[DRE-commits] [ruby-cookiejar] 02/03: Added upstream patch for RSpec 3 (Closes: #795781)
Jonas Genannt
genannt at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Aug 19 10:29:59 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
genannt pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-cookiejar.
commit ef242614c73afe46e26bc41605686b01dcbe0554
Author: Jonas Genannt <jonas at brachium-system.net>
Date: Wed Aug 19 12:31:59 2015 +0200
Added upstream patch for RSpec 3 (Closes: #795781)
debian/patches/rspec299.patch | 109 +++++++
debian/patches/rspec3.patch | 724 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
debian/patches/series | 2 +
3 files changed, 835 insertions(+)
diff --git a/debian/patches/rspec299.patch b/debian/patches/rspec299.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d94057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/rspec299.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+From 60893dfad70d5a410621ee8ceed39845929870cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Waite <david at alkaline-solutions.com>
+Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 00:08:07 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] Updated to rspec 2.99
+Bug: https://github.com/dwaite/cookiejar/commit/60893dfad70d5a410621ee8ceed39845929870cd.patch
+diff --git a/spec/cookie_spec.rb b/spec/cookie_spec.rb
+index 515b75f..dcd2acd 100644
+--- a/spec/cookie_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/cookie_spec.rb
+@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
+-require 'cookiejar'
+-require 'rubygems'
++require 'spec_helper'
+ include CookieJar
+@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@
+ it "should accept secure cookies" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'https://www.google.com/a/blah', 'GALX=RgmSftjnbPM;Path=/a/;Secure'
+ cookie.name.should == 'GALX'
+- cookie.secure.should be_true
++ cookie.secure.should be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#from_set_cookie2" do
+@@ -62,7 +61,7 @@
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'https://www.google.com/a/blah', 'GALX=RgmSftjnbPM;Path="/a/";Secure;Version=1'
+ cookie.name.should == 'GALX'
+ cookie.path.should == '/a/'
+- cookie.secure.should be_true
++ cookie.secure.should be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should fail on unquoted paths" do
+ lambda do
+@@ -141,8 +140,8 @@
+ describe '#should_send?' do
+ it "should not send if ports do not match" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'f=b;Version=1;Port="80"'
+- cookie.should_send?("http://localhost/", false).should be_true
+- cookie.should_send?("https://localhost/", false).should be_false
++ cookie.should_send?("http://localhost/", false).should be_truthy
++ cookie.should_send?("https://localhost/", false).should be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+diff --git a/spec/cookie_validation_spec.rb b/spec/cookie_validation_spec.rb
+index b66fbdd..3d0f841 100644
+--- a/spec/cookie_validation_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/cookie_validation_spec.rb
+@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
+-require 'cookiejar'
+-require 'rubygems'
++require 'spec_helper'
+ include CookieJar
+ describe CookieValidation do
+@@ -56,23 +55,23 @@
+ end
+ it "should handle a normal implicit internet cookie" do
+ normal = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://foo.com/', 'foo=bar'
+- CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', normal).should be_true
++ CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', normal).should be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should handle a normal implicit localhost cookie" do
+ localhost = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://localhost/', 'foo=bar'
+- CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://localhost/', localhost).should be_true
++ CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://localhost/', localhost).should be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should handle an implicit IP address cookie" do
+ ipaddr = Cookie.from_set_cookie '', 'foo=bar'
+- CookieValidation.validate_cookie('', ipaddr).should be_true
++ CookieValidation.validate_cookie('', ipaddr).should be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should handle an explicit domain on an internet site" do
+ explicit = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://foo.com/', 'foo=bar;domain=.foo.com'
+- CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', explicit).should be_true
++ CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', explicit).should be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should handle setting a cookie explicitly on a superdomain" do
+ superdomain = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://auth.foo.com/', 'foo=bar;domain=.foo.com'
+- CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', superdomain).should be_true
++ CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', superdomain).should be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should handle explicitly setting a cookie" do
+ explicit = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://foo.com/bar/', 'foo=bar;path=/bar/'
+diff --git a/spec/jar_spec.rb b/spec/jar_spec.rb
+index 19d0b4e..e570624 100644
+--- a/spec/jar_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/jar_spec.rb
+@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
+-require 'cookiejar'
+-require 'yaml'
+-require 'rubygems'
++require 'spec_helper'
+ include CookieJar
+diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..ed6be3c
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
+@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
++require 'cookiejar'
++require 'rubygems'
++require 'rspec'
++require 'rspec/collection_matchers'
++require 'yaml'
diff --git a/debian/patches/rspec3.patch b/debian/patches/rspec3.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92ce2db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/rspec3.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+From 80604ebc4d9bda071c1d34a2aba86b7aba56f2bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: David Waite <david at alkaline-solutions.com>
+Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 11:30:34 -0600
+Subject: [PATCH] upgrade to rspec 3
+Bug: https://github.com/dwaite/cookiejar/commit/80604ebc4d9bda071c1d34a2aba86b7aba56f2bd.patch
+diff --git a/spec/cookie_spec.rb b/spec/cookie_spec.rb
+index dcd2acd..1aba724 100644
+--- a/spec/cookie_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/cookie_spec.rb
+@@ -26,122 +26,122 @@
+ end
+ it "should give back the input names and values" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://localhost/', 'foo=bar'
+- cookie.name.should == 'foo'
+- cookie.value.should == 'bar'
++ expect(cookie.name).to eq 'foo'
++ expect(cookie.value).to eq 'bar'
+ end
+ it "should normalize domain names" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://localhost/', 'foo=Bar;domain=LoCaLHoSt.local'
+- cookie.domain.should == '.localhost.local'
++ expect(cookie.domain).to eq '.localhost.local'
+ end
+ it "should accept non-normalized .local" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://localhost/', 'foo=bar;domain=.local'
+- cookie.domain.should == '.local'
++ expect(cookie.domain).to eq '.local'
+ end
+ it "should accept secure cookies" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'https://www.google.com/a/blah', 'GALX=RgmSftjnbPM;Path=/a/;Secure'
+- cookie.name.should == 'GALX'
+- cookie.secure.should be_truthy
++ expect(cookie.name).to eq 'GALX'
++ expect(cookie.secure).to be_truthy
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#from_set_cookie2" do
+ it "should give back the input names and values" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'foo=bar;Version=1'
+- cookie.name.should == 'foo'
+- cookie.value.should == 'bar'
++ expect(cookie.name).to eq 'foo'
++ expect(cookie.value).to eq 'bar'
+ end
+ it "should normalize domain names" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'foo=Bar;domain=LoCaLHoSt.local;Version=1'
+- cookie.domain.should == '.localhost.local'
++ expect(cookie.domain).to eq '.localhost.local'
+ end
+ it "should accept non-normalized .local" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'foo=bar;domain=.local;Version=1'
+- cookie.domain.should == '.local'
++ expect(cookie.domain).to eq '.local'
+ end
+ it "should accept secure cookies" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'https://www.google.com/a/blah', 'GALX=RgmSftjnbPM;Path="/a/";Secure;Version=1'
+- cookie.name.should == 'GALX'
+- cookie.path.should == '/a/'
+- cookie.secure.should be_truthy
++ expect(cookie.name).to eq 'GALX'
++ expect(cookie.path).to eq '/a/'
++ expect(cookie.secure).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should fail on unquoted paths" do
+- lambda do
++ expect(lambda do
+ Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'https://www.google.com/a/blah',
+ 'GALX=RgmSftjnbPM;Path=/a/;Secure;Version=1'
+- end.should raise_error InvalidCookieError
++ end).to raise_error InvalidCookieError
+ end
+ it "should accept quoted values" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'foo="bar";Version=1'
+- cookie.name.should == 'foo'
+- cookie.value.should == '"bar"'
++ expect(cookie.name).to eq 'foo'
++ expect(cookie.value).to eq '"bar"'
+ end
+ it "should accept poorly chosen names" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'Version=mine;Version=1'
+- cookie.name.should == 'Version'
+- cookie.value.should == 'mine'
++ expect(cookie.name).to eq 'Version'
++ expect(cookie.value).to eq 'mine'
+ end
+ it "should accept quoted parameter values" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'foo=bar;Version="1"'
+ end
