[DRE-commits] [tdiary] 02/09: Merge tag 'upstream/4.1.1'

Youhei SASAKI uwabami-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Feb 27 14:55:58 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

uwabami-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository tdiary.

commit bd27c32e01a498496b21626122a037b8b7f35b35
Merge: a494114 a10f84b
Author: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>
Date:   Fri Feb 27 19:43:19 2015 +0900

    Merge tag 'upstream/4.1.1'
    Upstream version 4.1.1
    Signed-off-by: Youhei SASAKI <uwabami at gfd-dennou.org>

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 tdiary/tasks/server.rake                           |   33 -
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 tdiary/view.rb                                     |  468 -
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 theme/artnouveau-green/Gside-R.gif                 |  Bin 279 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/artnouveau-red/Rside-R.gif                   |  Bin 281 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/asterisk-lightgray/asterisk-lightgray.css    |  633 --
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 theme/asterisk-orange/asterisk-orange.css          |  647 --
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 theme/asterisk-pink/asterisk-pink.css              |  647 --
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 theme/be_r5/ber5_volume.png                        |  Bin 1360 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/bill/bill.css                                |  552 --
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 theme/bill/bill_pre.png                            |  Bin 205 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/black-blue/black-blue_back.png               |  Bin 916 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/black-green/black-green_back.png             |  Bin 918 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/black-lingerie/black-lingerie_panchor.gif    |  Bin 893 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js                |    6 -
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 .../cafe-mint-julep-soda/cafe-mint-julep-soda.css  |  699 --
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 theme/cherry_blossom_r/cherry_blossom_r.css        |  511 --
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 theme/citrus/citrus_h2.png                         |  Bin 1342 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/colorlabel/colorlabel.css                    |  728 --
 theme/conf.css                                     |    2 +-
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 theme/darkness-pop/darkness-pop_pre.png            |  Bin 205 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/darkwhite/darkwhite.css                      |  496 -
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 theme/delta/delta.css                              | 1718 ----
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 theme/dice/dice_p05.png                            |  Bin 211 -> 0 bytes
 theme/dice/dice_p06.png                            |  Bin 197 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/digital_gadgets/digital_gadgets.css          |  470 -
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 theme/dog/dog.css                                  |  616 --
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 theme/dog/dog_canchor.png                          |  Bin 1108 -> 0 bytes
 theme/dog/dog_sanchor.png                          |  Bin 1866 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/dot-lime/dot-h1_lime.png                     |  Bin 688 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/dot-lime/dot-lightgray.png                   |  Bin 422 -> 0 bytes
 theme/dot-lime/dot-lime-mini.png                   |  Bin 238 -> 0 bytes
 theme/dot-lime/dot-lime.css                        |   99 -
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 theme/dot-lime/dot-list.png                        |  Bin 214 -> 0 bytes
 theme/dot-lime/dot.css                             |  190 -
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 theme/dot-orange/dot-orange.png                    |  Bin 419 -> 0 bytes
 theme/dot-orange/dot.css                           |  190 -
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 theme/dot-pink/dot-pink-mini.png                   |  Bin 240 -> 0 bytes
 theme/dot-pink/dot-pink.css                        |   99 -
 theme/dot-pink/dot-pink.png                        |  Bin 397 -> 0 bytes
 theme/dot-pink/dot.css                             |  190 -
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 theme/dot-sky/dot-lightgray.png                    |  Bin 422 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/dot-sky/dot-sky-mini.png                     |  Bin 239 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/double/double_panchor.png                    |  Bin 949 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/earth-brown/earth-brown_bq.png               |  Bin 996 -> 0 bytes
 theme/easy/README                                  |   29 -
 theme/easy/easy.css                                |  590 --
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 theme/emboss/emboss.css                            |  269 -
