module Particularity
-        def root_module
-          Mock
-        end
-      end
-      include Particularity
-      extend Particularity
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/dsl.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/dsl.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5685ccc..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/dsl.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/dsl'
-require 'librarian/mock/source'
-module Librarian
-  module Mock
-    class Dsl < Librarian::Dsl
-      dependency :dep
-      source :src => Source::Mock
-      shortcut :a, :src => 'source-a'
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/environment.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/environment.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7554fbf..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/environment.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/environment"
-require "librarian/mock/dsl"
-module Librarian
-  module Mock
-    class Environment < Environment
-      def adapter_name
-        "mock"
-      end
-      def install_path
-        nil
-      end
-      def registry(options = nil, &block)
-        @registry ||= Source::Mock::Registry.new
-        @registry.merge!(options, &block)
-        @registry
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/extension.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/extension.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fca3993..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/extension.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/mock/environment'
-module Librarian
-  module Mock
-    extend self
-    extend Librarian
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/source.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/source.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6ccfa..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/source.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/mock/source/mock'
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/source/mock.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/source/mock.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f39a032..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/source/mock.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/manifest'
-require 'librarian/mock/source/mock/registry'
-module Librarian
-  module Mock
-    module Source
-      class Mock
-        class << self
-          LOCK_NAME = 'MOCK'
-          def lock_name
-            LOCK_NAME
-          end
-          def from_lock_options(environment, options)
-            new(environment, options[:remote], options.reject{|k, v| k == :remote})
-          end
-          def from_spec_args(environment, name, options)
-            recognized_options = []
-            unrecognized_options = options.keys - recognized_options
-            unrecognized_options.empty? or raise Error, "unrecognized options: #{unrecognized_options.join(", ")}"
-            new(environment, name, options)
-          end
-        end
-        attr_accessor :environment
-        private :environment=
-        attr_reader :name
-        def initialize(environment, name, options)
-          self.environment = environment
-          @name = name
-        end
-        def to_s
-          name
-        end
-        def ==(other)
-          other &&
-          self.class  == other.class &&
-          self.name   == other.name
-        end
-        alias :eql? :==
-        def hash
-          self.to_s.hash
-        end
-        def to_spec_args
-          [name, {}]
-        end
-        def to_lock_options
-          {:remote => name}
-        end
-        def registry
-          environment.registry[name]
-        end
-        def manifest(name, version, dependencies)
-          manifest = Manifest.new(self, name)
-          manifest.version = version
-          manifest.dependencies = dependencies
-          manifest
-        end
-        def manifests(name)
-          if d = registry[name]
-            d.map{|v| manifest(name, v[:version], v[:dependencies])}
-          else
-            nil
-          end
-        end
-        def install!(manifest)
-        end
-        def to_s
-          name
-        end
-        def fetch_version(name, extra)
-          extra
-        end
-        def fetch_dependencies(name, version, extra)
-          d = registry[name]
-          m = d.find{|v| v[:version] == version.to_s}
-          m[:dependencies]
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/source/mock/registry.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/source/mock/registry.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bbd75b9..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/mock/source/mock/registry.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  module Mock
-    module Source
-      class Mock
-        class Registry
-          module Dsl
-            class Top
-              def initialize(sources)
-                @sources = sources
-              end
-              def source(name, &block)
-                @sources[name] ||= {}
-                Source.new(@sources[name]).instance_eval(&block) if block
-              end
-            end
-            class Source
-              def initialize(source)
-                @source = source
-              end
-              def spec(name, version = nil, &block)
-                @source[name] ||= []
-                unless version
-                  Spec.new(@source[name]).instance_eval(&block) if block
-                else
-                  Spec.new(@source[name]).version(version, &block)
-                end
-                @source[name] = @source[name].sort_by{|a| Manifest::Version.new(a[:version])}.reverse
-              end
-            end
-            class Spec
-              def initialize(spec)
-                @spec = spec
-              end
-              def version(name, &block)
-                @spec << { :version => name, :dependencies => {} }
-                Version.new(@spec.last[:dependencies]).instance_eval(&block) if block
-              end
-            end
-            class Version
-              def initialize(version)
-                @version = version
-              end
-              def dependency(name, *requirement)
-                @version[name] = requirement
-              end
-            end
-            class << self
-              def run!(sources, &block)
-                Top.new(sources).instance_eval(&block) if block
-              end
-            end
-          end
-          def initialize
-            clear!
-          end
-          def clear!
-            self.sources = { }
-          end
-          def merge!(options = nil, &block)
-            clear! if options && options[:clear]
-            Dsl.run!(sources, &block) if block
-          end
-          def [](name)
-            sources[name] ||= {}
-          end
-        private
-          attr_accessor :sources
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/resolution.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/resolution.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b00ec05..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/resolution.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  #
-  # Represents the output of the resolution process. Captures the declared
-  # dependencies plus the full set of resolved manifests. The sources are
-  # already known by the dependencies and by the resolved manifests, so they do
-  # not need to be captured explicitly.
-  #
-  # This representation may be produced by the resolver, may be serialized into
-  # a lockfile, and may be deserialized from a lockfile. It is expected that the
-  # lockfile is a direct representation in text of this representation, so that
-  # the serialization-deserialization process is just the identity function.
-  #
-  class Resolution
-    attr_reader :dependencies, :manifests, :manifests_index
-    def initialize(dependencies, manifests)
-      @dependencies, @manifests = dependencies, manifests
-      @manifests_index = build_manifests_index(manifests)
-    end
-    def correct?
-      manifests && manifests_consistent_with_dependencies? && manifests_internally_consistent?
-    end
-    def sources
-      manifests.map{|m| m.source}.uniq
-    end
-  private
-    def build_manifests_index(manifests)
-      Hash[manifests.map{|m| [m.name, m]}] if manifests
-    end
-    def manifests_consistent_with_dependencies?
-      ManifestSet.new(manifests).in_compliance_with?(dependencies)
-    end
-    def manifests_internally_consistent?
-      ManifestSet.new(manifests).consistent?
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/resolver.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/resolver.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4684517..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/resolver.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/resolver/implementation'
-require 'librarian/manifest_set'
-require 'librarian/resolution'
-module Librarian
-  class Resolver
-    attr_accessor :environment
-    private :environment=
-    def initialize(environment)
-      self.environment = environment
-    end
-    def resolve(spec, partial_manifests = [])
-      implementation = Implementation.new(self, spec)
-      partial_manifests_index = Hash[partial_manifests.map{|m| [m.name, m]}]
-      manifests = implementation.resolve(spec.dependencies, partial_manifests_index)
-      enforce_consistency!(spec.dependencies, manifests) if manifests
-      manifests = sort(manifests) if manifests
-      Resolution.new(spec.dependencies, manifests)
-    end
-    def enforce_consistency!(dependencies, manifests)
-      return if dependencies.all?{|d|
-        m = manifests[d.name]
-        m && d.satisfied_by?(m)
-      } && ManifestSet.new(manifests).consistent?
-      debug { "Resolver Malfunctioned!" }
-      errors = []
-      dependencies.sort_by(&:name).each do |d|
-        m = manifests[d.name]
-        if !m
-          errors << ["Depends on #{d}", "Missing!"]
-        elsif !d.satisfied_by?(m)
-          errors << ["Depends on #{d}", "Found: #{m}"]
-        end
-      end
-      unless errors.empty?
-        errors.each do |a, b|
-          debug { "  #{a}" }
-          debug { "    #{b}" }
-        end
-      end
-      manifests.values.sort_by(&:name).each do |manifest|
-        errors = []
-        manifest.dependencies.sort_by(&:name).each do |d|
-          m = manifests[d.name]
-          if !m
-            errors << ["Depends on: #{d}", "Missing!"]
-          elsif !d.satisfied_by?(m)
-            errors << ["Depends on: #{d}", "Found: #{m}"]
-          end
-        end
-        unless errors.empty?
-          debug { "  #{manifest}" }
-          errors.each do |a, b|
-            debug { "    #{a}" }
-            debug { "      #{b}" }
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      raise Error, "Resolver Malfunctioned!"
-    end
-    def sort(manifests)
-      ManifestSet.sort(manifests)
-    end
-  private
-    def debug(*args, &block)
-      environment.logger.debug(*args, &block)
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/resolver/implementation.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/resolver/implementation.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e78b8a2..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/resolver/implementation.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/dependency'
-module Librarian
-  class Resolver
-    class Implementation
-      attr_reader :resolver, :source, :dependency_source_map
-      def initialize(resolver, spec)
-        @resolver = resolver
-        @source = spec.source
-        @dependency_source_map = Hash[spec.dependencies.map{|d| [d.name, d.source]}]
-        @level = 0
-      end
-      def resolve(dependencies, manifests = {})
-        dependencies += manifests.values.map { |m|
-          m.dependencies.map { |d| sourced_dependency_for(d) }
-        }.flatten(1)
-        resolution = recursive_resolve([], manifests, dependencies)
-        resolution ? resolution[1] : nil
-      end
-      def sourced_dependency_for(dependency)
-        return dependency if dependency.source
-        s = dependency_source_map[dependency.name] || source
-        Dependency.new(dependency.name, dependency.requirement, s)
-      end
-      def recursive_resolve(dependencies, manifests, queue)
-        if dependencies.empty?
-          queue.each do |dependency|
-            debug { "Scheduling #{dependency}" }
-          end
-        end
-        failure = false
-        until failure || queue.empty?
-          dependency = queue.shift
-          dependencies << dependency
-          debug { "Resolving #{dependency}" }
-          scope do
-            if manifests.key?(dependency.name)
-              unless dependency.satisfied_by?(manifests[dependency.name])
-                debug { "Conflicts with #{manifests[dependency.name]}" }
-                failure = true
-              else
-                debug { "Accords with all prior constraints" }
-                # nothing left to do
-              end
-            else
-              debug { "No known prior constraints" }
-              resolution = nil
-              related_dependencies = dependencies.select{|d| d.name == dependency.name}
-              unless dependency.manifests && dependency.manifests.first
-                debug { "No known manifests" }
-              else
-                debug { "Checking manifests" }
-                scope do
-                  dependency.manifests.each do |manifest|
-                    break if resolution
-                    debug { "Checking #{manifest}" }
-                    scope do
-                      if related_dependencies.all?{|d| d.satisfied_by?(manifest)}
-                        m = manifests.merge(dependency.name => manifest)
-                        a = manifest.dependencies.map { |d| sourced_dependency_for(d) }
-                        a.each do |d|
-                          debug { "Scheduling #{d}" }
-                        end
-                        q = queue + a
-                        resolution = recursive_resolve(dependencies.dup, m, q)
-                      end
-                      if resolution
-                        debug { "Resolved #{dependency} at #{manifest}" }
-                      else
-                        debug { "Backtracking from #{manifest}" }
-                      end
-                    end
-                  end
-                end
-                if resolution
-                  debug { "Resolved #{dependency}" }
-                else
-                  debug { "Failed to resolve #{dependency}" }
-                end
-              end
-              unless resolution
-                failure = true
-              else
-                dependencies, manifests, queue = *resolution
-              end
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        failure ? nil : [dependencies, manifests, queue]
-      end
-    private
-      def scope
-        @level += 1
-        yield
-      ensure
-        @level -= 1
-      end
-      def debug
-        environment.logger.debug { '  ' * @level + yield }
-      end
-      def environment
-        resolver.environment
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 03ddb4a..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/source/git'
-require 'librarian/source/path'
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/git.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/git.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 93ef2e1..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/git.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-require 'fileutils'
-require 'pathname'
-require 'digest'
-require 'librarian/source/git/repository'
-require 'librarian/source/local'
-module Librarian
-  module Source
-    class Git
-      include Local
-      class << self
-        LOCK_NAME = 'GIT'
-        def lock_name
-          LOCK_NAME
-        end
-        def from_lock_options(environment, options)
-          new(environment, options[:remote], options.reject{|k, v| k == :remote})
-        end
-        def from_spec_args(environment, uri, options)
-          recognized_options = [:ref, :path]
-          unrecognized_options = options.keys - recognized_options
-          unrecognized_options.empty? or raise Error, "unrecognized options: #{unrecognized_options.join(", ")}"
-          new(environment, uri, options)
-        end
-      end
-      DEFAULTS = {
-        :ref => 'master'
-      }
-      attr_accessor :environment
-      private :environment=
-      attr_accessor :uri, :ref, :sha, :path
-      private :uri=, :ref=, :sha=, :path=
-      def initialize(environment, uri, options)
-        self.environment = environment
-        self.uri = uri
-        self.ref = options[:ref] || DEFAULTS[:ref]
-        self.sha = options[:sha]
-        self.path = options[:path]
-        @repository = nil
-        @repository_cache_path = nil
-      end
-      def to_s
-        path ? "#{uri}##{ref}(#{path})" : "#{uri}##{ref}"
-      end
-      def ==(other)
-        other &&
-        self.class  == other.class  &&
-        self.uri    == other.uri    &&
-        self.ref    == other.ref    &&
-        self.path   == other.path   &&
-        (self.sha.nil? || other.sha.nil? || self.sha == other.sha)
-      end
-      alias :eql? :==
-      def hash
-        self.to_s.hash
-      end
-      def to_spec_args
-        options = {}
-        options.merge!(:ref => ref) if ref != DEFAULTS[:ref]
-        options.merge!(:path => path) if path
-        [uri, options]
-      end
-      def to_lock_options
-        options = {:remote => uri, :ref => ref, :sha => sha}
-        options.merge!(:path => path) if path
-        options
-      end
-      def pinned?
