[DRE-commits] [sup-mail] 01/06: Merge tag 'upstream/0.20.0'

Per Andersson avtobiff at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Oct 7 10:35:59 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

avtobiff pushed a commit to branch master
in repository sup-mail.

commit 9325e0fe53cd6ec70c92ba0625239f84f6d210aa
Merge: 3133473 0b6f1dc
Author: Per Andersson <avtobiff at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Oct 7 11:47:01 2014 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.20.0'
    Upstream version 0.20.0

 .gitignore                                  |   2 +
 .gitmodules                                 |   3 ++
 CONTRIBUTORS                                |  18 ++++---
 Gemfile                                     |   4 ++
 History.txt                                 |  13 +++++
 Rakefile                                    |  42 ++++++++++++++++
 ReleaseNotes                                |  10 ++++
 bin/sup                                     |  38 +++++++-------
 ext/mkrf_conf_xapian.rb                     |  47 +++++++++++++++++
 lib/sup.rb                                  |   2 +
 lib/sup/buffer.rb                           |  12 +++++
 lib/sup/maildir.rb                          |  17 +++++--
 lib/sup/mbox.rb                             |  14 ++++--
 lib/sup/message.rb                          |  14 ++++--
 lib/sup/message_chunks.rb                   |   6 +++
 lib/sup/modes/edit_message_mode.rb          |   3 +-
 lib/sup/modes/thread_index_mode.rb          |   6 +++
 lib/sup/modes/thread_view_mode.rb           |  52 +++++++++++++++++++
 lib/sup/version.rb                          |   2 +-
 sup.gemspec                                 |  18 ++++++-
 test/gnupg_test_home/gpg.conf               |   3 +-
 test/gnupg_test_home/key1.gen               |  15 ++++++
 test/gnupg_test_home/key2.gen               |  15 ++++++
 test/gnupg_test_home/pubring.gpg            | Bin 1945 -> 1892 bytes
 test/gnupg_test_home/receiver_pubring.gpg   | Bin 718 -> 945 bytes
 test/gnupg_test_home/receiver_secring.gpg   | Bin 1382 -> 1007 bytes
 test/gnupg_test_home/regen_keys.sh          |  35 +++++++++++++
 test/gnupg_test_home/secring.gpg            | Bin 2529 -> 1001 bytes
 test/gnupg_test_home/sup-test-2 at foo.bar.asc |  39 ++++++++-------
 test/integration/test_maildir.rb            |  75 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/integration/test_mbox.rb               |  69 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 31 files changed, 520 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

index 5a89034,c487152..bf78c12
@@@ -45,8 -46,8 +47,9 @@@ Adeodato Simó <dato at the net.com.or
  Daniel Schoepe <daniel.schoepe at the googlemail dot coms>
  James Taylor <james at the jamestaylor dot orgs>
  Jason Petsod <jason at the petsod dot orgs>
 +Robin Burchell <viroteck at the viroteck dot nets>
  Steve Goldman <sgoldman at the tower-research dot coms>
+ Robin Burchell <viroteck at the viroteck dot nets>
  Peter Harkins <ph at the malaprop dot orgs>
  Decklin Foster <decklin at the red-bean dot coms>
  Cameron Matheson <cam+sup at the cammunism dot orgs>
@@@ -67,11 -70,10 +72,12 @@@ Steven Lawrance <stl at the koffein do
  Jonah <Jonah at the GoodCoffee dot cas>
  ian <itaylor at the uark dot edus>
  Adam Lloyd <adam at the alloy-d dot nets>
 +MichaelRevell <mikearevell at the gmail dot coms>
 +Gregor Hoffleit <gregor at the sam.mediasupervision dot des>
  Todd Eisenberger <teisenbe at the andrew.cmu dot edus>
- Per Andersson <avtobiff at the gmail dot coms>
  0xACE <0xACE at the users.noreply.github dot coms>
+ MichaelRevell <mikearevell at the gmail dot coms>
+ Gregor Hoffleit <gregor at the sam.mediasupervision dot des>
  Steven Schmeiser <steven at the schmeiser dot orgs>
  Steven Walter <swalter at the monarch.(none)>
  Jon M. Dugan <jdugan at the es dot nets>
diff --cc Rakefile
index f15e7ff,a565e67..129c335
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@@ -9,4 -9,45 +9,46 @@@ Rake::TestTask.new(:test) do |test
  task :default => :test
+ task :build => [:man]
  task :travis => [:test, :build]
+ def test_pandoc
+   return system("pandoc -v > /dev/null 2>&1")
+ end
+ task :man do
+   puts "building manpages from wiki.."
+   unless test_pandoc
+     puts "no pandoc installed, needed for manpage generation."
+     return
+   end
+   # test if wiki is cloned
+   unless Dir.exist? 'doc/wiki/man'
+     puts "wiki git repository is not cloned in doc/wiki, try: git submodule update --init."
+     return
+   end
+   unless Dir.exist? 'man'
+     Dir.mkdir 'man'
+   end
+   Dir.glob("doc/wiki/man/*.md").each do |md|
+     m = /^.*\/(?<manpage>[^\/]*)\.md$/.match(md)[:manpage]
+     puts "generating manpage for: #{m}.."
+     r = system "pandoc -s -f markdown -t man #{md} -o man/#{m}"
+     unless r
+       puts "failed to generate manpage: #{m}."
+       return
+     end
+   end
+ end
++task :default => :test
+ task :clean do
+   ['man', 'pkg'].each do |d|
+     puts "cleaning #{d}.."
+     FileUtils.rm_r d if Dir.exist? d
+   end
+ end

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/sup-mail.git

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