[DRE-commits] [ruby-attr-required] 01/01: Fix tests to support RSpec 3

Balasankar C balasankarc-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jun 29 12:36:54 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

balasankarc-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-attr-required.

commit a66c017e210eb51e4068389bb16a8c9c48a56505
Author: Balasankar C <balasankarc at autistici.org>
Date:   Sat Jun 27 12:44:18 2015 +0530

    Fix tests to support RSpec 3
 debian/changelog      |   6 +
 debian/patches/rspec3 | 377 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series |   1 +
 3 files changed, 384 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 73b0f6f..b7b1dc9 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+ruby-attr-required (1.0.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+  * Modify tests to support RSpec 3
+ -- Balasankar C <balasankarc at autistici.org>  Sat, 27 Jun 2015 12:43:31 +0530
 ruby-attr-required (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Initial release (Closes: #785550)
diff --git a/debian/patches/rspec3 b/debian/patches/rspec3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dadb89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/rspec3
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+Description: Patch tests to support RSpec 3
+ Change `should` to `expect` and similar changes so as to support RSpec 3.
+Author: Balasankar C <balasankarc at autistici.org>
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Last-Update: 2015-06-27
+This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
+--- a/spec/attr_optional_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/attr_optional_spec.rb
+@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
+ require 'spec_helper.rb'
+ describe AttrOptional do
+-  before do
+-    @a, @b, @c = A.new, B.new, C.new
+-  end
+-  describe '.attr_optional' do
+-    it 'should define accessible attributes' do
+-      @a.should respond_to :attr_optional_a
+-      @a.should respond_to :attr_optional_a=
+-      @b.should respond_to :attr_optional_b
+-      @b.should respond_to :attr_optional_b=
+-    end
+-    it 'should be inherited' do
+-      @b.should respond_to :attr_optional_a
+-      @b.should respond_to :attr_optional_a=
+-    end
+-    context 'when already required' do
+-      it 'should be optional' do
+-        @c.attr_required?(:attr_required_b).should be_false
+-        @c.attr_optional?(:attr_required_b).should be_true
+-      end
+-    end
+-    context 'when AttrRequired not included' do
+-      it 'should do nothing' do
+-        OnlyOptional.optional_attributes.should == [:only_optional]
+-      end
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '.attr_optional?' do
+-    it 'should answer whether the attributes is optional or not' do
+-      A.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_a).should be_true
+-      B.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_a).should be_true
+-      B.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_b).should be_true
+-      B.attr_optional?(:to_s).should be_false
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '#attr_optional?' do
+-    it 'should answer whether the attributes is optional or not' do
+-      @a.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_a).should be_true
+-      @b.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_a).should be_true
+-      @b.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_b).should be_true
+-      @b.attr_optional?(:to_s).should be_false
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '.optional_attributes' do
+-    it 'should return all optional attributes keys' do
+-      A.optional_attributes.should == [:attr_optional_a]
+-      B.optional_attributes.should == [:attr_optional_a, :attr_optional_b]
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '#optional_attributes' do
+-    it 'should return optional attributes keys' do
+-      @a.optional_attributes.should == [:attr_optional_a]
+-      @b.optional_attributes.should == [:attr_optional_a, :attr_optional_b]
++    before do
++        @a, @b, @c = A.new, B.new, C.new
+     end
+-  end
+-  describe '.undef_optional_attributes' do
+-    it 'should undefine accessors and remove from optional attributes' do
+-      C.optional_attributes.should_not include :attr_optional_a
+-      @c.optional_attributes.should_not include :attr_optional_a
+-      @c.should_not respond_to :attr_optional_a
+-      @c.should_not respond_to :attr_optional_a=
++    describe '.attr_optional' do
++        it 'should define accessible attributes' do
++            expect(@a).to respond_to :attr_optional_a
++            expect(@a).to respond_to :attr_optional_a=
++            expect(@b).to respond_to :attr_optional_b
++            expect(@b).to respond_to :attr_optional_b=
++        end
++        it 'should be inherited' do
++            expect(@b).to respond_to :attr_optional_a
++            expect(@b).to respond_to :attr_optional_a=
++        end
++        context 'when already required' do
++            it 'should be optional' do
++                expect(@c.attr_required?(:attr_required_b)).to be_falsey
++                expect(@c.attr_optional?(:attr_required_b)).to be_truthy
++            end
++        end
++        context 'when AttrRequired not included' do
++            it 'should do nothing' do
++                expect(OnlyOptional.optional_attributes).to eq([:only_optional])
++            end
++        end
++    end
++    describe '.attr_optional?' do
++        it 'should answer whether the attributes is optional or not' do
