[DRE-commits] [ruby-aruba] annotated tag v0.9.0.pre created (now fb3ce5f)

Hideki Yamane henrich at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Nov 20 13:33:21 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

henrich pushed a change to annotated tag v0.9.0.pre
in repository ruby-aruba.

        at  fb3ce5f   (tag)
   tagging  0f590311762bd0277672d4b227eb2bd381e75d57 (commit)
  replaces  v0.8.1
 tagged by  Max Meyer
        on  Wed Aug 12 08:37:12 2015 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.9.0.pre

Ashley Engelund (aenw / weedySeaDragon) (1):
      Introduce WindowsEnvironmentVariables to make access to environment

Dennis Günnewig (53):
      Fixed history
      Added AppVeyor CI badge
      See if windows install runs better
      Fixed error for 1.9.2
      Version bump
      Better check for version in Gemfile
      Prevent ruby from outputting warnings because of undefined instance variables
      Move table to separate class to make it easier to use
      Added logger to aruba
      We will deprecate 1.9.2 from 1.0.0 as well because cucumber 2 requires 1.9.3 and should be used from 1.0.0 on
      Improve documentation / tests for filesystem
      Fixed specs with new check in expand_path
      Added new arguments to spec
      No need to change the PATH for the local which
      Add cucumber-pro only for rubies > 1.9.2
      Improve fixture for cli-app
      Use run_simple to make sure a command finishes in time
      Remove is_a. It's already part of contracts gem
      Add depth and more tests for ArubaPath
      Enabled dev mode for jruby to make it a lot of faster
      Make simplecov more accurate
      Add travis-yaml gem to make linting the yaml possible
      Make travis-yaml integration 'compatible' with older rubies
      Make implementation of depth compatible with ruby 1.8.7
      Use inprocess feature of jruby to further speedup build
      Install only on non-java platforms
      Use the fuubar formatter to see progress of rspec
      Fixed bug in simple table if hash is empty
      jruby ENV seems to be hash. We need to dup it. Otherwise it is cleared
      Fixed simple table spec
      Disable inprocess of jruby
      Do not use pattern for rspec task
      Add classes to introduce the Ports and Adapters-pattern to aruba
      Move files to their new place
      Use the new implementation everywhere
      Merge pull request #299 from dg-ratiodata/feature/platform
      Easier Implementation for Platform
      No message to use Aruba.platform by normal users, that's an private api which should not be used by users
      Split up #unescape into #extract_text and #unescape_text
      Update history
      Make it compatible with the old behaviour
      Added check for instance variables
      Add those flags only if not already added
      Merge pull request #302 from dg-ratiodata/feature/windows_process
      Merge pull request #303 from dg-ratiodata/150724-wsd--windows-env-vars-upcase
      Merge pull request #304 from dg-ratiodata/feature/windows_which
      Unescape \t as well
      Fixed bug with chdir
      Make sure, that we raise an error if an not implemented method in process launcher is used
      Merge pull request #305 from dg-ratiodata/feature/add_console_to_aruba
      Split command into separate strings
      Update history
      Real copy of unix environment as well

Matt Wynne (2):
      Add new AppVeyor badge
      Tidy up build status badges

Max Meyer (33):
      Licensefinder requires httparty which needs ruby 1.9.3
      Get rid of platform to make it work at last
      It needs to be here < 1.9.3 as well
      Missing 1.92. requirement
      Fix use of deprecated method
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:cucumber/aruba
      Added ffi to gemspec to make os detection easier. It's already a requirement of childprocess. But let's make this explicit
      Output full environment before a command is run
      Make the table of environment variables look prettier
      Fixed spec for simple table after reformatting
      Fixed deprecation warning
      Updated history
      Updated history again
      Add disk usage
      Use default feature-test only where needed
      Update history
      Merge pull request #294 from dg-ratiodata/feature/disk_usage
      Update history
      Fixed indentation
      Fixed missed features not to use the default-feature test
      Removed old style api for removing things
      Here we need the default executable
      Use around instead of before to make it possible to use aruba in around hook of rspec
      Support for WindowsProcess added
      Updated history
      Added which-command for windows and linux
      Updated history
      Fixed error message
      Use absolute path for cmd.exe as well
      Add console support to aruba
      Fixed history
      Use ERB in cucumber.yml to ignore scenarios on different platforms
      Version Bump


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-aruba.git

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