[DRE-commits] [ruby-progressbar] 01/12: Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.2'

Hleb Valoshka tsfgnu-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jun 22 10:58:33 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tsfgnu-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-progressbar.

commit 76d8ec6199f21b22beb87dc834fc467d60eb63d1
Merge: fe35e4b 23b1fc2
Author: Hleb Valoshka <375gnu at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Jun 4 17:53:37 2015 +0300

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.4.2'
    Upstream version 1.4.2

 .gitignore                                         |  23 -
 .ruby-version                                      |   1 -
 .travis.yml                                        |   6 -
 ChangeLog                                          | 113 ----
 Gemfile                                            |   4 -
 Gemfile.lock                                       |  27 -
 LICENSE                                            |  23 +-
 README.md                                          | 411 ++++++++++++
 README.rdoc                                        | 116 ----
 Rakefile                                           |  14 -
 checksums.yaml.gz                                  | Bin 266 -> 0 bytes
 lib/progressbar.rb                                 | 288 ---------
 lib/ruby-progressbar.rb                            |  12 +
 lib/ruby-progressbar/base.rb                       | 209 ++++++
 lib/ruby-progressbar/components.rb                 |   6 +
 lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar.rb             |  60 ++
 lib/ruby-progressbar/components/elapsed_timer.rb   |  20 +
 lib/ruby-progressbar/components/estimated_timer.rb |  86 +++
 lib/ruby-progressbar/components/progressable.rb    | 105 +++
 lib/ruby-progressbar/components/throttle.rb        |  19 +
 lib/ruby-progressbar/components/timer.rb           |  69 ++
 .../errors/invalid_progress_error.rb               |   4 +
 lib/ruby-progressbar/format.rb                     |   2 +
 lib/ruby-progressbar/format/base.rb                |  55 ++
 lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule.rb            |  37 ++
 lib/ruby-progressbar/formatter.rb                  |  95 +++
 lib/ruby-progressbar/length_calculator.rb          |  63 ++
 lib/ruby-progressbar/running_average_calculator.rb |   7 +
 lib/ruby-progressbar/time.rb                       |  22 +
 lib/ruby-progressbar/version.rb                    |   3 +
 metadata.yml                                       | 189 +++---
 progressbar.gemspec                                |  29 -
 spec/fixtures/benchmark.rb                         |  11 +
 spec/lib/ruby-progressbar/base_spec.rb             | 707 +++++++++++++++++++++
 spec/lib/ruby-progressbar/components/bar_spec.rb   | 210 ++++++
 .../components/elapsed_timer_spec.rb               |  91 +++
 .../components/estimated_timer_spec.rb             | 239 +++++++
 .../components/progressable_spec.rb                |  38 ++
 .../ruby-progressbar/components/throttle_spec.rb   | 101 +++
 spec/lib/ruby-progressbar/format/molecule_spec.rb  |  22 +
 .../running_average_calculator_spec.rb             |  11 +
 spec/lib/ruby-progressbar/time_spec.rb             |  51 ++
 spec/spec_helper.rb                                |   6 +
 spec/support/time.rb                               |  19 +
 test/test.rb                                       | 125 ----
 45 files changed, 2910 insertions(+), 839 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-progressbar.git

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