++            expect(A.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_a)).to be_truthy
++            expect(B.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_a)).to be_truthy
++            expect(B.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_b)).to be_truthy
++            expect(B.attr_optional?(:to_s)).to be_falsey
++        end
++    end
++    describe '#attr_optional?' do
++        it 'should answer whether the attributes is optional or not' do
++            expect(@a.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_a)).to be_truthy
++            expect(@b.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_a)).to be_truthy
++            expect(@b.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_b)).to be_truthy
++            expect(@b.attr_optional?(:to_s)).to be_falsey
++        end
++    end
++    describe '.optional_attributes' do
++        it 'should return all optional attributes keys' do
++            expect(A.optional_attributes).to eq([:attr_optional_a])
++            expect(B.optional_attributes).to eq([:attr_optional_a, :attr_optional_b])
++        end
++    end
++    describe '#optional_attributes' do
++        it 'should return optional attributes keys' do
++            expect(@a.optional_attributes).to eq([:attr_optional_a])
++            expect(@b.optional_attributes).to eq([:attr_optional_a, :attr_optional_b])
++        end
++    end
++    describe '.undef_optional_attributes' do
++        it 'should undefine accessors and remove from optional attributes' do
++            expect(C.optional_attributes).not_to include :attr_optional_a
++            expect(@c.optional_attributes).not_to include :attr_optional_a
++            expect(@c).not_to respond_to :attr_optional_a
++            expect(@c).not_to respond_to :attr_optional_a=
++        end
+     end
+-  end
+ end
+--- a/spec/attr_required_spec.rb
++++ b/spec/attr_required_spec.rb
+@@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
+ require 'spec_helper.rb'
+ describe AttrRequired do
+-  before do
+-    @a, @b, @c = A.new, B.new, C.new
+-  end
+-  describe '.attr_required' do
+-    it 'should define accessible attributes' do
+-      @a.should respond_to :attr_required_a
+-      @a.should respond_to :attr_required_a=
+-      @b.should respond_to :attr_required_b
+-      @b.should respond_to :attr_required_b=
+-    end
+-    it 'should be inherited' do
+-      @b.should respond_to :attr_required_a
+-      @b.should respond_to :attr_required_a=
+-    end
+-    context 'when already optional' do
+-      it 'should be optional' do
+-        @c.attr_required?(:attr_optional_b).should be_true
+-        @c.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_b).should be_false
+-      end
+-    end
+-    context 'when AttrOptional not included' do
+-      it 'should do nothing' do
+-        OnlyRequired.required_attributes.should == [:only_required]
+-      end
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '.attr_required?' do
+-    it 'should answer whether the attributes is required or not' do
+-      A.attr_required?(:attr_required_a).should be_true
+-      B.attr_required?(:attr_required_a).should be_true
+-      B.attr_required?(:attr_required_b).should be_true
+-      B.attr_required?(:to_s).should be_false
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '#attr_required?' do
+-    it 'should answer whether the attributes is required or not' do
+-      @a.attr_required?(:attr_required_a).should be_true
+-      @b.attr_required?(:attr_required_a).should be_true
+-      @b.attr_required?(:attr_required_b).should be_true
+-      @a.attr_required?(:attr_required_b).should be_false
+-      @b.attr_required?(:to_s).should be_false
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '#attr_missing?' do
+-    it 'should answer whether any attributes are missing' do
+-      @a.attr_missing?.should be_true
+-      @b.attr_missing?.should be_true
+-      @a.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
+-      @b.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
+-      @a.attr_missing?.should be_false
+-      @b.attr_missing?.should be_true
+-      @b.attr_required_b = 'attr_required_b'
+-      @b.attr_missing?.should be_false
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '#attr_missing!' do
+-    it 'should raise AttrMissing error when any attributes are missing' do
+-      lambda { @a.attr_missing! }.should raise_error(AttrRequired::AttrMissing)
+-      lambda { @b.attr_missing! }.should raise_error(AttrRequired::AttrMissing)
+-      @a.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
+-      @b.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
+-      lambda { @a.attr_missing! }.should_not raise_error
+-      lambda { @b.attr_missing! }.should raise_error(AttrRequired::AttrMissing)
+-      @b.attr_required_b = 'attr_required_b'
+-      lambda { @b.attr_missing! }.should_not raise_error
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '#attr_missing' do
+-    it 'should return missing attributes keys' do
+-      @a.attr_missing.should == [:attr_required_a]
+-      @b.attr_missing.should == [:attr_required_a, :attr_required_b]
+-      @a.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
+-      @b.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
+-      @a.attr_missing.should == []
+-      @b.attr_missing.should == [:attr_required_b]
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '.required_attributes' do
+-    it 'should return all required attributes keys' do
+-      A.required_attributes.should == [:attr_required_a]
+-      B.required_attributes.should == [:attr_required_a, :attr_required_b]
