[DRE-commits] [ruby-coffee-script-source] 02/02: New upstream release

Antonio Terceiro terceiro at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Aug 14 17:03:00 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

terceiro pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-coffee-script-source.

commit a4049ef9d2222db4a329c553680183494149d559
Author: Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Aug 14 14:01:35 2015 -0300

    New upstream release
 debian/changelog        |    8 +
 debian/coffee-script.js | 5331 -----------------------------------------------
 debian/copyright        |    3 -
 3 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 5334 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 4a001d5..b80306d 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ruby-coffee-script-source ( unstable; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream release
+    - drop debian/coffee-script.js as upstream ships
+      lib/coffee_script/coffee-script.js not munified now.
+ -- Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>  Fri, 14 Aug 2015 14:01:51 -0300
 ruby-coffee-script-source (1.3.3-2) unstable; urgency=medium
   * No changes rebuild to add support for new interpreters
diff --git a/debian/coffee-script.js b/debian/coffee-script.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c514be2..0000000
--- a/debian/coffee-script.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5331 +0,0 @@
- * CoffeeScript Compiler v1.3.3
- * http://coffeescript.org
- *
- * Copyright 2011, Jeremy Ashkenas
- * Released under the MIT License
- */
-(function(root) {
-  var CoffeeScript = function() {
-    function require(path){ return require[path]; }
-    require['./helpers'] = new function() {
-  var exports = this;
-  // Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
-(function() {
-  var extend, flatten;
-  exports.starts = function(string, literal, start) {
-    return literal === string.substr(start, literal.length);
-  };
-  exports.ends = function(string, literal, back) {
-    var len;
-    len = literal.length;
-    return literal === string.substr(string.length - len - (back || 0), len);
-  };
-  exports.compact = function(array) {
-    var item, _i, _len, _results;
-    _results = [];
-    for (_i = 0, _len = array.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-      item = array[_i];
-      if (item) {
-        _results.push(item);
-      }
-    }
-    return _results;
-  };
-  exports.count = function(string, substr) {
-    var num, pos;
-    num = pos = 0;
-    if (!substr.length) {
-      return 1 / 0;
-    }
-    while (pos = 1 + string.indexOf(substr, pos)) {
-      num++;
-    }
-    return num;
-  };
-  exports.merge = function(options, overrides) {
-    return extend(extend({}, options), overrides);
-  };
-  extend = exports.extend = function(object, properties) {
-    var key, val;
-    for (key in properties) {
-      val = properties[key];
-      object[key] = val;
-    }
-    return object;
-  };
-  exports.flatten = flatten = function(array) {
-    var element, flattened, _i, _len;
-    flattened = [];
-    for (_i = 0, _len = array.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-      element = array[_i];
-      if (element instanceof Array) {
-        flattened = flattened.concat(flatten(element));
-      } else {
-        flattened.push(element);
-      }
-    }
-    return flattened;
-  };
-  exports.del = function(obj, key) {
-    var val;
-    val = obj[key];
-    delete obj[key];
-    return val;
-  };
-  exports.last = function(array, back) {
-    return array[array.length - (back || 0) - 1];
-  };
-};require['./rewriter'] = new function() {
-  var exports = this;
-  // Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
-(function() {
-    __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; },
-    __slice = [].slice;
-  exports.Rewriter = (function() {
-    function Rewriter() {}
-    Rewriter.prototype.rewrite = function(tokens) {
-      this.tokens = tokens;
-      this.removeLeadingNewlines();
-      this.removeMidExpressionNewlines();
-      this.closeOpenCalls();
-      this.closeOpenIndexes();
-      this.addImplicitIndentation();
-      this.tagPostfixConditionals();
-      this.addImplicitBraces();
-      this.addImplicitParentheses();
-      return this.tokens;
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.scanTokens = function(block) {
-      var i, token, tokens;
-      tokens = this.tokens;
-      i = 0;
-      while (token = tokens[i]) {
-        i += block.call(this, token, i, tokens);
-      }
-      return true;
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.detectEnd = function(i, condition, action) {
-      var levels, token, tokens, _ref, _ref1;
-      tokens = this.tokens;
-      levels = 0;
-      while (token = tokens[i]) {
-        if (levels === 0 && condition.call(this, token, i)) {
-          return action.call(this, token, i);
-        }
-        if (!token || levels < 0) {
-          return action.call(this, token, i - 1);
-        }
-        if (_ref = token[0], __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_START, _ref) >= 0) {
-          levels += 1;
-        } else if (_ref1 = token[0], __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_END, _ref1) >= 0) {
-          levels -= 1;
-        }
-        i += 1;
-      }
-      return i - 1;
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.removeLeadingNewlines = function() {
-      var i, tag, _i, _len, _ref;
-      _ref = this.tokens;
-      for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
-        tag = _ref[i][0];
-        if (tag !== 'TERMINATOR') {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if (i) {
-        return this.tokens.splice(0, i);
-      }
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.removeMidExpressionNewlines = function() {
-      return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) {
-        var _ref;
-        if (!(token[0] === 'TERMINATOR' && (_ref = this.tag(i + 1), __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_CLOSE, _ref) >= 0))) {
-          return 1;
-        }
-        tokens.splice(i, 1);
-        return 0;
-      });
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.closeOpenCalls = function() {
-      var action, condition;
-      condition = function(token, i) {
-        var _ref;
-        return ((_ref = token[0]) === ')' || _ref === 'CALL_END') || token[0] === 'OUTDENT' && this.tag(i - 1) === ')';
-      };
-      action = function(token, i) {
-        return this.tokens[token[0] === 'OUTDENT' ? i - 1 : i][0] = 'CALL_END';
-      };
-      return this.scanTokens(function(token, i) {
-        if (token[0] === 'CALL_START') {
-          this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action);
-        }
-        return 1;
-      });
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.closeOpenIndexes = function() {
-      var action, condition;
-      condition = function(token, i) {
-        var _ref;
-        return (_ref = token[0]) === ']' || _ref === 'INDEX_END';
-      };
-      action = function(token, i) {
-        return token[0] = 'INDEX_END';
-      };
-      return this.scanTokens(function(token, i) {
-        if (token[0] === 'INDEX_START') {
-          this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action);
-        }
-        return 1;
-      });
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.addImplicitBraces = function() {
-      var action, condition, sameLine, stack, start, startIndent, startIndex, startsLine;
-      stack = [];
-      start = null;
-      startsLine = null;
-      sameLine = true;
-      startIndent = 0;
-      startIndex = 0;
-      condition = function(token, i) {
-        var one, tag, three, two, _ref, _ref1;
-        _ref = this.tokens.slice(i + 1, (i + 3) + 1 || 9e9), one = _ref[0], two = _ref[1], three = _ref[2];
-        if ('HERECOMMENT' === (one != null ? one[0] : void 0)) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        tag = token[0];
-        if (__indexOf.call(LINEBREAKS, tag) >= 0) {
-          sameLine = false;
-        }
-        return (((tag === 'TERMINATOR' || tag === 'OUTDENT') || (__indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_END, tag) >= 0 && sameLine && !(i - startIndex === 1))) && ((!startsLine && this.tag(i - 1) !== ',') || !((two != null ? two[0] : void 0) === ':' || (one != null ? one[0] : void 0) === '@' && (three != null ? three[0] : void 0) === ':'))) || (tag === ',' && one && ((_ref1 = one[0]) !== 'IDENTIFIER' && _ref1 !== 'NUMBER' && _ref1 !== 'STRING' && _ref1 !== '@' && _ref1 !== 'TERMINATOR' && _ref1 !== 'OU [...]
-      };
-      action = function(token, i) {
-        var tok;
-        tok = this.generate('}', '}', token[2]);
-        return this.tokens.splice(i, 0, tok);
-      };
-      return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) {
-        var ago, idx, prevTag, tag, tok, value, _ref, _ref1;
-        if (_ref = (tag = token[0]), __indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_START, _ref) >= 0) {
-          stack.push([(tag === 'INDENT' && this.tag(i - 1) === '{' ? '{' : tag), i]);
-          return 1;
-        }
-        if (__indexOf.call(EXPRESSION_END, tag) >= 0) {
-          start = stack.pop();
-          return 1;
-        }
-        if (!(tag === ':' && ((ago = this.tag(i - 2)) === ':' || ((_ref1 = stack[stack.length - 1]) != null ? _ref1[0] : void 0) !== '{'))) {
-          return 1;
-        }
-        sameLine = true;
-        startIndex = i + 1;
-        stack.push(['{']);
-        idx = ago === '@' ? i - 2 : i - 1;
-        while (this.tag(idx - 2) === 'HERECOMMENT') {
-          idx -= 2;
-        }
-        prevTag = this.tag(idx - 1);
-        startsLine = !prevTag || (__indexOf.call(LINEBREAKS, prevTag) >= 0);
-        value = new String('{');
-        value.generated = true;
-        tok = this.generate('{', value, token[2]);
-        tokens.splice(idx, 0, tok);
-        this.detectEnd(i + 2, condition, action);
-        return 2;
-      });
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.addImplicitParentheses = function() {
-      var action, condition, noCall, seenControl, seenSingle;
-      noCall = seenSingle = seenControl = false;
-      condition = function(token, i) {
-        var post, tag, _ref, _ref1;
-        tag = token[0];
-        if (!seenSingle && token.fromThen) {
-          return true;
-        }
-        if (tag === 'IF' || tag === 'ELSE' || tag === 'CATCH' || tag === '->' || tag === '=>' || tag === 'CLASS') {
-          seenSingle = true;
-        }
-        if (tag === 'IF' || tag === 'ELSE' || tag === 'SWITCH' || tag === 'TRY' || tag === '=') {
-          seenControl = true;
-        }
-        if ((tag === '.' || tag === '?.' || tag === '::') && this.tag(i - 1) === 'OUTDENT') {
-          return true;
-        }
-        return !token.generated && this.tag(i - 1) !== ',' && (__indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_END, tag) >= 0 || (tag === 'INDENT' && !seenControl)) && (tag !== 'INDENT' || (((_ref = this.tag(i - 2)) !== 'CLASS' && _ref !== 'EXTENDS') && (_ref1 = this.tag(i - 1), __indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_BLOCK, _ref1) < 0) && !((post = this.tokens[i + 1]) && post.generated && post[0] === '{')));
-      };
-      action = function(token, i) {
-        return this.tokens.splice(i, 0, this.generate('CALL_END', ')', token[2]));
-      };
-      return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) {
-        var callObject, current, next, prev, tag, _ref, _ref1, _ref2;
-        tag = token[0];
-        if (tag === 'CLASS' || tag === 'IF' || tag === 'FOR' || tag === 'WHILE') {
-          noCall = true;
-        }
-        _ref = tokens.slice(i - 1, (i + 1) + 1 || 9e9), prev = _ref[0], current = _ref[1], next = _ref[2];
-        callObject = !noCall && tag === 'INDENT' && next && next.generated && next[0] === '{' && prev && (_ref1 = prev[0], __indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_FUNC, _ref1) >= 0);
-        seenSingle = false;
-        seenControl = false;
-        if (__indexOf.call(LINEBREAKS, tag) >= 0) {
-          noCall = false;
-        }
-        if (prev && !prev.spaced && tag === '?') {
-          token.call = true;
-        }
-        if (token.fromThen) {
-          return 1;
-        }
-        if (!(callObject || (prev != null ? prev.spaced : void 0) && (prev.call || (_ref2 = prev[0], __indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_FUNC, _ref2) >= 0)) && (__indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_CALL, tag) >= 0 || !(token.spaced || token.newLine) && __indexOf.call(IMPLICIT_UNSPACED_CALL, tag) >= 0))) {
-          return 1;
-        }
-        tokens.splice(i, 0, this.generate('CALL_START', '(', token[2]));
-        this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action);
-        if (prev[0] === '?') {
-          prev[0] = 'FUNC_EXIST';
-        }
-        return 2;
-      });
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.addImplicitIndentation = function() {
-      var action, condition, indent, outdent, starter;
-      starter = indent = outdent = null;
-      condition = function(token, i) {
-        var _ref;
-        return token[1] !== ';' && (_ref = token[0], __indexOf.call(SINGLE_CLOSERS, _ref) >= 0) && !(token[0] === 'ELSE' && (starter !== 'IF' && starter !== 'THEN'));
-      };
-      action = function(token, i) {
-        return this.tokens.splice((this.tag(i - 1) === ',' ? i - 1 : i), 0, outdent);
-      };
-      return this.scanTokens(function(token, i, tokens) {
-        var tag, _ref, _ref1;
-        tag = token[0];
-        if (tag === 'TERMINATOR' && this.tag(i + 1) === 'THEN') {
-          tokens.splice(i, 1);
-          return 0;
-        }
-        if (tag === 'ELSE' && this.tag(i - 1) !== 'OUTDENT') {
-          tokens.splice.apply(tokens, [i, 0].concat(__slice.call(this.indentation(token))));
-          return 2;
-        }
-        if (tag === 'CATCH' && ((_ref = this.tag(i + 2)) === 'OUTDENT' || _ref === 'TERMINATOR' || _ref === 'FINALLY')) {
-          tokens.splice.apply(tokens, [i + 2, 0].concat(__slice.call(this.indentation(token))));
-          return 4;
-        }
-        if (__indexOf.call(SINGLE_LINERS, tag) >= 0 && this.tag(i + 1) !== 'INDENT' && !(tag === 'ELSE' && this.tag(i + 1) === 'IF')) {
-          starter = tag;
-          _ref1 = this.indentation(token, true), indent = _ref1[0], outdent = _ref1[1];
-          if (starter === 'THEN') {
-            indent.fromThen = true;
-          }
-          tokens.splice(i + 1, 0, indent);
-          this.detectEnd(i + 2, condition, action);
-          if (tag === 'THEN') {
-            tokens.splice(i, 1);
-          }
-          return 1;
-        }
-        return 1;
-      });
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.tagPostfixConditionals = function() {
-      var action, condition, original;
-      original = null;
-      condition = function(token, i) {
-        var _ref;
-        return (_ref = token[0]) === 'TERMINATOR' || _ref === 'INDENT';
-      };
-      action = function(token, i) {
-        if (token[0] !== 'INDENT' || (token.generated && !token.fromThen)) {
-          return original[0] = 'POST_' + original[0];
-        }
-      };
-      return this.scanTokens(function(token, i) {
-        if (token[0] !== 'IF') {
-          return 1;
-        }
-        original = token;
-        this.detectEnd(i + 1, condition, action);
-        return 1;
-      });
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.indentation = function(token, implicit) {
-      var indent, outdent;
-      if (implicit == null) {
-        implicit = false;
-      }
-      indent = ['INDENT', 2, token[2]];
-      outdent = ['OUTDENT', 2, token[2]];
-      if (implicit) {
-        indent.generated = outdent.generated = true;
-      }
-      return [indent, outdent];
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.generate = function(tag, value, line) {
-      var tok;
-      tok = [tag, value, line];
-      tok.generated = true;
-      return tok;
-    };
-    Rewriter.prototype.tag = function(i) {
-      var _ref;
-      return (_ref = this.tokens[i]) != null ? _ref[0] : void 0;
-    };
-    return Rewriter;
-  })();
-  BALANCED_PAIRS = [['(', ')'], ['[', ']'], ['{', '}'], ['INDENT', 'OUTDENT'], ['CALL_START', 'CALL_END'], ['PARAM_START', 'PARAM_END'], ['INDEX_START', 'INDEX_END']];
-  exports.INVERSES = INVERSES = {};
-  for (_i = 0, _len = BALANCED_PAIRS.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-    _ref = BALANCED_PAIRS[_i], left = _ref[0], rite = _ref[1];
-    EXPRESSION_START.push(INVERSES[rite] = left);
-    EXPRESSION_END.push(INVERSES[left] = rite);
-  }
-  IMPLICIT_CALL = ['IDENTIFIER', 'NUMBER', 'STRING', 'JS', 'REGEX', 'NEW', 'PARAM_START', 'CLASS', 'IF', 'TRY', 'SWITCH', 'THIS', 'BOOL', 'NULL', 'UNDEFINED', 'UNARY', 'SUPER', '@', '->', '=>', '[', '(', '{', '--', '++'];
-  IMPLICIT_BLOCK = ['->', '=>', '{', '[', ','];
-  SINGLE_LINERS = ['ELSE', '->', '=>', 'TRY', 'FINALLY', 'THEN'];
-};require['./lexer'] = new function() {
-  var exports = this;
-  // Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
-(function() {
-    __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
-  _ref = require('./rewriter'), Rewriter = _ref.Rewriter, INVERSES = _ref.INVERSES;
-  _ref1 = require('./helpers'), count = _ref1.count, starts = _ref1.starts, compact = _ref1.compact, last = _ref1.last;
-  exports.Lexer = Lexer = (function() {
-    function Lexer() {}
-    Lexer.prototype.tokenize = function(code, opts) {
-      var i, tag;
-      if (opts == null) {
-        opts = {};
-      }
-      if (WHITESPACE.test(code)) {
-        code = "\n" + code;
-      }
-      code = code.replace(/\r/g, '').replace(TRAILING_SPACES, '');
-      this.code = code;
-      this.line = opts.line || 0;
-      this.indent = 0;
-      this.indebt = 0;
-      this.outdebt = 0;
-      this.indents = [];
-      this.ends = [];
-      this.tokens = [];
-      i = 0;
-      while (this.chunk = code.slice(i)) {
-        i += this.identifierToken() || this.commentToken() || this.whitespaceToken() || this.lineToken() || this.heredocToken() || this.stringToken() || this.numberToken() || this.regexToken() || this.jsToken() || this.literalToken();
-      }
-      this.closeIndentation();
-      if (tag = this.ends.pop()) {
-        this.error("missing " + tag);
-      }
-      if (opts.rewrite === false) {
-        return this.tokens;
-      }
-      return (new Rewriter).rewrite(this.tokens);
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.identifierToken = function() {
-      var colon, forcedIdentifier, id, input, match, prev, tag, _ref2, _ref3;
-      if (!(match = IDENTIFIER.exec(this.chunk))) {
-        return 0;
-      }
-      input = match[0], id = match[1], colon = match[2];
-      if (id === 'own' && this.tag() === 'FOR') {
-        this.token('OWN', id);
-        return id.length;
-      }
-      forcedIdentifier = colon || (prev = last(this.tokens)) && (((_ref2 = prev[0]) === '.' || _ref2 === '?.' || _ref2 === '::') || !prev.spaced && prev[0] === '@');
-      tag = 'IDENTIFIER';
-      if (!forcedIdentifier && (__indexOf.call(JS_KEYWORDS, id) >= 0 || __indexOf.call(COFFEE_KEYWORDS, id) >= 0)) {
-        tag = id.toUpperCase();
-        if (tag === 'WHEN' && (_ref3 = this.tag(), __indexOf.call(LINE_BREAK, _ref3) >= 0)) {
-          tag = 'LEADING_WHEN';
-        } else if (tag === 'FOR') {
-          this.seenFor = true;
-        } else if (tag === 'UNLESS') {
-          tag = 'IF';
-        } else if (__indexOf.call(UNARY, tag) >= 0) {
-          tag = 'UNARY';
-        } else if (__indexOf.call(RELATION, tag) >= 0) {
-          if (tag !== 'INSTANCEOF' && this.seenFor) {
-            tag = 'FOR' + tag;
-            this.seenFor = false;
-          } else {
-            tag = 'RELATION';
-            if (this.value() === '!') {
-              this.tokens.pop();
-              id = '!' + id;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (__indexOf.call(JS_FORBIDDEN, id) >= 0) {
-        if (forcedIdentifier) {
-          tag = 'IDENTIFIER';
-          id = new String(id);
-          id.reserved = true;
-        } else if (__indexOf.call(RESERVED, id) >= 0) {
-          this.error("reserved word \"" + id + "\"");
-        }
-      }
-      if (!forcedIdentifier) {
-        if (__indexOf.call(COFFEE_ALIASES, id) >= 0) {
-          id = COFFEE_ALIAS_MAP[id];
-        }
-        tag = (function() {
-          switch (id) {
-            case '!':
-              return 'UNARY';
-            case '==':
-            case '!=':
-              return 'COMPARE';
-            case '&&':
-            case '||':
-              return 'LOGIC';
-            case 'true':
-            case 'false':
-              return 'BOOL';
-            case 'break':
-            case 'continue':
-              return 'STATEMENT';
-            default:
-              return tag;
-          }
-        })();
-      }
-      this.token(tag, id);
-      if (colon) {
-        this.token(':', ':');
-      }
-      return input.length;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.numberToken = function() {
-      var binaryLiteral, lexedLength, match, number, octalLiteral;
-      if (!(match = NUMBER.exec(this.chunk))) {
-        return 0;
-      }
-      number = match[0];
-      if (/^0[BOX]/.test(number)) {
-        this.error("radix prefix '" + number + "' must be lowercase");
-      } else if (/E/.test(number) && !/^0x/.test(number)) {
-        this.error("exponential notation '" + number + "' must be indicated with a lowercase 'e'");
-      } else if (/^0\d*[89]/.test(number)) {
-        this.error("decimal literal '" + number + "' must not be prefixed with '0'");