+ it "should honor the discard and max-age parameters" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'f=b;max-age=100;discard;Version=1'
+- cookie.should be_session
+- cookie.should_not be_expired
++ expect(cookie).to be_session
++ expect(cookie).to_not be_expired
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'f=b;max-age=100;Version=1'
+- cookie.should_not be_session
++ expect(cookie).to_not be_session
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'f=b;Version=1'
+- cookie.should be_session
++ expect(cookie).to be_session
+ end
+ it "should handle quotable quotes" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'f="\"";Version=1'
+- cookie.value.should eql '"\""'
++ expect(cookie.value).to eq '"\""'
+ end
+ it "should handle quotable apostrophes" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'f="\;";Version=1'
+- cookie.value.should eql '"\;"'
++ expect(cookie.value).to eq '"\;"'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#decoded_value' do
+ it "should leave normal values alone" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'f=b;Version=1'
+- cookie.decoded_value.should eql 'b'
++ expect(cookie.decoded_value).to eq 'b'
+ end
+ it "should attempt to unencode quoted values" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'f="\"b";Version=1'
+- cookie.value.should eql '"\"b"'
+- cookie.decoded_value.should eql '"b'
++ expect(cookie.value).to eq '"\"b"'
++ expect(cookie.decoded_value).to eq '"b'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#to_s' do
+ it "should handle a simple cookie" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://localhost/', 'f=b'
+- cookie.to_s.should == 'f=b'
+- cookie.to_s(1).should == '$Version=0;f=b;$Path="/"'
++ expect(cookie.to_s).to eq 'f=b'
++ expect(cookie.to_s(1)).to eq '$Version=0;f=b;$Path="/"'
+ end
+ it "should report an explicit domain" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'f=b;Version=1;Domain=.local'
+- cookie.to_s(1).should == '$Version=1;f=b;$Path="/";$Domain=.local'
++ expect(cookie.to_s(1)).to eq '$Version=1;f=b;$Path="/";$Domain=.local'
+ end
+ it "should return specified ports" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'f=b;Version=1;Port="80,443"'
+- cookie.to_s(1).should == '$Version=1;f=b;$Path="/";$Port="80,443"'
++ expect(cookie.to_s(1)).to eq '$Version=1;f=b;$Path="/";$Port="80,443"'
+ end
+ it "should handle specified paths" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://localhost/bar/', 'f=b;path=/bar/'
+- cookie.to_s.should == 'f=b'
+- cookie.to_s(1).should == '$Version=0;f=b;$Path="/bar/"'
++ expect(cookie.to_s).to eq 'f=b'
++ expect(cookie.to_s(1)).to eq '$Version=0;f=b;$Path="/bar/"'
+ end
+ it "should omit $Version header when asked" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://localhost/', 'f=b'
+- cookie.to_s(1,false).should == 'f=b;$Path="/"'
++ expect(cookie.to_s(1,false)).to eq 'f=b;$Path="/"'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#should_send?' do
+ it "should not send if ports do not match" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie2 'http://localhost/', 'f=b;Version=1;Port="80"'
+- cookie.should_send?("http://localhost/", false).should be_truthy
+- cookie.should_send?("https://localhost/", false).should be_falsey
++ expect(cookie.should_send?("http://localhost/", false)).to be_truthy
++ expect(cookie.should_send?("https://localhost/", false)).to be_falsey
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
+ it "should serialize a cookie to JSON" do
+ c = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'https://localhost/', 'foo=bar;secure;expires=Fri, September 11 2009 18:10:00 -0700'
+ json = c.to_json
+- json.should be_a String
++ expect(json).to be_a String
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".json_create" do
+@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
+ it "should automatically deserialize to a cookie" do
+ json = "{\"json_class\":\"CookieJar::Cookie\",\"name\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\",\"domain\":\"localhost.local\",\"path\":\"\\/\",\"created_at\":\"2009-09-11 12:51:03 -0600\",\"expiry\":\"2009-09-11 19:10:00 -0600\",\"secure\":true}"
+ c = JSON.parse json, :create_additions => true
+- c.should be_a Cookie
++ expect(c).to be_a Cookie
+ CookieValidation.validate_cookie 'https://localhost/', c
+ end
+ end
+diff --git a/spec/cookie_validation_spec.rb b/spec/cookie_validation_spec.rb
+index 3d0f841..b65d2a2 100644
+--- a/spec/cookie_validation_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/cookie_validation_spec.rb
+@@ -5,73 +5,73 @@
+ describe "#validate_cookie" do
+ localaddr = 'http://localhost/foo/bar/'
+ it "should fail if version unset" do
+- lambda do
++ expect(lambda do
+ unversioned = Cookie.from_set_cookie localaddr, 'foo=bar'
+ unversioned.instance_variable_set :@version, nil
+ CookieValidation.validate_cookie localaddr, unversioned
+- end.should raise_error InvalidCookieError
++ end).to raise_error InvalidCookieError
