[DRE-commits] [ruby-ridley] 07/08: Add patches
Hleb Valoshka
tsfgnu-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Aug 3 12:06:14 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tsfgnu-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-ridley.
commit 888cb060bb0928e956910259e5aa455c47c44261
Author: Hleb Valoshka <375gnu at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Aug 3 15:05:26 2015 +0300
Add patches
* Don't use rubygems, bundler and spork in tests, use rspec-its
* Convert specs to RSpec 3.0.4 syntax with Transpec
...ubygems-bundler-and-spork-in-tests-use-rs.patch | 50 +
...specs-to-RSpec-3.0.4-syntax-with-Transpec.patch | 3910 ++++++++++++++++++++
debian/patches/series | 2 +
3 files changed, 3962 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/patches/0001-Don-t-use-rubygems-bundler-and-spork-in-tests-use-rs.patch b/debian/patches/0001-Don-t-use-rubygems-bundler-and-spork-in-tests-use-rs.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4623395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0001-Don-t-use-rubygems-bundler-and-spork-in-tests-use-rs.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+From: Hleb Valoshka <375gnu at gmail.com>
+Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 13:47:03 +0300
+Subject: Don't use rubygems, bundler and spork in tests, use rspec-its
+ spec/spec_helper.rb | 27 +++++++--------------------
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
+index f5a2ba1..c692a7a 100644
+--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
++++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
+@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
+-require 'rubygems'
+-require 'bundler'
+ require 'buff/ruby_engine'
++require 'rspec'
++require 'rspec/its'
++require 'json_spec'
++require 'webmock/rspec'
+-def setup_rspec
+- require 'rspec'
+- require 'json_spec'
+- require 'webmock/rspec'
++def setup_rspec
+ Dir[File.join(File.expand_path("../../spec/support/**/*.rb", __FILE__))].each { |f| require f }
+ RSpec.configure do |config|
+@@ -35,17 +34,5 @@ def setup_rspec
+ end
+ end
+-if Buff::RubyEngine.mri? && ENV['CI'] != 'true'
+- require 'spork'
+- Spork.prefork do
+- setup_rspec
+- end
+- Spork.each_run do
+- require 'ridley'
+- end
+- require 'ridley'
+- setup_rspec
++require 'ridley'
diff --git a/debian/patches/0002-Convert-specs-to-RSpec-3.0.4-syntax-with-Transpec.patch b/debian/patches/0002-Convert-specs-to-RSpec-3.0.4-syntax-with-Transpec.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac59a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/0002-Convert-specs-to-RSpec-3.0.4-syntax-with-Transpec.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,3910 @@
+From: Hleb Valoshka <375gnu at gmail.com>
+Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 14:05:51 +0300
+Subject: Convert specs to RSpec 3.0.4 syntax with Transpec
+This conversion is done by Transpec 3.1.1 with the following command:
+ transpec
+* 36 conversions
+ from: be_true
+ to: be_truthy
+* 25 conversions
+ from: be_false
+ to: be_falsey
+* 18 conversions
+ from: it { should ... }
+ to: it { is_expected.to ... }
+* 18 conversions
+ from: obj.stub(:message => value)
+ to: allow(obj).to receive_messages(:message => value)
+* 2 conversions
+ from: failure_message_for_should { }
+ to: failure_message { }
+* 1 conversion
+ from: failure_message_for_should_not { }
+ to: failure_message_when_negated { }
+For more details: https://github.com/yujinakayama/transpec#supported-conversions
+ spec/acceptance/client_resource_spec.rb | 24 +-
+ spec/acceptance/cookbook_resource_spec.rb | 30 +--
+ spec/acceptance/data_bag_item_resource_spec.rb | 28 +--
+ spec/acceptance/data_bag_resource_spec.rb | 8 +-
+ spec/acceptance/environment_resource_spec.rb | 28 +--
+ spec/acceptance/node_resource_spec.rb | 30 +--
+ spec/acceptance/role_resource_spec.rb | 28 +--
+ spec/acceptance/sandbox_resource_spec.rb | 6 +-
+ spec/acceptance/search_resource_spec.rb | 12 +-
+ spec/acceptance/user_resource_spec.rb | 42 ++--
+ spec/support/each_matcher.rb | 4 +-
+ spec/support/filepath_matchers.rb | 4 +-
+ spec/support/shared_examples/ridley_resource.rb | 76 +++----
+ spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/metadata_spec.rb | 16 +-
+ .../unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/syntax_check_spec.rb | 30 +--
+ spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook_spec.rb | 242 +++++++++++----------
+ spec/unit/ridley/chef/digester_spec.rb | 4 +-
+ spec/unit/ridley/chef_object_spec.rb | 70 +++---
+ .../ridley/chef_objects/cookbook_object_spec.rb | 24 +-
+ .../chef_objects/data_bag_item_object_spec.rb | 14 +-
+ .../ridley/chef_objects/data_bag_object_spec.rb | 5 +-
+ .../ridley/chef_objects/environment_object_spec.rb | 20 +-
+ spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/node_object_spec.rb | 56 ++---
+ spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/role_object_spec.rb | 20 +-
+ .../ridley/chef_objects/sandbox_object_spec.rb | 10 +-
+ spec/unit/ridley/client_spec.rb | 84 +++++--
+ spec/unit/ridley/connection_spec.rb | 18 +-
+ spec/unit/ridley/errors_spec.rb | 6 +-
+ spec/unit/ridley/middleware/chef_auth_spec.rb | 4 +-
+ spec/unit/ridley/middleware/chef_response_spec.rb | 58 ++---
+ spec/unit/ridley/middleware/parse_json_spec.rb | 28 +--
+ spec/unit/ridley/mixins/from_file_spec.rb | 6 +-
+ spec/unit/ridley/resource_spec.rb | 34 +--
+ spec/unit/ridley/resources/client_resource_spec.rb | 10 +-
+ .../ridley/resources/cookbook_resource_spec.rb | 26 +--
+ .../ridley/resources/data_bag_resource_spec.rb | 7 +-
+ .../ridley/resources/environment_resource_spec.rb | 16 +-
+ spec/unit/ridley/resources/node_resource_spec.rb | 2 +-
+ .../unit/ridley/resources/sandbox_resource_spec.rb | 28 +--
+ spec/unit/ridley/resources/search_resource_spec.rb | 58 ++---
+ spec/unit/ridley/resources/user_resource_spec.rb | 10 +-
+ spec/unit/ridley/sandbox_uploader_spec.rb | 10 +-
+ spec/unit/ridley_spec.rb | 12 +-
+ 43 files changed, 649 insertions(+), 599 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/spec/acceptance/client_resource_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/client_resource_spec.rb
+index 7262b74..cdee671 100644
+--- a/spec/acceptance/client_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/acceptance/client_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -11,30 +11,30 @@ describe "Client API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ before { chef_client("reset", admin: false) }
+ it "returns a ClientObject" do
+- connection.client.find("reset").should be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
++ expect(connection.client.find("reset")).to be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the server does not have the client" do
+ it "returns a nil value" do
+- connection.client.find("not_there").should be_nil
++ expect(connection.client.find("not_there")).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "creating a client" do
+ it "returns a Ridley::ClientObject" do
+- connection.client.create(name: "reset").should be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
++ expect(connection.client.create(name: "reset")).to be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
+ end
+ it "adds a client to the chef server" do
+ old = connection.client.all.length
+ connection.client.create(name: "reset")
+- connection.client.all.should have(old + 1).items
++ expect(connection.client.all.size).to eq(old + 1)
+ end
+ it "has a value for #private_key" do
+- connection.client.create(name: "reset").private_key.should_not be_nil
++ expect(connection.client.create(name: "reset").private_key).not_to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ describe "Client API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ before { chef_client("reset", admin: false) }
+ it "returns a Ridley::ClientObject object" do
+- connection.client.delete("reset").should be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
++ expect(connection.client.delete("reset")).to be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
+ end
+ it "removes the client from the server" do
+ connection.client.delete("reset")
+- connection.client.find("reset").should be_nil
++ expect(connection.client.find("reset")).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ describe "Client API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ end
+ it "returns an array of Ridley::ClientObject objects" do
+- connection.client.delete_all.should each be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
++ expect(connection.client.delete_all).to each be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
+ end
+ it "deletes all clients from the remote" do
+ connection.client.delete_all
+- connection.client.all.should have(0).clients
++ expect(connection.client.all.size).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ describe "Client API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ end
+ it "returns an array of Ridley::ClientObject objects" do
+- connection.client.all.should each be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
++ expect(connection.client.all).to each be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
+ end
+ it "returns all of the clients on the server" do
+- connection.client.all.should have(4).items
++ expect(connection.client.all.size).to eq(4)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ describe "Client API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ before { chef_client("reset", admin: false) }
+ it "returns a Ridley::ClientObject object with a value for #private_key" do
+- connection.client.regenerate_key("reset").private_key.should match(/^-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----/)
++ expect(connection.client.regenerate_key("reset").private_key).to match(/^-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----/)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/acceptance/cookbook_resource_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/cookbook_resource_spec.rb
+index 169c4f4..486e21f 100644
+--- a/spec/acceptance/cookbook_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/acceptance/cookbook_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ describe "Client API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ before { subject.download(name, version, destination) }
+ it "downloads the cookbook to the destination" do
+- expect(File.exist?(destination.join("metadata.json"))).to be_true
++ expect(File.exist?(destination.join("metadata.json"))).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -30,23 +30,23 @@ describe "Client API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ subject.upload(path)
+ cookbook = subject.find("example_cookbook", "0.1.0")
+- cookbook.attributes.should have(1).item
+- cookbook.definitions.should have(1).item
+- cookbook.files.should have(2).items
+- cookbook.libraries.should have(1).item
+- cookbook.providers.should have(1).item
+- cookbook.recipes.should have(1).item
+- cookbook.resources.should have(1).item
+- cookbook.templates.should have(1).item
+- cookbook.root_files.should have(1).items
++ expect(cookbook.attributes.size).to eq(1)
++ expect(cookbook.definitions.size).to eq(1)
++ expect(cookbook.files.size).to eq(2)
++ expect(cookbook.libraries.size).to eq(1)
++ expect(cookbook.providers.size).to eq(1)
++ expect(cookbook.recipes.size).to eq(1)
++ expect(cookbook.resources.size).to eq(1)
++ expect(cookbook.templates.size).to eq(1)
++ expect(cookbook.root_files.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it "does not contain a raw metadata.rb but does contain a compiled metadata.json" do
+ subject.upload(path)
+ cookbook = subject.find("example_cookbook", "0.1.0")
+- expect(cookbook.root_files.any? { |f| f[:name] == "metadata.json" }).to be_true
+- expect(cookbook.root_files.any? { |f| f[:name] == "metadata.rb" }).to be_false
++ expect(cookbook.root_files.any? { |f| f[:name] == "metadata.json" }).to be_truthy
++ expect(cookbook.root_files.any? { |f| f[:name] == "metadata.rb" }).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ describe "Client API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ it "returns all of the cookbooks on the server" do
+ all_cookbooks = subject.all
+- expect(all_cookbooks).to have(2).items
+- expect(all_cookbooks["ruby"]).to have(2).items
+- expect(all_cookbooks["elixir"]).to have(2).items
++ expect(all_cookbooks.size).to eq(2)
++ expect(all_cookbooks["ruby"].size).to eq(2)
++ expect(all_cookbooks["elixir"].size).to eq(2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/acceptance/data_bag_item_resource_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/data_bag_item_resource_spec.rb
+index ea811e2..46a48f0 100644
+--- a/spec/acceptance/data_bag_item_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/acceptance/data_bag_item_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ describe "listing data bag items" do
+ context "when the data bag has no items" do
+ it "returns an empty array" do
+- data_bag.item.all.should have(0).items
++ expect(data_bag.item.all.size).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ end
+ it "returns an array with each item" do
+- data_bag.item.all.should have(2).items
++ expect(data_bag.item.all.size).to eq(2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ it "adds a data bag item to the collection of data bag items" do
+ data_bag.item.create(id: "appconfig", host: "host.local", port: 80, admin: false, servers: ["one"])
+- data_bag.item.all.should have(1).item
++ expect(data_bag.item.all.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ context "when an 'id' field is missing" do
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ }
+ data_bag.item.create(attributes)
+- data_bag.item.find("appconfig").to_hash.should eql(attributes)
++ expect(data_bag.item.find("appconfig").to_hash).to eql(attributes)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -76,14 +76,14 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ it "returns the deleted data bag item" do
+ dbi = data_bag.item.delete(attributes["id"])
+- dbi.should be_a(Ridley::DataBagItemObject)
+- dbi.attributes.should eql(attributes)
++ expect(dbi).to be_a(Ridley::DataBagItemObject)
++ expect(dbi.attributes).to eql(attributes)
+ end
+ it "deletes the data bag item from the server" do
+ data_bag.item.delete(attributes["id"])
+- data_bag.item.find(attributes["id"]).should be_nil
++ expect(data_bag.item.find(attributes["id"])).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ end
+ it "returns the array of deleted data bag items" do
+- data_bag.item.delete_all.should each be_a(Ridley::DataBagItemObject)
++ expect(data_bag.item.delete_all).to each be_a(Ridley::DataBagItemObject)
+ end
+ it "removes all data bag items from the data bag" do
+ data_bag.item.delete_all
+- data_bag.item.all.should have(0).items
++ expect(data_bag.item.all.size).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ it "returns the updated data bag item" do
+ dbi = data_bag.item.update(id: "one", name: "brooke")
+- dbi[:name].should eql("brooke")
++ expect(dbi[:name]).to eql("brooke")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -120,14 +120,14 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ it "returns true if successful" do
+ dbi[:name] = "brooke"
+- dbi.save.should be_true
++ expect(dbi.save).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "creates a new data bag item on the remote" do
+ dbi[:name] = "brooke"
+ dbi.save
+- data_bag.item.all.should have(1).item
++ expect(data_bag.item.all.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ dbi = data_bag.item.new
+ dbi.attributes = { id: "not-there", name: "brooke" }
+- dbi.save.should be_true
++ expect(dbi.save).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "creates a new data bag item on the remote" do
+@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ dbi.attributes = { id: "not-there", name: "brooke" }
+ dbi.save
+- data_bag.item.all.should have(1).item
++ expect(data_bag.item.all.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/acceptance/data_bag_resource_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/data_bag_resource_spec.rb
+index eb6d005..883cbeb 100644
+--- a/spec/acceptance/data_bag_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/acceptance/data_bag_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ describe "listing data bags" do
+ context "when no data bags exist" do
+ it "returns an empty array" do
+- connection.data_bag.all.should have(0).items
++ expect(connection.data_bag.all.size).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ describe "DataBag API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ end
+ it "returns an array of data bags" do
+- connection.data_bag.all.should each be_a(Ridley::DataBagObject)
++ expect(connection.data_bag.all).to each be_a(Ridley::DataBagObject)
+ end
+ it "returns all of the data bags on the server" do
+- connection.data_bag.all.should have(2).items
++ expect(connection.data_bag.all.size).to eq(2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "creating a data bag" do
+ it "returns a Ridley::DataBagObject" do
+- connection.data_bag.create(name: "ridley-one").should be_a(Ridley::DataBagObject)
++ expect(connection.data_bag.create(name: "ridley-one")).to be_a(Ridley::DataBagObject)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/acceptance/environment_resource_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/environment_resource_spec.rb
+index df2d6ab..07a6c90 100644
+--- a/spec/acceptance/environment_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/acceptance/environment_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ describe "Environment API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ before { chef_environment("ridley-test-env") }
+ it "returns a valid Ridley::EnvironmentObject object" do
+- connection.environment.find("ridley-test-env").should be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
++ expect(connection.environment.find("ridley-test-env")).to be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ describe "Environment API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ it "returns a valid Ridley::EnvironmentObject object" do
+ obj = connection.environment.create(name: "ridley-test-env", description: "a testing env for ridley")
+- obj.should be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
++ expect(obj).to be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
+ end
+ it "adds an environment to the chef server" do
+ old = connection.environment.all.length
+ connection.environment.create(name: "ridley")
+- connection.environment.all.should have(old + 1).item
++ expect(connection.environment.all.size).to eq(old + 1)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ describe "Environment API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ before { chef_environment("ridley-env") }
+ it "returns a Ridley::EnvironmentObject object" do
+- connection.environment.delete("ridley-env").should be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
++ expect(connection.environment.delete("ridley-env")).to be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
+ end
+ it "removes the environment from the server" do
+ connection.environment.delete("ridley-env")
+- connection.environment.find("ridley-env").should be_nil
