[DRE-commits] [ruby-color-tools] branch master updated (c8c8a50 -> 5516206)
Cédric Boutillier
boutil at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 10 22:36:29 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
boutil pushed a change to branch master
in repository ruby-color-tools.
from c8c8a50 install upstream changelog
adds 07a2413 Imported Upstream version 1.5.1
new 8472c73 Merge tag 'upstream/1.5.1'
adds 34d3c1d Imported Upstream version 1.5.1
new 6b7343b Merge tag 'upstream/1.5.1'
new 46c8366 drop patches; not needed anymore
new 9456207 rename source and binary to ruby-color, as upstream is now called color instead of color-tools
new 6f6a11b add myself to uploaders, bump standards-version to 3.9.5
new e897c9a add missing Architecture field for transitional package
new be5e6ea use the Ruby method to run the tests
new d1a9631 patch: do not use gem to load minitest
new fbc80d1 add misc:Depends for dummy ruby-color-tools
new 5516206 prepare changelog
The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.autotest | 5 +
.gitignore | 20 ++
.minitest.rb | 2 +
.travis.yml | 29 +++
Gemfile | 9 +
History.rdoc | 33 ++++
Manifest.txt | 2 +-
README.rdoc | 16 +-
Rakefile | 25 ++-
color.gemspec | 62 ++++++
data.tar.gz.sig | 3 -
debian/changelog | 13 ++
debian/control | 19 +-
debian/patches/no_gem.patch | 12 ++
debian/patches/require_instead_of_gem | 96 ----------
debian/patches/series | 2 +-
debian/ruby-test-files.yaml | 11 --
debian/ruby-tests.rb | 3 +
lib/color.rb | 157 ++++++++++------
lib/color/cmyk.rb | 82 ++++----
lib/color/css.rb | 11 +-
lib/color/grayscale.rb | 67 ++++---
lib/color/hsl.rb | 161 +++++++++-------
lib/color/palette/monocontrast.rb | 52 +++---
lib/color/rgb-colors.rb | 343 ----------------------------------
lib/color/rgb.rb | 219 +++++++++++++++-------
lib/color/rgb/colors.rb | 166 ++++++++++++++++
lib/color/rgb/contrast.rb | 60 ++++++
lib/color/rgb/metallic.rb | 55 +++---
lib/color/yiq.rb | 36 ++--
metadata.gz.sig | 1 -
metadata.yml | 342 ---------------------------------
test/minitest_helper.rb | 6 +
test/test_adobecolor.rb | 4 +-
test/test_cmyk.rb | 4 +-
test/test_color.rb | 5 +-
test/test_css.rb | 20 +-
test/test_gimp.rb | 4 +-
test/test_grayscale.rb | 4 +-
test/test_hsl.rb | 4 +-
test/test_monocontrast.rb | 4 +-
test/test_rgb.rb | 42 ++++-
test/test_yiq.rb | 4 +-
43 files changed, 1024 insertions(+), 1191 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 .autotest
create mode 100644 .gitignore
create mode 100644 .minitest.rb
create mode 100644 .travis.yml
create mode 100644 Gemfile
create mode 100644 color.gemspec
delete mode 100644 data.tar.gz.sig
create mode 100644 debian/patches/no_gem.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/require_instead_of_gem
delete mode 100644 debian/ruby-test-files.yaml
create mode 100644 debian/ruby-tests.rb
delete mode 100644 lib/color/rgb-colors.rb
create mode 100644 lib/color/rgb/colors.rb
create mode 100644 lib/color/rgb/contrast.rb
delete mode 100644 metadata.gz.sig
delete mode 100644 metadata.yml
create mode 100644 test/minitest_helper.rb
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-color-tools.git
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