+ end
+ it "should fail if the path is more specific" do
+- lambda do
++ expect(lambda do
+ subdirred = Cookie.from_set_cookie localaddr, 'foo=bar;path=/foo/bar/baz'
+ # validate_cookie localaddr, subdirred
+- end.should raise_error InvalidCookieError
++ end).to raise_error InvalidCookieError
+ end
+ it "should fail if the path is different than the request" do
+- lambda do
++ expect(lambda do
+ difdirred = Cookie.from_set_cookie localaddr, 'foo=bar;path=/baz/'
+ # validate_cookie localaddr, difdirred
+- end.should raise_error InvalidCookieError
++ end).to raise_error InvalidCookieError
+ end
+ it "should fail if the domain has no dots" do
+- lambda do
++ expect(lambda do
+ nodot = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://zero/', 'foo=bar;domain=zero'
+ # validate_cookie 'http://zero/', nodot
+- end.should raise_error InvalidCookieError
++ end).to raise_error InvalidCookieError
+ end
+ it "should fail for explicit localhost" do
+- lambda do
++ expect(lambda do
+ localhost = Cookie.from_set_cookie localaddr, 'foo=bar;domain=localhost'
+ # validate_cookie localaddr, localhost
+- end.should raise_error InvalidCookieError
++ end).to raise_error InvalidCookieError
+ end
+ it "should fail for mismatched domains" do
+- lambda do
++ expect(lambda do
+ foobar = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://www.foo.com/', 'foo=bar;domain=bar.com'
+ # validate_cookie 'http://www.foo.com/', foobar
+- end.should raise_error InvalidCookieError
++ end).to raise_error InvalidCookieError
+ end
+ it "should fail for domains more than one level up" do
+- lambda do
++ expect(lambda do
+ xyz = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://x.y.z.com/', 'foo=bar;domain=z.com'
+ # validate_cookie 'http://x.y.z.com/', xyz
+- end.should raise_error InvalidCookieError
++ end).to raise_error InvalidCookieError
+ end
+ it "should fail for setting subdomain cookies" do
+- lambda do
++ expect(lambda do
+ subdomain = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://foo.com/', 'foo=bar;domain=auth.foo.com'
+ # validate_cookie 'http://foo.com/', subdomain
+- end.should raise_error InvalidCookieError
++ end).to raise_error InvalidCookieError
+ end
+ it "should handle a normal implicit internet cookie" do
+ normal = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://foo.com/', 'foo=bar'
+- CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', normal).should be_truthy
++ expect(CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', normal)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should handle a normal implicit localhost cookie" do
+ localhost = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://localhost/', 'foo=bar'
+- CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://localhost/', localhost).should be_truthy
++ expect(CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://localhost/', localhost)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should handle an implicit IP address cookie" do
+ ipaddr = Cookie.from_set_cookie '', 'foo=bar'
+- CookieValidation.validate_cookie('', ipaddr).should be_truthy
++ expect(CookieValidation.validate_cookie('', ipaddr)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should handle an explicit domain on an internet site" do
+ explicit = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://foo.com/', 'foo=bar;domain=.foo.com'
+- CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', explicit).should be_truthy
++ expect(CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', explicit)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should handle setting a cookie explicitly on a superdomain" do
+ superdomain = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://auth.foo.com/', 'foo=bar;domain=.foo.com'
+- CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', superdomain).should be_truthy
++ expect(CookieValidation.validate_cookie('http://foo.com/', superdomain)).to be_truthy
+ end
+ it "should handle explicitly setting a cookie" do
+ explicit = Cookie.from_set_cookie 'http://foo.com/bar/', 'foo=bar;path=/bar/'
+@@ -84,160 +84,160 @@
+ end
+ describe '#cookie_base_path' do
+ it "should leave '/' alone" do
+- CookieValidation.cookie_base_path('/').should == '/'
++ expect(CookieValidation.cookie_base_path('/')).to eq '/'
+ end
+ it "should strip off everything after the last '/'" do
+- CookieValidation.cookie_base_path('/foo/bar/baz').should == '/foo/bar/'
++ expect(CookieValidation.cookie_base_path('/foo/bar/baz')).to eq '/foo/bar/'
+ end
+ it "should handle query parameters and fragments with slashes" do
+- CookieValidation.cookie_base_path('/foo/bar?query=a/b/c#fragment/b/c').should == '/foo/'
++ expect(CookieValidation.cookie_base_path('/foo/bar?query=a/b/c#fragment/b/c')).to eq '/foo/'
+ end
+ it "should handle URI objects" do
+- CookieValidation.cookie_base_path(URI.parse('http://www.foo.com/bar/')).should == '/bar/'
