[DRE-commits] [ruby-mail] 01/01: added patch for RSpec3 support (Closes: #794262)

Jonas Genannt genannt at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Aug 16 19:21:55 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

genannt pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-mail.

commit 9d95452261839dc42476f8481aa44df789e8f6e4
Author: Jonas Genannt <jonas at brachium-system.net>
Date:   Sun Aug 16 21:24:25 2015 +0200

    added patch for RSpec3 support (Closes: #794262)
 debian/patches/rspec3.patch | 13631 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series       |     1 +
 2 files changed, 13632 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/patches/rspec3.patch b/debian/patches/rspec3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b93112
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/rspec3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,13631 @@
+From 7bcecd7e2505817c39478f35a3caa167ad34549e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Andrew Harvey <andrew at mootpointer.com>
+Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 20:14:16 +1000
+Subject: [PATCH] Upgrade to RSpec 3.0.0
+Bug: https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/mikel/mail/pull/725.patch
+This upgrade was mostly done with transpec, so is automated. All the
+specs still pass, but there may be ugly style things.
+ mail.gemspec                                       |   2 +-
+ spec/mail/attachments_list_spec.rb                 | 106 +--
+ spec/mail/body_spec.rb                             | 194 ++---
+ spec/mail/configuration_spec.rb                    |  26 +-
+ spec/mail/core_extensions/string_spec.rb           |  28 +-
+ spec/mail/core_extensions_spec.rb                  |  44 +-
+ spec/mail/elements/address_list_spec.rb            |  42 +-
+ spec/mail/elements/address_spec.rb                 | 140 +--
+ spec/mail/elements/date_time_element_spec.rb       |   6 +-
+ spec/mail/elements/envelope_from_element_spec.rb   |  12 +-
+ spec/mail/elements/message_ids_element_spec.rb     |  14 +-
+ spec/mail/elements/phrase_list_spec.rb             |   6 +-
+ spec/mail/elements/received_element_spec.rb        |  10 +-
+ spec/mail/encoding_spec.rb                         |  42 +-
+ spec/mail/encodings/base64_spec.rb                 |   8 +-
+ spec/mail/encodings/quoted_printable_spec.rb       |  16 +-
+ spec/mail/encodings_spec.rb                        | 238 +++---
+ spec/mail/example_emails_spec.rb                   | 190 ++---
+ spec/mail/field_list_spec.rb                       |  12 +-
+ spec/mail/field_spec.rb                            | 144 ++--
+ spec/mail/fields/bcc_field_spec.rb                 |  30 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/cc_field_spec.rb                  |  32 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/comments_field_spec.rb            |  10 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/common/address_container_spec.rb  |   8 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/common/common_address_spec.rb     |  82 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/common/common_date_spec.rb        |   6 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/common/common_field_spec.rb       |  24 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/common/common_message_id_spec.rb  |   8 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/common/parameter_hash_spec.rb     |  36 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/content_description_field_spec.rb |  10 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/content_disposition_field_spec.rb |  38 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/content_id_field_spec.rb          |  44 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/content_location_field_spec.rb    |  16 +-
+ .../fields/content_transfer_encoding_field_spec.rb |  36 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/content_type_field_spec.rb        | 484 +++++------
+ spec/mail/fields/date_field_spec.rb                |  30 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/envelope_spec.rb                  |   6 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/from_field_spec.rb                |  40 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/in_reply_to_field_spec.rb         |  34 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/keywords_field_spec.rb            |  26 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/message_id_field_spec.rb          |  46 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/mime_version_field_spec.rb        |  34 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/received_field_spec.rb            |  32 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/references_field_spec.rb          |  32 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/reply_to_field_spec.rb            |  28 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/resent_bcc_field_spec.rb          |  28 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/resent_cc_field_spec.rb           |  28 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/resent_date_field_spec.rb         |  24 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/resent_from_field_spec.rb         |  28 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/resent_message_id_field_spec.rb   |  16 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/resent_sender_field_spec.rb       |  20 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/resent_to_field_spec.rb           |  28 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/return_path_field_spec.rb         |  12 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/sender_field_spec.rb              |  24 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/structured_field_spec.rb          |  22 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/to_field_spec.rb                  |  40 +-
+ spec/mail/fields/unstructured_field_spec.rb        |  66 +-
+ spec/mail/header_spec.rb                           | 260 +++---
+ spec/mail/mail_spec.rb                             |  14 +-
+ spec/mail/message_spec.rb                          | 947 +++++++++++----------
+ spec/mail/mime_messages_spec.rb                    | 228 ++---
+ spec/mail/multibyte_spec.rb                        |   4 +-
+ spec/mail/multipart_report_spec.rb                 |  44 +-
+ spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/exim_spec.rb    |  24 +-
+ .../network/delivery_methods/file_delivery_spec.rb |  18 +-
+ .../mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail_spec.rb |  26 +-
+ .../delivery_methods/smtp_connection_spec.rb       |  16 +-
+ spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_spec.rb    |  34 +-
+ .../network/delivery_methods/test_mailer_spec.rb   |  20 +-
+ spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap_spec.rb   | 128 +--
+ spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3_spec.rb   | 100 +--
+ .../retriever_methods/test_retriever_spec.rb       |  46 +-
+ spec/mail/network_spec.rb                          | 128 +--
+ spec/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser_spec.rb     |  10 +-
+ .../content_transfer_encoding_parser_spec.rb       |  28 +-
+ spec/mail/part_spec.rb                             |  60 +-
+ spec/mail/parts_list_spec.rb                       |   4 +-
+ spec/mail/round_tripping_spec.rb                   |  18 +-
+ spec/mail/utilities_spec.rb                        | 130 +--
+ .../mail/version_specific/escape_paren_1_8_spec.rb |  10 +-
+ spec/matchers_spec.rb                              |  68 +-
+ spec/spec_helper.rb                                |   1 -
+ 82 files changed, 2577 insertions(+), 2577 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/mail.gemspec b/mail.gemspec
+index 5bbc73e..3d3435a 100644
+--- a/mail.gemspec
++++ b/mail.gemspec
+@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+   s.add_development_dependency('bundler', '>= 1.0.3')
+   s.add_development_dependency('rake', '> 0.8.7')
+-  s.add_development_dependency('rspec', '~> 2.12.0')
++  s.add_development_dependency('rspec', '~> 3.0.0')
+   s.add_development_dependency('rdoc')
+   s.require_path = 'lib'
+diff --git a/spec/mail/attachments_list_spec.rb b/spec/mail/attachments_list_spec.rb
+index 23910f7..aac645e 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/attachments_list_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/attachments_list_spec.rb
+@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ def encode_base64(str)
+ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+   if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-    actual.encoding.should eq Encoding::BINARY
+-    actual.should eq expected.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY)
++    expect(actual.encoding).to eq Encoding::BINARY
++    expect(actual).to eq expected.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY)
+   else
+-    actual.should eq expected
++    expect(actual).to eq expected
+   end
+ end
+@@ -24,51 +24,51 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+   describe "from direct content" do
+     it "should work" do
+       @mail.attachments['test.png'] = @test_png
+-      @mail.attachments['test.png'].filename.should eq 'test.png'
++      expect(@mail.attachments['test.png'].filename).to eq 'test.png'
+       check_decoded(@mail.attachments[0].decoded, @test_png)
+     end
+     it "should work out magically the mime_type" do
+       @mail.attachments['test.png'] = @test_png
+-      @mail.attachments[0].mime_type.should eq 'image/png'
++      expect(@mail.attachments[0].mime_type).to eq 'image/png'
+     end
+     it "should assign the filename" do
+       @mail.attachments['test.png'] = @test_png
+-      @mail.attachments[0].filename.should eq 'test.png'
++      expect(@mail.attachments[0].filename).to eq 'test.png'
+     end
+     it "should assign mime-encoded multibyte filename" do
+       @mail.attachments['てすと.txt'] = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'てすと.txt'), 'rb', &:read)
+-      @mail.attachments.should_not be_blank
+-      Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(@mail.attachments[0].filename, :decode).should eq 'てすと.txt'
++      expect(@mail.attachments).not_to be_blank
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(@mail.attachments[0].filename, :decode)).to eq 'てすと.txt'
+     end
+   end
+   describe "from a supplied Hash" do
+     it "should work" do
+       @mail.attachments['test.png'] = { :content => @test_png }
+-      @mail.attachments[0].filename.should eq 'test.png'
++      expect(@mail.attachments[0].filename).to eq 'test.png'
+       check_decoded(@mail.attachments[0].decoded, @test_png)
+     end
+     it "should allow you to override the content_type" do
+       @mail.attachments['test.png'] = { :content => @test_png,
+                                         :content_type => "application/x-gzip" }
+-      @mail.attachments[0].content_type.should eq 'application/x-gzip'
++      expect(@mail.attachments[0].content_type).to eq 'application/x-gzip'
+     end
+     it "should allow you to override the mime_type" do
+       @mail.attachments['test.png'] = { :content => @test_png,
+                                         :mime_type => "application/x-gzip" }
+-      @mail.attachments[0].mime_type.should eq 'application/x-gzip'
++      expect(@mail.attachments[0].mime_type).to eq 'application/x-gzip'
+     end
+     it "should allow you to override the mime_type" do
+       @mail.attachments['invoice.jpg'] = { :data => "you smiling",
+                                            :mime_type => "image/x-jpg",
+                                            :transfer_encoding => "base64" }
+-      @mail.attachments[0].mime_type.should eq 'image/x-jpg'
++      expect(@mail.attachments[0].mime_type).to eq 'image/x-jpg'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+     it "should set its content_transfer_encoding" do
+       @mail.attachments['test.png'] = { :content => @test_png }
+       @mail.ready_to_send!
+-      @mail.attachments[0].content_transfer_encoding.should eq 'base64'
++      expect(@mail.attachments[0].content_transfer_encoding).to eq 'base64'
+     end
+     it "should encode its body to base64" do
+       @mail.attachments['test.png'] = { :content => @test_png }
+       @mail.ready_to_send!
+-      @mail.attachments[0].encoded.should include(encode_base64(@test_png))
++      expect(@mail.attachments[0].encoded).to include(encode_base64(@test_png))
+     end
+     it "should allow you to pass in an encoded attachment with an encoding" do
+@@ -97,14 +97,14 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+     it "should allow you set a mime type and encoding without overriding the encoding" do
+       encoded = encode_base64('<foo/>')
+       @mail.attachments['test.png'] = { :mime_type => 'text/xml', :content => encoded, :encoding => 'base64' }
+-      @mail.attachments[0].content_transfer_encoding.should eq 'base64'
++      expect(@mail.attachments[0].content_transfer_encoding).to eq 'base64'
+       check_decoded(@mail.attachments[0].decoded, '<foo/>')
+     end
+     it "should not allow you to pass in an encoded attachment with an unknown encoding" do
+       base64_encoded_data = encode_base64(@test_png)
+-      doing {@mail.attachments['test.png'] = { :content => base64_encoded_data,
+-                                               :encoding => 'weird_encoding' }}.should raise_error
++      expect {@mail.attachments['test.png'] = { :content => base64_encoded_data,
++                                               :encoding => 'weird_encoding' }}.to raise_error
+     end
+    it "should be able to call read on the attachment to return the decoded data" do
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+       else
+         expected = @mail.attachments[0].read
+       end
+-      expected.should eq @test_png
++      expect(expected).to eq @test_png
+     end
+     it "should only add one newline between attachment body and boundary" do
+@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+       @mail.attachments['text.txt'] = { :content => contents}
+       encoded = @mail.encoded
+       regex = /\r\n#{Regexp.escape(contents.gsub(/\n/, "\r\n"))}\r\n--#{@mail.boundary}--\r\n\Z/
+-      encoded.should match regex
++      expect(encoded).to match regex
+     end
+   end
+@@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+       mail.attachments['test.gif'] = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.gif'), 'rb', &:read)
+       mail.attachments['test.jpg'] = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.jpg'), 'rb', &:read)
+       mail.attachments['test.zip'] = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.zip'), 'rb', &:read)
+-      mail.attachments[0].filename.should eq 'test.pdf'
+-      mail.attachments[1].filename.should eq 'test.gif'
+-      mail.attachments[2].filename.should eq 'test.jpg'
+-      mail.attachments[3].filename.should eq 'test.zip'
++      expect(mail.attachments[0].filename).to eq 'test.pdf'
++      expect(mail.attachments[1].filename).to eq 'test.gif'
++      expect(mail.attachments[2].filename).to eq 'test.jpg'
++      expect(mail.attachments[3].filename).to eq 'test.zip'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -148,21 +148,21 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+     it "should set the content_disposition to inline or attachment as appropriate" do
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail.attachments['test.pdf'] = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.pdf'), 'rb', &:read)
+-      mail.attachments['test.pdf'].content_disposition.should eq 'attachment; filename=test.pdf'
++      expect(mail.attachments['test.pdf'].content_disposition).to eq 'attachment; filename=test.pdf'
+       mail.attachments.inline['test.png'] = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'), 'rb', &:read)
+-      mail.attachments.inline['test.png'].content_disposition.should eq 'inline; filename=test.png'
++      expect(mail.attachments.inline['test.png'].content_disposition).to eq 'inline; filename=test.png'
+     end
+     it "should return a cid" do
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail.attachments.inline['test.png'] = @test_png
+-      mail.attachments['test.png'].url.should eq "cid:#{mail.attachments['test.png'].cid}"
++      expect(mail.attachments['test.png'].url).to eq "cid:#{mail.attachments['test.png'].cid}"
+     end
+     it "should respond true to inline?" do
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail.attachments.inline['test.png'] = @test_png
+-      mail.attachments['test.png'].should be_inline
++      expect(mail.attachments['test.png']).to be_inline
+     end
+   end
+@@ -174,17 +174,17 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+     end
+     it "should return a content-id for the attachment on creation if passed inline => true" do
+-      @cid.should_not be_nil
++      expect(@cid).not_to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should return a valid content-id on inline attachments" do
+-      Mail::ContentIdField.new(@cid).errors.should be_empty
++      expect(Mail::ContentIdField.new(@cid).errors).to be_empty
+     end
+     it "should provide a URL escaped content_id (without brackets) for use inside an email" do
+       @inline = @mail.attachments['test.gif'].cid
+       uri_parser = URI.const_defined?(:Parser) ? URI::Parser.new : URI
+-      @inline.should eq uri_parser.escape(@cid.gsub(/^</, '').gsub(/>$/, ''))
++      expect(@inline).to eq uri_parser.escape(@cid.gsub(/^</, '').gsub(/>$/, ''))
+     end
+   end
+@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail.attachments['test.pdf'] = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.pdf'), 'rb', &:read)
+       mail.encoded
+-      mail.mime_type.should eq 'multipart/mixed'
++      expect(mail.mime_type).to eq 'multipart/mixed'
+     end
+     it "allows you to set the attachment before the content type" do
+@@ -210,12 +210,12 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+     it "should not raise an exception with a filename that contains a non-7bit-character" do
+       filename = "f\u00f6\u00f6.b\u00e4r"
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-        filename.encoding.should eq Encoding::UTF_8
++        expect(filename.encoding).to eq Encoding::UTF_8
+       end
+       mail = Mail.new
+-      doing {
++      expect {
+         mail.attachments[filename] = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.pdf'), 'rb', &:read)
+-      }.should_not raise_error
++      }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+   end
+@@ -226,48 +226,48 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+     it "should find the attachment using content location" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join('emails', 'attachment_emails', 'attachment_content_location.eml')))
+-      mail.attachments.length.should eq 1
++      expect(mail.attachments.length).to eq 1
+     end
+     it "should find an attachment defined with 'name' and Content-Disposition: attachment" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join('emails', 'attachment_emails', 'attachment_content_disposition.eml')))
+-      mail.attachments.length.should eq 1
++      expect(mail.attachments.length).to eq 1
+     end
+     it "should use the content-type filename or name over the content-disposition filename" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join('emails', 'attachment_emails', 'attachment_content_disposition.eml')))
+-      mail.attachments[0].filename.should eq 'hello.rb'
++      expect(mail.attachments[0].filename).to eq 'hello.rb'
+     end
+     it "should decode an attachment" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join('emails', 'attachment_emails', 'attachment_pdf.eml')))
+-      mail.attachments[0].decoded.length.should eq 1026
++      expect(mail.attachments[0].decoded.length).to eq 1026
+     end
+     it "should find an attachment that has an encoded name value" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join('emails', 'attachment_emails', 'attachment_with_encoded_name.eml')))
+-      mail.attachments.length.should eq 1
++      expect(mail.attachments.length).to eq 1
+       result = mail.attachments[0].filename
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+         expected = "01 Quien Te Dij\212at. Pitbull.mp3".force_encoding(result.encoding)
+       else
+         expected = "01 Quien Te Dij\212at. Pitbull.mp3"
+       end
+-      result.should eq expected
++      expect(result).to eq expected
+     end
+     it "should find an attachment that has a name not surrounded by quotes" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join('emails', 'attachment_emails', "attachment_with_unquoted_name.eml")))
+-      mail.attachments.length.should eq 1
+-      mail.attachments.first.filename.should eq "This is a test.txt"
++      expect(mail.attachments.length).to eq 1
++      expect(mail.attachments.first.filename).to eq "This is a test.txt"
+     end
+     it "should find attachments inside parts with content-type message/rfc822" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join("emails",
+                                          "attachment_emails",
+                                          "attachment_message_rfc822.eml")))
+-      mail.attachments.length.should eq 1
+-      mail.attachments[0].decoded.length.should eq 1026
++      expect(mail.attachments.length).to eq 1
++      expect(mail.attachments[0].decoded.length).to eq 1026
+     end
+     it "attach filename decoding (issue 83)" do
+@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+ limitMAIL
+       mail = Mail.new(data)
+       #~ puts Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(mail.attachments[0].filename, :decode)
+-      mail.attachments[0].filename.should eq "Foto0009.jpg"
++      expect(mail.attachments[0].filename).to eq "Foto0009.jpg"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -325,16 +325,16 @@ def check_decoded(actual, expected)
+     mail.attachments['test.pdf'] = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.pdf'), 'rb', &:read)
+     mail.attachments['test.gif'] = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.gif'), 'rb', &:read)
+     mail.attachments['test.jpg'] = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.jpg'), 'rb', &:read)
+-    mail.attachments[0].filename.should eq 'test.zip'
+-    mail.attachments[1].filename.should eq 'test.pdf'
+-    mail.attachments[2].filename.should eq 'test.gif'
+-    mail.attachments[3].filename.should eq 'test.jpg'
++    expect(mail.attachments[0].filename).to eq 'test.zip'
++    expect(mail.attachments[1].filename).to eq 'test.pdf'
++    expect(mail.attachments[2].filename).to eq 'test.gif'
++    expect(mail.attachments[3].filename).to eq 'test.jpg'
+     mail2 = Mail.new(mail.encoded)
+-    mail2.attachments[0].filename.should eq 'test.zip'
+-    mail2.attachments[1].filename.should eq 'test.pdf'
+-    mail2.attachments[2].filename.should eq 'test.gif'
+-    mail2.attachments[3].filename.should eq 'test.jpg'
++    expect(mail2.attachments[0].filename).to eq 'test.zip'
++    expect(mail2.attachments[1].filename).to eq 'test.pdf'
++    expect(mail2.attachments[2].filename).to eq 'test.gif'
++    expect(mail2.attachments[3].filename).to eq 'test.jpg'
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/body_spec.rb b/spec/mail/body_spec.rb
+index e4c9b7a..0b990de 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/body_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/body_spec.rb
+@@ -26,30 +26,30 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should be instantiated" do
+-      doing { Mail::Body.new }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::Body.new }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should initialize on a nil value" do
+-      doing { Mail::Body.new(nil) }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::Body.new(nil) }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept text as raw source data" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('this is some text')
+-      body.to_s.should eq 'this is some text'
++      expect(body.to_s).to eq 'this is some text'
+     end
+     it "should accept nil as a value and return an empty body" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new
+-      body.to_s.should eq ''
++      expect(body.to_s).to eq ''
+     end
+     it "should accept an array as the body and join it" do
+-      doing { Mail::Body.new(["line one\n", "line two\n"]) }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::Body.new(["line one\n", "line two\n"]) }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept an array as the body and join it" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new(["line one\n", "line two\n"])
+-      body.encoded.should eq "line one\r\nline two\r\n"
++      expect(body.encoded).to eq "line one\r\nline two\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -58,29 +58,29 @@
+     it "should accept text as raw source data" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('this is some text')
+-      body.encoded.should eq 'this is some text'
++      expect(body.encoded).to eq 'this is some text'
+     end
+     it "should set its own encoding to us_ascii if it is ascii only body" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('This is some text')
+-      body.charset.should eq 'US-ASCII'
++      expect(body.charset).to eq 'US-ASCII'
+     end
+     it "should allow you to set its encoding" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('')
+       body.charset = 'UTF-8'
+-      body.charset.should eq 'UTF-8'
++      expect(body.charset).to eq 'UTF-8'
+     end
+     it "should allow you to specify an encoding" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('')
+       body.encoding = 'base64'
+-      body.encoding.should eq 'base64'
++      expect(body.encoding).to eq 'base64'
+     end
+     it "should convert all new lines to crlf" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("This has \n various \r new \r\n lines")
+-      body.encoded.should eq "This has \r\n various \r\n new \r\n lines"
++      expect(body.encoded).to eq "This has \r\n various \r\n new \r\n lines"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -89,30 +89,30 @@
+     it "should convert all new lines to crlf" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("This has \n various \r new \r\n lines")
+-      body.decoded.should eq "This has \n various \n new \n lines"
++      expect(body.decoded).to eq "This has \n various \n new \n lines"
+     end
+     it "should not change a body on decode if not given an encoding type to decode" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("The=3Dbody")
+-      body.decoded.should eq "The=3Dbody"
++      expect(body.decoded).to eq "The=3Dbody"
+     end
+     it "should change return the raw text if it does not recognise the encoding" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("The=3Dbody")
+       body.encoding = '7bit'
+-      body.decoded.should eq "The=3Dbody"
++      expect(body.decoded).to eq "The=3Dbody"
+     end
+     it "should change a body on decode if given an encoding type to decode" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("The=3Dbody")
+       body.encoding = 'quoted-printable'
+-      body.decoded.should eq "The=body"
++      expect(body.decoded).to eq "The=body"
+     end
+     it "should change a body on decode if given an encoding type to decode" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("VGhlIGJvZHk=\n")
+       body.encoding = 'base64'
+-      body.decoded.should eq "The body"
++      expect(body.decoded).to eq "The body"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -122,56 +122,56 @@
+       multipart_body = "this is some text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\nThis is a plain text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<p>This is HTML</p>\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445--\r\n"
+       body = Mail::Body.new(multipart_body)
+       body.split!('----=_Part_2192_32400445')
+-      body.boundary.should eq '----=_Part_2192_32400445'
++      expect(body.boundary).to eq '----=_Part_2192_32400445'
+     end
+     it "should split at the boundry string given returning two message bodies" do
+       multipart_body = "this is some text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\nThis is a plain text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<p>This is HTML</p>\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445--\r\n"
+       body = Mail::Body.new(multipart_body)
+-      body.split!('----=_Part_2192_32400445').parts.length.should eq 2
++      expect(body.split!('----=_Part_2192_32400445').parts.length).to eq 2
+     end
+     it "should keep the preamble text as its own preamble" do
+       multipart_body = "this is some text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\nThis is a plain text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<p>This is HTML</p>\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445--\r\n"
+       body = Mail::Body.new(multipart_body)
+       body.split!('----=_Part_2192_32400445')
+-      body.preamble.should eq "this is some text"
++      expect(body.preamble).to eq "this is some text"
+     end
+     it "should return the parts as their own messages" do
+       multipart_body = "this is some text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\nThis is a plain text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<p>This is HTML</p>\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445--\r\n"
+       body = Mail::Body.new(multipart_body)
+       body.split!('----=_Part_2192_32400445')
+-      body.parts[0].class.should eq Mail::Part
+-      body.parts[1].class.should eq Mail::Part
++      expect(body.parts[0].class).to eq Mail::Part
++      expect(body.parts[1].class).to eq Mail::Part
+     end
+     it "should return the first part as its own message" do
+       multipart_body = "this is some text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\nThis is a plain text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<p>This is HTML</p>\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445--\r\n"
+       body = Mail::Body.new(multipart_body)
+       body.split!('----=_Part_2192_32400445')
+-      body.parts[0].content_type.should eq "text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1"
++      expect(body.parts[0].content_type).to eq "text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+     end
+     it "should return the first part as its own message" do
+       multipart_body = "this is some text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\nThis is a plain text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<p>This is HTML</p>\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445--\r\n"
+       body = Mail::Body.new(multipart_body)
+       body.split!('----=_Part_2192_32400445')
+-      body.parts[1].content_type.should eq "text/html"
++      expect(body.parts[1].content_type).to eq "text/html"
+     end
+     it "should separate out its parts" do
+       multipart_body = "this is some text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\nThis is a plain text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<p>This is HTML</p>\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445--\r\n"
+       body = Mail::Body.new(multipart_body)
+       body.split!('----=_Part_2192_32400445')
+-      body.should be_multipart
++      expect(body).to be_multipart
+     end
+     it "should keep track of its parts" do
+       multipart_body = "this is some text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n\r\nThis is a plain text\r\n\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n<p>This is HTML</p>\r\n------=_Part_2192_32400445--\r\n"
+       body = Mail::Body.new(multipart_body)
+       body.split!('----=_Part_2192_32400445')
+-      body.parts.length.should eq 2
++      expect(body.parts.length).to eq 2
+     end
+     it "should round trip its parts" do
+@@ -182,11 +182,11 @@
+       body.epilogue = "And this is the end"
+       new_body = Mail::Body.new(body.encoded)
+       new_body.split!('----=_Part_2192_32400445')
+-      new_body.parts.length.should eq 2
+-      new_body.parts[0].decoded.should eq "This is a plain text\n"
+-      new_body.parts[1].decoded.should eq "<p>This is HTML</p>"
+-      new_body.preamble.should eq "Really! this is some text"
+-      new_body.epilogue.should eq "And this is the end"
++      expect(new_body.parts.length).to eq 2
++      expect(new_body.parts[0].decoded).to eq "This is a plain text\n"
++      expect(new_body.parts[1].decoded).to eq "<p>This is HTML</p>"
++      expect(new_body.preamble).to eq "Really! this is some text"
++      expect(new_body.epilogue).to eq "And this is the end"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to change the boundary" do
+@@ -196,14 +196,14 @@
+       body.boundary = '------=_MIMEPART'
+       new_body = Mail::Body.new(body.encoded)
+       new_body.split!('------=_MIMEPART')
+-      new_body.parts.length.should eq 2
+-      new_body.preamble.should eq "this is some text"
++      expect(new_body.parts.length).to eq 2
++      expect(new_body.preamble).to eq "this is some text"
+     end
+     it "should split if boundary is not set" do
+       multipart_body = "\n\n--\nDate: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 15:14:20 +0100\nMime-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\nContent-Disposition: attachment;\n filename=\"\"\nContent-ID: <51fa6d3cac796_d84e3fe5a58349e025683 at local.mail>\n\n\n\n----"
+       body = Mail::Body.new(multipart_body)
+-      doing { body.split!(nil) }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { body.split!(nil) }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+   end
+@@ -211,17 +211,17 @@
+   describe "detecting non ascii" do
+     it "should say an empty string is all ascii" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new
+-      body.should be_only_us_ascii
++      expect(body).to be_only_us_ascii
+     end
+     it "should say if a body is ascii" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('This is ASCII')
+-      body.should be_only_us_ascii
++      expect(body).to be_only_us_ascii
+     end
+     it "should say if a body is not ascii" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("This is NOT plain text ASCII − かきくけこ")
+-      body.should_not be_only_us_ascii
++      expect(body).not_to be_only_us_ascii
+     end
+   end
+@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@
+     it "should allow you to add a part" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('')
+       body << Mail::Part.new('')
+-      body.parts.length.should eq 1
+-      body.should be_multipart
++      expect(body.parts.length).to eq 1
++      expect(body).to be_multipart
+     end
+     it "should allow you to sort the parts" do
+@@ -238,12 +238,12 @@
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/html\r\nsubject: HTML")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/plain\r\nsubject: Plain Text")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/enriched\r\nsubject: Enriched")
+-      body.parts.length.should eq 3
+-      body.should be_multipart
++      expect(body.parts.length).to eq 3
++      expect(body).to be_multipart
+       body.sort_parts!
+-      body.parts[0].content_type.should eq "text/plain"
+-      body.parts[1].content_type.should eq "text/enriched"
+-      body.parts[2].content_type.should eq "text/html"
++      expect(body.parts[0].content_type).to eq "text/plain"
++      expect(body.parts[1].content_type).to eq "text/enriched"
++      expect(body.parts[2].content_type).to eq "text/html"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to sort the parts with an arbitrary sort order" do
+@@ -252,12 +252,12 @@
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/html\r\nsubject: HTML")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/plain\r\nsubject: Plain Text")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/enriched\r\nsubject: Enriched")
+-      body.parts.length.should eq 3
+-      body.should be_multipart
++      expect(body.parts.length).to eq 3
++      expect(body).to be_multipart
+       body.sort_parts!
+-      body.parts[0].content_type.should eq "text/plain"
+-      body.parts[1].content_type.should eq "text/html"
+-      body.parts[2].content_type.should eq "text/enriched"
++      expect(body.parts[0].content_type).to eq "text/plain"
++      expect(body.parts[1].content_type).to eq "text/html"
++      expect(body.parts[2].content_type).to eq "text/enriched"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to sort the parts with an arbitrary sort order" do
+@@ -266,12 +266,12 @@
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/plain\r\nsubject: HTML")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/html\r\nsubject: Plain Text")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: application/x-yaml\r\nsubject: Enriched")
+-      body.parts.length.should eq 3
+-      body.should be_multipart
++      expect(body.parts.length).to eq 3
++      expect(body).to be_multipart
+       body.sort_parts!
+-      body.parts[0].content_type.should eq "application/x-yaml"
+-      body.parts[1].content_type.should eq "text/plain"
+-      body.parts[2].content_type.should eq "text/html"
++      expect(body.parts[0].content_type).to eq "application/x-yaml"
++      expect(body.parts[1].content_type).to eq "text/plain"
++      expect(body.parts[2].content_type).to eq "text/html"
+     end
+     it "should sort the parts on encode" do
+@@ -279,12 +279,12 @@
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/html\r\nsubject: HTML")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/plain\r\nsubject: Plain Text")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/enriched\r\nsubject: Enriched")
+-      body.parts.length.should eq 3
+-      body.should be_multipart
++      expect(body.parts.length).to eq 3
++      expect(body).to be_multipart
+       body.encoded
+-      body.parts[0].content_type.should eq "text/plain"
+-      body.parts[1].content_type.should eq "text/enriched"
+-      body.parts[2].content_type.should eq "text/html"
++      expect(body.parts[0].content_type).to eq "text/plain"
++      expect(body.parts[1].content_type).to eq "text/enriched"
++      expect(body.parts[2].content_type).to eq "text/html"
+     end
+     it "should put the part types it doesn't know about at the end" do
+@@ -292,12 +292,12 @@
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/html\r\nsubject: HTML")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/plain\r\nsubject: Plain Text")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: image/jpeg\r\n")
+-      body.parts.length.should eq 3
+-      body.should be_multipart
++      expect(body.parts.length).to eq 3
++      expect(body).to be_multipart
+       body.encoded
+-      body.parts[0].content_type.should eq "text/plain"
+-      body.parts[1].content_type.should eq "text/html"
+-      body.parts[2].content_type.should eq "image/jpeg"
++      expect(body.parts[0].content_type).to eq "text/plain"
++      expect(body.parts[1].content_type).to eq "text/html"
++      expect(body.parts[2].content_type).to eq "image/jpeg"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to sort the parts recursively" do
+@@ -308,14 +308,14 @@
+       body = Mail::Body.new('')
+       body << part
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: image/jpeg\r\nsubject: JPGEG\r\n\r\nsdkjskjdksjdkjsd")
+-      body.parts.length.should eq 2
+-      body.should be_multipart
++      expect(body.parts.length).to eq 2
++      expect(body).to be_multipart
+       body.sort_parts!
+-      body.parts[0].content_type.should match %r{\Amultipart/alternate(;|\Z)}
+-      body.parts[1].content_type.should eq "image/jpeg"
+-      body.parts[0].parts[0].content_type.should eq "text/plain"
+-      body.parts[0].parts[1].content_type.should eq "text/enriched"
+-      body.parts[0].parts[2].content_type.should eq "text/html"
++      expect(body.parts[0].content_type).to match %r{\Amultipart/alternate(;|\Z)}
++      expect(body.parts[1].content_type).to eq "image/jpeg"
++      expect(body.parts[0].parts[0].content_type).to eq "text/plain"
++      expect(body.parts[0].parts[1].content_type).to eq "text/enriched"
++      expect(body.parts[0].parts[2].content_type).to eq "text/html"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to sort the parts recursively" do
+@@ -326,14 +326,14 @@
+       body = Mail::Body.new('')
+       body << part
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: image/jpeg\r\nsubject: JPGEG\r\n\r\nsdkjskjdksjdkjsd")
+-      body.parts.length.should eq 2
+-      body.should be_multipart
++      expect(body.parts.length).to eq 2
++      expect(body).to be_multipart
+       body.sort_parts!
+-      body.parts[0].content_type.should match %r{\Amultipart/alternate(;|\Z)}
+-      body.parts[1].content_type.should eq "image/jpeg"
+-      body.parts[0].parts[0].content_type.should eq "text/plain"
+-      body.parts[0].parts[1].content_type.should eq "text/enriched"
+-      body.parts[0].parts[2].content_type.should eq "text/html"
++      expect(body.parts[0].content_type).to match %r{\Amultipart/alternate(;|\Z)}
++      expect(body.parts[1].content_type).to eq "image/jpeg"
++      expect(body.parts[0].parts[0].content_type).to eq "text/plain"
++      expect(body.parts[0].parts[1].content_type).to eq "text/enriched"
++      expect(body.parts[0].parts[2].content_type).to eq "text/html"
+     end
+     it "should maintain the relative order of the parts with the same content-type as they are added" do
+@@ -346,17 +346,17 @@
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/plain\r\nsubject: Plain Text_2")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: image/jpeg\r\nsubject: JPGEG_2\r\n\r\nsdkjskjdksjdkjsd")
+       body << Mail::Part.new("content-type: text/enriched\r\nsubject: Enriched_2")
+-      body.parts.length.should eq 8
+-      body.should be_multipart
++      expect(body.parts.length).to eq 8
++      expect(body).to be_multipart
+       body.sort_parts!
+-      body.parts[0].subject.should eq "Plain Text_1"
+-      body.parts[1].subject.should eq "Plain Text_2"
+-      body.parts[2].subject.should eq "Enriched_1"
+-      body.parts[3].subject.should eq "Enriched_2"
+-      body.parts[4].subject.should eq "HTML_1"
+-      body.parts[5].subject.should eq "HTML_2"
+-      body.parts[6].subject.should eq "JPGEG_1"
+-      body.parts[7].subject.should eq "JPGEG_2"
++      expect(body.parts[0].subject).to eq "Plain Text_1"
++      expect(body.parts[1].subject).to eq "Plain Text_2"
++      expect(body.parts[2].subject).to eq "Enriched_1"
++      expect(body.parts[3].subject).to eq "Enriched_2"
++      expect(body.parts[4].subject).to eq "HTML_1"
++      expect(body.parts[5].subject).to eq "HTML_2"
++      expect(body.parts[6].subject).to eq "JPGEG_1"
++      expect(body.parts[7].subject).to eq "JPGEG_2"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -364,51 +364,51 @@
+     it "should still equal itself" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('The body')
+-      body.should eq body
++      expect(body).to eq body
+     end
+     it "should match on the body part decoded if given a string to ==" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('The body')
+-      (body == 'The body').should be_true
++      expect(body == 'The body').to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should match on the body part decoded if given a string to ==" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("VGhlIGJvZHk=\n")
+       body.encoding = 'base64'
+-      (body == "The body").should be_true
++      expect(body == "The body").to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should match on the body part decoded if given a string to =~" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('The body')
+-      (body =~ /The/).should eq 0
++      expect(body =~ /The/).to eq 0
+     end
+     it "should match on the body part decoded if given a string to ==" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("VGhlIGJvZHk=\n")
+       body.encoding = 'base64'
+-      (body =~ /The/).should eq 0
++      expect(body =~ /The/).to eq 0
+     end
+     it "should match on the body part decoded if given a string to match" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('The body')
+-      (body.match(/The/))[0].should eq 'The'
++      expect((body.match(/The/))[0]).to eq 'The'
+     end
+     it "should match on the body part decoded if given a string to match" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("VGhlIGJvZHk=\n")
+       body.encoding = 'base64'
+-      (body.match(/The/))[0].should eq 'The'
++      expect((body.match(/The/))[0]).to eq 'The'
+     end
+     it "should match on the body part decoded if given a string to include?" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('The Body')
+-      body.should include('The')
++      expect(body).to include('The')
+     end
+     it "should match on the body part decoded if given a string to include?" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("VGhlIGJvZHk=\n")
+       body.encoding = 'base64'
+-      body.should include('The')
++      expect(body).to include('The')
+     end
+   end
+@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@
+       body = Mail::Body.new("あいうえお\n")
+       body.charset = 'iso-2022-jp'
+       expect = (RUBY_VERSION < '1.9') ? "あいうえお\r\n" : "\e$B$\"$$$&$($*\e(B\r\n"
+-      body.encoded.should eq expect
++      expect(body.encoded).to eq expect
+     end
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/configuration_spec.rb b/spec/mail/configuration_spec.rb
+index ffb375f..05bcf8d 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/configuration_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/configuration_spec.rb
+@@ -17,44 +17,44 @@ def initialize(values)
+       # will not clear it.
+       Mail::Configuration.instance.send(:initialize)
+       Mail.defaults { delivery_method nil, { :address => 'some.host' } }
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings[:address].should eq 'some.host'
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:address]).to eq 'some.host'
+     end
+     it "should be available from the Mail.defaults method" do
+       Mail.defaults { delivery_method :smtp, { :address => 'some.host' } }
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings[:address].should eq 'some.host'
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:address]).to eq 'some.host'
+     end
+     it "should configure sendmail" do
+       Mail.defaults { delivery_method :sendmail, :location => "/usr/bin/sendmail" }
+-      Mail.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::Sendmail
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings[:location].should eq "/usr/bin/sendmail"
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::Sendmail
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:location]).to eq "/usr/bin/sendmail"
+     end
+     it "should configure sendmail using a string" do
+       Mail.defaults { delivery_method 'sendmail', :location => "/usr/bin/sendmail" }
+-      Mail.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::Sendmail
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings[:location].should eq "/usr/bin/sendmail"
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::Sendmail
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:location]).to eq "/usr/bin/sendmail"
+     end
+     it "should configure exim" do
+       Mail.defaults { delivery_method :exim, :location => "/usr/bin/exim" }
+-      Mail.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::Exim
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings[:location].should eq "/usr/bin/exim"
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::Exim
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:location]).to eq "/usr/bin/exim"
+     end
+     it "should configure an open SMTP connection" do
+       smtp = Net::SMTP.start('', 25)
+       Mail.defaults { delivery_method :smtp_connection, {:connection => smtp} }
+-      Mail.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::SMTPConnection
+-      Mail.delivery_method.smtp.should eq smtp
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::SMTPConnection
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.smtp).to eq smtp
+     end
+     it "should accept a plug-in delivery method" do
+       Mail.defaults { delivery_method MyTestDeliveryMethod, { :option1 => "one", :option2 => "two" }}
+-      Mail.delivery_method.class.should eq MyTestDeliveryMethod
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings[:option1].should eq "one"
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings[:option2].should eq "two"
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.class).to eq MyTestDeliveryMethod
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:option1]).to eq "one"
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:option2]).to eq "two"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/core_extensions/string_spec.rb b/spec/mail/core_extensions/string_spec.rb
+index d532759..6a1e743 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/core_extensions/string_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/core_extensions/string_spec.rb
+@@ -6,63 +6,63 @@
+   describe "to_crlf" do
+     it "should change a single LF to CRLF" do
+-      "\n".to_crlf.should eq "\r\n"
++      expect("\n".to_crlf).to eq "\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should change multiple LF to CRLF" do
+-      "\n\n".to_crlf.should eq "\r\n\r\n"
++      expect("\n\n".to_crlf).to eq "\r\n\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should change a single CR to CRLF" do
+-      "\r".to_crlf.should eq "\r\n"
++      expect("\r".to_crlf).to eq "\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should not change CRLF" do
+-      "\r\n".to_crlf.should eq "\r\n"
++      expect("\r\n".to_crlf).to eq "\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should not change multiple CRLF" do
+-      "\r\n\r\n".to_crlf.should eq "\r\n\r\n"
++      expect("\r\n\r\n".to_crlf).to eq "\r\n\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should handle a mix" do
+-      "\r \n\r\n".to_crlf.should eq "\r\n \r\n\r\n"
++      expect("\r \n\r\n".to_crlf).to eq "\r\n \r\n\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+   describe "to_lf" do
+     it "should change a single CR to LF" do
+-      "\r".to_lf.should eq "\n"
++      expect("\r".to_lf).to eq "\n"
+     end
+     it "should change multiple LF to CRLF" do
+-      "\r\r".to_lf.should eq "\n\n"
++      expect("\r\r".to_lf).to eq "\n\n"
+     end
+     it "should change a single CRLF to LF" do
+-      "\r\n".to_lf.should eq "\n"
++      expect("\r\n".to_lf).to eq "\n"
+     end
+     it "should change multiple CR to LF" do
+-      "\r\n\r\n".to_lf.should eq "\n\n"
++      expect("\r\n\r\n".to_lf).to eq "\n\n"
+     end
+     it "should not change LF" do
+-      "\n".to_lf.should eq "\n"
++      expect("\n".to_lf).to eq "\n"
+     end
+     it "should not change multiple CRLF" do
+-      "\n\n".to_lf.should eq "\n\n"
++      expect("\n\n".to_lf).to eq "\n\n"
+     end
+     it "should handle a mix" do
+-      "\r \n\r\n".to_lf.should eq "\n \n\n"
++      expect("\r \n\r\n".to_lf).to eq "\n \n\n"
+     end
+   end
+   describe 'constantize' do
+     it 'should converts string to constant' do
+-      "Kernel".constantize.should eq Kernel
++      expect("Kernel".constantize).to eq Kernel
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/core_extensions_spec.rb b/spec/mail/core_extensions_spec.rb
+index 6ce9e87..906d98d 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/core_extensions_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/core_extensions_spec.rb
+@@ -5,94 +5,94 @@
+   describe "blank method" do
+     it "should say nil is blank" do
+-      nil.should be_blank
++      expect(nil).to be_blank
+     end
+     it "should say false is blank" do
+-      false.should be_blank
++      expect(false).to be_blank
+     end
+     it "should say true is not blank" do
+-      true.should_not be_blank
++      expect(true).not_to be_blank
+     end
+     it "should say an empty array is blank" do
+-      [].should be_blank
++      expect([]).to be_blank
+     end
+     it "should say an empty hash is blank" do
+-      {}.should be_blank
++      expect({}).to be_blank
+     end
+     it "should say an empty string is blank" do
+-      ''.should be_blank
+-      " ".should be_blank
++      expect('').to be_blank
++      expect(" ").to be_blank
+       a = ''; 1000.times { a << ' ' }
+-      a.should be_blank
+-      "\t \n\n".should be_blank
++      expect(a).to be_blank
++      expect("\t \n\n").to be_blank
+     end
+   end
+   describe "not blank method" do
+     it "should say a number is not blank" do
+-      1.should_not be_blank
++      expect(1).not_to be_blank
+     end
+     it "should say a valueless hash is not blank" do
+-      {:one => nil, :two => nil}.should_not be_blank
++      expect({:one => nil, :two => nil}).not_to be_blank
+     end
+     it "should say a hash containing an empty hash is not blank" do
+-      {:key => {}}.should_not be_blank
++      expect({:key => {}}).not_to be_blank
+     end
+   end
+   describe "to_lf method on String" do
+     it "should leave lf as lf" do
+-      "\n".to_lf.should eq "\n"
++      expect("\n".to_lf).to eq "\n"
+     end
+     it "should clean just cr to lf" do
+-      "\r".to_lf.should eq "\n"
++      expect("\r".to_lf).to eq "\n"
+     end
+     it "should leave crlf as lf" do
+-      "\r\n".to_lf.should eq "\n"
++      expect("\r\n".to_lf).to eq "\n"
+     end
+     it "should handle japanese characters" do
+       string = "\343\201\202\343\201\210\343\201\206\343\201\210\343\201\212\r\n\r\n\343\201\213\343\201\215\343\201\217\343\201\221\343\201\223\r\n\r\n\343\201\225\343\201\227\343\201\244\343\201\233\343\201\235\r\n\r\n"
+-      string.to_lf.should eq "\343\201\202\343\201\210\343\201\206\343\201\210\343\201\212\n\n\343\201\213\343\201\215\343\201\217\343\201\221\343\201\223\n\n\343\201\225\343\201\227\343\201\244\343\201\233\343\201\235\n\n"
++      expect(string.to_lf).to eq "\343\201\202\343\201\210\343\201\206\343\201\210\343\201\212\n\n\343\201\213\343\201\215\343\201\217\343\201\221\343\201\223\n\n\343\201\225\343\201\227\343\201\244\343\201\233\343\201\235\n\n"
+     end
+   end
+   describe "to_crlf method on String" do
+     it "should clean just lf to crlf" do
+-      "\n".to_crlf.should eq "\r\n"
++      expect("\n".to_crlf).to eq "\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should clean just cr to crlf" do
+-      "\r".to_crlf.should eq "\r\n"
++      expect("\r".to_crlf).to eq "\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should leave crlf as crlf" do
+-      "\r\n".to_crlf.should eq "\r\n"
++      expect("\r\n".to_crlf).to eq "\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should handle japanese characters" do
+       string = "\343\201\202\343\201\210\343\201\206\343\201\210\343\201\212\r\n\r\n\343\201\213\343\201\215\343\201\217\343\201\221\343\201\223\r\n\r\n\343\201\225\343\201\227\343\201\244\343\201\233\343\201\235\r\n\r\n"
+-      string.to_crlf.should eq "\343\201\202\343\201\210\343\201\206\343\201\210\343\201\212\r\n\r\n\343\201\213\343\201\215\343\201\217\343\201\221\343\201\223\r\n\r\n\343\201\225\343\201\227\343\201\244\343\201\233\343\201\235\r\n\r\n"
++      expect(string.to_crlf).to eq "\343\201\202\343\201\210\343\201\206\343\201\210\343\201\212\r\n\r\n\343\201\213\343\201\215\343\201\217\343\201\221\343\201\223\r\n\r\n\343\201\225\343\201\227\343\201\244\343\201\233\343\201\235\r\n\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+   describe "methods on NilClass" do
+     it "should return empty string on to_crlf" do
+-      nil.to_crlf.should eq ''
++      expect(nil.to_crlf).to eq ''
+     end
+     it "should return empty string on to_lf" do
+-      nil.to_lf.should eq ''
++      expect(nil.to_lf).to eq ''
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/elements/address_list_spec.rb b/spec/mail/elements/address_list_spec.rb
+index 9a6c2d2..5b45b8f 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/elements/address_list_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/elements/address_list_spec.rb
+@@ -6,80 +6,80 @@
+   describe "parsing" do
+     it "should parse an address list" do
+       parse_text  = 'test at lindsaar.net'
+-      doing { Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text) }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text) }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should raise an error if the input is useless" do
+       parse_text = '@@@@@@'
+-      doing { Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text) }.should raise_error
++      expect { Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text) }.to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should not raise an error if the input is just blank" do
+       parse_text = nil
+-      doing { Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text) }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text) }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should raise an error if the input is useless" do
+       parse_text = "This ( is an invalid address!"
