[DRE-commits] [ruby-sprockets] 01/04: Merge tag 'upstream/3.3.0'

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Aug 13 21:49:03 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

terceiro pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-sprockets.

commit fcfc0f8a38001e57b4c27327101cc2289317e47f
Merge: fe0baa9 99bfd5e
Author: Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Aug 13 18:26:41 2015 -0300

    Merge tag 'upstream/3.3.0'
    Upstream version 3.3.0
    # gpg: Signature made Qui 13 Ago 2015 18:26:39 BRT using RSA key ID CD460BDE
    # gpg: Good signature from "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at softwarelivre.org>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at dcc.ufba.br>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at colivre.coop.br>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>"

 CHANGELOG.md                             | 222 +++++++++++++++
 LICENSE                                  |   4 +-
 README.md                                | 449 +++++++++++++------------------
 lib/rake/sprocketstask.rb                |   9 +-
 lib/sprockets.rb                         | 214 +++++++++------
 lib/sprockets/asset.rb                   | 353 ++++++++++--------------
 lib/sprockets/asset_attributes.rb        | 137 ----------
 lib/sprockets/autoload.rb                |  11 +
 lib/sprockets/autoload/closure.rb        |   7 +
 lib/sprockets/autoload/coffee_script.rb  |   7 +
 lib/sprockets/autoload/eco.rb            |   7 +
 lib/sprockets/autoload/ejs.rb            |   7 +
 lib/sprockets/autoload/sass.rb           |   7 +
 lib/sprockets/autoload/uglifier.rb       |   7 +
 lib/sprockets/autoload/yui.rb            |   7 +
 lib/sprockets/base.rb                    | 444 ++++--------------------------
 lib/sprockets/bower.rb                   |  58 ++++
 lib/sprockets/bundle.rb                  |  69 +++++
 lib/sprockets/bundled_asset.rb           |  78 ------
 lib/sprockets/cache.rb                   | 234 ++++++++++++++++
 lib/sprockets/cache/file_store.rb        | 179 +++++++++++-
 lib/sprockets/cache/memory_store.rb      |  66 +++++
 lib/sprockets/cache/null_store.rb        |  46 ++++
 lib/sprockets/cached_environment.rb      |  69 +++++
 lib/sprockets/caching.rb                 |  96 -------
 lib/sprockets/charset_normalizer.rb      |  41 ---
 lib/sprockets/closure_compressor.rb      |  44 ++-
 lib/sprockets/coffee_script_processor.rb |  25 ++
 lib/sprockets/coffee_script_template.rb  |   6 +
 lib/sprockets/compressing.rb             |  47 ++--
 lib/sprockets/configuration.rb           |  83 ++++++
 lib/sprockets/context.rb                 | 230 ++++++----------
 lib/sprockets/dependencies.rb            |  73 +++++
 lib/sprockets/digest_utils.rb            | 168 ++++++++++++
 lib/sprockets/directive_processor.rb     | 418 ++++++++++++++--------------
 lib/sprockets/eco_processor.rb           |  32 +++
 lib/sprockets/eco_template.rb            |  38 +--
 lib/sprockets/ejs_processor.rb           |  31 +++
 lib/sprockets/ejs_template.rb            |  37 +--
 lib/sprockets/encoding_utils.rb          | 261 ++++++++++++++++++
 lib/sprockets/engines.rb                 |  77 +++---
 lib/sprockets/environment.rb             |  81 ++----
 lib/sprockets/erb_processor.rb           |  30 +++
 lib/sprockets/erb_template.rb            |   6 +
 lib/sprockets/errors.rb                  |  17 +-
 lib/sprockets/file_reader.rb             |  15 ++
 lib/sprockets/http_utils.rb              | 117 ++++++++
 lib/sprockets/index.rb                   | 100 -------
 lib/sprockets/jst_processor.rb           |  50 ++--
 lib/sprockets/legacy.rb                  | 330 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/sprockets/legacy_proc_processor.rb   |  35 +++
 lib/sprockets/legacy_tilt_processor.rb   |  29 ++
 lib/sprockets/loader.rb                  | 403 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/sprockets/manifest.rb                | 290 +++++++++++---------
 lib/sprockets/manifest_utils.rb          |  45 ++++
 lib/sprockets/mime.rb                    | 143 +++++++---
 lib/sprockets/path_dependency_utils.rb   |  85 ++++++
 lib/sprockets/path_digest_utils.rb       |  47 ++++
 lib/sprockets/path_utils.rb              | 282 +++++++++++++++++++
 lib/sprockets/paths.rb                   |  61 +++--
 lib/sprockets/processed_asset.rb         | 152 -----------
 lib/sprockets/processing.rb              | 294 +++++++++++---------
 lib/sprockets/processor.rb               |  32 ---
 lib/sprockets/processor_utils.rb         | 171 ++++++++++++
 lib/sprockets/resolve.rb                 | 209 ++++++++++++++
 lib/sprockets/safety_colons.rb           |  28 --
 lib/sprockets/sass_cache_store.rb        |  36 +--
 lib/sprockets/sass_compressor.rb         |  54 ++--
 lib/sprockets/sass_functions.rb          |  72 +----
 lib/sprockets/sass_importer.rb           |  32 +--
 lib/sprockets/sass_processor.rb          | 280 +++++++++++++++++++
 lib/sprockets/sass_template.rb           |  67 +----
 lib/sprockets/scss_template.rb           |  13 -
 lib/sprockets/server.rb                  | 183 +++++++------
 lib/sprockets/static_asset.rb            |  58 ----
 lib/sprockets/transformers.rb            | 145 ++++++++++
 lib/sprockets/uglifier_compressor.rb     |  50 +++-
 lib/sprockets/uri_utils.rb               | 188 +++++++++++++
 lib/sprockets/utils.rb                   | 237 +++++++++++++---
 lib/sprockets/version.rb                 |   2 +-
 lib/sprockets/yui_compressor.rb          |  50 +++-
 metadata.yml                             | 175 ++++++------
 82 files changed, 6068 insertions(+), 3024 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-sprockets.git

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