[DRE-commits] [ruby-aruba] annotated tag v0.5.1 created (now c91f010)
Hideki Yamane
henrich at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Nov 20 13:33:18 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
henrich pushed a change to annotated tag v0.5.1
in repository ruby-aruba.
at c91f010 (tag)
tagging 5f7932abbc44e41690719672764e72967402182c (commit)
replaces v0.5.0
tagged by Matt Wynne
on Tue Nov 20 10:55:17 2012 +0000
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.5.1
Chris Knadler (2):
Fixes typo in @annouce section of readme
Adds code climate badge to readme
Jarl Friis (24):
Allowing individual commands to run for a longer time
Steps for exact matches to named source
Reduced test speed for timeout test
Updating childprocess, it seems to work fine with 0.3 series
Removing explicit dependancy to ffi. childprocess is dependant on ffi and that is sufficient
Fixing build. Ensuring all parents exists, making a clean dir for each test
jruby specs working.
Fixed some cucumber tests on jruby
Going back to childprocess 0.2.3 as this works with RVM
ChildProcess handles process launch errors uniformly with an exception, see https://github.com/jarib/childprocess/commit/5488ed454a727d6daf204259e4e80383e9c55065
These tests are actually not testing output from the process anyway, because the process is actually never started.
Raising the default timeout, so Aruba becomes usefull with jruby out-of-the-box opposed to requiring users to raise the default themself
jruby is really slower than I expected, so increasing to 8 seconds
Marking features as work in progress
The test description is misleading, The output is actually one byte longer, because puts outputs a new-line
All tests should pass on travis, and I guess cat is install on travis CI
Making it rub 1.8 compliant
Added mandatory language key and commented out the jruby-19mode until rdiscount gem is installed
Cleaning up working and non-working scenarios
Adding cucumber_wip to default rake task
Updating tests to use ruby itself much less in the tests.
Updated with appropriate childprocess version, sleeping a bit longer for jruby
Marking it as wip instead
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into softace/timeoute_and_exact_match
Matt Wynne (13):
Fix bug for tests in Ruby 1.8.7
Merge pull request #126 from softace/softace/updating_childprocess
Merge pull request #127 from softace/fixing_build
Merge pull request #128 from softace/fixing_build2
Merge pull request #129 from softace/fixing_build3
Merge pull request #132 from cknadler/readme
They fixed the JRuby bug we found in #130
Revert "They fixed the JRuby bug we found in #130"
Merge branch 'master' into softace-softace/timeoute_and_exact_match
Change tests to work on OS X
Add ctags to gitignore
Delete dead scenario
Prep version and history for release of 0.5.1
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-aruba.git
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