[DRE-commits] [ruby-twitter-stream] 01/02: Port tests to RSpec3

Balasankar C balasankarc-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Dec 7 18:04:16 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

balasankarc-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-twitter-stream.

commit e7bfd2c0069e1ae487f78603966ac46bd85ab794
Author: Balasankar C <balasankarc at autistici.org>
Date:   Mon Dec 7 23:32:38 2015 +0530

    Port tests to RSpec3
 debian/patches/rspec3-port.patch | 307 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series            |   1 +
 2 files changed, 308 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/patches/rspec3-port.patch b/debian/patches/rspec3-port.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52f137f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/rspec3-port.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+Description: Port tests and requirements to support RSpec3
+Author: <name and email of author, optional>
+Bug: https://github.com/voloko/twitter-stream/pull/48
+Last-Update: 2015-12-07
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+--- a/metadata.yml
++++ b/metadata.yml
+@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@
+   prerelease: false
+   requirement: &id004 !ruby/object:Gem::Requirement 
+     requirements: 
+-    - - ~>
++    - - ">="
+       - !ruby/object:Gem::Version 
+         segments: 
+-        - 2
+-        - 5
++        - 3
+         - 0
+-        version: 2.5.0
++        - 0
++        version: 3.0.0
+   type: :development
+   version_requirements: *id004
+ description: Simple Ruby client library for twitter streaming API. Uses EventMachine for connection handling. Adheres to twitter's reconnection guidline. JSON format only.
+--- a/spec/twitter/json_stream_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/twitter/json_stream_spec.rb
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+   context "authentication" do
+     it "should connect with basic auth credentials" do
+       connect_stream :auth => "username:password", :ssl => false
+-      $recieved_data.should include('Authorization: Basic')
++      expect($recieved_data).to include('Authorization: Basic')
+     end
+     it "should connect with oauth credentials" do
+@@ -35,44 +35,44 @@
+         :access_secret => 'ohno'
+       }
+       connect_stream :oauth => oauth, :ssl => false
+-      $recieved_data.should include('Authorization: OAuth')
++      expect($recieved_data).to include('Authorization: OAuth')
+     end
+   end
+   context "on create" do
+     it "should return stream" do
+-      EM.should_receive(:connect).and_return('TEST INSTANCE')
++      expect(EM).to receive(:connect).and_return('TEST INSTANCE')
+       stream = JSONStream.connect {}
+-      stream.should == 'TEST INSTANCE'
++      expect(stream).to eq('TEST INSTANCE')
+     end
+     it "should define default properties" do
+-      EM.should_receive(:connect).with do |host, port, handler, opts|
+-        host.should == 'stream.twitter.com'
+-        port.should == 443
+-        opts[:path].should == '/1/statuses/filter.json'
+-        opts[:method].should == 'GET'
+-      end
++      expect(EM).to receive(:connect).with(any_args) { |host, port, handler, opts|
++        expect(host).to eq('stream.twitter.com')
++        expect(port).to eq(443)
++        expect(opts[:path]).to eq('/1/statuses/filter.json')
++        expect(opts[:method]).to eq('GET')
++      }
+       stream = JSONStream.connect {}
+     end
+     it "should connect to the proxy if provided" do
+-      EM.should_receive(:connect).with do |host, port, handler, opts|
+-        host.should == 'my-proxy'
+-        port.should == 8080
+-        opts[:host].should == 'stream.twitter.com'
+-        opts[:port].should == 443
+-        opts[:proxy].should == 'http://my-proxy:8080'
+-      end
++      expect(EM).to receive(:connect).with(any_args) { |host, port, handler, opts|
++        expect(host).to eq('my-proxy')
++        expect(port).to eq(8080)