+-      doing { Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text) }.should raise_error
++      expect { Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text) }.to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should give the address passed in" do
+       parse_text  = 'test at lindsaar.net'
+       result      = 'test at lindsaar.net'
+       a = Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text)
+-      a.addresses.first.to_s.should eq result
++      expect(a.addresses.first.to_s).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should give the addresses passed in" do
+       parse_text  = 'test at lindsaar.net, test2 at lindsaar.net'
+       result      = ['test at lindsaar.net', 'test2 at lindsaar.net']
+       a = Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text)
+-      a.addresses.map {|addr| addr.to_s }.should eq result
++      expect(a.addresses.map {|addr| addr.to_s }).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should preserve the display name" do
+       parse_text  = '"Mikel Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       result      = 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       a = Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text)
+-      a.addresses.first.format.should eq result
+-      a.addresses.first.display_name.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar'
++      expect(a.addresses.first.format).to eq result
++      expect(a.addresses.first.display_name).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar'
+     end
+     it "should handle and ignore nil addresses" do
+       parse_text  = ' , user-example at aol.com, e-s-a-s-2200 at app.ar.com'
+       result      = ['user-example at aol.com', 'e-s-a-s-2200 at app.ar.com']
+       a = Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text)
+-      a.addresses.map {|addr| addr.to_s }.should eq result
++      expect(a.addresses.map {|addr| addr.to_s }).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should handle truly horrific combinations of commas, spaces, and addresses" do
+       parse_text = '  ,, foo at example.com,  ,    ,,, bar at example.com  ,,'
+       result = ['foo at example.com', 'bar at example.com']
+       a = Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text)
+-      a.addresses.map {|addr| addr.to_s }.should eq result
++      expect(a.addresses.map {|addr| addr.to_s }).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should handle folding whitespace" do
+       parse_text = "foo at example.com,\r\n\tbar at example.com"
+       result = ['foo at example.com', 'bar at example.com']
+       a = Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text)
+-      a.addresses.map {|addr| addr.to_s }.should eq result
++      expect(a.addresses.map {|addr| addr.to_s }).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should handle malformed folding whitespace" do
+-      pending
++      skip
+       parse_text = "leads at sg.dc.com,\n\t sag at leads.gs.ry.com,\n\t sn at example-hotmail.com,\n\t e-s-a-g-8718 at app.ar.com,\n\t jp at t-exmaple.com,\n\t\n\t cc at c-l-example.com"
+       result = %w(leads at sg.dc.com sag at leads.gs.ry.com sn at example-hotmail.com e-s-a-g-8718 at app.ar.com jp at t-exmaple.com cc at c-l-example.com)
+       a = Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text)
+-      a.addresses.map {|addr| addr.to_s }.should eq result
++      expect(a.addresses.map {|addr| addr.to_s }).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should extract comments in addreses which are part of a group" do
+       parse_text = "group: jimmy <jimmy@(comment)example.com>;";
+       result = ["comment"]
+       a = Mail::AddressList.new(parse_text)
+-      a.addresses.first.comments.should eq result
++      expect(a.addresses.first.comments).to eq result
+     end
+   end
+@@ -87,37 +87,37 @@
+   describe "functionality" do
+     it "should give all the groups when asked" do
+       list = Mail::AddressList.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      list.addresses_grouped_by_group.length.should eq 1
++      expect(list.addresses_grouped_by_group.length).to eq 1
+     end
+     it "should ask the group for all its addresses" do
+       list = Mail::AddressList.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      list.addresses_grouped_by_group.values.first.length.should eq 2
++      expect(list.addresses_grouped_by_group.values.first.length).to eq 2
+     end
+     it "should give all the addresses when asked" do
+       list = Mail::AddressList.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      list.addresses.length.should eq 3
++      expect(list.addresses.length).to eq 3
+     end
+     it "should handle a really nasty obsolete address list" do
+-      pending
++      skip
+       psycho_obsolete = "Mary Smith <@machine.tld:mary at example.net>, , jdoe at test   . example"
+       list = Mail::AddressList.new(psycho_obsolete)
+-      list.addresses.length.should eq 2
++      expect(list.addresses.length).to eq 2
+     end
+     it "should create an address instance for each address returned" do
+       list = Mail::AddressList.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+       list.addresses.each do |address|
+-        address.class.should eq Mail::Address
++        expect(address.class).to eq Mail::Address
+       end
+     end
+     it "should provide a list of group names" do
+       list = Mail::AddressList.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      list.group_names.should eq ["my_group"]
++      expect(list.group_names).to eq ["my_group"]
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/elements/address_spec.rb b/spec/mail/elements/address_spec.rb
+index dcd1c80..71870ef 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/elements/address_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/elements/address_spec.rb
+@@ -6,40 +6,40 @@
+   describe "functionality" do
+     it "should allow us to instantiate an empty address object and call inspect" do
+-      doing {
++      expect {
+         Mail::Address.new.inspect
+-      }.should_not raise_error
++      }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should allow us to instantiate an empty address object and call to_s" do
+-      Mail::Address.new.to_s.should eq ''
++      expect(Mail::Address.new.to_s).to eq ''
+     end
+     it "should allow us to instantiate an empty address object and call format" do
+-      Mail::Address.new.format.should eq ''
++      expect(Mail::Address.new.format).to eq ''
+     end
+     it "should allow us to instantiate an empty address object and call address" do
+       [nil, '', ' '].each do |input|
+-        Mail::Address.new(input).address.should eq nil
++        expect(Mail::Address.new(input).address).to eq nil
+       end
+     end
+     it "should allow us to instantiate an empty address object and call local" do
+       [nil, '', ' '].each do |input|
+-        Mail::Address.new(input).local.should eq nil
++        expect(Mail::Address.new(input).local).to eq nil
+       end
+     end
+     it "should allow us to instantiate an empty address object and call domain" do
+       [nil, '', ' '].each do |input|
+-        Mail::Address.new(input).domain.should eq nil
++        expect(Mail::Address.new(input).domain).to eq nil
+       end
+     end
+     ['"-Earnings...Notification-" <vodacom.co.rs>', '<56253817>'].each do |spammy_address|
+       it "should ignore funky local-only spammy addresses in angle brackets #{spammy_address}" do
+-        Mail::Address.new(spammy_address).address.should eq nil
++        expect(Mail::Address.new(spammy_address).address).to eq nil
+       end
+     end
+@@ -47,100 +47,100 @@
+     it "should give its address back on :to_s if there is no display name" do
+       parse_text = 'test at lindsaar.net'
+       result     = 'test at lindsaar.net'
+-      Mail::Address.new(parse_text).to_s.should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Address.new(parse_text).to_s).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should give its format back on :to_s if there is a display name" do
+       parse_text = 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net>'
+       result     = 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Address.new(parse_text).to_s.should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Address.new(parse_text).to_s).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should give back the display name" do
+       parse_text = 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net>'
+       result     = 'Mikel Lindsaar'
+       a          = Mail::Address.new(parse_text)
+-      a.display_name.should eq result
++      expect(a.display_name).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should preserve the display name passed in" do
+       parse_text = '"Mikel Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       result     = 'Mikel Lindsaar'
+       a          = Mail::Address.new(parse_text)
+-      a.display_name.should eq result
++      expect(a.display_name).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should preserve the display name passed in with token unsafe chars" do
+       parse_text = '"Mikel@@@Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       result     = 'Mikel@@@Lindsaar'
+       a          = Mail::Address.new(parse_text)
+-      a.display_name.should eq result
++      expect(a.display_name).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should decode the display name without calling #decoded first" do
+       encoded = '=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Jan_Kr=FCtisch?= <jan at krutisch.de>'
+-      Mail::Address.new(encoded).display_name.should eq 'Jan Krütisch'
++      expect(Mail::Address.new(encoded).display_name).to eq 'Jan Krütisch'
+     end
+     it "should give back the local part" do
+       parse_text = 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net>'
+       result     = 'test'
+       a          = Mail::Address.new(parse_text)
+-      a.local.should eq result
++      expect(a.local).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should give back the domain" do
+       parse_text = 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net>'
+       result     = 'lindsaar.net'
+       a          = Mail::Address.new(parse_text)
+-      a.domain.should eq result
++      expect(a.domain).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should give back the formated address" do
+       parse_text = 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net>'
+       result     = 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net>'
+       a          = Mail::Address.new(parse_text)
+-      a.format.should eq result
++      expect(a.format).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should handle an address without a domain" do
+       parse_text = 'test'
+       result     = 'test'
+       a          = Mail::Address.new(parse_text)
+-      a.address.should eq result
++      expect(a.address).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should handle comments" do
+       parse_text = "Mikel Lindsaar (author) <test at lindsaar.net>"
+       result     = ['author']
+       a          = Mail::Address.new(parse_text)
+-      a.comments.should eq result
++      expect(a.comments).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should handle multiple comments" do
+       parse_text = "Mikel (first name) Lindsaar (author) <test at lindsaar.net>"
+       result     = ['first name', 'author']
+       a          = Mail::Address.new(parse_text)
+-      a.comments.should eq result
++      expect(a.comments).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should handle nested comments" do
+       parse_text  = "bob at example.com (hello   (nested) yeah)"
+       result      = ["hello \(nested\) yeah"]
+       a           = Mail::Address.new(parse_text)
+-      a.comments.should eq result
++      expect(a.comments).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should give back the raw value" do
+       parse_text = "Mikel (first name) Lindsaar (author) <test at lindsaar.net>"
+       result     = "Mikel (first name) Lindsaar (author) <test at lindsaar.net>"
+       a          = Mail::Address.new(parse_text)
+-      a.raw.should eq result
++      expect(a.raw).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should format junk addresses as raw text" do
+       junk = '<"somename at gmail.com">'
+-      Mail::Address.new(junk).format.should eq junk
++      expect(Mail::Address.new(junk).format).to eq junk
+     end
+   end
+@@ -149,27 +149,27 @@
+     it "should allow you to assign an address" do
+       a         = Mail::Address.new
+       a.address = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-      a.address.should eq 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-      a.format.should eq 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(a.address).to eq 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(a.format).to eq 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should allow you to assign a display name" do
+       a              = Mail::Address.new
+       a.display_name = 'Mikel Lindsaar'
+-      a.display_name.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar'
++      expect(a.display_name).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar'
+     end
+     it "should return an empty format a display name and no address defined" do
+       a              = Mail::Address.new
+       a.display_name = 'Mikel Lindsaar'
+-      a.format.should eq ''
++      expect(a.format).to eq ''
+     end
+     it "should allow you to assign an address and a display name" do
+       a              = Mail::Address.new
+       a.address      = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+       a.display_name = 'Mikel Lindsaar'
+-      a.format.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(a.format).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
+         ].each do |(words, ok)|
+           a = Mail::Address.new(words)
+-          a.local.should eq ok
++          expect(a.local).to eq ok
+         end
+       end
+@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
+         ].each do |(words, ok)|
+           a = Mail::Address.new(%Q|me@#{words}|)
+-          a.domain.should eq ok
++          expect(a.domain).to eq ok
+         end
+       end
+     end
+@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
+     describe "email addresses from the wild" do
+       it "should handle |aamine at loveruby.net|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('aamine at loveruby.net')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :display_name => nil,
+                                          :address      => 'aamine at loveruby.net',
+                                          :local        => 'aamine',
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
+       it "should handle |Minero Aoki <aamine at loveruby.net>|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('Minero Aoki <aamine at loveruby.net>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :display_name => 'Minero Aoki',
+                                          :address      => 'aamine at loveruby.net',
+                                          :local        => 'aamine',
+@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
+       it "should handle |Minero Aoki<aamine at loveruby.net>|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('Minero Aoki<aamine at loveruby.net>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :display_name => 'Minero Aoki',
+                                          :address      => 'aamine at loveruby.net',
+                                          :local        => 'aamine',
+@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
+       it 'should handle |"Minero Aoki" <aamine at loveruby.net>|' do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('"Minero Aoki" <aamine at loveruby.net>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :display_name => 'Minero Aoki',
+                                          :address      => 'aamine at loveruby.net',
+                                          :local        => 'aamine',
+@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
+       it "should handle |Minero Aoki<aamine at 0246.loveruby.net>|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('Minero Aoki<aamine at 0246.loveruby.net>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :display_name => 'Minero Aoki',
+                                          :address      => 'aamine at 0246.loveruby.net',
+                                          :local        => 'aamine',
+@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
+         1.upto(10) do |times|
+           dots    = "." * times
+           address = Mail::Address.new("hoge#{dots}test at docomo.ne.jp")
+-          address.should break_down_to({
++          expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                            :display_name => nil,
+                                            :address      => "hoge#{dots}test at docomo.ne.jp",
+                                            :local        => "hoge#{dots}test",
+@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
+         1.upto(10) do |times|
+           dots    = "." * times
+           address = Mail::Address.new("hogetest#{dots}@docomo.ne.jp")
+-          address.should break_down_to({
++          expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                            :display_name => nil,
+                                            :address      => "hogetest#{dots}@docomo.ne.jp",
+                                            :local        => "hogetest#{dots}",
+@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
+       it 'should handle |"Joe & J. Harvey" <ddd @Org>|' do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('"Joe & J. Harvey" <ddd @Org>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'Joe & J. Harvey',
+                                          :display_name => 'Joe & J. Harvey',
+                                          :address      => 'ddd at Org',
+@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
+       it 'should handle |"spickett at tiac.net" <Sean.Pickett at zork.tiac.net>|' do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('"spickett at tiac.net" <Sean.Pickett at zork.tiac.net>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'spickett at tiac.net',
+                                          :display_name => 'spickett at tiac.net',
+                                          :address      => 'Sean.Pickett at zork.tiac.net',
+@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
+       it "should handle |rls at intgp8.ih.att.com (-Schieve,R.L.)|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('rls at intgp8.ih.att.com (-Schieve,R.L.)')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => '-Schieve,R.L.',
+                                          :display_name => nil,
+                                          :address      => 'rls at intgp8.ih.att.com',
+@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
+       it "should handle |jrh%cup.portal.com at portal.unix.portal.com|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('jrh%cup.portal.com at portal.unix.portal.com')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => nil,
+                                          :display_name => nil,
+                                          :address      => 'jrh%cup.portal.com at portal.unix.portal.com',
+@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
+       it "should handle |astrachan at austlcm.sps.mot.com ('paul astrachan/xvt3')|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new("astrachan at austlcm.sps.mot.com ('paul astrachan/xvt3')")
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => "'paul astrachan/xvt3'",
+                                          :display_name => nil,
+                                          :address      => 'astrachan at austlcm.sps.mot.com',
+@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
+       it "should handle 'TWINE57%SDELVB.decnet at SNYBUF.CS.SNYBUF.EDU (JAMES R. TWINE - THE NERD)'" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('TWINE57%SDELVB.decnet at SNYBUF.CS.SNYBUF.EDU (JAMES R. TWINE - THE NERD)')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'JAMES R. TWINE - THE NERD',
+                                          :display_name => nil,
+                                          :address      => 'TWINE57%SDELVB.decnet at SNYBUF.CS.SNYBUF.EDU',
+@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
+       it "should be able to handle 'David Apfelbaum <da0g+ at andrew.cmu.edu>'" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('David Apfelbaum <da0g+ at andrew.cmu.edu>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'David Apfelbaum',
+                                          :display_name => 'David Apfelbaum',
+                                          :address      => 'da0g+ at andrew.cmu.edu',
+@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@
+       it 'should handle |"JAMES R. TWINE - THE NERD" <TWINE57%SDELVB%SNYDELVA.bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>|' do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('"JAMES R. TWINE - THE NERD" <TWINE57%SDELVB%SNYDELVA.bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'JAMES R. TWINE - THE NERD',
+                                          :display_name => 'JAMES R. TWINE - THE NERD',
+                                          :address      => 'TWINE57%SDELVB%SNYDELVA.bitnet at CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU',
+@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@
+       it "should handle '/G=Owen/S=Smith/O=SJ-Research/ADMD=INTERSPAN/C=GB/@mhs-relay.ac.uk'" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('/G=Owen/S=Smith/O=SJ-Research/ADMD=INTERSPAN/C=GB/@mhs-relay.ac.uk')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => nil,
+                                          :display_name => nil,
+                                          :address      => '/G=Owen/S=Smith/O=SJ-Research/ADMD=INTERSPAN/C=GB/@mhs-relay.ac.uk',
+@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
+       it 'should handle |"Stephen Burke, Liverpool" <BURKE at vxdsya.desy.de>|' do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('"Stephen Burke, Liverpool" <BURKE at vxdsya.desy.de>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'Stephen Burke, Liverpool',
+                                          :display_name => 'Stephen Burke, Liverpool',
+                                          :address      => 'BURKE at vxdsya.desy.de',
+@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
+       it "should handle 'The Newcastle Info-Server <info-admin at newcastle.ac.uk>'" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('The Newcastle Info-Server <info-admin at newcastle.ac.uk>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'The Newcastle Info-Server',
+                                          :display_name => 'The Newcastle Info-Server',
+                                          :address      => 'info-admin at newcastle.ac.uk',
+@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@
+       it "should handle 'Suba.Peddada at eng.sun.com (Suba Peddada [CONTRACTOR])'" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('Suba.Peddada at eng.sun.com (Suba Peddada [CONTRACTOR])')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'Suba Peddada [CONTRACTOR]',
+                                          :display_name => nil,
+                                          :address      => 'Suba.Peddada at eng.sun.com',
+@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@
+       it "should handle 'Paul Manser (0032 memo) <a906187 at tiuk.ti.com>'" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('Paul Manser (0032 memo) <a906187 at tiuk.ti.com>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'Paul Manser',
+                                          :display_name => 'Paul Manser',
+                                          :address      => 'a906187 at tiuk.ti.com',
+@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
+       it 'should handle |"gregg (g.) woodcock" <woodcock at bnr.ca>|' do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('"gregg (g.) woodcock" <woodcock at bnr.ca>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'gregg (g.) woodcock',
+                                          :display_name => 'gregg (g.) woodcock',
+                                          :address      => 'woodcock at bnr.ca',
+@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
+       it 'should handle |Graham.Barr at tiuk.ti.com|' do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('Graham.Barr at tiuk.ti.com')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => nil,
+                                          :display_name => nil,
+                                          :address      => 'Graham.Barr at tiuk.ti.com',
+@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@
+       it "should handle |a909937 (Graham Barr          (0004 bodg))|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('a909937 (Graham Barr          (0004 bodg))')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'Graham Barr (0004 bodg)',
+                                          :display_name => nil,
+                                          :address      => 'a909937',
+@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
+       it "should handle |david d `zoo' zuhn <zoo at aggregate.com>|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new("david d `zoo' zuhn <zoo at aggregate.com>")
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => "david d `zoo' zuhn",
+                                          :display_name => "david d `zoo' zuhn",
+                                          :address      => 'zoo at aggregate.com',
+@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
+       it "should handle |(foo at bar.com (foobar), ned at foo.com (nedfoo) ) <kevin at goess.org>|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('(foo at bar.com (foobar), ned at foo.com (nedfoo) ) <kevin at goess.org>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'foo at bar.com \(foobar\), ned at foo.com \(nedfoo\) ',
+                                          :display_name => '(foo at bar.com \(foobar\), ned at foo.com \(nedfoo\) )',
+                                          :address      => 'kevin at goess.org',
+@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
+       it "should handle |Pete(A wonderful ) chap) <pete(his account)@silly.test(his host)>|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('Pete(A wonderful \) chap) <pete(his account)@silly.test(his host)>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'Pete',
+                                          :display_name => 'Pete',
+                                          :address      => 'pete(his account)@silly.test',
+@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
+       it "should handle |Joe Q. Public <john.q.public at example.com>|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('Joe Q. Public <john.q.public at example.com>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'Joe Q. Public',
+                                          :display_name => 'Joe Q. Public',
+                                          :address      => 'john.q.public at example.com',
+@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
+       it "should handle |Mary Smith <@machine.tld:mary at example.net>|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('Mary Smith <@machine.tld:mary at example.net>')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'Mary Smith',
+                                          :display_name => 'Mary Smith',
+                                          :address      => '@machine.tld:mary at example.net',
+@@ -567,9 +567,9 @@
+       end
+       it "should handle |jdoe at test   . example|" do
+-        pending
++        skip
+         address = Mail::Address.new('jdoe at test   . example')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => 'jdoe at test.example',
+                                          :display_name => 'jdoe at test.example',
+                                          :address      => 'jdoe at test.example',
+@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
+       it "should handle |groupname+domain.com at example.com|" do
+         address = Mail::Address.new('groupname+domain.com at example.com')
+-        address.should break_down_to({
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({
+                                          :name         => nil,
+                                          :display_name => nil,
+                                          :address      => 'groupname+domain.com at example.com',
+@@ -603,13 +603,13 @@
+       it "should add an address" do
+         address         = Mail::Address.new
+         address.address = "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+-        address.should break_down_to({:address => 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'})
++        expect(address).to break_down_to({:address => 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'})
+       end
+       it "should add a display name" do
+         address              = Mail::Address.new
+         address.display_name = "Mikel Lindsaar"
+-        address.display_name.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar'
++        expect(address.display_name).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar'
+       end
+     end
+@@ -619,27 +619,27 @@
+     it "should add an address" do
+       address         = Mail::Address.new
+       address.address = "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+-      address.should break_down_to({:address => 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'})
++      expect(address).to break_down_to({:address => 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'})
+     end
+     it "should add a display name" do
+       address              = Mail::Address.new
+       address.display_name = "Mikel Lindsaar"
+-      address.display_name.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar'
++      expect(address.display_name).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar'
+     end
+     it "should take an address and a display name and join them" do
+       address              = Mail::Address.new
+       address.address      = "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+       address.display_name = "Mikel Lindsaar"
+-      address.format.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(address.format).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+     it "should take a display name and an address and join them" do
+       address              = Mail::Address.new
+       address.display_name = "Mikel Lindsaar"
+       address.address      = "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+-      address.format.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(address.format).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -649,21 +649,21 @@
+       address              = Mail::Address.new
+       address.display_name = "Mikel Lindsaar"
+       address.address      = "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+-      address.encoded.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(address.encoded).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+     it "should provide an encoded output for non us-ascii" do
+       address              = Mail::Address.new
+       address.display_name = "まける"
+       address.address      = "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+-      address.encoded.should eq '=?UTF-8?B?44G+44GR44KL?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(address.encoded).to eq '=?UTF-8?B?44G+44GR44KL?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+     it "should provide an encoded output for non us-ascii" do
+       address              = Mail::Address.new
+       address.display_name = "まける"
+       address.address      = "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+-      address.decoded.should eq '"まける" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(address.decoded).to eq '"まける" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/elements/date_time_element_spec.rb b/spec/mail/elements/date_time_element_spec.rb
+index 502f1c7..637b169 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/elements/date_time_element_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/elements/date_time_element_spec.rb
+@@ -4,17 +4,17 @@
+   it "should parse a date" do
+     date_text  = 'Wed, 27 Apr 2005 14:15:31 -0700'
+-    doing { Mail::DateTimeElement.new(date_text) }.should_not raise_error
++    expect { Mail::DateTimeElement.new(date_text) }.not_to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if the input is useless" do
+     date_text = nil
+-    doing { Mail::DateTimeElement.new(date_text) }.should raise_error
++    expect { Mail::DateTimeElement.new(date_text) }.to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if the input is useless" do
+     date_text  = '""""""""""""""""'
+-    doing { Mail::DateTimeElement.new(date_text) }.should raise_error
++    expect { Mail::DateTimeElement.new(date_text) }.to raise_error
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/elements/envelope_from_element_spec.rb b/spec/mail/elements/envelope_from_element_spec.rb
+index 398bfc6..5f0013b 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/elements/envelope_from_element_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/elements/envelope_from_element_spec.rb
+@@ -4,27 +4,27 @@
+   describe "parsing a from envelope string" do
+     it "should parse a full field" do
+-      doing { Mail::EnvelopeFromElement.new("mikel at test.lindsaar.net  Mon Aug  7 00:39:21 2009") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::EnvelopeFromElement.new("mikel at test.lindsaar.net  Mon Aug  7 00:39:21 2009") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should parse a full field with a double digit day" do
+-      doing { Mail::EnvelopeFromElement.new("mikel at test.lindsaar.net  Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::EnvelopeFromElement.new("mikel at test.lindsaar.net  Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should parse a full field with a single space day" do
+-      doing { Mail::EnvelopeFromElement.new("mikel at test.lindsaar.net Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::EnvelopeFromElement.new("mikel at test.lindsaar.net Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+   end
+   describe "accessor methods" do
+     it "should return the address" do
+       envelope = Mail::EnvelopeFromElement.new("mikel at test.lindsaar.net Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009")
+-      envelope.address.should eq "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
++      expect(envelope.address).to eq "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+     end
+     it "should return the date_time" do
+       envelope = Mail::EnvelopeFromElement.new("mikel at test.lindsaar.net Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009")
+-      envelope.date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse("Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009")
++      expect(envelope.date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse("Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009")
+     end
+   end
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
+     it 'should format delivery date using UNIX ctime style' do
+       time = Time.now
+       envelope = Mail::EnvelopeFromElement.new("mikel at test.lindsaar.net #{time.ctime}")
+-      envelope.to_s.should eq "mikel at test.lindsaar.net #{time.ctime}"
++      expect(envelope.to_s).to eq "mikel at test.lindsaar.net #{time.ctime}"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/elements/message_ids_element_spec.rb b/spec/mail/elements/message_ids_element_spec.rb
+index 78f3ba5..1f3879c 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/elements/message_ids_element_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/elements/message_ids_element_spec.rb
+@@ -4,40 +4,40 @@
+   it "should parse a message_id" do
+     msg_id_text  = '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-    doing { Mail::MessageIdsElement.new(msg_id_text) }.should_not raise_error
++    expect { Mail::MessageIdsElement.new(msg_id_text) }.not_to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should parse multiple message_ids" do
+     msg_id_text  = '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-    doing { Mail::MessageIdsElement.new(msg_id_text) }.should_not raise_error
++    expect { Mail::MessageIdsElement.new(msg_id_text) }.not_to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if the input is useless" do
+     msg_id_text = nil
+-    doing { Mail::MessageIdsElement.new(msg_id_text) }.should raise_error
++    expect { Mail::MessageIdsElement.new(msg_id_text) }.to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if the input is useless" do
+     msg_id_text  = '""""""""""""""""'
+-    doing { Mail::MessageIdsElement.new(msg_id_text) }.should raise_error
++    expect { Mail::MessageIdsElement.new(msg_id_text) }.to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should respond to message_ids" do
+     msg_id_text  = '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     msg_ids = Mail::MessageIdsElement.new(msg_id_text)
+-    msg_ids.message_ids.should eq ['1234 at test.lindsaar.net', '1234 at test.lindsaar.net']
++    expect(msg_ids.message_ids).to eq ['1234 at test.lindsaar.net', '1234 at test.lindsaar.net']
+   end
+   it "should respond to message_id" do
+     msg_id_text  = '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     msg_ids = Mail::MessageIdsElement.new(msg_id_text)
+-    msg_ids.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++    expect(msg_ids.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+   end
+   it "should not fail to parse a message id with dots in it" do
+     text = "<4afb664ca3078_48dc..fdbe32b865532b at ax-desktop.mail>"
+     m = Mail::MessageIdsElement.new(text)
+-    m.message_id.should eq "4afb664ca3078_48dc..fdbe32b865532b at ax-desktop.mail"
++    expect(m.message_id).to eq "4afb664ca3078_48dc..fdbe32b865532b at ax-desktop.mail"
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/elements/phrase_list_spec.rb b/spec/mail/elements/phrase_list_spec.rb
+index dbffaf5..b8e0301 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/elements/phrase_list_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/elements/phrase_list_spec.rb
+@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
+   describe "parsing" do
+     it "should parse a phrase list" do
+       parse_text  = '"Mikel Lindsaar", "Mikel", you, somewhere'
+-      doing { Mail::PhraseList.new(parse_text) }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::PhraseList.new(parse_text) }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should raise an error if the input is useless" do
+       parse_text = nil
+-      doing { Mail::PhraseList.new(parse_text) }.should raise_error
++      expect { Mail::PhraseList.new(parse_text) }.to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should not raise an error if the input is empty" do
+       parse_text  = '""""""""""""""""'
+-      Mail::PhraseList.new(parse_text).phrases.should eq [parse_text[1...-1]]
++      expect(Mail::PhraseList.new(parse_text).phrases).to eq [parse_text[1...-1]]
+     end
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/elements/received_element_spec.rb b/spec/mail/elements/received_element_spec.rb
+index 6461ebd..283fbab 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/elements/received_element_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/elements/received_element_spec.rb
+@@ -4,31 +4,31 @@
+   it "should parse a date" do
+     received_text  = 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)'
+-    doing { Mail::ReceivedElement.new(received_text) }.should_not raise_error
++    expect { Mail::ReceivedElement.new(received_text) }.not_to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if the input is useless" do
+     received_text = nil
+-    doing { Mail::ReceivedElement.new(received_text) }.should raise_error
++    expect { Mail::ReceivedElement.new(received_text) }.to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if the input is useless" do
+     received_text  = '""""""""""""""""'
+-    doing { Mail::ReceivedElement.new(received_text) }.should raise_error
++    expect { Mail::ReceivedElement.new(received_text) }.to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should give back the date time" do
+     received_text  = 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)'
+     date_text = '10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)'
+     rec = Mail::ReceivedElement.new(received_text)
+-    rec.date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse(date_text)
++    expect(rec.date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse(date_text)
+   end
+   it "should give back the info" do
+     received_text  = 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)'
+     info_text = 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>'
+     rec = Mail::ReceivedElement.new(received_text)
+-    rec.info.should eq info_text
++    expect(rec.info).to eq info_text
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/encoding_spec.rb b/spec/mail/encoding_spec.rb
+index f8f7a57..72c4fe9 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/encoding_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/encoding_spec.rb
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+   it "should allow you to assign a mail wide charset" do
+     mail = Mail.new
+     mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+-    mail.charset.should eq 'utf-8'
++    expect(mail.charset).to eq 'utf-8'
+   end
+   describe "using default encoding" do
+@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
+       mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+       mail.subject = "This is あ string"
+       result = "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?=\r\n"
+-      mail[:subject].encoded.should eq result
++      expect(mail[:subject].encoded).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in unencoded strings to address fields and encode them" do
+@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
+       mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+       mail.to = "Mikel Lindsああr <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>"
+       result = "To: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+-      mail[:to].encoded.should eq result
++      expect(mail[:to].encoded).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in unencoded strings to address fields and encode them" do
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
+       mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+       mail.to = "あdあ <ada at test.lindsaar.net>"
+       result = "To: =?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+-      mail[:to].encoded.should eq result
++      expect(mail[:to].encoded).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in multiple unencoded strings to address fields and encode them" do
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
+       mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+       mail.to = ["Mikel Lindsああr <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>", "あdあ <ada at test.lindsaar.net>"]
+       result = "To: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+-      mail[:to].encoded.should eq result
++      expect(mail[:to].encoded).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send unquoted non us-ascii strings, with spaces in them" do
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
+       mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+       mail.to = ["Foo áëô îü <extended at example.net>"]
+       result = "To: Foo =?UTF-8?B?w6HDq8O0?= =?UTF-8?B?IMOuw7w=?= <extended at example.net>\r\n"
+-      mail[:to].encoded.should eq result
++      expect(mail[:to].encoded).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in multiple unencoded strings to any address field" do
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+       ['To', 'From', 'Cc', 'Reply-To'].each do |field|
+         mail.send("#{field.downcase.gsub("-", '_')}=", ["Mikel Lindsああr <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>", "あdあ <ada at test.lindsaar.net>"])
+         result = "#{field}: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+-        mail[field].encoded.should eq result
++        expect(mail[field].encoded).to eq result
+       end
+     end
+@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
+       mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+       mail.to = "test1 at lindsaar.net, group: test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;"
+       result = "To: test1 at lindsaar.net, \r\n\sgroup: test2 at lindsaar.net, \r\n\sme at lindsaar.net;\r\n"
+-      mail[:to].encoded.should eq result
++      expect(mail[:to].encoded).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should handle groups with funky characters" do
+@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
+       mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+       mail.to = '"Mikel Lindsああr" <test1 at lindsaar.net>, group: "あdあ" <test2 at lindsaar.net>, me at lindsaar.net;'
+       result = "To: =?UTF-8?B?TWlrZWwgTGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <test1 at lindsaar.net>, \r\n\sgroup: =?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <test2 at lindsaar.net>, \r\n\sme at lindsaar.net;\r\n"
+-      mail[:to].encoded.should eq result
++      expect(mail[:to].encoded).to eq result
+     end
+     describe "quoting token safe chars" do
+@@ -82,32 +82,32 @@
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+         mail.to = 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-        mail[:to].encoded.should eq %{To: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n}
++        expect(mail[:to].encoded).to eq %{To: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n}
+       end
+       it "should not quote the display name if already quoted" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+         mail.to = '"Mikel Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-        mail[:to].encoded.should eq %{To: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n}
++        expect(mail[:to].encoded).to eq %{To: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n}
+       end
+     end
+     describe "quoting token unsafe chars" do
+       it "should quote the display name" do
+-        pending
++        skip
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+         mail.to = "Mikel @ me Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>"
+-        mail[:to].encoded.should eq %{To: "Mikel @ me Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n}
++        expect(mail[:to].encoded).to eq %{To: "Mikel @ me Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n}
+       end
+       it "should preserve quotes needed from the user and not double quote" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+         mail.to = %{"Mikel @ me Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>}
+-        mail[:to].encoded.should eq %{To: "Mikel @ me Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n}
++        expect(mail[:to].encoded).to eq %{To: "Mikel @ me Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n}
+       end
+     end
+   end
+@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
+         string.force_encoding('ISO8859-1')
+         result.force_encoding('ISO8859-1')
+       end
+-      result.should eq string
++      expect(result).to eq string
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in unencoded strings to address fields and encode them" do
+@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
+         string.force_encoding('ISO8859-1')
+         result.force_encoding('ISO8859-1')
+       end
+-      result.should eq string
++      expect(result).to eq string
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in multiple unencoded strings to address fields and encode them" do
+@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
+         string.force_encoding('ISO8859-1')
+         result.force_encoding('ISO8859-1')
+       end
+-      result.should eq string
++      expect(result).to eq string
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in multiple unencoded strings to any address field" do
+@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
+           string.force_encoding('ISO8859-1')
+           result.force_encoding('ISO8859-1')
+         end
+-        result.should eq string
++        expect(result).to eq string
+       end
+     end
+   end
+@@ -183,16 +183,16 @@
+     part.charset = "ISO-8859-1"
+     part.body = "blah"
+     mail.add_part(part)
+-    mail.parts[0].content_type.should eq "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
++    expect(mail.parts[0].content_type).to eq "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"
+   end
+   it "should skip invalid characters" do
+     m = Mail.new
+     m['Subject'] = Mail::SubjectField.new("=?utf-8?Q?Hello_=96_World?=")
+     if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9'
+-      lambda { m.subject.should be_valid_encoding }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { expect(m.subject).to be_valid_encoding }.not_to raise_error
+     else
+-      m.subject.should eq "Hello  World"
++      expect(m.subject).to eq "Hello  World"
+     end
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/encodings/base64_spec.rb b/spec/mail/encodings/base64_spec.rb
+index 4f33f09..a9f9059 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/encodings/base64_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/encodings/base64_spec.rb
+@@ -4,22 +4,22 @@
+   it "should encode base 64 from text" do
+     result = "VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q=\r\n"
+-    Mail::Encodings::Base64.encode('This is a test').should eq result
++    expect(Mail::Encodings::Base64.encode('This is a test')).to eq result
+   end
+   it "should decode base 64 text" do
+     result = 'This is a test'
+-    Mail::Encodings::Base64.decode("VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q=\n").should eq result
++    expect(Mail::Encodings::Base64.decode("VGhpcyBpcyBhIHRlc3Q=\n")).to eq result
+   end
+   it "should encode base 64 from binary" do
+     result = "AAAAAA==\r\n"
+-    Mail::Encodings::Base64.encode("\000\000\000\000").should eq result
++    expect(Mail::Encodings::Base64.encode("\000\000\000\000")).to eq result
+   end
+   it "should decode base 64 text" do
+     result = "\000\000\000\000"
+-    Mail::Encodings::Base64.decode("AAAAAA==\n").should eq result
++    expect(Mail::Encodings::Base64.decode("AAAAAA==\n")).to eq result
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/encodings/quoted_printable_spec.rb b/spec/mail/encodings/quoted_printable_spec.rb
+index 0f6ef95..7e7f0ee 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/encodings/quoted_printable_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/encodings/quoted_printable_spec.rb
+@@ -4,39 +4,39 @@
+   it "should encode quoted printable from text" do
+     result = "This is\r\na test=\r\n"
+-    Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.encode("This is\na test").should eq result
++    expect(Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.encode("This is\na test")).to eq result
+   end
+   it "should encode quoted printable from crlf text" do
+     result = "This is\r\na test=\r\n"
+-    Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.encode("This is\r\na test").should eq result
++    expect(Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.encode("This is\r\na test")).to eq result
+   end
+   it "should encode quoted printable from cr text" do
+     result = "This is\r\na test=\r\n"
+-    Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.encode("This is\ra test").should eq result
++    expect(Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.encode("This is\ra test")).to eq result
+   end
+   it "should decode quoted printable" do
+     result = "This is\na test"
+-    Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.decode("This is\r\na test").should eq result
++    expect(Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.decode("This is\r\na test")).to eq result
+   end
+   it "should encode quoted printable from binary" do
+     result = "=00=00=00=00=\r\n"
+-    Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.encode("\000\000\000\000").should eq result
++    expect(Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.encode("\000\000\000\000")).to eq result
+   end
+   it "should decode quoted printable text" do
+     result = "\000\000\000\000"
+-    Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.decode("=00=00=00=00").should eq result
++    expect(Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.decode("=00=00=00=00")).to eq result
+   end
+   %w(=0D =0A =0D=0A).each do |linebreak|
+     expected = "first line wraps\n\nsecond paragraph"
+     it "should cope with inappropriate #{linebreak} line break encoding" do
+       body = "first line=\r\n wraps#{linebreak}\r\n#{linebreak}\r\nsecond paragraph=\r\n"
+-      Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.decode(body).should eq expected
++      expect(Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.decode(body)).to eq expected
+     end
+   end
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
+     expected = "first line wraps\n\nsecond paragraph"
+     it "should allow encoded #{linebreak} line breaks with soft line feeds" do
+       body = "first line=\r\n wraps#{linebreak}=\r\n#{linebreak}=\r\nsecond paragraph=\r\n"
+-      Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.decode(body).should eq expected
++      expect(Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable.decode(body)).to eq expected
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/encodings_spec.rb b/spec/mail/encodings_spec.rb
+index 5ec0647..37b00bf 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/encodings_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/encodings_spec.rb
+@@ -6,27 +6,27 @@
+   describe "base64 Encoding" do
+     it "should return true for base64" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.defined?('base64').should be_true
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.defined?('base64')).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should return true for Base64" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.defined?('Base64').should be_true
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.defined?('Base64')).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should return true for :base64" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.defined?(:base64).should be_true
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.defined?(:base64)).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should return the Base64 Encoding class" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.get_encoding('Base64').should eq Mail::Encodings::Base64
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.get_encoding('Base64')).to eq Mail::Encodings::Base64
+     end
+     it "should return the base64 Encoding class" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.get_encoding('base64').should eq Mail::Encodings::Base64
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.get_encoding('base64')).to eq Mail::Encodings::Base64
+     end
+     it "should return the base64 Encoding class" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.get_encoding(:base64).should eq Mail::Encodings::Base64
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.get_encoding(:base64)).to eq Mail::Encodings::Base64
+     end
+   end
+@@ -34,27 +34,27 @@
+   describe "quoted-printable Encoding" do
+     it "should return true for quoted-printable" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.defined?('quoted-printable').should be_true
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.defined?('quoted-printable')).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should return true for Quoted-Printable" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.defined?('Quoted-Printable').should be_true
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.defined?('Quoted-Printable')).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should return true for :quoted_printable" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.defined?(:quoted_printable).should be_true
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.defined?(:quoted_printable)).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should return the QuotedPrintable Encoding class" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.get_encoding('quoted-printable').should eq Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.get_encoding('quoted-printable')).to eq Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable
+     end
+     it "should return the QuotedPrintable Encoding class" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.get_encoding('Quoted-Printable').should eq Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.get_encoding('Quoted-Printable')).to eq Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable
+     end
+     it "should return the QuotedPrintable Encoding class" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.get_encoding(:quoted_printable).should eq Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.get_encoding(:quoted_printable)).to eq Mail::Encodings::QuotedPrintable
+     end
+   end
+@@ -81,10 +81,10 @@
+       result = "This is a string"
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.1"
+         string = string.force_encoding('US-ASCII')
+-        Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string).should eq(result)
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string)).to eq(result)
+       else
+         encoding = 'US-ASCII'
+-        Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string, encoding).should eq(result)
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string, encoding)).to eq(result)
+       end
+     end
+@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@
+       result = '=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?='
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.1"
+         string = string.force_encoding('UTF-8')
+-        Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string).should eq(result)
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string)).to eq(result)
+       else
+         string = "This is あ string"
+         encoding = 'UTF-8'
+-        Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string, encoding).should eq(result)
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string, encoding)).to eq(result)
+       end
+     end
+@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@
+       string = "This is あ string"
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.1"
+         string = string.force_encoding('UTF-8')
+-        doing {Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string)}.should_not raise_error
++        expect {Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string)}.not_to raise_error
+       else
+-        doing {Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string, nil)}.should raise_error("Must supply an encoding")
++        expect {Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string, nil)}.to raise_error("Must supply an encoding")
+       end
+     end
+@@ -116,10 +116,10 @@
+       result = '=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgcmVhbGx5IGxvbmcgc3RyaW5nIFRoaXMgaXMg44GCIHJl?= =?UTF-8?B?YWxseSBsb25nIHN0cmluZyBUaGlzIGlzIOOBgiByZWFsbHkgbG9uZyBzdHJp?= =?UTF-8?B?bmcgVGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgcmVhbGx5IGxvbmcgc3RyaW5nIFRoaXMgaXMg44GC?= =?UTF-8?B?IHJlYWxseSBsb25nIHN0cmluZw==?='
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.1"
+         string = string.force_encoding('UTF-8')
+-        Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string).should eq(result)
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string)).to eq(result)
+       else
+         encoding = 'UTF-8'
+-        Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string, encoding).should eq(result)
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.b_value_encode(string, encoding)).to eq(result)
+       end
+     end
+@@ -127,65 +127,65 @@
+       string = '=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?='
+       result = "This is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should decode a long encoded string" do
+       string = '=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgcmVhbGx5IGxvbmcgc3RyaW5nIFRoaXMgaXMg44GCIHJl?= =?UTF-8?B?YWxseSBsb25nIHN0cmluZyBUaGlzIGlzIOOBgiByZWFsbHkgbG9uZyBzdHJp?= =?UTF-8?B?bmcgVGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgcmVhbGx5IGxvbmcgc3RyaW5nIFRoaXMgaXMg44GC?= =?UTF-8?B?IHJlYWxseSBsb25nIHN0cmluZw==?='
+       result = "This is あ really long string This is あ really long string This is あ really long string This is あ really long string This is あ really long string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should decode UTF-16 encoded string" do
+       string = "=?UTF-16?B?MEIwRDBGMEgwSg==?="
+       result = "あいうえお"
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should == result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq(result)
+     end
+     it "should decode UTF-32 encoded string" do
+       string = "=?UTF-32?B?AAAwQgAAMEQAADBGAAAwSAAAMEo=?="
+       result = "あいうえお"
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should == result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq(result)
+     end
+     it "should decode a string that looks similar to an encoded string (contains '=?')" do
+       string = "1+1=?"
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should == string
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq(string)
+     end
+     it "should collapse adjacent words" do
+       string = "=?utf-8?B?0L3QvtCy0YvQuSDRgdC+0YLRgNGD0LTQvdC40Log4oCUINC00L7RgNC+0YQ=?=\n =?utf-8?B?0LXQtdCy?="
+       result = "новый сотрудник — дорофеев"
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should == result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq(result)
+     end
+     it "should parse adjacent words with no space" do
+       string = "=?utf-8?B?0L3QvtCy0YvQuSDRgdC+0YLRgNGD0LTQvdC40Log4oCUINC00L7RgNC+0YQ=?==?utf-8?B?0LXQtdCy?="
+       result = "новый сотрудник — дорофеев"
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should == result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq(result)
+     end
+     if '1.9'.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
+       it "should decode 8bit encoded string" do
+         string = "=?8bit?Q?ALPH=C3=89E?="
+         result = "ALPH\xC3\x89E"
+-        Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should == result
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq(result)
+       end
+       it "should decode ks_c_5601-1987 encoded string" do
+         string = '=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?seggx/bB+A==?= <a at b.org>'.force_encoding('us-ascii')
+-        Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should == "김 현진 <a at b.org>"
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq("김 현진 <a at b.org>")
+       end
+       it "should decode shift-jis encoded string" do
+         string = '=?shift-jis?Q?=93=FA=96{=8C=EA=?='.force_encoding('us-ascii')
+-        Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should == "日本語"
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq("日本語")
+       end
+       it "should decode GB18030 encoded string misidentified as GB2312" do
+         string = '=?GB2312?B?6V8=?='.force_encoding('us-ascii')
+-        Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should == "開"
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq("開")
+       end
+     end
+   end
+@@ -211,11 +211,11 @@
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.1"
+         string = "This is a string"
+         string = string.force_encoding('US-ASCII')
+-        Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string).should eq "This is a string"
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string)).to eq "This is a string"
+       else
+         string = "This is a string"
+         encoding = 'US-ASCII'
+-        Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string, encoding).should eq "This is a string"
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string, encoding)).to eq "This is a string"
+       end
+     end
+@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.1"
+         string = "This is あ string"
+         string = string.force_encoding('UTF-8')
+-        doing {Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string)}.should_not raise_error
++        expect {Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string)}.not_to raise_error
+       else
+         string = "This is あ string"
+-        doing {Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string)}.should raise_error("Must supply an encoding")
++        expect {Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string)}.to raise_error("Must supply an encoding")
+       end
+     end
+@@ -234,11 +234,11 @@
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= "1.9.1"
+         string = "This is あ string"
+         string = string.force_encoding('UTF-8')
+-        Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string).should eq '=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?='
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string)).to eq '=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?='
+       else
+         string = "This is あ string"
+         encoding = 'UTF-8'
+-        Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string, encoding).should eq '=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?='
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.q_value_encode(string, encoding)).to eq '=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?='
+       end
+     end
+@@ -246,21 +246,21 @@
+       string = '=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?='
+       result = "This is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should detect a q encoded string and decode it" do
+       string = '=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?='
+       result = "This is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should decode q encoded =5F as underscore" do
+       string = "=?UTF-8?Q?This_=C2=AD_and=5Fthat?="
+       result = "This ­ and_that"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should not fold a long string that has no spaces" do
+@@ -273,8 +273,8 @@
+       end
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail.subject = original
+-      mail[:subject].decoded.should eq original
+-      mail[:subject].encoded.should eq result
++      expect(mail[:subject].decoded).to eq original
++      expect(mail[:subject].encoded).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should round trip a complex string properly" do
+@@ -285,14 +285,14 @@
+       result = "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?=D0=92=D0=BE=D1=81=D1=81=D1=82=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B8=D0=B5=D0=92=D0=BE=D1=81=D1=81=D1=82=D0=B0=D0=BD=D0=BE=D0=B2=D0=BB=D0=B5=D0=BD=D0=B8=D0=B5=D0=92=D0=B0=D1=88=D0=B5=D0=B3=D0=BE=D0=BF=D0=B0=D1=80=D0=BE=D0=BB=D1=8F?=\r\n =?UTF-8?Q?_This_is_a_NUT=3F=3F=3F=3F=3FZ=5F=5Fstring_that=3D=3D_could?=\r\n =?UTF-8?Q?_=28break=29_anything?=\r\n"
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail.subject = original
+-      mail[:subject].decoded.should eq original
+-      mail[:subject].encoded.should eq result
++      expect(mail[:subject].decoded).to eq original
++      expect(mail[:subject].encoded).to eq result
+       mail = Mail.new(mail.encoded)
+-      mail[:subject].decoded.should eq original
+-      mail[:subject].encoded.should eq result
++      expect(mail[:subject].decoded).to eq original
++      expect(mail[:subject].encoded).to eq result
+       mail = Mail.new(mail.encoded)
+-      mail[:subject].decoded.should eq original
+-      mail[:subject].encoded.should eq result
++      expect(mail[:subject].decoded).to eq original
++      expect(mail[:subject].encoded).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should round trip another complex string (koi-8)" do
+@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
+       mail[:subject].charset = 'koi8-r'
+       wrapped = mail[:subject].wrapped_value
+       unwrapped = Mail::Encodings.value_decode(wrapped)
+-      unwrapped.gsub("Subject: ", "").should eq original
++      expect(unwrapped.gsub("Subject: ", "")).to eq original
+     end
+   end
+@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@
+       string = '=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?= =?UTF-8?Q?_This_was_=E3=81=82_string?='
+       result = "This is あ string This was あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+   end
+@@ -353,54 +353,54 @@
+     it "should leave an unencoded string alone" do
+       string = "this isn't encoded"
+       result = "this isn't encoded"
+-      Mail::Encodings.param_decode(string, 'us-ascii').should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.param_decode(string, 'us-ascii')).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should unencode an encoded string" do
+       string = "This%20is%20even%20more%20"
+       result = "This is even more "
+       result.force_encoding('us-ascii') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.param_decode(string, 'us-ascii').should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.param_decode(string, 'us-ascii')).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should unencoded an encoded string and return the right charset on 1.9" do
+       string = "This%20is%20even%20more%20"
+       result = "This is even more "
+       result.force_encoding('us-ascii') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.param_decode(string, 'us-ascii').should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.param_decode(string, 'us-ascii')).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should unencode a complete string that included unencoded parts" do
+       string = "This%20is%20even%20more%20%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A%20isn't it"
+       result = "This is even more ***fun*** isn't it"
+       result.force_encoding('iso-8859-1') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.param_decode(string, 'iso-8859-1').should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.param_decode(string, 'iso-8859-1')).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should encode a string" do
+       string = "This is  あ string"
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-        Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string).should eq "utf-8'en'This%20is%20%20%E3%81%82%20string"
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string)).to eq "utf-8'en'This%20is%20%20%E3%81%82%20string"
+       else
+-        Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string).should eq "utf8'en'This%20is%20%20%E3%81%82%20string"
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string)).to eq "utf8'en'This%20is%20%20%E3%81%82%20string"
+       end
+     end
+     it "should just quote US-ASCII with spaces" do
+       string = "This is even more"
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-        Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string).should eq '"This is even more"'
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string)).to eq '"This is even more"'
+       else
+-        Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string).should eq '"This is even more"'
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string)).to eq '"This is even more"'
+       end
+     end
+     it "should leave US-ASCII without spaces alone" do
+       string = "fun"
+       if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-        Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string).should eq 'fun'
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string)).to eq 'fun'
+       else
+-        Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string).should eq 'fun'
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.param_encode(string)).to eq 'fun'
+       end
+     end
+@@ -412,108 +412,108 @@
+       string = '=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?='
+       result = "This is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should detect a multiple encoded Base64 string to the decoded string" do
+       string = '=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?==?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?='
+       result = "This is あ stringThis is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should detect a multiple encoded Base64 string with a space to the decoded string" do
+       string = '=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?= =?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?='
+       result = "This is あ stringThis is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should detect a multiple encoded Base64 string with a whitespace to the decoded string" do
+       string = "=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?= \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?="
+       result = "This is あ stringThis is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should decode B and Q encodings together if needed" do
+       string = "=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?==?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?= Some non encoded stuff =?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?= \r\n\sMore non encoded stuff"
+       result = "This is あ stringThis is あ string Some non encoded stuff This is あ string \r\n\sMore non encoded stuff"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should detect a encoded and unencoded Base64 string to the decoded string" do
+       string = "Some non encoded stuff =?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?= \r\n\sMore non encoded stuff"
+       result = "Some non encoded stuff This is あ string \r\n\sMore non encoded stuff"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should detect an encoded QP string to the decoded string" do
+       string = '=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?='
+       result = "This is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should decode UTF-16 encoded string" do
+       string = "=?UTF-16?Q?0B0D0F0H0J=?="
+       result = "あいうえお"
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should == result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq(result)
+     end
+     it "should decode UTF-32 encoded string" do
+       string = "=?UTF-32?Q?=00=000B=00=000D=00=000F=00=000H=00=000J=?="
+       result = "あいうえお"
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should == result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq(result)
+     end
+     it "should detect multiple encoded QP string to the decoded string" do
+       string = '=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?==?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?='
+       result = "This is あ stringThis is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should detect multiple encoded QP string with a space to the decoded string" do
+       string = '=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?= =?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?='
+       result = "This is あ stringThis is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should detect multiple encoded QP string with a space to the decoded string" do
+       string = "=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?= \r\n\s=?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?="
+       result = "This is あ stringThis is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should detect a encoded and unencoded QP string to the decoded string" do
+       string = "Some non encoded stuff =?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?= \r\n\sMore non encoded stuff"
+       result = "Some non encoded stuff This is あ string \r\n\sMore non encoded stuff"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should detect a plain string and return it" do
+       string = 'This is あ string'
+       result = "This is あ string"
+       result.force_encoding('UTF-8') if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should handle a very long string efficiently" do
+       string = "This is a string " * 10000
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq string
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq string
+     end
+     it "should handle Base64 encoded ISO-2022-JP string" do
+-      pending
++      skip
+       string = "ISO-2022-JP =?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCJCQkPSRLITwkXiRrJEskSyE8JDgkJyQkJFQhPBsoQg==?="
+       result = "ISO-2022-JP いそにーまるににーじぇいぴー"
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string).should eq result
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(string)).to eq result
+     end
+   end
+@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@
+         else
+           $KCODE = 'UTF-8'
+         end
+-        Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(string, :decode).should eq result
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(string, :decode)).to eq result
+       end
+       it "should detect an encoded QP string and return the decoded string" do
+@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
+         else
+           $KCODE = 'UTF-8'
+         end
+-        Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(string, :decode).should eq result
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(string, :decode)).to eq result
+       end
+       it "should detect an a string is already decoded and leave it alone" do
+@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@
+         else
+           $KCODE = 'UTF-8'
+         end
+-        Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(string, :decode).should eq result
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(string, :decode)).to eq result
+       end
+     end
+@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@
+           result = '=?UTF-8?B?VGhpcyBpcyDjgYIgc3RyaW5n?='
+           $KCODE = 'UTF-8'
+         end
+-        Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(string, :encode).should eq result
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(string, :encode)).to eq result
+       end
+       it "should leave a string that doesn't need encoding alone" do
+@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@
+         else
+           $KCODE = 'UTF-8'
+         end
+-        Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(string, :encode).should eq result
++        expect(Mail::Encodings.decode_encode(string, :encode)).to eq result
+       end
+     end
+@@ -595,31 +595,31 @@
+       it "should unquote quoted printable and convert to utf-8" do
+         a ="=?ISO-8859-1?Q?[166417]_Bekr=E6ftelse_fra_Rejsefeber?="
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'utf-8')
+-        b.should eq "[166417] Bekr\303\246ftelse fra Rejsefeber"
++        expect(b).to eq "[166417] Bekr\303\246ftelse fra Rejsefeber"
+       end
+       it "should unquote base64 and convert to utf-8" do
+         a ="=?ISO-8859-1?B?WzE2NjQxN10gQmVrcuZmdGVsc2UgZnJhIFJlanNlZmViZXI=?="
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'utf-8')
+-        b.should eq "[166417] Bekr\303\246ftelse fra Rejsefeber"
++        expect(b).to eq "[166417] Bekr\303\246ftelse fra Rejsefeber"
+       end
+       it "should handle no charset" do
+         a ="[166417]_Bekr=E6ftelse_fra_Rejsefeber"
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'utf-8')
+-        b.should eq "[166417]_Bekr=E6ftelse_fra_Rejsefeber"
++        expect(b).to eq "[166417]_Bekr=E6ftelse_fra_Rejsefeber"
+       end
+       it "should unquote multiple lines" do
+         a ="=?utf-8?q?Re=3A_=5B12=5D_=23137=3A_Inkonsistente_verwendung_von_=22Hin?==?utf-8?b?enVmw7xnZW4i?="
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'utf-8')
+-        b.should eq "Re: [12] #137: Inkonsistente verwendung von \"Hinzuf\303\274gen\""
++        expect(b).to eq "Re: [12] #137: Inkonsistente verwendung von \"Hinzuf\303\274gen\""
+       end
+       it "should unquote a string in the middle of the text" do
+         a ="Re: Photos =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Brosch=FCre_Rand?="
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'utf-8')
+-        b.should eq "Re: Photos Brosch\303\274re Rand"
++        expect(b).to eq "Re: Photos Brosch\303\274re Rand"
+       end
+       it "should unquote and change to an ISO encoding if we really want" do
+@@ -627,51 +627,51 @@
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'iso-8859-1')
+         expected = "Brosch\374re Rand"
+         expected.force_encoding('iso-8859-1') if expected.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
+-        b.should eq expected
++        expect(b).to eq expected
+       end
+       it "should unquote Shift_JIS QP with trailing =" do
+         a = "=?Shift_JIS?Q?=93=FA=96{=8C=EA=?="
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'utf-8')
+-        b.should eq "日本語"
++        expect(b).to eq "日本語"
+       end
+       it "handles Windows 1252 QP encoding" do
+         # TODO: JRuby 1.7.0 has an encoding issue https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-6999
+-        pending if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) && JRUBY_VERSION >= '1.7.0'
++        skip if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) && JRUBY_VERSION >= '1.7.0'
+         a = "=?WINDOWS-1252?Q?simple_=96_dash_=96_?="
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'utf-8')
+-        b.should eq "simple – dash – "
++        expect(b).to eq "simple – dash – "
+       end
+       it "should recognize iso646-us" do
+         decoded = Mail::Encodings.value_decode "[kj] =?ISO646-US?Q?Re:_[kj]_[KJ]_Money_is_not_our_god_should_?=\r\n =?ISO646-US?Q?be_played_on_US_Tour...+_Elys=3Fe_Montmartre?="
+-        decoded.should == "[kj] Re: [kj] [KJ] Money is not our god should be played on US Tour...+ Elys?e Montmartre"
++        expect(decoded).to eq("[kj] Re: [kj] [KJ] Money is not our god should be played on US Tour...+ Elys?e Montmartre")
+       end
+       it "should unquote multiple strings in the middle of the text" do
+         a = "=?Shift_JIS?Q?=93=FA=96{=8C=EA=?= <a at example.com>, =?Shift_JIS?Q?=93=FA=96{=8C=EA=?= <b at example.com>"
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'utf-8')
+-        b.should eq "日本語 <a at example.com>, 日本語 <b at example.com>"
++        expect(b).to eq "日本語 <a at example.com>, 日本語 <b at example.com>"
+       end
+       it "should handle multiline quoted headers with mixed content" do
+         a = "=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCP3AwQxsoQg==?=2=?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCIiobKEI=?= =?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCOkc2YUxnPj4kcj5+JGsySCQsJFskSCRzJEk4K0V2GyhC?= =?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCJD8kaSRKJCQhKjxkJDckJCQzJEgkRyQ5JE0hI0Z8GyhC?= =?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCS1wkTiQkJCQkSCQzJG0hIiRvJFMkNSRTJE5AJDMmGyhC?= =?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCJCw8OiRvJGwkRCREJCIkazg9Ol8hIiRKJHMkSCQrGyhC?= =?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCOGVAJCRLO0QkNSRNJFAhIkxeQk4kSiQkISokSCReGyhC?= =?iso-2022-jp?B?GyRCJF4kTztXJCYkTiRAISMbKEI=?="
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'utf-8')
+-        b.should eq "瑞庵2→最近門松を飾る家がほとんど見当たらない!寂しいことですね。日本のいいところ、わびさびの世界が失われつつある現在、なんとか後世に残さねば、勿体ない!とままは思うのだ。"
++        expect(b).to eq "瑞庵2→最近門松を飾る家がほとんど見当たらない!寂しいことですね。日本のいいところ、わびさびの世界が失われつつある現在、なんとか後世に残さねば、勿体ない!とままは思うのだ。"
+       end
+       it "should handle quoted string with mixed content that have a plain string at the end" do
+         a = 'Der Kunde ist K=?utf-8?B?w7Y=?=nig'
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'utf-8')
+-        b.should eq "Der Kunde ist König"
++        expect(b).to eq "Der Kunde ist König"
+       end
+       it "should handle utf_8" do
+         a = 'Der Kunde ist K=?utf_8?B?w7Y=?=nig'
+         b = Mail::Encodings.unquote_and_convert_to(a, 'utf-8')
+-        b.should eq "Der Kunde ist König"
++        expect(b).to eq "Der Kunde ist König"
+       end
+     end
+@@ -680,18 +680,18 @@
+   describe "quoted printable encoding and decoding" do
+     it "should handle underscores in the text" do
+       expected = 'something_with_underscores'
+-      Mail::Encodings.get_encoding(:quoted_printable).encode(expected).unpack("M").first.should eq expected
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.get_encoding(:quoted_printable).encode(expected).unpack("M").first).to eq expected
+     end
+     it "should handle underscores in the text" do
+       expected = 'something with_underscores'
+-      Mail::Encodings.get_encoding(:quoted_printable).encode(expected).unpack("M").first.should eq expected
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.get_encoding(:quoted_printable).encode(expected).unpack("M").first).to eq expected
+     end
+     it "should keep the underscores in the text" do
+       expected = 'something_with_underscores'
+       encoded = Mail::Encodings.get_encoding(:quoted_printable).encode(expected)
+-      Mail::Encodings.get_encoding(:quoted_printable).decode(encoded).should eq expected
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.get_encoding(:quoted_printable).decode(encoded)).to eq expected
+     end
+     it "should handle a new line in the text" do
+@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@
+         expected = Iconv.conv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", "\nRe: ol\341")
+       end
+       encoded = "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?\nRe=3A_ol=E1?="
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(encoded).should eq expected
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(encoded)).to eq expected
+     end
+   end
+@@ -709,67 +709,67 @@
+   describe "pre encoding non usascii text" do
+     it "should not change an ascii string" do
+       raw     = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-      Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8').should eq raw
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq raw
+     end
+     it "should encode a display that contains non usascii" do
+       raw     = 'Lindsああr <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       encoded = '=?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should encode a single token that contains non usascii" do
+       raw     = '<mikelああ@test.lindsaar.net>'
+       encoded = Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8')
+-      Mail::Encodings.value_decode(encoded).should eq raw
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.value_decode(encoded)).to eq raw
+     end
+     it "should encode a display that contains non usascii with quotes as no quotes" do
+       raw     = '"Lindsああr" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       encoded = '=?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should encode a display name with us-ascii and non-usascii parts" do
+       raw     = 'Mikel Lindsああr <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       encoded = 'Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should encode a display name with us-ascii and non-usascii parts ignoring quotes" do
+       raw     = '"Mikel Lindsああr" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       encoded = '=?UTF-8?B?TWlrZWwgTGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should encode a quoted display name with us-ascii and non-usascii that ends with a non-usascii part" do
+       raw     = '"Marc André" <marc at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       encoded = '=?UTF-8?B?TWFyYyBBbmRyw6k=?= <marc at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should encode multiple addresses correctly" do
+       raw     = '"Mikel Lindsああr" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "あdあ" <ada at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       encoded = '=?UTF-8?B?TWlrZWwgTGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, =?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should encode multiple unquoted addresses correctly" do
+       raw     = 'Mikel Lindsああr <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, あdあ <ada at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       encoded = 'Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, =?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should encode multiple un bracketed addresses and groups correctly" do
+       raw     = '"Mikel Lindsああr" test1 at lindsaar.net, group: "あdあ" test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;'
+       encoded = '=?UTF-8?B?TWlrZWwgTGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= test1 at lindsaar.net, group: =?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;'
+-      Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should correctly match and encode non-usascii letters at the end of a quoted string" do
+       raw = '"Felix Baarß" <test at example.com>'
+       encoded = '=?UTF-8?B?RmVsaXggQmFhcsOf?= <test at example.com>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.encode_non_usascii(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+   end
+@@ -777,45 +777,45 @@
+     it "should not do anything to a plain address" do
+       raw     = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+       encoded = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-      Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should encode an address correctly" do
+       raw     = '"Mikel Lindsああr" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       encoded = '=?UTF-8?B?TWlrZWwgTGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should encode multiple addresses correctly" do
+       raw     = ['"Mikel Lindsああr" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>', '"あdあ" <ada at test.lindsaar.net>']
+       encoded = '=?UTF-8?B?TWlrZWwgTGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, =?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should handle a single ascii address correctly from a string" do
+       raw     = ['"Mikel Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+       encoded = '"Mikel Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should handle multiple ascii addresses correctly from a string" do
+       raw     = 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada <ada at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       encoded = 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada <ada at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should handle ascii addresses correctly as an array" do
+       raw     = ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>', 'Ada <ada at test.lindsaar.net>']
+       encoded = 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada <ada at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8').should eq encoded
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.address_encode(raw, 'utf-8')).to eq encoded
+     end
+     it "should ignore single nil" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.address_encode(nil, 'utf-8').should eq nil
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.address_encode(nil, 'utf-8')).to eq nil
+     end
+     it "should ignore nil in arrays" do
+-      Mail::Encodings.address_encode(["aa at bb.com", nil], 'utf-8').should eq "aa at bb.com"
++      expect(Mail::Encodings.address_encode(["aa at bb.com", nil], 'utf-8')).to eq "aa at bb.com"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/example_emails_spec.rb b/spec/mail/example_emails_spec.rb
+index ad10449..5176fe4 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/example_emails_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/example_emails_spec.rb
+@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
+     # message identifier, and a textual message in the body.
+     it "should handle the basic test email" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example01.eml'))
+-      mail.from.should eq ["jdoe at machine.example"]
+-      mail.to.should eq ['mary at example.net']
+-      mail.message_id.should eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
+-      mail.subject.should eq 'Saying Hello'
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ["jdoe at machine.example"]
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['mary at example.net']
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
++      expect(mail.subject).to eq 'Saying Hello'
+     end
+     # From RFC 2822:
+@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
+     # sender field would be used:
+     it "should handle the sender test email" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example02.eml'))
+-      mail.from.should eq ['jdoe at machine.example']
+-      mail.sender.should eq 'mjones at machine.example'
+-      mail.to.should eq ['mary at example.net']
+-      mail.message_id.should eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
+-      mail.subject.should eq 'Saying Hello'
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ['jdoe at machine.example']
++      expect(mail.sender).to eq 'mjones at machine.example'
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['mary at example.net']
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
++      expect(mail.subject).to eq 'Saying Hello'
+     end
+     # From RFC 2822:
+@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
+     # "Giant; \"Big\" Box" <sysservices at example.net>
+     it "should handle multiple recipients test email" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example03.eml'))
+-      mail.from.should eq ['john.q.public at example.com']
+-      mail.to.should eq ['mary at x.test', 'jdoe at example.org', 'one at y.test']
+-      mail.cc.should eq ['boss at nil.test', "sysservices at example.net"]
+-      mail.message_id.should eq '5678.21-Nov-1997 at example.com'
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('1 Jul 2003 10:52:37 +0200')
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ['john.q.public at example.com']
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['mary at x.test', 'jdoe at example.org', 'one at y.test']
++      expect(mail.cc).to eq ['boss at nil.test', "sysservices at example.net"]
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq '5678.21-Nov-1997 at example.com'
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('1 Jul 2003 10:52:37 +0200')
+     end
+     # From RFC 2822:
+@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@
+     # group recipient named Undisclosed recipients.
+     it "should handle group address email test" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example04.eml'))
+-      mail.from.should eq ['pete at silly.example']
+-      mail.to.should eq ['c at a.test', 'joe at where.test', 'jdoe at one.test']
+-      mail[:cc].group_names.should eq ['Undisclosed recipients']
+-      mail.message_id.should eq 'testabcd.1234 at silly.example'
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('Thu, 13 Feb 1969 23:32:54 -0330')
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ['pete at silly.example']
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['c at a.test', 'joe at where.test', 'jdoe at one.test']
++      expect(mail[:cc].group_names).to eq ['Undisclosed recipients']
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq 'testabcd.1234 at silly.example'
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('Thu, 13 Feb 1969 23:32:54 -0330')
+     end
+@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@
+     # fields in each message.