-      } else if (/^0\d+/.test(number)) {
-        this.error("octal literal '" + number + "' must be prefixed with '0o'");
-      }
-      lexedLength = number.length;
-      if (octalLiteral = /^0o([0-7]+)/.exec(number)) {
-        number = '0x' + (parseInt(octalLiteral[1], 8)).toString(16);
-      }
-      if (binaryLiteral = /^0b([01]+)/.exec(number)) {
-        number = '0x' + (parseInt(binaryLiteral[1], 2)).toString(16);
-      }
-      this.token('NUMBER', number);
-      return lexedLength;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.stringToken = function() {
-      var match, octalEsc, string;
-      switch (this.chunk.charAt(0)) {
-        case "'":
-          if (!(match = SIMPLESTR.exec(this.chunk))) {
-            return 0;
-          }
-          this.token('STRING', (string = match[0]).replace(MULTILINER, '\\\n'));
-          break;
-        case '"':
-          if (!(string = this.balancedString(this.chunk, '"'))) {
-            return 0;
-          }
-          if (0 < string.indexOf('#{', 1)) {
-            this.interpolateString(string.slice(1, -1));
-          } else {
-            this.token('STRING', this.escapeLines(string));
-          }
-          break;
-        default:
-          return 0;
-      }
-      if (octalEsc = /^(?:\\.|[^\\])*\\(?:0[0-7]|[1-7])/.test(string)) {
-        this.error("octal escape sequences " + string + " are not allowed");
-      }
-      this.line += count(string, '\n');
-      return string.length;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.heredocToken = function() {
-      var doc, heredoc, match, quote;
-      if (!(match = HEREDOC.exec(this.chunk))) {
-        return 0;
-      }
-      heredoc = match[0];
-      quote = heredoc.charAt(0);
-      doc = this.sanitizeHeredoc(match[2], {
-        quote: quote,
-        indent: null
-      });
-      if (quote === '"' && 0 <= doc.indexOf('#{')) {
-        this.interpolateString(doc, {
-          heredoc: true
-        });
-      } else {
-        this.token('STRING', this.makeString(doc, quote, true));
-      }
-      this.line += count(heredoc, '\n');
-      return heredoc.length;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.commentToken = function() {
-      var comment, here, match;
-      if (!(match = this.chunk.match(COMMENT))) {
-        return 0;
-      }
-      comment = match[0], here = match[1];
-      if (here) {
-        this.token('HERECOMMENT', this.sanitizeHeredoc(here, {
-          herecomment: true,
-          indent: Array(this.indent + 1).join(' ')
-        }));
-      }
-      this.line += count(comment, '\n');
-      return comment.length;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.jsToken = function() {
-      var match, script;
-      if (!(this.chunk.charAt(0) === '`' && (match = JSTOKEN.exec(this.chunk)))) {
-        return 0;
-      }
-      this.token('JS', (script = match[0]).slice(1, -1));
-      return script.length;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.regexToken = function() {
-      var flags, length, match, prev, regex, _ref2, _ref3;
-      if (this.chunk.charAt(0) !== '/') {
-        return 0;
-      }
-      if (match = HEREGEX.exec(this.chunk)) {
-        length = this.heregexToken(match);
-        this.line += count(match[0], '\n');
-        return length;
-      }
-      prev = last(this.tokens);
-      if (prev && (_ref2 = prev[0], __indexOf.call((prev.spaced ? NOT_REGEX : NOT_SPACED_REGEX), _ref2) >= 0)) {
-        return 0;
-      }
-      if (!(match = REGEX.exec(this.chunk))) {
-        return 0;
-      }
-      _ref3 = match, match = _ref3[0], regex = _ref3[1], flags = _ref3[2];
-      if (regex.slice(0, 2) === '/*') {
-        this.error('regular expressions cannot begin with `*`');
-      }
-      if (regex === '//') {
-        regex = '/(?:)/';
-      }
-      this.token('REGEX', "" + regex + flags);
-      return match.length;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.heregexToken = function(match) {
-      var body, flags, heregex, re, tag, tokens, value, _i, _len, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5;
-      heregex = match[0], body = match[1], flags = match[2];
-      if (0 > body.indexOf('#{')) {
-        re = body.replace(HEREGEX_OMIT, '').replace(/\//g, '\\/');
-        if (re.match(/^\*/)) {
-          this.error('regular expressions cannot begin with `*`');
-        }
-        this.token('REGEX', "/" + (re || '(?:)') + "/" + flags);
-        return heregex.length;
-      }
-      this.token('IDENTIFIER', 'RegExp');
-      this.tokens.push(['CALL_START', '(']);
-      tokens = [];
-      _ref2 = this.interpolateString(body, {
-        regex: true
-      });
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        _ref3 = _ref2[_i], tag = _ref3[0], value = _ref3[1];
-        if (tag === 'TOKENS') {
-          tokens.push.apply(tokens, value);
-        } else {
-          if (!(value = value.replace(HEREGEX_OMIT, ''))) {
-            continue;
-          }
-          value = value.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\');
-          tokens.push(['STRING', this.makeString(value, '"', true)]);
-        }
-        tokens.push(['+', '+']);
-      }
-      tokens.pop();
-      if (((_ref4 = tokens[0]) != null ? _ref4[0] : void 0) !== 'STRING') {
-        this.tokens.push(['STRING', '""'], ['+', '+']);
-      }
-      (_ref5 = this.tokens).push.apply(_ref5, tokens);
-      if (flags) {
-        this.tokens.push([',', ','], ['STRING', '"' + flags + '"']);
-      }
-      this.token(')', ')');
-      return heregex.length;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.lineToken = function() {
-      var diff, indent, match, noNewlines, prev, size;
-      if (!(match = MULTI_DENT.exec(this.chunk))) {
-        return 0;
-      }
-      indent = match[0];
-      this.line += count(indent, '\n');
-      this.seenFor = false;
-      prev = last(this.tokens, 1);
-      size = indent.length - 1 - indent.lastIndexOf('\n');
-      noNewlines = this.unfinished();
-      if (size - this.indebt === this.indent) {
-        if (noNewlines) {
-          this.suppressNewlines();
-        } else {
-          this.newlineToken();
-        }
-        return indent.length;
-      }
-      if (size > this.indent) {
-        if (noNewlines) {
-          this.indebt = size - this.indent;
-          this.suppressNewlines();
-          return indent.length;
-        }
-        diff = size - this.indent + this.outdebt;
-        this.token('INDENT', diff);
-        this.indents.push(diff);
-        this.ends.push('OUTDENT');
-        this.outdebt = this.indebt = 0;
-      } else {
-        this.indebt = 0;
-        this.outdentToken(this.indent - size, noNewlines);
-      }
-      this.indent = size;
-      return indent.length;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.outdentToken = function(moveOut, noNewlines) {
-      var dent, len;
-      while (moveOut > 0) {
-        len = this.indents.length - 1;
-        if (this.indents[len] === void 0) {
-          moveOut = 0;
-        } else if (this.indents[len] === this.outdebt) {
-          moveOut -= this.outdebt;
-          this.outdebt = 0;
-        } else if (this.indents[len] < this.outdebt) {
-          this.outdebt -= this.indents[len];
-          moveOut -= this.indents[len];
-        } else {
-          dent = this.indents.pop() - this.outdebt;
-          moveOut -= dent;
-          this.outdebt = 0;
-          this.pair('OUTDENT');
-          this.token('OUTDENT', dent);
-        }
-      }
-      if (dent) {
-        this.outdebt -= moveOut;
-      }
-      while (this.value() === ';') {
-        this.tokens.pop();
-      }
-      if (!(this.tag() === 'TERMINATOR' || noNewlines)) {
-        this.token('TERMINATOR', '\n');
-      }
-      return this;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.whitespaceToken = function() {
-      var match, nline, prev;
-      if (!((match = WHITESPACE.exec(this.chunk)) || (nline = this.chunk.charAt(0) === '\n'))) {
-        return 0;
-      }
-      prev = last(this.tokens);
-      if (prev) {
-        prev[match ? 'spaced' : 'newLine'] = true;
-      }
-      if (match) {
-        return match[0].length;
-      } else {
-        return 0;
-      }
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.newlineToken = function() {
-      while (this.value() === ';') {
-        this.tokens.pop();
-      }
-      if (this.tag() !== 'TERMINATOR') {
-        this.token('TERMINATOR', '\n');
-      }
-      return this;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.suppressNewlines = function() {
-      if (this.value() === '\\') {
-        this.tokens.pop();
-      }
-      return this;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.literalToken = function() {
-      var match, prev, tag, value, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5;
-      if (match = OPERATOR.exec(this.chunk)) {
-        value = match[0];
-        if (CODE.test(value)) {
-          this.tagParameters();
-        }
-      } else {
-        value = this.chunk.charAt(0);
-      }
-      tag = value;
-      prev = last(this.tokens);
-      if (value === '=' && prev) {
-        if (!prev[1].reserved && (_ref2 = prev[1], __indexOf.call(JS_FORBIDDEN, _ref2) >= 0)) {
-          this.error("reserved word \"" + (this.value()) + "\" can't be assigned");
-        }
-        if ((_ref3 = prev[1]) === '||' || _ref3 === '&&') {
-          prev[0] = 'COMPOUND_ASSIGN';
-          prev[1] += '=';
-          return value.length;
-        }
-      }
-      if (value === ';') {
-        this.seenFor = false;
-        tag = 'TERMINATOR';
-      } else if (__indexOf.call(MATH, value) >= 0) {
-        tag = 'MATH';
-      } else if (__indexOf.call(COMPARE, value) >= 0) {
-        tag = 'COMPARE';
-      } else if (__indexOf.call(COMPOUND_ASSIGN, value) >= 0) {
-        tag = 'COMPOUND_ASSIGN';
-      } else if (__indexOf.call(UNARY, value) >= 0) {
-        tag = 'UNARY';
-      } else if (__indexOf.call(SHIFT, value) >= 0) {
-        tag = 'SHIFT';
-      } else if (__indexOf.call(LOGIC, value) >= 0 || value === '?' && (prev != null ? prev.spaced : void 0)) {
-        tag = 'LOGIC';
-      } else if (prev && !prev.spaced) {
-        if (value === '(' && (_ref4 = prev[0], __indexOf.call(CALLABLE, _ref4) >= 0)) {
-          if (prev[0] === '?') {
-            prev[0] = 'FUNC_EXIST';
-          }
-          tag = 'CALL_START';
-        } else if (value === '[' && (_ref5 = prev[0], __indexOf.call(INDEXABLE, _ref5) >= 0)) {
-          tag = 'INDEX_START';
-          switch (prev[0]) {
-            case '?':
-              prev[0] = 'INDEX_SOAK';
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      switch (value) {
-        case '(':
-        case '{':
-        case '[':
-          this.ends.push(INVERSES[value]);
-          break;
-        case ')':
-        case '}':
-        case ']':
-          this.pair(value);
-      }
-      this.token(tag, value);
-      return value.length;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.sanitizeHeredoc = function(doc, options) {
-      var attempt, herecomment, indent, match, _ref2;
-      indent = options.indent, herecomment = options.herecomment;
-      if (herecomment) {
-        if (HEREDOC_ILLEGAL.test(doc)) {
-          this.error("block comment cannot contain \"*/\", starting");
-        }
-        if (doc.indexOf('\n') <= 0) {
-          return doc;
-        }
-      } else {
-        while (match = HEREDOC_INDENT.exec(doc)) {
-          attempt = match[1];
-          if (indent === null || (0 < (_ref2 = attempt.length) && _ref2 < indent.length)) {
-            indent = attempt;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (indent) {
-        doc = doc.replace(RegExp("\\n" + indent, "g"), '\n');
-      }
-      if (!herecomment) {
-        doc = doc.replace(/^\n/, '');
-      }
-      return doc;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.tagParameters = function() {
-      var i, stack, tok, tokens;
-      if (this.tag() !== ')') {
-        return this;
-      }
-      stack = [];
-      tokens = this.tokens;
-      i = tokens.length;
-      tokens[--i][0] = 'PARAM_END';
-      while (tok = tokens[--i]) {
-        switch (tok[0]) {
-          case ')':
-            stack.push(tok);
-            break;
-          case '(':
-          case 'CALL_START':
-            if (stack.length) {
-              stack.pop();
-            } else if (tok[0] === '(') {
-              tok[0] = 'PARAM_START';
-              return this;
-            } else {
-              return this;
-            }
-        }
-      }
-      return this;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.closeIndentation = function() {
-      return this.outdentToken(this.indent);
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.balancedString = function(str, end) {
-      var continueCount, i, letter, match, prev, stack, _i, _ref2;
-      continueCount = 0;
-      stack = [end];
-      for (i = _i = 1, _ref2 = str.length; 1 <= _ref2 ? _i < _ref2 : _i > _ref2; i = 1 <= _ref2 ? ++_i : --_i) {
-        if (continueCount) {
-          --continueCount;
-          continue;
-        }
-        switch (letter = str.charAt(i)) {
-          case '\\':
-            ++continueCount;
-            continue;
-          case end:
-            stack.pop();
-            if (!stack.length) {
-              return str.slice(0, i + 1 || 9e9);
-            }
-            end = stack[stack.length - 1];
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (end === '}' && (letter === '"' || letter === "'")) {
-          stack.push(end = letter);
-        } else if (end === '}' && letter === '/' && (match = HEREGEX.exec(str.slice(i)) || REGEX.exec(str.slice(i)))) {
-          continueCount += match[0].length - 1;
-        } else if (end === '}' && letter === '{') {
-          stack.push(end = '}');
-        } else if (end === '"' && prev === '#' && letter === '{') {
-          stack.push(end = '}');
-        }
-        prev = letter;
-      }
-      return this.error("missing " + (stack.pop()) + ", starting");
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.interpolateString = function(str, options) {
-      var expr, heredoc, i, inner, interpolated, len, letter, nested, pi, regex, tag, tokens, value, _i, _len, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4;
-      if (options == null) {
-        options = {};
-      }
-      heredoc = options.heredoc, regex = options.regex;
-      tokens = [];
-      pi = 0;
-      i = -1;
-      while (letter = str.charAt(i += 1)) {
-        if (letter === '\\') {
-          i += 1;
-          continue;
-        }
-        if (!(letter === '#' && str.charAt(i + 1) === '{' && (expr = this.balancedString(str.slice(i + 1), '}')))) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        if (pi < i) {
-          tokens.push(['NEOSTRING', str.slice(pi, i)]);
-        }
-        inner = expr.slice(1, -1);
-        if (inner.length) {
-          nested = new Lexer().tokenize(inner, {
-            line: this.line,
-            rewrite: false
-          });
-          nested.pop();
-          if (((_ref2 = nested[0]) != null ? _ref2[0] : void 0) === 'TERMINATOR') {
-            nested.shift();
-          }
-          if (len = nested.length) {
-            if (len > 1) {
-              nested.unshift(['(', '(', this.line]);
-              nested.push([')', ')', this.line]);
-            }
-            tokens.push(['TOKENS', nested]);
-          }
-        }
-        i += expr.length;
-        pi = i + 1;
-      }
-      if ((i > pi && pi < str.length)) {
-        tokens.push(['NEOSTRING', str.slice(pi)]);
-      }
-      if (regex) {
-        return tokens;
-      }
-      if (!tokens.length) {
-        return this.token('STRING', '""');
-      }
-      if (tokens[0][0] !== 'NEOSTRING') {
-        tokens.unshift(['', '']);
-      }
-      if (interpolated = tokens.length > 1) {
-        this.token('(', '(');
-      }
-      for (i = _i = 0, _len = tokens.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
-        _ref3 = tokens[i], tag = _ref3[0], value = _ref3[1];
-        if (i) {
-          this.token('+', '+');
-        }
-        if (tag === 'TOKENS') {
-          (_ref4 = this.tokens).push.apply(_ref4, value);
-        } else {
-          this.token('STRING', this.makeString(value, '"', heredoc));
-        }
-      }
-      if (interpolated) {
-        this.token(')', ')');
-      }
-      return tokens;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.pair = function(tag) {
-      var size, wanted;
-      if (tag !== (wanted = last(this.ends))) {
-        if ('OUTDENT' !== wanted) {
-          this.error("unmatched " + tag);
-        }
-        this.indent -= size = last(this.indents);
-        this.outdentToken(size, true);
-        return this.pair(tag);
-      }
-      return this.ends.pop();
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.token = function(tag, value) {
-      return this.tokens.push([tag, value, this.line]);
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.tag = function(index, tag) {
-      var tok;
-      return (tok = last(this.tokens, index)) && (tag ? tok[0] = tag : tok[0]);
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.value = function(index, val) {
-      var tok;
-      return (tok = last(this.tokens, index)) && (val ? tok[1] = val : tok[1]);
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.unfinished = function() {
-      var _ref2;
-      return LINE_CONTINUER.test(this.chunk) || ((_ref2 = this.tag()) === '\\' || _ref2 === '.' || _ref2 === '?.' || _ref2 === 'UNARY' || _ref2 === 'MATH' || _ref2 === '+' || _ref2 === '-' || _ref2 === 'SHIFT' || _ref2 === 'RELATION' || _ref2 === 'COMPARE' || _ref2 === 'LOGIC' || _ref2 === 'THROW' || _ref2 === 'EXTENDS');
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.escapeLines = function(str, heredoc) {
-      return str.replace(MULTILINER, heredoc ? '\\n' : '');
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.makeString = function(body, quote, heredoc) {
-      if (!body) {
-        return quote + quote;
-      }
-      body = body.replace(/\\([\s\S])/g, function(match, contents) {
-        if (contents === '\n' || contents === quote) {
-          return contents;
-        } else {
-          return match;
-        }
-      });
-      body = body.replace(RegExp("" + quote, "g"), '\\$&');
-      return quote + this.escapeLines(body, heredoc) + quote;
-    };
-    Lexer.prototype.error = function(message) {
-      throw SyntaxError("" + message + " on line " + (this.line + 1));
-    };
-    return Lexer;
-  })();
-  JS_KEYWORDS = ['true', 'false', 'null', 'this', 'new', 'delete', 'typeof', 'in', 'instanceof', 'return', 'throw', 'break', 'continue', 'debugger', 'if', 'else', 'switch', 'for', 'while', 'do', 'try', 'catch', 'finally', 'class', 'extends', 'super'];
-  COFFEE_KEYWORDS = ['undefined', 'then', 'unless', 'until', 'loop', 'of', 'by', 'when'];
-    and: '&&',
-    or: '||',
-    is: '==',
-    isnt: '!=',
-    not: '!',
-    yes: 'true',
-    no: 'false',
-    on: 'true',
-    off: 'false'
-  };
-  COFFEE_ALIASES = (function() {
-    var _results;
-    _results = [];
-    for (key in COFFEE_ALIAS_MAP) {
-      _results.push(key);
-    }
-    return _results;
-  })();
-  RESERVED = ['case', 'default', 'function', 'var', 'void', 'with', 'const', 'let', 'enum', 'export', 'import', 'native', '__hasProp', '__extends', '__slice', '__bind', '__indexOf', 'implements', 'interface', 'let', 'package', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'static', 'yield'];
-  STRICT_PROSCRIBED = ['arguments', 'eval'];
-  IDENTIFIER = /^([$A-Za-z_\x7f-\uffff][$\w\x7f-\uffff]*)([^\n\S]*:(?!:))?/;
-  NUMBER = /^0b[01]+|^0o[0-7]+|^0x[\da-f]+|^\d*\.?\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?/i;
-  HEREDOC = /^("""|''')([\s\S]*?)(?:\n[^\n\S]*)?\1/;
-  OPERATOR = /^(?:[-=]>|[-+*\/%<>&|^!?=]=|>>>=?|([-+:])\1|([&|<>])\2=?|\?\.|\.{2,3})/;
-  WHITESPACE = /^[^\n\S]+/;
-  COMMENT = /^###([^#][\s\S]*?)(?:###[^\n\S]*|(?:###)?$)|^(?:\s*#(?!##[^#]).*)+/;
-  CODE = /^[-=]>/;
-  MULTI_DENT = /^(?:\n[^\n\S]*)+/;
-  SIMPLESTR = /^'[^\\']*(?:\\.[^\\']*)*'/;
-  JSTOKEN = /^`[^\\`]*(?:\\.[^\\`]*)*`/;
-  REGEX = /^(\/(?![\s=])[^[\/\n\\]*(?:(?:\\[\s\S]|\[[^\]\n\\]*(?:\\[\s\S][^\]\n\\]*)*])[^[\/\n\\]*)*\/)([imgy]{0,4})(?!\w)/;
-  HEREGEX = /^\/{3}([\s\S]+?)\/{3}([imgy]{0,4})(?!\w)/;
-  HEREGEX_OMIT = /\s+(?:#.*)?/g;
-  MULTILINER = /\n/g;
-  HEREDOC_INDENT = /\n+([^\n\S]*)/g;
-  HEREDOC_ILLEGAL = /\*\//;
-  LINE_CONTINUER = /^\s*(?:,|\??\.(?![.\d])|::)/;
-  TRAILING_SPACES = /\s+$/;
-  COMPOUND_ASSIGN = ['-=', '+=', '/=', '*=', '%=', '||=', '&&=', '?=', '<<=', '>>=', '>>>=', '&=', '^=', '|='];
-  UNARY = ['!', '~', 'NEW', 'TYPEOF', 'DELETE', 'DO'];
-  LOGIC = ['&&', '||', '&', '|', '^'];
-  SHIFT = ['<<', '>>', '>>>'];
-  COMPARE = ['==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='];
-  MATH = ['*', '/', '%'];
-  BOOL = ['TRUE', 'FALSE'];
-  NOT_REGEX = ['NUMBER', 'REGEX', 'BOOL', 'NULL', 'UNDEFINED', '++', '--', ']'];
-  CALLABLE = ['IDENTIFIER', 'STRING', 'REGEX', ')', ']', '}', '?', '::', '@', 'THIS', 'SUPER'];
-};require['./parser'] = new function() {
-  var exports = this;
-  /* Jison generated parser */
-var parser = (function(){
-var parser = {trace: function trace() { },
-yy: {},
-symbols_: {"error":2,"Root":3,"Body":4,"Block":5,"TERMINATOR":6,"Line":7,"Expression":8,"Statement":9,"Return":10,"Comment":11,"STATEMENT":12,"Value":13,"Invocation":14,"Code":15,"Operation":16,"Assign":17,"If":18,"Try":19,"While":20,"For":21,"Switch":22,"Class":23,"Throw":24,"INDENT":25,"OUTDENT":26,"Identifier":27,"IDENTIFIER":28,"AlphaNumeric":29,"NUMBER":30,"STRING":31,"Literal":32,"JS":33,"REGEX":34,"DEBUGGER":35,"UNDEFINED":36,"NULL":37,"BOOL":38,"Assignable":39,"=":40,"AssignObj": [...]
