[DRE-commits] [vagrant-libvirt] annotated tag 0.0.26 created (now c69f6ca)
Antonio Terceiro
terceiro at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Apr 24 13:56:56 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
terceiro pushed a change to annotated tag 0.0.26
in repository vagrant-libvirt.
at c69f6ca (tag)
tagging d154582c5d628d3921f62ffbbc5b6fe0f4666813 (commit)
replaces 0.0.17
tagged by dima
on Wed Apr 15 21:59:14 2015 +0200
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
version 0.0.26
Adam Spiers (8):
add gateway_ports option
make gem dependencies reasonably optimistic again (fixes #253)
remove pry debug
don't monkey-patch #default_provider
allow newer ruby-libvirt (#158)
allow cache mode to be set for additional disks
fix redirection of STDOUT/ERR of ssh port forwarding process (#226)
honour path parameter of storage directive
Benjamin Vanheuverzwijn (1):
Fixed port forwarding when using remote libvirt (use a ProxyCommand)
Bradley Smith (3):
refactor set_domain_name to avoid duplicate names when running multiple guests.
add test for building domain name.
add basic test structure--still a WIP. Add test for setting domain name
Brian Pitts (34):
Revert "Revert "Bump Nokogiri version""
Accept any version of Nokogiri 1.6
Provider does not need to set username
Refer users to vagrant's docs for ssh settings
Merge pull request #255 from aspiers/remove-debug
Merge pull request #254 from aspiers/loosen-deps
Merge pull request #261 from aspiers/remove-default-provider
Merge pull request #262 from aspiers/allow-newer-ruby-libvirt
Merge pull request #263 from aspiers/extra-storage-cache-mode
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into additional_disks_bus
Merge pull request #270 from sciurus/additional_disks_bus
Merge pull request #264 from aspiers/ssh-forward-logging
Fix port forwarding ssh process cleanup
Merge pull request #271 from sciurus/ssh-without-sh
Merge pull request #273 from crocket/master
Merge branch 'master' into bp-disk-path
Check for absolute disk path in #validate
Do not chance disk path
Merge pull request #276 from leoh0/master
Fix indendation
Add lock around storage pool creation; closes #278
Change libvirt method for creating storage pool
Add lock around base box upload
Merge pull request #283 from tkrille/use_dhcp_assigned_default_route
Merge pull request #281 from sciurus/fix/lock-pool-creation
Merge pull request #287 from bpradipt/multi-arch-support
Merge pull request #295 from obnoxxx/master
Merge pull request #296 from voxik/patch-1
Merge pull request #298 from kshlm/fix-ip_command
Merge pull request #303 from facastagnini/patch-1
Merge pull request #308 from facastagnini/patch-1
Merge pull request #309 from facastagnini/patch-2
Merge pull request #314 from facastagnini/patch-3
Update version to 0.0.25
Dennis Klein (2):
condition for setting default value was wrong
honor the vagrant box version
Dmitry Vasilets (34):
Merge pull request #190 from purpleidea/feat/sudo-forward
Merge pull request #207 from sendgrid-ops/random_domain_name
Merge pull request #209 from joejulian/accept_other_mac_formats
Merge pull request #210 from joejulian/honor_auto_config_network_option
Merge pull request #211 from joejulian/master
Merge pull request #212 from nicot/nokogiri-bump
Revert "Bump Nokogiri version"
Merge pull request #213 from pradels/revert-212-nokogiri-bump
Merge pull request #214 from sciurus/revert-213-revert-212-nokogiri-bump
Merge pull request #218 from Thingee/master
Merge pull request #206 from bvanheu/bugfix/portforwarding_proxycommand
Merge pull request #216 from nicot/master
Merge pull request #232 from aspiers/gateway-ports
Merge pull request #227 from toabctl/9p-params
Merge pull request #223 from bartigor/nic_model_type
Merge pull request #237 from smerrill/patch-1
Merge pull request #220 from jordant/master
Merge pull request #217 from sstrato/add_management_network_mode
Merge pull request #239 from theonewolf/custom-vnc-ports
Merge pull request #241 from sciurus/nokogiri-version
Merge pull request #242 from sciurus/no_username
Merge pull request #243 from dennisklein/management_network_mode_typo
Merge pull request #248 from tboerger/feature/log-instead-puts
Merge pull request #275 from sciurus/disk-path
Merge pull request #319 from ldx/os-type-attrs
Merge pull request #328 from epienbroek/master
Merge pull request #294 from dennisklein/honor_box_version
rescue if version of box not defined
Merge pull request #306 from jakobadam/master
Merge pull request #333 from d0c-s4vage/feature-libvirt_cdrom
Merge pull request #334 from d0c-s4vage/hotfix-cdrom_readme
Merge pull request #336 from d0c-s4vage/feature-nic_mac_addresses
Merge pull request #337 from jcsalem/ssh_key_path_fix
Eohyung Lee (1):
Support open vSwitch bridge device
Erik van Pienbroek (1):
Allow the situation where DHCP is not requested but where it is enabled on the virtual network
Federico Castagnini (4):
Improving documentation aftert #302
Improving example Vagrantfile
Only TCP port forwarding supported
Sanitize memory and cpu (Fix #313)
Jakob Aarøe Dam (4):
Script to create a box out of a qcow2 file.