+     it "should handle reply messages" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example05.eml'))
+-      mail.from.should eq ["jdoe at machine.example"]
+-      mail.to.should eq ['mary at example.net']
+-      mail.subject.should eq 'Saying Hello'
+-      mail.message_id.should eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ["jdoe at machine.example"]
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['mary at example.net']
++      expect(mail.subject).to eq 'Saying Hello'
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
+     end
+     # From RFC 2822:
+@@ -97,27 +97,27 @@
+     # "Reply-To:" field instead of the address in the "From:" field.
+     it "should handle reply message 2" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example06.eml'))
+-      mail.from.should eq ['mary at example.net']
+-      mail.to.should eq ['jdoe at machine.example']
+-      mail.reply_to.should eq ['smith at home.example']
+-      mail.subject.should eq 'Re: Saying Hello'
+-      mail.message_id.should eq '3456 at example.net'
+-      mail[:in_reply_to].message_ids.should eq ['1234 at local.machine.example']
+-      mail[:references].message_ids.should eq ['1234 at local.machine.example']
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 10:01:10 -0600')
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ['mary at example.net']
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['jdoe at machine.example']
++      expect(mail.reply_to).to eq ['smith at home.example']
++      expect(mail.subject).to eq 'Re: Saying Hello'
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq '3456 at example.net'
++      expect(mail[:in_reply_to].message_ids).to eq ['1234 at local.machine.example']
++      expect(mail[:references].message_ids).to eq ['1234 at local.machine.example']
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 10:01:10 -0600')
+     end
+     # From RFC 2822:
+     # Final reply message
+     it "should handle the final reply message" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example07.eml'))
+-      mail.to.should eq ['smith at home.example']
+-      mail.from.should eq ['jdoe at machine.example']
+-      mail.subject.should eq 'Re: Saying Hello'
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 11:00:00 -0600')
+-      mail.message_id.should eq 'abcd.1234 at local.machine.tld'
+-      mail.in_reply_to.should eq '3456 at example.net'
+-      mail[:references].message_ids.should eq ['1234 at local.machine.example', '3456 at example.net']
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['smith at home.example']
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ['jdoe at machine.example']
++      expect(mail.subject).to eq 'Re: Saying Hello'
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 11:00:00 -0600')
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq 'abcd.1234 at local.machine.tld'
++      expect(mail.in_reply_to).to eq '3456 at example.net'
++      expect(mail[:references].message_ids).to eq ['1234 at local.machine.example', '3456 at example.net']
+     end
+     # From RFC2822
+@@ -135,15 +135,15 @@
+     # and send that.
+     it "should handle the rfc resent example email" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example08.eml'))
+-      mail.resent_from.should eq ['mary at example.net']
+-      mail.resent_to.should eq ['j-brown at other.example']
+-      mail.resent_date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('Mon, 24 Nov 1997 14:22:01 -0800')
+-      mail.resent_message_id.should eq '78910 at example.net'
+-      mail.from.should eq ['jdoe at machine.example']
+-      mail.to.should eq ['mary at example.net']
+-      mail.subject.should eq 'Saying Hello'
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
+-      mail.message_id.should eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
++      expect(mail.resent_from).to eq ['mary at example.net']
++      expect(mail.resent_to).to eq ['j-brown at other.example']
++      expect(mail.resent_date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('Mon, 24 Nov 1997 14:22:01 -0800')
++      expect(mail.resent_message_id).to eq '78910 at example.net'
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ['jdoe at machine.example']
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['mary at example.net']
++      expect(mail.subject).to eq 'Saying Hello'
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
+     end
+     # A.4. Messages with trace fields
+@@ -154,15 +154,15 @@
+     # can be long.
+     it "should handle the RFC trace example email" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example09.eml'))
+-      mail.received[0].info.should eq 'from x.y.test by example.net via TCP with ESMTP id ABC12345 for <mary at example.net>'
+-      mail.received[0].date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse('21 Nov 1997 10:05:43 -0600')
+-      mail.received[1].info.should eq 'from machine.example by x.y.test'
+-      mail.received[1].date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse('21 Nov 1997 10:01:22 -0600')
+-      mail.from.should eq ['jdoe at machine.example']
+-      mail.to.should eq ['mary at example.net']
+-      mail.subject.should eq 'Saying Hello'
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
+-      mail.message_id.should eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
++      expect(mail.received[0].info).to eq 'from x.y.test by example.net via TCP with ESMTP id ABC12345 for <mary at example.net>'
++      expect(mail.received[0].date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse('21 Nov 1997 10:05:43 -0600')
++      expect(mail.received[1].info).to eq 'from machine.example by x.y.test'
++      expect(mail.received[1].date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse('21 Nov 1997 10:01:22 -0600')
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ['jdoe at machine.example']
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['mary at example.net']
++      expect(mail.subject).to eq 'Saying Hello'
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
+     end
+     # A.5. White space, comments, and other oddities
+@@ -185,13 +185,13 @@
+     # (but not within) the identifier in the "Message-ID:" field.
+     it "should handle the rfc whitespace test email" do
+-      pending "fixed in pr#487"
++      skip "fixed in pr#487"
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example10.eml'))
+-      mail.from.should eq ["pete(his account)@silly.test"]
+-      mail.to.should eq  ["c at public.example", "joe at example.org", "jdoe at one.test"]
+-      mail[:cc].group_names.should eq ['(Empty list)(start)Undisclosed recipients ']
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('Thu, 13 Feb 1969 23:32 -0330')
+-      mail.message_id.should eq 'testabcd.1234 at silly.test'
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ["pete(his account)@silly.test"]
++      expect(mail.to).to eq  ["c at public.example", "joe at example.org", "jdoe at one.test"]
++      expect(mail[:cc].group_names).to eq ['(Empty list)(start)Undisclosed recipients ']
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('Thu, 13 Feb 1969 23:32 -0330')
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq 'testabcd.1234 at silly.test'
+     end
+     # A.6. Obsoleted forms
+@@ -204,13 +204,13 @@
+     # that appear in the "To:" field, and the spaces that appear around the
+     # "." in the jdoe address.
+     it "should handle the rfc obsolete addressing" do
+-      pending
++      skip
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example11.eml'))
+-      mail[:from].addresses.should eq ['john.q.public at example.com']
+-      mail.from.should eq '"Joe Q. Public" <john.q.public at example.com>'
+-      mail.to.should eq ["@machine.tld:mary at example.net", 'jdoe at test.example']
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:52:37 +0200')
+-      mail.message_id.should eq '5678.21-Nov-1997 at example.com'
++      expect(mail[:from].addresses).to eq ['john.q.public at example.com']
++      expect(mail.from).to eq '"Joe Q. Public" <john.q.public at example.com>'
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ["@machine.tld:mary at example.net", 'jdoe at test.example']
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('Tue, 1 Jul 2003 10:52:37 +0200')
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq '5678.21-Nov-1997 at example.com'
+     end
+     # A.6.2. Obsolete dates
+@@ -220,12 +220,12 @@
+     # day-of-week is missing, that is not specific to the obsolete syntax;
+     # it is optional in the current syntax as well.
+     it "should handle the rfc obsolete dates" do
+-      pending
++      skip
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example12.eml'))
+-      mail.from.should eq 'jdoe at machine.example'
+-      mail.to.should eq 'mary at example.net'
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('21 Nov 97 09:55:06 GMT')
+-      mail.message_id.should eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
++      expect(mail.from).to eq 'jdoe at machine.example'
++      expect(mail.to).to eq 'mary at example.net'
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('21 Nov 97 09:55:06 GMT')
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq '1234 at local.machine.example'
+     end
+     # A.6.3. Obsolete white space and comments
+@@ -241,21 +241,21 @@
+     # addresses, dates, and message identifiers are all part of the
+     # obsolete syntax.
+     it "should handle the rfc obsolete whitespace email" do
+-      pending
++      skip
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example13.eml'))
+-      mail.from.should eq 'John Doe <jdoe at machine(comment).example>'
+-      mail.to.should eq 'Mary Smith <mary at example.net>'
+-      mail.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
+-      mail.message_id.should eq '1234 at local(blah).machine.example'
+-      doing { Mail::Message.new(email) }.should_not raise_error
++      expect(mail.from).to eq 'John Doe <jdoe at machine(comment).example>'
++      expect(mail.to).to eq 'Mary Smith <mary at example.net>'
++      expect(mail.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse('Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600')
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq '1234 at local(blah).machine.example'
++      expect { Mail::Message.new(email) }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should handle folding subject" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'rfc2822', 'example14.eml'))
+-      mail.from.should eq ["atsushi at example.com"]
+-      mail.subject.should eq "Re: TEST テストテスト"
+-      mail.message_id.should eq '0CC5E11ED2C1D at example.com'
+-      mail.body.decoded.should eq "Hello\n"
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ["atsushi at example.com"]
++      expect(mail.subject).to eq "Re: TEST テストテスト"
++      expect(mail.message_id).to eq '0CC5E11ED2C1D at example.com'
++      expect(mail.body.decoded).to eq "Hello\n"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -267,11 +267,11 @@
+       end
+       it "should return an 'encoded' version without raising a SystemStackError" do
+-        doing { @message.encoded }.should_not raise_error
++        expect { @message.encoded }.not_to raise_error
+       end
+       it "should have two parts" do
+-        @message.parts.length.should eq 2
++        expect(@message.parts.length).to eq 2
+       end
+     end
+@@ -282,12 +282,12 @@
+       end
+       it "should not error on multiart/signed emails" do
+-        doing { @message.encoded }.should_not raise_error
++        expect { @message.encoded }.not_to raise_error
+       end
+       it "should have one attachment called signature.asc" do
+-        @message.attachments.length.should eq 1
+-        @message.attachments.first.filename.should eq 'signature.asc'
++        expect(@message.attachments.length).to eq 1
++        expect(@message.attachments.first.filename).to eq 'signature.asc'
+       end
+     end
+@@ -298,11 +298,11 @@
+       end
+       it "should parse the email and encode without crashing" do
+-        doing { @message.encoded }.should_not raise_error
++        expect { @message.encoded }.not_to raise_error
+       end
+       it "should return an empty groups list" do
+-        @message[:to].group_addresses.should eq []
++        expect(@message[:to].group_addresses).to eq []
+       end
+     end
+@@ -315,11 +315,11 @@
+     end
+     it "should parse the email and encode without crashing" do
+-      doing { @message.encoded }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { @message.encoded }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should return an empty groups list" do
+-      @message.to.should eq ['user-example at aol.com', 'e-s-a-s-2200 at app.ar.com']
++      expect(@message.to).to eq ['user-example at aol.com', 'e-s-a-s-2200 at app.ar.com']
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/field_list_spec.rb b/spec/mail/field_list_spec.rb
+index db2ad43..19bf850 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/field_list_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/field_list_spec.rb
+@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
+     fl = Mail::FieldList.new
+     fl << Mail::Field.new("To: mikel at me.com")
+     fl << Mail::Field.new("From: mikel at me.com")
+-    fl.length.should eq 2
++    expect(fl.length).to eq 2
+   end
+   it "should be able to add new fields in the right order" do
+@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
+     fl << Mail::Field.new("From: mikel at me.com")
+     fl << Mail::Field.new("Received: from xxx.xxxx.xxx by xxx.xxxx.xxx with ESMTP id 6AAEE3B4D23 for <xxx at xxxx.xxx>; Sun, 8 May 2005 12:30:23 -0500")
+     fl << Mail::Field.new("Return-Path: mikel at me.com")
+-    fl[0].field.class.should eq Mail::ReturnPathField
+-    fl[1].field.class.should eq Mail::ReceivedField
+-    fl[2].field.class.should eq Mail::FromField
+-    fl[3].field.class.should eq Mail::ToField
++    expect(fl[0].field.class).to eq Mail::ReturnPathField
++    expect(fl[1].field.class).to eq Mail::ReceivedField
++    expect(fl[2].field.class).to eq Mail::FromField
++    expect(fl[3].field.class).to eq Mail::ToField
+   end
+   it "should add new Received items after the existing ones" do
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+     fl << Mail::Field.new("Received: from xxx.xxxx.xxx by xxx.xxxx.xxx with ESMTP id 6AAEE3B4D23 for <xxx at xxxx.xxx>; Sun, 8 May 2005 12:30:23 -0500")
+     fl << Mail::Field.new("Return-Path: mikel at me.com")
+     fl << Mail::Field.new("Received: from 123.xxxx.xxx by xxx.xxxx.xxx with ESMTP id 6AAEE3B4D23 for <xxx at xxxx.xxx>; Sun, 8 May 2005 12:30:23 -0500")
+-    fl[2].field.value.should eq 'from 123.xxxx.xxx by xxx.xxxx.xxx with ESMTP id 6AAEE3B4D23 for <xxx at xxxx.xxx>; Sun, 8 May 2005 12:30:23 -0500'
++    expect(fl[2].field.value).to eq 'from 123.xxxx.xxx by xxx.xxxx.xxx with ESMTP id 6AAEE3B4D23 for <xxx at xxxx.xxx>; Sun, 8 May 2005 12:30:23 -0500'
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/field_spec.rb
+index d8529b4..b4bac5d 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/field_spec.rb
+@@ -6,23 +6,23 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should be instantiated" do
+-      doing {Mail::Field.new('To: Mikel')}.should_not raise_error
+-      Mail::Field.new('To: Mikel').field.class.should eq Mail::ToField
++      expect {Mail::Field.new('To: Mikel')}.not_to raise_error
++      expect(Mail::Field.new('To: Mikel').field.class).to eq Mail::ToField
+     end
+     it "should allow you to init on an array" do
+       field = Mail::Field.new("To", ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'Mikel <test2 at lindsaar.net>'])
+-      field.addresses.should eq ["test1 at lindsaar.net", "test2 at lindsaar.net"]
++      expect(field.addresses).to eq ["test1 at lindsaar.net", "test2 at lindsaar.net"]
+     end
+     it "should allow us to pass an empty value" do
+-      doing {Mail::Field.new('To')}.should_not raise_error
+-      Mail::Field.new('To').field.class.should eq Mail::ToField
++      expect {Mail::Field.new('To')}.not_to raise_error
++      expect(Mail::Field.new('To').field.class).to eq Mail::ToField
+     end
+     it "should allow us to pass a value" do
+-      doing {Mail::Field.new('To', 'Mikel')}.should_not raise_error
+-      Mail::Field.new('To', 'Mikel').field.class.should eq Mail::ToField
++      expect {Mail::Field.new('To', 'Mikel')}.not_to raise_error
++      expect(Mail::Field.new('To', 'Mikel').field.class).to eq Mail::ToField
+     end
+     it "should match up fields to class names" do
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
+       structured_fields.each do |sf|
+         words = sf.split("-").map { |a| a.capitalize }
+         klass = "#{words.join}Field"
+-        Mail::Field.new("#{sf}: ").field.class.should eq Mail.const_get(klass)
++        expect(Mail::Field.new("#{sf}: ").field.class).to eq Mail.const_get(klass)
+       end
+     end
+@@ -49,150 +49,150 @@
+       structured_fields.each do |sf|
+         words = sf.split("-").map { |a| a.capitalize }
+         klass = "#{words.join}Field"
+-        Mail::Field.new("#{sf}: ").field.class.should eq Mail.const_get(klass)
++        expect(Mail::Field.new("#{sf}: ").field.class).to eq Mail.const_get(klass)
+       end
+     end
+     it "should say anything that is not a known field is an optional field" do
+       unstructured_fields = %w[ Too Becc bccc Random X-Mail MySpecialField ]
+       unstructured_fields.each do |sf|
+-        Mail::Field.new("#{sf}: Value").field.class.should eq Mail::OptionalField
++        expect(Mail::Field.new("#{sf}: Value").field.class).to eq Mail::OptionalField
+       end
+     end
+     it "should split the name and values out of the raw field passed in" do
+       field = Mail::Field.new('To: Bob')
+-      field.name.should eq 'To'
+-      field.value.should eq 'Bob'
++      expect(field.name).to eq 'To'
++      expect(field.value).to eq 'Bob'
+     end
+     it "should split the name and values out of the raw field passed in if missing whitespace" do
+       field = Mail::Field.new('To:Bob')
+-      field.name.should eq 'To'
+-      field.value.should eq 'Bob'
++      expect(field.name).to eq 'To'
++      expect(field.value).to eq 'Bob'
+     end
+     it "should split the name and values out of the raw field passed in if having added inapplicable whitespace" do
+       field = Mail::Field.new('To                  :                   Bob                      ')
+-      field.name.should eq 'To'
+-      field.value.should eq 'Bob'
++      expect(field.name).to eq 'To'
++      expect(field.value).to eq 'Bob'
+     end
+     it "should return an unstuctured field if the structured field parsing raises an error" do
+-      Mail::ToField.should_receive(:new).and_raise(Mail::Field::ParseError.new(Mail::ToField, 'To: Bob, ,,, Frank, Smith', "Some reason"))
++      expect(Mail::ToField).to receive(:new).and_raise(Mail::Field::ParseError.new(Mail::ToField, 'To: Bob, ,,, Frank, Smith', "Some reason"))
+       field = Mail::Field.new('To: Bob, ,,, Frank, Smith')
+-      field.field.class.should eq Mail::UnstructuredField
+-      field.name.should eq 'To'
+-      field.value.should eq 'Bob, ,,, Frank, Smith'
++      expect(field.field.class).to eq Mail::UnstructuredField
++      expect(field.name).to eq 'To'
++      expect(field.value).to eq 'Bob, ,,, Frank, Smith'
+     end
+     it "should call to_s on its field when sent to_s" do
+       @field = Mail::SubjectField.new('Subject: Hello bob')
+-      Mail::SubjectField.should_receive(:new).and_return(@field)
+-      @field.should_receive(:to_s).once
++      expect(Mail::SubjectField).to receive(:new).and_return(@field)
++      expect(@field).to receive(:to_s).once
+       Mail::Field.new('Subject: Hello bob').to_s
+     end
+     it "should pass missing methods to its instantiated field class" do
+       field = Mail::Field.new('To: Bob')
+-      field.field.should_receive(:addresses).once
++      expect(field.field).to receive(:addresses).once
+       field.addresses
+     end
+     it "should change its type if you change the name" do
+       field = Mail::Field.new("To: mikel at me.com")
+-      field.field.class.should eq Mail::ToField
++      expect(field.field.class).to eq Mail::ToField
+       field.value = "bob at me.com"
+-      field.field.class.should eq Mail::ToField
++      expect(field.field.class).to eq Mail::ToField
+     end
+     it "should create a field without trying to parse if given a symbol" do
+       field = Mail::Field.new('Message-ID')
+-      field.field.class.should eq Mail::MessageIdField
++      expect(field.field.class).to eq Mail::MessageIdField
+     end
+     it "should inherit charset" do
+       charset = 'iso-2022-jp'
+       field = Mail::Field.new('Subject: こんにちは', charset)
+-      field.charset.should eq charset
++      expect(field.charset).to eq charset
+     end
+   end
+   describe "error handling" do
+     it "should populate the errors array if it finds a field it can't deal with" do
+       field = Mail::Field.new('Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8 at bit')
+-      field.field.errors.size.should eq 1
+-      field.field.errors[0][0].should eq 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
+-      field.field.errors[0][1].should eq '8 at bit'
+-      field.field.errors[0][2].to_s.should =~ /ContentTransferEncodingElement can not parse |17-bit|/
++      expect(field.field.errors.size).to eq 1
++      expect(field.field.errors[0][0]).to eq 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
++      expect(field.field.errors[0][1]).to eq '8 at bit'
++      expect(field.field.errors[0][2].to_s).to match(/ContentTransferEncodingElement can not parse |17-bit|/)
+     end
+   end
+   describe "helper methods" do
+     it "should reply if it is responsible for a field name as a capitalized string - structured field" do
+       field = Mail::Field.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net")
+-      field.responsible_for?("To").should be_true
++      expect(field.responsible_for?("To")).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should reply if it is responsible for a field as a lower case string - structured field" do
+       field = Mail::Field.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net")
+-      field.responsible_for?("to").should be_true
++      expect(field.responsible_for?("to")).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should reply if it is responsible for a field as a symbol - structured field" do
+       field = Mail::Field.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net")
+-      field.responsible_for?(:to).should be_true
++      expect(field.responsible_for?(:to)).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should say it is == to another if their field names match" do
+-      Mail::Field.new("To: mikel").same(Mail::Field.new("To: bob")).should be_true
++      expect(Mail::Field.new("To: mikel").same(Mail::Field.new("To: bob"))).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should say it is not == to another if their field names do not match" do
+-      Mail::Field.new("From: mikel").should_not == Mail::Field.new("To: bob")
++      expect(Mail::Field.new("From: mikel")).not_to eq(Mail::Field.new("To: bob"))
+     end
+     it "should sort according to the field order" do
+       list = [Mail::Field.new("To: mikel"), Mail::Field.new("Return-Path: bob")]
+-      list.sort[0].name.should eq "Return-Path"
++      expect(list.sort[0].name).to eq "Return-Path"
+     end
+   end
+   describe 'user defined fields' do
+     it "should say it is == to another if their field names match" do
+-      Mail::Field.new("X-Foo: mikel").same(Mail::Field.new("X-Foo: bob")).should be_true
++      expect(Mail::Field.new("X-Foo: mikel").same(Mail::Field.new("X-Foo: bob"))).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should say it is not == to another if their field names do not match" do
+-      Mail::Field.new("X-Foo: mikel").should_not == Mail::Field.new("X-Bar: bob")
++      expect(Mail::Field.new("X-Foo: mikel")).not_to eq(Mail::Field.new("X-Bar: bob"))
+     end
+   end
+   describe "passing an encoding" do
+     it "should allow you to send in unencoded strings to fields and encode them" do
+       subject = Mail::SubjectField.new("This is あ string", 'utf-8')
+-      subject.encoded.should eq "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?=\r\n"
+-      subject.decoded.should eq "This is あ string"
++      expect(subject.encoded).to eq "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_string?=\r\n"
++      expect(subject.decoded).to eq "This is あ string"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in unencoded strings to address fields and encode them" do
+       to = Mail::ToField.new('"Mikel Lindsああr" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>', 'utf-8')
+-      to.encoded.should eq "To: =?UTF-8?B?TWlrZWwgTGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(to.encoded).to eq "To: =?UTF-8?B?TWlrZWwgTGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in unencoded strings without quotes to address fields and encode them" do
+       to = Mail::ToField.new('Mikel Lindsああr <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>', 'utf-8')
+-      to.encoded.should eq "To: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(to.encoded).to eq "To: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in unencoded strings to address fields and encode them" do
+       to = Mail::ToField.new("あdあ <ada at test.lindsaar.net>", 'utf-8')
+-      to.encoded.should eq "To: =?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(to.encoded).to eq "To: =?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in multiple unencoded strings to address fields and encode them" do
+       to = Mail::ToField.new(["Mikel Lindsああr <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>", "あdあ <ada at test.lindsaar.net>"], 'utf-8')
+-      to.encoded.should eq "To: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(to.encoded).to eq "To: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to send in multiple unencoded strings to any address field" do
+@@ -200,83 +200,83 @@
+       mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+       array = ["Mikel Lindsああr <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>", "あdあ <ada at test.lindsaar.net>"]
+       field = Mail::ToField.new(array, 'utf-8')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "#{Mail::ToField::CAPITALIZED_FIELD}: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "#{Mail::ToField::CAPITALIZED_FIELD}: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+       field = Mail::FromField.new(array, 'utf-8')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "#{Mail::FromField::CAPITALIZED_FIELD}: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "#{Mail::FromField::CAPITALIZED_FIELD}: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+       field = Mail::CcField.new(array, 'utf-8')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "#{Mail::CcField::CAPITALIZED_FIELD}: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "#{Mail::CcField::CAPITALIZED_FIELD}: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+       field = Mail::ReplyToField.new(array, 'utf-8')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "#{Mail::ReplyToField::CAPITALIZED_FIELD}: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "#{Mail::ReplyToField::CAPITALIZED_FIELD}: Mikel =?UTF-8?B?TGluZHPjgYLjgYJy?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, \r\n\s=?UTF-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow an encoded value in the Subject field and decode it automatically (issue 44)" do
+-      pending if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
++      skip if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+       subject = Mail::SubjectField.new("=?ISO-8859-1?Q?2_=FAlt?=", 'utf-8')
+-      subject.decoded.should eq "2 últ"
++      expect(subject.decoded).to eq "2 últ"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to encoded text in the middle (issue 44)" do
+-      pending if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
++      skip if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+       subject = Mail::SubjectField.new("ma=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=F1ana?=", 'utf-8')
+-      subject.decoded.should eq "mañana"
++      expect(subject.decoded).to eq "mañana"
+     end
+     it "more tolerable to encoding definitions, ISO (issue 120)" do
+-      pending if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
++      skip if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+       subject = Mail::SubjectField.new("ma=?ISO88591?Q?=F1ana?=", 'utf-8')
+-      subject.decoded.should eq "mañana"
++      expect(subject.decoded).to eq "mañana"
+     end
+     it "more tolerable to encoding definitions, ISO-long (issue 120)" do
+       # Rubies under 1.9 don't handle encoding conversions
+-      pending if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
++      skip if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+       # TODO: JRuby 1.7.0 has an encoding issue https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-6999
+-      pending if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) && JRUBY_VERSION >= '1.7.0'
++      skip if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) && JRUBY_VERSION >= '1.7.0'
+       subject = Mail::SubjectField.new("=?iso2022jp?B?SEVBUlQbJEIkSiQ0TyJNbRsoQg?=", 'utf-8')
+-      subject.decoded.should eq  "HEARTなご連絡"
++      expect(subject.decoded).to eq  "HEARTなご連絡"
+     end
+     it "more tolerable to encoding definitions, UTF (issue 120)" do
+       to = Mail::ToField.new("=?utf-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>", 'utf-8')
+-      to.encoded.should eq "To: =?utf-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+-      to.decoded.should eq "\"あdあ\" <ada at test.lindsaar.net>"
++      expect(to.encoded).to eq "To: =?utf-8?B?44GCZOOBgg==?= <ada at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(to.decoded).to eq "\"あdあ\" <ada at test.lindsaar.net>"
+     end
+     it "more tolerable to encoding definitions, ISO (issue 120)" do
+       subject = Mail::SubjectField.new("=?UTF-8?B?UmU6IHRlc3QgZW52w61vIG1lbnNhamUgY29u?=", 'utf-8')
+-      subject.decoded.should eq "Re: test envío mensaje con"
++      expect(subject.decoded).to eq "Re: test envío mensaje con"
+     end
+     it "more tolerable to encoding definitions, Windows (issue 120)" do
+-      pending if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
++      skip if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+       # TODO: JRuby 1.7.0 has an encoding issue https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-6999
+-      pending if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) && JRUBY_VERSION >= '1.7.0'
++      skip if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) && JRUBY_VERSION >= '1.7.0'
+       subject = Mail::SubjectField.new("=?Windows1252?Q?It=92s_a_test=3F?=", 'utf-8')
+-      subject.decoded.should eq "It’s a test?"
++      expect(subject.decoded).to eq "It’s a test?"
+     end
+     it "should support ascii encoded utf-8 subjects" do
+       s = "=?utf-8?Q?simp?= =?utf-8?Q?le_=E2=80=93_dash_=E2=80=93_?="
+       subject = Mail::SubjectField.new(s, 'utf-8')
+-      subject.decoded.should == "simple – dash – "
++      expect(subject.decoded).to eq("simple – dash – ")
+     end
+     it "should support ascii encoded windows subjects" do
+-      pending if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
++      skip if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+       # TODO: JRuby 1.7.0 has an encoding issue https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-6999
+-      pending if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) && JRUBY_VERSION >= '1.7.0'
++      skip if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) && JRUBY_VERSION >= '1.7.0'
+       s = "=?WINDOWS-1252?Q?simp?= =?WINDOWS-1252?Q?le_=96_dash_=96_?="
+       subject = Mail::SubjectField.new(s, "UTF-8")
+-      subject.decoded.should == "simple – dash – "
++      expect(subject.decoded).to eq("simple – dash – ")
+     end
+   end
+@@ -288,10 +288,10 @@
+       rescue Mail::Field::ParseError => e
+         error = e
+       end
+-      error.should_not be_nil
+-      error.element.should eq Mail::DateTimeElement
+-      error.value.should eq "invalid"
+-      error.reason.should_not be_nil
++      expect(error).not_to be_nil
++      expect(error.element).to eq Mail::DateTimeElement
++      expect(error.value).to eq "invalid"
++      expect(error.reason).not_to be_nil
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/bcc_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/bcc_field_spec.rb
+index 14d7287..f692f36 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/bcc_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/bcc_field_spec.rb
+@@ -26,23 +26,23 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::BccField.new("Bcc: Mikel") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::BccField.new("Bcc: Mikel") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::BccField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
++      expect(Mail::BccField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::BccField.new('Bcc: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Bcc'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Bcc'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::BccField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Bcc'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Bcc'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -52,35 +52,35 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return an address" do
+       t = Mail::BccField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.should eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
++      expect(t.formatted).to eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+     end
+     it "should return two addresses" do
+       t = Mail::BccField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada Lindsaar <ada at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.first.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      t.addresses.last.should eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(t.formatted.first).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.addresses.last).to eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should return one address and a group" do
+       t = Mail::BccField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.addresses[0].should eq 'sam at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[1].should eq 'mikel at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[2].should eq 'bob at you.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[0]).to eq 'sam at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[1]).to eq 'mikel at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[2]).to eq 'bob at you.com'
+     end
+     it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do
+       t = Mail::BccField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.value.should eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
+     end
+     it "should return nothing on encoded as Bcc should not be in the mail" do
+       t = Mail::BccField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.encoded.should eq ""
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq ""
+     end
+     it "should return the decoded line" do
+       t = Mail::BccField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.decoded.should eq "sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;"
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq "sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/cc_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/cc_field_spec.rb
+index f3ce02e..ca4da85 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/cc_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/cc_field_spec.rb
+@@ -11,23 +11,23 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::CcField.new("Cc: Mikel") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::CcField.new("Cc: Mikel") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::CcField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
++      expect(Mail::CcField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::CcField.new('Cc: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Cc'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Cc'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::CcField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Cc'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Cc'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -37,40 +37,40 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return an address" do
+       t = Mail::CcField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.should eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
++      expect(t.formatted).to eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+     end
+     it "should return two addresses" do
+       t = Mail::CcField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada Lindsaar <ada at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.first.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      t.addresses.last.should eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(t.formatted.first).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.addresses.last).to eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should return one address and a group" do
+       t = Mail::CcField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.addresses[0].should eq 'sam at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[1].should eq 'mikel at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[2].should eq 'bob at you.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[0]).to eq 'sam at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[1]).to eq 'mikel at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[2]).to eq 'bob at you.com'
+     end
+     it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do
+       t = Mail::CcField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.value.should eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line for one address" do
+       t = Mail::CcField.new('sam at me.com')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Cc: sam at me.com\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Cc: sam at me.com\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line" do
+       t = Mail::CcField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Cc: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Cc: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should return the decoded line" do
+       t = Mail::CcField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.decoded.should eq "sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;"
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq "sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/comments_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/comments_field_spec.rb
+index 4a47eaf..e32e943 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/comments_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/comments_field_spec.rb
+@@ -6,19 +6,19 @@
+   # comments        =       "Comments:" unstructured CRLF
+   it "should initialize" do
+-    doing { Mail::CommentsField.new("this is a comment") }.should_not raise_error
++    expect { Mail::CommentsField.new("this is a comment") }.not_to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+     t = Mail::CommentsField.new('Comments: this is a comment')
+-    t.name.should eq 'Comments'
+-    t.value.should eq 'this is a comment'
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'Comments'
++    expect(t.value).to eq 'this is a comment'
+   end
+   it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+     t = Mail::CommentsField.new('this is a comment')
+-    t.name.should eq 'Comments'
+-    t.value.should eq 'this is a comment'
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'Comments'
++    expect(t.value).to eq 'this is a comment'
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/common/address_container_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/common/address_container_spec.rb
+index c680d4f..d296599 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/common/address_container_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/common/address_container_spec.rb
+@@ -4,15 +4,15 @@
+ describe 'AddressContainer' do
+   it "should allow you to append an address to an address field result" do
+     m = Mail.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net")
+-    m.to.should eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net']
++    expect(m.to).to eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net']
+     m.to << 'bob at test.lindsaar.net'
+-    m.to.should eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net', 'bob at test.lindsaar.net']
++    expect(m.to).to eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net', 'bob at test.lindsaar.net']
+   end
+   it "should handle complex addresses correctly" do
+     m = Mail.new("From: mikel at test.lindsaar.net")
+-    m.from.should eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net']
++    expect(m.from).to eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net']
+     m.from << '"Ada Lindsaar" <ada at test.lindsaar.net>, bob at test.lindsaar.net'
+-    m.from.should eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net', 'ada at test.lindsaar.net', 'bob at test.lindsaar.net']
++    expect(m.from).to eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net', 'ada at test.lindsaar.net', 'bob at test.lindsaar.net']
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/common/common_address_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/common/common_address_spec.rb
+index 07a4bf3..c61001b 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/common/common_address_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/common/common_address_spec.rb
+@@ -7,66 +7,66 @@
+     it "should give the addresses it is going to" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("To: test1 at lindsaar.net")
+-      field.addresses.first.should eq "test1 at lindsaar.net"
++      expect(field.addresses.first).to eq "test1 at lindsaar.net"
+     end
+     it "should split up the address list into individual addresses" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("To: test1 at lindsaar.net, test2 at lindsaar.net")
+-      field.addresses.should eq ["test1 at lindsaar.net", "test2 at lindsaar.net"]
++      expect(field.addresses).to eq ["test1 at lindsaar.net", "test2 at lindsaar.net"]
+     end
+     it "should give the formatted addresses" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("To: Mikel <test1 at lindsaar.net>, Bob <test2 at lindsaar.net>")
+-      field.formatted.should eq ["Mikel <test1 at lindsaar.net>", "Bob <test2 at lindsaar.net>"]
++      expect(field.formatted).to eq ["Mikel <test1 at lindsaar.net>", "Bob <test2 at lindsaar.net>"]
+     end
+     it "should give the display names" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("To: Mikel <test1 at lindsaar.net>, Bob <test2 at lindsaar.net>")
+-      field.display_names.should eq ["Mikel", "Bob"]
++      expect(field.display_names).to eq ["Mikel", "Bob"]
+     end
+     it "should give the actual address objects" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("To: Mikel <test1 at lindsaar.net>, Bob <test2 at lindsaar.net>")
+       field.addrs.each do |addr|
+-        addr.class.should eq Mail::Address
++        expect(addr.class).to eq Mail::Address
+       end
+     end
+     it "should handle groups as well" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("To: test1 at lindsaar.net, group: test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;")
+-      field.addresses.should eq ["test1 at lindsaar.net", "test2 at lindsaar.net", "me at lindsaar.net"]
++      expect(field.addresses).to eq ["test1 at lindsaar.net", "test2 at lindsaar.net", "me at lindsaar.net"]
+     end
+     it "should provide a list of groups" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("To: test1 at lindsaar.net, My Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;")
+-      field.group_names.should eq ["My Group"]
++      expect(field.group_names).to eq ["My Group"]
+     end
+     it "should provide a list of addresses per group" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("To: test1 at lindsaar.net, My Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;")
+-      field.groups["My Group"].length.should eq 2
+-      field.groups["My Group"].first.to_s.should eq 'test2 at lindsaar.net'
+-      field.groups["My Group"].last.to_s.should eq 'me at lindsaar.net'
++      expect(field.groups["My Group"].length).to eq 2
++      expect(field.groups["My Group"].first.to_s).to eq 'test2 at lindsaar.net'
++      expect(field.groups["My Group"].last.to_s).to eq 'me at lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should provide a list of addresses that are just in the groups" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("To: test1 at lindsaar.net, My Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;")
+-      field.group_addresses.should eq ['test2 at lindsaar.net', 'me at lindsaar.net']
++      expect(field.group_addresses).to eq ['test2 at lindsaar.net', 'me at lindsaar.net']
+     end
+     describe ".value=" do
+       it "should handle initializing as an empty string" do
+         field = Mail::ToField.new("")
+-        field.addresses.should eq []
++        expect(field.addresses).to eq []
+         field.value = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        field.addresses.should eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(field.addresses).to eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net']
+       end
+       it "should encode to an empty string if it has no addresses or groups" do
+         field = Mail::ToField.new("")
+-        field.encoded.should eq ''
++        expect(field.encoded).to eq ''
+         field.value = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        field.encoded.should eq "To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\n"
++        expect(field.encoded).to eq "To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\n"
+       end
+       context "a unquoted multi-byte address is given" do
+@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@
+           expected_result = "To: =?UTF-8?B?44G/44GR44KL?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+           field = Mail::ToField.new("")
+           field.value = given_value
+-          field.encoded.should eq expected_result
++          expect(field.encoded).to eq expected_result
+         end
+         it "should keep the given value" do
+           field = Mail::ToField.new("")
+           field.value = given_value
+-          field.value.should eq given_value
++          expect(field.value).to eq given_value
+         end
+       end
+@@ -93,13 +93,13 @@
+           expected_result = "To: =?UTF-8?B?44G/44GR44KL?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+           field = Mail::ToField.new("")
+           field.value = given_value
+-          field.encoded.should eq expected_result
++          expect(field.encoded).to eq expected_result
+         end
+         it "should keep the given value" do
+           field = Mail::ToField.new("")
+           field.value = given_value
+-          field.value.should eq given_value
++          expect(field.value).to eq given_value
+         end
+       end
+     end
+@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
+       it "should allow you to append an address" do
+         field = Mail::ToField.new("")
+         field << 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        field.addresses.should eq ["mikel at test.lindsaar.net"]
++        expect(field.addresses).to eq ["mikel at test.lindsaar.net"]
+       end
+       context "a unquoted multi-byte address is given" do
+@@ -119,13 +119,13 @@
+             expected_result = "To: =?UTF-8?B?44G/44GR44KL?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+             field = Mail::ToField.new("")
+             field << given_value
+-            field.encoded.should eq expected_result
++            expect(field.encoded).to eq expected_result
+           end
+           it "should keep the given value" do
+             field = Mail::ToField.new("")
+             field << given_value
+-            field.value.should eq given_value
++            expect(field.value).to eq given_value
+           end
+         end
+@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
+             expected_result = "To: Mikel <test1 at example.com>, \r\n =?UTF-8?B?44G/44GR44KL?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+             field = Mail::ToField.new("Mikel <test1 at example.com>")
+             field << given_value
+-            field.encoded.should eq expected_result
++            expect(field.encoded).to eq expected_result
+           end
+         end
+@@ -143,13 +143,13 @@
+             expected_result = "To: =?UTF-8?B?44Of44Kx44Or?= <test2 at example.com>, \r\n =?UTF-8?B?44G/44GR44KL?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+             field = Mail::ToField.new("ミケル <test2 at example.com>")
+             field << given_value
+-            field.encoded.should eq expected_result
++            expect(field.encoded).to eq expected_result
+           end
+           it "should keep the given value" do
+             field = Mail::ToField.new("ミケル <test2 at example.com>")
+             field << given_value
+-            field.value.should eq ["ミケル <test2 at example.com>", given_value].join(', ')
++            expect(field.value).to eq ["ミケル <test2 at example.com>", given_value].join(', ')
+           end
+         end
+       end
+@@ -162,13 +162,13 @@
+             expected_result = "To: =?UTF-8?B?44G/44GR44KL?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+             field = Mail::ToField.new("")
+             field << given_value
+-            field.encoded.should eq expected_result
++            expect(field.encoded).to eq expected_result
+           end
+           it "should keep the given value" do
+             field = Mail::ToField.new("")
+             field << given_value
+-            field.value.should eq given_value
++            expect(field.value).to eq given_value
+           end
+         end
+@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
+             expected_result = "To: Mikel <test1 at example.com>, \r\n =?UTF-8?B?44G/44GR44KL?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+             field = Mail::ToField.new("Mikel <test1 at example.com>")
+             field << given_value
+-            field.encoded.should eq expected_result
++            expect(field.encoded).to eq expected_result
+           end
+         end
+@@ -186,13 +186,13 @@
+             expected_result = "To: =?UTF-8?B?44Of44Kx44Or?= <test2 at example.com>, \r\n =?UTF-8?B?44G/44GR44KL?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+             field = Mail::ToField.new("ミケル <test2 at example.com>")
+             field << given_value
+-            field.encoded.should eq expected_result
++            expect(field.encoded).to eq expected_result
+           end
+           it "should keep the given value" do
+             field = Mail::ToField.new("ミケル <test2 at example.com>")
+             field << given_value
+-            field.value.should eq ["ミケル <test2 at example.com>", given_value].join(', ')
++            expect(field.value).to eq ["ミケル <test2 at example.com>", given_value].join(', ')
+           end
+         end
+       end
+@@ -200,22 +200,22 @@
+     it "should preserve the display name" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new('"Mikel Lindsaar" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      field.display_names.should eq ["Mikel Lindsaar"]
++      expect(field.display_names).to eq ["Mikel Lindsaar"]
+     end
+     it "should handle multiple addresses" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new(['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'Mikel <test2 at lindsaar.net>'])
+-      field.addresses.should eq ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'test2 at lindsaar.net']
++      expect(field.addresses).to eq ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'test2 at lindsaar.net']
+     end
+     it "should handle missing display names with an angle address" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new('<mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should handle empty display names with an angle address" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new('"" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -224,32 +224,32 @@
+     it "should allow us to encode an address field" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("test1 at lindsaar.net, My Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;")
+-      field.encoded.should eq "To: test1 at lindsaar.net, \r\n\sMy Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, \r\n\sme at lindsaar.net;\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "To: test1 at lindsaar.net, \r\n\sMy Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, \r\n\sme at lindsaar.net;\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow us to encode a simple address field" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("test1 at lindsaar.net")
+-      field.encoded.should eq "To: test1 at lindsaar.net\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "To: test1 at lindsaar.net\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow us to encode an address field" do
+       field = Mail::CcField.new("test1 at lindsaar.net, My Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;")
+-      field.encoded.should eq "Cc: test1 at lindsaar.net, \r\n\sMy Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, \r\n\sme at lindsaar.net;\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "Cc: test1 at lindsaar.net, \r\n\sMy Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, \r\n\sme at lindsaar.net;\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow us to decode an address field" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("test1 at lindsaar.net, My Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;")
+-      field.decoded.should eq "test1 at lindsaar.net, My Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;"
++      expect(field.decoded).to eq "test1 at lindsaar.net, My Group: test2 at lindsaar.net, me at lindsaar.net;"
+     end
+     it "should allow us to decode a non ascii address field" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("=?UTF-8?B?44G/44GR44KL?= <raasdnil at text.lindsaar.net>")
+-      field.decoded.should eq '"みける" <raasdnil at text.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(field.decoded).to eq '"みける" <raasdnil at text.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+     it "should allow us to decode a non ascii address field" do
+       field = Mail::ToField.new("=?UTF-8?B?44G/44GR44KL?= <raasdnil at text.lindsaar.net>, =?UTF-8?B?44G/44GR44KL?= <mikel at text.lindsaar.net>")
+-      field.decoded.should eq '"みける" <raasdnil at text.lindsaar.net>, "みける" <mikel at text.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(field.decoded).to eq '"みける" <raasdnil at text.lindsaar.net>, "みける" <mikel at text.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
+     field.each do |address|
+       addresses << address.address
+     end
+-    addresses.should eq ["test1 at lindsaar.net", "test2 at lindsaar.net", "me at lindsaar.net"]
++    expect(addresses).to eq ["test1 at lindsaar.net", "test2 at lindsaar.net", "me at lindsaar.net"]
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/common/common_date_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/common/common_date_spec.rb
+index d0bc7c3..be63b80 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/common/common_date_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/common/common_date_spec.rb
+@@ -6,17 +6,17 @@
+     it "should allow us to encode an date field" do
+       field = Mail::DateField.new('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow us to encode an resent date field" do
+       field = Mail::ResentDateField.new('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "Resent-Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "Resent-Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow us to decode an address field" do
+       field = Mail::DateField.new('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-      field.decoded.should eq "Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000"
++      expect(field.decoded).to eq "Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/common/common_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/common/common_field_spec.rb
+index 8b3cbc5..1d41466 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/common/common_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/common/common_field_spec.rb
+@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
+     end
+     it "should return '' on to_s if there is no value" do
+-      Mail::SubjectField.new(nil).to_s.should eq ''
++      expect(Mail::SubjectField.new(nil).to_s).to eq ''
+     end
+     it "should leave ascii alone" do
+       field = Mail::SubjectField.new("This is a test")
+-      field.encoded.should eq "Subject: This is a test\r\n"
+-      field.decoded.should eq "This is a test"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "Subject: This is a test\r\n"
++      expect(field.decoded).to eq "This is a test"
+     end
+     it "should encode a utf-8 string as utf-8 quoted printable" do
+@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
+         result = "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?=E3=81=8B=E3=81=8D=E3=81=8F=E3=81=91=E3=81=93?=\r\n"
+       end
+       field = Mail::SubjectField.new(value)
+-      field.encoded.should eq result
+-      field.decoded.should eq value
+-      field.value.should eq value
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq result
++      expect(field.decoded).to eq value
++      expect(field.value).to eq value
+     end
+     it "should wrap an encoded at 60 characters" do
+@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
+         result = "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?=E3=81=8B=E3=81=8D=E3=81=8F=E3=81=91=E3=81=93?=\r\n\s=?UTF-8?Q?_=E3=81=8B=E3=81=8D=E3=81=8F=E3=81=91=E3=81=93?=\r\n\s=?UTF-8?Q?_=E3=81=8B=E3=81=8D=E3=81=8F=E3=81=91=E3=81=93?=\r\n\s=?UTF-8?Q?_=E3=81=8B=E3=81=8D=E3=81=8F=E3=81=91=E3=81=93?=\r\n\s=?UTF-8?Q?_=E3=81=8B=E3=81=8D=E3=81=8F=E3=81=91=E3=81=93?=\r\n\s=?UTF-8?Q?_=E3=81=8B=E3=81=8D=E3=81=8F=E3=81=91=E3=81=93?=\r\n\s=?UTF-8?Q?_=E3=81=8B=E3=81=8D=E3=81=8F=E3=81=91=E3=81=93?=\r\n\s=?UTF-8?Q?_=E3=81 [...]
+       end
+       field = Mail::SubjectField.new(value)
+-      field.encoded.should eq result
+-      field.decoded.should eq value
+-      field.value.should eq value
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq result
++      expect(field.decoded).to eq value
++      expect(field.value).to eq value
+     end
+     it "should handle charsets in assigned addresses" do
+@@ -63,14 +63,14 @@
+         result = "From: =?UTF-8?B?44GL44GN44GP44GR44GT?= <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+       end
+       field = Mail::FromField.new(value)
+-      field.encoded.should eq result
+-      field.decoded.should eq value
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq result
++      expect(field.decoded).to eq value
+     end
+   end
+   it "does not strip out content that looks identitcal to the field name" do
+     field = Mail::SubjectField.new("Subject: Subject: for your approval")
+-    field.decoded.should == "Subject: for your approval"
++    expect(field.decoded).to eq("Subject: for your approval")
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/common/common_message_id_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/common/common_message_id_spec.rb
+index 668feca..fefd07f 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/common/common_message_id_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/common/common_message_id_spec.rb
+@@ -7,22 +7,22 @@
+     it "should allow us to encode a message id field" do
+       field = Mail::MessageIdField.new('<ThisIsANonUniqueMessageId at me.com>')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "Message-ID: <ThisIsANonUniqueMessageId at me.com>\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "Message-ID: <ThisIsANonUniqueMessageId at me.com>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow us to encode a message id field" do
+       field = Mail::MessageIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "Message-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "Message-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow us to encode an in reply to field" do
+       field = Mail::InReplyToField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "In-Reply-To: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "In-Reply-To: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow us to decode a message id field" do
+       field = Mail::MessageIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      field.decoded.should eq "<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>"
++      expect(field.decoded).to eq "<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/common/parameter_hash_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/common/parameter_hash_spec.rb
+index 137a6d2..65c3599 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/common/parameter_hash_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/common/parameter_hash_spec.rb
+@@ -5,41 +5,41 @@
+   it "should return the values in the hash" do
+     hash = Mail::ParameterHash.new
+     hash.merge!({'value1' => 'one', 'value2' => 'two'})
+-    hash.keys.should include("value1")
+-    hash.keys.should include("value2")
+-    hash.values.should include('one')
+-    hash.values.should include('two')
++    expect(hash.keys).to include("value1")
++    expect(hash.keys).to include("value2")
++    expect(hash.values).to include('one')
++    expect(hash.values).to include('two')
+   end
+   it "should return the values in the hash regardless of symbol or string" do
+     hash = Mail::ParameterHash.new
+     hash.merge!({'value1' => 'one', 'value2' => 'two'})
+-    hash['value1'].should eq 'one'
+-    hash['value2'].should eq 'two'
+-    hash[:value1].should eq 'one'
+-    hash[:value2].should eq 'two'
++    expect(hash['value1']).to eq 'one'
++    expect(hash['value2']).to eq 'two'
++    expect(hash[:value1]).to eq 'one'
++    expect(hash[:value2]).to eq 'two'
+   end
+   it "should return the values in the hash using case-insensitive key matching" do
+     hash = Mail::ParameterHash.new
+     hash.merge!({'value1' => 'one', 'VALUE2' => 'two'})
+-    hash['VALUE1'].should eq 'one'
+-    hash['vAlUe2'].should eq 'two'
+-    hash[:VaLuE1].should eq 'one'
+-    hash[:value2].should eq 'two'
++    expect(hash['VALUE1']).to eq 'one'
++    expect(hash['vAlUe2']).to eq 'two'
++    expect(hash[:VaLuE1]).to eq 'one'
++    expect(hash[:value2]).to eq 'two'
+   end
+   it "should return the correct value if they are not encoded" do
+     hash = Mail::ParameterHash.new
+     hash.merge!({'value1' => 'one', 'value2' => 'two'})
+-    hash['value1'].should eq 'one'
+-    hash['value2'].should eq 'two'
++    expect(hash['value1']).to eq 'one'
++    expect(hash['value2']).to eq 'two'
+   end
+   it "should return a name list concatenated" do
+     hash = Mail::ParameterHash.new
+     hash.merge!({'value*1' => 'one', 'value*2' => 'two'})
+-    hash['value'].should eq 'onetwo'
++    expect(hash['value']).to eq 'onetwo'
+   end
+   it "should return a name list concatenated and unencoded" do
+@@ -47,13 +47,13 @@
+     hash.merge!({'value*0*' => "us-ascii'en'This%20is%20even%20more%20",
+                  'value*1*' => "%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A%20",
+                  'value*2'  => "isn't it"})
+-    hash['value'].should eq "This is even more ***fun*** isn't it"
++    expect(hash['value']).to eq "This is even more ***fun*** isn't it"
+   end
+   it "should allow us to add a value" do
+     hash = Mail::ParameterHash.new
+     hash['value'] = 'bob'
+-    hash['value'].should eq 'bob'
++    expect(hash['value']).to eq 'bob'
+   end
+   it "should return an encoded value" do
+@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
+     hash.merge!({'value*0*' => "us-ascii'en'This%20is%20even%20more%20",
+                  'value*1*' => "%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A%20",
+                  'value*2'  => "isn't it"})
+-    hash.encoded.should eq %Q{value*0*=us-ascii'en'This%20is%20even%20more%20;\r\n\svalue*1*=%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A%20;\r\n\svalue*2="isn't it"}
++    expect(hash.encoded).to eq %Q{value*0*=us-ascii'en'This%20is%20even%20more%20;\r\n\svalue*1*=%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A%20;\r\n\svalue*2="isn't it"}
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/content_description_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/content_description_field_spec.rb
+index 3ccbb08..24b0711 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/content_description_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/content_description_field_spec.rb
+@@ -19,19 +19,19 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ContentDescriptionField.new("Content-Description: This is a description") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ContentDescriptionField.new("Content-Description: This is a description") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ContentDescriptionField.new('Content-Description: This is a description')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Content-Description'
+-      t.value.should eq 'This is a description'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Content-Description'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'This is a description'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ContentDescriptionField.new('This is a description')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Content-Description'
+-      t.value.should eq 'This is a description'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Content-Description'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'This is a description'
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/content_disposition_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/content_disposition_field_spec.rb
+index 7b5a1c6..8d1ebbc 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/content_disposition_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/content_disposition_field_spec.rb
+@@ -5,77 +5,77 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ContentDispositionField.new("attachment; filename=File") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ContentDispositionField.new("attachment; filename=File") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=File')
+-      c.name.should eq 'Content-Disposition'
+-      c.value.should eq 'attachment; filename=File'
++      expect(c.name).to eq 'Content-Disposition'
++      expect(c.value).to eq 'attachment; filename=File'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('attachment; filename=File')
+-      c.name.should eq 'Content-Disposition'
+-      c.value.should eq 'attachment; filename=File'
++      expect(c.name).to eq 'Content-Disposition'
++      expect(c.value).to eq 'attachment; filename=File'
+     end
+     it "should accept a nil value and generate a disposition type" do
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new(nil)
+-      c.name.should eq 'Content-Disposition'
+-      c.value.should_not be_nil
++      expect(c.name).to eq 'Content-Disposition'
++      expect(c.value).not_to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should render encoded" do
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=File')
+-      c.encoded.should eq "Content-Disposition: attachment;\r\n\sfilename=File\r\n"
++      expect(c.encoded).to eq "Content-Disposition: attachment;\r\n\sfilename=File\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should render encoded for inline" do
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: inline')
+-      c.encoded.should eq "Content-Disposition: inline\r\n"
++      expect(c.encoded).to eq "Content-Disposition: inline\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should wrap a filename in double quotation marks only if the filename contains spaces and does not already have double quotation marks" do
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=This is a bad filename.txt')
+-      c.value.should eq 'attachment; filename="This is a bad filename.txt"'
++      expect(c.value).to eq 'attachment; filename="This is a bad filename.txt"'
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=some.jpg')
+-      c.value.should eq 'attachment; filename=some.jpg'
++      expect(c.value).to eq 'attachment; filename=some.jpg'
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Bad filename but at least it is wrapped in quotes.txt"')
+-      c.value.should eq 'attachment; filename="Bad filename but at least it is wrapped in quotes.txt"'
++      expect(c.value).to eq 'attachment; filename="Bad filename but at least it is wrapped in quotes.txt"'
+     end
+     it "should render decoded" do
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=File')
+-      c.decoded.should eq 'attachment; filename=File'
++      expect(c.decoded).to eq 'attachment; filename=File'
+     end
+     it "should render decoded inline" do
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: inline')
+-      c.decoded.should eq 'inline'
++      expect(c.decoded).to eq 'inline'
+     end
+     it "should handle upper and mixed case INLINE and AttachMent" do
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: INLINE')
+-      c.decoded.should eq 'inline'
++      expect(c.decoded).to eq 'inline'
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: AttachMent')
+-      c.decoded.should eq 'attachment'
++      expect(c.decoded).to eq 'attachment'
+     end
+   end
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should give its disposition type" do
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=File')
+-      c.disposition_type.should eq 'attachment'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"filename" => 'File'})
++      expect(c.disposition_type).to eq 'attachment'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"filename" => 'File'})
+     end
+     # see spec/fixtures/trec_2005_corpus/missing_content_disposition.eml
+     it "should accept a blank disposition type" do
+       c = Mail::ContentDispositionField.new('Content-Disposition: ')
+-      c.disposition_type.should_not be_nil
++      expect(c.disposition_type).not_to be_nil
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/content_id_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/content_id_field_spec.rb
+index df4e1a5..7444daa 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/content_id_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/content_id_field_spec.rb
+@@ -30,37 +30,37 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ContentIdField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ContentIdField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       c = Mail::ContentIdField.new('Content-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      c.name.should eq 'Content-ID'
+-      c.value.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      c.content_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(c.name).to eq 'Content-ID'
++      expect(c.value).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(c.content_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       m = Mail::ContentIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.name.should eq 'Content-ID'
+-      m.value.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      m.content_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(m.name).to eq 'Content-ID'
++      expect(m.value).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(m.content_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should accept a nil value and generate a content_id" do
+       m = Mail::ContentIdField.new(nil)
+-      m.name.should eq 'Content-ID'
+-      m.value.should_not be_nil
++      expect(m.name).to eq 'Content-ID'
++      expect(m.value).not_to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should allow it to be encoded" do
+       m = Mail::ContentIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.encoded.should eq "Content-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(m.encoded).to eq "Content-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow it to be decoded" do
+       m = Mail::ContentIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.decoded.should eq "<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>"
++      expect(m.decoded).to eq "<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -69,16 +69,16 @@
+     it "should not accept a string with multiple message IDs but only return the first" do
+       m = Mail::ContentIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <4567 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.name.should eq 'Content-ID'
+-      m.to_s.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      m.content_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(m.name).to eq 'Content-ID'
++      expect(m.to_s).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(m.content_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should change the message id if given a new message id" do
+       m = Mail::ContentIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.to_s.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(m.to_s).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       m.value = '<4567 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      m.to_s.should eq '<4567 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(m.to_s).to eq '<4567 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -86,31 +86,31 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should provide to_s" do
+       m = Mail::ContentIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.to_s.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      m.content_id.to_s.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(m.to_s).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(m.content_id.to_s).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should provide encoded" do
+       m = Mail::ContentIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.encoded.should eq "Content-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(m.encoded).to eq "Content-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should respond to :responsible_for?" do
+       m = Mail::ContentIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.should respond_to(:responsible_for?)
++      expect(m).to respond_to(:responsible_for?)