++ expect(connection.environment.find("ridley-env")).to be_nil
+ end
+ it "raises Ridley::Errors::HTTPMethodNotAllowed when attempting to delete the '_default' environment" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ connection.environment.delete("_default")
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPMethodNotAllowed)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPMethodNotAllowed)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -55,19 +55,19 @@ describe "Environment API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ end
+ it "returns an array of Ridley::EnvironmentObject objects" do
+- connection.environment.delete_all.should each be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
++ expect(connection.environment.delete_all).to each be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
+ end
+ it "deletes all environments but '_default' from the remote" do
+ connection.environment.delete_all
+- connection.environment.all.should have(1).item
++ expect(connection.environment.all.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "listing all environments" do
+ it "should return an array of Ridley::EnvironmentObject objects" do
+- connection.environment.all.should each be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
++ expect(connection.environment.all).to each be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ describe "Environment API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ target.description = description = "ridley testing environment"
+ connection.environment.update(target)
+- target.reload.description.should eql(description)
++ expect(target.reload.description).to eql(description)
+ end
+ it "saves a new set of 'default_attributes'" do
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ describe "Environment API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.environment.update(target)
+ obj = connection.environment.find(target)
+- obj.default_attributes.should eql(default_attributes)
++ expect(obj.default_attributes).to eql(default_attributes)
+ end
+ it "saves a new set of 'override_attributes'" do
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ describe "Environment API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.environment.update(target)
+ obj = connection.environment.find(target)
+- obj.override_attributes.should eql(override_attributes)
++ expect(obj.override_attributes).to eql(override_attributes)
+ end
+ it "saves a new set of 'cookbook_versions'" do
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ describe "Environment API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.environment.update(target)
+ obj = connection.environment.find(target)
+- obj.cookbook_versions.should eql(cookbook_versions)
++ expect(obj.cookbook_versions).to eql(cookbook_versions)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/acceptance/node_resource_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/node_resource_spec.rb
+index 6e85f3f..ccd5908 100644
+--- a/spec/acceptance/node_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/acceptance/node_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ before { chef_node(node_name) }
+ it "returns a Ridley::NodeObject" do
+- connection.node.find(node_name).should be_a(Ridley::NodeObject)
++ expect(connection.node.find(node_name)).to be_a(Ridley::NodeObject)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ let(:node_name) { "ridley.localhost" }
+ it "returns a new Ridley::NodeObject object" do
+- connection.node.create(name: node_name).should be_a(Ridley::NodeObject)
++ expect(connection.node.create(name: node_name)).to be_a(Ridley::NodeObject)
+ end
+ it "adds a new node to the server" do
+ connection.node.create(name: node_name)
+- connection.node.all.should have(1).node
++ expect(connection.node.all.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ before { chef_node(node_name) }
+ it "returns a Ridley::NodeObject" do
+- connection.node.delete(node_name).should be_a(Ridley::NodeObject)
++ expect(connection.node.delete(node_name)).to be_a(Ridley::NodeObject)
+ end
+ it "removes the node from the server" do
+ connection.node.delete(node_name)
+- connection.node.find(node_name).should be_nil
++ expect(connection.node.find(node_name)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ it "deletes all nodes from the remote server" do
+ connection.node.delete_all
+- connection.node.all.should have(0).nodes
++ expect(connection.node.all.size).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ it "returns an array of Ridley::NodeObject" do
+ obj = connection.node.all
+- obj.should each be_a(Ridley::NodeObject)
+- obj.should have(2).nodes
++ expect(obj).to each be_a(Ridley::NodeObject)
++ expect(obj.size).to eq(2)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ let(:target) { connection.node.find(node_name) }
+ it "returns the updated node" do
+- connection.node.update(target).should eql(target)
++ expect(connection.node.update(target)).to eql(target)
+ end
+ it "saves a new set of 'normal' attributes" do
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.node.update(target)
+ obj = connection.node.find(target)
+- obj.normal.should eql(normal)
++ expect(obj.normal).to eql(normal)
+ end
+ it "saves a new set of 'default' attributes" do
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.node.update(target)
+ obj = connection.node.find(target)
+- obj.default.should eql(defaults)
++ expect(obj.default).to eql(defaults)
+ end
+ it "saves a new set of 'automatic' attributes" do
+@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.node.update(target)
+ obj = connection.node.find(target)
+- obj.automatic.should eql(automatics)
++ expect(obj.automatic).to eql(automatics)
+ end
+ it "saves a new set of 'override' attributes" do
+@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.node.update(target)
+ obj = connection.node.find(target)
+- obj.override.should eql(overrides)
++ expect(obj.override).to eql(overrides)
+ end
+ it "places a node in a new 'chef_environment'" do
+@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.node.update(target)
+ obj = connection.node.find(target)
+- obj.chef_environment.should eql(environment)
++ expect(obj.chef_environment).to eql(environment)
+ end
+ it "saves a new 'run_list' for the node" do
+@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ describe "Node API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.node.update(target)
+ obj = connection.node.find(target)
+- obj.run_list.should eql(run_list)
++ expect(obj.run_list).to eql(run_list)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/acceptance/role_resource_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/role_resource_spec.rb
+index 469d3c9..c718b9f 100644
+--- a/spec/acceptance/role_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/acceptance/role_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ describe "Role API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ before { chef_role(role_name) }
+ it "returns a Ridley::RoleObject" do
+- connection.role.find(role_name).should be_a(Ridley::RoleObject)
++ expect(connection.role.find(role_name)).to be_a(Ridley::RoleObject)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ describe "Role API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ let(:role_name) { "ridley-role" }
+ it "returns a new Ridley::RoleObject" do
+- connection.role.create(name: role_name).should be_a(Ridley::RoleObject)
++ expect(connection.role.create(name: role_name)).to be_a(Ridley::RoleObject)
+ end
+ it "adds a new role to the server" do
+ connection.role.create(name: role_name)
+- connection.role.all.should have(1).role
++ expect(connection.role.all.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ describe "Role API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ before { chef_role(role_name) }
+ it "returns the deleted Ridley::RoleObject resource" do
+- connection.role.delete(role_name).should be_a(Ridley::RoleObject)
++ expect(connection.role.delete(role_name)).to be_a(Ridley::RoleObject)
+ end
+ it "removes the role from the server" do
+ connection.role.delete(role_name)
+- connection.role.find(role_name).should be_nil
++ expect(connection.role.find(role_name)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ describe "Role API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ it "deletes all nodes from the remote server" do
+ connection.role.delete_all
+- connection.role.all.should have(0).roles
++ expect(connection.role.all.size).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ describe "Role API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ it "should return an array of Ridley::RoleObject" do
+ obj = connection.role.all
+- obj.should have(2).roles
+- obj.should each be_a(Ridley::RoleObject)
++ expect(obj.size).to eq(2)
++ expect(obj).to each be_a(Ridley::RoleObject)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ describe "Role API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ let(:target) { connection.role.find(role_name) }
+ it "returns an updated Ridley::RoleObject object" do
+- connection.role.update(target).should eql(target)
++ expect(connection.role.update(target)).to eql(target)
+ end
+ it "saves a new run_list" do
+@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ describe "Role API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.role.update(target)
+ obj = connection.role.find(target)
+- obj.run_list.should eql(run_list)
++ expect(obj.run_list).to eql(run_list)
+ end
+ it "saves a new env_run_lists" do
+@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ describe "Role API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.role.update(target)
+ obj = connection.role.find(target)
+- obj.env_run_lists.should eql(env_run_lists)
++ expect(obj.env_run_lists).to eql(env_run_lists)
+ end
+ it "saves a new description" do
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ describe "Role API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.role.update(target)
+ obj = connection.role.find(target)
+- obj.description.should eql(description)
++ expect(obj.description).to eql(description)
+ end
+ it "saves a new default_attributes" do
+@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ describe "Role API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.role.update(target)
+ obj = connection.role.find(target)
+- obj.default_attributes.should eql(defaults)
++ expect(obj.default_attributes).to eql(defaults)
+ end
+ it "saves a new override_attributes" do
+@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ describe "Role API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ connection.role.update(target)
+ obj = connection.role.find(target)
+- obj.override_attributes.should eql(overrides)
++ expect(obj.override_attributes).to eql(overrides)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/acceptance/sandbox_resource_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/sandbox_resource_spec.rb
+index d683e4c..6a1f1c3 100644
+--- a/spec/acceptance/sandbox_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/acceptance/sandbox_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -15,15 +15,15 @@ describe "Sandbox API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ describe "creating a new sandbox" do
+ it "returns an instance of Ridley::SandboxObject" do
+- connection.sandbox.create(checksums).should be_a(Ridley::SandboxObject)
++ expect(connection.sandbox.create(checksums)).to be_a(Ridley::SandboxObject)
+ end
+ it "contains a value for sandbox_id" do
+- connection.sandbox.create(checksums).sandbox_id.should_not be_nil
++ expect(connection.sandbox.create(checksums).sandbox_id).not_to be_nil
+ end
+ it "returns an instance with the same amount of checksums given to create" do
+- connection.sandbox.create(checksums).checksums.should have(2).items
++ expect(connection.sandbox.create(checksums).checksums.size).to eq(2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/acceptance/search_resource_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/search_resource_spec.rb
+index 6308b62..64e5eed 100644
+--- a/spec/acceptance/search_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/acceptance/search_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@ describe "Search API operations", type: "acceptance" do
+ it "returns an array of indexes" do
+ indexes = connection.search_indexes
+- indexes.should include("role")
+- indexes.should include("node")
+- indexes.should include("client")
+- indexes.should include("environment")
++ expect(indexes).to include("role")
++ expect(indexes).to include("node")
++ expect(indexes).to include("client")
++ expect(indexes).to include("environment")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "searching an index that doesn't exist" do
+ it "it raises a Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound error" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ connection.search(:notthere)
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/acceptance/user_resource_spec.rb b/spec/acceptance/user_resource_spec.rb
+index bfa8b0f..e478f31 100644
+--- a/spec/acceptance/user_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/acceptance/user_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -11,30 +11,30 @@ describe "User API operations", type: "wip" do
+ before { chef_user("reset", admin: false) }
+ it "returns a UserObject" do
+- connection.user.find("reset").should be_a(Ridley::UserObject)
++ expect(connection.user.find("reset")).to be_a(Ridley::UserObject)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the server does not have the user" do
+ it "returns a nil value" do
+- connection.user.find("not_there").should be_nil
++ expect(connection.user.find("not_there")).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "creating a user" do
+ it "returns a Ridley::UserObject" do
+- connection.user.create(name: "reset").should be_a(Ridley::UserObject)
++ expect(connection.user.create(name: "reset")).to be_a(Ridley::UserObject)
+ end
+ it "adds a user to the chef server" do
+ old = connection.user.all.length
+ connection.user.create(name: "reset")
+- connection.user.all.should have(old + 1).items
++ expect(connection.user.all.size).to eq(old + 1)
+ end
+ it "has a value for #private_key" do
+- connection.user.create(name: "reset").private_key.should_not be_nil
++ expect(connection.user.create(name: "reset").private_key).not_to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ describe "User API operations", type: "wip" do
+ before { chef_user("reset", admin: false) }
+ it "returns a Ridley::UserObject object" do
+- connection.user.delete("reset").should be_a(Ridley::UserObject)
++ expect(connection.user.delete("reset")).to be_a(Ridley::UserObject)
+ end
+ it "removes the user from the server" do
+ connection.user.delete("reset")
+- connection.user.find("reset").should be_nil
++ expect(connection.user.find("reset")).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ describe "User API operations", type: "wip" do
+ end
+ it "returns an array of Ridley::UserObject objects" do
+- connection.user.delete_all.should each be_a(Ridley::UserObject)
++ expect(connection.user.delete_all).to each be_a(Ridley::UserObject)
+ end
+ it "deletes all users from the remote" do
+ connection.user.delete_all
+- connection.user.all.should have(0).users
++ expect(connection.user.all.size).to eq(0)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ describe "User API operations", type: "wip" do
+ end
+ it "returns an array of Ridley::UserObject objects" do
+- connection.user.all.should each be_a(Ridley::UserObject)
++ expect(connection.user.all).to each be_a(Ridley::UserObject)
+ end
+ it "returns all of the users on the server" do
+- connection.user.all.should have(3).items
++ expect(connection.user.all.size).to eq(3)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ describe "User API operations", type: "wip" do
+ before { chef_user("reset", admin: false) }
+ it "returns a Ridley::UserObject object with a value for #private_key" do
+- connection.user.regenerate_key("reset").private_key.should match(/^-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----/)
++ expect(connection.user.regenerate_key("reset").private_key).to match(/^-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----/)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -95,20 +95,20 @@ describe "User API operations", type: "wip" do
+ before { chef_user('reset', password: 'swordfish') }
+ it "returns true when given valid username & password" do
+- expect(connection.user.authenticate('reset', 'swordfish')).to be_true
++ expect(connection.user.authenticate('reset', 'swordfish')).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns false when given valid username & invalid password" do
+- expect(connection.user.authenticate('reset', "not a swordfish")).to be_false
++ expect(connection.user.authenticate('reset', "not a swordfish")).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "returns false when given invalid username & valid password" do
+- expect(connection.user.authenticate("someone-else", 'swordfish')).to be_false
++ expect(connection.user.authenticate("someone-else", 'swordfish')).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "works also on a User object level" do
+- expect(connection.user.find('reset').authenticate('swordfish')).to be_true
+- expect(connection.user.find('reset').authenticate('not a swordfish')).to be_false
++ expect(connection.user.find('reset').authenticate('swordfish')).to be_truthy
++ expect(connection.user.find('reset').authenticate('not a swordfish')).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+@@ -117,14 +117,14 @@ describe "User API operations", type: "wip" do
+ subject { connection.user.find('reset') }
+ it "changes the password with which user can authenticate" do
+- expect(subject.authenticate('swordfish')).to be_true
+- expect(subject.authenticate('salmon')).to be_false
++ expect(subject.authenticate('swordfish')).to be_truthy
++ expect(subject.authenticate('salmon')).to be_falsey
+ subject.password = 'salmon'
+ subject.save
+- expect(subject.authenticate('swordfish')).to be_false
+- expect(subject.authenticate('salmon')).to be_true
++ expect(subject.authenticate('swordfish')).to be_falsey
++ expect(subject.authenticate('salmon')).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/support/each_matcher.rb b/spec/support/each_matcher.rb
+index 3a249d0..e7b09a9 100644
+--- a/spec/support/each_matcher.rb
++++ b/spec/support/each_matcher.rb
+@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ RSpec::Matchers.define :each do |check|
+ match do |actual|
+ actual.each_with_index do |index, o|
+ @object = o
+- index.should check
++ expect(index).to check
+ end
+ end
+- failure_message_for_should do |actual|
++ failure_message do |actual|
+ "at[#{@object}] #{check.failure_message_for_should}"
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/support/filepath_matchers.rb b/spec/support/filepath_matchers.rb
+index 8a438c7..b2aac50 100644
+--- a/spec/support/filepath_matchers.rb
++++ b/spec/support/filepath_matchers.rb
+@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ RSpec::Matchers.define :be_relative_path do
+ end
+ end
+- failure_message_for_should do |given|
++ failure_message do |given|
+ "Expected '#{given}' to be a relative path but got an absolute path."