-terminals_: {2:"error",6:"TERMINATOR",12:"STATEMENT",25:"INDENT",26:"OUTDENT",28:"IDENTIFIER",30:"NUMBER",31:"STRING",33:"JS",34:"REGEX",35:"DEBUGGER",36:"UNDEFINED",37:"NULL",38:"BOOL",40:"=",43:":",45:"RETURN",46:"HERECOMMENT",47:"PARAM_START",49:"PARAM_END",51:"->",52:"=>",54:",",57:"...",66:".",67:"?.",68:"::",70:"INDEX_START",72:"INDEX_END",73:"INDEX_SOAK",75:"{",77:"}",78:"CLASS",79:"EXTENDS",82:"SUPER",83:"FUNC_EXIST",84:"CALL_START",85:"CALL_END",87:"THIS",88:"@",89:"[",90:"]",92 [...]
-productions_: [0,[3,0],[3,1],[3,2],[4,1],[4,3],[4,2],[7,1],[7,1],[9,1],[9,1],[9,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[8,1],[5,2],[5,3],[27,1],[29,1],[29,1],[32,1],[32,1],[32,1],[32,1],[32,1],[32,1],[32,1],[17,3],[17,4],[17,5],[41,1],[41,3],[41,5],[41,1],[42,1],[42,1],[42,1],[10,2],[10,1],[11,1],[15,5],[15,2],[50,1],[50,1],[53,0],[53,1],[48,0],[48,1],[48,3],[48,4],[48,6],[55,1],[55,2],[55,3],[56,1],[56,1],[56,1],[56,1],[60,2],[61,1],[61,2],[61,2],[61,1],[39 [...]
-performAction: function anonymous(yytext,yyleng,yylineno,yy,yystate,$$,_$) {
-var $0 = $$.length - 1;
-switch (yystate) {
-case 1:return this.$ = new yy.Block;
-case 2:return this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 3:return this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 4:this.$ = yy.Block.wrap([$$[$0]]);
-case 5:this.$ = $$[$0-2].push($$[$0]);
-case 6:this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 7:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 8:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 9:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 10:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 11:this.$ = new yy.Literal($$[$0]);
-case 12:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 13:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 14:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 15:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 16:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 17:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 18:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 19:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 20:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 21:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 22:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 23:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 24:this.$ = new yy.Block;
-case 25:this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 26:this.$ = new yy.Literal($$[$0]);
-case 27:this.$ = new yy.Literal($$[$0]);
-case 28:this.$ = new yy.Literal($$[$0]);
-case 29:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 30:this.$ = new yy.Literal($$[$0]);
-case 31:this.$ = new yy.Literal($$[$0]);
-case 32:this.$ = new yy.Literal($$[$0]);
-case 33:this.$ = new yy.Undefined;
-case 34:this.$ = new yy.Null;
-case 35:this.$ = new yy.Bool($$[$0]);
-case 36:this.$ = new yy.Assign($$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-case 37:this.$ = new yy.Assign($$[$0-3], $$[$0]);
-case 38:this.$ = new yy.Assign($$[$0-4], $$[$0-1]);
-case 39:this.$ = new yy.Value($$[$0]);
-case 40:this.$ = new yy.Assign(new yy.Value($$[$0-2]), $$[$0], 'object');
-case 41:this.$ = new yy.Assign(new yy.Value($$[$0-4]), $$[$0-1], 'object');
-case 42:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 43:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 44:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 45:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 46:this.$ = new yy.Return($$[$0]);
-case 47:this.$ = new yy.Return;
-case 48:this.$ = new yy.Comment($$[$0]);
-case 49:this.$ = new yy.Code($$[$0-3], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]);
-case 50:this.$ = new yy.Code([], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]);
-case 51:this.$ = 'func';
-case 52:this.$ = 'boundfunc';
-case 53:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 54:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 55:this.$ = [];
-case 56:this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-case 57:this.$ = $$[$0-2].concat($$[$0]);
-case 58:this.$ = $$[$0-3].concat($$[$0]);
-case 59:this.$ = $$[$0-5].concat($$[$0-2]);
-case 60:this.$ = new yy.Param($$[$0]);
-case 61:this.$ = new yy.Param($$[$0-1], null, true);
-case 62:this.$ = new yy.Param($$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-case 63:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 64:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 65:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 66:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 67:this.$ = new yy.Splat($$[$0-1]);
-case 68:this.$ = new yy.Value($$[$0]);
-case 69:this.$ = $$[$0-1].add($$[$0]);
-case 70:this.$ = new yy.Value($$[$0-1], [].concat($$[$0]));
-case 71:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 72:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 73:this.$ = new yy.Value($$[$0]);
-case 74:this.$ = new yy.Value($$[$0]);
-case 75:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 76:this.$ = new yy.Value($$[$0]);
-case 77:this.$ = new yy.Value($$[$0]);
-case 78:this.$ = new yy.Value($$[$0]);
-case 79:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 80:this.$ = new yy.Access($$[$0]);
-case 81:this.$ = new yy.Access($$[$0], 'soak');
-case 82:this.$ = [new yy.Access(new yy.Literal('prototype')), new yy.Access($$[$0])];
-case 83:this.$ = new yy.Access(new yy.Literal('prototype'));
-case 84:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 85:this.$ = $$[$0-1];
-case 86:this.$ = yy.extend($$[$0], {
-          soak: true
-        });
-case 87:this.$ = new yy.Index($$[$0]);
-case 88:this.$ = new yy.Slice($$[$0]);
-case 89:this.$ = new yy.Obj($$[$0-2], $$[$0-3].generated);
-case 90:this.$ = [];
-case 91:this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-case 92:this.$ = $$[$0-2].concat($$[$0]);
-case 93:this.$ = $$[$0-3].concat($$[$0]);
-case 94:this.$ = $$[$0-5].concat($$[$0-2]);
-case 95:this.$ = new yy.Class;
-case 96:this.$ = new yy.Class(null, null, $$[$0]);
-case 97:this.$ = new yy.Class(null, $$[$0]);
-case 98:this.$ = new yy.Class(null, $$[$0-1], $$[$0]);
-case 99:this.$ = new yy.Class($$[$0]);
-case 100:this.$ = new yy.Class($$[$0-1], null, $$[$0]);
-case 101:this.$ = new yy.Class($$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-case 102:this.$ = new yy.Class($$[$0-3], $$[$0-1], $$[$0]);
-case 103:this.$ = new yy.Call($$[$0-2], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]);
-case 104:this.$ = new yy.Call($$[$0-2], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]);
-case 105:this.$ = new yy.Call('super', [new yy.Splat(new yy.Literal('arguments'))]);
-case 106:this.$ = new yy.Call('super', $$[$0]);
-case 107:this.$ = false;
-case 108:this.$ = true;
-case 109:this.$ = [];
-case 110:this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 111:this.$ = new yy.Value(new yy.Literal('this'));
-case 112:this.$ = new yy.Value(new yy.Literal('this'));
-case 113:this.$ = new yy.Value(new yy.Literal('this'), [new yy.Access($$[$0])], 'this');
-case 114:this.$ = new yy.Arr([]);
-case 115:this.$ = new yy.Arr($$[$0-2]);
-case 116:this.$ = 'inclusive';
-case 117:this.$ = 'exclusive';
-case 118:this.$ = new yy.Range($$[$0-3], $$[$0-1], $$[$0-2]);
-case 119:this.$ = new yy.Range($$[$0-2], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]);
-case 120:this.$ = new yy.Range($$[$0-1], null, $$[$0]);
-case 121:this.$ = new yy.Range(null, $$[$0], $$[$0-1]);
-case 122:this.$ = new yy.Range(null, null, $$[$0]);
-case 123:this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-case 124:this.$ = $$[$0-2].concat($$[$0]);
-case 125:this.$ = $$[$0-3].concat($$[$0]);
-case 126:this.$ = $$[$0-2];
-case 127:this.$ = $$[$0-5].concat($$[$0-2]);
-case 128:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 129:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 130:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 131:this.$ = [].concat($$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-case 132:this.$ = new yy.Try($$[$0]);
-case 133:this.$ = new yy.Try($$[$0-1], $$[$0][0], $$[$0][1]);
-case 134:this.$ = new yy.Try($$[$0-2], null, null, $$[$0]);
-case 135:this.$ = new yy.Try($$[$0-3], $$[$0-2][0], $$[$0-2][1], $$[$0]);
-case 136:this.$ = [$$[$0-1], $$[$0]];
-case 137:this.$ = new yy.Throw($$[$0]);
-case 138:this.$ = new yy.Parens($$[$0-1]);
-case 139:this.$ = new yy.Parens($$[$0-2]);
-case 140:this.$ = new yy.While($$[$0]);
-case 141:this.$ = new yy.While($$[$0-2], {
-          guard: $$[$0]
-        });
-case 142:this.$ = new yy.While($$[$0], {
-          invert: true
-        });
-case 143:this.$ = new yy.While($$[$0-2], {
-          invert: true,
-          guard: $$[$0]
-        });
-case 144:this.$ = $$[$0-1].addBody($$[$0]);
-case 145:this.$ = $$[$0].addBody(yy.Block.wrap([$$[$0-1]]));
-case 146:this.$ = $$[$0].addBody(yy.Block.wrap([$$[$0-1]]));
-case 147:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 148:this.$ = new yy.While(new yy.Literal('true')).addBody($$[$0]);
-case 149:this.$ = new yy.While(new yy.Literal('true')).addBody(yy.Block.wrap([$$[$0]]));
-case 150:this.$ = new yy.For($$[$0-1], $$[$0]);
-case 151:this.$ = new yy.For($$[$0-1], $$[$0]);
-case 152:this.$ = new yy.For($$[$0], $$[$0-1]);
-case 153:this.$ = {
-          source: new yy.Value($$[$0])
-        };
-case 154:this.$ = (function () {
-        $$[$0].own = $$[$0-1].own;
-        $$[$0].name = $$[$0-1][0];
-        $$[$0].index = $$[$0-1][1];
-        return $$[$0];
-      }());
-case 155:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 156:this.$ = (function () {
-        $$[$0].own = true;
-        return $$[$0];
-      }());
-case 157:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 158:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 159:this.$ = new yy.Value($$[$0]);
-case 160:this.$ = new yy.Value($$[$0]);
-case 161:this.$ = [$$[$0]];
-case 162:this.$ = [$$[$0-2], $$[$0]];
-case 163:this.$ = {
-          source: $$[$0]
-        };
-case 164:this.$ = {
-          source: $$[$0],
-          object: true
-        };
-case 165:this.$ = {
-          source: $$[$0-2],
-          guard: $$[$0]
-        };
-case 166:this.$ = {
-          source: $$[$0-2],
-          guard: $$[$0],
-          object: true
-        };
-case 167:this.$ = {
-          source: $$[$0-2],
-          step: $$[$0]
-        };
-case 168:this.$ = {
-          source: $$[$0-4],
-          guard: $$[$0-2],
-          step: $$[$0]
-        };
-case 169:this.$ = {
-          source: $$[$0-4],
-          step: $$[$0-2],
-          guard: $$[$0]
-        };
-case 170:this.$ = new yy.Switch($$[$0-3], $$[$0-1]);
-case 171:this.$ = new yy.Switch($$[$0-5], $$[$0-3], $$[$0-1]);
-case 172:this.$ = new yy.Switch(null, $$[$0-1]);
-case 173:this.$ = new yy.Switch(null, $$[$0-3], $$[$0-1]);
-case 174:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 175:this.$ = $$[$0-1].concat($$[$0]);
-case 176:this.$ = [[$$[$0-1], $$[$0]]];
-case 177:this.$ = [[$$[$0-2], $$[$0-1]]];
-case 178:this.$ = new yy.If($$[$0-1], $$[$0], {
-          type: $$[$0-2]
-        });
-case 179:this.$ = $$[$0-4].addElse(new yy.If($$[$0-1], $$[$0], {
-          type: $$[$0-2]
-        }));
-case 180:this.$ = $$[$0];
-case 181:this.$ = $$[$0-2].addElse($$[$0]);
-case 182:this.$ = new yy.If($$[$0], yy.Block.wrap([$$[$0-2]]), {
-          type: $$[$0-1],
-          statement: true
-        });
-case 183:this.$ = new yy.If($$[$0], yy.Block.wrap([$$[$0-2]]), {
-          type: $$[$0-1],
-          statement: true
-        });
-case 184:this.$ = new yy.Op($$[$0-1], $$[$0]);
-case 185:this.$ = new yy.Op('-', $$[$0]);
-case 186:this.$ = new yy.Op('+', $$[$0]);
-case 187:this.$ = new yy.Op('--', $$[$0]);
-case 188:this.$ = new yy.Op('++', $$[$0]);
-case 189:this.$ = new yy.Op('--', $$[$0-1], null, true);
-case 190:this.$ = new yy.Op('++', $$[$0-1], null, true);
-case 191:this.$ = new yy.Existence($$[$0-1]);
-case 192:this.$ = new yy.Op('+', $$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-case 193:this.$ = new yy.Op('-', $$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-case 194:this.$ = new yy.Op($$[$0-1], $$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-case 195:this.$ = new yy.Op($$[$0-1], $$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-case 196:this.$ = new yy.Op($$[$0-1], $$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-case 197:this.$ = new yy.Op($$[$0-1], $$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-case 198:this.$ = (function () {
-        if ($$[$0-1].charAt(0) === '!') {
-          return new yy.Op($$[$0-1].slice(1), $$[$0-2], $$[$0]).invert();
-        } else {
-          return new yy.Op($$[$0-1], $$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-        }
-      }());
-case 199:this.$ = new yy.Assign($$[$0-2], $$[$0], $$[$0-1]);
-case 200:this.$ = new yy.Assign($$[$0-4], $$[$0-1], $$[$0-3]);
-case 201:this.$ = new yy.Extends($$[$0-2], $$[$0]);
-table: [{1:[2,1],3:1,4:2,5:3,7:4,8:6,9:7,10:20,11:21,12:[1,22],13:8,14:9,15:10,16:11,17:12,18:13,19:14,20:15,21:16,22:17,23:18,24:19,25:[1,5],27:62,28:[1,73],29:49,30:[1,71],31:[1,72],32:24,33:[1,50],34:[1,51],35:[1,52],36:[1,53],37:[1,54],38:[1,55],39:23,44:63,45:[1,45],46:[1,46],47:[1,29],50:30,51:[1,60],52:[1,61],58:47,59:48,61:36,63:25,64:26,65:27,75:[1,70],78:[1,43],82:[1,28],87:[1,58],88:[1,59],89:[1,57],95:[1,38],99:[1,44],100:[1,56],102:39,103:[1,65],105:[1,66],106:40,107:[1,67], [...]