+     end
+   end
+   describe "generating a message id" do
+     it "should generate a message ID if it has no value" do
+       m = Mail::ContentIdField.new
+-      m.content_id.should_not be_blank
++      expect(m.content_id).not_to be_blank
+     end
+     it "should generate a random message ID" do
+       m = Mail::ContentIdField.new
+       1.upto(100) do
+-        m.content_id.should_not == Mail::ContentIdField.new.content_id
++        expect(m.content_id).not_to eq(Mail::ContentIdField.new.content_id)
+       end
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/content_location_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/content_location_field_spec.rb
+index 795e037..2ddccaf 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/content_location_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/content_location_field_spec.rb
+@@ -7,29 +7,29 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ContentLocationField.new("Content-Location", "7bit") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ContentLocationField.new("Content-Location", "7bit") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ContentLocationField.new('Content-Location: photo.jpg')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Content-Location'
+-      t.value.should eq 'photo.jpg'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Content-Location'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'photo.jpg'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ContentLocationField.new('photo.jpg')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Content-Location'
+-      t.value.should eq 'photo.jpg'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Content-Location'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'photo.jpg'
+     end
+     it "should render an encoded field" do
+       t = Mail::ContentLocationField.new('photo.jpg')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Content-Location: photo.jpg\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Content-Location: photo.jpg\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should render a decoded field" do
+       t = Mail::ContentLocationField.new('photo.jpg')
+-      t.decoded.should eq 'photo.jpg'
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq 'photo.jpg'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
+     it "should return an encoding string unquoted" do
+       t = Mail::ContentLocationField.new('"A quoted filename.jpg"')
+-      t.location.should eq 'A quoted filename.jpg'
++      expect(t.location).to eq 'A quoted filename.jpg'
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field_spec.rb
+index af8ff67..dfd77b6 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/content_transfer_encoding_field_spec.rb
+@@ -40,29 +40,29 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new("Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new('Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
+-      t.value.should eq '7bit'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
++      expect(t.value).to eq '7bit'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new('7bit')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
+-      t.value.should eq '7bit'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
++      expect(t.value).to eq '7bit'
+     end
+     it "should render an encoded field" do
+       t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new('7bit')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should render a decoded field" do
+       t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new('7bit')
+-      t.decoded.should eq '7bit'
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq '7bit'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -72,55 +72,55 @@
+     it "should return an encoding string" do
+       ["7bit", "8bit", "binary", 'quoted-printable', "base64"].each do |encoding|
+         t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new(encoding)
+-        t.encoding.should eq encoding
++        expect(t.encoding).to eq encoding
+       end
+     end
+     it "should treat 7bits/7-bit and 8bits/8-bit as 7bit and 8bit" do
+       %w(7bits 7-bit).each do |mechanism|
+-        Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new(mechanism).encoding.should eq '7bit'
++        expect(Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new(mechanism).encoding).to eq '7bit'
+       end
+       %w(8bits 8-bit).each do |mechanism|
+-        Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new(mechanism).encoding.should eq '8bit'
++        expect(Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new(mechanism).encoding).to eq '8bit'
+       end
+     end
+     it "should handle any valid 'x-token' value" do
+       t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new('X-This-is_MY-encoding')
+-      t.encoding.should eq 'x-this-is_my-encoding'
++      expect(t.encoding).to eq 'x-this-is_my-encoding'
+     end
+     it "should handle an x-encoding" do
+       t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new("x-uuencode")
+-      t.encoding.should eq "x-uuencode"
++      expect(t.encoding).to eq "x-uuencode"
+     end
+     it "should handle an ietf encoding (practically, any token)" do
+       t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new("ietf-token")
+-      t.encoding.should eq "ietf-token"
++      expect(t.encoding).to eq "ietf-token"
+     end
+     it "should replace the existing value" do
+       t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new("7bit")
+       t.parse("quoted-printable")
+-      t.encoding.should eq 'quoted-printable'
++      expect(t.encoding).to eq 'quoted-printable'
+     end
+     it "should raise an error on bogus values" do
+-      doing { Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new("broken at foo") }.should raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new("broken at foo") }.to raise_error
+     end 
+     it "should handle an empty content transfer encoding" do
+       t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new("")
+-      t.encoding.should eq ""
++      expect(t.encoding).to eq ""
+     end
+     it "should handle a hyphen" do
+       t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new('7-bit')
+-      t.decoded.should eq '7bit'
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq '7bit'
+       t = Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField.new('8-bit')
+-      t.decoded.should eq '8bit'
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq '8bit'
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/content_type_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/content_type_field_spec.rb
+index 276a6b7..35c1cfe 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/content_type_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/content_type_field_spec.rb
+@@ -71,115 +71,115 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ContentTypeField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ContentTypeField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('Content-Type: text/plain')
+-      c.name.should eq 'Content-Type'
+-      c.value.should eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.name).to eq 'Content-Type'
++      expect(c.value).to eq 'text/plain'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain')
+-      c.name.should eq 'Content-Type'
+-      c.value.should eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.name).to eq 'Content-Type'
++      expect(c.value).to eq 'text/plain'
+     end
+     it "should accept a nil value and generate a content_type" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('Content-Type', nil)
+-      c.name.should eq 'Content-Type'
+-      c.value.should_not be_nil
++      expect(c.name).to eq 'Content-Type'
++      expect(c.value).not_to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should render encoded" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('Content-Type: text/plain')
+-      c.encoded.should eq "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
++      expect(c.encoded).to eq "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should render encoded with parameters" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed')
+-      c.encoded.should eq %Q{Content-Type: text/plain;\r\n\scharset=US-ASCII;\r\n\sformat=flowed\r\n}
++      expect(c.encoded).to eq %Q{Content-Type: text/plain;\r\n\scharset=US-ASCII;\r\n\sformat=flowed\r\n}
+     end
+     it "should render quoted values encoded" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain; example="foo bar"')
+-      c.encoded.should eq %Q{Content-Type: text/plain;\r\n\sexample="foo bar"\r\n}
++      expect(c.encoded).to eq %Q{Content-Type: text/plain;\r\n\sexample="foo bar"\r\n}
+     end
+     it "should render decoded" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed')
+-      c.decoded.should eq 'text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed'
++      expect(c.decoded).to eq 'text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed'
+     end
+     it "should render quoted values decoded" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain; example="foo bar"')
+-      c.decoded.should eq 'text/plain; example="foo bar"'
++      expect(c.decoded).to eq 'text/plain; example="foo bar"'
+     end
+     it "should render " do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('message/delivery-status')
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'message'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'delivery-status'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'message'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'delivery-status'
+     end
+     it "should wrap a filename in double quotation marks only if the filename contains spaces and does not already have double quotation marks" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain; name=This is a bad filename.txt')
+-      c.value.should eq 'text/plain; name="This is a bad filename.txt"'
++      expect(c.value).to eq 'text/plain; name="This is a bad filename.txt"'
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('image/jpg; name=some.jpg; size=100')
+-      c.value.should eq 'image/jpg; name=some.jpg; size=100'
++      expect(c.value).to eq 'image/jpg; name=some.jpg; size=100'
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain; name="Bad filename but at least it is wrapped in quotes.txt"')
+-      c.value.should eq 'text/plain; name="Bad filename but at least it is wrapped in quotes.txt"'
++      expect(c.value).to eq 'text/plain; name="Bad filename but at least it is wrapped in quotes.txt"'
+     end
+     it "should only wrap filenames in double quotation marks" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new("image/jpg;\r\n\sname=some .jpg\r\n\ssize=100")
+-      c.value.should eq %Q{image/jpg;\r\n\sname="some .jpg"\r\n\ssize=100}
++      expect(c.value).to eq %Q{image/jpg;\r\n\sname="some .jpg"\r\n\ssize=100}
+     end
+   end
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return a content_type" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain')
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
+     end
+     it "should return a content_type for the :string method" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain')
+-      c.string.should eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.string).to eq 'text/plain'
+     end
+     it "should return a main_type" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain')
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
+     end
+     it "should return a sub_type" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain')
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
+     end
+     it "should return a parameter as a hash" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain; charset=US-ASCII')
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'US-ASCII'})
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'US-ASCII'})
+     end
+     it "should return multiple parameters as a hash" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed')
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'US-ASCII', "format" => 'flowed'})
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'US-ASCII', "format" => 'flowed'})
+     end
+     it "should return boundry parameters" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('multipart/mixed; boundary=Apple-Mail-13-196941151')
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"boundary" => 'Apple-Mail-13-196941151'})
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"boundary" => 'Apple-Mail-13-196941151'})
+     end
+     it "should be indifferent with the access" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('multipart/mixed; boundary=Apple')
+-      c.parameters[:boundary].should eq "Apple"
+-      c.parameters['boundary'].should eq "Apple"
++      expect(c.parameters[:boundary]).to eq "Apple"
++      expect(c.parameters['boundary']).to eq "Apple"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -187,19 +187,19 @@
+   describe "class methods" do
+     it "should give back an initialized instance with a unique boundary" do
+       boundary = Mail::ContentTypeField.with_boundary('multipart/mixed')
+-      boundary.encoded.should =~ %r{Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\r\n\sboundary="--==_mimepart_[\w]+_[\w]+"\r\n}
++      expect(boundary.encoded).to match(%r{Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\r\n\sboundary="--==_mimepart_[\w]+_[\w]+"\r\n})
+     end
+     it "should give back an initialized instance with different type with a unique boundary" do
+       boundary = Mail::ContentTypeField.with_boundary('multipart/alternative')
+-      boundary.encoded.should =~ %r{Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n\sboundary="--==_mimepart_[\w]+_[\w]+"\r\n}
++      expect(boundary.encoded).to match(%r{Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\r\n\sboundary="--==_mimepart_[\w]+_[\w]+"\r\n})
+     end
+     it "should give unique boundaries" do
+       boundary1 = Mail::ContentTypeField.with_boundary('multipart/alternative').parameters['boundary']
+       0.upto(250) do
+         boundary2 = Mail::ContentTypeField.with_boundary('multipart/alternative').parameters['boundary']
+-        boundary1.should_not == boundary2
++        expect(boundary1).not_to eq(boundary2)
+       end
+     end
+@@ -210,404 +210,404 @@
+     it "should handle 'application/octet-stream; name*=iso-2022-jp'ja'01%20Quien%20Te%20Dij%8aat.%20Pitbull.mp3'" do
+       string = %q{application/octet-stream; name*=iso-2022-jp'ja'01%20Quien%20Te%20Dij%8aat.%20Pitbull.mp3}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'application/octet-stream'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'application'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'octet-stream'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({'name*' => "iso-2022-jp'ja'01%20Quien%20Te%20Dij%8aat.%20Pitbull.mp3"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'application/octet-stream'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'application'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'octet-stream'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({'name*' => "iso-2022-jp'ja'01%20Quien%20Te%20Dij%8aat.%20Pitbull.mp3"})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'application/pdf;'" do
+       string = %q{application/pdf;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'application/pdf'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'application'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'pdf'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'application/pdf'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'application'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'pdf'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'application/pdf; name=\"broken.pdf\"'" do
+       string = %q{application/pdf; name="broken.pdf"}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'application/pdf'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'application'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'pdf'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"name" => "broken.pdf"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'application/pdf'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'application'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'pdf'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"name" => "broken.pdf"})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'application/pkcs7-signature;'" do
+       string = %q{application/pkcs7-signature;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'application/pkcs7-signature'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'application'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'pkcs7-signature'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'application/pkcs7-signature'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'application'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'pkcs7-signature'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'application/pkcs7-signature; name=smime.p7s'" do
+       string = %q{application/pkcs7-signature; name=smime.p7s}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'application/pkcs7-signature'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'application'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'pkcs7-signature'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"name" => "smime.p7s"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'application/pkcs7-signature'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'application'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'pkcs7-signature'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"name" => "smime.p7s"})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'application/x-gzip; NAME=blah.gz'" do
+       string = %q{application/x-gzip; NAME=blah.gz}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'application/x-gzip'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'application'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'x-gzip'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"NAME" => "blah.gz"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'application/x-gzip'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'application'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'x-gzip'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"NAME" => "blah.gz"})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'image/jpeg'" do
+       string = %q{image/jpeg}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'image/jpeg'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'image'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'jpeg'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'image/jpeg'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'image'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'jpeg'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'image/jpeg'" do
+       string = %q{image/jpeg}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'image/jpeg'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'image'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'jpeg'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'image/jpeg'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'image'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'jpeg'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'image/jpeg;'" do
+       string = %q{image/jpeg}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'image/jpeg'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'image'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'jpeg'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'image/jpeg'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'image'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'jpeg'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'image/png;'" do
+       string = %q{image/png}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'image/png'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'image'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'png'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'image/png'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'image'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'png'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'message/delivery-status'" do
+       string = %q{message/delivery-status}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'message/delivery-status'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'message'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'delivery-status'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'message/delivery-status'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'message'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'delivery-status'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'message/rfc822'" do
+       string = %q{message/rfc822}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'message/rfc822'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'message'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'rfc822'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'message/rfc822'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'message'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'rfc822'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/alternative;'" do
+       string = %q{multipart/alternative;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/alternative'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'alternative'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/alternative'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'alternative'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/alternative; boundary=\"----=_NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850\"'" do
+       string = %q{multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850"}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/alternative'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'alternative'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"boundary" =>"----=_NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/alternative'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'alternative'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"boundary" =>"----=_NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850"})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/alternative; boundary=----=_NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850'" do
+       string = %q{multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850"}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/alternative'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'alternative'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"boundary" =>"----=_NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/alternative'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'alternative'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"boundary" =>"----=_NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850"})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'Multipart/Alternative;boundary=MuLtIpArT_BoUnDaRy'" do
+       string = %q{Multipart/Alternative; boundary=MuLtIpArT_BoUnDaRy}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/alternative'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'alternative'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"boundary" =>"MuLtIpArT_BoUnDaRy"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/alternative'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'alternative'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"boundary" =>"MuLtIpArT_BoUnDaRy"})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'Multipart/Alternative;boundary=MuLtIpArT_BoUnDaRy'" do
+       string = %q{Multipart/Alternative;boundary=MuLtIpArT_BoUnDaRy}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/alternative'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'alternative'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"boundary" =>"MuLtIpArT_BoUnDaRy"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/alternative'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'alternative'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"boundary" =>"MuLtIpArT_BoUnDaRy"})
+     end
+     it %(should handle 'multipart/alternative; boundary="----jkhkjgyurlkmn789809";; charset="us-ascii"') do
+       string = %(multipart/alternative; boundary="----jkhkjgyurlkmn789809";; charset="us-ascii")
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/alternative'
+-      c.parameters['boundary'].should == '----jkhkjgyurlkmn789809'
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/alternative'
++      expect(c.parameters['boundary']).to eq('----jkhkjgyurlkmn789809')
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/mixed'" do
+       string = %q{multipart/mixed}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/mixed'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'mixed'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/mixed'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'mixed'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/mixed;'" do
+       string = %q{multipart/mixed;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/mixed'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'mixed'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/mixed'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'mixed'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/mixed; boundary=Apple-Mail-13-196941151'" do
+       string = %q{multipart/mixed; boundary=Apple-Mail-13-196941151}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/mixed'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'mixed'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"boundary" => "Apple-Mail-13-196941151"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/mixed'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'mixed'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"boundary" => "Apple-Mail-13-196941151"})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/mixed; boundary=mimepart_427e4cb4ca329_133ae40413c81ef'" do
+       string = %q{multipart/mixed; boundary=mimepart_427e4cb4ca329_133ae40413c81ef}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/mixed'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'mixed'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"boundary" => "mimepart_427e4cb4ca329_133ae40413c81ef"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/mixed'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'mixed'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"boundary" => "mimepart_427e4cb4ca329_133ae40413c81ef"})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;'" do
+       string = %q{multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/report'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'report'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"report-type" => "delivery-status"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/report'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'report'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"report-type" => "delivery-status"})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/signed;'" do
+       string = %q{multipart/signed;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/signed'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'signed'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/signed'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'signed'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/enriched;'" do
+       string = %q{text/enriched;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/enriched'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'enriched'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/enriched'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'enriched'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/html;'" do
+       string = %q{text/html;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/html'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'html'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/html'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'html'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/html; charset=iso-8859-1;'" do
+       string = %q{text/html; charset=iso-8859-1;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/html'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'html'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'iso-8859-1'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/html'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'html'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'iso-8859-1'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'TEXT/PLAIN; charset=ISO-8859-1;'" do
+       string = %q{TEXT/PLAIN; charset=ISO-8859-1;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'ISO-8859-1'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'ISO-8859-1'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/plain'" do
+       string = %q{text/plain}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/plain;'" do
+       string = %q{text/plain;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1'" do
+       string = %q{text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'ISO-8859-1'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'ISO-8859-1'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1;'" do
+       string = %q{text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'ISO-8859-1', "format" => 'flowed'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'ISO-8859-1', "format" => 'flowed'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/plain; charset=us-ascii;'" do
+       string = %q{text/plain; charset=us-ascii}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'us-ascii'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'us-ascii'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed'" do
+       string = %q{text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'US-ASCII', "format" => 'flowed'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'US-ASCII', "format" => 'flowed'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed'" do
+       string = %q{text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'US-ASCII', "format" => 'flowed'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'US-ASCII', "format" => 'flowed'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'" do
+       string = %q{text/plain; charset=utf-8}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'utf-8'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'utf-8'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'" do
+       string = %q{text/plain; charset=X-UNKNOWN}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'X-UNKNOWN'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'X-UNKNOWN'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/x-ruby-script;'" do
+       string = %q{text/x-ruby-script;}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/x-ruby-script'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'x-ruby-script'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/x-ruby-script'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'x-ruby-script'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/x-ruby-script; name=\"hello.rb\"'" do
+       string = %q{text/x-ruby-script; name="hello.rb"}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/x-ruby-script'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'x-ruby-script'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"name" => 'hello.rb'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/x-ruby-script'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'x-ruby-script'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"name" => 'hello.rb'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/mixed; boundary=\"=_NextPart_Lycos_15031600484464_ID\"" do
+       string = %q{multipart/mixed; boundary="=_NextPart_Lycos_15031600484464_ID"}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/mixed'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'mixed'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"boundary" => '=_NextPart_Lycos_15031600484464_ID'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/mixed'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'mixed'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"boundary" => '=_NextPart_Lycos_15031600484464_ID'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/alternative; boundary=----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850" do
+       string = %q{multipart/alternative; boundary=----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/alternative'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'alternative'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"boundary" => '----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/alternative'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'alternative'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"boundary" => '----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/alternative; boundary=\"----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850\"" do
+       string = %q{multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850"}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/alternative'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'alternative'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"boundary" => '----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/alternative'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'alternative'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"boundary" => '----=_=NextPart_000_0093_01C81419.EB75E850'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'multipart/related;boundary=1_4626B816_9F1690;Type=\"application/smil\";Start=\"<mms.smil.txt>\"'" do
+       string = %q{multipart/related;boundary=1_4626B816_9F1690;Type="application/smil";Start="<mms.smil.txt>"}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/related'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'multipart'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'related'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"boundary" => '1_4626B816_9F1690', "Type" => 'application/smil', "Start" => '<mms.smil.txt>'})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/related'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'multipart'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'related'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"boundary" => '1_4626B816_9F1690', "Type" => 'application/smil', "Start" => '<mms.smil.txt>'})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'IMAGE/JPEG; name=\"IM 006.jpg\"'" do
+       string = %q{IMAGE/JPEG; name="IM 006.jpg"}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'image/jpeg'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'image'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'jpeg'
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"name" => "IM 006.jpg"})
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'image/jpeg'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'image'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'jpeg'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"name" => "IM 006.jpg"})
+     end
+     it "should handle 'unknown/unknown'" do
+       string = %(unknown/unknown; charset=iso-8859-1; name=IMSTP19.gif)
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'unknown/unknown'
+-      c.main_type.should eq 'unknown'
+-      c.sub_type.should eq 'unknown'
+-      c.parameters.should eql('charset' => 'iso-8859-1', 'name' => 'IMSTP19.gif')
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'unknown/unknown'
++      expect(c.main_type).to eq 'unknown'
++      expect(c.sub_type).to eq 'unknown'
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql('charset' => 'iso-8859-1', 'name' => 'IMSTP19.gif')
+     end
+   end
+@@ -617,13 +617,13 @@
+     it "should locate a filename if there is a filename" do
+       string = %q{application/octet-stream; filename=mikel.jpg}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.filename.should eq 'mikel.jpg'
++      expect(c.filename).to eq 'mikel.jpg'
+     end
+     it "should locate a name if there is no filename" do
+       string = %q{application/octet-stream; name=mikel.jpg}
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(string)
+-      c.filename.should eq 'mikel.jpg'
++      expect(c.filename).to eq 'mikel.jpg'
+     end
+     it "should locate an encoded name as a filename" do
+@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@
+         expected = "01 Quien Te Dij\221at. Pitbull.mp3"
+         result = c.filename
+       end
+-      expected.should eq result
++      expect(expected).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should encode a non us-ascii filename" do
+@@ -658,8 +658,8 @@
+         result = %Q{Content-Type: application/octet-stream;\r\n\sfilename*=sjis'jp'01%20Quien%20Te%20Dij%91at.%20Pitbull.mp3\r\n}
+       end
+       c.filename = string
+-      c.parameters.should eql({"filename" => string})
+-      c.encoded.should eq result
++      expect(c.parameters).to eql({"filename" => string})
++      expect(c.encoded).to eq result
+       $KCODE = @original if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+     end
+@@ -669,13 +669,13 @@
+     it "should handle missing sub-type on a text content type" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('Content-Type: text')
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
+     end
+     it "should handle missing ; after content-type" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('Content-Type: multipart/mixed boundary="----=_NextPart_000_000F_01C17754.8C3CAF30"')
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'multipart/mixed'
+-      c.parameters['boundary'].should eq '----=_NextPart_000_000F_01C17754.8C3CAF30'
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'multipart/mixed'
++      expect(c.parameters['boundary']).to eq '----=_NextPart_000_000F_01C17754.8C3CAF30'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -683,82 +683,82 @@
+   describe "initializing with an array" do
+     it "should initialize with an array" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(['text', 'html', {'charset' => 'UTF-8'}])
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/html'
+-      c.parameters['charset'].should eq 'UTF-8'
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/html'
++      expect(c.parameters['charset']).to eq 'UTF-8'
+     end
+     it "should allow many parameters to be passed in" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(['text', 'html', {"format"=>"flowed", "charset"=>"utf-8"}])
+-      c.content_type.should eq 'text/html'
+-      c.parameters['charset'].should eq 'utf-8'
+-      c.parameters['format'].should eq 'flowed'
++      expect(c.content_type).to eq 'text/html'
++      expect(c.parameters['charset']).to eq 'utf-8'
++      expect(c.parameters['format']).to eq 'flowed'
+     end
+   end
+   describe "special case values needing sanity" do
+     it "should handle 'text/plain;ISO-8559-1'" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain;ISO-8559-1')
+-      c.string.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.parameters['charset'].should eq 'iso-8559-1'
++      expect(c.string).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.parameters['charset']).to eq 'iso-8559-1'
+     end
+     it "should handle 'text/plain; charset = \"iso-8859-1\"'" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain; charset = "iso-8859-1"')
+-      c.string.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.parameters['charset'].should eq 'iso-8859-1'
++      expect(c.string).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.parameters['charset']).to eq 'iso-8859-1'
+     end
+     it "should handle text; params" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text; charset=utf-8')
+-      c.string.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.parameters['charset'].should eq 'utf-8'
++      expect(c.string).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.parameters['charset']).to eq 'utf-8'
+     end
+     it 'should handle text/html; charset="charset="GB2312""' do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/html; charset="charset="GB2312""')
+-      c.string.should eq 'text/html'
+-      c.parameters['charset'].should eq 'gb2312'
++      expect(c.string).to eq 'text/html'
++      expect(c.parameters['charset']).to eq 'gb2312'
+     end
+     it "should handle application/octet-stream; name=archiveshelp1[1].htm" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('application/octet-stream; name=archiveshelp1[1].htm')
+-      c.string.should eq 'application/octet-stream'
+-      c.parameters['name'].should eq 'archiveshelp1[1].htm'
++      expect(c.string).to eq 'application/octet-stream'
++      expect(c.parameters['name']).to eq 'archiveshelp1[1].htm'
+     end
+     it 'should handle text/plain;; format="flowed"' do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('text/plain;; format="flowed"')
+-      c.string.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.parameters['format'].should eq 'flowed'
++      expect(c.string).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.parameters['format']).to eq 'flowed'
+     end
+     it 'set an empty content type to text/plain' do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new('')
+-      c.string.should eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.string).to eq 'text/plain'
+     end
+     it "should just ignore illegal params like audio/x-midi;\r\n\sname=Part .exe" do
+-      pending "fixed in pr #481"
++      skip "fixed in pr #481"
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new("audio/x-midi;\r\n\sname=Part .exe")
+-      c.string.should eq 'audio/x-midi'
+-      c.parameters['name'].should eq nil
++      expect(c.string).to eq 'audio/x-midi'
++      expect(c.parameters['name']).to eq nil
+     end
+     it "should handle: rfc822; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-15" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new("rfc822; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-15")
+-      c.string.should eq 'text/plain'
+-      c.parameters['format'].should eq 'flowed'
+-      c.parameters['charset'].should eq 'iso-8859-15'
++      expect(c.string).to eq 'text/plain'
++      expect(c.parameters['format']).to eq 'flowed'
++      expect(c.parameters['charset']).to eq 'iso-8859-15'
+     end
+     it "should just get the mime type if all else fails with some real garbage" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new("text/html; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-15  Mime-Version: 1.0")
+-      c.string.should eq 'text/html'
++      expect(c.string).to eq 'text/html'
+     end
+     it "shouldn't include separating semicolon in parameter value when sanitizing" do
+       c = Mail::ContentTypeField.new(%Q{Multipart/Related;boundary=boundary123?WUT; type="application/xml";})
+-      c.parameters['boundary'].should eq 'boundary123?WUT'
++      expect(c.parameters['boundary']).to eq 'boundary123?WUT'
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/date_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/date_field_spec.rb
+index 45a304b..d896764 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/date_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/date_field_spec.rb
+@@ -23,55 +23,55 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::DateField.new("12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::DateField.new("12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should be able to tell the time" do
+-      Mail::DateField.new("12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT").date_time.class.should eq DateTime
++      expect(Mail::DateField.new("12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT").date_time.class).to eq DateTime
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::DateField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonDate) 
++      expect(Mail::DateField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonDate) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::DateField.new('Date: 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Date'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000'
+-      t.date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Date'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000'
++      expect(t.date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::DateField.new('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Date'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000'
+-      t.date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Date'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000'
++      expect(t.date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+     end
+     it "should accept nil as a value" do
+       t = Mail::DateField.new(nil)
+-      t.date_time.should_not be_nil
++      expect(t.date_time).not_to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should allow us to encode an date field" do
+       field = Mail::DateField.new('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-      field.encoded.should eq "Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000\r\n"
++      expect(field.encoded).to eq "Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should allow us to decode an address field" do
+       field = Mail::DateField.new('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-      field.decoded.should eq "Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000"
++      expect(field.decoded).to eq "Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000"
+     end
+     it "should be able to parse a really bad spacing example" do
+       field = Mail::DateField.new("Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09(comment):   55  :  06 -0600")
+-      field.decoded.should eq "Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600"
++      expect(field.decoded).to eq "Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600"
+     end
+     it "should give today's date if no date is specified" do
+       now = Time.now
+-      Time.stub!(:now).and_return(now)
+-      Mail::DateField.new.date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse(now.to_s)
++      allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(now)
++      expect(Mail::DateField.new.date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse(now.to_s)
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/envelope_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/envelope_spec.rb
+index 412c086..95995ba 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/envelope_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/envelope_spec.rb
+@@ -25,18 +25,18 @@
+   #        an end-of-line marker.
+   it "should initialize" do
+-    doing { Mail::Envelope.new('mikel at test.lindsaar.net Mon May  2 16:07:05 2005') }.should_not raise_error
++    expect { Mail::Envelope.new('mikel at test.lindsaar.net Mon May  2 16:07:05 2005') }.not_to raise_error
+   end
+   describe "accessor methods" do
+     it "should return the address" do
+       envelope = Mail::Envelope.new("mikel at test.lindsaar.net Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009")
+-      envelope.from.should eq "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
++      expect(envelope.from).to eq "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+     end
+     it "should return the date_time" do
+       envelope = Mail::Envelope.new("mikel at test.lindsaar.net Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009")
+-      envelope.date.should eq ::DateTime.parse("Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009")
++      expect(envelope.date).to eq ::DateTime.parse("Mon Aug 17 00:39:21 2009")
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/from_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/from_field_spec.rb
+index 0f4e67a..893736b 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/from_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/from_field_spec.rb
+@@ -9,23 +9,23 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::FromField.new("From: Mikel") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::FromField.new("From: Mikel") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::FromField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
++      expect(Mail::FromField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::FromField.new('From: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'From'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'From'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::FromField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'From'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'From'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -35,55 +35,55 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return an address" do
+       t = Mail::FromField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.should eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
++      expect(t.formatted).to eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+     end
+     it "should return two addresses" do
+       t = Mail::FromField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada Lindsaar <ada at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.first.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      t.addresses.last.should eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(t.formatted.first).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.addresses.last).to eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should return one address and a group" do
+       t = Mail::FromField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.addresses[0].should eq 'sam at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[1].should eq 'mikel at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[2].should eq 'bob at you.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[0]).to eq 'sam at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[1]).to eq 'mikel at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[2]).to eq 'bob at you.com'
+     end
+     it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do
+       t = Mail::FromField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.value.should eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line" do
+       t = Mail::FromField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "From: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "From: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line" do
+       t = Mail::FromField.new("bob at me.com")
+-      t.encoded.should eq "From: bob at me.com\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "From: bob at me.com\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should return the decoded line" do
+       t = Mail::FromField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.decoded.should eq "sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;"
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq "sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;"
+     end
+   end
+   it "should handle non ascii" do
+     t = Mail::FromField.new('"Foo áëô îü" <extended at example.net>')
+-    t.decoded.should eq '"Foo áëô îü" <extended at example.net>'
+-    t.encoded.should eq "From: =?UTF-8?B?Rm9vIMOhw6vDtCDDrsO8?= <extended at example.net>\r\n"
++    expect(t.decoded).to eq '"Foo áëô îü" <extended at example.net>'
++    expect(t.encoded).to eq "From: =?UTF-8?B?Rm9vIMOhw6vDtCDDrsO8?= <extended at example.net>\r\n"
+   end
+   it "should work without quotes" do
+     t = Mail::FromField.new('Foo áëô îü <extended at example.net>')
+-    t.encoded.should eq "From: Foo =?UTF-8?B?w6HDq8O0?= =?UTF-8?B?IMOuw7w=?= <extended at example.net>\r\n"
+-    t.decoded.should eq '"Foo áëô îü" <extended at example.net>'
++    expect(t.encoded).to eq "From: Foo =?UTF-8?B?w6HDq8O0?= =?UTF-8?B?IMOuw7w=?= <extended at example.net>\r\n"
++    expect(t.decoded).to eq '"Foo áëô îü" <extended at example.net>'
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/in_reply_to_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/in_reply_to_field_spec.rb
+index 40133f7..dc7fe6a 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/in_reply_to_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/in_reply_to_field_spec.rb
+@@ -13,52 +13,52 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::InReplyToField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::InReplyToField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::InReplyToField.new('In-Reply-To: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'In-Reply-To'
+-      t.value.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      t.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'In-Reply-To'
++      expect(t.value).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::InReplyToField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'In-Reply-To'
+-      t.value.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      t.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'In-Reply-To'
++      expect(t.value).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should provide encoded" do
+       t = Mail::InReplyToField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "In-Reply-To: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "In-Reply-To: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should handle many encoded message IDs" do
+       t = Mail::InReplyToField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <4567 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "In-Reply-To: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n <4567 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "In-Reply-To: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n <4567 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should handle an array of message IDs" do
+       t = Mail::InReplyToField.new(['<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>', '<4567 at test.lindsaar.net>'])
+-      t.encoded.should eq "In-Reply-To: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n <4567 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "In-Reply-To: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n <4567 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should provide decoded" do
+       t = Mail::InReplyToField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.decoded.should eq "<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>"
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq "<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>"
+     end
+     it "should handle many decoded message IDs" do
+       t = Mail::InReplyToField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <4567 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.decoded.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <4567 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <4567 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+     it "should handle an empty value" do
+       t = Mail::InReplyToField.new('')
+-      t.name.should eq 'In-Reply-To'
+-      t.decoded.should eq nil
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'In-Reply-To'
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq nil
+     end
+   end
+@@ -66,15 +66,15 @@
+   describe "handlign multiple message ids" do
+     it "should handle many message IDs" do
+       t = Mail::InReplyToField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <4567 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'In-Reply-To'
+-      t.message_ids.should eq ['1234 at test.lindsaar.net', '4567 at test.lindsaar.net']
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'In-Reply-To'
++      expect(t.message_ids).to eq ['1234 at test.lindsaar.net', '4567 at test.lindsaar.net']
+     end
+   end
+   it "should output lines shorter than 998 chars" do
+     k = Mail::InReplyToField.new('<Kohciuku at apholoVu.com> <foovohPu at Thegahsh.com> <UuseZeow at oocieBie.com> <UchaeKoo at eeJoukie.com> <ieKahque at ieGoochu.com> <aZaXaeva at ungaiGai.com> <sheiraiK at ookaiSha.com> <weijooPi at ahfuRaeh.com> <FiruJeur at weiphohP.com> <cuadoiQu at aiZuuqua.com> <YohGieVe at Reacepae.com> <Ieyechum at ephooGho.com> <uGhievoo at vusaeciM.com> <ouhieTha at leizaeTi.com> <ohgohGhu at jieNgooh.com> <ahNookah at oChiecoo.com> <taeWieTu at iuwiLooZ.com> <Kohraiji at AizohGoa.com> <hiQuaegh at eeluThii.com> < [...]
+     lines = k.encoded.split("\r\n\s")
+-    lines.each { |line| line.length.should < 998 }
++    lines.each { |line| expect(line.length).to be < 998 }
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/keywords_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/keywords_field_spec.rb
+index 411d40c..92a3541 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/keywords_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/keywords_field_spec.rb
+@@ -6,19 +6,19 @@
+   describe "initializing" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::KeywordsField.new("this, is, email") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::KeywordsField.new("this, is, email") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       k = Mail::KeywordsField.new('Keywords: these are keywords, so there')
+-      k.name.should eq 'Keywords'
+-      k.value.should eq 'these are keywords, so there'
++      expect(k.name).to eq 'Keywords'
++      expect(k.value).to eq 'these are keywords, so there'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       k = Mail::KeywordsField.new('these are keywords, so there')
+-      k.name.should eq 'Keywords'
+-      k.value.should eq 'these are keywords, so there'
++      expect(k.name).to eq 'Keywords'
++      expect(k.value).to eq 'these are keywords, so there'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -26,27 +26,27 @@
+   describe "giving a list of keywords" do
+     it "should return a list of keywords" do
+       k = Mail::KeywordsField.new('these are keywords, so there')
+-      k.keywords.should eq ['these are keywords', 'so there']
++      expect(k.keywords).to eq ['these are keywords', 'so there']
+     end
+     it "should handle phrases" do
+       k = Mail::KeywordsField.new('"these, are keywords", so there')
+-      k.keywords.should eq ['these, are keywords', 'so there']
++      expect(k.keywords).to eq ['these, are keywords', 'so there']
+     end
+     it "should handle comments" do
+       k = Mail::KeywordsField.new('"these, are keywords", so there (This is an irrelevant comment)')
+-      k.keywords.should eq ['these, are keywords', 'so there (This is an irrelevant comment)']
++      expect(k.keywords).to eq ['these, are keywords', 'so there (This is an irrelevant comment)']
+     end
+     it "should handle comments" do
+       k = Mail::KeywordsField.new('"these, are keywords", so there (This is an irrelevant comment)')
+-      k.keywords.should eq ['these, are keywords', 'so there (This is an irrelevant comment)']
++      expect(k.keywords).to eq ['these, are keywords', 'so there (This is an irrelevant comment)']
+     end
+     it "should handle comments in quotes" do
+       k = Mail::KeywordsField.new('"these, are keywords (another comment to be ignored)", so there (This is an irrelevant comment)')
+-      k.keywords.should eq ['these, are keywords (another comment to be ignored)', 'so there (This is an irrelevant comment)']
++      expect(k.keywords).to eq ['these, are keywords (another comment to be ignored)', 'so there (This is an irrelevant comment)']
+     end
+   end
+@@ -54,19 +54,19 @@
+   describe "encoding and decoding" do
+     it "should encode" do
+       k = Mail::KeywordsField.new('these are keywords, so there')
+-      k.encoded.should eq "Keywords: these are keywords,\r\n so there\r\n"
++      expect(k.encoded).to eq "Keywords: these are keywords,\r\n so there\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should decode" do
+       k = Mail::KeywordsField.new('these are keywords, so there')
+-      k.decoded.should eq "these are keywords, so there"
++      expect(k.decoded).to eq "these are keywords, so there"
+     end
+   end
+   it "should output lines shorter than 998 chars" do
+     k = Mail::KeywordsField.new('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat euismod velit nec convallis. Cras bibendum mattis arcu a tincidunt. Nullam ac orci vitae massa elementum ultricies ultricies nec quam. Praesent eleifend viverra semper. Sed id ultricies ipsum. Pellentesque sed nunc mauris, at varius sem. Curabitur pretium pellentesque velit, eget pellentesque dolor interdum eget. Duis ac lectus nec arcu pharetra lobortis. Integer risus felis, convallis [...]
+     lines = k.encoded.split("\r\n\s")
+-    lines.each { |line| line.length.should < 998 }
++    lines.each { |line| expect(line.length).to be < 998 }
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/message_id_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/message_id_field_spec.rb
+index 6f26916..3147b48 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/message_id_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/message_id_field_spec.rb
+@@ -57,27 +57,27 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::MessageIdField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::MessageIdField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new('Message-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.name.should eq 'Message-ID'
+-      m.value.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      m.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(m.name).to eq 'Message-ID'
++      expect(m.value).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(m.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.name.should eq 'Message-ID'
+-      m.value.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      m.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(m.name).to eq 'Message-ID'
++      expect(m.value).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(m.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should accept a nil value and generate a message_id" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new(nil)
+-      m.name.should eq 'Message-ID'
+-      m.value.should_not be_nil
++      expect(m.name).to eq 'Message-ID'
++      expect(m.value).not_to be_nil
+     end
+   end
+@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@
+     it "should not accept a string with multiple message IDs but only return the first" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <4567 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.name.should eq 'Message-ID'
+-      m.to_s.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      m.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+-      m.message_ids.should eq ['1234 at test.lindsaar.net']
++      expect(m.name).to eq 'Message-ID'
++      expect(m.to_s).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(m.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(m.message_ids).to eq ['1234 at test.lindsaar.net']
+     end
+     it "should change the message id if given a new message id" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.to_s.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(m.to_s).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+       m.value = '<4567 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      m.to_s.should eq '<4567 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(m.to_s).to eq '<4567 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -104,36 +104,36 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should provide to_s" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.to_s.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      m.message_id.to_s.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(m.to_s).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(m.message_id.to_s).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should provide encoded" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.encoded.should eq "Message-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(m.encoded).to eq "Message-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should provide decoded" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.decoded.should eq "<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>"
++      expect(m.decoded).to eq "<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>"
+     end
+     it "should respond to :responsible_for?" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      m.should respond_to(:responsible_for?)
++      expect(m).to respond_to(:responsible_for?)
+     end
+   end
+   describe "generating a message id" do
+     it "should generate a message ID if it has no value" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new
+-      m.message_id.should_not be_blank
++      expect(m.message_id).not_to be_blank
+     end
+     it "should generate a random message ID" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new
+       1.upto(100) do
+-        m.message_id.should_not == Mail::MessageIdField.new.message_id
++        expect(m.message_id).not_to eq(Mail::MessageIdField.new.message_id)
+       end
+     end
+   end
+@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
+   describe "weird message IDs" do
+     it "should be able to parse <000701c874a6$3df7eaf0$b9e7c0d0$@geille at fiscon.com>" do
+       m = Mail::MessageIdField.new('<000701c874a6$3df7eaf0$b9e7c0d0$@geille at fiscon.com>')
+-      m.message_id.should eq '000701c874a6$3df7eaf0$b9e7c0d0$@geille at fiscon.com'
++      expect(m.message_id).to eq '000701c874a6$3df7eaf0$b9e7c0d0$@geille at fiscon.com'
+     end
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/mime_version_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/mime_version_field_spec.rb
+index 9a6b522..0dc3a8e 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/mime_version_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/mime_version_field_spec.rb
+@@ -83,19 +83,19 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::MimeVersionField.new("1.0") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::MimeVersionField.new("1.0") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('Mime-Version: 1.0')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Mime-Version'
+-      t.value.should eq '1.0'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Mime-Version'
++      expect(t.value).to eq '1.0'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('1.0')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Mime-Version'
+-      t.value.should eq '1.0'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Mime-Version'
++      expect(t.value).to eq '1.0'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -103,62 +103,62 @@
+   describe "parsing a version string" do
+     it "should get a major value" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('1.0')
+-      t.major.should eq 1
++      expect(t.major).to eq 1
+     end
+     it "should get a minor value" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('1.0')
+-      t.minor.should eq 0
++      expect(t.minor).to eq 0
+     end
+     it "should get a version string" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('1.0')
+-      t.version.should eq '1.0'
++      expect(t.version).to eq '1.0'
+     end
+     it "should handle comments before the major version" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('(This is a comment) 1.0')
+-      t.version.should eq '1.0'
++      expect(t.version).to eq '1.0'
+     end
+     it "should handle comments before the major version without space" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('(This is a comment)1.0')
+-      t.version.should eq '1.0'
++      expect(t.version).to eq '1.0'
+     end
+     it "should handle comments after the major version without space" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('1(This is a comment).0')
+-      t.version.should eq '1.0'
++      expect(t.version).to eq '1.0'
+     end
+     it "should handle comments before the minor version without space" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('1.(This is a comment)0')
+-      t.version.should eq '1.0'
++      expect(t.version).to eq '1.0'
+     end
+     it "should handle comments after the minor version without space" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('1.0(This is a comment)')
+-      t.version.should eq '1.0'
++      expect(t.version).to eq '1.0'
+     end
+     it "should handle comments after the minor version" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('1.0 (This is a comment)')
+-      t.version.should eq '1.0'
++      expect(t.version).to eq '1.0'
+     end
+     it "should accept nil as a value" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new(nil)
+-      t.version.should_not be_nil
++      expect(t.version).not_to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should provide an encoded value" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('1.0 (This is a comment)')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should provide an decoded value" do
+       t = Mail::MimeVersionField.new('1.0 (This is a comment)')
+-      t.decoded.should eq '1.0'
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq '1.0'
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/received_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/received_field_spec.rb
+index 448f23d..d5d3d67 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/received_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/received_field_spec.rb
+@@ -4,53 +4,53 @@
+ describe Mail::ReceivedField do
+   it "should initialize" do
+-    doing { Mail::ReceivedField.new("Received: from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)") }.should_not raise_error
++    expect { Mail::ReceivedField.new("Received: from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)") }.not_to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should be able to tell the time" do
+-    Mail::ReceivedField.new("Received: from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)").date_time.class.should eq DateTime
++    expect(Mail::ReceivedField.new("Received: from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)").date_time.class).to eq DateTime
+   end
+   it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+     t = Mail::ReceivedField.new('Received: from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)')
+-    t.name.should eq 'Received'
+-    t.value.should eq 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)'
+-    t.info.should eq 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>'
+-    t.date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse('10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)')
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'Received'
++    expect(t.value).to eq 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)'
++    expect(t.info).to eq 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>'
++    expect(t.date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse('10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)')
+   end
+   it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+     t = Mail::ReceivedField.new('from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)')
+-    t.name.should eq 'Received'
+-    t.value.should eq 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)'
+-    t.info.should eq 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>'
+-    t.date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse('10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)')
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'Received'
++    expect(t.value).to eq 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)'
++    expect(t.info).to eq 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>'
++    expect(t.date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse('10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)')
+   end
+   it "should provide an encoded value" do
+     t = Mail::ReceivedField.new('from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)')
+-    t.encoded.should eq "Received: from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000\r\n"
++    expect(t.encoded).to eq "Received: from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000\r\n"
+   end
+   it "should provide an encoded value with correct timezone" do
+     t = Mail::ReceivedField.new('from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 -0500 (EST)')
+-    t.encoded.should eq "Received: from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 -0500\r\n"
++    expect(t.encoded).to eq "Received: from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 -0500\r\n"
+   end
+   it "should provide an decoded value" do
+     t = Mail::ReceivedField.new('from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000 (GMT)')
+-    t.decoded.should eq 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000'
++    expect(t.decoded).to eq 'from localhost (localhost []) by xxx.xxxxx.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 50FD3A96F for <xxxx at xxxx.com>; Tue, 10 May 2005 17:26:50 +0000'
+   end
+   it "should handle empty name-value lists with a comment only (qmail style)" do
+     t = Mail::ReceivedField.new('(qmail 24365 invoked by uid 99); 25 Jan 2011 12:31:11 -0000')
+-    t.info.should eq '(qmail 24365 invoked by uid 99)'
++    expect(t.info).to eq '(qmail 24365 invoked by uid 99)'
+   end
+   it "should handle a blank value" do
+     t = Mail::ReceivedField.new('')
+-    t.decoded.should eq ''
+-    t.encoded.should eq "Received: \r\n"
++    expect(t.decoded).to eq ''
++    expect(t.encoded).to eq "Received: \r\n"
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/references_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/references_field_spec.rb
+index b30a1c8..c0ae0d0 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/references_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/references_field_spec.rb
+@@ -15,47 +15,47 @@
+ describe Mail::ReferencesField do
+   it "should initialize" do
+-    doing { Mail::ReferencesField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.should_not raise_error
++    expect { Mail::ReferencesField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.not_to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+     t = Mail::ReferencesField.new('References: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-    t.name.should eq 'References'
+-    t.value.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-    t.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'References'
++    expect(t.value).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++    expect(t.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+   end
+   it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+     t = Mail::ReferencesField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-    t.name.should eq 'References'
+-    t.value.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-    t.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'References'
++    expect(t.value).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++    expect(t.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+   end
+   it "should accept multiple message ids" do
+     t = Mail::ReferencesField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <5678 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-    t.name.should eq 'References'
+-    t.value.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <5678 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-    t.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+-    t.message_ids.should eq ['1234 at test.lindsaar.net', '5678 at test.lindsaar.net']
+-    t.to_s.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <5678 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'References'
++    expect(t.value).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <5678 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++    expect(t.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++    expect(t.message_ids).to eq ['1234 at test.lindsaar.net', '5678 at test.lindsaar.net']
++    expect(t.to_s).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net> <5678 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+   end
+   it "should accept an array of message ids" do
+     t = Mail::ReferencesField.new(['<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>', '<5678 at test.lindsaar.net>'])
+-    t.encoded.should eq "References: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n <5678 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++    expect(t.encoded).to eq "References: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n <5678 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+   end
+   it "should accept no message ids" do
+     t = Mail::ReferencesField.new('')
+-    t.name.should eq 'References'
+-    t.decoded.should eq nil
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'References'
++    expect(t.decoded).to eq nil
+   end
+   it "should output lines shorter than 998 chars" do
+     k = Mail::ReferencesField.new('<Kohciuku at apholoVu.com> <foovohPu at Thegahsh.com> <UuseZeow at oocieBie.com> <UchaeKoo at eeJoukie.com> <ieKahque at ieGoochu.com> <aZaXaeva at ungaiGai.com> <sheiraiK at ookaiSha.com> <weijooPi at ahfuRaeh.com> <FiruJeur at weiphohP.com> <cuadoiQu at aiZuuqua.com> <YohGieVe at Reacepae.com> <Ieyechum at ephooGho.com> <uGhievoo at vusaeciM.com> <ouhieTha at leizaeTi.com> <ohgohGhu at jieNgooh.com> <ahNookah at oChiecoo.com> <taeWieTu at iuwiLooZ.com> <Kohraiji at AizohGoa.com> <hiQuaegh at eeluThii.com>  [...]
+     lines = k.encoded.split("\r\n\s")
+-    lines.each { |line| line.length.should < 998 }
++    lines.each { |line| expect(line.length).to be < 998 }
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/reply_to_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/reply_to_field_spec.rb
+index 818405d..c7a7490 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/reply_to_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/reply_to_field_spec.rb
+@@ -9,23 +9,23 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ReplyToField.new("Reply-To: Mikel") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ReplyToField.new("Reply-To: Mikel") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::ReplyToField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
++      expect(Mail::ReplyToField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ReplyToField.new('Reply-To: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Reply-To'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Reply-To'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ReplyToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Reply-To'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Reply-To'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -35,30 +35,30 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return an address" do
+       t = Mail::ReplyToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.should eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
++      expect(t.formatted).to eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+     end
+     it "should return two addresses" do
+       t = Mail::ReplyToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada Lindsaar <ada at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.first.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      t.addresses.last.should eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(t.formatted.first).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.addresses.last).to eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should return one address and a group" do
+       t = Mail::ReplyToField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.addresses[0].should eq 'sam at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[1].should eq 'mikel at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[2].should eq 'bob at you.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[0]).to eq 'sam at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[1]).to eq 'mikel at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[2]).to eq 'bob at you.com'
+     end
+     it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do
+       t = Mail::ReplyToField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.value.should eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line" do
+       t = Mail::ReplyToField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Reply-To: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Reply-To: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/resent_bcc_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/resent_bcc_field_spec.rb
+index 0e7a3e9..941d24c 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/resent_bcc_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/resent_bcc_field_spec.rb
+@@ -8,23 +8,23 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ResentBccField.new("Resent-Bcc: Mikel") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ResentBccField.new("Resent-Bcc: Mikel") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::ResentBccField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
++      expect(Mail::ResentBccField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ResentBccField.new('Resent-Bcc: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Resent-Bcc'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-Bcc'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ResentBccField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Resent-Bcc'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-Bcc'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -34,30 +34,30 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return an address" do
+       t = Mail::ResentBccField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.should eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
++      expect(t.formatted).to eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+     end
+     it "should return two addresses" do
+       t = Mail::ResentBccField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada Lindsaar <ada at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.first.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      t.addresses.last.should eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(t.formatted.first).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.addresses.last).to eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should return one address and a group" do
+       t = Mail::ResentBccField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.addresses[0].should eq 'sam at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[1].should eq 'mikel at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[2].should eq 'bob at you.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[0]).to eq 'sam at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[1]).to eq 'mikel at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[2]).to eq 'bob at you.com'
+     end
+     it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do
+       t = Mail::ResentBccField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.value.should eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line" do
+       t = Mail::ResentBccField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Resent-Bcc: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Resent-Bcc: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/resent_cc_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/resent_cc_field_spec.rb
+index 61b97c0..95dcfbe 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/resent_cc_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/resent_cc_field_spec.rb
+@@ -8,23 +8,23 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ResentCcField.new("Resent-Cc: Mikel") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ResentCcField.new("Resent-Cc: Mikel") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::ResentCcField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
++      expect(Mail::ResentCcField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ResentCcField.new('Resent-Cc: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Resent-Cc'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-Cc'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ResentCcField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Resent-Cc'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-Cc'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -34,30 +34,30 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return an address" do
+       t = Mail::ResentCcField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.should eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
++      expect(t.formatted).to eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+     end
+     it "should return two addresses" do
+       t = Mail::ResentCcField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada Lindsaar <ada at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.first.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      t.addresses.last.should eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(t.formatted.first).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.addresses.last).to eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should return one address and a group" do
+       t = Mail::ResentCcField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.addresses[0].should eq 'sam at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[1].should eq 'mikel at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[2].should eq 'bob at you.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[0]).to eq 'sam at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[1]).to eq 'mikel at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[2]).to eq 'bob at you.com'
+     end
+     it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do
+       t = Mail::ResentCcField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.value.should eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line" do
+       t = Mail::ResentCcField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Resent-Cc: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Resent-Cc: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/resent_date_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/resent_date_field_spec.rb
+index 805cc9d..20283ca 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/resent_date_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/resent_date_field_spec.rb
+@@ -3,37 +3,37 @@
+ describe Mail::ResentDateField do
+   it "should initialize" do
+-    doing { Mail::ResentDateField.new("12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT") }.should_not raise_error
++    expect { Mail::ResentDateField.new("12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT") }.not_to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should be able to tell the time" do
+-    Mail::ResentDateField.new("12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT").date_time.class.should eq DateTime
++    expect(Mail::ResentDateField.new("12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT").date_time.class).to eq DateTime
+   end
+   it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-    Mail::ResentDateField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonDate) 
++    expect(Mail::ResentDateField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonDate) 
+   end
+   it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+     t = Mail::ResentDateField.new('Resent-Date: 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-    t.name.should eq 'Resent-Date'
+-    t.value.should eq 'Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000'
+-    t.date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-Date'
++    expect(t.value).to eq 'Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000'
++    expect(t.date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+   end
+   it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+     t = Mail::ResentDateField.new('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-    t.name.should eq 'Resent-Date'
+-    t.value.should eq 'Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000'
+-    t.date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-Date'
++    expect(t.value).to eq 'Wed, 12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 +0000'
++    expect(t.date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+   end
+   it "should give today's date if no date is specified" do
+     now = Time.now
+-    Time.stub!(:now).and_return(now)
++    allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(now)
+     t = Mail::ResentDateField.new
+-    t.name.should eq 'Resent-Date'
+-    t.date_time.should eq ::DateTime.parse(now.to_s)
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-Date'
++    expect(t.date_time).to eq ::DateTime.parse(now.to_s)
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/resent_from_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/resent_from_field_spec.rb
+index 88ab814..6c97b4d 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/resent_from_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/resent_from_field_spec.rb
+@@ -8,23 +8,23 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ResentFromField.new("Resent-From: Mikel") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ResentFromField.new("Resent-From: Mikel") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::ResentFromField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
++      expect(Mail::ResentFromField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ResentFromField.new('Resent-From: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Resent-From'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-From'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ResentFromField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Resent-From'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-From'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -34,30 +34,30 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return an address" do
+       t = Mail::ResentFromField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.should eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
++      expect(t.formatted).to eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+     end
+     it "should return two addresses" do
+       t = Mail::ResentFromField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada Lindsaar <ada at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.first.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      t.addresses.last.should eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(t.formatted.first).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.addresses.last).to eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should return one address and a group" do
+       t = Mail::ResentFromField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.addresses[0].should eq 'sam at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[1].should eq 'mikel at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[2].should eq 'bob at you.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[0]).to eq 'sam at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[1]).to eq 'mikel at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[2]).to eq 'bob at you.com'
+     end
+     it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do
+       t = Mail::ResentFromField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.value.should eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line" do
+       t = Mail::ResentFromField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Resent-From: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Resent-From: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/resent_message_id_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/resent_message_id_field_spec.rb
+index 3115350..e338d92 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/resent_message_id_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/resent_message_id_field_spec.rb
+@@ -4,26 +4,26 @@
+ describe Mail::ResentMessageIdField do
+   it "should initialize" do
+-    doing { Mail::ResentMessageIdField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.should_not raise_error
++    expect { Mail::ResentMessageIdField.new("<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>") }.not_to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+     t = Mail::ResentMessageIdField.new('Resent-Message-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-    t.name.should eq 'Resent-Message-ID'
+-    t.value.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-    t.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-Message-ID'
++    expect(t.value).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++    expect(t.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+   end
+   it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+     t = Mail::ResentMessageIdField.new('<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-    t.name.should eq 'Resent-Message-ID'
+-    t.value.should eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-    t.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++    expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-Message-ID'
++    expect(t.value).to eq '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
++    expect(t.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+   end
+   it "should output lines shorter than 998 chars" do
+     k = Mail::ResentMessageIdField.new('<Kohciuku at apholoVu.com> <foovohPu at Thegahsh.com> <UuseZeow at oocieBie.com> <UchaeKoo at eeJoukie.com> <ieKahque at ieGoochu.com> <aZaXaeva at ungaiGai.com> <sheiraiK at ookaiSha.com> <weijooPi at ahfuRaeh.com> <FiruJeur at weiphohP.com> <cuadoiQu at aiZuuqua.com> <YohGieVe at Reacepae.com> <Ieyechum at ephooGho.com> <uGhievoo at vusaeciM.com> <ouhieTha at leizaeTi.com> <ohgohGhu at jieNgooh.com> <ahNookah at oChiecoo.com> <taeWieTu at iuwiLooZ.com> <Kohraiji at AizohGoa.com> <hiQuaegh at eeluThii. [...]