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '#required_attributes' do
+-    it 'should return required attributes keys' do
+-      @a.required_attributes.should == [:attr_required_a]
+-      @b.required_attributes.should == [:attr_required_a, :attr_required_b]
+-    end
+-  end
+-  describe '.undef_required_attributes' do
+-    it 'should undefine accessors and remove from required attributes' do
+-      C.required_attributes.should_not include :attr_required_a
+-      @c.required_attributes.should_not include :attr_required_a
+-      @c.should_not respond_to :attr_required_a
+-      @c.should_not respond_to :attr_required_a=
++    before do
++        @a, @b, @c = A.new, B.new, C.new
++    end
++    describe '.attr_required' do
++        it 'should define accessible attributes' do
++            expect(@a).to respond_to :attr_required_a
++            expect(@a).to respond_to :attr_required_a=
++            expect(@b).to respond_to :attr_required_b
++            expect(@b).to respond_to :attr_required_b=
++        end
++        it 'should be inherited' do
++            expect(@b).to respond_to :attr_required_a
++            expect(@b).to respond_to :attr_required_a=
++        end
++        context 'when already optional' do
++            it 'should be optional' do
++                expect(@c.attr_required?(:attr_optional_b)).to be_truthy
++                expect(@c.attr_optional?(:attr_optional_b)).to be_falsey
++            end
++        end
++        context 'when AttrOptional not included' do
++            it 'should do nothing' do
++                expect(OnlyRequired.required_attributes).to eq([:only_required])
++            end
++        end
++    end
++    describe '.attr_required?' do
++        it 'should answer whether the attributes is required or not' do
++            expect(A.attr_required?(:attr_required_a)).to be_truthy
++            expect(B.attr_required?(:attr_required_a)).to be_truthy
++            expect(B.attr_required?(:attr_required_b)).to be_truthy
++            expect(B.attr_required?(:to_s)).to be_falsey
++        end
++    end
++    describe '#attr_required?' do
++        it 'should answer whether the attributes is required or not' do
++            expect(@a.attr_required?(:attr_required_a)).to be_truthy
++            expect(@b.attr_required?(:attr_required_a)).to be_truthy
++            expect(@b.attr_required?(:attr_required_b)).to be_truthy
++            expect(@a.attr_required?(:attr_required_b)).to be_falsey
++            expect(@b.attr_required?(:to_s)).to be_falsey
++        end
++    end
++    describe '#attr_missing?' do
++        it 'should answer whether any attributes are missing' do
++            expect(@a.attr_missing?).to be_truthy
++            expect(@b.attr_missing?).to be_truthy
++            @a.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
++            @b.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
++            expect(@a.attr_missing?).to be_falsey
++            expect(@b.attr_missing?).to be_truthy
++            @b.attr_required_b = 'attr_required_b'
++            expect(@b.attr_missing?).to be_falsey
++        end
++    end
++    describe '#attr_missing!' do
++        it 'should raise AttrMissing error when any attributes are missing' do
++            expect(lambda { @a.attr_missing! }).to raise_error(AttrRequired::AttrMissing)
++            expect(lambda { @b.attr_missing! }).to raise_error(AttrRequired::AttrMissing)
++            @a.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
++            @b.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
++            expect(lambda { @a.attr_missing! }).not_to raise_error
++            expect(lambda { @b.attr_missing! }).to raise_error(AttrRequired::AttrMissing)
++            @b.attr_required_b = 'attr_required_b'
++            expect(lambda { @b.attr_missing! }).not_to raise_error
++        end
++    end
++    describe '#attr_missing' do
++        it 'should return missing attributes keys' do
++            expect(@a.attr_missing).to eq([:attr_required_a])
++            expect(@b.attr_missing).to eq([:attr_required_a, :attr_required_b])
++            @a.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
++            @b.attr_required_a = 'attr_required_a'
++            expect(@a.attr_missing).to eq([])
++            expect(@b.attr_missing).to eq([:attr_required_b])
++        end
++    end
++    describe '.required_attributes' do
++        it 'should return all required attributes keys' do
++            expect(A.required_attributes).to eq([:attr_required_a])
++            expect(B.required_attributes).to eq([:attr_required_a, :attr_required_b])
++        end
++    end
++    describe '#required_attributes' do
++        it 'should return required attributes keys' do
++            expect(@a.required_attributes).to eq([:attr_required_a])
++            expect(@b.required_attributes).to eq([:attr_required_a, :attr_required_b])
++        end
++    end
++    describe '.undef_required_attributes' do
++        it 'should undefine accessors and remove from required attributes' do
++            expect(C.required_attributes).not_to include :attr_required_a
++            expect(@c.required_attributes).not_to include :attr_required_a
++            expect(@c).not_to respond_to :attr_required_a
++            expect(@c).not_to respond_to :attr_required_a=
++        end
+     end
+-  end
+ end
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index f958273..5362c01 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1 +1,2 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-attr-required.git

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