-defaultActions: {60:[2,51],61:[2,52],75:[2,3],94:[2,108],189:[2,88]},
-parseError: function parseError(str, hash) {
-    throw new Error(str);
-parse: function parse(input) {
-    var self = this,
-        stack = [0],
-        vstack = [null], // semantic value stack
-        lstack = [], // location stack
-        table = this.table,
-        yytext = '',
-        yylineno = 0,
-        yyleng = 0,
-        recovering = 0,
-        TERROR = 2,
-        EOF = 1;
-    //this.reductionCount = this.shiftCount = 0;
-    this.lexer.setInput(input);
-    this.lexer.yy = this.yy;
-    this.yy.lexer = this.lexer;
-    if (typeof this.lexer.yylloc == 'undefined')
-        this.lexer.yylloc = {};
-    var yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc;
-    lstack.push(yyloc);
-    if (typeof this.yy.parseError === 'function')
-        this.parseError = this.yy.parseError;
-    function popStack (n) {
-        stack.length = stack.length - 2*n;
-        vstack.length = vstack.length - n;
-        lstack.length = lstack.length - n;
-    }
-    function lex() {
-        var token;
-        token = self.lexer.lex() || 1; // $end = 1
-        // if token isn't its numeric value, convert
-        if (typeof token !== 'number') {
-            token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
-        }
-        return token;
-    }
-    var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a, r, yyval={},p,len,newState, expected;
-    while (true) {
-        // retreive state number from top of stack
-        state = stack[stack.length-1];
-        // use default actions if available
-        if (this.defaultActions[state]) {
-            action = this.defaultActions[state];
-        } else {
-            if (symbol == null)
-                symbol = lex();
-            // read action for current state and first input
-            action = table[state] && table[state][symbol];
-        }
-        // handle parse error
-        _handle_error:
-        if (typeof action === 'undefined' || !action.length || !action[0]) {
-            if (!recovering) {
-                // Report error
-                expected = [];
-                for (p in table[state]) if (this.terminals_[p] && p > 2) {
-                    expected.push("'"+this.terminals_[p]+"'");
-                }
-                var errStr = '';
-                if (this.lexer.showPosition) {
-                    errStr = 'Parse error on line '+(yylineno+1)+":\n"+this.lexer.showPosition()+"\nExpecting "+expected.join(', ') + ", got '" + this.terminals_[symbol]+ "'";
-                } else {
-                    errStr = 'Parse error on line '+(yylineno+1)+": Unexpected " +
-                                  (symbol == 1 /*EOF*/ ? "end of input" :
-                                              ("'"+(this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol)+"'"));
-                }
-                this.parseError(errStr,
-                    {text: this.lexer.match, token: this.terminals_[symbol] || symbol, line: this.lexer.yylineno, loc: yyloc, expected: expected});
-            }
-            // just recovered from another error
-            if (recovering == 3) {
-                if (symbol == EOF) {
-                    throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted.');
-                }
-                // discard current lookahead and grab another
-                yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng;
-                yytext = this.lexer.yytext;
-                yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno;
-                yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc;
-                symbol = lex();
-            }
-            // try to recover from error
-            while (1) {
-                // check for error recovery rule in this state
-                if ((TERROR.toString()) in table[state]) {
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (state == 0) {
-                    throw new Error(errStr || 'Parsing halted.');
-                }
-                popStack(1);
-                state = stack[stack.length-1];
-            }
-            preErrorSymbol = symbol; // save the lookahead token
-            symbol = TERROR;         // insert generic error symbol as new lookahead
-            state = stack[stack.length-1];
-            action = table[state] && table[state][TERROR];
-            recovering = 3; // allow 3 real symbols to be shifted before reporting a new error
-        }
-        // this shouldn't happen, unless resolve defaults are off
-        if (action[0] instanceof Array && action.length > 1) {
-            throw new Error('Parse Error: multiple actions possible at state: '+state+', token: '+symbol);
-        }
-        switch (action[0]) {
-            case 1: // shift
-                //this.shiftCount++;
-                stack.push(symbol);
-                vstack.push(this.lexer.yytext);
-                lstack.push(this.lexer.yylloc);
-                stack.push(action[1]); // push state
-                symbol = null;
-                if (!preErrorSymbol) { // normal execution/no error
-                    yyleng = this.lexer.yyleng;
-                    yytext = this.lexer.yytext;
-                    yylineno = this.lexer.yylineno;
-                    yyloc = this.lexer.yylloc;
-                    if (recovering > 0)
-                        recovering--;
-                } else { // error just occurred, resume old lookahead f/ before error
-                    symbol = preErrorSymbol;
-                    preErrorSymbol = null;
-                }
-                break;
-            case 2: // reduce
-                //this.reductionCount++;
-                len = this.productions_[action[1]][1];
-                // perform semantic action
-                yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length-len]; // default to $$ = $1
-                // default location, uses first token for firsts, last for lasts
-                yyval._$ = {
-                    first_line: lstack[lstack.length-(len||1)].first_line,
-                    last_line: lstack[lstack.length-1].last_line,
-                    first_column: lstack[lstack.length-(len||1)].first_column,
-                    last_column: lstack[lstack.length-1].last_column
-                };
-                r = this.performAction.call(yyval, yytext, yyleng, yylineno, this.yy, action[1], vstack, lstack);
-                if (typeof r !== 'undefined') {
-                    return r;
-                }
-                // pop off stack
-                if (len) {
-                    stack = stack.slice(0,-1*len*2);
-                    vstack = vstack.slice(0, -1*len);
-                    lstack = lstack.slice(0, -1*len);
-                }
-                stack.push(this.productions_[action[1]][0]);    // push nonterminal (reduce)
-                vstack.push(yyval.$);
-                lstack.push(yyval._$);
-                // goto new state = table[STATE][NONTERMINAL]
-                newState = table[stack[stack.length-2]][stack[stack.length-1]];
-                stack.push(newState);
-                break;
-            case 3: // accept
-                return true;
-        }
-    }
-    return true;
-return parser;
-if (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {
-exports.parser = parser;
-exports.parse = function () { return parser.parse.apply(parser, arguments); }
-exports.main = function commonjsMain(args) {
-    if (!args[1])
-        throw new Error('Usage: '+args[0]+' FILE');
-    if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {
-        var source = require('fs').readFileSync(require('path').join(process.cwd(), args[1]), "utf8");
-    } else {
-        var cwd = require("file").path(require("file").cwd());
-        var source = cwd.join(args[1]).read({charset: "utf-8"});
-    }
-    return exports.parser.parse(source);
-if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && require.main === module) {
-  exports.main(typeof process !== 'undefined' ? process.argv.slice(1) : require("system").args);
-};require['./scope'] = new function() {
-  var exports = this;
-  // Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
-(function() {
-  var Scope, extend, last, _ref;
-  _ref = require('./helpers'), extend = _ref.extend, last = _ref.last;
-  exports.Scope = Scope = (function() {
-    Scope.root = null;
-    function Scope(parent, expressions, method) {
-      this.parent = parent;
-      this.expressions = expressions;
-      this.method = method;
-      this.variables = [
-        {
-          name: 'arguments',
-          type: 'arguments'
-        }
-      ];
-      this.positions = {};
-      if (!this.parent) {
-        Scope.root = this;
-      }
-    }
-    Scope.prototype.add = function(name, type, immediate) {
-      if (this.shared && !immediate) {
-        return this.parent.add(name, type, immediate);
-      }
-      if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.positions, name)) {
-        return this.variables[this.positions[name]].type = type;
-      } else {
-        return this.positions[name] = this.variables.push({
-          name: name,
-          type: type
-        }) - 1;
-      }
-    };
-    Scope.prototype.namedMethod = function() {
-      if (this.method.name || !this.parent) {
-        return this.method;
-      }
-      return this.parent.namedMethod();
-    };
-    Scope.prototype.find = function(name) {
-      if (this.check(name)) {
-        return true;
-      }
-      this.add(name, 'var');
-      return false;
-    };
-    Scope.prototype.parameter = function(name) {
-      if (this.shared && this.parent.check(name, true)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      return this.add(name, 'param');
-    };
-    Scope.prototype.check = function(name) {
-      var _ref1;
-      return !!(this.type(name) || ((_ref1 = this.parent) != null ? _ref1.check(name) : void 0));
-    };
-    Scope.prototype.temporary = function(name, index) {
-      if (name.length > 1) {
-        return '_' + name + (index > 1 ? index - 1 : '');
-      } else {
-        return '_' + (index + parseInt(name, 36)).toString(36).replace(/\d/g, 'a');
-      }
-    };
-    Scope.prototype.type = function(name) {
-      var v, _i, _len, _ref1;
-      _ref1 = this.variables;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        v = _ref1[_i];
-        if (v.name === name) {
-          return v.type;
-        }
-      }
-      return null;
-    };
-    Scope.prototype.freeVariable = function(name, reserve) {
-      var index, temp;
-      if (reserve == null) {
-        reserve = true;
-      }
-      index = 0;
-      while (this.check((temp = this.temporary(name, index)))) {
-        index++;
-      }
-      if (reserve) {
-        this.add(temp, 'var', true);
-      }
-      return temp;
-    };
-    Scope.prototype.assign = function(name, value) {
-      this.add(name, {
-        value: value,
-        assigned: true
-      }, true);
-      return this.hasAssignments = true;
-    };
-    Scope.prototype.hasDeclarations = function() {
-      return !!this.declaredVariables().length;
-    };
-    Scope.prototype.declaredVariables = function() {
-      var realVars, tempVars, v, _i, _len, _ref1;
-      realVars = [];
-      tempVars = [];
-      _ref1 = this.variables;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        v = _ref1[_i];
-        if (v.type === 'var') {
-          (v.name.charAt(0) === '_' ? tempVars : realVars).push(v.name);
-        }
-      }
-      return realVars.sort().concat(tempVars.sort());
-    };
-    Scope.prototype.assignedVariables = function() {
-      var v, _i, _len, _ref1, _results;
-      _ref1 = this.variables;
-      _results = [];
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref1.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        v = _ref1[_i];
-        if (v.type.assigned) {
-          _results.push("" + v.name + " = " + v.type.value);
-        }
-      }
-      return _results;
-    };
-    return Scope;
-  })();
-};require['./nodes'] = new function() {
-  var exports = this;
-  // Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
-(function() {
-  var Access, Arr, Assign, Base, Block, Call, Class, Closure, Code, Comment, Existence, Extends, For, IDENTIFIER, IDENTIFIER_STR, IS_STRING, If, In, Index, LEVEL_ACCESS, LEVEL_COND, LEVEL_LIST, LEVEL_OP, LEVEL_PAREN, LEVEL_TOP, Literal, METHOD_DEF, NEGATE, NO, Obj, Op, Param, Parens, RESERVED, Range, Return, SIMPLENUM, STRICT_PROSCRIBED, Scope, Slice, Splat, Switch, TAB, THIS, Throw, Try, UTILITIES, Value, While, YES, compact, del, ends, extend, flatten, last, merge, multident, starts, u [...]
-    __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
-    __extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
-    __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
-  Scope = require('./scope').Scope;
-  _ref = require('./lexer'), RESERVED = _ref.RESERVED, STRICT_PROSCRIBED = _ref.STRICT_PROSCRIBED;
-  _ref1 = require('./helpers'), compact = _ref1.compact, flatten = _ref1.flatten, extend = _ref1.extend, merge = _ref1.merge, del = _ref1.del, starts = _ref1.starts, ends = _ref1.ends, last = _ref1.last;
-  exports.extend = extend;
-  YES = function() {
-    return true;
-  };
-  NO = function() {
-    return false;
-  };
-  THIS = function() {
-    return this;
-  };
-  NEGATE = function() {
-    this.negated = !this.negated;
-    return this;
-  };
-  exports.Base = Base = (function() {
-    function Base() {}
-    Base.prototype.compile = function(o, lvl) {
-      var node;
-      o = extend({}, o);
-      if (lvl) {
-        o.level = lvl;
-      }
-      node = this.unfoldSoak(o) || this;
-      node.tab = o.indent;
-      if (o.level === LEVEL_TOP || !node.isStatement(o)) {
-        return node.compileNode(o);
-      } else {
-        return node.compileClosure(o);
-      }
-    };
-    Base.prototype.compileClosure = function(o) {
-      if (this.jumps()) {
-        throw SyntaxError('cannot use a pure statement in an expression.');
-      }
-      o.sharedScope = true;
-      return Closure.wrap(this).compileNode(o);
-    };
-    Base.prototype.cache = function(o, level, reused) {
-      var ref, sub;
-      if (!this.isComplex()) {
-        ref = level ? this.compile(o, level) : this;
-        return [ref, ref];
-      } else {
-        ref = new Literal(reused || o.scope.freeVariable('ref'));
-        sub = new Assign(ref, this);
-        if (level) {
-          return [sub.compile(o, level), ref.value];
-        } else {
-          return [sub, ref];
-        }
-      }
-    };
-    Base.prototype.compileLoopReference = function(o, name) {
-      var src, tmp;
-      src = tmp = this.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST);
-      if (!((-Infinity < +src && +src < Infinity) || IDENTIFIER.test(src) && o.scope.check(src, true))) {
-        src = "" + (tmp = o.scope.freeVariable(name)) + " = " + src;
-      }
-      return [src, tmp];
-    };
-    Base.prototype.makeReturn = function(res) {
-      var me;
-      me = this.unwrapAll();
-      if (res) {
-        return new Call(new Literal("" + res + ".push"), [me]);
-      } else {
-        return new Return(me);
-      }
-    };
-    Base.prototype.contains = function(pred) {
-      var contains;
-      contains = false;
-      this.traverseChildren(false, function(node) {
-        if (pred(node)) {
-          contains = true;
-          return false;
-        }
-      });
-      return contains;
-    };
-    Base.prototype.containsType = function(type) {
-      return this instanceof type || this.contains(function(node) {
-        return node instanceof type;
-      });
-    };
-    Base.prototype.lastNonComment = function(list) {
-      var i;
-      i = list.length;
-      while (i--) {
-        if (!(list[i] instanceof Comment)) {
-          return list[i];
-        }
-      }
-      return null;
-    };
-    Base.prototype.toString = function(idt, name) {
-      var tree;
-      if (idt == null) {
-        idt = '';
-      }
-      if (name == null) {
-        name = this.constructor.name;
-      }
-      tree = '\n' + idt + name;
-      if (this.soak) {
-        tree += '?';
-      }
-      this.eachChild(function(node) {
-        return tree += node.toString(idt + TAB);
-      });
-      return tree;
-    };
-    Base.prototype.eachChild = function(func) {
-      var attr, child, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref2, _ref3;
-      if (!this.children) {
-        return this;
-      }
-      _ref2 = this.children;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        attr = _ref2[_i];
-        if (this[attr]) {
-          _ref3 = flatten([this[attr]]);
-          for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref3.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
-            child = _ref3[_j];
-            if (func(child) === false) {
-              return this;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return this;
-    };
-    Base.prototype.traverseChildren = function(crossScope, func) {
-      return this.eachChild(function(child) {
-        if (func(child) === false) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        return child.traverseChildren(crossScope, func);
-      });
-    };
-    Base.prototype.invert = function() {
-      return new Op('!', this);
-    };
-    Base.prototype.unwrapAll = function() {
-      var node;
-      node = this;
-      while (node !== (node = node.unwrap())) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      return node;
-    };
-    Base.prototype.children = [];
-    Base.prototype.isStatement = NO;
-    Base.prototype.jumps = NO;
-    Base.prototype.isComplex = YES;
-    Base.prototype.isChainable = NO;
-    Base.prototype.isAssignable = NO;
-    Base.prototype.unwrap = THIS;
-    Base.prototype.unfoldSoak = NO;
-    Base.prototype.assigns = NO;
-    return Base;
-  })();
-  exports.Block = Block = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Block, _super);
-    function Block(nodes) {
-      this.expressions = compact(flatten(nodes || []));
-    }
-    Block.prototype.children = ['expressions'];
-    Block.prototype.push = function(node) {
-      this.expressions.push(node);
-      return this;
-    };
-    Block.prototype.pop = function() {
-      return this.expressions.pop();
-    };
-    Block.prototype.unshift = function(node) {
-      this.expressions.unshift(node);
-      return this;
-    };
-    Block.prototype.unwrap = function() {
-      if (this.expressions.length === 1) {
-        return this.expressions[0];
-      } else {
-        return this;
-      }
-    };
-    Block.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
-      return !this.expressions.length;
-    };
-    Block.prototype.isStatement = function(o) {
-      var exp, _i, _len, _ref2;
-      _ref2 = this.expressions;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        exp = _ref2[_i];
-        if (exp.isStatement(o)) {
-          return true;
-        }
-      }
-      return false;
-    };
-    Block.prototype.jumps = function(o) {
-      var exp, _i, _len, _ref2;
-      _ref2 = this.expressions;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        exp = _ref2[_i];
-        if (exp.jumps(o)) {
-          return exp;
-        }
-      }
-    };
-    Block.prototype.makeReturn = function(res) {
-      var expr, len;
-      len = this.expressions.length;
-      while (len--) {
-        expr = this.expressions[len];
-        if (!(expr instanceof Comment)) {
-          this.expressions[len] = expr.makeReturn(res);
-          if (expr instanceof Return && !expr.expression) {
-            this.expressions.splice(len, 1);
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      return this;
-    };
-    Block.prototype.compile = function(o, level) {
-      if (o == null) {
-        o = {};
-      }
-      if (o.scope) {
-        return Block.__super__.compile.call(this, o, level);
-      } else {
-        return this.compileRoot(o);
-      }
-    };
-    Block.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var code, codes, node, top, _i, _len, _ref2;
-      this.tab = o.indent;
-      top = o.level === LEVEL_TOP;
-      codes = [];
-      _ref2 = this.expressions;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        node = _ref2[_i];
-        node = node.unwrapAll();
-        node = node.unfoldSoak(o) || node;
-        if (node instanceof Block) {
-          codes.push(node.compileNode(o));
-        } else if (top) {
-          node.front = true;
-          code = node.compile(o);
-          if (!node.isStatement(o)) {
-            code = "" + this.tab + code + ";";
-            if (node instanceof Literal) {
-              code = "" + code + "\n";
-            }
-          }
-          codes.push(code);
-        } else {
-          codes.push(node.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST));
-        }
-      }
-      if (top) {
-        if (this.spaced) {
-          return "\n" + (codes.join('\n\n')) + "\n";
-        } else {
-          return codes.join('\n');
-        }
-      }
-      code = codes.join(', ') || 'void 0';
-      if (codes.length > 1 && o.level >= LEVEL_LIST) {
-        return "(" + code + ")";
-      } else {
-        return code;
-      }
-    };
-    Block.prototype.compileRoot = function(o) {
-      var code, exp, i, prelude, preludeExps, rest;
-      o.indent = o.bare ? '' : TAB;
-      o.scope = new Scope(null, this, null);
-      o.level = LEVEL_TOP;
-      this.spaced = true;
-      prelude = "";
-      if (!o.bare) {
-        preludeExps = (function() {
-          var _i, _len, _ref2, _results;
-          _ref2 = this.expressions;
-          _results = [];
-          for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
-            exp = _ref2[i];
-            if (!(exp.unwrap() instanceof Comment)) {
-              break;
-            }
-            _results.push(exp);
-          }
-          return _results;
-        }).call(this);
-        rest = this.expressions.slice(preludeExps.length);
-        this.expressions = preludeExps;
-        if (preludeExps.length) {
-          prelude = "" + (this.compileNode(merge(o, {
-            indent: ''
-          }))) + "\n";
-        }
-        this.expressions = rest;
-      }
-      code = this.compileWithDeclarations(o);
-      if (o.bare) {
-        return code;
-      }
-      return "" + prelude + "(function() {\n" + code + "\n}).call(this);\n";
-    };
-    Block.prototype.compileWithDeclarations = function(o) {
-      var assigns, code, declars, exp, i, post, rest, scope, spaced, _i, _len, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4;
-      code = post = '';
-      _ref2 = this.expressions;
-      for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
-        exp = _ref2[i];
-        exp = exp.unwrap();
-        if (!(exp instanceof Comment || exp instanceof Literal)) {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      o = merge(o, {
-        level: LEVEL_TOP
-      });
-      if (i) {
-        rest = this.expressions.splice(i, 9e9);
-        _ref3 = [this.spaced, false], spaced = _ref3[0], this.spaced = _ref3[1];
-        _ref4 = [this.compileNode(o), spaced], code = _ref4[0], this.spaced = _ref4[1];
-        this.expressions = rest;
-      }
-      post = this.compileNode(o);
-      scope = o.scope;
-      if (scope.expressions === this) {
-        declars = o.scope.hasDeclarations();