-        !!sha
-      end
-      def unpin!
-        @sha = nil
-      end
-      def cache!
-        repository_cached? and return or repository_cached!
-        unless repository.git?
-          repository.path.rmtree if repository.path.exist?
-          repository.path.mkpath
-          repository.clone!(uri)
-        end
-        repository.reset_hard!
-        repository.clean!
-        unless repository.checked_out?(sha)
-          remote = repository.default_remote
-          repository.fetch!(remote)
-          repository.fetch!(remote, :tags => true)
-          self.sha = repository.hash_from(remote, ref) unless sha
-          repository.checkout!(sha) unless repository.checked_out?(sha)
-          raise Error, "failed to checkout #{sha}" unless repository.checked_out?(sha)
-        end
-      end
-    private
-      attr_accessor :repository_cached
-      alias repository_cached? repository_cached
-      def repository_cached!
-        self.repository_cached = true
-      end
-      def repository_cache_path
-        @repository_cache_path ||= begin
-          environment.cache_path.join("source/git/#{cache_key}")
-        end
-      end
-      def repository
-        @repository ||= begin
-          Repository.new(environment, repository_cache_path)
-        end
-      end
-      def filesystem_path
-        @filesystem_path ||= path ? repository.path.join(path) : repository.path
-      end
-      def cache_key
-        @cache_key ||= begin
-          uri_part = uri
-          path_part = "/#{path}" if path
-          ref_part = "##{ref}"
-          key_source = [uri_part, path_part, ref_part].join
-          Digest::MD5.hexdigest(key_source)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/git/repository.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/git/repository.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 42cf67c..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/git/repository.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-require 'open3'
-module Librarian
-  module Source
-    class Git
-      class Repository
-        class << self
-          def clone!(environment, path, repository_url)
-            path = Pathname.new(path)
-            path.mkpath
-            git = new(environment, path)
-            git.clone!(repository_url)
-            git
-          end
-          def bin
-            @bin ||= which("git") or raise Error, "cannot find git"
-          end
-          private
-          # Cross-platform way of finding an executable in the $PATH.
-          #
-          #   which('ruby') #=> /usr/bin/ruby
-          #
-          # From:
-          #   https://github.com/defunkt/hub/commit/353031307e704d860826fc756ff0070be5e1b430#L2R173
-          def which(cmd)
-            exts = ENV['PATHEXT'] ? ENV['PATHEXT'].split(';') : ['']
-            ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path|
-              path = File.expand_path(path)
-              exts.each do |ext|
-                exe = File.join(path, cmd + ext)
-                return exe if File.file?(exe) && File.executable?(exe)
-              end
-            end
-            nil
-          end
-        end
-        attr_accessor :environment, :path
-        private :environment=, :path=
-        def initialize(environment, path)
-          self.environment = environment
-          self.path = Pathname.new(path)
-        end
-        def git?
-          path.join('.git').exist?
-        end
-        def default_remote
-          "origin"
-        end
-        def version(options = { })
-          version!(options).strip
-        end
-        def version!(options = { })
-          silent = options.delete(:silent)
-          command = %w(--version)
-          run!(command, :silent => silent)
-        end
-        def clone!(repository_url)
-          command = %W(clone #{repository_url} . --quiet)
-          run!(command, :chdir => true)
-        end
-        def checkout!(reference, options ={ })
-          command = %W(checkout #{reference} --quiet)
-          command <<  "--force" if options[:force]
-          run!(command, :chdir => true)
-        end
-        def fetch!(remote, options = { })
-          command = %W(fetch #{remote} --quiet)
-          command << "--tags" if options[:tags]
-          run!(command, :chdir => true)
-        end
-        def reset_hard!
-          command = %W(reset --hard --quiet)
-          run!(command, :chdir => true)
-        end
-        def clean!
-          command = %w(clean -x -d --force --force)
-          run!(command, :chdir => true)
-        end
-        def checked_out?(sha)
-          current_commit_hash == sha
-        end
-        def remote_names
-          command = %W(remote)
-          run!(command, :chdir => true).strip.lines.map(&:strip)
-        end
-        def remote_branch_names
-          remotes = remote_names.sort_by(&:length).reverse
-          command = %W(branch -r)
-          names = run!(command, :chdir => true).strip.lines.map(&:strip).to_a
-          names.each{|n| n.gsub!(/\s*->.*$/, "")}
-          names.reject!{|n| n =~ /\/HEAD$/}
-          Hash[remotes.map do |r|
-            matching_names = names.select{|n| n.start_with?("#{r}/")}
-            matching_names.each{|n| names.delete(n)}
-            matching_names.each{|n| n.slice!(0, r.size + 1)}
-            [r, matching_names]
-          end]
-        end
-        def hash_from(remote, reference)
-          branch_names = remote_branch_names[remote]
-          if branch_names.include?(reference)
-            reference = "#{remote}/#{reference}"
-          end
-          command = %W(rev-list #{reference} -1)
-          run!(command, :chdir => true).strip
-        end
-        def current_commit_hash
-          command = %W(rev-parse HEAD --quiet)
-          run!(command, :chdir => true).strip!
-        end
-      private
-        def bin
-          self.class.bin
-        end
-        def run!(args, options = { })
-          chdir = options.delete(:chdir)
-          chdir = path.to_s if chdir == true
-          silent = options.delete(:silent)
-          command = [bin]
-          command.concat(args)
-          maybe_within(chdir) do
-            logging_command(command, :silent => silent) do
-              run_command_internal(command)
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        def maybe_within(path)
-          if path
-            Dir.chdir(path) { with_env_var("GIT_DIR", nil) { yield } }
-          else
-            yield
-          end
-        end
-        def with_env_var(name, value)
-          original_value = ENV[name]
-          begin
-            ENV[name] = value
-            yield
-          ensure
-            ENV[name] = original_value
-          end
-        end
-        def logging_command(command, options)
-          silent = options.delete(:silent)
-          pwd = Dir.pwd
-          unless silent
-            debug { "Running `#{command.join(' ')}` in #{relative_path_to(pwd)}" }
-          end
-          out = yield
-          unless silent
-            if out.size > 0
-              out.lines.each do |line|
-                debug { "    --> #{line}" }
-              end
-            else
-              debug { "    --- No output" }
-            end
-          end
-          out
-        end
-        def run_command_internal(command)
-          Open3.popen3(*command) do |i, o, e, t|
-            raise StandardError, e.read unless (t ? t.value : $?).success?
-            o.read
-          end
-        end
-        def debug(*args, &block)
-          environment.logger.debug(*args, &block)
-        end
-        def relative_path_to(path)
-          environment.logger.relative_path_to(path)
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/local.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/local.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fce92a..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/local.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/support/abstract_method'
-module Librarian
-  module Source
-    # Requires that the including source class have methods:
-    #   #path
-    #   #environment
-    module Local
-      include Support::AbstractMethod
-      abstract_method :path, :fetch_version, :fetch_dependencies
-      def manifests(name)
-        manifest = Manifest.new(self, name)
-        [manifest].compact
-      end
-      def manifest(name, version, dependencies)
-        manifest = Manifest.new(self, name)
-        manifest.version = version
-        manifest.dependencies = dependencies
-        manifest
-      end
-      def manifest_search_paths(name)
-        @manifest_search_paths ||= { }
-        @manifest_search_paths[name] ||= begin
-          cache!
-          paths = [filesystem_path, filesystem_path.join(name)]
-          paths.select{|s| s.exist?}
-        end
-      end
-      def found_path(name)
-        @_found_paths ||= { }
-        @_found_paths[name] ||= begin
-          paths = manifest_search_paths(name)
-          paths.find{|p| manifest?(name, p)}
-        end
-      end
-    private
-      abstract_method :manifest? # (name, path) -> boolean
-      def info(*args, &block)
-        environment.logger.info(*args, &block)
-      end
-      def debug(*args, &block)
-        environment.logger.debug(*args, &block)
-      end
-      def relative_path_to(path)
-        environment.logger.relative_path_to(path)
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/path.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/path.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ed60129..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/source/path.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/source/local'
-module Librarian
-  module Source
-    class Path
-      include Local
-      class << self
-        LOCK_NAME = 'PATH'
-        def lock_name
-          LOCK_NAME
-        end
-        def from_lock_options(environment, options)
-          new(environment, options[:remote], options.reject{|k, v| k == :remote})
-        end
-        def from_spec_args(environment, path, options)
-          recognized_options = []
-          unrecognized_options = options.keys - recognized_options
-          unrecognized_options.empty? or raise Error, "unrecognized options: #{unrecognized_options.join(", ")}"
-          new(environment, path, options)
-        end
-      end
-      attr_accessor :environment
-      private :environment=
-      attr_reader :path
-      def initialize(environment, path, options)
-        self.environment = environment
-        @path = path
-      end
-      def to_s
-        path.to_s
-      end
-      def ==(other)
-        other &&
-        self.class  == other.class &&
-        self.path   == other.path
-      end
-      alias :eql? :==
-      def hash
-        self.to_s.hash
-      end
-      def to_spec_args
-        [path.to_s, {}]
-      end
-      def to_lock_options
-        {:remote => path}
-      end
-      def pinned?
-        false
-      end
-      def unpin!
-      end
-      def cache!
-      end
-      def filesystem_path
-        @filesystem_path ||= Pathname.new(path).expand_path(environment.project_path)
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3225e07..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  class Spec
-    attr_accessor :source, :dependencies
-    private :source=, :dependencies=
-    def initialize(source, dependencies)
-      self.source = source
-      self.dependencies = dependencies
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/spec_change_set.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/spec_change_set.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f3cbdc..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/spec_change_set.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/helpers'
-require 'librarian/manifest_set'
-require 'librarian/resolution'
-require 'librarian/spec'
-module Librarian
-  class SpecChangeSet
-    attr_accessor :environment
-    private :environment=
-    attr_reader :spec, :lock
-    def initialize(environment, spec, lock)
-      self.environment = environment
-      raise TypeError, "can't convert #{spec.class} into #{Spec}" unless Spec === spec
-      raise TypeError, "can't convert #{lock.class} into #{Resolution}" unless Resolution === lock
-      @spec, @lock = spec, lock
-    end
-    def same?
-      @same ||= spec.dependencies.sort_by{|d| d.name} == lock.dependencies.sort_by{|d| d.name}
-    end
-    def changed?
