[DRE-commits] [ruby-listen] branch master updated (24432a3 -> e5cd90d)
Antonio Terceiro
terceiro at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Aug 8 13:00:52 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
terceiro pushed a change to branch master
in repository ruby-listen.
from 24432a3 release to unstable
adds 34c2115 Imported Upstream version 3.0.3
new 4c19022 Merge tag 'upstream/3.0.3'
new d71721f New upstream release
new eb58431 debian/watch: point at github
new ec6ea32 remove all patches; none of them applies anymore
new 536e0a9 remove OSX-specific dependency
new c3bbc2c Update packaging with a new dh-make-ruby run
new ee4152a skip darwin and windows tests
new d69254c oops, remove wrong dependency
new cb05434 Team upload
new 855ce64 ported to rspec3 (Closes: #794136)
new ecb7e88 release to unstable
new e5cd90d missing dependency on ruby-thor
The 12 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitignore | 1 +
.hound.yml | 3 +
.rspec | 1 +
.rubocop.yml | 20 +
.rubocop_todo.yml | 33 ++
.travis.yml | 28 +-
Gemfile | 35 +-
Guardfile | 30 +-
README.md | 139 +++++--
Rakefile | 153 +++++++-
bin/listen | 12 +
checksums.yaml.gz | Bin 270 -> 0 bytes
debian/changelog | 13 +
debian/control | 23 +-
.../0001-Remove-OSX-specific-dependency.patch | 20 +
debian/patches/circumvent-dependency-manager | 17 -
.../patches/deactivate_arch_specific_tests.patch | 42 --
debian/patches/do_not_fail_fast.patch | 16 -
debian/patches/mark_unstable_test_pending | 29 --
.../patches/remove-mcosx-specific-dependency.patch | 40 --
debian/patches/retry_three_times.patch | 20 -
debian/patches/series | 8 +-
debian/patches/skip_dependency_manager_test | 59 ---
debian/ruby-tests.rake | 9 +-
debian/rules | 14 +-
debian/source/local-options | 1 -
debian/watch | 2 +-
lib/listen.rb | 41 +-
lib/listen/adapter.rb | 24 +-
lib/listen/adapter/base.rb | 125 +++++-
lib/listen/adapter/bsd.rb | 111 +++---
lib/listen/adapter/config.rb | 23 ++
lib/listen/adapter/darwin.rb | 59 +--
lib/listen/adapter/linux.rb | 117 +++---
lib/listen/adapter/polling.rb | 42 +-
lib/listen/adapter/windows.rb | 94 +++--
lib/listen/backend.rb | 41 ++
lib/listen/change.rb | 82 ++--
lib/listen/cli.rb | 65 ++++
lib/listen/directory.rb | 112 +++---
lib/listen/event/config.rb | 59 +++
lib/listen/event/loop.rb | 117 ++++++
lib/listen/event/processor.rb | 122 ++++++
lib/listen/event/queue.rb | 56 +++
lib/listen/file.rb | 157 +++-----
lib/listen/fsm.rb | 131 +++++++
lib/listen/internals/thread_pool.rb | 21 +
lib/listen/listener.rb | 210 +++++-----
lib/listen/listener/config.rb | 45 +++
lib/listen/logger.rb | 32 ++
lib/listen/options.rb | 23 ++
lib/listen/queue_optimizer.rb | 132 +++++++
lib/listen/record.rb | 115 +++++-
lib/listen/record/entry.rb | 51 +++
lib/listen/record/symlink_detector.rb | 39 ++
lib/listen/silencer.rb | 115 ++++--
lib/listen/silencer/controller.rb | 48 +++
lib/listen/version.rb | 2 +-
listen.gemspec | 19 +-
metadata.yml | 208 ----------
spec/acceptance/listen_spec.rb | 395 ++++++++++---------
spec/lib/listen/adapter/base_spec.rb | 109 ++++--
spec/lib/listen/adapter/bsd_spec.rb | 44 +--
spec/lib/listen/adapter/config_spec.rb | 97 +++++
spec/lib/listen/adapter/darwin_spec.rb | 182 +++++++--
spec/lib/listen/adapter/linux_spec.rb | 141 +++++--
spec/lib/listen/adapter/polling_spec.rb | 104 +++--
spec/lib/listen/adapter/windows_spec.rb | 42 +-
spec/lib/listen/adapter_spec.rb | 59 +--
spec/lib/listen/backend_spec.rb | 80 ++++
spec/lib/listen/change_spec.rb | 134 +++----
spec/lib/listen/cli_spec.rb | 114 ++++++
spec/lib/listen/directory_spec.rb | 353 +++++++++++------
spec/lib/listen/event/config_spec.rb | 31 ++
spec/lib/listen/event/loop_spec.rb | 205 ++++++++++
spec/lib/listen/event/processor_spec.rb | 216 +++++++++++
spec/lib/listen/event/queue_spec.rb | 138 +++++++
spec/lib/listen/file_spec.rb | 277 +++++++++----
spec/lib/listen/listener/config_spec.rb | 27 ++
spec/lib/listen/listener_spec.rb | 430 ++++++++++++---------
spec/lib/listen/queue_optimizer_spec.rb | 109 ++++++
spec/lib/listen/record_spec.rb | 393 ++++++++++++++++---
spec/lib/listen/silencer/controller_spec.rb | 95 +++++
spec/lib/listen/silencer_spec.rb | 195 ++++------
spec/lib/listen_spec.rb | 24 +-
spec/spec_helper.rb | 40 +-
spec/support/acceptance_helper.rb | 289 ++++++++++++--
spec/support/fixtures_helper.rb | 23 +-
spec/support/platform_helper.rb | 4 +-
vendor/hound/config/style_guides/ruby.yml | 259 +++++++++++++
91 files changed, 5805 insertions(+), 2220 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 .hound.yml
create mode 100644 .rubocop.yml
create mode 100644 .rubocop_todo.yml
create mode 100755 bin/listen
delete mode 100644 checksums.yaml.gz
create mode 100644 debian/patches/0001-Remove-OSX-specific-dependency.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/circumvent-dependency-manager
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/deactivate_arch_specific_tests.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/do_not_fail_fast.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/mark_unstable_test_pending
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/remove-mcosx-specific-dependency.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/retry_three_times.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/skip_dependency_manager_test
delete mode 100644 debian/source/local-options
create mode 100644 lib/listen/adapter/config.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/backend.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/cli.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/event/config.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/event/loop.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/event/processor.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/event/queue.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/fsm.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/internals/thread_pool.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/listener/config.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/logger.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/options.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/queue_optimizer.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/record/entry.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/record/symlink_detector.rb
create mode 100644 lib/listen/silencer/controller.rb
delete mode 100644 metadata.yml
create mode 100644 spec/lib/listen/adapter/config_spec.rb
create mode 100644 spec/lib/listen/backend_spec.rb
create mode 100644 spec/lib/listen/cli_spec.rb
create mode 100644 spec/lib/listen/event/config_spec.rb
create mode 100644 spec/lib/listen/event/loop_spec.rb
create mode 100644 spec/lib/listen/event/processor_spec.rb
create mode 100644 spec/lib/listen/event/queue_spec.rb
create mode 100644 spec/lib/listen/listener/config_spec.rb
create mode 100644 spec/lib/listen/queue_optimizer_spec.rb
create mode 100644 spec/lib/listen/silencer/controller_spec.rb
create mode 100644 vendor/hound/config/style_guides/ruby.yml
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-listen.git
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