Print proper paths to user when using a absolute BOX path.
Support spaces in paths, by quoting all variables.
Check for write permission to image before boxing.
James Johnson (8):
can now add local cdrom storage to a box
* fixed indentation (hopefully did not introduce more indentation problems)
use matching indentation when showing CDROM info
Pull request was merged into vagrant-libvirt
updated the README to reflect changes in pradels/vagrant-libvirt#333
invalid syntax in an inline code sample
implemented nic_mac_addresses capability
fixed whitespace nonconformity
James Shubin (1):
Forward SSH ports <= 1024 using sudo.
Jim Salem (1):
Improve doc for id_ssh_key_file. Do not prepend ~/.ssh/ if the pathname includes a directory
Joe Julian (3):
Accept other MAC address formats.
Honor the auto_config configuration option to allow vagrant to skip configuring network interfaces.
fix typo
John Beredimas (1):
Allow isolated networks
Jordan Tardif (1):
Do not include features/model when cpu_mode = host-passthrough
Kaushal M (3):
Use a version agnostic ip_command
Use grep /proc/net/arp instead of the arp command ...
Use just awk to parse /proc/net/arp
Michael Adam (1):
Remove shebang from non-executable Rakefile.
Mike Perez (1):
Add en locale for long_shutoff message
Nico Tonozzi (3):
Bump Nokogiri version
Provide an option to randomize domain name
Update readme and test cases
Pradipta Kr. Banerjee (1):
Add multi-arch support
Steven Merrill (1):
Add provisioner shared folders after first boot.
Thomas Bechtold (2):
Allow override of 9p mount params
Fix mount option handling for 9p
Thomas Boerger (1):
Replaced a puts with logger
Thomas Krille (1):
support use_dhcp_assigned_default_route
Vil Surkin (1):
added ability to specify bus for additional disks
Vilmos Nebehaj (2):
Add 'machine_type' parameter.
Add `machine` domain option to README.md.
Vít Ondruch (1):
Update summary and description.
Wolfgang Richter (4):
templatized handling of graphics and video libvirt XML
README.md: adding documentation for customizing graphics/display
automatically set autoport to properly support legacy behavior
README.md: oops, we default to the normal port 5900 not 5901
bartigor (1):
added options for SET values Vagrantfile type of network adapters when you create a domain CME
crocket (1):
README.md : Fix `video_type` documentation.
dima (29):
new version
version 0.0.21
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
add graphics password
Merge branch 'disk-path' of git://github.com/sciurus/vagrant-libvirt
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
update version to 0.0.24
support keymap settings close #326
check image file close #320
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
Merge branch 'bug/multiple-disks-in-different-provider-calls'
add alternative link to box close #329
close #291
add information and correct example for bridge. close #330
add veryisolated option for network. close #324
add short description for box creation script
remove not useful link
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
improve format
cleaning,tests preparation
more strict patern for full path
nicot (1):
Now with less with
sathlan (1):
Multiple disks in different provider call fails.
sstrato.kong (1):
add management network mode selection
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new 810f0b3 Initial commit
new a270ad7 set provider
new 2b29299 File example_box/Vagrantfile added.
new 6c6f438 Merge branch 'set_provider' of https://github.com/pronix/vagrant-libvirt
new 7a7569e Note about env variable VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER in README.md file.
