[DRE-commits] [ruby-aruba] 07/74: Terminate/Stop command via cucumber steps

Hideki Yamane henrich at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 28 01:16:27 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

henrich pushed a commit to branch debian/sid
in repository ruby-aruba.

commit 4af940822663b69a1b7336c8668d90be7514edfa
Author: Max Meyer <dev at fedux.org>
Date:   Wed Nov 18 16:47:31 2015 +0100

    Terminate/Stop command via cucumber steps
 features/steps/commands/run.feature  |   1 +
 features/steps/commands/stop.feature | 237 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/aruba/cucumber/command.rb        |  20 +++
 3 files changed, 258 insertions(+)

diff --git a/features/steps/commands/run.feature b/features/steps/commands/run.feature
index ec99c0b..ec45ac9 100644
--- a/features/steps/commands/run.feature
+++ b/features/steps/commands/run.feature
@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ Feature: Run commands
     When I run `cucumber`
     Then the features should all pass
diff --git a/features/steps/commands/stop.feature b/features/steps/commands/stop.feature
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f04bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/features/steps/commands/stop.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+Feature: Stop commands
+  After you've started a command, you might want to stop a command. To do that
+  you've got multiple possibilities.
+  Background:
+    Given I use a fixture named "cli-app"
+  Scenario: Terminate last command started
+    Terminating a command will send `SIGTERM` to the command.
+    Given an executable named "bin/cli1" with:
+    """bash
+    #!/bin/bash
+    function term {
+      echo Command1
+      exit 1
+    }
+    trap term TERM
+    while [ true ]; do sleep 1; done
+    """
+    And an executable named "bin/cli2" with:
+    """bash
+    #!/bin/bash
+    function term {
+      echo Command2
+      exit 0
+    }
+    trap term TERM
+    while [ true ]; do sleep 1; done
+    exit 2
+    """
+    And a file named "features/stop.feature" with:
+    """
+    Feature: Run it
+      Background:
+        Given the default aruba exit timeout is 1 second
+      Scenario: Run command
+        Given I run `cli1`
+        And I run `cli2`
+        When I terminate the command started last
+        Then the exit status should be 0
+        And the output should contain:
+        \"\"\"
+        Command2
+        \"\"\"
+    """
+    When I run `cucumber`
+    Then the features should all pass
+  Scenario: Stop last command started
+    Stopping a command will wait n seconds for the command to stop and then
+    send `SIGTERM` to the command. Normally "n" is defined by the default exit
+    timeout of aruba.
+    Given an executable named "bin/cli1" with:
+    """bash
+    #!/bin/bash
+    function term {
+      echo Command1
+      exit 1
+    }
+    trap term TERM
+    while [ true ]; do sleep 1; done
+    """
+    And an executable named "bin/cli2" with:
+    """bash
+    #!/bin/bash
+    function term {
+      echo Command2
+      exit 0
+    }
+    trap term TERM
+    while [ true ]; do sleep 1; done
+    exit 2
+    """
+    And a file named "features/stop.feature" with:
+    """
+    Feature: Run it
+      Background:
+        Given the default aruba exit timeout is 1 second
+      Scenario: Run command
+        Given I run `cli1`
+        And I run `cli2`
+        When I stop the command started last
+        Then the exit status should be 0
+        And the output should contain:
+        \"\"\"
+        Command2
+        \"\"\"
+    """
+    When I run `cucumber`
+    Then the features should all pass
+  Scenario: Terminate command given by commandline
+    Terminating a command will send `SIGTERM` to the command.
+    Given an executable named "bin/cli1" with:
+    """bash
+    #!/bin/bash
+    function term {
+      echo Command1
+      exit 1
+    }
+    trap term TERM