+     lines = k.encoded.split("\r\n\s")
+-    lines.each { |line| line.length.should < 998 }
++    lines.each { |line| expect(line.length).to be < 998 }
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/resent_sender_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/resent_sender_field_spec.rb
+index 77aa8dc..95182b0 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/resent_sender_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/resent_sender_field_spec.rb
+@@ -8,23 +8,23 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ResentSenderField.new("Resent-Sender: Mikel") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ResentSenderField.new("Resent-Sender: Mikel") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::ResentSenderField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
++      expect(Mail::ResentSenderField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ResentSenderField.new('Resent-Sender: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Resent-Sender'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-Sender'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ResentSenderField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Resent-Sender'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-Sender'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -34,22 +34,22 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return an address" do
+       t = Mail::ResentSenderField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.should eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
++      expect(t.formatted).to eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+     end
+     it "should return two addresses" do
+       t = Mail::ResentSenderField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.address.to_s.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.address.to_s).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+     it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do
+       t = Mail::ResentSenderField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line" do
+       t = Mail::ResentSenderField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Resent-Sender: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Resent-Sender: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/resent_to_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/resent_to_field_spec.rb
+index a15b19a..de0af49 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/resent_to_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/resent_to_field_spec.rb
+@@ -8,23 +8,23 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ResentToField.new("Resent-To: Mikel") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ResentToField.new("Resent-To: Mikel") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::ResentToField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
++      expect(Mail::ResentToField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ResentToField.new('Resent-To: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Resent-To'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-To'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ResentToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Resent-To'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Resent-To'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -34,30 +34,30 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return an address" do
+       t = Mail::ResentToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.should eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
++      expect(t.formatted).to eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+     end
+     it "should return two addresses" do
+       t = Mail::ResentToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada Lindsaar <ada at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.first.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      t.addresses.last.should eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(t.formatted.first).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.addresses.last).to eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should return one address and a group" do
+       t = Mail::ResentToField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.addresses[0].should eq 'sam at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[1].should eq 'mikel at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[2].should eq 'bob at you.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[0]).to eq 'sam at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[1]).to eq 'mikel at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[2]).to eq 'bob at you.com'
+     end
+     it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do
+       t = Mail::ResentToField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.value.should eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line" do
+       t = Mail::ResentToField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Resent-To: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Resent-To: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/return_path_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/return_path_field_spec.rb
+index bf73914..c6fc5c9 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/return_path_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/return_path_field_spec.rb
+@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@
+ describe Mail::ReturnPathField do
+   it "should allow you to specify a field" do
+     rp = Mail::ReturnPathField.new('Return-Path: mikel at test.lindsaar.net')
+-    rp.address.should eq 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
++    expect(rp.address).to eq 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+   end
+   it "should encode the addr_spec in <>" do
+     rp = Mail::ReturnPathField.new('Return-Path: mikel at test.lindsaar.net')
+-    rp.encoded.should eq "Return-Path: <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++    expect(rp.encoded).to eq "Return-Path: <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+   end
+   it "should accept <>" do
+     rp = Mail::ReturnPathField.new('<>')
+-    rp.encoded.should eq "Return-Path: <>\r\n"
++    expect(rp.encoded).to eq "Return-Path: <>\r\n"
+   end
+   it "should set the return path" do
+@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
+       message_id "<1234 at someemail.com>"
+       body "body"
+     end
+-    mail.return_path.should eq "bounce at someemail.com"
++    expect(mail.return_path).to eq "bounce at someemail.com"
+   end
+   it "should set the return path" do
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
+       body "body"
+     end
+     encoded_mail = Mail.new(mail.encoded)
+-    encoded_mail.return_path.should eq "bounce at someemail.com"
++    expect(encoded_mail.return_path).to eq "bounce at someemail.com"
+   end
+   it "should wrap the return path addr_spec in <>" do
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
+       message_id "<1234 at someemail.com>"
+       body "body"
+     end
+-    mail.encoded.should =~ /<bounce at someemail\.com>/
++    expect(mail.encoded).to match(/<bounce at someemail\.com>/)
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/sender_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/sender_field_spec.rb
+index 4c4d95b..2d2942a 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/sender_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/sender_field_spec.rb
+@@ -8,28 +8,28 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::SenderField.new("Sender: Mikel") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::SenderField.new("Sender: Mikel") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::SenderField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
++      expect(Mail::SenderField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::SenderField.new('Sender: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Sender'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Sender'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::SenderField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'Sender'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'Sender'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+     it "should reject headers with multiple mailboxes" do
+-      pending 'Sender accepts an address list now, but should only accept a single address'
+-      doing { Mail::SenderField.new('Sender: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>') }.should raise_error
++      skip 'Sender accepts an address list now, but should only accept a single address'
++      expect { Mail::SenderField.new('Sender: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>') }.to raise_error
+     end
+   end
+@@ -39,22 +39,22 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return an address" do
+       t = Mail::SenderField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.should eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
++      expect(t.formatted).to eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+     end
+     it "should return two addresses" do
+       t = Mail::SenderField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.address.to_s.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.address.to_s).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+     it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do
+       t = Mail::SenderField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line" do
+       t = Mail::SenderField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "Sender: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "Sender: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/structured_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/structured_field_spec.rb
+index 935cafc..32f3e7a 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/structured_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/structured_field_spec.rb
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should be instantiated" do
+-      doing {Mail::StructuredField.new("From", "bob at me.com")}.should_not raise_error
++      expect {Mail::StructuredField.new("From", "bob at me.com")}.not_to raise_error
+     end
+   end
+@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@
+     end
+     it "should allow us to set a text value at initialization" do
+-      doing{Mail::StructuredField.new("From", "bob at me.com")}.should_not raise_error
++      expect{Mail::StructuredField.new("From", "bob at me.com")}.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should provide access to the text of the field once set" do
+-      @field.value.should eq "bob at me.com"
++      expect(@field.value).to eq "bob at me.com"
+     end
+     it "should provide a means to change the value" do
+       @field.value = "bob at you.com"
+-      @field.value.should eq "bob at you.com"
++      expect(@field.value).to eq "bob at you.com"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -38,25 +38,25 @@
+     end
+     it "should provide a to_s function that returns the decoded string" do
+-      @field.to_s.should eq "bob at me.com"
++      expect(@field.to_s).to eq "bob at me.com"
+     end
+     it "should return '' on to_s if there is no value" do
+       @field.value = nil
+-      @field.encoded.should eq ''
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq ''
+     end
+     it "should give an encoded value ready to insert into an email" do
+-      @field.encoded.should eq "From: bob at me.com\r\n"
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq "From: bob at me.com\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should return an empty string on encoded if it has no value" do
+       @field.value = nil
+-      @field.encoded.should eq ''
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq ''
+     end
+     it "should return the field name and value in proper format when called to_s" do
+-      @field.encoded.should eq "From: bob at me.com\r\n"
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq "From: bob at me.com\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
+   describe "structured field template methods" do
+     it "should raise an error if attempting to call :encoded or :decoded on the parent StructuredField class" do
+       field = Mail::StructuredField.new
+-      doing { field.encoded }.should raise_error(NoMethodError)
+-      doing { field.decoded }.should raise_error(NoMethodError)
++      expect { field.encoded }.to raise_error(NoMethodError)
++      expect { field.decoded }.to raise_error(NoMethodError)
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/to_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/to_field_spec.rb
+index 5d7e809..72692e2 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/to_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/to_field_spec.rb
+@@ -9,23 +9,23 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should initialize" do
+-      doing { Mail::ToField.new("Mikel") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::ToField.new("Mikel") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should mix in the CommonAddress module" do
+-      Mail::ToField.included_modules.should include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
++      expect(Mail::ToField.included_modules).to include(Mail::CommonAddress) 
+     end
+     it "should accept a string with the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ToField.new('To: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'To'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'To'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+     it "should accept a string without the field name" do
+       t = Mail::ToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>')
+-      t.name.should eq 'To'
+-      t.value.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
++      expect(t.name).to eq 'To'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Bob Smith" <bob at me.com>'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -35,58 +35,58 @@
+   describe "instance methods" do
+     it "should return an address" do
+       t = Mail::ToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.should eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
++      expect(t.formatted).to eq ['Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>']
+     end
+     it "should return two addresses" do
+       t = Mail::ToField.new('Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, Ada Lindsaar <ada at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.formatted.first.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-      t.addresses.last.should eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(t.formatted.first).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>'
++      expect(t.addresses.last).to eq 'ada at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should return one address and a group" do
+       t = Mail::ToField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.addresses[0].should eq 'sam at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[1].should eq 'mikel at me.com'
+-      t.addresses[2].should eq 'bob at you.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[0]).to eq 'sam at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[1]).to eq 'mikel at me.com'
++      expect(t.addresses[2]).to eq 'bob at you.com'
+     end
+     it "should return the formatted line on to_s" do
+       t = Mail::ToField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.value.should eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
++      expect(t.value).to eq 'sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;'
+     end
+     it "should return the encoded line" do
+       t = Mail::ToField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.encoded.should eq "To: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
++      expect(t.encoded).to eq "To: sam at me.com, \r\n\smy_group: mikel at me.com, \r\n\sbob at you.com;\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should return the decoded line" do
+       t = Mail::ToField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.decoded.should eq "sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;"
++      expect(t.decoded).to eq "sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;"
+     end
+     it "should get multiple address out from a group list" do
+       t = Mail::ToField.new('sam at me.com, my_group: mikel at me.com, bob at you.com;')
+-      t.addresses.should eq ["sam at me.com", "mikel at me.com", "bob at you.com"]
++      expect(t.addresses).to eq ["sam at me.com", "mikel at me.com", "bob at you.com"]
+     end
+     it "should handle commas in the address" do
+       t = Mail::ToField.new('"Long, stupid email address" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.addresses.should eq ["mikel at test.lindsaar.net"]
++      expect(t.addresses).to eq ["mikel at test.lindsaar.net"]
+     end
+     it "should handle commas in the address for multiple fields" do
+       t = Mail::ToField.new('"Long, stupid email address" <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>, "Another, really, really, long, stupid email address" <bob at test.lindsaar.net>')
+-      t.addresses.should eq ["mikel at test.lindsaar.net", "bob at test.lindsaar.net"]
++      expect(t.addresses).to eq ["mikel at test.lindsaar.net", "bob at test.lindsaar.net"]
+     end
+   end
+   it "should not crash if it can't understand a name" do
+     t = Mail.new('To: <"Undisclosed-Recipient:"@msr19.hinet.net;>')
+-    doing { t.encoded }.should_not raise_error
+-    t.encoded.should =~ /To\:\s<"Undisclosed\-Recipient\:"@msr19\.hinet\.net;>\r\n/
++    expect { t.encoded }.not_to raise_error
++    expect(t.encoded).to match(/To\:\s<"Undisclosed\-Recipient\:"@msr19\.hinet\.net;>\r\n/)
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/fields/unstructured_field_spec.rb b/spec/mail/fields/unstructured_field_spec.rb
+index f31da8a..23d06c4 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/fields/unstructured_field_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/fields/unstructured_field_spec.rb
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should be instantiated" do
+-      doing {Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Name", "Value")}.should_not raise_error
++      expect {Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Name", "Value")}.not_to raise_error
+     end
+   end
+@@ -18,16 +18,16 @@
+     end
+     it "should allow us to set a text value at initialization" do
+-      doing{Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Subject", "Value")}.should_not raise_error
++      expect {Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Subject", "Value")}.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should provide access to the text of the field once set" do
+-      @field.value.should eq "Hello Frank"
++      expect(@field.value).to eq "Hello Frank"
+     end
+     it "should provide a means to change the value" do
+       @field.value = "Goodbye Frank"
+-      @field.value.should eq "Goodbye Frank"
++      expect(@field.value).to eq "Goodbye Frank"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -38,76 +38,76 @@
+     end
+     it "should provide a to_s function that returns the field name and value" do
+-      @field.value.should eq "Hello Frank"
++      expect(@field.value).to eq "Hello Frank"
+     end
+     it "should return '' on to_s if there is no value" do
+       @field.value = nil
+-      @field.to_s.should eq ''
++      expect(@field.to_s).to eq ''
+     end
+     it "should give an encoded value ready to insert into an email" do
+-      @field.encoded.should eq "Subject: Hello Frank\r\n"
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq "Subject: Hello Frank\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should return nil on encoded if it has no value" do
+       @field.value = nil
+-      @field.encoded.should eq ''
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq ''
+     end
+     it "should handle array" do
+       @field = Mail::UnstructuredField.new("To", ['mikel at example.com', 'bob at example.com'])
+-      @field.encoded.should eq "To: mikel at example.com, bob at example.com\r\n"
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq "To: mikel at example.com, bob at example.com\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should handle string" do
+       @field.value = 'test'
+-      @field.encoded.should eq "Subject: test\r\n"
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq "Subject: test\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should give an decoded value ready to insert into an email" do
+-      @field.decoded.should eq "Hello Frank"
++      expect(@field.decoded).to eq "Hello Frank"
+     end
+     it "should return a nil on decoded if it has no value" do
+       @field.value = nil
+-      @field.decoded.should eq nil
++      expect(@field.decoded).to eq nil
+     end
+     it "should just add the CRLF at the end of the line" do
+       @field = Mail::SubjectField.new("Subject: =?utf-8?Q?testing_testing_=D6=A4?=")
+       result = "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?testing_testing_=D6=A4?=\r\n"
+-      @field.encoded.should eq result
+-      @field.decoded.should eq "testing testing \326\244"
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq result
++      expect(@field.decoded).to eq "testing testing \326\244"
+     end
+     it "should do encoded-words encoding correctly without extra equal sign" do
+       @field = Mail::SubjectField.new("testing testing æøå")
+       result = "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?testing_testing_=C3=A6=C3=B8=C3=A5?=\r\n"
+-      @field.encoded.should eq result
+-      @field.decoded.should eq "testing testing æøå"
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq result
++      expect(@field.decoded).to eq "testing testing æøå"
+     end
+     it "should encode the space between two adjacent encoded-words" do
+       @field = Mail::SubjectField.new("Her er æ ø å")
+       result = "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Her_er_=C3=A6_=C3=B8_=C3=A5?=\r\n"
+-      @field.encoded.should eq result
+-      @field.decoded.should eq "Her er æ ø å"
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq result
++      expect(@field.decoded).to eq "Her er æ ø å"
+     end
+     it "should encode additional special characters inside encoded-word-encoded strings" do
+       string = %Q(Her er æ()<>@,;:\\"/[]?.=)
+       @field = Mail::SubjectField.new(string)
+       result = %Q(Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Her_er_=C3=A6=28=29<>@,;:\\=22/[]=3F.=3D?=\r\n)
+-      @field.encoded.should eq result
+-      @field.decoded.should eq string
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq result
++      expect(@field.decoded).to eq string
+     end
+     if !'1.9'.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
+       it "shouldn't get fooled into encoding on 1.8 due to an unrelated Encoding constant" do
+         begin
+           Mail::UnstructuredField::Encoding = 'derp'
+-          @field.encoded.should eq "Subject: Hello Frank\r\n"
++          expect(@field.encoded).to eq "Subject: Hello Frank\r\n"
+         ensure
+           Mail::UnstructuredField.send :remove_const, :Encoding
+         end
+@@ -119,33 +119,33 @@
+     it "should not fold itself if it is 78 chracters long" do
+       @field = Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Subject", "This is a subject header message that is _exactly_ 78 characters....")
+-      @field.encoded.should eq "Subject: This is a subject header message that is _exactly_ 78 characters....\r\n"
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq "Subject: This is a subject header message that is _exactly_ 78 characters....\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should fold itself if it is 79 chracters long" do
+       @field = Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Subject", "This is a subject header message that is absolutely 79 characters long")
+       result = "Subject: This is a subject header message that is absolutely 79 characters\r\n\slong\r\n"
+-      @field.encoded.should eq result
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should fold itself if it is 997 chracters long" do
+       @field = Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Subject", "This is a subject header message that is going to be 997 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 997 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 997 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 997 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 997 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 997 character [...]
+       lines = @field.encoded.split("\r\n\s")
+-      lines.each { |line| line.length.should < 78 }
++      lines.each { |line| expect(line.length).to be < 78 }
+     end
+     it "should fold itself if it is 998 characters long" do
+       value = "This is a subject header message that is going to be 998 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 998 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 998 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 998 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 998 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 998 characters long. This is a subject header message [...]
+       @field = Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Subject", value)
+       lines = @field.encoded.split("\r\n\s")
+-      lines.each { |line| line.length.should < 78 }
++      lines.each { |line| expect(line.length).to be < 78 }
+     end
+     it "should fold itself if it is 999 characters long" do
+       value = "This is a subject header message that is going to be 999 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 999 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 999 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 999 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 999 characters long. This is a subject header message that is going to be 999 characters long. This is a subject header message [...]
+       @field = Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Subject", value)
+       lines = @field.encoded.split("\r\n\s")
+-      lines.each { |line| line.length.should < 78 }
++      lines.each { |line| expect(line.length).to be < 78 }
+     end
+     it "should fold itself if it is non us-ascii" do
+@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@
+         $KCODE = 'u'
+       end
+       result = "Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?This_is_=E3=81=82_really_long_string_This_is_=E3=81=82?=\r\n\s=?UTF-8?Q?_really_long_string_This_is_=E3=81=82_really_long_string_This_is?=\r\n\s=?UTF-8?Q?_=E3=81=82_really_long_string_This_is_=E3=81=82_really_long?=\r\n\s=?UTF-8?Q?_string?=\r\n"
+-      @field.encoded.should eq result
+-      @field.decoded.should eq string
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq result
++      expect(@field.decoded).to eq string
+       $KCODE = @original if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+     end
+@@ -173,15 +173,15 @@
+         $KCODE = 'u'
+       end
+       result = "X-SMTPAPI: =?UTF-8?Q?{=22unique=5Fargs=22:_{=22mailing=5Fid=22:147,=22a?=\r\n =?UTF-8?Q?ccount=5Fid=22:2},_=22to=22:_[=22larspind at gmail.com=22],_=22categ?=\r\n =?UTF-8?Q?ory=22:_=22mailing=22,_=22filters=22:_{=22domainkeys=22:_{=22sett?=\r\n =?UTF-8?Q?ings=22:_{=22domain=22:1,=22enable=22:1}}},_=22sub=22:_{=22{{op?=\r\n =?UTF-8?Q?en=5Fimage=5Furl}}=22:_[=22http://betaling.larspind.local/O?=\r\n =?UTF-8?Q?/token/147/Mailing::FakeRecipient=22],_=22{{name}}=22:_[=22[FIRST?= [...]
+-      @field.encoded.should eq result
+-      @field.decoded.should eq string
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq result
++      expect(@field.decoded).to eq string
+       $KCODE = @original if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
+     end
+     it "should fold properly with continuous spaces around the linebreak" do
+       @field = Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Subject", "This is a header that has continuous spaces around line break point,     which should be folded properly")
+       result = "Subject: This is a header that has continuous spaces around line break point,\s\r\n\s\s\s\swhich should be folded properly\r\n"
+-      @field.encoded.should eq result
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq result
+     end
+   end
+@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
+     it "should encode an ascii string that has carriage returns if asked to" do
+       result = "Subject: =0Aasdf=0A\r\n"
+       @field = Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Subject", "\nasdf\n")
+-      @field.encoded.should eq result
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq result
+     end
+   end
+@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
+       @field = Mail::UnstructuredField.new("Subject", "あいうえお")
+       @field.charset = 'iso-2022-jp'
+       expect = (RUBY_VERSION < '1.9') ? "Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?Q?=E3=81=82=E3=81=84=E3=81=86=E3=81=88=E3=81=8A?=\r\n" : "Subject: =?ISO-2022-JP?Q?=1B$B$=22$$$&$=28$*=1B=28B?=\r\n"
+-      @field.encoded.should eq expect
++      expect(@field.encoded).to eq expect
+     end
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/header_spec.rb b/spec/mail/header_spec.rb
+index 52d00d5..2b36ffa 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/header_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/header_spec.rb
+@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should instantiate empty" do
+-      doing { Mail::Header.new }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::Header.new }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should instantiate with a string passed in" do
+-      doing { Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+   end
+@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
+     it "should instantiate with a string passed in" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n")
+       copy = header.dup
+-      copy.to_a.should == header.to_a
+-      copy[:to].should == header[:to]
++      expect(copy.to_a).to eq(header.to_a)
++      expect(copy[:to]).to eq(header[:to])
+     end
+   end
+@@ -30,55 +30,55 @@
+     it "should save away the raw source of the header that it is passed" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n")
+-      header.raw_source.should eq "To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n"
++      expect(header.raw_source).to eq "To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n"
+     end
+     it "should say if it has a message_id field defined" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n")
+-      header.should_not be_has_message_id
++      expect(header).not_to be_has_message_id
+     end
+     it "should say if it has a message_id field defined" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\nMessage-ID: 1234")
+-      header.should be_has_message_id
++      expect(header).to be_has_message_id
+     end
+     it "should say if it has a content_id field defined" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n")
+-      header.should_not be_has_content_id
++      expect(header).not_to be_has_content_id
+     end
+     it "should say if it has a content_id field defined" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\nContent-ID: <1234 at me.com>")
+-      header.should be_has_content_id
++      expect(header).to be_has_content_id
+     end
+     it "should know its own charset" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\nContent-ID: <1234 at me.com>")
+-      header.charset.should eq nil
++      expect(header.charset).to eq nil
+     end
+     it "should know its own charset if set" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+       header['content-type'] = 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'
+-      header.charset.should eq 'utf-8'
++      expect(header.charset).to eq 'utf-8'
+     end
+     it "should not unset previously set charset if content-type is set without charset" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new(nil, 'utf-8')
+       header['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
+-      header.charset.should eq 'utf-8'
++      expect(header.charset).to eq 'utf-8'
+     end
+     it "shouldn't die when queried for a charset and the content-type header is invalid" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+       header['Content-Type'] = 'invalid/invalid; charset="iso-8859-1"'
+-      doing { header.charset }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { header.charset }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should be Enumerable" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: James Random\r\nFrom: Santa Claus\r\n")
+-      header.find {|f| f.responsible_for?('From') }.should be_a(Mail::Field)
++      expect(header.find {|f| f.responsible_for?('From') }).to be_a(Mail::Field)
+     end
+   end
+@@ -86,175 +86,175 @@
+       it "should recognise a bcc field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['bcc'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        header['bcc'].field.class.should eq Mail::BccField
++        expect(header['bcc'].field.class).to eq Mail::BccField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a cc field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['cc'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        header['cc'].field.class.should eq Mail::CcField
++        expect(header['cc'].field.class).to eq Mail::CcField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a content-description field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['content-description'] = 'Text'
+-        header['content-description'].field.class.should eq Mail::ContentDescriptionField
++        expect(header['content-description'].field.class).to eq Mail::ContentDescriptionField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a content-disposition field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['content-disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=File'
+-        header['content-disposition'].field.class.should eq Mail::ContentDispositionField
++        expect(header['content-disposition'].field.class).to eq Mail::ContentDispositionField
+       end
+       it "should recognise an inline content-disposition field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['content-disposition'] = 'inline'
+-        header['content-disposition'].field.class.should eq Mail::ContentDispositionField
++        expect(header['content-disposition'].field.class).to eq Mail::ContentDispositionField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a content-id field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['content-id'] = '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-        header['content-id'].field.class.should eq Mail::ContentIdField
++        expect(header['content-id'].field.class).to eq Mail::ContentIdField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a content-transfer-encoding field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['content-transfer-encoding'] = '7bit'
+-        header['content-transfer-encoding'].field.class.should eq Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField
++        expect(header['content-transfer-encoding'].field.class).to eq Mail::ContentTransferEncodingField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a content-type field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['content-type'] = 'text/plain'
+-        header['content-type'].field.class.should eq Mail::ContentTypeField
++        expect(header['content-type'].field.class).to eq Mail::ContentTypeField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a date field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['date'] = 'Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600'
+-        header['date'].field.class.should eq Mail::DateField
++        expect(header['date'].field.class).to eq Mail::DateField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a from field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['from'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        header['from'].field.class.should eq Mail::FromField
++        expect(header['from'].field.class).to eq Mail::FromField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a in-reply-to field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['in-reply-to'] = '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-        header['in-reply-to'].field.class.should eq Mail::InReplyToField
++        expect(header['in-reply-to'].field.class).to eq Mail::InReplyToField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a keywords field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['keywords'] = 'mikel test lindsaar net'
+-        header['keywords'].field.class.should eq Mail::KeywordsField
++        expect(header['keywords'].field.class).to eq Mail::KeywordsField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a message-id field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['message-id'] = '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-        header['message-id'].field.class.should eq Mail::MessageIdField
++        expect(header['message-id'].field.class).to eq Mail::MessageIdField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a mime-version field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['mime-version'] = '1.0'
+-        header['mime-version'].field.class.should eq Mail::MimeVersionField
++        expect(header['mime-version'].field.class).to eq Mail::MimeVersionField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a received field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['received'] = 'from xxx.xxxx.xxx by xxx.xxxx.xxx with ESMTP id C1B953B4CB6 for <xxxxx at Exxx.xxxx.xxx>; Tue, 10 May 2005 15:27:05 -0500'
+-        header['received'].field.class.should eq Mail::ReceivedField
++        expect(header['received'].field.class).to eq Mail::ReceivedField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a references field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['references'] = '<1234 at test.lindsaar.net>'
+-        header['references'].field.class.should eq Mail::ReferencesField
++        expect(header['references'].field.class).to eq Mail::ReferencesField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a reply-to field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['reply-to'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        header['reply-to'].field.class.should eq Mail::ReplyToField
++        expect(header['reply-to'].field.class).to eq Mail::ReplyToField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a resent-bcc field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['resent-bcc'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        header['resent-bcc'].field.class.should eq Mail::ResentBccField
++        expect(header['resent-bcc'].field.class).to eq Mail::ResentBccField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a resent-cc field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['resent-cc'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        header['resent-cc'].field.class.should eq Mail::ResentCcField
++        expect(header['resent-cc'].field.class).to eq Mail::ResentCcField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a resent-date field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['resent-date'] = 'Fri, 21 Nov 1997 09:55:06 -0600'
+-        header['resent-date'].field.class.should eq Mail::ResentDateField
++        expect(header['resent-date'].field.class).to eq Mail::ResentDateField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a resent-from field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['resent-from'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        header['resent-from'].field.class.should eq Mail::ResentFromField
++        expect(header['resent-from'].field.class).to eq Mail::ResentFromField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a resent-message-id field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['resent-message-id'] = '<1234 at mail.baci.local>'
+-        header['resent-message-id'].field.class.should eq Mail::ResentMessageIdField
++        expect(header['resent-message-id'].field.class).to eq Mail::ResentMessageIdField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a resent-sender field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['resent-sender'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        header['resent-sender'].field.class.should eq Mail::ResentSenderField
++        expect(header['resent-sender'].field.class).to eq Mail::ResentSenderField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a resent-to field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['resent-to'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        header['resent-to'].field.class.should eq Mail::ResentToField
++        expect(header['resent-to'].field.class).to eq Mail::ResentToField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a return-path field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['return-path'] = '<mikel at me.com>'
+-        header['return-path'].field.class.should eq Mail::ReturnPathField
++        expect(header['return-path'].field.class).to eq Mail::ReturnPathField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a sender field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['sender'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        header['sender'].field.class.should eq Mail::SenderField
++        expect(header['sender'].field.class).to eq Mail::SenderField
+       end
+       it "should recognise a to field" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['to'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        header['to'].field.class.should eq Mail::ToField
++        expect(header['to'].field.class).to eq Mail::ToField
+       end
+       it "should maintain header case" do
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header['User-Agent'] = 'My funky mailer'
+-        header.encoded.should match(/^User-Agent: /)
+-        header.encoded.should_not match(/^user-agent: /)
++        expect(header.encoded).to match(/^User-Agent: /)
++        expect(header.encoded).not_to match(/^user-agent: /)
+       end
+       it "should not accept field names containing colons" do
+-        doing { Mail::Header.new['a:b'] = 'c' }.should raise_error
++        expect { Mail::Header.new['a:b'] = 'c' }.to raise_error
+       end
+     end
+@@ -264,12 +264,12 @@
+     it "should split the header into separate fields" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n")
+-      header.fields.length.should eq 2
++      expect(header.fields.length).to eq 2
+     end
+     it "should not split a wrapped header in two" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: mikel lindsaar\r\n\s<mikel at lindsaar>\r\nFrom: bob\r\nSubject: This is\r\n a long\r\n\s \t \t \t    badly formatted             \r\n       \t\t  \t       field")
+-      header.fields.length.should eq 3
++      expect(header.fields.length).to eq 3
+     end
+     #  Header fields are lines composed of a field name, followed by a colon
+@@ -279,14 +279,14 @@
+     #  colon.
+     it "should accept any valid header field name" do
+       test_name = ascii.reject { |c| c == ':' }.join
+-      doing { Mail::Header.new("#{test_name}: This is a crazy name") }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::Header.new("#{test_name}: This is a crazy name") }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should not try to accept colons in header field names" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("Colon:in:header: oops")
+-      header.fields.size.should eq 1
+-      header.fields.first.name.should eq 'Colon'
+-      header['Colon'].value.should eq 'in:header: oops'
++      expect(header.fields.size).to eq 1
++      expect(header.fields.first.name).to eq 'Colon'
++      expect(header['Colon'].value).to eq 'in:header: oops'
+     end
+     # A field body may be composed of any US-ASCII characters,
+@@ -297,129 +297,129 @@
+       test_value = ascii.reject { |c| c == ':' }
+       test_value << ' '
+       test_value << '\r\n'
+-      doing {Mail::Header.new("header: #{test_value}")}.should_not raise_error
++      expect {Mail::Header.new("header: #{test_value}")}.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should split each field into an name and value" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n")
+-      header.fields[0].name.should eq "From"
+-      header.fields[0].value.should eq "bob"
+-      header.fields[1].name.should eq "To"
+-      header.fields[1].value.should eq "Mikel"
++      expect(header.fields[0].name).to eq "From"
++      expect(header.fields[0].value).to eq "bob"
++      expect(header.fields[1].name).to eq "To"
++      expect(header.fields[1].value).to eq "Mikel"
+     end
+     it "should split each field into an name and value - even if whitespace is missing" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom:bob\r\n")
+-      header.fields[0].name.should eq "From"
+-      header.fields[0].value.should eq "bob"
+-      header.fields[1].name.should eq "To"
+-      header.fields[1].value.should eq "Mikel"
++      expect(header.fields[0].name).to eq "From"
++      expect(header.fields[0].value).to eq "bob"
++      expect(header.fields[1].name).to eq "To"
++      expect(header.fields[1].value).to eq "Mikel"
+     end
+     it "should preserve the order of the fields it is given" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+       header.fields = ['From: mikel at me.com', 'To: bob at you.com', 'Subject: This is a badly formed email']
+-      header.fields[0].name.should eq 'From'
+-      header.fields[1].name.should eq 'To'
+-      header.fields[2].name.should eq 'Subject'
++      expect(header.fields[0].name).to eq 'From'
++      expect(header.fields[1].name).to eq 'To'
++      expect(header.fields[2].name).to eq 'Subject'
+     end
+     it "should allow you to reference each field and value by literal string name" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n")
+-      header['To'].value.should eq "Mikel"
+-      header['From'].value.should eq "bob"
++      expect(header['To'].value).to eq "Mikel"
++      expect(header['From'].value).to eq "bob"
+     end
+     it "should return an array of fields if there is more than one match" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+       header.fields = ['From: mikel at me.com', 'X-Mail-SPAM: 15', 'X-Mail-SPAM: 23']
+-      header['X-Mail-SPAM'].map { |x| x.value }.should eq ['15', '23']
++      expect(header['X-Mail-SPAM'].map { |x| x.value }).to eq ['15', '23']
+     end
+     it "should return nil if no value in the header" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n")
+-      header['Subject'].should be_nil
++      expect(header['Subject']).to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should add a new field if the field does not exist" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n")
+       header['Subject'] = "G'Day!"
+-      header['Subject'].value.should eq "G'Day!"
++      expect(header['Subject'].value).to eq "G'Day!"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to pass in an array of raw fields" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+       header.fields = ['From: mikel at test.lindsaar.net', 'To: bob at you.com']
+-      header['To'].value.should eq 'bob at you.com'
+-      header['From'].value.should eq 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(header['To'].value).to eq 'bob at you.com'
++      expect(header['From'].value).to eq 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should reset the value of a single-only field if it already exists" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\n")
+       header['To'] = 'George'
+-      header['To'].value.should eq "George"
++      expect(header['To'].value).to eq "George"
+     end
+     it "should allow you to delete a field by setting it to nil" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+       header.fields = ['To: bob at you.com']
+-      header.fields.length.should eq 1
++      expect(header.fields.length).to eq 1
+       header['To'] = nil
+-      header.fields.length.should eq 0
++      expect(header.fields.length).to eq 0
+     end
+     it "should delete all matching fields found if there are multiple options" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+       header.fields = ['X-SPAM: 1000', 'X-SPAM: 20']
+       header['X-SPAM'] = nil
+-      header.fields.length.should eq 0
++      expect(header.fields.length).to eq 0
+     end
+     it "should delete only matching fields found" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+       header.fields = ['X-SPAM: 1000', 'X-AUTHOR: Steve']
+       header['X-SPAM'] = nil
+-      header['X-AUTHOR'].should_not be_nil
+-      header.fields.length.should eq 1
++      expect(header['X-AUTHOR']).not_to be_nil
++      expect(header.fields.length).to eq 1
+     end
+     # Handle empty X-Optional header from Microsoft Exchange
+     it "should handle an empty X-* header value" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("X-MS-TNEF-Correlator:\r\n")
+-      header.fields.length.should eq 1
+-      header['X-MS-TNEF-Correlator'].decoded.should eq nil
+-      header['X-MS-TNEF-Correlator'].encoded.should eq "X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: \r\n"
++      expect(header.fields.length).to eq 1
++      expect(header['X-MS-TNEF-Correlator'].decoded).to eq nil
++      expect(header['X-MS-TNEF-Correlator'].encoded).to eq "X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: \r\n"
+     end
+     it "should accept X- option fields from MS-Exchange" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("X-Ms-Has-Attach:\r\nX-MS-TNEF-Correlator: \r\n")
+-      header.fields.length.should eq 2
+-      header['X-Ms-Has-Attach'].decoded.should eq nil
+-      header['X-Ms-Has-Attach'].encoded.should eq "X-Ms-Has-Attach: \r\n"
+-      header['X-MS-TNEF-Correlator'].decoded.should eq nil
+-      header['X-MS-TNEF-Correlator'].encoded.should eq "X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: \r\n"
++      expect(header.fields.length).to eq 2
++      expect(header['X-Ms-Has-Attach'].decoded).to eq nil
++      expect(header['X-Ms-Has-Attach'].encoded).to eq "X-Ms-Has-Attach: \r\n"
++      expect(header['X-MS-TNEF-Correlator'].decoded).to eq nil
++      expect(header['X-MS-TNEF-Correlator'].encoded).to eq "X-MS-TNEF-Correlator: \r\n"
+     end
+     it "should return nil if asked for the value of a non existent field" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+-      header['Bobs-Field'].should eq nil
++      expect(header['Bobs-Field']).to eq nil
+     end
+     it "should allow you to replace a from field" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+-      header['From'].should eq nil
++      expect(header['From']).to eq nil
+       header['From'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-      header['From'].decoded.should eq 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(header['From'].decoded).to eq 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+       header['From'] = 'bob at test.lindsaar.net'
+-      header['From'].decoded.should eq 'bob at test.lindsaar.net'
++      expect(header['From'].decoded).to eq 'bob at test.lindsaar.net'
+     end
+     it "should maintain the class of the field" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+       header['From'] = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-      header['From'].field.class.should eq Mail::FromField
++      expect(header['From'].field.class).to eq Mail::FromField
+       header['From'] = 'bob at test.lindsaar.net'
+-      header['From'].field.class.should eq Mail::FromField
++      expect(header['From'].field.class).to eq Mail::FromField
+     end
+   end
+@@ -427,12 +427,12 @@
+     it "should unfold a header" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel,\r\n Lindsaar, Bob")
+-      header['To'].value.should eq 'Mikel, Lindsaar, Bob'
++      expect(header['To'].value).to eq 'Mikel, Lindsaar, Bob'
+     end
+     it "should remove multiple spaces during unfolding a header" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: Mikel,\r\n   Lindsaar,     Bob")
+-      header['To'].value.should eq 'Mikel, Lindsaar, Bob'
++      expect(header['To'].value).to eq 'Mikel, Lindsaar, Bob'
+     end
+     it "should handle a crazy long folded header" do
+@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
+ 	for support at aaa.somewhere.com; Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:53:29 -0700
+       header = Mail::Header.new(header_text.gsub(/\n/, "\r\n"))
+-      header['Received'].value.should eq 'from [] (helo=fg-out-1718.google.com) by smtp.totallyrandom.com with esmtp (Exim 4.68) (envelope-from <stuff+caf_=support=aaa.somewhere.com at gmail.com>) id 1K4JeQ-0005Nd-Ij for support at aaa.somewhere.com; Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:53:29 -0700'
++      expect(header['Received'].value).to eq 'from [] (helo=fg-out-1718.google.com) by smtp.totallyrandom.com with esmtp (Exim 4.68) (envelope-from <stuff+caf_=support=aaa.somewhere.com at gmail.com>) id 1K4JeQ-0005Nd-Ij for support at aaa.somewhere.com; Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:53:29 -0700'
+     end
+     it "should convert all lonesome LFs to CRLF" do
+@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
+ 	for support at aaa.somewhere.com; Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:53:29 -0700
+       header = Mail::Header.new(header_text.gsub(/\n/, "\n"))
+-      header['Received'].value.should eq 'from [] (helo=fg-out-1718.google.com) by smtp.totallyrandom.com with esmtp (Exim 4.68) (envelope-from <stuff+caf_=support=aaa.somewhere.com at gmail.com>) id 1K4JeQ-0005Nd-Ij for support at aaa.somewhere.com; Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:53:29 -0700'
++      expect(header['Received'].value).to eq 'from [] (helo=fg-out-1718.google.com) by smtp.totallyrandom.com with esmtp (Exim 4.68) (envelope-from <stuff+caf_=support=aaa.somewhere.com at gmail.com>) id 1K4JeQ-0005Nd-Ij for support at aaa.somewhere.com; Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:53:29 -0700'
+     end
+     it "should convert all lonesome CRs to CRLF" do
+@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@
+ 	for support at aaa.somewhere.com; Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:53:29 -0700
+       header = Mail::Header.new(header_text.gsub(/\n/, "\r"))
+-      header['Received'].value.should eq 'from [] (helo=fg-out-1718.google.com) by smtp.totallyrandom.com with esmtp (Exim 4.68) (envelope-from <stuff+caf_=support=aaa.somewhere.com at gmail.com>) id 1K4JeQ-0005Nd-Ij for support at aaa.somewhere.com; Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:53:29 -0700'
++      expect(header['Received'].value).to eq 'from [] (helo=fg-out-1718.google.com) by smtp.totallyrandom.com with esmtp (Exim 4.68) (envelope-from <stuff+caf_=support=aaa.somewhere.com at gmail.com>) id 1K4JeQ-0005Nd-Ij for support at aaa.somewhere.com; Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:53:29 -0700'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -476,12 +476,12 @@
+   describe "error handling" do
+     it "should collect up any of its fields' errors" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("Content-Transfer-Encoding: vl at d\r\nReply-To: a b b")
+-      header.errors.should_not be_blank
+-      header.errors.size.should eq 2
+-      header.errors[0][0].should eq 'Reply-To'
+-      header.errors[0][1].should eq 'a b b'
+-      header.errors[1][0].should eq 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
+-      header.errors[1][1].should eq 'vl at d'
++      expect(header.errors).not_to be_blank
++      expect(header.errors.size).to eq 2
++      expect(header.errors[0][0]).to eq 'Reply-To'
++      expect(header.errors[0][1]).to eq 'a b b'
++      expect(header.errors[1][0]).to eq 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
++      expect(header.errors[1][1]).to eq 'vl at d'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header[field] = "Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:53:29 -0700"
+         header[field] = "Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:05:29 -1100"
+-        header[field].value.should eq "Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:05:29 -1100"
++        expect(header[field].value).to eq "Mon, 15 Nov 2010 11:05:29 -1100"
+       end
+     end
+@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header[field] = "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+         header[field] = "ada at test.lindsaar.net"
+-        header[field].value.should eq "ada at test.lindsaar.net"
++        expect(header[field].value).to eq "ada at test.lindsaar.net"
+       end
+     end
+@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@
+       header = Mail::Header.new(
+         "Content-Type: multipart/alternative\nContent-Type: text/plain\n"
+       )
+-      header['content-type'].should_not be_kind_of(Array)
++      expect(header['content-type']).not_to be_kind_of(Array)
+     end
+     it "should add additional fields that can appear more than once" do
+@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
+         header = Mail::Header.new
+         header[field] = "1234"
+         header[field] = "5678"
+-        header[field].map { |x| x.value }.should eq ["1234", "5678"]
++        expect(header[field].map { |x| x.value }).to eq ["1234", "5678"]
+       end
+     end
+@@ -524,9 +524,9 @@
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+       header.fields = ['X-Mail-SPAM: 15', 'X-Mail-SPAM: 20']
+       header['X-Mail-SPAM'] = '10000'
+-      header['X-Mail-SPAM'].map { |x| x.value }.should eq ['15', '20', '10000']
++      expect(header['X-Mail-SPAM'].map { |x| x.value }).to eq ['15', '20', '10000']
+       header['X-Mail-SPAM'] = nil
+-      header['X-Mail-SPAM'].should eq nil
++      expect(header['X-Mail-SPAM']).to eq nil
+     end
+   end
+@@ -544,18 +544,18 @@
+     end
+     it "should instantiate one trace field object per header" do
+-      @traced_header.fields.length.should eq 5
++      expect(@traced_header.fields.length).to eq 5
+     end
+     it "should add a new received header after the other received headers if they exist" do
+       @traced_header['To'] = "Mikel"
+       @traced_header['Received'] = "from agw2 by xxx.xxxx.xxx; Sun, 8 May 2005 12:30:13 -0500"
+-      @traced_header.fields[0].addresses.should eq ['xxx at xxxx.xxxtest']
+-      @traced_header.fields[1].info.should eq 'from xxx.xxxx.xxx by xxx.xxxx.xxx with ESMTP id 6AAEE3B4D23 for <xxx at xxxx.xxx>'
+-      @traced_header.fields[2].info.should eq 'from xxx.xxxx.xxx by xxx.xxxx.xxx with ESMTP id j48HUC213279 for <xxx at xxxx.xxx>'
+-      @traced_header.fields[3].info.should eq 'from conversion-xxx.xxxx.xxx.net by xxx.xxxx.xxx id <0IG600901LQ64I at xxx.xxxx.xxx> for <xxx at xxxx.xxx>'
+-      @traced_header.fields[5].info.should eq "from agw2 by xxx.xxxx.xxx"
+-      @traced_header.fields[6].field.class.should eq Mail::ToField
++      expect(@traced_header.fields[0].addresses).to eq ['xxx at xxxx.xxxtest']
++      expect(@traced_header.fields[1].info).to eq 'from xxx.xxxx.xxx by xxx.xxxx.xxx with ESMTP id 6AAEE3B4D23 for <xxx at xxxx.xxx>'
++      expect(@traced_header.fields[2].info).to eq 'from xxx.xxxx.xxx by xxx.xxxx.xxx with ESMTP id j48HUC213279 for <xxx at xxxx.xxx>'
++      expect(@traced_header.fields[3].info).to eq 'from conversion-xxx.xxxx.xxx.net by xxx.xxxx.xxx id <0IG600901LQ64I at xxx.xxxx.xxx> for <xxx at xxxx.xxx>'
++      expect(@traced_header.fields[5].info).to eq "from agw2 by xxx.xxxx.xxx"
++      expect(@traced_header.fields[6].field.class).to eq Mail::ToField
+     end
+   end
+@@ -566,75 +566,75 @@
+       result = "From: bob <bob at test.lindsaar.net>\r\nTo: Mikel Lindsaar <mikel at test.lindsaar.net>\r\nSubject: This is a long badly formatted field\r\n"
+       if result.respond_to?(:encode!)
+         result.encode!(Encoding::US_ASCII)
+-        encoded.encoding.should eq Encoding::US_ASCII if encoded.respond_to?(:encoding)
++        expect(encoded.encoding).to eq Encoding::US_ASCII if encoded.respond_to?(:encoding)
+       end
+-      encoded.should eq result
++      expect(encoded).to eq result
+     end
+     if '1.9'.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
+       it "should blow up on encoding mismatches" do
+         junk = "Subject: \xAF".force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)
+         header = Mail::Header.new(junk, 'utf-8')
+-        doing { header.encoded }.should raise_error
++        expect { header.encoded }.to raise_error
+       end
+     end
+   end
+   describe "detecting required fields" do
+     it "should not say it has a message id if it doesn't" do
+-      Mail::Header.new.should_not be_has_message_id
++      expect(Mail::Header.new).not_to be_has_message_id
+     end
+     it "should say it has a message id if it does" do
+-      Mail::Header.new('Message-ID: 1234').should be_has_message_id
++      expect(Mail::Header.new('Message-ID: 1234')).to be_has_message_id
+     end
+     it "should not say it has a date if it doesn't" do
+-      Mail::Header.new.should_not be_has_date
++      expect(Mail::Header.new).not_to be_has_date
+     end
+     it "should say it has a date id if it does" do
+-      Mail::Header.new('Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 14:22:01 -0800').should be_has_date
++      expect(Mail::Header.new('Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 14:22:01 -0800')).to be_has_date
+     end
+     it "should not say it has a mime-version if it doesn't" do
+-      Mail::Header.new.should_not be_has_mime_version
++      expect(Mail::Header.new).not_to be_has_mime_version
+     end
+     it "should say it has a date id if it does" do
+-      Mail::Header.new('Mime-Version: 1.0').should be_has_mime_version
++      expect(Mail::Header.new('Mime-Version: 1.0')).to be_has_mime_version
+     end
+   end
+   describe "mime version handling" do
+     it "should return the mime version of the email" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("Mime-Version: 1.0")
+-      header['mime-version'].value.should eq '1.0'
++      expect(header['mime-version'].value).to eq '1.0'
+     end
+     it "should return nil if no mime-version header field" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new('To: bob')
+-      header['mime_version'].should eq nil
++      expect(header['mime_version']).to eq nil
+     end
+     it "should return the transfer-encoding of the email" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Base64")
+-      header['content-transfer-encoding'].value.should eq 'Base64'
++      expect(header['content-transfer-encoding'].value).to eq 'Base64'
+     end
+     it "should return nil if no transfer-encoding header field" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+-      header['content-transfer-encoding'].should eq nil
++      expect(header['content-transfer-encoding']).to eq nil
+     end
+     it "should return the content-description of the email" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("Content-Description: This is a description")
+-      header['Content-Description'].value.should eq 'This is a description'
++      expect(header['Content-Description'].value).to eq 'This is a description'
+     end
+     it "should return nil if no content-description header field" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new
+-      header['Content-Description'].should eq nil
++      expect(header['Content-Description']).to eq nil
+     end
+   end
+@@ -642,7 +642,7 @@
+   describe "configuration option .maximum_amount" do
+     it "should be 1000 by default" do
+-      Mail::Header.maximum_amount.should == 1000
++      expect(Mail::Header.maximum_amount).to eq(1000)
+     end
+     it "should limit amount of parsed headers" do
+@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@
+         begin
+           $VERBOSE, old_verbose = nil, $VERBOSE
+           header = Mail::Header.new("X-SubscriberID: 345\n" * 11)
+-          header.fields.size.should == 10
++          expect(header.fields.size).to eq(10)
+         ensure
+           $VERBOSE = old_verbose
+         end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/mail_spec.rb b/spec/mail/mail_spec.rb
+index 3a28ec3..89d87dc 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/mail_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/mail_spec.rb
+@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
+ describe "mail" do
+   it "should be able to be instantiated" do
+-    doing { Mail }.should_not raise_error
++    expect { Mail }.not_to raise_error
+   end
+   it "should be able to make a new email" do
+-    Mail.new.class.should eq Mail::Message
++    expect(Mail.new.class).to eq Mail::Message
+   end
+   it "should accept headers and body" do
+@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
+       subject 'Hello there Mikel'
+       body    'This is a body of text'
+     end
+-    message.from.should      eq ['mikel at me.com']
+-    message.to.should        eq ['mikel at you.com']
+-    message.subject.should   eq 'Hello there Mikel'
+-    message.body.to_s.should eq 'This is a body of text'
++    expect(message.from).to      eq ['mikel at me.com']
++    expect(message.to).to        eq ['mikel at you.com']
++    expect(message.subject).to   eq 'Hello there Mikel'
++    expect(message.body.to_s).to eq 'This is a body of text'
+   end
+   it "should read a file" do
+     wrap_method = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'raw_email.eml')).to_s
+     file_method = Mail.new(File.open(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'raw_email.eml'), 'rb', &:read)).to_s
+-    wrap_method.should eq file_method
++    expect(wrap_method).to eq file_method
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/message_spec.rb b/spec/mail/message_spec.rb
+index 4030141..16dec9f 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/message_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/message_spec.rb
+@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@ def basic_email
+   describe "initialization" do
+     it "should instantiate empty" do
+-      Mail::Message.new.class.should eq Mail::Message
++      expect(Mail::Message.new.class).to eq Mail::Message
+     end
+     it "should return a basic email" do
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail = Mail.new(mail.to_s)
+-      mail.date.should_not be_blank
+-      mail.message_id.should_not be_blank
+-      mail.mime_version.should eq "1.0"
+-      mail.content_type.should eq "text/plain"
+-      mail.content_transfer_encoding.should eq "7bit"
+-      mail.subject.should be_blank
+-      mail.body.should be_blank
++      expect(mail.date).not_to be_blank
++      expect(mail.message_id).not_to be_blank
++      expect(mail.mime_version).to eq "1.0"
++      expect(mail.content_type).to eq "text/plain"
++      expect(mail.content_transfer_encoding).to eq "7bit"
++      expect(mail.subject).to be_blank
++      expect(mail.body).to be_blank
+     end
+     it "should instantiate with a string" do
+-      Mail::Message.new(basic_email).class.should eq Mail::Message
++      expect(Mail::Message.new(basic_email).class).to eq Mail::Message
+     end
+     it "should allow us to pass it a block" do
+@@ -34,35 +34,36 @@ def basic_email
+         from 'mikel at me.com'
+         to 'lindsaar at you.com'
+       end
+-      mail.from.should eq ['mikel at me.com']
+-      mail.to.should eq ['lindsaar at you.com']
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ['mikel at me.com']
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['lindsaar at you.com']
+     end
+     it "should initialize a body and header class even if called with nothing to begin with" do
+       mail = Mail::Message.new
+-      mail.header.class.should eq Mail::Header
+-      mail.body.class.should eq Mail::Body
++      expect(mail.header.class).to eq Mail::Header
++      expect(mail.body.class).to eq Mail::Body
+     end
+     it "should not report basic emails as bounced" do
+-      Mail::Message.new.should_not be_bounced
++      expect(Mail::Message.new).not_to be_bounced
+     end
+     it "should be able to parse a basic email" do
+-      doing { Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'basic_email.eml')) }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'basic_email.eml')) }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should be able to parse an email with @ in display name" do
+       message = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'raw_email_with_at_display_name.eml'))
+-      message.to.should eq ["smith at gmail.com", "raasdnil at gmail.com", "tom at gmail.com"]
++      expect(message.to).to eq ["smith at gmail.com", "raasdnil at gmail.com", "tom at gmail.com"]
+     end
+     it "should be able to parse an email with only blank lines as body" do
+-      doing { Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'error_emails', 'missing_body.eml')) }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'error_emails', 'missing_body.eml')) }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should be able to parse an email with a funky date header" do
+-      doing { Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'error_emails', 'bad_date_header2.eml')) }
++      # TODO: This spec should actually do something
++       expect { Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'error_emails', 'bad_date_header2.eml')) }
+     end
+     it 'should be able to invoke subject on a funky subject header' do
+@@ -77,7 +78,7 @@ def basic_email
+     it "should be able to parse every email example we have without raising an exception" do
+       emails = Dir.glob( fixture('emails/**/*') ).delete_if { |f| File.directory?(f) }
+-      STDERR.stub!(:puts) # Don't want to get noisy about any warnings
++      allow(STDERR).to receive(:puts) # Don't want to get noisy about any warnings
+       errors = false
+       expected_failures = []
+       emails.each do |email|
+@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ def basic_email
+           end
+         end
+       end
+-      errors.should be_false
++      expect(errors).to be_falsey
+     end
+     it "should be able to parse a large email without raising an exception" do
+@@ -99,34 +100,34 @@ def basic_email
+       m.add_file(:filename => "attachment.data", :content => "a" * (8 * 1024 * 1024))
+       raw_email = "From jamis_buck at byu.edu Mon May  2 16:07:05 2005\r\n#{m.to_s}"
+-      doing { Mail::Message.new(raw_email) }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { Mail::Message.new(raw_email) }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should not raise a warning on having non US-ASCII characters in the header (should just handle it)" do
+-      STDERR.should_not_receive(:puts)
++      expect(STDERR).not_to receive(:puts)
+       Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'raw_email_string_in_date_field.eml'))
+     end
+     it "should raise a warning (and keep parsing) on having an incorrectly formatted header" do
+-      STDERR.should_receive(:puts).with("WARNING: Could not parse (and so ignoring) 'quite Delivered-To: xxx at xxx.xxx'")
++      expect(STDERR).to receive(:puts).with("WARNING: Could not parse (and so ignoring) 'quite Delivered-To: xxx at xxx.xxx'")
+       Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'raw_email_incorrect_header.eml')).to_s
+     end
+     it "should read in an email message and basically parse it" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'basic_email.eml'))
+-      mail.to.should eq ["raasdnil at gmail.com"]
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ["raasdnil at gmail.com"]
+     end
+     it "should not fail parsing message with caps in content_type" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'mix_caps_content_type.eml'))
+-      mail.content_type.should eq 'text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1'
+-      mail.main_type.should eq 'text'
+-      mail.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
++      expect(mail.content_type).to eq 'text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1'
++      expect(mail.main_type).to eq 'text'
++      expect(mail.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
+     end
+     it "should be able to pass an empty reply-to header" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'error_emails', 'empty_in_reply_to.eml'))
+-      mail.in_reply_to.should be_blank
++      expect(mail.in_reply_to).to be_blank
+     end
+     describe "YAML serialization" do
+@@ -146,31 +147,31 @@ def basic_email
+       it "should serialize the basic information to YAML" do
+         yaml = @yaml_mail.to_yaml
+         yaml_output = YAML.load(yaml)
+-        yaml_output['headers']['To'].should       eq "someone at somewhere.com"
+-        yaml_output['headers']['Cc'].should       eq "someoneelse at somewhere.com"
+-        yaml_output['headers']['Subject'].should  eq "subject"
+-        yaml_output['headers']['Bcc'].should      eq "someonesecret at somewhere.com"
+-        yaml_output['@body_raw'].should           eq "body"
+-        yaml_output['@delivery_method'].should_not be_blank
++        expect(yaml_output['headers']['To']).to       eq "someone at somewhere.com"
++        expect(yaml_output['headers']['Cc']).to       eq "someoneelse at somewhere.com"
++        expect(yaml_output['headers']['Subject']).to  eq "subject"
++        expect(yaml_output['headers']['Bcc']).to      eq "someonesecret at somewhere.com"
++        expect(yaml_output['@body_raw']).to           eq "body"
++        expect(yaml_output['@delivery_method']).not_to be_blank
+       end
+       it "should deserialize after serializing" do
+         deserialized = Mail::Message.from_yaml(@yaml_mail.to_yaml)
+-        deserialized.should eq @yaml_mail
+-        deserialized.delivery_method.settings.should eq @smtp_settings
++        expect(deserialized).to eq @yaml_mail
++        expect(deserialized.delivery_method.settings).to eq @smtp_settings
+       end
+       it "should serialize a Message with a custom delivery_handler" do
+         @yaml_mail.delivery_handler = DeliveryAgent
+         yaml = @yaml_mail.to_yaml
+         yaml_output = YAML.load(yaml)
+-        yaml_output['delivery_handler'].should eq "DeliveryAgent"
++        expect(yaml_output['delivery_handler']).to eq "DeliveryAgent"
+       end
+       it "should load a serialized delivery handler" do
+         @yaml_mail.delivery_handler = DeliveryAgent
+         deserialized = Mail::Message.from_yaml(@yaml_mail.to_yaml)
+-        deserialized.delivery_handler.should eq DeliveryAgent
++        expect(deserialized.delivery_handler).to eq DeliveryAgent
+       end
+       it "should not deserialize a delivery_handler that does not exist" do
+@@ -178,90 +179,90 @@ def basic_email
+         yaml_hash = YAML.load(yaml)
+         yaml_hash['delivery_handler'] = "NotARealClass"
+         deserialized = Mail::Message.from_yaml(yaml_hash.to_yaml)
+-        deserialized.delivery_handler.should be_nil
++        expect(deserialized.delivery_handler).to be_nil
+       end
+       it "should handle multipart mail" do
+         @yaml_mail.add_part Mail::Part.new(:content_type => 'text/html', :body => '<b>body</b>')
+         deserialized = Mail::Message.from_yaml(@yaml_mail.to_yaml)
+-        deserialized.should be_multipart
+-        deserialized.parts.each {|part| part.should be_a(Mail::Part)}
+-        deserialized.parts.map(&:body).should == ['body', '<b>body</b>']
++        expect(deserialized).to be_multipart
++        deserialized.parts.each {|part| expect(part).to be_a(Mail::Part)}
++        expect(deserialized.parts.map(&:body)).to eq(['body', '<b>body</b>'])
+       end
+     end
+     describe "splitting" do
+       it "should split the body from the header" do
+         message = Mail::Message.new("To: Example <example at cirw.in>\r\n\r\nHello there\r\n")
+-        message.decoded.should == "Hello there\n"
++        expect(message.decoded).to eq("Hello there\n")
+       end
+       it "should split when the body starts with a space" do
+         message = Mail::Message.new("To: Example <example at cirw.in>\r\n\r\n Hello there\r\n")
+-        message.decoded.should == " Hello there\n"
++        expect(message.decoded).to eq(" Hello there\n")
+       end
+       it "should split if the body starts with an empty line" do
+         message = Mail::Message.new("To: Example <example at cirw.in>\r\n\r\n\r\nHello there\r\n")
+-        message.decoded.should == "\nHello there\n"
++        expect(message.decoded).to eq("\nHello there\n")
+       end
+       it "should split if the body starts with a blank line" do
+         message = Mail::Message.new("To: Example <example at cirw.in>\r\n\r\n\t\r\nHello there\r\n")
+-        message.decoded.should == "\t\nHello there\n"
++        expect(message.decoded).to eq("\t\nHello there\n")
+       end
+       it 'should split after headers that contain "\r\n "' do
+         message = Mail::Message.new("To: Example\r\n <example at cirw.in>\r\n\r\n Hello there\r\n")
+-        message.decoded.should == " Hello there\n"
++        expect(message.decoded).to eq(" Hello there\n")
+       end
+       it 'should split only once if there are "\r\n\r\n"s in the body' do
+         message = Mail::Message.new("To: Example <example at cirw.in>\r\n\r\nHello\r\n\r\nthere\r\n")
+-        message.decoded.should == "Hello\n\nthere\n"
++        expect(message.decoded).to eq("Hello\n\nthere\n")
+       end
+       # N.B. this is not in any RFCs
+       it "should split on a line with whitespace on it" do
+         message = Mail::Message.new("To: Example <example at cirw.in>\r\n \r\nHello there\r\n")
+-        message.decoded.should == "Hello there\n"
++        expect(message.decoded).to eq("Hello there\n")
+       end
+     end
+   end
+   describe "envelope line handling" do
+     it "should respond to 'envelope from'" do
+-      Mail::Message.new.should respond_to(:envelope_from)
++      expect(Mail::Message.new).to respond_to(:envelope_from)
+     end
+     it "should strip off the envelope from field if present" do
+       message = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'raw_email.eml'))
+-      message.envelope_from.should eq "jamis_buck at byu.edu"
+-      message.envelope_date.should eq ::DateTime.parse("Mon May  2 16:07:05 2005")
++      expect(message.envelope_from).to eq "jamis_buck at byu.edu"
++      expect(message.envelope_date).to eq ::DateTime.parse("Mon May  2 16:07:05 2005")
+     end
+     it "should strip off the envelope from field if present" do
+       message = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'raw_email.eml'))
+-      message.raw_envelope.should eq "jamis_buck at byu.edu Mon May  2 16:07:05 2005"
+-      message.from.should eq ["jamis at 37signals.com"]
++      expect(message.raw_envelope).to eq "jamis_buck at byu.edu Mon May  2 16:07:05 2005"
++      expect(message.from).to eq ["jamis at 37signals.com"]
+     end
+     it "should not cause any problems if there is no envelope from present" do
+       message = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'basic_email.eml'))
+-      message.from.should eq ["test at lindsaar.net"]
++      expect(message.from).to eq ["test at lindsaar.net"]
+     end
+     it "should ignore a plain text body that starts with ^From" do
+       m = Mail::Message.new("From: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\n\r\nThis is a way to break mail by putting\r\nFrom at the start of a body\r\nor elsewhere.")