new f5559d7 Fixed json syntax error
new 268ff99 Open issues note in future work
new 0a66fd2 pause <-> resume
new 1069816 Merge pull request #9 from pronix/master
new 99d649a - Changed way how to get IP address of new VM - checks /var/lib/libvirt/dnsmasq/*.leases files.
new 5078021 IP handling info changed in README.md
new 72f1e41 Halt action added. This resulted into action.rb file rewrite. There was a need to split up actions into more subactions + more checking of VM state - if it's up when trying to ssh etc..
new 89ef287 v0.0.2 notes
new 9381f8e Readme rewriten for v0.0.2
new b3f9ba0 Update README to note libvirt-dev requirement
new 7221c6c Merge pull request #12 from supercow/libvirt-dev_doc_update
new 9f67b6b Tool for RedHat image preparation.
new f82018c Fix for requiretty disabling in sudoers file. Don't use DNS in /etc/ssh/sshd_config file setup.
new 0df992d Switch off iptables and SELinux to permissive mode.
new e98c64c IP of VM is searched in dnsmasq lease files only.
new 076e7dd Provider options cpu and memory added. Those are used while creating a new domain.
new 20a478c v0.0.3
new c8c34d8 Version changed to 0.0.3
new 2c8d3b0 fix run_provisioner
new 9ae4e7c Merge pull request #17 from pronix/master
new 21e267c Exception handling while starting a domain.
new e0a4212 add handleBoxUrl for download box close #15
new 118aff1 Merge pull request #20 from pronix/master
new 2eb772b add actiob ssh_run for command `vagrant ssh -c "bash cli" ` close #13
new da889b3 Merge pull request #21 from pronix/master
new 76f33c9 v0.0.4
new c1c360f nested virtualization
new 60b8e41 Merge pull request #22 from pronix/master
new 813a7c8 * Private network support. * Creating private networks if ip address is set and network is not available. * Guest network interfaces configuration.
new 5dea377 Use network 'default' if nothing more is specified in `config.vm.network`.
new 711b103 Setting hostname with `config.vm.hostname`.
new cee5bbe VMs IP is no longer stored in machines data_dir. Cleanup is no longer needed.
new 29daa53 v0.0.5
new e1d4225 add nfs support
new 36b71b7 improve nfs
new d0383d1 Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/pradels/vagrant-libvirt
new 3576713 Merge pull request #25 from pronix/master
new dd5b97d update readme
new 26c5097 Merge pull request #27 from pronix/master
new 89198f2 restrict version of ruby for use
new 2379ff4 Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/pradels/vagrant-libvirt
new 44f7251 Merge pull request #29 from pronix/master
new 331580f Don't force username to root, rely on config.ssh.username
new 1ba2b9a Merge pull request #31 from domcleal/ssh-user
new 01eb354 Fix NFS network discovery
new 93d59b1 Merge pull request #33 from domcleal/nfs-network
new 4776846 * Image upload buffer length reduced. * Error handling fixed to correspond to correct translation.
new 2edd384 Updated Vagrantfile in example box.
new d051966 v0.0.6
new 09892ef fix namespace Libvirt collision with ruby-libvirt library
new d491df0 Increment version to refrect fix
new 4ddd150 Merge pull request #41 from miurahr/fix_namespace_collision
new 80f4d3b fix for Hiroshi Miura <miurahr at linux.com> patch
new 5fd30fe Merge pull request #42 from pronix/master
new ba23591 close #43 key file set in provider url
new 155606f remove not require puts
new 97a0677 Merge pull request #47 from pronix/master
new 0670b19 add me as author and add license to gem spec file close #39
new 00fed75 Merge pull request #48 from pronix/master
new 8933842 Initial implementation of public_network support.
new 151f212 Added defaults for :dev and :mode. Updated documentation to explain these options.
new eba5599 Merge pull request #53 from nickryand/public_network
new 5d3ea31 Volume driver cache parameter
new 7573984 accessor missing
new 6b50e42 Merge pull request #54 from yozik04/master
new 1e2f49f Specify a MAC address for public_network interface
new 3bcf949 MAC address can be specified on all network interfaces.