-        assigns = scope.hasAssignments;
-        if (declars || assigns) {
-          if (i) {
-            code += '\n';
-          }
-          code += "" + this.tab + "var ";
-          if (declars) {
-            code += scope.declaredVariables().join(', ');
-          }
-          if (assigns) {
-            if (declars) {
-              code += ",\n" + (this.tab + TAB);
-            }
-            code += scope.assignedVariables().join(",\n" + (this.tab + TAB));
-          }
-          code += ';\n';
-        }
-      }
-      return code + post;
-    };
-    Block.wrap = function(nodes) {
-      if (nodes.length === 1 && nodes[0] instanceof Block) {
-        return nodes[0];
-      }
-      return new Block(nodes);
-    };
-    return Block;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Literal = Literal = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Literal, _super);
-    function Literal(value) {
-      this.value = value;
-    }
-    Literal.prototype.makeReturn = function() {
-      if (this.isStatement()) {
-        return this;
-      } else {
-        return Literal.__super__.makeReturn.apply(this, arguments);
-      }
-    };
-    Literal.prototype.isAssignable = function() {
-      return IDENTIFIER.test(this.value);
-    };
-    Literal.prototype.isStatement = function() {
-      var _ref2;
-      return (_ref2 = this.value) === 'break' || _ref2 === 'continue' || _ref2 === 'debugger';
-    };
-    Literal.prototype.isComplex = NO;
-    Literal.prototype.assigns = function(name) {
-      return name === this.value;
-    };
-    Literal.prototype.jumps = function(o) {
-      if (this.value === 'break' && !((o != null ? o.loop : void 0) || (o != null ? o.block : void 0))) {
-        return this;
-      }
-      if (this.value === 'continue' && !(o != null ? o.loop : void 0)) {
-        return this;
-      }
-    };
-    Literal.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var code, _ref2;
-      code = this.value === 'this' ? ((_ref2 = o.scope.method) != null ? _ref2.bound : void 0) ? o.scope.method.context : this.value : this.value.reserved ? "\"" + this.value + "\"" : this.value;
-      if (this.isStatement()) {
-        return "" + this.tab + code + ";";
-      } else {
-        return code;
-      }
-    };
-    Literal.prototype.toString = function() {
-      return ' "' + this.value + '"';
-    };
-    return Literal;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Undefined = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Undefined, _super);
-    function Undefined() {
-      return Undefined.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-    }
-    Undefined.prototype.isAssignable = NO;
-    Undefined.prototype.isComplex = NO;
-    Undefined.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      if (o.level >= LEVEL_ACCESS) {
-        return '(void 0)';
-      } else {
-        return 'void 0';
-      }
-    };
-    return Undefined;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Null = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Null, _super);
-    function Null() {
-      return Null.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
-    }
-    Null.prototype.isAssignable = NO;
-    Null.prototype.isComplex = NO;
-    Null.prototype.compileNode = function() {
-      return "null";
-    };
-    return Null;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Bool = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Bool, _super);
-    Bool.prototype.isAssignable = NO;
-    Bool.prototype.isComplex = NO;
-    Bool.prototype.compileNode = function() {
-      return this.val;
-    };
-    function Bool(val) {
-      this.val = val;
-    }
-    return Bool;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Return = Return = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Return, _super);
-    function Return(expr) {
-      if (expr && !expr.unwrap().isUndefined) {
-        this.expression = expr;
-      }
-    }
-    Return.prototype.children = ['expression'];
-    Return.prototype.isStatement = YES;
-    Return.prototype.makeReturn = THIS;
-    Return.prototype.jumps = THIS;
-    Return.prototype.compile = function(o, level) {
-      var expr, _ref2;
-      expr = (_ref2 = this.expression) != null ? _ref2.makeReturn() : void 0;
-      if (expr && !(expr instanceof Return)) {
-        return expr.compile(o, level);
-      } else {
-        return Return.__super__.compile.call(this, o, level);
-      }
-    };
-    Return.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      return this.tab + ("return" + [this.expression ? " " + (this.expression.compile(o, LEVEL_PAREN)) : void 0] + ";");
-    };
-    return Return;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Value = Value = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Value, _super);
-    function Value(base, props, tag) {
-      if (!props && base instanceof Value) {
-        return base;
-      }
-      this.base = base;
-      this.properties = props || [];
-      if (tag) {
-        this[tag] = true;
-      }
-      return this;
-    }
-    Value.prototype.children = ['base', 'properties'];
-    Value.prototype.add = function(props) {
-      this.properties = this.properties.concat(props);
-      return this;
-    };
-    Value.prototype.hasProperties = function() {
-      return !!this.properties.length;
-    };
-    Value.prototype.isArray = function() {
-      return !this.properties.length && this.base instanceof Arr;
-    };
-    Value.prototype.isComplex = function() {
-      return this.hasProperties() || this.base.isComplex();
-    };
-    Value.prototype.isAssignable = function() {
-      return this.hasProperties() || this.base.isAssignable();
-    };
-    Value.prototype.isSimpleNumber = function() {
-      return this.base instanceof Literal && SIMPLENUM.test(this.base.value);
-    };
-    Value.prototype.isString = function() {
-      return this.base instanceof Literal && IS_STRING.test(this.base.value);
-    };
-    Value.prototype.isAtomic = function() {
-      var node, _i, _len, _ref2;
-      _ref2 = this.properties.concat(this.base);
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        node = _ref2[_i];
-        if (node.soak || node instanceof Call) {
-          return false;
-        }
-      }
-      return true;
-    };
-    Value.prototype.isStatement = function(o) {
-      return !this.properties.length && this.base.isStatement(o);
-    };
-    Value.prototype.assigns = function(name) {
-      return !this.properties.length && this.base.assigns(name);
-    };
-    Value.prototype.jumps = function(o) {
-      return !this.properties.length && this.base.jumps(o);
-    };
-    Value.prototype.isObject = function(onlyGenerated) {
-      if (this.properties.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      return (this.base instanceof Obj) && (!onlyGenerated || this.base.generated);
-    };
-    Value.prototype.isSplice = function() {
-      return last(this.properties) instanceof Slice;
-    };
-    Value.prototype.unwrap = function() {
-      if (this.properties.length) {
-        return this;
-      } else {
-        return this.base;
-      }
-    };
-    Value.prototype.cacheReference = function(o) {
-      var base, bref, name, nref;
-      name = last(this.properties);
-      if (this.properties.length < 2 && !this.base.isComplex() && !(name != null ? name.isComplex() : void 0)) {
-        return [this, this];
-      }
-      base = new Value(this.base, this.properties.slice(0, -1));
-      if (base.isComplex()) {
-        bref = new Literal(o.scope.freeVariable('base'));
-        base = new Value(new Parens(new Assign(bref, base)));
-      }
-      if (!name) {
-        return [base, bref];
-      }
-      if (name.isComplex()) {
-        nref = new Literal(o.scope.freeVariable('name'));
-        name = new Index(new Assign(nref, name.index));
-        nref = new Index(nref);
-      }
-      return [base.add(name), new Value(bref || base.base, [nref || name])];
-    };
-    Value.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var code, prop, props, _i, _len;
-      this.base.front = this.front;
-      props = this.properties;
-      code = this.base.compile(o, props.length ? LEVEL_ACCESS : null);
-      if ((this.base instanceof Parens || props.length) && SIMPLENUM.test(code)) {
-        code = "" + code + ".";
-      }
-      for (_i = 0, _len = props.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        prop = props[_i];
-        code += prop.compile(o);
-      }
-      return code;
-    };
-    Value.prototype.unfoldSoak = function(o) {
-      var result,
-        _this = this;
-      if (this.unfoldedSoak != null) {
-        return this.unfoldedSoak;
-      }
-      result = (function() {
-        var fst, i, ifn, prop, ref, snd, _i, _len, _ref2;
-        if (ifn = _this.base.unfoldSoak(o)) {
-          Array.prototype.push.apply(ifn.body.properties, _this.properties);
-          return ifn;
-        }
-        _ref2 = _this.properties;
-        for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
-          prop = _ref2[i];
-          if (!prop.soak) {
-            continue;
-          }
-          prop.soak = false;
-          fst = new Value(_this.base, _this.properties.slice(0, i));
-          snd = new Value(_this.base, _this.properties.slice(i));
-          if (fst.isComplex()) {
-            ref = new Literal(o.scope.freeVariable('ref'));
-            fst = new Parens(new Assign(ref, fst));
-            snd.base = ref;
-          }
-          return new If(new Existence(fst), snd, {
-            soak: true
-          });
-        }
-        return null;
-      })();
-      return this.unfoldedSoak = result || false;
-    };
-    return Value;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Comment = Comment = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Comment, _super);
-    function Comment(comment) {
-      this.comment = comment;
-    }
-    Comment.prototype.isStatement = YES;
-    Comment.prototype.makeReturn = THIS;
-    Comment.prototype.compileNode = function(o, level) {
-      var code;
-      code = '/*' + multident(this.comment, this.tab) + ("\n" + this.tab + "*/\n");
-      if ((level || o.level) === LEVEL_TOP) {
-        code = o.indent + code;
-      }
-      return code;
-    };
-    return Comment;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Call = Call = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Call, _super);
-    function Call(variable, args, soak) {
-      this.args = args != null ? args : [];
-      this.soak = soak;
-      this.isNew = false;
-      this.isSuper = variable === 'super';
-      this.variable = this.isSuper ? null : variable;
-    }
-    Call.prototype.children = ['variable', 'args'];
-    Call.prototype.newInstance = function() {
-      var base, _ref2;
-      base = ((_ref2 = this.variable) != null ? _ref2.base : void 0) || this.variable;
-      if (base instanceof Call && !base.isNew) {
-        base.newInstance();
-      } else {
-        this.isNew = true;
-      }
-      return this;
-    };
-    Call.prototype.superReference = function(o) {
-      var accesses, method, name;
-      method = o.scope.namedMethod();
-      if (!method) {
-        throw SyntaxError('cannot call super outside of a function.');
-      }
-      name = method.name;
-      if (name == null) {
-        throw SyntaxError('cannot call super on an anonymous function.');
-      }
-      if (method.klass) {
-        accesses = [new Access(new Literal('__super__'))];
-        if (method["static"]) {
-          accesses.push(new Access(new Literal('constructor')));
-        }
-        accesses.push(new Access(new Literal(name)));
-        return (new Value(new Literal(method.klass), accesses)).compile(o);
-      } else {
-        return "" + name + ".__super__.constructor";
-      }
-    };
-    Call.prototype.superThis = function(o) {
-      var method;
-      method = o.scope.method;
-      return (method && !method.klass && method.context) || "this";
-    };
-    Call.prototype.unfoldSoak = function(o) {
-      var call, ifn, left, list, rite, _i, _len, _ref2, _ref3;
-      if (this.soak) {
-        if (this.variable) {
-          if (ifn = unfoldSoak(o, this, 'variable')) {
-            return ifn;
-          }
-          _ref2 = new Value(this.variable).cacheReference(o), left = _ref2[0], rite = _ref2[1];
-        } else {
-          left = new Literal(this.superReference(o));
-          rite = new Value(left);
-        }
-        rite = new Call(rite, this.args);
-        rite.isNew = this.isNew;
-        left = new Literal("typeof " + (left.compile(o)) + " === \"function\"");
-        return new If(left, new Value(rite), {
-          soak: true
-        });
-      }
-      call = this;
-      list = [];
-      while (true) {
-        if (call.variable instanceof Call) {
-          list.push(call);
-          call = call.variable;
-          continue;
-        }
-        if (!(call.variable instanceof Value)) {
-          break;
-        }
-        list.push(call);
-        if (!((call = call.variable.base) instanceof Call)) {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      _ref3 = list.reverse();
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref3.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        call = _ref3[_i];
-        if (ifn) {
-          if (call.variable instanceof Call) {
-            call.variable = ifn;
-          } else {
-            call.variable.base = ifn;
-          }
-        }
-        ifn = unfoldSoak(o, call, 'variable');
-      }
-      return ifn;
-    };
-    Call.prototype.filterImplicitObjects = function(list) {
-      var node, nodes, obj, prop, properties, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref2;
-      nodes = [];
-      for (_i = 0, _len = list.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        node = list[_i];
-        if (!((typeof node.isObject === "function" ? node.isObject() : void 0) && node.base.generated)) {
-          nodes.push(node);
-          continue;
-        }
-        obj = null;
-        _ref2 = node.base.properties;
-        for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref2.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
-          prop = _ref2[_j];
-          if (prop instanceof Assign || prop instanceof Comment) {
-            if (!obj) {
-              nodes.push(obj = new Obj(properties = [], true));
-            }
-            properties.push(prop);
-          } else {
-            nodes.push(prop);
-            obj = null;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return nodes;
-    };
-    Call.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var arg, args, code, _ref2;
-      if ((_ref2 = this.variable) != null) {
-        _ref2.front = this.front;
-      }
-      if (code = Splat.compileSplattedArray(o, this.args, true)) {
-        return this.compileSplat(o, code);
-      }
-      args = this.filterImplicitObjects(this.args);
-      args = ((function() {
-        var _i, _len, _results;
-        _results = [];
-        for (_i = 0, _len = args.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-          arg = args[_i];
-          _results.push(arg.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST));
-        }
-        return _results;
-      })()).join(', ');
-      if (this.isSuper) {
-        return this.superReference(o) + (".call(" + (this.superThis(o)) + (args && ', ' + args) + ")");
-      } else {
-        return (this.isNew ? 'new ' : '') + this.variable.compile(o, LEVEL_ACCESS) + ("(" + args + ")");
-      }
-    };
-    Call.prototype.compileSuper = function(args, o) {
-      return "" + (this.superReference(o)) + ".call(" + (this.superThis(o)) + (args.length ? ', ' : '') + args + ")";
-    };
-    Call.prototype.compileSplat = function(o, splatArgs) {
-      var base, fun, idt, name, ref;
-      if (this.isSuper) {
-        return "" + (this.superReference(o)) + ".apply(" + (this.superThis(o)) + ", " + splatArgs + ")";
-      }
-      if (this.isNew) {
-        idt = this.tab + TAB;
-        return "(function(func, args, ctor) {\n" + idt + "ctor.prototype = func.prototype;\n" + idt + "var child = new ctor, result = func.apply(child, args), t = typeof result;\n" + idt + "return t == \"object\" || t == \"function\" ? result || child : child;\n" + this.tab + "})(" + (this.variable.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST)) + ", " + splatArgs + ", function(){})";
-      }
-      base = new Value(this.variable);
-      if ((name = base.properties.pop()) && base.isComplex()) {
-        ref = o.scope.freeVariable('ref');
-        fun = "(" + ref + " = " + (base.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST)) + ")" + (name.compile(o));
-      } else {
-        fun = base.compile(o, LEVEL_ACCESS);
-        if (SIMPLENUM.test(fun)) {
-          fun = "(" + fun + ")";
-        }
-        if (name) {
-          ref = fun;
-          fun += name.compile(o);
-        } else {
-          ref = 'null';
-        }
-      }
-      return "" + fun + ".apply(" + ref + ", " + splatArgs + ")";
-    };
-    return Call;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Extends = Extends = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Extends, _super);
-    function Extends(child, parent) {
-      this.child = child;
-      this.parent = parent;
-    }
-    Extends.prototype.children = ['child', 'parent'];
-    Extends.prototype.compile = function(o) {
-      return new Call(new Value(new Literal(utility('extends'))), [this.child, this.parent]).compile(o);
-    };
-    return Extends;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Access = Access = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Access, _super);
-    function Access(name, tag) {
-      this.name = name;
-      this.name.asKey = true;
-      this.soak = tag === 'soak';
-    }
-    Access.prototype.children = ['name'];
-    Access.prototype.compile = function(o) {
-      var name;
-      name = this.name.compile(o);
-      if (IDENTIFIER.test(name)) {
-        return "." + name;
-      } else {
-        return "[" + name + "]";
-      }
-    };
-    Access.prototype.isComplex = NO;
-    return Access;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Index = Index = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Index, _super);
-    function Index(index) {
-      this.index = index;
-    }
-    Index.prototype.children = ['index'];
-    Index.prototype.compile = function(o) {
-      return "[" + (this.index.compile(o, LEVEL_PAREN)) + "]";
-    };
-    Index.prototype.isComplex = function() {
-      return this.index.isComplex();
-    };
-    return Index;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Range = Range = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Range, _super);
-    Range.prototype.children = ['from', 'to'];
-    function Range(from, to, tag) {
-      this.from = from;
-      this.to = to;
-      this.exclusive = tag === 'exclusive';
-      this.equals = this.exclusive ? '' : '=';
-    }
-    Range.prototype.compileVariables = function(o) {
-      var step, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5;
-      o = merge(o, {
-        top: true
-      });
-      _ref2 = this.from.cache(o, LEVEL_LIST), this.fromC = _ref2[0], this.fromVar = _ref2[1];
-      _ref3 = this.to.cache(o, LEVEL_LIST), this.toC = _ref3[0], this.toVar = _ref3[1];
-      if (step = del(o, 'step')) {
-        _ref4 = step.cache(o, LEVEL_LIST), this.step = _ref4[0], this.stepVar = _ref4[1];
-      }
-      _ref5 = [this.fromVar.match(SIMPLENUM), this.toVar.match(SIMPLENUM)], this.fromNum = _ref5[0], this.toNum = _ref5[1];
-      if (this.stepVar) {
-        return this.stepNum = this.stepVar.match(SIMPLENUM);
-      }
-    };
-    Range.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var cond, condPart, from, gt, idx, idxName, known, lt, namedIndex, stepPart, to, varPart, _ref2, _ref3;
-      if (!this.fromVar) {
-        this.compileVariables(o);
-      }
-      if (!o.index) {
-        return this.compileArray(o);
-      }
-      known = this.fromNum && this.toNum;
-      idx = del(o, 'index');
-      idxName = del(o, 'name');
-      namedIndex = idxName && idxName !== idx;
-      varPart = "" + idx + " = " + this.fromC;
-      if (this.toC !== this.toVar) {
-        varPart += ", " + this.toC;
-      }
-      if (this.step !== this.stepVar) {
-        varPart += ", " + this.step;
-      }
-      _ref2 = ["" + idx + " <" + this.equals, "" + idx + " >" + this.equals], lt = _ref2[0], gt = _ref2[1];
-      condPart = this.stepNum ? +this.stepNum > 0 ? "" + lt + " " + this.toVar : "" + gt + " " + this.toVar : known ? ((_ref3 = [+this.fromNum, +this.toNum], from = _ref3[0], to = _ref3[1], _ref3), from <= to ? "" + lt + " " + to : "" + gt + " " + to) : (cond = "" + this.fromVar + " <= " + this.toVar, "" + cond + " ? " + lt + " " + this.toVar + " : " + gt + " " + this.toVar);
-      stepPart = this.stepVar ? "" + idx + " += " + this.stepVar : known ? namedIndex ? from <= to ? "++" + idx : "--" + idx : from <= to ? "" + idx + "++" : "" + idx + "--" : namedIndex ? "" + cond + " ? ++" + idx + " : --" + idx : "" + cond + " ? " + idx + "++ : " + idx + "--";
-      if (namedIndex) {
-        varPart = "" + idxName + " = " + varPart;
-      }
-      if (namedIndex) {
-        stepPart = "" + idxName + " = " + stepPart;
-      }
-      return "" + varPart + "; " + condPart + "; " + stepPart;
-    };
-    Range.prototype.compileArray = function(o) {
-      var args, body, cond, hasArgs, i, idt, post, pre, range, result, vars, _i, _ref2, _ref3, _results;
-      if (this.fromNum && this.toNum && Math.abs(this.fromNum - this.toNum) <= 20) {
-        range = (function() {
-          _results = [];
-          for (var _i = _ref2 = +this.fromNum, _ref3 = +this.toNum; _ref2 <= _ref3 ? _i <= _ref3 : _i >= _ref3; _ref2 <= _ref3 ? _i++ : _i--){ _results.push(_i); }
-          return _results;
-        }).apply(this);
-        if (this.exclusive) {
-          range.pop();
-        }
-        return "[" + (range.join(', ')) + "]";
-      }
-      idt = this.tab + TAB;
-      i = o.scope.freeVariable('i');
-      result = o.scope.freeVariable('results');
-      pre = "\n" + idt + result + " = [];";
-      if (this.fromNum && this.toNum) {
-        o.index = i;
-        body = this.compileNode(o);
-      } else {
-        vars = ("" + i + " = " + this.fromC) + (this.toC !== this.toVar ? ", " + this.toC : '');
-        cond = "" + this.fromVar + " <= " + this.toVar;
-        body = "var " + vars + "; " + cond + " ? " + i + " <" + this.equals + " " + this.toVar + " : " + i + " >" + this.equals + " " + this.toVar + "; " + cond + " ? " + i + "++ : " + i + "--";
-      }
-      post = "{ " + result + ".push(" + i + "); }\n" + idt + "return " + result + ";\n" + o.indent;
-      hasArgs = function(node) {
-        return node != null ? node.contains(function(n) {
-          return n instanceof Literal && n.value === 'arguments' && !n.asKey;
-        }) : void 0;
-      };
-      if (hasArgs(this.from) || hasArgs(this.to)) {
-        args = ', arguments';
-      }
-      return "(function() {" + pre + "\n" + idt + "for (" + body + ")" + post + "}).apply(this" + (args != null ? args : '') + ")";
-    };
-    return Range;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Slice = Slice = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Slice, _super);
-    Slice.prototype.children = ['range'];