+-      m.from.should_not be_nil
+-      m.from.should eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net']
++      expect(m.from).not_to be_nil
++      expect(m.from).to eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net']
+     end
+     it "should handle a multipart message that has ^From in it" do
+       m = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'error_emails', 'cant_parse_from.eml'))
+-      m.from.should_not be_nil
+-      m.from.should eq ["News at InsideApple.Apple.com"]
+-      m.should be_multipart
++      expect(m.from).not_to be_nil
++      expect(m.from).to eq ["News at InsideApple.Apple.com"]
++      expect(m).to be_multipart
+     end
+   end
+@@ -270,49 +271,49 @@ def basic_email
+     it "should accept some email text to parse and return an email" do
+       mail = Mail::Message.new(basic_email)
+-      mail.class.should eq Mail::Message
++      expect(mail.class).to eq Mail::Message
+     end
+     it "should set a raw source instance variable to equal the passed in message" do
+       mail = Mail::Message.new(basic_email)
+-      mail.raw_source.should eq basic_email
++      expect(mail.raw_source).to eq basic_email
+     end
+     it "should set the raw source instance variable to '' if no message is passed in" do
+       mail = Mail::Message.new
+-      mail.raw_source.should eq ""
++      expect(mail.raw_source).to eq ""
+     end
+     it "should give the header class the header to parse" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\nSubject: Hello!")
+-      Mail::Header.should_receive(:new).with("To: mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\nSubject: Hello!", 'UTF-8').and_return(header)
++      expect(Mail::Header).to receive(:new).with("To: mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\nSubject: Hello!", 'UTF-8').and_return(header)
+       Mail::Message.new(basic_email)
+     end
+     it "should give the header class the header to parse even if there is no body" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\nSubject: Hello!")
+-      Mail::Header.should_receive(:new).with("To: mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\nSubject: Hello!", 'UTF-8').and_return(header)
++      expect(Mail::Header).to receive(:new).with("To: mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\nSubject: Hello!", 'UTF-8').and_return(header)
+       Mail::Message.new("To: mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\nSubject: Hello!")
+     end
+     it "should give the body class the body to parse" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new("email message")
+-      Mail::Body.should_receive(:new).with("email message\r\n").and_return(body)
++      expect(Mail::Body).to receive(:new).with("email message\r\n").and_return(body)
+       mail = Mail::Message.new(basic_email)
+       mail.body #body calculates now lazy so need to ask for it
+     end
+     it "should still ask the body for a new instance even though these is nothing to parse, yet" do
+       body = Mail::Body.new('')
+-      Mail::Body.should_receive(:new).and_return(body)
++      expect(Mail::Body).to receive(:new).and_return(body)
+       Mail::Message.new("To: mikel\r\nFrom: bob\r\nSubject: Hello!")
+     end
+     it "should give the header the part before the line without spaces and the body the part without" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: mikel")
+       body = Mail::Body.new("G'Day!")
+-      Mail::Header.should_receive(:new).with("To: mikel", 'UTF-8').and_return(header)
+-      Mail::Body.should_receive(:new).with("G'Day!").and_return(body)
++      expect(Mail::Header).to receive(:new).with("To: mikel", 'UTF-8').and_return(header)
++      expect(Mail::Body).to receive(:new).with("G'Day!").and_return(body)
+       mail = Mail::Message.new("To: mikel\r\n\r\nG'Day!")
+       mail.body #body calculates now lazy so need to ask for it
+     end
+@@ -320,31 +321,31 @@ def basic_email
+     it "should give allow for whitespace on the gap line between header and body" do
+       header = Mail::Header.new("To: mikel")
+       body = Mail::Body.new("G'Day!")
+-      Mail::Header.should_receive(:new).with("To: mikel", 'UTF-8').and_return(header)
+-      Mail::Body.should_receive(:new).with("G'Day!").and_return(body)
++      expect(Mail::Header).to receive(:new).with("To: mikel", 'UTF-8').and_return(header)
++      expect(Mail::Body).to receive(:new).with("G'Day!").and_return(body)
+       mail = Mail::Message.new("To: mikel\r\n   		  \r\nG'Day!")
+       mail.body #body calculates now lazy so need to ask for it
+     end
+     it "should allow for whitespace at the start of the email" do
+       mail = Mail.new("\r\n\r\nFrom: mikel\r\n\r\nThis is the body")
+-      mail.body.to_s.should eq 'This is the body'
+-      mail.from.should eq ['mikel']
++      expect(mail.body.to_s).to eq 'This is the body'
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ['mikel']
+     end
+     it "should read in an email message with the word 'From' in it multiple times and parse it" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'mime_emails', 'two_from_in_message.eml'))
+-      mail.to.should_not be_nil
+-      mail.to.should eq ["tester2 at test.com"]
++      expect(mail.to).not_to be_nil
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ["tester2 at test.com"]
+     end
+     it "should parse non-UTF8 sources" do
+       raw_message = File.read(fixture('emails', 'multi_charset', 'japanese_shiftjis.eml'))
+       original_encoding = raw_message.encoding if raw_message.respond_to?(:encoding)
+       mail = Mail.new(raw_message)
+-      mail.to.should eq ["raasdnil at gmail.com"]
+-      mail.decoded.should eq "すみません。\n\n"
+-      raw_message.encoding.should eq original_encoding if raw_message.respond_to?(:encoding)
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ["raasdnil at gmail.com"]
++      expect(mail.decoded).to eq "すみません。\n\n"
++      expect(raw_message.encoding).to eq original_encoding if raw_message.respond_to?(:encoding)
+     end
+   end
+@@ -357,21 +358,21 @@ def basic_email
+       end
+       it "should allow you to grab field objects if you really want to" do
+-        @mail.header_fields.class.should eq Mail::FieldList
++        expect(@mail.header_fields.class).to eq Mail::FieldList
+       end
+       it "should give you back the fields in the header" do
+         @mail['bar'] = 'abcd'
+-        @mail.header_fields.length.should eq 1
++        expect(@mail.header_fields.length).to eq 1
+         @mail['foo'] = '4321'
+-        @mail.header_fields.length.should eq 2
++        expect(@mail.header_fields.length).to eq 2
+       end
+       it "should delete a field if it is set to nil" do
+         @mail['foo'] = '4321'
+-        @mail.header_fields.length.should eq 1
++        expect(@mail.header_fields.length).to eq 1
+         @mail['foo'] = nil
+-        @mail.header_fields.length.should eq 0
++        expect(@mail.header_fields.length).to eq 0
+       end
+     end
+@@ -384,32 +385,32 @@ def basic_email
+       it "should return the to field" do
+         @mail.to = "mikel"
+-        @mail.to.should eq ["mikel"]
++        expect(@mail.to).to eq ["mikel"]
+       end
+       it "should return the from field" do
+         @mail.from = "bob"
+-        @mail.from.should eq ["bob"]
++        expect(@mail.from).to eq ["bob"]
+       end
+       it "should return the subject" do
+         @mail.subject = "Hello!"
+-        @mail.subject.should eq "Hello!"
++        expect(@mail.subject).to eq "Hello!"
+       end
+       it "should return the body decoded with to_s" do
+         @mail.body "email message\r\n"
+-        @mail.body.to_s.should eq "email message\n"
++        expect(@mail.body.to_s).to eq "email message\n"
+       end
+       it "should return the body encoded if asked for" do
+         @mail.body "email message\r\n"
+-        @mail.body.encoded.should eq "email message\r\n"
++        expect(@mail.body.encoded).to eq "email message\r\n"
+       end
+       it "should return the body decoded if asked for" do
+         @mail.body "email message\r\n"
+-        @mail.body.decoded.should eq "email message\n"
++        expect(@mail.body.decoded).to eq "email message\n"
+       end
+     end
+@@ -421,32 +422,32 @@ def basic_email
+       it "should return the to field" do
+         @mail.to "mikel"
+-        @mail.to.should eq ["mikel"]
++        expect(@mail.to).to eq ["mikel"]
+       end
+       it "should return the from field" do
+         @mail.from "bob"
+-        @mail.from.should eq ["bob"]
++        expect(@mail.from).to eq ["bob"]
+       end
+       it "should return the subject" do
+         @mail.subject "Hello!"
+-        @mail.subject.should eq "Hello!"
++        expect(@mail.subject).to eq "Hello!"
+       end
+       it "should return the body decoded with to_s" do
+         @mail.body "email message\r\n"
+-        @mail.body.to_s.should eq "email message\n"
++        expect(@mail.body.to_s).to eq "email message\n"
+       end
+       it "should return the body encoded if asked for" do
+         @mail.body "email message\r\n"
+-        @mail.body.encoded.should eq "email message\r\n"
++        expect(@mail.body.encoded).to eq "email message\r\n"
+       end
+       it "should return the body decoded if asked for" do
+         @mail.body "email message\r\n"
+-        @mail.body.decoded.should eq "email message\n"
++        expect(@mail.body.decoded).to eq "email message\n"
+       end
+     end
+@@ -457,17 +458,17 @@ def basic_email
+       end
+       it "should allow you to set them" do
+-        doing {@mail['foo'] = 1234}.should_not raise_error
++        expect {@mail['foo'] = 1234}.not_to raise_error
+       end
+       it "should allow you to read arbitrary headers" do
+         @mail['foo'] = 1234
+-        @mail['foo'].value.to_s.should eq '1234'
++        expect(@mail['foo'].value.to_s).to eq '1234'
+       end
+       it "should instantiate a new Header" do
+         @mail['foo'] = 1234
+-        @mail.header_fields.first.class.should eq Mail::Field
++        expect(@mail.header_fields.first.class).to eq Mail::Field
+       end
+     end
+@@ -475,19 +476,19 @@ def basic_email
+       it "should allow you to replace a from field" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+-        mail.from.should eq nil
++        expect(mail.from).to eq nil
+         mail.from = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        mail.from.should eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(mail.from).to eq ['mikel at test.lindsaar.net']
+         mail.from = 'bob at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        mail.from.should eq ['bob at test.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(mail.from).to eq ['bob at test.lindsaar.net']
+       end
+       it "should maintain the class of the field" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.from = 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        mail[:from].field.class.should eq Mail::FromField
++        expect(mail[:from].field.class).to eq Mail::FromField
+         mail.from = 'bob at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        mail[:from].field.class.should eq Mail::FromField
++        expect(mail[:from].field.class).to eq Mail::FromField
+       end
+     end
+@@ -525,34 +526,34 @@ def basic_email
+           body          'This is a body of text'
+         end
+-        message.bcc.should           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.cc.should            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.comments.should      eq 'this is a comment'
+-        message.date.should          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
+-        message.from.should          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.in_reply_to.should   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.keywords.should      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
+-        message.message_id.should    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.received.date_time.should      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-        message.references.should    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.reply_to.should      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_bcc.should    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_cc.should     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_date.should   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
+-        message.resent_from.should   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_message_id.should eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.resent_sender.should eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_to.should     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.sender.should        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.subject.should       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
+-        message.to.should            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.content_type.should              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
+-        message.content_transfer_encoding.should eq '7bit'
+-        message.content_description.should       eq 'This is a test'
+-        message.content_disposition.should       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
+-        message.content_id.should                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
+-        message.mime_version.should              eq '1.0'
+-        message.body.to_s.should          eq 'This is a body of text'
++        expect(message.bcc).to           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.cc).to            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.comments).to      eq 'this is a comment'
++        expect(message.date).to          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
++        expect(message.from).to          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.in_reply_to).to   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.keywords).to      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
++        expect(message.message_id).to    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.received.date_time).to      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
++        expect(message.references).to    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.reply_to).to      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_bcc).to    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_cc).to     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_date).to   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
++        expect(message.resent_from).to   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_message_id).to eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.resent_sender).to eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_to).to     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.sender).to        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.subject).to       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
++        expect(message.to).to            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.content_type).to              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
++        expect(message.content_transfer_encoding).to eq '7bit'
++        expect(message.content_description).to       eq 'This is a test'
++        expect(message.content_disposition).to       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
++        expect(message.content_id).to                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
++        expect(message.mime_version).to              eq '1.0'
++        expect(message.body.to_s).to          eq 'This is a body of text'
+       end
+       it "should accept them in assignment form" do
+@@ -586,34 +587,34 @@ def basic_email
+         message.mime_version =  '1.0'
+         message.body =          'This is a body of text'
+-        message.bcc.should           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.cc.should            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.comments.should      eq 'this is a comment'
+-        message.date.should          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
+-        message.from.should          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.in_reply_to.should   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.keywords.should      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
+-        message.message_id.should    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.received.date_time.should      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-        message.references.should    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.reply_to.should      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_bcc.should    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_cc.should     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_date.should   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
+-        message.resent_from.should   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_message_id.should eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.resent_sender.should eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_to.should     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.sender.should        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.subject.should       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
+-        message.to.should            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.content_type.should              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
+-        message.content_transfer_encoding.should eq '7bit'
+-        message.content_description.should       eq 'This is a test'
+-        message.content_disposition.should       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
+-        message.content_id.should                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
+-        message.mime_version.should              eq '1.0'
+-        message.body.to_s.should          eq 'This is a body of text'
++        expect(message.bcc).to           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.cc).to            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.comments).to      eq 'this is a comment'
++        expect(message.date).to          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
++        expect(message.from).to          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.in_reply_to).to   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.keywords).to      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
++        expect(message.message_id).to    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.received.date_time).to      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
++        expect(message.references).to    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.reply_to).to      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_bcc).to    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_cc).to     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_date).to   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
++        expect(message.resent_from).to   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_message_id).to eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.resent_sender).to eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_to).to     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.sender).to        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.subject).to       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
++        expect(message.to).to            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.content_type).to              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
++        expect(message.content_transfer_encoding).to eq '7bit'
++        expect(message.content_description).to       eq 'This is a test'
++        expect(message.content_disposition).to       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
++        expect(message.content_id).to                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
++        expect(message.mime_version).to              eq '1.0'
++        expect(message.body.to_s).to          eq 'This is a body of text'
+       end
+       it "should accept them in key, value form as symbols" do
+@@ -647,34 +648,34 @@ def basic_email
+         message[:mime_version]=  '1.0'
+         message[:body] =          'This is a body of text'
+-        message.bcc.should           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.cc.should            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.comments.should      eq 'this is a comment'
+-        message.date.should          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
+-        message.from.should          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.in_reply_to.should   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.keywords.should      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
+-        message.message_id.should    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.received.date_time.should      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-        message.references.should    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.reply_to.should      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_bcc.should    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_cc.should     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_date.should   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
+-        message.resent_from.should   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_message_id.should eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.resent_sender.should eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_to.should     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.sender.should        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.subject.should       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
+-        message.to.should            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.content_type.should              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
+-        message.content_transfer_encoding.should eq '7bit'
+-        message.content_description.should       eq 'This is a test'
+-        message.content_disposition.should       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
+-        message.content_id.should                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
+-        message.mime_version.should              eq '1.0'
+-        message.body.to_s.should          eq 'This is a body of text'
++        expect(message.bcc).to           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.cc).to            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.comments).to      eq 'this is a comment'
++        expect(message.date).to          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
++        expect(message.from).to          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.in_reply_to).to   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.keywords).to      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
++        expect(message.message_id).to    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.received.date_time).to      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
++        expect(message.references).to    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.reply_to).to      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_bcc).to    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_cc).to     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_date).to   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
++        expect(message.resent_from).to   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_message_id).to eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.resent_sender).to eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_to).to     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.sender).to        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.subject).to       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
++        expect(message.to).to            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.content_type).to              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
++        expect(message.content_transfer_encoding).to eq '7bit'
++        expect(message.content_description).to       eq 'This is a test'
++        expect(message.content_disposition).to       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
++        expect(message.content_id).to                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
++        expect(message.mime_version).to              eq '1.0'
++        expect(message.body.to_s).to          eq 'This is a body of text'
+       end
+       it "should accept them in key, value form as strings" do
+@@ -708,34 +709,34 @@ def basic_email
+         message['mime_version'] =  '1.0'
+         message['body'] =          'This is a body of text'
+-        message.bcc.should           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.cc.should            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.comments.should      eq 'this is a comment'
+-        message.date.should          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
+-        message.from.should          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.in_reply_to.should   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.keywords.should      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
+-        message.message_id.should    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.received.date_time.should      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-        message.references.should    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.reply_to.should      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_bcc.should    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_cc.should     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_date.should   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
+-        message.resent_from.should   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_message_id.should eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.resent_sender.should eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_to.should     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.sender.should        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.subject.should       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
+-        message.to.should            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.content_type.should              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
+-        message.content_transfer_encoding.should eq '7bit'
+-        message.content_description.should       eq 'This is a test'
+-        message.content_disposition.should       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
+-        message.content_id.should                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
+-        message.mime_version.should              eq '1.0'
+-        message.body.to_s.should          eq 'This is a body of text'
++        expect(message.bcc).to           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.cc).to            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.comments).to      eq 'this is a comment'
++        expect(message.date).to          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
++        expect(message.from).to          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.in_reply_to).to   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.keywords).to      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
++        expect(message.message_id).to    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.received.date_time).to      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
++        expect(message.references).to    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.reply_to).to      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_bcc).to    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_cc).to     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_date).to   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
++        expect(message.resent_from).to   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_message_id).to eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.resent_sender).to eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_to).to     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.sender).to        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.subject).to       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
++        expect(message.to).to            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.content_type).to              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
++        expect(message.content_transfer_encoding).to eq '7bit'
++        expect(message.content_description).to       eq 'This is a test'
++        expect(message.content_disposition).to       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
++        expect(message.content_id).to                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
++        expect(message.mime_version).to              eq '1.0'
++        expect(message.body.to_s).to          eq 'This is a body of text'
+       end
+       it "should accept them as a hash with symbols" do
+@@ -770,34 +771,34 @@ def basic_email
+           :body =>          'This is a body of text'
+         })
+-        message.bcc.should           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.cc.should            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.comments.should      eq 'this is a comment'
+-        message.date.should          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
+-        message.from.should          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.in_reply_to.should   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.keywords.should      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
+-        message.message_id.should    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.received.date_time.should      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-        message.references.should    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.reply_to.should      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_bcc.should    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_cc.should     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_date.should   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
+-        message.resent_from.should   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_message_id.should eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.resent_sender.should eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_to.should     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.sender.should        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.subject.should       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
+-        message.to.should            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.content_type.should              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
+-        message.content_transfer_encoding.should eq '7bit'
+-        message.content_description.should       eq 'This is a test'
+-        message.content_disposition.should       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
+-        message.content_id.should                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
+-        message.mime_version.should              eq '1.0'
+-        message.body.to_s.should          eq 'This is a body of text'
++        expect(message.bcc).to           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.cc).to            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.comments).to      eq 'this is a comment'
++        expect(message.date).to          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
++        expect(message.from).to          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.in_reply_to).to   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.keywords).to      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
++        expect(message.message_id).to    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.received.date_time).to      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
++        expect(message.references).to    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.reply_to).to      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_bcc).to    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_cc).to     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_date).to   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
++        expect(message.resent_from).to   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_message_id).to eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.resent_sender).to eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_to).to     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.sender).to        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.subject).to       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
++        expect(message.to).to            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.content_type).to              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
++        expect(message.content_transfer_encoding).to eq '7bit'
++        expect(message.content_description).to       eq 'This is a test'
++        expect(message.content_disposition).to       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
++        expect(message.content_id).to                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
++        expect(message.mime_version).to              eq '1.0'
++        expect(message.body.to_s).to          eq 'This is a body of text'
+       end
+       it "should accept them as a hash with strings" do
+@@ -832,46 +833,46 @@ def basic_email
+           'body' =>          'This is a body of text'
+         })
+-        message.bcc.should           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.cc.should            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.comments.should      eq 'this is a comment'
+-        message.date.should          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
+-        message.from.should          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.in_reply_to.should   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.keywords.should      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
+-        message.message_id.should    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.received.date_time.should      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
+-        message.references.should    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.reply_to.should      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_bcc.should    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_cc.should     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_date.should   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
+-        message.resent_from.should   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_message_id.should eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.resent_sender.should eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.resent_to.should     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.sender.should        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
+-        message.subject.should       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
+-        message.to.should            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
+-        message.content_type.should              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
+-        message.content_transfer_encoding.should eq '7bit'
+-        message.content_description.should       eq 'This is a test'
+-        message.content_disposition.should       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
+-        message.content_id.should                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
+-        message.mime_version.should              eq '1.0'
+-        message.body.to_s.should          eq 'This is a body of text'
++        expect(message.bcc).to           eq ['mikel at bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.cc).to            eq ['mikel at cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.comments).to      eq 'this is a comment'
++        expect(message.date).to          eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:01 GMT')
++        expect(message.from).to          eq ['mikel at from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.in_reply_to).to   eq '1234 at in_reply_to.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.keywords).to      eq ["test", "of the new mail", "system"]
++        expect(message.message_id).to    eq '1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.received.date_time).to      eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:02 GMT')
++        expect(message.references).to    eq '1234 at references.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.reply_to).to      eq ['mikel at reply-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_bcc).to    eq ['mikel at resent-bcc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_cc).to     eq ['mikel at resent-cc.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_date).to   eq DateTime.parse('12 Aug 2009 00:00:03 GMT')
++        expect(message.resent_from).to   eq ['mikel at resent-from.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_message_id).to eq '1234 at resent_message_id.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.resent_sender).to eq ['mikel at resent-sender.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.resent_to).to     eq ['mikel at resent-to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.sender).to        eq 'mikel at sender.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(message.subject).to       eq 'Hello there Mikel'
++        expect(message.to).to            eq ['mikel at to.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(message.content_type).to              eq 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'
++        expect(message.content_transfer_encoding).to eq '7bit'
++        expect(message.content_description).to       eq 'This is a test'
++        expect(message.content_disposition).to       eq 'attachment; filename=File'
++        expect(message.content_id).to                eq '<1234 at message_id.lindsaar.net>'
++        expect(message.mime_version).to              eq '1.0'
++        expect(message.body.to_s).to          eq 'This is a body of text'
+       end
+       it "should let you set custom headers with a :headers => {hash}" do
+         message = Mail.new(:headers => {'custom-header' => 'mikel'})
+-        message['custom-header'].decoded.should eq 'mikel'
++        expect(message['custom-header'].decoded).to eq 'mikel'
+       end
+       it "should assign the body to a part on creation" do
+         message = Mail.new do
+           part({:content_type=>"multipart/alternative", :content_disposition=>"inline", :body=>"Nothing to see here."})
+         end
+-        message.parts.first.body.decoded.should eq "Nothing to see here."
++        expect(message.parts.first.body.decoded).to eq "Nothing to see here."
+       end
+       it "should not overwrite bodies on creation" do
+@@ -880,27 +881,27 @@ def basic_email
+             p.part :content_type => "text/html", :body => "<b>test</b> HTML<br/>"
+           end
+         end
+-        message.parts.first.parts[0].body.decoded.should eq "Nothing to see here."
+-        message.parts.first.parts[1].body.decoded.should eq "<b>test</b> HTML<br/>"
+-        message.encoded.should match %r{Nothing to see here\.}
+-        message.encoded.should match %r{<b>test</b> HTML<br/>}
++        expect(message.parts.first.parts[0].body.decoded).to eq "Nothing to see here."
++        expect(message.parts.first.parts[1].body.decoded).to eq "<b>test</b> HTML<br/>"
++        expect(message.encoded).to match %r{Nothing to see here\.}
++        expect(message.encoded).to match %r{<b>test</b> HTML<br/>}
+       end
+       it "should allow you to init on an array of addresses from a hash" do
+         mail = Mail.new(:to => ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'Mikel <test2 at lindsaar.net>'])
+-        mail.to.should eq ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'test2 at lindsaar.net']
++        expect(mail.to).to eq ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'test2 at lindsaar.net']
+       end
+       it "should allow you to init on an array of addresses directly" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.to = ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'Mikel <test2 at lindsaar.net>']
+-        mail.to.should eq ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'test2 at lindsaar.net']
++        expect(mail.to).to eq ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'test2 at lindsaar.net']
+       end
+       it "should allow you to init on an array of addresses directly" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail[:to] = ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'Mikel <test2 at lindsaar.net>']
+-        mail.to.should eq ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'test2 at lindsaar.net']
++        expect(mail.to).to eq ['test1 at lindsaar.net', 'test2 at lindsaar.net']
+       end
+     end
+@@ -909,34 +910,34 @@ def basic_email
+   describe "making a copy of a message with dup" do
+     def message_should_have_default_values(message)
+-      message.bcc.should           eq nil
+-      message.cc.should            eq nil
+-      message.comments.should      eq nil
+-      message.date.should          eq nil
+-      message.from.should          eq nil
+-      message.in_reply_to.should   eq nil
+-      message.keywords.should      eq nil
+-      message.message_id.should    eq nil
+-      message.received.should      eq nil
+-      message.references.should    eq nil
+-      message.reply_to.should      eq nil
+-      message.resent_bcc.should    eq nil
+-      message.resent_cc.should     eq nil
+-      message.resent_date.should   eq nil
+-      message.resent_from.should   eq nil
+-      message.resent_message_id.should eq nil
+-      message.resent_sender.should eq nil
+-      message.resent_to.should     eq nil
+-      message.sender.should        eq nil
+-      message.subject.should       eq nil
+-      message.to.should            eq nil
+-      message.content_type.should              eq nil
+-      message.content_transfer_encoding.should eq nil
+-      message.content_description.should       eq nil
+-      message.content_disposition.should       eq nil
+-      message.content_id.should                eq nil
+-      message.mime_version.should              eq nil
+-      message.body.to_s.should          eq ''
++      expect(message.bcc).to           eq nil
++      expect(message.cc).to            eq nil
++      expect(message.comments).to      eq nil
++      expect(message.date).to          eq nil
++      expect(message.from).to          eq nil
++      expect(message.in_reply_to).to   eq nil
++      expect(message.keywords).to      eq nil
++      expect(message.message_id).to    eq nil
++      expect(message.received).to      eq nil
++      expect(message.references).to    eq nil
++      expect(message.reply_to).to      eq nil
++      expect(message.resent_bcc).to    eq nil
++      expect(message.resent_cc).to     eq nil
++      expect(message.resent_date).to   eq nil
++      expect(message.resent_from).to   eq nil
++      expect(message.resent_message_id).to eq nil
++      expect(message.resent_sender).to eq nil
++      expect(message.resent_to).to     eq nil
++      expect(message.sender).to        eq nil
++      expect(message.subject).to       eq nil
++      expect(message.to).to            eq nil
++      expect(message.content_type).to              eq nil
++      expect(message.content_transfer_encoding).to eq nil
++      expect(message.content_description).to       eq nil
++      expect(message.content_disposition).to       eq nil
++      expect(message.content_id).to                eq nil
++      expect(message.mime_version).to              eq nil
++      expect(message.body.to_s).to          eq ''
+     end
+     it "its headers should not be changed when you change the headers of the original" do
+@@ -978,34 +979,34 @@ def message_should_have_default_values(message)
+     end
+     def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+-      message.bcc.should           eq other.bcc
+-      message.cc.should            eq other.cc
+-      message.comments.should      eq other.comments
+-      message.date.should          eq other.date
+-      message.from.should          eq other.from
+-      message.in_reply_to.should   eq other.in_reply_to
+-      message.keywords.should      eq other.keywords
+-      message.message_id.should    eq other.message_id
+-      message.received.should      eq other.received
+-      message.references.should    eq other.references
+-      message.reply_to.should      eq other.reply_to
+-      message.resent_bcc.should    eq other.resent_bcc
+-      message.resent_cc.should     eq other.resent_cc
+-      message.resent_date.should   eq other.resent_date
+-      message.resent_from.should   eq other.resent_from
+-      message.resent_message_id.should eq other.resent_message_id
+-      message.resent_sender.should eq other.resent_sender
+-      message.resent_to.should     eq other.resent_to
+-      message.sender.should        eq other.sender
+-      message.subject.should       eq other.subject
+-      message.to.should            eq other.to
+-      message.content_type.should              eq other.content_type
+-      message.content_transfer_encoding.should eq other.content_transfer_encoding
+-      message.content_description.should       eq other.content_description
+-      message.content_disposition.should       eq other.content_disposition
+-      message.content_id.should                eq other.content_id
+-      message.mime_version.should              eq other.mime_version
+-      message.body.to_s.should          eq other.body.to_s
++      expect(message.bcc).to           eq other.bcc
++      expect(message.cc).to            eq other.cc
++      expect(message.comments).to      eq other.comments
++      expect(message.date).to          eq other.date
++      expect(message.from).to          eq other.from
++      expect(message.in_reply_to).to   eq other.in_reply_to
++      expect(message.keywords).to      eq other.keywords
++      expect(message.message_id).to    eq other.message_id
++      expect(message.received).to      eq other.received
++      expect(message.references).to    eq other.references
++      expect(message.reply_to).to      eq other.reply_to
++      expect(message.resent_bcc).to    eq other.resent_bcc
++      expect(message.resent_cc).to     eq other.resent_cc
++      expect(message.resent_date).to   eq other.resent_date
++      expect(message.resent_from).to   eq other.resent_from
++      expect(message.resent_message_id).to eq other.resent_message_id
++      expect(message.resent_sender).to eq other.resent_sender
++      expect(message.resent_to).to     eq other.resent_to
++      expect(message.sender).to        eq other.sender
++      expect(message.subject).to       eq other.subject
++      expect(message.to).to            eq other.to
++      expect(message.content_type).to              eq other.content_type
++      expect(message.content_transfer_encoding).to eq other.content_transfer_encoding
++      expect(message.content_description).to       eq other.content_description
++      expect(message.content_disposition).to       eq other.content_disposition
++      expect(message.content_id).to                eq other.content_id
++      expect(message.mime_version).to              eq other.mime_version
++      expect(message.body.to_s).to          eq other.body.to_s
+     end
+     it "its headers should be copies of the headers of the original" do
+@@ -1056,7 +1057,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+             subject 'This is a test email'
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+-          mail.should_not be_has_message_id
++          expect(mail).not_to be_has_message_id
+         end
+         it "should preserve any message id that you pass it if add_message_id is called explicitly" do
+@@ -1067,7 +1068,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+           mail.add_message_id("<ThisIsANonUniqueMessageId at me.com>")
+-          mail.to_s.should =~ /Message-ID: <ThisIsANonUniqueMessageId at me.com>\r\n/
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(/Message-ID: <ThisIsANonUniqueMessageId at me.com>\r\n/)
+         end
+         it "should generate a random message ID if nothing is passed to add_message_id" do
+@@ -1078,7 +1079,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+           mail.add_message_id
+-          mail.to_s.should =~ /Message-ID: <[\w]+@#{::Socket.gethostname}.mail>\r\n/
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(/Message-ID: <[\w]+@#{::Socket.gethostname}.mail>\r\n/)
+         end
+         it "should make an email and inject a message ID if none was set if told to_s" do
+@@ -1088,7 +1089,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+             subject 'This is a test email'
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+-          (mail.to_s =~ /Message-ID: <.+ at .+.mail>/i).should_not be_nil
++          expect(mail.to_s =~ /Message-ID: <.+ at .+.mail>/i).not_to be_nil
+         end
+         it "should add the message id to the message permanently once sent to_s" do
+@@ -1099,13 +1100,13 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+           mail.to_s
+-          mail.should be_has_message_id
++          expect(mail).to be_has_message_id
+         end
+         it "should add a body part if it is missing" do
+           mail = Mail.new
+           mail.to_s
+-          mail.body.class.should eq Mail::Body
++          expect(mail.body.class).to eq Mail::Body
+         end
+       end
+@@ -1117,7 +1118,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+             subject 'This is a test email'
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+-          mail.should_not be_has_date
++          expect(mail).not_to be_has_date
+         end
+         it "should preserve any date that you pass it if add_date is called explicitly" do
+@@ -1128,7 +1129,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+           mail.add_date("Mon, 24 Nov 1997 14:22:01 -0800")
+-          mail.to_s.should =~ /Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 14:22:01 -0800/
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(/Date: Mon, 24 Nov 1997 14:22:01 -0800/)
+         end
+         it "should generate a current date if nothing is passed to add_date" do
+@@ -1139,7 +1140,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+           mail.add_date
+-          mail.to_s.should =~ /Date: \w{3}, [\s\d]\d \w{3} \d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [-+]?\d{4}\r\n/
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(/Date: \w{3}, [\s\d]\d \w{3} \d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [-+]?\d{4}\r\n/)
+         end
+         it "should make an email and inject a date if none was set if told to_s" do
+@@ -1149,7 +1150,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+             subject 'This is a test email'
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+-          mail.to_s.should =~ /Date: \w{3}, [\s\d]\d \w{3} \d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [-+]?\d{4}\r\n/
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(/Date: \w{3}, [\s\d]\d \w{3} \d{4} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} [-+]?\d{4}\r\n/)
+         end
+         it "should add the date to the message permanently once sent to_s" do
+@@ -1160,7 +1161,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+           mail.to_s
+-          mail.should be_has_date
++          expect(mail).to be_has_date
+         end
+       end
+@@ -1176,7 +1177,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+             subject 'This is a test email'
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+-          mail.should_not be_has_mime_version
++          expect(mail).not_to be_has_mime_version
+         end
+         it "should preserve any mime version that you pass it if add_mime_version is called explicitly" do
+@@ -1187,7 +1188,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+           mail.add_mime_version("3.0 (This is an unreal version number)")
+-          mail.to_s.should =~ /Mime-Version: 3.0\r\n/
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(/Mime-Version: 3.0\r\n/)
+         end
+         it "should generate a mime version if nothing is passed to add_date" do
+@@ -1198,7 +1199,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+           mail.add_mime_version
+-          mail.to_s.should =~ /Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n/
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(/Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n/)
+         end
+         it "should make an email and inject a mime_version if none was set if told to_s" do
+@@ -1208,7 +1209,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+             subject 'This is a test email'
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+-          mail.to_s.should =~ /Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n/
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(/Mime-Version: 1.0\r\n/)
+         end
+         it "should add the mime version to the message permanently once sent to_s" do
+@@ -1219,7 +1220,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+                body 'This is a body of the email'
+           end
+           mail.to_s
+-          mail.should be_has_mime_version
++          expect(mail).to be_has_mime_version
+         end
+       end
+@@ -1227,29 +1228,29 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+         it "should say if it has a content type" do
+           mail = Mail.new('Content-Type: text/plain')
+-          mail.should be_has_content_type
++          expect(mail).to be_has_content_type
+         end
+         it "should say if it does not have a content type" do
+           mail = Mail.new
+-          mail.should_not be_has_content_type
++          expect(mail).not_to be_has_content_type
+         end
+         it "should say if it has a charset" do
+           mail = Mail.new('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII')
+-          mail.should be_has_charset
++          expect(mail).to be_has_charset
+         end
+         it "should say if it has a charset" do
+           mail = Mail.new('Content-Type: text/plain')
+-          mail.should_not be_has_charset
++          expect(mail).not_to be_has_charset
+         end
+         it "should not raise a warning if there is no charset defined and only US-ASCII chars" do
+           body = "This is plain text US-ASCII"
+           mail = Mail.new
+           mail.body = body
+-          STDERR.should_not_receive(:puts)
++          expect(STDERR).not_to receive(:puts)
+           mail.to_s
+         end
+@@ -1273,7 +1274,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+           mail = Mail.new
+           mail.body = body
+           mail.content_transfer_encoding = "8bit"
+-          STDERR.should_receive(:puts).with(/Non US-ASCII detected and no charset defined.\nDefaulting to UTF-8, set your own if this is incorrect./m)
++          expect(STDERR).to receive(:puts).with(/Non US-ASCII detected and no charset defined.\nDefaulting to UTF-8, set your own if this is incorrect./m)
+           mail.to_s =~ %r{Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8}
+         end
+@@ -1283,7 +1284,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+           mail.body = body
+           mail.content_type = "text/plain"
+           mail.content_transfer_encoding = "8bit"
+-          STDERR.should_receive(:puts).with(/Non US-ASCII detected and no charset defined.\nDefaulting to UTF-8, set your own if this is incorrect./m)
++          expect(STDERR).to receive(:puts).with(/Non US-ASCII detected and no charset defined.\nDefaulting to UTF-8, set your own if this is incorrect./m)
+           mail.to_s =~ %r{Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8}
+         end
+@@ -1293,27 +1294,27 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+           mail.body = body
+           mail.content_transfer_encoding = "8bit"
+           mail.content_type = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
+-          STDERR.should_not_receive(:puts)
++          expect(STDERR).not_to receive(:puts)
+           mail.to_s
+         end
+         it "should be able to set a content type with an array and hash" do
+           mail = Mail.new
+           mail.content_type = ["text", "plain", { :charset => 'US-ASCII' }]
+-          mail[:content_type].encoded.should eq %Q[Content-Type: text/plain;\r\n\scharset=US-ASCII\r\n]
+-          mail.content_type_parameters.should eql({"charset" => "US-ASCII"})
++          expect(mail[:content_type].encoded).to eq %Q[Content-Type: text/plain;\r\n\scharset=US-ASCII\r\n]
++          expect(mail.content_type_parameters).to eql({"charset" => "US-ASCII"})
+         end
+         it "should be able to set a content type with an array and hash with a non-usascii field" do
+           mail = Mail.new
+           mail.content_type = ["text", "plain", { :charset => 'UTF-8' }]
+-          mail[:content_type].encoded.should eq %Q[Content-Type: text/plain;\r\n\scharset=UTF-8\r\n]
+-          mail.content_type_parameters.should eql({"charset" => "UTF-8"})
++          expect(mail[:content_type].encoded).to eq %Q[Content-Type: text/plain;\r\n\scharset=UTF-8\r\n]
++          expect(mail.content_type_parameters).to eql({"charset" => "UTF-8"})
+         end
+         it "should allow us to specify a content type in a block" do
+           mail = Mail.new { content_type ["text", "plain", { "charset" => "UTF-8" }] }
+-          mail.content_type_parameters.should eql({"charset" => "UTF-8"})
++          expect(mail.content_type_parameters).to eql({"charset" => "UTF-8"})
+         end
+       end
+@@ -1324,7 +1325,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+           body = "This is plain text US-ASCII"
+           mail = Mail.new
+           mail.body = body
+-          mail.to_s.should =~ %r{Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit}
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(%r{Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit})
+         end
+         it "should use QP transfer encoding for 8bit text with only a few 8bit characters" do
+@@ -1332,7 +1333,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+           mail = Mail.new
+           mail.charset = "UTF-8"
+           mail.body = body
+-          mail.to_s.should =~ %r{Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable}
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(%r{Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable})
+         end
+         it "should use base64 transfer encoding for 8-bit text with lots of 8bit characters" do
+@@ -1341,9 +1342,9 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+           mail.charset = "UTF-8"
+           mail.body = body
+           mail.content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
+-          mail.should be_has_content_type
+-          mail.should be_has_charset
+-          mail.to_s.should =~  %r{Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64}
++          expect(mail).to be_has_content_type
++          expect(mail).to be_has_charset
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(%r{Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64})
+         end
+         it "should not use 8bit transfer encoding when 8bit is allowed" do
+@@ -1353,7 +1354,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+           mail.body = body
+           mail.content_type = "text/plain; charset=utf-8"
+           mail.transport_encoding = "8bit"
+-          mail.to_s.should =~ %r{Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit}
++          expect(mail.to_s).to match(%r{Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit})
+         end
+       end
+@@ -1372,10 +1373,10 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+            body 'This is a body of the email'
+       end
+-      mail.to_s.should =~ /From: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\n/
+-      mail.to_s.should =~ /To: you at test.lindsaar.net\r\n/
+-      mail.to_s.should =~ /Subject: This is a test email\r\n/
+-      mail.to_s.should =~ /This is a body of the email/
++      expect(mail.to_s).to match(/From: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\n/)
++      expect(mail.to_s).to match(/To: you at test.lindsaar.net\r\n/)
++      expect(mail.to_s).to match(/Subject: This is a test email\r\n/)
++      expect(mail.to_s).to match(/This is a body of the email/)
+     end
+@@ -1392,7 +1393,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+           body '<h1>This is HTML</h1>'
+         end
+       end
+-      doing { mail.decoded }.should raise_error(NoMethodError, 'Can not decode an entire message, try calling #decoded on the various fields and body or parts if it is a multipart message.')
++      expect { mail.decoded }.to raise_error(NoMethodError, 'Can not decode an entire message, try calling #decoded on the various fields and body or parts if it is a multipart message.')
+     end
+     it "should return the decoded body if you call decode and the message is not multipart" do
+@@ -1400,7 +1401,7 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+         content_transfer_encoding 'base64'
+         body "VGhlIGJvZHk=\n"
+       end
+-      mail.decoded.should eq "The body"
++      expect(mail.decoded).to eq "The body"
+     end
+     describe "decoding bodies" do
+@@ -1409,8 +1410,8 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+         mail = Mail.new do
+           body "The=3Dbody"
+         end
+-        mail.body.decoded.should eq "The=3Dbody"
+-        mail.body.encoded.should eq "The=3Dbody"
++        expect(mail.body.decoded).to eq "The=3Dbody"
++        expect(mail.body.encoded).to eq "The=3Dbody"
+       end
+       it "should change a body on decode if given an encoding type to decode" do
+@@ -1418,8 +1419,8 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+           content_transfer_encoding 'quoted-printable'
+           body "The=3Dbody"
+         end
+-        mail.body.decoded.should eq "The=body"
+-        mail.body.encoded.should eq "The=3Dbody=\r\n"
++        expect(mail.body.decoded).to eq "The=body"
++        expect(mail.body.encoded).to eq "The=3Dbody=\r\n"
+       end
+       it "should change a body on decode if given an encoding type to decode" do
+@@ -1427,12 +1428,12 @@ def message_headers_should_match(message, other)
+           content_transfer_encoding 'base64'
+           body "VGhlIGJvZHk=\n"
+         end
+-        mail.body.decoded.should eq "The body"
+-        mail.body.encoded.should eq "VGhlIGJvZHk=\r\n"
++        expect(mail.body.decoded).to eq "The body"
++        expect(mail.body.encoded).to eq "VGhlIGJvZHk=\r\n"
+       end
+       it 'should not strip the raw mail source in case the trailing \r\n is meaningful' do
+-        Mail.new("Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable;\r\n\r\nfoo=\r\nbar=\r\nbaz=\r\n").decoded.should eq 'foobarbaz'
++        expect(Mail.new("Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable;\r\n\r\nfoo=\r\nbar=\r\nbaz=\r\n").decoded).to eq 'foobarbaz'
+       end
+     end
+@@ -1454,11 +1455,11 @@ def message_with_iso_8859_1_charset
+     end
+     it "should be decoded using content type charset" do
+-      @message.decoded.should eq "América"
++      expect(@message.decoded).to eq "América"
+     end
+     it "should respond true to text?" do
+-      @message.text?.should eq true
++      expect(@message.text?).to eq true
+     end
+   end
+@@ -1469,47 +1470,47 @@ def message_with_iso_8859_1_charset
+       before(:each) do
+         # Ensure specs don't randomly fail due to messages being generated 1 second apart
+         time = Time.now
+-        Time.stub!(:now).and_return(time)
++        allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(time)
+       end
+       it "should be implemented" do
+-        doing { Mail.new == Mail.new }.should_not raise_error
++        expect { Mail.new == Mail.new }.not_to raise_error
+       end
+       it "should ignore the message id value if both have a nil message id" do
+         m1 = Mail.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\nSubject: Yo!\r\n\r\nHello there")
+         m2 = Mail.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\nSubject: Yo!\r\n\r\nHello there")
+-        m1.should eq m2
++        expect(m1).to eq m2
+         # confirm there are no side-effects in the comparison
+-        m1.message_id.should be_nil
+-        m2.message_id.should be_nil
++        expect(m1.message_id).to be_nil
++        expect(m2.message_id).to be_nil
+       end
+       it "should ignore the message id value if self has a nil message id" do
+         m1 = Mail.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\nSubject: Yo!\r\n\r\nHello there")
+         m2 = Mail.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\nMessage-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\nSubject: Yo!\r\n\r\nHello there")
+-        m1.should eq m2
++        expect(m1).to eq m2
+         # confirm there are no side-effects in the comparison
+-        m1.message_id.should be_nil
+-        m2.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(m1.message_id).to be_nil
++        expect(m2.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+       it "should ignore the message id value if other has a nil message id" do
+         m1 = Mail.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\nMessage-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\nSubject: Yo!\r\n\r\nHello there")
+         m2 = Mail.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\nSubject: Yo!\r\n\r\nHello there")
+-        m1.should eq m2
++        expect(m1).to eq m2
+         # confirm there are no side-effects in the comparison
+-        m1.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        m2.message_id.should be_nil
++        expect(m1.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(m2.message_id).to be_nil
+       end
+       it "should not be == if both emails have different Message IDs" do
+         m1 = Mail.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\nMessage-ID: <4321 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\nSubject: Yo!\r\n\r\nHello there")
+         m2 = Mail.new("To: mikel at test.lindsaar.net\r\nMessage-ID: <1234 at test.lindsaar.net>\r\nSubject: Yo!\r\n\r\nHello there")
+-        m1.should_not eq m2
++        expect(m1).not_to eq m2
+         # confirm there are no side-effects in the comparison
+-        m1.message_id.should eq '4321 at test.lindsaar.net'
+-        m2.message_id.should eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(m1.message_id).to eq '4321 at test.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(m2.message_id).to eq '1234 at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+     end
+@@ -1521,7 +1522,7 @@ def message_with_iso_8859_1_charset
+       mail2 = Mail.new do
+         date(now - 10) # Make mail2 10 seconds 'older'
+       end
+-      [mail2, mail1].sort.should eq [mail2, mail1]
++      expect([mail2, mail1].sort).to eq [mail2, mail1]
+     end
+     it "should have a destinations method" do
+@@ -1530,66 +1531,66 @@ def message_with_iso_8859_1_charset
+         cc 'bob at test.lindsaar.net'
+         bcc 'sam at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+-      mail.destinations.length.should eq 3
++      expect(mail.destinations.length).to eq 3
+     end
+     it "should have a from_addrs method" do
+       mail = Mail.new do
+         from 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+-      mail.from_addrs.length.should eq 1
++      expect(mail.from_addrs.length).to eq 1
+     end
+     it "should have a from_addrs method that is empty if nil" do
+       mail = Mail.new do
+       end
+-      mail.from_addrs.length.should eq 0
++      expect(mail.from_addrs.length).to eq 0
+     end
+     it "should have a to_addrs method" do
+       mail = Mail.new do
+         to 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+-      mail.to_addrs.length.should eq 1
++      expect(mail.to_addrs.length).to eq 1
+     end
+     it "should have a to_addrs method that is empty if nil" do
+       mail = Mail.new do
+       end
+-      mail.to_addrs.length.should eq 0
++      expect(mail.to_addrs.length).to eq 0
+     end
+     it "should have a cc_addrs method" do
+       mail = Mail.new do
+         cc 'bob at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+-      mail.cc_addrs.length.should eq 1
++      expect(mail.cc_addrs.length).to eq 1
+     end
+     it "should have a cc_addrs method that is empty if nil" do
+       mail = Mail.new do
+       end
+-      mail.cc_addrs.length.should eq 0
++      expect(mail.cc_addrs.length).to eq 0
+     end
+     it "should have a bcc_addrs method" do
+       mail = Mail.new do
+         bcc 'sam at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+-      mail.bcc_addrs.length.should eq 1
++      expect(mail.bcc_addrs.length).to eq 1
+     end
+     it "should have a bcc_addrs method that is empty if nil" do
+       mail = Mail.new do
+       end
+-      mail.bcc_addrs.length.should eq 0
++      expect(mail.bcc_addrs.length).to eq 0
+     end
+     it "should give destinations even if some of the fields are blank" do
+       mail = Mail.new do
+         to 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+-      mail.destinations.length.should eq 1
++      expect(mail.destinations.length).to eq 1
+     end
+     it "should be able to encode with only one destination" do
+@@ -1616,12 +1617,12 @@ def message_with_iso_8859_1_charset
+       end
+-      mail.parts.first.should be_multipart
+-      mail.parts.first.parts.length.should eq 2
+-      mail.parts.first.parts[0][:content_type].string.should eq "text/plain"
+-      mail.parts.first.parts[0].body.decoded.should eq "test text\nline #2"
+-      mail.parts.first.parts[1][:content_type].string.should eq "text/html"
+-      mail.parts.first.parts[1].body.decoded.should eq "<b>test</b> HTML<br/>\nline #2"
++      expect(mail.parts.first).to be_multipart
++      expect(mail.parts.first.parts.length).to eq 2
++      expect(mail.parts.first.parts[0][:content_type].string).to eq "text/plain"
++      expect(mail.parts.first.parts[0].body.decoded).to eq "test text\nline #2"
++      expect(mail.parts.first.parts[1][:content_type].string).to eq "text/html"
++      expect(mail.parts.first.parts[1].body.decoded).to eq "<b>test</b> HTML<br/>\nline #2"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -1629,7 +1630,7 @@ def message_with_iso_8859_1_charset
+     it "should return self after delivery" do
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail.perform_deliveries = false
+-      mail.deliver.should eq mail
++      expect(mail.deliver).to eq mail
+     end
+     class DeliveryAgent
+@@ -1640,7 +1641,7 @@ def self.deliver_mail(mail)
+     it "should pass self to a delivery agent" do
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail.delivery_handler = DeliveryAgent
+-      DeliveryAgent.should_receive(:deliver_mail).with(mail)
++      expect(DeliveryAgent).to receive(:deliver_mail).with(mail)
+       mail.deliver
+     end
+@@ -1653,7 +1654,7 @@ def self.delivered_email(mail)
+       mail = Mail.new(:from => 'bob at example.com', :to => 'bobette at example.com')
+       mail.delivery_method :test
+       Mail.register_observer(ObserverAgent)
+-      ObserverAgent.should_receive(:delivered_email).with(mail)
++      expect(ObserverAgent).to receive(:delivered_email).with(mail)
+       mail.deliver
+     end
+@@ -1662,7 +1663,7 @@ def self.delivered_email(mail)
+       mail.delivery_method :test
+       Mail.register_observer(ObserverAgent)
+       Mail.unregister_observer(ObserverAgent)
+-      ObserverAgent.should_not_receive(:delivered_email).with(mail)
++      expect(ObserverAgent).not_to receive(:delivered_email).with(mail)
+       mail.deliver
+     end
+@@ -1670,7 +1671,7 @@ def self.delivered_email(mail)
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail.delivery_handler = DeliveryAgent
+       Mail.register_observer(ObserverAgent)
+-      ObserverAgent.should_receive(:delivered_email).with(mail)
++      expect(ObserverAgent).to receive(:delivered_email).with(mail)
+       mail.deliver
+     end
+@@ -1690,7 +1691,7 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+       mail = Mail.new(:from => 'bob at example.com', :to => 'bobette at example.com')
+       mail.delivery_method :test
+       Mail.register_interceptor(InterceptorAgent)
+-      InterceptorAgent.should_receive(:delivering_email).with(mail)
++      expect(InterceptorAgent).to receive(:delivering_email).with(mail)
+       InterceptorAgent.intercept = true
+       mail.deliver
+       InterceptorAgent.intercept = false
+@@ -1704,7 +1705,7 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+       InterceptorAgent.intercept = true
+       mail.deliver
+       InterceptorAgent.intercept = false
+-      mail.to.should eq ['bob at example.com']
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['bob at example.com']
+     end
+     it "should allow interceptors to be unregistered" do
+@@ -1716,7 +1717,7 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+       Mail.unregister_interceptor(InterceptorAgent)
+       mail.deliver
+       InterceptorAgent.intercept = false
+-      mail.to.should eq ['fred at example.com']
++      expect(mail.to).to eq ['fred at example.com']
+     end
+   end
+@@ -1724,12 +1725,12 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+   describe "error handling" do
+     it "should collect up any of its fields' errors" do
+       mail = Mail.new("Content-Transfer-Encoding: vl at d\r\nReply-To: a b b\r\n")
+-      mail.errors.should_not be_blank
+-      mail.errors.size.should eq 2
+-      mail.errors[0][0].should eq 'Reply-To'
+-      mail.errors[0][1].should eq 'a b b'
+-      mail.errors[1][0].should eq 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
+-      mail.errors[1][1].should eq 'vl at d'
++      expect(mail.errors).not_to be_blank
++      expect(mail.errors.size).to eq 2
++      expect(mail.errors[0][0]).to eq 'Reply-To'
++      expect(mail.errors[0][1]).to eq 'a b b'
++      expect(mail.errors[1][0]).to eq 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'
++      expect(mail.errors[1][1]).to eq 'vl at d'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -1737,16 +1738,16 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+     it "should handle mail[] and keep the header case" do
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail['X-Foo-Bar'] = "Some custom text"
+-      mail.to_s.should match(/X-Foo-Bar: Some custom text/)
++      expect(mail.to_s).to match(/X-Foo-Bar: Some custom text/)
+     end
+   end
+   describe "parsing emails with non usascii in the header" do
+     it "should work" do
+       mail = Mail.new('From: "Foo áëô îü" <extended at example.net>')
+-      mail.from.should eq ['extended at example.net']
+-      mail[:from].decoded.should eq '"Foo áëô îü" <extended at example.net>'
+-      mail[:from].encoded.should eq "From: =?UTF-8?B?Rm9vIMOhw6vDtCDDrsO8?= <extended at example.net>\r\n"
++      expect(mail.from).to eq ['extended at example.net']
++      expect(mail[:from].decoded).to eq '"Foo áëô îü" <extended at example.net>'
++      expect(mail[:from].encoded).to eq "From: =?UTF-8?B?Rm9vIMOhw6vDtCDDrsO8?= <extended at example.net>\r\n"
+     end
+   end
+@@ -1760,23 +1761,23 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+       p.add_part(Mail::Part.new(:content_type => 'text/plain', :body => 'PLAIN TEXT'))
+       mail.add_part(p)
+       mail.encoded
+-      mail.parts[0].mime_type.should eq "multipart/alternative"
+-      mail.parts[0].parts[0].mime_type.should eq "text/plain"
+-      mail.parts[0].parts[1].mime_type.should eq "text/html"
+-      mail.parts[1].mime_type.should eq "image/png"
++      expect(mail.parts[0].mime_type).to eq "multipart/alternative"
++      expect(mail.parts[0].parts[0].mime_type).to eq "text/plain"
++      expect(mail.parts[0].parts[1].mime_type).to eq "text/html"
++      expect(mail.parts[1].mime_type).to eq "image/png"
+     end
+   end
+   describe "attachment query methods" do
+     it "shouldn't die with an invalid Content-Disposition header" do
+       mail = Mail.new('Content-Disposition: invalid')
+-      doing { mail.attachment? }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { mail.attachment? }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "shouldn't die with an invalid Content-Type header" do
+       mail = Mail.new('Content-Type: invalid/invalid; charset="iso-8859-1"')
+       mail.attachment?
+-      doing { mail.attachment? }.should_not raise_error
++      expect { mail.attachment? }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+   end
+@@ -1789,12 +1790,12 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+       emails_with_attachments.each { |email|
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join('emails', 'attachment_emails', "attachment_#{email}.eml")))
+         mail_length_with_attachments = mail.to_s.length
+-        mail.has_attachments?.should be_true
++        expect(mail.has_attachments?).to be_truthy
+         mail.without_attachments!
