[DRE-commits] [announcements] branch master created (now 9821a70)

Cédric Boutillier boutil at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Aug 14 08:23:37 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

boutil pushed a change to branch master
in repository announcements.

        at  9821a70   proofread Baptiste Jammet

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  f1ada26   Add draft for the announcement of the minidebconf germany
       new  cc3f873   Some typos reported by Ferdinand Thommes
       new  b145182   Some fixed reported by edhunter
       new  c71fb9e   add initial version of the snapshot announcement
       new  674ce06   Use a better footnote
       new  825dd61   Close h2 with h2, not with p
       new  82d968d   Fixed typo for Sanger
       new  bd14126   use [1] as footnote hint
       new  63ca640   add german translation
       new  a3e0c37   some smaller corrections
       new  56ff03b   rewrap to tw=72 and some rewording
       new  3963610   Add patch from Justin B Rye
       new  f49ddbe   fix some dashes
       new  625f9b5   some corrections, links, footnote
       new  c5f2f79   trailing /es
       new  a3dead1   Add German translation by Ferdinand Thommes and Jan Hauke Rahm
       new  81b7ce2   * change release date to today * add main organiser as contact * add missing closing p
       new  5be2da5   Use better URL
       new  d3c8767   Make it proper wml
       new  1490f90   Copy paste error
       new  0b76961   Add comment that it has been released
       new  84c9b98   Add comment that it has been released
       new  9b25c05   snapshot pt announcement
       new  45146d0   snapshot fr announcement
       new  774f1c1   Update translatiion [ Nicolas François ] Proofreading [ Christian Perrier, Simon Paillard ]
       new  a63f947   Move files into correct directory
       new  b936c6d   Translate 2010-04-12-snapshot-announce.wml to Greek (el)
       new  deb8162   added italian translation snapshot and debconf announcemnts
       new  0b953d4   mimic directory layout used under the en directory for spanish translations
       new  1a9b80d   2010-04-07-minidebconf-germany.wml spanish translation
       new  7bdc1cd   Add missing svn keywords
       new  f946534   Move it to the correct place; rename file (as I will convert it to wml soonish)
       new  df387f9   Add latest version send in by zack on 2010-05-16 09:41
       new  9c23957   wml-ize
       new  d3f529d   Add links to sponsors
       new  fc0aac6   Better link for permanent debconf sponsors
       new  332d016   Didn't catch yesterday evenings webwml run; so it's going to be sent out today
       new  74b3065   added debconf needs money translation
       new  f39642f   Small translation fix
       new  505faff   We should announce the debconf properly... here are some hilights of the schedule
       new  be348ee   Some other usefull links which should be mentioned
       new  c79d4a1   COmmit what I already have
       new  b9f2f4a   Got some content from http://lists.debconf.org/lurker/message/20100727.195629.3560334d.en.html
       new  2e72854   Add video stream details
       new  cbe72a0   15:12:37 < h01ger> Tolimar, s#Debian GNU/Linux#Debian# in the about debian paragraph, to make the bsd+hurd people happy? (i wont do that in the very first paragraph though)
       new  60615d8   Mention irc channels
       new  f57ae9f   DebConf10 is the 11th DebConf
       new  dc6b75b   DebConf Orga decided, that there is no spoon.  Sorry, that there was no DebConf0.
       new  d99b1be   Correct URL for video stream information and the date
       new  07a18c5   FWIW: Correct filename
       new  1bcc6f7   squeeze freeze
       new  143eb3d   Move to proper place
       new  977502f   Add wml-izes first draft from Andrei Popescu
       new  b46616c   Apply changes by Jeremiah Foster
       new  952509e   Add number of packages
       new  d78fbc4   Add history of backports and link to usage information
       new  c3728e1   Jörg Jaspert was part sooner
       new  8121bf2   Changes for current users
       new  71a31e3   backports List has already moved
       new  e372b6c   Typos and mark the "future" announce present.
       new  a5de3b8   typo s/offocial/official/
       new  616963d   typo s/form/from/
       new  6e9d5c1   Initial translation
       new  b8eb8fe   Also thank team(ix)
       new  b56d66f   Sync.
       new  284624e   First draft of the call for upgrade and installation tests
       new  e7fc0cb   Fix typo reported by KiBi
       new  ac25fdb   Use mirror friendly links to Debian's home page
       new  71a0e18   Help with documentation fixes and bug triage
       new  16b17c8   Add current draft for the point release
       new  0aae1c3   (en) Title, build, and style/typo fix; (fr) Initial translation
       new  3536da8   (fr) Proofread [ Stéphane Blondon ] <AANLkTinU3Rar2tgAUnHRJ6856oOWK34US5cr1DiR0nsw at mail.gmail.com>
       new  836268f   last minute update <1290858832.13711.6440.camel at hathi.jungle.funky-badger.org>
       new  a4e4b52   Import Zack's proposal for a no non-free firmware announcement
       new  2186c01   Add headline, header and footer
       new  6085ca3   * Use <q>..</q> instead of ".." * Mention only the Linux-Kernel in the headline
       new  3861fa5   Where does the "30 languages" come from?  We have quite more than that!
       new  2b5930b   Add (wmlized version of) pabs draft for the d-i rc1 announcement
       new  ce4d3ba    * Point to the web version if the d-d-a announcement (might get    translated and looks nicer)  * add some improvements compared to the lenny installer
       new  23860ff   Mention kFreeBSD-* and isohybrid images, as they where also not available for lenny
       new  3cc5073   mostly punctuation, but not enforcing serial comma
       new  20b913d   Add btrfs
       new  4454faf   Preliminary work to announce upcoming events; not yet finished
       new  b496aab   Proofread
       new  cb93f10   Initial translation
       new  11e35ee   Propose a few lines for Chemnitzer LinuxTage and fix a few typos
       new  80b0d4f   Postponed till tomorrow (But then we should send it out.)
       new  1ded73b   New todo
       new  e17a4b6   Nearly finished
       new  5559ecf   add link to CLT2011
       new  95fa35e   fix minor grammar issues
       new  979ee07   (fr) Sync
       new  1d3bcbe   (fr) Proofread and fix a closing tag
       new  85da078   Add BSA-023 drupla6
       new  098539d   Very first draft
       new  f49cf39   smaller fixes
       new  e8d8008   Add a template for future announcements
       new  93aebae   Add the template and provide further comments
       new  805dd27   Commit first draft for an dnssec announcement
       new  2efe981    * Move our status headers to the very begining of the templates  * 'Promote' taffit to regular editor of the DPN
       new  9dcf7d3   (en) Typo fix; (fr) initial (draft) translation
       new  2688572   (en) Quick review; (fr) initial partial tranlsation
       new  0c5818b   Start to collect some facts
       new  83db136   5000 translatable webpages
       new  019699b   Some more facts
       new  61557fb   Some more facts
       new  9802b52   Add several nice facts
       new  f783603   Debian is *available* in 70 languages (“only” translated in 69)
       new  e4fb38b   (en) Proofread; (fr) Sync
       new  405def8   Import current titanpad version (Sorry for the unreadable diff)
       new  c78c0fa   Import actual draft from titanpad
       new  b839d28   reformating: set tw=72
       new  f4f60e2   have an <ul>
       new  bf2643b   Some content changes
       new  ace8a6c   That comment has been turned into a full paragraph some commits ago
       new  62a4aa1   Add a paragraph about Debian being universal!!!
       new  8f29e5c   According to http://ftp-master.debian.org/pkg-nums we have exactly 29043 packages available on amd64, and 29234 on i386.
       new  5b19f76   Update numbers
       new  54bc7c9   run through spell checker
       new  c5e5277   ZFS filesystem is an oxymoron... or something like that
       new  e11e3ad   Wrong KDE version
       new  f6acd57   Fix typo: we have a DPL no premier
       new  80ad64c   Fix some stuff spotted by phil
       new  e9fdd03   Further remarks from phil
       new  6c5f9f5   Even more improvements by phil
       new  66a2ef5   add a missing comma
       new  c729c8e   a thousand -> one thousand
       new  6e3dc6d   Review by Colin Watson
       new  9bb87d8   Review by Damyan Ivanov
       new  a35a9fd   Add a sentence about additional QA stuff - this will be the first release, which was piuparts-tested
       new  9cfcd75   Fix typo
       new  fd28008   uncapitalise Kernel to be consistent
       new  640029c   My mistake:  Squeeze doesn't ship the mentioned cloud solutions
       new  519a309   Implement some ideas by zack
       new  8d41cfd   better grammar in the init paragraph
       new  1c38dfb   Fixed one remaining KDE naming thing
       new  bc7434c   And again a KDE product naming thing
       new  998f236   usb-install preparation is now a lot easier
       new  8d0daa5    * Merge the two "about Debian" paragraphs (which basically say the same)  * Remove GNU/Linux, as we announce kFreeBSD-*
       new  ebba898   Add a paragraph about new Blends in Squeeze
       new  1694778   typo
       new  9d05ef3   Correct version for Xen (Spotted by Olivier Tétard; thanks!)
       new  38307bf   Style changes to improve the English.
       new  d4b6ddc   Exchange blends paragraph for a shorter, better one
       new  f6a98ac   Fix typo
       new  c36440a   Add pointer to the installation guide (Found by Luk Claes, thanks!)
       new  7853392   Add another link to the installation guide
       new  3e2b48a   More download links
       new  f29a59e   Improvement regarding kernel of FreeBSD by Robert Millan
       new  c6e1b69   Foo
       new  bf7a391   Freeze announcement
       new  5021bd5   add missing "the" spotted by Axel beckert
       new  41d7425   Review by Justin B Rye
       new  b2eaace   initial Bulgarian translation
       new  c1016c8   Added initial release announce translation for Gujarati language
       new  3939db8   Updated Gujarati translation..
