[DRE-commits] [schleuder] tag debian/3.0.0_beta11-1+wip-3 deleted (was a4a8435)

Georg Faerber georg-alioth-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Dec 12 15:27:35 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

georg-alioth-guest pushed a change to tag debian/3.0.0_beta11-1+wip-3
in repository schleuder.

*** WARNING: tag debian/3.0.0_beta11-1+wip-3 was deleted! ***

       was  a4a8435   debian/control: Add '${shlibs:Depends}' to Depends:

This change permanently discards the following revisions:

  discards  a4a8435   debian/control: Add '${shlibs:Depends}' to Depends:
  discards  d9706da   debian/copyright: Redistribution only possible under GPL 3
  discards  4af0372   debian/control: Remove useless '${shlibs:Depends}' from Depends:
  discards  a8269de   debian/schleuder.prerm: Removed, not needed
  discards  c00eb62   debian/rules: Cleanup
  discards  f635095   debian/schleuder.postrm: Keep configs if removing
  discards  07adc3e   debian/schleuder.postinst: Check if fresh install or upgrade
  discards  e613c3a   debian/patches/0003-bin-fix-require.patch: Fix typo
  discards  e531b03   debian/copyright: Fix note regarding GPL version 3 on Debian systems
  discards  e2ddbb8   debian/control: Add 'dh-systemd' to Build-Depends:
  discards  4cd7252   debian/control: Remove useless versioning of {Build-}Depends:

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-ruby-extras/schleuder.git

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