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 theme/fine/fine_pre.png                            |  Bin 146 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/flower/flower.css                            |  631 --
 theme/flower/flower.jpg                            |  Bin 8489 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/kitchen-natural/kitchen-natural.css          |  614 --
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 theme/kitchen-natural/wood01.gif                   |  Bin 11668 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/kurenai/kado2.gif                            |  Bin 73 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/lcars/lcars_lilac_line.png                   |  Bin 159 -> 0 bytes
 theme/lcars/lcars_orange_line.png                  |  Bin 158 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/lcd/header.jpg                               |  Bin 11662 -> 0 bytes
 theme/lcd/lcd.css                                  |  310 -
 theme/lcd/main.png                                 |  Bin 267 -> 0 bytes
 theme/leafgreen/README                             |   20 -
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 theme/light-blue/README                            |   16 -
 theme/light-blue/light-blue.css                    |  675 --
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 theme/light-blue/light-blue_anchor2.gif            |  Bin 63 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/light-blue/light-blue_back2.gif              |  Bin 125 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/lightning/lightning_pre.png                  |  Bin 193 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/lime/lime.css                                |  495 -
 theme/line/README                                  |   24 -
 theme/line/line.css                                |  480 -
 theme/loose-leaf/README                            |   19 -
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 theme/loose-leaf/loose-leaf_canchor.png            |  Bin 364 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/loose-leaf/pencil9.png                       |  Bin 345 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/lovely/lovely_back.png                       |  Bin 436 -> 0 bytes
 theme/lovely_pink/README                           |   19 -
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 theme/lovely_pink/lovely_pink_bodyback.png         |  Bin 230 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/lr/lr.css                                    |  452 -
 theme/lr/lr.png                                    |  Bin 178 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/madrascheck/madrascheck.css                  |  578 --
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 theme/magic/magic_g.png                            |  Bin 1347 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/manuscript-brown/manuscript.css              |  211 -
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 theme/manuscript-brown/toru.gif                    |  Bin 85 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/manuscript-green/manuscript.css              |  211 -
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 theme/manuscript-green/toru.gif                    |  Bin 85 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/marguerite/marguerite.css                    |  631 --
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 theme/marguerite/marguerite_bg.png                 |  Bin 4667 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/matcha/matcha_h2.png                         |  Bin 279 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/memo/memo.css                                |  829 --
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 theme/memo2/hall.gif                               |  Bin 79 -> 0 bytes
 theme/memo2/memo2.css                              |  830 --
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 theme/memo3/kabe.gif                               |  Bin 39158 -> 0 bytes
 theme/memo3/memo3.css                              |  834 --
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 theme/metal/bqback.png                             |  Bin 1466 -> 0 bytes
 theme/metal/hnback.png                             |  Bin 2724 -> 0 bytes
 theme/metal/metal.css                              |  495 -
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 theme/midnight/midnight.css                        |  384 -
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 theme/mini-g/minig_section.gif                     |  Bin 962 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/mini-p/minip_section.gif                     |  Bin 941 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/mirage/mirage.css                            |  767 --
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 theme/mixi-green/title2.gif                        |  Bin 102 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/mixi-pink/menu3.gif                          |  Bin 873 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/mixi/menu3.gif                               |  Bin 873 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/mixi/title2.gif                              |  Bin 94 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/momonga/momonga_icon.png                     |  Bin 483 -> 0 bytes