       new  5e5b4e4   (en) s/1000/3000/ volunteers; minor tag and name changes; (fr) sync
       new  48d8f85   (fr) proofread
       new  f21f2c7   (fr) Proofread [ Stéphane Blondon ] <AANLkTi=BFg2kFnb5ZO-17_UaBfL4ExyCmRL7KEvmguLH at mail.gmail.com>
       new  412c7da   We are probably not three thousend volunteers
       new  2b5bb82   Proofread [ Christian Perrier, Jean-Paul Guillonneau, Stéphane Blondon ] <20110204055815.GU4452 at mykerinos.kheops.frmug.org> <20110204093413.42868e57 at thalassa.fbx.proxad.net> <AANLkTi=BFg2kFnb5ZO-17_UaBfL4ExyCmRL7KEvmguLH at mail.gmail.com>
       new  3fc53fc   Finally fixing the volunteers in the about paragraph
       new  efa9a62   Sync
       new  2a94362   Updated Gujarati translation
       new  46fcabe   Add dents about Release Parties and the party line
       new  23b3a0a   Add ask.debian.net and forums
       new  095cb32   Add numbers about the wiki and ask.d.n
       new  391b6ea   Add some infos from the DSA team
       new  5909ec3   (fr) Proofread [ Christian Perrier ] <20110204173907.GF4452 at mykerinos.kheops.frmug.org>
       new  a0ffeef   sync with English and proofread
       new  d14258e   Creating directory for Danish translations
       new  8b4061f   Add russian translation from Yuri Kozlov
       new  fb76dd1   Sorry, our DPL didn't had the time to give us a nice quote;  maybe I should ask him more in advance than a couple of hours next time ;)
       new  3e78082   Add Czech translation of release announcement
       new  66bbb3d   Fix typos
       new  e9fedd8   typos and DONEs
       new  49462c3   Add: No 1.0
       new  5f8da21   Some DebConf money stats
       new  86ee62c   typos
       new  fc7bd40   Send another interesting fact
       new  e36ad23   First draft for an announcement of the new website layout
       new  2928ad5   DONE one dent
       new  7c9d777   DOne another one
       new  d3a9c1e   Fix typo
       new  5dea8e4   (fr) Revert last change [ Côme Borsoi, Romain Doumenc ] <4D4D0390.6010607 at borsoi.fr> <20110205085106.GA1623 at machiavel.uni-hohenheim.de>
       new  59b1d31   Spanish translation for the Squeeze announce
       new  7bf0807   Spanish translation for the Squeeze announce (removed English paragraph)
       new  eb3fc10   first italian translation, thanks to l10n sprint people
       new  7fe1187   A few updates after some KDE consultations; not sure about GNOME/Xfce, though
       new  91d93cd   DONE ask.debian.net dents
       new  5382868   Spanish translation for the Squeeze announce updated (KDE stuff and other fixes.)
       new  7201c80   Initial commit for Greek (el) translation of squeeze
       new  ccd23e0   DONE some dents
       new  59a26b4   Fix some errors in the Greek translation
       new  997dbe0   Send some bugs dents
       new  9c52dde   Add swedish translation by Martin Ågren
       new  8a8f754   fixing some typos and small details
       new  6cfbaa0   Import current titanpad (sorry for the diff)
       new  f2e8284   DONE some dents
       new  29a6cef   packages.d.o get's new design, too
       new  15fe411   Initial commit for Japanese (ja) translation of squeeze announce
       new  1115d57   Proofreading by Jan 'Johny' Outrata
       new  48883c5   Spanish for the Squeeze announce updated (Thanks to Javier Fernández.)
       new  c9c9b96   Squeeze should be released today :)
       new  3a49be4   Import lates titanpad:  Add quote from kalle.
       new  99c01ff   Use proper title, Debian ain't just about Linux anymore
       new  7e864b1   Import state after Rhondas and Dam review
       new  a08c8f9   Spanish L10N for the Squeeze announce updated (minor fixes.)
       new  c988020   Import current titanpad dump
       new  51822e5   No content change, only rewrap lines
       new  0afa92c   Add initial Catalan translation
       new  d5309b2   Rewrite kalles umlaut
       new  44f3b56   Catalan review
       new  85f886c   Catalan review
       new  663eaea   Catalan review
       new  1a5e815   Catalan review
       new  56f3b12   Catalan review
       new  b319ed1   Catalan review
       new  84794c5   Spanish L10N for the website redesign announce (first draft).
       new  fdd00a1   Fix release date on Catalan translation
       new  fa0da03   2 small fixes to Spanish text
       new  a16b661   Added german translation of release-announcement (in sync with rev. 1573 of english original): A    de/2011 A    de/2011/2011-02-06-squeeze-announce_de.wml
       new  7faaae1   Sync german release-announcement to rev. 1604 (adjust release_date): M    de/2011/2011-02-06-squeeze-announce_de.wml
       new  adf2f74   Added Chinese translation of squeeze release announcement
       new  bbc2d18   initial Polish translation, proofreading required
       new  0f42434   added some fixes, still not final
       new  6c3505a   more fixes, hopefuly final version
       new  cb3f577   fix typo in greek announcement for squeeze
       new  12b2eb8   minor fixes, removed original messages; final version
       new  09a3e07   added Polish translation of website redesign announcement
       new  1e37719   few minor fixes in Polish translation of website redesign announcement; final version
       new  1ec46b2   New announcement:  Upcoming signing key change
       new  c5c5169   Correct template with last review done for the website redesign announcement
       new  ebc0c4a   markup typofix
       new  7e6e39f   Two other archives are also affected
       new  ccacbc5   Sent issue
       new  c25a49d   First draft; please don't edit, working on it on titanpad
       new  2ded96f   Review by Meike
       new  95ad976   Freeze and correct stand number
       new  7af9895   Yet another review
       new  cd2c282   First draft of a german translation
       new  b76b2a1   Use code name to make that paragraph read easier
       new  658510d   Sent
       new  90f8dcb   add draft for security.d.o mirror in South America
       new  5bbeffd    * Remove comment to wait for Carlos' quote  * Place ftp.br... in <code>-tags (or should it be a link?)
       new  7eaa69e   (validate) Fix </q> tag
       new  123eaa0   (en) Stylish (and HTML entities) proofread; (fr) initial translation
       new  7922e0a   We are in 2011, there is only 28 days in February
       new  c5728b7   (fr) Proofread
       new  69c0819   added fixes suggested by taffit
       new  11146e5   reordered 'about debian' and 'about C3SL' paragraphs
       new  7fac3c3   (fr) Sync (paragraphs reordering)
       new  02b620d   no continents; reorg C3SL intro
       new  130f4bf   (fr) Sync
       new  fea583a   Adjust data and add some links
       new  8f9b210   add announcement for LNM Award
       new  19d1d39   fix title
       new  fef2521   Add first draft of the point release announcement
       new  9b89d9b   Reviewed by Philip Kern in <20110316205839.GA5332 at thrall.0x539.de> :  * s,Debian GNU/Linux,Debian,g  * added a note about Sparc hardware which previously didn't work
       new  2743036   Review by Adam D. Barratt in <1300312118.16867.358.camel at hathi.jungle.funky-badger.org> :  * updated the SPARC note after a discussion with the porter
       new  d65a190   Add content-freeze header
       new  3e69beb   Tweak DSA descriptions to comply with official ones
       new  3aa4d70   Remove d-i-only stuff from Miscellaneous Bugfixes, and fix typos; (fr) Initial translation
       new  8369e4c   (fr) Proofread [ Cédric Boutillier ] <20110317210400.GB3185 at spin>
       new  c942fb8   (fr) Proofread [ Jean-Paul Guillonneau ] <20110318091150.7601cbf1 at thalassa.fbx.proxad.net>
       new  397db7b   First italian translation, during a translation sprint
       new  8d49ee2   Add DEX announcement
       new  2e483e1   Annoucement sent
       new  b65f389   Use ' instead of some utf-8 stuff
       new  7c1ded2   Fix build issue
       new  ca1ec03   (fr) Proofread
       new  5d8ea65   (fr) Proofread
       new  3046ede   this announcement has been sent
       new  495d794   Add announcement for dc12 host; congrats nicaragua
       new  0834ce8   l10n-spanish: dc12-in-nicaragua announce
       new  056aed5   l10n-spanish: typo fixed, thanks to n0rman
       new  2b3ae3f   some proofreading
       new  3562ecc   l10n-spanish: minor fixes, thanks to ana
       new  a45c787   Add first draft for 6.0.1a images announcement
       new  433e9c3   Freeze content and add real quotes
       new  e217728   (validate) remove spurious </li> tag
       new  16d5d41   Mark issue as sent
       new  0fac94e   Fix some typos reported by sledge
       new  b3d4d54   bold for 6.0.1a
       new  b9afa9b   (fr) partial initial translation
       new  0d15549   (fr) Partial update
       new  77471c2   (fr) Complete translation
       new  2bad52f   Add announcement draft from Obey Arthur Liu
       new  4103274   Apply some changes from Andrei Popescu in <20110329160828.GB24631 at think.homelan>
       new  bd3726b   Remove one comment and fix formating
       new  aef6f3c   Mark this announcement as sent
       new  f75415b   Add first drafts of a general announcement
       new  13b2d79   Reviewed by Ansgar: Add some -
       new  86cf81d   fixed some typos
       new  06bd569   more proofreading
       new  d26a447   Major parts rewritten
       new  1540b12   Correct release date
       new  54425e9   Rewrite major parts of the announcement, to give it a different drall; we don't want to say, that similar letters are sent, but what to do in case one get's one
       new  96f64a6   Translate the German announcement to english
       new  fbe2edc   Fix typo reported by Corsac and blathijs
       new  becd9ab   review draft, minor changes
       new  0033c52   De-germanise the , (Thanks to juliank!)