new 8d1784b space
new d2894bb Merge pull request #56 from yozik04/master
new aac710e Support AMD and Intel processors with nested vm's
new 14c508c Merge pull request #58 from jordant/master
new 40d8624 syntax cleanup
new 1b5a603 Enable parallelization
new 60442c5 Use random string in name of domain
new 15a1114 Merge pull request #61 from sciurus/0.0.7_parallel
new 26d7ea2 new version and small changes
new b814a02 Requre Nokogiri 1.5
new 4c48097 Autostart and activate networks that are not already autostarted or activated
new 672cb64 Merge pull request #64 from sciurus/network_activation
new 6175d8d Require nokogiri 1.5.10
new dc6e322 Merge pull request #63 from sciurus/specify-nokogiri-version
new 7b09331 version 0.0.9
new 7c1aaba Delete files from destination to avoid confusions
new fd7a7f0 Merge pull request #66 from kalabiyau/master
new 2a6ce64 Fixes #67
new 4922b71 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
new 2248e1a version 0.0.10
new 003c7a0 Update README.md
new 90fcbf5 Merge pull request #69 from brettporter/patch-1
new c9abbd2 rearranging the actions loaded in alpha order
new 77dd91d Merge pull request #77 from cp16net/alpha-order-actions
new 62c7b39 Implement reload command
new c7b0189 Merge pull request #79 from sciurus/reload
new 69f97cf Delete any snapshots when destroying a domain
new b68adff Merge pull request #80 from sciurus/destroy_snapshots
new be44fc1 close #72 possibility to give VMs a name
new d03f50b close #76 correct uri for different virtualizations
new 55e31c1 close #70 undefine machine id should be after all operations
new 8591025 varsion 0.0.11
new df26248 Mention compatibility with sahara
new b04c45c Merge pull request #81 from sciurus/mention_sahara
new 5a75cbc selinux should working
new 5c5954c Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
new 84fdc7d Fix box metadata error keys
new eace91e Merge pull request #82 from sciurus/box-error-keys
new 9c8a401 remove ruby-libvirt dependency
new 6492e0a add default network and ssk key file parameters
new 149253a remove erronous ,
new 6383297 Add new options descriptions in README
new 1e35123 Mention vagrant-mutate
new f141c19 Merge pull request #92 from sciurus/mention_mutate
new 06aa627 adding the nfs share on start
new 0455df8 Merge pull request #94 from cp16net/add-nfs-on-start
new afc6c3a Fix wrong nfs methods call
new 8818346 Merge pull request #95 from rodis/fix_incorrect_calls
new f0614b1 Proxy ssh through libvirt host, if libvirt is connected via ssh
new dc18b14 Merge pull request #96 from erik-smit/remote-libvirt-ssh
new 0984db2 Merge pull request #89 from mffrench/add-default-network-and-ssh-key-file-parameters
new 81abafd by default used key id_rsa
new 3917161 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
new 995d20b version 0.0.12
new 9bedd45 Allow to use nested virtualization again
new bf3b70c Remove excess arrow
new 9ae5fab Merge pull request #98 from kalabiyau/master
new e3b59e4 Bump version to 0.0.13
new e9bc5bf Merge pull request #100 from kalabiyau/master
new 5708442 Use find utility in libvirt ip command
new e17ad42 Merge pull request #106 from sciurus/libvirt_ip_command
new 50b15b9 fix checking string
new deb32dd Make ip_command work with posix shells
new bbe1b22 Merge pull request #109 from sciurus/libvirt_ip_command
new 6e3a9fe small fix for vagrant 1.4(not well tested but start working)
new f9f8374 fix for ssh keys from(copied from vagrant-aws)
new cffb351 Support for cpu_mode configuration while using the nested option.
new f13dd6a Fixing up quotes around host-model
new f8477e0 Merge pull request #110 from jordant/master
new 0fa79bc Merge pull request #88 from miurahr/reomve_ruby_libvirt_dependency
new c28e091 Depend on ruby-libvirt gem since fog does not pull it in
new c574f7b Merge pull request #114 from sciurus/require_ruby_libvirt
new 171feb3 Only use vagrant 1.4 nfs changes when running vagrant 1.4.
new 14439fe Merge pull request #115 from sciurus/guard_vagrant14_nfs_changes
new f277c11 Allow changing disk bus
new facc198 Document setting disk bus
new 9d6f623 Merge pull request #118 from sciurus/configurable_disk_bus
new 5f0d365 Add kernel/initrd/cmd_line directives for the qemu driver
new b499307 Corrected a wrongly spelled key and added domain_name to the error output
new 6ebb73e Merge pull request #119 from teto/error_correction
new 1021833 Added entries in README.md
new 0ac7498 Add provider specific default_prefix option.