+ end
+- failure_message_for_should_not do |given|
++ failure_message_when_negated do |given|
+ "Expected '#{given}' to not be a relative path but got an absolute path."
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/support/shared_examples/ridley_resource.rb b/spec/support/shared_examples/ridley_resource.rb
+index 1dd7d60..2a7b75e 100644
+--- a/spec/support/shared_examples/ridley_resource.rb
++++ b/spec/support/shared_examples/ridley_resource.rb
+@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass|
+ describe "::all" do
+ it "sends a get request for the class' resource_path using the given client" do
+- response.stub(:body) { Hash.new }
+- client.connection.should_receive(:get).with(subject.resource_path).and_return(response)
++ allow(response).to receive(:body) { Hash.new }
++ expect(client.connection).to receive(:get).with(subject.resource_path).and_return(response)
+ subject.all(client)
+ end
+@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass|
+ describe "::find" do
+ it "sends a get request to the given client to the resource_path of the class for the given chef_id" do
+ chef_id = "ridley_test"
+- response.stub(:body) { Hash.new }
+- client.connection.should_receive(:get).with("#{subject.resource_path}/#{chef_id}").and_return(response)
++ allow(response).to receive(:body) { Hash.new }
++ expect(client.connection).to receive(:get).with("#{subject.resource_path}/#{chef_id}").and_return(response)
+ subject.find(client, chef_id)
+ end
+@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass|
+ last_name: "winsor"
+ }
+- response.stub(:body) { attrs }
+- client.connection.should_receive(:post).with(subject.resource_path, duck_type(:to_json)).and_return(response)
++ allow(response).to receive(:body) { attrs }
++ expect(client.connection).to receive(:post).with(subject.resource_path, duck_type(:to_json)).and_return(response)
+ subject.create(client, attrs)
+ end
+@@ -42,17 +42,17 @@ shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass|
+ describe "::delete" do
+ it "sends a delete request to the given client using the includer's resource_path for the given string" do
+- response.stub(:body) { Hash.new }
+- client.connection.should_receive(:delete).with("#{subject.resource_path}/ridley-test").and_return(response)
++ allow(response).to receive(:body) { Hash.new }
++ expect(client.connection).to receive(:delete).with("#{subject.resource_path}/ridley-test").and_return(response)
+ subject.delete(client, "ridley-test")
+ end
+ it "accepts an object that responds to 'chef_id'" do
+ object = double("obj")
+- object.stub(:chef_id) { "hello" }
+- response.stub(:body) { Hash.new }
+- client.connection.should_receive(:delete).with("#{subject.resource_path}/#{object.chef_id}").and_return(response)
++ allow(object).to receive(:chef_id) { "hello" }
++ allow(response).to receive(:body) { Hash.new }
++ expect(client.connection).to receive(:delete).with("#{subject.resource_path}/#{object.chef_id}").and_return(response)
+ subject.delete(client, object)
+ end
+@@ -66,11 +66,11 @@ shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass|
+ describe "::update" do
+ it "sends a put request to the given client using the includer's resource_path with the given object" do
+- subject.stub(:chef_id) { :name }
++ allow(subject).to receive(:chef_id) { :name }
+ subject.attribute(:name)
+ object = subject.new(name: "hello")
+- response.stub(:body) { Hash.new }
+- client.connection.should_receive(:put).with("#{subject.resource_path}/#{object.chef_id}", duck_type(:to_json)).and_return(response)
++ allow(response).to receive(:body) { Hash.new }
++ expect(client.connection).to receive(:put).with("#{subject.resource_path}/#{object.chef_id}", duck_type(:to_json)).and_return(response)
+ subject.update(client, object)
+ end
+@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@ shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass|
+ describe "#save" do
+ context "when the object is valid" do
+- before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(true) }
++ before(:each) { allow(subject).to receive(:valid?).and_return(true) }
+ it "sends a create message to the implementing class" do
+ updated = double('updated')
+- updated.stub(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
+- subject.class.should_receive(:create).with(client, subject).and_return(updated)
++ allow(updated).to receive(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
++ expect(subject.class).to receive(:create).with(client, subject).and_return(updated)
+ subject.save
+ end
+@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@ shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass|
+ context "when there is an HTTPConflict" do
+ it "sends the update message to self" do
+ updated = double('updated')
+- updated.stub(:[]).and_return(Hash.new)
+- updated.stub(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
+- subject.class.should_receive(:create).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPConflict.new(updated))
+- subject.should_receive(:update).and_return(updated)
++ allow(updated).to receive(:[]).and_return(Hash.new)
++ allow(updated).to receive(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
++ expect(subject.class).to receive(:create).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPConflict.new(updated))
++ expect(subject).to receive(:update).and_return(updated)
+ subject.save
+ end
+@@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass|
+ end
+ context "when the object is invalid" do
+- before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(false) }
++ before(:each) { allow(subject).to receive(:valid?).and_return(false) }
+ it "raises an InvalidResource error" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.save
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::InvalidResource)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::InvalidResource)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -119,31 +119,31 @@ shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass|
+ context "when the object is valid" do
+ let(:updated) do
+ updated = double('updated')
+- updated.stub(:[]).and_return(Hash.new)
+- updated.stub(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
++ allow(updated).to receive(:[]).and_return(Hash.new)
++ allow(updated).to receive(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
+ updated
+ end
+- before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(true) }
++ before(:each) { allow(subject).to receive(:valid?).and_return(true) }
+ it "sends an update message to the implementing class" do
+- subject.class.should_receive(:update).with(anything, subject).and_return(updated)
++ expect(subject.class).to receive(:update).with(anything, subject).and_return(updated)
+ subject.update
+ end
+ it "returns true" do
+- subject.class.should_receive(:update).with(anything, subject).and_return(updated)
+- subject.update.should eql(true)
++ expect(subject.class).to receive(:update).with(anything, subject).and_return(updated)
++ expect(subject.update).to eql(true)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the object is invalid" do
+- before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(false) }
++ before(:each) { allow(subject).to receive(:valid?).and_return(false) }
+ it "raises an InvalidResource error" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.update
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::InvalidResource)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::InvalidResource)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass|
+ describe "#chef_id" do
+ it "returns the value of the chef_id attribute" do
+ subject.class.attribute(:name)
+- subject.class.stub(:chef_id) { :name }
++ allow(subject.class).to receive(:chef_id) { :name }
+ subject.mass_assign(name: "reset")
+- subject.chef_id.should eql("reset")
++ expect(subject.chef_id).to eql("reset")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -163,17 +163,17 @@ shared_examples_for "a Ridley Resource" do |resource_klass|
+ before(:each) do
+ subject.class.attribute(:fake_attribute)
+- subject.class.stub(:find).with(client, subject).and_return(updated_subject)
++ allow(subject.class).to receive(:find).with(client, subject).and_return(updated_subject)
+ end
+ it "returns itself" do
+- subject.reload.should eql(subject)
++ expect(subject.reload).to eql(subject)
+ end
+ it "sets the attributes of self to include those of the reloaded object" do
+ subject.reload
+- subject.get_attribute(:fake_attribute).should eql("some_value")
++ expect(subject.get_attribute(:fake_attribute)).to eql("some_value")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/metadata_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/metadata_spec.rb
+index 949ce82..1e6ccc2 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/metadata_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/metadata_spec.rb
+@@ -17,36 +17,36 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::Metadata do
+ :choice => [ "test1", "test2" ],
+ :default => "test1"
+ }
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.attribute("test_cookbook/test", options)
+- }.should_not raise_error
++ }.not_to raise_error
+ options = {
+ :type => "boolean",
+ :choice => [ true, false ],
+ :default => true
+ }
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.attribute("test_cookbook/test", options)
+- }.should_not raise_error
++ }.not_to raise_error
+ options = {
+ :type => "numeric",
+ :choice => [ 1337, 420 ],
+ :default => 1337
+ }
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.attribute("test_cookbook/test", options)
+- }.should_not raise_error
++ }.not_to raise_error
+ options = {
+ :type => "numeric",
+ :choice => [ true, "false" ],
+ :default => false
+ }
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.attribute("test_cookbook/test", options)
+- }.should raise_error
++ }.to raise_error
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/syntax_check_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/syntax_check_spec.rb
+index 9e81aee..359efda 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/syntax_check_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook/syntax_check_spec.rb
+@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::SyntaxCheck do
+ subject { syntax_check }
+ before(:each) do
+- subject.stub(:chefignore) { chefignore }
++ allow(subject).to receive(:chefignore) { chefignore }
+ end
+ describe "#ruby_files" do
+@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::SyntaxCheck do
+ it "checks if a file has already been validated" do
+ valid_template_file = cookbook_dir.join("templates/default/temp.txt.erb").to_s
+ subject.validated(valid_template_file)
+- expect(subject.validated?(valid_template_file)).to be_true
++ expect(subject.validated?(valid_template_file)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::SyntaxCheck do
+ let(:validated_files) { double('validated_files') }
+ before(:each) do
+- subject.stub(:validated_files) { validated_files }
++ allow(subject).to receive(:validated_files) { validated_files }
+ end
+ it "records a file as validated" do
+@@ -77,35 +77,35 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::SyntaxCheck do
+ describe "#validate_ruby_files" do
+ it "asks #untested_ruby_files for a list of files and calls #validate_ruby_file on each" do
+- subject.stub(:validate_ruby_file).with(anything()).exactly(9).times { true }
+- expect(subject.validate_ruby_files).to be_true
++ allow(subject).to receive(:validate_ruby_file).with(anything()).exactly(9).times { true }
++ expect(subject.validate_ruby_files).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "marks the successfully validated ruby files" do
+- subject.stub(:validated).with(anything()).exactly(9).times
+- expect(subject.validate_ruby_files).to be_true
++ allow(subject).to receive(:validated).with(anything()).exactly(9).times
++ expect(subject.validate_ruby_files).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns false if any ruby file fails to validate" do
+- subject.stub(:validate_ruby_file).with(/\.rb$/) { false }
+- expect(subject.validate_ruby_files).to be_false
++ allow(subject).to receive(:validate_ruby_file).with(/\.rb$/) { false }
++ expect(subject.validate_ruby_files).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#validate_templates" do
+ it "asks #untested_template_files for a list of erb files and calls #validate_template on each" do
+- subject.stub(:validate_template).with(anything()).exactly(9).times { true }
+- expect(subject.validate_templates).to be_true
++ allow(subject).to receive(:validate_template).with(anything()).exactly(9).times { true }
++ expect(subject.validate_templates).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "marks the successfully validated erb files" do
+- subject.stub(:validated).with(anything()).exactly(9).times
+- expect(subject.validate_templates).to be_true
++ allow(subject).to receive(:validated).with(anything()).exactly(9).times
++ expect(subject.validate_templates).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns false if any erb file fails to validate" do
+- subject.stub(:validate_template).with(/\.erb$/) { false }
+- expect(subject.validate_templates).to be_false
++ allow(subject).to receive(:validate_template).with(/\.erb$/) { false }
++ expect(subject.validate_templates).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook_spec.rb
+index a49ea56..f78a92d 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef/cookbook_spec.rb
+@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ let(:cookbook_path) { fixtures_path.join("example_cookbook") }
+ it "returns an instance of Ridley::Chef::Cookbook" do
+- subject.from_path(cookbook_path).should be_a(described_class)
++ expect(subject.from_path(cookbook_path)).to be_a(described_class)
+ end
+ it "has a cookbook_name attribute set to the value of the 'name' attribute in the metadata" do
+- subject.from_path(cookbook_path).cookbook_name.should eql("example_cookbook")
++ expect(subject.from_path(cookbook_path).cookbook_name).to eql("example_cookbook")
+ end
+ context "given a path that does not contain a metadata file" do
+ it "raises an IOError" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.from_path(Dir.mktmpdir)
+- }.should raise_error(IOError)
++ }.to raise_error(IOError)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ end
+ it "sets the name of the cookbook from the metadata.rb" do
+- subject.from_path(cookbook_path).cookbook_name.should eql("rspec_test")
++ expect(subject.from_path(cookbook_path).cookbook_name).to eql("rspec_test")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ end
+ it "prefers the metadata.json" do
+- subject.from_path(cookbook_path).cookbook_name.should eql("json_metadata")
++ expect(subject.from_path(cookbook_path).cookbook_name).to eql("json_metadata")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ describe "::checksum" do
+ it "delegates to Ridley::Chef::Digester.md5_checksum_for_file" do
+ path = fixtures_path.join("example_cookbook", "metadata.rb")
+- Ridley::Chef::Digester.should_receive(:md5_checksum_for_file).with(path)
++ expect(Ridley::Chef::Digester).to receive(:md5_checksum_for_file).with(path)
+ subject.checksum(path)
+ end
+@@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ describe "#checksums" do
+ it "returns a Hash" do
+- subject.checksums.should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(subject.checksums).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ it "has a key value for every cookbook file" do
+- subject.checksums.should have(subject.send(:files).length).items
++ expect(subject.checksums.size).to eq(subject.send(:files).length)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ end
+ it "compiles the raw metadata.rb into a metadata.json file in the path of the cookbook" do
+- expect(subject.compiled_metadata?).to be_false
++ expect(subject.compiled_metadata?).to be_falsey
+ subject.compile_metadata
+ subject.reload
+- expect(subject.compiled_metadata?).to be_true
++ expect(subject.compiled_metadata?).to be_truthy
+ expect(subject.cookbook_name).to eql("rspec_test")
+ expect(subject.version).to eql("1.2.3")
+ end
+@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ it "writes the compiled metadata to a metadata.json file at the given out path" do
+ subject.compile_metadata(out_path)
+- expect(File.exist?(File.join(out_path, "metadata.json"))).to be_true
++ expect(File.exist?(File.join(out_path, "metadata.json"))).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -152,7 +152,10 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ end
+ end
+- its(:compiled_metadata?) { should be_true }
++ describe '#compiled_metadata?' do
++ subject { super().compiled_metadata? }
++ it { is_expected.to be_truthy }
++ end
+ end
+ context "when a metadata.json file is not present" do
+@@ -164,7 +167,10 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ end
+ end
+- its(:compiled_metadata?) { should be_false }
++ describe '#compiled_metadata?' do
++ subject { super().compiled_metadata? }
++ it { is_expected.to be_falsey }
++ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -181,7 +187,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ :providers,
+ :root_files
+ ].each do |category|
+- subject.manifest.should have_key(category)
++ expect(subject.manifest).to have_key(category)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -190,31 +196,31 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ let(:syntax_checker) { double('syntax_checker') }
+ before(:each) do
+- subject.stub(:syntax_checker) { syntax_checker }
++ allow(subject).to receive(:syntax_checker) { syntax_checker }
+ end
+ it "asks the syntax_checker to validate the ruby and template files of the cookbook" do
+- syntax_checker.should_receive(:validate_ruby_files).and_return(true)
+- syntax_checker.should_receive(:validate_templates).and_return(true)
++ expect(syntax_checker).to receive(:validate_ruby_files).and_return(true)
++ expect(syntax_checker).to receive(:validate_templates).and_return(true)
+ subject.validate
+ end
+ it "raises CookbookSyntaxError if the cookbook contains invalid ruby files" do
+- syntax_checker.should_receive(:validate_ruby_files).and_return(false)
++ expect(syntax_checker).to receive(:validate_ruby_files).and_return(false)