       new  b2d7f26   emphasise that all we have is free
       new  c020e5b   * Fix typo in the header of the english announcement * Sync German version
       new  90bc3a7   removed one superfluous dot
       new  1681f35   Add an "is"
       new  a5b6f22   Mark issue as sent
       new  f7efc18   Linuxtag announcement
       new  ca6a389   added <q> instead of double quotes
       new  97c7ab6   Quick review; (fr) initial translation draft
       new  8c7d2da   (fr) typo fix
       new  88d5384   fixed release date
       new  59212ba   slightly modified a sentence to add booth location, sorry taffit :)
       new  de49354   Rework on that announcement
       new  c8e93b4   Save version from titanpad, please don't edit
       new  fd45b94   Add final version
       new  a2c2073   Match filename with reality to avoid confussion
       new  c5049b3   Last minor tweak by zobel
       new  e46c415   Use current "about debian"
       new  77057aa   DebConf Newbies Anouncement Draft
       new  d4b742d   fixed a typo
       new  84cb97d   More commas
       new  0749d3b   proofreading
       new  4b707b5   Mark this announcement as sent
       new  667f80a   Add china mirror announcement by Jeremiah Foster
       new  a606c79   * Add link to ftp.cn.d.o * quite with tags * format ftp.xx.d.o nicer
       new  12d417d   Expand on what exactly is mirrored
       new  9c5e74a   Add usage hints
       new  ac30c72   Use full path when pointing to sources.list
       new  e84831a   ftp.cn.d.o: quick review; (fr) Initial translation
       new  b496015   Proofread
       new  c72773c   (fr) Proofread [ Thomas Vincent ] <4DD92C05.6060009 at vinc-net.fr>
       new  8c7d29d   Add "about USTC" paragraph
       new  e1d7306   Rename document and change release date
       new  20891d8   Spellcheck
       new  19cad24   Content freeze
       new  e6193ed   Review [ Justin B Rye ] <20110523164505.GA22974 at xibalba.demon.co.uk>
       new  37c1827   Add <tt> tags for the mirror; (fr) sync
       new  0c6d3ef   No Blu-Ray [ Simon Paillard ]
       new  56249ba   wording and Stephen Zhan [ Simon Paillard ]
       new  2264b6d   Improve wording wrt "syncing" as proposed by Andrei Popescu
       new  0c7d7ec   Change release date
       new  4734446   Mark issue as sent
       new  738c3a3   Fix Stephen's name (Sorry!)
       new  37f26a6   Add DC11 Government Support announcement and mark it as sent
       new  8db9f39   added draft of irc sessions announcement
       new  c1fb150   add draft of moving debian to libreoffice (copy from titanpad)
       new  96e5156   * escape ampersand * close ordered list * Mark as sent
       new  1efb35c   add status and revision headers
       new  0a4ef71   (fr) 6.0.2 initial draft from <20110619212209.GA1804 at thrall.0x539.de>
       new  1fcd43c   marginal changes
       new  c5236d6   initial draft
       new  887e92c   Use quotes
       new  ae2310e   update name
       new  da6cfd1   Undo oops commit
       new  abdbfcd   just a couple of arguable punctuation tweaks
       new  dd9f926   more information on backports
       new  8f05369   marginal changes
       new  c54326d   Reuse the old wording, but improve it slightly. It was clearer
       new  0bf4638   Oh, mark the announcement as content frozen
       new  942869d   Slightly improve the installation instructions; mention the squeeze-backports suite
       new  0b9daca   Add current version of the 6.0.2 announcement
       new  544f46d   respectivectomy
       new  8b05c00   French translation of LibreOffice transition announcement. 1st ver.
       new  87de2d4   Add hints to the DE integration packages, which are not installed by default
       new  14261de   (en) change reinstall to install about DE integration packages + typo
       new  e08be96   Correct URL
       new  b5df24a   Mark announcement as sent
       new  e501101   (fr) update of the French translation by Thomas Blein
       new  3aee98b   (fr) backports url update + typo + maintainer string
       new  4eb3b26   (en,fr) drop DSA-2256 and DSA-2210, both for tiff package (see <1308996568.2622.17.camel at hathi.jungle.funky-badger.org>)
       new  8caf6c0   Set status
       new  bf20c03   added draft of upcoming events announcement
       new  450fe0e   mostly working to avoid 'the 3rd' etc
       new  89a0650   pp FK
       new  6d59a6f   adjusted capitalisation
       new  ddf07ba   pt_PT Complete translation
       new  ce6f7e1   first draft of Debian Day announcement
       new  2a744f7   fix typo: s/syste/system
       new  f523b93   mostly just seasoning with commas
       new  a472e25   Make that a clickable link
       new  e1f94ab   pt_PT - complete translation
       new  b010b3a   pp Phil Hands
       new  006405a   s/opening plenary/opening plenary session/ (thanks Justin)
       new  2a98ce4   Quick review; (fr) initial translation
       new  b7b2569   (fr) Proofread [ Cédric Boutillier ] <20110710072334.GA5233 at spin>
       new  a0278b9   Tweak the subjects list trying to fit better in this year themes
       new  14d99fd   added Shuttleworth talk
       new  75717da   uniformed capitalization for Debian Project, closed a tag
       new  032558f   closed a tag
       new  cac814d   (fr) Sync
       new  c22477f   Mark issue as sent
       new  5382ade   s/DebConf10/DebConf11/
       new  099c81e   first draft of video announcement
       new  ebab47e   review: s/efford/effort ; s/generalisation/generalization
       new  52c5ad5   pp David Prévot
       new  a2eeca3   pp Filipus Klutiero
       new  858052e   my own edits
       new  e7e4aa7   Initial translation
       new  e494750   fill-in about paragraphs and quotes for both IRILL and HP
       new  b438bd3   Add debconf announcement
       new  61f8fb9   Mark it as sent; Orga team had enough time to review it, and I just found a native english speaker for it
       new  b1c5a59   Change h01gers quote a bit (was not completly true) and mention the cool linux 3.0 fact ;)
       new  8466e6f   Update release date
       new  439e4da   Fix small typo
       new  455932f   Mark announcement as sent
       new  a743c23   Add multiarch announcement
       new  7b7abdf   Mark issue as sent
       new  116ed41   (fr) add French translation
       new  adabe16   (fr) Proofread [Simon Paillard]
       new  bdbaae5   (fr) initial French translation
       new  6ac0e3d   Import EDF cluster announcement
       new  d849692   Import taffits translation
       new  d17840a   Add links
       new  9968f86   use mirror relative links
       new  91b003c   (fr) Proofread [ EDF ]
       new  0cd3950   Original is French
       new  8569493   Fix encoding
       new  c53c1fd   Mark announcement as sent
       new  18de873   Some notes for the announcement
       new  c21a1ed   (pt) initial translation
       new  5dd69e5   Add Zacks quote
       new  e391cca   Set title
       new  b762dfc   Finish announcement
       new  38f8d1d   Review by aba
       new  48d1080   fixed few typos
       new  3cd685f   Reviewed by "aspell -c -d en"
       new  d4c4474   Review by aurel32
       new  055a558   Refix from aspell
       new  0ddaa9e   Add thanks to sponsors
       new  c7f6004   video consists of 50 people
       new  f430ab0   Review by Maulkin
       new  fcbdea6   Mark annoumncement as sent
       new  34ec9c8   (pt_PT) complete translation
       new  fc04237   (pt_PT) add translation check header
       new  2eb8402   fix missing bracket
       new  9a912c1   (pt_PT) translation complete
       new  63933c2   Shameless copy last year announcement as a start
       new  44376be   Write something together
       new  f4ccacc   first pass
       new  4fc9024   second pass
       new  932625c   a couple of humble changes. Alexander was afraid that his version was en_DE, perhaps mine is en_IT..
       new  b85aced   (most of) JW's rephrasings
       new  4a9dadc   Some reviews by Marcello Fiscella
       new  83f61df   Some good changes from chealer
       new  8598f60   Fix links
       new  4e912e6   Really fix link
       new  c9f0f1b   first draft of call for test announcement
       new  e936d1e   fixed misplaced link
       new  c304956   Really format lists into list, add links to Bug reports ans reportbug's page; initial French translation
       new  43d7d93   Rewording [ Andrei Popescu ] <20110917191221.GA26975 at think.nuvreauspam>
       new  eb0cf4d   first pass
       new  ebb0e94   Typographic fixes, thanks to Cédric Boutillier <20110917233018.GB21216 at spin>
       new  e73ec02   fixed release date, sent
       new  37d8a1c   Adding 5.0.9 point release announcement
       new  8e641a5   (en) Fix some typos; only one removed package; Lenny is still Debian GNU/Linux
       new  7c46aba   (fr) Initial translation
       new  e77a169   (fr) Proofread [ Thomas Vincent, Cédric Boutillier ] <4E857A07.4030307 at vinc-net.fr> <20110930085549.GE21285 at losange.proba.jussieu.fr>
       new  b0a2aaa   (fr) Typo fix
       new  4cab84c   (fr) Typo fix
       new  466b4fe   Added explanation about higher versions in oldstable than stable
       new  0a8eb6a   (en) Fix quotes; (fr) sync
       new  163de9c   (fr) fix closing </q> tag
       new  e6b55aa   6.0.3 announcement
       new  312368b   (fr) translate some bugfixes
       new  dd1bf1d   (fr) proofread
       new  4931e73   (fr) proofread
       new  bbc0264   (fr) Fix table
       new  182503c   (fr) Typo fix
       new  98297ff   (fr) Proofread [ Cédric Boutillier ] <20111008204053.GA26371 at spin>
       new  398bf17   Initial script to prepare announcements [ Thomas Blein ] <20111009172502.GA4500 at yopbook.tblein.eu>
       new  2a363c4   First draft for DebConf dates announce (thanks to n0rman)
       new  28660d8   WMLize the announcement, fix dates
       new  8d31919   s/DebConf 12/DebConf12/ (might be better the other way around), s/Debian GNU/Linux/Debian/; (fr) Begin translation
       new  12d9e52   DebCamp actually starts on July 2; (fr) initial complete translation
       new  9a70e91   (fr) Proofread
       new  15e397e   (fr) Proofread [ Cédric Boutillier ] <20111021212703.GC23200 at spin>
       new  5fd03c0   (fr) Proofread [ Jean-Paul Guillonneau ] <20111022100831.26db4254 at thalassa>
       new  fd43316   just needed one minor syntax tweak
       new  34b3309   oh, en_GB, so s/ize/ise/
       new  3d8e412   fixing DebConf12 dates
       new  d2f29db   naming xXx and fixing DebianDay paragraph
       new  b755ea8   changing release_date
       new  6484c8f   (en) update release date (today); (fr) Sync
       new  9f91bc3   Spanish l10n for the DebConf12 offiuciual dates announcement
       new  b4abb81   fixed typos, thanks to leogg
       new  47aa5af   Remove spurious commas, thanks to Ana Guerrero for the notice
       new  1e22e8b   s/Open Source/Free Software/ (communities), thanks to Ana Guerrero for the notice
       new  2412027   fixes by Ana
       new  d374dcf   some polishing changes more to the Spanish version
       new  e1db0b0   Date update (should be sent today)
       new  cc552a2   Change sent date to today, add status header and mark it as sent
       new  ef247b6   Add status header, change send date to today and fix quotations
       new  6cfc02f   (fr) Proofread from JBR and Jean-Paul Guilloneau
       new  81d48c7   We are a multi-kernel distro now, stop using Debian GNU/Linux in new announcements
       new  f6ecc70   Add draft of the armhf/s390x announcement
       new  43b799b   armhf/s390x announcement is not yet published, move to drafts
       new  66086e4   added draft for fosdem announcement
       new  688b1a4   first draft of release for 6.0.4
       new  d1e9cce   placed in the proper dir, with the proper name ;)
       new  8ab2679   placed in the proper dir, with the proper name ;)
       new  cc75a83   status: open for edit
       new  0973d88   Fix release_date year; (fr) Initial template (sync)
       new  5178e07   [draft]: wheezy artwork contest: call for proposals, thanks to Jeremiah
       new  f945ed3   Tweaks to the armhf part of this release.