-      !same?
-    end
-    def spec_dependencies
-      @spec_dependencies ||= spec.dependencies
-    end
-    def spec_dependency_names
-      @spec_dependency_names ||= Set.new(spec_dependencies.map{|d| d.name})
-    end
-    def spec_dependency_index
-      @spec_dependency_index ||= Hash[spec_dependencies.map{|d| [d.name, d]}]
-    end
-    def lock_dependencies
-      @lock_dependencies ||= lock.dependencies
-    end
-    def lock_dependency_names
-      @lock_dependency_names ||= Set.new(lock_dependencies.map{|d| d.name})
-    end
-    def lock_dependency_index
-      @lock_dependency_index ||= Hash[lock_dependencies.map{|d| [d.name, d]}]
-    end
-    def lock_manifests
-      @lock_manifests ||= lock.manifests
-    end
-    def lock_manifests_index
-      @lock_manifests_index ||= ManifestSet.new(lock_manifests).to_hash
-    end
-    def removed_dependency_names
-      @removed_dependency_names ||= lock_dependency_names - spec_dependency_names
-    end
-    # A dependency which is deleted from the specfile will, in the general case,
-    #   be removed conservatively. This means it might not actually be removed.
-    #   But if the dependency originally declared a source which is now non-
-    #   default, it must be removed, even if another dependency has a transitive
-    #   dependency on the one that was removed (which is the scenario in which
-    #   a conservative removal would not remove it). In this case, we must also
-    #   remove it explicitly so that it can be re-resolved from the default
-    #   source.
-    def explicit_removed_dependency_names
-      @explicit_removed_dependency_names ||= removed_dependency_names.reject do |name|
-        lock_manifest = lock_manifests_index[name]
-        lock_manifest.source == spec.source
-      end.to_set
-    end
-    def added_dependency_names
-      @added_dependency_names ||= spec_dependency_names - lock_dependency_names
-    end
-    def nonmatching_added_dependency_names
-      @nonmatching_added_dependency_names ||= added_dependency_names.reject do |name|
-        spec_dependency = spec_dependency_index[name]
-        lock_manifest = lock_manifests_index[name]
-        if lock_manifest
-          matching = true
-          matching &&= spec_dependency.satisfied_by?(lock_manifest)
-          matching &&= spec_dependency.source == lock_manifest.source
-          matching
-        else
-          false
-        end
-      end.to_set
-    end
-    def common_dependency_names
-      @common_dependency_names ||= lock_dependency_names & spec_dependency_names
-    end
-    def changed_dependency_names
-      @changed_dependency_names ||= common_dependency_names.reject do |name|
-        spec_dependency = spec_dependency_index[name]
-        lock_dependency = lock_dependency_index[name]
-        lock_manifest = lock_manifests_index[name]
-        same = true
-        same &&= spec_dependency.satisfied_by?(lock_manifest)
-        same &&= spec_dependency.source == lock_dependency.source
-        same
-      end.to_set
-    end
-    def deep_keep_manifest_names
-      @deep_keep_manifest_names ||= begin
-        lock_dependency_names - (
-          removed_dependency_names +
-          changed_dependency_names +
-          nonmatching_added_dependency_names
-        )
-      end
-    end
-    def shallow_strip_manifest_names
-      @shallow_strip_manifest_names ||= begin
-        explicit_removed_dependency_names + changed_dependency_names
-      end
-    end
-    def inspect
-      Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-INSPECT)
-        <##{self.class.name}:
-          Removed: #{removed_dependency_names.to_a.join(", ")}
-          ExplicitRemoved: #{explicit_removed_dependency_names.to_a.join(", ")}
-          Added: #{added_dependency_names.to_a.join(", ")}
-          NonMatchingAdded: #{nonmatching_added_dependency_names.to_a.join(", ")}
-          Changed: #{changed_dependency_names.to_a.join(", ")}
-          DeepKeep: #{deep_keep_manifest_names.to_a.join(", ")}
-          ShallowStrip: #{shallow_strip_manifest_names.to_a.join(", ")}
-        >
-      INSPECT
-    end
-    # Returns an array of those manifests from the previous spec which should be kept,
-    #   based on inspecting the new spec against the locked resolution from the previous spec.
-    def analyze
-      @analyze ||= begin
-        debug { "Analyzing spec and lock:" }
-        if same?
-          debug { "  Same!" }
-          return lock.manifests
-        end
-        debug { "  Removed:" } ; removed_dependency_names.each { |name| debug { "    #{name}" } }
-        debug { "  ExplicitRemoved:" } ; explicit_removed_dependency_names.each { |name| debug { "    #{name}" } }
-        debug { "  Added:" } ; added_dependency_names.each { |name| debug { "    #{name}" } }
-        debug { "  NonMatchingAdded:" } ; nonmatching_added_dependency_names.each { |name| debug { "    #{name}" } }
-        debug { "  Changed:" } ; changed_dependency_names.each { |name| debug { "    #{name}" } }
-        debug { "  DeepKeep:" } ; deep_keep_manifest_names.each { |name| debug { "    #{name}" } }
-        debug { "  ShallowStrip:" } ; shallow_strip_manifest_names.each { |name| debug { "    #{name}" } }
-        manifests = ManifestSet.new(lock_manifests)
-        manifests.deep_keep!(deep_keep_manifest_names)
-        manifests.shallow_strip!(shallow_strip_manifest_names)
-        manifests.to_a
-      end
-    end
-  private
-    def debug(*args, &block)
-      environment.logger.debug(*args, &block)
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/specfile.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/specfile.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8172aac..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/specfile.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  class Specfile
-    attr_accessor :environment
-    private :environment=
-    attr_reader :path, :dependencies, :source
-    def initialize(environment, path)
-      self.environment = environment
-      @path = path
-    end
-    def read(precache_sources = [])
-      environment.dsl(path.read, precache_sources)
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/support/abstract_method.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/support/abstract_method.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a4019ac..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/support/abstract_method.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  module Support
-    module AbstractMethod
-      class << self
-        def included(base)
-          base.extend ClassMethods
-        end
-      end
-      module ClassMethods
-        def abstract_method(*names)
-          names.reject{|name| respond_to?(name)}.each do |name, *args|
-            define_method(name) { raise Exception, "Method #{self.class.name}##{name} is abstract!" }
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/ui.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/ui.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bd64455..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/ui.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-require 'rubygems/user_interaction'
-module Librarian
-  class UI
-    def warn(message = nil)
-    end
-    def debug(message = nil)
-    end
-    def error(message = nil)
-    end
-    def info(message = nil)
-    end
-    def confirm(message = nil)
-    end
-    class Shell < UI
-      attr_writer :shell
-      attr_reader :debug_line_numbers
-      def initialize(shell)
-        @shell = shell
-        @quiet = false
-        @debug = ENV['DEBUG']
-        @debug_line_numbers = false
-      end
-      def debug(message = nil)
-        @shell.say(message || yield) if @debug && !@quiet
-      end
-      def info(message = nil)
-        @shell.say(message || yield) if !@quiet
-      end
-      def confirm(message = nil)
-        @shell.say(message || yield, :green) if !@quiet
-      end
-      def warn(message = nil)
-        @shell.say(message || yield, :yellow)
-      end
-      def error(message = nil)
-        @shell.say(message || yield, :red)
-      end
-      def be_quiet!
-        @quiet = true
-      end
-      def debug!
-        @debug = true
-      end
-      def debug_line_numbers!
-        @debug_line_numbers = true
-      end
-    end
-  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/version.rb b/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/version.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index bd2daa4..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/lib/librarian/version.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-module Librarian
-  VERSION = "0.0.24"
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/librarian.gemspec b/vendor/librarian/librarian.gemspec
deleted file mode 100644
index f1d7984..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/librarian.gemspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
-$:.push File.expand_path("../lib", __FILE__)
-require "librarian/version"
-Gem::Specification.new do |s|
-  s.name        = "librarian"
-  s.version     = Librarian::VERSION
-  s.platform    = Gem::Platform::RUBY
-  s.authors     = ["Jay Feldblum"]
-  s.email       = ["y_feldblum at yahoo.com"]
-  s.homepage    = ""
-  s.summary     = %q{Librarian}
-  s.description = %q{Librarian}
-  s.rubyforge_project = "librarian"
-  s.files         = `git ls-files`.split("\n")
-  s.test_files    = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n")
-  s.executables   = `git ls-files -- bin/*`.split("\n").map{ |f| File.basename(f) }
-  s.require_paths = ["lib"]
-  s.add_dependency "thor", "~> 0.15"
-  s.add_development_dependency "rake"
-  s.add_development_dependency "rspec"
-  s.add_development_dependency "cucumber"
-  s.add_development_dependency "aruba"
-  s.add_development_dependency "webmock"
-  s.add_development_dependency "fakefs"
-  s.add_dependency "chef", ">= 0.10"
-  s.add_dependency "highline"
-  s.add_dependency "archive-tar-minitar", ">= 0.5.2"
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/functional/chef/source/git_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/functional/chef/source/git_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index faa0d23..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/functional/chef/source/git_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-require 'pathname'
-require 'securerandom'
-require 'librarian'
-require 'librarian/helpers'
-require 'librarian/error'
-require 'librarian/action/resolve'
-require 'librarian/action/install'
-require 'librarian/action/update'
-require 'librarian/chef'
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    module Source
-      describe Git do
-        let(:project_path) do
-          project_path = Pathname.new(__FILE__).expand_path
-          project_path = project_path.dirname until project_path.join("Rakefile").exist?
-          project_path
-        end
-        let(:tmp_path) { project_path.join("tmp/spec/chef/git-source") }
-        let(:cookbooks_path) { tmp_path.join("cookbooks") }
-        # depends on repo_path being defined in each context
-        let(:env) { Environment.new(:project_path => repo_path) }
-        context "a single dependency with a git source" do
-          let(:sample_path) { tmp_path.join("sample") }
-          let(:sample_metadata) do
-            Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-METADATA)
-              version "0.6.5"
-            METADATA
-          end
-          let(:first_sample_path) { cookbooks_path.join("first-sample") }
-          let(:first_sample_metadata) do
-            Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-METADATA)
-              version "3.2.1"
-            METADATA
-          end
-          let(:second_sample_path) { cookbooks_path.join("second-sample") }
-          let(:second_sample_metadata) do
-            Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-METADATA)
-              version "4.3.2"
-            METADATA
-          end
-          before :all do
-            sample_path.rmtree if sample_path.exist?
-            sample_path.mkpath
-            sample_path.join("metadata.rb").open("wb") { |f| f.write(sample_metadata) }
-            Dir.chdir(sample_path) do
-              `git init`
-              `git add metadata.rb`
-              `git commit -m "Initial commit."`
-            end
-            cookbooks_path.rmtree if cookbooks_path.exist?
-            cookbooks_path.mkpath
-            first_sample_path.mkpath
-            first_sample_path.join("metadata.rb").open("wb") { |f| f.write(first_sample_metadata) }
-            second_sample_path.mkpath
-            second_sample_path.join("metadata.rb").open("wb") { |f| f.write(second_sample_metadata) }
-            Dir.chdir(cookbooks_path) do
-              `git init`
-              `git add .`
-              `git commit -m "Initial commit."`
-            end
-          end
-          context "resolving" do
-            let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/resolve") }
-            before do
-              repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-              repo_path.mkpath
-              repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-              cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-                #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-                cookbook "sample", :git => #{sample_path.to_s.inspect}
-              CHEFFILE
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-            end
-            context "the resolve" do
-              it "should not raise an exception" do
-                expect { Action::Resolve.new(env).run }.to_not raise_error
-              end
-            end
-            context "the results" do
-              before { Action::Resolve.new(env).run }
-              it "should create the lockfile" do
-                repo_path.join("Cheffile.lock").should exist
-              end
-              it "should not attempt to install the sample cookbok" do
-                repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample").should_not exist
-              end
-            end
-          end
-          context "installing" do
-            let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/install") }
-            before do
-              repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-              repo_path.mkpath
-              repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-              cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-                #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-                cookbook "sample", :git => #{sample_path.to_s.inspect}
-              CHEFFILE
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-              Action::Resolve.new(env).run
-            end
-            context "the install" do
-              it "should not raise an exception" do
-                expect { Action::Install.new(env).run }.to_not raise_error
-              end
-            end
-            context "the results" do
-              before { Action::Install.new(env).run }
-              it "should create the lockfile" do
-                repo_path.join("Cheffile.lock").should exist
-              end
-              it "should create the directory for the cookbook" do
-                repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample").should exist
-              end
-              it "should copy the cookbook files into the cookbook directory" do
-                repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample/metadata.rb").should exist
-              end
-            end
-          end
-          context "resolving and and separately installing" do
-            let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/resolve-install") }
-            before do
-              repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-              repo_path.mkpath
-              repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-              cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-                #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-                cookbook "sample", :git => #{sample_path.to_s.inspect}
-              CHEFFILE
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-              Action::Resolve.new(env).run
-              repo_path.join("tmp").rmtree if repo_path.join("tmp").exist?