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.validate
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::CookbookSyntaxError)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::CookbookSyntaxError)
+ end
+ it "raises CookbookSyntaxError if the cookbook contains invalid template files" do
+- syntax_checker.should_receive(:validate_ruby_files).and_return(true)
+- syntax_checker.should_receive(:validate_templates).and_return(false)
++ expect(syntax_checker).to receive(:validate_ruby_files).and_return(true)
++ expect(syntax_checker).to receive(:validate_templates).and_return(false)
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.validate
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::CookbookSyntaxError)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::CookbookSyntaxError)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -223,23 +229,23 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ before(:each) { @metadata = subject.file_metadata(:file, file) }
+ it "has a :path key whose value is a relative path from the CachedCookbook's path" do
+- @metadata.should have_key(:path)
+- @metadata[:path].should be_relative_path
+- @metadata[:path].should eql("files/default/file.h")
++ expect(@metadata).to have_key(:path)
++ expect(@metadata[:path]).to be_relative_path
++ expect(@metadata[:path]).to eql("files/default/file.h")
+ end
+ it "has a :name key whose value is the basename of the target file" do
+- @metadata.should have_key(:name)
+- @metadata[:name].should eql("file.h")
++ expect(@metadata).to have_key(:name)
++ expect(@metadata[:name]).to eql("file.h")
+ end
+ it "has a :checksum key whose value is the checksum of the target file" do
+- @metadata.should have_key(:checksum)
+- @metadata[:checksum].should eql("7b1ebd2ff580ca9dc46fb27ec1653bf2")
++ expect(@metadata).to have_key(:checksum)
++ expect(@metadata[:checksum]).to eql("7b1ebd2ff580ca9dc46fb27ec1653bf2")
+ end
+ it "has a :specificity key" do
+- @metadata.should have_key(:specificity)
++ expect(@metadata).to have_key(:specificity)
+ end
+ context "given a file or template in a 'default' directory" do
+@@ -247,7 +253,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ before(:each) { @metadata = subject.file_metadata(:files, file) }
+ it "has a specificity of 'default'" do
+- @metadata[:specificity].should eql("default")
++ expect(@metadata[:specificity]).to eql("default")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -256,7 +262,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ before(:each) { @metadata = subject.file_metadata(:files, file) }
+ it "has a specificity of 'ubuntu'" do
+- @metadata[:specificity].should eql("ubuntu")
++ expect(@metadata[:specificity]).to eql("ubuntu")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -271,7 +277,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ let(:category) { :recipes }
+ it "has a specificity of 'default'" do
+- @specificity.should eql("default")
++ expect(@specificity).to eql("default")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -279,7 +285,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ let(:relpath) { 'default/config.erb' }
+ it "has a specificity of 'default'" do
+- @specificity.should eql("default")
++ expect(@specificity).to eql("default")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -287,7 +293,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ let(:relpath) { 'centos/config.erb' }
+ it "has a specificity of 'centos'" do
+- @specificity.should eql("centos")
++ expect(@specificity).to eql("centos")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -295,7 +301,7 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ let(:relpath) { 'config.erb' }
+ it "has a specificity of 'root_default'" do
+- @specificity.should eql("root_default")
++ expect(@specificity).to eql("root_default")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -304,255 +310,255 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ subject { cookbook.to_hash }
+ it "has a :frozen? flag" do
+- subject.should have_key(:frozen?)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:frozen?)
+ end
+ it "has a :recipes key with a value of an Array Hashes" do
+- subject.should have_key(:recipes)
+- subject[:recipes].should be_a(Array)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:recipes)
++ expect(subject[:recipes]).to be_a(Array)
+ subject[:recipes].each do |item|
+- item.should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(item).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ end
+ it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :recipes Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:recipes].first.should have_key(:name)
++ expect(subject[:recipes].first).to have_key(:name)
+ end
+ it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :recipes Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:recipes].first.should have_key(:path)
++ expect(subject[:recipes].first).to have_key(:path)
+ end
+ it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :recipes Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:recipes].first.should have_key(:checksum)
++ expect(subject[:recipes].first).to have_key(:checksum)
+ end
+ it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :recipes Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:recipes].first.should have_key(:specificity)
++ expect(subject[:recipes].first).to have_key(:specificity)
+ end
+ it "has a :definitions key with a value of an Array Hashes" do
+- subject.should have_key(:definitions)
+- subject[:definitions].should be_a(Array)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:definitions)
++ expect(subject[:definitions]).to be_a(Array)
+ subject[:definitions].each do |item|
+- item.should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(item).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ end
+ it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :definitions Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:definitions].first.should have_key(:name)
++ expect(subject[:definitions].first).to have_key(:name)
+ end
+ it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :definitions Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:definitions].first.should have_key(:path)
++ expect(subject[:definitions].first).to have_key(:path)
+ end
+ it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :definitions Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:definitions].first.should have_key(:checksum)
++ expect(subject[:definitions].first).to have_key(:checksum)
+ end
+ it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :definitions Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:definitions].first.should have_key(:specificity)
++ expect(subject[:definitions].first).to have_key(:specificity)
+ end
+ it "has a :libraries key with a value of an Array Hashes" do
+- subject.should have_key(:libraries)
+- subject[:libraries].should be_a(Array)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:libraries)
++ expect(subject[:libraries]).to be_a(Array)
+ subject[:libraries].each do |item|
+- item.should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(item).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ end
+ it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :libraries Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:libraries].first.should have_key(:name)
++ expect(subject[:libraries].first).to have_key(:name)
+ end
+ it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :libraries Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:libraries].first.should have_key(:path)
++ expect(subject[:libraries].first).to have_key(:path)
+ end
+ it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :libraries Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:libraries].first.should have_key(:checksum)
++ expect(subject[:libraries].first).to have_key(:checksum)
+ end
+ it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :libraries Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:libraries].first.should have_key(:specificity)
++ expect(subject[:libraries].first).to have_key(:specificity)
+ end
+ it "has a :attributes key with a value of an Array Hashes" do
+- subject.should have_key(:attributes)
+- subject[:attributes].should be_a(Array)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:attributes)
++ expect(subject[:attributes]).to be_a(Array)
+ subject[:attributes].each do |item|
+- item.should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(item).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ end
+ it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :attributes Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:attributes].first.should have_key(:name)
++ expect(subject[:attributes].first).to have_key(:name)
+ end
+ it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :attributes Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:attributes].first.should have_key(:path)
++ expect(subject[:attributes].first).to have_key(:path)
+ end
+ it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :attributes Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:attributes].first.should have_key(:checksum)
++ expect(subject[:attributes].first).to have_key(:checksum)
+ end
+ it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :attributes Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:attributes].first.should have_key(:specificity)
++ expect(subject[:attributes].first).to have_key(:specificity)
+ end
+ it "has a :files key with a value of an Array Hashes" do
+- subject.should have_key(:files)
+- subject[:files].should be_a(Array)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:files)
++ expect(subject[:files]).to be_a(Array)
+ subject[:files].each do |item|
+- item.should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(item).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ end
+ it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :files Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:files].first.should have_key(:name)
++ expect(subject[:files].first).to have_key(:name)
+ end
+ it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :files Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:files].first.should have_key(:path)
++ expect(subject[:files].first).to have_key(:path)
+ end
+ it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :files Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:files].first.should have_key(:checksum)
++ expect(subject[:files].first).to have_key(:checksum)
+ end
+ it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :files Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:files].first.should have_key(:specificity)
++ expect(subject[:files].first).to have_key(:specificity)
+ end
+ it "has a :templates key with a value of an Array Hashes" do
+- subject.should have_key(:templates)
+- subject[:templates].should be_a(Array)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:templates)
++ expect(subject[:templates]).to be_a(Array)
+ subject[:templates].each do |item|
+- item.should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(item).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ end
+ it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :templates Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:templates].first.should have_key(:name)
++ expect(subject[:templates].first).to have_key(:name)
+ end
+ it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :templates Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:templates].first.should have_key(:path)
++ expect(subject[:templates].first).to have_key(:path)
+ end
+ it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :templates Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:templates].first.should have_key(:checksum)
++ expect(subject[:templates].first).to have_key(:checksum)
+ end
+ it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :templates Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:templates].first.should have_key(:specificity)
++ expect(subject[:templates].first).to have_key(:specificity)
+ end
+ it "has a :resources key with a value of an Array Hashes" do
+- subject.should have_key(:resources)
+- subject[:resources].should be_a(Array)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:resources)
++ expect(subject[:resources]).to be_a(Array)
+ subject[:resources].each do |item|
+- item.should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(item).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ end
+ it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :resources Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:resources].first.should have_key(:name)
++ expect(subject[:resources].first).to have_key(:name)
+ end
+ it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :resources Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:resources].first.should have_key(:path)
++ expect(subject[:resources].first).to have_key(:path)
+ end
+ it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :resources Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:resources].first.should have_key(:checksum)
++ expect(subject[:resources].first).to have_key(:checksum)
+ end
+ it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :resources Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:resources].first.should have_key(:specificity)
++ expect(subject[:resources].first).to have_key(:specificity)
+ end
+ it "has a :providers key with a value of an Array Hashes" do
+- subject.should have_key(:providers)
+- subject[:providers].should be_a(Array)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:providers)
++ expect(subject[:providers]).to be_a(Array)
+ subject[:providers].each do |item|
+- item.should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(item).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ end
+ it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :providers Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:providers].first.should have_key(:name)
++ expect(subject[:providers].first).to have_key(:name)
+ end
+ it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :providers Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:providers].first.should have_key(:path)
++ expect(subject[:providers].first).to have_key(:path)
+ end
+ it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :providers Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:providers].first.should have_key(:checksum)
++ expect(subject[:providers].first).to have_key(:checksum)
+ end
+ it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :providers Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:providers].first.should have_key(:specificity)
++ expect(subject[:providers].first).to have_key(:specificity)
+ end
+ it "has a :root_files key with a value of an Array Hashes" do
+- subject.should have_key(:root_files)
+- subject[:root_files].should be_a(Array)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:root_files)
++ expect(subject[:root_files]).to be_a(Array)
+ subject[:root_files].each do |item|
+- item.should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(item).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ end
+ it "has a :name key value pair in a Hash of the :root_files Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:root_files].first.should have_key(:name)
++ expect(subject[:root_files].first).to have_key(:name)
+ end
+ it "has a :path key value pair in a Hash of the :root_files Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:root_files].first.should have_key(:path)
++ expect(subject[:root_files].first).to have_key(:path)
+ end
+ it "has a :checksum key value pair in a Hash of the :root_files Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:root_files].first.should have_key(:checksum)
++ expect(subject[:root_files].first).to have_key(:checksum)
+ end
+ it "has a :specificity key value pair in a Hash of the :root_files Array of Hashes" do
+- subject[:root_files].first.should have_key(:specificity)
++ expect(subject[:root_files].first).to have_key(:specificity)
+ end
+ it "has a :cookbook_name key with a String value" do
+- subject.should have_key(:cookbook_name)
+- subject[:cookbook_name].should be_a(String)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:cookbook_name)
++ expect(subject[:cookbook_name]).to be_a(String)
+ end
+ it "has a :metadata key with a Hashie::Mash value" do
+- subject.should have_key(:metadata)
+- subject[:metadata].should be_a(Hashie::Mash)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:metadata)
++ expect(subject[:metadata]).to be_a(Hashie::Mash)
+ end
+ it "has a :version key with a String value" do
+- subject.should have_key(:version)
+- subject[:version].should be_a(String)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:version)
++ expect(subject[:version]).to be_a(String)
+ end
+ it "has a :name key with a String value" do
+- subject.should have_key(:name)
+- subject[:name].should be_a(String)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:name)
++ expect(subject[:name]).to be_a(String)
+ end
+ it "has a value containing the cookbook name and version separated by a dash for :name" do
+ name, version = subject[:name].split('-')
+- name.should eql(cookbook.cookbook_name)
+- version.should eql(cookbook.version)
++ expect(name).to eql(cookbook.cookbook_name)
++ expect(version).to eql(cookbook.version)
+ end
+ it "has a :chef_type key with Cookbook::CHEF_TYPE as the value" do
+- subject.should have_key(:chef_type)
+- subject[:chef_type].should eql(Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::CHEF_TYPE)
++ expect(subject).to have_key(:chef_type)
++ expect(subject[:chef_type]).to eql(Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::CHEF_TYPE)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -562,12 +568,12 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Cookbook do
+ end
+ it "has a 'json_class' key with Cookbook::CHEF_JSON_CLASS as the value" do
+- @json.should have_json_path('json_class')
+- parse_json(@json)['json_class'].should eql(Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::CHEF_JSON_CLASS)
++ expect(@json).to have_json_path('json_class')
++ expect(parse_json(@json)['json_class']).to eql(Ridley::Chef::Cookbook::CHEF_JSON_CLASS)
+ end
+ it "has a 'frozen?' flag" do
+- @json.should have_json_path('frozen?')