       new  d23d755   added final schedule, drafts ready for review
       new  498978f   (en) Fix ampersand; (fr) Initial translation
       new  98fd921   (fr) Translate title and add forgotten translation-check
       new  22a540e   (fr) Proofread
       new  6763cf2   fix some typos and wording
       new  fff3fdf   (fr) Sync
       new  217f505   Fix Michael Scherer's first name; (fr) proofread [ Stéphane Blondon ] <CAOy+up7j9TGjhXmTBHWHQtjK4MhzTuUj6gjgdpHn3b=MCiA50Q at mail.gmail.com>
       new  6dcd108   first pass (let's see if this sends a commit message)
       new  4bc99e2   (fr) Sync
       new  e21a57a   (fr) Proofread [ Thomas Vincent ] <4F195A06.9070905 at vinc-net.fr>
       new  3d711fb   grammar fix, thanks to MJ Ray
       new  2c6c456   last minute change to the schedule
       new  8fb1740   (fr) Sync
       new  2de6ef2   (validate) Add missing closing </table>
       new  48660c6   frozen, dropped 'round table' comment
       new  007f15b   re-added round table thingie, sent
       new  2de05eb   dummy: review; (fr) Sync
       new  25fb34c   (es) initial translation
       new  cb8ab57   fixing (es) translation
       new  1b7feb9   FOSDEM announcement sent
       new  ee54426   l10n-spanish review
       new  ee8e0c6   Import draft from the release team
       new  f95b72e   Fix remaining things pointed out by KiBi
       new  96b884b   quotes and typo fix; (fr) Sync
       new  e935248   l10n-spanish review
       new  dd1dc25   (fr) Proofread
       new  cac9f12   (fr) proofread
       new  e6a368e   (es) initial translation
       new  47d219a   added draft for lenny eol announcement
       new  c31b574   (es) translation for announcements
       new  66517c7   l10n-spanish review
       new  d9e6b0b   Remove extra spaces, replace Debian's version 4.0 to 6.0
       new  483f2ad   first draft
       new  2d84e45   Fix typo
       new  b987cbc   (es) fix
       new  9e9c057   new version of the announce, thanks to zobel
       new  54e4475   Some updates to the klecker announcement
       new  72c16b6   klecker != ftpmaster, woops
       new  5c4d05b   minor adjustments to About SNT, acked from SNT [Martin Zobel-Helas]
       new  d949a3e   (fr) translation of lenny-eol into French
       new  1f31cb0   (fr,en) lenny-eol: s/future/past/ proposition
       new  80df47e   (fr) Proofread [ Thomas Vincent ] <4F32F4EB.8090206 at vinc-net.fr>
       new  ae15a1c   Update DebConf location examples to more recent venues
       new  f91f431   s/2012-02-05-lenny-eol.wml/2012-02-09-lenny-eol-wml/
       new  b05da8f   fixed release date
       new  ed33f83   s/future/past/ proposition
       new  955adba   s/Debian GNU\/Linux 6.0/Debian 6.0/
       new  33950a6   fixing title
       new  8b75b42   minor reshuffles
       new  7d32852   fixing (es) translation
       new  c987e1b   (es) initial translation
       new  8421c4a   (en) Remove comments, add date, add some <p> tags [ Holger Wansing ] <20120210215251.02d795cc.linux at wansing-online.de>, and reword a link; (fr) Initial translation
       new  e87a727   (fr) Proofread
       new  bd2cd37   Initial german translation
       new  2b29860   (fr) Proofread [ Simon Paillard ] <20120213212013.GE27641 at glenfiddich.mraw.org>
       new  a872089   (es) Proofread [ Matías Bellone, Rafael Rivas, Jardi Martinez ]
       new  a2cb297   announcement sent, moved from draft to 2012
       new  2bb823c   BSPs, first draft
       new  efe2331   fix date formats and associated phrasing
       new  f634b96   (fr) BSPs: translation into French
       new  a90e80a   Initial german translation
       new  b2ba59e   (es) initial translation
       new  a62aa7c   pp Filipus Klutiero
       new  7ce3a88   Paris URL
       new  a0b6b1f   try again
       new  bc5cb43   added another BSP, added info on how organize a BSP
       new  f635708   rereview
       new  def8c96   (fr) sync
       new  e263009   (fr) proofread [David Prévot] <4F3BC1DA.1090108 at tilapin.org>
       new  33d540e   (es) translation finished, waiting for review. Cleaning draft directory
       new  6389a11   Adapted the changes in the english version
       new  f623c04   (fr) proofread [Stéphane Blondon] <CAOy+up535ZotcktE8K6t4iuWmVQeROsRCdANOp2+vxF-NDbvQg at mail.gmail.com>
       new  2e16a6d   [en, es, de, fr] added a couple of tags
       new  2ab4f23   Add translation check header to template
       new  a29d156   no more a draft: ready for review and translations
       new  09ee942   added release date and title (and a couple of tag)
       new  bd82104   this time en_GB; not tampering with quotes
       new  f324ca7   (es) proofread [David Reviejo]
       new  7128708   BSPs es l10n archived
       new  697d77a   initial (es) translation
       new  460d5e3   Initial german translation
       new  0200abc   Applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  c4bf3d6   pp MJR & FK
       new  4b2bb00   optional extras
       new  f5b3e82   (es) fixes
       new  0b25650   Adapted the changes in the english version, applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  5033ee7   added draft for patent policy(thanks zack for writing it)
       new  33c4a6b   (es) proofread [David Reviejo, Hector Colina, Rafael Rivas]
       new  8807d0f   not sure about capitalised 'Free', but...
       new  d263a2f   (fr) initial French translation
       new  3c302a1   one comma (pp FK)
       new  c2f75f9   (es) proofread [Hector Colina]
       new  ee2cf4e   Initial german translation
       new  2a29cdb   klecker (es) translation finished
       new  cb45ad5   (es) initial translation
       new  a9d0804   (es) initial translation
       new  047c057   (fr) initial translation into French
       new  9c00487   Use <q> instead of " (yes, nested <q> are fine)
       new  a4dab6d   (fr) Proofread [ Thomas Vincent ] <4F3F0B53.9010501 at tilapin.org>
       new  844f3ca   (fr) Proofread [ Jean-Paul Guilloneau ] <20120217063942.7f5bafad at thalassa>
       new  5127cb7   (fr) proofread [Philippe Batailler] <20120218083728.GA2991 at free.fr>
       new  bcdba3c   (fr) Proofread [ Philippe Batailler ] <20120218083728.GA2991 at free.fr>
       new  d7cd1c6   (fr) proofread [Philippe Batailler] <20120219085527.GA2923 at free.fr>
       new  3e87767   cleaning es draft directory
       new  04cf0a6   Adapted change in the English version
       new  e93b6e3   added txt file with all 'debconf biggest achievement' messages so far
       new  dc66de4   added first draft for dc13 in ch announcement
       new  d7ed5e4   proofread Gunnar Wolf and Brian Gupta
       new  e4a1cc7   argh, forgot a 'de'
       new  214238f   first draft of call for fundraising dc12
       new  ed15664   added status and translation check
       new  1991eda   applied changes from Moray, Luca and Gaudenz
       new  57ede11   Initial german translation
       new  3ac848c   Proof-read, and add point about in-kind donations
       new  052dfb8   DebConf is the Debian Project's conference
       new  69c56a5   Smooth phrasing after Holger's change
       new  60a4413   added Gaudenz quote
       new  d357e31   first pass; restore a couple of lines of content
       new  5863983   Adapted the changes in the English version
       new  ca7f5c3   initial (es) translation
       new  80f6b98   fixing debianday date
       new  2b3c7cf   (es) translation updated
       new  712544a   (es) initial translation
       new  e78594c   (es) translation finished, waiting for proofread
       new  f3ab44c   (es) proofred [Hector Colina]
       new  7d8545e   (fr) initial French translation
       new  6837672   (fr,en) fix email address for sponsors [Axel Beckert] <20120229185331.GQ6639 at sym.noone.org>
       new  e0ec086   sync with en
       new  4a69024   Initial german translation
       new  1c81b15   Add date, use Lake Neuchâtel everywhere, and DebConf is the Debian Conference (not only the developpers's one); (fr) initial translation
       new  efa52d0   updating es translation
       new  672f3a7   /Debian Developer Conference/Debian Conference/
       new  7fc3267   finishing es translation, waiting for reviews
       new  96bcfcd   reverted last change about DebConf definition: decision about it pending
       new  1f5b641   closed a tag
       new  8881100   fixed release date
       new  9d370fa   Add back “developer” in the presentation part (maybe “developpement” should be better suited as gwolf proposed)
       new  f816d05   please hold on a moment. two more days.