-    function Slice(range) {
-      this.range = range;
-      Slice.__super__.constructor.call(this);
-    }
-    Slice.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var compiled, from, fromStr, to, toStr, _ref2;
-      _ref2 = this.range, to = _ref2.to, from = _ref2.from;
-      fromStr = from && from.compile(o, LEVEL_PAREN) || '0';
-      compiled = to && to.compile(o, LEVEL_PAREN);
-      if (to && !(!this.range.exclusive && +compiled === -1)) {
-        toStr = ', ' + (this.range.exclusive ? compiled : SIMPLENUM.test(compiled) ? "" + (+compiled + 1) : (compiled = to.compile(o, LEVEL_ACCESS), "" + compiled + " + 1 || 9e9"));
-      }
-      return ".slice(" + fromStr + (toStr || '') + ")";
-    };
-    return Slice;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Obj = Obj = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Obj, _super);
-    function Obj(props, generated) {
-      this.generated = generated != null ? generated : false;
-      this.objects = this.properties = props || [];
-    }
-    Obj.prototype.children = ['properties'];
-    Obj.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var i, idt, indent, join, lastNoncom, node, obj, prop, propName, propNames, props, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref2;
-      props = this.properties;
-      propNames = [];
-      _ref2 = this.properties;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        prop = _ref2[_i];
-        if (prop.isComplex()) {
-          prop = prop.variable;
-        }
-        if (prop != null) {
-          propName = prop.unwrapAll().value.toString();
-          if (__indexOf.call(propNames, propName) >= 0) {
-            throw SyntaxError("multiple object literal properties named \"" + propName + "\"");
-          }
-          propNames.push(propName);
-        }
-      }
-      if (!props.length) {
-        return (this.front ? '({})' : '{}');
-      }
-      if (this.generated) {
-        for (_j = 0, _len1 = props.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
-          node = props[_j];
-          if (node instanceof Value) {
-            throw new Error('cannot have an implicit value in an implicit object');
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      idt = o.indent += TAB;
-      lastNoncom = this.lastNonComment(this.properties);
-      props = (function() {
-        var _k, _len2, _results;
-        _results = [];
-        for (i = _k = 0, _len2 = props.length; _k < _len2; i = ++_k) {
-          prop = props[i];
-          join = i === props.length - 1 ? '' : prop === lastNoncom || prop instanceof Comment ? '\n' : ',\n';
-          indent = prop instanceof Comment ? '' : idt;
-          if (prop instanceof Value && prop["this"]) {
-            prop = new Assign(prop.properties[0].name, prop, 'object');
-          }
-          if (!(prop instanceof Comment)) {
-            if (!(prop instanceof Assign)) {
-              prop = new Assign(prop, prop, 'object');
-            }
-            (prop.variable.base || prop.variable).asKey = true;
-          }
-          _results.push(indent + prop.compile(o, LEVEL_TOP) + join);
-        }
-        return _results;
-      })();
-      props = props.join('');
-      obj = "{" + (props && '\n' + props + '\n' + this.tab) + "}";
-      if (this.front) {
-        return "(" + obj + ")";
-      } else {
-        return obj;
-      }
-    };
-    Obj.prototype.assigns = function(name) {
-      var prop, _i, _len, _ref2;
-      _ref2 = this.properties;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        prop = _ref2[_i];
-        if (prop.assigns(name)) {
-          return true;
-        }
-      }
-      return false;
-    };
-    return Obj;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Arr = Arr = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Arr, _super);
-    function Arr(objs) {
-      this.objects = objs || [];
-    }
-    Arr.prototype.children = ['objects'];
-    Arr.prototype.filterImplicitObjects = Call.prototype.filterImplicitObjects;
-    Arr.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var code, obj, objs;
-      if (!this.objects.length) {
-        return '[]';
-      }
-      o.indent += TAB;
-      objs = this.filterImplicitObjects(this.objects);
-      if (code = Splat.compileSplattedArray(o, objs)) {
-        return code;
-      }
-      code = ((function() {
-        var _i, _len, _results;
-        _results = [];
-        for (_i = 0, _len = objs.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-          obj = objs[_i];
-          _results.push(obj.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST));
-        }
-        return _results;
-      })()).join(', ');
-      if (code.indexOf('\n') >= 0) {
-        return "[\n" + o.indent + code + "\n" + this.tab + "]";
-      } else {
-        return "[" + code + "]";
-      }
-    };
-    Arr.prototype.assigns = function(name) {
-      var obj, _i, _len, _ref2;
-      _ref2 = this.objects;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        obj = _ref2[_i];
-        if (obj.assigns(name)) {
-          return true;
-        }
-      }
-      return false;
-    };
-    return Arr;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Class = Class = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Class, _super);
-    function Class(variable, parent, body) {
-      this.variable = variable;
-      this.parent = parent;
-      this.body = body != null ? body : new Block;
-      this.boundFuncs = [];
-      this.body.classBody = true;
-    }
-    Class.prototype.children = ['variable', 'parent', 'body'];
-    Class.prototype.determineName = function() {
-      var decl, tail;
-      if (!this.variable) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      decl = (tail = last(this.variable.properties)) ? tail instanceof Access && tail.name.value : this.variable.base.value;
-      if (__indexOf.call(STRICT_PROSCRIBED, decl) >= 0) {
-        throw SyntaxError("variable name may not be " + decl);
-      }
-      return decl && (decl = IDENTIFIER.test(decl) && decl);
-    };
-    Class.prototype.setContext = function(name) {
-      return this.body.traverseChildren(false, function(node) {
-        if (node.classBody) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        if (node instanceof Literal && node.value === 'this') {
-          return node.value = name;
-        } else if (node instanceof Code) {
-          node.klass = name;
-          if (node.bound) {
-            return node.context = name;
-          }
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    Class.prototype.addBoundFunctions = function(o) {
-      var bvar, lhs, _i, _len, _ref2, _results;
-      if (this.boundFuncs.length) {
-        _ref2 = this.boundFuncs;
-        _results = [];
-        for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-          bvar = _ref2[_i];
-          lhs = (new Value(new Literal("this"), [new Access(bvar)])).compile(o);
-          _results.push(this.ctor.body.unshift(new Literal("" + lhs + " = " + (utility('bind')) + "(" + lhs + ", this)")));
-        }
-        return _results;
-      }
-    };
-    Class.prototype.addProperties = function(node, name, o) {
-      var assign, base, exprs, func, props;
-      props = node.base.properties.slice(0);
-      exprs = (function() {
-        var _results;
-        _results = [];
-        while (assign = props.shift()) {
-          if (assign instanceof Assign) {
-            base = assign.variable.base;
-            delete assign.context;
-            func = assign.value;
-            if (base.value === 'constructor') {
-              if (this.ctor) {
-                throw new Error('cannot define more than one constructor in a class');
-              }
-              if (func.bound) {
-                throw new Error('cannot define a constructor as a bound function');
-              }
-              if (func instanceof Code) {
-                assign = this.ctor = func;
-              } else {
-                this.externalCtor = o.scope.freeVariable('class');
-                assign = new Assign(new Literal(this.externalCtor), func);
-              }
-            } else {
-              if (assign.variable["this"]) {
-                func["static"] = true;
-                if (func.bound) {
-                  func.context = name;
-                }
-              } else {
-                assign.variable = new Value(new Literal(name), [new Access(new Literal('prototype')), new Access(base)]);
-                if (func instanceof Code && func.bound) {
-                  this.boundFuncs.push(base);
-                  func.bound = false;
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          _results.push(assign);
-        }
-        return _results;
-      }).call(this);
-      return compact(exprs);
-    };
-    Class.prototype.walkBody = function(name, o) {
-      var _this = this;
-      return this.traverseChildren(false, function(child) {
-        var exps, i, node, _i, _len, _ref2;
-        if (child instanceof Class) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        if (child instanceof Block) {
-          _ref2 = exps = child.expressions;
-          for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
-            node = _ref2[i];
-            if (node instanceof Value && node.isObject(true)) {
-              exps[i] = _this.addProperties(node, name, o);
-            }
-          }
-          return child.expressions = exps = flatten(exps);
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    Class.prototype.hoistDirectivePrologue = function() {
-      var expressions, index, node;
-      index = 0;
-      expressions = this.body.expressions;
-      while ((node = expressions[index]) && node instanceof Comment || node instanceof Value && node.isString()) {
-        ++index;
-      }
-      return this.directives = expressions.splice(0, index);
-    };
-    Class.prototype.ensureConstructor = function(name) {
-      if (!this.ctor) {
-        this.ctor = new Code;
-        if (this.parent) {
-          this.ctor.body.push(new Literal("" + name + ".__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments)"));
-        }
-        if (this.externalCtor) {
-          this.ctor.body.push(new Literal("" + this.externalCtor + ".apply(this, arguments)"));
-        }
-        this.ctor.body.makeReturn();
-        this.body.expressions.unshift(this.ctor);
-      }
-      this.ctor.ctor = this.ctor.name = name;
-      this.ctor.klass = null;
-      return this.ctor.noReturn = true;
-    };
-    Class.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var call, decl, klass, lname, name, params, _ref2;
-      decl = this.determineName();
-      name = decl || '_Class';
-      if (name.reserved) {
-        name = "_" + name;
-      }
-      lname = new Literal(name);
-      this.hoistDirectivePrologue();
-      this.setContext(name);
-      this.walkBody(name, o);
-      this.ensureConstructor(name);
-      this.body.spaced = true;
-      if (!(this.ctor instanceof Code)) {
-        this.body.expressions.unshift(this.ctor);
-      }
-      this.body.expressions.push(lname);
-      (_ref2 = this.body.expressions).unshift.apply(_ref2, this.directives);
-      this.addBoundFunctions(o);
-      call = Closure.wrap(this.body);
-      if (this.parent) {
-        this.superClass = new Literal(o.scope.freeVariable('super', false));
-        this.body.expressions.unshift(new Extends(lname, this.superClass));
-        call.args.push(this.parent);
-        params = call.variable.params || call.variable.base.params;
-        params.push(new Param(this.superClass));
-      }
-      klass = new Parens(call, true);
-      if (this.variable) {
-        klass = new Assign(this.variable, klass);
-      }
-      return klass.compile(o);
-    };
-    return Class;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Assign = Assign = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Assign, _super);
-    function Assign(variable, value, context, options) {
-      var forbidden, name, _ref2;
-      this.variable = variable;
-      this.value = value;
-      this.context = context;
-      this.param = options && options.param;
-      this.subpattern = options && options.subpattern;
-      forbidden = (_ref2 = (name = this.variable.unwrapAll().value), __indexOf.call(STRICT_PROSCRIBED, _ref2) >= 0);
-      if (forbidden && this.context !== 'object') {
-        throw SyntaxError("variable name may not be \"" + name + "\"");
-      }
-    }
-    Assign.prototype.children = ['variable', 'value'];
-    Assign.prototype.isStatement = function(o) {
-      return (o != null ? o.level : void 0) === LEVEL_TOP && (this.context != null) && __indexOf.call(this.context, "?") >= 0;
-    };
-    Assign.prototype.assigns = function(name) {
-      return this[this.context === 'object' ? 'value' : 'variable'].assigns(name);
-    };
-    Assign.prototype.unfoldSoak = function(o) {
-      return unfoldSoak(o, this, 'variable');
-    };
-    Assign.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var isValue, match, name, val, varBase, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5;
-      if (isValue = this.variable instanceof Value) {
-        if (this.variable.isArray() || this.variable.isObject()) {
-          return this.compilePatternMatch(o);
-        }
-        if (this.variable.isSplice()) {
-          return this.compileSplice(o);
-        }
-        if ((_ref2 = this.context) === '||=' || _ref2 === '&&=' || _ref2 === '?=') {
-          return this.compileConditional(o);
-        }
-      }
-      name = this.variable.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST);
-      if (!this.context) {
-        if (!(varBase = this.variable.unwrapAll()).isAssignable()) {
-          throw SyntaxError("\"" + (this.variable.compile(o)) + "\" cannot be assigned.");
-        }
-        if (!(typeof varBase.hasProperties === "function" ? varBase.hasProperties() : void 0)) {
-          if (this.param) {
-            o.scope.add(name, 'var');
-          } else {
-            o.scope.find(name);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (this.value instanceof Code && (match = METHOD_DEF.exec(name))) {
-        if (match[1]) {
-          this.value.klass = match[1];
-        }
-        this.value.name = (_ref3 = (_ref4 = (_ref5 = match[2]) != null ? _ref5 : match[3]) != null ? _ref4 : match[4]) != null ? _ref3 : match[5];
-      }
-      val = this.value.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST);
-      if (this.context === 'object') {
-        return "" + name + ": " + val;
-      }
-      val = name + (" " + (this.context || '=') + " ") + val;
-      if (o.level <= LEVEL_LIST) {
-        return val;
-      } else {
-        return "(" + val + ")";
-      }
-    };
-    Assign.prototype.compilePatternMatch = function(o) {
-      var acc, assigns, code, i, idx, isObject, ivar, name, obj, objects, olen, ref, rest, splat, top, val, value, vvar, _i, _len, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5, _ref6, _ref7, _ref8;
-      top = o.level === LEVEL_TOP;
-      value = this.value;
-      objects = this.variable.base.objects;
-      if (!(olen = objects.length)) {
-        code = value.compile(o);
-        if (o.level >= LEVEL_OP) {
-          return "(" + code + ")";
-        } else {
-          return code;
-        }
-      }
-      isObject = this.variable.isObject();
-      if (top && olen === 1 && !((obj = objects[0]) instanceof Splat)) {
-        if (obj instanceof Assign) {
-          _ref2 = obj, (_ref3 = _ref2.variable, idx = _ref3.base), obj = _ref2.value;
-        } else {
-          if (obj.base instanceof Parens) {
-            _ref4 = new Value(obj.unwrapAll()).cacheReference(o), obj = _ref4[0], idx = _ref4[1];
-          } else {
-            idx = isObject ? obj["this"] ? obj.properties[0].name : obj : new Literal(0);
-          }
-        }
-        acc = IDENTIFIER.test(idx.unwrap().value || 0);
-        value = new Value(value);
-        value.properties.push(new (acc ? Access : Index)(idx));
-        if (_ref5 = obj.unwrap().value, __indexOf.call(RESERVED, _ref5) >= 0) {
-          throw new SyntaxError("assignment to a reserved word: " + (obj.compile(o)) + " = " + (value.compile(o)));
-        }
-        return new Assign(obj, value, null, {
-          param: this.param
-        }).compile(o, LEVEL_TOP);
-      }
-      vvar = value.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST);
-      assigns = [];
-      splat = false;
-      if (!IDENTIFIER.test(vvar) || this.variable.assigns(vvar)) {
-        assigns.push("" + (ref = o.scope.freeVariable('ref')) + " = " + vvar);
-        vvar = ref;
-      }
-      for (i = _i = 0, _len = objects.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
-        obj = objects[i];
-        idx = i;
-        if (isObject) {
-          if (obj instanceof Assign) {
-            _ref6 = obj, (_ref7 = _ref6.variable, idx = _ref7.base), obj = _ref6.value;
-          } else {
-            if (obj.base instanceof Parens) {
-              _ref8 = new Value(obj.unwrapAll()).cacheReference(o), obj = _ref8[0], idx = _ref8[1];
-            } else {
-              idx = obj["this"] ? obj.properties[0].name : obj;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if (!splat && obj instanceof Splat) {
-          name = obj.name.unwrap().value;
-          obj = obj.unwrap();
-          val = "" + olen + " <= " + vvar + ".length ? " + (utility('slice')) + ".call(" + vvar + ", " + i;
-          if (rest = olen - i - 1) {
-            ivar = o.scope.freeVariable('i');
-            val += ", " + ivar + " = " + vvar + ".length - " + rest + ") : (" + ivar + " = " + i + ", [])";
-          } else {
-            val += ") : []";
-          }
-          val = new Literal(val);
-          splat = "" + ivar + "++";
-        } else {
-          name = obj.unwrap().value;
-          if (obj instanceof Splat) {
-            obj = obj.name.compile(o);
-            throw new SyntaxError("multiple splats are disallowed in an assignment: " + obj + "...");
-          }
-          if (typeof idx === 'number') {
-            idx = new Literal(splat || idx);
-            acc = false;
-          } else {
-            acc = isObject && IDENTIFIER.test(idx.unwrap().value || 0);
-          }
-          val = new Value(new Literal(vvar), [new (acc ? Access : Index)(idx)]);
-        }
-        if ((name != null) && __indexOf.call(RESERVED, name) >= 0) {
-          throw new SyntaxError("assignment to a reserved word: " + (obj.compile(o)) + " = " + (val.compile(o)));
-        }
-        assigns.push(new Assign(obj, val, null, {
-          param: this.param,
-          subpattern: true
-        }).compile(o, LEVEL_LIST));
-      }
-      if (!(top || this.subpattern)) {
-        assigns.push(vvar);
-      }
-      code = assigns.join(', ');
-      if (o.level < LEVEL_LIST) {
-        return code;
-      } else {
-        return "(" + code + ")";
-      }
-    };
-    Assign.prototype.compileConditional = function(o) {
-      var left, right, _ref2;
-      _ref2 = this.variable.cacheReference(o), left = _ref2[0], right = _ref2[1];
-      if (!left.properties.length && left.base instanceof Literal && left.base.value !== "this" && !o.scope.check(left.base.value)) {
-        throw new Error("the variable \"" + left.base.value + "\" can't be assigned with " + this.context + " because it has not been defined.");
-      }
-      if (__indexOf.call(this.context, "?") >= 0) {
-        o.isExistentialEquals = true;
-      }
-      return new Op(this.context.slice(0, -1), left, new Assign(right, this.value, '=')).compile(o);
-    };
-    Assign.prototype.compileSplice = function(o) {
-      var code, exclusive, from, fromDecl, fromRef, name, to, valDef, valRef, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4;
-      _ref2 = this.variable.properties.pop().range, from = _ref2.from, to = _ref2.to, exclusive = _ref2.exclusive;
-      name = this.variable.compile(o);
-      _ref3 = (from != null ? from.cache(o, LEVEL_OP) : void 0) || ['0', '0'], fromDecl = _ref3[0], fromRef = _ref3[1];
-      if (to) {
-        if ((from != null ? from.isSimpleNumber() : void 0) && to.isSimpleNumber()) {
-          to = +to.compile(o) - +fromRef;
-          if (!exclusive) {
-            to += 1;
-          }
-        } else {
-          to = to.compile(o, LEVEL_ACCESS) + ' - ' + fromRef;
-          if (!exclusive) {
-            to += ' + 1';
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        to = "9e9";
-      }
-      _ref4 = this.value.cache(o, LEVEL_LIST), valDef = _ref4[0], valRef = _ref4[1];
-      code = "[].splice.apply(" + name + ", [" + fromDecl + ", " + to + "].concat(" + valDef + ")), " + valRef;
-      if (o.level > LEVEL_TOP) {
-        return "(" + code + ")";
-      } else {
-        return code;
-      }
-    };
-    return Assign;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Code = Code = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Code, _super);
-    function Code(params, body, tag) {
-      this.params = params || [];
-      this.body = body || new Block;
-      this.bound = tag === 'boundfunc';
-      if (this.bound) {
-        this.context = '_this';
-      }
-    }
-    Code.prototype.children = ['params', 'body'];
-    Code.prototype.isStatement = function() {
-      return !!this.ctor;
-    };
-    Code.prototype.jumps = NO;
-    Code.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var code, exprs, i, idt, lit, name, p, param, params, ref, splats, uniqs, val, wasEmpty, _i, _j, _k, _l, _len, _len1, _len2, _len3, _len4, _len5, _m, _n, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5, _ref6, _ref7, _ref8;
-      o.scope = new Scope(o.scope, this.body, this);
-      o.scope.shared = del(o, 'sharedScope');
-      o.indent += TAB;
-      delete o.bare;
-      delete o.isExistentialEquals;
-      params = [];
-      exprs = [];
-      _ref2 = this.paramNames();
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        name = _ref2[_i];
-        if (!o.scope.check(name)) {
-          o.scope.parameter(name);
-        }
-      }
-      _ref3 = this.params;
-      for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref3.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
-        param = _ref3[_j];
-        if (!param.splat) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        _ref4 = this.params;
-        for (_k = 0, _len2 = _ref4.length; _k < _len2; _k++) {
-          p = _ref4[_k].name;
-          if (p["this"]) {
-            p = p.properties[0].name;
-          }
-          if (p.value) {
-            o.scope.add(p.value, 'var', true);
-          }
-        }
-        splats = new Assign(new Value(new Arr((function() {
-          var _l, _len3, _ref5, _results;
-          _ref5 = this.params;
-          _results = [];
-          for (_l = 0, _len3 = _ref5.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
-            p = _ref5[_l];
-            _results.push(p.asReference(o));
-          }
-          return _results;
-        }).call(this))), new Value(new Literal('arguments')));
-        break;
-      }
-      _ref5 = this.params;
-      for (_l = 0, _len3 = _ref5.length; _l < _len3; _l++) {
-        param = _ref5[_l];
-        if (param.isComplex()) {
-          val = ref = param.asReference(o);
-          if (param.value) {
-            val = new Op('?', ref, param.value);
-          }
-          exprs.push(new Assign(new Value(param.name), val, '=', {