-            end
-            context "the install" do
-              it "should not raise an exception" do
-                expect { Action::Install.new(env).run }.to_not raise_error
-              end
-            end
-            context "the results" do
-              before { Action::Install.new(env).run }
-              it "should create the directory for the cookbook" do
-                repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample").should exist
-              end
-              it "should copy the cookbook files into the cookbook directory" do
-                repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample/metadata.rb").should exist
-              end
-            end
-          end
-          context "resolving, changing, and resolving" do
-            let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/resolve-update") }
-            before do
-              repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-              repo_path.mkpath
-              repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-              cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-                git #{cookbooks_path.to_s.inspect}
-                cookbook "first-sample"
-              CHEFFILE
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-              Action::Resolve.new(env).run
-              cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-                git #{cookbooks_path.to_s.inspect}
-                cookbook "first-sample"
-                cookbook "second-sample"
-              CHEFFILE
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-            end
-            context "the second resolve" do
-              it "should not raise an exception" do
-                expect { Action::Resolve.new(env).run }.to_not raise_error
-              end
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        context "with a path" do
-          let(:git_path) { tmp_path.join("big-git-repo") }
-          let(:sample_path) { git_path.join("buttercup") }
-          let(:sample_metadata) do
-            Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-METADATA)
-              version "0.6.5"
-            METADATA
-          end
-          before :all do
-            git_path.rmtree if git_path.exist?
-            git_path.mkpath
-            sample_path.mkpath
-            sample_path.join("metadata.rb").open("wb") { |f| f.write(sample_metadata) }
-            Dir.chdir(git_path) do
-              `git init`
-              `git add .`
-              `git commit -m "Initial commit."`
-            end
-          end
-          context "if no path option is given" do
-            let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/resolve") }
-            before do
-              repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-              repo_path.mkpath
-              repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-              cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-                #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-                cookbook "sample",
-                  :git => #{git_path.to_s.inspect}
-              CHEFFILE
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-            end
-            it "should not resolve" do
-              expect{ Action::Resolve.new(env).run }.to raise_error
-            end
-          end
-          context "if the path option is wrong" do
-            let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/resolve") }
-            before do
-              repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-              repo_path.mkpath
-              repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-              cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-                #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-                cookbook "sample",
-                  :git => #{git_path.to_s.inspect},
-                  :path => "jelly"
-              CHEFFILE
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-            end
-            it "should not resolve" do
-              expect{ Action::Resolve.new(env).run }.to raise_error
-            end
-          end
-          context "if the path option is right" do
-            let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/resolve") }
-            before do
-              repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-              repo_path.mkpath
-              repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-              cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-                #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-                cookbook "sample",
-                  :git => #{git_path.to_s.inspect},
-                  :path => "buttercup"
-              CHEFFILE
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-            end
-            context "the resolve" do
-              it "should not raise an exception" do
-                expect { Action::Resolve.new(env).run }.to_not raise_error
-              end
-            end
-            context "the results" do
-              before { Action::Resolve.new(env).run }
-              it "should create the lockfile" do
-                repo_path.join("Cheffile.lock").should exist
-              end
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        context "missing a metadata" do
-          let(:git_path) { tmp_path.join("big-git-repo") }
-          let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/resolve") }
-          before do
-            repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-            repo_path.mkpath
-            repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-            cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-              cookbook "sample",
-                :git => #{git_path.to_s.inspect}
-            CHEFFILE
-            repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-          end
-          context "the resolve" do
-            it "should raise an exception" do
-              expect { Action::Resolve.new(env).run }.to raise_error
-            end
-            it "should explain the problem" do
-              expect { Action::Resolve.new(env).run }.
-                to raise_error(Error, /no metadata file found/i)
-            end
-          end
-          context "the results" do
-            before { Action::Resolve.new(env).run rescue nil }
-            it "should not create the lockfile" do
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile.lock").should_not exist
-            end
-            it "should not create the directory for the cookbook" do
-              repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample").should_not exist
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        context "when upstream updates" do
-          let(:git_path) { tmp_path.join("upstream-updates-repo") }
-          let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/resolve-with-upstream-updates") }
-          let(:sample_metadata) do
-            Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-METADATA)
-              version "0.6.5"
-            METADATA
-          end
-          before do
-            # set up the git repo as normal, but let's also set up a release-stable branch
-            # from which our Cheffile will only pull stable releases
-            git_path.rmtree if git_path.exist?
-            git_path.mkpath
-            git_path.join("metadata.rb").open("w+b"){|f| f.write(sample_metadata)}
-            Dir.chdir(git_path) do
-              `git init`
-              `git add metadata.rb`
-              `git commit -m "Initial Commit."`
-              `git checkout -b some-branch --quiet`
-              `echo 'hi' > some-file`
-              `git add some-file`
-              `git commit -m 'Some File.'`
-              `git checkout master --quiet`
-            end
-            # set up the chef repo as normal, except the Cheffile points to the release-stable
-            # branch - we expect when the upstream copy of that branch is changed, then we can
-            # fetch & merge those changes when we update
-            repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-            repo_path.mkpath
-            repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-            cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-              cookbook "sample",
-                :git => #{git_path.to_s.inspect},
-                :ref => "some-branch"
-            CHEFFILE
-            repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-            Action::Resolve.new(env).run
-            # change the upstream copy of that branch: we expect to be able to pull the latest
-            # when we re-resolve
-            Dir.chdir(git_path) do
-              `git checkout some-branch --quiet`
-              `echo 'ho' > some-other-file`
-              `git add some-other-file`
-              `git commit -m 'Some Other File.'`
-              `git checkout master --quiet`
-            end
-          end
-          let(:metadata_file) { repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample/metadata.rb") }
-          let(:old_code_file) { repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample/some-file") }
-          let(:new_code_file) { repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample/some-other-file") }
-          context "when updating not a cookbook from that source" do
-            before do
-              Action::Update.new(env).run
-            end
-            it "should pull the tip from upstream" do
-              Action::Install.new(env).run
-              metadata_file.should exist #sanity
-              old_code_file.should exist #sanity
-              new_code_file.should_not exist # the assertion
-            end
-          end
-          context "when updating a cookbook from that source" do
-            before do
-              Action::Update.new(env, :names => %w(sample)).run
-            end
-            it "should pull the tip from upstream" do
-              Action::Install.new(env).run
-              metadata_file.should exist #sanity
-              old_code_file.should exist #sanity
-              new_code_file.should exist # the assertion
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/functional/chef/source/site_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/functional/chef/source/site_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2136af1..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/functional/chef/source/site_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-require 'pathname'
-require 'json'
-require 'webmock'
-require 'librarian'
-require 'librarian/helpers'
-require 'librarian/action/resolve'
-require 'librarian/action/install'
-require 'librarian/chef'
-module Librarian
-  module Chef
-    module Source
-      describe Site do
-        include WebMock::API
-        let(:project_path) do
-          project_path = Pathname.new(__FILE__).expand_path
-          project_path = project_path.dirname until project_path.join("Rakefile").exist?
-          project_path
-        end
-        let(:tmp_path) { project_path.join("tmp/spec/chef/site-source") }
-        let(:sample_path) { tmp_path.join("sample") }
-        let(:sample_metadata) do
-          Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-METADATA)
-            version "0.6.5"
-          METADATA
-        end
-        let(:api_url) { "http://site.cookbooks.com" }
-        let(:sample_index_data) do
-          {
-            "name" => "sample",
-            "versions" => [
-              "#{api_url}/cookbooks/sample/versions/0_6_5"
-            ]
-          }
-        end
-        let(:sample_0_6_5_data) do
-          {
-            "version" => "0.6.5",
-            "file" => "#{api_url}/cookbooks/sample/versions/0_6_5/file.tar.gz"
-          }
-        end
-        # depends on repo_path being defined in each context
-        let(:env) { Environment.new(:project_path => repo_path) }
-        before :all do
-          sample_path.rmtree if sample_path.exist?
-          sample_path.mkpath
-          sample_path.join("metadata.rb").open("wb") { |f| f.write(sample_metadata) }
-          Dir.chdir(sample_path.dirname) do
-            system "tar --create --gzip --file sample.tar.gz #{sample_path.basename}"
-          end
-        end
-        before do
-          stub_request(:get, "#{api_url}/cookbooks/sample").
-            to_return(:body => JSON.dump(sample_index_data))
-          stub_request(:get, "#{api_url}/cookbooks/sample/versions/0_6_5").
-            to_return(:body => JSON.dump(sample_0_6_5_data))
-          stub_request(:get, "#{api_url}/cookbooks/sample/versions/0_6_5/file.tar.gz").
-            to_return(:body => sample_path.dirname.join("sample.tar.gz").read)
-        end
-        after do
-          WebMock.reset!
-        end
-        context "a single dependency with a site source" do
-          context "resolving" do
-            let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/resolve") }
-            before do
-              repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-              repo_path.mkpath
-              repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-              cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-                #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-                cookbook "sample", :site => #{api_url.inspect}
-              CHEFFILE
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-            end
-            context "the resolve" do
-              it "should not raise an exception" do
-                expect { Action::Resolve.new(env).run }.to_not raise_error
-              end
-            end
-            context "the results" do
-              before { Action::Resolve.new(env).run }
-              it "should create the lockfile" do
-                repo_path.join("Cheffile.lock").should exist
-              end
-              it "should not attempt to install the cookbok" do
-                repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample").should_not exist
-              end
-            end
-          end
-          context "intalling" do
-            let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/install") }
-            before do
-              repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-              repo_path.mkpath
-              repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-              cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-                #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-                cookbook "sample", :site => #{api_url.inspect}
-              CHEFFILE
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-              Action::Resolve.new(env).run
-            end
-            context "the install" do
-              it "should not raise an exception" do
-                expect { Action::Install.new(env).run }.to_not raise_error
-              end
-            end
-            context "the results" do
-              before { Action::Install.new(env).run }
-              it "should create the lockfile" do
-                repo_path.join("Cheffile.lock").should exist
-              end
-              it "should create a directory for the cookbook" do
-                repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample").should exist
-              end
-              it "should copy the cookbook files into the cookbook directory" do
-                repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample/metadata.rb").should exist
-              end
-            end
-          end
-          context "resolving and separately installing" do
-            let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/resolve-install") }
-            before do
-              repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-              repo_path.mkpath
-              repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-              cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-                #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-                cookbook "sample", :site => #{api_url.inspect}
-              CHEFFILE
-              repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-              Action::Resolve.new(env).run
-              repo_path.join("tmp").rmtree if repo_path.join("tmp").exist?
