[DRE-commits] [ruby-aruba] 02/74: Make the use of $std* and $kernel more obvious
Hideki Yamane
henrich at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 28 01:16:26 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
henrich pushed a commit to branch debian/sid
in repository ruby-aruba.
commit 2fc3ef4e2e4c6fcca21c8b8e4d9ba94105c73177
Author: Dennis Günnewig <dg1 at ratiodata.de>
Date: Mon Nov 23 10:53:53 2015 +0100
Make the use of $std* and $kernel more obvious
features/steps/commands/in_process.feature | 130 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 130 insertions(+)
diff --git a/features/steps/commands/in_process.feature b/features/steps/commands/in_process.feature
index 4bbf545..0c10837 100644
--- a/features/steps/commands/in_process.feature
+++ b/features/steps/commands/in_process.feature
@@ -298,3 +298,133 @@ Feature: Run commands in ruby process
When I run `cucumber`
Then the features should all pass
+ Scenario: Use $stderr, $stdout and $stdin to access IO
+ May may need/want to use the default `STDERR`, `STDOUT`, `STDIN`-constants
+ to access IO from within your script. Unfortunately this does not work with
+ the `:in_process`-command launcher. You need to use `$stderr`, `$stdout`
+ and `$stdin` instead.
+ For this example I chose `thor` to parse ARGV. Its `.start`-method accepts
+ an "Array" as ARGV and a "Hash" for some other options – `.start <ARGV>, <OPTIONS>`
+ Given a file named "lib/cli/app/runner.rb" with:
+ """
+ require 'cli/app/cli_parser'
+ module Cli
+ module App
+ class Runner
+ def initialize(argv, stdin, stdout, stderr, kernel)
+ @argv = argv
+ $kernel = kernel
+ $stdin = stdin
+ $stdout = stdout
+ $stderr = stderr
+ end
+ def execute!
+ Cli::App::CliParser.start @argv
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ """
+ And a file named "lib/cli/app/cli_parser.rb" with:
+ """
+ require 'thor'
+ module Cli
+ module App
+ class CliParser < Thor
+ def self.exit_on_failure?
+ true
+ end
+ desc 'do_it', 'Reverse input'
+ def do_it(*args)
+ $stderr.puts 'Hey ya, Hey ya, check, check, check'
+ $stdout.puts(args.flatten.map(&:reverse).join(' '))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ """
+ And a file named "features/in_process.feature" with:
+ """
+ Feature: Run a command in process
+ @in-process
+ Scenario: Run command
+ When I run `reverse.rb do_it Hello World`
+ Then the stdout should contain:
+ \"\"\"
+ olleH dlroW
+ \"\"\"
+ And the stderr should contain:
+ \"\"\"
+ Hey ya, Hey ya, check, check, check
+ \"\"\"
+ """
+ When I run `cucumber`
+ Then the features should all pass
+ Scenario: Use $kernel to use Kernel to capture exit code
+ Ruby's `Kernel`-module provides some helper methods like `exit`.
+ Unfortunately running `#exit` with `:in_process` would make the whole ruby
+ interpreter exit. So you might want to use our `FakeKernel`-module module
+ instead which overwrites `#exit`. This will also make our tests for
+ checking the exit code work. This example also uses the `thor`-library.
+ Given a file named "lib/cli/app/runner.rb" with:
+ """
+ require 'cli/app/cli_parser'
+ module Cli
+ module App
+ class Runner
+ def initialize(argv, stdin, stdout, stderr, kernel)
+ @argv = argv
+ $kernel = kernel
+ $stdin = stdin
+ $stdout = stdout
+ $stderr = stderr
+ end
+ def execute!
+ Cli::App::CliParser.start @argv
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ """
+ And a file named "lib/cli/app/cli_parser.rb" with:
+ """
+ require 'thor'
+ module Cli
+ module App
+ class CliParser < Thor
+ def self.exit_on_failure?
+ true
+ end
+ desc 'do_it', 'Reverse input'
+ def do_it(*args)
+ $kernel.exit 5
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ """
+ And a file named "features/in_process.feature" with:
+ """
+ Feature: Run a command in process
+ @in-process
+ Scenario: Run command
+ When I run `reverse.rb do_it`
+ Then the exit status should be 5
+ """
+ When I run `cucumber`
+ Then the features should all pass
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