new 8f19b33 Merge pull request #122 from purpleidea/customname
new c4d758b Add network debugging output
new 01d3f28 Remove one branch that can never be taken and comment another that can only be taken in older vagrant
new de553d0 Create default network if needed. Relates to #102.
new 4630650 Fail if any existing networks configured to have DHCP do not have it. Relates to #103 and #123.
new 1aabe66 Make network creation thread-safe, closes #104
new da01c0e Fix logic for debug output about finding network by ip
new 2377b6b Use vagrant-libvirt and as default network settings. Closes #125.
new c323468 Rename default network to management network. Closes #126.
new e204e45 Merge pull request #120 from teto/kernel2
new 90a2046 Merge branch 'improve_network_robustness' of github.com:sciurus/vagrant-libvirt into sciurus-improve_network_robustness
new 2ac0855 remove not require return
new 6e8c43e Create and activate networks if needed when starting VM. Closes #116
new 1484a9f Handle network that vagrant created missing when destroy is run. Closes #128
new 04c4d32 Add discussion of management network
new 8fefca0 Merge pull request #129 from sciurus/116_and_128
new 0fe1798 released 0.0.14 close #131
new 5440873 Update gemspec to not conflict with libvirt-aws and libvirt-openstack-plugin
new bb5d081 Add support for port forwarding.
new d3e9188 Describe new functionality in the README and fix some coding style issues.
new 25fe1ea Cleanup nfs config for Vagrant 1.4+
new 4d89c14 Merge pull request #136 from detiber/fixNFSPrune
new 8a8ec7b Fix network device creation logic.
new b31569b Use the MixinSyncedFolders to allow us to comprehend default shared folders implementations
new a7275aa Make SSH for forwarded ports write to /dev/null
new 336c16c Merge pull request #139 from sciurus/forwarded-ports
new b719d18 Merge pull request #138 from mpalmer/nfs-default-impl
new a40a6b1 Merge pull request #137 from sciurus/network_interfaces
new 2b2277d Add Brian to gem authors
new 619b7d4 Merge pull request #140 from sciurus/authors
new 16b2589 Fixing parameters of run_provisioner
new ea70c8f Merge pull request #142 from keitwb/run_provisioner_fix
new 2a6cb05 simple changes by rubocop recomendations
new de4ca2b version 0.0.15 , min supported vagrant version 1.4.3
new 15df77b Update changelog
new b7212a9 Merge pull request #143 from sciurus/CHANGELOG
new 03cd2c2 Catching exception on initial read_state
new 2edf445 Remove code paths for older vagrant.
new 0cd02df Merge pull request #148 from sciurus/1.4_only
new 67eae75 Using ssh info directly without shelling out
new 22294a9 Merge pull request #150 from keitwb/port_forward_fix
new cd93243 More specific error handling if domain not found
new e31815a referencing source of error codes
new 62f767a removing pry call
new 84d1f83 Make a dup in order not to modify driver string.
new e382687 Read driver from config instead of hard-coding to kvm.
new 22314ec Merge pull request #156 from crealytics/xen_support
new 0a68f47 drop version number from README.md
new 8fb2c65 Merge pull request #157 from kalabiyau/patch-1
new f9e6fd9 Update connect_libvirt.rb
new da1eb52 Merge pull request #161 from maishsk/patch-1
new cf26168 Only rsync if the type is set to rsync
new 135e480 Merge pull request #165 from ekohl/assume-nfs-default
new 10c3ede Catches fog exception when machine could not be found
new 29efbf7 Catches the following exception to prevent stack from being displayed: Bringing machine 'default' up with 'libvirt' provider... /home/teto/vagrant-libvirt/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/fog-1.20.0/lib/fog/libvirt/models/compute/volume.rb:84:in `default_pool_name': No storage pools are defined (Fog::Errors::Error) from /home/teto/vagrant-libvirt/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/fog-1.20.0/lib/fog/libvirt/models/compute/volume.rb:33:in `initialize' from /home/teto/ [...]