-            end
-            context "the install" do
-              it "should not raise an exception" do
-                expect { Action::Install.new(env).run }.to_not raise_error
-              end
-            end
-            context "the results" do
-              before { Action::Install.new(env).run }
-              it "should create a directory for the cookbook" do
-                repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample").should exist
-              end
-              it "should copy the cookbook files into the cookbook directory" do
-                repo_path.join("cookbooks/sample/metadata.rb").should exist
-              end
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        context "when the repo path has a space" do
-          let(:repo_path) { tmp_path.join("repo/with extra spaces/resolve") }
-          before do
-            repo_path.rmtree if repo_path.exist?
-            repo_path.mkpath
-            repo_path.join("cookbooks").mkpath
-            cheffile = Helpers.strip_heredoc(<<-CHEFFILE)
-              #!/usr/bin/env ruby
-              cookbook "sample", :site => #{api_url.inspect}
-            CHEFFILE
-            repo_path.join("Cheffile").open("wb") { |f| f.write(cheffile) }
-          end
-          after do
-            repo_path.rmtree
-          end
-          context "the resolution" do
-            it "should not raise an exception" do
-              expect { Action::Resolve.new(env).run }.to_not raise_error
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/functional/source/git/repository_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/functional/source/git/repository_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f0f953..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/functional/source/git/repository_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-require "fileutils"
-require "pathname"
-require "securerandom"
-require "librarian/source/git/repository"
-describe Librarian::Source::Git::Repository do
-  let(:env) do
-    double(:ui => nil, :logger => double(:debug => nil, :info => nil))
-  end
-  let(:project_path) do
-    project_path = Pathname.new(__FILE__).expand_path
-    project_path = project_path.dirname until project_path.join("Rakefile").exist?
-    project_path
-  end
-  let(:tmp_path) { project_path + "tmp/spec/unit/source/git/repository-spec" }
-  let(:git_source_path) { tmp_path + SecureRandom.hex(16) }
-  let(:branch) { "the-branch" }
-  let(:tag) { "the-tag" }
-  let(:atag) { "the-atag" }
-  before do
-    git_source_path.mkpath
-    Dir.chdir(git_source_path) do
-      `git init`
-      # master
-      `touch butter.txt`
-      `git add butter.txt`
-      `git commit -m "Initial Commit"`
-      # branch
-      `git checkout -b #{branch} --quiet`
-      `touch jam.txt`
-      `git add jam.txt`
-      `git commit -m "Branch Commit"`
-      `git checkout master --quiet`
-      # tag
-      `git checkout -b deletable --quiet`
-      `touch jelly.txt`
-      `git add jelly.txt`
-      `git commit -m "Tag Commit"`
-      `git tag #{tag}`
-      `git checkout master --quiet`
-      `git branch -D deletable`
-      # annotated tag
-      `git checkout -b deletable --quiet`
-      `touch jelly.txt`
-      `git add jelly.txt`
-      `git commit -m "Tag Commit"`
-      `git tag -am "Annotated Tag Commit" #{atag}`
-      `git checkout master --quiet`
-      `git branch -D deletable`
-    end
-  end
-  context "the original" do
-    subject { described_class.new(env, git_source_path) }
-    it "should recognize it" do
-      subject.should be_git
-    end
-    it "should not list any remotes for it" do
-      subject.remote_names.should be_empty
-    end
-    it "should not list any remote branches for it" do
-      subject.remote_branch_names.should be_empty
-    end
-  end
-  context "a clone" do
-    let(:git_clone_path) { tmp_path + SecureRandom.hex(16) }
-    subject { described_class.clone!(env, git_clone_path, git_source_path) }
-    let(:master_sha) { subject.hash_from("origin", "master") }
-    let(:branch_sha) { subject.hash_from("origin", branch) }
-    let(:tag_sha) { subject.hash_from("origin", tag) }
-    let(:atag_sha) { subject.hash_from("origin", atag) }
-    it "should recognize it" do
-      subject.should be_git
-    end
-    it "should have a single remote for it" do
-      subject.should have(1).remote_names
-    end
-    it "should have a remote with the expected name" do
-      subject.remote_names.first.should == "origin"
-    end
-    it "should have the remote branch" do
-      subject.remote_branch_names["origin"].should include branch
-    end
-    it "should be checked out on the master" do
-      subject.should be_checked_out(master_sha)
-    end
-    context "checking out the branch" do
-      before do
-        subject.checkout! branch
-      end
-      it "should be checked out on the branch" do
-        subject.should be_checked_out(branch_sha)
-      end
-      it "should not be checked out on the master" do
-        subject.should_not be_checked_out(master_sha)
-      end
-    end
-    context "checking out the tag" do
-      before do
-        subject.checkout! tag
-      end
-      it "should be checked out on the tag" do
-        subject.should be_checked_out(tag_sha)
-      end
-      it "should not be checked out on the master" do
-        subject.should_not be_checked_out(master_sha)
-      end
-    end
-    context "checking out the annotated tag" do
-      before do
-        subject.checkout! atag
-      end
-      it "should be checked out on the annotated tag" do
-        subject.should be_checked_out(atag_sha)
-      end
-      it "should not be checked out on the master" do
-        subject.should_not be_checked_out(master_sha)
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/base_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/base_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ef2d1f7..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/base_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/action/base"
-module Librarian
-  describe Action::Base do
-    let(:env) { mock }
-    let(:action) { described_class.new(env) }
-    subject { action }
-    it { should respond_to :environment }
-    it "should have the environment that was assigned to it" do
-      action.environment.should be env
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/clean_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/clean_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7110af4..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/clean_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/action/clean"
-module Librarian
-  describe Action::Clean do
-    let(:env) { mock }
-    let(:action) { described_class.new(env) }
-    before do
-      action.stub(:debug)
-    end
-    describe "#run" do
-      describe "behavior" do
-        after do
-          action.run
-        end
-        describe "clearing the cache path" do
-          before do
-            action.stub(:clean_install_path)
-          end
-          context "when the cache path is missing" do
-            before do
-              env.stub_chain(:cache_path, :exist?) { false }
-            end
-            it "should not try to clear the cache path" do
-              env.cache_path.should_receive(:rmtree).never
-            end
-          end
-          context "when the cache path is present" do
-            before do
-              env.stub_chain(:cache_path, :exist?) { true }
-            end
-            it "should try to clear the cache path" do
-              env.cache_path.should_receive(:rmtree).exactly(:once)
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        describe "clearing the install path" do
-          before do
-            action.stub(:clean_cache_path)
-          end
-          context "when the install path is missing" do
-            before do
-              env.stub_chain(:install_path, :exist?) { false }
-            end
-            it "should not try to clear the install path" do
-              env.install_path.should_receive(:children).never
-            end
-          end
-          context "when the install path is present" do
-            before do
-              env.stub_chain(:install_path, :exist?) { true }
-            end
-            it "should try to clear the install path" do
-              children = [mock, mock, mock]
-              children.each do |child|
-                child.stub(:file?) { false }
-              end
-              env.stub_chain(:install_path, :children) { children }
-              children.each do |child|
-                child.should_receive(:rmtree).exactly(:once)
-              end
-            end
-            it "should only try to clear out directories from the install path, not files" do
-              children = [mock(:file? => false), mock(:file? => true), mock(:file? => true)]
-              env.stub_chain(:install_path, :children) { children }
-              children.select(&:file?).each do |child|
-                child.should_receive(:rmtree).never
-              end
-              children.reject(&:file?).each do |child|
-                child.should_receive(:rmtree).exactly(:once)
-              end
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/ensure_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/ensure_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f4f6645..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/ensure_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-require "tmpdir"
-require "librarian/error"
-require "librarian/action/ensure"
-module Librarian
-  describe Action::Ensure do
-    let(:env) { mock }
-    let(:action) { described_class.new(env) }
-    before do
-      env.stub(:specfile_name) { "Specfile" }
-    end
-    describe "#run" do
-      context "when the environment does not know its project path" do
-        before { env.stub(:project_path) { nil } }
-        it "should raise an error describing that the specfile is mising" do
-          expect { action.run }.to raise_error(Error, "Cannot find Specfile!")
-        end
-      end
-      context "when the environment knows its project path" do
-        before { env.stub(:project_path) { Dir.tmpdir } }
-        it "should not raise an error" do
-          expect { action.run }.to_not raise_error
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/install_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/install_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c3a24b..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/action/install_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/error"
-require "librarian/action/install"
-module Librarian
-  describe Action::Install do
-    let(:env) { mock(:specfile_name => "Specfile", :lockfile_name => "Specfile.lock") }
-    let(:action) { described_class.new(env) }
-    describe "#run" do
-      describe "behavior" do
-        describe "checking preconditions" do
-          context "when the specfile is missing" do
-            before do
-              env.stub_chain(:specfile_path, :exist?) { false }
-            end
-            it "should raise an error explaining that the specfile is missing" do
-              expect { action.run }.to raise_error(Error, "Specfile missing!")
-            end
-          end
-          context "when the specfile is present but the lockfile is missing" do
-            before do
-              env.stub_chain(:specfile_path, :exist?) { true }
-              env.stub_chain(:lockfile_path, :exist?) { false }
-            end
-            it "should raise an error explaining that the lockfile is missing" do
-              expect { action.run }.to raise_error(Error, "Specfile.lock missing!")
-            end
-          end
-          context "when the specfile and lockfile are present but inconsistent" do
-            before do
-              env.stub_chain(:specfile_path, :exist?) { true }
-              env.stub_chain(:lockfile_path, :exist?) { true }
-              action.stub(:spec_consistent_with_lock?) { false }
-            end
-            it "should raise an error explaining the inconsistenty" do
-              expect { action.run }.to raise_error(Error, "Specfile and Specfile.lock are out of sync!")