-            param: true
-          }));
-        } else {
-          ref = param;
-          if (param.value) {
-            lit = new Literal(ref.name.value + ' == null');
-            val = new Assign(new Value(param.name), param.value, '=');
-            exprs.push(new If(lit, val));
-          }
-        }
-        if (!splats) {
-          params.push(ref);
-        }
-      }
-      wasEmpty = this.body.isEmpty();
-      if (splats) {
-        exprs.unshift(splats);
-      }
-      if (exprs.length) {
-        (_ref6 = this.body.expressions).unshift.apply(_ref6, exprs);
-      }
-      for (i = _m = 0, _len4 = params.length; _m < _len4; i = ++_m) {
-        p = params[i];
-        o.scope.parameter(params[i] = p.compile(o));
-      }
-      uniqs = [];
-      _ref7 = this.paramNames();
-      for (_n = 0, _len5 = _ref7.length; _n < _len5; _n++) {
-        name = _ref7[_n];
-        if (__indexOf.call(uniqs, name) >= 0) {
-          throw SyntaxError("multiple parameters named '" + name + "'");
-        }
-        uniqs.push(name);
-      }
-      if (!(wasEmpty || this.noReturn)) {
-        this.body.makeReturn();
-      }
-      if (this.bound) {
-        if ((_ref8 = o.scope.parent.method) != null ? _ref8.bound : void 0) {
-          this.bound = this.context = o.scope.parent.method.context;
-        } else if (!this["static"]) {
-          o.scope.parent.assign('_this', 'this');
-        }
-      }
-      idt = o.indent;
-      code = 'function';
-      if (this.ctor) {
-        code += ' ' + this.name;
-      }
-      code += '(' + params.join(', ') + ') {';
-      if (!this.body.isEmpty()) {
-        code += "\n" + (this.body.compileWithDeclarations(o)) + "\n" + this.tab;
-      }
-      code += '}';
-      if (this.ctor) {
-        return this.tab + code;
-      }
-      if (this.front || (o.level >= LEVEL_ACCESS)) {
-        return "(" + code + ")";
-      } else {
-        return code;
-      }
-    };
-    Code.prototype.paramNames = function() {
-      var names, param, _i, _len, _ref2;
-      names = [];
-      _ref2 = this.params;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        param = _ref2[_i];
-        names.push.apply(names, param.names());
-      }
-      return names;
-    };
-    Code.prototype.traverseChildren = function(crossScope, func) {
-      if (crossScope) {
-        return Code.__super__.traverseChildren.call(this, crossScope, func);
-      }
-    };
-    return Code;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Param = Param = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Param, _super);
-    function Param(name, value, splat) {
-      var _ref2;
-      this.name = name;
-      this.value = value;
-      this.splat = splat;
-      if (_ref2 = (name = this.name.unwrapAll().value), __indexOf.call(STRICT_PROSCRIBED, _ref2) >= 0) {
-        throw SyntaxError("parameter name \"" + name + "\" is not allowed");
-      }
-    }
-    Param.prototype.children = ['name', 'value'];
-    Param.prototype.compile = function(o) {
-      return this.name.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST);
-    };
-    Param.prototype.asReference = function(o) {
-      var node;
-      if (this.reference) {
-        return this.reference;
-      }
-      node = this.name;
-      if (node["this"]) {
-        node = node.properties[0].name;
-        if (node.value.reserved) {
-          node = new Literal(o.scope.freeVariable(node.value));
-        }
-      } else if (node.isComplex()) {
-        node = new Literal(o.scope.freeVariable('arg'));
-      }
-      node = new Value(node);
-      if (this.splat) {
-        node = new Splat(node);
-      }
-      return this.reference = node;
-    };
-    Param.prototype.isComplex = function() {
-      return this.name.isComplex();
-    };
-    Param.prototype.names = function(name) {
-      var atParam, names, obj, _i, _len, _ref2;
-      if (name == null) {
-        name = this.name;
-      }
-      atParam = function(obj) {
-        var value;
-        value = obj.properties[0].name.value;
-        if (value.reserved) {
-          return [];
-        } else {
-          return [value];
-        }
-      };
-      if (name instanceof Literal) {
-        return [name.value];
-      }
-      if (name instanceof Value) {
-        return atParam(name);
-      }
-      names = [];
-      _ref2 = name.objects;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        obj = _ref2[_i];
-        if (obj instanceof Assign) {
-          names.push(obj.value.unwrap().value);
-        } else if (obj instanceof Splat) {
-          names.push(obj.name.unwrap().value);
-        } else if (obj instanceof Value) {
-          if (obj.isArray() || obj.isObject()) {
-            names.push.apply(names, this.names(obj.base));
-          } else if (obj["this"]) {
-            names.push.apply(names, atParam(obj));
-          } else {
-            names.push(obj.base.value);
-          }
-        } else {
-          throw SyntaxError("illegal parameter " + (obj.compile()));
-        }
-      }
-      return names;
-    };
-    return Param;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Splat = Splat = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Splat, _super);
-    Splat.prototype.children = ['name'];
-    Splat.prototype.isAssignable = YES;
-    function Splat(name) {
-      this.name = name.compile ? name : new Literal(name);
-    }
-    Splat.prototype.assigns = function(name) {
-      return this.name.assigns(name);
-    };
-    Splat.prototype.compile = function(o) {
-      if (this.index != null) {
-        return this.compileParam(o);
-      } else {
-        return this.name.compile(o);
-      }
-    };
-    Splat.prototype.unwrap = function() {
-      return this.name;
-    };
-    Splat.compileSplattedArray = function(o, list, apply) {
-      var args, base, code, i, index, node, _i, _len;
-      index = -1;
-      while ((node = list[++index]) && !(node instanceof Splat)) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (index >= list.length) {
-        return '';
-      }
-      if (list.length === 1) {
-        code = list[0].compile(o, LEVEL_LIST);
-        if (apply) {
-          return code;
-        }
-        return "" + (utility('slice')) + ".call(" + code + ")";
-      }
-      args = list.slice(index);
-      for (i = _i = 0, _len = args.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
-        node = args[i];
-        code = node.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST);
-        args[i] = node instanceof Splat ? "" + (utility('slice')) + ".call(" + code + ")" : "[" + code + "]";
-      }
-      if (index === 0) {
-        return args[0] + (".concat(" + (args.slice(1).join(', ')) + ")");
-      }
-      base = (function() {
-        var _j, _len1, _ref2, _results;
-        _ref2 = list.slice(0, index);
-        _results = [];
-        for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref2.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
-          node = _ref2[_j];
-          _results.push(node.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST));
-        }
-        return _results;
-      })();
-      return "[" + (base.join(', ')) + "].concat(" + (args.join(', ')) + ")";
-    };
-    return Splat;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.While = While = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(While, _super);
-    function While(condition, options) {
-      this.condition = (options != null ? options.invert : void 0) ? condition.invert() : condition;
-      this.guard = options != null ? options.guard : void 0;
-    }
-    While.prototype.children = ['condition', 'guard', 'body'];
-    While.prototype.isStatement = YES;
-    While.prototype.makeReturn = function(res) {
-      if (res) {
-        return While.__super__.makeReturn.apply(this, arguments);
-      } else {
-        this.returns = !this.jumps({
-          loop: true
-        });
-        return this;
-      }
-    };
-    While.prototype.addBody = function(body) {
-      this.body = body;
-      return this;
-    };
-    While.prototype.jumps = function() {
-      var expressions, node, _i, _len;
-      expressions = this.body.expressions;
-      if (!expressions.length) {
-        return false;
-      }
-      for (_i = 0, _len = expressions.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        node = expressions[_i];
-        if (node.jumps({
-          loop: true
-        })) {
-          return node;
-        }
-      }
-      return false;
-    };
-    While.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var body, code, rvar, set;
-      o.indent += TAB;
-      set = '';
-      body = this.body;
-      if (body.isEmpty()) {
-        body = '';
-      } else {
-        if (this.returns) {
-          body.makeReturn(rvar = o.scope.freeVariable('results'));
-          set = "" + this.tab + rvar + " = [];\n";
-        }
-        if (this.guard) {
-          if (body.expressions.length > 1) {
-            body.expressions.unshift(new If((new Parens(this.guard)).invert(), new Literal("continue")));
-          } else {
-            if (this.guard) {
-              body = Block.wrap([new If(this.guard, body)]);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        body = "\n" + (body.compile(o, LEVEL_TOP)) + "\n" + this.tab;
-      }
-      code = set + this.tab + ("while (" + (this.condition.compile(o, LEVEL_PAREN)) + ") {" + body + "}");
-      if (this.returns) {
-        code += "\n" + this.tab + "return " + rvar + ";";
-      }
-      return code;
-    };
-    return While;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Op = Op = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Op, _super);
-    function Op(op, first, second, flip) {
-      if (op === 'in') {
-        return new In(first, second);
-      }
-      if (op === 'do') {
-        return this.generateDo(first);
-      }
-      if (op === 'new') {
-        if (first instanceof Call && !first["do"] && !first.isNew) {
-          return first.newInstance();
-        }
-        if (first instanceof Code && first.bound || first["do"]) {
-          first = new Parens(first);
-        }
-      }
-      this.operator = CONVERSIONS[op] || op;
-      this.first = first;
-      this.second = second;
-      this.flip = !!flip;
-      return this;
-    }
-      '==': '===',
-      '!=': '!==',
-      'of': 'in'
-    };
-      '!==': '===',
-      '===': '!=='
-    };
-    Op.prototype.children = ['first', 'second'];
-    Op.prototype.isSimpleNumber = NO;
-    Op.prototype.isUnary = function() {
-      return !this.second;
-    };
-    Op.prototype.isComplex = function() {
-      var _ref2;
-      return !(this.isUnary() && ((_ref2 = this.operator) === '+' || _ref2 === '-')) || this.first.isComplex();
-    };
-    Op.prototype.isChainable = function() {
-      var _ref2;
-      return (_ref2 = this.operator) === '<' || _ref2 === '>' || _ref2 === '>=' || _ref2 === '<=' || _ref2 === '===' || _ref2 === '!==';
-    };
-    Op.prototype.invert = function() {
-      var allInvertable, curr, fst, op, _ref2;
-      if (this.isChainable() && this.first.isChainable()) {
-        allInvertable = true;
-        curr = this;
-        while (curr && curr.operator) {
-          allInvertable && (allInvertable = curr.operator in INVERSIONS);
-          curr = curr.first;
-        }
-        if (!allInvertable) {
-          return new Parens(this).invert();
-        }
-        curr = this;
-        while (curr && curr.operator) {
-          curr.invert = !curr.invert;
-          curr.operator = INVERSIONS[curr.operator];
-          curr = curr.first;
-        }
-        return this;
-      } else if (op = INVERSIONS[this.operator]) {
-        this.operator = op;
-        if (this.first.unwrap() instanceof Op) {
-          this.first.invert();
-        }
-        return this;
-      } else if (this.second) {
-        return new Parens(this).invert();
-      } else if (this.operator === '!' && (fst = this.first.unwrap()) instanceof Op && ((_ref2 = fst.operator) === '!' || _ref2 === 'in' || _ref2 === 'instanceof')) {
-        return fst;
-      } else {
-        return new Op('!', this);
-      }
-    };
-    Op.prototype.unfoldSoak = function(o) {
-      var _ref2;
-      return ((_ref2 = this.operator) === '++' || _ref2 === '--' || _ref2 === 'delete') && unfoldSoak(o, this, 'first');
-    };
-    Op.prototype.generateDo = function(exp) {
-      var call, func, param, passedParams, ref, _i, _len, _ref2;
-      passedParams = [];
-      func = exp instanceof Assign && (ref = exp.value.unwrap()) instanceof Code ? ref : exp;
-      _ref2 = func.params || [];
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        param = _ref2[_i];
-        if (param.value) {
-          passedParams.push(param.value);
-          delete param.value;
-        } else {
-          passedParams.push(param);
-        }
-      }
-      call = new Call(exp, passedParams);
-      call["do"] = true;
-      return call;
-    };
-    Op.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var code, isChain, _ref2, _ref3;
-      isChain = this.isChainable() && this.first.isChainable();
-      if (!isChain) {
-        this.first.front = this.front;
-      }
-      if (this.operator === 'delete' && o.scope.check(this.first.unwrapAll().value)) {
-        throw SyntaxError('delete operand may not be argument or var');
-      }
-      if (((_ref2 = this.operator) === '--' || _ref2 === '++') && (_ref3 = this.first.unwrapAll().value, __indexOf.call(STRICT_PROSCRIBED, _ref3) >= 0)) {
-        throw SyntaxError('prefix increment/decrement may not have eval or arguments operand');
-      }
-      if (this.isUnary()) {
-        return this.compileUnary(o);
-      }
-      if (isChain) {
-        return this.compileChain(o);
-      }
-      if (this.operator === '?') {
-        return this.compileExistence(o);
-      }
-      code = this.first.compile(o, LEVEL_OP) + ' ' + this.operator + ' ' + this.second.compile(o, LEVEL_OP);
-      if (o.level <= LEVEL_OP) {
-        return code;
-      } else {
-        return "(" + code + ")";
-      }
-    };
-    Op.prototype.compileChain = function(o) {
-      var code, fst, shared, _ref2;
-      _ref2 = this.first.second.cache(o), this.first.second = _ref2[0], shared = _ref2[1];
-      fst = this.first.compile(o, LEVEL_OP);
-      code = "" + fst + " " + (this.invert ? '&&' : '||') + " " + (shared.compile(o)) + " " + this.operator + " " + (this.second.compile(o, LEVEL_OP));
-      return "(" + code + ")";
-    };
-    Op.prototype.compileExistence = function(o) {
-      var fst, ref;
-      if (this.first.isComplex()) {
-        ref = new Literal(o.scope.freeVariable('ref'));
-        fst = new Parens(new Assign(ref, this.first));
-      } else {
-        fst = this.first;
-        ref = fst;
-      }
-      return new If(new Existence(fst), ref, {
-        type: 'if'
-      }).addElse(this.second).compile(o);
-    };
-    Op.prototype.compileUnary = function(o) {
-      var op, parts, plusMinus;
-      if (o.level >= LEVEL_ACCESS) {
-        return (new Parens(this)).compile(o);
-      }
-      parts = [op = this.operator];
-      plusMinus = op === '+' || op === '-';
-      if ((op === 'new' || op === 'typeof' || op === 'delete') || plusMinus && this.first instanceof Op && this.first.operator === op) {
-        parts.push(' ');
-      }
-      if ((plusMinus && this.first instanceof Op) || (op === 'new' && this.first.isStatement(o))) {
-        this.first = new Parens(this.first);
-      }
-      parts.push(this.first.compile(o, LEVEL_OP));
-      if (this.flip) {
-        parts.reverse();
-      }
-      return parts.join('');
-    };
-    Op.prototype.toString = function(idt) {
-      return Op.__super__.toString.call(this, idt, this.constructor.name + ' ' + this.operator);
-    };
-    return Op;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.In = In = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(In, _super);
-    function In(object, array) {
-      this.object = object;
-      this.array = array;
-    }
-    In.prototype.children = ['object', 'array'];
-    In.prototype.invert = NEGATE;
-    In.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var hasSplat, obj, _i, _len, _ref2;
-      if (this.array instanceof Value && this.array.isArray()) {
-        _ref2 = this.array.base.objects;
-        for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-          obj = _ref2[_i];
-          if (!(obj instanceof Splat)) {
-            continue;
-          }
-          hasSplat = true;
-          break;
-        }
-        if (!hasSplat) {
-          return this.compileOrTest(o);
-        }
-      }
-      return this.compileLoopTest(o);
-    };
-    In.prototype.compileOrTest = function(o) {
-      var cmp, cnj, i, item, ref, sub, tests, _ref2, _ref3;
-      if (this.array.base.objects.length === 0) {
-        return "" + (!!this.negated);
-      }
-      _ref2 = this.object.cache(o, LEVEL_OP), sub = _ref2[0], ref = _ref2[1];
-      _ref3 = this.negated ? [' !== ', ' && '] : [' === ', ' || '], cmp = _ref3[0], cnj = _ref3[1];
-      tests = (function() {
-        var _i, _len, _ref4, _results;
-        _ref4 = this.array.base.objects;
-        _results = [];
-        for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref4.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
-          item = _ref4[i];
-          _results.push((i ? ref : sub) + cmp + item.compile(o, LEVEL_ACCESS));
-        }
-        return _results;
-      }).call(this);
-      tests = tests.join(cnj);
-      if (o.level < LEVEL_OP) {
-        return tests;
-      } else {
-        return "(" + tests + ")";
-      }
-    };
-    In.prototype.compileLoopTest = function(o) {
-      var code, ref, sub, _ref2;
-      _ref2 = this.object.cache(o, LEVEL_LIST), sub = _ref2[0], ref = _ref2[1];
-      code = utility('indexOf') + (".call(" + (this.array.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST)) + ", " + ref + ") ") + (this.negated ? '< 0' : '>= 0');
-      if (sub === ref) {
-        return code;
-      }
-      code = sub + ', ' + code;
-      if (o.level < LEVEL_LIST) {
-        return code;
-      } else {
-        return "(" + code + ")";
-      }
-    };
-    In.prototype.toString = function(idt) {
-      return In.__super__.toString.call(this, idt, this.constructor.name + (this.negated ? '!' : ''));
-    };
-    return In;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Try = Try = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Try, _super);
-    function Try(attempt, error, recovery, ensure) {
-      this.attempt = attempt;
-      this.error = error;
-      this.recovery = recovery;
-      this.ensure = ensure;
-    }
-    Try.prototype.children = ['attempt', 'recovery', 'ensure'];
-    Try.prototype.isStatement = YES;
-    Try.prototype.jumps = function(o) {
-      var _ref2;
-      return this.attempt.jumps(o) || ((_ref2 = this.recovery) != null ? _ref2.jumps(o) : void 0);
-    };
-    Try.prototype.makeReturn = function(res) {
-      if (this.attempt) {
-        this.attempt = this.attempt.makeReturn(res);
-      }
-      if (this.recovery) {
-        this.recovery = this.recovery.makeReturn(res);
-      }
-      return this;
-    };
-    Try.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var catchPart, ensurePart, errorPart, tryPart;
-      o.indent += TAB;
-      errorPart = this.error ? " (" + (this.error.compile(o)) + ") " : ' ';
-      tryPart = this.attempt.compile(o, LEVEL_TOP);
-      catchPart = (function() {
-        var _ref2;
-        if (this.recovery) {
-          if (_ref2 = this.error.value, __indexOf.call(STRICT_PROSCRIBED, _ref2) >= 0) {
-            throw SyntaxError("catch variable may not be \"" + this.error.value + "\"");
-          }
-          if (!o.scope.check(this.error.value)) {
-            o.scope.add(this.error.value, 'param');
-          }
-          return " catch" + errorPart + "{\n" + (this.recovery.compile(o, LEVEL_TOP)) + "\n" + this.tab + "}";
-        } else if (!(this.ensure || this.recovery)) {
-          return ' catch (_error) {}';
-        }
-      }).call(this);
-      ensurePart = this.ensure ? " finally {\n" + (this.ensure.compile(o, LEVEL_TOP)) + "\n" + this.tab + "}" : '';
-      return "" + this.tab + "try {\n" + tryPart + "\n" + this.tab + "}" + (catchPart || '') + ensurePart;
-    };
-    return Try;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Throw = Throw = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Throw, _super);
-    function Throw(expression) {
-      this.expression = expression;
-    }
-    Throw.prototype.children = ['expression'];
-    Throw.prototype.isStatement = YES;
-    Throw.prototype.jumps = NO;
-    Throw.prototype.makeReturn = THIS;
-    Throw.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      return this.tab + ("throw " + (this.expression.compile(o)) + ";");
-    };
-    return Throw;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Existence = Existence = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Existence, _super);
-    function Existence(expression) {
-      this.expression = expression;
-    }
-    Existence.prototype.children = ['expression'];
-    Existence.prototype.invert = NEGATE;
-    Existence.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var cmp, cnj, code, _ref2;
-      this.expression.front = this.front;
-      code = this.expression.compile(o, LEVEL_OP);
-      if (IDENTIFIER.test(code) && !o.scope.check(code)) {
-        _ref2 = this.negated ? ['===', '||'] : ['!==', '&&'], cmp = _ref2[0], cnj = _ref2[1];
-        code = "typeof " + code + " " + cmp + " \"undefined\" " + cnj + " " + code + " " + cmp + " null";
-      } else {
-        code = "" + code + " " + (this.negated ? '==' : '!=') + " null";
-      }
-      if (o.level <= LEVEL_COND) {
-        return code;
-      } else {
-        return "(" + code + ")";
-      }
-    };
-    return Existence;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.Parens = Parens = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Parens, _super);
-    function Parens(body) {
-      this.body = body;
-    }
-    Parens.prototype.children = ['body'];
-    Parens.prototype.unwrap = function() {
-      return this.body;
-    };
-    Parens.prototype.isComplex = function() {
-      return this.body.isComplex();
-    };
-    Parens.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var bare, code, expr;
-      expr = this.body.unwrap();
-      if (expr instanceof Value && expr.isAtomic()) {
-        expr.front = this.front;
-        return expr.compile(o);
-      }
-      code = expr.compile(o, LEVEL_PAREN);
-      bare = o.level < LEVEL_OP && (expr instanceof Op || expr instanceof Call || (expr instanceof For && expr.returns));
-      if (bare) {
-        return code;
-      } else {
-        return "(" + code + ")";
-      }
-    };
-    return Parens;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.For = For = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(For, _super);
-    function For(body, source) {
-      var _ref2;
-      this.source = source.source, this.guard = source.guard, this.step = source.step, this.name = source.name, this.index = source.index;
-      this.body = Block.wrap([body]);
-      this.own = !!source.own;
-      this.object = !!source.object;
-      if (this.object) {
-        _ref2 = [this.index, this.name], this.name = _ref2[0], this.index = _ref2[1];
-      }
-      if (this.index instanceof Value) {