++ expect(@json).to have_json_path('frozen?')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef/digester_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef/digester_spec.rb
+index 5c138ef..c00ebdf 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef/digester_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef/digester_spec.rb
+@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ describe Ridley::Chef::Digester do
+ describe "when computing checksums of cookbook files and templates" do
+ it "proxies the class method checksum_for_file to the instance" do
+- @cache.should_receive(:checksum_for_file).with("a_file_or_a_fail")
++ expect(@cache).to receive(:checksum_for_file).with("a_file_or_a_fail")
+ described_class.checksum_for_file("a_file_or_a_fail")
+ end
+ it "generates a checksum from a non-file IO object" do
+ io = StringIO.new("riseofthemachines\nriseofthechefs\n")
+ expected_md5 = '0e157ac1e2dd73191b76067fb6b4bceb'
+- @cache.generate_md5_checksum(io).should == expected_md5
++ expect(@cache.generate_md5_checksum(io)).to eq(expected_md5)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_object_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_object_spec.rb
+index 1ea93bb..51cb12b 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_object_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_object_spec.rb
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ name: "a name"
+ }
+- subject.any_instance.should_receive(:mass_assign).with(new_attrs)
++ expect_any_instance_of(subject).to receive(:mass_assign).with(new_attrs)
+ subject.new(resource, new_attrs)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ it "sets the chef_type attr on the class" do
+ subject.set_chef_type("environment")
+- subject.chef_type.should eql("environment")
++ expect(subject.chef_type).to eql("environment")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ it "sets the chef_json_class attr on the class" do
+ subject.set_chef_json_class("Chef::Environment")
+- subject.chef_json_class.should eql("Chef::Environment")
++ expect(subject.chef_json_class).to eql("Chef::Environment")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -35,25 +35,25 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ it "sets the chef_id attribute on the class" do
+ subject.set_chef_id(:environment)
+- subject.chef_id.should eql(:environment)
++ expect(subject.chef_id).to eql(:environment)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "::chef_type" do
+ it "returns the underscored name of the including class if nothing is set" do
+- subject.chef_type.should eql(subject.class.name.underscore)
++ expect(subject.chef_type).to eql(subject.class.name.underscore)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "::chef_json_class" do
+ it "returns the chef_json if nothing has been set" do
+- subject.chef_json_class.should be_nil
++ expect(subject.chef_json_class).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe "::chef_id" do
+ it "returns nil if nothing is set" do
+- subject.chef_id.should be_nil
++ expect(subject.chef_id).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ describe "#save" do
+ context "when the object is valid" do
+- before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(true) }
++ before(:each) { allow(subject).to receive(:valid?).and_return(true) }
+ it "sends a create message to the implementing class" do
+ updated = double('updated')
+- updated.stub(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
+- resource.should_receive(:create).with(subject).and_return(updated)
++ allow(updated).to receive(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
++ expect(resource).to receive(:create).with(subject).and_return(updated)
+ subject.save
+ end
+@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ context "when there is an HTTPConflict" do
+ it "sends the update message to self" do
+ updated = double('updated')
+- updated.stub(:[]).and_return(Hash.new)
+- updated.stub(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
+- resource.should_receive(:create).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPConflict.new(updated))
+- subject.should_receive(:update).and_return(updated)
++ allow(updated).to receive(:[]).and_return(Hash.new)
++ allow(updated).to receive(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
++ expect(resource).to receive(:create).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPConflict.new(updated))
++ expect(subject).to receive(:update).and_return(updated)
+ subject.save
+ end
+@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ end
+ context "when the object is invalid" do
+- before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(false) }
++ before(:each) { allow(subject).to receive(:valid?).and_return(false) }
+ it "raises an InvalidResource error" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.save
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::InvalidResource)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::InvalidResource)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -102,31 +102,31 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ context "when the object is valid" do
+ let(:updated) do
+ updated = double('updated')
+- updated.stub(:[]).and_return(Hash.new)
+- updated.stub(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
++ allow(updated).to receive(:[]).and_return(Hash.new)
++ allow(updated).to receive(:_attributes_).and_return(Hash.new)
+ updated
+ end
+- before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(true) }
++ before(:each) { allow(subject).to receive(:valid?).and_return(true) }
+ it "sends an update message to the implementing class" do
+- resource.should_receive(:update).with(subject).and_return(updated)
++ expect(resource).to receive(:update).with(subject).and_return(updated)
+ subject.update
+ end
+ it "returns true" do
+- resource.should_receive(:update).with(subject).and_return(updated)
+- subject.update.should eql(true)
++ expect(resource).to receive(:update).with(subject).and_return(updated)
++ expect(subject.update).to eql(true)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the object is invalid" do
+- before(:each) { subject.stub(:valid?).and_return(false) }
++ before(:each) { allow(subject).to receive(:valid?).and_return(false) }
+ it "raises an InvalidResource error" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.update
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::InvalidResource)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::InvalidResource)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ describe "#chef_id" do
+ it "returns the value of the chef_id attribute" do
+ subject.class.attribute(:name)
+- subject.class.stub(:chef_id) { :name }
++ allow(subject.class).to receive(:chef_id) { :name }
+ subject.mass_assign(name: "reset")
+- subject.chef_id.should eql("reset")
++ expect(subject.chef_id).to eql("reset")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -147,17 +147,17 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ before(:each) do
+ subject.class.attribute(:one)
+ subject.class.attribute(:two)
+- resource.stub(:find).with(subject).and_return(updated_subject)
++ allow(resource).to receive(:find).with(subject).and_return(updated_subject)
+ end
+ it "returns itself" do
+- subject.reload.should eql(subject)
++ expect(subject.reload).to eql(subject)
+ end
+ it "sets the attributes of self to equal those of the updated object" do
+ subject.reload
+- subject.get_attribute(:one).should eql("val")
++ expect(subject.get_attribute(:one)).to eql("val")
+ end
+ it "does not include attributes not set by the updated object" do
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ end
+ it "is equal" do
+- one.should be_eql(two)
++ expect(one).to be_eql(two)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ end
+ it "is not equal" do
+- one.should_not be_eql(two)
++ expect(one).not_to be_eql(two)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ end
+ it "returns only one unique element" do
+- nodes.uniq.should have(1).item
++ expect(nodes.uniq.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ describe Ridley::ChefObject do
+ end
+ it "returns all of the elements" do
+- nodes.uniq.should have(2).item
++ expect(nodes.uniq.size).to eq(2)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/cookbook_object_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/cookbook_object_spec.rb
+index eec7f18..a15514d 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/cookbook_object_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/cookbook_object_spec.rb
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookObject do
+ describe "#download" do
+ it "downloads each file" do
+- subject.stub(:manifest) do
++ allow(subject).to receive(:manifest) do
+ {
+ resources: [],
+ providers: [],
+@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookObject do
+ }
+ end
+- subject.should_receive(:download_file).with(:recipes, "recipes/default.rb", anything)
+- subject.should_receive(:download_file).with(:files, "files/default/plugins/README", anything)
++ expect(subject).to receive(:download_file).with(:recipes, "recipes/default.rb", anything)
++ expect(subject).to receive(:download_file).with(:files, "files/default/plugins/README", anything)
+ subject.download
+ end
+@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookObject do
+ let(:destination) { tmp_path.join('fake.file').to_s }
+ before(:each) do
+- subject.stub(:root_files) { [ { path: 'metadata.rb', url: "http://test.it/file" } ] }
++ allow(subject).to receive(:root_files) { [ { path: 'metadata.rb', url: "http://test.it/file" } ] }
+ end
+ it "downloads the file from the file's url" do
+- connection.should_receive(:stream).with("http://test.it/file", destination)
++ expect(connection).to receive(:stream).with("http://test.it/file", destination)
+ subject.download_file(:root_file, "metadata.rb", destination)
+ end
+@@ -67,27 +67,27 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookObject do
+ context "when the cookbook doesn't have the specified file" do
+ before(:each) do
+- subject.stub(:root_files) { Array.new }
++ allow(subject).to receive(:root_files) { Array.new }
+ end
+ it "returns nil" do
+- subject.download_file(:root_file, "metadata.rb", destination).should be_nil
++ expect(subject.download_file(:root_file, "metadata.rb", destination)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#manifest" do
+ it "returns a Hash" do
+- subject.manifest.should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(subject.manifest).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ it "has a key for each item in FILE_TYPES" do
+- subject.manifest.keys.should =~ described_class::FILE_TYPES
++ expect(subject.manifest.keys).to match_array(described_class::FILE_TYPES)
+ end
+ it "contains an empty array for each key" do
+- subject.manifest.should each be_a(Array)
+- subject.manifest.values.should each be_empty
++ expect(subject.manifest).to each be_a(Array)
++ expect(subject.manifest.values).to each be_empty
+ end
+ end
+@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookObject do
+ it "returns the updated self" do
+ other = subject.dup
+ other.version = "1.2.3"
+- resource.should_receive(:find).with(subject, subject.version).and_return(other)
++ expect(resource).to receive(:find).with(subject, subject.version).and_return(other)
+ expect(subject.reload).to eq(other)
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/data_bag_item_object_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/data_bag_item_object_spec.rb
+index 5ed5d82..7178bf4 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/data_bag_item_object_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/data_bag_item_object_spec.rb
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ describe Ridley::DataBagItemObject do
+ end
+ it "returns a new object from attributes in the 'raw_data' field" do
+- subject.from_hash(response).attributes.should eql(response["raw_data"])
++ expect(subject.from_hash(response).attributes).to eql(response["raw_data"])
+ end
+ end
+@@ -34,20 +34,20 @@ describe Ridley::DataBagItemObject do
+ end
+ it "returns a new object from the hash" do
+- subject.from_hash(response).attributes.should eql(response)
++ expect(subject.from_hash(response).attributes).to eql(response)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#decrypt" do
+ before(:each) do
+- resource.stub(encrypted_data_bag_secret: File.read(fixtures_path.join("encrypted_data_bag_secret").to_s))
++ allow(resource).to receive_messages(encrypted_data_bag_secret: File.read(fixtures_path.join("encrypted_data_bag_secret").to_s))
+ end
+ it "decrypts an encrypted v0 value" do
+ subject.attributes[:test] = "Xk0E8lV9r4BhZzcg4wal0X4w9ZexN3azxMjZ9r1MCZc="
+ subject.decrypt
+- subject.attributes[:test][:database][:username].should == "test"
++ expect(subject.attributes[:test][:database][:username]).to eq("test")
+ end
+ it "decrypts an encrypted v1 value" do
+@@ -57,21 +57,21 @@ describe Ridley::DataBagItemObject do
+ subject.attributes[:password][:encrypted_data] = "zG+tTjtwOWA4vEYDoUwPYreXLZ1pFyKoWDGezEejmKs="
+ subject.attributes[:password][:iv] = "URVhHxv/ZrnABJBvl82qsg=="
+ subject.decrypt
+- subject.attributes[:password].should == "password123"
++ expect(subject.attributes[:password]).to eq("password123")
+ end
+ it "does not decrypt the id field" do
+ id = "dbi_id"
+ subject.attributes[:id] = id
+ subject.decrypt
+- subject.attributes[:id].should == id
++ expect(subject.attributes[:id]).to eq(id)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#decrypt_value" do
+ context "when no encrypted_data_bag_secret has been configured" do
+ before do
+- resource.stub(encrypted_data_bag_secret: nil)
++ allow(resource).to receive_messages(encrypted_data_bag_secret: nil)
+ end
+ it "raises an EncryptedDataBagSecretNotSet error" do
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/data_bag_object_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/data_bag_object_spec.rb
+index 323c3e7..35a3448 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/data_bag_object_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/data_bag_object_spec.rb
+@@ -5,5 +5,8 @@ describe Ridley::DataBagObject do
+ let(:resource) { double('db-resource', item_resource: item_resource) }
+ subject { described_class.new(resource) }
+- its(:item) { should be_a(Ridley::DataBagObject::DataBagItemProxy) }
++ describe '#item' do
++ subject { super().item }
++ it { is_expected.to be_a(Ridley::DataBagObject::DataBagItemProxy) }
++ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/environment_object_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/environment_object_spec.rb
+index 23410ed..906f6e2 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/environment_object_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/environment_object_spec.rb
+@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ describe Ridley::EnvironmentObject do
+ it "sets an override node attribute at the nested path" do
+ subject.set_override_attribute('deep.nested.item', true)
+- subject.override_attributes.should have_key("deep")
+- subject.override_attributes["deep"].should have_key("nested")
+- subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"].should have_key("item")
+- subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"].should be_true
++ expect(subject.override_attributes).to have_key("deep")
++ expect(subject.override_attributes["deep"]).to have_key("nested")
++ expect(subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"]).to have_key("item")
++ expect(subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ context "when the override attribute is already set" do
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ describe Ridley::EnvironmentObject do
+ }
+ subject.set_override_attribute('deep.nested.item', true)
+- subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"].should be_true
++ expect(subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ describe Ridley::EnvironmentObject do
+ it "sets an override node attribute at the nested path" do
+ subject.set_default_attribute('deep.nested.item', true)
+- subject.default_attributes.should have_key("deep")
+- subject.default_attributes["deep"].should have_key("nested")
+- subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"].should have_key("item")
+- subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"].should be_true
++ expect(subject.default_attributes).to have_key("deep")
++ expect(subject.default_attributes["deep"]).to have_key("nested")
++ expect(subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"]).to have_key("item")
++ expect(subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ context "when the override attribute is already set" do
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ describe Ridley::EnvironmentObject do
+ }
+ subject.set_default_attribute('deep.nested.item', true)
+- subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"].should be_true
++ expect(subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/node_object_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/node_object_spec.rb
+index 0eae9a8..e20284d 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/node_object_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/node_object_spec.rb
+@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ it "sets a normal node attribute at the nested path" do
+ subject.set_chef_attribute('deep.nested.item', true)
+- subject.normal.should have_key("deep")
+- subject.normal["deep"].should have_key("nested")
+- subject.normal["deep"]["nested"].should have_key("item")
+- subject.normal["deep"]["nested"]["item"].should be_true
++ expect(subject.normal).to have_key("deep")
++ expect(subject.normal["deep"]).to have_key("nested")
++ expect(subject.normal["deep"]["nested"]).to have_key("item")
++ expect(subject.normal["deep"]["nested"]["item"]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ context "when the normal attribute is already set" do
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ subject.set_chef_attribute('deep.nested.item', true)
+- subject.normal["deep"]["nested"]["item"].should be_true
++ expect(subject.normal["deep"]["nested"]["item"]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -123,13 +123,13 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ "cloud" => Hash.new
+ }
+- subject.cloud?.should be_true
++ expect(subject.cloud?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns false if the cloud automatic attribute is not set" do
+ subject.automatic.delete(:cloud)
+- subject.cloud?.should be_false
++ expect(subject.cloud?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+@@ -141,13 +141,13 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ }
+- subject.eucalyptus?.should be_true
++ expect(subject.eucalyptus?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns false if the node is not a cloud node" do
+ subject.automatic.delete(:cloud)
+- subject.eucalyptus?.should be_false
++ expect(subject.eucalyptus?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "returns false if the node is a cloud node but not using the eucalyptus provider" do
+@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ }
+- subject.eucalyptus?.should be_false
++ expect(subject.eucalyptus?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+@@ -169,13 +169,13 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ }
+- subject.ec2?.should be_true
++ expect(subject.ec2?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns false if the node is not a cloud node" do
+ subject.automatic.delete(:cloud)
+- subject.ec2?.should be_false