-            end
-          end
-          context "when the specfile and lockfile are present and consistent" do
-            before do
-              env.stub_chain(:specfile_path, :exist?) { true }
-              env.stub_chain(:lockfile_path, :exist?) { true }
-              action.stub(:spec_consistent_with_lock?) { true }
-              action.stub(:perform_installation)
-            end
-            it "should not raise an error" do
-              expect { action.run }.to_not raise_error
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        describe "performing the install" do
-          def mock_manifest(i)
-            double(:name => "manifest-#{i}")
-          end
-          let(:manifests) { 3.times.map{|i| mock_manifest(i)} }
-          let(:sorted_manifests) { 4.times.map{|i| mock_manifest(i + 3)} }
-          let(:install_path) { mock }
-          before do
-            env.stub(:install_path) { install_path }
-            action.stub(:check_preconditions)
-            action.stub_chain(:lock, :manifests) { manifests }
-          end
-          after do
-            action.run
-          end
-          it "should sort and install the manifests" do
-            ManifestSet.should_receive(:sort).with(manifests).exactly(:once).ordered { sorted_manifests }
-            install_path.stub(:exist?) { false }
-            install_path.should_receive(:mkpath).exactly(:once).ordered
-            sorted_manifests.each do |manifest|
-              manifest.should_receive(:install!).exactly(:once).ordered
-            end
-          end
-          it "should recreate the install path if it already exists" do
-            action.stub(:sorted_manifests) { sorted_manifests }
-            action.stub(:install_manifests)
-            install_path.stub(:exist?) { true }
-            install_path.should_receive(:rmtree)
-            install_path.should_receive(:mkpath)
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/config/database_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/config/database_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a6e197a..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/config/database_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,319 +0,0 @@
-require "fileutils"
-require "pathname"
-require "yaml"
-require "fakefs/spec_helpers"
-require "librarian/config/database"
-describe Librarian::Config::Database do
-  include FakeFS::SpecHelpers
-  def write_yaml!(path, *yamlables)
-    dir = File.dirname(path)
-    FileUtils.mkpath(dir) unless File.directory?(dir)
-    File.open(path, "wb"){|f| yamlables.each{|y| YAML.dump(y, f)}}
-  end
-  let(:adapter_name) { "gem" }
-  let(:env) { { } }
-  let(:pwd) { Pathname("/tmp") }
-  let(:home) { Pathname("~").expand_path }
-  let(:project_path) { nil }
-  let(:specfile_name) { nil }
-  let(:global) { home.join(".librarian/gem/config") }
-  let(:local) { pwd.join(".librarian/gem/config") }
-  let(:specfile) { pwd.join("Gemfile") }
-  before do
-    FileUtils.mkpath(pwd)
-    FileUtils.touch(specfile)
-  end
-  let(:database) do
-    described_class.new(adapter_name,
-      :env => env,
-      :pwd => pwd.to_s,
-      :home => home.to_s,
-      :project_path => project_path,
-      :specfile_name => specfile_name
-    )
-  end
-  context "when a key is given globally" do
-    let(:key) { "jam" }
-    let(:value) { "jelly" }
-    let(:raw_key) { "LIBRARIAN_GEM_JAM" }
-    before do
-      write_yaml! global, raw_key => value
-    end
-    it "should have the key globally" do
-      database.global[key].should == value
-    end
-    it "should not have the key in the env" do
-      database.env[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key locally" do
-      database.local[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should have the key generally" do
-      database[key].should == value
-    end
-  end
-  context "when a key is set globally" do
-    let(:key) { "jam" }
-    let(:value) { "jelly" }
-    let(:raw_key) { "LIBRARIAN_GEM_JAM" }
-    before do
-      database.global[key] = value
-    end
-    it "should have the key globally" do
-      database.global[key].should == value
-    end
-    it "should not have the key in the env" do
-      database.env[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key locally" do
-      database.local[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should have the key generally" do
-      database[key].should == value
-    end
-    it "should persist the key" do
-      data = YAML.load_file(global)
-      data.should == {raw_key => value}
-    end
-  end
-  context "when the key is set and unset globally" do
-    let(:key) { "jam" }
-    let(:value) { "jelly" }
-    let(:raw_key) { "LIBRARIAN_GEM_JAM" }
-    before do
-      database.global[key] = value
-      database.global[key] = nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key globally" do
-      database.global[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key in the env" do
-      database.env[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key locally" do
-      database.local[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key generally" do
-      database[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should unpersist the key" do
-      File.should_not exist global
-    end
-  end
-  context "when a key is given in the env" do
-    let(:key) { "jam" }
-    let(:value) { "jelly" }
-    let(:raw_key) { "LIBRARIAN_GEM_JAM" }
-    #override
-    let(:env) { {raw_key => value} }
-    it "should not have the key globally" do
-      database.global[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should have the key in the env" do
-      database.env[key].should == value
-    end
-    it "should not have the key locally" do
-      database.local[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should have the key generally" do
-      database[key].should == value
-    end
-  end
-  context "when a key is given locally" do
-    let(:key) { "jam" }
-    let(:value) { "jelly" }
-    let(:raw_key) { "LIBRARIAN_GEM_JAM" }
-    before do
-      write_yaml! local, raw_key => value
-    end
-    it "should not have the key globally" do
-      database.global[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key in the env" do
-      database.env[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should have the key locally" do
-      database.local[key].should == value
-    end
-    it "should have the key generally" do
-      database[key].should == value
-    end
-  end
-  context "when a key is set locally" do
-    let(:key) { "jam" }
-    let(:value) { "jelly" }
-    let(:raw_key) { "LIBRARIAN_GEM_JAM" }
-    before do
-      database.local[key] = value
-    end
-    it "should not have the key globally" do
-      database.global[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key in the env" do
-      database.env[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should have the key locally" do
-      database.local[key].should == value
-    end
-    it "should have the key generally" do
-      database[key].should == value
-    end
-    it "should persist the key" do
-      data = YAML.load_file(local)
-      data.should == {raw_key => value}
-    end
-  end
-  context "when the key is set and unset locally" do
-    let(:key) { "jam" }
-    let(:value) { "jelly" }
-    let(:raw_key) { "LIBRARIAN_GEM_JAM" }
-    before do
-      database.local[key] = value
-      database.local[key] = nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key globally" do
-      database.global[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key in the env" do
-      database.env[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key locally" do
-      database.local[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should not have the key generally" do
-      database[key].should be_nil
-    end
-    it "should unpersist the key" do
-      File.should_not exist local
-    end
-  end
-  context "setting malformatted keys" do
-    it "should ban caps" do
-      expect { database.global["JAM"] = "jelly" }.
-        to raise_error Librarian::Error, %[key not permitted: "JAM"]
-    end
-    it "should ban double dots" do
-      expect { database.global["jam..jam"] = "jelly" }.
-        to raise_error Librarian::Error, %[key not permitted: "jam..jam"]
-    end
-  end
-  context "setting banned keys" do
-    it  "should ban the specfile key" do
-      expect { database.global["gemfile"] = "jelly" }.
-        to raise_error Librarian::Error, %[key not permitted: "gemfile"]
-    end
-    it  "should ban the global-config key" do
-      expect { database.global["config"] = "jelly" }.
-        to raise_error Librarian::Error, %[key not permitted: "config"]
-    end
-  end
-  context "project_path" do
-    context "by default" do
-      it "should give the default project path" do
-        database.project_path.should == Pathname("/tmp")
-      end
-    end
-    context "when the specfile is set in the env" do
-      let(:env) { {"LIBRARIAN_GEM_GEMFILE" => "/non/sense/path/to/Sillyfile"} }
-      it "should give the project path from the env-set specfile" do
-        database.project_path.should == Pathname("/non/sense/path/to")
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  context "specfile_path" do
-    context "by default" do
-      it "should give the default specfile path" do
-        database.specfile_path.should == specfile
-      end
-    end
-    context "when set in the env" do
-      let(:env) { {"LIBRARIAN_GEM_GEMFILE" => "/non/sense/path/to/Sillyfile"} }
-      it "should give the given specfile path" do
-        database.specfile_path.should == Pathname("/non/sense/path/to/Sillyfile")
-      end
-    end
-    context "when the project_path is assigned" do
-      let(:project_path) { "/non/sense/path/to" }
-      it "should give the assigned specfile path" do
-        database.specfile_path.should == Pathname("/non/sense/path/to/Gemfile")
-      end
-    end
-    context "when the specfile_name is assigned" do
-      let(:specfile_name) { "Sillyfile" }
-      it "should give the assigned specfile path" do
-        database.specfile_path.should == Pathname("/tmp/Sillyfile")
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/dependency_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/dependency_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9891c96..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/dependency_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/dependency"
-describe Librarian::Dependency do
-  describe "validations" do
-    context "when the name is blank" do
-      it "raises" do
-        expect { described_class.new("", [], nil) }.
-          to raise_error(ArgumentError, %{name ("") must be sensible})
-      end
-    end
-    context "when the name has leading whitespace" do
-      it "raises" do
-        expect { described_class.new("  the-name", [], nil) }.
-          to raise_error(ArgumentError, %{name ("  the-name") must be sensible})
-      end
-    end
-    context "when the name has trailing whitespace" do
-      it "raises" do
-        expect { described_class.new("the-name  ", [], nil) }.
-          to raise_error(ArgumentError, %{name ("the-name  ") must be sensible})
-      end
-    end
-    context "when the name is a single character" do
-      it "passes" do
-        described_class.new("R", [], nil)
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/dsl_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/dsl_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a46af25..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/dsl_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian'
-require 'librarian/mock'
-module Librarian
-  module Mock
-    describe Dsl do
-      let(:env) { Environment.new }
-      context "a single source and a single dependency with a blank name" do
-        it "should not not run with a blank name" do
-          expect do
-            env.dsl do
-              src 'source-1'
-              dep ''
-            end
-          end.to raise_error(ArgumentError, %{name ("") must be sensible})
-        end
-      end
-      context "a single dependency but no applicable source" do
-        it "should not run without any sources" do
-          expect do
-            env.dsl do
-              dep 'dependency-1'
-            end
-          end.to raise_error(Dsl::Error)
-        end
-        it "should not run when a block source is defined but the dependency is outside the block" do
-          expect do
-            env.dsl do
-              src 'source-1' do end
-              dep 'dependency-1'
-            end
-          end.to raise_error(Dsl::Error)
-        end
-      end
-      context "a simple specfile - a single source, a single dependency, no transitive dependencies" do
-        it "should run with a hash source" do
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            dep 'dependency-1',
-              :src => 'source-1'
-          end
-          spec.dependencies.should_not be_empty
-          spec.dependencies.first.name.should == 'dependency-1'
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.name.should == 'source-1'
-          spec.source.should be_nil
-        end
-        it "should run with a shortcut source" do
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            dep 'dependency-1',
-              :source => :a
-          end
-          spec.dependencies.should_not be_empty
-          spec.dependencies.first.name.should == 'dependency-1'
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.name.should == 'source-a'
-          spec.source.should be_nil
-        end
-        it "should run with a block hash source" do
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            source :src => 'source-1' do
-              dep 'dependency-1'
-            end
-          end
-          spec.dependencies.should_not be_empty
-          spec.dependencies.first.name.should == 'dependency-1'
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.name.should == 'source-1'
-          spec.source.should be_nil
-        end
-        it "should run with a block named source" do
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            src 'source-1' do
-              dep 'dependency-1'
-            end
-          end
-          spec.dependencies.should_not be_empty
-          spec.dependencies.first.name.should == 'dependency-1'
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.name.should == 'source-1'
-          spec.source.should be_nil
-        end
-        it "should run with a default hash source" do
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            source :src => 'source-1'
-            dep 'dependency-1'
-          end
-          spec.dependencies.should_not be_empty
-          spec.dependencies.first.name.should == 'dependency-1'
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.name.should == 'source-1'
-          spec.source.should_not be_nil
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.should == spec.source
-        end
-        it "should run with a default named source" do
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            src 'source-1'
-            dep 'dependency-1'
-          end
-          spec.dependencies.should_not be_empty
-          spec.dependencies.first.name.should == 'dependency-1'
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.name.should == 'source-1'
-          spec.source.should_not be_nil
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.should == spec.source
-        end
-        it "should run with a default shortcut source" do
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            source :a
-            dep 'dependency-1'
-          end
-          spec.dependencies.should_not be_empty
-          spec.dependencies.first.name.should == 'dependency-1'
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.name.should == 'source-a'
-          spec.source.should_not be_nil
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.should == spec.source
-        end
-        it "should run with a shortcut source hash definition" do
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            source :b, :src => 'source-b'
-            dep 'dependency-1', :source => :b
-          end
-          spec.dependencies.should_not be_empty
-          spec.dependencies.first.name.should == 'dependency-1'
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.name.should == 'source-b'
-          spec.source.should be_nil
-        end
-        it "should run with a shortcut source block definition" do
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            source :b, proc { src 'source-b' }
-            dep 'dependency-1', :source => :b
-          end
-          spec.dependencies.should_not be_empty
-          spec.dependencies.first.name.should == 'dependency-1'
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.name.should == 'source-b'
-          spec.source.should be_nil
-        end
-        it "should run with a default shortcut source hash definition" do
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            source :b, :src => 'source-b'
-            source :b
-            dep 'dependency-1'
-          end
-          spec.dependencies.should_not be_empty
-          spec.dependencies.first.name.should == 'dependency-1'
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.name.should == 'source-b'
-          spec.source.should_not be_nil
-          spec.source.name.should == 'source-b'
-        end
-        it "should run with a default shortcut source block definition" do
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            source :b, proc { src 'source-b' }
-            source :b
-            dep 'dependency-1'
-          end
-          spec.dependencies.should_not be_empty
-          spec.dependencies.first.name.should == 'dependency-1'
-          spec.dependencies.first.source.name.should == 'source-b'
-          spec.source.should_not be_nil
-          spec.source.name.should == 'source-b'
-        end
-      end
-      context "validating source options" do
-        it "should raise when given unrecognized optiosn options" do
-          expect do
-            env.dsl do
-              dep 'dependency-1',
-                :src => 'source-1',
-                :huh => 'yikes'
-            end
-          end.to raise_error(Error, %{unrecognized options: huh})
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/environment_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/environment_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bec85c..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/environment_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/environment"
-module Librarian
-  describe Environment do
-    let(:env) { described_class.new }
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/lockfile/parser_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/lockfile/parser_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 74e3675..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/lockfile/parser_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/helpers"
-require "librarian/lockfile/parser"
-require "librarian/mock"
-module Librarian
-  describe Lockfile::Parser do
-    let(:env) { Mock::Environment.new }
-    let(:parser) { described_class.new(env) }
-    let(:resolution) { parser.parse(lockfile) }
-    context "a mock lockfile with one source and no dependencies" do
-      let(:lockfile) do
-        Helpers.strip_heredoc <<-LOCKFILE
-          MOCK
-            remote: source-a
-            specs:
-        LOCKFILE
-      end
-      it "should give an empty list of dependencies" do
-        resolution.dependencies.should be_empty
-      end
-      it "should give an empty list of manifests" do
-        resolution.manifests.should be_empty
-      end
-    end
-    context "a mock lockfile with one source and one dependency" do
-      let(:lockfile) do
-        Helpers.strip_heredoc <<-LOCKFILE
-          MOCK
-            remote: source-a
-            specs:
-              jelly (1.3.5)
-            jelly (!= 1.2.6, ~> 1.1)
-        LOCKFILE
-      end
-      it "should give a list of one dependency" do
-        resolution.should have(1).dependencies
-      end
-      it "should give a dependency with the expected name" do
-        dependency = resolution.dependencies.first
-        dependency.name.should == "jelly"
-      end
-      it "should give a dependency with the expected requirement" do
-        dependency = resolution.dependencies.first
-        # Note: it must be this order because this order is lexicographically sorted.
