[DRE-commits] [ruby-webmock] annotated tag debian/1.17.4-2 created (now 6525dc1)

Praveen Arimbrathodiyil praveen at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed May 21 06:28:27 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

praveen pushed a change to annotated tag debian/1.17.4-2
in repository ruby-webmock.

        at  6525dc1   (tag)
   tagging  85e996420b032fe96a8caffe04b335be6ca41bd4 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/1.17.4
 tagged by  Praveen Arimbrathodiyil
        on  Wed May 21 11:46:23 2014 +0530

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
ruby-webmock Debian release 1.17.4-2

Cédric Boutillier (8):
      ca-certificates, minimal version for ruby-excon added in bdeps; deps updated
      update/add some patches
      add unapply-patches to local-options
      Merge tag 'upstream/1.17.4'
      refresh skip-gem-building-whitespace-tests.patch
      add missing copyright information
      wrap deps, add ruby-safe-yaml to build-deps, drop rake
      marked as UNRELEASED, add TODO (package some deps)

Praveen Arimbrathodiyil (59):
      Imported Debian patch 1.11.0-1
      use ruby-tests.rake
      update build dep
      ignore 1.8 failures
      update build deps, needs eventmachine with ssl
      add itp
      add ruby-rack to build deps
      fix syntax - add commawq
      remove rrubygems, curb version check
      skip building gem and whitespace tests
      port more tests to minitest5
      skip patron segfault test
      update series
      add recommends for ca-certificates
      tag curb version check patch
      tag patron test skipping patch
      tag the patch - ignore whitespace error
      update description of patch
      update description, dependencies
      install upstream changelog
      update copyright
      target unstable, mention Cédric's patches
      update changelog, bump excon dependency to 0.27.5
      Merge tag 'upstream/1.16.1'
      remove already applied patch
      refresh remove-rubygems-curb-version-check.patch
      refresh remove-rubygems-port-to-minitest5.patch
      bump standards version, build only on ruby 1.9.1
      needs to rebuild patron with ruby 2.0.0
      add ruby-escape-utils to build deps
      build dep on latest gem2deb
      ruby-escape-utils >= 1.0.1-1 for ruby 2.x
      tighten build deps
      add ruby-http to build deps
      five test failures needs fixing
      only 3 tests are failing if network is disabled
      add link to upstream issues
      needs newer addressable
      only two failures are remaining
      reverse all patches in master
      reverse one more patch
      reverse curb version patch
      skip httpclient network test
      skip excon version incompatible test
      port to minitest, remaining lines too
      -1 revision removed from build dep
      only needs ruby-em-http-request in unstable
      ruby-em-socksify is a build dep
      add ruby-test-unit to build deps
      drop port to remove-rubygems-port-to-minitest5.patch
      add rake to build deps for using correct minitest
      tag patch - excon version incompatibility
      upload to unstable, finally!
      match uploader to changed by
      remove ruby-patron
      remove patron from lib/webmock.rb as well
      remove patch from series too
      remove patron from spec_helper as well
      upload to unstable


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-webmock.git

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