[DRE-commits] [ruby-aruba] annotated tag v0.10.0.pre created (now 3c0a66e)

Hideki Yamane henrich at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 28 01:17:21 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

henrich pushed a change to annotated tag v0.10.0.pre
in repository ruby-aruba.

        at  3c0a66e   (tag)
   tagging  2ec7f52c431213b42d70a023cdd778614570723a (commit)
  replaces  v0.9.0
 tagged by  Dennis Günnewig
        on  Sat Oct 17 14:03:21 2015 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.10.0.pre

Dennis Günnewig (29):
      Add documentation about how to use aruba from minitest
      Make steps for testing frameworks first class citizens
      Rename feature test
      Updated History
      Added example how to run a command with relative path
      Make it compatible with 1.8.7
      Make it compatible with 1.8.7
      Move to a better place
      Fixed bug when running SIGINT
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:dg-ratiodata/aruba
      Update history
      Add some new matchers to make it easier to write steps for cucumber
      Updated History
      Make filename -> file_name because we use this everywhere else
      Merge pull request #306 from dg-ratiodata/feature/improve_matching_of_strings
      Reference supported programming languages in README
      Try jruby 9.0.0
      Added new initializer to make starting with aruba easier
      Merge pull request #308 from dg-ratiodata/feature/initializer
      Re-add ruby but allow failures
      Fixed the other example as well
      Fixed problem with all-matcher by using module_function
      Make it possible to remove an environment variable
      Fixed wording in feature file
      Use the normal step to set environment variables
      It should be possible to set environment variables with lower case letters
      Added test for mixed case variables
      Add test for windows only
      New pre-release

Max Meyer (2):
      Sync IO to make sure everything is written to disk at once
      Let's see what's failing


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/ruby-aruba.git

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