       new  020b792   Fix press address
       new  71b7c02   Applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  e703444   Clarify message (and avoid company vs. other organisation confusion), as discussed on debconf-team and debian-publicity
       new  4eaec3c   added changes proposed by Erik
       new  48c0bd0   reverting comment, as it seems unlikely we can use kickstarter
       new  5f66350   Proof-read
       new  41ea90d   Reword first paragraph more
       new  87e3f0f   Paragraph about volunteering is no longer in English version, so remove it from translations
       new  fdebdca   Retitle the title, and update the date
       new  6d2edc1   (fr) Sync
       new  5fae8d1   (es) sync
       new  6c8f83c   announcement archived
       new  de7647c   (fr) proofread
       new  fab3ece   (fr) small detail to stick to more recent translations of "About Debian"
       new  51c24ce   prepare Debian Edu Squeeze release announcement. please join #debian-edu if you want to discuss this
       new  49e7751   6.0.4+r0 will be the version number used
       new  e06b0cb   WMLize the announcement
       new  392e04c   (fr) Proofread [ Stéphane Blondon ] <20120303225019.GA9660 at spin>
       new  f691bef   Fix date: the nine first days of the month have only one digit
       new  53580b3   fixing links
       new  9f708f5   changed some wording, removed elements from release notes, added 'about' section
       new  29834a6   First go at proof-reading
       new  eeac4fb   Initial german translation
       new  cb71efa   changed the title
       new  f8d47ba   Applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  49d24c0   Adapted change in the English version
       new  106d507   added lenny final point release draft, thanks to Adam Barratt
       new  4549da8   its only 41 days after 6.0.4 but it's around 400 days after the actual squeeze release, so we shouldn't pretend we are fast when we are not
       new  62e57bd   remove duplicate kgeography from the list of installed packages by default
       new  d599ee8   Replace usual second paragraph by end of security one, as was done in the last 4.0 announce
       new  cad411a   (fr) Initial translation
       new  8cdc576   (fr) Proofread
       new  1de4572   (fr) Proofread [ Jean-Paul Guilloneau ] <20120309194223.49ae1bac at thalassa>
       new  3420ce9   (fr) initial translation
       new  d237fbe   Fix upstream names, Bokmål and Debian Edu (without hyphen)
       new  beaac50   reorder a bit
       new  70f776f   Add a nice quote
       new  39db805   Adapted the changes in the English version
       new  e83f3c9   Added missing </q> tag in the quote of Nigel Barker.
       new  ea289c6   Some smaller changes
       new  0d5dcef   first sweep
       new  3b7c2df   drop the '41 days after 6.0.4' - cause realistically we would also need to say 'a year after 6.0.0' and this would make the intro long and complicated..
       new  53fb7ac   yeah, we worked a bit...
       new  0f6402d   exremadura?
       new  ec58e83   Applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  a003d80   <taffit> h01ger: last info from Extremadura were not really good news, don't know <h01ger> actually, the last i got, was good <h01ger> but right, thats too controversial for a PR
       new  5b42a37   Adapted the changes in the English version
       new  d182967   improve message
       new  f13f362   improve wording
       new  dff8ed4   fix logic
       new  21bcc30   (fr) Proofread [JP Guillonneau] <20120310120448.55a45334 at thalassa>
       new  2419dfa   (fr) Proofread [David Prévot] <4F5B9B23.10308 at tilapin.org>
       new  91e3e43   fixing tags
       new  5978de5   (fr) sync translation
       new  f7947ac   (fr) resync translation
       new  759638c   resweep (one from Filipus Klutiero)
       new  3be5872   -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256
       new  5f7029b   s/.iso/ISO/ and dropped reference to 'official Debian subproject'
       new  9c21fdb   Reformat checksum; (fr) sync
       new  96c3c39   (fr) Fix tag
       new  2a2b878   -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256
       new  5eac5c1   (de) Sync
       new  090d78c   archiving annoucement
       new  ca75abd   typo fixed
       new  02347d3   (es) initial translation
       new  f380803   finishing es translation, waiting for review
       new  71f4dd6   OSI affiliation: first draft
       new  4de1667   work on draft announcement
       new  ac73033   Add skeletons for possible quotes
       new  e19e8c3   Fix a local link; (fr) Initial translation
       new  db56afa   Atempt to split the announcement in three parts
       new  ce84be7   OSI announcement: add quote of mine
       new  9e2d8bc   proof-read
       new  ac14123   (fr) Sync
       new  01383b2   changed release date
       new  34ad56f   added quote from simon phipps
       new  470ee2c   (fr) Sync
       new  7066747   (fr) Proofread
       new  8464352   Proofread [ Thomas Vincent ] <4F71E3D7.2070804 at vinc-net.fr>
       new  552af26   small grammar correction in OSI announcement
       new  e72a1eb   standard ISATION (to match DPL quote), s/OSI/the OSI/g
       new  5c7bf7b   a more arguable bit of rephrasing
       new  f12b449   oops, lost a comma
       new  8dacb8f   fix comma location
       new  c2f17f4   (es) initial translation
       new  6a2bc54   uniformized the use of 'affiliate', hopefully without introducing grammar errors
       new  a1d3d91   s/About the Open Source Initiative/About Open Source Initiative/ [Rares Aioanei]
       new  ce47a79   revert previous commit: OSI calls itself '*the* OSI'
       new  a6ce695   (fr) Sync (s/projet affilié/affilié/)
       new  34c7e9b   Up to date german version
       new  8d840f7   Fix an internal URL (aka: respect CN)
       new  f40ac14   finishing (es) translation, waiting for review from debian-l10n-sp
       new  d0d909b   fixing OSI l10n-es
       new  1d4e1b3   merged cfp and registration open announcement
       new  9d4cbcf   (es) initial translation
       new  5c2b6d0   (es) fixing dc12-registration title
       new  9b40a5d   (es) fixes by Matías Bellone
       new  419f1cf   archived announcements
       new  cf858fc   archived announcements
       new  0394844   first draft for the Giant Gerbil election
       new  ee3d68a   Fix some links, and welcome the Giant Gerbil in French too
       new  500726f   (es)initial translation
       new  ae7e575   update dpl texts
       new  011bd25   avoid repetition of name in same sentence
       new  993c435   Add some bio data from http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100416 and sync French translations
       new  ecf07f2   added a note about zack winning three times in a row, added the condorcet stuff
       new  d986709   (fr) proofread
       new  9ee5aa9   (fr) Sync
       new  28c03c6   typo fixed, thanks giant gerbil for noticing
       new  0c52c64   added zack's quote, ready to go
       new  03b2135   Diversity statement: press announcement, take 1
       new  f1c02e2   Some URL fix for #669011
       new  ac0da1d   #669011: proposal to remove the licence statement already present in the footer
       new  991035f   slightly changed my quote + added a thank
       new  bf10b8f   (fr) Intial translations
       new  a2c2a07   (fr) s/accueille/invite/ once
       new  ff55367   (fr) Proofread [ Thomas Vincent ] <4F8E92CF.9040904 at vinc-net.fr>
       new  b034585   first proof-read
       new  388a9d3   Diversity announcement: content-frozen
       new  84a4cbd   Initial german translation
       new  473093b   Tweak zack's quote
       new  a031bdf   minor grammar fix, and mention who zack is
       new  ab1c51c   (fr) Sync
       new  a339ac2   (fr) Proofread [ Raphaël Hertzog ] <20120419144617.GE12663 at rivendell.home.ouaza.com>
       new  8e981c9   (valite-fr) fix closing <q> tag
       new  62c1da1   (fr) Proofread [ Raphaël Hertzog ]
       new  8ad1246   (fr) Proofread [ Raphaël Hertzog ]
       new  297fffd   Adapted the changes in the English version
       new  cebbe2b   (fr) Proofread
       new  fdc3c4e   Initial german translation
       new  2a91a80   Applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  7a4ba2f   Applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  d44ac8c   Applied a suggestion by mailing list
       new  cee8cdd   xen/openstack announcement
       new  bca4ecb   Use proper <q> tags instead of quotes (nested <q> are not a problem)
       new  951962d   capitalize one missing S in OpenStack
       new  b15f0e6   only one README.xcp_and_OpenStack file
       new  2bc7899   (fr) initial French translation
       new  f94a1c1   One more <q> to replace double quotes, and use $(HOME) instead of www.d.o
       new  e9dfef3   (fr) s/®//g s/amas/grappe
       new  389bf0b   (fr) proofread [David Prévot] <4F96EF7D.4050401 at tilapin.org>
       new  571d5d4   Up to date german version
       new  58a5c9f   removed quotes on cloud (apart from the first mention of it), thanks Maulkin
       new  ee63e7a   minor punctuation and spelling fixes
       new  07d37cc   Minor punctuation fix on two quotes
       new  ec561f8   Fix type of dash (since there are spaces round it, it should be an en dash in normal English punctuation, not an em dash)
       new  2aed4b7   (fr) Sync: remove quotes around “nuage” (cloud translation)
       new  032fb69   Applied changes in the english version and by mailing list
       new  ef396a7   Forgot something.
       new  fb16eef   Try to make the uncomment part more obvious
       new  6d8af14   Tranfer of the improvements from DNPhtml2mail.pl
       new  aeb235a   Correct some regressions
       new  49defd8   added next point release announcement, thanks to Adam Barratt
       new  c410032   Fix minor typos; (fr) Initial translation
       new  6be710b   (fr) proofread [Thomas Vincent] <4FACC76B.2080909 at vinc-net.fr>
       new  eb0b628   (fr) proofread
       new  6b69655   Initial german translation
       new  d6941d0   Diversity statement updated for the website
       new  7ee645d   Update date, and add a word about the vote
       new  c1ab00d   more articles, more commas
       new  d047c1f   Renamed
       new  4944e79   Reviewed and up to date
       new  55db4a2   s/part/side/ [ Justin B Rye ] <20120605074133.GA16745 at xibalba.demon.co.uk>
       new  e55b9a0   Ready to send
       new  b66ce0a   Add draft of the DebConf12 DebianDay announcement
       new  6a80dfd   s/7/7th/
       new  f99667f   mention the second dc12 debianday room too
       new  80854b6   Proof-read, and update About DebConf from template
       new  33105ca   Initial german translation
       new  b2d25c7   replaced superfluous "r" in "interersted" with "<p>" tags
       new  ecc1944   uh, draft status, not sent yet!
       new  c2611c7   Applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  971b6f5   (fr) initial French translation of Debian Day announcement
       new  39b1dcf   Re-wrap
       new  de97038   Proof-read
       new  ff7ff52   Add English translations of talk titles
       new  0edeed6   Rephrase 'involvement'
       new  1641b35   (fr) sync, add French translation of titles
       new  795422c   add English translations of tutorial titles
       new  80de8fb   schedule update
       new  7c6b1ac   Updated to changes in English version
       new  1a1b107   Add date and translation check
       new  6ad4f35   (fr) sync
       new  8bfc4c9   Wrote my name on it
       new  93f7318   (fr) validate
       new  572c52b   (fr) Proofread [ Thomas Blein ] <20120705205643.GE5723 at yopbook.tblein.eu>
       new  a648e10   Actually sending the announcement today (aka: now!)