+    while [ true ]; do sleep 1; done
+    """
+    And an executable named "bin/cli2" with:
+    """bash
+    #!/bin/bash
+    function term {
+      echo Command2
+      exit 0
+    }
+    trap term TERM
+    while [ true ]; do sleep 1; done
+    exit 2
+    """
+    And a file named "features/stop.feature" with:
+    """
+    Feature: Run it
+      Background:
+        Given the default aruba exit timeout is 1 second
+      Scenario: Run command
+        Given I run `cli1`
+        And I run `cli2`
+        When I terminate the command "cli1"
+        Then the exit status should be 0
+        And the output should contain:
+        \"\"\"
+        Command2
+        \"\"\"
+    """
+    When I run `cucumber`
+    Then the features should all pass
+  Scenario: Stop last command given by commandline
+    Stopping a command will wait n seconds for the command to stop and then
+    send `SIGTERM` to the command. Normally "n" is defined by the default exit
+    timeout of aruba.
+    Given an executable named "bin/cli1" with:
+    """bash
+    #!/bin/bash
+    function term {
+      echo Command1
+      exit 1
+    }
+    trap term TERM
+    while [ true ]; do sleep 1; done
+    """
+    And an executable named "bin/cli2" with:
+    """bash
+    #!/bin/bash
+    function term {
+      echo Command2
+      exit 0
+    }
+    trap term TERM
+    while [ true ]; do sleep 1; done
+    exit 2
+    """
+    And a file named "features/stop.feature" with:
+    """
+    Feature: Run it
+      Background:
+        Given the default aruba exit timeout is 1 second
+      Scenario: Run command
+        Given I run `cli1`
+        And I run `cli2`
+        When I stop the command "cli1"
+        Then the exit status should be 0
+        And the output should contain:
+        \"\"\"
+        Command2
+        \"\"\"
+    """
+    When I run `cucumber`
+    Then the features should all pass
+  Scenario: Stop command with configured signal
+    You can define a default signal which is used to stop all commands.
+    Given an executable named "bin/cli" with:
+    """bash
+    #!/bin/bash
+    function usr1 {
+      echo "Exit..."
+      exit 0
+    }
+    function term {
+      echo "No! No exit here. Try USR1. I stop the command with exit 1."
+      exit 1
+    }
+    trap usr1 USR1
+    trap term TERM
+    while [ true ]; do sleep 1; done
+    """
+    And a file named "features/run.feature" with:
+    """
+    Feature: Run it
+      Scenario: Run command
+        Given the default aruba stop signal is "USR1"
+        And the default aruba exit timeout is 1 second
+        When I run `cli`
+        Then the exit status should be 0
+    """
+    When I run `cucumber`
+    Then the features should all pass
diff --git a/lib/aruba/cucumber/command.rb b/lib/aruba/cucumber/command.rb
index 94877c5..281bdd3 100644
--- a/lib/aruba/cucumber/command.rb
+++ b/lib/aruba/cucumber/command.rb
@@ -49,6 +49,26 @@ When(/^I pipe in (?:a|the) file(?: named)? "([^"]*)"$/) do |file|
+When(/^I stop the command (?:"([^"]*)"|(?:started last))$/) do |command|
+  if command
+    cmd = all_commands.find { |c| c.commandline == command }
+    fail ArgumentError, %(No command "#{command}" found) if cmd.nil?
+    cmd.stop(announcer)
+  else
+    last_command_started.stop(announcer)
+  end
+When(/^I terminate the command (?:"([^"]*)"|(?:started last))$/) do |command|
+  if command
+    cmd = all_commands.find { |c| c.commandline == command }
+    fail ArgumentError, %(No command "#{command}" found) if cmd.nil?
+    cmd.terminate
+  else
+    last_command_started.terminate
+  end
 When(/^I stop the command(?: started last)? if (output|stdout|stderr) contains:$/) do |channel, expected|
   fail %(Invalid output channel "#{channel}" chosen. Please choose one of "output, stdout or stderr") unless %w(output stdout stderr).include? channel

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-aruba.git

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