new 9714003 Added an option to set the path to the libvirt socket
new 99d6e7d Use Vagrant's default provision action
new 2d088d4 Merge pull request #167 from teto/fixes
new 29bf8b2 Merge pull request #168 from teto/set_socket_path
new 49360ff Merge pull request #169 from sciurus/timed_provision
new f9aa5a8 Updated gemfile to let vagrant load plugin in the 1.5 fashion
new aad1bd4 9p support for vagrant 1.5
new 7ae9e03 9p support for vagrant 1.5
new 8d4f16a Merge branch 'virtfs' of github.com:teto/vagrant-libvirt into virtfs
new 489e096 Merge pull request #170 from teto/virtfs
new 84ecab8 Modified ip_command for zsh compatibility
new 6cece4f Merge pull request #172 from tripledes/zsh_compat
new 368643f Fixed message about required Vagrant version
new 372819e Merge pull request #173 from tripledes/fix_error_message
new 6350386 Merge branch 'read_state_fix' of github.com:keitwb/vagrant-libvirt
new 8eece01 Add support for bridge interface type
new 1d92849 Fix destroy in vagrant 1.5.1+
new 2dd0c0a load missed module for 9p
new 3909f69 Merge pull request #176 from stvleung/master
new 2050efd Merge pull request #175 from mafigit/add_bridge_interface_support
new b0f9dc9 add module 9pnet_virtio
new bf79f2a Added cleanup capability for 9p mounts
new 9d83c32 Merge pull request #179 from stvleung/master
new 450fbb6 Replace HandleBoxUrl with HandleBox
new 18a4703 Do not use 9p by default
new c52077a Reenable PrepareNFSSettings, closes #180
new 752a8df Document synced folder types
new 9272087 Vagrant-cachier tested to work
new 32a3abe Verify libvirt version before enabling 9p
new ab2be49 Merge pull request #181 from sciurus/HackNashville
new 67734f0 Domain type 'kvm' should be configurable and use qemu:/// uri.
new f138076 Merge pull request #182 from purpleidea/kvm-fix
new be20425 Support for adding additional disks through the Vagrantfile.
new 72fbeda Include changes recommended by patch review for multiple disks.
new 86467d7 Merge pull request #178 from purpleidea/feat/disks
new 2a07ab6 Typo fix + punctuation consistency adjustments
new 950c110 Merge pull request #183 from justinclift/master
new 60ab03a Default to kvm domain type
new 255da0d Merge pull request #185 from sciurus/driver_kvm
new b808112 version 0.0.16
new e4204e8 Simplify example Vagrantfile in README and expand on additional disk configuration
new 11e29d0 Reorganize README to put porject creation steps together
new 118b938 Merge pull request #186 from sciurus/simplify-readme-example
new 77d84d7 Documentation improvements.
new 6aafb61 Merge pull request #187 from sciurus/1.5-and-1.6
new d577a67 Add ability to always set the type of NIC
new c20da20 Merge pull request #189 from himpich/master
new 22458d2 Forward SSH ports <= 1024 using sudo.
new 59061db Handle forward slash in box name
new 95a7508 adds a `uri` config option
new 0b2dea6 Merge pull request #197 from sciurus/handle-slash-in-name
new f437667 Merge pull request #198 from justjake/master
new acff568 Update README.md for new config option `uri`
new e9743df Merge pull request #199 from justjake/patch-1
new 655b5ee set initial value of uri attribute
new 40c62df Merge pull request #200 from bdclark/config_uri_default
new 70b5f23 0.0.17
new 0f0ce68 Merge pull request #190 from purpleidea/feat/sudo-forward
new 53612a4 0.0.18
new 0e9458d refactor set_domain_name to avoid duplicate names when running multiple guests.
new 659ee41 add test for building domain name.
new 31f18b6 Fixed port forwarding when using remote libvirt (use a ProxyCommand)
new dce9cd9 add basic test structure--still a WIP. Add test for setting domain name
new c191bd5 Merge pull request #207 from sendgrid-ops/random_domain_name
new 29d2f19 Accept other MAC address formats.
new e603645 Merge pull request #209 from joejulian/accept_other_mac_formats
new 43a6bd3 Honor the auto_config configuration option to allow vagrant to skip configuring network interfaces.
