[DRE-commits] [ruby-bdb] annotated tag debian/0.6.6-1 created (now 9d172e9)

Cédric Boutillier boutil at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue May 6 06:05:41 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

boutil pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.6.6-1
in repository ruby-bdb.

        at  9d172e9   (tag)
   tagging  a0b8fd3d700e69e971bb0e34c9342bf1cfcd4eb1 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/0.6.6
 tagged by  Cédric Boutillier
        on  Tue May 6 08:05:20 2014 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
ruby-bdb Debian release 0.6.6-1
Version: GnuPG v1


Cédric Boutillier (7):
      copyright: change to a working url in Format: field
      debian/control: remove obsolete DM-Upload-Allowed flag
      use canonical URI in Vcs-* fields
      debian/copyright: use DEP5 copyright-format/1.0 official URL for Format field
      update debian/watch
      add doc-base registration
      cutoff sentences about GPL in Ruby's conditions

David Suárez (28):
      Add patch 'fix-inheritance'
      Add patch 'remove-src-dir-from-tests-load-path'
      Add patch 'dont-rely-on-ruby-objects-to-accommodate-c-data'
      Fix test runner and remove the hard dependency on ruby1.8
      Update standards version; no changes needed
      Improve clean rule
      Add unapply-patches option
      Generate and install rdoc documentation
      Remove empty dirs
      Fix copyright
      Improve description
      Wrap and sort
      Fix typo
      Use correct license short name
      Improve rules file
      Lowercase the sort description
      Add patch 'use-same-encoding-for-dup-test'
      Prepare for release
      Fix date
      Add the file extension to patches
      Add 'update-bdb-versions' patch
      Add 'fix-integer-overflow-on-bdb_h_hash-callback' patch
      Add 'dont-conflict-helpers-with-test-funcs' patch
      Add 'add-ruby2.1-support' patch
      Remove obsolete 'build-against-libdb' patch
      Add basic metadata to the gemspec from the github one
      Bump the gem2deb b-d to 0.7.0
      Update changelog

Gunnar Wolf (6):
      Clarified and completed debian/copyright information
      Create tmp/ directories needed if they are unavailable
      Merge tag 'upstream/0.6.6'
      New upstream version
      Refreshed patches
      Check whether constants were already defined before removing them at build time

Ondřej Surý (13):
      Imported Debian patch 0.6.5-1
      Import libdb-ruby changelog
      Merge libdb-ruby control and add transitional package for libdb-ruby1.8
      Import libdb-ruby patches
      Modify libdb-4.8 patch to build against default debian libdb version
      Disable VERSION_PATCH checks at two more places
      Make BDB version checks less prone to errors due version 5 introduction
      Support only ruby1.8
      Add custom gemspec to fix FTBFSes from gem2deb
      Include bdb documentation in the package
      Add custom script to run ruby tests
      prepare 0.6.5-7 release
      Update copyright file to correct license, update upstream address

Paul van Tilburg (1):
      debian/watch: use githubredir instead of gemwatch as gem release don't seem to be far behind releases on github.


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-bdb.git

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