       new  90a1cc3   Announcement sent
       new  97c1133   first (es) translation
       new  0b113de   (es) fixes by Omar Campagne
       new  1566d95   URGENT: Video announcement, early draft
       new  c811436   Include h0lger early comments
       new  c2cb23f   Update link to the video page, thanks to xamanu
       new  a2c3117   DebConf11→12
       new  9e0fb1c   (fr) initial French translation
       new  482f3f5   Add sponsor list (until Bronze), still at least need to add our uplink
       new  12b6bef   Add Yota (uplink provider) in the third place of the sponsors list
       new  c9d5db8   Proof-read (significant changes)
       new  a1b40a7   Futher minor rewording
       new  1be6d42   small edits
       new  adbdd08   Only mention platinum sponsors
       new  360277d   Rewrap too long lines and remove useless comments, no text edition at all)
       new  df6bbae   Prepare sending (fix typo and s/DebConf11/DebConf12/); (fr) Sync
       new  aa41483   archiving finished (es) translataion
       new  69a4485   add first draft of german translation
       new  ab62dcc   first (es) translation
       new  f26cb40   Add debconf12 ending announcemnet
       new  f83a195   Proof-read
       new  919b42e   Fix tiny HTML stuff
       new  73e7039   added statement from local team
       new  dc89417   close <li> tags; fix capitalization OpenStack; change year for DebConf in Vaumarcus
       new  a69d97a   close <p> tag; use same DebConf/Debian contact info as in previous announcements
       new  f318aa2   (fr) initial translation
       new  b32140e   (fr) proofread [Étienne Gilli, JP Guillonneau]
       new  f2abae9   add links to the schedule
       new  8d93a01   Initial german translation
       new  d76e03f   Applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  b9f6101   Add quoting around provided quote
       new  e7a70bb   revert previous commit: the <q> tags do provide the quotes
       new  d1f0546   finished (es) translation, waiting for fixes
       new  17849c0   (es) fixes by Omar Campagne
       new  a30331c   (es) fixes by Omar Campagne
       new  5e03d01   archiving (es) announcement
       new  3f6383d   First draft for Debian Anniversary press release
       new  e030f8a   first draft of di beta1 installer announce
       new  6d7a64c   added changes proposed by Holger Wansing
       new  2899f25   added Andrei Popescu's patch and sligthly reworder the final part
       new  b40c464   Use local links
       new  c855966   minor fix (missing word)
       new  05a463e   (fr) first French translation
       new  c9b09ac   Slightly reworded, changed "anniversary" to "birthday"
       new  1207dd0   Typo fix
       new  dd071c3   (es) first translation
       new  d90d3da   Update date → 2012-08-10; (fr) Proofread
       new  a2a8e5a   added how to report bugs and help fixing + 12 arch + slightly rewording
       new  2d1a960   better paragaph separations
       new  4a740ba   different url for installation report howto
       new  1d3ac04   Typo fix (missing “languages”)
       new  ff5ff37   Sync from CVS (for translators sake)
       new  e871369   past/present tense, thanks zobel
       new  2db8334   Completed the statistics and split the announcement
       new  5d57782   Deleted Debian birthday "old" announcement (before the split)
       new  73d2e53   (fr) initial translation
       new  9a8d309   (es) sync
       new  46963c5   (fr) proofread [Stéphane Blondon]
       new  f9849d3   added some more content
       new  42084ea   fixed release date
       new  f632d7f   taffit doesn't like exclamation marks because he's OLD
       new  6a95194   (es) first translation
       new  d19f3fd   adding commas
       new  e884a04   (fr) Sync [ Cédric Boutillier ] <20120812212619.GA4808 at spin>
       new  725c6e7   Remove useless “at http://”; (fr) Proofread
       new  ebd4da0   Added d.o links and slightly rephrased
       new  d668926   Reverted Contact Information rephrase
       new  4844d88   (fr) initial translation
       new  fd1c1ed   don't imply the freeze period is predetermined
       new  dd017cc   fixing translation-check
       new  77909f9   sync (es) translation
       new  4fc5be1   Initial translation.
       new  a2b0061   (fr) sync + proofread [Thomas Vincent]
       new  01a90f9   (fr) Remove extra non breaking space
       new  05dd6bf   6.0.6 point release draft
       new  bd4184c   Initial german translation
       new  c8d0b9a   Forgot uncommenting the line that tells who translated it
       new  439c685   Fixed missing translator note
       new  e3f1e14   Fix translation-check
       new  7a2ff6e   (fr) first translation
       new  0a7f20f   (fr) proofread
       new  df9eb69   Reviewed
       new  228ff43   (fr) proofread [Baptiste] <aa34d14828372de973342db0e6749d41 at mailoo.org>
       new  799e7d8   (fr) Proofread
       new  14208fd   (fr) proofread [JP Guillonneau] <20120928191025.4ecd1268 at thalassa>
       new  1316071   first draft for upcoming bsps announcement
       new  7a0a47c   s/months/weeks/ and a few details; (fr) Initial translation
       new  82aae20   Initial translation
       new  da177fc   (fr) Update headers
       new  6357bce   added Helsinki mini bsp, thanks zobel
       new  496b413   mostly trivial
       new  9bcc879   (fr) proofread [Étienne Gilli, Stéphane Blondon, myself]
       new  39f0a80   Remove the second Helsinki of the sentence; (fr) Sync
       new  0fe84a4   Adapted the changes in the english version, applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  3cfb1e3   Tag French translation as ready
       new  01567b0   Fix Paris Mini-DebConf dates; (fr) also add forgotten Munich BSP
       new  d501974   (fr) sync last changes. mark [ready]
       new  2cc15d4   draft for di rc1 release added
       new  0eaadf4   draft for 6.0.7
       new  3d7209d   d-i beta4 has been released, use internal URL; (fr) Sync based on two years ago announce
       new  714d447   pub date + added details about release
       new  9a52334   quick first pass
       new  49ee24f   second thoughts
       new  75bb3f4   (fr) Sync
       new  4736cf3   German translation for wheezy rc1 announcement
       new  9940656   (fr) proofread
       new  0dc9ee1   Proofreading (thanks to Martin Eberhard Schauer)
       new  c4742b4   Translation is in sync with english rev. 4639
       new  982c0de   reviewed by Holger Wansing and Filipus Klutiero
       new  5e53b8e   sync with en
       new  861cc98   Sync
       new  fd0338d   Remove useless duplication of code, “dpn/scripts/DPNhtml2mail.pl -t news” is your friend now
       new  ca8328c   removed old drafts
       new  4837563   added first draft + moray's fixes
       new  c2622d4   draft provided by the RT
       new  51a9c90   fixed broken entity
       new  06dadf4   (fr) Partial translation
       new  2b2592f   Add missing space; (fr) sync
       new  8d3aa4b   Fix DSA 2570; (fr) proofread
       new  fc5cf0c   (fr) Proofread [ Jean-Pierre Giraud ] <51266D19.8090603 at neuf.fr>
       new  6fe4470   (fr) Proofread [ Baptiste ] <20130221200505.4ae77809 at deserts.maison>
       new  a810712   changed title, eternal gratitude to Raphael
       new  33936cd   Initial German translation
       new  35e4e0f   Some additional suggestions by holger
       new  9f2158c   pub date decided + content frozen
       new  60ed8c7   comma-tweaking
       new  741dd7e   future releases don't have dates
       new  717aafd   (fr) Initial translation (sync with r4672)
       new  c3a3c06   (fr) Proofread [ Baptiste ] <698c79b18b1efc6db2b6b9f50ce96980 at mailoo.org>
       new  f95242e   (fr) Proofread [ Stéphane Blondon ] <CAOy+up5NGQYJO++jitht5W_xLgXWzr5ijAZjXitydnCgR8c46g at mail.gmail.com>
       new  bb966a1   Added a word to make a smoother transition (and remove the impression of a patchwork text)
       new  cc1c3ac   Initial German translation
       new  1909f7a   Applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  4642057   (fr) Proofread [ Cédric Boutillier ] <20130228123319.GB6571 at entropy.proba.jussieu.fr>
       new  f7c1dbd   [ready] Applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  5ede568   [ready] Forgot something …
       new  981591d   (fr) Proofread [ Jeean-Pierre Giraud ] <512F7065.4030000 at neuf.fr>
       new  a2d8efe   Drop exclamation mark in title; (fr) proofread, and tag as ready
       new  9a10cd6   (fr) Proofread: (non-breaking) spaces stuff
       new  d9abf9d   draft of public cloud announcement
       new  c5a1dac   wait for links provided by debian-cloud people + typo fixed
       new  b51fc7a   (en) details; (fr) initial translation
       new  b1cfc95   Initial German translation
       new  13f6431   Applied some suggestions by mailing list
       new  7632424   (fr) Proofread
       new  b5adbc0   (en) Typo fix (s/it's/is/)
       new  f9bf88b   first draft of backports announce
       new  203a9d1   first draft of eaton pr
       new  377eb3d   re-ordered quotes
       new  25d3b3b   announcement frozen [thanks zobel and DSAs]
       new  d54854f   (fr) Initial translation
       new  fc39847   Initial German translation
       new  241d27b   Initial German translation
       new  680dbe4   (fr) Proofread [ Étienne Gilli ] <20130319211343.GA3818 at gmail.com>
       new  410ef95   (fr) Initial translation
       new  5d3fae2   (fr) Proofread
       new  746cf27   (fr) Tag as ready
       new  1ee7d8d   fix two obvious typos
       new  df737d2   Applied suggestions by Chris Leick
       new  80972d4   add my translation
       new  c1dbb7f   [ready] Proofread
       new  19522aa   remove obsolete </p> and move comma out of anchor
       new  f978cb4   fixed title, added about eaton paragraph
       new  2a9f323   (fr) Sync
       new  bc1a2b9   Added suggestion by Erik Esterer
       new  7c6f79c   added first draft for bytemark announcemnent
       new  81e907d   fixed a couple of typos
       new  d460333   quote from bytemark and about bytemark
       new  52f977a   fix typo in quote, take rewritten first paragraph from bytemark, freeze content
       new  9b4af8d   move from draft to en/
       new  29fc705   best guess
       new  b9e649e   (fr) Translation; todo: 'About Bytemark' and 'About Debian'
       new  539ebe6   First draft for Wheezy release announcement
       new  e3683d6   (fr) translation of About paragraphs; quick proofread
       new  bcfcdc6   (fr) Proofread [ Jean-Paul Guillonneau, Baptiste and Philippe Piette ] <20130403073715.29407ed4 at thalassa> <570a7c6b28ff064df98906f9d2d3f324 at mailoo.org> <CABZ8OeTjua+D=fgmDYsmTx9YYRhze5kPmMLuWTY=4CGPsshiKg at mail.gmail.com>
       new  07af415   (fr) Sync
       new  8f4808b   Added the version numbers
       new  1ac4596   Added the release date
       new  353fc6e   Updated some missing numbers (thanks themill!)