new c22eb6b Merge pull request #210 from joejulian/honor_auto_config_network_option
new 3a63147 fix typo
new 396d967 Merge pull request #211 from joejulian/master
new 9b458f9 Bump Nokogiri version
new aadeb4f Merge pull request #212 from nicot/nokogiri-bump
new 1cffb77 Revert "Bump Nokogiri version"
new 528736b Merge pull request #213 from pradels/revert-212-nokogiri-bump
new 68b39f1 Revert "Revert "Bump Nokogiri version""
new f818d48 Merge pull request #214 from sciurus/revert-213-revert-212-nokogiri-bump
new fad3665 add management network mode selection
new 3a2335f Provide an option to randomize domain name
new ddaf54b Add en locale for long_shutoff message
new ec143e8 Merge pull request #218 from Thingee/master
new eb1dab0 Update readme and test cases
new 07926ef Now with less with
new f1648e4 Merge pull request #206 from bvanheu/bugfix/portforwarding_proxycommand
new d99f305 Do not include features/model when cpu_mode = host-passthrough
new 32a2fa9 added options for SET values Vagrantfile type of network adapters when you create a domain CME nic_model_tipe and model_type
new b3d888a Merge pull request #216 from nicot/master
new 64c40ff new version
new a3c10b9 add gateway_ports option
new a85ca6f Merge pull request #232 from aspiers/gateway-ports
new c75d480 Allow override of 9p mount params
new 8f1b0d1 Fix mount option handling for 9p
new 29714fa Merge pull request #227 from toabctl/9p-params
new 100dad0 Merge pull request #223 from bartigor/nic_model_type
new 19cd8be version 0.0.21
new 58fe350 Add provisioner shared folders after first boot.
new a6faf0a Merge pull request #237 from smerrill/patch-1
new a926607 templatized handling of graphics and video libvirt XML
new bec37b7 Merge pull request #220 from jordant/master
new a5f5eaa Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
new f8c69ea typo
new 44951a1 Merge pull request #217 from sstrato/add_management_network_mode
new 9a95f8a README.md: adding documentation for customizing graphics/display
new 17d9850 automatically set autoport to properly support legacy behavior
new 3835c93 README.md: oops, we default to the normal port 5900 not 5901
new bb383e7 Merge pull request #239 from theonewolf/custom-vnc-ports
new ea2c3ea Accept any version of Nokogiri 1.6
new 4a0cd19 Merge pull request #241 from sciurus/nokogiri-version
new e693e82 Provider does not need to set username
new 62dc614 Refer users to vagrant's docs for ssh settings
new 6fb2e6f Merge pull request #242 from sciurus/no_username
new fea9829 0.0.22
new 94a2c67 add graphics password
new 0dcef5c condition for setting default value was wrong
new 913ccda Merge pull request #243 from dennisklein/management_network_mode_typo
new 7ec27dd 0.0.23
new e2fe687 Replaced a puts with logger
new 4a34a30 Merge pull request #248 from tboerger/feature/log-instead-puts
new 138bea1 make gem dependencies reasonably optimistic again (fixes #253)
new 78d033d remove pry debug
new ec9f592 Merge pull request #255 from aspiers/remove-debug
new e410100 Merge pull request #254 from aspiers/loosen-deps
new e693b01 don't monkey-patch #default_provider
new 773a4f4 allow newer ruby-libvirt (#158)
new 7b38af5 allow cache mode to be set for additional disks
new 1f9c7a7 fix redirection of STDOUT/ERR of ssh port forwarding process (#226)
new 6659f4c added ability to specify bus for additional disks
new 8f6e232 honour path parameter of storage directive
new 045b843 Merge pull request #261 from aspiers/remove-default-provider
new ee28f70 Merge pull request #262 from aspiers/allow-newer-ruby-libvirt
new 5be5faf Merge pull request #263 from aspiers/extra-storage-cache-mode
new 42b9a63 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into additional_disks_bus
new 678b770 Merge pull request #270 from sciurus/additional_disks_bus
new 9e0f0de Merge pull request #264 from aspiers/ssh-forward-logging
new 803719d Fix port forwarding ssh process cleanup
new dc198fa Merge pull request #271 from sciurus/ssh-without-sh
new ab9cd25 README.md : Fix `video_type` documentation.
