[DRE-commits] [asciidoctor] 01/01: Merge tag 'upstream/1.5.2'
Guillaume Grossetie
ggrossetie-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun May 10 09:46:12 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ggrossetie-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository asciidoctor.
commit ba75de8a740aede4acaaca8b4dc3b8bbe075ce1c
Merge: e8c184a eaf0e87
Author: Guillaume Grossetie <ggrossetie at gmail.com>
Date: Sun May 10 11:45:05 2015 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/1.5.2'
Upstream version 1.5.2
.gitignore | 7 +
.simplecov | 11 +
.travis.yml | 12 +-
.yardopts | 5 +
CHANGELOG.adoc | 319 +++-
CONTRIBUTING.adoc | 119 ++
Gemfile | 11 +
LICENSE => LICENSE.adoc | 7 +-
README.adoc | 836 ++++-----
Rakefile | 244 ++-
asciidoctor.gemspec | 190 +-
benchmark/.gitignore | 2 +
benchmark/.ruby-gemset | 1 +
benchmark/.ruby-version | 1 +
benchmark/benchmark.rb | 129 ++
benchmark/sample-data/mdbasics.adoc | 334 ++++
bin/asciidoctor | 13 +-
bin/asciidoctor-safe | 12 +-
compat/asciidoc.conf | 93 +-
compat/font-awesome-3-compat.css | 397 +++++
data/stylesheets/asciidoctor-default.css | 399 +++++
data/stylesheets/coderay-asciidoctor.css | 89 +
features/open_block.feature | 92 +
features/pass_block.feature | 66 +
features/step_definitions.rb | 53 +
features/text_formatting.feature | 55 +
features/xref.feature | 116 ++
lib/asciidoctor.rb | 1806 +++++++++++++-------
lib/asciidoctor/abstract_block.rb | 234 ++-
lib/asciidoctor/abstract_node.rb | 290 ++--
lib/asciidoctor/attribute_list.rb | 188 +-
lib/asciidoctor/backends/_stylesheets.rb | 466 -----
lib/asciidoctor/backends/base_template.rb | 114 --
lib/asciidoctor/backends/docbook45.rb | 774 ---------
lib/asciidoctor/backends/docbook5.rb | 103 --
lib/asciidoctor/backends/html5.rb | 1214 -------------
lib/asciidoctor/block.rb | 108 +-
lib/asciidoctor/callouts.rb | 12 +-
lib/asciidoctor/cli.rb | 3 +
lib/asciidoctor/cli/invoker.rb | 164 +-
lib/asciidoctor/cli/options.rb | 192 ++-
lib/asciidoctor/converter.rb | 222 +++
lib/asciidoctor/converter/base.rb | 55 +
lib/asciidoctor/converter/composite.rb | 55 +
lib/asciidoctor/converter/docbook45.rb | 99 ++
lib/asciidoctor/converter/docbook5.rb | 722 ++++++++
lib/asciidoctor/converter/factory.rb | 226 +++
lib/asciidoctor/converter/html5.rb | 1118 ++++++++++++
lib/asciidoctor/converter/template.rb | 289 ++++
lib/asciidoctor/core_ext.rb | 7 +
lib/asciidoctor/core_ext/object/nil_or_empty.rb | 23 +
lib/asciidoctor/core_ext/string/chr.rb | 6 +
lib/asciidoctor/core_ext/symbol/length.rb | 6 +
lib/asciidoctor/debug.rb | 25 -
lib/asciidoctor/document.rb | 964 +++++++----
lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb | 1518 ++++++++++++----
lib/asciidoctor/helpers.rb | 156 +-
lib/asciidoctor/inline.rb | 26 +-
lib/asciidoctor/list.rb | 39 +-
lib/asciidoctor/opal_ext.rb | 26 +
lib/asciidoctor/opal_ext/comparable.rb | 38 +
lib/asciidoctor/opal_ext/dir.rb | 13 +
lib/asciidoctor/opal_ext/error.rb | 2 +
lib/asciidoctor/opal_ext/file.rb | 145 ++
lib/asciidoctor/{lexer.rb => parser.rb} | 1108 +++++++-----
lib/asciidoctor/path_resolver.rb | 236 ++-
lib/asciidoctor/reader.rb | 465 ++---
lib/asciidoctor/renderer.rb | 259 ---
lib/asciidoctor/section.rb | 39 +-
lib/asciidoctor/stylesheets.rb | 92 +
lib/asciidoctor/substituters.rb | 1083 ------------
lib/asciidoctor/substitutors.rb | 1555 +++++++++++++++++
lib/asciidoctor/table.rb | 133 +-
lib/asciidoctor/timings.rb | 40 +
lib/asciidoctor/version.rb | 2 +-
man/asciidoctor.1 | 45 +-
man/asciidoctor.adoc | 189 +-
run-tests.sh | 10 +
screenshot.png | Bin 0 -> 153432 bytes
test/attributes_test.rb | 370 +++-
test/blocks_test.rb | 917 ++++++++--
test/converter_test.rb | 352 ++++
test/document_test.rb | 843 ++++++---
test/extensions_test.rb | 470 +++--
test/fixtures/asciidoc.txt | 105 --
test/fixtures/asciidoc_index.txt | 40 +-
test/fixtures/ascshort.txt | 32 -
test/fixtures/basic-docinfo.xml | 2 +-
test/fixtures/chapter-a.adoc | 3 +
.../erb/html5/block_paragraph.html.erb | 6 +
test/fixtures/custom-docinfodir/basic-docinfo.html | 1 +
test/fixtures/custom-docinfodir/docinfo.html | 1 +
test/fixtures/docinfo.xml | 2 +-
test/fixtures/hello-asciidoctor.pdf | Bin 0 -> 45424 bytes
test/fixtures/include-file.asciidoc | 2 +
test/fixtures/include-file.xml | 5 +
test/fixtures/list_elements.asciidoc | 10 -
test/fixtures/master.adoc | 5 +
test/invoker_test.rb | 235 ++-
test/links_test.rb | 118 +-
test/lists_test.rb | 239 ++-
test/options_test.rb | 93 +-
test/paragraphs_test.rb | 52 +-
test/{lexer_test.rb => parser_test.rb} | 185 +-
test/paths_test.rb | 58 +-
test/preamble_test.rb | 75 +-
test/reader_test.rb | 679 +++++---
test/renderer_test.rb | 162 --
test/sections_test.rb | 703 +++++++-
test/substitutions_test.rb | 804 +++++++--
test/tables_test.rb | 298 +++-
test/test_helper.rb | 136 +-
test/text_test.rb | 119 +-
113 files changed, 18516 insertions(+), 8923 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/asciidoctor.git
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