+         mail_length_without_attachments = mail.to_s.length
+-        mail_length_without_attachments.should be < mail_length_with_attachments
+-        mail.has_attachments?.should be_false
++        expect(mail_length_without_attachments).to be < mail_length_with_attachments
++        expect(mail.has_attachments?).to be_falsey
+       }
+     end
+   end
+@@ -1808,37 +1809,37 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+       end
+       it "should create a new message" do
+-        @mail.reply.should be_a_kind_of(Mail::Message)
++        expect(@mail.reply).to be_a_kind_of(Mail::Message)
+       end
+       it "should be in-reply-to the original message" do
+-        @mail.reply.in_reply_to.should eq '6B7EC235-5B17-4CA8-B2B8-39290DEB43A3 at test.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(@mail.reply.in_reply_to).to eq '6B7EC235-5B17-4CA8-B2B8-39290DEB43A3 at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+       it "should reference the original message" do
+-        @mail.reply.references.should eq '6B7EC235-5B17-4CA8-B2B8-39290DEB43A3 at test.lindsaar.net'
++        expect(@mail.reply.references).to eq '6B7EC235-5B17-4CA8-B2B8-39290DEB43A3 at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+       it "should RE: the original subject" do
+-        @mail.reply.subject.should eq 'RE: Testing 123'
++        expect(@mail.reply.subject).to eq 'RE: Testing 123'
+       end
+       it "should be sent to the original sender" do
+-        @mail.reply.to.should eq ['test at lindsaar.net']
+-        @mail.reply[:to].to_s.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net>'
++        expect(@mail.reply.to).to eq ['test at lindsaar.net']
++        expect(@mail.reply[:to].to_s).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net>'
+       end
+       it "should be sent from the original recipient" do
+-        @mail.reply.from.should eq ['raasdnil at gmail.com']
+-        @mail.reply[:from].to_s.should eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <raasdnil at gmail.com>'
++        expect(@mail.reply.from).to eq ['raasdnil at gmail.com']
++        expect(@mail.reply[:from].to_s).to eq 'Mikel Lindsaar <raasdnil at gmail.com>'
+       end
+       it "should accept args" do
+-        @mail.reply(:from => 'Donald Ball <donald.ball at gmail.com>').from.should eq ['donald.ball at gmail.com']
++        expect(@mail.reply(:from => 'Donald Ball <donald.ball at gmail.com>').from).to eq ['donald.ball at gmail.com']
+       end
+       it "should accept a block" do
+-        @mail.reply { from('Donald Ball <donald.ball at gmail.com>') }.from.should eq ['donald.ball at gmail.com']
++        expect(@mail.reply { from('Donald Ball <donald.ball at gmail.com>') }.from).to eq ['donald.ball at gmail.com']
+       end
+     end
+@@ -1850,7 +1851,7 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+       end
+       it "should be sent to the reply-to address" do
+-        @mail.reply[:to].to_s.should eq '"Mary Smith: Personal Account" <smith at home.example>'
++        expect(@mail.reply[:to].to_s).to eq '"Mary Smith: Personal Account" <smith at home.example>'
+       end
+     end
+@@ -1862,7 +1863,7 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+       end
+       it "should be sent from the first to address" do
+-        @mail.reply[:from].to_s.should eq 'Mary Smith <mary at x.test>'
++        expect(@mail.reply[:from].to_s).to eq 'Mary Smith <mary at x.test>'
+       end
+     end
+@@ -1874,15 +1875,15 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+       end
+       it "should be in-reply-to the original message" do
+-        @mail.reply.in_reply_to.should eq '473FFE27.20003 at xxx.org'
++        expect(@mail.reply.in_reply_to).to eq '473FFE27.20003 at xxx.org'
+       end
+       it "should append to the original's references list" do
+-        @mail.reply[:references].message_ids.should eq ['473FF3B8.9020707 at xxx.org', '348F04F142D69C21-291E56D292BC at xxxx.net', '473FFE27.20003 at xxx.org']
++        expect(@mail.reply[:references].message_ids).to eq ['473FF3B8.9020707 at xxx.org', '348F04F142D69C21-291E56D292BC at xxxx.net', '473FFE27.20003 at xxx.org']
+       end
+       it "should not append another RE:" do
+-        @mail.reply.subject.should eq "Re: Test reply email"
++        expect(@mail.reply.subject).to eq "Re: Test reply email"
+       end
+     end
+@@ -1897,7 +1898,7 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+       end
+       it "should have a references consisting of the in-reply-to and message_id fields" do
+-        @mail.reply[:references].message_ids.should eq ['1234 at test.lindsaar.net', '5678 at test.lindsaar.net']
++        expect(@mail.reply[:references].message_ids).to eq ['1234 at test.lindsaar.net', '5678 at test.lindsaar.net']
+       end
+     end
+@@ -1913,7 +1914,7 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+       # Behavior is actually not defined in RFC2822, so we'll just leave it empty
+       it "should have no references header" do
+-        @mail.references.should be_nil
++        expect(@mail.references).to be_nil
+       end
+     end
+@@ -1922,7 +1923,7 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+   describe 'SMTP envelope From' do
+     it 'should respond' do
+-      Mail::Message.new.should respond_to(:smtp_envelope_from)
++      expect(Mail::Message.new).to respond_to(:smtp_envelope_from)
+     end
+     it 'should default to return_path, sender, or first from address' do
+@@ -1931,32 +1932,32 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+         sender 'sender'
+         from 'from'
+       end
+-      message.smtp_envelope_from.should eq 'return'
++      expect(message.smtp_envelope_from).to eq 'return'
+       message.return_path = nil
+-      message.smtp_envelope_from.should eq 'sender'
++      expect(message.smtp_envelope_from).to eq 'sender'
+       message.sender = nil
+-      message.smtp_envelope_from.should eq 'from'
++      expect(message.smtp_envelope_from).to eq 'from'
+     end
+     it 'can be overridden' do
+       message = Mail::Message.new { return_path 'return' }
+       message.smtp_envelope_from = 'envelope_from'
+-      message.smtp_envelope_from.should eq 'envelope_from'
++      expect(message.smtp_envelope_from).to eq 'envelope_from'
+       message.smtp_envelope_from = 'declared_from'
+-      message.smtp_envelope_from.should eq 'declared_from'
++      expect(message.smtp_envelope_from).to eq 'declared_from'
+       message.smtp_envelope_from = nil
+-      message.smtp_envelope_from.should eq 'return'
++      expect(message.smtp_envelope_from).to eq 'return'
+     end
+   end
+   describe 'SMTP envelope To' do
+     it 'should respond' do
+-      Mail::Message.new.should respond_to(:smtp_envelope_to)
++      expect(Mail::Message.new).to respond_to(:smtp_envelope_to)
+     end
+     it 'should default to destinations' do
+@@ -1965,20 +1966,20 @@ def self.delivering_email(mail)
+         cc 'cc'
+         bcc 'bcc'
+       end
+-      message.smtp_envelope_to.should eq message.destinations
++      expect(message.smtp_envelope_to).to eq message.destinations
+     end
+     it 'can be overridden' do
+       message = Mail::Message.new { to 'to' }
+       message.smtp_envelope_to = 'envelope_to'
+-      message.smtp_envelope_to.should eq %w(envelope_to)
++      expect(message.smtp_envelope_to).to eq %w(envelope_to)
+       message.smtp_envelope_to = 'declared_to'
+-      message.smtp_envelope_to.should eq %w(declared_to)
++      expect(message.smtp_envelope_to).to eq %w(declared_to)
+       message.smtp_envelope_to = nil
+-      message.smtp_envelope_to.should eq %w(to)
++      expect(message.smtp_envelope_to).to eq %w(to)
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/mime_messages_spec.rb b/spec/mail/mime_messages_spec.rb
+index 972ba26..dd0da4b 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/mime_messages_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/mime_messages_spec.rb
+@@ -7,105 +7,105 @@
+       it "should read a mime version from an email" do
+         mail = Mail.new("Mime-Version: 1.0")
+-        mail.mime_version.should eq '1.0'
++        expect(mail.mime_version).to eq '1.0'
+       end
+       it "should return nil if the email has no mime version" do
+         mail = Mail.new("To: bob")
+-        mail.mime_version.should eq nil
++        expect(mail.mime_version).to eq nil
+       end
+       it "should read the content-transfer-encoding" do
+         mail = Mail.new("Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable")
+-        mail.content_transfer_encoding.should eq 'quoted-printable'
++        expect(mail.content_transfer_encoding).to eq 'quoted-printable'
+       end
+       it "should read the content-description" do
+         mail = Mail.new("Content-Description: This is a description")
+-        mail.content_description.should eq 'This is a description'
++        expect(mail.content_description).to eq 'This is a description'
+       end
+       it "should return the content-type" do
+         mail = Mail.new("Content-Type: text/plain")
+-        mail.mime_type.should eq 'text/plain'
++        expect(mail.mime_type).to eq 'text/plain'
+       end
+       it "should return the charset" do
+         mail = Mail.new("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8")
+-        mail.charset.should eq 'utf-8'
++        expect(mail.charset).to eq 'utf-8'
+       end
+       it "should allow you to set the charset" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.charset = 'utf-8'
+-        mail.charset.should eq 'utf-8'
++        expect(mail.charset).to eq 'utf-8'
+       end
+       it "should return the main content-type" do
+         mail = Mail.new("Content-Type: text/plain")
+-        mail.main_type.should eq 'text'
++        expect(mail.main_type).to eq 'text'
+       end
+       it "should return the sub content-type" do
+         mail = Mail.new("Content-Type: text/plain")
+-        mail.sub_type.should eq 'plain'
++        expect(mail.sub_type).to eq 'plain'
+       end
+       it "should return the content-type parameters" do
+         mail = Mail.new("Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed")
+-        mail.content_type_parameters.should eql({"charset" => 'US-ASCII', "format" => 'flowed'})
++        expect(mail.content_type_parameters).to eql({"charset" => 'US-ASCII', "format" => 'flowed'})
+       end
+       it "should recognize a multipart email" do
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'mime_emails', 'raw_email7.eml'))
+-        mail.should be_multipart
++        expect(mail).to be_multipart
+       end
+       it "should recognize a non multipart email" do
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'plain_emails', 'basic_email.eml'))
+-        mail.should_not be_multipart
++        expect(mail).not_to be_multipart
+       end
+       it "should not report the email as :attachment?" do
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join('emails', 'attachment_emails', 'attachment_pdf.eml')))
+-        mail.attachment?.should eq false
++        expect(mail.attachment?).to eq false
+       end
+       it "should report the email as :attachment?" do
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join('emails', 'attachment_emails', 'attachment_only_email.eml')))
+-        mail.attachment?.should eq true
++        expect(mail.attachment?).to eq true
+       end
+       it "should recognize an attachment part" do
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join('emails', 'attachment_emails', 'attachment_pdf.eml')))
+-        mail.should_not be_attachment
+-        mail.parts[0].attachment?.should eq false
+-        mail.parts[1].attachment?.should eq true
++        expect(mail).not_to be_attachment
++        expect(mail.parts[0].attachment?).to eq false
++        expect(mail.parts[1].attachment?).to eq true
+       end
+       it "should give how may (top level) parts there are" do
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'mime_emails', 'raw_email7.eml'))
+-        mail.parts.length.should eq 2
++        expect(mail.parts.length).to eq 2
+       end
+       it "should give the content_type of each part" do
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'mime_emails', 'raw_email11.eml'))
+-        mail.mime_type.should eq 'multipart/alternative'
+-        mail.parts[0].mime_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-        mail.parts[1].mime_type.should eq 'text/enriched'
++        expect(mail.mime_type).to eq 'multipart/alternative'
++        expect(mail.parts[0].mime_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++        expect(mail.parts[1].mime_type).to eq 'text/enriched'
+       end
+       it "should report the mail :has_attachments?" do
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture(File.join('emails', 'attachment_emails', 'attachment_pdf.eml')))
+-        mail.should be_has_attachments
++        expect(mail).to be_has_attachments
+       end
+       it "should only split on exact boundary matches" do
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'mime_emails', 'email_with_similar_boundaries.eml'))
+-        mail.parts.size.should eq 2
+-        mail.parts.first.parts.size.should eq 2
+-        mail.boundary.should eq "----=_NextPart_476c4fde88e507bb8028170e8cf47c73"
+-        mail.parts.first.boundary.should eq "----=_NextPart_476c4fde88e507bb8028170e8cf47c73_alt"
++        expect(mail.parts.size).to eq 2
++        expect(mail.parts.first.parts.size).to eq 2
++        expect(mail.boundary).to eq "----=_NextPart_476c4fde88e507bb8028170e8cf47c73"
++        expect(mail.parts.first.boundary).to eq "----=_NextPart_476c4fde88e507bb8028170e8cf47c73_alt"
+       end
+     end
+@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@
+           part('This is a part')
+           part('This is another part')
+         end
+-        mail.boundary.should_not be_nil
++        expect(mail.boundary).not_to be_nil
+       end
+       it "should not add a boundary for a message that is only an attachment" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.attachments['test.png'] = "2938492384923849"
+-        mail.boundary.should be_nil
++        expect(mail.boundary).to be_nil
+       end
+     end
+@@ -129,62 +129,62 @@
+       it "should know what its boundary is if it is a multipart document" do
+         mail = Mail.new('Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--==Boundary"')
+-        mail.boundary.should eq "--==Boundary"
++        expect(mail.boundary).to eq "--==Boundary"
+       end
+       it "should return nil if there is no content-type defined" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+-        mail.boundary.should eq nil
++        expect(mail.boundary).to eq nil
+       end
+       it "should assign the text part and allow you to reference" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         text_mail = Mail.new("This is Text")
+         mail.text_part = text_mail
+-        mail.text_part.should eq text_mail
++        expect(mail.text_part).to eq text_mail
+       end
+       it "should not assign a nil text part" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.text_part = nil
+-        mail.text_part.should be_nil
++        expect(mail.text_part).to be_nil
+       end
+       it "should assign the html part and allow you to reference" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         html_mail = Mail.new("<b>This is HTML</b>")
+         mail.html_part = html_mail
+-        mail.html_part.should eq html_mail
++        expect(mail.html_part).to eq html_mail
+       end
+       it "should not assign a nil html part" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.html_part = nil
+-        mail.html_part.should be_nil
++        expect(mail.html_part).to be_nil
+       end
+       it "should set default content type on assigned text and html parts" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.text_part = Mail.new
+-        mail.text_part.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
++        expect(mail.text_part.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
+         mail.html_part = Mail.new
+-        mail.html_part.content_type.should eq 'text/html'
++        expect(mail.html_part.content_type).to eq 'text/html'
+       end
+       it "should set default content type on declared text and html parts" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.text_part { }
+-        mail.text_part.content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
++        expect(mail.text_part.content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
+         mail.html_part { }
+-        mail.html_part.content_type.should eq 'text/html'
++        expect(mail.html_part.content_type).to eq 'text/html'
+       end
+       it "should not override content type" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.text_part { content_type 'text/plain+foo' }
+-        mail.text_part.content_type.should eq 'text/plain+foo'
++        expect(mail.text_part.content_type).to eq 'text/plain+foo'
+         mail.html_part { content_type 'text/html+foo' }
+-        mail.html_part.content_type.should eq 'text/html+foo'
++        expect(mail.html_part.content_type).to eq 'text/html+foo'
+       end
+       it "should add the html part and text part" do
+@@ -196,33 +196,33 @@
+           content_type "text/html; charset=US-ASCII"
+           body "<b>This is HTML</b>"
+         end
+-        mail.parts.length.should eq 2
+-        mail.parts.first.class.should eq Mail::Part
+-        mail.parts.last.class.should eq Mail::Part
++        expect(mail.parts.length).to eq 2
++        expect(mail.parts.first.class).to eq Mail::Part
++        expect(mail.parts.last.class).to eq Mail::Part
+       end
+       it "should remove the html part and back out of multipart/alternative if set to nil" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.text_part = Mail::Part.new
+         mail.html_part = Mail::Part.new
+-        mail.parts.length.should eq 2
++        expect(mail.parts.length).to eq 2
+         mail.html_part = nil
+-        mail.parts.length.should eq 1
+-        mail.boundary.should be_nil
+-        mail.content_type.should be_nil
++        expect(mail.parts.length).to eq 1
++        expect(mail.boundary).to be_nil
++        expect(mail.content_type).to be_nil
+       end
+       it "should remove the text part and back out of multipart/alternative if set to nil" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.text_part = Mail::Part.new
+         mail.html_part = Mail::Part.new
+-        mail.parts.length.should eq 2
++        expect(mail.parts.length).to eq 2
+         mail.text_part = nil
+-        mail.parts.length.should eq 1
+-        mail.boundary.should be_nil
+-        mail.content_type.should be_nil
++        expect(mail.parts.length).to eq 1
++        expect(mail.boundary).to be_nil
++        expect(mail.content_type).to be_nil
+       end
+       it "should set the content type to multipart/alternative if you assign html and text parts" do
+@@ -234,26 +234,26 @@
+           content_type "text/html; charset=US-ASCII"
+           body "<b>This is HTML</b>"
+         end
+-        mail.to_s.should =~ %r|Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\s+boundary="#{mail.boundary}"|
++        expect(mail.to_s).to match(%r|Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\s+boundary="#{mail.boundary}"|)
+       end
+       it "should set the content type to multipart/alternative if you declare html and text parts" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.text_part { }
+         mail.html_part { }
+-        mail.to_s.should =~ %r|Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\s+boundary="#{mail.boundary}"|
++        expect(mail.to_s).to match(%r|Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\s+boundary="#{mail.boundary}"|)
+       end
+       it "should not set the content type to multipart/alternative if you declare an html part but not a text part" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.html_part { }
+-        mail.to_s.should_not =~ %r|Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\s+boundary="#{mail.boundary}"|
++        expect(mail.to_s).not_to match(%r|Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\s+boundary="#{mail.boundary}"|)
+       end
+       it "should not set the content type to multipart/alternative if you declare a text part but not an html part" do
+         mail = Mail.new
+         mail.text_part { }
+-        mail.to_s.should_not =~ %r|Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\s+boundary="#{mail.boundary}"|
++        expect(mail.to_s).not_to match(%r|Content-Type: multipart/alternative;\s+boundary="#{mail.boundary}"|)
+       end
+       it "should add the end boundary tag" do
+@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
+           content_type "text/html; charset=US-ASCII"
+           body "<b>This is HTML</b>"
+         end
+-        mail.to_s.should =~ %r|#{mail.boundary}--|
++        expect(mail.to_s).to match(%r|#{mail.boundary}--|)
+       end
+       it "should not put message-ids into parts" do
+@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@
+           body "<b>This is HTML</b>"
+         end
+         mail.to_s
+-        mail.parts.first.message_id.should be_nil
+-        mail.parts.last.message_id.should be_nil
++        expect(mail.parts.first.message_id).to be_nil
++        expect(mail.parts.last.message_id).to be_nil
+       end
+       it "should create a multipart/alternative email through a block" do
+@@ -295,20 +295,20 @@
+             body '<h1>This is HTML</h1>'
+           end
+         end
+-        mail.should be_multipart
+-        mail.parts.length.should eq 2
+-        mail.text_part.class.should eq Mail::Part
+-        mail.text_part.body.to_s.should eq 'This is plain text'
+-        mail.html_part.class.should eq Mail::Part
+-        mail.html_part.body.to_s.should eq '<h1>This is HTML</h1>'
++        expect(mail).to be_multipart
++        expect(mail.parts.length).to eq 2
++        expect(mail.text_part.class).to eq Mail::Part
++        expect(mail.text_part.body.to_s).to eq 'This is plain text'
++        expect(mail.html_part.class).to eq Mail::Part
++        expect(mail.html_part.body.to_s).to eq '<h1>This is HTML</h1>'
+       end
+       it "should detect an html_part in an existing email" do
+         m = Mail.new(:content_type => 'multipart/alternative')
+         m.add_part(Mail::Part.new(:content_type => 'text/html', :body => 'HTML TEXT'))
+         m.add_part(Mail::Part.new(:content_type => 'text/plain', :body => 'PLAIN TEXT'))
+-        m.text_part.body.decoded.should eq 'PLAIN TEXT'
+-        m.html_part.body.decoded.should eq 'HTML TEXT'
++        expect(m.text_part.body.decoded).to eq 'PLAIN TEXT'
++        expect(m.html_part.body.decoded).to eq 'HTML TEXT'
+       end
+       it "should detect a text_part in an existing email with plain text attachment" do
+@@ -316,8 +316,8 @@
+         m.add_file(fixture('attachments', 'てすと.txt'))
+         m.add_part(Mail::Part.new(:content_type => 'text/html', :body => 'HTML TEXT'))
+         m.add_part(Mail::Part.new(:content_type => 'text/plain', :body => 'PLAIN TEXT'))
+-        m.text_part.body.decoded.should eq 'PLAIN TEXT'
+-        m.html_part.body.decoded.should eq 'HTML TEXT'
++        expect(m.text_part.body.decoded).to eq 'PLAIN TEXT'
++        expect(m.html_part.body.decoded).to eq 'HTML TEXT'
+       end
+       it "should detect an html_part in a multi level mime email" do
+@@ -328,8 +328,8 @@
+         p.add_part(Mail::Part.new(:content_type => 'text/plain', :body => 'PLAIN TEXT'))
+         m.add_part(p)
+         m.add_part(a)
+-        m.text_part.body.decoded.should eq 'PLAIN TEXT'
+-        m.html_part.body.decoded.should eq 'HTML TEXT'
++        expect(m.text_part.body.decoded).to eq 'PLAIN TEXT'
++        expect(m.html_part.body.decoded).to eq 'HTML TEXT'
+       end
+       it "should only the first part on a stupidly overly complex email" do
+@@ -352,8 +352,8 @@
+         d.add_part(Mail::Part.new(:content_type => 'text/plain', :body => 'PLAIN 3 TEXT'))
+         b.add_part(d)
+-        m.text_part.body.decoded.should eq 'PLAIN TEXT'
+-        m.html_part.body.decoded.should eq 'HTML TEXT'
++        expect(m.text_part.body.decoded).to eq 'PLAIN TEXT'
++        expect(m.html_part.body.decoded).to eq 'HTML TEXT'
+       end
+     end
+@@ -362,15 +362,15 @@
+       it "should return an array of attachments" do
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'attachment_emails', 'attachment_content_disposition.eml'))
+-        mail.attachments.length.should eq 1
+-        mail.attachments.first.filename.should eq 'hello.rb'
++        expect(mail.attachments.length).to eq 1
++        expect(mail.attachments.first.filename).to eq 'hello.rb'
+       end
+       it "should return an array of attachments" do
+         mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'mime_emails', 'raw_email_with_nested_attachment.eml'))
+-        mail.attachments.length.should eq 2
+-        mail.attachments[0].filename.should eq 'byo-ror-cover.png'
+-        mail.attachments[1].filename.should eq 'smime.p7s'
++        expect(mail.attachments.length).to eq 2
++        expect(mail.attachments[0].filename).to eq 'byo-ror-cover.png'
++        expect(mail.attachments[1].filename).to eq 'smime.p7s'
+       end
+     end
+@@ -381,32 +381,32 @@
+         mail = Mail::Message.new
+         mail.text_part { body("log message goes here") }
+         mail.add_file(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'))
+-        mail.mime_type.should eq 'multipart/mixed'
++        expect(mail.mime_type).to eq 'multipart/mixed'
+       end
+       it "should set to multipart/mixed if you add an attachment and then a text part" do
+         mail = Mail::Message.new
+         mail.add_file(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'))
+         mail.text_part { body("log message goes here") }
+-        mail.mime_type.should eq 'multipart/mixed'
++        expect(mail.mime_type).to eq 'multipart/mixed'
+       end
+       it "should add a part given a filename" do
+         mail = Mail::Message.new
+         mail.add_file(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'))
+-        mail.parts.length.should eq 1 # First part is an empty text body
++        expect(mail.parts.length).to eq 1 # First part is an empty text body
+       end
+       it "should give the part the right content type" do
+         mail = Mail::Message.new
+         mail.add_file(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'))
+-        mail.parts.first[:content_type].content_type.should eq 'image/png'
++        expect(mail.parts.first[:content_type].content_type).to eq 'image/png'
+       end
+       it "should return attachment objects" do
+         mail = Mail::Message.new
+         mail.add_file(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'))
+-        mail.attachments.first.class.should eq Mail::Part
++        expect(mail.attachments.first.class).to eq Mail::Part
+       end
+       it "should be return an aray of attachments" do
+@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@
+           add_file fixture('attachments', 'test.pdf')
+           add_file fixture('attachments', 'test.zip')
+         end
+-        mail.attachments.length.should eq 4
+-        mail.attachments.each { |a| a.class.should eq Mail::Part }
++        expect(mail.attachments.length).to eq 4
++        mail.attachments.each { |a| expect(a.class).to eq Mail::Part }
+       end
+       it "should return the filename of each attachment" do
+@@ -433,10 +433,10 @@
+           add_file fixture('attachments', 'test.pdf')
+           add_file fixture('attachments', 'test.zip')
+         end
+-        mail.attachments[0].filename.should eq 'test.png'
+-        mail.attachments[1].filename.should eq 'test.jpg'
+-        mail.attachments[2].filename.should eq 'test.pdf'
+-        mail.attachments[3].filename.should eq 'test.zip'
++        expect(mail.attachments[0].filename).to eq 'test.png'
++        expect(mail.attachments[1].filename).to eq 'test.jpg'
++        expect(mail.attachments[2].filename).to eq 'test.pdf'
++        expect(mail.attachments[3].filename).to eq 'test.zip'
+       end
+       it "should return the type/subtype of each attachment" do
+@@ -449,10 +449,10 @@
+           add_file fixture('attachments', 'test.pdf')
+           add_file fixture('attachments', 'test.zip')
+         end
+-        mail.attachments[0].mime_type.should eq 'image/png'
+-        mail.attachments[1].mime_type.should eq 'image/jpeg'
+-        mail.attachments[2].mime_type.should eq 'application/pdf'
+-        mail.attachments[3].mime_type.should eq 'application/zip'
++        expect(mail.attachments[0].mime_type).to eq 'image/png'
++        expect(mail.attachments[1].mime_type).to eq 'image/jpeg'
++        expect(mail.attachments[2].mime_type).to eq 'application/pdf'
++        expect(mail.attachments[3].mime_type).to eq 'application/zip'
+       end
+       it "should return the content of each attachment" do
+@@ -468,21 +468,21 @@
+         if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+           tripped = mail.attachments[0].decoded
+           original = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'), 'rb', &:read)
+-          tripped.should eq original
++          expect(tripped).to eq original
+           tripped = mail.attachments[1].decoded
+           original = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.jpg'), 'rb', &:read)
+-          tripped.should eq original
++          expect(tripped).to eq original
+           tripped = mail.attachments[2].decoded
+           original = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.pdf'), 'rb', &:read)
+-          tripped.should eq original
++          expect(tripped).to eq original
+           tripped = mail.attachments[3].decoded
+           original = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.zip'), 'rb', &:read)
+-          tripped.should eq original
++          expect(tripped).to eq original
+         else
+-          mail.attachments[0].decoded.should eq File.read(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'))
+-          mail.attachments[1].decoded.should eq File.read(fixture('attachments', 'test.jpg'))
+-          mail.attachments[2].decoded.should eq File.read(fixture('attachments', 'test.pdf'))
+-          mail.attachments[3].decoded.should eq File.read(fixture('attachments', 'test.zip'))
++          expect(mail.attachments[0].decoded).to eq File.read(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'))
++          expect(mail.attachments[1].decoded).to eq File.read(fixture('attachments', 'test.jpg'))
++          expect(mail.attachments[2].decoded).to eq File.read(fixture('attachments', 'test.pdf'))
++          expect(mail.attachments[3].decoded).to eq File.read(fixture('attachments', 'test.zip'))
+         end
+       end
+@@ -497,9 +497,9 @@
+         if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9'
+           tripped = mail.attachments[0].decoded
+           original = File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'), 'rb', &:read)
+-          tripped.should eq original
++          expect(tripped).to eq original
+         else
+-          mail.attachments[0].decoded.should eq File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'), 'rb', &:read)
++          expect(mail.attachments[0].decoded).to eq File.open(fixture('attachments', 'test.png'), 'rb', &:read)
+         end
+       end
+@@ -511,10 +511,10 @@
+           body    "Attached"
+           add_file fixture('attachments', 'test.png')
+         end
+-        m.attachments.length.should eq 1
+-        m.parts.length.should eq 2
+-        m.parts[0].body.should eq "Attached"
+-        m.parts[1].filename.should eq "test.png"
++        expect(m.attachments.length).to eq 1
++        expect(m.parts.length).to eq 2
++        expect(m.parts[0].body).to eq "Attached"
++        expect(m.parts[1].filename).to eq "test.png"
+       end
+       it "should allow you to add a body as text part if you have added a file" do
+@@ -525,9 +525,9 @@
+           add_file fixture('attachments', 'test.png')
+           body    "Attached"
+         end
+-        m.parts.length.should eq 2
+-        m.parts.first[:content_type].content_type.should eq 'image/png'
+-        m.parts.last[:content_type].content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
++        expect(m.parts.length).to eq 2
++        expect(m.parts.first[:content_type].content_type).to eq 'image/png'
++        expect(m.parts.last[:content_type].content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
+       end
+       it "should allow you to add a body as text part if you have added a file and not truncate after newlines - issue 208" do
+@@ -539,10 +539,10 @@
+           body    "First Line\n\nSecond Line\n\nThird Line\n\n"
+           #Note: trailing \n\n is stripped off by Mail::Part initialization
+         end
+-        m.parts.length.should eq 2
+-        m.parts.first[:content_type].content_type.should eq 'image/png'
+-        m.parts.last[:content_type].content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-        m.parts.last.to_s.should match(/^First Line\r\n\r\nSecond Line\r\n\r\nThird Line/)
++        expect(m.parts.length).to eq 2
++        expect(m.parts.first[:content_type].content_type).to eq 'image/png'
++        expect(m.parts.last[:content_type].content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++        expect(m.parts.last.to_s).to match(/^First Line\r\n\r\nSecond Line\r\n\r\nThird Line/)
+       end
+       it "should not raise a warning if there is a charset defined and there are non ascii chars in the body" do
+@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@
+         mail.body = body
+         mail.charset = 'UTF-8'
+         mail.add_file fixture('attachments', 'test.png')
+-        STDERR.should_not_receive(:puts)
++        expect(STDERR).not_to receive(:puts)
+         mail.to_s
+       end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/multibyte_spec.rb b/spec/mail/multibyte_spec.rb
+index cff7079..ceaeded 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/multibyte_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/multibyte_spec.rb
+@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
+   it "should upcase" do
+     chars = Chars.new('Laurent, où sont les tests ?')
+-    chars.upcase.should == "LAURENT, OÙ SONT LES TESTS ?"
++    expect(chars.upcase).to eq("LAURENT, OÙ SONT LES TESTS ?")
+   end
+   it "should downcase" do
+     chars = Chars.new('VĚDA A VÝZKUM')
+-    chars.downcase.should == "věda a výzkum"
++    expect(chars.downcase).to eq("věda a výzkum")
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/multipart_report_spec.rb b/spec/mail/multipart_report_spec.rb
+index 44e867c..a50afc3 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/multipart_report_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/multipart_report_spec.rb
+@@ -5,39 +5,39 @@
+   it "should know if it is a multipart report type" do
+     mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'multipart_report_emails', 'report_422.eml'))
+-    mail.should be_multipart_report
++    expect(mail).to be_multipart_report
+   end
+   describe "delivery-status reports" do
+     it "should know if it is a deliver-status report" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'multipart_report_emails', 'report_422.eml'))
+-      mail.should be_delivery_status_report
++      expect(mail).to be_delivery_status_report
+     end
+     it "should find its message/delivery-status part" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'multipart_report_emails', 'report_422.eml'))
+-      mail.delivery_status_part.should_not be_nil
++      expect(mail.delivery_status_part).not_to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should handle a report that has a human readable message/delivery-status" do
+       mail = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'multipart_report_emails', 'multipart_report_multiple_status.eml'))
+-      mail.should be_bounced
++      expect(mail).to be_bounced
+     end
+     describe "multipart reports with more than one address" do
+       it "should not crash" do
+         mail1 = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'multipart_report_emails', 'multi_address_bounce1.eml'))
+         mail2 = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'multipart_report_emails', 'multi_address_bounce2.eml'))
+-        doing { mail1.bounced? }.should_not raise_error
+-        doing { mail2.bounced? }.should_not raise_error
++        expect { mail1.bounced? }.not_to raise_error
++        expect { mail2.bounced? }.not_to raise_error
+       end
+       it "should not know that a multi address email was bounced" do
+         mail1 = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'multipart_report_emails', 'multi_address_bounce1.eml'))
+         mail2 = Mail.read(fixture('emails', 'multipart_report_emails', 'multi_address_bounce2.eml'))
+-        mail1.should be_bounced
+-        mail2.should be_bounced
++        expect(mail1).to be_bounced
++        expect(mail2).to be_bounced
+       end
+     end
+@@ -48,31 +48,31 @@
+       end
+       it "should be bounced" do
+-        @mail.should_not be_bounced
++        expect(@mail).not_to be_bounced
+       end
+       it "should say action 'delayed'" do
+-        @mail.action.should eq 'delayed'
++        expect(@mail.action).to eq 'delayed'
+       end
+       it "should give a final recipient" do
+-        @mail.final_recipient.should eq 'RFC822; fraser at oooooooo.com.au'
++        expect(@mail.final_recipient).to eq 'RFC822; fraser at oooooooo.com.au'
+       end
+       it "should give an error code" do
+-        @mail.error_status.should eq '4.2.2'
++        expect(@mail.error_status).to eq '4.2.2'
+       end
+       it "should give a diagostic code" do
+-        @mail.diagnostic_code.should eq 'SMTP; 452 4.2.2 <fraser at oooooooo.com.au>... Mailbox full'
++        expect(@mail.diagnostic_code).to eq 'SMTP; 452 4.2.2 <fraser at oooooooo.com.au>... Mailbox full'
+       end
+       it "should give a remote-mta" do
+-        @mail.remote_mta.should eq 'DNS; mail.oooooooo.com.au'
++        expect(@mail.remote_mta).to eq 'DNS; mail.oooooooo.com.au'
+       end
+       it "should be retryable" do
+-        @mail.should be_retryable
++        expect(@mail).to be_retryable
+       end
+     end
+@@ -83,31 +83,31 @@
+       end
+       it "should be bounced" do
+-        @mail.should be_bounced
++        expect(@mail).to be_bounced
+       end
+       it "should say action 'failed'" do
+-        @mail.action.should eq 'failed'
++        expect(@mail.action).to eq 'failed'
+       end
+       it "should give a final recipient" do
+-        @mail.final_recipient.should eq 'RFC822; edwin at zzzzzzz.com'
++        expect(@mail.final_recipient).to eq 'RFC822; edwin at zzzzzzz.com'
+       end
+       it "should give an error code" do
+-        @mail.error_status.should eq '5.3.0'
++        expect(@mail.error_status).to eq '5.3.0'
+       end
+       it "should give a diagostic code" do
+-        @mail.diagnostic_code.should eq 'SMTP; 553 5.3.0 <edwin at zzzzzzz.com>... Unknown E-Mail Address'
++        expect(@mail.diagnostic_code).to eq 'SMTP; 553 5.3.0 <edwin at zzzzzzz.com>... Unknown E-Mail Address'
+       end
+       it "should give a remote-mta" do
+-        @mail.remote_mta.should eq 'DNS; mail.zzzzzz.com'
++        expect(@mail.remote_mta).to eq 'DNS; mail.zzzzzz.com'
+       end
+       it "should be retryable" do
+-        @mail.should_not be_retryable
++        expect(@mail).not_to be_retryable
+       end
+     end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/exim_spec.rb b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/exim_spec.rb
+index 3b08064..d8fbfdf 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/exim_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/exim_spec.rb
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+       subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+     end
+-    Mail::Exim.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim', 
++    expect(Mail::Exim).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim', 
+                                           '-i -t -f "roger at test.lindsaar.net" --', 
+                                           '"marcel at test.lindsaar.net" "bob at test.lindsaar.net"', 
+                                           mail.encoded)
+@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
+         body "body"
+       end
+-      Mail::Exim.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim',
++      expect(Mail::Exim).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim',
+                                                 '-i -t -f "return at test.lindsaar.net" --', 
+                                                 '"to at test.lindsaar.net"', 
+                                                 mail.encoded)
+@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
+         body "body"
+       end
+-      Mail::Exim.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim',
++      expect(Mail::Exim).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim',
+                                                 '-i -t -f "sender at test.lindsaar.net" --', 
+                                                 '"to at test.lindsaar.net"', 
+                                                 mail.encoded)
+@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
+         body "body"
+       end
+-      Mail::Exim.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim',
++      expect(Mail::Exim).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim',
+                                                 '-i -t -f "from at test.lindsaar.net" --', 
+                                                 '"to at test.lindsaar.net"', 
+                                                 mail.encoded)
+@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
+         body 'body'
+       end
+-      Mail::Exim.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim',
++      expect(Mail::Exim).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim',
+                                                 '-i -t -f "\"from+suffix test\"@test.lindsaar.net" --',
+                                                 '"to at test.lindsaar.net"',
+                                                 mail.encoded)
+@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
+         from 'from at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+-      Mail::Exim.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim',
++      expect(Mail::Exim).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim',
+                                                 '-i -t -f "from at test.lindsaar.net" --',
+                                                 '"-hyphen at test.lindsaar.net"',
+                                                 mail.encoded)
+@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
+       subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+     end
+-    Mail::Exim.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim', 
++    expect(Mail::Exim).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim', 
+                                               ' -f "from at test.lindsaar.net" --',
+                                               '"marcel at test.lindsaar.net" "bob at test.lindsaar.net"', 
+                                               mail.encoded)
+@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
+       subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+     end
+-    Mail::Exim.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim', 
++    expect(Mail::Exim).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/exim', 
+                                               " -f \"\\\"foo\\\\\\\"\\;touch /tmp/PWNED\\;\\\\\\\"\\\"@blah.com\" --",
+                                               '"marcel at test.lindsaar.net"', 
+                                               mail.encoded)
+@@ -180,25 +180,25 @@
+     Mail.defaults do
+       delivery_method :test
+     end
+-    lambda do
++    expect do
+       Mail.deliver do
+         to "to at somemail.com"
+         subject "Email with no sender"
+         body "body"
+       end
+-    end.should raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
++    end.to raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if no recipient if defined" do
+     Mail.defaults do
+       delivery_method :test
+     end
+-    lambda do
++    expect do
+       Mail.deliver do
+         from "from at somemail.com"
+         subject "Email with no recipient"
+         body "body"
+       end
+-    end.should raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
++    end.to raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/file_delivery_spec.rb b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/file_delivery_spec.rb
+index ed93162..d38a5e1 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/file_delivery_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/file_delivery_spec.rb
+@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
+       delivery = File.join(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:location], 'marcel at amont.com')
+-      File.read(delivery).should eq mail.encoded
++      expect(File.read(delivery)).to eq mail.encoded
+     end
+     it "should send multiple emails to multiple files" do
+@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
+       delivery_one = File.join(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:location], 'marcel at amont.com')
+       delivery_two = File.join(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:location], 'bob at me.com')
+-      File.read(delivery_one).should eq mail.encoded
+-      File.read(delivery_two).should eq mail.encoded
++      expect(File.read(delivery_one)).to eq mail.encoded
++      expect(File.read(delivery_two)).to eq mail.encoded
+     end
+     it "should only create files based on the addr_spec of the destination" do
+@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
+         subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+       end
+       delivery = File.join(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:location], 'mikel at test.lindsaar.net')
+-      File.exists?(delivery).should be_true
++      expect(File.exists?(delivery)).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should use the base name of the file name to prevent file system traversal" do
+@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
+       end
+       delivery = File.join(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:location], 'pwn')
+-      File.exists?(delivery).should be_true
++      expect(File.exists?(delivery)).to be_truthy
+     end
+     it "should raise an error if no sender is defined" do
+@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@
+         delivery_method :file, :location => tmpdir
+       end
+-      lambda do
++      expect do
+         Mail.deliver do
+           to "to at somemail.com"
+           subject "Email with no sender"
+           body "body"
+         end
+-      end.should raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
++      end.to raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
+     end
+     it "should raise an error if no recipient if defined" do
+@@ -108,13 +108,13 @@
+         delivery_method :file, :location => tmpdir
+       end
+-      lambda do
++      expect do
+         Mail.deliver do
+           from "from at somemail.com"
+           subject "Email with no recipient"
+           body "body"
+         end
+-      end.should raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
++      end.to raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail_spec.rb b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail_spec.rb
+index 46cfec9..f881f29 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/sendmail_spec.rb
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+       subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+     end
+-    Mail::Sendmail.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail', 
++    expect(Mail::Sendmail).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail', 
+                                               '-i -f "roger at test.lindsaar.net" --',
+                                               '"marcel at test.lindsaar.net" "bob at test.lindsaar.net"', 
+                                               mail.encoded)
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
+       subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+     end
+-    Mail::Sendmail.should_receive(:popen).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail -i -f "roger at test.lindsaar.net" -- "marcel at test.lindsaar.net" "bob at test.lindsaar.net"')
++    expect(Mail::Sendmail).to receive(:popen).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail -i -f "roger at test.lindsaar.net" -- "marcel at test.lindsaar.net" "bob at test.lindsaar.net"')
+     mail.deliver!
+   end
+@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
+         smtp_envelope_from 'smtp_from at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+-      Mail::Sendmail.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail',
++      expect(Mail::Sendmail).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail',
+                                                 '-i -f "smtp_from at test.lindsaar.net" --',
+                                                 '"to at test.lindsaar.net"', 
+                                                 mail.encoded)
+@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
+         body 'body'
+       end
+-      Mail::Sendmail.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail',
++      expect(Mail::Sendmail).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail',
+                                                 '-i -f "\"from+suffix test\"@test.lindsaar.net" --',
+                                                 '"to at test.lindsaar.net"',
+                                                 mail.encoded)
+@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
+         smtp_envelope_to 'smtp_to at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+-      Mail::Sendmail.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail',
++      expect(Mail::Sendmail).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail',
+                                                 '-i -f "from at test.lindsaar.net" --',
+                                                 '"smtp_to at test.lindsaar.net"',
+                                                 mail.encoded)
+@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
+         body 'body'
+       end
+-      Mail::Sendmail.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail',
++      expect(Mail::Sendmail).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail',
+                                                 '-i -f "from at test.lindsaar.net" --',
+                                                 '"\"to+suffix test\"@test.lindsaar.net"',
+                                                 mail.encoded)
+@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
+         from 'from at test.lindsaar.net'
+       end
+-      Mail::Sendmail.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail',
++      expect(Mail::Sendmail).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail',
+                                                 '-i -f "from at test.lindsaar.net" --',
+                                                 '"-hyphen at test.lindsaar.net"',
+                                                 mail.encoded)
+@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
+       subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+     end
+-    Mail::Sendmail.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail', 
++    expect(Mail::Sendmail).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail', 
+                                               ' -f "from at test.lindsaar.net" --',
+                                               '"marcel at test.lindsaar.net" "bob at test.lindsaar.net"', 
+                                               mail.encoded)
+@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
+       subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+     end
+-    Mail::Sendmail.should_receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail', 
++    expect(Mail::Sendmail).to receive(:call).with('/usr/sbin/sendmail', 
+                                               " -f \"\\\"foo\\\\\\\"\\;touch /tmp/PWNED\\;\\\\\\\"\\\"@blah.com\" --",
+                                               %("\\\"foo\\\\\\\"\\;touch /tmp/PWNED\\;\\\\\\\"\\\"@blah.com"), 
+                                               mail.encoded)
+@@ -199,25 +199,25 @@
+     Mail.defaults do
+       delivery_method :test
+     end
+-    lambda do
++    expect do
+       Mail.deliver do
+         to "to at somemail.com"
+         subject "Email with no sender"
+         body "body"
+       end
+-    end.should raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
++    end.to raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if no recipient if defined" do
+     Mail.defaults do
+       delivery_method :test
+     end
+-    lambda do
++    expect do
+       Mail.deliver do
+         from "from at somemail.com"
+         subject "Email with no recipient"
+         body "body"
+       end
+-    end.should raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
++    end.to raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_connection_spec.rb b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_connection_spec.rb
+index 84a245e..48d4eb6 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_connection_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_connection_spec.rb
+@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
+       smtp_envelope_to 'smtp_to'
+     end
+-    MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0].should eq mail.encoded
+-    MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1].should eq 'smtp_from'
+-    MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2].should eq %w(smtp_to)
++    expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0]).to eq mail.encoded
++    expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1]).to eq 'smtp_from'
++    expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2]).to eq %w(smtp_to)
+   end
+   it "should be able to return actual SMTP protocol response" do
+@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
+     end
+     response = mail.deliver!
+-    response.should eq 'OK'
++    expect(response).to eq 'OK'
+   end
+@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@
+       delivery_method :smtp_connection, :connection => smtp, :port => 587, :return_response => true
+     end
+-    lambda do
++    expect do
+       Mail.deliver do
+         to "to at somemail.com"
+         subject "Email with no sender"
+         body "body"
+       end
+-    end.should raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
++    end.to raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if no recipient if defined" do
+@@ -68,12 +68,12 @@
+       delivery_method :smtp_connection, :connection => smtp, :port => 587, :return_response => true
+     end
+-    lambda do
++    expect do
+       Mail.deliver do
+         from "from at somemail.com"
+         subject "Email with no recipient"
+         body "body"
+       end
+-    end.should raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
++    end.to raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_spec.rb b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_spec.rb
+index 307c328..193cbf6 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/smtp_spec.rb
+@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@
+         smtp_envelope_to 'smtp_to'
+       end
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0].should eq mail.encoded
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1].should eq 'smtp_from'
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2].should eq %w(smtp_to)
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0]).to eq mail.encoded
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1]).to eq 'smtp_from'
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2]).to eq %w(smtp_to)
+     end
+     it "should be able to send itself" do
+@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@
+       mail.deliver!
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0].should eq mail.encoded
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1].should eq mail.from[0]
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2].should eq mail.destinations
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0]).to eq mail.encoded
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1]).to eq mail.from[0]
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2]).to eq mail.destinations
+     end
+     it "should be able to return actual SMTP protocol response" do
+@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
+       end
+       response = mail.deliver!
+-      response.should eq 'OK'
++      expect(response).to eq 'OK'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ def redefine_verify_none(new_value)
+         subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+       end
+-      doing { mail.deliver! }.should_not raise_error(TypeError)
++      expect { mail.deliver! }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should ignore OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if it is 0" do
+@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ def redefine_verify_none(new_value)
+         subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+       end
+-      doing { mail.deliver! }.should_not raise_error(TypeError)
++      expect { mail.deliver! }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+   end
+@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ def redefine_verify_none(new_value)
+         subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+       end
+-      doing { mail.deliver! }.should_not raise_error(TypeError)
++      expect { mail.deliver! }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should ignore OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if it is 0" do
+@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def redefine_verify_none(new_value)
+         subject 'invalid RFC2822'
+       end
+-      doing { mail.deliver! }.should_not raise_error(TypeError)
++      expect { mail.deliver! }.not_to raise_error
+     end
+   end
+@@ -165,28 +165,28 @@ def redefine_verify_none(new_value)
+         smtp_envelope_to "smtp_to at someemail.com"
+         smtp_envelope_from "smtp_from at someemail.com"
+       end
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1].should eq 'smtp_from at someemail.com'
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2].should eq %w(smtp_to at someemail.com)
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1]).to eq 'smtp_from at someemail.com'
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2]).to eq %w(smtp_to at someemail.com)
+     end
+     it "should raise if there is no envelope From address" do
+-      lambda do
++      expect do
+         Mail.deliver do
+           to "to at somemail.com"
+           subject "Email with no sender"
+           body "body"
+         end
+-      end.should raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
++      end.to raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
+     end
+     it "should raise an error if no recipient if defined" do
+-      lambda do
++      expect do
+         Mail.deliver do
+           from "from at somemail.com"
+           subject "Email with no recipient"
+           body "body"
+         end
+-      end.should raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
++      end.to raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/test_mailer_spec.rb b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/test_mailer_spec.rb
+index a81f36c..ee78832 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/test_mailer_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/network/delivery_methods/test_mailer_spec.rb
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+     Mail.defaults do
+       delivery_method :test
+     end
+-    Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.should be_empty
++    expect(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries).to be_empty
+   end
+   it "should deliver an email to the Mail::TestMailer.deliveries array" do
+@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
+       body 'hello'
+     end
+     mail.deliver
+-    Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.length.should eq 1
+-    Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.first.should eq mail
++    expect(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.length).to eq 1
++    expect(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.first).to eq mail
+   end
+   it "should clear the deliveries when told to" do
+@@ -49,38 +49,38 @@
+       body 'hello'
+     end
+     mail.deliver
+-    Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.length.should eq 1
++    expect(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.length).to eq 1
+     Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.clear
+-    Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.should be_empty
++    expect(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries).to be_empty
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if no sender is defined" do
+     Mail.defaults do
+       delivery_method :test
+     end
+-    lambda do
++    expect do
+       Mail.deliver do
+         to "to at somemail.com"
+         subject "Email with no sender"
+         body "body"
+       end
+-    end.should raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
++    end.to raise_error('An SMTP From address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_from, return_path, sender, or from address.')
+   end
+   it "should raise an error if no recipient if defined" do
+     Mail.defaults do
+       delivery_method :test
+     end
+-    lambda do
++    expect do
+       Mail.deliver do
+         from "from at somemail.com"
+         subject "Email with no recipient"
+         body "body"
+       end
+-    end.should raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
++    end.to raise_error('An SMTP To address is required to send a message. Set the message smtp_envelope_to, to, cc, or bcc address.')