new 3a576c0 Merge pull request #273 from crocket/master
new 086f66d Merge branch 'master' into bp-disk-path
new f39797f Check for absolute disk path in #validate
new a5b5e3e Do not chance disk path
new 9958e9b Support open vSwitch bridge device
new 712b919 Merge pull request #276 from leoh0/master
new 8c10fd1 Merge branch 'disk-path' of git://github.com/sciurus/vagrant-libvirt
new 8c73135 Merge pull request #275 from sciurus/disk-path
new 64ff6d7 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
new 5a73bc0 update version to 0.0.24
new 916ec67 Fix indendation
new 47a2143 Add lock around storage pool creation; closes #278
new 8df13ba Change libvirt method for creating storage pool
new 0da3b23 Add lock around base box upload
new db7b056 support use_dhcp_assigned_default_route
new d50ff04 Merge pull request #283 from tkrille/use_dhcp_assigned_default_route
new 338c486 Merge pull request #281 from sciurus/fix/lock-pool-creation
new 540d0a2 Add multi-arch support
new 317e160 Merge pull request #287 from bpradipt/multi-arch-support
new d0ea35f honor the vagrant box version
new 5981739 Remove shebang from non-executable Rakefile.
new 47c19cd Merge pull request #295 from obnoxxx/master
new 33295eb Update summary and description.
new c865b25 Merge pull request #296 from voxik/patch-1
new 267de05 Use a version agnostic ip_command
new d7da89d Use grep /proc/net/arp instead of the arp command ...
new 06515b8 Use just awk to parse /proc/net/arp
new 69714b3 Merge pull request #298 from kshlm/fix-ip_command
new 839d4ec Improving documentation aftert #302
new 8f60ed4 Merge pull request #303 from facastagnini/patch-1
new a1c3ffa Script to create a box out of a qcow2 file.
new 668a9b3 Improving example Vagrantfile
new 34a8fe1 Only TCP port forwarding supported
new d84efc3 Print proper paths to user when using a absolute BOX path.
new 3409588 Sanitize memory and cpu (Fix #313)
new 1486f49 Merge pull request #308 from facastagnini/patch-1
new b2b72b1 Merge pull request #309 from facastagnini/patch-2
new 52e79ca Merge pull request #314 from facastagnini/patch-3
new 88991f0 Support spaces in paths, by quoting all variables.
new b51b563 Add 'machine_type' parameter.
new ac3582a Update version to 0.0.25
new e7c7d70 Check for write permission to image before boxing.
new ea5d474 Multiple disks in different provider call fails.
new 94fb320 Add `machine` domain option to README.md.
new c881f98 support keymap settings close #326
new 4795017 Merge pull request #319 from ldx/os-type-attrs
new e45e31f check image file close #320
new 3f52dac Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
new ce75b9a Allow the situation where DHCP is not requested but where it is enabled on the virtual network
new 39837bb Merge pull request #328 from epienbroek/master
new 348e66d Merge branch 'bug/multiple-disks-in-different-provider-calls'
new cacdd05 add alternative link to box close #329
new 7a7844f close #291
new 605498c Merge pull request #294 from dennisklein/honor_box_version
new b4a5f2c rescue if version of box not defined
new 7f48fca typo
new 1d15017 add information and correct example for bridge. close #330
new b7a9abf Allow isolated networks
new e0e0da3 :)
new 13fc61b add veryisolated option for network. close #324
new 86bc89e Merge pull request #306 from jakobadam/master
new 5b102cf add short description for box creation script
new b31bfb7 can now add local cdrom storage to a box
new 56cfb97 remove not useful link
new e6a4bd4 * fixed indentation (hopefully did not introduce more indentation problems) * undid extra refactoring * supports up to four cdroms (hda-hdd)
new ca6a8cb use matching indentation when showing CDROM info
new 06624ca Merge pull request #333 from d0c-s4vage/feature-libvirt_cdrom
new 2c11fc4 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
new 4ddeb77 Pull request was merged into vagrant-libvirt
new 10ebbfa updated the README to reflect changes in pradels/vagrant-libvirt#333
new b5f2671 invalid syntax in an inline code sample
new 5b1f8a8 Merge pull request #334 from d0c-s4vage/hotfix-cdrom_readme
new 6bde522 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pradels/vagrant-libvirt
new c4c8c8a implemented nic_mac_addresses capability
new 57c860e fixed whitespace nonconformity
new fa261e7 improve format
new c808419 typo
new 0e2c26a cleaning,tests preparation
new f9b799f Merge pull request #336 from d0c-s4vage/feature-nic_mac_addresses
new e8d1b94 Improve doc for id_ssh_key_file. Do not prepend ~/.ssh/ if the pathname includes a directory
new ad29a9c Merge pull request #337 from jcsalem/ssh_key_path_fix
new 807005a more strict patern for full path
new d154582 0.0.26
The 428 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/vagrant-libvirt.git
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