-        throw SyntaxError('index cannot be a pattern matching expression');
-      }
-      this.range = this.source instanceof Value && this.source.base instanceof Range && !this.source.properties.length;
-      this.pattern = this.name instanceof Value;
-      if (this.range && this.index) {
-        throw SyntaxError('indexes do not apply to range loops');
-      }
-      if (this.range && this.pattern) {
-        throw SyntaxError('cannot pattern match over range loops');
-      }
-      this.returns = false;
-    }
-    For.prototype.children = ['body', 'source', 'guard', 'step'];
-    For.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var body, defPart, forPart, forVarPart, guardPart, idt1, index, ivar, kvar, kvarAssign, lastJumps, lvar, name, namePart, ref, resultPart, returnResult, rvar, scope, source, stepPart, stepvar, svar, varPart, _ref2;
-      body = Block.wrap([this.body]);
-      lastJumps = (_ref2 = last(body.expressions)) != null ? _ref2.jumps() : void 0;
-      if (lastJumps && lastJumps instanceof Return) {
-        this.returns = false;
-      }
-      source = this.range ? this.source.base : this.source;
-      scope = o.scope;
-      name = this.name && this.name.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST);
-      index = this.index && this.index.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST);
-      if (name && !this.pattern) {
-        scope.find(name);
-      }
-      if (index) {
-        scope.find(index);
-      }
-      if (this.returns) {
-        rvar = scope.freeVariable('results');
-      }
-      ivar = (this.object && index) || scope.freeVariable('i');
-      kvar = (this.range && name) || index || ivar;
-      kvarAssign = kvar !== ivar ? "" + kvar + " = " : "";
-      if (this.step && !this.range) {
-        stepvar = scope.freeVariable("step");
-      }
-      if (this.pattern) {
-        name = ivar;
-      }
-      varPart = '';
-      guardPart = '';
-      defPart = '';
-      idt1 = this.tab + TAB;
-      if (this.range) {
-        forPart = source.compile(merge(o, {
-          index: ivar,
-          name: name,
-          step: this.step
-        }));
-      } else {
-        svar = this.source.compile(o, LEVEL_LIST);
-        if ((name || this.own) && !IDENTIFIER.test(svar)) {
-          defPart = "" + this.tab + (ref = scope.freeVariable('ref')) + " = " + svar + ";\n";
-          svar = ref;
-        }
-        if (name && !this.pattern) {
-          namePart = "" + name + " = " + svar + "[" + kvar + "]";
-        }
-        if (!this.object) {
-          lvar = scope.freeVariable('len');
-          forVarPart = "" + kvarAssign + ivar + " = 0, " + lvar + " = " + svar + ".length";
-          if (this.step) {
-            forVarPart += ", " + stepvar + " = " + (this.step.compile(o, LEVEL_OP));
-          }
-          stepPart = "" + kvarAssign + (this.step ? "" + ivar + " += " + stepvar : (kvar !== ivar ? "++" + ivar : "" + ivar + "++"));
-          forPart = "" + forVarPart + "; " + ivar + " < " + lvar + "; " + stepPart;
-        }
-      }
-      if (this.returns) {
-        resultPart = "" + this.tab + rvar + " = [];\n";
-        returnResult = "\n" + this.tab + "return " + rvar + ";";
-        body.makeReturn(rvar);
-      }
-      if (this.guard) {
-        if (body.expressions.length > 1) {
-          body.expressions.unshift(new If((new Parens(this.guard)).invert(), new Literal("continue")));
-        } else {
-          if (this.guard) {
-            body = Block.wrap([new If(this.guard, body)]);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (this.pattern) {
-        body.expressions.unshift(new Assign(this.name, new Literal("" + svar + "[" + kvar + "]")));
-      }
-      defPart += this.pluckDirectCall(o, body);
-      if (namePart) {
-        varPart = "\n" + idt1 + namePart + ";";
-      }
-      if (this.object) {
-        forPart = "" + kvar + " in " + svar;
-        if (this.own) {
-          guardPart = "\n" + idt1 + "if (!" + (utility('hasProp')) + ".call(" + svar + ", " + kvar + ")) continue;";
-        }
-      }
-      body = body.compile(merge(o, {
-        indent: idt1
-      }), LEVEL_TOP);
-      if (body) {
-        body = '\n' + body + '\n';
-      }
-      return "" + defPart + (resultPart || '') + this.tab + "for (" + forPart + ") {" + guardPart + varPart + body + this.tab + "}" + (returnResult || '');
-    };
-    For.prototype.pluckDirectCall = function(o, body) {
-      var base, defs, expr, fn, idx, ref, val, _i, _len, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5, _ref6, _ref7;
-      defs = '';
-      _ref2 = body.expressions;
-      for (idx = _i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; idx = ++_i) {
-        expr = _ref2[idx];
-        expr = expr.unwrapAll();
-        if (!(expr instanceof Call)) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        val = expr.variable.unwrapAll();
-        if (!((val instanceof Code) || (val instanceof Value && ((_ref3 = val.base) != null ? _ref3.unwrapAll() : void 0) instanceof Code && val.properties.length === 1 && ((_ref4 = (_ref5 = val.properties[0].name) != null ? _ref5.value : void 0) === 'call' || _ref4 === 'apply')))) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        fn = ((_ref6 = val.base) != null ? _ref6.unwrapAll() : void 0) || val;
-        ref = new Literal(o.scope.freeVariable('fn'));
-        base = new Value(ref);
-        if (val.base) {
-          _ref7 = [base, val], val.base = _ref7[0], base = _ref7[1];
-        }
-        body.expressions[idx] = new Call(base, expr.args);
-        defs += this.tab + new Assign(ref, fn).compile(o, LEVEL_TOP) + ';\n';
-      }
-      return defs;
-    };
-    return For;
-  })(While);
-  exports.Switch = Switch = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(Switch, _super);
-    function Switch(subject, cases, otherwise) {
-      this.subject = subject;
-      this.cases = cases;
-      this.otherwise = otherwise;
-    }
-    Switch.prototype.children = ['subject', 'cases', 'otherwise'];
-    Switch.prototype.isStatement = YES;
-    Switch.prototype.jumps = function(o) {
-      var block, conds, _i, _len, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4;
-      if (o == null) {
-        o = {
-          block: true
-        };
-      }
-      _ref2 = this.cases;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        _ref3 = _ref2[_i], conds = _ref3[0], block = _ref3[1];
-        if (block.jumps(o)) {
-          return block;
-        }
-      }
-      return (_ref4 = this.otherwise) != null ? _ref4.jumps(o) : void 0;
-    };
-    Switch.prototype.makeReturn = function(res) {
-      var pair, _i, _len, _ref2, _ref3;
-      _ref2 = this.cases;
-      for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        pair = _ref2[_i];
-        pair[1].makeReturn(res);
-      }
-      if (res) {
-        this.otherwise || (this.otherwise = new Block([new Literal('void 0')]));
-      }
-      if ((_ref3 = this.otherwise) != null) {
-        _ref3.makeReturn(res);
-      }
-      return this;
-    };
-    Switch.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      var block, body, code, cond, conditions, expr, i, idt1, idt2, _i, _j, _len, _len1, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4, _ref5;
-      idt1 = o.indent + TAB;
-      idt2 = o.indent = idt1 + TAB;
-      code = this.tab + ("switch (" + (((_ref2 = this.subject) != null ? _ref2.compile(o, LEVEL_PAREN) : void 0) || false) + ") {\n");
-      _ref3 = this.cases;
-      for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref3.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
-        _ref4 = _ref3[i], conditions = _ref4[0], block = _ref4[1];
-        _ref5 = flatten([conditions]);
-        for (_j = 0, _len1 = _ref5.length; _j < _len1; _j++) {
-          cond = _ref5[_j];
-          if (!this.subject) {
-            cond = cond.invert();
-          }
-          code += idt1 + ("case " + (cond.compile(o, LEVEL_PAREN)) + ":\n");
-        }
-        if (body = block.compile(o, LEVEL_TOP)) {
-          code += body + '\n';
-        }
-        if (i === this.cases.length - 1 && !this.otherwise) {
-          break;
-        }
-        expr = this.lastNonComment(block.expressions);
-        if (expr instanceof Return || (expr instanceof Literal && expr.jumps() && expr.value !== 'debugger')) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        code += idt2 + 'break;\n';
-      }
-      if (this.otherwise && this.otherwise.expressions.length) {
-        code += idt1 + ("default:\n" + (this.otherwise.compile(o, LEVEL_TOP)) + "\n");
-      }
-      return code + this.tab + '}';
-    };
-    return Switch;
-  })(Base);
-  exports.If = If = (function(_super) {
-    __extends(If, _super);
-    function If(condition, body, options) {
-      this.body = body;
-      if (options == null) {
-        options = {};
-      }
-      this.condition = options.type === 'unless' ? condition.invert() : condition;
-      this.elseBody = null;
-      this.isChain = false;
-      this.soak = options.soak;
-    }
-    If.prototype.children = ['condition', 'body', 'elseBody'];
-    If.prototype.bodyNode = function() {
-      var _ref2;
-      return (_ref2 = this.body) != null ? _ref2.unwrap() : void 0;
-    };
-    If.prototype.elseBodyNode = function() {
-      var _ref2;
-      return (_ref2 = this.elseBody) != null ? _ref2.unwrap() : void 0;
-    };
-    If.prototype.addElse = function(elseBody) {
-      if (this.isChain) {
-        this.elseBodyNode().addElse(elseBody);
-      } else {
-        this.isChain = elseBody instanceof If;
-        this.elseBody = this.ensureBlock(elseBody);
-      }
-      return this;
-    };
-    If.prototype.isStatement = function(o) {
-      var _ref2;
-      return (o != null ? o.level : void 0) === LEVEL_TOP || this.bodyNode().isStatement(o) || ((_ref2 = this.elseBodyNode()) != null ? _ref2.isStatement(o) : void 0);
-    };
-    If.prototype.jumps = function(o) {
-      var _ref2;
-      return this.body.jumps(o) || ((_ref2 = this.elseBody) != null ? _ref2.jumps(o) : void 0);
-    };
-    If.prototype.compileNode = function(o) {
-      if (this.isStatement(o)) {
-        return this.compileStatement(o);
-      } else {
-        return this.compileExpression(o);
-      }
-    };
-    If.prototype.makeReturn = function(res) {
-      if (res) {
-        this.elseBody || (this.elseBody = new Block([new Literal('void 0')]));
-      }
-      this.body && (this.body = new Block([this.body.makeReturn(res)]));
-      this.elseBody && (this.elseBody = new Block([this.elseBody.makeReturn(res)]));
-      return this;
-    };
-    If.prototype.ensureBlock = function(node) {
-      if (node instanceof Block) {
-        return node;
-      } else {
-        return new Block([node]);
-      }
-    };
-    If.prototype.compileStatement = function(o) {
-      var body, child, cond, exeq, ifPart;
-      child = del(o, 'chainChild');
-      exeq = del(o, 'isExistentialEquals');
-      if (exeq) {
-        return new If(this.condition.invert(), this.elseBodyNode(), {
-          type: 'if'
-        }).compile(o);
-      }
-      cond = this.condition.compile(o, LEVEL_PAREN);
-      o.indent += TAB;
-      body = this.ensureBlock(this.body);
-      ifPart = "if (" + cond + ") {\n" + (body.compile(o)) + "\n" + this.tab + "}";
-      if (!child) {
-        ifPart = this.tab + ifPart;
-      }
-      if (!this.elseBody) {
-        return ifPart;
-      }
-      return ifPart + ' else ' + (this.isChain ? (o.indent = this.tab, o.chainChild = true, this.elseBody.unwrap().compile(o, LEVEL_TOP)) : "{\n" + (this.elseBody.compile(o, LEVEL_TOP)) + "\n" + this.tab + "}");
-    };
-    If.prototype.compileExpression = function(o) {
-      var alt, body, code, cond;
-      cond = this.condition.compile(o, LEVEL_COND);
-      body = this.bodyNode().compile(o, LEVEL_LIST);
-      alt = this.elseBodyNode() ? this.elseBodyNode().compile(o, LEVEL_LIST) : 'void 0';
-      code = "" + cond + " ? " + body + " : " + alt;
-      if (o.level >= LEVEL_COND) {
-        return "(" + code + ")";
-      } else {
-        return code;
-      }
-    };
-    If.prototype.unfoldSoak = function() {
-      return this.soak && this;
-    };
-    return If;
-  })(Base);
-  Closure = {
-    wrap: function(expressions, statement, noReturn) {
-      var args, call, func, mentionsArgs, meth;
-      if (expressions.jumps()) {
-        return expressions;
-      }
-      func = new Code([], Block.wrap([expressions]));
-      args = [];
-      if ((mentionsArgs = expressions.contains(this.literalArgs)) || expressions.contains(this.literalThis)) {
-        meth = new Literal(mentionsArgs ? 'apply' : 'call');
-        args = [new Literal('this')];
-        if (mentionsArgs) {
-          args.push(new Literal('arguments'));
-        }
-        func = new Value(func, [new Access(meth)]);
-      }
-      func.noReturn = noReturn;
-      call = new Call(func, args);
-      if (statement) {
-        return Block.wrap([call]);
-      } else {
-        return call;
-      }
-    },
-    literalArgs: function(node) {
-      return node instanceof Literal && node.value === 'arguments' && !node.asKey;
-    },
-    literalThis: function(node) {
-      return (node instanceof Literal && node.value === 'this' && !node.asKey) || (node instanceof Code && node.bound) || (node instanceof Call && node.isSuper);
-    }
-  };
-  unfoldSoak = function(o, parent, name) {
-    var ifn;
-    if (!(ifn = parent[name].unfoldSoak(o))) {
-      return;
-    }
-    parent[name] = ifn.body;
-    ifn.body = new Value(parent);
-    return ifn;
-  };
-    "extends": function() {
-      return "function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (" + (utility('hasProp')) + ".call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; }";
-    },
-    bind: function() {
-      return 'function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }';
-    },
-    indexOf: function() {
-      return "[].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; }";
-    },
-    hasProp: function() {
-      return '{}.hasOwnProperty';
-    },
-    slice: function() {
-      return '[].slice';
-    }
-  };
-  LEVEL_TOP = 1;
-  LEVEL_LIST = 3;
-  LEVEL_COND = 4;
-  LEVEL_OP = 5;
-  TAB = '  ';
-  IDENTIFIER_STR = "[$A-Za-z_\\x7f-\\uffff][$\\w\\x7f-\\uffff]*";
-  IDENTIFIER = RegExp("^" + IDENTIFIER_STR + "$");
-  SIMPLENUM = /^[+-]?\d+$/;
-  METHOD_DEF = RegExp("^(?:(" + IDENTIFIER_STR + ")\\.prototype(?:\\.(" + IDENTIFIER_STR + ")|\\[(\"(?:[^\\\\\"\\r\\n]|\\\\.)*\"|'(?:[^\\\\'\\r\\n]|\\\\.)*')\\]|\\[(0x[\\da-fA-F]+|\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)\\]))|(" + IDENTIFIER_STR + ")$");
-  IS_STRING = /^['"]/;
-  utility = function(name) {
-    var ref;
-    ref = "__" + name;
-    Scope.root.assign(ref, UTILITIES[name]());
-    return ref;
-  };
-  multident = function(code, tab) {
-    code = code.replace(/\n/g, '$&' + tab);
-    return code.replace(/\s+$/, '');
-  };
-};require['./coffee-script'] = new function() {
-  var exports = this;
-  // Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
-(function() {
-  var Lexer, RESERVED, compile, fs, lexer, parser, path, vm, _ref,
-    __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
-  fs = require('fs');
-  path = require('path');
-  _ref = require('./lexer'), Lexer = _ref.Lexer, RESERVED = _ref.RESERVED;
-  parser = require('./parser').parser;
-  vm = require('vm');
-  if (require.extensions) {
-    require.extensions['.coffee'] = function(module, filename) {
-      var content;
-      content = compile(fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8'), {
-        filename: filename
-      });
-      return module._compile(content, filename);
-    };
-  } else if (require.registerExtension) {
-    require.registerExtension('.coffee', function(content) {
-      return compile(content);
-    });
-  }
-  exports.VERSION = '1.3.3';
-  exports.helpers = require('./helpers');
-  exports.compile = compile = function(code, options) {
-    var header, js, merge;
-    if (options == null) {
-      options = {};
-    }
-    merge = exports.helpers.merge;
-    try {
-      js = (parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(code))).compile(options);
-      if (!options.header) {
-        return js;
-      }
-    } catch (err) {
-      if (options.filename) {
-        err.message = "In " + options.filename + ", " + err.message;
-      }
-      throw err;
-    }
-    header = "Generated by CoffeeScript " + this.VERSION;
-    return "// " + header + "\n" + js;
-  };
-  exports.tokens = function(code, options) {
-    return lexer.tokenize(code, options);
-  };
-  exports.nodes = function(source, options) {
-    if (typeof source === 'string') {
-      return parser.parse(lexer.tokenize(source, options));
-    } else {
-      return parser.parse(source);
-    }
-  };
-  exports.run = function(code, options) {
-    var mainModule;
-    if (options == null) {
-      options = {};
-    }
-    mainModule = require.main;
-    mainModule.filename = process.argv[1] = options.filename ? fs.realpathSync(options.filename) : '.';
-    mainModule.moduleCache && (mainModule.moduleCache = {});
-    mainModule.paths = require('module')._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(fs.realpathSync(options.filename)));
-    if (path.extname(mainModule.filename) !== '.coffee' || require.extensions) {
-      return mainModule._compile(compile(code, options), mainModule.filename);
-    } else {
-      return mainModule._compile(code, mainModule.filename);
-    }
-  };
-  exports["eval"] = function(code, options) {
-    var Module, Script, js, k, o, r, sandbox, v, _i, _len, _module, _ref1, _ref2, _require;
-    if (options == null) {
-      options = {};
-    }
-    if (!(code = code.trim())) {
-      return;
-    }
-    Script = vm.Script;
-    if (Script) {
-      if (options.sandbox != null) {
-        if (options.sandbox instanceof Script.createContext().constructor) {
-          sandbox = options.sandbox;
-        } else {
-          sandbox = Script.createContext();
-          _ref1 = options.sandbox;
-          for (k in _ref1) {
-            if (!__hasProp.call(_ref1, k)) continue;
-            v = _ref1[k];
-            sandbox[k] = v;
-          }
-        }
-        sandbox.global = sandbox.root = sandbox.GLOBAL = sandbox;
-      } else {
-        sandbox = global;
-      }
-      sandbox.__filename = options.filename || 'eval';
-      sandbox.__dirname = path.dirname(sandbox.__filename);
-      if (!(sandbox !== global || sandbox.module || sandbox.require)) {
-        Module = require('module');
-        sandbox.module = _module = new Module(options.modulename || 'eval');
-        sandbox.require = _require = function(path) {
-          return Module._load(path, _module, true);
-        };
-        _module.filename = sandbox.__filename;
-        _ref2 = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(require);
-        for (_i = 0, _len = _ref2.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-          r = _ref2[_i];
-          if (r !== 'paths') {
-            _require[r] = require[r];
-          }
-        }
-        _require.paths = _module.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(process.cwd());
-        _require.resolve = function(request) {
-          return Module._resolveFilename(request, _module);
-        };
-      }
-    }
-    o = {};
-    for (k in options) {
-      if (!__hasProp.call(options, k)) continue;
-      v = options[k];
-      o[k] = v;
-    }
-    o.bare = true;
-    js = compile(code, o);
-    if (sandbox === global) {
-      return vm.runInThisContext(js);
-    } else {
-      return vm.runInContext(js, sandbox);
-    }
-  };
-  lexer = new Lexer;
-  parser.lexer = {
-    lex: function() {
-      var tag, _ref1;
-      _ref1 = this.tokens[this.pos++] || [''], tag = _ref1[0], this.yytext = _ref1[1], this.yylineno = _ref1[2];
-      return tag;
-    },
-    setInput: function(tokens) {
-      this.tokens = tokens;
-      return this.pos = 0;
-    },
-    upcomingInput: function() {
-      return "";
-    }
-  };
-  parser.yy = require('./nodes');
-};require['./browser'] = new function() {
-  var exports = this;
-  // Generated by CoffeeScript 1.3.3
-(function() {
-  var CoffeeScript, runScripts;
-  CoffeeScript = require('./coffee-script');
-  CoffeeScript.require = require;
-  CoffeeScript["eval"] = function(code, options) {
-    var _ref;
-    if (options == null) {
-      options = {};
-    }
-    if ((_ref = options.bare) == null) {
-      options.bare = true;
-    }
-    return eval(CoffeeScript.compile(code, options));
-  };
-  CoffeeScript.run = function(code, options) {
-    if (options == null) {
-      options = {};
-    }
-    options.bare = true;
-    return Function(CoffeeScript.compile(code, options))();
-  };
-  if (typeof window === "undefined" || window === null) {
-    return;
-  }
-  CoffeeScript.load = function(url, callback) {
-    var xhr;
-    xhr = new (window.ActiveXObject || XMLHttpRequest)('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
-    xhr.open('GET', url, true);
-    if ('overrideMimeType' in xhr) {
-      xhr.overrideMimeType('text/plain');
-    }
-    xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
-      var _ref;
-      if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
-        if ((_ref = xhr.status) === 0 || _ref === 200) {
-          CoffeeScript.run(xhr.responseText);
-        } else {
-          throw new Error("Could not load " + url);
-        }
-        if (callback) {
-          return callback();
-        }
-      }
-    };
-    return xhr.send(null);
-  };
-  runScripts = function() {
-    var coffees, execute, index, length, s, scripts;
-    scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
-    coffees = (function() {
-      var _i, _len, _results;
-      _results = [];
-      for (_i = 0, _len = scripts.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-        s = scripts[_i];
-        if (s.type === 'text/coffeescript') {
-          _results.push(s);
-        }
-      }
-      return _results;
-    })();
-    index = 0;
-    length = coffees.length;
-    (execute = function() {
-      var script;
-      script = coffees[index++];
-      if ((script != null ? script.type : void 0) === 'text/coffeescript') {
-        if (script.src) {
-          return CoffeeScript.load(script.src, execute);
-        } else {
-          CoffeeScript.run(script.innerHTML);
-          return execute();
-        }
-      }
-    })();
-    return null;
-  };
-  if (window.addEventListener) {
-    addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', runScripts, false);
-  } else {
-    attachEvent('onload', runScripts);
-  }
-    return require['./coffee-script'];
-  }();
-  if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
-    define(function() { return CoffeeScript; });
-  } else { 
-    root.CoffeeScript = CoffeeScript; 
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
index 93eb8d9..16f3f4b 100644
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ b/debian/copyright
@@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ License: MIT
- The correspoinding source for lib/coffee_script/coffee-script.js is provided
- in debian/coffee-script.js
 Files: debian/*
 Copyright: 2012 Antonio Terceiro <terceiro at debian.org>

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-coffee-script-source.git

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