       new  5649423   New debian-installer notes and some todo items
       new  72779d5   Initial german translation for Wheezy release notes draft (in sync with rev. 4860 of english original)
       new  4d7da41   s390x and armhf added, software versions updated, number of supported languages increased
       new  94ffb7f   (fr) sync
       new  899497d   set back to 73 the number of supported languages
       new  f8052df   reword of intro, thanks to h01ger
       new  36cb728   fixed architectures as for titanpad version
       new  79c51b4   minor fixes + UEFI blurb, thanks Sledge
       new  f67a0f3   more fixes from the titanpad draft
       new  f536328   s/Project/project/ and yet another s/Debian GNU/Linux/Debian/
       new  8201444   added definitive version of the release announcement, and frozen it
       new  b6a2dd8   removed draft of announcement, we have a definitive version on /2013/
       new  e73b358   fixed the bootable usb part, thanks boutil
       new  0ce0aec   main sweep
       new  d2cb2c5   sorted software list
       new  819e152   (fr) sync
       new  23ba03d   pt_BR translation synced with r4905
       new  0cd9b9b   initial polish translation
       new  58266ab   (fr) proofread [Thomas Vincent] <5183F353.3080808 at vinc-net.fr>
       new  76068fe   initial translation of 20130504.wml r4905
       new  801a57a   Initial German translation, ready for release
       new  5a43bee   removed note for Debian blend, to prevent a
       new  9a711d5   Add Wheezy release announcement (status=reviewing)
       new  4a53ad7   sorted software list
       new  fc42a84   remove note about Debian Blends
       new  2f9219d   (fr) proofread [Jean-Pierre Giraud, Baptiste] <5183FAAF.7050606 at neuf.fr>, <20130503211032.6c8690b9.baptiste at mailoo.org>
       new  5640e40   first complete Polish version, to be reviewed
       new  ac7c31f   "Portuguese translation for Debian 7.0 announcement"
       new  b6cd6ad   blends removed, some improvements and status added
       new  a1737a1   minor fixes to Polish translation
       new  d08da1d   s/Linux 3.2.0/Linux 3.2/
       new  e64706c   s/Linux 3.2.0/Linux 3.2/
       new  639d2f8   s/Linux 3.2.0/Linux 3.2/
       new  b478918   s/Linux 3.2.0/Linux 3.2/
       new  ccd22dc   s/Linux 3.2.0/Linux 3.2/
       new  fccae3d   s/Linux 3.2.0/Linux 3.2/
       new  fd3e1f8   s/Linux 3.2.0/Linux 3.2/
       new  bb46520   s/Linux 3.2.0/Linux 3.2/
       new  e9f4a76   Initial translation
       new  3e37b28   (pt_BR) - Proofread by Adriano Rafael Gomes <20130503160017.7047db45 at sanga.adrianorg.nom.br>         - Translation sync with r4925
       new  8b23409   Add Czech translation of Wheezy release announcement
       new  eab97bb   add kFreeBSD kernel to the list of software; (fr) sync
       new  f17bd75   more fixes to Polish translation (thanks, lx!); add kFreeBSD kernels
       new  63e5c91   (fr) proofread [JP Guillonneau] <20130504081723.03304bb3 at thalassa>
       new  459d072   add some more polish to Polish translation
       new  7efffcd   first italian translation
       new  d0fbcf1   Update Czech translation
       new  531ddb3   Sync
       new  035f415   Polish translation status: reviewing
       new  e913a50   kFreeBSD added "and"s translated
       new  28d0be7   review by Francesco Ariis
       new  aff46ef   Add improvements, made by jfs
       new  416e6d2   Change status to reviewing
       new  2be2ae9   fix typo
       new  ba508ff   review by Giulio Turetta
       new  abc99d3   (pt_BR) Translation sync with r4936
       new  11c5f98   translate title, proofread, mark as ready
       new  01d0d54   changing status to ready
       new  d3bcda5   Review and mark the content ready for release
       new  94c60bf   add kFreeBSD kernels (sync with English version)
       new  e878eeb   its ready now
       new  6e442be   hopefuly last round of fixes to Polish translations; status: ready
       new  1ffc98e   minor fixes to Polish translations
       new  e540127   Revision by Holger, adapted change in the English version
       new  bdc031d   reviewed by Beatrice Torracca and Daniele Forsi
       new  270d478   ready
       new  c9b1527   Remove draft of wheezy announcement D    drafts/2013-wheezy-announce.wml
       new  2f9de93   Initial draft for upcoming point release
       new  d1fe5c4   (fr) copy/paste for announcement of 7.1
       new  bf2b4fa   (fr) security updates
       new  b286add   (en) s/if-modfied-since/if-modified-since/
       new  c8fd9aa   (fr) some issues
       new  dd28cb1   (fr) some other issues
       new  5bfa30a   (fr) last issues
       new  42704b8   (fr) Proofread [ Jean-Paul Guillonneau ] <20130614071024.1c556a6e at thalassa>
       new  2cd9832   (fr) Proofread [ Baptiste ] <20130614085251.49a39b28.baptiste at mailoo.org>
       new  d43396f   atlas wasn't included
       new  239c5db   Debconf press release for tomorrow
       new  bee5f1b   s/soixante-dix/70/ (French Suisse is different)
       new  5d8a519   (standardising on "the Debian Birthday")
       new  c85322c   Intial German translation
       new  ebf01ee   Review by Holger Wansing and Gaudenz Steinlin
       new  f3df792   (fr) Proofread [ Cédric Boutillier, Baptiste and Jean-Pierre Giraud ] <20130808062147.GB16846 at spin>, <13a4eafbdf0d1de60f58224bcbeb2e48 at mailoo.org>, <52034B63.9000207 at neuf.fr>
       new  7667c7e   (fr) Proofread [ Didier 'OdyX' Raboud ] <201308081340.27404.odyx at debian.org>
       new  5b737be   To be send in two hours
       new  f81aecd   Move file to the right place
       new  2d0cff4   Initial draft for Debian Edu release
       new  33f07ed   An afternoon is too strong [ Holger Levsen ] https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/ReleaseNotes/Wheezy?action=diff&rev1=126&rev2=127
       new  25fc857   (validate) Add missing closing tag
       new  8ab7299   Add another link to School using Debian Edu
       new  5b6bb2c   Add quote from Lucas Nussbaum <20130926063906.GA4215 at xanadu.blop.info>
       new  bc450f2   Proofread [ Justin B Rye ] <20130926120833.GA24698 at xibalba.demon.co.uk>
       new  054c918   (fr) Translation
       new  083605a   (de) translation (proofread)
       new  04787d7   (de) changes proposed on the German list applied; thanks to Holger Wansing.
       new  bea2352   Initial (es) translation
       new  2ed148d   fix year. thanks victory
       new  0b568b4   Finishing (es) translation, waiting for review?
       new  4592cf4   (en, es, fr) use proper DE name: s/Gnome/GNOME (de already fixed)
       new  2563608   (fr) Proofread [ Jean-Paul Guillonneau ] <20130927193121.34b1886d at thalassa>
       new  7a66508   (de) make item meaning more clear
       new  6edcad7   First draft nb translation for 20130928.wml.
       new  7f9306d   (es) Proofread by Laura Arjona
       new  6033773   Fix some typos.  Thanks to Kevin Brubech Undhammer for the feedback.
       new  900760b   (fr) Proofread [ Baptiste Jammet ] <20130928151041.71369fc0.baptiste at mailoo.org>
       new  b76d899   (de, en, es, fr, nb) fixing KDE name s:/KDE/KDE Plasma/
       new  314f037   (es) rewording s/alegra/complace
       new  cc3d84a   (de, en, es, fr) adding the About Debian and Contact paragraph
       new  d3fee23   Translate the new Debian and contact paragraphs.
       new  1419e81   (de) minor typo and wording fixes
       new  98d7eff   (validate) (de) Add missing closing tag
       new  5633e0d   (fr) Proofread [ Jean-Pierre Giraud ] <52475827.7030200 at neuf.fr>
       new  5cb8a1f   Improve translation.
       new  2ed4766   Improve translation a bit more based on feedback from Kjetil Kilhavn.