-        dependency.requirement.to_s.should == "!= 1.2.6, ~> 1.1"
-      end
-      it "should give a dependency wth the expected source" do
-        dependency = resolution.dependencies.first
-        source = dependency.source
-        source.name.should == "source-a"
-      end
-      it "should give a list of one manifest" do
-        resolution.should have(1).manifests
-      end
-      it "should give a manifest with the expected name" do
-        manifest = resolution.manifests.first
-        manifest.name.should == "jelly"
-      end
-      it "should give a manifest with the expected version" do
-        manifest = resolution.manifests.first
-        manifest.version.to_s.should == "1.3.5"
-      end
-      it "should give a manifest with no dependencies" do
-        manifest = resolution.manifests.first
-        manifest.dependencies.should be_empty
-      end
-      it "should give a manifest with the expected source" do
-        manifest = resolution.manifests.first
-        source = manifest.source
-        source.name.should == "source-a"
-      end
-      it "should give the dependency and the manifest the same source instance" do
-        dependency = resolution.dependencies.first
-        manifest = resolution.manifests.first
-        dependency_source = dependency.source
-        manifest_source = manifest.source
-        manifest_source.should be dependency_source
-      end
-    end
-    context "a mock lockfile with one source and a complex dependency" do
-      let(:lockfile) do
-        Helpers.strip_heredoc <<-LOCKFILE
-          MOCK
-            remote: source-a
-            specs:
-              butter (2.5.3)
-              jelly (1.3.5)
-                butter (< 3, >= 1.1)
-            jelly (!= 1.2.6, ~> 1.1)
-        LOCKFILE
-      end
-      it "should give a list of one dependency" do
-        resolution.should have(1).dependencies
-      end
-      it "should have the expected dependency" do
-        dependency = resolution.dependencies.first
-        dependency.name.should == "jelly"
-      end
-      it "should give a list of all the manifests" do
-        resolution.should have(2).manifests
-      end
-      it "should include all the expected manifests" do
-        manifests = ManifestSet.new(resolution.manifests)
-        manifests.to_hash.keys.should =~ %w(butter jelly)
-      end
-      it "should have an internally consistent set of manifests" do
-        manifests = ManifestSet.new(resolution.manifests)
-        manifests.should be_consistent
-      end
-      it "should have an externally consistent set of manifests" do
-        dependencies = resolution.dependencies
-        manifests = ManifestSet.new(resolution.manifests)
-        manifests.should be_in_compliance_with dependencies
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/lockfile_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/lockfile_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c0b2a6..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/lockfile_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian'
-require 'librarian/mock'
-module Librarian
-  describe Lockfile do
-    let(:env) { Mock::Environment.new }
-    before do
-      env.registry :clear => true do
-        source 'source-1' do
-          spec 'alpha', '1.1'
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    let(:spec) do
-      env.dsl do
-        src 'source-1'
-        dep 'alpha', '1.1'
-      end
-    end
-    let(:resolver) { env.resolver }
-    let(:resolution) { resolver.resolve(spec) }
-    context "sanity" do
-      context "the resolution" do
-        subject { resolution }
-        it { should be_correct }
-        it { should have(1).manifests }
-      end
-    end
-    describe "#save" do
-      let(:lockfile) { env.ephemeral_lockfile }
-      let(:lockfile_text) { lockfile.save(resolution) }
-      context "just saving" do
-        it "should return the lockfile text" do
-          lockfile_text.should_not be_nil
-        end
-      end
-      context "saving and reloading" do
-        let(:reloaded_resolution) { lockfile.load(lockfile_text) }
-        it "should have the expected manifests" do
-          reloaded_resolution.manifests.count.should == resolution.manifests.count
-        end
-      end
-      context "bouncing" do
-        let(:bounced_resolution) { lockfile.load(lockfile_text) }
-        let(:bounced_lockfile_text) { lockfile.save(bounced_resolution) }
-        it "should return the same lockfile text after bouncing as before bouncing" do
-          bounced_lockfile_text.should == lockfile_text
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/manifest_set_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/manifest_set_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a54d97d..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/manifest_set_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian'
-module Librarian
-  describe ManifestSet do
-    describe ".new" do
-      let(:jelly) { double(:name => "jelly") }
-      let(:butter) { double(:name => "butter") }
-      let(:jam) { double(:name => "jam") }
-      let(:array) { [jelly, butter, jam] }
-      let(:hash) { {"jelly" => jelly, "butter" => butter, "jam" => jam} }
-      context "with an array" do
-        let(:set) { described_class.new(array) }
-        it "should give back the array" do
-          set.to_a.should =~ array
-        end
-        it "should give back the hash" do
-          set.to_hash.should == hash
-        end
-      end
-      context "with a hash" do
-        let(:set) { described_class.new(hash) }
-        it "should give back the array" do
-          set.to_a.should =~ array
-        end
-        it "should give back the hash" do
-          set.to_hash.should == hash
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    # Does not trace dependencies.
-    # That's why it's "shallow".
-    describe "#shallow_strip!" do
-      let(:jelly) { double(:name => "jelly") }
-      let(:butter) { double(:name => "butter") }
-      let(:jam) { double(:name => "jam") }
-      let(:set) { described_class.new([jelly, butter, jam]) }
-      it "should not do anything when given no names" do
-        set.shallow_strip!([])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [jelly, butter, jam]
-      end
-      it "should remove only the named elements" do
-        set.shallow_strip!(["butter", "jam"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [jelly]
-      end
-      it "should allow removing all the elements" do
-        set.shallow_strip!(["jelly", "butter", "jam"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ []
-      end
-    end
-    # Does not trace dependencies.
-    # That's why it's "shallow".
-    describe "#shallow_keep!" do
-      let(:jelly) { double(:name => "jelly") }
-      let(:butter) { double(:name => "butter") }
-      let(:jam) { double(:name => "jam") }
-      let(:set) { described_class.new([jelly, butter, jam]) }
-      it "should empty the set when given no names" do
-        set.shallow_keep!([])
-        set.to_a.should =~ []
-      end
-      it "should keep only the named elements" do
-        set.shallow_keep!(["butter", "jam"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [butter, jam]
-      end
-      it "should allow keeping all the elements" do
-        set.shallow_keep!(["jelly", "butter", "jam"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [jelly, butter, jam]
-      end
-    end
-    describe "#deep_strip!" do
-      def man(o)
-        k, v = o.keys.first, o.values.first
-        double(k, :name => k, :dependencies => deps(v))
-      end
-      def deps(names)
-        names.map{|n| double(:name => n)}
-      end
-      let(:a) { man("a" => %w[b c]) }
-      let(:b) { man("b" => %w[c d]) }
-      let(:c) { man("c" => %w[   ]) }
-      let(:d) { man("d" => %w[   ]) }
-      let(:e) { man("e" => %w[f g]) }
-      let(:f) { man("f" => %w[g h]) }
-      let(:g) { man("g" => %w[   ]) }
-      let(:h) { man("h" => %w[   ]) }
-      let(:set) { described_class.new([a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]) }
-      it "should not do anything when given no names" do
-        set.deep_strip!([])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]
-      end
-      it "should remove just the named elements if they have no dependencies" do
-        set.deep_strip!(["c", "h"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [a, b, d, e, f, g]
-      end
-      it "should remove the named elements and all their dependencies" do
-        set.deep_strip!(["b"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [a, e, f, g, h]
-      end
-      it "should remove an entire tree of dependencies" do
-        set.deep_strip!(["e"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [a, b, c, d]
-      end
-      it "should allow removing all the elements" do
-        set.deep_strip!(["a", "e"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ []
-      end
-    end
-    describe "#deep_keep!" do
-      def man(o)
-        k, v = o.keys.first, o.values.first
-        double(k, :name => k, :dependencies => deps(v))
-      end
-      def deps(names)
-        names.map{|n| double(:name => n)}
-      end
-      let(:a) { man("a" => %w[b c]) }
-      let(:b) { man("b" => %w[c d]) }
-      let(:c) { man("c" => %w[   ]) }
-      let(:d) { man("d" => %w[   ]) }
-      let(:e) { man("e" => %w[f g]) }
-      let(:f) { man("f" => %w[g h]) }
-      let(:g) { man("g" => %w[   ]) }
-      let(:h) { man("h" => %w[   ]) }
-      let(:set) { described_class.new([a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]) }
-      it "should remove all the elements when given no names" do
-        set.deep_keep!([])
-        set.to_a.should =~ []
-      end
-      it "should keep just the named elements if they have no dependencies" do
-        set.deep_keep!(["c", "h"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [c, h]
-      end
-      it "should keep the named elements and all their dependencies" do
-        set.deep_keep!(["b"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [b, c, d]
-      end
-      it "should keep an entire tree of dependencies" do
-        set.deep_keep!(["e"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [e, f, g, h]
-      end
-      it "should allow keeping all the elements" do
-        set.deep_keep!(["a", "e"])
-        set.to_a.should =~ [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/manifest_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/manifest_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e3f2f5..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/manifest_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/manifest"
-describe Librarian::Manifest do
-  describe "validations" do
-    context "when the name is blank" do
-      it "raises" do
-        expect { described_class.new(nil, "") }.
-          to raise_error(ArgumentError, %{name ("") must be sensible})
-      end
-    end
-    context "when the name has leading whitespace" do
-      it "raises" do
-        expect { described_class.new(nil, "  the-name") }.
-          to raise_error(ArgumentError, %{name ("  the-name") must be sensible})
-      end
-    end
-    context "when the name has trailing whitespace" do
-      it "raises" do
-        expect { described_class.new(nil, "the-name  ") }.
