[DRE-commits] [ruby-rspec-instafail] branch master created (now ee2400f)
Hideki Yamane
henrich at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Nov 15 19:15:37 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
henrich pushed a change to branch master
in repository ruby-rspec-instafail.
at ee2400f Merge pull request #24 from bootstraponline/patch-1
This branch includes the following new commits:
new d4c3c3a initial
new 5daafcb refactor to use class_eval
new 3d5dbb3 add specs and fix fir rspec2
new 4dca7e7 instructions for gemification
new 1363275 add VERSION file and RSpec::Instafail::VERSION
new 7376ed3 gemspec
new 71b4ff6 Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.0
new a99f0e0 Added backtrace and standardized formatting.
new 020af39 Changed to traditional rspec formatting.
new dc7cb80 Minor spacing adjustment.
new cd13316 A couple more minor formatting issues.
new d1191eb Updated README to reflect this fork's output.
new bc37d23 Updated information for this fork.
new e7b7827 bump rspec to 2.x
new f83137f Added backtrace and standardized formatting.
new c6adb7d Changed to traditional rspec formatting.
new a25dff4 Minor spacing adjustment.
new 3828d1d A couple more minor formatting issues.
new a9c7274 Updated README to reflect this fork's output.
new a5912a0 add rspec 2 tipps and rails 3 install instructuions
new 8a86f5f add Matthew Willhite to contributors
new 6f3cb4d make rspec 1.x look like miwillhite made rspec 2.x look
new 71a2f66 Version bump to 0.1.1
new 28d8ed6 Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.1
new 5b60d42 Resolved conflicts and fixed specs
new 050e0bc Resolved conflicts
new 87cd3f7 Pulled down upstream changes
new 7bad28c Added debugger to options, for my own sanity
new c3ad730 Adapted specs for new output, also attempted to make them a little more legible
new c376a96 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:miwillhite/rspec-instafail
new 87b8a7d revert repo names
new d157784 add a more loose spec that passes when backtraces are absolute, so we can move forward
new fad3cee Version bump to 0.1.2
new 7de2f0a Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.2
new 581cabf Don't require "rspec" in lib/rspec/instafail
new 5c1d261 add Jeff Kreeftmeijer to contributors
new 310fa8f Version bump to 0.1.3
new 7622171 Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.3
new 150406a fix trace being a string(not array) in ruby 1.9.2
new 82ebfeb fix brittle specs for 1.9
new cf8f963 default to rspec 2, fall back to rspec 1
new 8a9308e Extract rspec 1 & 2 versions to separate files
new a01a1b7 Require rspec formatter in rspec version file
new cdd23a3 add Steve Tooke to contributors
new 018d4e2 Version bump to 0.1.4
new 9834fd7 Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.4
new b9e6653 fix for rspec 2.2
new 2735549 Version bump to 0.1.5
new c9f0456 Regenerated gemspec for version 0.1.5
new 7531510 Fixed loading for involver environment.
new 017e5c9 refactor absolute path patch
new 1236b37 Version bump to 0.1.6
new 8e2d2ff Regenerate gemspec for version 0.1.6
new c5cc495 Refactor specs a bit in preparation for testing changed error printing
new e58e029 Spec out current behavior
new f7d6b7b Output original_exception
new b79db19 remove that puts
new 095b873 add Raphael Sofaer to contributors
new a229558 Version bump to 0.1.7
new c819a2d Regenerate gemspec for version 0.1.7
new c3eca72 Change grey to cyan
new 9159ddb Merge pull request #5 from mikem/patch-1
new 2397af8 make backwards compatible for rspec pre 2.6
new 1b42433 add Mike Mazur to contributors
new 1f51629 Version bump to 0.1.8
new e8febcd Regenerate gemspec for version 0.1.8
new 7eeeb4f switch to bundler version management and MIT
new c1e9593 simplify rspec 2 formatter by using existing methods
new 33dc17d simplify rspec 1 code by using existing methods
new 3a80c07 modify load-path hack
new 0762597 bump version to 0.2.0
new 0696bc9 adjust bump script to zero out patch/minor on minor/major
new 01559b2 Fixed version requirement error
new 064c20e add vernonR2 to contributors
new 5d29948 bump version to 0.2.1
new dc2c963 Make instafail compatible with RSpec 2.8 -- https://github.com/rspec/rspec-core/commit/423af1314d3e75fae55d6021dd7ee57ffff54998
new 31ac5db bump version to 0.2.2
new 3579b87 add Olek Janiszewski, thanks for the rspec 2.8 fix
new 475cde0 Prevent ancestor modification when dumping errors -- Rspec2 bug
new dda97a8 bump version to 0.2.3
new 1c5d71d change permissions to try to fix #11
new 5aca466 bump version to 0.2.4
new 6cccfb0 lock it down
new 7368ff9 fix tests
new aaf9a37 build status
new 00dbd92 do not load rspec for version
new 0176eab try to fix travis
new a670033 bundle nver actually bundled...
new 61ba206 Add support for RSpec 3
new a39755d Merge pull request #17 from DexterTheDragon/rspec3_support
new 5eb3856 v0.2.5
new 00ed685 thanks for the patch
new 4e8a465 remove circular require
new 495fefc readme
new 0e10f3a bump lockfiles
new 7c2fe5d v0.2.6
new ac245bc Make a minor simplification to the RSpec 3 formatter.
new cc1e232 Merge pull request #19 from aprescott/simplify-rspec-3-formatter
new c449fdc Fix invalid rspec version detection
new 6388c1d Merge pull request #21 from ketiko/fix_rake_tasks
new 5516dde v0.3.0
new 0f6a8cb check gem version
new b29cc0d v0.4.0
new 2144239 Update readme and add gem badge
new ee2400f Merge pull request #24 from bootstraponline/patch-1
The 105 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-rspec-instafail.git
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