++        expect(opts[:host]).to eq('stream.twitter.com')
++        expect(opts[:port]).to eq(443)
++        expect(opts[:proxy]).to eq('http://my-proxy:8080')
++      }
+       stream = JSONStream.connect(:proxy => "http://my-proxy:8080") {}
+     end
+     it "should not trigger SSL until connection is established" do
+-      connection = stub('connection')
+-      EM.should_receive(:connect).and_return(connection)
++      connection = double('connection')
++      expect(EM).to receive(:connect).and_return(connection)
+       stream = JSONStream.connect(:ssl => true)
+-      stream.should == connection
++      expect(stream).to eq(connection)
+     end
+   end
+@@ -89,34 +89,34 @@
+     it "should add no params" do
+       connect_stream :ssl => false
+-      $recieved_data.should include('/1/statuses/filter.json HTTP')
++      expect($recieved_data).to include('/1/statuses/filter.json HTTP')
+     end
+     it "should add custom params" do
+       connect_stream :params => {:name => 'test'},  :ssl => false
+-      $recieved_data.should include('?name=test')
++      expect($recieved_data).to include('?name=test')
+     end
+     it "should parse headers" do
+       connect_stream :ssl => false
+-      stream.code.should == 200
+-      stream.headers.keys.map{|k| k.downcase}.should include('content-type')
++      expect(stream.code).to eq(200)
++      expect(stream.headers.keys.map{|k| k.downcase}).to include('content-type')
+     end
+     it "should parse headers even after connection close" do
+       connect_stream :ssl => false
+-      stream.code.should == 200
+-      stream.headers.keys.map{|k| k.downcase}.should include('content-type')
++      expect(stream.code).to eq(200)
++      expect(stream.headers.keys.map{|k| k.downcase}).to include('content-type')
+     end
+     it "should extract records" do
+       connect_stream :user_agent => 'TEST_USER_AGENT',  :ssl => false
+-      $recieved_data.upcase.should include('USER-AGENT: TEST_USER_AGENT')
++      expect($recieved_data.upcase).to include('USER-AGENT: TEST_USER_AGENT')
+     end
+     it 'should allow custom headers' do
+       connect_stream :headers => { 'From' => 'twitter-stream' },  :ssl => false
+-      $recieved_data.upcase.should include('FROM: TWITTER-STREAM')
++      expect($recieved_data.upcase).to include('FROM: TWITTER-STREAM')
+     end
+     it "should deliver each item" do
+@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@
+       end
+       # Extract only the tweets from the fixture
+       tweets = $body.map{|l| l.strip }.select{|l| l =~ /^\{/ }
+-      items.size.should == tweets.size
++      expect(items.size).to eq(tweets.size)
+       tweets.each_with_index do |tweet,i|
+-        items[i].should == tweet
++        expect(items[i]).to eq(tweet)
+       end
+     end
+@@ -159,33 +159,33 @@
+   shared_examples_for "network failure" do
+     it "should reconnect on network failure" do
+       connect_stream do
+-        stream.should_receive(:reconnect)
++        expect(stream).to receive(:reconnect)
+       end
+     end
+     it "should not reconnect on network failure when not configured to auto reconnect" do
+       connect_stream(:auto_reconnect => false) do
+-        stream.should_receive(:reconnect).never
++        expect(stream).to receive(:reconnect).never
+       end
+     end
+     it "should reconnect with 0.25 at base" do
+       connect_stream do
+-        stream.should_receive(:reconnect_after).with(0.25)
++        expect(stream).to receive(:reconnect_after).with(0.25)
+       end
+     end
+     it "should reconnect with linear timeout" do
+       connect_stream do
+         stream.nf_last_reconnect = 1
+-        stream.should_receive(:reconnect_after).with(1.25)
++        expect(stream).to receive(:reconnect_after).with(1.25)
+       end
+     end
+     it "should stop reconnecting after 100 times" do
+       connect_stream do
+         stream.reconnect_retries = 100
+-        stream.should_not_receive(:reconnect_after)
++        expect(stream).not_to receive(:reconnect_after)
+       end
+     end
