[DRE-commits] [ruby-rspec-instafail] 68/108: simplify rspec 2 formatter by using existing methods

Hideki Yamane henrich at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Nov 15 18:36:21 UTC 2015

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henrich pushed a commit to branch debian/sid
in repository ruby-rspec-instafail.

commit c1e9593abd46c5c0b1f5b96f1ee9a89c37ad3188
Author: grosser <grosser.michael at gmail.com>
Date:   Mon Nov 21 07:53:58 2011 -0800

    simplify rspec 2 formatter by using existing methods
 lib/rspec/instafail/rspec_2.rb | 25 ++++------------
 spec/instafail_spec.rb         | 68 +++++-------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/rspec/instafail/rspec_2.rb b/lib/rspec/instafail/rspec_2.rb
index 0d249fb..f43cc10 100644
--- a/lib/rspec/instafail/rspec_2.rb
+++ b/lib/rspec/instafail/rspec_2.rb
@@ -3,26 +3,13 @@ require 'rspec/core/formatters/progress_formatter'
 module RSpec
   class Instafail < RSpec::Core::Formatters::ProgressFormatter
     def example_failed(example)
-      @counter ||= 0
-      @counter += 1
+      # do what BaseFormatter#example_failed would do
+      @failed_examples << example
-      result = example.metadata[:execution_result]
-      exception = result[:exception_encountered] || result[:exception] # rspec 2.0 || rspec 2.2
-      short_padding = '  '
-      padding = '     '
-      output.puts
-      output.puts "#{short_padding}#{@counter}) #{example.full_description}"
-      output.puts "#{padding}#{red("Failure/Error:")} #{red(read_failed_line(exception, example).strip)}"
-      output.puts "#{padding}#{red(exception)}"
-      if exception.respond_to?(:original_exception)
-        output.puts "#{padding}#{red(exception.original_exception)}"
-      end
-      format_backtrace(exception.backtrace, example).each do |backtrace_info|
-        color = defined?(cyan) ? :cyan : :grey # cyan was added in rspec 2.6
-        output.puts send(color, "#{padding}# #{backtrace_info}")
-      end
-      output.flush
+      # do what BaseTextFormatter#dump_failures would do
+      index = failed_examples.size - 1
+      dump_pending_example_fixed(example, index) || dump_failure(example, index)
+      dump_backtrace(example)
diff --git a/spec/instafail_spec.rb b/spec/instafail_spec.rb
index 391e3d7..ee8c3a5 100644
--- a/spec/instafail_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/instafail_spec.rb
@@ -27,75 +27,21 @@ EXP
       @rspec_result = `cd spec/rspec_2 && bundle exec rspec a_test.rb --require ../../lib/rspec/instafail --format RSpec::Instafail --no-color`
     before do
       @output = @rspec_result.dup
-    it "outputs logical failures" do
-      expected = <<EXP
-  1\\) x fails logically
-     Failure\\/Error: 1\\.should == 2
-     expected: 2,
-     got: 1 \\(using ==\\)
-      @output.should =~ Regexp.new(expected, 'x')
-      @output.should include('/a_test.rb:5')
-    end
-    it 'outputs a simple error' do
-      expected = <<EXP
-  2\\) x raises a simple error
-     Failure\\/Error: raise 'shallow failure'
-     shallow failure
-      @output.should =~ Regexp.new(expected, 'x')
-    end
-    it 'outputs an error which responds to original_exception' do
-      expected = <<EXP
-  3\\) x raises a hidden error
-     Failure\\/Error: raise error
-     There is an error in this error\\.
-     There is no error in this error\\.
-      @output.should =~ Regexp.new(expected, 'x')
+    it "outputs failures at start of output" do
+      @output.should =~ /^\s+1\) x fails logically/m
-    it 'outputs the remaining passing specs and the ending block' do
-      expected = <<EXP
-  x pends
-    # No reason given
-    # \\./a_test\\.rb:14
-Finished in \\d\\.\\d+ seconds
-7 examples, 3 failures, 1 pending
-      @output.should =~ Regexp.new(expected, 'x')
+    it 'outputs errors in middle of output' do
+      @output.should =~ /\.\.\*\s*2\) x raises a simple error/m
-    it "works correctly with RSpec 2.x" do
-      pending 'the backtrace for the error is always absolute on my machine'
-      expected_output = <<EXP
-  1\\) x a
-     Failure\\/Error: 1\\.should == 2
-     expected: 2,
-     got: 1 \\(using ==\\)
-     # \\./a_test\\.rb:5
-  x d
-    # No reason given
-    # \\./a_test\\.rb:14
-Finished in \\d\\.\\d+ seconds
-7 examples, 3 failures, 1 pending
-      @output.should =~ Regexp.new(expected_output, 'x')
+    it 'outputs the the ending block' do
+      @output.should =~ /Finished in \d\.\d+ seconds\s*7 examples, 3 failures, 1 pending/

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