++ expect(subject.ec2?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "returns false if the node is a cloud node but not using the ec2 provider" do
+@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ }
+- subject.ec2?.should be_false
++ expect(subject.ec2?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+@@ -197,13 +197,13 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ }
+- subject.rackspace?.should be_true
++ expect(subject.rackspace?).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns false if the node is not a cloud node" do
+ subject.automatic.delete(:cloud)
+- subject.rackspace?.should be_false
++ expect(subject.rackspace?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "returns false if the node is a cloud node but not using the rackspace provider" do
+@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ }
+- subject.rackspace?.should be_false
++ expect(subject.rackspace?).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+@@ -225,13 +225,13 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ }
+- subject.cloud_provider.should eql("ec2")
++ expect(subject.cloud_provider).to eql("ec2")
+ end
+ it "returns nil if the node is not a cloud node" do
+ subject.automatic.delete(:cloud)
+- subject.cloud_provider.should be_nil
++ expect(subject.cloud_provider).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ }
+- subject.public_ipv4.should eql("")
++ expect(subject.public_ipv4).to eql("")
+ end
+ it "returns the ipaddress if the node is not a cloud node" do
+@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ subject.automatic.delete(:cloud)
+- subject.public_ipv4.should eql("")
++ expect(subject.public_ipv4).to eql("")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ }
+- subject.public_hostname.should eql("reset.cloud.riotgames.com")
++ expect(subject.public_hostname).to eql("reset.cloud.riotgames.com")
+ end
+ it "returns the FQDN if the node is not a cloud node" do
+@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ subject.automatic.delete(:cloud)
+- subject.public_hostname.should eql("reset.internal.riotgames.com")
++ expect(subject.public_hostname).to eql("reset.internal.riotgames.com")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -284,14 +284,14 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ it "appends items to the run_list" do
+ subject.merge_data(run_list: ["cook::one", "cook::two"])
+- subject.run_list.should =~ ["cook::one", "cook::two"]
++ expect(subject.run_list).to match_array(["cook::one", "cook::two"])
+ end
+ it "ensures the run_list is unique if identical items are given" do
+ subject.run_list = [ "cook::one" ]
+ subject.merge_data(run_list: ["cook::one", "cook::two"])
+- subject.run_list.should =~ ["cook::one", "cook::two"]
++ expect(subject.run_list).to match_array(["cook::one", "cook::two"])
+ end
+ it "deep merges attributes into the normal attributes" do
+@@ -310,10 +310,10 @@ describe Ridley::NodeObject do
+ }
+ })
+- subject.normal[:one][:two].should have_key(:four)
+- subject.normal[:one][:two][:four].should eql(:deep)
+- subject.normal[:one][:two].should have_key(:three)
+- subject.normal[:one][:two][:three].should eql(:deep)
++ expect(subject.normal[:one][:two]).to have_key(:four)
++ expect(subject.normal[:one][:two][:four]).to eql(:deep)
++ expect(subject.normal[:one][:two]).to have_key(:three)
++ expect(subject.normal[:one][:two][:three]).to eql(:deep)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/role_object_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/role_object_spec.rb
+index 36a9818..3029df4 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/role_object_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/role_object_spec.rb
+@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ describe Ridley::RoleObject do
+ it "sets an override node attribute at the nested path" do
+ subject.set_override_attribute('deep.nested.item', true)
+- subject.override_attributes.should have_key("deep")
+- subject.override_attributes["deep"].should have_key("nested")
+- subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"].should have_key("item")
+- subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"].should be_true
++ expect(subject.override_attributes).to have_key("deep")
++ expect(subject.override_attributes["deep"]).to have_key("nested")
++ expect(subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"]).to have_key("item")
++ expect(subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ context "when the override attribute is already set" do
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ describe Ridley::RoleObject do
+ }
+ subject.set_override_attribute('deep.nested.item', true)
+- subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"].should be_true
++ expect(subject.override_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ describe Ridley::RoleObject do
+ it "sets an override node attribute at the nested path" do
+ subject.set_default_attribute('deep.nested.item', true)
+- subject.default_attributes.should have_key("deep")
+- subject.default_attributes["deep"].should have_key("nested")
+- subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"].should have_key("item")
+- subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"].should be_true
++ expect(subject.default_attributes).to have_key("deep")
++ expect(subject.default_attributes["deep"]).to have_key("nested")
++ expect(subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"]).to have_key("item")
++ expect(subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ context "when the override attribute is already set" do
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ describe Ridley::RoleObject do
+ }
+ subject.set_default_attribute('deep.nested.item', true)
+- subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"].should be_true
++ expect(subject.default_attributes["deep"]["nested"]["item"]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/sandbox_object_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/sandbox_object_spec.rb
+index 6f20a53..fd42b44 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/sandbox_object_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/chef_objects/sandbox_object_spec.rb
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxObject do
+ )
+ end
+- before { subject.stub(resource: resource) }
++ before { allow(subject).to receive_messages(resource: resource) }
+ describe "#checksums" do
+ pending
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxObject do
+ describe "#commit" do
+ let(:response) { { is_completed: nil} }
+- before { resource.should_receive(:commit).with(subject).and_return(response) }
++ before { expect(resource).to receive(:commit).with(subject).and_return(response) }
+ context "when the commit is successful" do
+ before { response[:is_completed] = true }
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxObject do
+ it "has an 'is_completed' value of true" do
+ subject.commit
+- subject.is_completed.should be_true
++ expect(subject.is_completed).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxObject do
+ it "has an 'is_completed' value of false" do
+ subject.commit
+- subject.is_completed.should be_false
++ expect(subject.is_completed).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxObject do
+ describe "#upload" do
+ it "delegates to resource#upload" do
+ checksums = double('checksums')
+- resource.should_receive(:upload).with(subject, checksums)
++ expect(resource).to receive(:upload).with(subject, checksums)
+ subject.upload(checksums)
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/client_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/client_spec.rb
+index 5a2eb16..220f2c8 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/client_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/client_spec.rb
+@@ -32,9 +32,20 @@ describe Ridley::Client do
+ subject { described_class.new(options) }
+ describe "parsing the 'server_url' option" do
+- its(:host) { should eql("api.opscode.com") }
+- its(:scheme) { should eql("https") }
+- its(:path_prefix) { should eql("/") }
++ describe '#host' do
++ subject { super().host }
++ it { is_expected.to eql("api.opscode.com") }
++ end
++ describe '#scheme' do
++ subject { super().scheme }
++ it { is_expected.to eql("https") }
++ end
++ describe '#path_prefix' do
++ subject { super().path_prefix }
++ it { is_expected.to eql("/") }
++ end
+ end
+ describe "with a server_url containing an organization" do
+@@ -43,16 +54,16 @@ describe Ridley::Client do
+ end
+ it "gets the host data from the server_url" do
+- subject.host.should eql("api.opscode.com")
+- subject.scheme.should eql("https")
++ expect(subject.host).to eql("api.opscode.com")
++ expect(subject.scheme).to eql("https")
+ end
+ it "takes the organization out of the server_url and assigns it to the organization reader" do
+- subject.organization.should eql(organization)
++ expect(subject.organization).to eql(organization)
+ end
+ it "sets the 'path_prefix' of the connection the organization sub URI" do
+- subject.path_prefix.should eql("/organizations/#{organization}")
++ expect(subject.path_prefix).to eql("/organizations/#{organization}")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -94,26 +105,26 @@ describe Ridley::Client do
+ it "expands the path of the client_key" do
+ config[:client_key] = "spec/fixtures/reset.pem"
+- described_class.new(config).client_key[0..4].should_not == "spec/"
++ expect(described_class.new(config).client_key[0..4]).not_to eq("spec/")
+ end
+ it "accepts a client key as a string" do
+ key = File.read(fixtures_path.join("reset.pem").to_s)
+ config[:client_key] = key.dup
+- described_class.new(config).client_key.should == key
++ expect(described_class.new(config).client_key).to eq(key)
+ end
+ it "assigns a 'chef_version' attribute from the given 'chef_version' option" do
+- described_class.new(config).chef_version.should eql("10.24.0-01")
++ expect(described_class.new(config).chef_version).to eql("10.24.0-01")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "::open" do
+ it "instantiates a new connection, yields to it, and terminates it" do
+ new_instance = double(alive?: true)
+- described_class.should_receive(:new).and_return(new_instance)
+- new_instance.should_receive(:hello)
+- new_instance.should_receive(:terminate)
++ expect(described_class).to receive(:new).and_return(new_instance)
++ expect(new_instance).to receive(:hello)
++ expect(new_instance).to receive(:terminate)
+ described_class.open do |f|
+ f.hello
+@@ -126,22 +137,49 @@ describe Ridley::Client do
+ subject { instance }
+- its(:client) { should be_a(Ridley::ClientResource) }
+- its(:cookbook) { should be_a(Ridley::CookbookResource) }
+- its(:data_bag) { should be_a(Ridley::DataBagResource) }
+- its(:environment) { should be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentResource) }
+- its(:node) { should be_a(Ridley::NodeResource) }
+- its(:role) { should be_a(Ridley::RoleResource) }
+- its(:sandbox) { should be_a(Ridley::SandboxResource) }
++ describe '#client' do
++ subject { super().client }
++ it { is_expected.to be_a(Ridley::ClientResource) }
++ end
++ describe '#cookbook' do
++ subject { super().cookbook }
++ it { is_expected.to be_a(Ridley::CookbookResource) }
++ end
++ describe '#data_bag' do
++ subject { super().data_bag }
++ it { is_expected.to be_a(Ridley::DataBagResource) }
++ end
++ describe '#environment' do
++ subject { super().environment }
++ it { is_expected.to be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentResource) }
++ end
++ describe '#node' do
++ subject { super().node }
++ it { is_expected.to be_a(Ridley::NodeResource) }
++ end
++ describe '#role' do
++ subject { super().role }
++ it { is_expected.to be_a(Ridley::RoleResource) }
++ end
++ describe '#sandbox' do
++ subject { super().sandbox }
++ it { is_expected.to be_a(Ridley::SandboxResource) }
++ end
+ describe "#encrypted_data_bag_secret" do
+ subject { instance.encrypted_data_bag_secret }
+- it { should be_a(String) }
++ it { is_expected.to be_a(String) }
+ context "when a encrypted_data_bag_secret_path is not provided" do
+ before(:each) do
+- instance.stub(encrypted_data_bag_secret_path: nil)
++ allow(instance).to receive_messages(encrypted_data_bag_secret_path: nil)
+ end
+ it "returns nil" do
+@@ -151,7 +189,7 @@ describe Ridley::Client do
+ context "when the file is not found at the given encrypted_data_bag_secret_path" do
+ before(:each) do
+- instance.stub(encrypted_data_bag_secret_path: fixtures_path.join("not.txt").to_s)
++ allow(instance).to receive_messages(encrypted_data_bag_secret_path: fixtures_path.join("not.txt").to_s)
+ end
+ it "raises an EncryptedDataBagSecretNotFound erorr" do
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/connection_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/connection_spec.rb
+index 9666b59..4a1c7ba 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/connection_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/connection_spec.rb
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ describe Ridley::Connection do
+ expect {
+ subject.get('organizations/vialstudios')
+ }.to raise_error
+- a_request(:get, "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/vialstudios").should have_been_made.times(6)
++ expect(a_request(:get, "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/vialstudios")).to have_been_made.times(6)
+ end
+ context "given a configured count of two (2) retries" do
+@@ -31,22 +31,22 @@ describe Ridley::Connection do
+ subject.get('organizations/vialstudios')
+ }.to raise_error
+- a_request(:get, "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/vialstudios").should have_been_made.times(3)
++ expect(a_request(:get, "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/vialstudios")).to have_been_made.times(3)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#api_type" do
+ it "returns :foss if the organization is not set" do
+- subject.stub(:organization).and_return(nil)
++ allow(subject).to receive(:organization).and_return(nil)
+- subject.api_type.should eql(:foss)
++ expect(subject.api_type).to eql(:foss)
+ end
+ it "returns :hosted if the organization is set" do
+- subject.stub(:organization).and_return("vialstudios")
++ allow(subject).to receive(:organization).and_return("vialstudios")
+- subject.api_type.should eql(:hosted)
++ expect(subject.api_type).to eql(:hosted)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -62,17 +62,17 @@ describe Ridley::Connection do
+ it "creates a destination file on disk" do
+ subject.stream(target, destination)
+- File.exist?(destination).should be_true
++ expect(File.exist?(destination)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns true when the file was copied" do
+- expect(subject.stream(target, destination)).to be_true
++ expect(subject.stream(target, destination)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "contains the contents of the response body" do
+ subject.stream(target, destination)
+- File.read(destination).should include(contents)
++ expect(File.read(destination)).to include(contents)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/errors_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/errors_spec.rb
+index 002a25d..c5132f2 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/errors_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/errors_spec.rb
+@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ describe Ridley::Errors do
+ it "adds an item to the error map" do
+ subject.register_error(400)
+- subject.error_map.should have(1).item
++ expect(subject.error_map.size).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it "adds a key of the given status code with a value of the class inheriting from HTTPError" do
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ describe Ridley::Errors do
+ register_error(400)
+ end
+- subject.error_map[400].should eql(RidleyTestHTTPError)
++ expect(subject.error_map[400]).to eql(RidleyTestHTTPError)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ describe Ridley::Errors do
+ subject { Ridley::Errors::HTTPError.new(:body => "<html><body><h1>Redirected</h1></body></html>") }
+ it "has an HTML body" do
+- subject.message.should eq("<html><body><h1>Redirected</h1></body></html>")
++ expect(subject.message).to eq("<html><body><h1>Redirected</h1></body></html>")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/chef_auth_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/chef_auth_spec.rb
+index c2c3b0e..47247cc 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/chef_auth_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/chef_auth_spec.rb
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ describe Ridley::Middleware::ChefAuth do
+ host: "https://api.opscode.com",
+ path: "/something.file"
+ }
+- subject.authentication_headers(client_name, client_key, options).should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(subject.authentication_headers(client_name, client_key, options)).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ context "when the :client_key is an actual key" do
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ describe Ridley::Middleware::ChefAuth do
+ host: "https://api.opscode.com",
+ path: "/something.file"
+ }
+- subject.authentication_headers(client_name, client_key, options).should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(subject.authentication_headers(client_name, client_key, options)).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/chef_response_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/chef_response_spec.rb
+index b0742f6..ccf7b11 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/chef_response_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/chef_response_spec.rb
+@@ -11,33 +11,33 @@ describe Ridley::Middleware::ChefResponse do
+ it "returns true if response status between 200 and 210" do
+ (200..210).each do |code|
+- env.should_receive(:[]).with(:status).and_return(code)
++ expect(env).to receive(:[]).with(:status).and_return(code)
+- subject.success?(env).should be_true
++ expect(subject.success?(env)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns false if response status is in the 300 range" do
+ (300..399).each do |code|
+- env.should_receive(:[]).with(:status).and_return(code)
++ expect(env).to receive(:[]).with(:status).and_return(code)
+- subject.success?(env).should be_false
++ expect(subject.success?(env)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns false if response status is in the 400 range" do
+ (400..499).each do |code|
+- env.should_receive(:[]).with(:status).and_return(code)
++ expect(env).to receive(:[]).with(:status).and_return(code)
+- subject.success?(env).should be_false
++ expect(subject.success?(env)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ it "returns false if response status is in the 500 range" do
+ (500..599).each do |code|
+- env.should_receive(:[]).with(:status).and_return(code)
++ expect(env).to receive(:[]).with(:status).and_return(code)
+- subject.success?(env).should be_false
++ expect(subject.success?(env)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -117,15 +117,15 @@ describe Ridley::Middleware::ChefResponse do
+ end
+ it "raises a Ridley::Errors::HTTPBadRequest" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.get('cookbooks')
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPBadRequest)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPBadRequest)
+ end
+ it "should have the body of the response as the error's message" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.get('cookbooks')
+- }.should raise_error("errors: '400 - Bad Request: Valid X-CHEF-VERSION header is required.'")
