[DRE-commits] [gemwatch] 01/01: reimplement support for rails-assets.org with polymorphism
Antonio Terceiro
terceiro at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 6 18:42:03 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
terceiro pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gemwatch.
commit 0b40fef9d3b222775ac32f3a82c16ca573d92d93
Author: Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>
Date: Thu Aug 6 15:40:18 2015 -0300
reimplement support for rails-assets.org with polymorphism
gemwatch.rb | 94 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
1 file changed, 66 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
diff --git a/gemwatch.rb b/gemwatch.rb
index 726d3bf..6c19558 100644
--- a/gemwatch.rb
+++ b/gemwatch.rb
@@ -37,28 +37,21 @@ end
class GemWatch::Gem
class NotFound < Exception; end
class CommandFailed < Exception; end
+ def self.get(gemname, forced_version = nil)
+ if gemname =~ /^rails-assets/
+ GemWatch::RailsAssetsGem.new(gemname, forced_version)
+ else
+ new(gemname, forced_version)
+ end
+ end
def initialize(gemname, forced_version = nil)
- # rails-assets.org does not provide a soap api/json
- # so we can find out latest version only by a gem fetch
- if /^rails-assets-/.match(gemname)
- @data = { "name" => "#{gemname}", "version" => "" }
- # keep all rails assets gems in download base
- Dir.chdir(DOWNLOAD_BASE) do
- run("gem", "fetch", "--source", "http://rails-assets.org", gemname)
- # Find out latest version from downloaded gem
- Dir.glob("#{gemname}*.gem") {|file|
- @data['version'] = file.split(/.gem/)[0].split(/#{gemname}-/)[1]
- Gem2Tgz.convert!(file, tarball)
- FileUtils.rm_f(file)
- }
- end
- else
- @data = JSON.parse(RestClient.get("http://rubygems.org/api/v1/gems/#{gemname}.json").body)
- if forced_version
- @data['version'] = forced_version
- @data['gem_uri'] = File.dirname(@data['gem_uri']) + "/#{directory}.gem"
- end
+ @data = JSON.parse(RestClient.get("http://rubygems.org/api/v1/gems/#{gemname}.json").body)
+ if forced_version
+ @data['version'] = forced_version
+ @data['gem_uri'] = File.dirname(@data['gem_uri']) + "/#{directory}.gem"
rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound
raise GemWatch::Gem::NotFound
@@ -145,6 +138,56 @@ class GemWatch::Gem
+class GemWatch::RailsAssetsGem < GemWatch::Gem
+ def initialize(gemname, forced_version = nil)
+ @data = {}
+ @data['name'] = gemname
+ @data['version'] = forced_version || latest_version
+ @data['gem_uri'] = "https://rails-assets.org/gems/#{directory}.gem"
+ end
+ protected
+ def latest_version
+ cache.find do |entry|
+ entry.first == name
+ end[1].to_s
+ end
+ def cache
+ cache_dir = DOWNLOAD_BASE
+ cache_file = File.join(cache_dir, 'rails-assets.marshall')
+ if File.exists?(cache_file)
+ seconds_since_last_update = Time.now.to_i - File.stat(cache_file).mtime.to_i
+ cache_timeout = 60*60 # 1 hour
+ if seconds_since_last_update < cache_timeout
+ return Marshal.load(File.read(cache_file))
+ end
+ end
+ lock_file = cache_file + '.lock'
+ File.open(lock_file, 'w') do |f|
+ if f.flock(File::LOCK_EX | File::LOCK_NB)
+ # download
+ run('wget', '-q', '-O', cache_file + '.gz', 'https://rails-assets.org/latest_specs.4.8.gz')
+ run('rm', '-f', cache_file)
+ run('gunzip', cache_file + '.gz')
+ run('touch', cache_file)
+ else
+ # another process already downloading, just wait
+ f.flock(File::LOCK_SH)
+ end
+ f.flock(File::LOCK_UN)
+ Marshal.load(File.read(cache_file))
+ end
+ end
module HostHelper
def host_with_port
if request.respond_to?(:host_with_port)
@@ -169,7 +212,7 @@ end
get '/:gem' do
expires 14400, :public # 4 hours
- @gem = GemWatch::Gem.new(params[:gem])
+ @gem = GemWatch::Gem.get(params[:gem])
haml :gem
rescue GemWatch::Gem::NotFound
@@ -183,13 +226,8 @@ get '/download/:tarball' do
gem_name = $1
gem_version = $2
- gem = GemWatch::Gem.new(gem_name, gem_version)
- if /^rails-assets-/.match(gem_name)
- # rails-assets-* gems are downloaded during GemWatch object creation
- send_file "#{DOWNLOAD_BASE}/" + "#{params[:tarball]}"
- else
- send_file gem.download_for(gem_version)
- end
+ gem = GemWatch::Gem.get(gem_name, gem_version)
+ send_file gem.download_for(gem_version)
rescue GemWatch::Gem::NotFound
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