 theme/momonga/momonga_icon_s.png                   |  Bin 1265 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/mono/mono.css                                |  568 --
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 theme/monochrome/kado_bottom.png                   |  Bin 222 -> 0 bytes
 theme/monochrome/monochrome.css                    |  375 -
 theme/monochrome/monochrome_canchor.gif            |  Bin 896 -> 0 bytes
 theme/monochrome/monochrome_kado.png               |  Bin 282 -> 0 bytes
 theme/monochrome/monochrome_sanchor.gif            |  Bin 945 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/moo/README                                   |   35 -
 theme/moo/moo.css                                  |  581 --
 theme/moo/moo.gif                                  |  Bin 3456 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/mt_fuji/mt_fuji.css                          |  151 -
 theme/mt_fuji/summer.jpg                           |  Bin 11244 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/nachtmusik/nachtmusik_bg2.png                |  Bin 1398 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/nachtmusik/nachtmusik_icon2.png              |  Bin 900 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/nahanaha/nahanaha.css                        |  480 -
 theme/nande-ya-nen/README                          |   20 -
 theme/nande-ya-nen/nande-ya-nen.css                |  432 -
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 theme/narrow/narrow_blueunderline.png              |  Bin 172 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/natural_gray/README                          |   16 -
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 theme/natural_gray/natural_gray_back.png           |  Bin 199 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/navy/kado2.gif                               |  Bin 73 -> 0 bytes
 theme/navy/navy.css                                |  761 --
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 theme/nebula/nebula.png                            |  Bin 36875 -> 0 bytes
 theme/necktie/README                               |    9 -
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 theme/nenga/nenga_canchor.png                      |  Bin 682 -> 0 bytes
 theme/nenga/nenga_sanchor.png                      |  Bin 1214 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/nippon/nippon_back.png                       |  Bin 93 -> 0 bytes
 theme/noel/README                                  |   21 -
 theme/noel/noel.css                                |  435 -
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 theme/note/note.css                                |  530 --
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 theme/note/note_panchor.png                        |  Bin 502 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/noto/noto.css                                |  523 --
 theme/nut-brown/README                             |   24 -
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 theme/ocha/ocha_panchor.png                        |  Bin 163 -> 0 bytes
 theme/ogimage.png                                  |  Bin 0 -> 22184 bytes
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 theme/old-pavement/old-pavement_back.png           |  Bin 150 -> 0 bytes
 theme/old-pavement/old-pavement_quote.png          |  Bin 928 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/orange-border/README                         |   32 -
 theme/orange-border/orange-border.css              |  538 --
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 theme/orange-border/orange-border_canchor.png      |  Bin 262 -> 0 bytes
 theme/orange-border/orange-border_panchor.png      |  Bin 316 -> 0 bytes
 theme/orange/README                                |   18 -
 theme/orange/orange.css                            |  418 -
 theme/orange/orange_namazu.gif                     |  Bin 3858 -> 0 bytes
 theme/orange_flower/README                         |   17 -
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 theme/orange_flower/orange_flower.css              |  494 -
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 theme/orangegrad/orange_b.png                      |  Bin 389 -> 0 bytes
 theme/orangegrad/orangegrad.css                    |  524 --
 theme/orangegrad/orangegrad_anchor.png             |  Bin 53995 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/orkut/cube01.gif                             |  Bin 146 -> 0 bytes
 theme/orkut/orkut.css                              |  346 -
 theme/orkut/tb1.gif                                |  Bin 897 -> 0 bytes
 theme/orkut/tb2.gif                                |  Bin 300 -> 0 bytes
 theme/orkut/tb8.gif                                |  Bin 118 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/pain/pain.css                                |  574 --
 theme/pale/README                                  |   19 -
 theme/pale/pale.css                                |  589 --
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 theme/pale/pale_pink.png                           |  Bin 155 -> 0 bytes
 theme/paper/README                                 |   17 -
 theme/paper/paper.css                              |  543 --
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 theme/paper/paper_p09.png                          |  Bin 554 -> 0 bytes