+@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@
+         end
+         stream.reconnect_retries = 100
+       end
+-      timeout.should == 0.25
+-      retries.should == 101
++      expect(timeout).to eq(0.25)
++      expect(retries).to eq(101)
+     end
+   end
+@@ -211,19 +211,19 @@
+     it "should timeout on inactivity" do
+       connect_stream :stop_in => 1.5 do
+-        stream.should_receive(:reconnect)
++        expect(stream).to receive(:reconnect)
+       end
+     end
+     it "should not reconnect on inactivity when not configured to auto reconnect" do
+       connect_stream(:stop_in => 1.5, :auto_reconnect => false) do
+-        stream.should_receive(:reconnect).never
++        expect(stream).to receive(:reconnect).never
+       end
+     end
+     it "should reconnect with SSL if enabled" do
+       connect_stream :ssl => true do
+-        stream.should_receive(:start_tls).twice
++        expect(stream).to receive(:start_tls).twice
+       end
+     end
+@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@
+     it "should call no data callback after no data received for 90 seconds" do
+       connect_stream :stop_in => 6 do
+         stream.last_data_received_at = Time.now - 88
+-        stream.should_receive(:no_data).once
++        expect(stream).to receive(:no_data).once
+       end
+     end
+@@ -271,27 +271,27 @@
+     it "should reconnect on application failure 10 at base" do
+       connect_stream :ssl => false do
+-        stream.should_receive(:reconnect_after).with(10)
++        expect(stream).to receive(:reconnect_after).with(10)
+       end
+     end
+     it "should not reconnect on application failure 10 at base when not configured to auto reconnect" do
+       connect_stream  :ssl => false, :auto_reconnect => false do
+-        stream.should_receive(:reconnect_after).never
++        expect(stream).to receive(:reconnect_after).never
+       end
+     end
+     it "should reconnect with exponential timeout" do
+       connect_stream :ssl => false do
+         stream.af_last_reconnect = 160
+-        stream.should_receive(:reconnect_after).with(320)
++        expect(stream).to receive(:reconnect_after).with(320)
+       end
+     end
+     it "should not try to reconnect after limit is reached" do
+       connect_stream :ssl => false do
+         stream.af_last_reconnect = 320
+-        stream.should_not_receive(:reconnect_after)
++        expect(stream).not_to receive(:reconnect_after)
+       end
+     end
+   end
+@@ -312,9 +312,9 @@
+           items << item
+         end
+       end
+-      items.size.should == 2
+-      items[0].should == '{"screen_name":"user1"}'
+-      items[1].should == '{"id":9876}'
++      expect(items.size).to eq(2)
++      expect(items[0]).to eq('{"screen_name":"user1"}')
++      expect(items[1]).to eq('{"id":9876}')
+     end
+     it "should parse full entities even if split" do
+@@ -326,9 +326,9 @@
+           items << item
+         end
+       end
+-      items.size.should == 2
+-      items[0].should == '{"id":1234}'
+-      items[1].should == '{"id":9876}'
++      expect(items.size).to eq(2)
++      expect(items[0]).to eq('{"id":1234}')
++      expect(items[1]).to eq('{"id":9876}')
+     end
+   end
+--- a/twitter-stream.gemspec
++++ b/twitter-stream.gemspec
+@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
+   s.add_runtime_dependency('eventmachine', ">= 0.12.8")
+   s.add_runtime_dependency('simple_oauth', '~> 0.3.1')
+   s.add_runtime_dependency('http_parser.rb', '~> 0.6.0')
+-  s.add_development_dependency('rspec', "~> 2.5.0")
++  s.add_development_dependency('rspec', ">= 3.0.0")
+   s.files         = `git ls-files`.split("\n")
+   s.test_files    = `git ls-files -- {test,spec,features}/*`.split("\n")
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index dc4680b..668fe6e 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ test_rspec_remove_gems.patch

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-twitter-stream.git

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