[DRE-commits] [ruby-packetfu] 02/07: Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.10'

Jérémy Bobbio lunar at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 3 13:18:45 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

lunar pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-packetfu.

commit bbc09008b5e470902696c4a66ed65df4feeea24f
Merge: 85f7d90 6150d32
Author: Jérémy Bobbio <lunar at debian.org>
Date:   Sat May 3 14:55:53 2014 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.1.10'
    Upstream version 1.1.10

 README.rdoc                         | 23 ++++++-------
 examples/100kpackets.rb             |  1 +
 examples/ackscan.rb                 |  1 +
 examples/arp.rb                     |  1 +
 examples/arphood.rb                 |  1 +
 examples/dissect_thinger.rb         |  1 +
 examples/ethernet.rb                |  1 +
 examples/examples.rb                |  1 +
 examples/ifconfig.rb                |  1 +
 examples/new-simple-stats.rb        |  1 +
 examples/packetfu-shell.rb          |  1 +
 examples/simple-sniffer.rb          |  1 +
 examples/simple-stats.rb            |  1 +
 examples/slammer.rb                 |  1 +
 lib/packetfu.rb                     |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/capture.rb             |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/config.rb              |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/inject.rb              |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/packet.rb              |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/pcap.rb                |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/arp.rb          |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/arp/header.rb   |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/arp/mixin.rb    |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/eth.rb          |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/eth/header.rb   |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/eth/mixin.rb    |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/hsrp.rb         |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/hsrp/header.rb  |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/hsrp/mixin.rb   |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/icmp.rb         |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/icmp/header.rb  |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/icmp/mixin.rb   |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/invalid.rb      |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/ip.rb           |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/ip/header.rb    |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/ip/mixin.rb     |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/ipv6.rb         |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/ipv6/header.rb  |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/ipv6/mixin.rb   |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/lldp.rb         |  4 ++-
 lib/packetfu/protos/lldp/header.rb  |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/lldp/mixin.rb   |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/tcp.rb          |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/tcp/ecn.rb      |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/tcp/flags.rb    |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/tcp/header.rb   |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/tcp/hlen.rb     |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/tcp/mixin.rb    |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/tcp/option.rb   |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/tcp/options.rb  |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/tcp/reserved.rb |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/udp.rb          |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/udp/header.rb   |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/protos/udp/mixin.rb    |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/structfu.rb            |  1 +
 lib/packetfu/utils.rb               | 68 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 lib/packetfu/version.rb             |  3 +-
 metadata.yml                        |  7 ++--
 packetfu.gemspec                    |  3 +-
 spec/packet_subclasses_spec.rb      |  2 +-
 60 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-packetfu.git

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