 theme/paper/paper_panchor.png                      |  Bin 397 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/parabola/h1.jpg                              |  Bin 9935 -> 0 bytes
 theme/parabola/parabola.css                        |  495 -
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 theme/pastelpink/pastelpink.css                    |  521 --
 theme/pastelpink/pastelpink_back.png               |  Bin 263 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pearl/README                                 |    5 -
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 theme/pearl/pearl.css                              |  861 --
 theme/pearl/waku_01.gif                            |  Bin 2086 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pearl/waku_02.gif                            |  Bin 324 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/pearl/waku_03b.gif                           |  Bin 1948 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pearl/wakus_01.gif                           |  Bin 1142 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pearl/wakus_02.gif                           |  Bin 343 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pearl/wakus_03.gif                           |  Bin 1374 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/petith-b/petith-b.css                        |  477 -
 theme/petith-b/petith-b_canchor.gif                |  Bin 1154 -> 0 bytes
 theme/petith-b/petith-b_left.gif                   |  Bin 3513 -> 0 bytes
 theme/petith-b/petith-b_panchor.gif                |  Bin 1149 -> 0 bytes
 theme/petith-b/petith-b_right.gif                  |  Bin 2942 -> 0 bytes
 theme/petith/README                                |   34 -
 theme/petith/petith.css                            |  441 -
 theme/petith/petith_canchor.gif                    |  Bin 985 -> 0 bytes
 theme/petith/petith_fbottom.gif                    |  Bin 2149 -> 0 bytes
 theme/petith/petith_ftop.gif                       |  Bin 2259 -> 0 bytes
 theme/petith/petith_panchor.gif                    |  Bin 1003 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/pettan/pettan-yellow.png                     |  Bin 23814 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pettan/pettan.css                            |  657 --
 theme/pict/README                                  |   12 -
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 theme/pict/a_log.png                               |  Bin 213 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pict/antenna.png                             |  Bin 530 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pict/calendar.png                            |  Bin 144 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/pict/e_log.png                               |  Bin 229 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/pict/k_hot.png                               |  Bin 190 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/pict/photo.png                               |  Bin 223 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/pict/search.png                              |  Bin 242 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/pict/u_log.png                               |  Bin 179 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/pink-border/pink-border_canchor.png          |  Bin 403 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pink-border/pink-border_panchor.png          |  Bin 406 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/pinkgrad/pink_backday.png                    |  Bin 248 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pinkgrad/pinkgrad.css                        |  524 --
 theme/pinkgrad/pinkgrad_anchor.png                 |  Bin 53952 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pinkgrad/pinkgrad_back.png                   |  Bin 245 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/piyo-family/piyo-canchor.png                 |  Bin 299 -> 0 bytes
 theme/piyo-family/piyo-family.css                  |  568 --
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 theme/piyo-family/piyo-sanchor.png                 |  Bin 303 -> 0 bytes
 theme/piyo-family/piyo.png                         |  Bin 897 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/plum/plum_lefttop.png                        |  Bin 1998 -> 0 bytes
 theme/plum/plum_rightbottom.png                    |  Bin 2035 -> 0 bytes
 theme/plum/plum_righttop.png                       |  Bin 2032 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/pokke-blue/pokke-blue.css                    |  827 --
 theme/pokke-orange/README                          |    5 -
 theme/pokke-orange/pokke-orange.css                |  827 --
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 theme/pool_side/pool_side.css                      |  450 -
 theme/pool_side/pool_side_back.png                 |  Bin 8161 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pool_side/pool_side_back2.png                |  Bin 333 -> 0 bytes
 theme/pudding/README                               |   20 -
 theme/pudding/pudding.css                          |  499 --
 theme/puppy/README                                 |   16 -
 theme/puppy/puppy.css                              |  594 --
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 theme/wall1/wall1_h1.gif                           |  Bin 429 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/wall2/wall2.css                              |  571 --