++ expect(CookieValidation.cookie_base_path(URI.parse('http://www.foo.com/bar/'))).to eq '/bar/'
+ end
+ it "should preserve case" do
+- CookieValidation.cookie_base_path("/BaR/").should == '/BaR/'
++ expect(CookieValidation.cookie_base_path("/BaR/")).to eq '/BaR/'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#determine_cookie_path' do
+ it "should use the requested path when none is specified for the cookie" do
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_path('http://foo.com/', nil).should == '/'
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_path('http://foo.com/bar/baz', '').should == '/bar/'
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_path('http://foo.com/', nil)).to eq '/'
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_path('http://foo.com/bar/baz', '')).to eq '/bar/'
+ end
+ it "should handle URI objects" do
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_path(URI.parse('http://foo.com/bar/'), '').should == '/bar/'
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_path(URI.parse('http://foo.com/bar/'), '')).to eq '/bar/'
+ end
+ it "should handle Cookie objects" do
+ cookie = Cookie.from_set_cookie('http://foo.com/', "name=value;path=/")
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_path('http://foo.com/', cookie).should == '/'
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_path('http://foo.com/', cookie)).to eq '/'
+ end
+ it "should ignore the request when a path is specified" do
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_path('http://foo.com/ignorable/path', '/path/').should == '/path/'
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_path('http://foo.com/ignorable/path', '/path/')).to eq '/path/'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#compute_search_domains' do
+ it "should handle subdomains" do
+- CookieValidation.compute_search_domains('http://www.auth.foo.com/').should ==
+- ['www.auth.foo.com', '.www.auth.foo.com', '.auth.foo.com']
++ expect(CookieValidation.compute_search_domains('http://www.auth.foo.com/')).to eq(
++ ['www.auth.foo.com', '.www.auth.foo.com', '.auth.foo.com'])
+ end
+ it "should handle root domains" do
+- CookieValidation.compute_search_domains('http://foo.com/').should ==
+- ['foo.com', '.foo.com']
++ expect(CookieValidation.compute_search_domains('http://foo.com/')).to eq(
++ ['foo.com', '.foo.com'])
+ end
+ it "should handle hexadecimal TLDs" do
+- CookieValidation.compute_search_domains('http://tiny.cc/').should ==
+- ['tiny.cc', '.tiny.cc']
++ expect(CookieValidation.compute_search_domains('http://tiny.cc/')).to eq(
++ ['tiny.cc', '.tiny.cc'])
+ end
+ it "should handle IP addresses" do
+- CookieValidation.compute_search_domains('').should ==
+- ['']
++ expect(CookieValidation.compute_search_domains('')).to eq(
++ [''])
+ end
+ it "should handle local addresses" do
+- CookieValidation.compute_search_domains('http://zero/').should ==
+- ['zero.local', '.zero.local', '.local']
++ expect(CookieValidation.compute_search_domains('http://zero/')).to eq(
++ ['zero.local', '.zero.local', '.local'])
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#determine_cookie_domain' do
+ it "should add a dot to the front of domains" do
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain('http://foo.com/', 'foo.com').should == '.foo.com'
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain('http://foo.com/', 'foo.com')).to eq '.foo.com'
+ end
+ it "should not add a second dot if one present" do
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain('http://foo.com/', '.foo.com').should == '.foo.com'
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain('http://foo.com/', '.foo.com')).to eq '.foo.com'
+ end
+ it "should handle Cookie objects" do
+ c = Cookie.from_set_cookie('http://foo.com/', "foo=bar;domain=foo.com")
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain('http://foo.com/', c).should == '.foo.com'
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain('http://foo.com/', c)).to eq '.foo.com'
+ end
+ it "should handle URI objects" do
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain(URI.parse('http://foo.com/'), '.foo.com').should == '.foo.com'
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain(URI.parse('http://foo.com/'), '.foo.com')).to eq '.foo.com'
+ end
+ it "should use an exact hostname when no domain specified" do
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain('http://foo.com/', '').should == 'foo.com'
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain('http://foo.com/', '')).to eq 'foo.com'
+ end
+ it "should leave IPv4 addresses alone" do
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain('', '').should == ''
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain('', '')).to eq ''
+ end
+ it "should leave IPv6 addresses alone" do
+ ['2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334', '::ffff:'].each do |value|
+- CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain("http://[#{value}]/", value).should == value