++ }.to raise_error("errors: '400 - Bad Request: Valid X-CHEF-VERSION header is required.'")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -135,15 +135,15 @@ describe Ridley::Middleware::ChefResponse do
+ end
+ it "raises a Ridley::Errors::HTTPUnauthorized" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.get('cookbooks')
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPUnauthorized)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPUnauthorized)
+ end
+ it "should have the body of the response as the error's message" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.get('cookbooks')
+- }.should raise_error("errors: '401 - Unauthorized. You must properly authenticate your API requests!'")
++ }.to raise_error("errors: '401 - Unauthorized. You must properly authenticate your API requests!'")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -153,15 +153,15 @@ describe Ridley::Middleware::ChefResponse do
+ end
+ it "raises a Ridley::Errors::HTTPForbidden" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.get('cookbooks')
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPForbidden)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPForbidden)
+ end
+ it "should have the body of the response as the error's message" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.get('cookbooks')
+- }.should raise_error("errors: '403 - Forbidden.'")
++ }.to raise_error("errors: '403 - Forbidden.'")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -171,15 +171,15 @@ describe Ridley::Middleware::ChefResponse do
+ end
+ it "raises a Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.get('not_existant_route')
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound)
+ end
+ it "should have the body of the response as the error's message" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.get('not_existant_route')
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound, "errors: 'No routes match the request: /organizations/vialstudios/cookbookss/not_existant'")
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound, "errors: 'No routes match the request: /organizations/vialstudios/cookbookss/not_existant'")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -189,15 +189,15 @@ describe Ridley::Middleware::ChefResponse do
+ end
+ it "raises a Ridley::Errors::HTTPForbidden" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.get('cookbooks')
+- }.should raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPConflict)
++ }.to raise_error(Ridley::Errors::HTTPConflict)
+ end
+ it "should have the body of the response as the error's message" do
+- lambda {
++ expect {
+ subject.get('cookbooks')
+- }.should raise_error("errors: '409 - Conflict.'")
++ }.to raise_error("errors: '409 - Conflict.'")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ describe Ridley::Middleware::ChefResponse do
+ end
+ it "returns a body containing a hash" do
+- subject.get('roles/reset').env[:body].should be_a(Hash)
++ expect(subject.get('roles/reset').env[:body]).to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/parse_json_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/parse_json_spec.rb
+index 128d2ab..b58e8cd 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/parse_json_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/middleware/parse_json_spec.rb
+@@ -9,42 +9,42 @@ describe Ridley::Middleware::ParseJson do
+ describe "::response_type" do
+ it "returns the first element of the response content-type" do
+ env = double('env')
+- env.stub(:[]).with(:response_headers).and_return(
++ allow(env).to receive(:[]).with(:response_headers).and_return(
+ 'content-type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
+ )
+- subject.response_type(env).should eql("text/html")
++ expect(subject.response_type(env)).to eql("text/html")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "::json_response?" do
+ it "returns true if the value of content-type includes 'application/json' and the body looks like JSON" do
+ env = double('env')
+- env.stub(:[]).with(:response_headers).and_return(
++ allow(env).to receive(:[]).with(:response_headers).and_return(
+ 'content-type' => 'application/json; charset=utf8'
+ )
+- subject.should_receive(:looks_like_json?).with(env).and_return(true)
++ expect(subject).to receive(:looks_like_json?).with(env).and_return(true)
+- subject.json_response?(env).should be_true
++ expect(subject.json_response?(env)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns false if the value of content-type includes 'application/json' but the body does not look like JSON" do
+ env = double('env')
+- env.stub(:[]).with(:response_headers).and_return(
++ allow(env).to receive(:[]).with(:response_headers).and_return(
+ 'content-type' => 'application/json; charset=utf8'
+ )
+- subject.should_receive(:looks_like_json?).with(env).and_return(false)
++ expect(subject).to receive(:looks_like_json?).with(env).and_return(false)
+- subject.json_response?(env).should be_false
++ expect(subject.json_response?(env)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "returns false if the value of content-type does not include 'application/json'" do
+ env = double('env')
+- env.stub(:[]).with(:response_headers).and_return(
++ allow(env).to receive(:[]).with(:response_headers).and_return(
+ 'content-type' => 'text/plain'
+ )
+- subject.json_response?(env).should be_false
++ expect(subject.json_response?(env)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+@@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ describe Ridley::Middleware::ParseJson do
+ let(:env) { double('env') }
+ it "returns true if the given string contains JSON brackets" do
+- env.stub(:[]).with(:body).and_return("{\"name\":\"jamie\"}")
++ allow(env).to receive(:[]).with(:body).and_return("{\"name\":\"jamie\"}")
+- subject.looks_like_json?(env).should be_true
++ expect(subject.looks_like_json?(env)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "returns false if the given string does not contain JSON brackets" do
+- env.stub(:[]).with(:body).and_return("name")
++ allow(env).to receive(:[]).with(:body).and_return("name")
+- subject.looks_like_json?(env).should be_false
++ expect(subject.looks_like_json?(env)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/mixins/from_file_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/mixins/from_file_spec.rb
+index acf188d..cf33581 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/mixins/from_file_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/mixins/from_file_spec.rb
+@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ module Ridley
+ let(:instance) { Class.new { include Ridley::Mixin::FromFile }.new }
+ before do
+- File.stub(:exists?).and_return(true)
+- File.stub(:readable?).and_return(true)
+- IO.stub(:read).and_return('invalid Ruby code')
++ allow(File).to receive(:exists?).and_return(true)
++ allow(File).to receive(:readable?).and_return(true)
++ allow(IO).to receive(:read).and_return('invalid Ruby code')
+ end
+ it 'raises a FromFileParserError' do
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/resource_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/resource_spec.rb
+index 24d3cb3..0fa12f7 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/resource_spec.rb
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe Ridley::Resource do
+ it "sets the resource_path attr on the class" do
+ subject.set_resource_path("environments")
+- subject.resource_path.should eql("environments")
++ expect(subject.resource_path).to eql("environments")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ describe Ridley::Resource do
+ before { subject.set_resource_path(nil) }
+ it "returns the representation's chef type" do
+- subject.resource_path.should eql(representation.chef_type)
++ expect(subject.resource_path).to eql(representation.chef_type)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ describe Ridley::Resource do
+ before { subject.set_resource_path(set_path) }
+ it "returns the set value" do
+- subject.resource_path.should eql(set_path)
++ expect(subject.resource_path).to eql(set_path)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@ describe Ridley::Resource do
+ subject { resource_class.new(double('registry')) }
+ before do
+- resource_class.stub(representation: representation)
+- subject.stub(connection: connection)
++ allow(resource_class).to receive_messages(representation: representation)
++ allow(subject).to receive_messages(connection: connection)
+ end
+ describe "::from_file" do
+ it "reads the file and calls ::from_json with contents" do
+- File.stub(:read) { resource_json }
+- subject.should_receive(:from_json).with(resource_json)
++ allow(File).to receive(:read) { resource_json }
++ expect(subject).to receive(:from_json).with(resource_json)
+ subject.from_file('/bogus/filename.json')
+ end
+ end
+@@ -68,14 +68,14 @@ describe Ridley::Resource do
+ describe "::from_json" do
+ it "parses the argument and calls ::new with newly built hash" do
+ hashed_json = JSON.parse(resource_json)
+- subject.should_receive(:new).with(hashed_json).and_return representation
++ expect(subject).to receive(:new).with(hashed_json).and_return representation
+ subject.from_json(resource_json)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "::all" do
+ it "sends GET to /{resource_path}" do
+- connection.should_receive(:get).with(subject.class.resource_path).and_return(response)
++ expect(connection).to receive(:get).with(subject.class.resource_path).and_return(response)
+ subject.all
+ end
+@@ -85,19 +85,19 @@ describe Ridley::Resource do
+ let(:id) { "some_id" }
+ it "sends GET to /{resource_path}/{id} where {id} is the given ID" do
+- connection.should_receive(:get).with("#{subject.class.resource_path}/#{id}").and_return(response)
++ expect(connection).to receive(:get).with("#{subject.class.resource_path}/#{id}").and_return(response)
+ subject.find(id)
+ end
+ context "when the resource is not found" do
+ before do
+- connection.should_receive(:get).with("#{subject.class.resource_path}/#{id}").
++ expect(connection).to receive(:get).with("#{subject.class.resource_path}/#{id}").
+ and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound.new({}))
+ end
+ it "returns nil" do
+- subject.find(id).should be_nil
++ expect(subject.find(id)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ describe Ridley::Resource do
+ end
+ it "sends a post request to the given client using the includer's resource_path" do
+- connection.should_receive(:post).with(subject.class.resource_path, duck_type(:to_json)).and_return(response)
++ expect(connection).to receive(:post).with(subject.class.resource_path, duck_type(:to_json)).and_return(response)
+ subject.create(attrs)
+ end
+@@ -119,15 +119,15 @@ describe Ridley::Resource do
+ describe "::delete" do
+ it "sends a delete request to the given client using the includer's resource_path for the given string" do
+- connection.should_receive(:delete).with("#{subject.class.resource_path}/ridley-test").and_return(response)
++ expect(connection).to receive(:delete).with("#{subject.class.resource_path}/ridley-test").and_return(response)
+ subject.delete("ridley-test")
+ end
+ it "accepts an object that responds to 'chef_id'" do
+ object = double("obj")
+- object.stub(:chef_id) { "hello" }
+- connection.should_receive(:delete).with("#{subject.class.resource_path}/#{object.chef_id}").and_return(response)
++ allow(object).to receive(:chef_id) { "hello" }
++ expect(connection).to receive(:delete).with("#{subject.class.resource_path}/#{object.chef_id}").and_return(response)
+ subject.delete( object)
+ end
+@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ describe Ridley::Resource do
+ describe "::update" do
+ it "sends a put request to the given client using the includer's resource_path with the given object" do
+ object = subject.new(name: "hello")
+- connection.should_receive(:put).
++ expect(connection).to receive(:put).
+ with("#{subject.class.resource_path}/#{object.chef_id}", duck_type(:to_json)).and_return(response)
+ subject.update(object)
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/client_resource_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/client_resource_spec.rb
+index d721018..e6787b6 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/client_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/client_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -5,22 +5,22 @@ describe Ridley::ClientResource do
+ describe "#regenerate_key" do
+ let(:client_id) { "rspec-client" }
+- before { subject.stub(find: nil) }
++ before { allow(subject).to receive_messages(find: nil) }
+ context "when a client with the given ID exists" do
+ let(:client) { double('chef-client') }
+- before { subject.should_receive(:find).with(client_id).and_return(client) }
++ before { expect(subject).to receive(:find).with(client_id).and_return(client) }
+ it "sets the private key to true and updates the client" do
+- client.should_receive(:private_key=).with(true)
+- subject.should_receive(:update).with(client)
++ expect(client).to receive(:private_key=).with(true)
++ expect(subject).to receive(:update).with(client)
+ subject.regenerate_key(client_id)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when a client with the given ID does not exist" do
+- before { subject.should_receive(:find).with(client_id).and_return(nil) }
++ before { expect(subject).to receive(:find).with(client_id).and_return(nil) }
+ it "raises a ResourceNotFound error" do
+ expect {
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/cookbook_resource_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/cookbook_resource_spec.rb
+index 0af7b4a..18dcb9a 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/cookbook_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/cookbook_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookResource do
+ let(:client_key) { fixtures_path.join('reset.pem') }
+ let(:connection) { Ridley::Connection.new("http://localhost:8889", "reset", fixtures_path.join("reset.pem").to_s) }
+ subject { described_class.new(double('registry'), client_name, client_key) }
+- before { subject.stub(connection: connection) }
++ before { allow(subject).to receive_messages(connection: connection) }
+ describe "#download" do
+ let(:name) { "example_cookbook" }
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookResource do
+ let(:destination) { tmp_path.join("example_cookbook-0.1.0").to_s }
+ context "when the cookbook of the name/version is not found" do
+- before { subject.should_receive(:find).with(name, version).and_return(nil) }
++ before { expect(subject).to receive(:find).with(name, version).and_return(nil) }
+ it "raises a ResourceNotFound error" do
+ expect {
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookResource do
+ end
+ it "returns the latest version" do
+- subject.latest_version(name).should eql("3.0.0")
++ expect(subject.latest_version(name)).to eql("3.0.0")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -58,16 +58,16 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookResource do
+ end
+ it "returns an array" do
+- subject.versions(name).should be_a(Array)
++ expect(subject.versions(name)).to be_a(Array)
+ end
+ it "contains a version string for each cookbook version available" do
+ result = subject.versions(name)
+- result.should have(3).versions
+- result.should include("1.0.0")
+- result.should include("1.1.0")
+- result.should include("1.2.0")
++ expect(result.size).to eq(3)
++ expect(result).to include("1.0.0")
++ expect(result).to include("1.1.0")
++ expect(result).to include("1.2.0")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookResource do
+ end
+ it "returns a CookbookObject" do
+- subject.satisfy(name, ">= 2.0.0").should be_a(Ridley::CookbookObject)
++ expect(subject.satisfy(name, ">= 2.0.0")).to be_a(Ridley::CookbookObject)
+ end
+ it "is the best solution" do
+- subject.satisfy(name, ">= 2.0.0").version.should eql("3.0.0")
++ expect(subject.satisfy(name, ">= 2.0.0").version).to eql("3.0.0")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookResource do
+ before { chef_cookbook(name, "1.0.0") }
+ it "returns nil" do
+- subject.satisfy(name, ">= 2.0.0").should be_nil
++ expect(subject.satisfy(name, ">= 2.0.0")).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+@@ -122,14 +122,14 @@ describe Ridley::CookbookResource do
+ let(:sandbox) { double('sandbox', upload: nil, commit: nil) }
+ before do
+- subject.stub(:sandbox_resource).and_return(sandbox_resource)
++ allow(subject).to receive(:sandbox_resource).and_return(sandbox_resource)
+ end
+ it 'does not include files that are ignored' do
+ # These are the MD5s for the files. It's not possible to check that
+ # the ignored files weren't uploaded, so we just check that the
+ # non-ignored files are the ONLY thing uploaded
+- sandbox_resource.should_receive(:create).with([
++ expect(sandbox_resource).to receive(:create).with([
+ "211a3a8798d4acd424af15ff8a2e28a5",
+ "64ac6346672c6bea4ade983e3d58cd14",
+ "75077ba33d2887cc1746d1ef716bf8b7",
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/data_bag_resource_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/data_bag_resource_spec.rb
+index c814040..021bfdc 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/data_bag_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/data_bag_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -8,10 +8,13 @@ describe Ridley::DataBagResource do
+ subject { instance.item_resource }
+ it "returns a DataBagItemResource" do
+- subject.should be_a(Ridley::DataBagItemResource)
++ expect(subject).to be_a(Ridley::DataBagItemResource)
+ end
+- its(:encrypted_data_bag_secret) { should eql(secret) }
++ describe '#encrypted_data_bag_secret' do
++ subject { super().encrypted_data_bag_secret }
++ it { is_expected.to eql(secret) }
++ end
+ end
+ describe "#find" do
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/environment_resource_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/environment_resource_spec.rb
+index c38dca5..7f672e0 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/environment_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/environment_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ describe Ridley::EnvironmentResource do
+ let(:resource) do
+ resource = described_class.new(double('registry'))
+- resource.stub(connection: connection)
++ allow(resource).to receive_messages(connection: connection)
+ resource
+ end
+@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ describe Ridley::EnvironmentResource do
+ end
+ it "returns a Hash" do
+- should be_a(Hash)
++ is_expected.to be_a(Hash)
+ end
+ it "contains a key for each cookbook" do
+- subject.keys.should have(2).items
+- subject.should have_key("hello")
+- subject.should have_key("there")
++ expect(subject.keys.size).to eq(2)
++ expect(subject).to have_key("hello")
++ expect(subject).to have_key("there")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ describe Ridley::EnvironmentResource do
+ let(:destroy_env) { double(name: "destroy_me") }
+ before do
+- subject.stub(all: [ default_env, destroy_env ])
++ allow(subject).to receive_messages(all: [ default_env, destroy_env ])
+ end
+ it "does not destroy the '_default' environment" do
+- subject.stub(future: double('future', value: nil))
+- subject.should_not_receive(:future).with(:delete, default_env)
++ allow(subject).to receive_messages(future: double('future', value: nil))
++ expect(subject).not_to receive(:future).with(:delete, default_env)
+ subject.delete_all
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/node_resource_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/node_resource_spec.rb
+index fb4abac..84c43bf 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/node_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/node_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ require 'spec_helper'
+ describe Ridley::NodeResource do
+ let(:instance) do
+ inst = described_class.new(double)
+- inst.stub(connection: chef_zero_connection)
++ allow(inst).to receive_messages(connection: chef_zero_connection)
+ inst
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/sandbox_resource_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/sandbox_resource_spec.rb
+index d215dd0..b831c41 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/sandbox_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/sandbox_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxResource do
+ let(:client_key) { fixtures_path.join('reset.pem') }
+ let(:connection) { double('chef-connection') }
+ subject { described_class.new(double, client_name, client_key) }
+- before { subject.stub(connection: connection) }
++ before { allow(subject).to receive_messages(connection: connection) }
+ describe "#create" do
+ let(:sandbox_id) { "bd091b150b0a4578b97771af6abf3e05" }
+@@ -16,30 +16,30 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxResource do
+ end
+ before(:each) do
+- connection.stub(:post).
