[DRE-commits] [librarian-puppet] annotated tag upstream/0.9.13 created (now 0a5a376)
Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
ssm at debian.org
Tue Mar 11 12:13:26 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ssm pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/0.9.13
in repository librarian-puppet.
at 0a5a376 (tag)
tagging 327f5f06c06fdc618736afd9af37e0214749467d (commit)
replaces upstream/0.9.10+dfsg
tagged by Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
on Sat Feb 15 20:51:32 2014 +0100
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 0.9.13
Version: GnuPG v1
Carlos Sanchez (70):
Fail if path is not a puppet module
Version of forge modules is ignored
Use librarian gem
Issue #146 Add features from maestrodev fork
Increase timeouts for travis
Enable features passing
1.x versions should translate to ~>1.0 gem requirement
Merge pull request #60 from maestrodev/forge-versioning
Cache forge responses and print an error if returns an invalid response
Use open-uri to simplify code and support proxies with http_proxy
Don't sort versions as strings. Reduce calls to API
Fix spec for ruby 1.8
Merge pull request #153 from rodjek/ruby-1.8
Merge pull request #152 from rodjek/open-uri
Merge pull request #145 from dannybeut/master
Merge pull request #154 from rodjek/undefined-path
Add Changelog
Add a module to use in tests
Fix Git dependency with :path attribute
Merge pull request #155 from rodjek/git-path
Issue #94 Error if a git module has a dependency without version
Issue #94 Error if a git module has a dependency without version. Enable test
Merge pull request #110 from jozefizso/fix_githubtarball_version_sorting
Update README with modulefile dsl
Add puppet 3.3 and 3.4 to Travis
Issue #134 Check for puppet executable instead of gem
PUPPET_VERSION environment is ignored in travis
Forge and git not working under puppet 2.6, so better disable it in travis
Merge pull request #161 from rodjek/travis-puppet
Issue #117 Support changing tmp, cache and scratch paths
Add open3_backport in ruby 1.8
Merge pull request #162 from rodjek/issue-134
Issue #160 Add ruby 2.0.0 and 2.1.0 to travis
json gem is only needed in ruby 1.8
Add an example with Puppetfile and Modulefile for tests
Git dependencies in both Puppetfile and Modulefile cause a Cannot bounce Puppetfile.lock! error
Merge pull request #164 from rodjek/git-dependencies-duplicated
Update rubygems in travis now that 763 is fixed
Allow failures in travis for ruby 2.1.0
Merge pull request #165 from rodjek/rubygems-latest
Merge pull request #163 from rodjek/ruby-2.1
Issue #117 Default tmp dir to ./.tmp as it was before applying 80b2ea9
Merge pull request #166 from rodjek/default-tmp
Issue #167 Require open3_backport in ruby 1.8 and install if not present
Print puppet version before running tests in Travis
Merge pull request #168 from jabley/robust-tarball-download
Merge pull request #167 from rodjek/open3_backport
Split install tests for easier management
Step 'there is no Puppetfile' is using the wrong dir
Merge pull request #169 from rodjek/split-features
Show a message if no versions are found for a module
Merge pull request #171 from rodjek/no-versions-found
Remove duplicated code
librarian-puppet package causes an infinite loop
Ensure that tests run with a local fresh tmp folder
Issue #173 workaround, FileUtils.cp_r will fail if there is a symlink that points to a missing file
Remove duplicated debug and info methods
Merge pull request #172 from rodjek/issue-172
Bump version to 0.9.11
Add myself to travis notifications
Update Changelog for 0.9.11
Release 0.9.12, this time under ruby 1.9
Put new features first in changelog
Merge pull request #176 from njam/librarian-0.1.2
Update changelog
Add a feature to test outdated command
Revert "Issue #167 Require open3_backport in ruby 1.8 and install if not present"
Issue #179 Need to install extra gems just in case we are in ruby 1.8
Issue #178 Print a meaningful message if puppet gem can't be loaded for :git sources
Merge pull request #177 from njam/version-0.9.13
Danny Beutler (1):
Allow repositories to maintain modified dates on files when they are copied into the modules directory
James Abley (1):
Make download of tarballs more robust
Jozef Izso (1):
Correctly sort tagged version numbers
Justen Walker (1):
(#115) Add license to gemspec
Patrick Connolly (6):
Adds syntax highlighting to Puppetfile template.
Merge pull request #123 from petems/patch-1
Merge pull request #131 from patcon/131-syntax-highligh-template
Merge pull request #147 from justenwalker/add-license
Merge pull request #91 from maestrodev/librarian
Merge pull request #143 from grosser/token-info
PeteMS (3):
Update env.rb
Update env.rb
Added Travis build image
Peter Souter (1):
Cleaner output when no Puppetfile found.
Reto Kaiser (5):
Consider Puppetfile recursively in git source
Add test for recursive module fetching via puppetfile
Add workaround for rubygems bug in ruby 1.8.7
Upgrade to librarian 0.1.2
Bump version to 0.9.13
Stig Sandbeck Mathisen (1):
Imported Upstream version 0.9.13
William Durand (1):
Fix "undefined 'path' variable"
grosser (2):
test + refactor existing code
help users overcome rate limits
hawknewton (1):
modulefile dsl
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/librarian-puppet.git
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