       new  1f09063   (de) tfix
       new  f1dc572   Add the 7.2 point release announcement
       new  f947148   (fr) translation up to correction:libvirt
       new  b61eab4   (fr) Some more corrections
       new  b6c1817   Add missing <p></p> tags
       new  2cc5f60   Move wheezy 7.2 announcement to the website
       new  ca07f11   Restore announcement for translators
       new  26bdfb4   (fr) All misc bugfixed translated
       new  6a0a8a5   (fr) Translation complete
       new  a2c143d   New 6.0 point release 6.0.8
       new  d2f0fd2   (fr) beginning of the translation; missing descr of misc bugfixes
       new  9cebe3f   (fr) Misc bugfixes done
       new  5210b82   (fr) DSAs done
       new  180040d   Initial German translation
       new  e9360db   French translation for Wheezy 7.3 announcement
       new  1b64832   (fr) Proofread [ Baptiste Jammet ] <c753e353f8987a796dbc05b7b8491930 at mailoo.org>
       new  e3adc23   (fr) Proofread [ JP Guillonneau ] <20131213170101.4008c020 at thalassa>
       new  5f10395   (fr) Proofread [ Jean-Pierre Giraud ] <52AB4C8F.3090705 at neuf.fr>
       new  777fc64   [ready] moved out from drafts to have it ready for release
       new  d9e9a31   [ready] moved out from drafts to have it ready for release
       new  373e3f7   proofread by Holger Wansing
       new  cf802cb   (fr) fix co-installation
       new  7d06cb7   Add draft announcement for the 7.4 point release
       new  975aaa2   Add user-mode-linux to the 7.4 announcement
       new  2f525c6   New folder, inital German translation of the first news
       new  c008499   (fr) initial translation (first half)
       new  ecab05a   Proofread by Holger Wansing
       new  d7ba9d5   (fr) initial translation (second part)
       new  8551ed3   Add d-i note to the 7.4 announcement
       new  67ea519   Added paragraph on the Debian Installer (rev. 5394)
       new  99fbf8d   Changed file name
       new  34fb89b   (fr) proofread [JP Guillonneau] <20140207234726.157c00a5 at thalassa>
       new  188ca17   (fr) add paragraph about the installer
       new  44dad89   Add draft announcement for the 6.0.9 point release
       new  7f8448a   Initial German translation
       new  a6ee270   initial translation
       new  473a986   (fr) proofread [Jean-Pierre Giraud]
       new  022d115   (fr) Proofread [Jean-Paul Guillonneau]
       new  6453e54   Add intial LTS announcement
       new  4676ce6   initial translation
       new  502afa2   Move release date out by 2 days, add future-lts
       new  6a68428   date format, punctuation, more consistent capitalisation
       new  ae4565e   (fr) sync
       new  a1ee3c9   Add draft announcement for the 7.5 point release
       new  ce0c71e   Fix a typo in the 7.5 announcement
       new  f3335c0   Expand CVE list for catfish
       new  f429b54   Add a more useful description for the mp3gain fixes
       new  1f01508   Initial German translation
       new  9798072   Add initial announcement for the 7.6 point release
       new  b07e5ab   Add win32-loader to the 7.6 announcement
       new  5be8321   Remove linux from 7.6 announcement (postponed due to regressions)
       new  101cc2f   Remove d-i from 7.6 announcement (postponed due to linux regressions)
       new  7f3b81e   add draft announcement for 6.0.10
       new  3ea29e1   Update links from http to https where possible.
       new  1468b0e   Add initial announcement for the 7.7 point release
       new  ebf469c   Initial German translation
       new  4b307d4   partial french translation
       new  a66fc5b   partial french translation
       new  f6f1e91   (fr) Translation complete
       new  3cb134e   Up to DebConf15 now
       new  610df50   (fr) Proofread [ Jean-Pierre Giraud ] <5442EF04.4050100 at neuf.fr>
       new  414665d   Add initial press release about the new security mirror for Asia
       new  7f4a227   Update the title to be more readable and accurate.
       new  53d9e3f   Fix p tag
       new  8876c88   Add draft announcement for the 7.8 point release
       new  4e580b3   Initial Swedish translation
       new  76cf606   Add nvidia-graphics-modules to the 7.8 announcement
       new  09ffe22   initial translation
       new  4a95809   proofread Baptiste Jammet
       new  6c0e784   Sync - Add nvidia-graphics-modules to the 7.8 announcement
       new  681e572   proofread Jean-Paul Guillonneau
       new  9ed63b8   
       new  458701b   Fix another typo
       new  770b4ce   Add quote from SAKURA Internet
       new  ccb60ff   Recycle earlier quote from DSA about security mirrors
       new  63a4a00   Security Mirror Announce, merge with jbr-guest
       new  89c905c   security announce cleanup
       new  d0b10b8   (fr) asia-mirror: initial translation
       new  46c53b2   Initial Swedish translation
       new  10b8b82   Proofread
       new  d8f67ee   Initial German translation (isn't it meant to be published today?)
       new  0295123   Asia security mirror is published
       new  974d67d   Add initial draft of the mips announcement
       new  a482638   Typo
       new  d4ec044   minor changes
       new  de51212   Drop an unnessecary sentence and paragraph from the MIPS announcement
       new  0fbeef4   Aurelien Jarno acked the MIPS porter quote
       new  6f1d12b   grammar/punctuation
       new  b7af4bd   linkification
       new  26db160   Added missing <p> tags at the "about" paragraphs
       new  321ec3c   Initial German translation
       new  a1334c6   Proofread by Holger Wansing
       new  04bffb2   Add first French translation
       new  41eb296   Initial Swedish translation
       new  8dcf41f   Add Vietnamese translation
       new  5b52426   MIPS announcement: Vietnamese translation update.
       new  d095d97   Publish the Debian MIPS announcement
       new  28e94c3   Add jessie lts announcement
       new  161a21f   Merge Holger's changes
       new  d0288a5   Initial Swedish translation
       new  fab3235   Add initial Spanish translation
       new  8cd7d67   jessie-release.xml: Add initial draft
       new  7b64de3   jessie-release: Correct some version numbers
       new  996227c   Some improvements to the Spanish translation (thanks Innocent de Marchi y Rodrigo Rodríguez!)
       new  40dfa31   Proofread
       new  fbfd9a2   Mention that jessie is supported for 5 years
       new  a817251   Add initial, unfinished Spanish translation
       new  c6a0235   Finish the initial Spanish translation
       new  eec2369   https in some www.debian.org and wiki.debian.org links
       new  03c0723   Initial Swedish translation
       new  87394e8   (fr) Initial translation
       new  6d613b1   Replace incorrect <br/> tag with </p>.
       new  1083791   jessie-release.wml: Mention UEFI support
       new  53ecfe2   jessie-release.wml: Avoid overusing "interesting"
       new  36cf333   Add Vietnamese translation for jessie-release
       new  56148c2   Fix typo fireware/firmware
       new  8edcacb   Update Swedish translation
       new  c1d0827   jessie-release: Drop paragraph
       new  d208a4e   add openstack images
       new  602bb0d   English review
       new  149b5a8   Split that sentence more evenly
       new  545b437   ARM; proper headings
       new  118869c   Freeze Jessie release announcement
       new  223b9ec   Better ARM wording
       new  ed5e3cb   (fr) jessie-lts-help, first French translation
       new  719310f   Update Swedish translation
       new  5c49b41   Fix typo
       new  356b19b   Fix quote typo
       new  7a4be1f   [SV] Fix quote typo
       new  e4a583e   Initial Polish translation
       new  f5d2a08   [IT] Initial Italian translation
       new  b33fb0f   [pt_BR] Initial translation
       new  42ef2f4   Fix typos
       new  bdbc0f0   replace em dashes with —
       new  37853b2   Initial German translation (based on with rev. 6261)
       new  044bc97   Initial German translation (in sync with rev. 6261, ready to be released)
       new  80c949d   Quick update to the newest revision
       new  9456049   English fixes
       new  ef83ff5   [SV] Proofread by Anders Jonsson
       new  933321c   [pt_BR] Translation proofread by Adriano Rafael Gomes <20150424221333.GB5945 at cusco.casa.arg.eti.br>
       new  6e1374e   Updated Vietnamese translation
       new  4c5ce9f   Fix the version of Xfce in the release announcement mail.
       new  84cfe73   Initial commit of jessie-release draft
       new  6e32ada   Fix another Xfce version
       new  c78f72e   Remove quotation marks
       new  0f3b514   Add translation from Kaare
       new  b7268fc   Minor improvements
       new  037547c   Add indonesian jessie release translation
       new  2f352e6   Add Czech translation of Jessie release announcement
       new  c945c3f   (fr) Use Steve Petruzzello's version
       new  6f542e0   Fix parenthesis location
       new  20f3913   Add Catalan translation of jessie announcement
       new  8e032ec   Move catalan to the right place
       new  a8bfdd0   Dutch translation of the Jessie release announcement
       new  9f4779a   Sync with English translation
       new  0f615b9   The Debian jessie announcement has been published on the website, remove from SVN
       new  44942d5   Let's save the Polish translation for future reference and reuse
       new  a66c189   Add draft announcement for the 8.1 point release
       new  279eca6   Fix typo
       new  55f9c9a   Add late accepted packages to the 8.1 announcement
       new  dba0e1c   Add debian-installer{,-netboot-images} to the 8.1 announcement
       new  24427bb   Initial German translation
       new  606a705   Fix typos
       new  e51914f   Add Vietnamese translation
       new  b0271e1   Initial Swedish translation
       new  8e11207   (fr) initial translation, 37%
       new  caf71de   (fr) initial translation completed
       new  02e0b1a   proofread Thomas Vincent
       new  5ab9d6e   proofread Étienne Gilli
       new  54a6287   Published the 8.1 announcement, including translations
       new  9c40de1   Add WIP script for publishing announcements
       new  0640a9f   Initial draft for announcement about DebConf15
       new  929bd59   It was a draft, moving the file to drafts folder :s
       new  fc8215e   renaming the file
       new  d346060   Add date
       new  8ecb72d   freeze content
       new  1f1bce4   Add initial German version (copied from the draft press release in Debconf website)
       new  4a35fb3   mostly standardising commas
       new  812ec08   53 countries, not 52 :)
       new  622644e   minor fix : l. 52 s/52/53
       new  4da8abd   Sync with English
       new  937527c   Change some lines to reflect the fact that we had to close registrations due to high demand
       new  903ffc9   Sync with English version
       new  0c9ccca   Fix some non-ASCII chars and remove extra "i" in the phone number
       new  c7e3d31   fix one more ß
       new  fb73d1e   s/accomodating/accommodating (Thanks Anders Jonsson!)
       new  810684d   french translation
       new  c0c32c9   Slight changes about the registration issue; synced with the English version of the press release in debconf website
       new  e1907c6   proofread Jean-Paul Guillonneau + sync with english
       new  6dce333   re-Englishify
       new  c1b238f   Initial Swedish translation
       new  7014380   [Swe] Fix typo
       new  6be0861   Add hashtag to bullet list
       new  be3efcb   fix quotation marks
       new  dc929f3   fix non-ascii character
       new  a45f3b4   [Swe] Proofread by Haaninjo
       new  e36cea3   [Swe] Sync with English
       new  1535154   Ohne erwartet klingt das besser
       new  bf74f52   fix quotes
       new  61eea07   encode mdash
       new  c3bc526   typo fixed
       new  916347d   correct typos (missing spaces)
       new  fc3a222   Sync quote with dc.org press release
       new  1ed0178   [Swe] New version of about text
       new  f0c7622   sync eng/ger with upstream
       new  9de2e3c   sync with english version
       new  bae3b74   Some minor typos
       new  9821a70   proofread Baptiste Jammet

The 1331 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/publicity/announcements.git

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