-          to raise_error(ArgumentError, %{name ("the-name  ") must be sensible})
-      end
-    end
-    context "when the name is a single character" do
-      it "passes" do
-        described_class.new(nil, "R")
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/manifest_version_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/manifest_version_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f3830c9..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/manifest_version_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/manifest"
-describe Librarian::Manifest::Version do
-  describe "version comparison" do
-    context "when version has only two components" do
-      it "creates a new version with only 2 version components" do
-        v1 = described_class.new("1.0")
-      end
-    end
-    context "when neither version has pre-release items" do
-      it "compares 1.0.0 < 2.0.0" do
-        v1 = described_class.new("1.0.0")
-        v2 = described_class.new("2.0.0")
-        expect(v1 <=> v2).to eq(-1)
-      end
-      it "compares 2.0.0 < 2.1.0" do
-        v1 = described_class.new("2.0.0")
-        v2 = described_class.new("2.1.0")
-        expect(v1 <=> v2).to eq(-1)
-      end
-      it "compares 2.1.0 < 2.1.1" do
-        v1 = described_class.new("2.1.0")
-        v2 = described_class.new("2.1.1")
-        expect(v1 <=> v2).to eq(-1)
-      end
-    end
-    context "when versions have pre-release information" do
-      it "compares 1.0.0-alpha < 1.0.0-alpha1" do
-        v1 = described_class.new("1.0.0-alpha")
-        v2 = described_class.new("1.0.0-alpha.1")
-        expect(v1 <=> v2).to eq(-1)
-      end
-      it "compares 1.0.0-alpha.1 < 1.0.0-alpha.beta" do
-        v1 = described_class.new("1.0.0-alpha.1")
-        v2 = described_class.new("1.0.0-alpha.beta")
-        expect(v1 <=> v2).to eq(-1)
-      end
-      it "compares 1.0.0-alpha.beta < 1.0.0-beta" do
-        v1 = described_class.new("1.0.0-alpha.beta")
-        v2 = described_class.new("1.0.0-beta")
-        expect(v1 <=> v2).to eq(-1)
-      end
-      it "compares 1.0.0-beta < 1.0.0-beta.2" do
-        v1 = described_class.new("1.0.0-beta")
-        v2 = described_class.new("1.0.0-beta.2")
-        expect(v1 <=> v2).to eq(-1)
-      end
-      it "compares 1.0.0-beta.2 < 1.0.0-beta.11" do
-        v1 = described_class.new("1.0.0-beta.2")
-        v2 = described_class.new("1.0.0-beta.11")
-        expect(v1 <=> v2).to eq(-1)
-      end
-      it "compares 1.0.0-beta.11 < 1.0.0-rc.1" do
-        v1 = described_class.new("1.0.0-beta.11")
-        v2 = described_class.new("1.0.0-rc.1")
-        expect(v1 <=> v2).to eq(-1)
-      end
-      it "compares 1.0.0-rc.1 < 1.0.0" do
-        v1 = described_class.new("1.0.0-rc.1")
-        v2 = described_class.new("1.0.0")
-        expect(v1 <=> v2).to eq(-1)
-      end
-    end
-    context "when an invalid version number is provided" do
-      it "raises" do
-        expect { described_class.new("invalidversion") }.
-            to raise_error(ArgumentError)
-      end
-    end
-    context "when a version is converted to string" do
-      it "should be the full semver" do
-        version = "1.0.0-beta.11+200.1.2"
-        v1 = described_class.new(version)
-        expect(v1.to_s).to eq(version)
-      end
-      it "should be the full gem version" do
-        version = "1.0.0.a"
-        v1 = described_class.new(version)
-        expect(v1.to_s).to eq(version)
-      end
-      it "should be the two-component version" do
-        version = "1.0"
-        v1 = described_class.new(version)
-        expect(v1.to_s).to eq(version)
-      end
-    end
-  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/mock/source/mock_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/mock/source/mock_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 127813d..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/mock/source/mock_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian/mock"
-module Librarian
-  module Mock
-    module Source
-      describe Mock do
-        let(:env) { Librarian::Mock::Environment.new }
-        describe ".new" do
-          let(:source) { described_class.new(env, "source-a", {}) }
-          subject { source }
-          its(:environment) { should_not be_nil }
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/resolver_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/resolver_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c35455..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/resolver_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian/resolver'
-require 'librarian/spec_change_set'
-require 'librarian/mock'
-module Librarian
-  describe Resolver do
-    let(:env) { Mock::Environment.new }
-    let(:resolver) { env.resolver }
-    context "a simple specfile" do
-      before do
-        env.registry :clear => true do
-          source 'source-1' do
-            spec 'butter', '1.1'
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      let(:spec) do
-        env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'butter'
-        end
-      end
-      let(:resolution) { resolver.resolve(spec) }
-      specify { resolution.should be_correct }
-    end
-    context "a specfile with a dep from one src depending on a dep from another src" do
-      before do
-        env.registry :clear => true do
-          source 'source-1' do
-            spec 'butter', '1.1'
-          end
-          source 'source-2' do
-            spec 'jam', '1.2' do
-              dependency 'butter', '>= 1.0'
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      let(:spec) do
-        env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          src 'source-2' do
-            dep 'jam'
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      let(:resolution) { resolver.resolve(spec) }
-      specify { resolution.should be_correct }
-    end
-    context "a specfile with a dep depending on a nonexistent dep" do
-      before do
-        env.registry :clear => true do
-          source 'source-1' do
-            spec 'jam', '1.2' do
-              dependency 'butter', '>= 1.0'
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      let(:spec) do
-        env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'jam'
-        end
-      end
-      let(:resolution) { resolver.resolve(spec) }
-      specify { resolution.should_not be_correct }
-    end
-    context "a specfile with conflicting constraints" do
-      before do
-        env.registry :clear => true do
-          source 'source-1' do
-            spec 'butter', '1.0'
-            spec 'butter', '1.1'
-            spec 'jam', '1.2' do
-              dependency 'butter', '1.1'
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      let(:spec) do
-        env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'butter', '1.0'
-          dep 'jam'
-        end
-      end
-      let(:resolution) { resolver.resolve(spec) }
-      specify { resolution.should_not be_correct }
-    end
-    context "updating" do
-      it "should not work" do
-        env.registry :clear => true do
-          source 'source-1' do
-            spec 'butter', '1.0'
-            spec 'butter', '1.1'
-            spec 'jam', '1.2' do
-              dependency 'butter'
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        first_spec = env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'butter', '1.1'
-          dep 'jam'
-        end
-        first_resolution = resolver.resolve(first_spec)
-        first_resolution.should be_correct
-        first_manifests = first_resolution.manifests
-        first_manifests_index = Hash[first_manifests.map{|m| [m.name, m]}]
-        first_manifests_index['butter'].version.to_s.should == '1.1'
-        second_spec = env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'butter', '1.0'
-          dep 'jam'
-        end
-        locked_manifests = ManifestSet.deep_strip(first_manifests, ['butter'])
-        second_resolution =resolver.resolve(second_spec, locked_manifests)
-        second_resolution.should be_correct
-        second_manifests = second_resolution.manifests
-        second_manifests_index = Hash[second_manifests.map{|m| [m.name, m]}]
-        second_manifests_index['butter'].version.to_s.should == '1.0'
-      end
-    end
-    context "a change to the spec" do
-      it "should work" do
-        env.registry :clear => true do
-          source 'source-1' do
-            spec 'butter', '1.0'
-          end
-          source 'source-2' do
-            spec 'butter', '1.0'
-          end
-        end
-        spec = env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'butter'
-        end
-        lock = resolver.resolve(spec)
-        lock.should be_correct
-        spec = env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'butter', :src => 'source-2'
-        end
-        changes = SpecChangeSet.new(env, spec, lock)
-        changes.should_not be_same
-        manifests = ManifestSet.new(changes.analyze).to_hash
-        manifests.should_not have_key('butter')
-        lock = resolver.resolve(spec, changes.analyze)
-        lock.should be_correct
-        lock.manifests.map{|m| m.name}.should include('butter')
-        manifest = lock.manifests.find{|m| m.name == 'butter'}
-        manifest.should_not be_nil
-        manifest.source.name.should == 'source-2'
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/source/git_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/source/git_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d8cacb..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/source/git_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-require "librarian"
-module Librarian
-  module Source
-    describe Git do
-      let(:env) { Environment.new }
-      describe "validating options for the specfile" do
-        context "with only known options" do
-          it "should not raise" do
-            expect { described_class.from_spec_args(env, "some://git/repo.git", :ref => "megapatches") }.
-              to_not raise_error
-          end
-        end
-        context "with an unknown option" do
-          it "should raise" do
-            expect { described_class.from_spec_args(env, "some://git/repo.git", :branch => "megapatches") }.
-              to raise_error Error, "unrecognized options: branch"
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
diff --git a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/spec_change_set_spec.rb b/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/spec_change_set_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ab637a1..0000000
--- a/vendor/librarian/spec/unit/spec_change_set_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-require 'librarian'
-require 'librarian/spec_change_set'
-require 'librarian/mock'
-module Librarian
-  describe SpecChangeSet do
-    let(:env) { Mock::Environment.new }
-    let(:resolver) { env.resolver }
-    context "a simple root removal" do
-      it "should work" do
-        env.registry :clear => true do
-          source 'source-1' do
-            spec 'butter', '1.0'
-            spec 'jam', '1.0'
-          end
-        end
-        spec = env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'butter'
-          dep 'jam'
-        end
-        lock = resolver.resolve(spec)
-        lock.should be_correct
-        spec = env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'jam'
-        end
-        changes = described_class.new(env, spec, lock)
-        changes.should_not be_same
-        manifests = ManifestSet.new(changes.analyze).to_hash
-        manifests.should have_key('jam')
-        manifests.should_not have_key('butter')
-      end
-    end
-    context "a simple root add" do
-      it "should work" do
-        env.registry :clear => true do
-          source 'source-1' do
-            spec 'butter', '1.0'
-            spec 'jam', '1.0'
-          end
-        end
-        spec = env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'jam'
-        end
-        lock = resolver.resolve(spec)
-        lock.should be_correct
-        spec = env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'butter'
-          dep 'jam'
-        end
-        changes = described_class.new(env, spec, lock)
-        changes.should_not be_same
-        manifests = ManifestSet.new(changes.analyze).to_hash
-        manifests.should have_key('jam')
-        manifests.should_not have_key('butter')
-      end
-    end
-    context "a simple root change" do
-      context "when the change is consistent" do
-        it "should work" do
-          env.registry :clear => true do
-            source 'source-1' do
-              spec 'butter', '1.0'
-              spec 'jam', '1.0'
-              spec 'jam', '1.1'
-            end
-          end
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            src 'source-1'
-            dep 'butter'
-            dep 'jam', '= 1.1'
-          end
-          lock = resolver.resolve(spec)
-          lock.should be_correct
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            src 'source-1'
-            dep 'butter'
-            dep 'jam', '>= 1.0'
-          end
-          changes = described_class.new(env, spec, lock)
-          changes.should_not be_same
-          manifests = ManifestSet.new(changes.analyze).to_hash
-          manifests.should have_key('butter')
-          manifests.should have_key('jam')
-        end
-      end
-      context "when the change is inconsistent" do
-        it "should work" do
-          env.registry :clear => true do
-            source 'source-1' do
-              spec 'butter', '1.0'
-              spec 'jam', '1.0'
-              spec 'jam', '1.1'
-            end
-          end
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            src 'source-1'
-            dep 'butter'
-            dep 'jam', '= 1.0'
-          end
-          lock = resolver.resolve(spec)
-          lock.should be_correct
-          spec = env.dsl do
-            src 'source-1'
-            dep 'butter'
-            dep 'jam', '>= 1.1'
-          end
-          changes = described_class.new(env, spec, lock)
-          changes.should_not be_same
-          manifests = ManifestSet.new(changes.analyze).to_hash
-          manifests.should have_key('butter')
-          manifests.should_not have_key('jam')
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    context "a simple root source change" do
-      it "should work" do
-        env.registry :clear => true do
-          source 'source-1' do
-            spec 'butter', '1.0'
-          end
-          source 'source-2' do
-            spec 'butter', '1.0'
-          end
-        end
-        spec = env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'butter'
-        end
-        lock = resolver.resolve(spec)
-        lock.should be_correct
-        spec = env.dsl do
-          src 'source-1'
-          dep 'butter', :src => 'source-2'
-        end
-        changes = described_class.new(env, spec, lock)
-        changes.should_not be_same
-        manifests = ManifestSet.new(changes.analyze).to_hash
-        manifests.should_not have_key('butter')
-      end
-    end
-  end

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/librarian-puppet.git

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