++ expect(CookieValidation.determine_cookie_domain("http://[#{value}]/", value)).to eq value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#effective_host" do
+ it "should leave proper domains the same" do
+ ['google.com', 'www.google.com', 'google.com.'].each do |value|
+- CookieValidation.effective_host(value).should == value
++ expect(CookieValidation.effective_host(value)).to eq value
+ end
+ end
+ it "should handle a URI object" do
+- CookieValidation.effective_host(URI.parse('http://example.com/')).should == 'example.com'
++ expect(CookieValidation.effective_host(URI.parse('http://example.com/'))).to eq 'example.com'
+ end
+ it "should add a local suffix on unqualified hosts" do
+- CookieValidation.effective_host('localhost').should == 'localhost.local'
++ expect(CookieValidation.effective_host('localhost')).to eq 'localhost.local'
+ end
+ it "should leave IPv4 addresses alone" do
+- CookieValidation.effective_host('').should == ''
++ expect(CookieValidation.effective_host('')).to eq ''
+ end
+ it "should leave IPv6 addresses alone" do
+ ['2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334', ':ffff:'].each do |value|
+- CookieValidation.effective_host(value).should == value
++ expect(CookieValidation.effective_host(value)).to eq value
+ end
+ end
+ it "should lowercase addresses" do
+- CookieValidation.effective_host('FOO.COM').should == 'foo.com'
++ expect(CookieValidation.effective_host('FOO.COM')).to eq 'foo.com'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#match_domains' do
+ it "should handle exact matches" do
+- CookieValidation.domains_match('localhost.local', 'localhost.local').should == 'localhost.local'
+- CookieValidation.domains_match('foo.com', 'foo.com').should == 'foo.com'
+- CookieValidation.domains_match('', '').should == ''
+- CookieValidation.domains_match('::ffff:', '::ffff:').should == '::ffff:'
++ expect(CookieValidation.domains_match('localhost.local', 'localhost.local')).to eq 'localhost.local'
++ expect(CookieValidation.domains_match('foo.com', 'foo.com')).to eq 'foo.com'
++ expect(CookieValidation.domains_match('', '')).to eq ''
++ expect(CookieValidation.domains_match('::ffff:', '::ffff:')).to eq '::ffff:'
+ end
+ it "should handle matching a superdomain" do
+- CookieValidation.domains_match('.foo.com', 'auth.foo.com').should == '.foo.com'
+- CookieValidation.domains_match('.y.z.foo.com', 'x.y.z.foo.com').should == '.y.z.foo.com'
++ expect(CookieValidation.domains_match('.foo.com', 'auth.foo.com')).to eq '.foo.com'
++ expect(CookieValidation.domains_match('.y.z.foo.com', 'x.y.z.foo.com')).to eq '.y.z.foo.com'
+ end
+ it "should not match superdomains, or illegal domains" do
+- CookieValidation.domains_match('.z.foo.com', 'x.y.z.foo.com').should be_nil
+- CookieValidation.domains_match('foo.com', 'com').should be_nil
++ expect(CookieValidation.domains_match('.z.foo.com', 'x.y.z.foo.com')).to be_nil
++ expect(CookieValidation.domains_match('foo.com', 'com')).to be_nil
+ end
+ it "should not match domains with and without a dot suffix together" do
+- CookieValidation.domains_match('foo.com.', 'foo.com').should be_nil
++ expect(CookieValidation.domains_match('foo.com.', 'foo.com')).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#hostname_reach' do
+ it "should find the next highest subdomain" do
+ {'www.google.com' => 'google.com', 'auth.corp.companyx.com' => 'corp.companyx.com'}.each do |entry|
+- CookieValidation.hostname_reach(entry[0]).should == entry[1]
++ expect(CookieValidation.hostname_reach(entry[0])).to eq entry[1]
+ end
+ end
+ it "should handle domains with suffixed dots" do
+- CookieValidation.hostname_reach('www.google.com.').should == 'google.com.'
++ expect(CookieValidation.hostname_reach('www.google.com.')).to eq 'google.com.'
+ end
+ it "should return nil for a root domain" do
+- CookieValidation.hostname_reach('github.com').should be_nil
++ expect(CookieValidation.hostname_reach('github.com')).to be_nil
+ end
+ it "should return 'local' for a local domain" do
+ ['foo.local', 'foo.local.'].each do |hostname|
+- CookieValidation.hostname_reach(hostname).should == 'local'
++ expect(CookieValidation.hostname_reach(hostname)).to eq 'local'
+ end
+ end
+ it "should handle mixed-case '.local'" do
+- CookieValidation.hostname_reach('foo.LOCAL').should == 'local'
++ expect(CookieValidation.hostname_reach('foo.LOCAL')).to eq 'local'
+ end
+ it "should return nil for an IPv4 address" do
+- CookieValidation.hostname_reach('').should be_nil
++ expect(CookieValidation.hostname_reach('')).to be_nil
+ end
+ it "should return nil for IPv6 addresses" do
+ ['2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334', '::ffff:'].each do |value|
+- CookieValidation.hostname_reach(value).should be_nil
++ expect(CookieValidation.hostname_reach(value)).to be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#parse_set_cookie' do