 theme/wall2/wall2_h1.gif                           |  Bin 429 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/wall3/wall3.css                              |  570 --
 theme/wall3/wall3_h1.gif                           |  Bin 429 -> 0 bytes
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 theme/wall4/wall4.css                              |  577 --
 theme/wall4/wall4_h1.gif                           |  Bin 429 -> 0 bytes
 theme/wall5_tatami/README                          |    5 -
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 theme/wall5_tatami/wall5_h1.gif                    |  Bin 429 -> 0 bytes
 theme/wall5_tatami/wall5_tatami.css                |  582 --
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 theme/web20/footer.gif                             |  Bin 881 -> 0 bytes
 theme/web20/header.gif                             |  Bin 188 -> 0 bytes
 theme/web20/web20.css                              |  321 -
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 theme/white-lingerie/white-lingerie_pppk.gif       |  Bin 888 -> 0 bytes
 theme/white/README                                 |   11 -
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 theme/white/white.css                              |  480 -
 theme/white_flower/README                          |   17 -
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 theme/white_flower/white_flower.css                |  475 -
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 theme/whiteout/whiteout.css                        |  531 --
 theme/widthfix/README                              |   21 -
 theme/widthfix/main.png                            |  Bin 267 -> 0 bytes
 theme/widthfix/widthfix.css                        |  190 -
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 theme/windowz/README                               |   29 -
 theme/windowz/windowz.css                          |  593 --
 theme/windowz/windowz_bar.png                      |  Bin 3968 -> 0 bytes
 theme/windowz/windowz_c.png                        |  Bin 232 -> 0 bytes
 theme/windowz/windowz_p.png                        |  Bin 281 -> 0 bytes
 theme/wine/README                                  |   23 -
 theme/wine/wine.css                                |  576 --
 theme/winter/README                                |   11 -
 theme/winter/background.jpg                        |  Bin 33164 -> 0 bytes
 theme/winter/winter.css                            |  488 -
 theme/wood/README                                  |   27 -
 theme/wood/wood.css                                |  426 -
 theme/wood/wood.jpg                                |  Bin 17102 -> 0 bytes
 theme/xmastree/README                              |   15 -
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 theme/xmastree/sanchor.png                         |  Bin 873 -> 0 bytes
 theme/xmastree/treeS.png                           |  Bin 3599 -> 0 bytes
 theme/xmastree/xmastree.css                        |  460 -
 theme/xxx/README                                   |   19 -
 theme/xxx/xxx-bg.png                               |  Bin 23093 -> 0 bytes
 theme/xxx/xxx-day.png                              |  Bin 2374 -> 0 bytes
 theme/xxx/xxx.css                                  |  601 --
 theme/ymck/README                                  |    5 -
 theme/ymck/h1.gif                                  |  Bin 936 -> 0 bytes
 theme/ymck/module.gif                              |  Bin 69 -> 0 bytes
 theme/ymck/wall.gif                                |  Bin 289 -> 0 bytes
 theme/ymck/ymck.css                                |  837 --
 theme/yukon/README                                 |   21 -
 theme/yukon/yukon.css                              |  665 --
 theme/yukon/yukon_dayback.jpg                      |  Bin 7581 -> 0 bytes
 theme/yukon/yukon_divbodyback.jpg                  |  Bin 3957 -> 0 bytes
 theme/yukon/yukon_h1back.jpg                       |  Bin 721 -> 0 bytes
 theme/zef/README                                   |    5 -
 theme/zef/ball.png                                 |  Bin 767 -> 0 bytes
 theme/zef/head.png                                 |  Bin 3675 -> 0 bytes
 theme/zef/iron.png                                 |  Bin 51858 -> 0 bytes
 theme/zef/line.png                                 |  Bin 550 -> 0 bytes
 theme/zef/rside.png                                |  Bin 123 -> 0 bytes
 theme/zef/side.png                                 |  Bin 124 -> 0 bytes
 theme/zef/st_eye.png                               |  Bin 1122 -> 0 bytes
 theme/zef/zef.css                                  |  532 --
 .../test/data/includee4.xhtml => tmp/.gitkeep      |    0
 update.fcgi                                        |    2 +-
 update.rb                                          |   12 +-
 {skel => views}/category.rhtml                     |    0
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 {skel => views}/i.header.rhtml                     |    0
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 3359 files changed, 10982 insertions(+), 391534 deletions(-)

diff --cc bin/tdiary
index ccecff4,28767a4..28767a4
mode 100644,100755..100644
--- a/bin/tdiary
+++ b/bin/tdiary

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/tdiary.git

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