++ allow(connection).to receive(:post).
+ with(subject.class.resource_path, JSON.fast_generate(checksums: checksums)).
+ and_return(response)
+ end
+ it "returns a Ridley::SandboxObject" do
+- subject.create.should be_a(Ridley::SandboxObject)
++ expect(subject.create).to be_a(Ridley::SandboxObject)
+ end
+ it "has a value of 'false' for :is_completed" do
+- subject.create.is_completed.should be_false
++ expect(subject.create.is_completed).to be_falsey
+ end
+ it "has an empty Hash of checksums" do
+- subject.create.checksums.should be_a(Hash)
+- subject.create.checksums.should be_empty
++ expect(subject.create.checksums).to be_a(Hash)
++ expect(subject.create.checksums).to be_empty
+ end
+ it "has a value for :uri" do
+- subject.create.uri.should eql(sandbox_uri)
++ expect(subject.create.uri).to eql(sandbox_uri)
+ end
+ it "has a value for :sandbox_id" do
+- subject.create.sandbox_id.should eql(sandbox_id)
++ expect(subject.create.sandbox_id).to eql(sandbox_id)
+ end
+ context "when given an array of checksums" do
+@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxResource do
+ let(:checksum_array) { checksums.keys }
+ it "has a Hash of checksums with each of the given checksum ids" do
+- subject.create(checksum_array).checksums.should have(checksum_array.length).checksums
++ expect(subject.create(checksum_array).checksums.size).to eq(checksum_array.length)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxResource do
+ end
+ it "sends a /PUT to the sandbox resource with is_complete set to true" do
+- connection.should_receive(:put).with(sandbox_path, JSON.fast_generate(is_completed: true)).and_return(response)
++ expect(connection).to receive(:put).with(sandbox_path, JSON.fast_generate(is_completed: true)).and_return(response)
+ subject.commit(sandbox_id)
+ end
+ context "when a sandbox of the given ID is not found" do
+ before do
+- connection.should_receive(:put).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound.new({}))
++ expect(connection).to receive(:put).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPNotFound.new({}))
+ end
+ it "raises a ResourceNotFound error" do
+@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxResource do
+ context "when the given sandbox contents are malformed" do
+ before do
+- connection.should_receive(:put).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPBadRequest.new({}))
++ expect(connection).to receive(:put).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPBadRequest.new({}))
+ end
+ it "raises a SandboxCommitError error" do
+@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxResource do
+ context "when the user who made the request is not authorized" do
+ it "raises a PermissionDenied error on unauthorized" do
+- connection.should_receive(:put).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPUnauthorized.new({}))
++ expect(connection).to receive(:put).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPUnauthorized.new({}))
+ expect {
+ subject.commit(sandbox_id)
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxResource do
+ end
+ it "raises a PermissionDenied error on forbidden" do
+- connection.should_receive(:put).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPForbidden.new({}))
++ expect(connection).to receive(:put).and_raise(Ridley::Errors::HTTPForbidden.new({}))
+ expect {
+ subject.commit(sandbox_id)
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/search_resource_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/search_resource_spec.rb
+index dd2406e..f926b4e 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/search_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/search_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "contains a 'q' key/value" do
+ result = subject.build_query(query_string, options)
+- result.should have_key(:q)
+- result[:q].should eql(query_string)
++ expect(result).to have_key(:q)
++ expect(result[:q]).to eql(query_string)
+ end
+ context "when :sort option is set" do
+@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "contains a 'sort' key/value" do
+ result = subject.build_query(query_string, options)
+- result.should have_key(:sort)
+- result[:sort].should eql("DESC")
++ expect(result).to have_key(:sort)
++ expect(result[:sort]).to eql("DESC")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "contains a 'start' key/value" do
+ result = subject.build_query(query_string, options)
+- result.should have_key(:start)
+- result[:start].should eql(1)
++ expect(result).to have_key(:start)
++ expect(result[:start]).to eql(1)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "contains a 'rows' key/value" do
+ result = subject.build_query(query_string, options)
+- result.should have_key(:rows)
+- result[:rows].should eql(1)
++ expect(result).to have_key(:rows)
++ expect(result[:rows]).to eql(1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ describe "::query_uri" do
+ it "returns a URI path containing the search resource path and index" do
+- subject.query_uri(:nodes).should eql("search/nodes")
++ expect(subject.query_uri(:nodes)).to eql("search/nodes")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ let(:connection) { double('chef-connection') }
+ subject { described_class.new(double('registry')) }
+- before { subject.stub(connection: connection) }
++ before { allow(subject).to receive_messages(connection: connection) }
+ describe "#indexes" do
+ let(:response) do
+@@ -109,16 +109,16 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ end
+ before do
+- connection.stub(:get).with(described_class.resource_path).and_return(response)
++ allow(connection).to receive(:get).with(described_class.resource_path).and_return(response)
+ end
+ it "performs a GET to the search resource_path" do
+- connection.should_receive(:get).with(described_class.resource_path).and_return(response)
++ expect(connection).to receive(:get).with(described_class.resource_path).and_return(response)
+ subject.indexes
+ end
+ it "contains a key for each index" do
+- subject.indexes.should have(4).items
++ expect(subject.indexes.size).to eq(4)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -138,15 +138,15 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ let(:run) { subject.run(index, query_string, registry) }
+ before do
+- connection.stub(:get).and_return(response)
++ allow(connection).to receive(:get).and_return(response)
+ end
+ it "builds a query and runs it against the index's resource path" do
+ query = double('query')
+ query_uri = double('query-uri')
+- described_class.should_receive(:build_query).with(query_string, options).and_return(query)
+- described_class.should_receive(:query_uri).with(index).and_return(query_uri)
+- connection.should_receive(:get).with(query_uri, query).and_return(response)
++ expect(described_class).to receive(:build_query).with(query_string, options).and_return(query)
++ expect(described_class).to receive(:query_uri).with(index).and_return(query_uri)
++ expect(connection).to receive(:get).with(query_uri, query).and_return(response)
+ subject.run(index, query_string, options)
+ end
+@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "returns an array of Ridley::NodeObject" do
+ result = run
+- result.should be_a(Array)
+- result.should each be_a(Ridley::NodeObject)
++ expect(result).to be_a(Array)
++ expect(result).to each be_a(Ridley::NodeObject)
+ end
+ context "after the search has executed and results are returned" do
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "Ridley::NodeObject instances contain the results" do
+ first_result = search_results.first
+- first_result.name.should eq("ridley-one")
++ expect(first_result.name).to eq("ridley-one")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "returns an array of Ridley::RoleObject" do
+ result = run
+- result.should be_a(Array)
+- result.should each be_a(Ridley::RoleObject)
++ expect(result).to be_a(Array)
++ expect(result).to each be_a(Ridley::RoleObject)
+ end
+ context "after the search has executed and results are returned" do
+@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "Ridley::RoleObject instances contain the results" do
+ first_result = search_results.first
+- first_result.name.should eq("ridley-role-one")
++ expect(first_result.name).to eq("ridley-role-one")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -254,8 +254,8 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "returns an array of Ridley::EnvironmentObject" do
+ result = run
+- result.should be_a(Array)
+- result.should each be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
++ expect(result).to be_a(Array)
++ expect(result).to each be_a(Ridley::EnvironmentObject)
+ end
+ context "after the search has executed and results are returned" do
+@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "Ridley::EnvironmentObject instances contain the results" do
+ first_result = search_results.first
+- first_result.name.should eq("ridley-env-test")
++ expect(first_result.name).to eq("ridley-env-test")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+@@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "returns an array of Ridley::ClientObject" do
+ result = run
+- result.should be_a(Array)
+- result.should each be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
++ expect(result).to be_a(Array)
++ expect(result).to each be_a(Ridley::ClientObject)
+ end
+ context "after the search has executed and results are returned" do
+@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ describe Ridley::SearchResource do
+ it "Ridley::ClientObject instances contain the results" do
+ first_result = search_results.first
+- first_result.name.should eq("ridley-client-test")
++ expect(first_result.name).to eq("ridley-client-test")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/user_resource_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/user_resource_spec.rb
+index 3ccc800..5d8c419 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/resources/user_resource_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/resources/user_resource_spec.rb
+@@ -6,22 +6,22 @@ describe Ridley::UserResource, type: 'wip' do
+ let(:user_password) { "swordfish" }
+ describe "#regenerate_key" do
+- before { subject.stub(find: nil) }
++ before { allow(subject).to receive_messages(find: nil) }
+ context "when a user with the given ID exists" do
+ let(:user) { double('chef-user') }
+- before { subject.should_receive(:find).with(user_id).and_return(user) }
++ before { expect(subject).to receive(:find).with(user_id).and_return(user) }
+ it "sets the private key to true and updates the user" do
+- user.should_receive(:private_key=).with(true)
+- subject.should_receive(:update).with(user)
++ expect(user).to receive(:private_key=).with(true)
++ expect(subject).to receive(:update).with(user)
+ subject.regenerate_key(user_id)
+ end
+ end
+ context "when a user with the given ID does not exist" do
+- before { subject.should_receive(:find).with(user_id).and_return(nil) }
++ before { expect(subject).to receive(:find).with(user_id).and_return(nil) }
+ it "raises a ResourceNotFound error" do
+ expect {
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley/sandbox_uploader_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley/sandbox_uploader_spec.rb
+index 1e5bca2..b691458 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley/sandbox_uploader_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley/sandbox_uploader_spec.rb
+@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxUploader do
+ let(:io) { StringIO.new("some long string") }
+ subject { described_class.checksum(io) }
+- it { should eq("2fb66bbfb88cdf9e07a3f1d1dfad71ab") }
++ it { is_expected.to eq("2fb66bbfb88cdf9e07a3f1d1dfad71ab") }
+ end
+ describe "::checksum64" do
+ let(:io) { StringIO.new("some long string") }
+ subject { described_class.checksum64(io) }
+- it { should eq("L7Zrv7iM354Ho/HR361xqw==") }
++ it { is_expected.to eq("L7Zrv7iM354Ho/HR361xqw==") }
+ end
+ end
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxUploader do
+ let(:path) { fixtures_path.join('reset.pem').to_s }
+ let(:different_path) { fixtures_path.join('recipe_one.rb').to_s }
+- before { connection.stub(foss?: false) }
++ before { allow(connection).to receive_messages(foss?: false) }
+ context "when the checksum needs uploading" do
+ let(:checksums) do
+@@ -80,13 +80,13 @@ describe Ridley::SandboxUploader do
+ end
+ it "returns nil" do
+- subject.upload(sandbox, chk_id, path).should be_nil
++ expect(subject.upload(sandbox, chk_id, path)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the connection is an open source server connection with a non-80 port" do
+ before do
+- connection.stub(foss?: true, server_url: "http://localhost:8889")
++ allow(connection).to receive_messages(foss?: true, server_url: "http://localhost:8889")
+ end
+ let(:checksums) do
+diff --git a/spec/unit/ridley_spec.rb b/spec/unit/ridley_spec.rb
+index ab47938..d2da78a 100644
+--- a/spec/unit/ridley_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/unit/ridley_spec.rb
+@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ describe Ridley do
+ describe "::new" do
+ it "creates a new Ridley::Connection" do
+ client = double('client')
+- Ridley::Client.should_receive(:new).with(config).and_return(client)
++ expect(Ridley::Client).to receive(:new).with(config).and_return(client)
+- subject.new(config).should eql(client)
++ expect(subject.new(config)).to eql(client)
+ end
+ end
+@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ describe Ridley do
+ let(:path) { tmp_path.join('config.rb').to_s }
+ before do
+- Ridley::Client.stub(:new).and_return(client)
++ allow(Ridley::Client).to receive(:new).and_return(client)
+ File.open(path, 'w') { |f| f.write(chef_config) }
+ end
+ it "creates a Ridley connection from the Chef config" do
+- Ridley::Client.should_receive(:new).with({
++ expect(Ridley::Client).to receive(:new).with({
+ client_key: 'username.pem',
+ client_name: 'username',
+ validator_client: 'validator',
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ describe Ridley do
+ end
+ it "allows the user to override attributes" do
+- Ridley::Client.should_receive(:new).with({
++ expect(Ridley::Client).to receive(:new).with({
+ client_key: 'bacon.pem',
+ client_name: 'bacon',
+ validator_client: 'validator',
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ describe Ridley do
+ end
+ it "does a knife.rb search" do
+- Ridley::Client.should_receive(:new).with({
++ expect(Ridley::Client).to receive(:new).with({
+ client_key: 'username.pem',
+ client_name: 'username',
+ validator_client: 'validator',
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..016fee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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