+ it "should max out at 2038 on 32bit systems" do
+- CookieValidation.parse_set_cookie("TRACK_USER_P=98237480810003948000782774;expires=Sat, 30-Jun-2040 05:39:49 GMT;path=/")[:expires_at].to_i.should >= 0x7FFFFFFF
++ expect(CookieValidation.parse_set_cookie("TRACK_USER_P=98237480810003948000782774;expires=Sat, 30-Jun-2040 05:39:49 GMT;path=/")[:expires_at].to_i).to be >= 0x7FFFFFFF
+ end
+ end
+ end
+\ No newline at end of file
+diff --git a/spec/jar_spec.rb b/spec/jar_spec.rb
+index e570624..67bf498 100644
+--- a/spec/jar_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/jar_spec.rb
+@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
+ jar.set_cookie 'http://foo.com/', 'bar=baz'
+ jar.set_cookie 'http://auth.foo.com/', 'foo=bar'
+ jar.set_cookie 'http://auth.foo.com/', 'auth=135121...;domain=foo.com'
+- jar.get_cookies('http://foo.com/').should have(3).items
++ expect(jar.get_cookies('http://foo.com/')).to have(3).items
+ end
+ it "should let me read back a multiple cookies from 1 header" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+ jar.set_cookie 'http://foo.com/', 'my_cookie=123456; Domain=foo.com; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:59:59 GMT; Path=/, other_cookie=helloworld; Domain=foo.com; expires=Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:59:59 GMT, last_cookie=098765'
+- jar.get_cookie_header('http://foo.com/').should == 'last_cookie=098765;my_cookie=123456;other_cookie=helloworld'
++ expect(jar.get_cookie_header('http://foo.com/')).to eq 'last_cookie=098765;my_cookie=123456;other_cookie=helloworld'
+ end
+ it "should return cookies longest path first" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+@@ -42,18 +42,18 @@
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'c=bar;path=/a/b'
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'd=bar;path=/a/'
+ cookies = jar.get_cookies(uri)
+- cookies.should have(4).items
+- cookies[0].name.should == 'b'
+- cookies[1].name.should == 'a'
+- cookies[2].name.should == 'c'
+- cookies[3].name.should == 'd'
++ expect(cookies).to have(4).items
++ expect(cookies[0].name).to eq 'b'
++ expect(cookies[1].name).to eq 'a'
++ expect(cookies[2].name).to eq 'c'
++ expect(cookies[3].name).to eq 'd'
+ end
+ it "should not return expired cookies" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+ uri = 'http://localhost/'
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'foo=bar;expires=Wednesday, 09-Nov-99 23:12:40 GMT'
+ cookies = jar.get_cookies(uri)
+- cookies.should have(0).items
++ expect(cookies).to have(0).items
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.get_cookie_headers' do
+@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'a=bar'
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'b=baz;path=/a/b/c/d'
+ cookie_headers = jar.get_cookie_header uri
+- cookie_headers.should == "b=baz;a=bar"
++ expect(cookie_headers).to eq "b=baz;a=bar"
+ end
+ it "should handle a version 1 cookie" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'b=baz;path=/a/b/c/d'
+ jar.set_cookie2 uri, 'c=baz;Version=1;path="/"'
+ cookie_headers = jar.get_cookie_header uri
+- cookie_headers.should == '$Version=0;b=baz;$Path="/a/b/c/d";a=bar;$Path="/a/b/c/",$Version=1;c=baz;$Path="/"'
++ expect(cookie_headers).to eq '$Version=0;b=baz;$Path="/a/b/c/d";a=bar;$Path="/a/b/c/",$Version=1;c=baz;$Path="/"'
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.add_cookie' do
+@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'c=bar;path=/a/b'
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'd=bar;path=/a/'
+ jar.set_cookie 'http://localhost/', 'foo=bar'
+- jar.to_a.should have(5).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(5).items
+ end
+ end
+ describe '.expire_cookies' do
+@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'c=bar;path=/a/b'
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'd=bar;path=/a/'
+ jar.set_cookie 'http://localhost/', 'foo=bar'
+- jar.to_a.should have(5).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(5).items
+ jar.expire_cookies
+- jar.to_a.should have(4).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(4).items
+ end
+ it "should let me expire all session cookies" do
+ uri = 'http://foo.com/a/b/c/d'
+@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'c=bar;path=/a/b'
+ jar.set_cookie uri, 'd=bar;path=/a/'
+ jar.set_cookie 'http://localhost/', 'foo=bar'
+- jar.to_a.should have(5).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(5).items
+ jar.expire_cookies true
+- jar.to_a.should have(1).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(1).items
+ end
+ end
+ describe '#set_cookies_from_headers' do
+@@ -125,70 +125,70 @@
+ jar = Jar.new
+ cookies = jar.set_cookies_from_headers 'http://localhost/',
+ { 'Set-Cookie' => 'foo=bar' }
+- cookies.should have(1).items
+- jar.to_a.should have(1).items
++ expect(cookies).to have(1).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(1).items