+   end
+   it "should save settings passed to initialize" do
+-    Mail::TestMailer.new(:setting => true).settings.should include(:setting => true)
++    expect(Mail::TestMailer.new(:setting => true).settings).to include(:setting => true)
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap_spec.rb b/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap_spec.rb
+index c06a3f7..6f1349a 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/imap_spec.rb
+@@ -15,101 +15,101 @@
+   describe "find with and without block" do
+     it "should find all emails with a given block" do
+-      MockIMAP.should be_disconnected
++      expect(MockIMAP).to be_disconnected
+       messages = []
+       Mail.all do |message|
+         messages << message
+       end
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822']}.sort
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822']}.sort
+-      MockIMAP.should be_disconnected
++      expect(MockIMAP).to be_disconnected
+     end
+     it "should get all emails without a given block" do
+-      MockIMAP.should be_disconnected
++      expect(MockIMAP).to be_disconnected
+       messages = Mail.all
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822']}.sort
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822']}.sort
+-      MockIMAP.should be_disconnected
++      expect(MockIMAP).to be_disconnected
+     end
+     it "should get all emails and yield the imap, uid, and email when given a block of arity 3" do
+-      MockIMAP.should be_disconnected
++      expect(MockIMAP).to be_disconnected
+       messages = []
+       uids = []
+       Mail.all do |message, imap, uid|
+-        MockIMAP.should === imap
++        expect(MockIMAP).to be === imap
+         messages << message
+         uids << uid
+       end
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822']}.sort
+-      uids.sort.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.number }.sort
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822']}.sort
++      expect(uids.sort).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.number }.sort
+-      MockIMAP.should be_disconnected
++      expect(MockIMAP).to be_disconnected
+     end
+   end
+   describe "find and options" do
+     it "should handle the :count option" do
+       messages = Mail.find(:count => :all, :what => :last, :order => :asc)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }
+       message = Mail.find(:count => 1, :what => :last)
+-      message.raw_source.should eq MockIMAP.examples.last.attr['RFC822']
++      expect(message.raw_source).to eq MockIMAP.examples.last.attr['RFC822']
+       messages = Mail.find(:count => 2, :what => :last, :order => :asc)
+-      messages[0..1].map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }[-2..-1]
++      expect(messages[0..1].map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }[-2..-1]
+     end
+     it "should handle the :what option" do
+       messages = Mail.find(:count => :all, :what => :last)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }
+       messages = Mail.find(:count => 2, :what => :first, :order => :asc)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }[0..1]
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }[0..1]
+     end
+     it "should handle the :order option" do
+       messages = Mail.find(:order => :desc, :count => 5, :what => :last)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }[-5..-1].reverse
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }[-5..-1].reverse
+       messages = Mail.find(:order => :asc, :count => 5, :what => :last)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }[-5..-1]
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }[-5..-1]
+     end
+     it "should handle the :mailbox option" do
+       Mail.find(:mailbox => 'SOME-RANDOM-MAILBOX')
+-      MockIMAP.mailbox.should eq 'SOME-RANDOM-MAILBOX'
++      expect(MockIMAP.mailbox).to eq 'SOME-RANDOM-MAILBOX'
+     end
+     it "should handle the :uid option" do
+       messages = Mail.find(:uid => 1)
+-      messages[0].raw_source.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }[1]
++      expect(messages[0].raw_source).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }[1]
+     end
+     it "should find the last 10 messages by default" do
+       messages = Mail.find
+-      messages.size.should eq 10
++      expect(messages.size).to eq 10
+     end
+     it "should search the mailbox 'INBOX' by default" do
+       Mail.find
+-      MockIMAP.mailbox.should eq 'INBOX'
++      expect(MockIMAP.mailbox).to eq 'INBOX'
+     end
+     it "should handle the delete_after_find_option" do
+       Mail.find(:delete_after_find => false)
+-      MockIMAP.examples.size.should eq 20
++      expect(MockIMAP.examples.size).to eq 20
+       Mail.find(:delete_after_find => true)
+-      MockIMAP.examples.size.should eq 10
++      expect(MockIMAP.examples.size).to eq 10
+       Mail.find(:delete_after_find => true) { |message| }
+-      MockIMAP.examples.size.should eq 10
++      expect(MockIMAP.examples.size).to eq 10
+     end
+     it "should handle the find_and_delete method" do
+       Mail.find_and_delete(:count => 15)
+-      MockIMAP.examples.size.should eq 5
++      expect(MockIMAP.examples.size).to eq 5
+     end
+   end
+@@ -118,13 +118,13 @@
+     it "should find the last received messages" do
+       messages = Mail.last(:count => 5)
+-      messages.should be_instance_of(Array)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822']}[-5..-1]
++      expect(messages).to be_instance_of(Array)
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822']}[-5..-1]
+     end
+     it "should find the last received message" do
+       message = Mail.last
+-      message.raw_source.should eq MockIMAP.examples.last.attr['RFC822']
++      expect(message.raw_source).to eq MockIMAP.examples.last.attr['RFC822']
+     end
+   end
+@@ -132,13 +132,13 @@
+     it "should find the first received messages" do
+       messages = Mail.first(:count => 5)
+-      messages.should be_instance_of(Array)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822']}[0..4]
++      expect(messages).to be_instance_of(Array)
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822']}[0..4]
+     end
+     it "should find the first received message" do
+       message = Mail.first
+-      message.raw_source.should eq MockIMAP.examples.first.attr['RFC822']
++      expect(message.raw_source).to eq MockIMAP.examples.first.attr['RFC822']
+     end
+   end
+@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@
+     it "should find all messages" do
+       messages = Mail.all
+-      messages.size.should eq MockIMAP.examples.size
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }
++      expect(messages.size).to eq MockIMAP.examples.size
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockIMAP.examples.map { |m| m.attr['RFC822'] }
+     end
+   end
+@@ -155,20 +155,20 @@
+     it "should delete all messages" do
+       Mail.all
+-      Net::IMAP.should_receive(:encode_utf7).once
++      expect(Net::IMAP).to receive(:encode_utf7).once
+       Mail.delete_all
+-      MockIMAP.examples.size.should eq 0
++      expect(MockIMAP.examples.size).to eq 0
+     end
+   end 
+   describe "connection" do
+     it "should raise an Error if no block is given" do
+-      lambda { Mail.connection { |m| raise ArgumentError.new } }.should raise_error
++      expect { Mail.connection { |m| raise ArgumentError.new } }.to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should yield the connection object to the given block" do
+       Mail.connection do |connection|
+-        connection.should be_an_instance_of(MockIMAP)
++        expect(connection).to be_an_instance_of(MockIMAP)
+       end
+     end
+   end
+@@ -178,17 +178,17 @@
+       retrievable = Mail::IMAP.new({})
+       options = retrievable.send(:validate_options, {})
+-      options[:count].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:count].should eq 10
++      expect(options[:count]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:count]).to eq 10
+-      options[:order].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:order].should eq :asc
++      expect(options[:order]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:order]).to eq :asc
+-      options[:what].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:what].should eq :first
++      expect(options[:what]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:what]).to eq :first
+-      options[:mailbox].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:mailbox].should eq 'INBOX'
++      expect(options[:mailbox]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:mailbox]).to eq 'INBOX'
+     end
+     it "should not replace given configuration" do
+       retrievable = Mail::IMAP.new({})
+@@ -199,55 +199,55 @@
+         :what => :first
+       })
+-      options[:count].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:count].should eq 2
++      expect(options[:count]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:count]).to eq 2
+-      options[:order].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:order].should eq :asc
++      expect(options[:order]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:order]).to eq :asc
+-      options[:what].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:what].should eq :first
++      expect(options[:what]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:what]).to eq :first
+-      options[:mailbox].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:mailbox].should eq 'some/mail/box'
++      expect(options[:mailbox]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:mailbox]).to eq 'some/mail/box'
+     end
+     it "should ensure utf7 conversion for mailbox names" do
+       retrievable = Mail::IMAP.new({})
+-      Net::IMAP.stub!(:encode_utf7 => 'UTF7_STRING')
++      Net::IMAP.stub(:encode_utf7 => 'UTF7_STRING')
+       options = retrievable.send(:validate_options, {
+         :mailbox => 'UTF8_STRING'
+       })
+-      options[:mailbox].should eq 'UTF7_STRING'
++      expect(options[:mailbox]).to eq 'UTF7_STRING'
+     end
+   end
+   describe "error handling" do
+     it "should finish the IMAP connection if an exception is raised" do 
+-      MockIMAP.should be_disconnected
++      expect(MockIMAP).to be_disconnected
+-      lambda { Mail.all { |m| raise ArgumentError.new } }.should raise_error
++      expect { Mail.all { |m| raise ArgumentError.new } }.to raise_error
+-      MockIMAP.should be_disconnected
++      expect(MockIMAP).to be_disconnected
+     end
+   end
+   describe "authentication mechanism" do
+     before(:each) do
+       @imap = MockIMAP.new
+-      MockIMAP.stub!(:new).and_return(@imap)
++      allow(MockIMAP).to receive(:new).and_return(@imap)
+     end
+     it "should be login by default" do
+-      @imap.should_not_receive(:authenticate)
+-      @imap.should_receive(:login).with('foo', 'secret')
++      expect(@imap).not_to receive(:authenticate)
++      expect(@imap).to receive(:login).with('foo', 'secret')
+       Mail.defaults do
+         retriever_method :imap, {:user_name => 'foo', :password => 'secret'}
+       end
+       Mail.find
+     end
+     it "should be changeable" do
+-      @imap.should_receive(:authenticate).with('CRAM-MD5', 'foo', 'secret')
+-      @imap.should_not_receive(:login)
++      expect(@imap).to receive(:authenticate).with('CRAM-MD5', 'foo', 'secret')
++      expect(@imap).not_to receive(:login)
+       Mail.defaults do
+         retriever_method :imap, {:authentication => 'CRAM-MD5', :user_name => 'foo', :password => 'secret'}
+       end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3_spec.rb b/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3_spec.rb
+index 3b17397..2a834c9 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/pop3_spec.rb
+@@ -18,27 +18,27 @@
+   describe "find with and without block" do
+     it "should find all emails with a given block" do
+-      MockPOP3.should_not be_started
++      expect(MockPOP3).not_to be_started
+       messages = []
+       Mail.all do |message|
+         messages << message
+       end
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }.sort
+-      MockPOP3.should_not be_started
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }.sort
++      expect(MockPOP3).not_to be_started
+     end
+     it "should get all emails without a given block" do
+-      MockPOP3.should_not be_started
++      expect(MockPOP3).not_to be_started
+       messages = []
+       Mail.all do |message|
+         messages << message
+       end
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }.sort
+-      MockPOP3.should_not be_started
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }.sort
++      expect(MockPOP3).not_to be_started
+     end
+   end
+@@ -47,54 +47,54 @@
+     it "should handle the :count option" do
+       messages = Mail.find(:count => :all, :what => :last, :order => :asc)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }
+       message = Mail.find(:count => 1, :what => :last)
+-      message.raw_source.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }.last
++      expect(message.raw_source).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }.last
+       messages = Mail.find(:count => 2, :what => :last, :order => :asc)
+-      messages[0..1].collect {|m| m.raw_source}.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[-2..-1]
++      expect(messages[0..1].collect {|m| m.raw_source}).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[-2..-1]
+     end
+     it "should handle the :what option" do
+       messages = Mail.find(:count => :all, :what => :last)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.sort).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }
+       messages = Mail.find(:count => 2, :what => :first, :order => :asc)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[0..1]
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[0..1]
+     end
+     it "should handle the :order option" do
+       messages = Mail.find(:order => :desc, :count => 5, :what => :last)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[-5..-1].reverse
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[-5..-1].reverse
+       messages = Mail.find(:order => :asc, :count => 5, :what => :last)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[-5..-1]
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[-5..-1]
+     end
+     it "should find the last 10 messages by default" do
+       messages = Mail.find
+-      messages.size.should eq 10
++      expect(messages.size).to eq 10
+     end
+     it "should handle the delete_after_find option" do
+       Mail.find(:delete_after_find => false)
+-      MockPOP3.popmails.each { |message| message.should_not be_deleted }
++      MockPOP3.popmails.each { |message| expect(message).not_to be_deleted }
+       Mail.find(:delete_after_find => true)
+-      MockPOP3.popmails.first(10).each { |message| message.should be_deleted }
+-      MockPOP3.popmails.last(10).each { |message| message.should_not be_deleted }
++      MockPOP3.popmails.first(10).each { |message| expect(message).to be_deleted }
++      MockPOP3.popmails.last(10).each { |message| expect(message).not_to be_deleted }
+       Mail.find(:delete_after_find => true) { |message| }
+-      MockPOP3.popmails.first(10).each { |message| message.should be_deleted }
+-      MockPOP3.popmails.last(10).each { |message| message.should_not be_deleted }
++      MockPOP3.popmails.first(10).each { |message| expect(message).to be_deleted }
++      MockPOP3.popmails.last(10).each { |message| expect(message).not_to be_deleted }
+     end
+     it "should handle the find_and_delete method" do
+       Mail.find_and_delete(:count => 15)
+-      MockPOP3.popmails.first(15).each { |message| message.should be_deleted }
+-      MockPOP3.popmails.last(5).each { |message| message.should_not be_deleted }
++      MockPOP3.popmails.first(15).each { |message| expect(message).to be_deleted }
++      MockPOP3.popmails.last(5).each { |message| expect(message).not_to be_deleted }
+     end
+   end
+@@ -104,15 +104,15 @@
+     it "should find the last received messages" do
+       messages = Mail.last(:count => 5)
+-      messages.should be_instance_of(Array)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[-5..-1]
++      expect(messages).to be_instance_of(Array)
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[-5..-1]
+     end
+     it "should find the last received message" do
+       message = Mail.last
+-      message.should be_instance_of(Mail::Message)
+-      message.raw_source.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.last.pop
++      expect(message).to be_instance_of(Mail::Message)
++      expect(message.raw_source).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.last.pop
+     end
+   end
+@@ -122,15 +122,15 @@
+     it "should find the first received messages" do
+       messages = Mail.first(:count => 5)
+-      messages.should be_instance_of(Array)
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[0..4]
++      expect(messages).to be_instance_of(Array)
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }[0..4]
+     end
+     it "should find the first received message" do
+       message = Mail.first
+-      message.should be_instance_of(Mail::Message)
+-      message.raw_source.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.first.pop
++      expect(message).to be_instance_of(Mail::Message)
++      expect(message.raw_source).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.first.pop
+     end
+   end
+@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@
+     it "should find all messages" do
+       messages = Mail.all
+-      messages.size.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.size
+-      messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }.should eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }
++      expect(messages.size).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.size
++      expect(messages.map { |m| m.raw_source }).to eq MockPOP3.popmails.map { |p| p.pop }
+     end
+   end
+@@ -151,17 +151,17 @@
+       Mail.all
+       Mail.delete_all
+-      MockPOP3.popmails.size.should eq 0
++      expect(MockPOP3.popmails.size).to eq 0
+     end
+   end
+   describe "connection" do
+     it "should raise an Error if no block is given" do
+-      lambda { Mail.connection { |m| raise ArgumentError.new } }.should raise_error
++      expect { Mail.connection { |m| raise ArgumentError.new } }.to raise_error
+     end
+     it "should yield the connection object to the given block" do
+       Mail.connection do |connection|
+-        connection.should be_an_instance_of(MockPOP3)
++        expect(connection).to be_an_instance_of(MockPOP3)
+       end
+     end
+   end
+@@ -172,14 +172,14 @@
+       retrievable = Mail::POP3.new({})
+       options = retrievable.send(:validate_options, {})
+-      options[:count].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:count].should eq 10
++      expect(options[:count]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:count]).to eq 10
+-      options[:order].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:order].should eq :asc
++      expect(options[:order]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:order]).to eq :asc
+-      options[:what].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:what].should eq :first
++      expect(options[:what]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:what]).to eq :first
+     end
+     it "should not replace given configuration" do
+@@ -190,14 +190,14 @@
+         :what => :first
+       })
+-      options[:count].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:count].should eq 2
++      expect(options[:count]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:count]).to eq 2
+-      options[:order].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:order].should eq :asc
++      expect(options[:order]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:order]).to eq :asc
+-      options[:what].should_not be_blank
+-      options[:what].should eq :first
++      expect(options[:what]).not_to be_blank
++      expect(options[:what]).to eq :first
+     end
+   end
+@@ -205,13 +205,13 @@
+   describe "error handling" do
+     it "should finish the POP3 connection is an exception is raised" do
+-      MockPOP3.should_not be_started
++      expect(MockPOP3).not_to be_started
+-      doing do
++      expect do
+         Mail.all { |m| raise ArgumentError.new }
+-      end.should raise_error
++      end.to raise_error
+-      MockPOP3.should_not be_started
++      expect(MockPOP3).not_to be_started
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/test_retriever_spec.rb b/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/test_retriever_spec.rb
+index 525a038..53102af 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/test_retriever_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/network/retriever_methods/test_retriever_spec.rb
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+   end
+   it "should have no emails initially" do
+-    Mail.all.should be_empty
++    expect(Mail.all).to be_empty
+   end
+   describe "all" do
+@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
+     end
+     it "should return all emails without a block" do
+-      Mail.all.should eq @emails
++      expect(Mail.all).to eq @emails
+     end
+     it "should return all emails with a block" do
+       messages = []
+       Mail.all { |message| messages << message }
+-      messages.should eq @emails
++      expect(messages).to eq @emails
+     end
+   end
+@@ -37,51 +37,51 @@
+     end
+     it "should handle the :count option" do
+-      Mail.find(:count => :all).should eq @emails
+-      Mail.find(:count => 1).should eq @emails.first
+-      Mail.find(:count => 5).should eq @emails[0, 5]
++      expect(Mail.find(:count => :all)).to eq @emails
++      expect(Mail.find(:count => 1)).to eq @emails.first
++      expect(Mail.find(:count => 5)).to eq @emails[0, 5]
+     end
+     it "should handle the :order option" do
+-      Mail.find(:order => :asc).should eq @emails
+-      Mail.find(:order => :desc).should eq @emails.reverse
++      expect(Mail.find(:order => :asc)).to eq @emails
++      expect(Mail.find(:order => :desc)).to eq @emails.reverse
+     end
+     it "should handle the :what option" do
+-      Mail.find(:what => :first).should eq @emails
+-      Mail.find(:what => :first, :count => 5).should eq @emails[0, 5]
+-      Mail.find(:what => :last).should eq @emails
+-      Mail.find(:what => :last, :count => 5).should eq @emails[10, 5]
++      expect(Mail.find(:what => :first)).to eq @emails
++      expect(Mail.find(:what => :first, :count => 5)).to eq @emails[0, 5]
++      expect(Mail.find(:what => :last)).to eq @emails
++      expect(Mail.find(:what => :last, :count => 5)).to eq @emails[10, 5]
+     end
+     it "should handle the both of :what and :order option with :count => 1" do
+-      Mail.find(:count => 1, :what => :last, :order => :asc).should eq @emails.last
+-      Mail.find(:count => 1, :what => :first, :order => :desc).should eq @emails.first
++      expect(Mail.find(:count => 1, :what => :last, :order => :asc)).to eq @emails.last
++      expect(Mail.find(:count => 1, :what => :first, :order => :desc)).to eq @emails.first
+     end
+     it "should handle the :delete_after_find option" do
+-      Mail.find(:delete_after_find => false).should eq @emails
+-      Mail.find(:delete_after_find => false).should eq @emails
+-      Mail.find(:delete_after_find => true).should eq @emails
+-      Mail.find(:delete_after_find => false).should be_empty
++      expect(Mail.find(:delete_after_find => false)).to eq @emails
++      expect(Mail.find(:delete_after_find => false)).to eq @emails
++      expect(Mail.find(:delete_after_find => true)).to eq @emails
++      expect(Mail.find(:delete_after_find => false)).to be_empty
+     end
+     it "should handle the both of :delete_after_find and :count option" do
+       expect do
+-        Mail.find(:count => 5, :delete_after_find => true).should have(5).items
++        expect(Mail.find(:count => 5, :delete_after_find => true).size).to eq(5)
+       end.to change { Mail.all.size }.by(-5)
+       expect do
+-        Mail.find(:count => 5, :delete_after_find => true).should have(5).items
++        expect(Mail.find(:count => 5, :delete_after_find => true).size).to eq(5)
+       end.to change { Mail.all.size }.by(-5)
+     end
+     it "should handle the both of :count and :delete_after_find option" do
+       15.times do |idx|
+         expect do
+-          Mail.find(:count => 1, :delete_after_find => true).should eq @emails[idx]
++          expect(Mail.find(:count => 1, :delete_after_find => true)).to eq @emails[idx]
+         end.to change { Mail.all.size }.by(-1)
+       end
+-      Mail.find(:count => 1, :delete_after_find => true).should be_empty
++      expect(Mail.find(:count => 1, :delete_after_find => true)).to be_empty
+     end
+     it "should handle the :delete_after_find option with messages marked not for delete" do
+@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
+         end
+         i += 1
+       end
+-      Mail.all.should eq messages
++      expect(Mail.all).to eq messages
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/network_spec.rb b/spec/mail/network_spec.rb
+index 841ac8d..29d5a06 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/network_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/network_spec.rb
+@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ class MyRetriever; def initialize(settings); end; end
+       Mail.defaults do
+         delivery_method :smtp
+       end
+-      Mail.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::SMTP
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::SMTP
+     end
+     it "should default to settings for smtp" do
+-      Mail.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::SMTP
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings.should eql({:address              => "localhost",
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::SMTP
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings).to eql({:address              => "localhost",
+                                                 :port                 => 25,
+                                                 :domain               => 'localhost.localdomain',
+                                                 :user_name            => nil,
+@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ class MyRetriever; def initialize(settings); end; end
+       Mail.defaults do
+         retriever_method :pop3
+       end
+-      Mail.retriever_method.class.should eq Mail::POP3
++      expect(Mail.retriever_method.class).to eq Mail::POP3
+     end
+     it "should default to settings for pop3" do
+-      Mail.retriever_method.class.should eq Mail::POP3
+-      Mail.retriever_method.settings.should eql({:address              => "localhost",
++      expect(Mail.retriever_method.class).to eq Mail::POP3
++      expect(Mail.retriever_method.settings).to eql({:address              => "localhost",
+                                                  :port                 => 110,
+                                                  :user_name            => nil,
+                                                  :password             => nil,
+@@ -70,50 +70,50 @@ class MyRetriever; def initialize(settings); end; end
+       Mail.defaults do
+         delivery_method :smtp, :port => 999
+       end
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings[:address].should eq 'localhost'
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings[:port].should eq 999
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:address]).to eq 'localhost'
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:port]).to eq 999
+     end
+     it "should allow us to overwrite anything we need on POP3" do
+       Mail.defaults do
+         retriever_method :pop3, :address => 'foo.bar.com'
+       end
+-      Mail.retriever_method.settings[:address].should eq 'foo.bar.com'
+-      Mail.retriever_method.settings[:port].should eq 110
++      expect(Mail.retriever_method.settings[:address]).to eq 'foo.bar.com'
++      expect(Mail.retriever_method.settings[:port]).to eq 110
+     end
+     it "should allow you to pass in your own delivery method" do
+       Mail.defaults do
+         delivery_method MyDelivery
+       end
+-      Mail.delivery_method.class.should eq MyDelivery
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.class).to eq MyDelivery
+     end
+     it "should ask the custom delivery agent for its settings" do
+-      mock_my_delivery = mock(MyDelivery)
+-      mock_my_delivery.should_receive(:settings).and_return({:these_are => :settings})
+-      MyDelivery.should_receive(:new).and_return(mock_my_delivery)
++      mock_my_delivery = double(MyDelivery)
++      expect(mock_my_delivery).to receive(:settings).and_return({:these_are => :settings})
++      expect(MyDelivery).to receive(:new).and_return(mock_my_delivery)
+       Mail.defaults do
+         delivery_method MyDelivery
+       end
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings.should eql({:these_are => :settings})
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings).to eql({:these_are => :settings})
+     end
+     it "should allow you to pass in your own retriever method" do
+       Mail.defaults do
+         retriever_method MyRetriever
+       end
+-      Mail.retriever_method.class.should eq MyRetriever
++      expect(Mail.retriever_method.class).to eq MyRetriever
+     end
+     it "should ask the custom retriever agent for its settings" do
+-      mock_my_retriever = mock(MyRetriever)
+-      mock_my_retriever.should_receive(:settings).and_return({:these_are => :settings})
+-      MyRetriever.should_receive(:new).and_return(mock_my_retriever)
++      mock_my_retriever = double(MyRetriever)
++      expect(mock_my_retriever).to receive(:settings).and_return({:these_are => :settings})
++      expect(MyRetriever).to receive(:new).and_return(mock_my_retriever)
+       Mail.defaults do
+         retriever_method MyRetriever
+       end
+-      Mail.retriever_method.settings.should eql({:these_are => :settings})
++      expect(Mail.retriever_method.settings).to eql({:these_are => :settings})
+     end
+   end
+@@ -122,39 +122,39 @@ class MyRetriever; def initialize(settings); end; end
+     it "should copy the defaults defined by Mail.defaults" do
+       mail = Mail.new
+-      mail.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::SMTP
++      expect(mail.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::SMTP
+     end
+     it "should be able to change the delivery_method" do
+       mail = Mail.new
+       mail.delivery_method :file
+-      mail.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::FileDelivery
++      expect(mail.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::FileDelivery
+     end
+     it "should be able to change the delivery_method and pass in settings" do
+       mail = Mail.new
+       tmpdir = File.expand_path('../../../tmp/mail', __FILE__)
+       mail.delivery_method :file, :location => tmpdir
+-      mail.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::FileDelivery
+-      mail.delivery_method.settings.should eql({:location => tmpdir})
++      expect(mail.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::FileDelivery
++      expect(mail.delivery_method.settings).to eql({:location => tmpdir})
+     end
+     it "should not change the default when it changes the delivery_method" do
+       mail1 = Mail.new
+       mail2 = Mail.new
+       mail1.delivery_method :file
+-      Mail.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::SMTP
+-      mail1.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::FileDelivery
+-      mail2.delivery_method.class.should eq Mail::SMTP
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::SMTP
++      expect(mail1.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::FileDelivery
++      expect(mail2.delivery_method.class).to eq Mail::SMTP
+     end
+     it "should not change the default settings when it changes the delivery_method settings" do
+       mail1 = Mail.new
+       mail2 = Mail.new
+       mail1.delivery_method :smtp, :address => 'my.own.address'
+-      Mail.delivery_method.settings[:address].should eq 'localhost'
+-      mail1.delivery_method.settings[:address].should eq 'my.own.address'
+-      mail2.delivery_method.settings[:address].should eq 'localhost'
++      expect(Mail.delivery_method.settings[:address]).to eq 'localhost'
++      expect(mail1.delivery_method.settings[:address]).to eq 'my.own.address'
++      expect(mail2.delivery_method.settings[:address]).to eq 'localhost'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ class MyRetriever; def initialize(settings); end; end
+     it "should retrieve all emails via POP3" do
+       messages = Mail.all
+-      messages.should_not be_empty
++      expect(messages).not_to be_empty
+       for message in messages
+-        message.should be_instance_of(Mail::Message)
++        expect(message).to be_instance_of(Mail::Message)
+       end
+     end
+   end
+@@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ class MyRetriever; def initialize(settings); end; end
+         # add_file 'New Header Image', '/somefile.png'
+       end
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0].should eq message.encoded
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1].should eq "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2].should eq ["ada at test.lindsaar.net"]
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0]).to eq message.encoded
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1]).to eq "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2]).to eq ["ada at test.lindsaar.net"]
+     end
+     it "should deliver itself" do
+@@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ class MyRetriever; def initialize(settings); end; end
+       message.deliver!
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0].should eq message.encoded
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1].should eq "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
+-      MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2].should eq ["ada at test.lindsaar.net"]
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0]).to eq message.encoded
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][1]).to eq "mikel at test.lindsaar.net"
++      expect(MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2]).to eq ["ada at test.lindsaar.net"]
+     end
+   end
+@@ -246,48 +246,48 @@ def deliver_mail(mail)
+     describe "adding to Mail.deliveries" do
+       it "should add itself to the deliveries collection on mail on delivery" do
+-        doing { @message.deliver }.should change(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries, :size).by(1)
++        expect { @message.deliver }.to change(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries, :size).by(1)
+       end
+     end
+     describe "perform_deliveries" do
+       it "should call deliver! on the delivery method by default" do
+         delivery_agent = MyDeliveryMethod.new
+-        @message.should_receive(:delivery_method).and_return(delivery_agent)
+-        delivery_agent.should_receive(:deliver!).with(@message)
++        expect(@message).to receive(:delivery_method).and_return(delivery_agent)
++        expect(delivery_agent).to receive(:deliver!).with(@message)
+         @message.deliver
+       end
+       it "should not call deliver if perform deliveries is set to false" do
+         @message.perform_deliveries = false
+         delivery_agent = MyDeliveryMethod.new
+-        @message.should_not_receive(:delivery_method)
+-        delivery_agent.should_not_receive(:deliver!)
++        expect(@message).not_to receive(:delivery_method)
++        expect(delivery_agent).not_to receive(:deliver!)
+         @message.deliver
+       end
+       it "should add to the deliveries array if perform_deliveries is true" do
+         @message.perform_deliveries = true
+-        doing { @message.deliver }.should change(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries, :size).by(1)
++        expect { @message.deliver }.to change(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries, :size).by(1)
+       end
+       it "should not add to the deliveries array if perform_deliveries is false" do
+         @message.perform_deliveries = false
+-        doing { @message.deliver }.should_not change(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries, :size)
++        expect { @message.deliver }.not_to change(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries, :size)
+       end
+     end
+     describe "observers" do
+       it "should tell its observers that it was told to deliver an email" do
+         Mail.register_observer(MyObserver)
+-        MyObserver.should_receive(:delivered_email).with(@message).once
++        expect(MyObserver).to receive(:delivered_email).with(@message).once
+         @message.deliver
+       end
+       it "should tell its observers that it was told to deliver an email even if perform_deliveries is false" do
+         Mail.register_observer(MyObserver)
+         @message.perform_deliveries = false
+-        MyObserver.should_receive(:delivered_email).with(@message).once
++        expect(MyObserver).to receive(:delivered_email).with(@message).once
+         @message.deliver
+       end
+@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ def deliver_mail(mail)
+         Mail.register_observer(MyObserver)
+         @message.delivery_handler = MyYieldingDeliveryHandler.new
+         @message.perform_deliveries = false
+-        MyObserver.should_receive(:delivered_email).with(@message).once
++        expect(MyObserver).to receive(:delivered_email).with(@message).once
+         @message.deliver
+       end
+@@ -304,25 +304,25 @@ def deliver_mail(mail)
+     describe "raise_delivery_errors" do
+       it "should pass on delivery errors if raised" do
+         delivery_agent = MyDeliveryMethod.new
+-        @message.stub!(:delivery_method).and_return(delivery_agent)
+-        delivery_agent.stub!(:deliver!).and_raise(StandardError)
+-        doing { @message.deliver }.should raise_error(StandardError)
++        allow(@message).to receive(:delivery_method).and_return(delivery_agent)
++        allow(delivery_agent).to receive(:deliver!).and_raise(StandardError)
++        expect { @message.deliver }.to raise_error(StandardError)
+       end
+       it "should not pass on delivery errors if raised raise_delivery_errors is set to false" do
+         delivery_agent = MyDeliveryMethod.new
+-        @message.stub!(:delivery_method).and_return(delivery_agent)
++        allow(@message).to receive(:delivery_method).and_return(delivery_agent)
+         @message.raise_delivery_errors = false
+-        delivery_agent.stub!(:deliver!).and_raise(StandardError)
+-        doing { @message.deliver }.should_not raise_error(StandardError)
++        allow(delivery_agent).to receive(:deliver!).and_raise(StandardError)
++        expect { @message.deliver }.not_to raise_error
+       end
+       it "should pass through Exceptions even when raise_delivery_errors is set to false" do
+         delivery_agent = MyDeliveryMethod.new
+-        @message.stub!(:delivery_method).and_return(delivery_agent)
++        allow(@message).to receive(:delivery_method).and_return(delivery_agent)
+         @message.raise_delivery_errors = false
+-        delivery_agent.stub!(:deliver!).and_raise(Exception)
+-        doing { @message.deliver }.should raise_error(Exception)
++        allow(delivery_agent).to receive(:deliver!).and_raise(Exception)
++        expect { @message.deliver }.to raise_error(Exception)
+       end
+     end
+@@ -330,37 +330,37 @@ def deliver_mail(mail)
+       it "should allow you to hand off performing the actual delivery to another object" do
+         delivery_handler = MyYieldingDeliveryHandler.new
+-        delivery_handler.should_receive(:deliver_mail).with(@message).exactly(:once)
++        expect(delivery_handler).to receive(:deliver_mail).with(@message).exactly(:once)
+         @message.delivery_handler = delivery_handler
+         @message.deliver
+       end
+       it "mail should be told to :deliver once and then :deliver! once by the delivery handler" do
+         @message.delivery_handler = MyYieldingDeliveryHandler.new
+-        @message.should_receive(:do_delivery).exactly(:once)
++        expect(@message).to receive(:do_delivery).exactly(:once)
+         @message.deliver
+       end
+       it "mail only call its delivery_method once" do
+         @message.delivery_handler = MyYieldingDeliveryHandler.new
+-        @message.should_receive(:delivery_method).exactly(:once).and_return(Mail::TestMailer.new({}))
++        expect(@message).to receive(:delivery_method).exactly(:once).and_return(Mail::TestMailer.new({}))
+         @message.deliver
+       end
+       it "mail should not catch any exceptions when using a delivery_handler" do
+         @message.delivery_handler = MyYieldingDeliveryHandler.new
+-        @message.should_receive(:delivery_method).and_raise(Exception)
+-        doing { @message.deliver }.should raise_error(Exception)
++        expect(@message).to receive(:delivery_method).and_raise(Exception)
++        expect { @message.deliver }.to raise_error(Exception)
+       end
+       it "mail should not modify the Mail.deliveries object if using a delivery_handler that does not append to deliveries" do
+         @message.delivery_handler = MyDeliveryHandler.new
+-        doing { @message.deliver }.should_not change(Mail::TestMailer, :deliveries)
++        expect { @message.deliver }.not_to change(Mail::TestMailer, :deliveries)
+       end
+       it "should be able to just yield and let mail do its thing" do
+         @message.delivery_handler = MyYieldingDeliveryHandler.new
+-        @message.should_receive(:do_delivery).exactly(:once)
++        expect(@message).to receive(:do_delivery).exactly(:once)
+         @message.deliver
+       end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser_spec.rb b/spec/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser_spec.rb
+index c5be6d6..8693da1 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/parsers/address_lists_parser_spec.rb
+@@ -5,20 +5,20 @@
+   it "should parse an address" do
+     text = 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net>, Friends: test2 at lindsaar.net, Ada <test3 at lindsaar.net>;'
+     a = Mail::Parsers::AddressListsParser.new
+-    a.parse(text).should_not be_nil
++    expect(a.parse(text)).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should parse an address list separated by semicolons" do
+     text = 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net>; Friends: test2 at lindsaar.net; Ada <test3 at lindsaar.net>;'
+     a = Mail::Parsers::AddressListsParser.new
+-    a.parse(text).should_not be_nil
++    expect(a.parse(text)).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   context "parsing an address with a space at the end" do
+     it "only finds a single address" do
+       text = 'Mikel Lindsaar <test at lindsaar.net> '
+       a = Mail::Parsers::AddressListsParser.new
+-      a.parse(text).addresses.size.should eq 1
++      expect(a.parse(text).addresses.size).to eq 1
+     end
+   end
+@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
+       text = '(xxxx xxxxxx xxxx)ababab at example.com'
+       a = Mail::Parsers::AddressListsParser.new
+-      a.parse(text).addresses.size.should eq 1
+-      a.parse(text).addresses.first.local.should eq 'ababab'
++      expect(a.parse(text).addresses.size).to eq 1
++      expect(a.parse(text).addresses.first.local).to eq 'ababab'
+     end
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser_spec.rb b/spec/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser_spec.rb
+index 0d2527d..d5048d1 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/parsers/content_transfer_encoding_parser_spec.rb
+@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
+   it "should work" do
+     text = "quoted-printable"
+     a = Mail::Parsers::ContentTransferEncodingParser.new
+-    a.parse(text).error.should be_nil
+-    a.parse(text).encoding.should eq 'quoted-printable'
++    expect(a.parse(text).error).to be_nil
++    expect(a.parse(text).encoding).to eq 'quoted-printable'
+   end
+   describe "trailing semi colons" do
+@@ -15,29 +15,29 @@
+     it "should parse" do
+       text = "quoted-printable;"
+       a = Mail::Parsers::ContentTransferEncodingParser.new
+-      a.parse(text).error.should be_nil
+-      a.parse(text).encoding.should eq 'quoted-printable'
++      expect(a.parse(text).error).to be_nil
++      expect(a.parse(text).encoding).to eq 'quoted-printable'
+     end
+     it "should parse with pre white space" do
+       text = 'quoted-printable  ;'
+       a = Mail::Parsers::ContentTransferEncodingParser.new
+-      a.parse(text).error.should be_nil
+-      a.parse(text).encoding.should eq 'quoted-printable'
++      expect(a.parse(text).error).to be_nil
++      expect(a.parse(text).encoding).to eq 'quoted-printable'
+     end
+     it "should parse with trailing white space" do
+       text = 'quoted-printable; '
+       a = Mail::Parsers::ContentTransferEncodingParser.new
+-      a.parse(text).error.should be_nil
+-      a.parse(text).encoding.should eq 'quoted-printable'
++      expect(a.parse(text).error).to be_nil
++      expect(a.parse(text).encoding).to eq 'quoted-printable'
+     end
+     it "should parse with pre and trailing white space" do
+       text = 'quoted-printable  ;  '
+       a = Mail::Parsers::ContentTransferEncodingParser.new
+-      a.parse(text).error.should be_nil
+-      a.parse(text).encoding.should eq 'quoted-printable'
++      expect(a.parse(text).error).to be_nil
++      expect(a.parse(text).encoding).to eq 'quoted-printable'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
+     it "should work" do
+       text = 'x-my-token'
+       a = Mail::Parsers::ContentTransferEncodingParser.new
+-      a.parse(text).error.should be_nil
+-      a.parse(text).encoding.should eq 'x-my-token'
++      expect(a.parse(text).error).to be_nil
++      expect(a.parse(text).encoding).to eq 'x-my-token'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
+     %w(7bits 8bits 7-bit 8-bit).each do |mechanism|
+       it "should parse #{mechanism} variant" do
+         a = Mail::Parsers::ContentTransferEncodingParser.new
+-        a.parse(mechanism).error.should be_nil
+-        a.parse(mechanism).encoding.should eq mechanism
++        expect(a.parse(mechanism).error).to be_nil
++        expect(a.parse(mechanism).encoding).to eq mechanism
+       end
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/part_spec.rb b/spec/mail/part_spec.rb
+index e445587..0228c3e 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/part_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/part_spec.rb
+@@ -5,27 +5,27 @@
+   it "should not add a default Content-ID" do
+     part = Mail::Part.new
+     part.to_s
+-    part.content_id.should be_nil
++    expect(part.content_id).to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should not add a default Content-ID to non-inline attachments" do
+     part = Mail::Part.new(:content_disposition => 'attachment')
+     part.to_s
+-    part.content_id.should be_nil
++    expect(part.content_id).to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should add a default Content-ID to inline attachments" do
+     part = Mail::Part.new(:content_disposition => 'inline')
+     part.to_s
+-    part.content_id.should_not be_nil
++    expect(part.content_id).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should not add a Date, MIME-Version, or Message-ID" do
+     part = Mail::Part.new
+     part.to_s
+-    part.date.should be_nil
+-    part.mime_version.should be_nil
+-    part.message_id.should be_nil
++    expect(part.date).to be_nil
++    expect(part.mime_version).to be_nil
++    expect(part.message_id).to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should preserve any content id that you put into it" do
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
+       content_id "<thisis at acontentid>"
+       body "This is Text"
+     end
+-    part.content_id.should eq "<thisis at acontentid>"
++    expect(part.content_id).to eq "<thisis at acontentid>"
+   end
+   it "should return an inline content_id" do
+@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
+       content_id "<thisis at acontentid>"
+       body "This is Text"
+     end
+-    part.cid.should eq "thisis at acontentid"
+-    STDERR.should_receive(:puts).with("Part#inline_content_id is deprecated, please call Part#cid instead")
+-    part.inline_content_id.should eq "thisis at acontentid"
++    expect(part.cid).to eq "thisis at acontentid"
++    expect(STDERR).to receive(:puts).with("Part#inline_content_id is deprecated, please call Part#cid instead")
++    expect(part.inline_content_id).to eq "thisis at acontentid"
+   end
+@@ -52,24 +52,24 @@
+       content_id "<thi%%sis at acontentid>"
+       body "This is Text"
+     end
+-    part.cid.should eq "thi%25%25sis at acontentid"
+-    STDERR.should_receive(:puts).with("Part#inline_content_id is deprecated, please call Part#cid instead")
+-    part.inline_content_id.should eq "thi%25%25sis at acontentid"
++    expect(part.cid).to eq "thi%25%25sis at acontentid"
++    expect(STDERR).to receive(:puts).with("Part#inline_content_id is deprecated, please call Part#cid instead")
++    expect(part.inline_content_id).to eq "thi%25%25sis at acontentid"
+   end
+   it "should add a content_id if there is none and is asked for an inline_content_id" do
+     part = Mail::Part.new
+-    part.cid.should_not be_nil
+-    STDERR.should_receive(:puts).with("Part#inline_content_id is deprecated, please call Part#cid instead")
+-    part.inline_content_id.should_not be_nil
++    expect(part.cid).not_to be_nil
++    expect(STDERR).to receive(:puts).with("Part#inline_content_id is deprecated, please call Part#cid instead")
++    expect(part.inline_content_id).not_to be_nil
+   end
+   it "should respond correctly to inline?" do
+     part = Mail::Part.new(:content_disposition => 'attachment')
+-    part.should_not be_inline
++    expect(part).not_to be_inline
+     part = Mail::Part.new(:content_disposition => 'inline')
+-    part.should be_inline
++    expect(part).to be_inline
+   end
+@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
+ dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
+ believed to be clean.
+-      STDERR.should_not_receive(:puts)
++      expect(STDERR).not_to receive(:puts)
+       Mail::Part.new(part)
+     end
+   end
+@@ -123,39 +123,39 @@
+     end
+     it "should know if it is a delivery-status report" do
+-      @delivery_report.should be_delivery_status_report_part
++      expect(@delivery_report).to be_delivery_status_report_part
+     end
+     it "should create a delivery_status_data header object" do
+-      @delivery_report.delivery_status_data.should_not be_nil
++      expect(@delivery_report.delivery_status_data).not_to be_nil
+     end
+     it "should be bounced" do
+-      @delivery_report.should be_bounced
++      expect(@delivery_report).to be_bounced
+     end
+     it "should say action 'delayed'" do
+-      @delivery_report.action.should eq 'failed'
++      expect(@delivery_report.action).to eq 'failed'
+     end
+     it "should give a final recipient" do
+-      @delivery_report.final_recipient.should eq 'RFC822; edwin at zzzzzzz.com'
++      expect(@delivery_report.final_recipient).to eq 'RFC822; edwin at zzzzzzz.com'
+     end
+     it "should give an error code" do
+-      @delivery_report.error_status.should eq '5.3.0'
++      expect(@delivery_report.error_status).to eq '5.3.0'
+     end
+     it "should give a diagostic code" do
+-      @delivery_report.diagnostic_code.should eq 'SMTP; 553 5.3.0 <edwin at zzzzzzz.com>... Unknown E-Mail Address'
++      expect(@delivery_report.diagnostic_code).to eq 'SMTP; 553 5.3.0 <edwin at zzzzzzz.com>... Unknown E-Mail Address'
+     end
+     it "should give a remote-mta" do
+-      @delivery_report.remote_mta.should eq 'DNS; mail.zzzzzz.com'
++      expect(@delivery_report.remote_mta).to eq 'DNS; mail.zzzzzz.com'
+     end
+     it "should be retryable" do
+-      @delivery_report.should_not be_retryable
++      expect(@delivery_report).not_to be_retryable
+     end
+   end
+@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@
+     plain_text = "First Line\n\nSecond Line\n\nThird Line\n\n"
+     #Note: trailing \n\n is stripped off by Mail::Part initialization
+     part = Mail::Part.new(plain_text)
+-    part[:content_type].content_type.should eq 'text/plain'
+-    part.to_s.should match(/^First Line\r\n\r\nSecond Line\r\n\r\nThird Line/)
++    expect(part[:content_type].content_type).to eq 'text/plain'
++    expect(part.to_s).to match(/^First Line\r\n\r\nSecond Line\r\n\r\nThird Line/)
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/parts_list_spec.rb b/spec/mail/parts_list_spec.rb
+index 6d10fd4..9b38cdc 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/parts_list_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/parts_list_spec.rb
+@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
+     p = Mail::PartsList.new
+     p << 2
+     p << 1
+-    p.sort.class.should eq Mail::PartsList
++    expect(p.sort.class).to eq Mail::PartsList
+   end
+   it "should not fail if we do not have a content_type" do
+@@ -32,6 +32,6 @@
+     p << no_content_type_part
+     p << plain_text_part
+     p << html_text_part
+-    p.sort!(order).should eq [plain_text_part, html_text_part, no_content_type_part]
++    expect(p.sort!(order)).to eq [plain_text_part, html_text_part, no_content_type_part]
+   end
+ end
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/spec/mail/round_tripping_spec.rb b/spec/mail/round_tripping_spec.rb
+index a3e0fd0..140ecc0 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/round_tripping_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/round_tripping_spec.rb
+@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
+     mail = Mail.new('Subject: FooBar')
+     mail.body "This is Text"
+     parsed_mail = Mail.new(mail.to_s)
+-    parsed_mail.subject.to_s.should eq "FooBar"
+-    parsed_mail.body.to_s.should eq "This is Text"
++    expect(parsed_mail.subject.to_s).to eq "FooBar"
++    expect(parsed_mail.body.to_s).to eq "This is Text"
+   end
+   it "should round trip a html multipart email" do
+@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
+       body "<b>This is HTML</b>"
+     end
+     parsed_mail = Mail.new(mail.to_s)
+-    parsed_mail.mime_type.should eq 'multipart/alternative'
+-    parsed_mail.boundary.should eq mail.boundary
+-    parsed_mail.parts.length.should eq 2
+-    parsed_mail.parts[0].body.to_s.should eq "This is Text"
+-    parsed_mail.parts[1].body.to_s.should eq "<b>This is HTML</b>"
++    expect(parsed_mail.mime_type).to eq 'multipart/alternative'
++    expect(parsed_mail.boundary).to eq mail.boundary
++    expect(parsed_mail.parts.length).to eq 2
++    expect(parsed_mail.parts[0].body.to_s).to eq "This is Text"
++    expect(parsed_mail.parts[1].body.to_s).to eq "<b>This is HTML</b>"
+   end
+   it "should round trip an email" do
+@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
+       date      Time.local(2009, 11, 6)
+       add_file  :filename => "foo.txt", :content => "I have \ntwo lines\n\n"
+     end
+-    Mail.new(initial.encoded).encoded.should eq initial.encoded
++    expect(Mail.new(initial.encoded).encoded).to eq initial.encoded
+   end
+   it "should round trip attachment newlines" do
+     body = "I have \ntwo lines\n\n"
+     initial = Mail.new
+     initial.add_file :filename => "foo.txt", :content => body
+-    Mail.new(initial.encoded).attachments.first.decoded.should eq body
++    expect(Mail.new(initial.encoded).attachments.first.decoded).to eq body
+   end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/utilities_spec.rb b/spec/mail/utilities_spec.rb
+index 16eb383..f7930b3 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/utilities_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/utilities_spec.rb
+@@ -9,31 +9,31 @@
+     describe "checking" do
+       it "should return true if a string is token safe" do
+-        token_safe?('.abc').should be_true
++        expect(token_safe?('.abc')).to be_truthy
+       end
+       it "should return false if a string is token safe" do
+-        token_safe?('?=abc').should be_false
++        expect(token_safe?('?=abc')).to be_falsey
+       end
+       it "should work with mb_chars" do
+-        token_safe?('.abc'.mb_chars).should be_true
+-        token_safe?('?=abc'.mb_chars).should be_false
++        expect(token_safe?('.abc'.mb_chars)).to be_truthy
++        expect(token_safe?('?=abc'.mb_chars)).to be_falsey
+       end
+     end
+     describe "quoting" do
+       it "should return true if a string is token safe" do
+-        quote_token('.abc').should eq '.abc'
++        expect(quote_token('.abc')).to eq '.abc'
+       end
+       it "should return false if a string is token safe" do
+-        quote_token('?=abc').should eq '"?=abc"'
++        expect(quote_token('?=abc')).to eq '"?=abc"'
+       end
+       it "should work with mb_chars" do
+-        quote_token('.abc'.mb_chars).should eq '.abc'
+-        quote_token('?=abc'.mb_chars).should eq '"?=abc"'
++        expect(quote_token('.abc'.mb_chars)).to eq '.abc'
++        expect(quote_token('?=abc'.mb_chars)).to eq '"?=abc"'
+       end
+     end
+@@ -43,41 +43,41 @@
+     describe "checking" do
+       it "should return true if a string is token safe" do
+-        atom_safe?('?=abc').should be_true
++        expect(atom_safe?('?=abc')).to be_truthy
+       end
+       it "should return false if a string is token safe" do
+-        atom_safe?('.abc').should be_false
++        expect(atom_safe?('.abc')).to be_falsey
+       end
+       it "should work with mb_chars" do
+-        atom_safe?('?=abc'.mb_chars).should be_true
+-        atom_safe?('.abc'.mb_chars).should be_false
++        expect(atom_safe?('?=abc'.mb_chars)).to be_truthy
++        expect(atom_safe?('.abc'.mb_chars)).to be_falsey
+       end
+     end
+     describe "quoting" do
+       it "should return true if a string is token safe" do
+-        quote_atom('?=abc').should eq '?=abc'
++        expect(quote_atom('?=abc')).to eq '?=abc'
+       end
+       it "should return false if a string is token safe" do
+-        quote_atom('.abc').should eq '".abc"'
++        expect(quote_atom('.abc')).to eq '".abc"'
+       end
+       it "should work with mb_chars" do
+-        quote_atom('?=abc'.mb_chars).should eq '?=abc'
+-        quote_atom('.abc'.mb_chars).should eq '".abc"'
++        expect(quote_atom('?=abc'.mb_chars)).to eq '?=abc'
++        expect(quote_atom('.abc'.mb_chars)).to eq '".abc"'
+       end
+       it "should work with mb_chars" do
+-        quote_atom('?=abc'.mb_chars).should eq '?=abc'
+-        quote_atom('.abc'.mb_chars).should eq '".abc"'
++        expect(quote_atom('?=abc'.mb_chars)).to eq '?=abc'
++        expect(quote_atom('.abc'.mb_chars)).to eq '".abc"'
+       end
+       it "should quote white space" do
+-        quote_atom('ab abc'.mb_chars).should eq '"ab abc"'
+-        quote_atom("a\sb\ta\r\nbc".mb_chars).should eq %{"a\sb\ta\r\nbc"}
++        expect(quote_atom('ab abc'.mb_chars)).to eq '"ab abc"'
++        expect(quote_atom("a\sb\ta\r\nbc".mb_chars)).to eq %{"a\sb\ta\r\nbc"}
+       end
+     end
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
+           quote_phrase(input_str)
+-          input_str.encoding.should eq input_str_encoding
++          expect(input_str.encoding).to eq input_str_encoding
+         end
+       end
+@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
+           quote_phrase(input_str)
+-          input_str.encoding.should eq input_str_encoding
++          expect(input_str.encoding).to eq input_str_encoding
+         end
+       end
+     end
+@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
+     it "should escape parens" do
+       test = 'This is not (escaped)'
+       result = 'This is not \(escaped\)'
+-      escape_paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(escape_paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should not double escape parens" do
+       test = 'This is not \(escaped\)'
+       result = 'This is not \(escaped\)'
+-      escape_paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(escape_paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should escape all parens" do
+       test = 'This is not \()escaped(\)'
+       result = 'This is not \(\)escaped\(\)'
+-      escape_paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(escape_paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+   end
+@@ -135,25 +135,25 @@
+     it "should work" do
+       test = '(This is a string)'
+       result = 'This is a string'
+-      unparen(test).should eq result
++      expect(unparen(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should work without parens" do
+       test = 'This is a string'
+       result = 'This is a string'
+-      unparen(test).should eq result
++      expect(unparen(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should work using ActiveSupport mb_chars" do
+       test = '(This is a string)'.mb_chars
+       result = 'This is a string'
+-      unparen(test).should eq result
++      expect(unparen(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should work without parens using ActiveSupport mb_chars" do
+       test = 'This is a string'.mb_chars
+       result = 'This is a string'
+-      unparen(test).should eq result
++      expect(unparen(test)).to eq result
+     end
+   end
+@@ -163,25 +163,25 @@
+     it "should work" do
+       test = '<This is a string>'
+       result = 'This is a string'
+-      unbracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(unbracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should work without brackets" do
+       test = 'This is a string'
+       result = 'This is a string'
+-      unbracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(unbracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should work using ActiveSupport mb_chars" do
+       test = '<This is a string>'.mb_chars
+       result = 'This is a string'
+-      unbracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(unbracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should work without parens using ActiveSupport mb_chars" do
+       test = 'This is a string'.mb_chars
+       result = 'This is a string'
+-      unbracket(test).should eq(result)
++      expect(unbracket(test)).to eq(result)
+     end
+   end
+@@ -190,51 +190,51 @@
+     it "should quote a phrase if it is unsafe" do
+       test = 'this.needs quoting'
+       result = '"this.needs quoting"'
+-      dquote(test).should eq result
++      expect(dquote(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should properly quote a string, even if quoted but not escaped properly" do
+       test = '"this needs "escaping"'
+       result = '"this needs \"escaping"'
+-      dquote(test).should eq result
++      expect(dquote(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should quote correctly a phrase with an escaped quote in it" do
+       test = 'this needs \"quoting'
+       result = '"this needs \\\\\\"quoting"'
+-      dquote(test).should eq result
++      expect(dquote(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should quote correctly a phrase with an escaped backslash followed by an escaped quote in it" do
+       test = 'this needs \\\"quoting'
+       result = '"this needs \\\\\\\\\\"quoting"'
+-      dquote(test).should eq result
++      expect(dquote(test)).to eq result
+     end
+   end
+   describe "unquoting phrases" do
+     it "should remove quotes from the edge" do
+-      unquote('"This is quoted"').should eq 'This is quoted'
++      expect(unquote('"This is quoted"')).to eq 'This is quoted'
+     end
+     it "should remove backslash escaping from quotes" do
+-      unquote('"This is \\"quoted\\""').should eq 'This is "quoted"'
++      expect(unquote('"This is \\"quoted\\""')).to eq 'This is "quoted"'
+     end
+     it "should remove backslash escaping from any char" do
+-      unquote('"This is \\quoted"').should eq 'This is quoted'
++      expect(unquote('"This is \\quoted"')).to eq 'This is quoted'
+     end
+     it "should be able to handle unquoted strings" do
+-      unquote('This is not quoted').should eq 'This is not quoted'
++      expect(unquote('This is not quoted')).to eq 'This is not quoted'
+     end
+     it "should preserve backslashes in unquoted strings" do
+-      unquote('This is not \"quoted').should eq 'This is not \"quoted'
++      expect(unquote('This is not \"quoted')).to eq 'This is not \"quoted'
+     end
+     it "should be able to handle unquoted quotes" do
+-      unquote('"This is "quoted"').should eq 'This is "quoted'
++      expect(unquote('"This is "quoted"')).to eq 'This is "quoted'
+     end
+   end
+@@ -243,61 +243,61 @@
+     it "should parenthesize a phrase" do
+       test = 'this.needs parenthesizing'
+       result = '(this.needs parenthesizing)'
+-      paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should properly parenthesize a string, and escape properly" do
+       test = 'this needs (escaping'
+       result = '(this needs \(escaping)'
+-      paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should properly parenthesize a string, and escape properly (other way)" do
+       test = 'this needs )escaping'
+       result = '(this needs \)escaping)'
+-      paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should properly parenthesize a string, even if parenthesized but not escaped properly" do
+       test = '(this needs (escaping)'
+       result = '(this needs \(escaping)'
+-      paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should properly parenthesize a string, even if parenthesized but not escaped properly (other way)" do
+       test = '(this needs )escaping)'
+       result = '(this needs \)escaping)'
+-      paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should parenthesize correctly a phrase with an escaped parentheses in it" do
+       test = 'this needs \(parenthesizing'
+       result = '(this needs \(parenthesizing)'
+-      paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should parenthesize correctly a phrase with an escaped parentheses in it (other way)" do
+       test = 'this needs \)parenthesizing'
+       result = '(this needs \)parenthesizing)'
+-      paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should parenthesize correctly a phrase with an escaped backslash followed by an escaped parentheses in it" do
+       test = 'this needs \\\(parenthesizing'
+       result = '(this needs \\\(parenthesizing)'
+-      paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should parenthesize correctly a phrase with an escaped backslash followed by an escaped parentheses in it (other way)" do
+       test = 'this needs \\\)parenthesizing'
+       result = '(this needs \\\)parenthesizing)'
+-      paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should parenthesize correctly a phrase with a set of parentheses" do
+       test = 'this (needs) parenthesizing'
+       result = '(this \(needs\) parenthesizing)'
+-      paren(test).should eq result
++      expect(paren(test)).to eq result
+     end
+   end
+@@ -307,61 +307,61 @@
+     it "should bracketize a phrase" do
+       test = 'this.needs bracketizing'
+       result = '<this.needs bracketizing>'
+-      bracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(bracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should properly bracketize a string, and escape properly" do
+       test = 'this needs <escaping'
+       result = '<this needs \<escaping>'
+-      bracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(bracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should properly bracketize a string, and escape properly (other way)" do
+       test = 'this needs >escaping'
+       result = '<this needs \>escaping>'
+-      bracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(bracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should properly bracketize a string, even if bracketized but not escaped properly" do
+       test = '<this needs <escaping>'
+       result = '<this needs \<escaping>'
+-      bracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(bracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should properly bracketize a string, even if bracketized but not escaped properly (other way)" do
+       test = '<this needs >escaping>'
+       result = '<this needs \>escaping>'
+-      bracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(bracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should bracketize correctly a phrase with an escaped brackets in it" do
+       test = 'this needs \<bracketizing'
+       result = '<this needs \<bracketizing>'
+-      bracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(bracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should bracketize correctly a phrase with an escaped brackets in it (other way)" do
+       test = 'this needs \>bracketizing'
+       result = '<this needs \>bracketizing>'
+-      bracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(bracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should bracketize correctly a phrase with an escaped backslash followed by an escaped brackets in it" do
+       test = 'this needs \\\<bracketizing'
+       result = '<this needs \\\<bracketizing>'
+-      bracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(bracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should bracketize correctly a phrase with an escaped backslash followed by an escaped brackets in it (other way)" do
+       test = 'this needs \\\>bracketizing'
+       result = '<this needs \\\>bracketizing>'
+-      bracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(bracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+     it "should bracketize correctly a phrase with a set of brackets" do
+       test = 'this <needs> bracketizing'
+       result = '<this \<needs\> bracketizing>'
+-      bracket(test).should eq result
++      expect(bracket(test)).to eq result
+     end
+   end
+@@ -370,11 +370,11 @@
+     uri_parser = URI.const_defined?(:Parser) ? URI::Parser.new : URI
+     it "should have a wrapper on URI.escape" do
+-      uri_escape("@?@!").should eq uri_parser.escape("@?@!")
++      expect(uri_escape("@?@!")).to eq uri_parser.escape("@?@!")
+     end
+     it "should have a wrapper on URI.unescape" do
+-      uri_unescape("@?@!").should eq uri_parser.unescape("@?@!")
++      expect(uri_unescape("@?@!")).to eq uri_parser.unescape("@?@!")
+     end
+   end
+diff --git a/spec/mail/version_specific/escape_paren_1_8_spec.rb b/spec/mail/version_specific/escape_paren_1_8_spec.rb
+index 50b90f7..e5d433f 100644
+--- a/spec/mail/version_specific/escape_paren_1_8_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/mail/version_specific/escape_paren_1_8_spec.rb
+@@ -5,24 +5,24 @@
+   describe "string ascii detection" do
+     it "should say it is US-ASCII only if it is" do
+-      "abc".should be_ascii_only
++      expect("abc").to be_ascii_only
+     end
+     it "should not say it is US-ASCII only if it isn't" do
+-      "かきくけこ".should_not be_ascii_only
++      expect("かきくけこ").not_to be_ascii_only
+     end
+     it "should not say it is US-ASCII only if it is a mix" do
+-      "abcかきくけこ123".should_not be_ascii_only
++      expect("abcかきくけこ123").not_to be_ascii_only
+     end
+     it "should handle edge cases" do
+       ["\x00", "\x01", "\x40", "\x7f", "\x73"].each do |str|
+-        str.should be_ascii_only
++        expect(str).to be_ascii_only
+       end
+       ["\x81", "\x99", "\xFF"].each do |str|
+-        str.should_not be_ascii_only
++        expect(str).not_to be_ascii_only
+       end
+     end
+diff --git a/spec/matchers_spec.rb b/spec/matchers_spec.rb
+index d100308..627bda8 100644
+--- a/spec/matchers_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/matchers_spec.rb
+@@ -34,118 +34,118 @@ def send_test_email
+     context "when no e-mail has been sent" do
+       before(:each) do
+         Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.clear
+-        Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.should be_empty
++        expect(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries).to be_empty
+       end
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email }
+     end
+     context "when e-mail has been sent" do
+       before(:each) do
+         send_test_email
+-        Mail::TestMailer.deliveries.should_not be_empty
++        expect(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries).not_to be_empty
+       end
+-      it { should have_sent_email }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email }
+     end
+   end
+   context "with #from" do
+     context "and a matching sender" do
+-      it { should have_sent_email.from('phil at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.from('phil at example.com') }
+     end
+     context "and a non-matching sender" do
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.from('sven at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.from('sven at example.com') }
+     end
+   end
+   context "with #to" do
+     context "and a matching recipient" do
+-      it { should have_sent_email.to('bob at example.com') }
+-      it { should have_sent_email.to('fred at example.com') }
+-      it { should have_sent_email.to('bob at example.com').to('fred at example.com') }
+-      it { should have_sent_email.to(['bob at example.com', 'fred at example.com']) }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.to('bob at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.to('fred at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.to('bob at example.com').to('fred at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.to(['bob at example.com', 'fred at example.com']) }
+     end
+     context "and a non-matching recipient" do
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.to('sven at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.to('sven at example.com') }
+     end
+   end
+   context "with #cc" do
+     context "and a matching recipient" do
+-      it { should have_sent_email.cc('mom at example.com') }
+-      it { should have_sent_email.cc('dad at example.com') }
+-      it { should have_sent_email.cc('mom at example.com').cc('dad at example.com') }
+-      it { should have_sent_email.cc(['mom at example.com', 'dad at example.com']) }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.cc('mom at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.cc('dad at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.cc('mom at example.com').cc('dad at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.cc(['mom at example.com', 'dad at example.com']) }
+     end
+     context "and a non-matching recipient" do
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.cc('granny at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.cc('granny at example.com') }
+     end
+   end
+   context "with #bcc" do
+     context "and a matching recipient" do
+-      it { should have_sent_email.bcc('alice at example.com') }
+-      it { should have_sent_email.bcc('sue at example.com') }
+-      it { should have_sent_email.bcc('alice at example.com').bcc('sue at example.com') }
+-      it { should have_sent_email.bcc(['alice at example.com', 'sue at example.com']) }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.bcc('alice at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.bcc('sue at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.bcc('alice at example.com').bcc('sue at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.bcc(['alice at example.com', 'sue at example.com']) }
+     end
+     context "and a non-matching recipient" do
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.bcc('mario at example.com') }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.bcc('mario at example.com') }
+     end
+   end
+   context "with #subject" do
+     context "and a matching subject" do
+-      it { should have_sent_email.with_subject('The facts you requested') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.with_subject('The facts you requested') }
+     end
+     context "and a non-matching subject" do
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.with_subject('facts you requested') }
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.with_subject('the facts you') }
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.with_subject('outright lies') }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.with_subject('facts you requested') }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.with_subject('the facts you') }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.with_subject('outright lies') }
+     end
+   end
+   context "with #subject_matching" do
+     context "and a matching subject" do
+-      it { should have_sent_email.matching_subject(/(facts|fiction) you requested/) }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.matching_subject(/(facts|fiction) you requested/) }
+     end
+     context "and a non-matching subject" do
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.matching_subject(/The \d+ facts you requested/) }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.matching_subject(/The \d+ facts you requested/) }
+     end
+   end
+   context "with #with_body" do
+     context "and a matching body" do
+-      it { should have_sent_email.with_body('Here are the facts you requested. One-onethousand, two-onethousand.') }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.with_body('Here are the facts you requested. One-onethousand, two-onethousand.') }
+     end
+     context "and a non-matching body" do
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.with_body('Here are the facts you requested.') }
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.with_body('are the facts you requested. One-onethousand') }
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.with_body('Be kind to your web-footed friends, for a duck may be somebody\'s mother') }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.with_body('Here are the facts you requested.') }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.with_body('are the facts you requested. One-onethousand') }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.with_body('Be kind to your web-footed friends, for a duck may be somebody\'s mother') }
+     end
+   end
+   context "with #matching_body" do
+     context "and a matching body" do
+-      it { should have_sent_email.matching_body(/one-?one(hundred|thousand)/i) }
++      it { is_expected.to have_sent_email.matching_body(/one-?one(hundred|thousand)/i) }
+     end
+     context "and a non-matching body" do
+-      it { should_not have_sent_email.matching_body(/\d+-onethousand/) }
++      it { is_expected.not_to have_sent_email.matching_body(/\d+-onethousand/) }
+     end
+   end
+   context "with a huge chain of modifiers" do
+     it do
+-      should have_sent_email.
++      is_expected.to have_sent_email.
+              from('phil at example.com').
+              to('bob at example.com').
+              to('fred at example.com').
+diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
+index 0c9552b..6f5e2a0 100644
+--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
++++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
+@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ def fixture(*name)
+   File.join(SPEC_ROOT, 'fixtures', name)
+ end
+-alias doing lambda
+ # Produces an array or printable ascii by default.
+ #
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index 8f35f4c..21e4a5e 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1 +1,2 @@

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