+ end
+ it "should handle a set-cookie header" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+ cookies = jar.set_cookies_from_headers 'http://localhost/',
+ { 'set-cookie' => 'foo=bar' }
+- cookies.should have(1).items
+- jar.to_a.should have(1).items
++ expect(cookies).to have(1).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(1).items
+ end
+ it "should handle multiple Set-Cookie headers" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+ cookies = jar.set_cookies_from_headers 'http://localhost/',
+ { 'Set-Cookie' => ['foo=bar','bar=baz'] }
+- cookies.should have(2).items
+- jar.to_a.should have(2).items
++ expect(cookies).to have(2).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(2).items
+ end
+ it "should handle a Set-Cookie2 header" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+ cookies = jar.set_cookies_from_headers 'http://localhost/',
+ { 'Set-Cookie2' => 'foo=bar;Version=1' }
+- cookies.should have(1).items
+- jar.to_a.should have(1).items
++ expect(cookies).to have(1).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(1).items
+ end
+ it "should handle a set-cookie2 header" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+ cookies = jar.set_cookies_from_headers 'http://localhost/',
+ { 'set-cookie2' => 'foo=bar;Version=1' }
+- cookies.should have(1).items
+- jar.to_a.should have(1).items
++ expect(cookies).to have(1).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(1).items
+ end
+ it "should handle multiple Set-Cookie2 headers" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+ cookies = jar.set_cookies_from_headers 'http://localhost/',
+ { 'Set-Cookie2' => ['foo=bar;Version=1','bar=baz;Version=1'] }
+- cookies.should have(2).items
+- jar.to_a.should have(2).items
++ expect(cookies).to have(2).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(2).items
+ end
+ it "should handle mixed distinct Set-Cookie and Set-Cookie2 headers" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+ cookies = jar.set_cookies_from_headers 'http://localhost/',
+ { 'Set-Cookie' => 'foo=bar',
+ 'Set-Cookie2' => 'bar=baz;Version=1' }
+- cookies.should have(2).items
+- jar.to_a.should have(2).items
++ expect(cookies).to have(2).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(2).items
+ end
+ it "should handle overlapping Set-Cookie and Set-Cookie2 headers" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+ cookies = jar.set_cookies_from_headers 'http://localhost/',
+ { 'Set-Cookie' => ['foo=bar','bar=baz'],
+ 'Set-Cookie2' => 'foo=bar;Version=1' }
+- cookies.should have(2).items
+- jar.to_a.should have(2).items
++ expect(cookies).to have(2).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(2).items
+ # and has the version 1 cookie
+- cookies.find do |cookie|
++ expect(cookies.find do |cookie|
+ cookie.name == 'foo'
+- end.version.should == 1
++ end.version).to eq 1
+ end
+ it "should silently drop invalid cookies" do
+ jar = Jar.new
+ cookies = jar.set_cookies_from_headers 'http://localhost/',
+ { 'Set-Cookie' => ['foo=bar','bar=baz;domain=.foo.com'] }
+- cookies.should have(1).items
+- jar.to_a.should have(1).items
++ expect(cookies).to have(1).items
++ expect(jar.to_a).to have(1).items
+ end
+ end
+ begin
+@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
+ jar = Jar.new
+ jar.add_cookie c
+ json = jar.to_json
+- json.should be_a String
++ expect(json).to be_a String
+ end
+ end
+ describe ".json_create" do
+@@ -209,25 +209,25 @@
+ array = JSON.parse json
+ jar = Jar.json_create array
+- jar.get_cookies('https://localhost/').should have(1).items
++ expect(jar.get_cookies('https://localhost/')).to have(1).items
+ end
+ it "should deserialize a JSON hash to a jar" do
+ json = "{\"cookies\":[{\"name\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\",\"domain\":\"localhost.local\",\"path\":\"\\/\",\"created_at\":\"2009-09-11 12:51:03 -0600\",\"expiry\":\"2028-11-01 12:00:00 GMT\",\"secure\":true}]}"
+ hash = JSON.parse json
+ jar = Jar.json_create hash
+- jar.get_cookies('https://localhost/').should have(1).items
++ expect(jar.get_cookies('https://localhost/')).to have(1).items
+ end
+ it "should automatically deserialize to a jar" do
+ json = "{\"json_class\":\"CookieJar::Jar\",\"cookies\":[{\"name\":\"foo\",\"value\":\"bar\",\"domain\":\"localhost.local\",\"path\":\"\\/\",\"created_at\":\"2009-09-11 12:51:03 -0600\",\"expiry\":\"2028-11-01 12:00:00 GMT\",\"secure\":true}]}"
+ jar = JSON.parse json, :create_additions => true
+- jar.get_cookies('https://localhost/').should have(1).items
++ expect(jar.get_cookies('https://localhost/')).to have(1).items
+ end
+ end
+ rescue LoadError
+ it "does not appear the JSON library is installed" do
+- raise 'please install the JSON lirbary'
++ raise 'please install the JSON library'
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84dfeba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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